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Articulo HPLC Buffer

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TB 99-06

Importance of Controlling Mobile Phase pH in Reversed Phase HPLC

By Aimee N. Heyrman and Richard A. Henry

Figure 1. Buffer Capacity
The importance of controlling mobile
phase pH when analyzing ionizable
compounds by reversed phase (RP)
HPLC is often recognized and easily un-
derstood, however it is often equally im- %
portant to control pH when working with Ionized Buffer
field samples of non-ionizable com- Capacity
pounds due to the presence of ioniable


A partial list of common buffers and their When control at a lower pH (2-3) is de- used. If control at pH 4-5 is desired, an
corresponding pH values is shown in sired, phosphate, or stronger organic ac- organic acid buffer such as acetate or
Table 11. Perhaps the most common ids such as TFA or acetic acid when citrate should be considered in place
HPLC buffer is some form of phospho- volatility is of concern, are commonly of phosphate.
ric acid. A definition of buffer strength
is given in Figure 1, where a plot of how
conjugate forms of phosphoric acid
change with pH. Note that buffer ca- Table 1. Properties of Common Buffers
pacity (the ability to resist pH change
when a sample is introduced at a differ- Common Buffers pKa Useful pH Range
ent pH) is only 100% at the pK value of
the acid or base. At pH 4, phosphate is Phosphate pK1 2.1 1.1-3.1
a poor buffer and would change rapidly pK2 7.2 6.2-8.2
toward one of its pKa values if a more pK3 12.3 11.3-13.3
acidic or basic sample were introduced.
Citrate pK1 3.1 2.1-4.1
As a rule, one should work within ±1 pH pK2 4.7 3.7-5.7
unit of the buffer pKa value for good pH pK3 5.4 4.4-6.4
control of the mobile phase. Adequate
Formate 3.8 2.8-4.8
buffer concentrations for HPLC tend to
be in the 10-100 millimolar level depend- Acetate 4.8 3.8-5.8
ing on the size and nature of the sample,
as well as the column packing material. Tris 8.3 7.3-9.3
Phases that contain polar groups such
as AQUASIL C18 and PRISM RP, are of- Ammonia 9.2 8.2-10.2
ten more compatible with dilute buffers
Borate 9.2 8.2-10.2
than traditional alkyl packings.
Diethylamine 10.5 9.5-11.5

Samples containing ionizable compounds are strongly influenced by pH of the mobile phase as illustrated by the separations
of sorbic and benzoic acids shown in Figure 2. While organic acids are typically separated under ion suppression conditions
where the pH is adjusted to 2 or 3 (Figure 2A), this sample required a pH of 7 (Figure 2B) due to the tendency of the sample
matrix to precipitate at lower pH and higher organic concentrations. Low pH decreases the solubility of organic acids in
water and requires the use of a higher organic percentage in the mobile phase for practical elution under RP conditions. For
acids, the retention time decreases as the pH of the mobile phase is increased . Greater charge can be thought of as an
extreme case of polarity. At pH’s above the analyte’s pKa, the acidic analyte carries a negative charge and behaves as an
extremely polar molecule. In order to achieve adequate retention, the mobile phase should be highly aqueous. Below its
pKa, the acidic analyte is neutral and much more hydrophobic. Under ion suppresion RP retention can be more easily
achieved and analysis times can be longer.

When the acid standards were introduced to unbuffered, neutral mobile phase of 10% methanol (Figure 2C), poor peak
shape resulted. This result can be traced to a mismatch caused by the acidic nature of the sample and zero buffer strength
in the neutral mobile phase. The sample therefore experiences a pH gradient during the first part of the separation, which
usually causes ionizable compounds to exhibit broad peak shape and poor retention reproducibility. As shown in Figure 2B,
addition of a phosphate buffer at pH 7 eliminated the broad tailing peaks and created rugged conditions suitable for suc-
cessful assay. Because the assay of sorbic and benzoic acids was related to a food product containing protein, the wide
pores and neutral pH prevented precipitation and prolonged column life. Essentially, the solutes are instantly ionized and the
weak acids are separated in their anionic forms. This pH gradient effect is difficult to control and can almost guarantee
problems with reproducibility.

CONCLUSION: While it is not always strictly necessary to operate under buffered conditions, one should recognize that
poor peak shape and variable retention can result when the sample pH differs significantly from the pH of the non-
buffered mobile phase and when ionizable compounds are present in the sample.

Figure 2. Effect of pH Control on Separation of Ionizable Compounds

A: pH 3.5, buffered B: pH 7.0, buffered C: pH 7.0, not buffered

1. Benzoic Acid
2. Sorbic Acid

2 2 2



721-010 321-057

0 10 20 MIN 0 2 4 6 MIN 0 2 4 6 MIN

BioBasic 18, 5µm, 150x4.6mm BioBasic 18, 5µm, 150x4.6mm BioBasic 18, 5µm, 150x4.6mm
Part No: 155-721 Part No: 155-721 Part No: 155-721
Eluent: 20% MeOH/80% 0.05M KH2PO4, pH 3.5 Eluent: 10% MeOH/90% KH2PO 4, pH 7 Eluent: 10% MeOH/90% H2O
Flow: 1.0 mL/min Flow: 1.0 mL/min Flow: 1.0 mL/min
Detector: UV @ 235 Detector: UV @ 235 Detector: UV @ 235


DELTABOND AK was engineered for the assay of aldehydes and ketones present in auto emissions. Since then, other
groups have employed DELTABOND AK for the assay of aldehydes and ketones in ambient air samples and samples from
other sites where aldehyde and ketone pollution is present. Traditionally, the samples are first derivatized with DNPH for easy
detection by UV-Vis, then assayed with mobile phase consisting of H2O/ACN. The DNPH-derivatized aldehydes and ke-
tones are not ionizable and therefore do not require a buffered mobile phase.

Auto emissions generally are free of ionizable compounds; however, recently the usual method was used with DELTABOND
AK for the analysis of aldehydes and ketones in ambient air samples surrounding a facility which manufactures nylon (Figure
3A). Although the same method had been used successfully for this analysis at other manufacturing facilities, suddenly a
large ghost peak was observed that interfered with the quantitation of formaldehyde. The ghost peak had poor peak shape
and was not present in blank runs or standards. Although the peak shape was always broad, the retention time varied
column-to- column and lot-to-lot, indicating that the ghost peak was interacting strongly with the residual silanol groups on
the surface of the silica.

The H2O component of the mobile phase was replaced with a buffer (KH2PO4 pH 2.5 with H3PO4) (Figure 3B). The large
spurious peak shifted to the solvent front, making accurate quantitation of the formaldehyde peak possible. The retention
times of the aldehydes and ketones were unaffected since they are not ionizable and therefore are unaffected by changes in

The ghost peak is most likely a amine compound that has been partially derivatized with DNPH. A diamine is used in the
manufacturing process of nylon, which could be the source of the spurious peak. The DNPH derivatization of one of the
amino groups renders the other amino group inactive, resulting in a partially derivatized compound that is still ionizable and
consequently does not behave well under the non-buffered chromatographic conditions. Although unbuffered, the current
mobile phase is approximately pH 7, resulting in partial ionization. Mobile phase pH will change slightly as the percent
organic in the mobile phase changes, which in turn affects the percent ionization of the ghost peak. The retention mecha-
nism of this peak is probably due in part to ion exchange effects with the residual silanol groups, which can vary from lot-to-
lot and even column-to-column. This effect can be eliminated by buffering the mobile phase at about pH 2.5. Under these
conditions the amino compound will be extremely ionized, move to the solvent front, and behave consistently and the
silanols will not dissociate and impart negative charge to the packing.

FIGURE 3. Effect of pH Control on Separation of

Non-Ionizable Compounds

CONCLUSION: Mobile phase pH A: H 2O/ACN

B: 0.05M KH2PO4, pH 2.5/ACN
should be controlled when assaying
non-ionizable or neutral analytes in the Sample-DNPH derivatized ambient air samples :
presence of ionizable contaminants or 1. Formaldehyde
2. Acetaldehyde
impurities. Ionizable compounds are 3. Acetone Gradient: T %A %B
4. Acrolein 0 65 35
easily recognized by their inconsistent 8 65 35
run-run and sample-sample behavior 12 35 65
Impurity 15 35 65
under non buffer conditions. 1 Impurity 17 65 35
19 65 35
T=Time (min.)

2 34
209-007 209-008

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 MIN 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 MIN

DELTABOND AK, 5µm, 150x4.6mm DELTABOND AK, 5µm, 150x4.6mm

Part No: 155-209 Part No: 155-209
Eluent: A H20 Eluent: A: 0.05M KH2PO4 in H2O, pH 2.5
Flow: 1.5 mL/min Flow: 1.5 mL/min
Detector: UV @ 365 Detector: UV @ 365


Small changes in the mobile phase pH can also have a dramatic effect on the selectivity of weakly ionizable compounds.
A sample of 7 common antiinflammatory drugs was separated at pH 2.1 (Figure 4A) and pH 2.5 (Figure 4B). Although 6 of
the 7 analytes behaved very similarly under both conditions, Diflunisal eluted approximately 1 minute earlier at pH 2.5 than
at pH 2.1, indicating that it is more ionized at the higher pH. This behavior indicates the presence of a carboxylic acid group
in the molecule that was sensitivie to pH in this range

CONCLUSION: Adequate pH control should always be employed when working with mildly ionizable compounds to ensure
maximum run-run reproducibility.




FIGURE 4. Effect of Small Changes in pH on the Separation of Mildly

Ionizable Compounds

1. Uracil
2. Tolmetin
3. Naproxin
A: pH 2.1 4. Fenoprofen B: pH 2.5
5. Diflunisal
6. Indometacin
7. Ibuprofen
7 1 7

5 4

6 6


0 6 MIN 0 6 MIN
BETASIL C18, 5µm, 50x4.6mm BETASIL C18, 5µm, 50x4.6mm
Part No.: 155-701 Part No.: 155-701
Eluent: 50% ACN/ 50% 25mM H3PO4, pH=2.1 Eluent: 50% ACN/ 50% 25mM KH2PO4, pH=2.5
Flow: 0.8 mL/min Flow: 0.8 mL/min
Detector: UV @ 220 nm Detector: UV @ 220 nm


It is also common to employ strong or weak acids alone to control pH at low values (Figure 6), as shown in Table 2, for
commonly used trifluoroacetic (TFA) and acetic (HAC) acids. For a more thorough treatment of this topic please see refer-
ence 2. Equations used to calculate approximate pH values are shown in Figure 5 for strong (nearly dissociated) and weak
acids, where Ca is the concentration of the acid in mol/L and Ka is the acid-dissociation constant.

As shown in the case of TFA, calculated values can differ significantly from measured values when the acid has properties
between that of a weak and strong acid. Equation 2 is a more rigorous estimation of pH than equation 4 and offers a better
approximation of pH for moderate acids such as TFA.

When TFA and HAC are used, this method of pH control does not provide a buffered mobile phase and may not be as
effective for all types of samples, especially basic ones. However, it has become popular for adjusting the pH of mildly
ionizable compounds such as peptides and proteins. As Figure 6 illustrates, TFA can be used to not only control mobile
phase pH but also the selectivity as well. An order of magnitude change in concentration of TFA results in a significant
change in pH and a dramatically different chromatogram. At 0.1% TFA (pH 2.0) (Figure 6A), Angiotensins II and III coelute
and at 0.01% TFA (pH 2.4) (Figure 6B), they are baseline resolved. While some of the change can be attributed to ionization
differences at the two pH values, TFA also has unique properties which may result from its reported ability to form strong ion-
pairs with positively charged species.

Table 2. Properties of Acid Modifiers

Modifier Concentration Measured Calculated Calculated Constant Buffer

(v/v) (Moles/L) pH pH (1) pH (2) Ka pKa

0.1% TFA 1.35x10-2 2.04 1.09 1.89 0.50 0.30

0.05% TFA 6.75x10-3 2.20 1.23 2.18 0.50 0.30
0.01% TFA 1.35x10-3 2.44 1.58 2.87 0.50 0.30
1.0% HAC 1.75x10-1 3.01 2.75 2.74 1.85x10-5 4.74

1. pH calculated using Equation 4

2. pH calculated using Equation 2

Figure 5 Figure 6. Effect TFA Concentration on Separation of

Mildly Ionizable Compounds
Weak Acids

(1) [H ] = − K
+ a ± K a2 + 4 K a C a
A: 0.1% TFA (v/v)
pH 2.0
B: 0.01% TFA (v/v)
pH 2.4

 − K ± K 2 + 4K C  Sample:
(2) = − log 
pH ~
a a a a
 3 1. Angiotensin III
 2  2. Angiotensin II 3
1, 2
3. Angiotensin I

(3) [H ] =
K aCa

 − log (K a C a )
(4) =
pH ~ 
 2

Strong Acids

(5) [H ] = C

321-051 321-053

(6) pH = − log Ca 0 5 10 15 MIN 0 5 10 15 MIN

PRISM RP, 5µm, 150x4.6mm PRISM RP, 5µm, 150x4.6mm

Part No.: 155-321 Part No.: 155-321
Eluent: A: 0.01% TFA in H2O Eluent: A: 0.01% TFA in H2O
B: 0.01% TFA in ACN B: 0.01% TFA in ACN
10%→50% B in 20 min. 10%→50% B in 20 min.
Flow: 1.0 mL/min Flow: 1.0 mL/min
Detector: UV @220 Detector: UV @220

Figure 7 is another example of the im- Figure 7. Tryptic Digest of β−
β−Lactoglobulin on BetaBasic 18
portance of the acid concentration. Fig-
ure 7A shows a separation of a tryptic A: 0.01% TFA B: 0.00% TFA
digest of β-Lactoglobulin with 0.01% pH 2.4 pH 7
TFA while Figure 7B shows the same
Sample: Tryptic Digest of β−Lactoglobulin
separation without TFA present in the
mobile phase. In this case there was
dramatic loss of retention and selectiv-
ity for all of the peptide fragments. A
trace amount of acid is usually required
to maintain adequate pH control and im-
prove the separation. Generally the low-
est concentration possible should be
employed as long as results show rug-
gedness and reproducibility. Lower
concentrations of buffers and additives
can reduce maintenance requirements,
be more compatible with detectors, and
improve the lifetime of columns and 715-129
other system components.
0 10 MIN 0 10 MIN

BetaBasic 18, 5µm, 150x4.6mm

Part No.: 155-715
Eluent: A: TFA in H2O
10%→50% B in 20 min.
Flow: 1.0 mL/min
Detector: UV @ 220

Figure 8 illustrates the effect of different

Figure 8. Effect of Acid Modifier on Selectivity
acid modifiers on selectivity. Although
the pH of the two mobile phases varies
by less than 1 pH unit, the acetic acid
A: 0.01% TFA B: 1.0% Acetic Acid
mobile phase offers much greater se-
pH 2.4 Sample: pH 3.0
lectivity for the same pair of components
1. Angiotensin III that are only partially resolved with TFA.
2. Angiotensin II
This is another indication that the
3. Angiotensin I
mechanism of separation, especially
with organic acids, can involve specific
interactions between the solute and
acid, such as ion-pairing mentioned
1 above or simply pH effects.
The increased noise observed in Figure
8B is caused by higher background UV
absorbance of 1.0% acetic acid com-
715-125 pared to 0.01% TFA.

0 10 20 MIN 0 10 20 MIN

BetaBasic 18, 5µm, 150x4.6mm BetaBasic 18, 5µm, 150x4.6mm

Part No.: 155-715 Part No.: 155-715
Eluent: A: 0.01% TFA in H2O Eluent: A: 1.0% HAC in H2O
B: 0.01% TFA in ACN B: 1.0% HAC in ACN
10%→50% B in 20 min. 10%→50% B in 20 min.
Flow: 1.0 mL/min Flow: 1.0 mL/min
Detector: UV @ 220 nm Detector: UV @ 220 nm


Because slight variations in pH and acid concentration can have a dramatic impact on separation, consistent certain tech-
niques should be employed when preparing mobile phases to ensure good reproducibility. As described in the literature3, it
is generally a good idea to measure an appropriate amount of pure water into a volumetric flask with an accurate amount of
salt or acid. The pH of the mobile phase should be adjusted, if required, by adding reagent before diluting to final volume and
prior to blending of any organic solvents. For example, blending 25% methanol will raise the apparent, measure pH of the
combined mobile phase by about 0.5 pH units. Alternatively, equimolar solutions of different ionic forms of the same buffer
(i.e. mono and dibasic phosphate) can be blended to reach the desired pH.

When developing a rugged method, it is desirable to select a mobile phase with a final pH at least one pH unit away from any
analyte’s pK value to cause ionization or suppression of the analytes. There is often some guesswork in this because the
effect of type and concentration of organic solvent on either mobile phase pH of solute pK values is not accurately known.
During method development, it is important to monitor chromatographic (k’, α) reproducibility with several batches of mobile
phase, as it can be difficult to consistently reproduce pH precisely.

The equations in Figure 5 are a good starting point for calculating the concentration of acid required to achieve a desired pH
for separation. However, as Table 2 shows, pH can vary significantly from those calculations. It is therefore very important
to experimentally determine and report the value of the mobile phase pH with a calibrated pH meter to ensure reproducible

The use of pre-mixed mobile phase (pumping from a single reservoir) is essential to ensure accurate and reproducible mobile
phase composition. However, it has become popular to prepare an aqueous buffer and program the instrument to blend
organic solvent with aqueous buffer for gradient elution or fast isocratic method development. This practice can result in
poor accuracy and incomplete mixing, depending on system maintenance and calibration, magnitude of dwell volume, flow
rate and other factors. Isocratic methods that have been developed using instrument blending should be confirmed by pre-
mixed mobile phases, and gradient methods should be compared between more than one instrument when possible.


Controlling the separation of ionizable compounds can be difficult, and careful attention must be paid to all experimental
details in order to accomplish a rugged method. Slight variations in mobile phase preparation can result in pH changes that
can have dramatic effects on selectivity, capacity factor (retention factor), peak shape, resolution, and reproducibility. Opti-
mum pH control will usually result in mobile phase containing buffer and acid compositions that will resist change when the
sample is introduced and force ionizable analytes into predominantly one form (ionized or neutral) as they enter the column.
Good laboratory practice in preparing mobile phases should be followed to ensure that results can be reproduced within and
between laboratories. While instrument solvent blending has become very convenient for fast method development, it is
best to evaluate pre-mixed solvent whenever possible to ensure accuracy and equilibration before completing and publish-
ing an HPLC method. This extra step can eliminate the possibility that instrument factors could make separation results
difficult for others to reproduce.

Mobile phase pH should be selected so that it is at least ± 1.5 pH units from the analyte’s pKa. This assures that the analytes
are either 100% ionized or 100% non-ionized and should help control run-run reproducibility. At high pH, acidic compounds are
ionized and are much more hydrophilic than under ion suppression conditions. These conditions should be selected when fast
analysis and low retention are desired. BioBasic 18 is a good choice under high pH conditions.


1) R.C. Weast, ed., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, (CRC Press: Cleveland, OH), 1974. D112-D114.

2) R.A. Henry, D Gahagan, Design of Volatile Buffer Systems for LC Applications, (Keystone Scientific, Inc. Bellefonte, PA)

3) “Separations Solutions: Mobile Phase pH,” U.D. Neue, American Laboratory, March 1999, p. 60.

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