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Biology Topical Exercise Form 4 Chapter 2

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PAPER 1  It is permeable only to certain
1. Diagram shows a typical animal Organel ini telap kepada bahan-
cell bahan tertentu sahaja
Rajah menunjukkan satu sel tipikal  Water moves through it by osmosis
Air merentasinya secara osmosis

Which of the following is this

Antara yang berikut, yang
manakah organel ini?
A. Vacuole
B. Plasma membrane
Membran plasma
What is X?
C. Cell wall
Apakah X?
Dinding sel
A. Lysosome
D. Nucleus
B. Golgi apparatus
Jasad Golgi
4. The diagram shows five different
C. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
cells observed under a microscope.
Jalinan endoplasma kasar
Rajah menunjukkan lima sel yang
D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
berbeza, diperhatikan di bawah
Jalinan endoplasma licin

2. Which organelle is involved in the

production of proteins?
Organel yang manakah terlibat
dalam penghasilan protein?
A. Lysosome
B. Centriole
C. Ribosome
Which of the cells are animal cells?
D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Yang manakah antara berikut
Jalinan endoplasma licin
adalah sel haiwan?
A. K, L and M
3. The following statements describe
B. J, K and N
an organelle.
C. J, K and M
Pernyataan berikut menghuraikan
D. L, M and N
tentang suatu organel.

5. Diagram shows a plant cell. 7. Diagram shows two organelles X
Rajah menunjukkan satu sel and Y.
tumbuhan Rajah menunjukkan dua organel X
dan Y

What is organelle X? What is the function of X and Y?

Apakah organel X? Apakah fungsi X dan Y?
A. Nucleus
Nukleus X Y
B. Ribosome
A Synthesis Synthesis lipid
proteins Sintesis lipid
C. Chloroplast
Sintesis protein
D. Mitochondrion B Transports Transports
Mitokondria synthesised synthesised
proteins lipids
6. Diagram shows a cell organelle. Mengangkut Mengangkut
Rajah menunjukkan organel sel protein yang lipid yang
telah disintesis telah disintesis
C Sorts Sorts
carbohydrates synthesised
Mengasingkan proteins
karbohidrat Mengasingkan
D Pacakages Transports
Which of the following cells does proteins synthesised
not possess the organelle in the Membungkus proteins
diagram? protein Mengangkut
protein yang
Antara sel-sel berikut, yang
telah disintesis
manakah tidak mengandungi
organel dalam rajah?
A. Plasma membrane 8. Diagram shows an organelle of a
Membran plasma cell.
B. Cell wall Rajah menunjukkan organel yang
Dinding sel terdapat di dalam suatu sel.
C. Nucleus
D. Palisade cell
Sel palisade
 A membranous sac which occupies large part of
a mature plant cell
Sebuah kantung yang memenuhi sebahagian
besar sel tumbuhan yang matang
 Contains water, stores food, salts and waste
Which of the following processes  Mengandungi air, menyimpan makanan dan
occurs in this organelle? bahan-bahan kumuh
Antara proses berikut, yang
manakah berlaku dalam sel ini? What is structure P?
Apakah struktur P?
A. Photosynthesis A. Nucleus
Fotosintesis Nukleus
B. Synthesis of protein B. Vacuole
Sintesis protein Vakuol
C. Synthesis of enzyme C. Chloroplast
Sintesis enzim Kloroplas
D. Generation of energy D. Lysosome
Penjanaan tenaga Lisosom

9. Diagram shows the structure of an 11. Diagram shows one of the human
animal cell. tissues.
Rajah menunjukkan struktur satu Rajah menunjukkan salah satu
sel haiwan. daripada tisu manusia

What is organelle X?
Apakah organel X? What is the tissue?
A. Nucleus Apakah tisu tersebut?
Nukleus A. Nervous tissue
B. Centriole Tisu saraf
Sentriol B. Connective tissue
C. Ribosome Tisu penghubung
Ribosom C. Epithelial tissue
D. Mitochondrion Tisu epitilial
Mitokondrion D. Muscle tissue
Tisu otot
10. The following information refers to
structure P of a cell
Maklumat berikut merujuk pada
struktur P pada satu sel
12. Diagram shows a type of animal 14. Pancreatic cells secrete hormones.
tissue. Which organelle is found in high
Rajah menunjukkan sejenis tisu density in pancreatic cells?
haiwan. Sel pankreas merembeskan
hormon. Organ manakah yang
banyak terdapat di dalam sel
A. Golgi apparatus
Jasad Golgi
B. Lysosome
What is the tissue? C. Mitochondria
Apakah tisu itu? D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
A. Nerve tissue Jalinan endoplasma licin
Tisu saraf
B. Epithelial tissue
15. Diagram shows a structure of a
Tisu epitelium
C. Connective tissue unicellular organism.
Tisu penghubung Rajah menunjukkan struktur satu
D. Smooth muscle tissue organisasi unisel.
Tisu otot licin

13. Diagram shows a type of tissue

Rajah menunjukkan sejenis tisu

What is X?
Apakah X?
A. Cilia
B. Vacuole
Which organelle is found C. Flagella
abundantly in the tissue? D. Pseudopodium
Organel yang manakah paling Pseudopodium
banyak terdapat dalam tisu
tersebut? 16. Diagram shows cell organisation in
A. Ribosome a multicellular organism.
Ribosom Rajah menunjukkan organisasi sel
B. Mitochondria pada organisma multisel
C. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Jalinan reticulum licin
D. Golgi apparatus
Jasad golgi
C. Ribosome → RER →
Transport vesicle → Golgi
Ribosom → RER→ Vesikel
pengangkut → Jasad Golgi
D. RER → Ribosome →
Transport vesicle → Golgi
RER→ Ribosom → Vesikel
pengangkut → Jasad Golgi

18. Diagram shows a cross section of

an organ in human.
Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas
Which is an example of X? organ pada manusia.
Manakah satu contoh bagi X?

17. The following are four structures

that can be found in the cell.
Berikut adalah empat struktur yang Which of the following is the main
boleh dijumpai di dalam sel function of the organ?
Manakah antara berikut
 Golgi apparatus / Jasad Golgi merupakan fungsi utama organ
 Ribosome / Ribosom tersebut?
 Transport vesicle / Vesikel pengangkut
 Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) / I. Osmoregulation
Jalinan endoplasma kasar Pengosmokawalaturan
II. Regulating body temperature
Choose the correct arrangement in Pengawalan suhu badan
the production of extracellular III. Regulating blood glucose level
enzyme. Pengawalan aras gula darah
Pilih susunan yang betul dalam IV. Excretory organ
penghasilan enzim luar sel Organ perkumuhan
A. Ribosome → RER → Golgi
apparatus → Transport vesicle A. I and II
B. I and III
Ribosom → RER → Jasad
C. II and IV
Golgi → Vesikel pengangkut
D. III and IV
B. Golgi apparatus →Ribosome
→ Transport vesicle → RER
Jasad Golgi → Ribosom
→Vesikel pengangkut → RER
1 Diagram 1.1 shows the structure of a pancreas cell as seen under an electron
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan struktur satu sel pancreas yang dilihat di bawah mikroskop

Diagram 1.1/ Rajah 1.1

(a)(i) Name the type of the cell.

Namakan jenis sel tersebut.
[1 mark]

(ii) State one reason for your answer in a (i)

Nyatakan satu alasan bagi jawapan anda di (a)(i).
[1 mark]

(iii) Label structure Q, R and S on the Diagram 1.1

Labelkan struktur Q, R dan S pada Rajah 1.1
[3 marks]

(b)(i) State the function of organelle that contains structure P.
Nyatakan fungsi organel yang mengandungi struktur P.
[1 mark ]

(ii) State the component of structure P.

Nyatakan komponen struktur P.
[1 mark]

(iii) Diagram 1.2 shows part of the component of structure P.

Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan sebahagian komponen struktur P.

Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 1.2

Name the parts labelled X, Y and Z.

Namakan bahagian yang berlabel X, Y and Z.

X: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Y: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Z: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
[2 marks]

(c) Diagram 1.3 shows a cross section of leaf. Cell T contains a large number of
organelle R
Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan keratan rentas daun. Sel T mengandungi organel R dalam
jumlah yang banyak.
Diagram 1.3/ Rajah 1.3

(i) Name cell T.

Namakan sel T.

[1 mark]

(ii) State why cell T has a large number of R.

Nyatakan mengapa sel T mengandungi banyak organel R.

[1 mark]

2 Diagram 2 shows the typical structure of animal cell.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan struktur tipikal sel haiwan.

Diagram 2 / Rajah 2
(a)(i) Name P.
Namakan P.
[1 mark]

(ii) State the function of P.

Nyatakan fungsi P.
[1 mark]

(b)(i) Explain the function of Q.

Terangkan fungsi Q.
[2 marks]

(ii) State the number of Q in human somatic cells.

Nyatakan bilangan Q dalam sel-sel soma manusia.
[1 mark]

(c)(i) Name the small organelles which are attached to the small endoplasmic reticulum.
Namakan organel kecil yang melekat pada jalinan endoplasma.
[1 mark]

(ii) State the function of the organelles you named in (c)(i).

Terangkan fungsi organel yang anda namakan di (c)(i)

[1 mark]

(iii) Name two examples of protein synthesized by the organelles

Namakan dua contoh protein yang dibina oleh organel tersebut

1. ...................................................................................................................................
2. ………………………………………………………………………………….......
[2 marks]
(d) Explain what will happen if the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
are absent in the cell.
Terangkan apa akan terjadi sekiranya sel tidak mempunyai jalinan endoplasma
kasar dan jasad Golgi.

[3 marks]

1 C 16 D
2 C 17 A
3 B 18 C
4 C
5 D
6 C
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 B
11 C
12 D
13 B
14 D
15 D

Question 1

No Marking Criteria Marks

(a)(i) Animal cell 1 1
(ii) Has no cell wall // has no vacuole // has no chloroplast // has 1 1
(iii) Q : Mitochondria 1 3
R : Golgi apparatus 1
S : Rough ER 1
(b)(i) Controls all cell activities // contain genetic materials 1 1
(ii) DNA 1 1
(iii) X: phosphate group 1 3
Y : Pentose sugar 1
Z : nitrogenous base 1
(c)(i) Mesophyll palisade cell 1 1
(ii) Process and modify protein into enzyme (to carry out 1 1

Question 2

No Marking Criteria Marks

(a)(i) Mitochondrion 1 1
(ii) P1: P contain respiratory enzyme 1 2
P2: P generate energy from cell respiration / oxidation of 1
P3: Energy use by the cells for activities 1
(b)(i) P1: Q contain genetic material /DNA/ gene 1 1
P2: which determine the type of protein synthesis by the 1

P3: determine the characteristics inherited by the offspring 1
(ii) 46 1 1
(c)(i) Ribosome 1 1
(ii) P1: Ribosome synthesis polypeptide / protein molecule 1 3
P2: using amino acid (in the cytoplasm) 1
P3: based on the genetic code from DNA / which carry by the 1
P4: protein will be sent to Golgi apparatus by rough 1
endoplasmic reticulum
(iii) P1: protein cannot be sent to the Golgi apparatus 1 2
P2: protein cannot be modified / processes 1
P3: no extracellular enzyme can be synthesis 1

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