DPA Install
DPA Install
DPA Install
Version 6.4
Dell believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.
Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Published in the USA.
Dell EMC
Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748-9103
1-508-435-1000 In North America 1-866-464-7381
Figures 7
Tables 9
Preface 11
1 Revision history........................................................................................................... 11
2 Style conventions........................................................................................................13
3 DPA Application ports settings................................................................................... 20
4 DPA Datastore port settings....................................................................................... 21
5 DPA Agent port settings............................................................................................. 21
6 DPA cluster port settings............................................................................................ 21
7 Installation and configuration overview ......................................................................24
8 Installer command line options....................................................................................54
9 Datastore installer variables........................................................................................55
10 Datastore Advanced options Replication variables......................................................56
11 Datastore Agent variables.......................................................................................... 56
12 Application installer variables......................................................................................56
13 Application server Agent variables.............................................................................. 57
14 Application server Cluster Advanced option variables.................................................57
15 Standalone Agent Installer variables........................................................................... 58
16 Password Policy......................................................................................................... 72
17 Password History Policy............................................................................................. 73
18 Login Limit.................................................................................................................. 73
19 Password Expiration................................................................................................... 74
20 User roles................................................................................................................... 74
21 LDAP Authentication configuration in DPA................................................................. 77
22 Open LDAP server settings........................................................................................ 80
23 Agent setting ............................................................................................................. 84
24 Server settings........................................................................................................... 85
25 Default collected data retention periods..................................................................... 87
26 Default system-generated data retention periods.......................................................88
27 Replication analysis settings....................................................................................... 89
28 Agentless Discovery settings......................................................................................90
29 Data collection request options by module................................................................. 94
30 VTL templates............................................................................................................114
31 Command and option abbreviations ..........................................................................126
32 Data monitoring setup summary ...............................................................................149
33 Connectivity details for configuring data collection through the Discovery Wizard .. 150
34 HP Data Protector 6.1 patch IDs............................................................................... 156
35 System monitoring modules...................................................................................... 176
36 Multilevel Smart Group example............................................................................... 201
37 Capacity planning......................................................................................................214
38 Change management................................................................................................ 215
39 Configuration............................................................................................................ 216
40 Data protection......................................................................................................... 217
41 Licensing................................................................................................................... 218
42 Performance............................................................................................................. 219
43 Provisioning.............................................................................................................. 219
44 Recoverability........................................................................................................... 219
45 Resource utilization.................................................................................................. 223
46 Service Level Agreement..........................................................................................225
47 Status.......................................................................................................................225
48 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................227
49 Recoverability checks .............................................................................................. 229
50 Script field parameters............................................................................................. 232
51 Script alert arguments.............................................................................................. 232
52 Client/storage discovery problems and solutions .....................................................243
53 Client/storage discovery with agent problems and solutions.................................... 245
As part of an effort to improve its product lines, EMC periodically releases revisions of
its software and hardware. Therefore, some functions described in this document
might not be supported by all versions of the software or hardware currently in use.
The product release notes provide the most up-to-date information on product
Contact your EMC technical support professional if a product does not function
properly or does not function as described in this document.
This document was accurate at publication time. Go to EMC Online Support (https://
support.emc.com) to ensure that you are using the latest version of this document.
This document provides information on how to install DPA and set up DPA to monitor
a data protection environment. This document also describes administrative functions
such as creating users and roles, updating system settings, creating policies, and
troubleshooting data collection.
ISO 9001 certification
The management system governing the design and development of this product is ISO
9001:2015 certified.
This document is intended for system administrators. Readers of this document must
be familiar with the following tasks:
l Identifying the different hardware and software components that make up the
backup and replication environment.
l Following procedures to configure backup and replication operations.
l Following guidelines to locate problems and implement solutions.
Revision history
The following table presents the revision history of this document.
Table 1 Revision history
Related documentation
The DPA documentation set includes the following publications:
l Data Protection Advisor Custom Reporting Guide
l Data Protection Advisor Data Collection Reference Guide
l Data Protection Advisor Installation and Administration Guide
l Data Protection Advisor Migrator Technical Notes
l Data Protection Advisor online help system
l Data Protection Advisor Product Guide
l Data Protection Advisor Release Notes
l Data Protection Advisor Report Reference Guide
l Programmers' Guide to Using DPA REST API
l Data Protection Advisor Security Configuration Guide
l Data Protection Advisor Software Compatibility Guide
l Other Technical Notes/White Papers
Special notice conventions used in this document
EMC uses the following conventions for special notices:
Italic Used for full titles of publications that are referenced in text
Monospace Used for:
l System code
l System output, such as an error message or script
l Pathnames, file names, prompts, and syntax
l Commands and options
l Overview............................................................................................................ 16
l System requirements..........................................................................................16
l Installation considerations.................................................................................. 18
l Communications settings in DPA........................................................................ 19
l DPA port settings ..............................................................................................20
l Installation and configuration overview.............................................................. 23
All of Data Protection Advisor (DPA) deployments include the following installations:
l DPA Datastore server and a DPA agent on one host
l DPA Application server and a DPA agent on another host
When you install DPA, the installation wizard takes you step by step through
placement of these components.
Installing the Application and Datastore servers on a single host is not supported. You
can connect multiple Application servers to the same Datastore server, where each
additional Application server is on its own host and the Application servers are installed
as a DPA cluster. You can install additional DPA Agents for system monitoring and
remote data collection. The Data Protection Advisor Architecture Guide provides more
information. DPA supports Datastore Replication to enable continuous, safe, and
reliable replication so that DPA can maintain a replica copy, or Slave, of the primary
Datastore, or Master, for resilience against a single point of failure.
System requirements
DPA has the following basic minimum system requirements. The Data Protection
Advisor Software Compatibility Guide provides a comprehensive list of system
l The DPA installer has a soft threshold of 7892 MB and a hard threshold of 5844
MB. The soft threshold allows the installation to continue, but the hard threshold
does not.
l Automatic sizing and tuning of internal DPA resource usage takes place during
installation. If resources (CPU, Memory) are taken away from the installation by
other applications performance of DPA could be adversely affected.
l Operating systems:
n Support for 64-bit operating systems only
n Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 (x64 only), 2016
n Red Hat Linux ES/AS 6.0, 6.2, 6.4 (64 bit), 6.5, 6.8, 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Run the Update Agent (up2date) to ensure that the latest operating system
patches are installed
n SUSE Linux 12 x86 (64-bit)
Run the Update Agent (up2date) to ensure that the latest operating system
patches are installed
libaio is recommended to be installed on the system and available in the system
LD_LIBRARY_PATH for performance gains
Datastore storage
For performance reasons, the installation of the DPA Datastore server on NAS-based
file systems, such as CIFS or NFS shares is not recommended because these file
systems might not have the bandwidth to manage the required I/O.
Although the standard datastore file system layout is adequate for most deployments,
you can distribute different file systems across different file systems to optimize
performance during installation under Advanced installation options.
Ensure that you have the following permissions before you install the software to
avoid installation failure:
l Windows:
n Administrator privileges (domain or local with full access)
n If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, use Run As Administrator
l UNIX / Linux:
n Root user
n If using security software to manage access to the root account, ensure the
permissions allow the creation of new users after you become root. This must
include the ability to create default home directories for the account to be
Datastore storage 17
Preparing to install DPA
Installation considerations
The DPA installation wizard presents advanced options for configuring Datastore
Replication with Master and Slave Datastores, and for configuring clustered
Application objects. If using either or both of these options, ensure that you:
l Plan the final deployment topology before beginning installation.
l Have all hosts and IP addresses predetermined and available.
If you are planning an advanced installation, contact your EMC Account
Representative for help with advanced architecture solution design.
OS resource optimization
General tuning
During installation, the installer tunes the DPA Datastore Service for the host
environment on which it is being deployed. This tuning assumes that the host is
dedicated to DPA and takes into account resources such as Disk Space, Total
Memory, and CPU cores. If during the lifetime of the DPA Datastore Service any of
these physical resources are increased or decreased, execute the dpa datastore tune
command on the Datastore host. dpa datastore tune on page 142 provides more
extra spindles help spread the reads and writes over multiple disks to increase
throughput and to reduce drive head congestion.
For production purposes the DPA Application Service and the DPA Datastore Service
should be placed onto different hardware. Not only does this provide more hardware
dedicated to the Datastore Service, but the operating system's disk cache will contain
more Datastore data and not any other application or system data. The DPA
Deployment Architecture Guide provides guidelines to consider when commissioning
hardware for your Datastore host.
Figure 1 DPA 6.4 and minor releases ports and protocols (continued)
In the graphic above, the arrows show the initiation direction. The DPA Agent initiates
connection to DPA Application Server on 9002. For firewalls, it is based upon who
initiates the connection and on what port, and who is listening on the other side. DPA
Agent to DPA Application Server communication is on 9002 and 3741 TCP. The
communications are secure, encrypted, and compressed between the Agent and DPA
The following tables detail the additional ports required on deployment hosts to allow
DPA to function correctly. The ports listed must be able to accept connections and
allow responses back on any established connection. Some network vendors describe
such handshaking communication as Bi-Directional; and such network security devices
should reflect this accordingly.
389/636 (over SSL) TCP port used for LDAP Outbound connection to
integration LDAP server.
9002 TCP port used for the HTTPS Inbound connection over SSL
service. from UI, CLI and REST API
9002 TCP port used for the HTTPS Outbound connection over
service. SSL to DPA Application
9003 TCP port used for DPA Inbound connection from DPA
Datastore communications. Application server.
9002 TCP port used for the HTTPS Outbound connection over
service. SSL to DPA Application
389/636 (over SSL) TCP port used for LDAP Outbound connection to
integration LDAP server.
9002 TCP port used for the HTTPS Inbound connection over SSL
service. from UI, CLI and REST API
The Installation and configuration overview lists the tasks you need to perform for
installing DPA and configuring data monitoring.
Action Comments
Set up host computer
Provide at least two hosts for DPA server DPA must not be installed on servers already
installation: running other applications. For installation in a
One for the initial DPA Application server, andproduction environment, you need one host
one for the Datastore. for the Application Service and a separate
host for the Datastore Service. recommends
A separate host is required for the Datastore
that you use a dedicated server with at least
and Application server so that the operating
2GB of temporary space. The Data Protection
system on each server can successfully and
Advisor Software Compatibility Guide provides
properly manage the IO performance needs of
more information.
one service and the RAM and caching
requirements of the other service, without the
two services competing with each other for
Provide a host for DPA Agent installation Review the DPA Deployment Architecture
(optional). Guide, available on EMC Online Support DPA
documentation section, for guidelines on how
to determine number and location of Agents
to be deployed.
If the DPA server is running on Windows and
the discovered host(s) are also Windows, you
need not install an Agent on the discovered
host. However, we recommend that you use
the Agent installed on the DPA Server hosts
for DPA Server monitoring only.
If the DPA server resides on a Linux host and
you are performing client discovery of
Windows hosts, at least one DPA agent must
be installed on a Windows Agent.
Ensure that DPA and all its components are Occasionally DPA components are shut down
configured as exceptions in any antivirus or associated files are quarantined by antivirus
software. software if not defined as exceptions.
Provision networking infrastructure and a l Allocate a dedicated VLAN for use by the
shared directory if installing multiple DPA Application servers. If a dedicated
Application servers (DPA clustering). VLAN is not available, ask your network
administrator for a UDP Multicast group
address that can be used for the DPA
l To increase resiliency and quality of
service, provision a hardware load-
balancing switch as a gateway to the DPA
Application servers.
l Configure a shared directory that will be
accessible by all Application Servers. DPA
will use this shared directory for writing
scheduled reports and other temporary
Action Comments
Check VMware or Hyper-V requirements. DPA has been certified to work on a Linux or
Windows virtual machine in a VMware or
Hyper-V environment. The Data Protection
Advisor Software Compatibility Guide provides
more information.
Configure virtual infrastructure memory and Configuring virtual infrastructure memory and
CPU CPU on page 18 provides more information.
Open or disable firewalls for communciation If you want to use secure communication for
between the DPA servers. connecting to the Application server on port
9002, ensure that TLS (Transport Layer
Security) settings are enabled for secure
communication in your browser settings.
When installing on DPA Servers, the operating
system/software–based firewalls can be
disabled or have ports opened for
communication between the DPA Application
server, the DPA Datastore server, and the
DPA Agents prior to installing the DPA
Typically, the network in which the DPA
servers and DPA Agents reside are secure and
behind a network firewall. This means that
you could choose to disable operating
system/software based firewalls. If you
choose to leave the operating system/
software based in effect, you must open/
unblock the required ports. Communications
settings in DPA on page 19 provides
If on Linux and you choose to disable the
firewall, run the following commands to
disable and ensure that the firewall remains
disabled after startup or reboot:
l Run iptables stop.
l Set the chkconfig utility to iptables
Install the host operating system on the DPA The Data Protection Advisor Software
Server(s) and Agent host and install all Compatibility Guide lists the required
required patches. architectures and patches.
Install all required software on the agent host When monitoring applications or devices
after the DPA 6.4 and minor releases remotely, you may need to install additional
Application Server is ready. software on the Agent host. For example, the
NetWorker client must be installed on the
Agent host if the Agent will be used to
Action Comments
monitor NetWorker remotely. For more
information see Environment discovery in DPA
on page 147
If DNS is not enabled in the environment, add DPA and SharePoint integration requires the
the IP address and FQDN of the SharePoint IP address and FQDN to enable you to publish
server on the DPA Application server’s hosts reports to SharePoint and to configure the
file. SharePoint port. The SharePoint port is
configurable. The default port, if no port is
specified, is 80. You can set the port by using
a standard URL in the existing URL field in the
SharePoint settings dialog. Table 24 on page
85 provides information.
If you are going to use LDAP User You need the following information for LDAP
Authentication on your DPA server, gather User Authentication configuration:
the information needed for configuration
l LDAP Server Name/IP
l Use SSL?
l LDAP Server Port
l LDAP Version
l Distinguished Name of Base Directory
l Identification Attribute
Download and save the DPA binaries To download the DPA Server, Agent, and Data
Domain DataProcessor tool binaries, go to the
DPA downloads section of http://
Save the DPA Server and Agent binaries
Save the Data Domain DataProcessor binaries
according to the specifications provided in
Running Data Domain DataProcessor on page
Save the required license files on your local You must know the IP address of the primary
machine for easy access during installation. Datastore server.
The DPA installation wizard prompts you to
For more information on obtaining DPA
browse for the license file at license
licenses or types of DPA licenses available and
required, contact your Account
Action Comments
l The CLP license is required for new 6.4 you import a license during 60-day evaluation
and minor releases functionality and license period, the evaluation license is
increased capacity on a DPA instance. If removed and you have access to DPA
you are not adding capacity or changing features according to license you imported.
to new 6.4 and minor releases For information on required DPA licenses or
functionality, import of CLP licenses is on purchasing licenses for your DPA
not required. If you are migrating from installation, contact your Sales
DPA version 5.x to version 6.4 and minor Representative.
releases, the existing licenses are
migrated with your configuration and
data. When not increasing capacity or
changing functionality on existing WLS
licenses, WLS licenses can only coexist
with CLP license types if they are
imported before CLP licenses. CLP and
WLS license coexistence in DPA on page
70 provides more information.
Provide the Solutions Enabler (SE) licenses. l A minimum of one gatekeeper per HBA
per Symmetrix is required.
l One Solutions Enabler host can discover
all VNX/CLARiiON arrays through IP
address. For VNX/CLARiiON discovery,
we recommend installing Solutions
Enabler on the DPA server.
l The Data Protection Advisor Software
Compatibility Guide describes the versions
of Solutions Enabler required for storage
array discovery.
Install DPA
Install the DPA software. Install the DPA server and agent according to
the installation instructions. Installing the
Datastore Service on page 30, Installing the
Application Service on page 32, and
Installing the DPA agent on page 53provide
more information.
Provide the Solutions Enabler host used to The Data Protection Advisor Software
discover Symmetrix or VNX/CLARiiON Compatibility Guide describes the versions of
storage arrays. Solutions Enabler required for storage array
discovery, and the software that must be
Action Comments
installed on the Solutions Enabler host. The
host must be able to connect to the
Symmetrix array by a SAN connection. The
host must have the TCP port 443 or 2163
enabled for the VNX/CLARiiON connection.
Ensure that the required ports between the Communications settings in DPA on page 19
DPA Agent host and the monitored server or lists the protocols and default DPA ports
devices are open and communication is required for communication between the
possible over the protocol. agent and the monitored device or server.
Ensure that the DPA credential used to Permissions on page 17 lists the default
connect to the monitored device or server is settings for the DPA credentials that are
sufficient, or have the new credential details installed with DPA.
Set up monitoring of RecoverPoint (if RecoverPoint agent host and application host
applicable). requirements are listed in Monitoring of EMC
RecoverPoint on page 181
Discover and configure Application Host l If a remote agent is being used to import
import (if monitoring Microsoft Exchange or a hosts, the DPA server must be able to
database). resolve the agent host.
l If application discovery is being
performed without an agent, Configuring
for Replication Analysis on page 179
provides more information.
Prepare the details of the policies that DPA For replication analysis, the Data protection
will monitor for compliance. policy details consist of:
l The type or replication, (SRDF/S,
SRDF/A, MirrorView, RecoverPoint, and
so forth).
l Whether the replication is Point-in-Time
or continuous.
l The replication target destination.
For data protection reporting, the policies
l Chargeback Policies - For financial cost
analysis of data protection operations.
l Protection Policies - To analyze
compliance with recovery time objective
(RTO) and recovery point objective
(RPO) data protection targets.
Policies on page 203 provides more
Installing DPA 29
Installing DPA
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server (in this
example, fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the interface Id
(in this example, 2).
1. Double-click the DPA server binary to start the installation.
2. Click Next.
3. Read and accept End User License Agreement. Scroll to the end of the
agreement to activate the option to accept the terms of the License
Agreement. Click Next.
4. In the Installation Options screen, select to install Datastore service, click Next.
5. If you do not perform an advanced installation, click Next and follow the
installation wizard.
To perform an advanced installation, select the Show Advanced Installation
Options checkbox in the Advanced Installation screen, click Next, and follow the
installation wizard.
The Advanced Options are:
If there is not enough disk space, cancel the installation or choose a different
drive on which to install DPA.
8. When prompted, select the IP addresses that the Datastore should listen on for
connections from the DPA Application Server(s).
9. When prompted, enter the IP address of the DPA Application Server that will
use the Datastore from step 8 and then click Add and Next.
10. When prompted, specify the Datastore password.
Note the following regarding the Datastore password:
l Blank passwords are not supported.
l Minimum length is 9 characters.
l The following are required:
n A minimum of 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alphabetic symbol
n A minimum of 1 numeric symbol
n A minimum of 1 special character
l The dpa datastore dspassword command can be used to reset the DPA
Datastore password . dpa datastore dspassword on page 137 provides more
11. When the DPA Datastore Server installation is complete, click Done.
l To ensure secure communication between the DPA Server and Agent, set the
Agent registration password using the dpa app agentpwdCLI command on the
DPA Application Server host. You must also set this password on all DPA Agent
hosts.dpa application agentpwd provides information. Then restart the Application
service. Ensure that you set this password for each Agent.
l Copy the Agent installation binary to the server or to your local machine.
l Ensure that ports are opened or disabled for communication between the DPA
servers. Installation and configuration overview on page 23 provides information.
l Ensure that the Datastore service option is checked, and that the Datastore
service is running.
l If installing on UNIX/Linux, ensure that the unzip command for InstallAnywhere is
installed on your system.
l If installing with Advanced Options on Linux IPv6, and the Agent wants to talk to a
different application server or a Load Balancer, for example, in case of a cluster,
ensure that you have the IP Address of the Application server for the Agent to
communicate with. You are prompted for this in the Configure Agent window of
the Application server installation. To get the IPv6 Interface ID, run the ip addr
show command on the Application server and use the output to find the IPv6
Interface ID. For example:
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server or the
load balancer to which the Agent wants to connect (in this example,
fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the interface ID of the
current Application server (in this example, 2).
l If you are planning on using ESRS-VE for remote troubleshooting (recommended),
ensure that you have the ESRS-VE environment installed and configured before
DPA installation. The EMC Secure Remote Services landing page at https://
Edition on EMC Online Support provides more information on ESRS-VE
The Application service installation process is similar to installing the Datastore
1. Double-click the DPA server binary to start the installation.
2. Click Next.
3. Read and accept End User License Agreement. Scroll to the end of the
agreement to enable the option to accept the terms of the License Agreement.
Click Next.
4. In the Installation Options screen, select to install Application service, click
5. If you do not perform an advanced installation, click Next and follow the
installation wizard.
The Advanced Options are:
l Do not register DPA services: Prevents the registration of the service with
the operating system service manager. This option prevents the DPA
services from being started after a host reboot.
l Do not start DPA services: Prevents the DPA services from being started
after installation. Use of the DPA command line interface is required to start
the service.
l Install the DPA services as clusterable: Configures the DPA service to
discover and join any present DPA cluster.
The rest of the installation is similar to the Datastore installation.
6. Review the Pre-Installation Summary, the disk space information in particular,
click Install. The installation proceeds.
If there is not enough disk space, cancel the installation or choose a different
drive to install DPA on.
7. In the Connect to Remote DPA Datastore step, enter the IP address for the
DPA Datastore server previously installed.
The installation resumes.
8. When prompted, specify the name or IP address of the DPA Application server
host with which the DPA Agent will communicate. By default the Agent
communicates with the local Application server with IP address In a
clustered configuration provide the IP address of the load balancing switch
placed in front of the Application servers. Click Next.
The DPA Application service installation is now complete.
Application clustering
DPA can be set up in a clustered configuration, with multiple DPA Application Servers
working with a single DPA Datastore Server. Clustering allows the ability for
Application servers to dynamically start, share workload with other Application
servers, and be stopped as demand decreases.
Clustered Application servers provide many benefits:
l Increased resiliency
l Load balancing of workload when placed behind a load-balancing switch that you
l Ability to scale the DPA deployment rapidly
l Flexible, green resource management
l Reduction of single points of failure
Once multiple Application Servers have been configured as a cluster you can start and
stop individual application servers based on load, such as powering-on additional
servers for end-of-month reporting or other high-usage periods. You can add new
servers to running clusters to improve performance due to load.
Ensure that all cluster nodes are using the same IP type of IP addressing, either IPv4
addresses or IPv6 addresses.
You can configure Application clustering:
l during a fresh installation; Installing the Master Application Service with clustering
on page 38 and Installing the Slave Application Service with clustering on page
41 provide information.
l during an upgrade; Upgrading existing clusters on page 65 and Upgrading with
Datastore Replication and existing clusters on page 67provide more information.
Application clustering 35
Installing DPA
Interface ID of the Datastore server. You are prompted for this in the Configure
Agent window of the Datastore installation. To get the IPv6 Interface ID, run the
ip addr show command on the Linux Agent machine and use the output to find
the IPv6 Interface ID. For example:
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server (in this
example, fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the interface Id
(in this example, 2).
l Verify that all the machines are on the same network adapter in vCenter.
l If installing Datastore Replication:
n Plan the final deployment topology before beginning installation. Additional
resources are available on the EMC Community Network (ECN) that provide
guidance and best practice for planning your deployment.
n Have all hosts and IP addresses predetermined and available.
n Ensure that all Datastore server or Application server, including clustered
nodes, are using the same IP type of IP addressing, either IPv4 addresses or
IPv6 addresses.
1. Double-click the DPA server binary to start the installation.
2. Click Next.
3. Read and accept End User License Agreement. Scroll to the end of the
agreement to activate the option to accept the terms of the License
Agreement. Click Next.
4. In the Installation Options screen, select to install Datastore service, click Next.
5. If you do not perform an advanced installation, click Next and follow the
installation wizard.
To perform an advanced installation, select the Show Advanced Installation
Options checkbox in the Advanced Installation screen, click Next, and follow the
installation wizard.
The Advanced Options are:
If there is not enough disk space, cancel the installation or choose a different
drive on which to install DPA.
8. In the Datastore Listening Addresses window, specify the IP addresses that
the Datastore service should listen on for connections from the DPA Application
9. In the Configure Datastore Access window, enter the IP addresses of the DPA
Application Servers that will use the Datastore and then click Add and Next.
Enter IP addresses for each DPA Application Server in the clustered
10. In the Datastore Agent Address window, specify the alternative address for
the Datastore Agent to be the Load Balancer IP Address.
11. If you are configuring Datastore Replication, select Enable datastore
replication > and select the replication role for this server > SLAVE. Click
a. Provide the IP address or FQDN of the Master Datastore server.
b. When prompted in the Configure Agent window, enter the FQDN or IP
address of the DPA Application service that the installed DPA Agent needs
to communicate with.
By default, the Agent communicates with the Application server specified
earlier in the wizard.
c. If you are working in a Linux IPv6 environment, provide the load balancer's
FQDN/IP address in the following format: IPV6Address%Interface_Id
Click Next.
12. When prompted, specify the Datastore password.
Note the following regarding the Datastore password:
l Blank passwords are not supported.
l Minimum length is 9 characters.
l The following are required:
n A minimum of 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alphabetic symbol
n A minimum of 1 numeric symbol
n A minimum of 1 special character
l The dpa datastore dspassword command can be used to reset the DPA
Datastore password . dpa datastore dspassword on page 137 provides more
13. When the DPA Datastore Server installation is complete, click Done.
14. On a command prompt, run the dpa svc status command to verify that the
Datastore service is running.
15. Set the database connection pool size in all Datastore nodes. Run:
Application clustering 37
Installing DPA
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server or the
load balancer to which the Agent wants to connect (in this example,
fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the interface ID of the
current Application server (in this example, 2).
l Plan the final deployment topology before beginning installation. Additional
resources are available on the EMC Community Network (ECN) that provide
guidance and best practice for planning your deployment.
l Have all hosts and IP addresses predetermined and available, including the IP
address configured for the load-balancing switch that will be placed in front of the
Application servers.
l Ensure that all cluster nodes are using the same IP type of IP addressing, either
IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses.
l Specify a common directory that is shared across all nodes. This is the location of
the folder where the reports generated by the DPA Application node are stored.
l If installing Application server clustering on UNIX, ensure that you specify the
common shared directory to a local directory mapped to a UNIX NFS or CIFS
network share.
n Ensure that you create a username in all Application nodes within the cluster
with the same UID and GID. During installation, you are prompted to log on with
a valid UNIX username and password. System users like ftpuser and bin cannot
be used.
n Ensure that you have read and write access to the shared directory that you
l Do not register DPA services: Prevents the registration of the service with
the operating system service manager. This option prevents the DPA
services from being started after a host reboot.
l Do not start DPA services: Prevents the DPA services from being started
after installation. Use of the DPA command line interface is required to start
the service.
l Install the DPA services as clusterable: Configures the DPA service to
discover and join any present DPA cluster.
If you would like to add an Application Object to a cluster, select Install the
DPA services as clusterable and follow the steps in the wizard.
At the prompt for a common location for Application servers for reports,
ensure that you specify a common directory that is shared across all nodes.
The Shared Directory for reports is required when you run multiple
Application nodes.
If installing on UNIX, the installer prompts you to specify the user account
username of a valid user that has read and write access to the share
specified in “Before you begin.”
If installing on Windows, ensure that you configure the required common and
shared UNC folder and enter the Domain username and password with
access to that specified directory. “Before you begin” provides more
Application clustering 39
Installing DPA
14. In the Connect to Remote DPA Datastore step, enter the IP address for the
DPA Datastore server previously installed.
The installation resumes.
18. On the command prompt, run the dpa app con command to check the
Application Server configuration.
You may notice after running the dpa app con command that the bind
address is set to DPA does this to allow for any connection address.
The output should indicate that the operation mode is cluster and that the
cluster role is Master.
19. If you are adding a multicast address to the cluster, demote the cluster to a
standalone and then promote it to a cluster node:
If you are not adding a multicast address to the cluster, proceed to step 19.
a. On the command prompt, run the dpa app stop command to stop the
Application Server.
b. Run the dpa app demote command to demote the node to a standalone
c. Run the dpa app promote command to promote the Application node to a
cluster. Ensure that you include the bind address, the multicast address and
the shared folder path. Ensure also that you specify the role.
20. On the command prompt, run the dpa app start command to start
Application service.
21. Verify correct installation and configuration in the server.log file for the
message DPA master started successfully.
Application clustering 41
Installing DPA
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server or the
load balancer to which the Agent wants to connect (in this example,
fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the interface ID of the
current Application server (in this example, 2).
l Plan the final deployment topology before beginning installation. Additional
resources are available on the EMC Community Network (ECN) that provide
guidance and best practice for planning your deployment.
l Have all hosts and IP addresses predetermined and available, including the IP
address configured for the load-balancing switch that will be placed in front of the
Application servers.
l Ensure that all cluster nodes are using the same IP type of IP addressing, either
IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses.
l Specify a common directory that is shared across all nodes. This is the location of
the folder where the reports generated by the DPA Application node are stored.
l If installing Application server clustering on UNIX, ensure that you specify the
common shared directory to a local directory mapped to a UNIX NFS or CIFS
network share.
n Ensure that you create a username in all Application nodes within the cluster
with the same UID and GID. During installation, you are prompted to log on with
a valid UNIX username and password. System users like ftpuser and bin cannot
be used.
n Ensure that you have read and write access to the shared directory that you
n Ensure that you validate the path if it is tied to a network share.
l If installing Application server clustering on Windows, ensure that you specify the
common shared directory as a UNC (Windows Universal Naming Convention)
n Ensure that you validate the path specified.
n Configure and grant read and write access to a user account (username and
password) to the share that you specify above. This user account must have
the Log on as a service Windows permissions enabled.
l If you are planning on using ESRS-VE for remote troubleshooting (recommended),
ensure that you have the ESRS-VE environment installed and configured before
DPA installation. The EMC Secure Remote Services landing page at https://
Edition on EMC Online Support provides more information on ESRS-VE
l Do not register DPA services: Prevents the registration of the service with
the operating system service manager. This option prevents the DPA
services from being started after a host reboot.
l Do not start DPA services: Prevents the DPA services from being started
after installation. Use of the DPA command line interface is required to start
the service.
l Install the DPA services as clusterable: Configures the DPA service to
discover and join any present DPA cluster.
If you would like to add an Application Object to a cluster, select Install the
DPA services as clusterable and follow the steps in the wizard.
At the prompt for a common location for Application servers for reports,
ensure that you specify a common directory that is shared across all nodes.
The Shared Directory for reports is required when you run multiple
Application nodes.
If installing on UNIX, the installer prompts you to specify the user account
username of a valid user that has read and write access to the share
specified in “Before you begin.”
If installing on Windows, ensure that you configure the required common and
shared UNC folder and enter the Domain username and password with
access to that specified directory. “Before you begin” provides more
The rest of the installation is similar to the Datastore installation.
6. In the Application Advanced Options window, ensure that Install the DPA
services as clusterable is enabled and click Next.
7. In theIdentify the DPA Datastore to connect to window, specify the
Datastore IP address and clickNext.
8. In theApplication Cluster Address window, select the IP address that the
Application Server wants to listen on and click Next.
9. In theApplication Cluster Options window, select the Application Role as
Slave from the dropdown menu and click Next.
10. In the Application Cluster Option window, specify the Master node IP Address
or FQDN with which the Slave should communicate and click Next.
11. In theUsernamer window, specify the username and password for that user
who will now own the DPA Service. Click Next
Application clustering 43
Installing DPA
Ensure that the user has read and write permissions to the shared folder
specified in step 10.
14. In the Connect to Remote DPA Datastore step, enter the IP address for the
DPA Datastore server previously installed.
The installation resumes.
18. On the command prompt, run the dpa app con command to check the
Application Server configuration.
The output should indicate that the operation mode is cluster and that the
cluster role is Slave.
19. If you are adding a multicast address to the cluster, demote the cluster to a
standalone and then promote it to a cluster node:
If you are not adding a multicast address to the cluster, proceed to step 19.
a. On the command prompt, run the dpa app stop command to stop the
Application Server.
b. Run the dpa app demote command to demote the node to a standalone
c. Run the dpa app promote command to promote the Application node to a
cluster. Ensure that you include the bind address, the multicast address and
the shared folder path. Ensure also that you specify the role as Slave and the
Master node IP address. For example:
dpa app promote --bind --multicast --
role SLAVE --path \\WinClusterDS1\cluster_share
20. On the command prompt, run the dpa app start command to start
Application service.
21. Verify correct installation and configuration in the server.log file for the
message DPA slave started successfully.
Datastore Replication
DPA Datastore Replication enables continuous, safe, and reliable replication so that
DPA can maintain a replica copy, or Slave, of the primary Datastore, or Master, for
resilience against a single point of failure. You can add additional slaves in a cascading
fashion to the standard Master Slave configuration if required.
In the event of failure of the Master Datastore, the Slave can be updated to the
Master role using the manual failover command, and the Application servers are then
configured to use this new Master. Reconfiguration should normally take the same
amount of time to take effect as the DPA Application and Datastore services startup
take. Carrying out Datastore server failover on page 122 provides more information.
There can be only one Master Datastore per deployment. All Datastores are Masters
on installation. Replication is enabled once a Slave Datastore can communicate with
the Master Datastore. Data starts being replicated when an Application server is
You can configure Datastore Replication:
l during a fresh installation; Installing the Master Datastore Service with Datastore
Replicationand Installing the Slave Datastore Service with Datastore Replication
provide information.
l during an upgrade; Upgrading with Datastore Replication enabled with DPA 6.3
and later on page 66 and Upgrading with Datastore Replication and existing
clusters on page 67 provide information.
Datastore Replication 45
Installing DPA
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server (in this
example, fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the interface Id
(in this example, 2).
l Plan the final Datastore Replication deployment topology before beginning
installation. Additional resources are available on the EMC Community Network
(ECN) that provide guidance and best practice for planning your deployment.
l Have all hosts and IP addresses predetermined and available.
l Ensure that all Datastore server or Application server, including clustered nodes,
are using the same IP type of IP addressing, either IPv4 addresses or IPv6
l Ensure that the Application server chosen is the same one that the Master
Datastore is using.
1. Double-click the DPA server binary to start the installation.
2. Click Next.
3. Read and accept End User License Agreement. Scroll to the end of the
agreement to activate the option to accept the terms of the License
Agreement. Click Next.
4. In the Installation Options screen, select to install Datastore service, click Next.
5. Select the Show Advanced Installation Options checkbox in the Advanced
Installation screen, click Next.
6. Select Install with advanced datastore layout and click Next.
7. When prompted, choose the installation folder.
Choose the default location or browse to another folder location.
8. Review the Pre-Installation Summary, the disk space information in particular,
click Install.
The installation proceeds.
If there is not enough disk space, cancel the installation or choose a different
drive on which to install DPA.
9. In the Datastore Listening Addresses window, specify the IP addresses that
the Datastore service should listen on for connections from the DPA Application
10. In the Configure Datastore Access window, enter the IP addresses of the DPA
Application Servers that will use the Datastore and then click Add and Next.
Enter IP addresses for each DPA Application Server in the clustered
11. In the Datastore Agent Address window, specify the alternative address for
the Datastore Agent to be the Load Balancer IP Address.
12. Select Enable datastore replication > and select the replication role for this
server > SLAVE. Click Next.
a. Provide the IP address or FQDN of the Master Datastore server.
b. When prompted in the Configure Agent window, enter the FQDN or IP
address of the DPA Application service that the installed DPA Agent needs
to communicate with.
By default, the Agent communicates with the Application server specified
earlier in the wizard.
c. If you are using clustered DPA Application servers, provide the load
balancer's FQDN/IP address. Provide the Application server/Load
Balancer's IPV6 Address in the following format: IPV6Address
Click Next.
Datastore Replication 47
Installing DPA
14. When the DPA Datastore Server installation is complete, click Done.
15. On a command prompt, run the dpa svc status command to verify that the
Datastore service is running.
16. Set the database connection pool size in all Datastore nodes. Run:
# dpa ds tune --connections xxx <RAM>GBwhere xxx is approximately 250
per each Application server and RAM is the amount of RAM. For example, you
would set a xxxfigure of 500 for a two-node cluster.
If the cluster is enabled with Datastore Replication, run this command for all
Datastore Slaves.
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server (in this
example, fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the interface Id
(in this example, 2).
l Plan the final Datastore Replication deployment topology before beginning
installation. Additional resources are available on the EMC Community Network
(ECN) that provide guidance and best practice for planning your deployment.
l Have all hosts and IP addresses predetermined and available.
l Ensure that all Datastore server or Application server, including clustered nodes,
are using the same IP type of IP addressing, either IPv4 addresses or IPv6
l Ensure that the Application server chosen is the same one that the Master
Datastore is using.
1. Double-click the DPA server binary to start the installation.
2. Click Next.
3. Read and accept End User License Agreement. Scroll to the end of the
agreement to activate the option to accept the terms of the License
Agreement. Click Next.
4. In the Installation Options screen, select to install Datastore service, click Next.
5. Select the Show Advanced Installation Options checkbox in the Advanced
Installation screen, click Next.
6. Select Install with advanced datastore layout and click Next.
7. When prompted, choose the installation folder.
Choose the default location or browse to another folder location.
8. Review the Pre-Installation Summary, the disk space information in particular,
click Install.
The installation proceeds.
If there is not enough disk space, cancel the installation or choose a different
drive on which to install DPA.
9. In the Datastore Listening Addresses window, specify the IP addresses that
the Datastore service should listen on for connections from the DPA Application
10. In the Configure Datastore Access window, enter the IP addresses of the DPA
Application Servers that will use the Datastore and then click Add and Next.
Enter IP addresses for each DPA Application Server in the clustered
11. In the Datastore Agent Address window, specify the alternative address for
the Datastore Agent to be the Load Balancer IP Address.
12. Select Enable datastore replication > and select the replication role for this
server > SLAVE. Click Next.
a. Provide the IP address or FQDN of the Master Datastore server.
b. When prompted in the Configure Agent window, enter the FQDN or IP
address of the DPA Application service that the installed DPA Agent needs
to communicate with.
Datastore Replication 49
Installing DPA
c. If you are using clustered DPA Application servers, provide the load
balancer's FQDN/IP address. Provide the Application server/Load
Balancer's IPV6 Address in the following format: IPV6Address
Click Next.
13. When the DPA Datastore Server installation is complete, click Done.
14. On a command prompt, run the dpa svc status command to verify that the
Datastore service is running.
15. Set the database connection pool size in all Datastore nodes. Run:
# dpa ds tune --connections xxx <RAM>GBwhere xxx is approximately 250
per each Application server and RAM is the amount of RAM. For example, you
would set a xxxfigure of 500 for a two-node cluster.
If the cluster is enabled with Datastore Replication, run this command for all
Datastore Slaves.
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the Application server or the
load balancer to which the Agent wants to connect (in this example,
7. In the Connect to Remote DPA Datastore step, enter the IP address for the
DPA Master Datastore server previously installed.
The installation resumes.
8. When prompted, specify the name or IP address of the DPA Application server
host with which the DPA Agent will communicate. By default the Agent
communicates with the local Application server with IP address In a
clustered configuration provide the IP address of the load balancing switch
placed in front of the Application servers. Click Next.
The DPA Application service installation is now complete.
Datastore Replication 51
Installing DPA
Where the values before the % refer to the IPv6 of the DPA Application server (in
this example, fe80::9c9b:36f:2ab:d7a2) and those after refer to the
interface ID of the Agent (in this example, 2).
1. Double-click the DPA Agent binary to start the installation.
2. Click Next.
3. Read and accept End User License Agreement. Click Next.
4. Choose an installation folder and click Next.
5. Verify the Pre-Installation Summary and click Install.
6. Choose the Agent installation options:
l Do not start DPA Agent service - this option prevents starting of the DPA
Agent service after installation.
If you select this option, you must manually start the DPA Agent from the
command line.
If you select Do not start DPA Agent service, click Next.
Type the fully qualified domain name or the IP address of the DPA Server
that communicates with the DPA Agent.
l Agent will be used to monitor Oracle Database: Select this option to
monitor an Oracle database with the DPA Agent.
If you select this option, browse to the directory where the the DPA Agent
can find the Oracle Database device driver files.
7. Click Next.
8. In the Configure Agent window, enter the fully qualified domain name or the IP
address of the DPA Application Server that communicates with the DPA Agent.
If you are installing on Linux IPv6 and are installing Linux Agents, enter the IPv6
Interface ID of the Linux Agent.
Click Next.
9. Click Done to complete the installation.
10. Set the same Agent password that you set for the Agent the DPA Application
Server during the DPA Server installation:
a. On UNIX hosts, set the environment by running . /opt/emc/dpa/
where option is one of the options listed for a silent or an interactive installation in
Table 7.
For example: DPA-Agent-Linux-x86_64- -i silent -
l Windows
<version>.xxx.install.exe [option]
where option is one of the options listed for a silent or an interactive installation in
Table 7.
For example: DPA-Agent-Windows-x86_64- -i silent -
Ensure that you carry out the steps provided in DPA postinstallation steps on page
Option Description
-? Displays help text
-i [swing | console | silent] Specify the user interface mode for the installer:
swing - Graphical interface
Option Description
console - console only
silent - no user interaction
-D <name>="<value>" Shows the installer name-value pairs that might be set on the command line (using the -D
option) to override default installer values, or placed in a response file and used with the-
Quotes must be used around the value.
-D<variable name>="<value>"
For example: DPA-Agent-Linux-x86_64- -i silent -DPort="3740"
<variable name> and <value> descriptions are included in the following tables.
a. Start a browser and connect to DPA Server over https on port 9002. Ensure
that all pop-up blockers are disabled. For example:
b. Type the username and password. Username and password fields are case-
c. Click Login
4. Add licenses to the DPA server.
The DPA server is installed with a 60-day temporary license.
If you are upgrading and you are not adding capacity or changing to new 6.4 and
minor releases functionality, no licensing changes are needed.
The CLP license is required for new 6.4 and minor releases functionality and
increased capacity on a DPA instance. If you are not adding capacity or
changing to new 6.2 SP3 functionality, import of CLP licenses is not required. If
you are migrating from DPA version 5.x to version 6.4 and minor releases, the
existing licenses are migrated with your configuration and data. CLP and WLS
license coexistence in DPA on page 70 provides more information.
If you are adding CLP licenses, ensure that you select license files with the .lic
file extension.
If you are adding WLS licenses, select license files with the .wls file extension.
After you install the license file, the DPA web console prompts you to close so it
can register the license file.
5. Log back in to the DPA web console.
6. (Recommended) If you added CLP licenses in step 4, register the DPA
Application server with the ESRS-VE. This registration process enables EMC
Customer Support to service the DPA instance.
Observe the following:
l If you are upgrading a previously registered ESRS, it is possible that ESRS
will show that it is already registered with the following error:
c. When prompted, type the EMC Secure Remote Support username and
Output appears that indicates that the request to register the DPA server with
IP address that you typed is approved and the command is successful.
7. (Recommended) If you registered the DPA Application server with the ESRS-
VE in step 6, enable Health Service on the DPA Application server. On the DPA
Application server, type:
a. $ dpa health install
b. $ dpa health start
8. (Optional) If you want to configure alerting on Replication Monitoring, ensure
that you create Recoverabilty rules to the Analysis Policy and assign the rules to
the desired object. Go to Policies > Analysis Policies
9. (Optional) If you have upgraded from a previous 6.x version and you would like
to display the Data Domain Overview dashboard and the Data Domain Details
a. Go to Dashboard > + icon > Open Existing Dashboard.
The Open Existing Dashboard window appears.
b. Select Data Domain and Click OK.
10. (Optional) If you are monitoring a Data Domain OS 5.7 and later and would like
to ensure configuration of Physical Capacity Reporting data collection:
a. Manually assign the request to any Data Domain OS 5.7 boxes.
b. Run the request so that the statistics are gathered on the Data Domain and
the schedule is created. Then, when you are ready to run the first report,
data is returned.
11. If you have upgraded to 6.3 and you are running the Data Domain
DataProcessor, delete all records in the ddup_status and dd_analysis tables
before you run the client aggregation and file age commands.
Deleting duplicate rows in ddup_status and ddup_analysis tables on page 191
provides more information.
1. Use the dpa app impcert -kf command to import the self-signed
dpa app impcert -kf "C:\work\new.keystore" -al newkey -pw
This is the password of the newly generated keystore file. This password is
located at C:\work\new.keystore.
2. Restart the DPA Application service. The dpa app --help command provides
additional information.
3. (Optional) Install the certificate in those browsers that you use to access DPA.
Follow the instructions of your chosen browser.
It may take a few minutes on initial connection to open DPA when using a
secure connection.
n <install_dir>\services\datastore\data\**
n <install_dir>\services\datastore\data\pg_log\**
You can upgrade from previous DPA releases to DPA 6.4 and minor releases. The Data
Protection Advisor Release Notes provide information on supported upgrades.
Note that the DPA 6.4 upgrade installer does not provide the option to use TLS
protocol version1.2 only. Additionally, DPA retains your existing TLS protocol version
settings after upgrade. You can change the TLS protocol version to1.2 only after
upgrade. Setting TLS protocol version 1.2 only after installation or upgrade provides
Upgrade prerequisites
There are a set of recommended best practices before you carry out an upgrade of
the DPA server. Note that the Data Domain DataProcessor tool package is not
automatically upgraded with the DPA binaries. If you upgrade DPA and a new version
of the Data Domain DataProcessor package is released, you must do a separate
installation of the new Data Domain DataProcessor package.
Running Data Domain DataProcessor on page 188 provides additional information.
l Back up the DPA Datastore by using the dpa ds export command. Backup of
the Datastore on page 119 provides information. The DPA Installer prompts you
to do this.
l For Datastore and Application server upgrades, the DPA Agent on those servers is
also upgraded as part of the server upgrade. You must carry out a separate
upgrade for a DPA Agent in the case of standalone DPA Agents only.
l To ensure secure communication between the DPA Server and Agent, set the
Agent registration password using the dpa app agentpwdCLI command on the
DPA Application Server host. You must also set this password on all DPA Agent
hosts.dpa application agentpwd provides information. Then restart the Application
service. Ensure that you set this password for each Agent.
l Take note of the DPA 6.x build installed on your system by running dpa app ver
and recording the output. This output is important when verifying package
l Stop the DPA Application server. Good practice is to perform a complete backup
of the host running DPA Application server.
Upgrades 63
Installing DPA
l Stop the DPA Datastore. Good practice is to perform a complete backup of the
host running DPA Datastore server.
l If your infrastructure is running on VM, stop the DPA Application and Datastore
servers and take a snapshot of the DPA Application and Datastore servers to
facilitate restoring them in case of upgrade problems.
l Clear the browser cache.
l Ensure that you have admin/root privileges.
l If upgrading on UNIX/Linux, ensure that the unzip command for InstallAnywhere
is installed on your system.
l When upgrading or installing patches in clustered environments, stop the DPA
Application service on all servers. Upgrade the Datastore first, and then upgrade
the Application servers. You must stop the Application service because when the
services are on separate machines, the installer cannot stop the services.
Start the upgraded DPA Application. Confirm initialization completed and that you
can login to the DPA web console before upgrading the remaining clustered
Application servers.
l In relation to the database upgrade:
n Ensure that you have 3GB of free space for the database upgrade.
n Ensure that you are running a LINUX version with a minimum glibc version of
2.12. If your LINUX version is running a glibc version earlier than 2.12, use the
procedure provided in Upgrading DPA with a LINUX version running glibc
earlier than 2.12 on page 65
l If you are currently using DPA for RMAN reporting through an existing DPA
backup license, contact your Account Representative for the DPA for Enterprise
Applications license. The DPA for Enterprise Applications license allows you to
expand the number of RMAN servers being reported in DPA when you upgrade to
DPA 6.3 and minor releases. Enter the DDBEA license into DPA 6.3 and minor
releases after installation. The DPA 6.2 Release Notes provides more information
on the license is for DDBEA.
l If you are upgrading from DPA 6.1, ensure that you review and edit the retention
period on collection requests to match organizational policies before upgrading.
Data collection requests contain a different default retention period in DPA 6.1.
Upgrading DPA
Use this procedure to upgrade DPA if you do not have clusters or Datastore
Replication configured, and if the LINUX version you are running has a minimum glibc
version of 2.12, as applicable.
Before you begin
Add support for Upgrading installations where the database tablespaces have been
configured to reside on different filesystems.
l Ensure that you carry out the prerequisites in Upgrade prerequisites on page 63.
l Ensure that you run the installer as admin/root user.
If you are running a LINUX version that has a glibc version earlier than 2.12, follow the
procedure provided in Upgrading DPA with a LINUX version running glibc earlier than
2.12 on page 65
1. If you have not already done so, shut down the Application Service.
2. Upgrade the Datastore. Follow the installation steps as directed in the Installer.
Ensure that the existing DPA installation directory is specified correctly.
You must install the DPA update package in the same installation directory as
your existing DPA package.
3. Upgrade the Application server. Follow the installation steps as directed in the
Installer. Ensure that the existing DPA installation directory is specified
correctly on the installer.
You must install the DPA update package in the same installation directory as
your existing DPA package.
4. Restart the DPA web console.
5. Wait for the files to be deployed under the installation folder.
In Windows: C:\Program Files\EMC\DPA\<install_dirservices
In Linux: /opt/emc/dpa/services/applications
Upgrading DPA with a LINUX version running glibc earlier than 2.12
Before you begin
l Ensure that you carry out the prerequisites in Upgrade prerequisites on page 63.
l Ensure that you run the installer as admin/root user.
1. Stop the Application Service.
2. Export the Datastore. Backup of the Datastore on page 119 provides
3. Install a new Datastore with the latest version of DPA and a version of LINUX
that is running glibc version 2.12.
4. Import the existing Datastore to the newly installed Datastore with the latest
version of DPA and the supported version of LINUX with glibc version 2.12
5. Point the DPA Application server to the newly installed and imported Datastore.
Run: dpa app configure --master <datastore_ip>
6. Upgrade the Datastore. Follow the procedure provided in Upgrading DPA on
page 64.
Upgrading DPA with a LINUX version running glibc earlier than 2.12 65
Installing DPA
1. Stop the Application service on the cluster Application nodes:
a. Stop the Slave Application server.
b. Stop the Master Application server.
Upgrading with Datastore Replication enabled with DPA 6.3 and later
To upgrade with Datastore Replication enabled follow the following procedure:
Before you begin
l Ensure that you have carried out all the steps provided in Upgrade prerequisites on
page 63.
l If you are running UNIX machines, ensure that you are a root user.
l Ensure that all processes in each step are complete before starting the process in
the next step.
1. If you have not already done so, on the Application servers stop the Application
Service. Run:
# dpa app stop
Upgrading with Datastore Replication enabled with DPA versions earlier than
Upgrading with Datastore Replication is automated and does not require user
interaction, except when upgrading the Replication Slave Datastore.
Before you begin
l Ensure that you have carried out all the steps provided in Upgrade prerequisites on
page 63.
l If you are running UNIX machines, ensure that you are a root user.
l Ensure that all processes in each step are complete before starting the process in
the next step.
1. Stop all services:
a. Run # dpa app stop on the Application Server.
b. Run # dpa ds stop on the Master Datastore.
c. Run # dpa ds stop on the Slave Datastore.
2. Upgrade Master Datastore:
a. Launch the DPA installer and follow the prompts.
b. Verify that Datastore Replication is running. Run: # dpa ds rep
3. Create a copy of the Master Datastore. Type: dpa ds rep -e <empty_dir>
4. Uninstall the existing Slave Datastore.
5. Install a clean Datastore Server with the same install location as the Master
Datastore, and configure the newly installed Datastore Server as a Slave
Datastore. Type: dpa.sh ds rep --role SLAVE <IP of master>.
Do not start or stop services.
6. Initialize the Slave Datastore from Master copy. Type: dpa ds rep -i
7. Start the Slave Datastore.
8. Upgrade the Application Server.
Upgrading with Datastore Replication enabled with DPA versions earlier than 6.3 67
Installing DPA
l If you are running UNIX machines, ensure that you are a root user.
l Stop the load balancer on the DPA Application and Datastore servers. The
command to stop the load balancer varies by OS. Refer to your OS documentation
for information.
1. If you haven't already done so, stop the Application service on the cluster
Application nodes:
a. Stop the Slave Application server.
b. Stop the Master Application server.
2. Carry out the steps provided in Upgrading with Datastore Replication enabled
with DPA 6.3 and later on page 66.
If you are upgrading with a DPA version previous to 6.3, carry out the steps
provided in "Upgrading with Datastore Replication enabled with DPA versions
earlier than 6.3."
3. Upgrade the Slave Application nodes:
a. Launch the DPA installer and follow the prompts.
b. Wait for the Application service to start. Verify that the server.log file
includes output such as DPA slave started successfully.
4. Restart the load balancer application on the DPA Application and Datastore
servers. The command to start the load balancer varies by OS. Refer to your OS
documentation for information.
l License management..........................................................................................70
l Users and security.............................................................................................. 71
l System settings................................................................................................. 83
l Application service administration..................................................................... 113
l Datastore service administration....................................................................... 119
l DPA command line operations.......................................................................... 125
Administering DPA 69
Administering DPA
License management
This section describes license management in DPA.
Expired licenses
If a license expires, a license violation warning appears in the report title for reports
run from all objects enabled by the expired license. In addition, new objects cannot be
added in the web console for module components enabled by an expired license.
License removal
Removing a license causes a license violation warning to appear when running reports
against objects for that license. New objects of that type cannot be added in the web
console until a replacement license is supplied.
If you are using temporary licenses that have an expiration date, the License
Expiration dialog appears to notify you of the expiration of your temporary licenses.
Permanent licenses do not display.
Managing users
The DPA Administrator can manage user accounts in the Manage Users section. Go
to Admin > Users & Security > Manage Users. In this section the Administrator is
allowed to create, edit, view and delete user accounts.
3. In the Create User Properties tab, update the information in the respective
a. In the User Properties tab, specify the name, logon name, role,
authentication type and password.
b. If the user is to be authenticated by using LDAP, choose the LDAP
authentication type.
License removal 71
Administering DPA
Security Settings
You can configure user security settings. Go to Admin > Users & Security
Setting Description
Minimum number of characters The minimum number of characters required
for the password for the DPA web console.
The minimum value is 9. There is no maximum
limit of characters. DPA supports only Latin
Setting Description
Must use lowercase characters Requires lowercase characters in the
password for the DPA web console. Enabled
by default.
Setting Description
Password History Enables the limiting of password history.
Limit of password history The number of times that DPA allows the user
to specify an identical password for that user
from the previous password. The default value
is 1. The maximum value is 10. Enabled by
If Limit of password history is left at 1,
that user cannot change the password to the
current one.
If Limit of password history is set to
greater than 1, that user cannot change
password to the current one and to the
previous one. DPA displays a message
indicating that the previous password was
already configured and that the user must
specify a new password.
Setting Description
Login limit Enables the limit for number of attempts to
log in to the DPA web console.
Limit of login attempts The number of attempts that DPA allows the
user to log in to the DPA web console. The
default value is 5. The range is 1–10.
User accounts 73
Administering DPA
Setting Description
Password Expiration Enables password expiration. The default
value is off.
Password expiration period (days) The period in days that the DPA password is
valid. The default value is 90. The maximum is
c. In the Privilges tab under Inventory, select View existing objects and
group management.
d. In the Accessible Groups, select the groups that you would like to view,
click Move selected groups and then click Close.
2. Create the Read Inventory user:
a. Go to Admin > Users & Security > Manage Users and click Create Role.
The Create User Properties dialog appears.
In the Logon field, specify the logon the user should type. For example,
In the Role field, select the one that you created in step 1 for the Read
Inventory role.
In the Authentication field, select the desired authentication type from the
dropdown. If you choose Password, specify and confirm a password.
c. Click OK.
3. Create the Assign Attribute and Read Inventory Role:
a. Go to Admin > Users & Security > Manage Roles and click Create Role.
The User Role Properties dialog appears.
d. In the Accessible Groups tab, select the groups that you would like to view,
click Move selected groups and then click Close.
4. Create the Assign Attribute and Read Inventory user:
a. Go to Admin > Users & Security > Manage Users and click Create Role.
The Create User Properties dialog appears.
In the Logon field, specify the logon the user should type. For example,
In the Role field, select the one that you created in step 3 for the Assign
Attribute and Read Inventory role.
In the Authentication field, select the desired authentication type from the
dropdown. If you choose Password, specify and confirm a password.
c. Click OK.
After you finish
Field Description
Server Hostname of the LDAP server. The hostname
must be resolvable from the Data Protection
Advisor server.
Field Description
Port Port that the LDAP server listens on for
l port 389 for non-SSL connections
l port 636 for SSL connections
When you use Microsoft Active Directory
configured as a Global Catalog server, specify
the following in the Manage External
Authentication dialog:
l port 3268 for non-SSL connections
l port 3269 for SSL connections
l In the Group Attribute field, specify the LDAP attribute used for the group
search. Typically this is either CN or sAMAccountName for Active Directory
or uid for OpenLDAP.
l In the Group Member Attribute field, specify the attribute that specifies
members of the group. Typically this is either memberfor Active Directory or
memberUid for OpenLDAP.
3. Click Add to add a new line to the Group Mapping section.
4. In the LDAP Group Name, set the name of the group to map with the user role.
5. In the User Role, choose one of the available roles from the dropdown list.
6. Use Add, Remove, Up, and Down to organize the Group Mapping.
7. Click OK to confirm the settings
8. Click OK in the Manage External Authentication tab to close.
Group Mapping
The group mapping feature allows DPA to map specified LDAP groups to DPA roles so
that you can be assigned different DPA roles depending on the LDAP groups that you
are in.
If you are a member of multiple LDAP groups, you are granted the DPA role that is
mapped to the first group in the mapping table. Ensure that the LDAP group that maps
to a DPA role with greater permissions is highest in the list. A user that is not a
member of a group in the Group Mapping list is assigned the Default User Role. Up
and Down buttons are provided to enable table entries to be moved to the desired
positions in the table.
Groups Administrators:
John Smith:
m (Support member)
Password: <PAbbey_password>
5. Click OK to verify the LDAP user authentication.
If the authentication fails, check if the username and password are correct in
the LDAP server.
6. Click OK in the Manage External Authentication to confirm settings and close.
7. Go to Admin > Users & Security > Manage Users and click Create User.
8. Type the following values in the User Properties tab:
l Name: Paul Abbey
l Logon: Pabbey
l External Name: PAbbey
l Role: User
l Authentication Type: LDAP
9. Click OK and verify that the account is in the user account list.
10. Click Close.
Username: PAbbey
Password: <PAbbey_password>
5. Click Edit.
6. Check Enable Auto Login, and ensure that the Default User Role selected is
7. Check Enable Group Mapping and verify or type the following values:
l Group Base: ou=groups,dc=lab,dc=emc,dc=com
l Group Attribute: cn
l Group Member Attribute: memberUid (member for Active Directory
8. Click Add:
LDAP Group Name: Support
Role: Engineer
9. Click Close.
10. Log in as John Smith.
A new user account JSmith should be created with the Engineer role.
System settings
You can modify the default system settings for DPA agents, the server, and the
System settings 83
Administering DPA
Setting Description
Log File Enables collection of log files.
Data Collection Agent Port Port on which the data collection agent listens
for requests.
Max Log File Size (MB) Maximum size to which a log file can grow
before the creation of a new log file (in MB).
To set no limit for the size of the log file, set
this value to 0.
Setting Description
Max Forward Queue Length Maximum number of requests stored by the
agent locally if the Server is offline.
Max Forward Queue Size (MB) Maximum total size of all requests stored by
the DPA data collection agent locally if the
Server is offline (in MB).
Reload Data Collection Agent Allows you to manually reload the data
collection agent. This is done automatically
when configuration changes are made in the
DPA web console that affect a data collection
Remove Data Collection Agent Removes the selected data collection agent.
Make Agent Default Makes the selected data collection agent the
default host.
Additional server settings are available. These settings are described in the following
Setting Description
Global Data Collection Agent Binary Multiplier Switching this global setting
Settings on, defaults all Agents to use
the binary multiplier. Binary
multiplier converts all
incoming data as 1024 KB=
1MB. Applies to NetWorker
agents only where the
incoming data from Backup
server is converted as 1000
KB = 1MB. Binary Multiplier is
ignored when monitoring
other applications.
Global Email Settings Mail Server Hostname Mail server to which email
messages are forwarded
when sent from DPA.
Global Logging Settings Global Logging Settings Global logging settings for the
Analysis Engine,
Configuration, Listener,
Setting Description
Publisher, Recoverability
Analysis, Reporter, and REST
API. Settings can be INFO,
Root Cause Analysis Root Cause Analysis Settings Option to enable Root Cause
Analysis Summary.
The default data deletion schedule is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m daily.
Default collected data retention periods are user-configurable within Admin >
System > Manage Data Collection Defaults.
The following table provides information on default system-generated data retention
periods. Default system-generated data retention periods are not user-configurable.
The same credentials and data options are available as for the request itself.
7. Click Close to the a dialog box that appears confirming that DPA is gathering
the historical backup data.
8. Click History to view collected tests. The rows highlighted in orange indicate
results from a historical backup gather.
Replication analysis
The following table describes the replication analysis and display settings.
Setting Description
Replication Analysis Settings Client-server Time Difference The time offset you
calculated Client-server Time
Difference (in seconds or
Setting Description
\tmp\output. The default is
14. Older files are deleted at a
nightly process.
Display Settings Display dirty recovery points The recovery points that you
in Replication Status Diagram want DPA to use for RPO
and Topology Reports calculations like replicas that
are used for reporting or test
You can define the dirty
recovery points in the data
protection policy.
Agentless Discovery
The Agentless Discovery settings are described in the following table.
Setting Description
Sudo Program Path The sudo program path for Agentless
discovery settings. The default path is /usr/
local/bin/sudo. The sudo command can
also be located in either /sbin or /usr/
Agent Response Timeout The time that DPA waits for response from
the agent before timeout.
Telnet/SSH Login Prompt Timeout The time that DPA waits for Telnet/SSH
session to be created before timeout.
Telnet/SSH Handshake Timeout The time that DPA waits for Telnet/SSH
handshake before timeout.
Setting Description
Delete files created on the client during Defines if temporary files will be deleted from
agentless discovery the analyzed object at the end of the
The default is that the files will be deleted.
Digital certificate
DPA uses a self-signed digital certificate for identification and encryption.Encryption
of the DPA Application server on page 61 provides information.
Time periods
When you run a report or create a scheduled report, you must decide the period of
time over which the report is run, for example right now or last week. Several
predefined time periods are provided by default and you can create custom time
Digital certificate 91
Administering DPA
checks the parent backup server if the backup client doesn't have a time zone set
explicitly on itself already, and creates a report that is time-zone aware.
Report Table Format
You can choose to configure a table style report to show the Time Zone object it was
run on with the timestamp, by specifying which field to look at to find the name of the
backup server. In the Report Editor, go to Report Format > Table Format > Table
Styles. Under the Date Fields section ensure that the Time Zone from Report Field
option is selected.
Schedules are used to define when to run a scheduled report or generate a dashboard
view block, or to define the backup window specified in the Protection Policy. Several
predefined schedules are provided by default and you can also create custom
A schedule is made up of components that define when each schedule produces
certain results or runs certain reports. The Schedule Editor provides two ways to
create schedules:
l Basic editor - allows you to create schedules on a weekly basis only and edit the
day and time of the schedule.
l Advanced editor - allows you to create more complex schedules by manually
editing the schedule parameters.
Schedules created in the basic editor can be edited using the advanced editor.
However, schedules created and saved in the advanced editor cannot be edited in the
basic editor.
Creating schedules
To create a schedule, select Admin > System > Manage Schedules.
l Configuration
l Job Monitor
l Status requests
CLARiiON VNX Connector No default value Indicates connector for the import
clariion information request
HP Disk Array port 5989 CIM provider port for HP EVA disk
arrays. The port option is present
in the options for the following
l Configuration
l Status
Illuminator Symapi Version No default value Indicates the SYMAPI version for
symapi Engine the illuminator symapi engine
Discovery discovery request
include jobs from True Allows you to switch off the search
media DB for successful jobs from the
NetWorker Media database. DPA
will search the Media database in
addition to the NetWorker Jobs
database for completed jobs. If you
are not using an external scheduler
to initiate backups, then set this to
False to speed up running the Job
Monitor request
The include jobs from media
DB option is present in the Job
Monitor request.
List of critical No default value The name of the file that holds a
clients to ping comma separated list of critical
clients to ping instead of all clients .
The List of critical
clients to ping option is
present in the Client Status request.
l Configuration
l Status
l Client Occupancy
l Configuration
l Job Monitor
RecoverPoint for Time Offset (in 0 Time offset in seconds for the
VMs seconds) configuration request
SAP HANA dbport 30115 Database port for the job monitor
l status
l Volume Status
Webserver page No default value Web page to get for the Response
l Response
l %d/%m/%y
l %d/%m/%Y
l %m/%d/%y
l %m/%d/%Y
l %x - Locale-
l %m/%d/%Y
l %m/%d/%y
l %d/%m/%y
l %d/%m/%Y
l %d.%m.%Y
2. l %c
l %x %X
l %x, %X
Manage Sites
You can set the Site attribute in the object property dialog, similar to other
attributes, like Credentials and Schedule. You can assign the Site attribute to all
top-level and component objects. DPA 6.4 does not support assigning the Site
attribute to group objects. Objects are searchable by the Site attribute.
Go to Admin > System > Manage Sites to add, edit, and delete sites.
c. In the Location field, type three or more characters for the geographical
location that is closest to your site, then select the location that is the
best geographical match to your site.
d. Click Select Location and OK.
l Edit a site:
a. Select the site that you would like to edit from the list of sites. The Edit
Site dialog appears.
b. Edit the desired field and click OK.
l Delete a site:
a. Select the site that you would like to delete from the list of sites. The
Delete Site dialog appears.
b. Confirm or cancel deletion of the site, as applicable.
VTL templates
When the Publisher process creates reports when publishing to HTML, it uses VTL
templates located in the vtltemplates directory on the DPA Server to determine
the report’s default layout and style. By default, the DPA Server process uses the
following template files: reportcard.vtl, chart.vtl, and table.vtl however,
you can use another template file. You can create template files to change the
appearance of reports that are published by the DPA Server process.
The template types are:
l Default uses the default VTL for the renderer.
l pivot is for generating pivot tables.
l pivot.css is for generating pivot tables using CSS.
l pivot.controlpanel.css is for generating pivot tables in control panels using CSS.
The following table lists the VTL templates.
Dear customer,
Your daily system status report is below.
Thank you,<br>
EMC Corporation
US Phone:1-800-555-5555<br>
Website: www.EMC.com
Importing and exporting to XML is not supported. You cannot import or export system
templates. The imported reports must be supported on DPA 6.2 and minor releases.
You can import and export custom report templates and custom dashboards to fulfill
the following needs:
l Import custom reports from DPA 5.x.
l Import custom reports that were created by EMC Professional Services.
l Export custom reports to back them up.
l Export a custom report that is not working to send it to EMC Customer Support
for troubleshooting.
The EMC Data Protection Advisor online help system provides more information on how
to import and export custom report templates.
Clustering administration
Adding an Application server to a cluster after DPA deployment
Use this procedure to modify a DPA Application server that was installed as a
standalone server, the installation default state, to be part of a cluster after DPA is
deployed and operational using the DPA CLI.
Before you begin
l Stop the DPA agents.
l If you are running UNIX machines, ensure that you are a root user.
The commands in this procedure are formatted for UNIX.
1. If you are not going to configure the node to be a Slave, proceed to step 2. If
the standalone Application server is going to be a Slave node within the cluster,
empty the message queues:
a. Stop the data collection agents.
b. Verify that the folder /opt/emc/dpa/services/standalone/data/
messaginglargemessages has no messages. If it has no messages,
proceed to step d.
c. If the /opt/emc/dpa/services/standalone/data/
messaginglargemessages folder is not empty, run the following REST
call on both the Application Master and Slave nodes:
HTTPS Operation : GET
For instance, in the example, >21< should match the number of files in the
messaginglargemessages folder /opt/emc/dpa/services/
standalone/data/messaginglargemessages folder. If the number of
files does not match, wait until the messaging queue becomes empty.
2. Set the database connection pool size in all Datastore nodes. Run:
# dpa ds tune --connections xxx <RAM>GBwhere xxx is approximately 250
per each Application server. For example, 500 for a two-node cluster.
If the cluster is enabled with Datastore Replication, run this command for all
Datastore Slaves.
3. If you are not running UNIX, proceed to step 4. If you are running UNIX
machines, increase the number of file descriptors in the UNIX Application
a. Edit the edit /etc/sysctl.conf file to add the line fs.file-max =
The dpa app promote command uses the default multicast port
You can specify a different multicast port as an optional parameter to this
command. Ensure that all the cluster nodes use the same multicast address.
6. Start the Application server. Run:
# dpa app start
n (DOMAIN\username) is the user account with which to run the Application
service. The Log on as a service Windows permissions must also be enabled.
n <password> is the password for the user specified.
By default, the exported Datastore folder is saved to the same directory where the
export command was run.
To save the exported Datastore folder to a specific directory, specify the location at
the end of the command line. For example, the following command line exports the
folder to C:\ because that is the location specified: C:\Program Files\EMC\DPA
\services\bin>dpa datastore export C:\
4. Synchronize the Slave Datastores with the latest Datastore copy from the
Master Datastore:
a. For each Datastore, create an empty directory on the Master Datastore to
which to export the Master Datastore file set.
For example, /tmp/export.
b. On the Master Datastore, run the following command, and ensure that you
keep the Master Datastore running when you run the command
c. Use the appropriate platform to command copy the files to the empty
directory on the Slave Datastore.
d. On the replicating Slave Datastore, run the following commands:
<DPA_HOME>/emc/dpa/services/bin/dpa.sh ds rep --import /tmp/
export <DPA_HOME>/emc/dpa/services/bin/dpa.sh ds start
<DPA_HOME>/emc/dpa/services/logs # /binary/emc/dpa/
services/bin/dpa.sh ds rep
3. Reconfigure the Application server to point to the new Master Datastore. Type:
dpa.sh app con -m <hostname/IP of new MASTER>
Reconfiguring Datastores
Use this procedure if you failed over to your Slave Datastore and want to reconfigure
the former Master Datastore as a Slave Datastore.
1. On the new Master Datastore, use the addSlave command with the IP of the
new Master Datastore. Type:
dpa.sh ds rep --addSlave <ip_of_master>
1. Create an empty directory on the Master Datastore to which to export the
Master Datastore file set. For example, /tmp/export
2. Export the Master Datastore file set from the running Master Datastore. Type:
dpa.sh ds rep --export /tmp/export
3. Create an empty directory on the Slave Datastore into which to copy the
Master Datastore file set.
4. Use the appropriate platform to command copy the files to the empty directory
on the Slave Datastore.
5. Import the Slave Datastore. Type:
<DPA_HOME>/emc/dpa/services/bin/dpa.sh ds rep --import /tmp/
where <DPA_Home> is the location of the DPA installation.
11245376 catchup
Once the lag is caught up, output such as the following, with the status showing
as streaming, appears:
[INFO] 0 streaming
The DPA config file sets up various environment variables and paths that the DPA
agent uses. Running it when instructed ensures that the shell the user is working and
has these set correctly. Failure to carry out this procedure when directed by an EMC
Technical Support Engineer could result in CLI command failure.
For Linux/UNIX:
--bind -b
--cluster -c
--delete -d
--help -h
--master -m
--pipeline -p
--platform -p
tune tun
After you start, stop, or restart a service, it may take a number of minutes to complete
and may not result in an immediate state change.
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--version — Displays the tool version information
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
- P {password}
Note the following regarding Agent password:
l Blank passwords are not supported.
l Minimum length is 9 characters.
l The following are required:
n A minimum of 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alphabetic symbol
n A minimum of 1 numeric symbol
n A minimum of 1 special character
C:\Program Files\EMC\DPA\services\bin>dpa agent --set-credentials
After you start, stop, or restart a service, it may take a number of minutes to complete
and may not result in an immediate state change.
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--version — Displays the tool version information
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Note the following regarding the Administrator password:
l Blank passwords are not supported.
l Minimum length is 9 characters.
l The following are required:
n A minimum of 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alphabetic symbol
n A minimum of 1 numeric symbol
n A minimum of 1 special character
C:\Program Files\EMC\DPA\services\bin>dpa app adminpassword
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--version — Displays the tool version information
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Note the following regarding Agent password:
l Blank passwords are not supported.
l Minimum length is 9 characters.
l The following are required:
n A minimum of 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alphabetic symbol
n A minimum of 1 numeric symbol
n A minimum of 1 special character
C:\Program Files\EMC\DPA\services\bin>dpa app agentpwd
Command options
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--version — Displays the tool version information
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
Command options
--user (-U) (DOMAIN\username) User account having read and write access to the
shared path specified. The specified user must have Log on as a service Windows
permission enabled.
--password (-pass) <password> Password for the user specified (Windows only). If
the user has changed the password, they must uninstall and install the Application
service again.
--help (-h) Display help screen
--version Display tool version information
--quiet Display warnings and warnings and errors only
Command options
--certificatefile (-cf) <certificatefile> —Sets the path of the certificate (X.509
format) to import.
--keystorefile (-kf) <keystorefile> — Sets the path of the keystore that contains the
certificate to import.
--alias (-al) <alias> — Sets the certificate alias to use when accessing the given
--password (-pw) <password> — Sets the password to use when accessing the given
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command Options
--help (-h) Display help screen
--quiet Display warnings and errors only
Command options
--bind (-b) <IP_address> — Sets the bind address for the Application service
--user (-u) <username> — For UNIX: (username) is the user account that has read
and write access to the shared folder. If omitted root user is used. For windows:
(DOMAIN\Username) is the user account that has read write access to the shared
folder. If omitted the local system user is used. This user account must have the Log
on as a Service Windows permissions enabled.
--path (-p) <path> — Path that is shared among the clusters
--multicast (-m) <multicast address> Sets the multicast address used by the cluster
application nodes to communicate with each other. All the application nodes in the
cluster must use the same multicast address
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--role (-r) <role> Define the role of the application in cluster. Possible values are
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
-platform (-p) — Includes platform version information
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
The DPA services must be running if you want to launch the DPA web console.
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--register (-r) <ESRS_IP address> — Registers the DPA Application with ESRS
--update (-u) <DPA_new_IP address> — Updates the ESRS gateway with a new DPA
server IP address
--deregister (-d) — Unregisters the DPA Application server from ESRS gateway
--ping (-p) <ESRS_IP address> — Pings to obtain the DPA Application server/node
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
C:\Program Files\EMC\DPA\services\bin>dpa app support --register
Command options
1.2 — Set the TLS protocol version for the DPA Application services to TLS version
protocol 1.2 only
1.0 — Set the TLS protocol version for the DPA Application services to TLS version
protocols 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
--help (-h) — Display help screen
--version — Display tool version information
--quiet — Display warnings and warnings and errors only
dpa app tls 1.2
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
-platform (-p) — Includes platform version information
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
After you start, stop, or restart a service, it may take a number of minutes to complete
and may not result in an immediate state change.
Command options
--bind <IP_address> — Set the bind address for the Datastore service. The default is
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--version — Displays the tool version information
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Note the following regarding Datastore password:
l Blank passwords are not supported.
l Minimum length is 9 characters.
l The following are required:
n A minimum of 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase alphabetic symbol
n A minimum of 1 numeric symbol
n A minimum of 1 special character
Command options
--pipeline — Export to pipe
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
The default filename of the export is: datastore-<version> <date and time>.
For example, datastore-6_2_0_90597-2014-10-01-1135.
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen --version — Displays the tool version information --
quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
dpa datstore logtz 'Europe/Moscow' Configures the DPA Datastore logs time
zone to Europe/Moscow
dpa datstore logtz DPA Datastore logs time zone to GMT
dpa datastore recreate [options]
Command options
--force (-f) — Override prompt that the current Datastore data is going to be
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--addSlave (-a) <hostname/IP of SLAVE> — Adds a Slave Datastore to a Master
-deleteSlave (-d) <hostname/IP of SLAVE> — Deletes a Slave Datastore from a
Master Datastore
--role (-r) MASTER — Redefines the role of Slave Datastore to Master Datastore
--role (-r) SLAVE <IP of MASTER> — Redefines the role of Master Datastore to
Slave Datastore
--failover — Initiates failover between Slave Datastore and Master Datastore
--import (-i) <import> — Initializes a SLAVE datastore with replica located in
specified directory
--export (-e) <export> — Produces a clone of the MASTER datastore to specified
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--connections (-c) <connections> — Maximum number of concurrent Datastore
connections allowed
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help (-h) — Displays the help screen
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
Command options
--help — Displays the help screen
--quiet — Suppresses all output except for warning and error messages
To commit the data to the DPA server, the installed agent must have previously
been started and successfully registered with the DPA Server. However, it need
not be currently running in order to load the historical data.
Each backup module has an equivalent executable in the installed Agent's bin
directory, <DPA_HOME>/emc/dpa/agent/bin directory, where <DPA_Home>
is the location of the DPA installation.
The following example collects backup job data run on an NetWorker server:
<install_dir>/agent/bin/dpaagent_modnetworker -c -f jobmonitor -t
NetWorkerServer_IP -B "01/01/2012 00:00:00" –E "01/01/2012 00:00:00"
Running the executable with the -? parameter shows the valid command line options.
Module options applicable to the request (eg. timeformat) may also need to be
specified explicitly on the command line in order to ensure consistent behaviour with
"normal" data collection. Specifically, in the case of the DataProtector jobmonitor
request, the occupancy option must be specified explicitly if you want historic data to
be included in occupancy calculations. The DPA Data Collection Reference Guide
provides more information on options. The “Job Monitor” section provides more
information on the occupancy option.
To load historical backup data, run the agent binary from the command line with the
following parameters: You should specifically use:
l -f <function name> — Name of data gathering function to execute. Always
jobmonitor. Mandatory.
l -t <target host> — Host address of backup application server. The default is
l -B <start time> — Start time from which to gather backup jobs. The format is
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:dd.
l -E <end time> — End time from which to gather backup jobs. The format is
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:dd.
The start and end times can also be in Unix epoch time format.
If <start time> is specified and <end time> is not, <end time> is set to the current
time. This includes all the backup jobs that ended after <start time>.
If <end time> is specified and <start time> is not, <start time> is set to 0. This
includes all the backup jobs that end before <end time>.
l -i — TSM instance name (TSM only).
l -l <log file name> - Name and path of the log file to generate when running the
command to load historical data.
The default log file location is the location from which the command is run.
l -U — Username to connect to the backup application (TSM and Avamar only).
l -P — Password to connect to the backup application (TSM and Avamar only).
l -c- Commit — Instructs the module to send the data to the DPA Server.
The following example collects backup job data run on an Avamar server:
While historical backup job data is loading using the agent command line options,
summary reports might display inaccurate totals. It is best to wait until all historical
job data is loaded before running summary reports for the loaded historical periods.
Step Description
Check licenses Check that the licenses to monitor your
device, host, or environment have been
purchased and installed.
Install the agent If you are monitoring the object from a host
other than the DPA server host, you need to
install the DPA agent. See DPA Agent
installation on page 52.
Install third-party binaries or define the object This step is required for remote or agentless
for monitoring (proxy) data collection.
You might need to install binaries on the DPA
host or the remote agent host to connect to
the monitored object. You also might need to
define an account or connection on the
monitored object.
The following sections describes the
prerequisite configuration for all objects:
l Configuring for Replication Analysis on
page 179
l Configuration of storage arrays for
replication analysis on page 182
l Monitoring of backup applications on
page 152
l Monitoring of Databases on page 165
l Monitoring of EMC RecoverPoint on page
l Monitoring operating systems on page
l Monitoring of tape libraries on page 193
l Monitoring of switches and I/O devices
on page 195
l Monitoring of file servers on page 181
l Monitoring of protection storage on page
l Monitoring of StorageTek ACSLS
Manager on page 193
l Monitoring of disk management servers
on page 185
l Monitoring of VMware environment on
page 196
Step Description
Create or modify the DPA credential A credential stores the information used to
connect to the monitored object. You might
need to modify the default credential or
create a new one with the account details
from the previous step.
Run the Discovery Wizard Use the Discovery Wizard to define objects to
be monitored. Select Inventory > System >
Run Discovery Wizard.
Modify data collection default settings Review the default retention times for all
requests and modify if required.
Data collection requests are assigned to the
object created by the Discovery Wizard. If you
want to modify the default data collection,
select Admin > Systems > Manage Data
Collection Defaults .
2. If you are performing discovery on a Linux host, ensure that the libstdc++.so.6
library is installed on the host.
3. Ensure that you take note of the connectivity details outlined in the following
Table 33 Connectivity details for configuring data collection through the Discovery Wizard
Hostname Value:
IP Address Value:
Table 33 Connectivity details for configuring data collection through the Discovery Wizard
Server Name/IP
Oracle Service Name and Port, specifically the Oracle SID and Value:
TNS port
PostgreSQL Credentials
Table 33 Connectivity details for configuring data collection through the Discovery Wizard
IBM TSM host, TSM Instance Name, TSM port and TSM Value:
username and password for each TSM instance is required
When DPA connects to the database, it uses the viewuser account to log in to the
database. Create new credentials in the Default Avamar Credentials in the DPA web
console from Admin > System > Manage Credentials as username / password get
reset on upgrade.
Before you start the Discovery Wizard, you need to know the resolvable hostname or
IP address of the Avamar server.
Before you start the Discovery Wizard, you need to know the resolvable hostname or
IP address of the NetWorker server.
You cannot assign the status request when monitoring the HP Data Protector server
remotely because it relies on a the omnisv command. The command is only available
on the Data Protector server.
If you are monitoring a Data Protector environment that uses the Manager of
Managers option, you must configure DPA as if monitoring a remote Data Protector
To monitor HP Data Protector remotely, you must install the HP Data Protector client
software on the agent’s host and configure the client on the Data Protector Cell
Manager so that it has permission to run reports. Monitoring HP Data Protector
remotely on page 157 provides information on testing connectivity from the agent
Ensure that you include the trailing backward slash (/) character in the path.
Platform Patch ID
Windows DPWIN_00417
Linux DPLNX_00077
Solaris DPSOL_00371
The patch is available for General Release from HP from www.hp.com. Type the patch
ID into the Search field of the HP home page. You are directed to the patch download
Option Description
EnableRestoreReportStats Enable extended restore session data
LogChangedProtection Log occupancy changed retention
Ensure that you set the Value for both options to 1 and selectIn Use for both.
3. Restart the HP Data Protector services with the omnisv command for the
changes to take effect.
3. Configure the client to have permissions to run reports on the Cell Manager.
First determine the user for which the Agent process will be running:
l On UNIX systems, the Agent always runs as the root user.
l On Windows systems, the Agent runs as the DPA Agent service user. To
verify the user for the service on a Windows system, launch the Windows
service control manager and view the details of the DPA Agentservice.
4. Create a user on the Cell Manager that matches the Agent’s username. Type
the name of the host in the user definition field.
5. Add the user to a Data Protector User Group that has Reporting and
Notifications and See Private Objects permissions.
Typically, this means adding the user to the admin group. However, to restrict a
user from inheriting other administrator privileges, create a new group with
Reporting and Notification and See Private Objects permissions and add the
user to that group.
6. Verify that remote authentication privileges are set up correctly by running the
following command from the Agent’s host:
If successful, this command returns a list of all the sessions that have run on the
Data Protector server during the time period specified. If an error indicating
insufficient permission to run reports appears, review the configuration settings
on the Data Protector server.
Because a TSM environment using EDT requires the agent to read from these files to
collect configuration data, the agent must be on the same server as the TSM server.
Monitoring of backup servers in a Symantec Cluster Server and Microsoft Cluster Server
This section provides configuration information for monitoring backup servers in
Symantec Cluster Server and Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) environments.
Supported platforms
l Symantec Cluster Server is supported on Linux and Solaris
l MSCS is supported on Windows
The EMC Data Protection Advisor Software Compatibility Guide provides more
information on supported platform versions.
2. Discover the virtual server of the cluster by using the DPA Discovery Wizard.
3. Collect data by using the remote Agent.
In this configuration if the server fails over, the cluster name always resolves and
provides the backup data.
Alternative procedure for monitoring backup applications configured as part of a
To monitor a backup application in a cluster environment as well as monitor the local
host resources
1. Install a local agent on each host in the cluster for host monitoring only.
2. Select one of the agents on the physical servers to monitor the virtual server.
Before starting the Discovery Wizard for monitoring Symantec Backup Exec
To monitor a Symantec Backup Exec backup server remotely, the agent must run as a
named user account rather than the Local System account. When installing the agent,
you are prompted to specify whether the agent runs using the Local System account
or as a named user.
The Backup Exec Credentials must use the username and password of a Windows
administrator account on the Backup Exec server.
Select Admin > System > Manage Credentials to modify the Backup Exec
Credentials that are created after you have used the Discovery Wizard to create a
Backup Exec object.
2. Restart NetBackup on the Master Server for the changes take effect.
Configuring NetBackup authentication for remote data collection on Windows
If the NetBackup Master Server is running on a Windows computer, add the name of
the agent host through the NetBackup Administration Console:
1. On the NetBackup Server, launch the NetBackup Administration Console and
open the Master Server Properties dialog box:
l Select Netbackup Management > Host Properties > Master Servers.
2. Double-click Host in the right-hand panel.
3. In Master Servers Properties, Servers field, type the name of the agent host
to the list of additional servers that are allowed to access the Master Server.
4. Click OK.
5. Restart the NetBackup services. Alternatively, reboot the machine to activate
the changes.
It is important that the line is inserted at the correct location in the file,
otherwise it might not take effect.
2. If the DPA agent is installed on the PureDisk server, add the following line to the
rules file (three columns separated by a tab):
This allows connections from the controller host to the DPA agent on port 3741
on the PureDisk server.
3. If the DPA agent is installed on a remote host, add the following line to the rules
file (three columns separated by a tab):
This allows connections from the agent host to the postgres database on port 10085
on the PureDisk server.
You can specify a single host or an entire subnet (by including a /mask), as in the
following example:
vi /data01/avamar/var/mc/server_data/postgres/data/
vi /data01/avamar/var/mc/server_data/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
host all all Agent_IP_Address/0 trust
RMAN without the use of NetWorker. The EMC Data Protection Advisor Software
Compatibility Guide provides information on supported databases.
If monitoring the Enterprise App for backing up Oracle RMAN, follow the procedure
provided in Monitoring of Oracle and Oracle RMAN on page 167.
If monitoring the Enterprise App for backing up Microsoft SQL Server, follow the
procedure provided in Monitoring of Microsoft SQL Server on page 166.
If monitoring the Enterprise App for backing up PostgreSQL, follow the procedure
provided in Monitoring of PostgreSQL on page 173.
If monitoring the Enterprise App for backing up SAP HANA, follow the procedure
provided in Monitoring of SAP HANA on page 174.
Monitoring of Databases
This section describes how to monitor databases.
Monitoring of DB2
A DB2 database can be monitored from an agent running on the same host as the DB2
server, or from an agent running on a different host, such as the DPA server. The DPA
Agent must be run on Windows or Linux.
Before starting the Discovery Wizard for monitoring Microsoft SQL Server
To connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication, the DPA agent must run as
a named user with MS-SQL access and not as the Local System Account. Verify that
the service is running as the correct user before proceeding with the configuration of
the database.
To monitor clustered SQL Server installations, set DPA to monitor it as a remote
target even if the DPA Agent is installed locally on a physical node of the cluster. The
target name should be set to the cluster alias name.
Ensure that the DPA Agent has read access to both the DPA Master and the MSDB
databases during the DPA discovery test, even if you do not select database
The VIEW SERVER STATE privilege is granted at the server level. The VIEW
DEFINITION privilege might be granted at the server level (under the name VIEW
ANY DEFINITION) or at the database, schema, or individual object level.
l Grant explicitly the EXECUTE permission of the system stored procedure
The library must be for the same platform as the DPA Agent. Example, if a 64- bit
Windows DPA agent is installed, then you must use the 64-bit Windows Oracle library.
1. Update the registry entry with the location of the Oracle instant client
a. Navigate to the folder where the Oracle client software is located.
b. Use regedit to manually edit the location of the Oracle instant client
Manually configuring DPA Agent to monitor Oracle database and Oracle RMAN
l To manually configure the DPA Agent to monitor Oracle RMAN:
On Windows, set the "HKLM/Software/EMC/DPA/Agent" registry of value type
REG_SZ as follows:
Value data: <directory containing the Oracle client libraries -
The registry key is created if you have selected the Oracle database to be monitored
option while installing the DPA Agent. If the registry key is not created, you must
create it manually.
l On UNIX, modify the dpa.config file
Ensure that you discuss RMAN licensing requirements with your EMC Account
Any user with the SYSDBA role will have these privileges by default, so we recommend
that you specify a user that has the SYSDBA role when configuring the database for
monitoring. If you do not want to use a user with the SYSDBA role to connect, then
you can create a separate user and explicitly grant permissions on those tables or
grant "create session" followed by SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE privilege, as the
following example shows:
The following information is required to get Oracle data from a cluster setup.
Any user with the SYSDBA role will have these privileges by default, so we recommend
that you specify a user that has the SYSDBA role when configuring the database for
monitoring. If you do not want to use a user with the SYSDBA role to connect, then
you can create a separate user and explicitly grant permissions on those tables or
grant "create session" followed by SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE privilege, as the
following example shows:
The following information is required to get Oracle data from a cluster setup.
Monitoring of PostgreSQL
A PostgreSQL database can be monitored from an agent running on the same host as
the PostgreSQL database or from an agent running on a different host, such as the
DPA server.
l log_directory
l log_filename
l preload_libraries
l unix_socket_directory
The following items are also unavailable unless you are connecting as a super user:
l In the datafile configuration table, the full path to the datafiles cannot be shown,
as the path of the file is found in the data_directory parameter. The string
(postgres data directory) is shown instead.
l In the connection status table, the f_command and f_status fields will not be
populated with the right information. These fields will be set to <insufficient
Connecting to the database as a super user populates all fields.
Monitoring of hosts
This section describes monitoring of hosts.
DPA provides two options during host discovery:
l Host System monitoring, to monitor configuration, performance, and status of the
operating system.
l Replication monitoring, to perform Storage Replication Analysis.
Module Description
Host Gathers basic information about the operating
system type.
# sudoers file.
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# See the sudoers man page for the details on how to write a
sudoers file.
# Host alias specification
# User alias specification
# Cmnd alias specification
# Defaults specification
# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
# Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
# Same thing without a password
# Samples
# %users ALL=/sbin/mount /cdrom,/sbin/umount /cdrom
# %users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now
user_alias ALL = (ALL) PASSWD: /var/tmp/IllumAgent/apolloreagent
# Defaults specification
# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
# Uncomment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
# Same thing without a password
# Samples
# %users ALL=/sbin/mount /cdrom,/sbin/umount /cdrom
# %users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now
7. Click Apply.
If WMI can connect, data from the application host is displayed.
Monitoring a Windows host remotely
All system information can be gathered remotely from a Windows computer with the
exception of Fibre Channel HBA information. To monitor a Windows computer
remotely, you must install an agent on another Windows computer. You cannot
remotely monitor a Windows computer from an agent running on a UNIX computer.
To monitor a Windows host from another Windows computer, the DPA agent service
must run as administrator on the computer performing the monitoring. Modifying the
login parameters of the agent service on page 178 provides more information.
Modifying the login parameters of the agent service
Checking if this is required. To modify the login parameters of the agent service:
1. Launch the Windows Services control manager: Start > Settings > Control
Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
2. Select the DPA Agent service.
Microsoft Exchange can only be monitored for replication analysis, and for system
information from the Exchange server host.
7. Click OK.
The DPA Credential used to connect to the EMC File Storage must contain the
username and password of the EMC File Storage administrator you created.
3. Create a text file with the following CLARiiON information by specifying one line
5. If the Base license of Solutions Enabler does not exist, copy the
ClarApiDiscovery executable file from the following directory to the Solutions
Enabler host:
C:\Program Files\EMC\DPA\services\agent\win-x86\policyimport-
l HP
l Linux
l Win32
6. Run the following command to confirm that the VNX/CLARiiON has been
7. If the VNX/CLARiiON appears in the list, you are ready to run the Discovery
Wizard in DPA and configure the VNX/CLARiiON.
Before starting the Discovery Wizard for monitoring EMC Data Domain
You must enable SNMP on port 161 and SSH on port 22 on the EMC Data Domain
backup appliance. You also need to set the SNMP community string. You can do this
from the command line.
Before you begin
l Ensure that you have user role rights to run SSH requests on the Data Domain
l Ensure that you have user admin privileges to run PCR (Physical Capacity
Reporting) for monitoring Data Domain OS 5.7 or higher.
1. Log on to the EMC Data Domain appliance console using the sysadmin account.
2. Type the following command to check the existing configuration:
snmp show ro-communities
snmp disable
snmp enable
If you are not using a community string of public, you must change the
community string used in the EMC Data Domain Credential.
You can also set SNMP settings through the System Settings tab of the EMC
Data Domain Enterprise Manager interface.
3. Edit the EMC DPA Data Domain SSH Credential to specify an SSH username
and password configured on the Data Domain device. Go to Admin > System >
Manage Credentials in the DPA web console.
This is required:
l to ensure configuration of SSH PCR data collection when monitoring Data
Domain OS 5.7 or higher.
n When the request runs, it gathers statistics for the command polling
period time, and then it creates the physical capacity measurement
schedule on the Data Domain. The Data Domain then gathers the
statistics. The statistics are gathered, collected, and sent to the DPA
server when the subsequent request runs. As a result the first time the
request runs no data is collected on the reports; data is collected and
reported only at the second run of the request. DPA postinstallation
steps on page 58 provides more information.
n The command polling period is rounded up to a full day times. The
command polling period value will be set to twice the polling period value
with the proviso that the command polling period will be at least 2 days'
time. For example, if the polling period is set to 24hours or less, DPA
gathers statistics for 2 days. If the polling period is set to 3 days, the
DPA gather statistics for 6 days.
l to get LUN information from Data Domain such as devices, device-groups,
pools, static-images, and access groups for ProtectPoint SnapVX Backup
and Recovery. Configuring DPA for ProtectPoint SnapVX Backup and
Recovery on page 192 provides information.
among other information.
The DataProcessor tool collects scan data from Data Domain, analyzes large amounts
of additional information in conjunction with client and backup job information already
stored in DPA, and sends the results back to DPA for reporting.
Before using the DataProcessor, you must have already discovered the EMC Data
Domain using the Discovery Wizard so that DPA knows about it. Additionally, to use
client aggregation reports, you need to have discovered and be monitoring the backup
clients you are interested in. To collect the data needed to support these new reports
download and save the DataProcessor onto a dedicated host. You should not run the
DataProcessor on DPA Application or Datastore hosts. Run the appropriate commands
to scan the EMC Data Domain and send the analysis results back to the DPA server.
The process is particularly CPU intensive, so we strongly recommend that you run it
on a dedicated host and that you run only the DataProcessor for client aggregation or
for file age depending on your needs. Only run both commands if you need to do so.
This is an occasional process designed to give you insight at a point in time. It does not
keep the data up to date. For example, if you require these reports monthly, you
should run the scanning tool and perform the analysis monthly.
l You must have user role rights to run primary SSH requests on the Data Domain
l Your DPA hosts meet the system requirements needed to run the commands
below. The Data Protection Advisor Software Compatibility Guide provides
l The dedicated host where you are going to run the DataProcessor can connect to
the DPA Application and to the Data Domain.
l The host on which you plan to run the DataProcessor tool has minimum of 100GB
of extra disk space. This is required for the resulting input files that are created by
running the DataProcessor. Your actual disk space requirement may be greater
than 100GB and depends on the number if entries in your Data Domain.
l You have a quiet time in which to run the DataProcessor as it will consume
significant resources on both the Data Domain and the DPA Application.
l If you have upgraded to the latest version of DPA and are running an earlier
version of the DataProcessor tool, delete all records in the ddup_status and
dd_analysis tables before you run the client aggregation and file age
commands. The procedure on Deleting duplicate rows in ddup_status and
ddup_analysis tables provides more information.
If you are upgrading to the latest version but you did not have a previous version
of the DataProcessor tool, and you are doing a fresh installation of the
DataProcessor tool, do not delete the records in ddup_status and dd_analysis
l The example commands in the procedure below that end in .bat are shown for
Windows. For UNIX/Linux implementation, the commands should end in .sh. For
n for Windows: dd_scanner.bat
n For Linux: dd_scanner.sh
The Data Domain DataProcessor tool package is not automatically upgraded with the
DPA binaries. If you upgrade DPA and a new version of the Data Domain
DataProcessor package is released, you must do a separate installation of the new
Data Domain DataProcessor package.
1. Download the Data Domain DataProcessor package.
On Windows, the package is DPA-Data-Processor-Windows-x86_64-
<version>.xxxxx.zip. On UNIX, the package is DPA-Data-Processor-Linux-
x86_64-<version>.xxxxx.tar.gz, where<version> is the DPA DataProcessor
version number and xxxxx is the build number. The Data Protection Advisor
Release Notes provides package location, version, and build information.
2. Extract the zip or tar.gz file to a folder on the dedicated host where you want to
run the DataProcessor tool.
3. On the DataProcessor tool host box, to go the /bin folder within installation
directory where you extracted the zip or tar.gz file.
4. To connect to the Data Domain and generate an input file for later analysis, run
dd_scanner.bat <datadomain host> <username>
where username is the Data Domain user with Admin role rights and datadomain
host is the name of the Data Domain object as it appears in the Inventory >
Object Library Storage tab.
l the input file is the gzip compressed text file that is generated by the
dd_scanner.bat command
l the dpa server is the server where the DataProcessor sends the data
l the dpa username is the username to log in to the DPA instance
The client aggregation command scans the information that was collected by
the previous dd_scanner command and sends client aggregation data to the
DPA server. The process auto-generates a folder with a name and datestamp of
when the dd_scanner command was run and when the input file was
** Client Aggregation **
** Version: 6.3.0. (12345) **
You must leave the window open while the processes are running. If the output
indicates a failed or skipped process, rerun the command starting with the failed
or skipped process number. For example: \bin>client_aggregation.bat
\data\incoming\lxxxx111_lxx_emc_com_1401414141.scan administrator 3
8. To analyze the input file for file age data to run the Data Domain File
Distribution By Count and Data Domain File Distribution By Size reports, run:
file_age.bat <input file> <dpa server> <dpa username>.
l the input file is the gzip compressed text file that is generated by the
dd_scanner.bat command
l the dpa server is the server where the DataProcessor sends the data
l the dpa username is the username to log in to the DPA instance
You must leave the window open while the processes are running. If the output
indicates failed or skipped process, rerun the command starting with the failed
or skipped process number.
The client aggregation and file age data is available in the DPA server. DPA can report
on client aggregation and file age data for Avamar, NetWorker, NetBackup, and Oracle
After you finish
Before you can run any reports, you must assign the Data Domain Analysis request to
each Data Domain node on which you want to run these reports. This makes the
appropriate reports become available in the report menus.
required to get LUN information from Data Domain such as devices, device-
groups, pools, static-images, and access groups.
Before starting the Discovery Wizard for Monitoring StorageTek ACSLS Manager
The agent must be installed and running on the StorageTek ACSLS Manager server
that you want to monitor.
After installing the agent, verify that the ACS_HOME value in the DPA.config file
matches the location in which ACSLS is installed. Verify that the ACSDBDIR value in
the DPA.config file matches the path to the ACSLS DB folder (the default is export/
home/ACSDB 1.0).
Monitoring the Oracle SL24 Tape Autoloader and SL48 tape library
Configure the Remote Management Interface (RMI) to enable SNMP for the Oracle
StorageTek SL24 Tape Autoloader or SL48 Tape Library. To enable SNMP:
1. In the RMI, navigate to Configuration > Network.
2. Ensure the SNMP Enabled checkbox is enabled.
3. The Community Name string must be contained in the credentials used to
connect to this Tape Library in DPA.
4. Click Submit and review the changes.
Before starting the Discovery Wizard for monitoring Fibre Channel switches
To ensure that Brocade switches return all data, verify that the Fibre Channel Alliance
MIB is loaded and enabled on the switch. This MIB might not be installed on the switch
by default. To enable FA-MIB support on Brocade switches, log in as an administrator
and run the snmpmibcapset command. Change the FA-MIB parameter to Yes. Click
Enter to accept the default for the other settings.
For example:
telnet <switch>
> snmpmibcapset
The SNMP Mib/Trap Capability has been set to support
FA-MIB (yes, y, no, n): [yes]
SW-TRAP (yes, y, no, n): [enter]
FA-TRAP (yes, y, no, n): [enter]
SW-EXTTRAP (yes, y, no, n): [enter]
Monitoring of IP switches
When you are specifying a hostname, ensure the name of the switch is resolvable on
the agent’s host.
Before starting the Discovery Wizard for monitoring Xsigo I/O Director
The Xsigo Director SNMP credentials must contain the SNMP community string for
the Director in the Password field of the Credential. Unless the community string was
modified on the Director, set the community string to public.
Select Admin > System > Manage Credentials to modify the default Xsigo Director
SNMP Credentials if required, or to create a new credential.
Virtualization management
This section describes how to monitor a virtualized environment.
group. You can change and add groups for the virtual machines to appear. Go
to Admin > System > Discovery Wizard > Destination Group.
l The final screen of the vCenter Discovery Wizard displays a summary of options
selected. If you click Finish, it adds the objects to DPA and enables monitoring
options selected.
1. Select Inventory > Object search .
2. Type the search criteria:
l In the Name field, type the object name. For example, hostname, application
name, switch name.
l In the Types field, select the object type. You can choose top-level object
types, like Host and Switch; Backup Server, Backup Client, Backup Pool
under Backup Application; and all Application object types.
l In the Groups field, select the object group or Smart Group.
l In the Groups field, select Not In if you would like to search for objects that
are not included in a group, including Smart Groups. Note that In is selected
by default.
l In the Requests field, filter by request. If you want to search by requests
not assigned, select Not Assigned. Note that Assigned is selected by
l In the Agent field, select the Agent from the Data Collection Agent.
l In the Attributes field, select the attribute. In the Select Attributes dialog,
if you want to search by attributes not assigned, select Not Assigned. Note
that Assigned is selected by default. If you select Not Assigned, the Value
and Clear columns are disabled.
Note the following regarding search for Backup Client, Backup Pool under
Backup Application:
l The Requests and Agent search options are not available with the search
for backup clients and pools.
l Data Collection requests and assignments are not available on results of
backup clients and pools searches.
The Types and Groups fields are organized the same as within the Report
Scope Configuration tree. If you enter multiple search criteria, they are joined
by AND.
3. Click Search.
The search displays up to 500 items. To limit the number of items below 500,
restrict your search criteria.
Viewing objects
Select Inventory > Object Library .
3. To edit the attributes for the selected objects, select the check boxes next to
the Name column and then click OK.
A group is a collection of objects. For example, you can create a group of objects that
are used by an application. This way, when you apply a policy to the group, the policy
is applied to all of the objects within the group.
Configuration group
The Configuration group is created by default. The Configuration group is created with
an initial structure that groups the data protection environment into Servers,
Switches, and Storage. All data protection hosts, devices, and applications discovered
by the Discovery Wizard are first added to the Configuration group. Objects that are
removed from the Configuration group are not deleted. Objects removed from
Configuration group appear under Objects Not In Groups..
Creating groups
1. Go to Inventory > Group Management.
2. In the object inventory, select Groups and click Create Group.
3. Type a name for the new group.
4. From the object inventory, select the host or group of hosts that you would like
to be in the group.
5. Copy and paste the hosts into the new group you have created.
Ensure that you do not cut or delete the hosts from their original object
inventory location.
Groups 199
Environment discovery in DPA
Object attributes
Object attributes extend the information that DPA holds about an object. After a
custom attribute is created, the attribute can be enabled for any valid objects as per
custom attribute settings and a value can be assigned.
When creating or editing an object, attributes are filtered to be associated with one or
more specific types of objects, and only to objects with an existing attribute that
matches a given value.
For example, an Asset Tag attribute might be created to represent an asset identifier
for the physical components of an operating environment (such as hosts, storage
arrays, and switches). The Asset Tag attribute need not be assignable to logical
components like database instances or processes.
In the attribute definition, the Asset Tag is configured to be associated with a subset
of physical object types. You can further configure this attribute to only be associated
with physical object types that have an attribute of Business Unit, for example.
Smart Groups
Smart Groups allow users with administrative privileges to create groups that are
populated dynamically with information from the results of DPA reports. A Smart
Group runs a custom report and then creates objects based on the results of the
The main benefit of Smart Groups is that they provide high levels of flexibility.
Administrators can set up Smart Groups to dynamically create lists of objects that
match specific business and technical criteria.
You can assign chargeback and data protection policies to either the Smart Group or
to the child objects returned, and see when the structure was last refreshed or
generated. By default, the Smart Group generates daily. Additionally, because
hierarchical groups can integrate with external data sources, you can create a single
l You can only gather historical backup from the JobMonitor requests.
1. In the web console, select Inventory > Group Management.
2. In the configuration tree, select the application object for which you'd like to
gather historical backup data.
The application object Details window opens.
3. In the host details window, select the Data Collection tab.
4. In Data Collection, select the JobMonitor request.
5. Right-click Run and select Gather historical data.
6. In the Gather historical data window, click OK.
The same credentials and data options are available as for the request itself.
7. Click Close to the a dialog box that appears confirming that DPA is gathering
the historical backup data.
8. Click History to view collected tests. The rows highlighted in orange indicate
results from a historical backup gather.
Data Protection Advisor policies are a collection of user data about how backup and
replication should operate in the environment (recoverability and data protection
policies) or about the cost of storage and data protection operations (chargeback
Recoverability, backup, and service level management reports then show how the
operations in the environment compare to the policy settings, for example, gaps in the
recoverability chain for a storage array, or if a backup server is not meeting a
Recovery Point Objective.
DPA provides the following policy types:
l Analysis policies - are a collection of one or more rules that are used primarily for
generating alerts. Alerts are displayed by default in the Advisor section. You can
edit the policy to send events to emails, scripts, SNMP traps, or Windows Event
Logs. Policies and generating events on page 231 provides more information.
l Protection policies - are a collection of user data about how backup and replication
should operate in the environment. These policies consist of recoverability and
protection rules. These are used primarily for generating alerts. Alerts are
displayed by default in Alerts and in the Replication Analysis of the Advisor section.
l Chargeback policies - are used to determine the cost of storage and data
protection operations for chargeback reports.
By default, analysis, protection, and chargeback policies are off for all objects and
Analysis policies
An analysis policy is a collection of one or more rules that is assigned to an object or
group. Rules contain the logic for when to issue an alert. The analysis engine compares
monitored data to the conditions in a rule, and triggers alerts when a rule is matched.
Event-based rules trigger an alert in response to data that is streaming into the DPA
server. Schedule-based rules periodically compare data in the DPA Datastore against
rules to detect a match. Alerts can contain dynamic textual information and might
include populated links to reports. Only analysis policies can generate alerts.
Policies 205
Environment discovery in DPA
There is an existing system template rule called Backup Failed, which you can
edit if you like. This example shows you how to create it from scratch.
3. In the Category field, select the relevant category from the dropdown that best
fits the rule you are setting.
For example, Data Protection.
In this case, Data Protection is the most appropriate category because you
want to alert on data that is not protected.
4. Configure the object type. For this example, we want to alert on backups that
have failed on each backup client, so we select the Backupjob object.
a. In Object Type, click Select.
The Select Object Types window opens.
b. Expand Backup Applications, expand the BackupClient object, and then
select Backupjob from the Select Object Type list and click Select Object
You can use the filter function to easily find the object you would like to
monitor on.
The object type you select depends on the scenario on which you want to
trigger the alert.
5. Configure the alert trigger. For this example, we want to look only at failed jobs,
so we select the trigger and set conditions filters to find only failed jobs:
a. In Alert Trigger, click Select.
The Select Alert Trigger window opens.
b. Select Conditions Filter radio button and then click Select and Edit Filter.
The Edit Filter window opens.
c. Click Select Attribute.
The Select Attribute window opens.
d. Ensure that the Attribute radio button is selected and click Browse.
The Browse Attributes window opens.
e. From the Backupjob Category select the row with the AttributeName
Status, click Select Attribute and click OK.
You can use the filter function to easily find the category and Attributename
you would like.
Policies 207
Environment discovery in DPA
4. Configure the object type. For this example, we want to alert on Agents that
have gone down, so we select the AgentStatus.
a. In Object Type, click Select.
The Select Object Types window opens.
b. Expand the Host object, and then select AgentStatus from the Select
Object Type list and click Select Object Type.
You can use the filter function to easily find the object you would like to
monitor on.
The object type you select depends on the scenario on which you want to
trigger the alert.
5. Configure the alert trigger. For this example, we want to look only at production
Agents that have gone down, so we select the trigger and set conditions filters
to find only Agents that are down:
a. In Alert Trigger, click Select.
The Select Alert Trigger window opens.
b. Select Event/Data Collection Did Not Occurr radio button and then click
Select and Edit Alert Trigger.
The Edit Alert Trigger window opens.
c. For option 1, Select what you want to monitor, select the radio buttons for
Event did not occur and AgentStatus.
d. For option 2, select the radio button next to Keep Generating.
e. For option 3, if you want to specify a type of hostname with a naming
convention, for example, prod for production, select Edit Conditions Filter
radio button and then click Select Attribute.
f. Ensure that Attribute radio button is selected for Value Type field and click
Browse for the Attribute field.
g. In Browse Attributes, select the name attribute and then click OK.
h. Click Select Operator and set a value of Contains and click OK.
i. Click Select Value, select the Static Value radio button, in the Value field
type prod and click OK.
j. Click OK in the Edit Filter window.
k. For option 4, select the radio button next to Time Period and select Static
Valuefrom the drop down and select 1 from the number dropdown and
hours from the time period dropdown, and then click OK.
The scenario for which you are configuring the alert affects how you configure
and how, if at all, you further filter rule alert trigger.
6. Configure the alert:
a. In Alert, click Select.
The Edit Alert window opens.
b. In the Alert Fields tab, select the severity from the dropdown.
c. In the Description & Resolution tab, configure any description and
resolution information you want to be sent with the alert.
Policies 209
Environment discovery in DPA
You can enter a condition description as well, if you like. This is optional.
3. In the Category field, select the relevant category from the dropdown that best
fits the rule you are setting.
For example, Configuration.
4. Configure the object type. For this example, we want to alert on new RMAN
backup client instances, so we select the OracleRMANBackupclient object.
a. In Object Type, click Select.
The Select Object Types window opens.
b. Expand Host, expand the Applications and Databases, expand the Oracle
Application, and then select OracleRMANBackupclient from the Select
Object Type list and click Select Object Type.
You can use the filter function to easily find the object you would like to
monitor on.
The object type you select depends on the scenario on which you want to
trigger the alert.
5. Configure the alert trigger. For this example, we want to look only at newly
created objects, so we select the trigger and set conditions filters to find only
inventory changes:
a. In Alert Trigger, click Select.
The Select Alert Trigger window opens.
b. Select Inventory changes radio button and then click Select and Edit
The Edit Alert Trigger - inventory Change window opens.
c. In option 1 Select operations to monitor, ensure that Created is selected,
and then click OK.
The scenario for which you are configuring the alert affects how you configure
and how, if at all, you further filter rule alert trigger.
There is an existing system template rule called Backup Failed, which you can
edit if you like. This example shows you how to create it from scratch.
3. In the Category field, select the relevant category from the dropdown that best
fits the rule you are setting.
For example, Resource Utilization.
4. Configure the object type. For this example, we want to alert Avamar backup
servers, so we select the Backup Application object.
a. In Object Type, click Select.
The Select Object Types window opens.
b. Expand Backup Applications, expand the Backup Server, and then select
Backup Application from the Select Object Type list and click Select
Object Type.
You can use the filter function to easily find the object you would like to
monitor on.
The object type you select depends on the scenario on which you want to
trigger the alert.
5. Configure the alert trigger. For this example, we want to look only at particular
backup servers reaching a target utilization within a certain period, so we select
the trigger and set conditions filters to find only predictive behaviour:
a. In Alert Trigger, click Select.
The Select Alert Trigger window opens.
Policies 211
Environment discovery in DPA
b. Select Predictive Time radio button and then click Select and Edit Filter.
The Edit Filter window opens.
c. For option 1, Select attribute to predict, click Browse.
The Select Attribute window opens.
d. From the BackupApplication Object Type select the row with the
AttributeName Utilisation, click Select Attribute and click OK.
You can use the filter function to easily find the category and Attributename
you would like.
e. For option 2, Set threshold, select Static Value and type or scroll up to 90 .
f. For option 3, Specify when to send alert, select Static Value and select 1
and Days from the dropdowns.
g. Skip option 4; there are no conditions filters for this example.
h. For option 5, Select prediction method, leave the default selection.
i. Click OK .
The scenario for which you are configuring the alert affects how you configure
and how, if at all, you further filter rule alert trigger.
6. Configure the alert:
a. In Alert, click Select.
The Edit Alert window opens.
b. In the Alert Fields tab, select the severity from the dropdown.
c. In the Description & Resolution tab, configure any description and
resolution information you want to be sent with the alert.
d. In the Associated Reports tab, select a system template report or create a
custom report that you would like to be generated upon the alert.
7. Click one of the save options.
There is an existing system template rule called Backup Failed, which you can
edit if you like. This example shows you how to create it from scratch.
The object type you select depends on the scenario on which you want to
trigger the alert.
6. Configure the options.
a. In Number of Alerts, select the options that best suits your needs.
If you select Generate a separate alert for each row, DPA sends a different
alert for each client. This information is useful because it is granular.
However, if you are alerting on a lot of clients you may receive a lot of alerts.
If you select Generate one alert for all rows, DPA sends an alert for top-
level nodes. This is useful if you want fewer alerts because you have a lot of
clients; however, the information is less granular.
b. In Default settings, click Select Schedule and select one of the Manage
Schedule options or click Create Schedule to create your own schedule that
defines when the rule will run.
We do not recommend selecting Always from among the Manage Schedule
options because this option overloads the server.
c. Ensure that you review the time period selection and either leave the default
selection or change the selection.
d. Click OK.
7. Configure the alert:
a. In Alert, click Select.
The Edit Alert window opens.
b. In the Alert Fields tab, select the severity from the dropdown.
c. In the Description & Resolution tab, configure any description and
resolution information you want to be sent with the alert.
d. In the Associated Reports tab, select a system template report or create a
custom report that you want to be generated upon the alert.
e. In the Rule Objects tab, ensure that you select the Object Type and select
Name Field and Sub Name Field from the dropdowns.
8. Click one of the save options.
Policies 213
Environment discovery in DPA
Running out of backup client Generates alerts if the license Maximum client licenses - 25
licenses only permits you to monitor
less than an additional 25
Storage pool is filling Up Alerts when according to the Minimum Free Space Allowed
growing trend there will not -0
Days to Forecast - 90
Storage pool is filled up Alerts when there is no space Initial Consumed Capacity - 3
on the pool to physically
allocate a new LUN.
Storage Array is Filling Up Alerts when there is no space Initial Consumed Capacity - 2
left to allocate a new LUN on
the pool and there are no free
disks available on the storage
Empty tapes running low Generates alerts if there will Maximum Predicted Count - 0
be no empty tapes available in Number of hours to forecast -
a tape pool within 6 weeks. 1008
TSM Database filling up Generates an alert if the TSM Number of Hours to Forecast
Database is predicted to - 336
reach 100% usage within 2 Maximum Predicted
weeks. Utilization - 100
TSM Database utilization high Generates an alert if the TSM Number of Hours to Forecast
Recovery log is predicted to - 336
reach 100% usage within 2 Maximum Predicted
weeks. Utilization - 100
Change management
Change management analysis policies alert about changes in the environment. The
following table describes these jobs.
Policies 215
Environment discovery in DPA
The configuration analysis policies monitor the environment for device or application
configuration issues. The following table describes these jobs.
Table 39 Configuration
Data protection
The data protection analysis policies monitor the environment for exceptions related
to backup and recovery issues. The following table describes the monitored jobs.
Application recovery point Alert if an application has not Recovery point objective - 72
objective missed had a successful backup in hours
more than 72 hours.
Backup larger than average Generates an Alert if a backup Days of history - 14 days
Job is double its size of its Deviation - 100%
average size over the last 14
Backup not occurred for Alert is generated if a host Maximum days not backed up
many days has not had a backup in the -3
last 3 days.
Policies 217
Environment discovery in DPA
Full backup smaller than Generates alerts if a Full Days of History - 14 days
average backup is less than 50% of its Deviation - 50%
usual size.
Full backup not occurred for Generates alerts if a host has Maximum Days Not Backed
many days not had a successful full Up - 14
backup in the last 14 days.
Too many backups without a Generates alerts if there have Maximum Non Fulls - 7
full been more than seven runs of
a backup Job since the last
Full backup.
The licensing analysis policies monitor the environment and generate alerts about
licensing issues. The following table describes these policies in more detail.
Table 41 Licensing
License nearing expiration Generates an alert if a license Minimum days before expiry -
will expire in the next week. defaults to 7 days
The performance analysis policies monitor the environment and generate performance
problem alerts. The following table describes these jobs in detail.
Table 42 Performance
Fileserver cache hit rate low Generates alerts if the cache Minimum cache hit rate -
hit rate of a fileserver drops 80%
below 80%.
Full backup succeeded but Generates an alert if a full Minimum expected speed -
slow backup ran at less than 300 300 KB/sec
The provisioning analysis policies generate alerts about events that might require
provisioning operations. The following table describes the jobs.
Table 43 Provisioning
Recoverability analysis policies alert about Recoverability. The following table
describes these jobs.
Table 44 Recoverability
Policies 219
Environment discovery in DPA
DR Host Visibility Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Continuous SRDF/S recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
DR Host Visibility Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Point in Time SRDF/S recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
Consistency Group Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Continuous SRDF/A recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
Consistency Group Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Point in Time SRDF/A recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
Consistency Group Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Continuous SRDF-S/EDP recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
Consistency Group Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Point in Time SRDF-S/EDP recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
Consistency Group Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Continuous SRDF-A/EDP recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
Consistency Group Check for Check that the devices of the N/A
Point in Time SRDF-A/EDP recovery-point are configured
in the same consistency group
and that the consistency
group is enabled
Policies 221
Environment discovery in DPA
Not all the devices are part of The device is not part of a N/A
a replication group Replication group
Resource utilization
Resource utilization analysis policies generate alerts about events that have occurred
because of resource utilization problems within the environment. The following table
describes these jobs in detail.
Policies 223
Environment discovery in DPA
File system file utilization high Generates an alert if the Maximum file system file
number of files on a file utilization - 90%
system is greater than 90% of
the max number allowed.
File system utilization high Generates alerts if a file Maximum file system
and increasing system utilization is above utilization - defaults to 90%
90% and is increasing.
RecoverPoint Replication Lag Generates an alert if the Time Lag Warning threshold
High replication time or data lag is Time Lag Critical Threshold
above a specified warning or
Data Lag Warning threshold
critical level.
Data Lag Critical Threshold
TSM Database Utilization Generates an alert if the TSM Maximum Database Utilization
High Database utilization exceeds - 90%
TSM Recovery Log Utilization Generates an alert if the TSM Maximum Recovery Log
High Database utilization exceeds Utilization - 90%
Status category analysis policies generate alerts when there is concern of the current
status of a monitored device or application match. The following table describes status
Table 47 Status
CG Copy for VMs link CG Copy of CG Copy for VMs link Entity; CgCopyStatus
down RecoverPoint for VMs down
Condition "enabled is
is enabled and the link
false (or 0- please
is down.
fields: data transfers
not "Active"
Policies 225
Environment discovery in DPA
Less than 75% of Generates an alert if Less than x% of Lowest backup device
Backup Devices less than 75% of the backup devices availability - defaults
Available backup devices on a available to 75%
backup server are Up.
More Than 3 Backup Generates an alert if Many backup devices Maximum number of
Devices Unavailable there are more than 3 unavailable downed devices - 3
backup devices on a
backup server Down.
Tape Drive Not Okay Generates an alert if a Tape drive not okay N/A
tape drive is reporting
a status other than
Waiting For Writable Generates an alert if a Waiting for writable Maximum outstanding
Tapes For More Than backup server has devices devices - defaults to 0
30 Minutes been waiting more Minutes before
than 30 minutes for a alerting - defaults to
writable tape. 30 minutes
Xsigo Fan Less Than Generates an alert if Xsigo Fan Speed Less Percentage to Check
90% of Normal Speed the speed of a fan on than Expected - defaults to 90%.
a Xsigo Director falls
below 90% of the
normal speed.
The troubleshooting analysis policies provide help for troubleshooting problems with
the environment. The following table describes these jobs.
Table 48 Troubleshooting
Backup job failed due to high Generate an alert if a backup Maximum processor
client CPU utilization failed on a client, while the utilization - defaults to 90%
CPU utilization on the
computer was greater than
Backup job failed due to high Generates an alert if a backup Maximum memory utilization -
client memory utilization failed on a client whilst the defaults to 90
memory utilization on that
client was greater than 90%.
Policies 227
Environment discovery in DPA
Disk failed for a number of Generates an alert if a disk is Maximum failure time -
hours in a failed state for more than defaults to 48 hours
48 hours. Applicable to Linux
and Solaris.
Fibre Channel port reporting Generates an alert if more Maximum percentage errors -
more than x% errors than 1% of all frames going defaults to 1%
through a Fibre Channel port
have errors.
Tape drive reporting errors. Generates an alert if there is Include Recoverable Errors -
an increase in the number of defaults to False
errors seen on a tape drive.
Protection policies
Protection policies are used to define service level agreements and exposure reporting
to calculate whether a backup ran in its backup window and to calculate whether an
application or host is meeting its recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point
objective (RPO). Protection policies also determine how an application, host, or
device should be replicated or backed up. Policies are assigned to objects and consist
of a set of rules that dictate:
l For replication: the type of copy, the replication level, and the schedule.
l For backups: the level of backup and the schedule.
DPA reports then compare the protection policy for an object to the actual replication
or backup taking place to display the level of compliance with policy.
Recoverability checks
Recoverability checks are additional consistency checks that DPA performs on an
environment, if you configure recoverability analysis. A recoverability check verifies
that the storage and recoverability environment is configured to a user’s particular
requirement; for example, disaster recovery.
If you enable a recoverability check and DPA detects an inconsistency, a recoverability
check generates an exposure just like an exposure generated by a Protection Policy
breach or a Recoverability request. Recoverability check exposures are displayed in
the Replication Analysis area and the Exposure reports.
There are three system recoverability checks that identify gaps, as described in the
following table.
Consistent Device Replication Check Checks whether the consistency option was
used when the images were created, when
applicable. This is a best practice check. If the
consistency option was not used, then a
Consistency Violation gap is generated for the
recovery point.
Chargeback policies
Chargeback reports provide the ability to perform a financial cost analysis for
backups, restores, and data protection replication operations in a customer’s
environment. DPA calculates a cost for each backup client and can charged back to
the business unit that is responsible for that client or set of clients.
DPA calculates chargeback using two models: one for data backup and restore, and
one for the protection and replication of storage data by EMC RecoverPoint. DPA
calculates chargeback for clients based on the inputs for each type.
Backup chargeback
DPA breaks out backup chargeback by cost per GB backed up and other backup costs.
Cost Per GB Backed Up uses the following inputs:
l Base Size - Baseline backup size in GB for base costing.
l Base Cost - Total cost for backup up to the base size specified.
l Cost of Each Additional GB - Additional cost per GB for backups greater than the
base size.
Policies 229
Environment discovery in DPA
DPA derives other Backup Costs from the Chargeback Policy and uses the following
l Cost Per Backup - the cost per backup (derived from the chargeback policy).
l Cost per GB Retained - the cost per gigabyte stored (derived from the chargeback
l Cost Per Restores - the cost per restore (derived from the chargeback policy).
l Cost per GB Restored - the cost per gigabyte restored (derived from the
chargeback policy).
l Cost Per Tape - the cost per tape used for backup (derived from the chargeback
Storage chargeback
DPA breaks out storage chargeback by cost per GB stored, cost per GB replicated,
and snaps.
Cost Per GB Stored uses the following inputs:
l Cost Based On - chargeback calculated on either storage used or storage
l Base Size - Amount of base storage space allocated in GB.
l Base Cost - A one-off price for the base size.
l Cost of Each Additional GB - the price per GB after base size is exceeded.
Cost Per GB Replicated uses the following inputs:
l Base Size - Amount of base storage space allocated in GB.
l Base Cost - A one-off price for the base size.
l Cost of Each Additional GB - the price per GB after base size is exceeded.
Snaps uses the following inputs:
l Cost Per GB - the price per GB.
A Chargeback Policy allows you to specify a value for each of these parameters. DPA
calculates the total cost for a client by adding each of the different cost elements. For
example, if you want to implement a chargeback model where you charge $5 for each
backup that took place and $0.20 for each GB that was backed up, then you can
specify values for these fields in the chargeback policy but not specify values for the
other parameters.
You assign a backup client objects a cost center, which allows DPA to calculate
Chargeback costs by cost center. A default cost center exists for objects that have
not been assigned a cost center.
You can create multiple chargeback policies, and different clients or groups of clients
can have different policies assigned to them. For example, if you wanted to calculate
the chargeback cost for one group of backup clients based on the number of backups
performed and another group based on the number of tapes used during the backup
process, you can create two chargeback policies and associate them with each group
of clients.
Parameter Description
Node Name of the node to which the alert applies.
First occurrence Timestamp that details the time that this alert
first occurred.
Last occurrence Timestamp that details the time that this alert
last occurred.
The following table describes the arguments that are passed to a script in an alert
Argument Description
$1 Event node.
$2 Event message.
$8 Last occurrence.
$9 Count.
Argument Description
$10 Category.
If you are running a script in a UNIX environment, you must enclose parameters with 2
digits in curly brackets: {xx}. For example, $ {11}.
Rule Template
A rule is the set of instructions that the DPA Analysis Engine uses to determine
whether a condition has been met and if an alert is generated. For example, the file
system filling up rule contains the set of rules to determine if any file systems will
exceed the threshold at a certain point in the future.
An Analysis job uses a rule to perform analysis and alerting based on information within
the DPA database. When DPA is installed, a number of pre-defined rules are installed
that can monitor for common problems that might occur in the environment. You can
use these rules as the basis for implementing an analysis policy. DPA provides a rules
editor that you can use to create entirely new rules.
The term rule template is used to differentiate the rule definition from the rule
instance. The rule template defines the rule's logic. When a rule template is added to
an analysis policy, it becomes a rule instance (or a rule) that the Analysis Engine will
run. Also, when rule templates are added to a policy, users can specify the values for
any parameters. This allows rules to be reused by different policies.
For example
A Tier 1 policy might generate an alert when disk space is 80% utilized. A Tier 2 policy
can generate an alert when disk space is 90% utilized. This can be handled with the
same rule template that uses a parameter for utilization.
Policy application
You can apply policies directly to a group or an object. Policies that are applied directly
to an object always take precedence. When you set a policy at the group level, objects
in the group that do not have their own policies, they inherit the group's policy. The
best practice is to apply the policy at the highest group level. Policies cannot be
applied to Smart Groups.
If an object is moved from one group to another group, the most recently applied
policy is implemented. For example, if you move an object from Group A to Group B,
the object inherits the policy of Group B.
An administrator or any user with the Edit Node privileges can apply a policy to a
group or object.
When uninstalling the DPA Datastore, a warning indicating that the uninstaller will
remove the features that were installed during product installation appears indicating
that the database will be removed.
Agent-only uninstallation
You cannot uninstall only the Agent from the DPA Application server or Datastore
server installation.
If you would like to upgrade the DPA Agent, upgrade the Agent only on the existing
DPA Application server or Datastore server installation. Upgrades on page 63 provides
information on carrying out upgrades.
Troubleshooting 237
Installation troubleshooting
DPA Agent does not restart or register after DPA Server password change
If the DPA Agent does not restart or register after the DPA Server password was
changed during installation, it could be because the Agent password on the DPA
Server has been changed and the password on the DPA Agent has not been changed
to match it.
To get the DPA Agent to restart or register, set the password on the Agent to the
same value as is set on the DPA Server. Installing the DPA agent provides information.
Log files
Log files provide important information when troubleshooting problems.
The following section describes the log file locations for a standard DPA installation. If
the default installation directory was changed during installation, the location of the
log directory will be different.
By default, logs contain warnings and error and informational messages. These may
not provide enough information when troubleshooting complex problems.
Running a DPA Agent request in debug mode using DPA web console
The DPA Agent request in debug mode, also sometimes called a modtest, is a support
tool. If you are encountering problems with a Data Collection Defaults, an EMC
Technical Support Engineer may ask you to run the Agent request debug mode from
the DPA web console. You can run DPA Agent request in debug mode, download the
zip file directly from the DPA web console with no need of going to DPA Server to
retrieve the zip file, and send the zip file for analysis. The Agent request debug mode
runs the selected request and retrieves the output and the log messages, in debug log
level, and by default stores that report xml as a zip file to the following location:
<DPA_HOME>\services\shared\modtests, where <DPA_HOME> is the location
of the DPA installation.
Consider the following when running DPA Agent request in debug mode using DPA
web console:
l The test cannot be run if the Collection Request is disabled.
l The test cannot be run if the Collection Request isn’t applicable on the object.
l If you are running Google Chrome: you should change the default security setting
for the URL to low:
Go to Trusted Sites, add the URL to Trusted Sites list, and set security to low.
1. In the web console, select Inventory > Object Library.
2. In the Object Library, select the DPA server under All hosts.
3. In the host details window, select the Data Collection > tab.
4. In Data Collection, select the Request.
5. Right-click Run and select Run in Debug.
6. In the Run in Debug - host/status window, select credentials and data options.
7. Click Close to the a dialog box that appears confirming that the test is running.
8. Click History to view collected tests. The rows highlighted in orange indicate
results from a DPA Agent request in debug mode.
9. Click the test result. If a Windows Security Login appears, enter your DPA
server credentials and click OK.
10. To access the successfully collected tests, go to <DPA_HOME>\services
If you are on a remote web browser, you can download a link which allows you
to transfer the zip to your machine (where the browser is) if you look at the
history for the request and click on the orange modtest line.
5. Select Inventory > Object Library > [select node] > Data Collection and then
select History.
Alternatively, run a Agent History report.
6. Rerun the request to confirm that data is not being gathered.
7. Select System Settings > Log Leveland set to Info.
8. Make a copy of the log for submission to EMC Support.
Problem Solutions
Client discovery fails: No authentication l Create a credential in DPA (Admin >
defined, or unable to log in. System > Manage Credentials) and assign
it to the client.
l Check that the username and password
supplied with the credential is able to
connect the client.
Problem Solutions
Client Discovery fails: Failed to connect to l Check that the username and password
client using RPC, or a specified logon session supplied with the credential is able to
does not exist. connect the client.
l Ensure you supplied the username along
with the domain name: <domain>
\<username > for remote computers,
<computer name>\<username> for local
computers. In most cases localhost
\<username> can be used.
l Check if the host is accessible from the
DPA server using the admin share: \
l If the error exists after you tried all the
preceding actions, change the Log on as
value for the DPA server service from
local system to any other user with
administrator privileges. A local
administrator also can be set.
Client Discovery failed: Failed to connect to l Check if the client's Name, IP, or Alias is
client using RPC. The network path was not defined correctly and reachable from the
found. DPA server.
l Check if the host is accessible from the
DPA server using the admin share: \
If the share is not accessible, check that
it is not blocked by a firewall.
Client Discovery failed: User does not have l Follow the system requirements for
enough privileges to get the device mapping remote execution permissions.
l Assign a user with administrator
capabilities to the credential.
l Check that the user that connects to the
client has write and execute privileges to
the path /var/tmp. (Unix)
Client Discovery failed: Failed to send file for Check for free disk space in /var/tmp.
discovery to client using SCP
Failed to send file for discovery to client using
Client Discovery fails: Error (977). Overlapped Verify that there is no antivirus software
IO operation in progress. installed on the host; antivirus software might
Problem Solutions
be blocking the irxsvs.exe operation. Disable
antivirus blocking by authorizing the
irxsvs.exe file in the anti-virus software.
Client discovery fails with the following error: Ensure that the following services are
<client_name> irx errMsg: Unable to connect running: Server, Computer Browser, and
host:<client_name> with user:<domain> Workstation.
\<username> using RPC irx output: Error
(1203): No network provider accepted the
given network path.
When using sudo, the Host Config request This occurs only when the credentials are
might fail to return volume group information configured to use sudo. Add the following line
on AIX hosts with the following message: to the sudoers file: Defaults env_keep +=
SymMapVgShow exited with code 161 "ODMDIR"
SessionId: 0 - for VG:<vg_name> with type:
2(AIX LVM) VolumeGroup information will not
be parsed.
Problem Solution
Client Discovery request is using remote Ensure that the agent is installed on the host.
execution instead of using the installed agent.
Ensure that the DPA server is defined as the
controller for the agent.
Restart the agent service.
Problem Solution
Client discovery finished with warnings: l Check if the application is running and
Failed to discover application storage objects available for connection.
for application <application_name> on client l Check if the user configured in the DPA
<client_name>. credential has enough privileges to query
the application's system data.
Problem Solution
Client discovery failed: can’t connect to any l Check that port 25011or port 135 from
IP. the Windows Proxy Collector is not
blocked by a firewall.
Client discovery finished with warnings: Select Admin > System > Manage
Home directory was not found for application. Credentials.
Click Edit to edit the Credential.
Unsupported File System Type encountered: DPA does not support this file system type.
To avoid this warning in the next client
discovery, you can ignore discovery for this
file system.
DPA will not display recovery data for this file
Client discovery failed with the error: Ensure that there is enough disk space in the
host's root file system according to the
Please verify that you have enough disk space
system requirements.
and write permission.
Failed to unpack file on client <client_name>.
Client discovery finished with error: 1. In DPA, select Admin > System >
Timeout waiting for agent response on client Configure System Settings and click
<client_name>. Select Server.
2. Change the parameter Timeout(s) from
the default 120 to a larger value.
Check if the DPA server has two network
cards enabled and the client is able to reach
both of them. If the client is not able to reach
one of the cards, disable the network card
that the client cannot reach.
When connecting to ECC 6.1, client discovery Run a batch file containing the following
finished with error: command:
Error Import Clients for
w2k3-96-52.dm1nprlab.com finished with %ECC_INSTALL_ROOT%\tools\JRE\Nt
\latest\bin\java -cp
Check previous error messages for further \ECCAPIServer\ecc_inf\exec
information. \eccapiclient.jar;
Problem Solution
Unable to logon (Connection refused).
piPopulateRandomPassword ApiClient
Client discovery is not correctly resolving Configure the DNS on the ESX properly or
LUNs on VFMS on ESX 4.1. add the VM name and IP to the ESX hosts file.
When trying to correlate the virtual devices to
the remote storage they reside on, and the
hosting ESX of the virtual machine cannot
resolve the name of the VM (DNS
configuration), the correlation fails and the
virtual devices are displayed as local devices.
Importing CLARiiON information request fails Run the SYMCLI command on the SE host for
with the following error message: this CLARiiON:
"An error occurred while data was being symcfg sync -clar
loaded from a Clariion ClarEventGet exited
with code 3593
Host configuration request exceeds 60 Edit the TIMEOUT value to greater than 3600,
minutes for example to 7200, in the services/
apolloreagent.ini file, where <platform>
the host on which the request exceeded,not
the DPA server:
4. Otherwise, if there is a time difference also between the Solutions Enabler host
time and the DPA server time:
TimeOffset = (DPA server time - Solutions Enabler host time) - VNX/Clariion's
5. Set the time offset for the request. Configuring the time offset on page 248
provides information.