A Multidisciplinary Treatment of A Dental Trauma Trauma Dentara
A Multidisciplinary Treatment of A Dental Trauma Trauma Dentara
A Multidisciplinary Treatment of A Dental Trauma Trauma Dentara
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Rosana Belchior Miranda1 , Marı́lia Fagury Videira Marceliano-Alves2 , Marcelo Rolla de Souza3 ,
Sandra Rivera Fidel4 and Rivail Antonio Sérgio Fidel5
Unfortunately, dental trauma is a common event among teenagers practicing sports. The injuries may range from involving only the teeth to being
associated with a complex oral traumatism. The prognosis depends on a good diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan. This study presents
a clinical case of a 15-year-old male, who had an accident during a soccer match. The trauma affected three teeth, their periodontal supports
and oral tissues. A severe intrusion committed the #21 tooth and both #11 and #12 teeth suffered subluxation. The teeth suffered crown fracture,
without pulp exposure. Upon urgency visit the professional carried out the splint with orthodontic wire to fix the #11 and #12 teeth, besides the
suture of gingival tissue laceration. The patient was designated to Orthodontics for extrusion of the #21 tooth, which was essential to endodontic
and restorative treatment. Pulp sensitivity of #11 and #12 teeth was tested for 7 months after trauma resulting in negative response. This condition
led to endodontic indication to both of them. Sixteen months after the trauma, periapical radiograph showed a radiolucent image limited around
the root apex of the #21 tooth that was, then, submitted to periradicular surgery. At 4 years follow-up, the area seemed healthy and the periapical
radiograph revealed evidence of bone repair.
The perirradicular surgery was planned for this area and consisted
of apical lesion curettage, apicectomy and retrograde filling with mine-
ral trioxide aggregate (ProRoot 2 MTAr – Dentsply, USA) (Figure 6).
a) b)
Figure 3 – a) #21 tooth orthodontic extrusion; b) periapical radiograph.
After a month, patient has come back to review the #11 and #12
teeth pulp condition that once again revealed negative response to sen-
sitivity cold test, besides the periapical radiograph showed external root
a) b)
apical resorption of #21 tooth (Figure 4). Thus the #11 and #12 teeth
were undergone to endodontic treatment and the #21 tooth to endodon- Figure 6 – a) periapical lesion removed by curettage; b) surgical bone site showing
the #21 tooth apicectomy.
tic retreatment.
Six months after surgery, the patient was in excellent condition
with neither symptom nor signal of any problem. Periapical radiograph
suggested bone formation (Figure 7). Despite of the extensive surgi-
cal area, it was interesting to notice that there was not #22 tooth in-
volvement such as revealed by a positive response to sensitivity pulp
test. The histopathological test confirmed the diagnosis hypothesis of
a periapical cystic lesion.
Figure 5 – Periapical radiograph 6 months after the #21 tooth endodontic retreat-
Figure 8 – Periapical radiograph at 4 years follow-up.
ment showing a radiolucent image around its root apex.
DISCUSSION at those very moments when the changes were observed. Although the
patient has not responded further calls and had returned after four years,
The consequences of dental trauma in permanent teeth may be as
one can observe the satisfactory result of the case.
follows: change of color, mobility, pulp necrosis, bone and dental
resorptions – which can occur by lack of immediate treatment or in- Souza-Filho et al. [24] reaffirmed that dental traumatic injuries in
dividual prognosis of the case [1, 3, 22, 12]. the emergency service is high, and that it is extremely important to
According to Andreasen, Bakland, Matras and Andreasen [9], the divulge the preventive and educative approach on dental traumas,
frequency of injuries by intrusive luxation is low (1.9%), but the treat- especially in educational institutions, raising the professionals’ awa-
ment is complex. Dentinal protection was recommended in case of reness on the issue, since urgency attitudes at the accident site may
intrusion-related crown fracture, which was first performed in the case improve the quality of life [2].
reported, as the exposed dentin may allow bacterial invasion. Besides,
the aesthetical recovery allowed that the patient returned to his nor- CONCLUSION
mal activities. The occurrence of dental trauma is frequent in children and teenagers.
The most common complication of intrusive luxation is pulp ne- The first aid to the patient, diagnosis and correct conduct in relation to
crosis, due to ischemic changes, probably because of compression of the trauma, as well as the long-term proservation are extremely impor-
the neurovascular bundle [1, 3, 10, 20]. As soon as the dental repos- tant for the prognosis and maintenance of the tooth in the oral cavity.
itioning was achieved, the endodontic treatment was executed; how- The long follow up of the patient and the interventions carried out at
ever, there was still apical resorption and further development of the proper moments determined the success of the case presented.
periradicular lesion.
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