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COMMUNICABLE What is Communicable Diseases?

How do people get Non-

Communicable Diseases?
an infectious disease transmissible (as from person
VERSUS to person) by direct contact with an affected
 Genetics or Heredity : Passed down
individual or the individual's discharges or by
through family
indirect means (as by a vector) — compare
NON- contagious disease.  Environment: Where you live and work

COMMUNICABLE Lifestyle: Decisions that you make
regarding your health. .
DISEASES What is Non-Communicable
A non-communicable disease (NCD) is a medical
condition or disease that is not caused by Examples of Communicable
infectious agents (non-infectious or non-
 What is communicable and non- transmissible). NCDs can refer to chronic diseases
communicable disease? which last for long periods of time and progress
slowly. ... NCDs are the leading cause of death  Cold
 How communicable diseases
globally.  Flu
 Chicken Pox
 H1N1
How communicable disease  HIV and AIDS
 How do people get Non- 
Communicable Diseases? spread? 
 Hepatitis
 Examples of some communicable
and non-communicable diseases
and some point about them.
Examples of Non-Communicable
 What are the symptoms of
communicable and non-
communicable disease?
 Heart Attacks
 High Blood Pressure
 Stroke
 How to prevent communicable and  Cancer
non-communicable diseases?  Diabetes
.  Arthritis
Symptoms & Signs of Common How to prevent communicable
Communicable Diseases diseases?
1. Wash your hands often. ...
2. Get vaccinated. ...
 Fever. 3. Use antibiotics sensibly. ...
 Diarrhea. 4. Stay at home if you have signs and
 Fatigue. symptoms of an infection. ...
5. Be smart about food preparation. ...
 Muscle aches.
6. Disinfect the 'hot zones' in your
 Coughing. residence. ...
 7. Practice safer sex. ...
8. Don't share personal items..

Symptoms & Signs of Common

Non-Communicable Diseases How to prevent non-
communicable diseases?
 A chronic disease caused by pain, 1. Reduce mortality from NCDs.
2. Reduce harmful use of alcohol.
inflammation, swelling, and 3. Reduce prevalence of physical inactivity.
stiffness of joints. 4. Reduce salt intake.
 Most serious of the most common 5. Reduce tobacco use.
forms. 6. Reduce prevalence of raised blood
 Joints become deformed and 7. Halt the rise in diabetes and obesity.
often no longer function normally.
 Joints affected: hands, feet,
elbows, shoulders, neck, knees,
hips, and ankles.
 It is usually symmetrical in the
body: both hands will hurt. Submitted By: JENNY ANN E. SOLITO

Section: 10-ALAMACIGA

Submitted To: Mrs. San Juan

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