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25 All Ceramic Restorations PDF

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Isabelle L. Denry, Contributing Author

to overcome disadvantages inherent in that tradi-

KEY TERMS tional method. These improvements, particularly the
air firing glaze use of higher strength ceramics and adhesives for
all-ceramic crowns heat-pressed bonding the ceramic restoration to tooth structure,
aluminum oxide microcracks have led to a resurgence of interest in all-ceramic
computer-aided opaque restorations, including the more conservative inlays
design/computer- platinum foil and veneers. With increasing demand for esthetics,
aided manufacturer porcelain all-ceramic restorations are an important part of con-
(or computer-assisted porosity temporary dental practice.
machining) refractory cast This chapter reviews the historical background of
(CAD/CAM) silane ceramic restorations and more recent developments.
ceramic slip-cast It outlines the laboratory procedures necessary for
ceramic core stain the fabrication of all-ceramic inlays, veneers, and
core stress corrosion crowns and compares the alternatives.
etching translucency The importance of the design of the tooth prepa-
glass-ceramic vacuum firing ration to the success of ceramic restorations cannot
be overemphasized (see Chapter 11).

ll-ceramic inlays, onlays, veneers, and crowns


A can provide some of the most esthetically

pleasing restorations currently available. They
can be made to match natural tooth structure accu-
The first attempt to use ceramics for making denture
teeth was by Alexis Duchateau in 1774. More than a
hundred years later, C. H. Land made the first ceramic
rately in terms of color, surface texture, and translu- crowns and inlays with a platinum foil matrix tech-
cency. Well-made all-ceramic restorations can be nique and was granted a patent in 1887.1 The pop-
virtually indistinguishable from unrestored natural ularity of ceramic restorations declined with the
teeth (Fig. 25-1). introduction of acrylic resin in the 1940s and con-
Traditionally, ceramic crowns have been made on tinued to be low until the disadvantages of resin
a platinum matrix and were referred to as porcelain veneering materials (increased wear, high permeabil-
jacket crowns. More recently, improved materials ity leading to discoloration and leakage) were real-
and techniques have been introduced in an attempt ized.2-4 In 1962, Weinstein and Weinstein patented a



rior teeth. Even so, fracture was a fairly common

occurrence, which prompted the development of
higher strength materials.7,8 These developments
have followed two paths. One approach is to use
two ceramic materials to fabricate the restoration. A
A high-strength but nonesthetic ceramic core mate-
rial is veneered with a lower strength, esthetic porce-
lain. This approach is similar to the metal-ceramic
technique (see Chapter 24), although the color of
the ceramic core is more easily masked than that of
a metal substructure. The other approach is the de-
velopment of a ceramic that combines good esthetics
with high strength. This has the obvious attraction
of not needing the additional thickness of material
to mask a high-strength core. However, at present,
the strongest dental ceramics are nonesthetic core
B materials.

In spite of their excellent esthetic qualities and out-
standing biocompatibility, dental ceramics, like all
ceramic materials, are brittle. They are susceptible to
fracture at the time of placement and during func-
tion. Brittle materials such as ceramics contain at
least two types of flaws: fabrication defects and
C surface cracks, from which fracture can initiate.
Methods used to improve the strength and clinical
performance of dental ceramics include crystalline
reinforcement, chemical strengthening, and stress-
induced transformation.

Fig. 25-1
A, All-ceramic crown restoring the right maxillary central Fabrication Defects
incisor. B and C, Maxillary anterior teeth restored with facial
Fabrication defects are created during process-
veneers and an all-ceramic fixed dental prosthesis. (B and C, Cour-
tesy of Dr. D. H. Ward.)
ing and consist of voids or inclusions generated
during sintering. Condensation of a ceramic slurry
by hand before sintering may introduce porosity.
leucite-containing porcelain frit for use in metal- Sintering under vacuum reduces the porosity in
ceramic restorations.5 The presence of leucite, an alu- dental ceramics from 5.6 to 0.56 volume percent.9
minosilicate with high thermal expansion, allowed a Porosity on the internal side of clinically failed
match between the thermal expansion of the ceramic glass-ceramic restorations has been shown to con-
and that of the metal (see Chapter 24). The appear- stitute a fracture initiation site.10 Also, microcracks
ance of ceramic restorations was improved by the develop within the ceramic upon cooling in leucite-
introduction of vacuum firing, which considerably containing ceramics and are caused by thermal con-
reduced the amount of porosity and therefore traction mismatch between the crystals and the
resulted in denser and more translucent restorations glassy matrix.11-13
than could be achieved with air firing.6
Surface Cracks
HIGH-STRENGTH CERAMICS Surface cracks are induced by machining or grind-
The chief disadvantage of the early restorations was ing. The average natural flaw size varies from 20 to
their low strength, which limited their use to low- 50 mm.14 Usually, fracture of the ceramic material
stress situations, such as those encountered by ante- takes place from the most severe flaw, which effec-


tively determines the fracture resistance of the Stress-Induced Transformation

restoration. Ceramic engineers analyze failure with
a statistical approach, looking at flaw size and spatial In some ceramic materials such as polycrystalline
distribution.15 zirconia, strengthening can be obtained through a
stress-induced transformation. Zirconia is mono-
clinic at room temperature and tetragonal between
Crystalline Reinforcement about 1170° C (2140° F) and 2370° C (4300° F).
Strengthening by crystalline reinforcement involves The transformation between tetragonal and mono-
the introduction of a high proportion of crystalline clinic zirconia is accompanied by an increase in
phase into the ceramic material to improve the volume. The tetragonal form can be retained at room
resistance to crack propagation. The crystals can temperature by addition of various oxides such as
deflect the advancing crack front to increase the frac- yttrium oxide. Stress can trigger the transformation
ture resistance of two-phase materials. Microstruc- from tetragonal to monoclinic zirconia, thereby
tural features that typically lead to crack deflection leading to strengthening as a result of an increase in
include (1) weakened interfaces between grains in grain volume in the vicinity of the crack tip.22
single-phase materials that may be caused by incom-
plete sintering and (2) residual strains in two-phase Glazing
materials.16 The latter constitutes a major issue in
dental ceramics. The addition of a surface glaze can also be used to
A crystalline phase with greater thermal expan- strengthen ceramics. The principle is the formation
sion coefficient than the matrix produces tangen- of a low-expansion surface layer formed at a high
tial compressive stress (and radial tension) near the temperature. Upon cooling, the low-expansion glaze
crystal-matrix interface. Such tangential stresses places the surface of the ceramic in compression and
tend to divert the crack around the particle. Leucite reduces the depth and width of surface flaws.23
particles have a greater thermal expansion coeffi- With contemporary dental ceramics, self-glazing
cient than does the surrounding glassy matrix. Upon is the standard technique. This consists of an addi-
cooling, compressive stresses develop at the leucite tional firing in air after the original firing, without
crystal–matrix interface.12 application of a low-expansion glaze. However, self-
glazing does not significantly improve the flexure
strength of feldspathic dental porcelain.24,25
Chemical Strengthening
Chemical strengthening is another method used Prevention of Stress Corrosion
to increase the strength of glasses and ceramics.
Chemical strengthening relies on the exchange The strength of ceramics is reduced in moist environ-
of small alkali ions for larger ions below the strain ments. This weakening is caused by a chemical reac-
point of the ceramic material. Because stress relax- tion between water and the ceramic at the tip of the
ation is not possible in this temperature range, the strength-controlling crack, resulting in an increase in
exchange leads to the creation of a compressive layer the crack size—a phenomenon called stress corrosion
at the surface of the ceramic.17 Finally, any applied or static fatigue.26 According to Michalske and
load must first overcome this built-in compression Freiman,27 the reaction steps involve the following:
layer before the surface can be placed into tension; 1. The adsorption of water to a strained silicon-
this results in an increase in fracture resistance. This oxygen-silicon (Si-O-Si) bond.
technique involves the use of alkali salts with a 2. A concerted reaction involving simultaneous
melting point lower than the glass transition tem- proton and electron transfer.
perature of the ceramic material. Ion exchange 3. The formation of surface hydroxyls.
strengthening has been reported to increase the flex- Sherrill and O’Brien28 reported a reduction in
ural strength of feldspathic dental porcelain up to fracture strength of about 30% when dental porce-
80%, depending on the ionic species involved and lains were fractured in water, and other authors have
the composition of the porcelain.18,19 The depth of concluded that stress corrosion is important in the
the ion-exchanged layer could be as high as 50 mm.20 performance of dental ceramic restorations.29,30
However, this technique is diffusion driven, and its Ceramic systems such as Captek* that are baked
kinetics are limited by time, temperature, and ionic on a metal foil may reduce fracture incidence by
radius of the exchanged ions.
The glass industry also uses thermal tempering
(fast cooling) as a strengthening method.21 *Captek, Precious Chemicals Co., Inc., Altamonte, Florida.


reducing moisture exposure to the internal surface ALL-CERAMIC SYSTEMS

of the ceramic material, from where the fracture is
thought to initiate.10 In industry, coatings are used to The microstructure of some ceramic systems
reduce stress corrosion of glass and ceramics, such discussed in this chapter is illustrated in Figure
as optical fibers. Similar coatings have been tried 25-2, and their properties are summarized in
experimentally for their effect on dental ceramics.31 Table 25-1.




Fig. 25-2
Representative dental ceramics etched to reveal microstructure. A, A feldspathic porcelain (IPS Classic). B, A leucite-reinforced press-
able ceramic (OPC). C, A lithium disilicate pressable ceramic (OPC 3G). D, A slip-cast spinel ceramic (In-Ceram Spinell). E, A felds-
pathic machinable (VITA Mark II). F, A machined and sintered zirconia ceramic (Cercon).


IPS IPS Empress Ceram
Captek Ceramco 3 Cerinate Empress Empress 2 Cosmo Finesse In-Ceram Spinell
Manufacturer Precious Dentsply Den-Mat Ivoclar Ivoclar Ivoclar Dentsply Vident Vident
Crystalline Leucite Leucite Leucite Leucite Lithium Lithium Leucite Alumina Alumina,
phase disilicate phosphate spinel
Recommended Crowns Inlays, Inlays, Inlays, Anterior 3- Endodontic Inlays, Crowns, Crowns,
usage onlays, onlays, onlays, unit foundation onlays, veneers veneers
veneers crowns, crowns, FDPs, crowns,
veneers veneers crowns veneers
Fabrication Sintered on Sintered Sintered Heat- Heat- Heat-pressed Heat- Slip-cast Slip-cast
metal foil pressed pressed pressed and and
sintered sintered
Strength Low Low Medium/ Medium/ High Medium Medium/ High High
low low low
Fracture Medium/ Medium/ Medium/ Medium/ High Medium Medium/ High High
toughness low low low low low
Translucency Opaque Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Opaque Medium
Enamel Medium Medium High Medium Low * Medium High High
Marginal fit Good Fair Fair Fair Fair * * Fair Fair

Chapter 25

In- YZ
Ceram blocs Cercon Procera Procera Metal-
Zirconia Mark II ProCAD (inVizion) Zirconia Lava Alumina Zirconia ceramic
Manufacturer Vident Vident Ivoclar Vident Dentsply 3M ESPE Nobel Nobel Various
Biocare Biocare
Crystalline Zirconia- Feldspar Leucite Zirconia Zirconia Zirconia Alumina Zirconia Leucite
phase alumina
Recommended 3-Unit Inlays, Inlays, Crowns, Crowns, Crowns, Crowns, Crowns, Crowns,
usage FDPs onlays, onlays, FDPs FDPs FDPs FDPs FDPs FDPs
crowns crowns
and and and and and and framework,
sintered sintered sintered sintered sintered sintered sintered
Strength Very Medium/ Medium/ Very high Very high Very high High Very high Very high
high low low
Fracture Very Medium/ Medium/ Very high Very high Very high Very high Very high Medium
toughness high low low
Translucency Opaque Medium Medium Opaque Opaque Opaque Opaque Opaque Opaque
Enamel High Medium * * * * * * Medium
Marginal Fair Fair * * * * * Good
*Not tested.
CAD/CAM, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturer (or computer-assisted machining); FDP, fixed dental prosthesis.


Slip-casting is a traditional technique in the

Some all-ceramic systems ceramic industry and is used to make sanitary ware.
rely on a high-strength
nonesthetic core; some The starting medium in slip-casting is a slip that is
rely on a high-strength an aqueous suspension of fine ceramic particles in
esthetic material. water with dispersing agents. The slip is applied onto
a porous refractory die, which absorbs the water
from the slip and leads to the condensation of the
slip on the die. The piece is then fired at a high tem-
Core material perature (1150° C [2100°F]). The refractory die
shrinks more than the condensed slip, which allows
easy separation after firing. The fired porous core is
Body porcelain
later glass infiltrated, a unique process in which
molten glass is drawn into the pores by capillary
Incisal porcelain action at a high temperature.38 Materials processed
Fig. 25-3 by slip-casting tend to exhibit lower porosity and
The strength of an aluminous jacket crown is derived from fewer processing defects than do traditionally sin-
its high-alumina content core, onto which esthetic body tered ceramic materials. The strength of In-Ceram
and incisal porcelains are fired. This is analogous to the is about three to four times greater than that of
metal-ceramic crown, whose strength is derived from a metal earlier alumina core materials,39,40 a finding that has
substructure. prompted its use in high-stress situations such as
fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) (Fig. 25-7). Two
Aluminous Core Ceramics modified porcelain compositions for the In-Ceram
technique have been introduced: In-Ceram Spinell*
The high-strength ceramic core was first introduced
contains a magnesium spinel (MgAl2O4) as the major
to dentistry by McLean and Hughes32 in 1965. They
crystalline phase, which improves the translucency
advocated using aluminous porcelain, which is com-
of the final restoration (Fig. 25-8). In-Ceram Zirco-
posed of aluminum oxide (alumina) crystals dis-
nia contains zirconium oxide (ZrO2) and is said to
persed in a glassy matrix. Their recommendation was
provide the highest strength.41,42 Marginal fit of In-
based on the use of alumina-reinforced porcelain in
Ceram has been reported as very good43 or good44
the electrical industry33 and the fact that alumina has
but also poor,45 which emphasizes the technique
a high fracture toughness and hardness.34
sensitivity of the process and the need to select a
The technique devised by McLean35 involved the
skilled dental laboratory.
use of an opaque inner core containing 50% by
weight alumina for high strength. This core was Fabrication procedure
veneered by a combination of esthetic body and
1. Duplicate the working die with an elastomeric
enamel porcelains with 15% and 5% crystalline
impression material (Fig. 25-9B) and pour it
alumina, respectively36 (Fig. 25-3) and matched
with the special refractory die material. Any
thermal expansion. The resulting restorations were
undercuts must be blocked out first, and two
approximately 40% stronger than those with tradi-
coats of die-spacer must be applied. When the
tional feldspathic porcelain.26
die material has fully set (2 hours), remove the
Fabrication procedure die, mark the margins, and apply the wetting
Although declining in popularity with the introduc- agent (see Fig. 25-9C).
tion of innovative all-ceramic products, a technician 2. Mix the appropriate shade of alumina slip with
skilled in the fabrication of the aluminous core ultrasonic agitation (see Fig. 25-9D), place the
porcelain jacket crown produces an exceptionally mixture under a vacuum, brush apply it to the
esthetic restoration. The procedure is outlined in plaster die (see Fig. 25-9E), and shape it with a
Figures 25-4 to 25-6. blade, trimming back to the margins carefully.
3. The slip is fired in a special furnace (see Fig. 25-
9F), initially through a prolonged drying cycle to
Slip-Cast Ceramics 120° C (248° F) that dries the die material,
High-strength core frameworks for all-ceramic which shrinks away from the core. Then the
restorations can be produced with a slip-casting
procedure37 such as the In-Ceram (see Fig. 25-9A).*
*Note: The product In-Ceram Spinell is spelled differently from the mineral
*Vident, Brea, California. spinel.

Text continues on page 785






Fig. 25-4
Platinum matrix fabrication. A, A diamond-shaped foil is adapted to the facial surface (a cutting guide is provided with the foil). B,
Two cuts are made, one to each incisal corner, and a triangle of foil is removed by cutting at 45 degrees toward the corners. C, The
foil is folded onto the lingual surface and burnished. D and E, It is then gathered on the lingual surface with tweezers and adapted
with finger pressure. F, The foil is trimmed to follow the lingual contour evenly. The two ends are separated, and one is trimmed to
exactly half the width of the other. G and H, The long end is folded over the short end, and relieving cuts are made (see Fig. 25-5).
Then the three-thickness joint is folded toward the short end. I, The foil is adapted with a wooden point, always starting from the
incisal edge and working toward the margin. J, A beaver-tail burnisher is used to adapt the margin, working the foil toward the inter-
nal angle to prevent a perforation. Better adaptation can be achieved by swaging at this stage. The matrix is removed with sticky
wax (K) and annealed in a Bunsen flame (L) to relieve work hardening. M, The completed platinum foil matrix.


Fig. 25-5
The tinner’s joint. A, Foil is trimmed so that one end is exactly twice as long as the
other. B, The long end is carefully folded over the short end. C, Margin discrepancy
at the joint can be reduced by removing a triangular section of foil.




Fig. 25-6
Aluminous core technique. A to C, The platinum matrix is heated to drive off dissolved gases, and the core porcelain is built up. D,
A thin blade is used to form a cervical ditch, which will prevent the matrix from becoming distorted during the first firing. E, There
must be no porcelain particles on the inner aspect. F, The fired core should be checked with a thickness gauge. Often additional
core material is needed to obtain the recommended dimensions. G, The foil is readapted to the margin, and the ditch is filled with
additional porcelain. This lingual view shows where the core should be thickest. For esthetic reasons, the core is much thinner on
the facial surface. H, The core is seated on the definitive cast before the application of body and incisal porcelains.





Fig. 25-7
A to C, All-ceramic fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) replacing the maxillary left central incisor, through the use of the In-Ceram system.
D to F, All-ceramic FDP replacing the mandibular left first premolar, through the use of the Empress 2 system. (D to F, Courtesy of Ivoclar
Vivadent, Inc., Amherst, New York.)



Fig. 25-8
A, Defective maxillary metal-ceramic crowns. Esthetic problems included high value and opacity. B, Crowns removed. The prepa-
rations are not discolored and thus allow a translucent all-ceramic crown system. C, Maxillary all-ceramic crowns with a translucent
slip-cast spinel core material. (Courtesy of Dr. R. B. Miller.)





Fig. 25-9
Fabrication of a slip-cast alumina restoration. A, The In-Ceram system relies on a high-strength core veneered with an esthetic felds-
pathic porcelain. B, The definitive cast is duplicated with a special elastomer. C, The special plaster die. D, The alumina slip is ultra-
sonically mixed and applied to the plaster die (E). F, The VITA Inceramat special porcelain furnace. G, A special colored infiltration
glass is painted on the porous sintered alumina and fired. H, Excess glass is carefully removed by grinding and air abrasion. I,
Finished substructures on the definitive cast. J, Body and incisal porcelains are applied and fired in the conventional manner. (A,
Courtesy of Morehead Dental Laboratories, Morehead, Kentucky. B to J, Courtesy of Vident, Brea, California.)

alumina is fired at 1120° C (2048° F). The crowns, as shown in Figure 25-10. Powder
resulting core is porous and weak at this stage distribution is governed by a detailed prescrip-
but can be carefully transferred to the master tion of the patient’s shade (see Chapter 23).
die after the die spacer is removed. The rela- With experience, the technician will be able
tively low sintering shrinkage (about 0.3%) is to mix different powders to match almost
compensated for by an expansion of the refrac- any shade. If necessary, test firings can be used
tory material. to help select the correct blend in difficult
4. Paint a thick coat of the appropriate shade of situations.
glass mixture onto the surface of the core (see 6. After moistening the core, mix the powder with
Fig. 25-9G) and fire at 1100° C (2012° F). As the modeling liquid and apply in increments with a
glass melts, it is drawn into the interstices of the brush (see Fig. 25-10A to C).
alumina by capillary action, producing a dense 7. Remove moisture with a paper tissue held
composite structure with excellent strength against the lingual surface. The capillary action
properties. condenses the porcelain particles. Slight vibra-
5. Remove excess glass from the core by grinding tion brings further moisture to the surface
(see Fig. 25-9H) and airborne particle abrasion. before the next increment is added. To prevent
Body and incisal porcelain is applied to the core voids from forming between increments, always
in a manner similar to that for metal-ceramic add to a moist surface.





Fig. 25-10
Body and incisal porcelain application. A, Moistening the high-strength core. B and C, Applying gingival and body porcelains. D, Cut-
back for the incisal porcelain. E, The incisal porcelain. F, Adding to the interproximal areas. G, The completed buildup. H, The fired
crown is seated on the definitive cast.

8. When the crown has the correct shape, cut it 10. Lightly condense the buildup with a large whip-
back to allow room for incisal porcelain (see Fig. ping brush. Absorb excess moisture with a
25-10D). tissue.
9. Apply incisal porcelain, overbuilding the incisal 11. Remove the crown from the definitive cast and
edge by 1 or 1.5 mm to allow for firing shrink- add material interproximally to allow for
age (see Fig. 25-10E). shrinkage (see Fig. 25-10F).


12. Dry the crown and fire it (see Fig. 25-10G a glassy matrix. The crystal size varies from 3 to
and H). 10 mm, and the leucite content varies from about
35% to about 50% by volume, depending on the
material. Research has shown that residual tangen-
Heat-Pressed Ceramics tial stresses remain around the leucite crystals after
cooling.12 Ceramic ingots are pressed at a high tem-
Leucite based perature (about 1165° C [2130° F]) into a refractory
Heat-pressed ceramics have been popular in mold made by the lost-wax technique. The ceramic
restorative dentistry since the early 1990s. The ingots are available in different shades. Two finish-
restorations are waxed, invested, and pressed in a ing techniques can be used: a characterization tech-
manner somewhat similar to that for gold casting. nique (surface stain only) and a layering technique,
Marginal adaptation seems to be better with heat involving the application of a veneering porcelain
pressing than with the high-strength alumina core (Fig. 25-11G and H). The two techniques lead to
materials,45 although the results from individual comparable mean flexural strength values for the
dental laboratories may not support the research resulting porcelain composite.46 The thermal expan-
findings. Most heat-pressed materials contain leucite sion coefficient of the core material for the veneer-
as a major reinforcing crystalline phase, dispersed in ing technique is usually lower than that of the




Fig. 25-11
Heat-pressed ceramic technique. A, Ceramic inlay restoration for a maxillary molar. A wax pattern is made in a manner similar to
that for conventional gold castings. B, After the pattern is invested, it is burned out, and a ceramic ingot and alumina plunger are
placed in the heated mold. C and D, The pressing is done under vacuum at 1165° C. E, Sprue removal. F, The pressed restoration
seated on the die. G and H, For esthetic anterior restorations, only the dentin-colored ceramic is pressed. The incisal porcelain is
brush applied in the conventional manner.





Fig. 25-11, cont’d

I, Three-unit fixed dental prosthesis and veneer waxed to anatomic contour. J, The technician ensures that the connector size is ade-
quate (4 × 4 mm). K, A silicone putty matrix is used to aid in cut-back of the wax pattern. L, Framework is sprued and invested (M),
and the lithium-silicate ceramic is pressed into the mold. N, The pressed restoration.



Fig. 25-11, cont’d

O, Framework on definitive cast. P, Applying veneering porcelain. Q, Completed restorations. (Courtesy of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc., Amherst,
New York.)

material for the staining technique to be compatible Fabrication procedure

with the thermal expansion coefficient of the 1. Wax the restoration to final contour, sprue, and
veneering porcelain. Among the currently available invest as with conventional gold castings (see Fig.
leucite-containing materials for heat-pressing are 25-11A). If the veneering technique is used, only
IPS Empress,* Optimal Pressable Ceramic,† and two the body porcelain shape is waxed.
lower fusing materials, Cerpress‡ and Finesse.§ 2. Heat the investment to 800° C (or recommended
temperature) to burn out the wax pattern.
Lithium silicate based
3. Insert a ceramic ingot of the appropriate shade
IPS Empress 2 is an example of the second genera- and alumina plunger in the sprue (see Fig.
tion of heat-pressed dental ceramics. The major 25-11B) and place the refractory in the special
crystalline phase of the core material is a lith- pressing furnace (Fig. 25-11C).
ium disilicate. The material is pressed at 920° C 4. After heating to 1165° C, the softened ceramic is
(1690° F) and layered with a glass containing some slowly pressed into the mold under vacuum (see
dispersed apatite crystals.47,48 Fig. 25-11D).
The indications for second-generation pressable 5. After pressing, recover the restoration from
dental ceramics include crowns and anterior three- the investment by airborne particle abrasion,
unit FDPs. remove the sprue (see Fig. 25-11E), and refit it to
the die (Fig. 25-11F). Esthetics can be enhanced
by applying an enamel layer of matching porce-
*Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc, Amherst, New York.

Pentron Laboratory Technologies, LLC, Wallingford, Connecticut. lain (see Fig. 25-11G and H) or by adding surface

Leach & Dillon, Cranston, Rhode Island. characterization. The procedure for an FDP is
Dentsply Ceramco, York, Pennsylvania. similar (see Fig. 25-11I to Q).


Machined Ceramics 5. Insert the appropriate shade of ceramic block in

the milling machine. The fabrication time for a
The evolution of computer-aided design/com- crown is about 20 minutes (Fig. 25-12E to H).
puter-aided manufacturer (or computer-assisted Additional characterization is achieved with
machining) (CAD/CAM) systems for the produc- stains (Fig. 25-12I to L).
tion of machined inlays, onlays, veneers, and crowns 6. Try the restoration back in the mouth, etch, and
led to the development of a new generation of silanate and lute it to place as described in
ceramics that are machinable. Chapter 31.
Cerec system
The Cerec system* has been marketed since the Machined and Sintered Ceramics
1980s, with the improved Cerec 2 system intro- Extensive research in the field of zirconia ceramics
duced in the mid-1990s and the Cerec 3 in 2000. and CAD/CAM technology has led to the develop-
The equipment consists of a computer-integrated ment of zirconia ceramics for dental restorations.51
imaging and milling system, with the restorations The material used is tetragonal zirconia stabilized
designed on the computer screen (Fig. 25-12A). with 3 mole percent yttrium oxide. Enlarged zirco-
Several materials can be used with this system: VITA nia copings are machined from presintered zirconia
Mark II,† ProCad.‡ and In-Ceram Alumina and blocks to compensate for the sintering shrinkage.
Spinell.§ VITA Mark II contains a feldspar (sanidine, The restorations are later sintered at a high temper-
KAlSi3O8) as a major crystalline phase within a ature (1350° to 1450° C [2460° to 2640° F], depend-
glassy matrix. ProCad is a leucite-containing ceramic ing on the manufacturer) for several hours. Matching
designed for making machined restorations. In- veneering ceramics are available to achieve an
Ceram Alumina and Spinell are machined before esthetic restoration. These core materials exhibit
the infiltration and veneering stages. Composite very high strength and high fracture toughness.
resin blocks are also available. Weaknesses of the Long-term data are needed to assess the clinical per-
earlier Cerec system include the poor marginal fit of formance of these ceramics.
the restorations49 and the lack of sophistication in
the machining of the occlusal surface. The marginal Procera AllCeram system*
adaptation of Cerec 3 is improved,50 and the occlusal The Procera AllCeram system (Fig. 25-13) involves
anatomy can be shaped. The most recently intro- an industrial CAD/CAM process.52,53 The die is
duced version of the CAD/CAM software¶ allows mechanically scanned by the technician, and the
complete tridimensional visualization of the pro- data are sent to a work station, where an enlarged
jected restoration with “virtual seating” capabilities. die is milled by a computer-controlled milling
The various surfaces of the virtual restoration can be machine. This enlargement is necessary to compen-
modified in all three dimensions before machining. sate for the sintering shrinkage. Aluminum oxide
Fabrication procedure powder is then compacted onto the die, and the
coping is milled before sintering at a very high tem-
1. Tooth preparation follows typical all-ceramic perature (>1550° C [>2820° F]). The coping is
guidelines. further veneered with an aluminous ceramic with
2. Coat the preparation with opaque powder. matched thermal expansion. The restorations seem
3. Image the preparation with the optical scanner, to have good clinical performance54 and marginal
aligning the camera with the path of insertion adaptation,55,56 provided that the scanning is done
of the restoration (Fig. 25-12B). When the best skillfully.57
view is obtained, store it in the computer (Fig.
25-12C). Step-by-step procedure
4. Identify and mark the margins and contours on 1. Tooth preparation (see Fig. 25-13) follows all-
the computer screen. The computer software ceramic guidelines.
assists with this step (Fig. 25-12D). 2. The cast is made in the conventional way, but the
die is ditched to make the margin easier to iden-
tify during scanning.
3. The die is mapped through the use of a contact
*Sirona Dental Systems, LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Vident, Brea, California.

Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc., Amherst, New York.
VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany.

Cerec 3D, Sirona Dental Systems, LLC, Charlotte, North Carolina. *Nobel Biocare, USA, Inc., Yorba Linda, California.





Fig. 25-12
Cerec 3 computer-assisted design/computer-assisted machining (CAD/CAM) system. A, The Cerec 3 system consists of an imaging
system, a computer, and a milling system. B, Making an optical impression. C, Image of a prepared tooth. D, The preparation is
marked and the restoration designed on the computer screen. E and F, Blocks are available in different ceramic systems, as is com-
posite resin (G). H, The restoration is machined from the block.



Fig. 25-12, cont’d

I, Defective amalgam restorations. J, Defective restorations replaced with Cerec 3 inlays. K, Defective cast metal crown. L, The defec-
tive crown replaced with CAD/CAM ceramic crown. (A to D, I to L, Courtesy of Sirona Dental Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina; E, Courtesy of Vident,
Brea, California; F, Courtesy of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc., Amherst, New York; G, Courtesy of 3M ESPE, St. Paul, Minnesota.)



Fig. 25-13
The Procera All Ceram system. A, Tooth preparations for Procera crown on the maxillary anterior teeth. B, Completed restorations.
C, Tooth preparations for Procera fixed dental prosthesis. D, High-strength framework. Body and incisal porcelains will be subse-
quently applied. (A and B, Courtesy of Dr. E. van Dooren; C and D, Courtesy of Dr. E. Hagenbarth.)


4. The shape of the prepared tooth is transferred to works all-ceramic restorations.58 The preparations
the computer screen. are scanned, and frameworks are milled from presin-
5. The design of the restoration is transferred to the tered zirconia blanks. The size of the frameworks is
manufacturer via computer line. precisely increased to allow for the shrinkage that
6. The production process starts with milling an occurs during sintering. Once a framework has been
enlarged die to compensate for the sintering sintered, it is veneered with layered esthetic porce-
shrinkage. lains in a manner similar to that for the metal-
7. An enlarged high-alumina coping is milled; it ceramic technique.
shrinks to the desired shape after sintering.
8. The coping is returned to the laboratory, and body
Metal-Reinforced Systems
and incisal porcelains are applied in the conven-
tional manner. High-gold substructure systems are designed to over-
come some of the disadvantages inherent in the
Lava system* porcelain jacket crown technique. The systems rely
In the Lava system (Fig. 25-14), a CAD/CAM proce- on different ways of creating a thin coping onto
dure is used for the fabrication of zirconia frame- which the ceramic is fired. In strictest terms, there-
fore, they are metal-ceramic, as opposed to all-
*3M ESPE, St. Paul, Minnesota. ceramic crowns.



Fig. 25-14
The Lava system. A, Lava computer-assisted design/computer-assisted machining (CAD/CAM) designing and milling machine. B,
Computer design of framework. C and D, Framework milled from zirconia block.




Fig. 25-14, cont’d

E, Veneering porcelain. F, Teeth prepared for posterior all-ceramic partial fixed dental prosthesis. G, Completed restoration. H, Frame-
work evaluation for anterior partial fixed dental prosthesis. I, Completed anterior partial fixed dental prosthesis. (A to E, Courtesy of 3M
ESPE, St. Paul, Minnesota; F and G, courtesy of Dr. L. Jones and M. Roberts, CDT; H and I, courtesy of Dr. V. Bonatz.)

The Captek system Fabrication procedure

In the Captek* system, the coping is produced from 1. Duplicate the working die in the special refrac-
two metal-impregnated wax sheets that are adapted tory material (Fig. 25-15A).
to a die and fired. The first sheet forms a porous gold- 2. Cut a piece of the gold-platinum-palladium
platinum-palladium layer that is impregnated with impregnated wax sheet (Fig. 25-15B).
97% gold when the second sheet is fired.59 Advan- 3. Adapt the foil to the die (Fig. 25-15C). Then it is
tages of the system include excellent esthetics and fired to 1075° C (1965° F), forming a porous
marginal adaptation.60 metal coping.
4. Adapt the second gold-impregnated wax (Fig. 25-
15D) and refire (Fig. 25-15E). Capillary action
*Captek, a Division of Precious Chemicals Co., Inc., Altamonte Springs, draws the gold into the porous gold-platinum-
Florida. palladium structure to form the finished coping.





Fig. 25-15
The Captek system. A, Duplicated refractory die. B, Trimming the metal-impregnated wax sheet. C, Adapting the first sheet to the
die. The first layer is fired to form a porous coping. D, Adapting the second metal-impregnated wax sheet. E, Fired framework. F,
Sectioned Captek crown showing coping design. G, Defective metal-ceramic crown on the maxillary incisors replaced with Captek
crowns (H). I, Partial fixed dental prosthesis frameworks can be fabricated with special pontic components. (Courtesy of Captek, a Divi-
sion of Precious Chemicals, Altamonte Springs, Florida.)

5. Build up the opaque body and incisal porcelains may have a slightly inferior marginal adaptation
in a manner similar to that for a conventional than does a metal-ceramic crown.
metal-ceramic crown (Fig. 25-15F).
6. Glaze the completed restoration, and polish the
Fracture Resistance
metal foil at the margin (Fig. 25-15G and H).
The procedure has been adapted for FDPs (Fig. Most hazards of restoration failure are removed if
25-15I). these restorations are confined to lower stress ante-
rior teeth, and patients are carefully evaluated for
evidence of parafunctional activity. Although labora-
SELECTION OF ALL-CERAMIC SYSTEMS tory testing of strength and fracture toughness has
The primary purpose in recommending an all- identified promising materials,38,61 clinical studies
ceramic restoration is to achieve the best possible have consistently shown good performance on ante-
esthetic result. Typically this is at the risk of reduced rior teeth and yet poor performance on molars and
restoration longevity, because of the potential for for FDPs.62-64 Although the newer materials, such
fracture of the ceramic material, and the restoration as alumina- and zirconia-based ceramics, promise


higher strength (see Table 25-1), the long-term data when one ceramic color is pressed. The platinum
to determine whether they are satisfactory, particu- matrix technique is tedious and somewhat challeng-
larly for FDPs, are lacking.48,65,66 ing to learn, but once acquired, it enables the techni-
cian to make veneers with better marginal adaptation
than does the refractory technique.75 Therefore, the
platinum matrix technique is described here. Many of
A knowledge of the available ceramic systems is the steps are similar to those of the porcelain jacket
needed to select a material that will provide the crown technique (see Fig. 25-4).
best esthetics for a particular patient. This is espe-
cially important when a single maxillary incisor is
Step-by-Step Procedure
matched to an adjacent tooth. Careful consideration
should also be given to the availability of laboratory 1. Modify the working die by blocking out tooth
support, because no dental laboratory invests in the undercuts with modeling plastic.
expensive equipment needed for all the various 2. Adapt the platinum foil (0.025 mm [0.001 inch])
systems. The marginal adaptation of the system is in the same manner as described for the porce-
very important, even when resin bonding is used. lain jacket crown, covering the entire tooth. Some
When selecting a system, the dentist should care- technicians prefer to adapt the foil to the facial
fully evaluate the internal and marginal adaptation, surface only, but distortion of the foil during firing
using an elastomeric detection paste.* Although of the porcelain seems to lead to inferior marginal
research studies have identified differences among adaptation.76 Careful adaptation is essential for a
the various systems67 (see Table 25-1), these results good fit, especially at the proximal incisal margin,
may not represent an individual laboratory’s results. where the tinner’s joint is made.
The translucency of the adjacent teeth and dis- 3. Remove, clean, and degas the foil. Airborne par-
coloration of the tooth being restored also must ticle abrasion can be used for this step.
be considered when the most appropriate system 4. Build up and fire the veneers. This is generally
is selected.68 A more opaque, high-strength core, done in two or three layers, particularly if the
ceramic system (e.g., In-Ceram or Procera) would veneer is necessary to mask tetracycline stain-
not be a good choice for highly translucent teeth. ing and a more opaque initial layer is applied.
However, such a system might be a good choice if Sometimes tetracycline staining can be more
the tooth exhibits discoloration that would not be effectively masked by incorporating the comple-
well masked by a more translucent material. mentary hue in the ceramic buildup, rather
Conversely, when fracture is a concern, the higher than fabricating a veneer that is unesthetically
strength materials should normally be given prefer- opaque looking. With experience, a technician
ence (see Table 25-1). can achieve excellent results with porcelain labial
veneers. Special formulations of porcelain are
available for veneers. Some are based on tradi-
tional jacket or metal-ceramic porcelain systems;
One concern with ceramic restorations is the poten- higher-strength, high-leucite content formula-
tial for abrasion of the opposing enamel, particularly tions are also available. Fracture of porcelain
in patients with parafunctional habits. Whenever labial veneers is sometimes encountered in prac-
possible, a low-abrasion material should be consid- tice, even though the restorations are generally
ered. Abrasiveness has been studied in vitro,69-74 and placed in low-stress situations. At present, there is
the results are summarized in Table 25-1. little information about the incidence of veneer
fracture or whether a high-strength ceramic has
better performance than a traditional formula-
PORCELAIN LABIAL VENEER tion. When a fracture does occur, the broken
Porcelain labial veneers (see Chapter 11) can be pieces are often still firmly bonded to the tooth.
fabricated by means of a refractory die technique, At that point, it is probably not necessary to
as well as on a platinum matrix† and with heat- replace the restoration unless the fracture line is
pressed-ceramics. The heat-pressed technique is stained or the ceramic is chipped.
popular, but there are limitations to the esthetic effect 5. Contour and glaze the facings. The veneers
should be shaped to final contour at this stage.
6. Remove the foil before try-in. The steps for
*This must be thoroughly removed before the restoration is bonded. etching, silanating, and luting the veneers are

Porcelain labial veneers can also be made with the machinable systems. presented in Chapter 31.


INLAYS AND ONLAYS 12. If necessary, adjust the restoration margins and
occlusion with fine-grit diamond stones. Polish
Refractory Dies with diamond polishing paste.
Ceramic restorations are normally made through
the use of the heat-pressed systems, but some ALL-CERAMIC PARTIAL FIXED DENTAL
technicians prefer a refractory die (Fig. 25-16). PROSTHESES
Marginal adaptation can be excellent, depending
All-ceramic FDPs have a checkered history. Their
more on the technician’s skill than on the ceramic
construction was attempted with aluminous porce-
material used.78
lain by connecting alumina cores with pure alumina
rods. These restorations were usually unsuccessful;
Step-by-Step Procedure either they fractured or the restorations encroached
excessively into the embrasures, resulting in hygiene
1. Pour an elastomeric impression of the prepared
deficiencies. Leucite-containing heat-pressed ceram-
teeth in type IV or V stone; then repour it or
ics do not appear to possess adequate strength for
duplicate it in ceramic refractory, using an
FDPs, except in very low-stress situations. Clinical
appropriate removable die system. The Di-Lok
trials of posterior ceramic FDPs have yielded disas-
(see Chapter 17) or a similar system is conven-
trous results.33,77 The InCeram Zirconia has much
ient for this technique. The dies need to be sep-
higher laboratory strength than these materials and
arated very carefully because the refractory is
might be suitable for FDP frameworks. In-Ceram
friable and breaks if mishandled.
Alumina was somewhat successful for anterior
2. Trim the refractory cast as far as possible to
FDPs (see Fig. 25-7). The more recent lithium di-
minimize the quantity of ammonia released
silicate heat-pressed ceramic, Empress 2, and the
during decontamination.
CAD/CAM Procera systems have also been recom-
3. Mark the margins lightly with a special pencil
mended as suitable for anterior FDPs. Although the
newer materials might be successful for FDPs, their
4. Decontaminate the cast by firing according to
manufacturers recommend a design with substantial
the manufacturer’s instructions. Normally this is
connectors (typically 4 × 4 mm, as opposed to 2 × 3
done in two stages: the first in a burnout
mm recommended for metal connectors). These
furnace, the second under vacuum in a porce-
dimensions can lead to problems with adequate
lain furnace.
access for cleaning and poor esthetics.
5. Allow the cast to cool, and then soak it in soaking
liquid or distilled water for 5 minutes. This seals
the die and prevents moisture from being drawn ALL-CERAMIC FOUNDATION
out of the porcelain buildup. RESTORATIONS
6. Apply an initial layer of porcelain to the
All-ceramic materials have been used as foundation
refractory cast and fire according to the manu-
restorations for endodontically treated teeth78,79 to
facturer’s directions. With some systems, a
overcome esthetic problems associated with metal
higher strength core material is used as the
post and core systems (see Chapter 12). The post is
initial coat.
made of zirconia,* chosen for its excellent strength,80
7. Build up the restorations onto moist dies; for
and, depending on the system, the core material can
inlays, leave short of the margins.
be composite resin or a pressable ceramic.†
8. Make a relieving cut through the central fossa,
and fire the porcelain.
9. Fill in the central fossa area and build up to the RESIN-BONDED CERAMICS
The performance of all-ceramic restorations has
10. Contour and refine occlusion and proximal con-
been enhanced by the use of resin bonding. This
tacts. Glaze according to the manufacturer’s
technique was first devised for the porcelain lami-
nate veneer technique81,82 and has been applied to
11. Remove the investment with a bur and 50-mm
other ceramic restorations. The technique entails the
alumina in an airborne particle abrasion unit.
Transfer the restorations to the master dies on
the mounted cast.
*CosmoPost, Ivoclar Vivadent; Biopost, Incermed SA, Lausanne,
Switzerland; TZP-post, Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland.

*Whip Mix Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky. Empress, Cosmo, Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc., Amherst, New York.






Fig. 25-16
Fabrication of facial veneers and ceramic onlay with the refractory die technique. A, A surfactant debubblizer is used to spray the
impression, after which it is lightly blown dry. B, Pouring the impression with die stone. C, Marking the preparation margins before
die spacing and duplicating the cast with an elastomeric duplicating material (D). E, The mold is filled with the refractory invest-
ment. F, A die-lock system can be used; alternatively, a reverse dowel pin can be used with the dowel pin remaining in the cast base
(G). H, As another alternative, special high-heat dowel pins* can be used. I, Marking margins with special pencil.† J, Decontaminat-
ing the investment. K, The blue margin marking turns red during this firing. L, The dies are soaked in distilled water until bubbling
disappears. M, Adjacent proximal areas are coated with die hardener to prevent moisture from being absorbed into the cast.

*Thermo-pins II, Pentron Laboratory Technologies, LLC, Wallingford, Connecticut.

VHT, Whip Mix Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky.





Fig. 25-16, cont’d

N, The initial porcelain application. O and P, Firing the first application. Q, Additional firing is needed to compensate for shrinkage.
R, The veneer built up to final contour and glazed. S, Investment removed with a bur and air abrasion unit (T). U, Finished veneer
on definitive cast. V, Inlays and onlays are made in a similar manner. (Courtesy of Whip Mix Corporation, Louisville, Kentucky.)

use of hydrofluoric acid or a less toxic substitute to Procera. Nevertheless, for feldspathic and leucite-
etch the ceramic and a silane* coupling agent to reinforced ceramics, resin bonding is now the rec-
bond a resin luting agent to the ceramic. The lut- ommended procedure and is also used extensively
ing agent is bonded to enamel after etching with for luting ceramic inlays and onlays.85
phosphoric acid, as with resin-retained FDPs (see
Chapter 26), and bonded to dentin with a dentin-
Etching and Silanating the Restoration
bonding agent. Significant reduction in the fracture
incidence of some types of ceramic crowns has been 1. Support the restoration in soft wax with the fitting
reported when an adhesive cement has been used,83 surface uppermost.
although one retrospective study failed to reveal 2. Apply a 1-mm coat of the etching gel† to the
an improvement in comparison with traditional fitting surface only.
cements.84 Resin bonding does not appear to 3. The etching time depends on the ceramic mate-
improve the fracture resistance of the high-strength rial. Feldspathic porcelain is typically etched for
alumina core materials such as In-Ceram and 5 minutes.

*Compounds of silicon and hydrogen and other monomeric compounds Ceram-Etch gel (9.5% hydrofluoric acid), Gresco Products, Inc., Stafford,
that are used as coupling agents, inorganic materials to organic resins. Texas (or the ceramic manufacturer’s recommended product).



1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, indications, and contraindications of all-ceramic crowns.
2. Which all-ceramic system might be considered for a partial fixed dental prosthesis? What are the limitations
with all-ceramic restorations in this application?
3. Compare the fabrication steps for a slip-cast versus a heat-pressed ceramic system. What are the advantages
of each?
4. Describe the fabrication steps for laminate veneers.
5. What are the currently available CAD/CAM systems? What are the advantages and limitations of these

4. Very carefully rinse away the gel under running

water. The gel is very caustic; it should not be GLOSSARY*
allowed to contact skin or eyes. aluminum oxide \a-lōō¢mi-num ŏk¢sı̄d¢\ 1: a metallic
5. Continue to rinse until all the gel color has been oxide constituent of dental porcelain that increases hard-
removed. ness and viscosity 2: a high strength ceramic crystal dis-
6. Dry the ceramic with oil-free air. A hair dryer is persed throughout a glassy phase to increase its strength
recommended to ensure that the ceramic is not as in aluminous dental porcelain used to fabricate
contaminated. aluminous porcelain crowns 3: a finely ground ceramic
7. Apply the silane according to the manufacturer’s particle (frequently 50 μm) often used in conjunction
recommendations. Some manufacturers recom- with air-borne particle abrasion of metal castings before
mend a heat-cured silane coupling agent for the application of porcelain as with metal ceramic
increased bond strength, rather than a chemically restorations
activated silane. Heat curing is normally done by
the laboratory, and care must be taken to clean anterior open occlusal relationship \ăn-tîr¢ē-or ō¢pen a-
the fitting surface thoroughly with alcohol before klōō¢zal rı̆-lā¢shen-shı̆p¢\: the lack of anterior tooth
cementation. contact in any occluding position of the posterior teeth
The cementation procedures are presented in bisque bake \bı̆sk bāk\: a series of stages of maturation in
Chapter 31. the firing of ceramic materials relating to the degree of
pyro chemical reaction and sintering shrinkage occurring
SUMMARY before vitrification (glazing)—called also biscuit bake

For many years, porcelain jacket crowns have been CAD-CAM: acronym for Computer Aided Design-
the most esthetic of fixed restorations. Unfortunately, Computer Aided Manufacturer (or Computer Assisted
they have a number of disadvantages in comparison Machining)
with the more popular metal-ceramic crowns, castable ceramic \kăst¢a-bl se-răm¢ik\: for dental applica-
including inferior mechanical properties and tions, a glass-ceramic material that combines the prop-
increased technical difficulties associated with erties of a restorative material for function with the
obtaining adequate margin fit. capability to be cast using the lost wax process
Improved materials and the bonded ceramic tech-
nique have renewed interest in all-ceramic restora- ce·ram \sa-răm\ n: a heat treatment process that converts
tions. Porcelain laminate veneers have proved to be a specially formulated glass into a fine grained glass-
conservative and esthetic alternatives to complete ceramic material
coverage. Porcelain inlays and onlays may provide a 1
ce·ram·ic \sa-răm¢ik\ adj (1850): of or relating to the
durable alternative to posterior composite resins manufacture of any product made essentially from a non-
without the extensive tooth preparation needed for metallic mineral (as clay) by firing at a high temperature
crowns. The highest-strength materials may be suit-
able for high-stress applications, including FDPs.
*Reprinted in part from The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Vol. 94, No. 1,
However, they are relatively new and still lack the The Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, 8th Edition, pp. 10–81, © 2005,
support of long-term clinical experience and with permission from The Editorial Council of The Journal of Prosthetic
research. Dentistry.


ceramic crown \sa-răm¢ik kroun\: a ceramic fixed dental the attainment of a smooth and reflective surface 3: the
prosthesis that restores a clinical crown without a sup- final firing of porcelain in which the surface is vitrified
porting metal framework and a high gloss is imparted to the material 4: a ceramic
veneer on a dental porcelain restoration after it has
ceramic flux \sa-răm¢ı̆k flŭks\: a glass modifier; metallic
been fired, producing a nonporous, glossy or semi-glossy
ions such as calcium, potassium or sodium, usually as
carbonates, which interrupt the oxygen/silica bond, thus
enhancing fluidity hydroxyapatite ceramic \hı̄-drŏk¢sē-ăp¢a-tı̄t sa-răm¢ı̆k\: a
composition of calcium and phosphate in physiologic
ce·ram·ics \sa-răm¢iks\ n 1: compounds of one or more
ratios to provide a dense, non-resorbable, biocompatible
metals with a nonmetallic element, usually oxygen. They
ceramic used for dental implants and residual ridge
are formed of chemical and biochemical stable sub-
stances that are strong, hard, brittle, and inert noncon-
ductors of thermal and electrical energy 2: the art of in·lay \ı̆n-lā¢, ı̆n¢lā¢\ n (1667): a fixed intracoronal restora-
making porcelain dental restorations tion; a dental restoration made outside of a tooth to cor-
respond to the form of the prepared cavity, which is then
cermet \sûr¢mĕt\ (1998): fused glass powder with silver
luted into the tooth
particles formed through high temperature sintering of a
mixture of the two minerals intrinsic coloring \ı̆n-trı̆n¢zı̆k, -sı̆k kŭl¢ar-ı̆ng\: coloring
1 from within; the incorporation of a colorant within the
cop·ing \kō¢pı̆ng\ n 1: a long, enveloping ecclesiastical
material of a prosthesis or restoration
vestment 2a: something resembling a cope (as by con-
cealing or covering) 2b: coping ion exchange strengthening \ı̄¢an, ı̄¢ŏn¢ ı̆ks-chănj¢
2 strĕngk¢tha-nı̆ng\: the chemical process whereby the
cop·ing \kō¢pı̆ng\ n (ca. 1909): a thin covering or crown—
surface of a glass is placed in compression by the replace-
ment of a small ion by a larger one while maintaining
core \kôr, kōr\ n (14c): the center or base of a structure chemical neutrality
etch \ĕch\ vb, vt (1634) la: to produce a retentive surface, mam·e·lon \măm¢a-lŏn\ n: one of three tubercles
especially on glass or metal, by the corrosive action of an sometimes found on the incisal edges of incisor teeth—
acid lb: to subject to such etching 2: to delineate or mam·e·lon·at·ed \măm¢a-la-nā¢tı̆d\ v, mam·e·lon·a·tion
impress clearly \măm¢a-la-nā¢shun\ n
etch \ĕch\ n (1896) 1: the effect or action of an etching mi·cro·crack \mı̄¢krō-krăk\ n: in porcelain, one of the
acid on a surface 2: a chemical agent used in etching numerous surface flaws that contributes to stress con-
etch·ant \ĕch¢ănt\ n: an agent that is capable of etching a centrations and results in strengths below those
surface theoretically possible

etch·ing \ĕch¢ing\ vt (1632) 1: the act or process of selec- natural glaze \năch-ar-al, năch¢ral glāz\: the production of
tive dissolution 2: in dentistry, the selective dissolution a glazed surface by the vitrification of the material itself
of the surface of tooth enamel, metal, or porcelain and without addition of other fluxes or glasses
through the use of acids or other agents (etchants) to o·paque \ō-pāk¢\ adj (1641): the property of a material
create a retentive surface that absorbs and/or reflects all light and prevents any
fir·ing \fı̄r¢ı̆ng\: the process of porcelain fusion, in dentistry, transmission of light
specifically to produce porcelain restorations o·ver·glaze \ō¢var-glāz\ adj (1879): the production of a
flu·o·res·cence \flŏŏ-rĕs¢ens\ n (1852): a process by which glazed surface by the addition of a fluxed glass that
a material absorbs radiant energy and emits it in the usually vitrifies at a lower temperature
form of radiant energy of a different wavelength band, pig·ment \pı̆g¢mant\ n (14c): finely ground, natural or syn-
all or most of whose wavelengths exceed that of the thetic, inorganic or organic, insoluble dispersed particles
absorbed energy. Fluorescence, as distinguished from (powder), which, when dispersed in a liquid vehicle, may
phosphorescence, does not persist for an appreciable provide, in addition to color, many other essential prop-
time after the termination of the excitation process erties such as opacity, hardness, durability, and corrosion
glass-ceramic \glăs sa-răm¢ik\: a solid material, partly resistance. The term is used to include an extender,
crystalline and partly glassy, formed by controlled crys- white or color pigments. The distinction between
tallization of a glass powders that are pigments and those that are dyes is
generally considered on the basis of solubility—pigments
glaze \glāz\ vb glazed \glāzd\; glaz·ing \glā¢zı̆ng\ vt (14c) being insoluble and dispersed in the material, dyes being
1: to cover with a glossy, smooth surface or coating 2: soluble or in solution as used


platinum foil \plăt¢n-um foil\: a precious-metal foil with a 2. Ehrlich A: Erosion of acrylic resin restorations
high fusing point that makes it suitable as a matrix for [Letter]. J Am Dent Assoc 59:543, 1959.
various soldering procedures as well as to provide an 3. Söremark R, Bergman B: Studies on the perme-
internal form for porcelain restorations during their ability of acrylic facing material in gold crowns, a
fabrication laboratory investigation using Na. Acta Odontol
Scand 19:297, 1961.
por·cel·ain \pôr¢sa-lı̆n, pōr¢-\ n (known in Europe, ca. 4. Lamstein A, Blechman H: Marginal seepage
1540): a ceramic material formed of infusible elements
around acrylic resin veneers in gold crowns. J Pros-
joined by lower fusing materials. Most dental porcelains
thet Dent 6:706, 1956.
are glasses and are used in the fabrication of teeth
5. Weinstein M, Weinstein AB: Fused Porcelain-to-
for dentures, pontics and facings, metal ceramic
Metal Teeth. U.S. Patent No. 3,052,982, September
restorations, including fixed dental prostheses, as well
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