800 2007 PDF
800 2007 PDF
800 2007 PDF
Indian Standard
( Third Revision)
ICS 77.140.01
Q BIS 2007
This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Structural Engineering and Structural Sections Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
The steel economy programme was initiated by erstwhile Indian Standards Institution in the year 1950 with the
objective of achieving economy in the use of structural steel by establishing rational, efficient and optimum
standards for structural steel products and their use. IS 800: 1956 was the first in the series of Indian Standards
brought out under this programme. The standard was revised in 1962 and subsequently in 1984, incorporating
certain very importmt changes.
IS 800 is the basic Code for general construction in steel structures and is the prime document for any structural
design and has influence on many other codes governing the design of other special steel structures, such as
towers, bridges, silos, chimneys, etc. Realising the necessity to update the standard to the state of the art of the
steel construction technology and economy, the current revision of the standard was undertaken. Consideration
has been given tO the de~elopments taking place in the country and abroad, and necessary modifications and
additions have been incorporated to make the standard more useful.
The revised standard will enhance the confidence of designers, engineers, contractors, technical institutions,
professional bodies and the industry and will open a new era in safe and economic construction in steel.
a) In view of’the development and production of new varieties of medium and high tensile structural steels
in the country, the scope of the standard has been modified permitting the use of any variety of structural
steel provided the relevant provisions of the standard are satisfied.
b) The standard has made reference to the Indian Standards now available for rivets; bolts and other fasteners.
c) The standard is based on limit state method, reflecting the latest developments and the state of the art.
The revision of the standard was based on a review carried out and the proposals framed by Indian Institute of
Technology Madras (IIT Madras). The project was supported by Institute of Steel Development and Growth
(INSDAG) Kolkata. There has been considerable contribution from INSDAG and IIT Madras, with assistance
from a number of academic, research, design and contracting institutes/organizations, in the preparation of the
revised standard.
In the formulation of this standard the following publications have also been considered:
AS-4 100-1998 Steel structures (second edition), Standards Australia (Standards Association of Australia),
Homebush, NSW 2140,
BS-5950-2000 Structural use of steelwork in buildings:
Part 1 Code of practice for design in simple and continuous construction: Hot rolled sections, British
Standards Institution, London.
CAN/CSA- Limit states design of steel structures, Canadian Standards Association, Rexdale (Toronto),
S16.1-94 Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3.
ENV [993-1-1: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures:
1992 Part 1-1 General rules and rules for buildings
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex J.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard, is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
1S 800:2007
1.1 scope 1
1.2 References 1
1.3 Terminology 1
1,4 Symbols 5
1.5 Units 11
1.6 Standard Dimensions, Form and Weight 11
1.7 Plans and Drawings 11
1.8 Convention for Member Axes 12
2.1 General 12
2.2 Structural Steel 12
2.3 Rivets 12
2,4 Bolts, Nuts and Washers 15
2.5 SteeI Casting 15
2.6 Welding Consumable 15
2.7 Other Materials 15
IS 800:2007
9.1 General 69
9.2 Combined Shear and Bending 69
9.3 Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment 70
10.1 General 73
10.2 Location Details of Fasteners 73
10.3 Bearing Type Bolts 74
10.4 Friction Grip Type Bolting 76
10.5 Welds and Welding 78
10.6 Design of Connections 81
10.7 Minimum Design Action on Connection 82
10.8 Intersections 82
10.9 Choice of Fasteners 82
10.10 Connection Components 82
10.11 Analysis of a Bolt/Weld Group 83
10.12 Lug Angles 83
11.1 General 84
11.2 Tension Members 84
11.3 Compression Members 84
11.4 Members Subjected to Bending 85
11.5 Combined Stresses 85
11.6 Connections 86
12.1 General 87
12.2 Load and Load Combinations 87
12.3 Response Reduction Factor 87
12.4 Connections, Joints and Fasteners 87
12.5 Columns 87
12.6 Storey Drift 88
12.7 Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames (OCBF) 88
IS 8~0 :2007
13.1 General 91
13.2 Design 91
13.3 Detail Category 92
13.4 Fatigue Strength 93
13.5 Fatigue Assessment 99
13.6 Necessity for Fatigue Assessment 100
15.1 General 103
15.2 Requirements for Durability 103
IS 800:2007
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IS 800:2007
Indian Standard
( Third Revision)
SECTION 1 1.3.1 Accidental Loads — Loads due to explosion,
GENERAL impact of vehicles, or other rare loads for which the
structure is considered to be vulnerable as per the user.
1.1 Scope
1.3.2 Accompanying Load — Live (imposed) load
1.1.1 This standard applies to general construction acting along with leading imposed load but causing
using hot rolled steel sections joined using riveting, lower actions and/or deflections.
bolting and welding. Specific provisions for bridges,
1.3.3 Action Effect or Load Effect — The internal force,
chimneys, cranes, tanks, transmission line towers, bulk
axial, shear, bending or twisting moment, due to
storage structures, tubular structures, cold formed light
external actions and temperature loads,
gauge steel sections, etc, are covered in separate
standards. 1.3.4 Action — The primary cause for stress or
deformations in a structure such as dead, live, wind,
1.1.2 This standard gives only general guidance as regards
seismic or temperature loads.
the various loads to be considered in design. For the actual
loads and load combinations to be used, reference may 1.3.5 Actual Length — The length between centre-to-
be made to IS 875 for dead, live, snow and wind loads centre of intersection points, with supporting members
and to IS 1893 (Part 1) for earthquake loads. or the cantilever length in the case of a free standing
1.1.3 Fabrication and erection requirements covered
in this standard are general and the minimum necessary 1.3.6 Beam — A member subjected predominantly to
quality of material and workmanship consistent with bending.
assumptions in the design rules. The actual
1.3.7 Bearing Type Connection — A connection made
requirements may be further developed as per other
using bolts in ‘snug-tight’ condition, or rivets where
standards or the project specification, the type of
the load is transferred by bearing of bolts or rivets
structure and the method of construction.
against plate inside the bolt hole.
1.1.4 For seismic design, recommendations pertaining
1.3.8 Braced Member — A member in which the
to steel frames only are covered in this standard. For
relative transverse displacement is effectively prevented
more detailed information on seismic design of other
by bracing.
structural and non-structural components, refrence
should be made to IS 1893 (Part 1) and other special 1.3.9 Brittle Cladding — Claddings, such as asbestos
publications on the subject. cement sheets which get damaged before undergoing
considerable deformation.
1.2 References
1.3.10 Buckling Load— The load at which an element,
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions a member or a structure as a whole, either collapses in
which through reference in this text, constitute service or buckles in a load test and develops excessive
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, lateral (out of plane) deformation or instability.
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on 1.3.11 Buckling Strength or Resistance — Force or
this standard are encouraged to investigate the moment, which a member can withstand without
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the buckling.
standards indicated in Annex A. 1.3.12 Bui/t-ap Section — A member fabricated by
interconnecting more than one element to form a
1.3 Terminology
compound section acting as a single member.
For the purpose of this standard, the following
1.3.13 Camber- Intentionally introduced pre-curving
definitions shall apply.
(usually upwards) in a system, member or any portion
IS 800:2007
of a member with respect to its chord. Frequently, 1.3.28 Detail Category — Designation given to a
camber is introduced to compensate for deflections at particular detail to indicate the S-N curve to be used in
a specific level of loads. fatigue assessment.
1.3.14 Characteristic Load (Action) — The value of 1.3.29 Discontinuity — A sudden change in cross-
specified load (action), above which not more than a section of a loaded member, causing a stress
specified percentage (usually 5 percent) of samples of concentration at the location.
corresponding load are expected to be encountered.
1.3.30 Ductility — It is the property of the material or
1.3.15 Characteristic Yield/Ultimate Stress — The a structure indicating the extent to which it can deform
minimum value of stress, below which not more than beyond the limit of yield deformation before failure or
a specified percentage (usually 5 percent) of fracture. The ratio of ultimate to yield deformation is
corresponding stresses of samples tested are expected usually termed as ductility.
to occur.
1.3.31 Durability — It is the ability of a material to
1.3.16 Column — A member in upright (vertical) resist deterioration over long periods of time.
position which supports a roof or floor system and
1.3.32 Earthquake Loads — The inertia forces
predominantly subjected to compression.
produced in a structure due to the ground movement
1.3.17 Compact Section —A cross-section, which can during an earthquake.
develop plastic moment, but has inadequate plastic
1.3.33 Edge Distance — Distance from the centre of a
rotation capacity needed for formation of a plastic
fastener hole to the nearest edge of an element
collapse mechanism of the member or structure.
measured perpendicular to the direction of load
1.3.18 Constant Stress Range — The amplitude transfer.
between which the stress ranges under cyclic loading
1.3.34 Eflective Lateral Restraint — Restraint, that
is constant during the life of the structure or a structural
produces sufficient resistance to prevent deformation
in the lateral direction.
1.3.19 Corrosion — An electrochemical process over
1.3.35 Effective Length — Actual length of a member
the surface of steel, leading to oxidation of the metal.
between points of effective restraint or effective
1.3.20 Crane Load — Horizontal and vertical loads restraint and free end, multiplied by a factor to take
from cranes. account of the end conditions in buckling strength
1.3.21 Cumulative Fatigue — Total damage due to
fatigue loading of varying stress ranges. 1.3.36 Elastic Cladding — Claddings, such as metal
sheets, that can undergo considerable deformation
1.3.22 Cut-o~Limit — The stress range, corresponding
without damage.
to the particular detail, below which cyclic loading need
not be considered in cumulative fatigue damage 1.3.37 Elastic Critical Moment —The elastic moment,
evaluation (corresponds to 108 numbers of cycles in which initiates lateral-torsional buckling of a laterally
most cases). unsupported beam.
1.3.23 Dead Loads — The self-weights of all 1.3.38 Elastic Design — Design, which assumes elastic
permanent constructions and installations including the behaviour of materials throughout the service load
self-weight of all walls, partitions, floors, roofs, and range.
other permanent fixtures acting on a member.
1.3.39 Elastic Limit — It is the stress below which the
1.3.24 Dejection — It is the deviation from the material regains its original size and shape when the
standard position of a member or structure. load is removed. In steel design, it is taken as the yield
1.3.25 Design Life — Time period for which a structure
or a structural element is required to perform its 1.3.40 End Distance — Distance from the centre of a
function without damage. fastener hole to the edge of an element measured
parallel to the direction of load transfer.
1.3.26 Design Load/Factored Load — A load value
ob~~ined by multiplying the characteristic load with a 1.3.41 Erection Loads — The actions (loads and
load factor. deformations) experienced by the structure exclusively
during erection.
1.3.27 Design Spectrum — Frequency distribution of
the stress ranges from all the nominal loading events 1.3.42 Erection Tolerance — Amount of deviation
during the design life (stress spectrum). related to the plumbness, alignment, and level of the
. ... . —...,
IS 800:2007
element as a whole in the erected position. The 1.3.53 Flexural Stiffness — Stiffness of a member
deviations are determined by considering the locations against rotation as evaluated by the value of bending
of the ends of the element. deformation moment required to cause a unit rotation
while all other degrees of freedom of the joints of the
1.3.43 Exposed Surface Area to Mass Ratio — The
member except the rotated one are assumed to be
ratio of the surface area exposed to the fire (in mm2) to
the mass of steel (in kg). restrained.
NOTE — In the case of members with tire protection material 1.3.54 Friction Type Connection — Connection
applied, the exposed surface area is to be taken as the internal effected by using pre-tensioned high strength bolts
sur~acearea of the fire protection material. where shear force transfer is due to mobilisation of
1.3.44 Fabrication Tolerance — Amount of deviation friction between the connected plates due to clamping
allowed in the nominal dimensions and geometry in force developed at the interface of connected plates
fabrication activities, such as cutting to length, finishing by the bolt pre-tension.
of ends, cutting of bevel angles, etc.
1.3.55 Gauge — The spacing between adjacent parallel
1.3.45 Factor of Safety — The factor by which the yield lines of fasteners, transverse to the direction of load/
stress of the material of a member is divided to arrive stress.
at the permissible stress in the material.
1.3.56 Gravity Load — Loads arising due to
1.3.46 Fatigue — Damage caused by repeated gravitational effects.
fluctuations of stress, leading to progressive cmcking
of a structural element. 1,3.57 GwssetPlate — The plate to which the members
intersecting at a joint are connected.
1.3.47 Fatigue Loading — Set of nominal loading
events, cyclic in nature, described by the distribution 1.3.58 High Shear — High shear condition is caused
of the loads, their magnitudes and the number of when the actual shear due to factored load is greater
applications in each nominal loading event. than a certain fraction of design shear resistance
(see 9.2.2).
1.3.48 Fatigue Strength — The stress range for a
category of detail, depending upon the number of 1.3.59 Imposed (Live) Load — The load assumed to
cycles it is required to withstand during design life. be produced by the intended use or occupancy
including distributed, concentrated, impact, vibration
1.3.49 Fire Exposure Condition
and snow loads but excluding, wind, earthquake and
a) Three-sidedfire exposure condition — Steel temperature loads.
member incorporated in or in contact with a
1.3.60 Instability — The phenomenon which disables
concrete or masonry floor or wall (at least
an element, member or a structure to carry further load
against one surface).
due to excessive deflection lateral to the direction of
loading and vanishing stiffness.
1 Three-sided fire exposure condition is to be considered
separately unless otherwise specified (see 16.10).
1.3.61 Lateral Restraint for a Beam (see 1.3.34)
2 Members with more than one face in contact with a
concrete or masonry floor or wall may be treated as 1.3.62 Leading Imposed Load— Imposed load causing
three-sided tire exposure.
higher action and/or deflection.
b) Four-sided jire exposure condition — Steel
member, which may be exposed to fire on all 1.3.63 Limit State — Any limiting condition beyond
sides. which the structure ceases to fulfil its intended function
(see also 1.3.86).
1.3.50 Fire Protection System — The fire protection
material and its method of attachment to the steel 1.3.64 Live Load (see 1.3.59)
1.3.65 Load — An externally applied force or action
1.3.51 Fire Resistance — The ability of an element, (see also 1.3.4).
component or structure, to fulfil for a stated period of
1.3.66 Main Member — A structural member, which
time, the required stability, integrity, thermal insulation
is primarily responsible for carrying and distributing
and/or other expected performance specified in a
the applied load or action.
standard fire test.
1.3,67 Mill Tolerance — Amount of variation allowed
1.3.52 FireResistanceLevel —The fwe resistance grading
from the nominal dimensions and geometry, with
period for a structural element or system, in minutes,
which is required to be attained in the standard fire test. respect to cross-sectional area, non-parallelism of
IS 800:2007
flanges, and out of straightness such as sweep or structures, members or connections that are nominally
camber, in a product, as manufactured in a steel mill. identical (full scale) to the units tested.
1.3.68 Normal Stress — Stress component acting 1.3.82 Prying Force — Additional tensile force
normal to the face, plane or section. developed in a bolt as a result of the flexing of a
connection component such as a beam end plate or leg
1.3,69 Partial Safety Factor — The factor normally of an angle.
greater than unity by which either the loads (actions)
are multiplied or the resistances are divided to obtain 1.3.83 Rotatiort — The change in angle at a joint
the design values. between the original orientation of two linear member
and their final position under Ioadlng.
1.3.70 Period of Structural Adequacy under Fire ——
The time (t), in minutes, for the member to reach the 1.3.84 Secondary Member — Member which is
provided for overall stability and or for restraining the
limit state of structural inadequacy in a standard fire
main members from buckling or similar modes of
1.3.71 Permissible S~rcss— When a structure is being
1.3.85 Semi-compact Section — Cross-section, which
designed by the working stress method, the maximum
can attain the yield moment, but not the plastic moment
stress that is permitted to be experienced in elements,
before failure by plate buckling.
members or structures under the nominal/service load
(action). 1.3.86 Serviceability .Lirnit State — A limit state of
acceptable service condition exceedence of which
1.3.72 Pitch — The centre-to-centre distance between causes serviceability failure.
individual fasteners in a line, in the direction of load/
stress. 1.3.87 Shear Force — The inplane force at any
transverse cross-section of a straight member of a
1.3.73 Plastic Collapse — The failure stage at which column or beam.
sufficient number of plastic hinges have formed due
to the loads (actions) in a structure leading to a failure 1.3.88 Shear Lag — The in plane shear deformation
mechanism. effect by which concentrated forces tangential to the
surface of a plate gets distributed over the entire section
1.3.74 Plastic IMsi,gn — Design against the limit state perpendicular to the load over a finite length of the
of plastic collapse. plate along the direction of the load.
1.3.75 Plastic Hinge — A yielding zone with 1.3.89 Shear Stress — The stress component acting
significant inelastic rotation, which forms in a member, parallel to a face, plane or cross-section.
when the plastic moment is reached at a section.
1.3.90 Slender Section — Cross-section in which the
1.3.76 Plastic Mo~nent— Moment capacity of a cross- elements buckle locally before reaching yield moment.
section when the entire cross-section has yielded due
1.3.91 Slenderness Ratio — The ratio of the effective
to bending moment.
length of a member to the radius of gyration of the
1.3.77 Plastic Section — Cross-section, which can cross-section about the axis under consideration.
develop a plastic hinge and sustain piastic moment over 1.3.92 Slip Resistance — Limit shear that can be
sufficient plastic rotation required for formation of applied in a friction grip connection before slip occurs.
plastic failure mechanism of the member or structure.
1.3.93 S-N Curve —The curve defining the relationship
1,3.78 Poisson’s Ratio — It is the absolute value of between the number of stress cycles to failure (N,c) at
the ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain under a constant stress range (SC), during fatigue loading of
uni-axial Ioading. a structure.
1.3.79 Proof Stress — The stress to which high strength 1.3.94 Snow Load — Load on a structure due to the
friction grip (HSFG) bolts are pre-tensioned. accumulation of snow and ice on surfaces such as roof.
1.3,80 Proof Testing — The application of test loads 1.3.95 Snug i’ight —— The tightness of a bolt achieved
to a structure, sub-structure, member or connection to by a few impacts of an impact wrench or by the full
ascertain the structural characteristics of only that effort of a person using a standard spanner.
specific unit.
1.3.96 Stability Limit State — A limit state
1.3.81 Prototype Testing — Testing of structure, sub- corresponding to the loss of static equilibrium of a
structure, members or connections to ascertain the structure by excessive deflection transverse to the
structural characteristics of that class of structures, sub- direction of predominant loads.
IS 800:2007
1.3.97 Stackability — The ability of the fire protection 1.3.115 Transverse — Direction atong the stronger axes
system to remain in place as the member deflects under of the cross-section of the member.
load during a fire test.
1.3.116 Ultimate Limit State — The state which, if
1.3.98 St~ffener— An element used to retain or prevent exceeded can cause collapse of a part or the whole of
the out-of-plane deformations of plates. the structure.
1.3.99 Strain — Deformation per unit length or unit 1.3.117 Ultimate Stress (see 1.3.113)
1.3.118 Wind Loads — Load experienced by member
1.3.100 Strain Hardening — The phenomenon of or structure due to wind pressure acting on the surfaces.
increase in stress with increase in strain beyond
1.3.119 Yield Stress — The characteristic stress of the
material in tension before the elastic limit of the
1.3.101 Strength — Resistance to failure by yielding material is exceeded, as specified in the appropriate
or buckling. Indian Stwdard, as listed in Table 1.
1.3.107 Stress Spectrum — Histogram of stress cycles A,O — Gross cross-sectional area of
produced by a nominal loading event design spectrum, outstanding (not connected) leg of a
during design life. member
A, — Net area of the total cross-section
1.3.108 Structural Adequacy for Fire — The ability of
An, — Net tensile cross-sectional area of bolt
the member to carry the test load exposed to the
standard fire test. A,,C — Net cross-sectional area of the
connected leg of a member
1.3.109 Structural Analysis — The analysis of stress, — Net cross-sectional
An, area of each
strain, and deflection characteristics of a structure.
1.3.110 Strut — A compression member, which may A,O — Net cross-sectional area of
be oriented in any direction. outstanding (not connected) leg of a
1.3.111 Sway — The lateral deflection of a frame. member
A,, — Nominal bearing area of bolt on any
1.3.112 Sway Member — A member in which the plate
transverse displacement of one end, relative to the other
A, — Cross-sectional area of a bearing
is not effectively prevented.
(load carrying) stiffener in contact
1.3.113 Tensile Stress — The characteristic stress with the flange
corresponding to rupture in tension, specified for the A, — Tensile stress area
grade of steel in the appropriate Indian Standard, as
A,, — Gross cross-sectional area of a bolt
listed in Table 1. at the shank
1.3.114 Test Load — The factored load, equivalent to At, — Gross sectional area in tension from
a specified load combination appropriate for the type the centre of the hole to the toe of
of test being performed. the angle section/channel section, etc
(see 6.4) perpendicular to the line of
IS 800:2007
A,n — Net sectional area in tension from the compression flange angles, plates or
centre of the hole to the toe of tongue plates to the neutral axis
the angle perpendicular to the line d, — Diameter of a bolt/ rivet hole
of force (see 6.4)
dO — Nominal diameter of the pipe column
Av — Shear area
or the dimensions of the column in
Av, — Gross cross-sectional area in shear the depth direction of the base plate
along the line of transmitted force dP — Panel zone depth in the beam-column
(see 6.4) junction
A,, — Net cross-sectional area in shear — Modulus of elasticity for steel
along the line of transmitted force — Modulus of elasticity of steel at T “C
E (~
(se: 6.4 )
E (20) — Modulus of elasticity of steel at 20”C
a, b — Larger and smaller projection of the
E, — Modulus of elasticity of the panel
slab base beyond the rectangle
circumscribing the column,
F cdw — Buckling strength of un-stiffened
respectively (see 7.4)
— Peak acceleration beam web under concentrated load
Fd — Factored design load
— Unsupported length of individual
al — Normal force
elements being laced between lacing F.
points FO — Minimum proof pretension in high
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
(1 ——
r 0
Actual maximum effective
slenderness ratio of the laced column
— Reduced effective moment
— Reduced plastic moment capacity of
KL the flange plate
Effective slenderness ratio of the
(“-) r< -
laced column accounting for shear M,, — Design piastic resistance of the flange
deformation alone
K, — Shear buckling co-efficient Mn, — Design bending strength under
combined axial force and uniaxial
K,V — Warping restraint factor
k— Regression coefficient
M,~Y,M“~Z—Design bending strength under
Exposed surface area to mass ratio
combined axial force and the
L— Actual length, unsupported length, respective uniaxial moment acting
Length centre-to-centre distance of alone
the intersecting members, Cantilever
M, — Plastic moment capacity of the
L, — Length of end connection in bolted
M,, — Moment in the beam at the
and welded members, taken as the
intersection of the beam and column
distance between outermost fasteners
centre lines
in the end connection, or the length
M. — Moments in the column above and
of the end weld, measured along the
below the beam surfaces
length of the member
M@ — Plastic design strength
L LT —
Effective length for lateral torsional
buckling MP~~ — Plastic design strength of flanges only
L. — Maximum distance from the restraint M~ — Applied moment on the stiffener
to the compression flange at the M, — Moment at service (working) load
plastic hinge to an adjacent restraint M,, — Moment resistance of tension flange
(limiting distance) MY — Factored applied moment about the
LO — Length between points of zero minor axis of the cross-section
moment (inflection) in the span
IS 800:2007
M,, . Moment capacity of the stiffener R, — Net shear in bolt group at bolt “i”
based on its elastic modulus R, — Response reduction factor
M, — Factored applied moment about the R,, — Flange shear resistance
major axis of the cross-section RU — Ultimate strength of the member at
N — Number of parallel planes of battens room temperature
N, — Design strength in tension or in r — Appropriate radius of gyration
compression — Minimum radius of gyration of the
N, — Axial force in the flange individual element being laced
N,c . Numberof stress cycles together
n — Number of bolts in the bolt group/ r~ — Ratio of the design action on the
critical section member under fire to the design
n, — Number of effective interfaces capacity
offering frictional resistance to slip r““ — Radius of gyration about the minor
n, — Number of shear planes with the axis (v-v) of angle section.
threads intercepting the shear plane ry — Radius of gyration about the minor
in the bolted connection axis
n, Number of shear planes without r, — Radius of gyration about the major
threads intercepting the shear plane axis
in the bolted connection s — Minimum transverse distance
P — Factored applied axial force between the centroid of the rivet or
P<.. — Elastic buckling load bolt group or weld group
— s, — Constant stress range
P, Design axial compressive strength
s, — Design strength
P,,,Pdz— Design compression strength as
governed by flexural buckling about so — Original cross-sectional area of the
the respective axis test specimen
P, — Elastic Euler buckling load s, — Spring stiffness
PMm — Minimum required strength for each s“ — Ultimate strength
flange splice s, — Anchorage length of tension field
P, — Required compressive strength along the compression flange
P, — Actual compression at service load s, — Anchorage length of tension field
P, — Yield strength of the cross-section along the tension flange
under axial compression s, — Actual stiffener spacing
— Pitch length between centres of holes T — Temperature in degree Celsius;
parallel to the direction of the Factored tension
load T, — Applied tension in bolt
P, — Staggered pitch length along the T,, — Thickness of compression flange
direction of the load between lines of T~ — Design strength under axial tension
the bolt holes (see Fig. 5) — Yielding strength of gross section
Q — Prying force
under axial tension
Q, — Accidental load (Action) — Rupture strength of net section under
Q, — Characteristic loads (Action) axial tension
Q, — Design load (Action) Tdb — Design strength of bolt under axial
Q, — Permanent loads (Action) tension; Block shear strength at
Q, . Variable loads (Action) end connection
— Shear stress at service load T. — Externally applied tension
— Ratio of the mean compressive T, — Factored tension force of friction type
R stress
in the web (equal to stress at bolt
mid depth) to yield stress of the web; T, — Limiting temperature of the steel
reaction of the beam at support T,b — Nominal strength of bolt under axial
R, — Design strength of the member at tension
room temperature T,d — Design tension capacity
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
Yff, — Partial safety factor for fatigue load a) Forces and loads, in kN, kN/m, kN/m2;
— Partial safety factor for fatigue b) Unit mass, in kg/mJ;
strength c) Unit weight, in kN/ms;
Ymv — Partial safety factor against shear d) Stresses and strengths, in N/mm* (MN/m2 or
failure MPa); and
— Partial safety factor for strength of e) Moments (bending, etc), in kNm.
For conversion of one system of units to another
& — Yield stress ratio (250 /~,) ‘n
system, IS 786 (Supplement) may be referred.
A — Non-dimensional slenderness ratio =
1.6 Standard Dimensions, Form and Weight
@ii7FE. a =
The dimensions, form, weight, tolerances of all rolled
— Elastic buckling load factor
shapes, all rivets, bolts, nuts, studs, and welds and other
members used in any steel structure shall conform to
IS 808 and IS 1852, wherever applicable.
— Equivalent slenderness ratio
— Non-dimensional slenderness ratio in 1.7 Plans and Drawings
lateral bending 1.7.1 Plans, drawings and stress sheet shall be prepared
L,,r — Elastic buckling load factor of each according to IS 8000 (Parts 1 to 4), IS 8976 and IS 962.
storey Plans
— Poisson’s ratio
— Correction factor The plans (design drawings) shall show the sizes,
— Coefficient of friction (slip factor) sections, and the relative locations of the various
— Capacity reduction factor members. Floor levels, column centres, and offsets
shall be dimensioned. Plans shall be drawn to a scale
e — Ratio of the rotation at the hinge point
large enough to convey the information adequately.
to the relative elastic rotation of the Plans shall indicate the type of construction to be
far end of the beam segment employed; and shall be supplemented by such data on
containing plastic hinge the assumed loads, shears, moments and axial forces
— Unit mass of steel
P to be resisted by all members and their connections, as
‘r — Actual shear stress range for the detail may be required for the proper preparation of shop
category drawings. Any special precaution to be taken in the
Tb — Buckling shear stress erection of structure, from the design consideration
— Permissible shear stress at the service shall also be indicated in the drawing.
load Shop drawings
rCr,e — Elastic critical shear stress
Shop drawings, giving complete information
7, — Fatigue shear stress range
necessary for the fabrication of the component parts
‘r f, Max — Highest shear stress range of the structure including the location, type, size,
— Design shear fatigue strength length and detail of all welds and fasteners shall be
‘rf. — Fatigue shear stress range at N~Ccycle prepared in advance of the actual fabrication. They
for the detail category shall clearly distinguish between shop and field rivets,
‘r, — Actual shear stress at service load bolts and welds. For additional information to be
— Ratio of the moments at the ends of included on drawings for designs based on the use of
welding, reference shall be made to appropriate Indian
the laterally unsupported length of
Standards. Shop drawings shall be made in
a beam
conformity with IS 962. A marking diagram allotting
r — Frame buckling load factor
distinct identification marks to each separate part of
NOTE — The subscripts y, : denote the y-y and Z-Zaxes of the steel work shall be prepared. The diagram shall be
section, respectively. For symmetrical sections, y-y denotes the
minor principal axis whilst z-z denotes the major principal axis sufficient to ensure convenient assembly and erection
(see 1.8). at site.
1.5 Units 1.7.2 Symbols used for welding on plans and shop
drawings shall be according to IS 813.
For the purpose of design calculations the following
units are recommended:
IS 800:2007
1.8 Convention for Member Axes Steel that is not supported by mill test result
may be used only in unimportant members and details,
Unless otherwise specified convention used for
where their properties such as ductility and weldability
member axes is as follows (see Fig. l):
would not affect the performance requirements of the
a) x-.x along the member. members and the structure as a whole.
b) y-y an axis of the cross-section. However, such steels may be used in structural system
1) perpendicular to the flanges, and after confirming their quality by carrying out
2) perpendicular to the smaller leg in an appropriate tests in accordance with the method
angle section. specified in IS 1608.
c) Z-Z an axis of the cross-section 2.2.4 Properties
1) axis parallel to flanges, and
The properties of structural steel for use in design, may
2) axis parallel to smaller leg in angle
be taken as given in and
d) u-u major axis (when it does not coincide with Physical properties of structural steel
z-z axis). irrespective of its grade may be taken as:
e) v-v minor axis (when it does not coincide with a) Unit mass of steel, p = 7850 kg/m~
y-y axis). b) Modulus of elasticity, E = 2.0 x 10s N/mm2
MATERIALS c) Poisson ratio, p = 0.3
d) Modulus of rigidity, G = 0.769 x 10s N/mm2
2.1 General (MPa)
The material properties given in this section are e) Co-efficient of thermal expansion cx.= 12 x
nominal values, to be accepted as characteristic values 10’ /“c
in design calculations. Mechanical properties of structural steel
adopted. 2.3.1 Rivets shall be manufactured from steel
----- ,------ .
IS 800:2007
330 410-540 16
Ex4 ] XX 330 410-540 20
330 410-540 22
330 410-540 24
330 410-540 24
360 510-610 16
360 510-610 18
ii) lS 814 IZX5Ixx
360 510-610 18
360 510-610 20
360 510-610 20
360 5IO-61O 20
[ 360 510-610 20
— —
o —
D 240-400
— 28
iii) IS 1079 DI) 260-390
{ 32
EDD 260-380
330 25
400 22
4.6 —.
4.8 420
500 20
5.6 —
5.8 — 520
600 —
i 6.8
iv) IS 1367 640 ‘) 800 12
8.8 (d< 16 mm)
(Part 3) 660 ‘) 830 12
8.8 (d> 16 mm)
720 ‘) 900 10
940 ‘) 1040 9
1 100’) 1220 8
[ 12.9
1 200 370 26
1A 220 410 25
230 430 24
250 460 22
270 490 21
V) IS 1875 280 540 20
320 620 15
350 710 13
370 740 10
s 20 >20 ‘ 26
s, 37 360-440
vi) IS 1990 220 200 410-500 23
S, 42 250 240
t t t
\ f v \
/ >60 and
>100 <60 >60
s16 >16 and >40 and >60 and >100 and <60
S40 s60 <100 <350 <1oo and and
<350 S350
1 235 225 215 200 185 360-480 360-480 350-480 24 23
vii) 1S2002 2 265 255 245 215 200 410-530 410-530 400-530 22 21
{ 3 290 285 280 255 230 460-580 450-570 440-570 21 20
IS 800:2007
Table 1 (Concluded)
<20 20-40 >40
E 165 (Fe 290) 165 165 165 290 23
E250(Fe410W)A 250 240 230 410 23
E250(Fe 410 W)B 250 240 230 410 23
E250(Fe 410 W)C 250 240 230 410 23
viii) IS 2062 E 300 (Fe 440) 300 290 280 440 22
E 350 (Fe 490) 350 330 320 490 22
E 410 (Fe 540) 410 390 380 540 20
E 450 (Fe 570) D 450 430 420 570 20
E 450 (Fe 590) E 450 430 420 590 20
1 s 25 >25 ands 50
ix) 1s 3039 11 230 220 400-490
11[ 22
{ 235 235 400-490 22
235 235 400-490 22
~) IS 6240 360-450 34
{ Grade 2 245
1 Percent of elongation shall be taken over the gauge length 5.65 & where So= Original cross-sectional area of the test specimen.
2 Abbreviations: O = Ordinary, D = Drawing, DD = Deep Drawing, EDD = Extra Deep Drawing.
I) Stress at 0.2 percent non-proportional elongation, Min.
IS 800:2007
conforming to IS 7557. They may also be construction and use and have adequate resistance to
manufactured from steel conforming to IS 2062 certain expected accidental loads and tire. Structure
provided that the steel meets the requirements given should be stable and have alternate load paths to prevent
in IS 1148. disproportionate overall collapse under accidental
2,3.2 Rivets shall conform to IS 1929 and IS 2155 as
appropriate. 3.1.2 Methods of Design
2.3.3 High Tensile Steel Rivets Structure and its elements shall normally, be
designed by the limit state method. Account should be
High tensile steel rivets, shall be manufactured from
taken of accepted theories, experimental information
steel conforming to IS 1149.
and experience and the need to design for dumbi]ity.
2.4 Bolts, Nuts and Washers Calculations alone may not produce Safe, serviceable
and durable structures. Suitable materials, quality
Bolts, nuts and washers shall conform as appropriate control, adequate detailing and good supervision are
to IS 1363 (Parts 1 to 3), IS 1364 (Parts 1 to 5), IS 1367 equally important.
(Parts 1 to 20), IS 3640, IS 3757, IS 4000, IS 5369,
IS 5370, IS 5372, IS 5374, IS 5624, IS 6610, IS 6623, Where the limit states method cannot be
IS 6639, and IS 6649. The recommendations in IS 4000 conveniently adopted; the working stress design (sef~
shall be followed. Section 11) may be used.
2.6.3 The supply of solid filler wires for submerged 3.2.1 For the purpose of designing any element,
arc welding of structural steels shall conform to member or a structure, the following loads (actions)
IS 1387. and their effects shall be taken into account, where
applicable, with partial safety factors find combinations
2.6.4 The bare wire electrodes for submerged arc (see 5.3.3):
welding shall conform to IS 7280. The combination
of wire and flux shall satisfy the requirements of a) Dead loads;
IS 3613. b) Imposed loads (live load, crane load, snow
load, dust load, wave load, earth pressures,
2.6.5 Filler rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded
metal arc welding shall conform to IS 6419 and
c) Wind loads;
IS 6560, as appropriate.
d) Earthquake loads;
2.7 Other Materials e) Erection loads;
Other materials used in association with structural steel t] Accidental loads such as those due to blast,
work shall conform to appropriate Indian Standards. impact of vehicles, etc; and
g) Secondary effects due to contraction or
SECTION 3 expansion resulting from temperature
GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS changes, differential settlements of the
structure as a whole or of its components,
3.1 Basis for Design eccentric connections, rigidity of joints
differing from design assumptions.
3.1.1 Design Objective Dead loads should be assumed in design as
The objective of design is the achievement of an
specified in 1S 875 (Part 1).
acceptable probability that structures will perform
satisfactorily for the intended purpose duriug the design Imposed loads for different types of occupancy
life. With an appropriate degree of safety, they should and function of structures shall be taken as
sustain all the loads and deformations, during recommended in IS 875 (Part 2). Imposed loads arising
IS 800:2007
from equipment, such as cranes and machines should 3,5 Load Combinations
be assumed in design as per manufacturers/suppliers
3.5.1 Load combinations for design purposes shall be
data (see 3.5.4). Snow load shall be taken as per
those that produce maximum forces and effects and
IS 875 (Part 4).
consequently maximum stresses and deformations. Wind loads on structures shall be taken as per The following combination of loads with appropriate
the recommendations of IS 875 (Part 3). partial safety factors (see Table 4) maybe considered. Earthquake loads shall be assumed as per the a) Dead load + imposed load,
recommendations of IS 1893 (Part 1). b) Dead load + imposed load + wind or The erection loads and temperature effects shall earthquake load,
be considered as specified in 3.3 and 3.4 respectively. c) Dead load + wind or earthquake load, and
d) Dead load+ erection load.
3.3 Erection Loads
NOTE — In the case of structures supporting crmres, imposed
All loads required to be carried by the structure or any loads shall include the crane effects as given in 3.5.4.
part of it due to storage or positioning of construction 3.5.2 Wind load and earthquake loads shall not be
material and erection equipment, including all loads assumed to act simultaneously. The effect of each shall
due to operation of such equipment shall be considered be considered separately.
as erection loads. Proper provision shall be made,
including temporary bracings, to take care of all stresses 3,5.3 The effect of cranes to be considered under
developed during erection. Dead load, wind load and imposed loads shall include the vertical loads,
also such parts of the live load as would be imposed eccentricity effects induced by the vertical loads,
on the stricture during the period of erection shall be impact factors, lateral (surge) and longitudinal
taken as acting together with the erection loads. The (horizontal) thrusts, not acting simultaneously, across
structure as a whole and all parts of the structure in and along the crane rail, respectively [see 1S 875
conjunction with the temporary bracings shall be (Part 2)].
capable of sustaining these loads during erection. 3.5.4 The crane loads and their combinations to be
considered shall be as indicated by the customer. In
3.4 Temperature Effects
the absence of any specific indications, the load
3.4.1 Expansion and contraction due to changes in combinations shall be in accordance with the
temperature of the members and elements of a structure provisions in IS 875 (Part 2) or as given below:
shall be considered and adequate provision made for
a) Vertical loads with full impact from one
such effect.
loaded crane or two cranes in case of tandem
3.4.2 The temperature range varies for different operation, together with vertical loads without
localities and under different diurnal and seasonal impact from as many loaded cranes as may
conditions. The absolute maximum and minimum be positioned for maximum effect, along with
temperatures, which may be expected in different maximum horizontal thrust from one crane
localities of the country, may be obtained from the only or two in case of tandem operation;
Indian Metrological Department and used in assessing b) Loads as specified in 3.5.4(a), subject to
the maximum variations of temperature for which cranes in maximum of any two bays of the
provision for expansion and contraction has to be made building cross-section shaIl be considered for
in the structure. multi-bay multi-crane gantries;
3.4.3 The range of variation in temperature of the c) The longitudinal thrust on a crane track rail
building materials may be appreciably greater or lesser shall be considered for a maximum of two
than the variation of air temperature and is influenced loaded cranes on the track; and
by the condition of exposure and the rate at which the d) Lateral thrust (surge) and longitudinal thrust
materials composing the structure absorb or radiate acting across and along the crane rail
heat. This difference in temperature variations of the respectively, shall be assumed not to act
material and air shall be given due consideration. The simultaneously. The effect of each force, shall
effect of differential temperature within an element or however be investigated separately.
member, due to part exposure to direct sunlight shall
3.5.5 While investigating the effect of earthquake
also be considered.
forces, the resulting effect from dead loads of all cranes
3.4.4 The co-efficient of thermal expansion for steel is parked in each bay, positioned to cause maximum effect
as given in 2.2.4 .l(e). shall be considered.
‘“”” —–-—~
IS 800:2007
3.5.6 The crane runway girders supporting bumpers shall be less than that specified under Class 1
shall be checked for bumper impact loads also, as (Plastic), in Table 2.
specified by the manufacturers. b) Class 2 (Compact) — Cross-sections, which
3.5.7 Stresses developed due to secondary effects such can develop plastic moment of resistance, but
have inadequate plastic hinge rotation
as handling; erection, temperature and settlement of
foundations, if any, shall be appropriately added to the capacity for formation of plastic mechanism,
stresses calculated from the combination of loads stated due to local buckling. The width to thickness
in 3.5.1, with appropriate partial safety factors. ratio of plate elements shall be less than that
specified under Class 2 (Compact), but greater
3.6 Geometrical Properties than that specified under Class 1 (Plastic), in
Table 2.
3.6.1 General
c) Class 3 (Semi-compact) — Cross-sections,
The geometrical properties of the gross and the in which the extreme fiber in compression can
effective cross-sections of a member or part thereof, reach yield stress, but cannot develop the
shall be calculated on the following basis: plastic moment of resistance, due to local
buckling. The width to thickness ratio of plate
a) The properties of the gross cross-section shall
elements shall be less than that specified under
be calculated from the specified size of the
Class 3 (Semi-compact), but greater than that
member or part thereof or read from
specified under Class 2 (Compact), in Table 2.
appr~priate tablet
d) Class 4 (Slender) — Cross-sections in which
b) The properties of the effective cross-section
the elements buckle locally even before
shall be calculated by deducting from the area
reaching yield stress. The width to thickness
of the gross cross-section, the following:
ratio of plate elements shall be greater than
1) The sectional area in excess of effective that specified under Class 3 (Semi-compact),
plate width, in case of slender sections in Table 2. In such cases, the effective sections
(see 3.7.2). for design shall be calculated either by
2) The sectional areas of all holes in the section following the provisions of IS 801 to account
except for parts in compression. In case of for the post-local-buckling strength or by
punched holes, hole size 2 mm in excess deducting width of the compression plate
of the actual diameter may be deducted. element in excess of the semi-compact section
3.7 Classification of Cross-Sections
When different elements of a cross-section fall under
3.7.1 Plate elements of a cross-section may buckle
different classes, the section shall be classified as
locally due to compressive stresses. The local buckling
governed by the most critical element.
can be avoided before the limit state is achieved by
limiting the width to thickness ratio of each element The maximum value of limiting width to thickness
of a cross-section subjected to compression due to axial ratios of elements for different classifications of
force, moment or shear. sections are given in Table 2. When plastic analysis is used, the members ihall 3.7,3 Types of Elements
be capable of forming plastic hinges with sufficient Internal elements — These are elements
rotation capacity (ductility) without local buckling, to
attached along both longitudinal edges to
enable the redistribution of bending moment required
other elements or to longitudinal stiffeners
before formation of the failure mechanism.
connected at suitable intervals to transverse When elastic analysis is used, the member shall stiffeners, for example, web of I-section and
be capable of developing the yield stress under flanges and web of box section.
compression without local buckling. b) Outside elements or outstands – These are
3.7.2 On basis of the above, four classes of sections elements attached along only one of the
are defined as follows: longitudinal edges to an adjacent element, the
other edge being free to displace out of plane,
a) Class 1 (Plastic) — Cross-sections, which for example flange overhang of an I-section,
can develop plastic hinges and have the stem of T-section and legs of an angle section.
rotation capacity required for failure of the c) Tapered elements — These maybe treated as
structure by formation of plastic mechanism. flat elements having average thickness as
The width to thickness ratio of plate elements defined in SP 6 (Part 1).
Table 2 Limiting Width to Thickness Ratio
Compression Element Ratio Class of Section
Class 1 Class’2
Plastic Compact
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
b/t~ 9.4& 10.5s 15.7E
)utstandirig element of
compressionflange b/If 8.4& 9.4& 13.6s
1 Elements which exceed semi-compact limits are to be taken as of slender cross-section.
26= (250 /~) ’n.
3 Webs shall be checked for shear buckling in accordance with 8,4.2 when d/t> 67E, where, b is the width of the element (may be
taken as clear distance between lateral supports or between lateral support and free edge, as appropriate), t is the thickness of
element, d is the depth of the web, D is the outer diameter of the element (see Fig. 2,3.7.3 and 3.7.4).
4 Different elements of a cross-section can be in different classes. In such cases the section is classified based on the least
favorable classification.
5 The stress ratio r, and r~are defined as:
IS 800:2007
The design of slender compression element (Class 4) 3.7.4 Compound Elements in Built-up Section
considering the strength beyond elastic local buckling (see Fig. 2)
of element is outside the scope of this standard.
In case of compound elements consisting of two or
Reference may be made to IS 801 for such design
more elements bolted or welded together, the limiting
provisions. The design of slender web elements may
width to thickness ratios as given in Table 2 should be
be made as given in for flexure and for
considered on basis of the following:
tf tf
CIEiEu m
D d
D d
t, t,
T tw
be b, ‘f
IS 800:2007
a) Outstanding width ofcompound element (b,) are capable of effectively transmitting all the horizontal
to its own thickness. forces directly to the foundations, the structural steel
b) The internal width of each added plate framework may be designed without considering the
between the lines of welds or fasteners effect of wind or earthquake.
connecting it to the original section to its own 3.9.3 Wind and earthquake forces are reversible and
thickness. therefore call for rigidity and strength under force
c) Any outstand of the added plates beyond the reversal in both longitudinal and transverse directions.
line of welds or fasteners connecting it to To resist torsional effects of wind and earthquake
original section to its own thickness. forces, bracings in plan should be provided and
integrally connected with the longitudinal and
3.8 Maximum Effective Slenderness Ratio
transverse bracings, to impart adequate torsional
The maximum effective slenderness ratio, KZlr values resistance to the structure.
of a beam, strut or tension member shall not exceed In shed type steel mill buildings, adequate
those given in Table 3. ‘KL’ is the effective length of
bracings shall be provided to transfer the wind or
the member and ‘r‘ is appropriate radius of gyration
earthquake loads from their points of action to the
based on the effective section as defined in 3.6.1.
appropriate supporting members. Where the
connections to the interior columns or frames are
Table 3 Maximum Values of Effective
designed such that the wind or earthquake loads will
Slenderness Ratios
not be transferred to the interior columns, the
s} Member Maximum exterior columns or frames shall be designed to resist
No. Effective the total wind or earthquake loads. Where the
Slenderness connections to the interior columns and frames are
(KU-) designed such that the wind or earthquake effects
(1) (2) (3) are transferred to the interior columns also, and
where adequate rigid diaphragm action can be
i) A member carrying compressive loads 180
resulting from dead loads and imposed mobilized as in the case of the cast-in place RC slab,
loads both exterior and interior columns and frames may
ii) A tension member in which a reversal 180 be designed on the assumption that the wind or
of direct stress occurs due to loads other
earthquake load is divided among them in proportion
than wind or seismic forces
to their relative stiffness. Columns also should be
iii) A member subjected to compression 250
forces resulting only from combination designed to withstand the net uplifting effect caused
with wind/earthquake actions, provided by excessive wind or earthquake. Additional axial
the deformation of such member does
forces arising in adjacent columns due to the vertical
not adversely affect tbe stress in any
part of the structure component of bracings or due to frame action shall
iv) Compression flange of a beam against 300 also be accounted for.
lateral torsional buckling Earthquake forces are proportional to the
v) A member normally acting m a tie in a 350
roof truss or a bracing system not seismic mass as defined in IS 1893. Earthquake forces
considered effective when subject to should be applied at the centre of gravity of all such
possible reversal of stress into
compression resulting from the action components of mass and their transfer to the foundation
of wind or earthquake forces]] should be ensured. Other construction details,
vi) Members always under tension’) (other 400 stipulated in IS 4326 should also be followed.
than pre-tensioned members)
I) Tension members, such as bracing’s, pre-tensioned to avoid In buildings where high-speed traveling cranes
sag, need not satisfy tbe maximum slenderness ratio limits. are supported or where a building or structure is
otherwise subjected to vibration or sway, triangulated
bracing or rigid portal systems shall be provided to
3.9 Resistance to Horizontal Forces reduce the vibration or sway to an acceptable
3.9.1 In designing the steel frame work of a building, minimum.
provision shall be made (by adequate moment
3.9.4 Foundations
connections or by a system of bracing) to effectively
transmit to the foundations all the horizontal forces, The foundations of a building or other structures shall
giving due allowance for the stiffening effect of the be designed to provide the rigidity and strength that
walls and floors, where applicable. has been assumed in the analysis and design of the
3.9.2 When the walls, or walls and floors and/or roofs
IS 800:2007
3.9.5 Eccentrically Placed Loads at the centre of the building or building section, the
length of the building section may be restricted to
Where a wall, or other gravity load, is placed
180 m in case of covered buildings and 120 m in case
eccentrically upon the flange of a supporting steel
of open gantries (see Fig. 3).
beam, the beam and its connections shall be designed
for torsion, unless the beam is restrained laterally in
such a way as to prevent the twisting of the beam.
: ‘D
—90m —50m~ “ 90 m
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
the form of construction, and the behaviour of the c) Where the imposed load is variable and
connections shall not adversely affect any other part exceeds three-quarters of the dead load,
of the structure beyond what is allowed for in design. arrangements of live load acting on the floor
Connections shall be designed in accordance with under consideration shall include the
Section 10. following cases:
1) Imposed load on alternate spans,
4.3 Assumptions in Analysis
2) Imposed load on two adjacent spans, and
4.3.1 The structure shall be analyzed in its entirety - 3) Imposed load on all the spans.
except as follows:
4.3.4 Base Sti@ess
a) Regular building structures, with orthogonal
frames in plan, may be analyzed as a series In the analysis of all structures the appropriate base
of parallel two-dimensional sub-structures stiffness about the axis under consideration shall be
(part of a structure), the analysis being carried used. In the absence of the knowledge of the pedestal
out in each of the two directions, at right and foundation stiffness, the following may be
angles to each other, except when there is assumed:
significant load redistribution between the a) When the column is rigidly connected to a
sub-structures (part of a structure). For suitable foundation, the stiffness of the
earthquake loading three dimensional analysis pedestal shall be taken as the stiffness of the
may be necessary to account for effects of column above base plate. However in case of
torsion and also for multi-component very stiff pedestals and foundations the
earthquake forces [see IS 1893 (Part 1)]. column may be assumed as fixed at base.
b) For vertical loading in a multi-storey building
b) When the column is nominally connected
structure, provided with bracing or shear walls
to the foundation, a pedestal stiffness of
to resist all lateral forces, each level thereof,
10 percent of the column stiffness may be
together with the columns immediately above
and below, may be considered as a sub-
structure, the columns being assumed fixed c) When an actual pin or rocker is provided in
at the ends remote from the level under the connection between the steel column and
consideration. pedestal, the column is assumed as hinged at
c) Where beams at a floor level in a multi-bay base and the pedesrdl and foundation maybe
building structure tu-e considered as a sub- appropriately designed for the reactions from
structure (part of a structure), the bending the column.
moment at the support of the beam due to
d) In case of (a) and (b), the bottom of the
gravity loads may be determined based on the
pedestal shall be assumed to have the
assumption that the beam is fixed at the i%
following boundary condition in the absence
end support, one span away from the span
of any derailed procedure based on theory or
under consideration, provided that the floor
beam is continuous beyond that support point.
1) When the foundation consist of a group
4.3.2 Spun Length
of piles with a pile cap, raft foundation
The span length of a flexural member iu a continuous or an isolated footing resting on rock or
frame system shall be taken as the dlsiance between very hard soil, the pedestal shall be
centre-to-centre of the supports. assumed to be fixed at the level of the
bottom of footing or at the top of pile
4.3.3 Arrangements of Imposed Loads in Bui[ding.s
For building structures, the various arrangements of 2) When the foundation consist of an
imposed loads considered for the analysis, shall include isolated footing resting on other soils,
at least the following: pedestal shall be assumed to be hinged
at the level of the bottom of footing.
a) Where the loading pattern is fixed, the
arrangement concerned. 3) When the pedestal is supported by a
single pile, which is laterally surrounded
b) Where the imposed load is variable and not
by soil providing passive resistance, the
greater than three-quarters of the dead load,
pile shall be assumed to be fixed at a
the live load may be taken to be acting on all
depth of 5 times the diameter of the pile
IS 800:2007
below the ground level in case of compact 4.4.2 First-Order Elastic Analysis
ground or the top level of compact soil
In a first-order elastic analysis, the equilibrium of the
in case of poor soil overlying compact
frame in the undeformed geometry is considered, the
changes in the geometry of the frame due to the loading
4) When the column is founded into rock,
are not accounted for, and changes in the effective
it may be assumed to be fixed at the
stiffness of the members due to axial force are
interface of the column and rock.
neglected. The effects of these on the first-order
4.3.5 Simple Construction bending moments shall be allowed for by using one of
Bending members may be assumed to have their ends the methods of moment amplification of
connected for shear only and to be free to rotate. In or as appropriate. Where the moment
triangulated structures, axial [orces maybe determined amplification factor CY, CZ, calculated in accordance
by assuming that all members are pin connected. The with or as appropriate, is greater than
eccentricity for stanchion and column shall be assumed 1.4, a second-order elastic analysis in accordance with
in accordance with 7.3.3. Annex B shall be carried out.
To analyze a frame subjected to gravity loads, The analysis shall allow for the effects of the
considering the sway stability of the frame, notional design loads acting on the structure and its members
horizontal forces should be applied. These notional in their displaced and deformed configuration. These
horizontal forces account for practical imperfections second-order effects shall be taken into account by
and should be taken at each level as being equal to 0.5 using eithe~
percent of factored dead load plus vertical imposed
a) A first-order elastic analysis with moment
loads applied at that level. The notional load should
amplification in accordance with 4.4.2,
not be applied along with other lateral loads such as
provided the moment amplification factors,
wind and earthquake loads in the analysis.
C, and C, are not greater than 1.4; or The notional forces should be applied on the b) A second-order elastic analysis in accordance
whole structure, in both orthogonal directions, in one with Annex B.
direction at a time, at roof and all floor levels or their
equivalent, They should be taken as acting Moment amplification for members in non-sway
simultaneously with factored gravity loads.
------ . . .. . For a member with zero axial compression or a member
4.3.6 ..4 1he nohonal force should nOt be,
subject to axial tension, the design bending moment is
a) applied when considering overturning or that obtained from the first order analysis for factored
overall instability; loads, without any amplification.
b) combined with other horizontal (lateral)
For a braced member with a design axial compressive
force P~ as determined by the first order analysis, the
c) combined with temperature effects; and
design bending moment shall be calculated considering
d) taken to contribute to the net shear on the moment amplification as in
foundation. Moment amplification for members in sway The sway effect using notional load under
gantry load case need not be considered if the ratio of
height to lateral width of the building is less than unity. The design bending moment shall be calculated as the
product of moment amplification factor [see
4,4 Elastic Analysis (C~Y, Cm,)] and the moment obtained from the first
4.4.1 Assumptions order analysis of the sway frame, unless analysis
considering second order effects is carried out
Individual members shall be assumed to remain elastic (see 4.4.3).
under the action of the factored design loads for all
limit states. The calculated bending moments from the first
order elastic analysis may be modified by redistribution
The effect of haunching or any variation of the cross-
upto 15 percent of the peak calculated moment of the
section along the axis of a member shall be considered,
member under factored load, provided that:
and where significant, shall be taken into account in
the determination of the member stiffness, a) the internal forces and moments in the
IS 800:2007
members of the frame are in equilibrium with fluctuating loading, requiring a fatigue
applied loads. assessment (see Section 13).
b) all the members in which the moments are Restraints
reduced shall belong to plastic or compact
section classification (see 3.7). If practicable, torsional restraint (against lateral
buckling) should be provided at all plastic hinge
4.5 Plastic Analysis locations. Where not feasible, the restraint should be
provided within a distance of D/2 of the plastic hinge
4.5.1 Application
location, where D is the total depth of section.
The effects of design action throughout or on part of a
The torsional restraint requirement at a section as
structure may be determined by a plastic analysis,
above, need not be met at the last plastic hinge to form,
provided that the requirements of 4.5.2 are met. The
provided it can be clearly identified.
distribution of design action effects shall satisfy
equilibrium and the boundary conditions. Within a member containing a plastic hinge, the
maximum distance L~ from the restraint at the plastic
4.5.2 Requirements
hinge to an adjacent restraint should be calculated by
When a plastic method of analysis is used, all of the any rational method or the conservative method given
following conditions shall be satisfied, unless adequate below, so as to prevent lateral buckling.
ductility of the structure and plastic rotation capacity
Conservatively L~ (ht mm) may be taken as
of its members and connections are established for the
design loading conditions by other means of evaluation:
IS 800:2007
of the member, is applied within D\2 of a plastic hinge In the case of building structures, it is not normally
location (see The stiffener should be provided necessary to consider the effect of alternating plasticity.
within a distance of half the depth of the member on
4.5.4 Second-Order Elastic Analysis
either side of the hinge location and be designed to
carry the applied load in accordance with 8.7.4. If the Any second-order effects of the loads acting on the
stiffeners are flat plates, the outstand width to the structure in its deformed configuration may be
thickness ratio, b/t, should not exceed the values given neglected, provided the following are satisfied:
in the plastic section (see 3.7, Table 2). Where other
a) For clad frames, provided the stiffening effects
m of masonry infill wall panels or diaphragms of
sections are used the ratio ~ should not exceed profiled wall panel is not taken into account,
[)It and where elastic buckling load factor, JC,
the values given for plastic section (for simple outstand, (see 4.6) satisfies J,jAP> 10.
as in 3.7); [f10>2C{IP24,6 the second-order effects may
be considered by ampli~ing the design load
effects obtained from plastic analysis by a
Iso = second moment of area of the stiffener about factor 6,= {0.9 2,, /( 2=,- l)}.
‘the face of the element perpendicular to the If ACj JP < 4.6, second-order elasto-plastic
web; and analysis or second-order elastic analysis
I, = St. Venant’s torsion constant of the stiffener. (see 4.4.3) is to be carried out.
b) For un-clad frames or for clad frames where The frame shall be adequately supported against
the stiffening effects of masonry infill or dia-
sway and out-of-plane buckling, by bracings, moment
phragms of profiled wall panel is taken into
resisting frame or an independent system such as shear
account, where elastic buckling load factor, 2<,
(see 4.6) satisfies J=j 2,220 Fabrication restriction If 20> AC]AP 25.75 the second-order effects
may be considered by ampli~ing the design
Within a length equal to the member depth, on either
load effects obtained from plastic analysis by
side of a plastic hinge location, the following
a factor iSP= {0.9 2,,/( J,,–I)}.
restrictions should be applied to the tension flange and
If IC{ LP<5.75, second-order elasto-plastic
noted in the design drawings. Holes if required, should
analysis or second-order elastic analysis
be drilled or else punched 2 mm undersize and reamed.
(see 4.4.3) shall be carried out.
All sheared or hand flame cut edges should be finished
smooth by grinding, chipping or planning. 4.6 Frame Buckling Analysis
4.5.3 Assumptions in Analysis 4.6.1 The elastic buckling load factor ().C,) shall be the
The design action effects shall be determined using a ratio of the elastic buckling load set of the frame to the
rigid-plastic analysis. design load set for the frame, and shall be determined
in accordance with 4.6.2.
It shall be permissible to assume full strength or partial NOTE— The value of lC, depends on the load set and has to
strength connections, provided the capacities of these be evaluated for each possible set of load combination.
are used in the analysis, and provided that 4.6.2 In-plane Frame Buckling
IS 800:2007
fC~is the axial compressive stress in the column from disproportionately under accidental events
the factored load analysis. like explosions, vehicle impact or due to Regular sway frames consequences of human error to an extent
beyond local damage. The potential for
In a rectangular sway frame with regular loading and catastrophic damage shall be limited or
negligible axial forces in the beams, the buckling load, avoided by appropriate choice of one or more
PC,,,for each column shall be determined as P,, = A~C of the following:
wherefCCis the elastic buckling stress of the column in
1) Avoiding, eliminating or reducing
the plane of frame, obtained in accordance with exposure to hazards, which the structure
The elastic buckling load factor AC,,for the whole frame is likely to sustain.
shall be taken as the lowest of all the ratios, k,,,,
2) Choosing structural forms, layouts and
calculated for each storey of the building, as given
details and designing such that:
i) the structure has low sensitivity to
~ _ ~(PCC/L) hazardous conditions; and
‘c’ - ~(P/L) ii) the structure survives with only local
damage even after serious damage
to any one individual element by the
P= member axial force from the factored load hazard.
analysis, with tension taken as negative; and 3) Choosing suitable material, design and
L= column length and the summation includes detailing procedure, construction
all columns in the plane frame within a specifications, and control procedures for
storey. shop fabrication and field construction as
relevant to the particular structure.
SECTION 5 The following conditions may be satisfied to avoid a
LIMIT STATE DESIGN disproportionate collapse:
IS 800:2007
throughout the building in nearly orthogonal no longer satisfies the performance requirements
directions so that no substantial portions is specified. The limit states are classified as:
connected at only one point to such a system.
a) Limit state of strength; and
Precast concrete or other heavy floor or roof
b) Limit state of serviceability.
units should be effectively anchored in the t
direction of their span either to each other over The limit states of strength are those associated
the support or directly to the support. with failures (or imminent failure), under the action of
b) Where the above conditions to tie the columns probable and most unfavorable combination of loads
to the floor adequately are not satisfied each on the structure using the appropriate partial safety
storey of the building should be checked to factors, which may endanger the safety of life and
ensure that disproportionate collapse would property. The limit state of strength includes:
not precipitate by the notional removal, one a) Loss of equilibrium of the structure as a whole
at a time, of each column. or any of its parts or components.
c) Where each floor is not laterally supported b) Loss of stability of the structure (including
by more than one system, check should be the effect of sway where appropriate and
made at each storey by removing one such overturning) or any of its parts including
lateral support system at a time to ensure that supports and foundations.
disproportionate collapse would not occur. c) Failure by excessive deformation, rupture of
The collapse is considered disproportionate, the structure or any of its parts or components,
if more than 15 percent of the floor or roof d) Fracture due to fatigue,
area of 70 mz collapse at that level and at one
e) Brittle fracture.
adjoining level either above or below it, under
a load equal to 1.05 or 0.9 times the dead load, The limit state of serviceability include:
0.33 times temporary or full imposed load of
a) Deformation and deflections, which may
permanent nature (as in storage buildings) and
adversely affect the appearance or effective
0.33 times wind load acting together.
use of the structure or may cause improper
5.1.3 Structures designed for unusual or special functioning of equipment or services or may
functions shall comply with any other relevant cause damages to finishes and non-structural
additional limit state considered appropriate to that members.
structure. b) Vibrations in the structure or any of its
components causing discomfort to people,
5.1.4 Generally structures and elements shall be
damages to the structure, its contents or which
designed by limit state method. Where limit state
may limit its functional effectiveness. Special
method cannot be conveniently adopted, working stress
consideration shall be given to systems
design (see Section 11) may be used.
susceptible to vibration, such as large open
5.2 Limit State Design floor areas free of partitions to ensure that
such vibrations are acceptable for the intended
5.2.1 For achieving the design objectives, the design use and occupancy (see Annex C).
shall be based on characteristic values for material c) Repairable damage or crack due to fatigue.
strengths and applied loads (actions), which take into
d) Corrosion, durability.
account the probability of variations in the material
e) Fire.
strengths and in the loads to be supported. The
characteristic values shall be based on statistical data, 5.3 Actions
if available. Where such data is not available, these
shall be based on experience. The design values are The actions (loads) to be considered in design include
derived from the characteristic values through the use direct actions (loads) experienced by the structure due
of partial safety factors, both for material strengths and to self weight, external actions etc., and imposed
for loads. In the absence of special considerations, these deformations such as that due to temperature and
factors shall have the values given in this section settlements.
according to the material, the type of load and the limit 5.3.1 Classification ofActions
state being considered. The reliability of design is
ensured by satisfying the requirement: Actions are classified by their variation with time as
given below:
Design action S Design strength
a) Permanent actions (Q ): Actions due to self-
5.2.2 Limit states are the states beyond which the structure weight of structura ! and non-structural
. ._,. ___ —
LS 800:2007
components, fittings, ancillaries, and fixed is generally not required in building unless it is required
equipment, etc. by client or approving authority in which case,
b) Variable actions (Qv): Actions due to generally recommendation in 5.1.2 c) or specialist
construction and service stage loads such as literature shall be followed.
imposed (live) loads (crane loads, snow loads, 5.3.3 Design Actions
etc.), wind loads, and earthquake loads, etc.
c) Accidental actions (Q,): Actions expected due The Design Actions, Q~,is expressed as Qd = ~?’. Q,k
to explosions, and impact of vehicles, etc.
5.3.2 Characteristic Actions (Loads)
yk = partial safety factor for different loads k, The Characteristic Actions, QC,are the values
given in Table 4 to account for:
of the different actions that are not expected to be
exceeded with more than 5 percent probability, during a) Possibility of unfavorable deviation of
the life of the structure and they are taken as: the load from the characteristic value,
b) Possibility of inaccurate assessment of
a) the self-weight, in most cases calculated on
the load,
the basis of nominal dimensions and unit
weights [see 1S 875 (Part 1)]. c) Uncertainty in the assessment of effects
of the load, and
b) the variable loads, values of which are
d) Uncertainty in the assessment of the
specified in relevant standard [see IS 875 (all
limit states being considered.
Parts) and IS 1893 (Part l)].
The loads or load effects shall be multiplied by the
c) the upper limit with a specified probability
(usually 5 percent) not exceeding during some relevant ~f factors, given in Table 4, to get the design
reference period (design life). loads or design load effects.
d) specified by client, or by designer in 5.4 Strength
consultation with client, provided they satisfy
The ultimate strength calculation may require
the minimum provisions of the relevant
consideration of the following:
loading standard.
a) Loss of equilibrium of the structure or any The characteristic values of accidental loads
part of it, considered as a rigid body; and
generally correspond to the value specified by relevant
b) Failure by excessive deformation, rupture or
code, standard or client. The design for accidental load
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo)
DL+LL+CL 1.5 1.5 1.05 — — 1.0 1.0 1.0 —
DL+LL+CL+ 1.2 1.2 1.05 0.6 — 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8
WLJEL 1’.2 1.2 0.53 1.2
DL+WLfEL 1.5(0.9)2’ — — 1.5 — 1.0 — — 1.0
DL+ER 1.2 — — —— — — —
DL+LL+AL 1.0 0.35 0.35 — 1.0 — — — —
‘)When action of different live loads is simultaneously considered, the leading live load shall be considered to be the one causing the
higher load effects in the member/section.
‘)This value is to be considered when the dead load contributes to stability against overturning is critical or the dead load causes
reduction in stress due to other loads.
DL = Dead load, LL = Imposed load (Live loads), WL = Wind load, CL = Crane load (VerticaVHorizontal), AL = Accidental load, ER =
Erection load, EL= Earthquake load.
NOTE — The effects of actions (loads) in terms of stresses or stress resultants may be obtained from an appropriate method of analysis
m in 4.
IS 800:2007
loss of stability of the structure or any part of c) The permanent actions (loads) and effects
it including support and foundation. contributing to resistance shall be multiplied
with a partial safety factor 0.9 and added
5.4.1 Design Strength
together with design resistance (after
The Design Strength, S~, is obtained as given below multiplying with appropriate partial safety
from ultimate strength, SUand partial safety factors for factor). Variable actions and their effects
materials, y~ given in Table 5. contributing to resistance shall be disregarded.
5.5 Factors Governing the Ultimate Strength Generally fatigue need not be considered unless a
structure or element is subjected to numerous
5.5.1 Stability
significant fluctuations of stress. Stress changes due
Stability shall be ensured for the structure as a whole to fluctuations in wind loading normally need not be
and for each of its elements. This should include, considered. Fatigue design shall be in accordance with
overall frame stability against overturning and sway, Section 13. When designing for fatigue, the partial
as given in and safety factor for load, yf, equal to unity shall be used
for the load causing stress fluctuation and stress range. Stability against overturning
5.5.3 Plastic Collapse
The structure as a whole or any part of it shall be
designed to prevent instability due to overturning, uplift Plastic analysis and design may be used, if the
or sliding under factored load as given below: requirement specified under the plastic method of
analysis (see 4.5) are satisfied.
a) The Actions shall be divided into components
aiding instability and components resisting 5.6 Limit State of Serviceability
Serviceability limit state is related to the criteria
b) The permanent and variable actions and their
governing normal use. Serviceability limit state is limit
effects causing instability shall be combined
state beyond which the service criteria specified below,
using appropriate load factors as per the Limit
are no longer met:
State requirements, to obtain maximum
destabilizing effect. a) Deflection limit,
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
Suitable provisions in the design shall be made for The factored design tension 1“, in the members shall
the dynamic effects of live loads, impact loads and satisfy the following requirement:
vibrdti on due to machinery operating loads. In severe
cases possibility of resonance, fatigue or
unacceptable vibrations shall be investigated. where
Unusually flexible structures (generally the height
T~ = design strength of the member.
to effective width of lateral load resistance system
exceeding 5:1) shall be investigated for lateral The design strength of a member under axial tension,
vibration under dynamic wind loads. Structures T~,is the lowest of the design strength due to yielding
subjected to large number of cycles of loading shall of gross section, T~grupture strength of critical section,
be designed against fatigue failure, as specified in T~n,and block shear T~~,given in 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4,
Section 13. Floor vibration effect shall be considered respectively.
using specialist literature (see Annex C),
6.2 Design Strength Due to Yielding of Gross Section
5.6.3 Durabi[i(y
The design strength of members under axial tension,
Factors that affect the durability of the buildings, under T~~,as governed by yielding of gross section, is given
conditions relevant to their intended life, are listed by
Tdg= Agfy Mno
a) Environment, where
b) Degree of exposure,
f, = yield stress of the material,
c) Shape of the member and the structural detail,
A~ = gross area of cross-section, and
d) Protective measure, and
y~o = partial safety factor for failure in tension by
e) Ease of maintenance.
yielding (see Table 5). The durability of steel structures shall be
6.3 Design Strength Due to Rupture of Critical
ensured by following recommendations in Section 15.
Specialist literature may be referred to for more detailed
and additional information in design for durability. 6.3.1 Plates
.. ._,_,
IS 800:2007
An= b-rid,
+ ~$-
it 1 t distance between the outermost bolts in the
end joint measured along the load direction
or length of the weld along the load
b, t = width and thickness of the plate,
For preliminary sizing, the rupture strength of net
respective y,
section may be approximately taken as:
d~ = diameter of the bolt hole (2 mm in addition
to the diameter of the hole, in case the
directly punched holes), where
g = gauge length between the bolt holes, as cf. = 0.6 for one or two bolts, 0.7 for three bolts
shown in Fig. 5, and 0.8 for four or more bolts along the
length in the end connection or equivalent
P, = staggered-pitch length between line of bolt
holes, as shown in Fig. 5, weld length;
n= number of bolt holes in the critical section, An = net area of the total cross-section;
and An, = net area of the connected leg;
i= subscript for summation of all the inclined AgO = gross area of the outstanding leg; and
t . thickness of the leg.
——— --. .-k---
------- T
J L—-—.—--————————— 2
bs=w+w, -t
w = outstand leg width,
b, = shear lag width, as shown in Fig. 6, and Td~= (0.944,. f. /( $ ~ml) + Atgfy %0 )
IS 800:2007
where where
Av~,Avn= minimum gross and net area in shear along A. = effective sectional area as defined
bolt line parallel to external force, in 7.3.2, and
respectively (1-2 and 3-4 as shown in Id = design compressive stress, obtained
Fig. 7A and 1-2 as shown in Fig. 7B), as per
At~,A,fl = minimum gross and net area in tension The design compressive stress, ~d, of axially
from the bolt hole to the toe of the angle, loaded compression members shrdl be calculated using
end bolt line, perpendicular to the line of the following equation:
force, respectively (2-3 as shown in
Fig. 7B), and f, /ymo
f., = = Xfy/Ymo ~ fy/Yti
~u,~Y = ultimate and yield stress of the material, (j+[&-q’
The block shear strength, Td~ shall be checked for 0.5 [1 + a (x – 0.2)+ az]
welded end connections by taking an appropriate non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio
section in the member around the end weld, which can
shear off as a block.
Xx = Euler buckling stress = (KL/\2
7.1 Design Strength ( /r]
P<Pd =
P~ = A,fCd AmO = partial safety factor for material
4* *3
1 I
4—0- -
+—* E– “-”~
7A Plate 7B Angle
. ._.
_, . b.
IS 800:2007
NOTE — Calculated values of design compressive stress,.fi~ can be assessed, the effective length, KL can be
for different buckling classes are given in Table 9. calculated on the basis of Table 11. Where frame The classification of different sections under analysis does not consider the equilibrium of a framed
different buckling class a, b, c or d, is given in Table structure in the deformed shape (second-order analysis
10. The stress reduction factor X, and the design or advanced analysis), the effective length of
compressive stress~,~, for different buckling class, yield compression members in such cases can be calculated
stress, and effective slenderness ratio is given in Table using the procedure given in D-1. The effective length
8 for convenience. The curves corresponding to of stepped column in single storey buildings can be
different buckling class are presented in non- calculated using the procedure given in D-2.
dimensional form, in Fig. 8. 7.2.3 Eccentric Beam Connection
Table 7 Imperfection Factor, et In cases where the beam connections are eccentric in
plan with respect to the axes of the column, the same
(Chzuse.s7.l.l arzd7.1.2.1)
conditions of restraint as in concentric connection shall
be deemed to apply, provided the connections are
Buckling Class a b c d
carried across the flange or web of the columns as the
a 0.21 0.34 0.49 0.76 case may be, and the web of the beam lies within, or in
direct contact with the column section, Where practical
7.2 Effective Length of Compression Members difficulties prevent this, the effective length shall be
taken as equal to the distance between points of
7.2.1 The effective length KL, is calculated from the restraint, in non-sway frames.
actual length L, of the member, considering the
rotational and relative translational boundary 7.2.4 Compression Members in Trusses
conditions at the ends. The actual length shall be taken In the case of bolted, riveted or welded trusses and
as the length from centre-to-centre of its intersections braced frames, the effective length, KL, of the
with the supporting members in the plane of the compression members shall be taken as 0.7 to 1.0 times
buckling deformation. In the case of a member with a the distance between centres of connections, depending
free end, the free standing length from the center of on the degree of end restraint provided. In the case of
the intersecting member at the supported end, shall be members of trusses, buckling in the plane perpendicular
taken as the actual length. to the plane of the truss, the effective length, KL shall
7.2.2 Effective Length be taken as the distance between the centres of
intersection. The design of angle struts shall be as
Where the boundary conditions in the plane of buckling specified in 7.5.
0 0.5 1.0 1,5 2:0 2;5 3;0
Table 8(a) Stress Reduction Factor, x for Column Buckling Class a 0
(Clauses and N
Yield Stress,J (MPa)
1. 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 450 480 510 540
10 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
20 1.000 0.999 0.998 0.997 0.995 0.994 0.993 0.993 0.990 0.988 0.986 0.984 0.983 0.981 0.979 0.977 0.975 0.972 0.970
30 0.977 0.975 0.974 0.972 0.970 0.969 0.967 0.965 0.961 0.957 0.954 0.951 0.948 0.946 0.943 0.938 0.934 0.930 0.925
40 0.952 0.949 0,947 0.944 0.942 0.939 0.937 0.934 0.926 0.921 0.916 0.911 0.906 0.901 0.896 0.888 0.881 0.873 0.865
50 0.923 0.919 0.915 0.911 0.908 0.904 0.900 0.896 0.884 0.876 0.867 0.859 0.851 0.842 0.834 0.820 0.807 0.794 0.780
60 0.888 0.883 0.877 0.871 0.865 0.859 0.853 0.847 0.828 0.816 0.803 0.790 0.777 0.763 0.750 0.730 0.710 0.690 0.671
70 0.846 0.837 0.829 0.820 0.811 0.803 0.794 0.785 0.758 0.740 0.722 0.703 0.686 0.668 0.651 0.626 0.602 0.579 0.557
80 0.793 0.781 0.769 0.757 0.746 0.734 0.722 0.710 0.675 0.653 0.631 0.610 0.589 0.570 0.551 0.525 0.501 0.478 0.458
90 0.730 0.715 0.700 0.685 0.671 0.657 0.643 0.628 0.590 0.565 0.542 0.520 0.500 0.481 0.463 0.439 0.416 0.396 0.377
100 0.661 0.644 0.627 0.610 0.594 0.579 0.564 0.549 0.510 0.486 0.463 0.443 0.424 0.407 0.390 0.368 0.348 0.331 0.314
I 10 0.591 0.573 0.555 0.538 0.522 0.507 0.492 0.478 0.440 0.418 0.397 0.379 Q.362 0.346 0.332 0.312 0.295 0.279 0.265
120 0.525 0.507 0.489 0.473 0.458 0.443 0.429 0.416 0.381 0.361 0.343 0.326 0.311 0.297 0.284 0.267 0.252 0.238 0.226
130 0.466 0.448 0.432 0.416 0.402 0.388 0.376 0.364 0.332 0.314 0.298 0.283 0.269 0.257 0.246 0.231 0.217 U.206 0.195
140 0.413 0.397 0.382 0.368 0.355 0.342 0.331 0.320 0.291 0.275 0.260 0.247 0.235 0.224 0.214 0.201 0.189 0.179 0.170
150 0.368 0.353 0.339 0.326 0.314 0.303 0.293 0.283 0.257 0.243 0.229 0.218 0.207 0.197 0.189 0.177 0.166 0.157 0.149
160_ 0.329 0.316 0.303 0.291 0.280 0.270 0.261 0.252 0.229 0.215 0.204 0.193 0.184 0.175 0.167 0.157 0.147 0.139 0.132
170 0.296 0.283 0.272 0.261 0.251 0.242 0.233 0.225 0.204 0.192 0.182 0.172 0.164 0.156 0.149 0.140 0.131 0.124 0.117
180 0.267 0.255 0.245 0.235 0.226 0.218 0.210 0.203 0.184 0.173 0.163 0.155 0.147 0.140 0.134 0.125 0.118 0.111 0.105
190 0.242 0.231 0.222 0.213 0.205 0.197 0.190 0.183 0.166 0.156 0.147 0.140 0.133 0.126 0.121 0.113 0.106 0.100 0.095
200 0.220 0.210 0.202 0.193 0.186 0.179 0.172 0.166 0.151 0.142 0.134 0.127 0.120 0.115 0.109 0.102 0.096 0.091 0,086
210 0.201 0.192 0.184 0.177 0.170 0.163 0.157 0.152 0.137 0,129 0.122 0.115 0.110 0.104 0.099 0.093 0.087 0.083 0.078
220 0.184 0.176 0.169 0.162 0.155 0.149 0.144 0.139 0.126 0.118 0.111 0.106 0.100 0.095 0.091 0.085 0.080 0.075 0.071
230 0.170 0.162 0.155 0.149 0.143 0.137 0.132 0.128 0.115 0.108 0.102 0.097 0.092 0.088 0.083 0.078 0.073 0.069 0.065
240 0.157 0.149 0.143 0.137 0.132 0.127 0.122 0.118 0.106 0.100 0.094 0.089 0.085 0.081 0.077 0.072 0.068 0.064 0.060
250 0.145 0.138 0.132 0.127 0.122 0.117 0.113 0.109 0.098 0.092 0.087 0.082 0.078 0.074 0.071 0.066 0.062 0.059 0.056
Table 8(b) Stress Reduction Factor, ~ for Column Buckling Class b
(Clauses and 7. 1.2.2)
Table 9(a) Design Compressive Stress,~C~ (MPa) for Column Buckling Class a E
(Ckzuse o
10 182 191 200 209 218 227 236 255 273 291 309 327 345 364 382 409 436 464 491
20 182 190 199 208 217 225 234 251 268 285 302 319 336 353 369 394 419 443 468
30 175 183 192 200 208 216 224 240 256 271 287 302 318 333 348 370 392 414 435
40 168 176 183 191 198 206 213 228 242 256 270 283 297 310 323 342 360 378 395
50 161 167 174 181 188 194 201 214 226 238 250 261 272 283 293 308 322 335 347
60 152 158 164 170 176 181 187 197 207 217 226 235 243 251 259 269 279 287 295
70 142 147 152 157 162 (66 171 179 187 194 201 207 213 218 223 230 236 241 246
80 131 135 139 143 147 150 154 160 165 170 175 179 183 186 190 194 198 201 204
90 120 123 126 129 131 134 136 141 144 148 151 154 156 159 161 163 166 168 170
IC43 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 123 126 128 130 132 134 135 137 139 140 142 143
110 96.5 98.3 100 101 103 104 105 107 109 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 121 121
120 86.2 87.5 88.6 89.7 90.7 91.7 92.5 94.1 95.4 96.6 97.7 98.6 100 100 101 102 103 104 104
130 76.9 77.8 78.7 79.5 80.3 81.0 81.6 82.7 83.7 84.6 85.4 86.1 86.8 87.3 87.9 88.6 89.2 89.8 90.3
140 68.7 69.4 70.1 70.7 71.3 71.8 72.3 73.1 73.9 74.6 75.2 75.7 76.2 76.6 77.1 77.6 78.1 78.5 78.9
150 61.6 62.1 62.6 63.1 63.6 64.0 64.3 65.0 65.6 66.1 66.6 67.0 67.4 67.7 68.1 68.5 68,9 69.2 69.5
160 55.4 55.8 56.2 56.6 56.9 57.3 57.5 58.1 58.5 59.0 59.3 59.7 60.0 60.3 60.5 60.9 61.2 61.5 61.7
170 50.0 50.3 50.7 51.0 51.2 51.5 51.7 52.2 52.5 52.9 53.2 53.5 53.7 53.9 54.1 54.4 54.7 54.9 55.1
180 45.3 45.6 45.9 46,1 46.3 46.5 46.7 47.1 47.4 47.7 47.9 48.1 48.3 48.5 48.7 48.9 49.2 49.3 49.5
190 41.2 41.5 41.7 41.9 42.I 42.2 42.4 42.7 42.9 43.2 43.4 43.6 43.7 43.9 44.0 44.2 44,4 44.6 44.7
200 37.6 37.8 38.0 38.2 38.3 38.5 38.6 38.9 39.1 39.3 39.5 39.6 39.8 39.9 40.0 40.2 40.3 40.5 40.6
210 34.5 34.7 34.8 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.5 35.7 35.9 36.0 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.8 36.9 37.0
220 31.7 31.9 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.6 32.8 32.9 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9
230 29.2 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8 29.9 30.0 30.1 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.7 30.8 30.9 31.0 31.1
240 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.8 27.9 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7
250 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.5
Table 9(c) Design Compressive Stress,jC~ (MPa) for Column Buckling Class c 6
(Clause 7.1 .2.1) ~
KL.lr Yield Stress, ~Y (MPa)
200 210 220 230 240 250 260 280 300 320 340 3641 380 400 420 450 480 510 540
10 182 191 200 209 218 227 236 255 273 291 309 327 345 364 382 409 436 464 491
20 182 190 199 207 216 224 233 250 266 283 299 316 332 348 364 388 412 435 458
30 172 180 188 196 204 21 I 219 234 249 264 278 293 307 321 335 355 376 395 415
40 163 170 177 184 191 198 205 218 231 244 256 268 280 292 304 320 337 352 367
50 153 159 165 172 178 183 189 201 212 222 232 242 252 261 270 282 295 306 317
60 142 148 153 158 163 168 173 182 191 199 207 215 222 228 235 244 252 260 267
70 131 136 140 144 148 152 156 163 170 176 182 187 192 197 202 208 213 218 223
80 120 123 127 130 133 136 139 145 149 154 158 162 165 169 172 176 180 183 186
90 108 111 114 116 119 121 123 127 131 134 137 140 142 144 146 149 152 154 156
100 97.5 100 102 104 105 107 109 112 114 116 119 120 122 124 125 127 129 131 132
&. 110 87.3 89.0 90.5 92.0 93.3 94.6 95.7 97.9 100 102 103 104 106 107 108 110 111 112 113
120 78.2 79.4 80.6 81.7 82.7 83.7 84.6 86.2 87.6 88.9 90.1 91.1 92.1 93.0 93.8 94.9 95.9 96.8 97.6
130 70.0 71.0 71.9 72.8 73.5 74.3 75.0 76.2 77.3 78.3 79.2 80.0 80.7 81.4 82.0 82.9 83.6 84.3 84.9
140 62.9 63.6 64.4 65.0 65.6 66.2 66.7 67.7 68.6 69.3 70.0 70.7 71.2 71.8 72.3 72.9 73.5 74.1 74.6
150 56.6 57.2 57.8 58.3 58.8 59.2 59.7 641.4 61.1 61.7 62.3 62.8 63.3 63.7 64.1 64.6 65.1 65.5 65.9
160 51.1 51.6 52.1 52.5 52.9 53.3 53.6 54.2 54.8 55.3 55.7 56.1 56.5 56.9 57.2 57.6 58.0 58.4 58.7
170 46.4 46.8 47.1 47.5 47.8 48. I 48.4 48.9 49.3 49.8 50.1 50.5 50.8 51.1 51.3 51.7 52.0 52.3 52.6
180 42.2 42.5 42.8 43.1 43.4 43.6 43.9 44.3 44.7 45.0 45.3 45.6 45.8 46.1 46.3 46.6 46.9 47.1 47.3
190 38.5 38.8 39.0 39.3 39.5 39.7 39.9 40.3 40.6 40.9 41.1 41.4 41.6 41.8 42.0 42.2 42.5 42.7 42.9
200 35.3 35.5 35.7 35.9 36.I 36.3 36.5 36.8 37.0 37.3 37.5 37.7 37.9 38.1 38.2 38.4 38.6 38.8 39.0
210 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0 33.1 33.3 33.4 33.7 33.9 34.1 34.3 34.5 34.7 34.8 34.9 35.1 35.3 35.4 35.6
220 29.9 30.1 30.2 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.8 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.5 31.7 31.8 31.9 32.1 32.2 32.4 32.5 32.6
230 27.6 27.8 27.9 28.0 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.6 28.8 28.9 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.7 29.8 29.9 30.0
240 25.6 25.7 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.6 26.7 26.9 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7
250 23.8 23.9 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.7 24.8 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7
Table 9(d) Design Compressive Stress,~& (MPa) for Column Buckling Class d
I r
Cross-Section Limits Buckling About Axis Buckling
! Class
I (2) (3) (4)
~lledI-Sections k/bf>l.2:
t, <40 mm z-z
z-z b
y-y I c
z-z b
Y-Y c
L_u!L-J I z-z d
l-y ~>l(lomm y-y d
r,540 mm z-z b
.Y-y c
1<>40mm z-z c
y-v d
Hot rolled Any a
L m ~ h/t,”<30 Y-Y c
L b
Any c
E i-v
IS 800:2007
Restrained Restrained Free Free
L] /,
Restrained Free Restrained 1.OL
Restrained Restrained Restrained Restrained \ 0.65L
NOTE— L is the unsupportedlength of the compressionmember(see7.2.1).
IS 800:2007
7.3 Design Details (see The ends of compression members faced
for bearing shall invariably be machined to ensure perfect
7.3.1 Thickness of Plate Elements
contact of surfaces in bearing.
Classification of members on the basis of thickness of Where such members are not faced for complete
constituent plate elements shall satisfy the width-
bearing, the splices shall be designed to transmit all
thickness ratio requirements specified in Table 2.
the forces to which the members are subjected.
7.3.2 Effective Sectional Area, A, Wherever possible, splices shall be
Except as modified in 3.7.2 (Class 4), the gross proportioned and arranged so that the centroidal axis
sectional area shall be taken as the effective sectional of the splice coincides as nearly as possible with the
area for all compression members fabricated by centroidal axes of the members being jointed, in order
welding, bolting and riveting so long as the section is to avoid eccentricity; but where eccentricity is present
semi-compact or better. Holes not fitted with rivets, in the joint, the resulting stress shall be accounted for.
bolts or pins shall be deducted from gross area to
calculate effective sectional area. 7.4 Column Bases For the purpose of determining the stress in a Column bases should have sufficient stiffness and
stanchion or column section, the beam reactions or strength to transmit axial force, bending moments and
similar loads shall be assumed to be applied at an shear forces at the base of the columns to their
eccentricity of 100 mm from the face of the section or foundation without exceeding the load carrying
at the centre of bearing whichever dimension gives the capacity of the supports. Anchor bolts and shear keys
greater eccentricity, and with the exception of the should be provided wherever necessary, Shear
following two cases: resistance at the proper contact surface between steel
base and concrete/grout may be calculated using a
a) In the case of cap connection, the load shall friction coefficient of 0.45.
be assumed to be applied at the face of the
column or stanchion section or at the edge of The nominal bearing pressure between the base plate
packing, if used towards the span of the beam. and the support below may be determined on the basis
of linearly varying distribution of pressure. The
b) In the case of a roof truss bearing on a cap,
maximum bearing pressure should not exceed the
no eccentricity be taken for simple bearings
bearing strength equal to 0.6~C~,wheref,~ is the smaller
without connections capable of developing
of characteristic cube strength of concrete or bedding
any appreciable moment. In case of web
member connection with face, actual
eccentricity is to be considered. 7.4,1.1 If the size of the base plate is larger than that
required to limit the bearing pressure on the base In continuous columns, the bending moments
support, an equal projection c of the base plate beyond
due to eccentricities of loading on the columns at any
the Pace of the column and gusset may be taken as
floor may be divided equally between the columns
effective in transferring the column load as given in
above and below that floor level, provided thaL the
Fig. 9, such that bearing pressure on the effective area
moment of inertia of one column section, divided by
does not exceed bearing capacity of concrete base.
its effective length does not exceed 1.5 times the
correspoi~ding value of the other column. Where this 7.4.2 Gusseted Bases
ratio is exceeded, the bending moment shall be divided
For stanchion with gusseted bases, the gusset plates,
in proportion to the moment of inertia of the column
angle cleats, stiffeners, fastenings, etc, in combination
sections divided by their respective effective lengths.
with the bearing area of the shaft, shall be sufficient to
7.3.4 Splices take the loads, bending moments and reactions to the
base plate without ex~eeding specified strength. All Where the ends of compression members are
the bearing surfaces shall be machined to ensure perfect
prepared for bearing over the whole area, they shall be
spliced to hold the connected members accurately in
position, and to resist bending or tension, if present. Such Where the ends of the column shaft and the
splices should maintain the intended member stiffness gusset plates are not faced for complete bearing, the
about each axis. Splices should be located as close to weldings, fastenings connecting them to the base plate
the point of inflection as possible. Otherwise their shall be sufficient to transmit all the forces to which
capacity should be adequate to carry magnified moment the base is subjected.
IS 800:2007 Column and base plate connections When only the effective area of the base plate is used
as in, C* may be used in the above equation
Where the end of the column is connected directly to
(see Fig. 9) instead of (a* - 0.3b2).
the base plate by means of full penetration butt welds,
the connection shall be deemed to transmit to the base When the slab does not distribute the column
all the forces and moments to which the column is load uniformly, due to eccentricity of the load etc,
subjected. special calculation shall be made to show that the base
is adequate to resist the moment due to the non-uniform
7.4.3 Slab Bases
pressure from below.
Columns with slab bases need not be provided with Bases for bearing upon concrete or masonry
gussets, but sufficient fastenings shall be provided to
need not be machined on the underside.
retain the parts securely in place and to resist all
moments and forces, other than direct compression, 7.4.3,4 In cases where the cap or base is fillet welded
including those arising during transit, unloading and directly to the end of the column without boring and
erection, shouldering, the contact surfaces shall be machined to
give a perfect bearing and the welding shall be The minimum thickness, t,, of rectangular slab
sufficient to transmit the forces as required in 7.4.3.
bases, supporting columns under axial compression
Where full strength butt welds are provided, machining
shall be
of contact surfaces is not required.
IS 800:2007 Loaded through one leg stress shall not exceed the values based on 7.1.2, The
angles shall be connected together over their lengths
The flexura! torsional buckling strength of single angle
so as to satisfy the requirements of 7.8 and 10.2.5.
loaded in compression through one of its legs may be
evaluated using the equivalent slenderness ratio, ACas Double angle discontinuous struts connected
given below: back-to-back, to one side of a gusset or section by one
or more bolts or rivets in each angle, or by the
equivalent in welding, shall be designed in accordance
where with 7.5.1 and the angles shall be connected together
over their lengths so as to satisfy the requirements
k,, kz, k3 = constants depending upon the end of 7.8 and 10.2.5.
condition, as given in Table 12,
7.5.3 Continuous Members
(b, +b2)/2t Double angle continuous struts such as those forming
L,,,,= ~&– and k~ = - the flanges, chords or ties of trusses or trussed girders,
or the legs of towers shall be designed as axially loaded
compression members, and the effective length shall
be taken in accordance with 7.2.4.
1= centre-to-centre length of the supporting
7.5.4 Combined Stresses
r= radius of gyration about the minor axis, In addition to axial loads, if the struts carry loads which
cause transverse bending, the combined bending and
bj, bz = width of the two legs of the angle,
axial stresses shall be checked in accordance with 9.3.
t= thickness of the leg, and For determining the permissible axial and bending
E = yield stress ratio ( 250~Y)05. stresses, the effective length shall be taken in
accordance with the 7.2 and 8.3.
Table 12 Constants kl, kz and k~
7.6 Laced Columns
St No. of Bolts Gusset/Con- k, k, k,
No. at Each End netting 7.6.1 General
Connection Member
Fixity ‘‘ Members comprising two main components
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) laced and tied, should where practicable, have a radius
of gyration about the axis perpendicular to the plane
i) Fixed 0.20 0.35 20
of lacing not less than the radius of gyration about the
>2 { 0.70 axis parallel to the plane of lacing (see Fig. IOA
Hinged 0.60 5
and 10 B).
ii) Fixed 0.75 0.35 20 As far as practicable, the lacing system shall
Hinged { 1.25 0.50 60 be uniform throughout the length of the column.
“ Stiffeners of in-plane rotational restraint provided by the Except for tie plates as specified in 7.7, double
.gossetkmrmectingmember. laced systems (see Fig. 10B) and single laced systems
For partial restraint, the LCcan be interpolated between the I.C (see Fig. IOA) on opposite sides of the main
results for fixed and hinged cases.
components shall not be combined with cross members
(ties) perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the strut
7.5.2 Double Angle Struts
(see Fig. 10C), unless all forces resulting from For double angle discontinuous struts, deformation of the strut members are calculated and
connected back to back, on opposite sides of the gusset provided for in the design of lacing and its fastenings.
or a section, by not less than two bolts or rivets in line Single laced systems, on opposite faces of
along the angles at each end, or by the equivalent in
the components being laced together shall preferably
welding, the load may be regarded as applied axially.
be in the same direction so that one is the shadow of
The effective length, KL, in the plane of end gusset
the other, instead of being mutually opposed in
shall be taken as between 0.7 and 0.85 times the direction.
distance between intersections, depending on the
degree of the restraint provided. The effective length, The effective slenderness ratio, (KZA-)., of laced
KL, in the plane perpendicular to that of the end gusset, columns shall be taken as 1.05 times the (KVr)o, the
shall be taken as equal to the distance between centres actual maximum slenderness ratio, in order to account
for shear deformation effects.
of intersections. The calculated average compressive
IS 800:2007
-.. 1A
. . ----
---- ---
10C Double Laced and Single Laced System Combined with Cross Numbers
IS 800:2007
7.6.2 Width of Lacing Bars construction, the effective lengths shall be taken as 0.7
times the distance between the inner ends of welds
In bolted/riveted construction, the minimum width of
connecting the single lacing bars to the members.
lacing bars shall be three times the nominal diameter
of the end boltfrivet. NOTE — The required section for lacing bars as compression/
tension members shall be determined by using the appropriate
7.6.3 Thickness of Lacing Bars design stresses, ~, subject to the requirements given in 7.6.3,
to 7.6.6 and T~in 6.1.
The thickness of flat lacing bars shall not be less than
one-fortieth of its effective length for single lacings 7.6.7 Attachment to Main Members
and one-sixtieth of the effective length for double The bolting, riveting or welding of lacing bars to the
lacings. main members shall be sufficient to transmit the force Rolled sections or tubes of equivalent strength calculated in the bars. Where welded lacing bars
may be permitted instead of flats, for lacings. overlap the main members, the amoupt of lap measured
along either edge of the lacing bar shall be not less
7.6.4 Angle of Inclination than four times the thickness of the bar or the thickness
Lacing bars, whether in double. or single systems, shall of the element of the members to which it is connected,
be inclined at an angle not less than 40° nor more than whichever is less. The welding should be sufficient to
7(P to the axis of the built-up member. transmit the load in the bar and shall, in any case, be
provided along each side of the bar for the full length
7.6.5 Spacing of lap. The maximum spacing of lacing bars, whether 7.6.8 End 7te Plates
connected by bolting, riveting or welding, shall also
Laced compression members shall be provided with
be such that the maximum slenderness ratio of the
tie plates as per 7.7 at the ends of lacing systems and
components of the main member (al/rl ), between
at intersection with other members/stays and at points
consecutive lacing connections is not greater than 50
where the lacing systems are interrupted.
or 0.7 times the most unfavorable slenderness ratio
of the member as a whole, whichever is less, where al 7.7 Battened Columns
is the unsupported length of the individual member
between lacing points, and r, is the minimum radius 7.7.1 General
of gyration of the individual member being laced Compression members composed of two main
together components battened should preferably have the, Where lacing bars are not lapped to form the individual members of the same cross-section and
connection to the components of the members, they symmetrically disposed about their major axis. Where
practicable, the compression members should have a
shall be so connected that there is no appreciable
radius of gyration about the axis perpendicular to the
interruption in the triangulation of the system.
plane of the batten not less than the radius of gyration
7.6.6 Design of Lacings about the axis parallel to the plane of the batten (see
Fig. 11). The lacing shall be proportioned to resist a total
transverse shear, Vt, at any point in the member, equal Battened compression members, not complying
to at least 2.5 percent of the axial force in the member with the requirements specified in this section or those
and shall be divided equally among all transverse- subjected to eccentricity of loading, applied moments
lacing systems in parallel planes. or lateral forces in the plane of the battens (see Fig. 11),
shall be designed according to the exact theory of For members carrying calculated bending stress
elastic stability or empirically, based on verification
due to eccentricity of loading, applied end moments
by tests.
and/or lateral loading, the lacing shall be proportioned
to resist the actual shear due to bending, in addition to NOTE— If the column section is subjectedto eccentricityor
other moments about an axis perpendicular to battens, the
that specified in
battens and the column section should be specially designed The slenderness ratio, KIJr, of the lacing bars for such moments and shears.
shall not exceed 145. In bolted/riveted construction, The battens shall be placed opposite to each
the effective length of lacing bars for the determination other at each end of the member and at points where
of the design strength shall be taken as the length the member is stayed in its length and as far as
between the inner end fastener of the bars for single practicable, be spaced and proportioned uniformly
lacing, and as 0.7 of this length for double lacings throughout. The number of battens shall be such that
effectively connected at intersections. In welded the member is divided into not less than three bays
IS 800:2007
within its actual length from centre-to-centre of end Battens shall be of plates, angles, channels, or I-sections
connections. and at their ends shall be riveted, bolted or welded to
the main components so as to resist simultaneously a
shear Vb = VIC/NS along the column axis and a moment
M = V,C12N at each connection,
001 v, = transverse shear force as defined above;
u c= distance between centre-to-centre of battens,
/ longitudinally;
N= number of parallel planes of battens; and
1 s= minimum transverse distance between the
I centroid of the rivet/bolt group/welding
I connecting the batten to the main
I member.
)0 01 100[ Tie plates
10 01 100
io oi 100’ Tie plates are members provided at the ends of battened
100! !00!
and laced members, and shall be designed by the same
method as battens. In no case shall a tie plate and its
fastenings be incapable of carrying the forces for which
the lacing or batten has been designed. Size
d’-+-----------% When plates are used for battens, the end battens and
those at points where the member is stayed in its length
of the main members. The intermediate battens shall
have an effective depth of not less than three quarters
of this distance, but in no case shall the effective depth
I of any batten be less than twice the width of one
member, in the plane of the battens. The effective depth
of a batten shall be taken as the longitudinal distance
FIG. 11 BATTENCOLUMNSECTION between outermost bolts, rivets or welds at the ends.
The thickness of batten or the tie plates shall be not The effective slenderness ratio (K!A-). of battened less than one-fiftieth of the distance between the
columns, shall be taken as 1.1 times the (ILVr)o, the innermost connecting lines of rivets, bolts or welds,
maximum actual slenderness ratio of the column, to perpendicular to the main member.
account for shear deformation effects. The requirement of bolt size and thickness of
7.7.2 Design of Battens batten specified above does not apply when angles,
channels or I-sections are used for battens with their legs Battens
or flanges perpendicular to the main member. However,
Battens shall be designed to carry the bending moments it should be ensured that the ends of the compression
and shear forces arising from transverse shear force V[ members are tied to achieve adequate rigidity.
equal to 2.5 percent of the total axial force on the whole
7.7.3 Spacing of Battens
compression member, at any point in the length of the
member, divided equally between parallel planes of In battened compression members where the individual
battens. Battened member carrying calculated bending members are not specifically checked for shear stress
moment due to eccentricity of axial loading, calculated and bending moments, the spacing of battens, centre-
end moments or lateral loads parallel to the plane of to-centre of its end fastenings, shall be such that the
battens, shall be designed to carry actual shear in slenderness ratio (KZYr) of any component over that
addition to the above shear. The main members shall distance shall be neither greater than 50 nor greater
also be checked for the same shear force and bending than 0.7 times the slenderness ratio of the member as a
moments as for the battens. whole about its z-z (axis parallel to the battens).
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007 When the design shear force (factored), V bO = width of the flange with outstand, and
exceeds 0.6Vd, where V~is the design shear strength of bi = width of the flange as an internal element.
the cross-section (see 8.4) the design bending strength,
Where these limits are exceeded, the effective width
Md shall be taken
of flange for design strength may be calculated using
IS 800:2007
specialist literature, or conservatively taken as the value corresponding to elastic lateral buckling
satisfying the limit given above. moment (see and Table 14).
8.2.2 Luterally Unsupported Beams Elastic lateral torsional buckling moment
Resistance to lateral torsional buckling need not be In case of simply supported, prismatic members with
checked separately (member may be treated as laterally symmetric cross-section, the elastic lateral buckling
supported, see 8.2.1) in the following cases: moment, MC, can be determined from:
‘d = ~b ‘pfbd
L, b
8.3 Effective Length for Lateral Torsional Buckling
Table 13(a) Design Bending Compressive Stress Corresponding to Lateral Buckling, fM, a~~ = 0.21
(Clause 8.2.2)
200 210 220 230 240 250 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 450 480 510 540
1000o 181.8 190.9 200 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363,6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
8000 181.8 190.9 200 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345,5 363.6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
6000 181.8 190.9 200 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363.6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
4000 181.8 190.9 200 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363.6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
2000 181.8 190.9 200 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.1 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363.6 381.8 409. I 436.4 463.6 490.9
1000 169.1 179.5 186 196.5 202.9 209.1 219.8 229.1 245.5 261.8 275.1 291.3 300.5 323.6 332.2 355.9 370.9 384.8 412.4
900 169.1 179.5 186 194.5 200.7 204.5 215.1 231.6 242.7 258.9 272 291.3 300.5 316.4 328.4 339.5 366.5 380.2 392.7
800 167.3 177.5 184 190.3 196.4 206.8 212.7 224 240 258,9 268.9 284,7 293.6 301.8 324.5 335.5 349.1 370.9 387.8
700 163.6 171.8 182 188.2 192 202.3 208 226.5 237.3 250.2 259.6 278,2 286.7 294.5 305.5 327.3 340.4 352.4 363.3
600 161.8 168 176 181,9 194.2 197.7 203.3 218.9 226.4 244.4 253.5 261.8 276,4 287.3 294 306.8 322.9 333.8 343.6
500 161.8 166.1 172 179.8 185.5 188.6 200.9 208.7 218.2 232.7 244.2 248.7 259.1 269.1 274.9 286.4 296.7 301.4 314.2
450 158.2 164.2 168 173.5 183.3 186.4 191.5 206.2 215.5 224 231.8 242.2 248.7 258.2 263.5 274.1 279.3 292.1 294.5
400 150.9 162.3 166 169.4 174.5 184.1 186.7 196 204.5 215.3 222.5 229.1 238.4 243.6 248.2 257.7 261,8 264.3 274.9
350 147.3 152.7 162 165.2 170.2 172.7 179.6 188.4 193.6 200.7 210.2 212.7 221,1 225.5 229.1 233.2 240 241.1 245.5
300 143.6 147 152 154.7 161.5 163.6 167.8 175.6 182.7 186.2 194.7 196.4 196.9 203.6 206.2 212.7 213.8 217.9 220.9
250 134.5 137.5 142 144.3 148.4 152.3 153.6 160.4 163.6 165.8 170 173.5 179.6 178.2 179.5 184.1 183.3 185.5 191.5
200 121.8 124.1 126 129.6 130.9 134.1 134.7 137.5 141.8 142.5 145.3 147.3 148.5 149.1 152.7 151.4 152.7 153 157.1
150 101.8 103.1 104 104.5 106.9 106.8 108.7 109.5 111.8 113.5 114.4 114.5 117.5 116.4 118.4 118.6 117.8 120.5 122.7
100 74.5 76.4 76 77.4 76.4 77.3 78 78.9 79.1 78.5 80.4 81.8 79.5 80 80.2 81.8 82,9 83.5 83.5
90 67.3 68.7 70 69 69.8 70.5 70.9 71.3 70.9 72.7 74.2 72 72.5 72.7 72.5 73.6 74.2 74.2 73.6
80 61.8 63 62 62.7 63.3 63.6 63.8 63.6 65.5 64 64.9 65.5 65.6 65.5 64.9 65.5 65.5 64.9 68.7
70 54.5 55.4 56 56.5 56.7 56.8 56.7 56 57.3 58.2 58.7 58.9 58.7 58.2 57.3 57.3 56.7 60.3 58.9
60 47.3 47.7 48 48. I 48 50 49.6 48.4 49.1 49.5 49.5 49.1 48.4 50.9 49.6 49.1 52.4 51 49.1
50 40 40.1 40 41.8 41.5 40.9 40.2 40.7 40.9 40.7 43.3 42,5 41.5 43.6 42 40.9 43.6 41.7 44.2
40 32.7 32.5 32 33.5 32.7 34.1 33.1 33.1 32.7 34.9 34 32,7 34.5 32.7 34.4 32.7 34.9 32.5 34.4
30 25.5 24.8 26 25.1 26.2 25 26 25.5 24.5 26.2 24.7 26.2 24.2 25.5 26.7 24.5 26.2 27.8 24.5 G
17.5 18.5 m
20 16.4 17.2 18 16.7 17.5 18.2 16.5 17.8 16.4 17.5 18.5 16.4 17.3 18.2 19.1 16.4 19.6 o
10 9.1 9.5 8 8.4 8.7 9.1 9.5 7.6 8.2 8.7 9.3 9.8 10.4 7.3 7.6 8.2 8.7 9.3 9.8 .. I
Table 13(b) Design Bending Compressive Stress Corresponding to Lateral Buckling, ~~, a~~ = 0.49 G
(Clause 8.2.2) =
1 I &
f, s
200 210 220 230 240 250 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 450 480 510 540
10000 181.8 190.9 200.0 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363.6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
8000 181.8 190.9 200.0 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363.6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
. .
6000 181.8 190,9 200.0 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327,3 345.5 363,6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
. .
4000 181.8 190.9 200.0 209.1 218.2 227,3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363.6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490.9
. . .
2000 181.8 190.9 200.0 209.1 218.2 227.3 236.4 254.5 272.7 290.9 309.1 327.3 345.5 363.6 381.8 409.1 436.4 463.6 490,9
. . ..
160.0 164.2
. 1000 ..—. 170.0 179.8 185.5 190.9 196.2 211.3 220.9 235.6 247.3 255.3 266.0 280 290.2 302.7 318.5 329.2 343.6
900 154.5 164,2 170.0 173.5 183.3 188.6 193.8 203.6 218.2 226.9 238.0 252.0 262.5 269.1 282.5 290.5 305.5 319,9 333.8
152.7 158.5
. 800 168.0 171.5 176.7 181.8 191.5 201.1 210.0 224.0 234.9 242.2 252.2 258.2 271.1 282.3 296.7 306 319.1
700 150.9 154.6 160.0 169.4 172.4 177.3 182.0 196 207.3 215.3 222.5 232.4 238.4 247.3 259.6 270 279.3 292.1 304.4
600 145.5 150,8 154.0 161.0 168.0 172.7 177.3 188.4 193.6 203.6 213.3 222.5 228 236.4 244.4 253.6 261.8 273.5 274.9
500 “’ 140.0 145,1 150.0 154.7 159.3 161.4 167.8 175.6 185.5 192 200,9 206,2 214.2 218.2 225.3 229.1 240 245.7 250,4
450 134.5 141.3 144.0 148.5 152.7 156.8 160.7 168 177.3 186.2 191.6 196,4 203.8 210.9 213.8 220.9 231.3 236.5 235.6
m 4&”’””
“ 129.1 135.5 138.0 142.2 148.4 150 153.6 162.9 169.1 174,5 182.4 183.3 193.5 196.4 202.4 208.6 209.5 217.9 220.9
350 123.6 129.8 132.0 135.9 139.6 143.2 148.9 152.7 158.2 162.9 170 173.5 176.2 181.8 183.3 192.3 196.4 199.4 206.2
300 118.2 122.2 126.0 129.6 130.9 134.1 137.1 142.5 147.3 154.2 157.6 157.1 162.4 167.3 168 175.9 178.9 1808 181.6
109.1 112.6 117.1 129.8
. 250
. 116.0 120.0 122.7 125.3 130.9 136.7 139.1 140.7 145.1 149.1 148.9 151.4 152.7 157.6 157.1
200 98.2 101.2 102.0 104.5 104.7 109.1 108.7 112 117.3 119.3 120.5 121.1 124.4 127.3 126 130.9 130.9 129.8 132.5
150 83.6 84.0 86.0 87.8 89.5 88.6 89.8 91.6 95.5 96.0 95.8 98.2 100.2 101.8 103.1 102.3 104.7 106.6 103.1
100 63.6 63.0 64.0 64.8 65.5 65.9 66.2 68.7 68.2 69.8 71.1 68.7 69.1 72.7 72.5 73.6 74.2 74.2 73.6
. 90 . . 58.2 57.3 60.0 58.5 61.1 61.4 61.5 61.1 62.7 64.0 64.9 65.5 65.6 65.5 64.9 65.5 65.5 64.9 68.7
80 52.7 53.5 54.0 54.4 54.5 54.5 54.4 56 57.3 58.2 58.7 58.9 58.7 58.2 61.1 61.4 61.1 60.3 58.9
70 47.3 47.7 48.0 48.1 48.0 50.0 49.6 50.9 49.1 49.5 52.5 52.4 51.8 50.9 53.5 53.2 52.4 55.6 54.0
60 41.8 42.0 42.0 41.8 43.6 43,2 42.5 43.3 43.6 43.6 43.3 45.8 44.9 47.3 45.8 45.0 48.0 46.4 49.1
50 36.4 36.3 36.0 35.5 37.1 36.4 37.8 38.2 38.2 37.8 37.1 39.3 38.0 40.0 38.2 40.9 39.3 37.1 39.3
.. 40
.. 29.1 30.5 30.0 29.3 30.5 29.5 30.7 30.5 30.0 32.0 30.9 32.7 31.1 32.7 30.5 32.7 30.5 32.5 34.4
30 23.6 22.9 22.0 23.0 24.0 22.7 23.6 22.9 24.5 23.3 24.7 22.9 24.2 25.5 22.9 24.5 26.2 23.2 24.5
. .20 . I5.3 16.0 16.7 I’5.3 15.9 16.5 15.3 16.4 17.5 15.5 16.4 17.3 18.2 15.3 16.4 17.5 18.5 14.7
10 9. I 7.6 8.0 8.4 8.7 9.1 9.5 7.6 8.2 8.7 9.3 9.8 6.9 7.3 7.6 8.2 8.7 9.3 9.8
Table 14 Critical Stress,JC,, b
1 I I
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 I 35
ZcI 60
10 22551.2 22255.1 22092.6 21994.1 21929.8 21885.7 217791o I 21763.1 I 21752.7 21740.5 I 21733.8 1 21727.2 ! 21724.2 I
20 6220.5 5947.9 5794.5 5700.0 5637.8 5594.7 5563.8 5515.8 5489.7 5473.8 5463.5 + 5451.4 5444.8 1 5438.2 5435.1
30 3149.3 2905.9 2764.6 2676.0 2616.7 2575.3 2545.3 2498.5 2472.8 2457.1 2447.0 2434.9 2428.3 2421.7 2418.6
40 2036.1 1821.2 1693.0 I 610.8 1555.1 1515.8 1487.0 I 441.7 1416.5 1401.1 1391.0 1379.0 1372.5 1365.9 1362.8
50 1492.9 1303.2 I 187,3 1111.8 1059.9 1022.7 995.3 951.7 927.1 912.0 902.0 890.2 883.7 877.1 874.2
60 1178.0 1 OQ9.5 905.0 835.6 787.4 752.4 726.4 684.6 660.9 646.1 636.4 624.7 618.2 611.7 608.7
70 973.9 823.2 728.5 664.8 620.1 587.4 562.9 522.9 500.0 485.5 476.0 464.4 458.0 451.7 448.7
80 831.3 695.4 609.2 550.7 509.1 478.4 455.3 417.2 395.1 381.2 371.8 360.5 354.1 347.7 344.7
90 725.9 602.6 523.6 469.5 430.9 402.2 380.4 344.2 322.9 309.3 300.2 289.1 282.8 276.5 273,5
100 644.7 532.0 459.3 409,3 373.2 346.4 325.8 291.4 270.9 257.7 248.8 237.9 231.8 225.5 222.5
110 580.4 476.6 409.3 362.9 329.2 303.9 284.5 251.8 232.1 219.3 210.8 200.1 194.0 187.8 184,8
120 527.9 431.9 369.5 326.0 294.5 270.7 252.3 221.2 202.4 190.1 181.6 171.2 165.2 159.I 156.2
130 484.3 395.0 3% 9 I,
““--- ----- T- ,
7CK1” -----
76:; ,
1– . . ... I,
244-- 7767
---- I, ----
1971 I, ----
179o i1 167.1 158.8 148.6 142.8 136.7 133.9
140 447.6 364.2 309.5 271.5 243.4 222.3 205.8 177.5 160.2 148.7 140.7 130.8 125.0 119.0 116.2
150 416.0 337.8 286.6 250.6 224.2 204.2 188.4 161.5 144.8 133.7 126.0 116.3 110.6 104.7 101.9
160 388.7 315.2 266.8 232.8 207.8 188.8 173.9 148.2 132.0 121.3 113.9 104.3 98.8 93.0 90.1
170 364.9 295.4 249.6 217.5 193.7 175.6 161.4 136.7 121.3 111.0 103.6 94.4 89.0 83.2 80.4
180 343.9 278.0 234.6 204.1 181.5 164.2 150.6 127.1 112.2 102.2 95.2 86.0 80.7 75.0 72.3
190 325.2 262.6 221.3 192.3 170.7 154.2 141.2 118.6 104.3 94.6 87.8 79.0 73.7 68.1 65.3
200 308.3 248.8 209.6 181.7 161.2 145.4 133.0 111.3 97.5 88.1 81.4 72.8 67.8 62.2 59.5
210 293.3 236.5 198.9 172.4 152.7 137.6 125.7 104.8 91.5 82.4 75.9 67.5 62.6 57.1 54.5
220 279.5 225.3 189.3 163.9 145.1 130.6 119.1 99.0 86.2 77.4 71.2 62.9 58.1 52.7 50.1
230 267.1 215.2 180.7 156.3 138.2 124.3 113.3 93.9 81.5 72.9 66.9 58.9 54.1 48.8 46.2
44.:8 I
39.7 I
37.2 I
270 I
226.8 I
182.3 1
152.8 131.9 116.3 104.3 94.7 77...91 .,. . II
670 594 .
-.. I 53.9
I 46.8 rt 42.2 I
37.3 I
34.8 I
I 1 I
1 280 218.6 175.7 147.2 126.9 111.9 100.2 91.1 74.7 64.1
56.8 51.5 44.4 40.0 35.2 32.7
.--- ...—. I 210.9 I 169.4 I 141.9 I 122.3 107.8 I %.6 I 87.7 I 71..8 ---- I
[ ----
5A ‘1
1 49.2 1
42.2 1
38.1 t
33.2 !
30.8 {
300 203.8 163.7 137.1 118.1 104.1 93.2 84.5 69.1 59.1 52.1 47.1 40.4 36.2 31.5 29.0 ~
IS 800:2007
Insitnply supported beams with intermediate lateral at that point, relative to the end supports. The
restraints against lateral torsional buckling, the effective intermediate lateral restraints should be either
length for lateral torsional buckling to be used connected to an appropriate bracing system capable
in, ~~ shall be taken as the length of the relevant of transferring the restraint force to the effective lateral
segment in between the lateral restraints. The effective support at the ends of the member, or should be
length shall be equal to 1.2 times the length of the connected to an independent robust part of the structure
relevant segment in between the lateral restraints. capable of transferring the restraint force. Two or more
parallel member requiring such lateral restraint shall
Restraint against torsional rotation at supports in these
not be simply connected together assuming mutual
beams may be provided by:
dependence for the lateral restraint.
a) web or flange cleats, or
The intermediate lateral restraints should be connected
b) bearing stiffeners acting in conjunction with to the member as close to the compression flange as
the bearing of the beam, or practicable. Such restraints should be closer to the
c) lateral end frames or external supports shear centre of the compression flange than to the shear
providing lateral restraint to the compression centre of the section. However, if torsional restraint
flanges at the ends, or preventing relative rotation between the two flanges is
d) their being built into walls. provided, the intermediate lateral restraint may be
connected at any appropriate level.
8.3.2 For beams, which are provided with members
giving effective lateral restraint to the compression For beams which are provided with members giving
flange at intervals along the span, in addition to the effective lateral restraint at intervals along the span,
end torsional restraint required in 8.3.1, the effective the effective lateral restraint shall be capable of resisting
length for Iateral torsional buckIing shall be taken as a force of 2.5 percent of the maximum force in the
the distance, centre-to-centre of the restraint members compression flange taken as divided equally between
in the relevant segment under normal loading condhion the points at which the restraint members are provided.
and 1.2 times this distance, where the load is not acting Further, each restraint point should be capable of
on the beam at the shear and is acting towards the shear resisting 1 percent of the maximum force in the
centre so as to have destabilizing effect during lateral compression flange.
torsional buckling deformation. In a series of such beams, with solid webs,
8.3.3 For cantilever beams of projecting length L, the which are connected together by the same system of
effective length .L~Tto be used in shall be taken restraint members, the sum of the restraining forces
as in Table 16 for different support conditions. required shall be taken as 2.5 percent of the maximum
flange force in one beam only,
8.3.4 Where a member is provided intermediate lateral
supports to improve the lateral buckling strength, these In the case of a series of latticed beams, girders
restraints should have sufficient strength and stiffness or roof trusses which are connected together by the same
to prevent lateral movement of the compression flange system of restraint members, the sum of the restraining
IS 800:2007
forces required shall be taken as 2.5 percent of the Minor Axis Bending:
maximum force in the compression flange plus 1.25
Hot-Rolled or Welded — 2b t~
percent of this force for every member of the series other
than the first, up to a maximum total of 7.5 percent. Rectangular hollow sections of uniform thickness:
8.3.5 Purlins adequately restrained by sheeting need Loaded parallel to depth (h) — A h I (b + h)
not be normally checked for the restraining forces Loaded parallel to width (b) — A b i (b + h)
required by rafters, roof trusses or portal frames that Circular hollow tubes of uniform thickness — 2 A I n
carry predominately roof loads provided there is
bracing of adequate stiffness in the plane of rafters or Plates and solid bars —A
roof sheeting which is capable of acting as a stressed where
skin diaphragm.
A= cross-section area,
8.3.6 In case of beams with double curvature bending,
b= overall breadth of tubular section, breadth
adequate direct lateral support to the compression
of I-section flanges,
flange in the hogging moment region maybe provided
as given above for simply supported beam. The effect d= clear depth of the web between flanges,
of support to the tension (top) flange in the hogging h= overall depth of the section,
moment region on lateral restraint to the compression tf = thickness of the flange, and
flange may be considered as per specialist literature.
tw = thickness of the web.
8.4 Shear NOTE — Fastener holes need not be accounted for in plastic
design shear strength calculation provided that:
The factored design shear force, V, in a beam due to
external actions shaIl satisfy
If A,ndoes not satisfy the above condition, the effective shear
v< v,,
area may be taken as that satisfying the above limit. Block
shear failure criteria may be verified at the end connections.
Section 9 maybe referred to for design strength under combined
V~ = design strength high shear and bending.
IS 800:2007
where where
Vc, = shear force corresponding to web ‘cb = buckling strength, as obtained from
= Av~~ f, = yield strength of the tension field
where obtained from
‘eb= 12(1 -/.)[dAw~w~ 2 M,, <c
s=— —
sin@ fyw tw
where [
. ..._ .,__ ----
IS 800:2007
using only simple post critical method, according 8.5.3 Anchor Forces
The resultant longitudinal shear, R,~,and a moment kf,~
Additionally, the end panel along with the stiffeners from the anchor of tension field forces are evaluated
should be checked as a beam spanning between the as given below:
flanges to resist a shear force, R,f and a moment, M,f
due to tension tleld forces as given in 8.5.3. Further,
end stiffener should be capable of resisting the reaction
plus a compressive force due to the moment, equal to where
M,j (see Fig. 12).
8.5.2 End Panels Designed Using Tension Field Action
(see Fig. 13 and Fig. 14)
The design of end panels in girders, which are designed
Hq = I.zsvp 1–~
(1 P
, \
~1 “ :< ,~
1 Panel A is designed utilizing tension field action as given in
2 Panel II is designed without utilizing tension field action as given in tMWa).
3 Bearing stiffener is designed for the compressive force due to bearing plus compressive force due to the moment M,, as
given in 8.5.3.
IS 800:2007
k- 1
I j
/ H
1! :
1 Panel A is designed utilizi~g tension field action as given in
2 Panel B is designed utilizing tension field action as given in 8.4,2.2(b).
3 Bearing stiffener and end post is designed for combinationof compressiveloads due to bearing and a moment equal to 2/3 M,t m
given in 8.5.3.
i , j
T ~ A
. 1
1 Panel A is designed utilizing tension field action as given in 8.%2.2(b).
2 Bearing stiffener is designed for compressive force due to hewing as given in
3 End post is designed for horizontal shear R,, and moment M,, as given in 8.5.3.
8.6 Design of Beams and Plate Girders with Solid longitudinal edges),
Webs 1) when3d2c2d
IS 800:2007
8.6.3 Flanges
b) When transverse stiffeners are provided and The outstand of flange plates, that is the projection
beyond the outer line of connections to flange angles,
1) whenc>l.5d channel or joist flanges or in the case of welded
constructions their projection beyond the face of the
web or tongue plate, shall not exceed the values given
in 3.7.2 (see Table 2).
2) when c < 1.5d
In the case of box girders, the thickness of any plate,
or the aggregate thickness of two or more plates, when
these plates are tacked together to form the flange, shall
satisfy the requirements given in 3.7.2 (see Tldble 2).
where Flange splices
d = depth of the web,
tw = thickness of the web, Flange splices should preferably, not be located at
= spacing of transverse stiffenel points of maximum stress. Where splice plates are
used, their area shall be not less than 5 percent in excess
(see Fig. 12 and Fig. 13),
of the area of the flange element spliced; their centre
250 of gravity shall coincide, as nearly as possible, with
E, = yield stress ratio of web= —
f’)1 that of the element spliced. There shall be enough bolts,
and rivets or welds on each side of the splice to develop
IS 800:2007
the 10xI in the element spliced plus 5 percent but in no augment the strength of the web, they shall be placed
case should the strength developed be less than 50 on each side of the web and shall be equal in thickness.
percent of’the effective strength of the material spliced. The proportion of shear force assumed to be resisted
In welded construction, flange plates shall be joined by these plates shall be limited by the amount of
by complete penetration butt welds, wherever possible. horizontal shear which they can transmit to the flanges
These butt welds shall develop the full strength of the through their fastenings, and such reinforcing plates
plates. and their fastenings shall be carried up to the points
at which the flange without the additional plates is Connection offianges to web
The flanges of plate girders shall be connected to the
web by sufficient rivets, bolts or welds to transmit the 8.7 Stiffener Design
maximum horizontal shear force resulting from the 8.7.1 General
bending moment gradient in the girder, combined with
any vertical loads which are directly applied to the When the web of a member acting alone (that
flange. If the web is designed using tension field is without stiffeners) proves inadequate, stiffeners for
method as given in (b), the weld should be able meeting the following requirements should be
to transfer the tension freld stress, j’ywacting on the provided:
web, a) intermediate tramverse web st~fener — TO Bolted/Riveted construction improve the buckling strength of a slender
web due to shear (see 8.7.2).
For girders in exposed situations and which do not have
b) Load carrying stiflener — To prevent local
flange plates for their entire length, the top edge of the buckling of the web due to
web plate shall be flush with or above the angles, and
concentrated loading (see 8.7.3 and 8.7.5).
the bottom edge of the web plate shall be flush with or
c) Bearing stl~ener — To prevent local crushing
set back from the angles.
of the web due to concentrated loading Welded construction (see 8.7.4 and 8.7.6).
The gap between the web plates and flange plates shall d) Torsion stiflener — To provide torsional
be kept to a minimum and for fillet welds shall not restraint to beams and girders at supports
exceed 1 mm at any point before welding. (see 8.7.9).
e) Diagonal stiffener — To provide local
8.6.4 Webs
reinforcement to a web under shear and Effective sectional area of web of plate girder bearing (see 8.7.7).
f) Tension str’’encr— To transmit tensile forces
The effective cross-sectional area shall be taken as the
applied to a web through a flange (see 8.7.8).
full depth of the web plate multiplied by the thickness.
~()’r~ — Where webs are varied in thickness in Lhedepth of The some stiffeners may perform more than one
the section by the ase of tongue plates or the like, or where the function and their design should comply with the
pt-opcrrtiunof the web included in the flange area is 25 percent requirements of all the functions for which designed.
or more of the overall depth, the above approximation is not
pcnnissib]c and the maximum shear stress shall be computed O[ltstand of web sti~eners
on theory,
Unless the outer edge k continuously stiffened, the Splice,v in vvebs outstand f’rom the face of the web should not exceed
Splices and cutouts for service ducts in the webs should 2ot,,E.
prefembly not be located at points of maximum shear When the outstand of web is between 14tqE and 20tq&,
force and heavy concentrated loads. then the stiffener design should be on the basis of a
Splices in the webs of the plate girders and rolled core section with an outstand of 14t~&,where tqis the
sections shall be designed to resist the shears and thickness of the stiffener.
moments at the spliced section (see Annex F). St(~~bearing length
In riveted or bolted construction, splice plates shall be The stiff bearing length of any element b,, is that length
provided on each side of the web. In welded which cannot deform appreciably in bending. To
construction, web splices shall preferably be made with determine b], the dispersion of load through a steel bearing
complete penetration butt welds. element should be taken as 45” through solid material, Where additional plates are required to such as bearing plates, flange plates, etc (see Fig. 15).
IS 800:2007
45° -&-bq—
‘ ‘< ;
\\ I L,
X t
‘\ \\
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
Load carrying web stiffeners should also be of sufficient D= overall depth of beam at support,
size that the bearing strength of the stiffener, FP,~,given TC~= maximum thickness of
below is not less than the load transferred, FX compression flange in the span
under consideration,
F,,, = A,fy,/ (0.8y~0 ) 2 F,
KL = laterally unsupported effective
where length of the compression flange
Fx = external load or reaction, of the beam, and
- ...k _
IS 800:2007
either be fitted against the loaded flange or 8.8.2 Where the concentrated or moving load does not
connected by continuous welds or non-slip fasteners. act directly on top of the web, the local effect shall be
considered in the design of flanges and the diaphragms.
The stiffener should be fitted against or connected to
both flanges when: 8.9 Purlins and Sheeting Rails (Girts)
a) a load is applied directly over a support, or All purlins shall be designed in accordance with the
b) it forms the end stiffener of a stiffened web, requirements for uncased beams as specified in 8.2.1
or and 8.2.2, and the limitations of bending stress based
c) it acts as a torsion stiffener. on lateral instability of the compression flange and the
limiting deflection specified under 5.6.1 for the design
8.7.12 Hollow Sections
of purlins. The maximum bending moment shall not
Where concentrated loads are applied to hollow exceed the values specified in 8.2.1. The calculated
sections consideration should be given to local stresses deflections should not exceed those permitted for the
and deformations and the section reinforced as type of roof cladding used as specified in 5.6.1. In
necessary. calculating the bending moment, advantage may be
taken of the continuity of the purlin over supports. The
8.7.13 Horizontal Stiffeners
bending about the two axes should be determined
Where horizontal stiffeners are used in addition to separately and checked according to the biaxial
vertical stiffeners, they shall be as follows: bending requirements specified in Section 9.
a) One horizontal stiffener shall be placed on the 8.10 Bending in a Non-principal Plane
web at a distance from the compression flange
equal to 1/5 of the distance from the 8.10.1 When the flexural deflection of a member is
compression flange angle, plate or tongue constrained to a non-principal plane by lateral restraints
plate to the neutral axis when the thickness preventing lateral deflection, then the force exerted by
of the web is less than the limits specified the restraints shall be determined, and the principal
in 8.6.1. The stiffener shall be designed so axes bending moments acting on the member shall be
that I, is not less than 4ctW>where 1, and tWare calculated from these forces and applied forces, by a
as defined in and c is the actual rational analysis. The combined effect of bending
about the principal axes shall satisfy the requirements
distance between the vertical stiffeners
of Section 9.
b) A second horizontal stiffener (single or
double) shall be placed at the neutral axis of 8.10.2 When the deflections of a member loaded in a
the girder when the thickness of the web is non-principal plane are unconstrained; the principal
less than the limit specified in 8.6.1. This axes bending moments shall be calculated by a rational
stiffener shall be designed so that 1, is not less analysis. The combined effect of bending about the
than dz tw~ where I, and tw are as defined principal axes shall satisfy the requirements of
in and dz is twice the clear distance Section 9.
from the compression flange angles, plates or
tongue plates to the neutral axis; SECTION 9
c) Horizontal web stiffeners shall extend MEMBER SUBJECTED TO COMBINED
between vertical stiffeners, but need not be FORCES
continuous over them; and
d) Horizontal stiffeners may be in pairs arranged 9.1 General
on each side of the web, or single located on This section governs the design of members subjected
one side of the web. to combined forces, such as shear force and bending,
8.8 Box Girders axial force and bending, or shear force, axial force and
The design and detailing of box girders shall be such
as to give full advantage of its higher load carrying 9.2 Combined Shear and Bending
capacity. Box girder shall be designed in accordance
9.2.1 No reduction in moment capacity of the section is
with specialist literature. The diaphragms and
necessary as long as the cross-section is not subjected
horizontal stiffeners should conform to 8.7.12
to high shear force (factored value of applied shear force
and 8.7.13.
is less than or equal to 60 percent of the shear strength
8.8.1 All diaphragms shall be connected such as to of the section as given in 8.4). The moment capacity
transfer the resultant shears to the web and flanges. may be tiiken as, M~ (see 8.2) without any reduction.
IS 800:2007
9.2.2 When the factored value of the applied shear force where
is high (exceeds the limit specified in 9.2.1), the
MY,M, = factored applied moments about the
factored moment of the section should be less than the
minor and major axis of the cross-section,
moment capacity of the section under higher shear
force, lkf~,, calculated as given below:
Mn~Z= design reduced flexural strength under
a) Plastic or Compact Section combined axial force and the respective
uniaxial moment acting alone (see
M,, = Jf, – P(%–W,) ~ 1.’2-%f,/Ymo;
where N= factored applied axial force (Tension, T
or Compression, P);
p= (2v/vd-1)2 N~ = design strength in tension, Tdas obtained
M~ = plastic design moment of the from 6 or in compression due to yielding
whole section disregarding high given by N, = A~.fYlY~O;
shear force effect (see
M~Y,M~Z = design strength under corresponding
considering web buckling effects
moment acting alone (see 8.2);
A~ = gross area of the cross-section;
v= factored applied shear force as
governed by web yielding or web a,, (X2 = constants as given in Table 17; and
buckling, Klo = partial factor of safety in yielding.
Vd = design shear strength as governed For plastic and compact sections without bolts
by web yielding or web buckling holes, the following approximations may be used for
(see 8.4.1 or 8.4.2), evaluating Mn~Yand Mn~Z:
Mfd = plastic design strength of the area a) Plates
of the cross-section excluding the
Mn~= M~(l –n2)
shear area, considering partial
safety factor ymO,and b) Welded I or H sections
Ze = elastic section modulus of the 2
whole section.
Semi-compact Section
Mn,Y= M,,
[( )]
1- ~ 5 MdYwhere n > a
9.3 Combined Axial Force and Bending Moment
n = N/N~ anda = (A–2bt~)/A <0.5
Under combined axial force and bending moment, section
strength as governed by material failure and member c) For standard I or H sections
strength as governed by buckling failure shall be checked for n s 0.2 M.,, = M,,
in accordance with 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 respectively. for n >0.2 MtiY = 1.56 MdY(l -n)(n +0.6)
9.3.1 Section Strength Mnd,= l.ll MdZ(l–n)SM,Z Plastic and compact sections d) For rectangular hollow sections and welded
box sections
In the design of members subjected to combined axial
When the section is symmetric about both
force (tension or compression) and bending moment,
the following should be satisfied: axes and without bolt holes
aW=(A-2bt~)/A <0.5
Conservatively, the following equation may also be
a, =(A-2htW)/A <0.5
used under combined axial force and bending moment:
e) Circular hollow tubes without bolt holes
Mn~= 1.04M~ (1–n17) <M~
. ,_,
___ ....__
IS 800:2007
N ~, ~<lo C~YMY M
:+KY —+K~~— z <1.()
–“ liy M,, MdZ
where ;+ 0.6 KY—+KZ ~<1.()
di M,, M~Z
N~, M~Y,M~z are as defined in
Table 17 Constants al and CCz
C~Y,Cm, = equivalent uniform moment factor as per
(Clause Table 18;
s] Section al CZ2
P = applied axial compression under factored
No. load;
(1) (2) (3) (4)
MY,M,= maximum factored applied bending
i) I and channel 5n>) 2 moments about y and z-axis of the
ii) Circular tubes 2 2 member, respectively;
iii) Rectanguku’ 1.661 1.66/
tubes (1–1.13rr2)< 6 (1-1 .13n’)<6 P~vP~Z=
.. . design strength under axial compression
iv) Solid rectangles 1.73+ 1.8rr] 1.73+ 1.8n3 as governed by buckling about minor (y)
NOTE.— n =NINA. and major (z) axis respectively;
MdY,Ma, = design bending strength about y (minor)
9.3.2 Overall Member Strength or z (major) axis considering laterally
unsupported length of the cross-section
Members subjected to combined axial force and
(see Section 8);
bending moment shall be checked for overall buckling
failure as given in this section. KY = 1+ (AY– 0.2)nY< 1 + 0.8 nY;
K. = 1 + (AZ– 0.2)nZ< 1+ 0.8 n.; and Bending and axial tension
The reduced effective moment, M.f~, under tension and O.IALTn, 0.1 ny
bending calculated as given below, should not exceed 1- (Cm,, - 0.25) 21- (C.,T- 0.25)
the bending strength due to lateral torsional buckling,
M~ (see 8.2.2).
nY nZ= ratio of actual applied axial force to the
Me,, = [M– VT Zec/A]s M~ design axial strength for buckling about
the y and z axis, respectively, and
c mLT = equivalent uniform moment factor for
M,T= factored applied moment and tension, lateral torsional buckling as per Table 18
respectively: corresponding to the actual moment
A= area of cross-section; gradient between lateral supports against
torsional deformation in the critical
Zec = elastic section modulus of the section
region under consideration.
IS 800:2007
0 u
& ‘s
‘YJ 0
0 0“
I +
— —
e ‘3
< 3
~ .
0 0
I 0
0 VI
> h 3
7 0
— —
VJ \“,
;1 VI
0 3
- “------
IS 800:2007
SI Nominal Size of Size of the Hole= Nominal Diameter of the Fastener+ Clearances
No. Fastener, d mm
IS 800:2007 The minimum edge and end distances from 10.3 Bewing Type Bolts
the centre of any hole to the nearest edge of a plate 10.3.1 Effective Areas of Bolts
shall not be less than 1.7 times the hole diameter in
case of sheared or hand-flame cut edges; and 1.5 times Since threads can occur in the shear plane,
the hole diameter in case of rolled, machine-flame cut, the area .4Cfor resisting shear should normally be taken
sawn and planed edges. as the net tensile stress area, An of the bolts. For bolts
where the net tensile stress area is not defined, An shall The maximum edge distance to the nearest be taken as the area at the root of the threads.
line of fasteners from an edge of any un-stiffened part
should not exceed 12 tE, where c = (250/’)”2 and t is Where it can be shown that the threads do not
the thickness of the thinner outer plate. This would occur in the shear plane, A~ may be taken as the cross
section area, A, at the shank.
IS 800:2007 In the calculation of thread length, allowance the connected plates) exceeds 5 times the diameter, d
should be made for tolerance and thread run off. of the bolts, the design shear capacity shall be reduced
by a factor ~1~,given by:
10.3.2 A bolt subjected to a factored shear force ( VJ
shall satisfy the condition ~,, = 8 d /(3 d+ 1,) = 8 /(3+1,/d)
v... = Vdb ~i, shall not be more than f$j given in The
grip length, 1~shall in no case be greater than 8d.
where V~~is the design strength of the bolt taken as the
smaller of the value as governed by shear, V~,~ Packing plates
(see 10.3.3) and bearing, V,P~(see 10.3.4).
The design shear capacity of bolts carrying shear
10.3.3 Shear Capacity of Bolt through a packing plate in excess of 6 mm shall be
decreased by a factor, ~P~given by:
The design strength of the bolt, V~,~as governed shear
strength is given by: ~,, =(1 -0.0125 tpk)
Vn,b = nominal shear capacity of a bolt, 10.3.4 Bearing Capacity of the Bolt
calculated as follows: The design bearing strength of a bolt on any plate, V~P~
as governed by bearing is given by:
v],, =@ %)+% ‘%,)
IS 800:2007
Tb = factored tensile force acting on the bolt, and fO = proof stress (= 0.70~ub).
T~b . design tension capacity (see 10.3.5). NOTE — Vn.may be evaluated at a service load or ultimate
load using appropriatepartial safety factors, depending upon
10.4 Friction Grip Type Bolting whether slip resistance is required at service load or ultimate
10.4.1 In friction grip type bolting, initial pretension
in bolt (usually high strength) develops clamping force Long joints
at the interfaces of elements being joined. The frictional The provision for the long joints in shall apply
resistance to slip between the plate surfaces subjected to friction grip connections also.
to clamping force opposes slip due to externally applied
shear. Friction grip type bolts and nuts shall conform 10.4.4 Capacity after slipping
to IS 3757. Their installation procedures shall conform When friction type bolts are designed not to slip only
to IS 4000. under service loads, the design capacity at ultimate load
10.4.2 Where slip between bolted plates cannot be may be calculated as per bearing type connection
tolerated at working loads (slip critical connections), (see 10.3.2 and 10.3.3).
the requirements of 10.4.3 shall be satisfied. However, NOTE — The block shear resistance of the edge distance due
at ultimate loads, the requirements of 10.4.4 shall be to bearing force may be checked as given in 6.4.
satisfied by all connections.
10.4.5 Tension Resistance
10.4.3 Slip Resistance
A friction bolt subjected to a factored tension force (Tf )
Design for friction type bolting in which slip is required shall satisfy:
IS 800:2007
(thickness60-80 ,mn)
ix) Surface blasted with shot or grit and 0.50
spray metallized with aluminium
(thickness>50 ,mrr)
x) Clean mill scale 0.33
xi) Sand blasted surface 0.48
xii) Red lead painted surface 0.1
IS 800:2007
10.5 Welds and Welding shall not be less than 3 mm and shall generally not exceed
0.7?, or 1.Ot under special circumstances, where t is the
10.5.1 General
thickness of the thinner plate of elements being welded.
Requirements of welds and welding shall conform to
IS 816 and IS 9595, as appropriate. Table 21 Minimum Size of First Rtm or of a
Single Run Fillet Weld End returns
Fillet welds terminating at the ends or sides of parts
should be returned continuously around the corners SI Thickness of Thicker Part Minimum Size
for a distance of not less than twice the size of the No. mm mm
/. —_. — —_
weld, unless it is impractical to do so. This is
Over Up to and
particularly important on the tension end of parts trrcluding
carrying bending loads. (1) (2) (3) (4)
IS 800:2007 The effective area of a plug weld shall be Slot or plug welds
considered as the nominal area of the hole in the plane
The design shear stress on slot or plug welds shall be
of the faying surface. These welds shall not be designed
as per
to carry stresses. Site welds If the maximum length /j of the side welds
transferring shear along its length exceeds 150 times The design strength in shear and tension for site welds
the throat size of the weld, tt, the reduction in weld made during erection of structural members shall be
strength as per the long joint (see should be calculated according to but using a partial
considered. For flange to web connection, where the safety factor y~Wof 1.5.
welds are loaded for the full length, the above limitation Long joints
would not apply.
When the length of the welded joint, lj of a splice or
10.5.5 Intermittent Welds
end connection in a compression or tension element is Unless otherwise specified, the intermittent greater than 150 t,, the design capacity of weld
fillet welding shall have an effective length of not (see, fwd shall be reduced by the factor
less than four times the weld size, with a minimum
of 40 mm. 0.21.
Plw=l.2---#o.o The clear spacing between the effective lengths [
of intermittent fillet weld shall not exceed 12 and 16
times the thickness of thinner plate joined, for
compression and tension joint respectively, and in no lj = length of the joint in the direction of the
case be more than 200 mm. force transfer, and Unless otherwise specified, the intermittent t, = throat size of the weld.
butt weld shall have an effective length of not less than
four times the weld size and the longitudinal space 10.5.8 Fillet Weld Applied to the Edge of a Plate or
between the effective length of welds shall not be more Section
than 16 times the thickness of the thinner part joined. Where a fillet weld is applied to the square
The intermittent welds shall not be used in positions edge of a part, the specified size of the weld should
subject to dynamic, repetitive and alternating stresses. generally beat least 1.5 mm less than the edge thickness
10.5.6 Weld Types and Quality in order to avoid washing down of the exposed arris
(see Fig. 17A).
For the purpose of this code, weld shall be fillet, butt, Where the fillet weld is applied to the rounded
slot or plug or compound welds. Welding electrodes
toe of a rolled section, the specified size of the weld
shall conform to 1S 814.
should generally not exceed 3/4 of the thickness of the
10.5.7 Design Stresses in Welds section at the toe (see Fig. 17B). Shop welds Where the size specified for a fillet weld is
such that the parent metal will not project beyond the Fillet welds
weld, no melting of the outer cover or covers shall be
Design strength of a fillet weld, ~W~shall be based on allowed to occur to such an extent as to reduce the
its throat area and shall be given by: throat thickness (see Fig. 18).
fwd ‘f.. t ?’mw When fillet welds are applied to the edges of
where a plate, or section in members subject to dynamic
loading, the fillet weld shall be of full size with its leg
f.. = f,/&* length equal to the thickness of the plate or section,
with the limitations specified in
fu = smaller of the ultimate stress of the weld
or of the parent metal, and End fillet weld, normal to the direction of force
shall be of unequal size with a throat thickness not
y~~ = partial safety factor (see Table 5).
less than 0.5t, where t is the thickness of the part, as,2 Butt welds shown in Fig. 19. The difference in thickness of the
welds shall be negotiated at a uniform slope.
Butt welds shall be treated as parent metal with a
thickness equal to the throat thickness, and the stresses 10.5.9 Stresses Due to Individual Forces
shall not exceed those permitted in the parent metal. When subjected to either compressive or tensile or
IS 800:2007
1.5 mm
17A 17B
shear force alone, the stress in the weld is given by: not be done fo~
q = shear stress due to shear force or tension (see fb, = calculated stress due to bearing, in N/mm*;
10.5.9). and Check for the combination of stresses need q = shear stress, in N/mm*.
IS 800:2007
10.5.11 Where a packing is welded between two d) Connection elements shall remain stable
members and is less than 6 mm thick, or is too thin to under the design action effects and
allo”w provision of adequate welds or to prevent deformations.
buckIing, the packing shall be trimmed flush with the
10.6.1 Connections can be classified as rigid, semi-rigid
edges of the element subject to the design action and
and flexible for the purpose of analysis and design as
the size of the welds along the edges shall be increased
per the recommendation in Annex F. Connections with
over the required size by an amount equal to the
sut%cient rotational stiffness maybe considered as rigid.
thickness of the packing. Otherwise, the packing shall
Examples of rigid connections include flush end-plate
extend beyond the edges and shall be fillet welded to
connection and extended end-plate connections.
the pieces between which it is fitted.
Connections with negligible rotational stiffness may be
10.6 Design of Connections considered as flexible (pinned). Examples of flexible
connections include single and double web angle
Each element in a connection shall be designed so that connections and header plate connections. Where a
the structure is capable of resisting the design actions. connection cannot be classified as either rigid or flexible,
Connections and adjacent regions of the members shall it shall be assumed to be semi-rigid. Examples of semi-
be designed by distributing the design action effects rigid connections include top and seat angle connection
such that the following requirements are satisfied: and top and seat angle with single/double web angles.
a) Design action effects distributed to various 10.6.2 Design shall be on the basis of any rational
elements shall be in equilibrium with the method supported by experimental evidence. Residual
design action effects on the connection, stresses due to installation of bolts or welding normaily
b) Required deformations in the elements of the need not be considered in statically loaded structures,
connections are within their deformations Connections in cyclically loaded structures shall be
capacities, designed considering fatigue as given in Section 13.
c) All elements in the connections and the For earthquake load combinations, the connections
adjacent areas of members shall be capable shall be designed to withstand the calculated design
of resisting the design action effects acting action effects and exhibit required ductility as specified
on them, and in Section 12.
IS 800:2007
10.6.3 Beam and column splice shall be designed in 6) Splices injlexural members — a bending
accordance with the recommendation given in F-2 moment of 0.3 times the member design
and F-3. capacity in bending. This provision shall
not apply to splices designed to transmit
10.7 Minimum Design Action on Connection shear force only.
Connections carrying design action effects, except for A splice subjected to a shear force only
lacing connections, connections of sag rods, purlins shall be designed to transmit the design
and girts, shall be designed to transmit the greater of shear force together with any bending
moment resulting from the eccentricity
a) the design action in the member; and
of the force with respect to the centroid
b) the minimum design action effects expressed of the group.
either as the value or the factor times the
7) Splices in members subject to combined
member design capacity for the minimum size
actions — a splice in a member subject
of member required by the strength limit state,
to a combination of design axial tension
specified as follows:
or design axial compression and design
1) Connections in rigid construction — a bending moment shall satisfy
bending moment of at least 0.5 times the requirements in (4), (5) and (6) above,
member design moment capacity simultaneously.
2)_ Connections to beam in simple For earthquake load combinations, the
construction — a shear force of at least design action effects specified in this
0.15 times the member design shear section may need to be increased to meet
capacity or 40 kN, whichever is lesser the required behaviour of the steel frame
3) Connections at the ends of tensile or and shall comply with Section 12.
compression member — a force of at least
10.8 Intersections
0.3 times the member design capacity
4) Splices in members subjected to axial Members or components meeting at a joint shall be
tension — a force of at least 0.3 times arranged to transfer the design actions between the
the member design capacity in tension parts, wherever practicable, with their centroidal axes
5) Splices in members subjected to axial meeting at a point. Where there is eccentricity at joints,
the members and components shall be designed for
compression — for ends prepared for full
contact in accordance with 17.7.1, it shall the design bending moments which result due to
be permissible to carry compressive eccentricity.
actions by bearing on contact surf?ces. The disposition of fillet welds to balance the design
When members are prepared for full actions about the centroidal axis or axes for end
contact to bear at splices, there shall be connections of single angle, double angle and similar
sufficient fasteners to hold all parts type members is not required for sta~ally loaded
securely in place. The fasteners shall be members but is required for members, connection
sufficient to transmit a force of at least components subject to fatigue loading.
0,15 times the member design capacity
in axial compression. Eccentricity between the centroidal axes of angle
members and the gauge lines for their bolted end
When members are not prepared for full
connections may be neglected in statically loaded
contact, the splice material and its
members, but shall be considered in members and
fasteners shall be arranged to hold all
connection components subject to fatigue loading.
parts in line and shall be designed to
transmit a force of at least 0.3 times the 10.9 Choice of Fasteners
member design capacity in axial
compression. Where slip in the serviceability limit state is to be
avoided in a connection, high-strength bolts in a
In addition, splices located between
friction-type joint, fitted bolts or welds shall be used.
points of effective lateral support shall
be designed for the design axial force, Where a joint is subjected to impact or vibration, either
P~ plus a Jesign bending moment, not high strength bolts in a friction type joint or ordinary
less than the design bending moment bolts with locking devices or welds shall be used.
M,= (P, /,)/1 000
where, /, is the distance between points 10.10 Connection Components
of effective lateral support. Connection components (cleats, gusset plates, brackets
IS 800:2007
and the like) other than connectors, shall have their and only bolts in the tension side of the
capacities assessed using the provisions of Sections 5, neutral axis may be considered for
6,7,8 and 9, as applicable. calculating the neutral axis and second
moment of area.
10.11 Analysis of a Bolt/Weld Group In the friction grip bolt group only the
10.11.1 Bolt/Weld Group Subject to In-plane Loading bolts shall be considered in the
calculation of neutral axis and second General method of analysis
moment of area.
The design force in a boltiweld or design force per 3) The fillet weld group shall be considered
unit length in a boltiweld group subject to in-plane in isolation from the connected elemen~
loading shall be determined in accordance with the for the calculation of centroid and second
following: moment of the weld length.
The design force of a bolt in bolt group or design force Force calculated in the most stressed bolt or highest
per unit length in the fillet weld group subject to out- force per unit length of the weld shall satisfy the
of-plane loading shall be determined in accordance strength requirements of 10.3, 10.4 or 10.5, as
with the following: appropriate.
a) Design force in the bolts or per unit length in 10.12 Lug Angles
the fillet weld group resulting from any shear
10.12.1 Lug angles connecting outstanding leg of a
force or axial force shall be considered to be
channel-shaped member shall, as far as possible, be
equally shared by all bolts in the group or
disposed symmetrically with respect to the section of
uniformly distributed over the length of the
fillet weld group. the member.
b) Design force resulting from a design bending 10.12.2 In the case of angle members, the lug angles
moment shall be considered to vary linearly and their connections to the gusset or other supporting
with the distance from the relevant centroidal member shall be capable of developing a strength not
axes: less than 20 percent in excess of the force in the
1) In bearing type of bolt group plates in outstanding leg of the member, and the attachment of
the compression side of the neutral axis the lug angle to the main angle shall be capable of
IS 800:2007
developing a strength not less than 40 percent in excess Actual tensile stress, ~ = T,/A~
of the force in the outstanding leg of the angle.
The permissible stress, ~,[ is smallest of the values as
10.12.3 In the case of channel members and the like, obtained below:
the lug angles and their connection to the gusset or
a) As governed by yielding of gross section
other supporting member shall be capable of
developing a strength of not less than 10 percent in ~,= 0.6~
excess of the force not accounted for by the direct b) As governed by rupture of net section
connection of the member, and the attachment of the 1) Plates under tension
lug angles to the member shall be capable of developing
&t= 0.69 T,n1A,
20 percent in excess of that force.
2) Angles under tension
10.12.4 In no case shall fewer than two bolts, rivets or &,= 0.69 T,. 1A,
equivalent welds be used for attaching the lug angle to c) As governed by block shear
the gusset or other supporting member.
f,, = 0.69 T,, I A,
10.12.5 The effective connection of the lug angle shall, where
as far as possible terminate at the end of the member
connected, and the fastening of the lug angle to the T, = actual tension under working
main member shall preferably start in advance of the (service) load,
direct connection of the member to the gusset or other As = gross area,
suppc”ting member. Tdn = design strength in- tension of
respective plate/angle calculated in
10.12.6 Where lug angles are used to connect an angle
accordance with 6.3, and
member, the whole area of the member shall be taken
as effective not withstanding the requirements of Tdb =
design block shear strength in
Section 6 of this standard. tension of respective plate/angle
calculated in accordance with 6.4.
SECTION 11 11.3 Compression Members
11.3.1 Actual Compressive Stress
11.1 General The actualcompressive stress,~ at working (service) load,
11.1.1 General design requirements of Section 3 shall P, of a compression member shall be less than or equal to
apply in this section. the permissible compressive stress,fiC as given below:
11.1.2 Methods of structural analysis of Section 4 shall Actual compressive stress, fc = P, 1A.
also apply to this section. The elastic analysis method The permissible compressive stress, f,c = 0.60 fcd
shall be used in the working stress design.
11.1.3 The working stress shall be calculated applying
respective partial load factor for service load/working A. = effective sectional area as defined in 7.3.2,
&d = design compressive stress as defined in
11.1.4 In load combinations involving wind or seismic (for angles see
loads, the permissible stresses in steel structural
11.3.2 Design Details
members may be increased by 33 percent. For anchor
bolts and construction loads this increase shall be Design of the compression members shall conform
limited to 25 percent. Such an increase in allowable to 7.3.
stresses should not be considered if the wind or seismic
11.3.3 Column Bases
load is the major load in the load combination (such as
acting along with dead load alone). The provisions of 7.4 shall be followed for the design
of column bases, except that the thickness of a simple
11.2 Tension Members column base, t$shall be calculated as:
11.2.1 Actual Tensile Stress
t,= 3 w (az– 0.3b2 )\fb,
The actual tensile stress, j on the gross area of cross-
section, A~ of plates, angles and other tension members where
shall be less than or equal to the smaller value of = uniform pressure from below on the slab
permissible tensile stresses,jat, as given below:
base due to axial compression;
IS 800:2007
a,b= larger and smaller projection of the slab base 11.4.2 Shear Stress in Bending Members
beyond the rectangle circumscribing the
The actual shear stress, ~~ at working load, V, of a
column, respectively; and
bending member shall be less than or equal to the
f,, = permissible bending stress in column base permissible shear stress, ‘r,~given below:
equal to 0.75fY.
Actual shear stress, z~ = V. i A,
11.3.4 Angle Struts
The permissible shear stress is given by:
Provisions of 7.5 shall be used for design of angle
struts, except that the limiting actual stresses shall be a) When subjected pure sheac
calculated in accordance with 11.3.1. T,, = 0.40 f,
11.3.5 Laced and Battened Columns b) When subject to shear buckling (see
T,, = 0.70 Vm/Av
The laced and battened columns shall be designed in
accordance with 7.6 and 7.7, except that the actual
stresses shall be less than the permissible stresses given Vn = design shear strength as given in, and
in 11.3.1.
A,, = shear area of the cross-section as given
in 8.4.1.
11.4 Members Subjected to Bending
11.4.3 Plate Girder
11.4.1 Bending Stresses
Provisions of 8.3,8.4,8.5,8.6 and 8.7 shall apply, for
The actual bending tensile and compressive stresses,
the design of plate girder, except that the allowable
& & at working (service) load moment, M, of a stresses shall conform to 11.4.1 and 11.4.2.
bending member shall be less than or equaI to the
permissible bending stresses, fabt,.& respectively, as 11.4.4 Box Girder
given herein. The actual bending stresses shall be
In design of box girder the provisions of 8.8 shall apply,
calculated as:
except that the allowable bending stresses shall
fk = M. IZ.C and fbt = % /%, conform to 11.4.1.
The permissible bending stresses, ~,~. or f,b~ shall be 11.5 Combined Stresses
the smaller of the values obtained from the following:
11.5.1 Combined Bending and Shear
a) Laterally supported beams and beams
Reduction in allowable moment need not be considered
bending about the minor axis:
under combined bending and shear.
1) Plastic and compact sections
11.5.2 Combined Bending and Axial Force
“&,cor&,, = 0.66&
2) Semi-compact sections Members subjected to combined axial compression and
JJ.orjt,, = 0.60~ bending shall be so proportioned to satisfy the
b) Laterally unsupported beams subjected to following requirements:
major axis bending: a) Member stability requirement:
f&= 0.60 M, J Z,C
f cmyf.y+K A<1O
f,,, = 0.60 M, I Z.t J-+o.6Ky —
c) Plates and solid rectangles bending about f =Y fix, ‘T Lz- “
minor axis:
f %fky ~ K %zfw < ~.o
fah =.Lb,= o.75fy ++o.6Ky~ ,~-
where Jacz JatIcy Jatcz
IS 800:2007
fpb = V,blApb
The permissible bearing stress of the bolt/plate,
where & = 0.60 VnP~JAPb
lbty,~btz = permissible tensile stresses under where
bending about minor (y) and major (z)
axis when bending alone is acting, as V~Pb= nominal bearing capacity of a bolt on any
given in 11.4.1. plate as given in 10.3.4, and
11.5.4 Combined Bearing, Bending and Shear Stresses A Pb = nominal bearing area of the bolt on any plate. Actual tensile stress of the bolt,~b should be
Where a bearing stress is combined with tensile or
less than or equal to permissible tensile stress of the
compressive stress, bending and shear stresses under
the most unfavorable conditions of loading, the boh,f.,b as given below:
equivalent stress, f, obtained from the following Actual tensile stress of the bolt, ~b = T, / A,b
IS 800:2007
[21+[2]’10 earthquake forces.
IS 800:2007
12.7.1 Ordinary concentrically braced frames (OCBF) The connection shall be designed to withstand
should be shown to withstand inelastic deformation a moment of 1.2 times the full plastic moment of the
corresponding to a joint rotation of at least 0.02 radians braced section about the buckling axis.
without degradation in strength and stiffness below the Gusset plates shall be checked for buckling
full yield value. Ordintuy concentrically braced frames out of their plane.
meeting the requirements of this section shall be
deemed to satisfy the required inelastic deformation. 12.8 Special Concentrically Braced Frames (SCBF) Ordinary concentrically braced frames shall 12.8.1 Special concentrically braced frames (SCBF)
not be used in seismic zones IV and V and for buildings should be shown to withstand inelastic deformation
IS 800:2007
corresponding to a joint rotation of at least 0.04 radians Gusset plates shall be checked for buckling
without degradation in strength and stiffness below the out of their plane.
full yield value. Special concentrically braced frames
12.8.4 Column
meeting the requirements of this section shall be
deemed to satisfy the required inelastic deformation. The column sections used in special
concentrically braced frames (SCBF) shall be plastic Special concentrically braced frames (SCBF)
as defined in 3.7.2.
mav. be used in anv. seismic zone [see IS 1893 (Part 1)1
and for any building (importance-factor value). Splices shall be located within the middle one-
third of the column clear height. Splices shall be The provision in this section apply for diagonal
designed for the forces that can be transferred to it. In
and X-bracing only. Specialist literature may be
addition, splices in columns shall be designed to
consulted for V and inverted V-type bracing. K-bracing
develop at least the nominal shear strength of the
shall not be permitted in system to resist earthquake.
smaller connected member and 50 percent of the
12.8.2 Bracing Members nominal flexural strength of the smaller connected
section. Bracing members shall be made of E250B
steel of IS 2062 only. 12.9 Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBF) The slenderness of bracing members shall not Eccentrically braced frames (EBF) shall be designed
exceed 160 (only hangers). in accordance with specialist literature. The required compressive strength of bracing
12.10 Ordinary Moment Frames (OMF)
member shall not exceed the design strength in axial
compression Pd (see 7.1.2) 12.10.1 Ordinary moment frames (OMF) should be
shown to withstand inelastic deformation Along any line of bracing, braces shall be
corresponding to a joint rotation of 0.02 radians without
provided such that for lateral loading in either direction,
degradation in strength and stiffness below the full yield
the tension braces will resist between 30 to 70 percent
value (MP). Ordinary moment frames meeting the
of the load.
requirements of this section shall be deemed to satkfv. Braced cross-section shall be plastic as defined the required inelastic deformation.
in 3.7.2. Ordinary moment frames (OMF) shall not In built-up braces, the spacing of tack be used in seismic zones IV and V and for buildings
connections shall be such that the slenderness ratio of with importance factor greater than unity (1 > 1.0) in
individual element between such connections shall not seismic zone III.
exceed 0.4 times the governing slenderness ratio of
12.10.2 Beam-to-Column Joinls and Connections
the brace itself. Bolted connection shall be avoided
within the middle one-fourth of the clear brace length Connections are permitted to be rigid or semi-rigid
(0.25 times the length, in the middle). moment connections and should satisfy the criteria
in to The bracing members shall be designed so that
gross area yielding (see 6.2) and not the net area rupture Rigid moment connections should be
(see 6.3) would govern the design tensile strength. designed to withstand a moment of at least 1.2 times
of either the full plastic moment of the connected beam
12.8.3 Bracing Connections
or the maximum moment that can be delivered by the Bracing end connections shall be designed to beam to the joint due to the induced weakness at the
withstand the minimum of the following: ends of the beam, whichever is less.
a) A tensile force in the bracing equal to 1. l~#~; Semi-rigid connections should be designed
and to withstand either a moment of at least 0.5 times the
b) Maximum force that can be transferred to the full plastic moment of the connected beam or the
brace by the system. maximum moment that can be delivered by the system, The connection should be checked for tension whichever is less. The design moment shall be achieved
within a rotation of 0.01 radians. The information given
rupture and block shear under the load determined
in in Annex F may be used for checking. The connection shall be designed to withstand The stiffness and strength of semi-rigid
connections shall be accounted for in the design and
a moment of ’1.2 times the full plastic moment of the
braced section about the critical buckling axis. the overall stability of the frame shall be ensured.
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
the full plastic moment capacity of the column section. environment as in normal atmospheric
The anchor bolts shall be designed to withstand the condition and suitably protected against
combined action of shear and tension as well as prying corrosion (pit depth c 1 mm).
action, if any. f) Structure is not subjected to temperature
12.12.2 Both fixed and hinged column bases shall be exceeding 150 “C.
designed to withstand the full shear under any load g) Transverse fillet or butt weld connects plates
case or 1.2 times the shear capacity of the column of thickness not greater than 25 mm.
section, whichever is higher. h) Holes shall not be made in members and
connections subjected to fatigue.
Fatigue need not be investigated, if condition
in, 13.5.1 or 13.6 is satisfied.
13.1 General The values obtained from the standard S-N curve shall
be modified by a capacity reduction factor p. when
Structure and structural elements subject to loading
plates greater than 25 mm in thickness are joined
that could lead to fatigue failure shall be designed
together by transverse fillet or butt welding, given by:
against fatigue as given in this section, This shall
however not cover the following: p,= (25/tP)025 <1.0
13.1.1 For the purpose of design against fatigue, 13.2.2 Design Spectrum
different details (of members and connections) are Stress evaluation
classified under different fatigue class. The design
stress range corresponding to various number of cycles, Design stress shall be determined by elastic analysis
are given for each fatigue class. The requirements of of the structure to obtain stress resultants and the local
this section shall be satisfied with, at each critical stresses may be obtained by a conventional stress
location of the structure subjected to cyclic loading, analysis method. The normal and shear stresses shall
considering relevant number of cycles and magnitudes be determined considering all design actions on the
of stress range expected to be experienced during the members, but excluding stress concentration due to the
life of the structure. geometry of the detail. The stress concentration effect
is accounted for in detail category classification
13.2 Design (see Table 26). The stress concentration, however, not
characteristic of the detail shall be accounted for
13.2.1 Reference Design Condition
separately in the stress calculation.
The standard S-N curves for each detail category are
In the fatigue design of trusses made of members with
given for the following conditions:
open sections, in which the end connections are not
a) Detail is located k a redundant load path, pinned, the stresses due to secondary bending moments
wherein local failure at that detail alone will shall be taken into account, unless the slenderness ratio
not lead to overall collapse of the structure. (KZfr), of the member is greater than 40.
b) Nominal stress history at the local point in In the determination of stress range at the end
the detail is estimated/evaluated by a connections between hollow sections, the effect of
conventional method without taking into connection stiffness and eccentricities may be
account the local stress concentration effects disregarded, provided
due to the detail.
a) the calculated stress range is multiplied by
c) Load cycles are not highly irregular.
appropriate factor given in Table 24(a) in the
d) Details are accessible for and subject to
case of circular hollow section connections
regular inspection.
and Table 24(b) in the case of rectangular
e) Structure is exposed to only mildly corrosive holIow section connections.
,,,,,, , I -. ..,..——
IS 800:2007
b) thedesign throat thickness ofiillet weldsin value, the partial safety factor for loads in the evaluation
the joints is greater than the wall thickness of of stress range in fatigue design shall be taken as 1.0.
the connected member. Partial safety factor forfatigue strength (Y~fo Design stress spectrum
Partial safety factor for strength is influenced by
In the case of loading events producing non-uniform consequences of fatigue damage and level of inspection
stress range cycle, the stress spectrum may be obtained capabilities.
by a rational method, such as ‘rain flow counting’ or Based on consequences of fatigue failure,
an equivalent method.
component details have been classified as given in Low fatigue Table 25 and the corresponding partial safety factor
for fatigue strength shall be used:
Fatigue assessment is not required for a member,
connection or detail, if normal and shear design stress a) Fail-safe structural component/detail is the
ranges, f satisfy the following conditions: one where local failure of one component due
to fatigue crack does not result in the failure
of the structure due to availability of alternate
or if the actual number of stress cycles, lV~c,satisfies load path (redundant system).
3 b) Non-fail-safe structural component/detail is
27 I ymfi the one where local failure of one component
N~C < 5X106
Yrnf leads rapidly to failure of the structure due to
where its non-redundant nature.
k,, %, = Partial safety factors for strength and Table 25 Partial Safety Factors for Fatigue
load, respectively (see 13.2.3), and Strength (ymn)
f = actual fatigue stress range for the detail. (Clause
Table 24 (a) Multiplying Factors for Calculated S1No. Inspection and Access Consequence of Failure
Stress Range (Circular Hollow Sections) F \
Fail-Safe Non-fail-Safe
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Type of Connection Chords Verticals Diagonals
No. i) Periodic inspection, mainte-
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) nance and accessibility to 1.00 1.25
detail is good
i) Gap K type 1.5 1.0 1.3 ii) Periodic inspection, mainte-
connections { N type 1.5 1.8 I.4 nance and accessibility to 1.15 1.35
ii) Overlap K type 1.5 1.0 1.2 detail is poor
connections { N type 1.5 1.65 1.25
i) Gap K type 1.5 1.0 1.5 Holes in members and connections subjected to fatigue
{ N type 1.5 2.2 1.6 loading shall not be made:
ii) Overlap K type 1.5 1.0 1.3
a) using punching in plates having thickness
{ N type 1.5 2.0 I .4
greater than 12 mm unless the holes are sub-
punched and subsequently reamed to remove
13.2.3 Partial Safety Factors the affected material around the punched hole, Partial safety factor for actions and their and
etiects (fifl) b) using gas cutting unless the holes are reamed
to remove the material in the heat affected
Unless and otherwise the uncertainty in the estimation zone.
of the applied actions and their effects demand a higher
IS 800:2007
-’ 1!, ::::::::%)
(1) iii) Seamless tubes (3)
“8 % Q ‘2) ‘tress
NOTE— The arrow indicates the location and direction of the stresses acting in the basic material for which the stress range is to be
calculatedon a plane normal to the arrow.
IS 800:2007
Table 26 (b) Detail Category Classification, Group 2 Welded, Details — Not in Hollow Sections
(Clauses and 13.3)
(14) : Zones of intermittent longitudinal welds
iv) 59 r
intermittent longitudinal welds
..______ ~
IS 800:2007
(27)6 (28)
IS 800:2007
Transverse welds
t<12mm (35) : Transverse fillet welds with the end of the
weld 210 mm from the edge of the plate.
(36) : Vertical stiffeners welded to a beam or plate
(35) girder flange or web by continuous or intermittent
welds. to the case of webs carrying combined
bending and shear design actions, the fatigue
xviii) strength shall be determined using the stress range of
the principal stresses.
52 t~12mm ZIomm (37) : Diaphragms of box girders welded to the
flange or web by continuous or intermittent welds.
~.=. \
;! . j:
NOTE — The arrow indicates the location and direction of the stresses acting in the basic material for which the stress range is to be
calculated on a plane normal to the arrow.
...-.______ —-,.
IS 800:2007
sl Constructional Details
Detail Category
No. Illustration [see Note ) Description
NOTE— The arrow indicates the location and direction of the stresses acting in the basic material for which the stress mnge is to be
calculated on a plane normal to the arrow.
20 - at 5x106 eyeles
[Detail category ( fm)]
1 1 t I 1 I 1
0 105 2 34561062 34561072 3456108
Table 26 (d) Detail Category Classification, Group 4
Welded Details in Hollow Sections
(Clause and 13.3)
Q% ‘etachab’ediscontinuities”
30 (47)
(f< 8 mm)
NOTE — The arrow indicates tbe location and direction of the stresses acting in the basic material for which the stress range is to be
calculated on a plane normal tO the arrow.
IS 800:2007
The design fatigue strength for Nsc life cycles ~fd! ‘fd) The actual normal and shear stress range f and z at a
may be obtained from the standard fatigue strength point of the structure subjected to Nsc cycles in life
for Nsc cycles by multiplying with co~ection factor, shall satisfy.
p,, for thickness, as mentioned in 13.2.1 and dividing
f ‘ffd = ~r~lymft
by partial safety factor given in Table 25.
T S ‘fd = #r ‘f ‘Ymft
13.5.1 Exemptions
At any point in a structure if the actual normal and
shear stress range~and ~ are less than the design fatigue v, = correction factor (see 13.2.1),
strength range corresponding to 5 x 106 cycles with 71nf
= partial safety factor against fatigue failure,
appropriate partial safety factor, no further assessment given in Table 25, and
for fatigue is necessary at that point. fi, Tf = normal and shear fatigue strength ranges for
13.5.2 Stress Limitations the actual life cycle, Nsc, obtained from 13.4. Variable stress range The maximum (absolute) value of the normal
and shear stresses shall never exceed the elastic limit Fatigue assessment at any point in a structure, wherein
(f,, ~,) for the material under cyclic loading. variable stress ranges jfi or 7$ for ni number of cycles The maximum stress range shall not exceed (i =1 to r ) are encountered, shall satisfy the following:
1.5$ for normal stresses and 1.5 f,ifi for the shear a) For normal stress (f)
stresses under any circumstance.
g 400
>’ 300
z 200
cc 40 ~~Detail cateaotv TI --H_Hk
1 I I 1 I
o 105 2 34561062 34561072 3456108
IS 800:2007
~ n,f,’ + ~ njffi’
&q = ‘=’ n’=”
‘=~n “
,=1 I-I
where yf is the summation upper limit of all the ffi>fg = stress ranges falling above and
normal stress ranges ~,) having magnitude lesser below the f~n, the stress range
than (pC~~n/y~~t)for that detail and the lower limit of corresponding to the detail at
all the normal stress ranges ~j) having magnitude 5 x 106 number of life cycles.
greater than (PC~#y~~t) for the detail. In the above
summation all normal stress ranges, f,, and Zi having SECTlON 14
magnitude less than 0.55pC ~fn, and 0.55pC qn may DESIGN ASSISTED BY TESTING
be disregarded,
14.1 Need for Testing
13.6 Necessity for Fatigue Assessment
Testing of structures, members or components of
a) Fatigue assessment is not normally required structures is not required when designed in accordance
for building structures except as follows: with this standard. Testing may be accepted as an
1) Members supporting lifting or rolling alternative to calculations or may become necessary
loads, in special circumstances.
3) The total number of actual stress cycles e) When the actual performance of an existing
NSC,satisfies structure capacity is in question, testing shall
be used to confirm it.
27pC 14.1.1 Testing of structural system, member or
N,c S5x10’ —
Ymftffq component shall be of the following categories:
. ~~
---------—-—— —---%..
IS 800:2007
b) Prototype testing — Testing of structures, sub- IS 1608) tests . The mean value of the yield strength,
structures, members or connections is done ~Y~,taken from such tests shall be determined with due
to ascertain the structural characteristics of a regard to the importance of each element in the
class of such structures, sub-structures assembly. The strength test load F~e,~,,(including self
members or connection, which are nominally weight) shall be determined from:
identical to the units tested.
Ftest,s = YmiFd ~ymyy)
14.2 Types of Test where
14.2.1 Acceptance Test ~Y = characteristic yield stress of the material as
This is intended as a non-destructive test for confirming assumed in the design,
structural performance. It should be recognized that Fd = factored design load for the ultimate limit
the loading applied to certain structures might cause state, and
permanent distortions. Such effects do not necessarily = partial safety factor for the type of failure,
indicate structural failure in acceptance test. However, as prescribed in this standard.
the possibility of their occurrence should be agreed to
At this load there shall be no failure by buckling or
before testing.
rupture of any part of the structure or component tested.
The load for acceptance test, Ftcfi[,.shall be determined On removal of the test load, the deflection should
from: decrease by at least 20 percent of the maximum
deflection at F1.,t,,.
F,.,,,, = (1.0x self weight)+ (1.15 x remainder
of the permanent load)+ ( 1.25 x variable 14.2.3 Test to Failure (Ultimate Strength Test)
The objective of a test to failure is to determine the
The assembly shall satisfy the following criteria:
design resistance from the ultimate resistance. In this
a) It shall demonstrate substantially linear situation it is still desirable to carry out the acceptance
behaviour under test loading, and and strength tests, before test to failure.
b) On removal of the test load, the residual Not less than three tests shall be carried out on
deflection shall not exceed 20 percent of the nominally identical specimens. An estimate should be
maximum-recorded deflection. made of the anticipated ultimate resistance as a basis
If the above criteria are not satisfied the test may be for such tests. During a test to failure, the loading shall
repeated one more time only, when the assembly shall first be applied in increments up to the strength test
satisfy the following criteria: load. Subsequent load increments shall then be
determined from consideration of the principal load
a) It shall demonstrate substantially linear deflection plot. The test load resistance, Ft.,,.R shall be
behaviour on the second application of test determined as that load at which the specimen is unable
loading, and to sustain any further increase in load. At this load,
b) Corresponding recorded residual deflection gross permanent distortion is likely to have occurred
in the second test shall not exceed 10 percent and in some cases such large gross deformation may
of the maximum deflection during the test. define the test limit. If the deviation of any individual
test result exceeds 10 percent of the mean value
14.2.2 Strength Test
obtained for all the three tests, at least three more tests
Strength test is used to confirm the calculated resistance shall be carried out. When the deviation from the mean
of a structure or component. Where a number of items does not exceed 10 percent of the mean, the design
are to be constructed to a common design, and one or resistance may be evaluated as given below:
more prototypes are tested to confirm their strength,
a) When the failure is ductile, the design
the others may be accepted without any additional test,
resistance, F~ may be determined from:
provided they are similar in all relevant respects to the
prototype. Fd = 0.9F,,,,,~in(fY~Y~) /Y~O
IS 800:2007
~= characteristic yield stress of the recorded during the acceptance test on the prototype
grade of steel. and the residual deflection should not be more than
b) In the case of a sudden (brittle) rupture type 105 percent of that recorded for the prototype.
failure, the design resistance may be
14.3 Test Conditions
determined from:
a) Loading and measuring devices shall be
F~ = 0.9F’,~~,,~in(~U/j&) / & calibrated in advance.
where b) The design of the test rig shall be such that:
. _ —----%..
IS 800:2007
14.4.4 The test load in prototype testing shall be equal structures should be such that good drainage of water
to the design load for the relevant limit state as is ensured. Standing pool of water, moisture
multiplied by the appropriate factor given in Table 27. accumulation and rundown of water for extended
duration shall be avoided.
Table 27 Factors to Allow for Variability of
The details of connections should ensure that:
Structural Units
a) AII exposed surfaces are easily accessible for
SI No. of Similar For Strength For inspection and maintenance; and
No. Units to be Tested Limit State Serviceability
b) All surfaces, not so easily accessible are
Limit State
completely sealed against ingress of moisture.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
IS 800:2007 Exposure to sulphate attack and IS 9172. The main corrosion protection methods
are given below:
Appropriate coatings may be used when surfaces of
structural steel are exposed to concentration of a) Controlling the electrode potential,
sulphates (SOJ) in soil, ground water, etc. b) Inhibitors, and
When exposed to very high sulphate concentrations c) Inorganic/metal coatings or organic/paint
of more than 2 percent in soil and 5 percent in water, systems.
some form of lining such as polyethylene, 15.2.4 Su~ace Protection
polychloroprene sheet or surface coating based on
asphalt, chlorinated rubber, epoxy or polymethane In the case of mild exposure, a coat of primer
material should be used to completely avoid access of after removal of any loose mill scale may be adequate.
the solution to the steel surface. As the exposure condition becomes more critical, more
elaborate surface preparations and coatings become
15.2.3 Corrosion Protection Methods necessary. In case of extreme environmental
classification, protection shall be as per specialist
The methods of corrosion protection are governed by
literature. Table 29 gives guidance to protection of
actual environmental conditions as specified in IS 9077
steelwork for different desired lives.
Table 29 (a) Protection Guide for Steel Work Application — Desired Life of Coating
System in Different Environments
Table 29 (b) (i) Protection Guide for Steel Work Application — Specification for Different Coating
System (Shop Applied Treatments)
(Clause 15.2.4. 1)
SI Protection Coating System
1 2 3 4 5 6
i) Surface preparation Blast clean Blast clean Blast clean Blast clean Gkt blast Blast clean
ii) Pre-fabrication Zinc phosphate 2 pack zinc-rich 2 pack zinc-rich — Ethyl zinc
primer epoxy, 20 w epoxy, 20 pm epoxy, 20p silicate, 20 Urn
iii) Post-fabrication High-build zinc 2 pack zinc-rich Hot dip 2 pack zinc-rich Sprayed zinc or Ethyl zinc
primer phosphate epoxy, 20 pm galvanized, epoxy, 25 pm sprayed silicate, 60 pm
modified alkyd, 85pm aluminium
iv) Intermediate coat — High-build zinc — 2 pack epoxy Sealer Chlorinated
phosphate, 25 pm micaceous iron rubber alkyd,
oxide 35pm
v) Top coat — — . 2 pack epoxy Sealer —
micaceous iron
oxide, 85 Urn
IS 800:2007
Table 29 (b) (ii) Protection Guide for Steel Work Application — Specification for Different Coating
System (Site Applied Treatments)
1 2 3 4 5 6 Steel without protective coating shall not be The requirements shall apply to steel building elements
stored for long duration in out door environment. designed to exhibit a required fire-resistance level
(FRL) as per the relevant specifications. Surfaces to transfer forces by friction as in
HSFG connections shall not be painted. However it 16.1.1 For protected steel members and connections,
shall be ensured that moisture is not trapped on such the thickness of protection material (hi) shall be greater
surfaces after pretensioning of bolts by proper than or equal to that required to give a period of
protective measures. structural adequacy (PSA) greater than or equal to the
required FRL. Members to be assembled by welding shall
not be pre-painted at regions adjacent to the location 16.1.2 For unprotected steel members and connections,
of such welds. However, after welding, appropriate the exposed surface area to mass ratio (k,~) shall be
protective coatings shall be applied in the region, as less than or equal to that required to give a PSA equal
required by the exposure conditions. If the contact to the required FRL.
surfaces cannot be properly protected against ingress
of moisture by surface coating, they maybe completely 16.2 Fire Resistance Level
sealed by appropriate welds. The required FRL shall be as prescribed in IS 1641, Pre-painted members shall be protected IS 1642 and IS 1643, as appropriate or in building
against abrasion of the coating during transportation, specifications or as required by the user or the city
handling and erection. ordinance. The FRL specified in terms of the duration
(in minutes) of standard fire load without collapse
15.2.5 Special Steels depends upon:
Steels with special alloying elements and production a) the purpose for which structure is used, and
process to obtain better corrosion resistance may be b) the time taken to evacuate in case of fire.
used as per specialist literature.
IS 800:2007
b) By direct application of a single test in 20001n —
accordance with 16.8; or I [ ( 1100
c) By calculation of the temperature of the steel
when O“C < T S 600”C
member by using a rational method of
analysis confirmed by test data or by methods
available in specialist literature. 690 l-~
= () 1000
16.4 Variation of Mechanical Properties of Steel T-53.5
with Temperature
when 600”C < T S 1 OOO”C
16.4.1 Variation of Yield Stress with Temperature
E (7) = modulus of elasticity of steel at T “C,
The influence of temperature on the yield stress of steel and
shall be taken as follows for structures of mild steels E (20) = modulus of elasticity of steel at 2(YC
and high strength low alloy steels: (room temperature).
This relationship is shown by curve 2 in Fig. 24.
fy(T) 905-T <10
—= —
f, (20) 905 – - 16.4.3 For special steel with higher temperature
resistance, such as TMCP steels, the manufacturer’s
where recommendation shall be used to obtain the variation
fy(T) = yield stress of steel at T°C, of yield strength and modulus of elasticity of steel with
fy(20) = yield stress of steel at 20°C (room
temperature), and 16.5 Limiting Steel Temperature
T = temperature of the steel in “C.
The limiting steel temperature (Tl) in degree Celsius
This relationship is shown by Curve 1 in Fig. 24. in the case of ordinary steels, shall be calculated as
.,.,.,..,., ,, ———
IS 800:2007
T]= 905-690 rf
t=kO+klhi +k2; +k~T+kahiT+k#+kb~
sm sm sm
b) Effects of restraint to expansion of the In lieu of test results, the values for coefficients
elements during fire. in Table 30 may be used in the equation when
the test satisfies the conditions specified in
Limiting steel temperature for special steels may be
appropriately calculated using the thermal Table 30 Regression Coefficients, k
characteristics of the material obtained from the
supplier of the steel. kO k, kz k3 k4 k5 k6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
16.6 Temperature Increase with Time in Protected
Members -25.90 1.698 -13.71 0.0300 0.0005 0.5144 6.633 For beams and for all members with a four- a) Steel members shall be protected with board,
sided fire exposure condition, the limiting temperature sprayed blanket or similar insulation materials
(Tl) shall be taken as the average of all of the having a dry density less than 1000 kg/m3;
temperatures measured at the thermocouple locations b) All tests shall incorporate the same fire
on all sides. protection system; For columns with a three-sided fire exposure c) All members shall have the same fire exposure
condition, the limiting temperature (7’1)shall be taken condition;
as the average of the temperatures measured at the d) Test series shall include at least nine tests;
thermocouple locations on the face farthest from the e) Test series may include prototypes which have
wall. Alternatively, the temperatures from members not been loaded provided that stackability has
with a four-sided fire exposure condition and having been demonstrated; and
the same surface area to mass ratio may be used. f) All members subject to a three-sided fire
exposure condition shall be within a group in
16.6.2 Temperature Based on Test Series
accordance with 16.9.
Calculation of the variation of steel temperature with
The regression equation obtained for one tire protection
time shall be by interpolation of the results of a series
system may be applied to another system using the
of fire tests using the regression analysis equation
same fire protection material and the same fire exposure
specified in, subject to the limitations and
condition provided that stackability has been
conditions of
demonstrated for the second system. Regression analysis
A regression equation obtained using prototypes with
The relationship between temperature (T) and time (t) a four-sided fire exposure condition maybe applied to
for a series of tests on a group shall be calculated by a member with a three-sided fire exposure condition
least-square regression as follows: provided that stackability has been demonstrated for
the three-sided case.
1S 800:2007
16.6.3 Temperature Based on Single Test a) Conditions, specified in 16.6.3 are satisfied,
The variation of steel temperature with time measured b) Conditions of support are the same as the
in a standard fire test maybe used without modification prototype and the restraints are not less
provided: favorable than those of the prototype, and
c) Ratio of the design load for fire to the design
a) Fire protection system is the same as the
capacity of the member is less than or equal
to that of the prototype.
b) Fire exposure condition is the same as the
prototype; 16.9 Three-Sided Fire Exposure Condition
c) Fire protection material thickness is equal to
Members subject to a three-sided fire exposure
or greater than that of the prototype;
condition shall be considered in separate groups unless
d) Surface area to mass ratio is equal to or less the following conditions are satisfied:
than that of the prototype; and
e) Where the prototype has been submitted to a a) The characteristics of the members of a group
standard fire test in an unloaded condition, as given below, shall not vary from one
stackability has been separately demonstrated. another by more than
IS 800:2007
Side View of Beam with Web Penetration
.. . . . .. .
. . .. ...... #...:,.
-., .,., . . . . .
k smf
IS 800:2007
SI Nature of Construction and Materials Minimum Dimensions Excluding Any Fhrish, for a Fire
No. Resistance of
lh 1 fih 2h 3h 4 h’
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
.. _.
IS 800:2007
/ ?
1/2 h Ih lfih 2h 3h 4h
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
cropping and gas cutting shall be clean, reasonably by machining, so that all metal that has been hardened
square, and free from any distortion. Should the by flame is removed. Hand flame cutting may be
inspector find it necessary, the edges shall be ground permitted only subject to the approval of the inspecting
after cutting. Planning or finishing of sheared or gas- authority.
cut edges of plates or shapes shall not be required,
Except where the material is subsequently joined by
unless specially noted on drawing or included in
welding, no load shall be transmitted through a gas
stipulated edge preparation for welding or when
cut surface.
specifically required in the following section.
Thermally cut free edges, which shall be subject to
Re-entrant comers shall be free from notches and shall
calculated static tensile stress shall be free from round
have largest practical radii with a minimum radius of
bottom gouges greater than 5 mm deep. Gouges greater
15 mm.
than 5 mm deep and notches shall be removed by Shearing grinding.
IS 800:2007
A punched hole shall be permitted only in ‘material All parts of bolted members shall be pinned or bolted
whose yield stress WY)does not exceed 360 MPa and and rigidly held together during assembly.
where thickness does not exceed (5 600/~Y) mm. In
The component parts shall be assembled and aligned
cyclically loaded details, punching shall be avoided in
in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor
plates with thickness greater than 12 mm.
otherwise damaged, and shall’ be so prepared that the
For greater thickness and cyclically loaded details, specified camber, if any, is provided.
holes shall be either drilled from the solid or sub-
17.3.1 Holes in Assembly
punched or sub-drilled and reamed.
When holes are drilled in one operation through two
The die for all sub-punched holes or the drill for all
or more separable parts, these parts, when so specified
sub-drilled holes shall be at least 3 mm smaller than
by the engineer, shall be separated after drilling and
the required diameter of finished hole.
the burrs removed. Oversize holes
Matching holes for rivets and black bolts shall register
A special plate washer of minimum thickness 4 mm with each other so that a gauge of 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm
shall be used under the nut, if the hole diameter is larger (as the case may be, depending on whether the diameter
than the bolt diameter by 3 mm or more. of the rivet or bolt is less than or more than 25 mm)
less in diameter than the diameter of the hole will pass
Oversize hole shall not exceed 1.25d or (d+8) mm in
freely through the assembled members in the direction
diameter, were d is the nominal bolt diameter, in mm.
at right angle to such members.
A short slotted hole shall not exceed the appropriate
Drilling done during assembly to align holes shall not
hole size in width and 1.33d in length. A long slotted
distort the metal or enlarge the holes.
hole shall not exceed the appropriate hole size in width
and 2.5d in length. If the slot length is larger than those Holes in adjacent part shall match sufficiently well to
specified, shear transfer in the direction of slot is not permit easy entry of bolts. If necessary, holes except
admissible even in friction type of connection. oversize or slotted holes maybe enlarged to admit bolts,
by moderate amount of reaming.
Slotted holes shall be punched either in one operation
or else formed by punching or drilling two round holes 17.3.2 Thread Length
apart and completed by high quality mechanically
When design is based on bobs with unthreaded shanks
controlled flame cutting and dressing to ensure that
in the shear plane, appropriate measures shall be
bolt can freely travel the full length of the slot.
specified to ensure that, after allowing for tolerance, Fitted bolt holes neither the threads nor the thread run-out be in the shear
Holes for turned and fitted bolts shall be drilled to a
diameter equal to the nominal diameter of the shank The length of bolt shall be such that at least one clear
or barrel subject to tolerance specified in IS 919 (Parts thread shows above the nut and at least one thread plus
1 and 2). Preferably, parts to be connected with close the thread run out is clear beneath the nut after
tolerance or barrel bolts shall be firmly held together tightening. One washer shall be provided under the
by tacking bolts or clamps and the holes drilled through rotated part.
all the thicknesses at one operation and subsequently
17.3.3 Assembly Subjected to Vibration
reamed to size. All holes not drilled through all
thicknesses atone operation shall be drilled to a smaller When non-preloaded bolts are used in a structure
size and reamed out after assembly. Where this is not subject to vibration, the nuts shall be secured by locking
practicable, the parts shall be drilled and reamed devices or other mechanical means. The nuts of
separately through hard bushed steel jigs. preloaded bolts may be assumed to be sufficiently
secured by the normal tightening procedure. Holes for rivets or bolts shall not be formed
generally by gas cutting process. However, advanced 17.3.4 Washers
gas cutting processes such as plasma cutting may be
Washers are not normally required on non-preloaded
used to make holes in statically loaded members only.
bolts, unless specified otherwise. Tapered washers shall
In cyclically loaded members subjected to tensile
be used where the surface is inclined at more than 3“to
stresses which are vulnerable under fatigue, gas cutting
a plane perpendicular to the bolt axis.
shall not be used unless subsequent reaming is done to
remove the material in the heat affected zone around Hardened washer shall be used for preloaded bolts or
the hole. the nut, whichever is to be rotated.
IS 800:2007
All material within the grip of the bolt shall be steel and that the final dimensions are within appropriate
and no compressible material shall be permitted in the tolerances.
17.7 Machining of Butts, Caps and Bases
17.4 Riveting
17.7.1 Column splices and butt joints of struts and
17.4.1 Rivets shall be heated uniformly throughout compression members, depending on contact for stress
their length, without burning or excessive scaling, and transmission, shall be accurately machined and close-
shall be of sufficient length to provide a head of butted over the whole section with a clearance not
standard dimensions. These shall, when driven, exceeding 0.2 mm locally, at any place. Sum of all
completely fill the holes and, if countersunk, the such clearance shall not be more than 30 percent of
countersinking shall be fully filled by the rivet. lf the contact area for stress transmission. In column caps
required, any protrusion of the countersunk head shall and bases, the ends of shafts together with the attached
be dressed off ftush. gussets, angles, channels, etc; after connecting together
should be accurately machined so that clearance
17.4.2 Riveted member shall have all parts firmly
between the contact surfaces shall not exceed 2 mm
drawn and held together before and during riveting,
locally, subject further to the condition that sum total
and special care shall be taken in this respect for all
of all such clearance shall not exceed 30 percent of the
single-riveted connections. For multiple riveted
total contact area for stress transmission. Care should
connections, a service bolt shall be provided in every
be taken that these gussets, connecting angles or
third or fourth hole.
channels are fixed with such accuracy that they are
17.4.3 Wherever practicable, machine riveting shall be not reduced in thickness by machining by more than
carried out by using machines of the steady pressure 2.0 mm,
17.7.2 Where sufficient gussets and rivets or welds are
17.4.4 All loose, burned or otherwise defective rivets provided to transmit the entire loading (see Section 4),
shall be cut out and replaced before the structure is the column ends need not be machined.
loaded, and special care shall be taken to inspect all
17.7.3 Slab Bases and Caps
single riveted connections.
Slab bases and slab caps, except when cut from material
17.4.5 Special care shall be taken in heating and driving
with true surfaces, shall be accurately machined over
long rivets.
the bearing surfaces and shall be in effective contact
17.5 Bolting with the end of the stanchion, the bearing face which
is to be grouted to fit tightly at both top and bottom,
17.5.1 In all cases where the full bearing area of the unless welds are provided to transmit the entire column
bolt is to be developed, the bolt shall be provided with face.
a washer of sufficient thickness under the nut to avoid
any threaded portion of the bolt being within the 17.7.4 To Facilitate grouting, sufficient gap shall be left
thickness or the parts bolted together, unless accounted between the base plates and top of pedestal and holes
for in design. shall be provided where necessary in stanchion bases
for the escape of air.
17.5.2 Pre-tensioned bolts shall be subjected to initial
tension (the proof stress) by an appropriate pre- 17.8 Painting
calibmted method.
17.8.1 Painting shall be done in accordance with
17.6 Welding IS 1477 (Parts 1 and 2).
17.6.1 Welding shall be in accordance with IS 816, 17.8.2 All surfaces, which are to be painted, oiled or
IS 819, IS 1024, IS 1261, IS 1323 and IS 9595, as otherwise treated, shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned
appropriate. to remove all loose scale and loose rust.
17.6.2 For welding of any particular type of joint, 17.8.3 Shop contzact surfaces need not be painted unless
welders shall give evidence acceptable to the purchaser specified. If so specified, they shall be brought together
of having satisfactorily completed appropriate tests as while the paint is still wet.
prescribed in IS 817, IS 1393, IS 7307 (Part 1), IS 7310 17.8.4 Surfaces not in contact, but inaccessible after
(Part 1) andIS7318 (Part 1), as relevant. shop assembly, shall receive tbe full specified
17.6.3 Assembly and welding shall be carried out in protective treatment before assembly. This does not
such a way to minimize distortion and residuat stress apply to the interior of sealed hollow sectiorf$.
IS 800:2007
17.8.5 Chequered plates shall be painted but the details fabrication is being undertaken in accordance with the
of painting shall be specified by the purchaser. provisions of this standard.
17.8.6 In case of surfaces to be welded, the steel shall 17.12.2 Unless specified otherwise, inspection shall
not be painted or metal coated within a suitable distance be made at the place of manufacture prior to dispatch
of any edge to be welded, if the paint specified or the and shall be conducted so as not to interfere
metal coating is likely to be harmful to welders or unnecessarily with the operation of the work.
impair the quality of the welds.
17.12.3 The manufacturer shall guarantee compliance
17.8.7 Welds and adjacent parent metal shall not be with the provisions of this standard, if required to do
painted prior to de-slagging, inspection and approval. so by the purchaser.
17.8.8 Parts to be encased in concrete shall not be 17.12.4 Should any structure or part of a structure be
painted or oiled. found not to comply with any of the provisions of this
standard, it shall be liable to rejection. No structure or
17.8.9 Contact surface in friction type connection shall part of the structure, once rejected shall be resubmitted
not be painted in advance. for test, except in cases where the purchaser or his
authorized representative considers the defect as
17.9 Marking
Each piece of steel work shall be distinctly marked
17.12,5 Defects, which may appear during fabrication,
before dispatch, in accordance with a marking diagram
shall be made good with the consent of and according
and shall bear such other marks as will facilitate
to the procedure laid down by the inspecting authority.
17.12.6 All gauges and templates necessary to satisfy
17.10 Shop Erection the inspection authority shall be supplied by the
17.10.1 The steel work shall be temporarily shop manufacturer. The inspecting authority may, at his
discretion, check the test results obtained at the
erected complete or as arranged with the inspection
manufacturer’s works by independent testing at outside
agency so that accuracy of fit may be checked before
laboratory, and should the material so tested be found
dispatch. The parts shall be shop assembled with
to be unsatisfactory, the cost of such tests shall be borne
sufficient numbers of parallel drifts to bring and keep
by the manufacturer, and if found satisfactory, the cost
the parts in place.
shall be borne by the purchaser.
17.10.2 In the case of parts drilled or punched, through
steel jigs with bushes resulting in all similar parts being 17.13 Site Erection
interchangeable, the steelwork maybe shop erected in 17.13.1 Plant and Equipment
such position as arranged with the inspection agency.
The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment
17.10.3 In case of shop fabrication using numerically used for erection shall be to the satisfaction of the
controlled machine data generated by computer engineer.
software (like CAD), the shop erection may be
dispensed with at the discretion of the inspector. 17.13.2 Storing and Handling
IS 800:2007
Each criterion given in the table shall be considered as tested wire rope slings of correct size. The devices
a separate requirement, to be satisfied independent of should be well maintained and operated by experienced
any other tolerance criteria. The erection tolerances operators.
specified in Table 33 apply to the following reference
points: Table 34 Straightness Tolerances Incorporated in
Design Rules
a) For a column, the actual centre point of the
column at each floor level and at the base,
excluding any base-plate or cap-plate. The S1 Criterion Permitted Deviation
level of the base plate on pedestal shall be so No.
O Deviation of distance 5 mm
between adjacent columns Oxygen and acetylene cylinders and their
ii) Inclinationof a columnin a 0.002h,
multi-storey building where, h, is the storey height hoses shall have distinctive colours. Cylinders should
between adjacent floor be stored in upright position in well-ventilated rooms
levels or in open air, not exposed to flames, naked lights or
iii) Deviation of location of a 0.0035 z M+”’
column in a multi-storey extreme heat and should also be in upright position
where, z hb is the total height
building at any floor level from the base to the floor when they are being used. All gas cutting works shall
from a vertical line level concerned and n is the be done only by experienced skilled gas cutters,
through the intended number of storeys from the
location of the column
equipped with gloves, boots, aprons, goggles and good
base to the floor level
base concerned cutting sets of approved make.
iv) Inclination ofa column in 0.003 5h.
a single storey building, where, h. is the height of the While doing any welding work, it should be
(not supporting a crane column ensured that the welding machine is earthed and the
gantry) r)therthan a portal welding cables are free from damage. The welder and
Mean: 0.002h, his assistant shall use a face shield or head shield with
v) Inclination of the column
of a portal frame (not Individual: O.OIOhC a welding lens and clear cover glass and their hands,
supporting a crane gantry) where h, is the height of the legs and bodies shall be well protected by leather
gloves, shoes and aprons. Combustible materials should
be kept away from the sparks and globules of molten
metals generated in any arc welding. In case of welding
The straightness tolerances specified in Table 34 have
in a confined place, it should be provided with an
been assumed in the derivation of the design stress for
exhaust system to take care of the harmful gases, fumes
the relevant type of member. Where the curvature
and dusts generated.
exceeds these values, the effect of additional curvature
on the design calculations shall be reviewed. In addition to precautions against all the
hazards mentioned above, erection workers shall also
A tension member shall not deviate from its correct
be protected in the following manne~
position relative to the members to which it is
connected by more than 3 mm along any setting axis. a) All workers shall wear helmets and shall also
be provided with gloves and shoes. In addition
17.13.4 Safety During Fabrication and Erection those working at heights shall use safety belts. All steel materials including fabricated b) All structures shall be so braced/guyed during
structures, either at fabrication shop or at erection site, erection that there is no possibility of collapse
shall be handled only by a worker skilled in such jobs; before erection work is completed.
where necessary with load tested lifting devices, having c) Warning signs such as ‘Danger’, ‘Caution’,
IS 800:2007
’440 volts’, ‘Do not smoke’, ‘Look ahead’, 17.14.3 Where the steel has received a metal coating
etc; should be displayed at appropriate in the shop, this coating shall be completed on site so
places, as to be continuous over any welds and site rivets or
bolts, subject to the approval of the engineer. Painting For detailed safety precautions during
on site may complete protection. Bolts, which have
erection, reference shall be made to IS 7205.
been galvanized or similarly treated, are exempted from
17.13.5 Field Connections this requirement. Field riveting 17.14.4 Surface, which will be inaccessible after site
assembly, shall receive the full-specified protective
Rivets driven at the site shall be heated and driven with
treatment before assembly.
the same care as those driven in the shop.
17.14.5 Site painting should not be done in frosty or Field bolting
foggy weather, or when humidity is such as to cause
Field bolting shall be carried out with the same care as condensation on the surfaces to be painted.
required for shop bolting.
17.15 Bedding Requirement Fillet welding
17.15.1 Bedding shall be carried out with Portland
Field assembly and welding shall be executed in cement grout or mortar, as described under 17.15.4 or
accordance with the requirements for shop fabrications fine cement concrete in accordance with IS 456.
excepting such as manifestly apply to shop conditions
17.15.2 For multi-storeyed buildings, this operation
only. Where the steel has been delivered painted, the
shall not be carried out until a sufficient number of
paint shall be removed for a distance of at least 50 mm
bottom lengths of stanchions have been properly lined,
on either side of the joint.
leveled and plumbed and sufficient floor beams are in
17.14 Painting After Erection position.
17.14.1 Before painting of such steel which is delivered 17.15.3 Whatever method is employed, the operation
unpainted is commenced, all surfaces to be painted shall not be carried out until the steelwork has been
shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned from all loose scale finally Ievelled and plumbed, stanchion bases being
and rust, as required by the surface protection supported meanwhile by steel wedges or nuts; and
specification. immediately before grouting, the space under the steel
shall be thoroughly cleaned.
17.14.2 The specified protective treatment shall be
~ompleted after erection. All rivet and bolt heads and 17.15.4 Bedding of structure shall be carried out with
the site welds after de-slagging shall be cleaned. grout or mortar, which shall be of adequate strength
Damaged or deteriorated paint surfaces shall first be and shall completely fill the space to be grouted and
made good with the same type of paint as the shop shall either be placed under pressure or by ramming
coat. Where specified, surfaces which will be in contact against fixed supports. The grouts or mortar used shall
after site assembly, shall receive a coat of paint be non’-shrinking variety.
(in addition to any shop priming) and shall be brought
17.16 Steelwork Tenders and Contracts
together while the paint is still wet. No painting shall
be used on contact surfaces in the friction connection, A few recommendations are given in Annex G for
unless specified otherwise by the design document. general information.
IS 800:2007
(Clause 1.1)
456:2000 Plain and reinforced concrete — 1030:1998 Carbon steel castings for general
Code of practice ~ourth revision) engineering purposes ~fth revision)
513:1994 Cold-rolled low carbon steel sheets 1079:1994 Hot rolled carbon steel sheets and
and strips (fourth revision) strips — Specification @fib revision)
801:1975 Code of practice for use of cold- 1148:1982 Specification for hot-rolled rivet bars
formed light gauge steel structural (up to 40 mm diameter) for structural
members in general building purposes (third revision)
construction first revision) 1149:1982 High tensile steel rivet bars for
808:1989 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel structural purposes (third revision)
beam, column, channel and angle 1261:1959 Code of practice for seam welding
sections (third revision) in mild steel
813:1986 Scheme of symbols for welding 1278: 972 Specification for filler rods and wires
814:2004 Covered electrodes for manual metat for gas welding (second revision)
arc welding of carbon and carbon 1323: 982 Code of practice for oxy-acetylene
manganese steel — Specification welding for structural work in mild
(sixth revision) steels (second revision)
816:1969 Code of practice for use of metal arc 1363 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts
welding for general construction in of product grade C:
mild steel (first revision) (Part 1): 2002/ Hexagon head bolts (size range M5
817 Training of welders — Code of 1S0 4016:1999 to M64) ~ourth revision)
practice: (Part 2): 2002/ Hexagon head screws (size range M5
(Part 1): 1992 Manual metal arc welding (second 1S04018:1999 to M64) ~ourth revision)
revision) (Part 3): 1992/ Hexagon nuts (size range M5 to M64)
(Part 2): 1996 Oxyfuel welding (second revision) 1S0 4034:1986 (third revision)
819:1957 Code of practice for resistance spot 1364 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts
welding for light assemblies in of product grades A and B:
mild steel (Part 1): 2002/ Hexagon head bolts (size range Ml.6
875 Code of practice for design loads 1s04014:1999 to M64) ~ourth revision)
(other than earthquake) for (Part 2): 2002/ Hexagon head screws (size range
buildings and structures: 1S04017:1999 Ml.6 to M64) (jourth revision)
(Part 1): 1987 Dead loads – unit weights of building (Part 3): 2002/ Hexagon nuts, style 1 (size range
materials and stored materials 1S04032:1999 M 1.6 to M64) (fourth revision) -
(second revision) (Part 4): 2003/ Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) (size
(Part 2): 1987 Imposed loads (second revision) 1s0 4035:1999 range M 1.6 to M64) ($ourthrevision)
(Part 3): 1987 Wind loads (second revision) (Part 5): 2002/ Hexagon thin nuts — Product grade B
(Part 4): 1987 Snow loads (second revision) 1S0 4036:1999 (unchamfered) (size range Ml.6 to
(Part 5): 1987 Special loads and load combinations M1O) ~ourth revision)
(second revision) 1367 Technical supply conditions for
919 1S0 systems of limits and fits: threaded steel fasteners:
(Part 1): 1993/ Bases of tolerance, deviations and fits (Part 1): 2002/ Generat requirements for bolts, screws
ISO 286-1:1988 (second revision) 1S0 8992:1986 and studs (third revision)
(Part 2) : 1993/ Tables of standard tolerance grades (Part 2): 2002/ Tolerances for fasteners — Bolts,
1S0 286-2:1988 and limit deviations for holes and 1S04759-1 :2000 screws, studs and nuts — Product
shafts (/lrst revision) grades A, B and C (third revision)
962:1989 Code of practice for architectural and (Part 3): 2002/ Mechanical properties of fasteners
building drawings (second revision) 1S0 898-1:1999 made of carbon steel and alloy steel
1024:1999 Code of practice for use of welding — bolts, screws and studs ~ourth
in bridges and structures subject to revision)
dynamic loading (second revision)
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
5369:1975 General requirements for plain (Part 1): 1974 Part 1 Fusion welding of steel
washers and lock washers (first 7318 (Part 1): Approval test for welders when weld-
revision) 1974 ing procedure approval is not
5370:1969 Specification for plain washers with required: Part 1 Fusion welding of
outside diameter =3x inside dkmeter steel
5372:1975 Taper washers for channels (ISMC) 7557:1982 Specification for steel wire (upto
tjlrst revision) 20 mm) for the manufacture of cold
5374:1975 Taper washers for I-beams (ISMB) forged rivets @rst revision)
(jlrst revision) 8000 Geometrical tolerancing on technical
5624:1993 Foundation bolts — Specification drawings:
(first revision) (Part 1) : 1985/ Tolerances of form, orientation, loca-
6240:1999 Hot rolled steel plate (upto6 mm) 1S0 1101:1983 tion and run-out, and appropriate
sheet and strip for the manufacture of geometrical definitions (Jirsf
low pressure liquefiable gas cylinders revision)
— Specification (third revision) (Part 2): 1992/ Maximum material principles (first
6419:1996 Welding rods and bare electrodes for 1S0 2692:1988 revision)
gas shielded arc welding of structural (Part 3): 1992/ Dimensioning and tolerancing of
steel (first revision) 1S0 1660:1987 profiles (second revision)
6560 ; 1996 Molybdenum and chromium- (Part 4): 1976 Practical examples of indications on
molybdenum low alloy steel weldlng drawings
rods and bare electrodes for gas 8976:1978 Guide for preparation and
shielded arc welding (jirst revision) arrangement of sets of drawings and
6610:1972 Specification for heavy washers for parts lists
steel structures 9077:1979 Code of practice for corrosion
6623:2004 High strength structural nuts — protection of steel reinforcement in
Specification (first revision) RB and RCC construction
6639:1972 Specification for hexagonal bolts for 9172: 979 Recommended design practice for
steel structures corrosion prevention of steel
6649:1985 Specification for hardened and structures
tempered washers for high strength 9295: 983 Steel tubes for idlers for belt
structural bolts and nuts @rst revision) conveyors @rst revision)
7205:1974 Safety code for erection of structural 9595:1996 Metal arc welding of carbon and
steelwork carbon manganese steels —
7215:1974 Specification for tolerances for Recommendations (first revision)
fabrication of steel structures 10748:2004 Hot-rolled steel strip for welded
7280:1974 Specification for bare wire electrodes tubes and pipes — Specification
for submerged arc welding of (second revision)
structural steels 12843:1989 Tolerances for erection of steel
7307 Approwd tests for welding procedures: structures
(Part 1): 1974 Part 1 Fusion welding of steel SP6 (1): 1964 Handbook for Structural Engineers —
7310 Approval tests for welders working Structural Steel Sections
to approved welding procedures
IS 800:2007
[Clause 4.1. 1(c)]
IS 800:2007
for the degree of rigidity of the base as given in B-3.2 that storey of area A, given by:
in this deflection calculation.
The base stiffness should be determined by reference
to 4.3.4.
The elastic critical load factor, AC,is calculated as: where
h = storey height;
AC,= 1
200@s,M,x b = width of the braced bay;
z KC = sum of the stiffness I,L, of the columns
in that storey;
4s, Max= largest value of the sway inde~y OSgiven
h’ ~SP
kj = s 2; and
80E~ Kc
[Clauses and 5.6.2]
1 111 II . “-
IS 800:2007
S1 System Critical Damping
E= modulus of elasticity of steel, MPa; No. Percent
IT = transformed moment of inertia of the one (1) (2) (3)
way system (in terms of equivalent steel) i) Fully composite construction 2
assuming the concrete flange of width equal ii) Bare steel beam and concrete deck 3-4
to the spacing of the beam to be effective, iii) Ftoor with finishes, false ceiling, 6
in mm4; fire proofing, ducts furniture
iv) Partitions not located atong a up to 12
f,= span length, in mm; and support or not spaced father apart
w= dead load of the one way joist, in N/mm. than 6 m and partitions oriented in
orthogonal dwtions
If the one way joist system is supported by a flexible
beam running perpendicular with the natural C-5 ACCELERATION
frequency fz, the floor frequency may be reduced to
~, given by: The peak acceleration aO, from heel impact for floors
of spans greater than 7m and natural frequency f], less
11 than 10 Hz may be calculated as:
fr2 A f, aOlg = 600 f, /W
w= total weight of floors plus contents over the span
The percentage of critical damping may be assumed length and equivalent floor width (b), in N;
approximately as given below: b= 40t, (20 t,when over hang is only on one
side of the beam);
t, = equivalent thickness of the slab, averaging
concrete in slab and ribs; and
t? = acceleration due to gravity.
(Clause 7.2.2)
D-1 METHOD FOR DETERMINING EFFECTIVE b) Sway Frames (Moment Resisting Frames)
In the absence of a more exact analysis, the effective length The effective length factor K, of column in
sway frames is given by (see Fig. 28):
of columns in framed structures may be obtained by
multiplying the actual length of the column between the
centres of laterally suppotting members (beams) given l-o.2(p, +p2)-o.12p,/?2 0’5
in Fig. 27 and Fig. 28 with the effective length factor K, 1– 0.8(~1 .+ /32)+ 0.6Fipz
calculated by using the equations given below, provided
the connection between beam and column is rigid type: where
., “—--- . _
IS 800:2007
a- o,4-
0.3 -
0.2 “
0.1 “
FIXED 0.0 ‘* I I I I I I 1 I I
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
IS 800:2007
I = moment of inertia of the member about Coefficient K, for effective length of bottom part of
an axis perpendicular to the plan of the double stepped column shall be taken from the formula:
L = length of the member equal to centre-
to-centre distance of the intersecting
C = correction factor as shown in Table 35.
Table 35 Correction Factors for Effective
K,, Kz, and Kl are taken from Table41.
Flexural Stiffness
P3 P3
p2 /3 p213 r ,3
r I“av L\ L3
i----- L2+L3
L2 p, /2 P, t t
L1+L2 L,+L2
+ L /’ av f’,“
L, /1 L,
i-- “ 1- 1-
J 1 11
(a) (b) (c) (d)
IS 800:2007
SI Degree of End Restraint Sketch Effeetive Length Coefficients Column Parameters for
No. All Cases
K,zand K,!areto be taken as L1
per Table 37
Effectively held in position
at both ends and restrained
against rotation at bottom
end only
K,zand Kll are to be taken as
per Table38
iii) Effectively held in position K, to be taken as per Table39
and restrained against
rotation at bottom end, and Effective length of bottom
top end held against pal of column in plane 01
rotation but not held in stepping = KVLI
iv) Effectively held in position K, to be taken as per Table40 Effective length of top part o]
and restrained against column in plane of stepping=
rotation at bottom end, and K~L2
top end neither held against
rotation nor held in
Table 37 Coeftlcients of Effective Lengths K12and K,, for columns with Both Ends Effectively Heid in
Position and Restrained Against Rotation
i’ (Table 36)
H 800:2007
Table 38 Coet%cients of Effective Lengths Klz and Kll for Columns with Both Ends Effectively Held in
Position and Restrained Against Rotation at Bottom End Only
(Table 36)
Table 39 Coefficients of Effective Lengths KI for Columns Effectively Held in Position and Restrained
Against Rotation at Bottom End and Top End Held Against Rotation but not Held in Position
(Table 36)
o 2.0 1,8 1.7 1.67 1.6 1.55 1.50 1.4 I.43 1.4 1.37 1,3 1.1 I.lo 1.0 t L2
0,5 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.74 1.6 1.65 1.61 1.5 1.55 1,5 — — — — —
I .0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.00 2.0 2.00 — .— — — —— —
Table 40 Coefficients of Effective Lengths K, for Columns with Top Ends Free and Bottom End
Effectively Held in Position and Restrained Against Rotation
(Table 36)
0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
I r
0.5 2.0 2.14 2.24 2.36 2.47 2,57 2.67 2.76 2,85 2.94 3,02 — — — ‘2
IS 800:2007
Degree of End
1 Kz
CrAbmn Parameters
<or All Cases
Non-symmetric and non-prismatic
the member, and
Location of transverse
nature of
shear centre.
IS 800:2007
0,7 2.092 1.473
0.5 2.150 2.150
1.0 2.281 0.855
0.7 2.538 — 1.340
0.5 2.609 1.957
IS 800:2007
Table 42 (Conclude@
1 1.0 1.046 0.430 1.120
i Illlllw
L/4 L/4~L/4 1/4 0.5 1.010 0.410 1.390
(Clause 10.6.1)
IS 800:2007
, , 1 , i , ,
r I I I I I I I I I
1 I I I } I I 1 -! -
1’ I I
00 I I
/ \
00 I
VM ?
v 00 .1 {
I, - )
I L00 I I
Y “
I 1I I 11,11,
I I I II II I 1 1 \
coincides as nearly as possible with the centroidal axes separate lateral load resisting system is to be provided
of the members joined, in order to avoid eccentricity; in the form of bracings or shear walls. The connections
but where eccentricity is present in the joint, the shown in Fig. 32 (A), (B), (C) and (D) can be assumed
resulting stress considering eccentricity shall be as simple connections in framed analysis and need to
provided for. be checked only for the transfer of shear from beam to
F-3.4 If a column flange is subjected to significant
tension or if the faces are not prepared for bearing, or F-4.2 Rigid Connections
if full continuity is required without slip, only HSFG
In high-rise and slender structures, stiffness
bolts shall be used.
requirements may warrant the use of rigid connections.
Rigid connections transfer significant moments to the
columns and are assumed to undergo negligible
deformations at the joint. These are necessary in sway
frames for stability and also contribute in resisting
lateral loads. The connections shown in Fig. 32 (E),
(F), (G) can be assumed as rigid connection in frame
analysis and need to be checked for both shear and
moment transfer from beam to the column. Fully
welded connections can also be considered as rigid
beam to column connections.
IS 800:2007
1 I
I (s
da 0
r I
_t ~
:::--1 ‘g :: ; :2 d
--l l-+ II I
IS 800:2007
0 -
8/= 618P 2.7
IS 800:2007
F-5 COLUMN BASES of the joint between the base plate and the foundation
shall be determined taking account of the material
F-5.1 Base Plates
properties and dimensions of both the grout and the
Columns shall be provided with base plates capable of concrete foundation.
distributing the compressive forces in the compressed
parts of the column over a bearing area such that the F-5.2 Holding Down Bolts (Anchor Bolts)
bearing pressure on the foundation does not exceed F-5.2.1 Holding down bolts shall be provided if
the design strength of the point. The design strength necessary to resist the effects of the design loads.
IS 800:2007
They shall be designed to resist tension due to uplift F-5.2.4 If no special elements for resisting the shear
forces and tension due to bending moments as force are provided, such as block or bar shear
appropriate. connectors, it shall be demonstrated that sufficient
resistance to transfer the shear force between the
F-5.2.2 When calculating the tension forces due to
column and the foundation is provided by one of the
bending moments, the lever arm shall not be taken as
more than the distance between the centroid of the
bearing area on the compression side and the centroid a) Frictional resistance of the joint between the
of the bolt group on the tension side, taking the base plate and the foundation.
tolerances on the positions of the holding down bolts b) Shear resistance of the holding down bolts.
into account. c) Shear resistance of the surrounding part of
F-5.2.3 Holding down bolts shall either be anchored the foundation.
into the foundation by a hook or by a washer plate or d) Shear and bearing resistance of the shear key
by some other appropriate load distributing member plates welded to the base plate and embedded
embedded in the concrete. in the pedestal/foundation.
(Clause 17. 16)
IS 800:2007
IS 800:2007
(Informative) ..
Table 46 Plastic Properties of Beams (see also IS 808)
Designation Weight per Seetional Depth of Seetion Width of Thickness of Thickness of Radii ofGyration Section Plastic Shape Factor
Metre Area Flange Flange Web A Modulus Modulns
(D) ( b,) (t,) (tw) < (r.) (r,)’ (Zez) (%J (z,z/z=)
kg/m cmz mm mm mm mm cm cm cm’ cm’
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12)
LSWB 600 *145.1 184.86 600 250 23.6 11.8 25.01 5.35 3854.2 4341.63 1.1265
ISWB 600 *133.7 170.38 600 250 21.3 11.2 24.97 5.25 3540.0 3986.66 1.1262
ISMB 600 *122.6 156.21 600 210 20.8 12 24.24 4.12 3060.4 3510.63 1.1471
ISWB 550 *112.5 143.34 550 250 17.6 10.5 22.86 5.11 2723.9 3066.29 1.1257
ISLB 600 *99.5 126.07 600 210 15.5 10.5 23.9a 3.79 2428.9 2798.56 1.1522
ISMB 550 103.7 132.11 550 190 19.3 11.2 22.16 3.73 2359.8 2711.98 1.1492
ISWB 500 *95.2 121.22 500 250 14.7 9.9 20.77 4.96 2091.6 2351.35 1.1242
. ISLB 550 *86.3 109.97 550 190 15.0 9.9 21.99 3.48 1933.2 2228.16 1.1526
u ISMB 500 86.9 110.74 500 180 17.2 10.2 20.21 3.52 1 8Q8.7 2074.67 1.147 I
ISHB 450 92.5 117.89 450 250 13.7 11.3 18.50 5.08 1793.3 2030.95 1.1325
ISHB 450 87.2 111.14 450 250 13.7 9.8 18.78 5.18 1742.7 I 955.03 1.1218
ISLB 500 *75.O 95.50 500 180 14.1 9.2 20.10 3.34 1543.2 1773.67 1.1493
ISWB 450 79.4 10I. I5 450 200 15.4 9.2 18.63 4.11 1558.1 1760.59 1.1300
ISHB 400 82.2 104.66 400 250 12.7 10.6 16.61 5.16 1444.2 1626.36 1.1261
ISHB 400 77.4 98.66 400 250 12.7 9.1 16.87 5.26 1404.2 1556.33 1.1155
ISMB 450 ●72.4 92.27 450 150 17.4 9.4 18.15 3.01 1350.7 1533.36 1.1500
ISLB 450 *65.3 83.14 450 170 13.4 8.6 18.20 3.20 1223.8 1401.35 1.1451
ISWB 400 66.7 85.01 400 200 13.0 8.6 16.60 4.04 1171.3 1290.19 1.1271
ISHB 350 72.4 92.21 350 250 11.6 10.1 14.65 5.22 1131.6 1268.69 1.1212
ISHB 350 67.4 85.91 350 250 11.6 8.3 14.93 5.34 1094.8 1213.53 1.1085
ISMB 400 *61.5 78.40 400 140 16.0 8.9 16.05 2.84 I 020.0 1176.18 1.1498
ISLB 400 *56.9 72.43 400 165 12.5 8 16.33 3.15 965.3 1099.45 1.1390
ISWB 350 56.9 72.50 350 200 11.4 8.0 14.63 4.03 887.0 995.49 1.1223
lSHB 300 63.0 80.25 300 250 10.6 9.4 12.70 5.29 863.3 962.18 1.1145
ISHB 300 58.8 74.85 300 250 10.6 7.6 12.95 5.41 836.3 921.68 1.1021
ISMC 400 *49.4 62.93. 400 100 15.3 8.6 15.48 2.83 754.1 891.03 1.1816
LSMB350 52.4 66.70 350 140 14.2 8.1 14.32 2.84 779.0 889.57 1.1421
lSLB 350 49.5 63.01 350 165 )1.4 7.4 14.45 3.17 751.9 851.11 1.1320
lSLC 400 *45.7 58.25 400 100 14.0 8.0 I 5.50 2.81 699.5 825.02 1.1794
ISWB 300 48.1 61.33 300 200 10.0 7.4 12.66 4.02 654.8 731.21 1.1167
lSHB 250 54.7 69.71 250 250 9.7 8.8 10.70 5.37 638.7 708.43 1.1092
ISLB 325 *43.1 54.90 325 165 9.8 7.0 13.41 3.05 607.7 687.76 1.1317
Table 46 (Continued)
Designistion Weight per Sectional Depth of Section Width of Thickness of Thickness of Radii of Gyration Section Plastic Shape Factor
Metre Area Flange Flange Web A Modulus Modulus
(D) ( b,) (t,) (tw) f (rz) (r,)’ (Zez) (-%) (zpz/ Zez)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11) (12)
ISHB 250 51.0 64.96 ~50 250 9.7 6.9 10.91 5.49 618.9 678.73 1.0967
lSMC 350 *42. 1 53.66 350 100 13.5 8.1 13.66 2.83 571.9 672.19 1.1754
lSMB 300 *44.2 56.26 300 140 12.4 7.5 12.37 2.84 573.6 651.74 1.1362
[SLC 350 *38.8 49.47 350 100 12.5 7.4 13.72 2.82 532.1 622.95 i.1707
ISLB 300 *37.7 48.08 300 150 9.4 6.7 12.35 2.80 488.9 554.32 1.1338
ISHB 225 46.8 59.66 225 225 9.1 8.6 9.58 4.84 487.0 542.22 1.1134
ISWB 250 40.9 52.05 250 200 9.0 6.7 10.69 4.06 475.4 527.57 1.1097
ISHB 225 43.1 54.94 225 225 9.1 6.5 9.80 4.96 469.3 515.82 1.0987
LSMC300 *35.8 45.64 300 90 13.6 7.6 11.81 2.61 424.2 496.77 1.1711
ISMB 250 37.3 47.55 250 125 12.5 6.9 10.39 2.65 410.5 465.71 1.1345
ISLC 300 *33.1 42.11 300 100 11.6 6.7 1I .98 2.87 403.2 466.73 1.1576
lSLB 275 *33.O 42.02 275 140 8.8 6.4 11.31 2.61 392.4 443.09 1.1305
ISHB 200 40.0 50.94 200 200 9.0 7.8 8.55 4.42 372.2 414.23 1.1129
lSHB 200 37.3 47.54 200 200 9.0 6.1 8.71 4.51 360.8 397.23 1.1010
ISWB 225 33.9 43.24 225 150 9.9 6.4 9.52 3.22 348.5 389.93 1.1189
% ISMC 250 *30.4 38.67 250 80 14.1 7,1 9.94 2.38 305.3 356.72 1.1684
ISMB 225 31.2 39.72 225 110 11.8 6.5 9.31 2.34 305.9 348.27 1.1385
ISLB 250 *27.9 35.53 250 125 8.2 6.1 10.23 2.33 297.4 338.69 1.1388
ISLC 250 28.0 35.65 250 100 10.7 6.1 10.17 2.89 295.0 338.11 1.1462
lSWB 200 28.8 36.71 200 140 9.0 6.1 8.46 2.99 262.5 293.99 1.1200
ISMC 225 *25.9 33.01 225 80 12.4 6.4 9.03 2.38 239.5 277’.93 1.1605
ISLC 225 *24.O 30.53 225 90 10.2 5.8 9.14 2.62 226.5 260.13 1.1485
ISLB 225 *23.5 29.92 225 100 8.6 5.8 9.15 1.94 222.4 254.72 1.1453
ISMB 200 25.4 32.33 200 100 10.8 5.7 8.32 2.15 223.5 253.86 1.1358
ISHB 150 34.6 44.08 150 150 9.0 11.8 6.09 3.35 218.1 251.64 1.1538
ISHB 150 30.6 38.98 150 150 9.0 8.4 6.29 3.44 205.3 232.52 1.1326
ISHB 150 27.1 34.48 150 150 9.0 5.4 6.50 3.54 194.1 215.64 1.1110
lSMC 200 *22. 1 28.21 200 75 11.4 6.1 8.03 2.23 181.9 211.25 1.1614
ISLC 200 *20.6 26.22 200 75 10.8 5.5 8.11 2.37 172.6 198.77 1.1516
lSWB 175 22.1 28.11 175 125 7.4 5.8 7.33 2.59 172.5 194.20 1.1258
lSLB 200 *19.8 25.27 200 100 7.3 5.4 8.19 2.13 169.7 184.34 1.1370
ISMB 175 *19.3 24.62 175 90 8.6 5.5 7.19 1.86 145.4 166.08 1.1422
ISMC 175 ●19.1 24.38 175 75 10.2 5.7 7.08 2.23 139.8 161.65 1.1563
ISLC 175 *17.6 22.40 175 75 9.5 5.1 7.16 2.38 131.3 150.36 1.1452
lSLB 175 *16.7 21.30 175 90 6.9 5.1 7.17 1.93 125.3 143.30 1.1437
ISJB 225 ●12.8 16.28 225 80 5.0 3.7 8.97 1.58 116.3 134.15 1.1535
ISJC 200 13.9 17.8 200 70 7.1 4.1 8.08 2.18 116.1 133.12 1.1465
ISWB 150 17.0 21.67 150 100 7.0 5.4 6.22 2.09 111.9 126.86 1.1337
Table 46 (Concluded) 3
Plastic Shape Factor o
Designation Weight per Sectional Depth of Section Width of Thickness of Thickness of Radii of Gyration Section
Metre Area Flange Flange Web A Modulus Modulus N
(D) ( b,) (?,) (tw) f (r,) (r,)’ (ZJ (%) (zpz/za) o
kg/m ~m2 mm mm cm’ cm]
mm mm cm cm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
ISMC 150 16.4 20.88 150 75 9.0 5.4 6.11 2.21 103.9 119.82 1.1533
ISMB 150 14.9 19.00 150 80 7.6 4.8 6.18 1.66 96.9 110.48 1.1401
ISLC 150 14.4 18.36 150 75 7.8 4.8 6.16 2.37 93.0 106.17 1.1416
ISLB 150 14.2 18.08 150 80 6.8 4.8 6.17 1.75 91.8 104.50 1.1384
ISJC 175 ●11.2 14.24 175 60 6.9 3.6 7.11 1.88 82.3 94.22 1.1449
ISJB 200 *9.9 12.64 200 60 5.0 3.4 7.86 1.17 78.1 90.89 1.1639
ISMB 125 13.0 16.60 125 75 7.6 4.4 5.20 1.62 71.8 81.85 1.1399
ISMC 125 12.7 16.19 125 65 8.1 5.0 5.07 1.92 66.6 77.15 1.1585
ISLB 125 11.9 15.12 125 75 6.5 4.4 5.19 1.69 65.1 73.93 1.1356
ISJC 150 9.9 12.65 150 55 6.9 3.6 6.9 1.73 62.8 72.04 1.1472
ISLC 125 10.7 13.67 125 65 6.6 4.4 5.11 2.05 57.1 65.45 1.1462
ISJB 175 *8.1 10.28 175 50 4.6 3.0 6.83 0.97 54.8 64.22 1.1799
ISMB 100 8.9 11.4 100 50 7.0 4,2 4.00 1.05 36.6 41.68 1.1389
ISJB 150 *7.1 9.01 150 50 4.6 3.0 5.98 1.01 42.9 49.57 1.1556
z ISJC 125 7.9 10.07 125 50 6.6 3.0 5.18 1.60 43.2 49.08 1.1362
0 ISMC 100 9.2 11.70 100 50 7.5 4.7 4.00 1.49 37.3 43.83 1.1750
ISLB 100 8.0 10.21 100 50 6.4 4.0 4.06 1.12 33.6 38.89 1.1573
ISLC 100 7.9 10.02 I 00 50 6.4 4.0 4.06 1.57 32.9 38.09 1.1576
ISJC 100 *5.8 7.41 100 45 5.1 3.0 4.09 1.42 24.8 28.38 1.1442
ISMC 75 6.8 8.67 75 40 7.3 4.4 2.96 1.21 20.8 24.17 1.1904
ISLB 75 6.1 7.71 75 50 5.0 3.7 3.07 1.14 19.4 22.35 1.1522
ISLC 75 *5.7 7.26 75 40 6.0 3.7 3.02 1.26 17.6 20.61 1.1710
NOTE — Sections having ‘weight per meter’markedwith an asterik(*) may be chosen as the section is lighter having high ZP as compared to sections below it.
IS 800:2007
Organization Representative(s)
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai DR V. KALYANARAMAN(Chairman)
Consulting Engineering Services India (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi SHRI S. GHOSH
Development Commissioner for Iron & Steel Control, Kolkata SHRI B. D. GHOSH
SHRI R. N. GUIN (Alfernafe)
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (Rep. IRC), New Delhi IRC
DIRECTORlRC (Alterna~e)
IS 800:2007
Organization Represerrtacive(s)
Member Secretaries
Scientist ‘E’ (CED), BIS
‘E’ (CED), BIS
Orgcarizafion Representative(s)
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BN Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED7(7182).
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 1 IO 002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
Telephones : 232J 0131, 23233375,23239402 (Common to all offices)