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Nonsurgical treatment of Brodie bite

assisted by 3-dimensional planning
and assessment
Guangying Song, Huizhong Chen, and Tianmin Xu
Beijing, China

This case report describes the nonsurgical treatment of an adolescent patient with a severe transverse discrep-
ancy presented as a Brodie bite and retrognathic mandible. Distraction osteogenesis has been often used for
similar cases in the literature. However, in this patient, a fixed appliance with 1 maxillary extraction combined
with a functional appliance was used to resolve the transverse discrepancy with natural growth. After the ortho-
dontic treatment, the impinging teeth and Brodie bite were corrected with a favorable occlusion and profile.
Retention at the 3-year follow-up showed improved occlusal interdigitation and good stability. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2018;154:421-32)

bilateral buccal posterior crossbite, also called a DIAGNOSIS AND ETIOLOGY
Brodie bite, is a severe transverse discrepancy, The patient was a 12.4-year-old Chinese boy. His
when all buccal cusps of the mandibular molars chief complaints were crooked teeth and difficulty in
are telescoped within the lingual cusps of the maxillary chewing. He was told by his mother to push his maxil-
molars. The reported morbidity due to a Brodie bite is lary incisors inward with his fingers because both
approximately 1.0% to 1.5%.1 The associated unilateral his mother and grandmother had protruded incisors
or bilateral posterior crossbite can be corrected by (Fig 1). The lateral view of his facial photographs
distraction osteogenesis, depending on the severity of showed a convex facial profile and a retrognathic
the skeletal problem.2-5 In some cases, nonsurgical mandible. The frontal view of the patient's face
treatments such as maxillary contraction6 and mandib- showed no evident asymmetry and a diminished infe-
ular expansion7 have been used to correct the discrep- rior third of the face. There were no temporomandib-
ancy. Furthermore, many adults with a scissors-bite ular joint symptoms.
have been treated with miniscrew anchorage.8,9 Since The intraoral examination and dental casts showed
the etiology of the Brodie bite varies with each patient, an Angle Class II Division 2 malocclusion, with mild
the main problem may result from maxillary crowding in both arches. The maxillary and mandibular
hypergenesis, mandibular hypogenesis, or both, and dental midlines were shifted 0.5 mm to the right of the
could be accompanied by tooth compensation. facial midline. The mandibular dental arch showed
Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment planning need atresia with retroinclined maxillary incisors. In addi-
more consideration, especially for teenagers who still tion, a bilateral scissors-bite was noted in the posterior
have growth potential. In this report, we describe an region on both sides, called a Brodie bite, with the
adolescent patient with a Brodie bite and a Class II mandible telescoped completely inside the maxilla,
skeletal problem who was treated nonsurgically with a resulting in the total absence of occlusal contacts in
functional appliance and monomaxillary extraction. centric occlusion. The patient had a 100% overbite,
with the mandibular anterior teeth biting on the palatal
From the Department of Orthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of gingiva. Both arches were symmetrical (Fig 2). The
Stomatology, Beijing, China. maxillary intermolar width was much larger than the
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- normal range, whereas the mandibular intermolar
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
Address correspondence to: Tianmin Xu, No. 22 Zhongguancun S Ave, Haidian width was within normal limits; the intercanine width
District, Beijing 100081, China; e-mail, tmxuortho@163.com. in both arches was a little larger than the normal range
Submitted, November 2016; revised and accepted, May 2017. (Table I).10 Furthermore, generalized mild gingivitis
Ó 2018 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. associated with fair oral hygiene was noted, with
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2017.05.039 probing depths within normal limits.
422 Song, Chen, and Xu

Fig 1. Pretreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

The panoramic radiograph showed a complete per- and a Class II skeletal pattern with a low mandibular
manent dentition, with erupting second molars, plane angle (Fig 3).
impacted third molars, and 2 supernumerary teeth in- The lateral cervical vertebrae on the cephalometric
verted above the maxillary incisors. Cone-beam radiograph showed concavity at the lower border of
computed tomography (CBCT) images showed that the the second cervical vertebrae, whereas the bodies of
supernumerary teeth were highly impacted on the both the third and fourth cervical vertebrae were still
palatal side. The torque of the maxillary molars exhibited trapezoidal, indicating that the peak in mandibular
a buccal inclination, and the mandibular posterior teeth growth would occur within approximately 1 year after
tipped lingually. The maxillary palatal width was greater this stage. The etiology of this malocclusion was unclear.
than the normal value, and the mandibular lingual width The tooth germ positions and erupted directions of the
was almost normal (Table II11). The basal arch width maxillary incisors might have been influenced by the in-
shown by the WALA ridge was measured and had verted, impacted supernumerary teeth. Furthermore, the
the same tendency as the arch width (Table III12). The severe transverse discrepancy may have involved neuro-
cephalometric analysis (Table IV) showed a moderate logic and muscular mechanisms, leading to certain oral
skeletal Class II discrepancy with a mandibular deficiency habits that were not possible to detect.13
(SNA angle, 82.58 ; SNB angle, 74.41 ; ANB angle,
8.17 ) and a hypodivergent skeletal pattern (SN-GoGn TREATMENT OBJECTIVES
angle, 27.92 ). The maxillary incisors were retroinclined The treatment objectives were to reduce the arch
(U1-SN angle, 82.63 ). On the basis of these findings, width of the maxillary dentition and upright the
the patient was diagnosed with a Class II malocclusion mandibular posterior teeth to resolve the Brodie bite

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Fig 2. Pretreatment dental casts.

Table I. Dental arch dimensions and digital setup re- Table II. CBCT transverse analysis linear and angular
sults (mm) values
Maxilla Mandible Measurement Pretreatment Posttreatment Reference*
Molar torque, UR ( ) 81.7 92.9 97.8 6 2.7
3-3 4-4 5-5 6-6 3-3 4-4 5-5 6-6
Molar torque, UL ( ) 80.1 100.7 98.3 6 2.56
Pretreatment 37.0 48.0 55.5 62.6 29.1 35.9 40.2 44.2 Molar torque, LR ( ) 112.4 93.3 104.2 6 2.67
Nonextraction 36.7 46.5 53.8 59.1 30.1 35.4 43.3 50.4 Molar torque, LL ( ) 119.9 92.6 103.9 6 2.47
U5 36.5 46.3 53.4 30.0 37.5 45.0 50.2 Maxillary palatal 34.4 32.1 27.7 6 2.08
U4 36.1 46.1 54.7 29.9 37.1 44.6 50.2 width (mm)
U4L5 36.1 44.7 51.7 28.6 37.5 44.2 Mandibular lingual 31.0 31.1 29.0 6 2.79
Posttreatment 36.4 46.4 52.5 29.7 38.0 45.2 50.6 width (mm)
3, Canine; 4, first premolar; 5, second premolar; 6, first molar; U, UR, Maxillary right; UL, maxillary left; LR, mandibular right; LL,
maxillary; L, mandibular. mandibular left.
*From the study of Miner et al.11
and impinging teeth, alleviate crowding, achieve appro-
priate overbite and overjet, establish a Class I canine to consider surgery as an option, the only alternative was
relationship, and stabilize the occlusal interdigitation. orthodontic treatment. We needed to contract the
The aim was to protrude the retrognathic mandible maxillary arch, upright the mandibular posterior teeth,
and improve the short lower face height and convex move the mandible forward, and coordinate both arch
facial profile. forms. There were 4 options to achieve our aims: (1)
nonextraction, (2) extraction of the maxillary right and
TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES left second premolars, (3) extraction of the maxillary
The combined results of computed tomography mea- right and left first premolars, and (4) extraction of the
surements and dental model analysis showed that the maxillary right and left first premolars and the mandib-
patient's maxillary base bone and arch were too wide, ular left and right second premolars.
and the torque of the maxillary molars exhibited a buccal Our digital setup made it feasible to compare the 4
inclination. The widths of the mandibular base bone and options before moving the teeth (Table I). In the nonex-
arch were almost normal, with the mandibular posterior traction treatment plan, the width between the maxillary
teeth tipped lingually. Since the patient's parents refused right and left first molars needed to be decreased by

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424 Song, Chen, and Xu

upright the mandibular molars and increase the mandib-

Table III. Comparison of the means of basal arch
ular intermolar width. However, if the maxillary second
dimensions before and after treatment
premolars were extracted, the maxillary intermolar width
Measurement (mm) Pretreatment Posttreatment Reference* would have to be decreased by 9.2 mm, which would be
Maxillary intercanine 40.6 42.5 37.45 6 2.46 possible by moving the maxillary molars forward and
width lingually.
Maxillary intermolar 70.4 63.8 61.3 6 2.11
With regard to moving the mandible forward to
Mandibular intercanine 32.1 30.5 29.7 6 2.09 improve the profile, the impinging incisors should be
width proclined to the normal angulation and maintained in
Mandibular intermolar 59.8 62.8 57.66 6 2.06 the right position. By extracting the maxillary second
width premolars, the molars could be allowed to move forward
*From the study by Kim et al.12 to the maximum extent, and the intermaxillary trans-
verse discrepancy could be resolved. Therefore, we
decided on option 2 as our final treatment plan, which
Table IV. Cephalometric measurements the patient and his parents accepted.
Norm* Pretreatment Posttreatment
Measurement (mean) SD (12 y 5 mo) (15 y 2 mo)
SNA ( ) 82.80 4.00 82.58 81.03 We initially extracted the patient's maxillary super-
SNB ( ) 80.10 3.90 74.41 76.74 numerary teeth and sequentially extracted the maxillary
ANB ( ) 2.70 2.00 8.17 4.29
second premolars. Thereafter, 0.022 3 0.028-in
Facial angle ( ) 6.00 4.40 16.00 6.35
Wits (mm) 1.10 2.90 6.18 4.55 straight-wire preadjusted appliances (Shinya, Hang-
A-NFH ( ) 0.00 3.70 1.57 3.49 zhou, China) were placed in the maxillary arch for
Pg-NFH ( ) 5.70 3.80 14.48 11.63 leveling and alignment. Archwire reformation was per-
MP/SN ( ) 32.50 5.20 27.92 26.37 formed from the initial nickel-titanium archwire to
MP/PP ( ) 27.60 4.60 16.90 15.15
constrict the maxillary wire. Five months later, an Andre-
SN/OP ( ) 16.10 5.00 17.98 6.30
U1-AP (mm) 7.20 2.20 1.34 3.95 sen activator appliance was adapted to allow advance-
L1-AP (mm) 4.90 2.10 4.97 0.90 ment of the mandible (Fig 4). This appliance was made
U1/PP ( ) 115.80 5.70 89.86 112.12 according to a protrusion-bite registration, and the ver-
L1/MP ( ) 93.90 6.20 101.04 111.86 tical dimensions opened 4 and 1 mm in the anterior
U1/L1 ( ) 124.20 8.20 148.41 117.85
overjet. The patient was instructed to wear the appliance
*Reference norms of Chinese men. 24 hours a day. Every 4 to 6 weeks, the activator was
adjusted. The acrylic plane facing the palatal and mesial
surfaces of the maxillary first molar was trimmed to
3.5 mm and that between the mandibular right and left allow palatal adjustment and natural growth of the
first molars needed to be increased by 6.2 mm. As molar. Additionally, we decreased the vertical dimension
mentioned above, the maxillary molars were inclined of the posterior plane to help the mandibular molars
buccally, whereas the mandibular molars were tipped erupt into the intercuspal occlusion to establish a stable
lingually before treatment. Therefore, the expansion position. After 8 months, the new mandibular position
could be realized by uprighting the molars in the seemed to be stabilized according to the repeatable pro-
mandibular arch. For the maxillary arch, which had no trusive occlusion. The molar relationship was stabilized
spaces because the second molars were erupting, the in a Class II relationship, with a 2.5-mm vertical space
width contraction would be difficult to accomplish and in the posterior area (Fig 4). Although protrusion of
maintain. According to the digital setup results, if the the mandible and the natural growth greatly improved
maxillary first premolars were extracted, the posttreat- the posterior overjet, it was still larger than normal. To
ment maxillary intersecond-premolar width would obtain a better transverse relationship, posterior inter-
have to be decreased to 46.1 mm, which was less than maxillary traction was used to correct the buccal poste-
the pretreatment maxillary interfirst premolar width. rior crossbite.
This could be achieved only if the extraction spaces Two months later, the left posterior overjet reached
were all filled by the posterior teeth moving forward, the normal level, and the right posterior overjet was
which would be quite difficult in the first premolar edge to edge. Thus, the intermaxillary traction was
extraction protocol. Furthermore, if the mandibular sec- paused, and 0.022 3 0.028-in straight-wire appliances
ond premolars were extracted, it would be tough to (Shinya) were bonded in the mandibular arch for leveling

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Fig 3. Pretreatment radiographs.

and alignment. After 4 months, the mild crowding was the residual space and improve the anterior overjet.
resolved, and a normal bilateral posterior overjet was Furthermore, due to the skeletal Class II relationship,
achieved. A set of 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel arch- the mandibular incisors were proclined to compensate
wires (Orsu, Beijing, China) with matched arch forms for the sagittal discrepancy. To achieve better anterior
were engaged in both arches. Since the patient had overjet and prevent excessive labial inclination of the
only the monomaxillary extraction, and the space in mandibular anterior teeth, interproximal enamel reduc-
the posterior region was closed by molar mesial drifting, tion was carried out in the mandibular anterior region.
a small space remained in the anterior area of the Second molar tubes were bonded before refinement.
maxilla. Thereafter, Class II elastics were used to close Both arches were realigned, and the torque of the teeth

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Fig 4. Activator photographs.

Fig 5. Posttreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

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Fig 6. Posttreatment dental casts.

was adjusted elaborately. The refinement took an addi- superimposition on the palatal plane showed molar
tional 6 months. Finally, after 33 months of treatment, extrusion, and the superimposition of the
the severe transverse discrepancy was resolved, and 3-dimensional (3D) models confirmed this change. The
normal overjet and overbite were achieved in both the maxillary and mandibular incisors were labially inclined
anterior and posterior areas. The appliances were compared with the pretreatment tracing. The impinging
removed after treatment, and invisible retainers were maxillary incisors were relieved, and the mandibular in-
delivered for retention. cisors were compensatively proclined to establish a
normal anterior overjet (Fig 8).
TREATMENT RESULTS The CBCT image (Fig 9) showed that the torque of
After 33 months of treatment, the crowding was the maxillary left molars was corrected from 80.1 to
resolved. The posttreatment photographs and dental 100.7 (Table II), that of the maxillary right molars
casts showed that the teeth were well aligned and inter- was corrected to 92.9 , and that of the mandibular mo-
digitated with Class I canine and Class II molar relation- lars was corrected to approximately 93 . Overcorrection
ships. The severe transverse discrepancy was corrected, was performed for the mandibular molars to improve
and the arch forms were matched appropriately (Fig 5). stability, and the torque of the maxillary molars ex-
The clinical examination showed a consistent outcome hibited a different value to compensate for the facial
with the digital models. The lip-teeth relationship was asymmetry.
evidently improved, and the patient's smile looked After treatment, the patient was recalled at 24 and
more attractive. In addition, the profile improved 40 months (Fig 10). No disalignment or crowding was
because of mandibular protrusion and natural growth observed. The digital models of pretreatment (T1), end
(Fig 6). of treatment (T2), 24 months after treatment (T3), and
The posttreatment panoramic radiographs showed 40 months after treatment (T4) were superimposed on
overall root parallelism without obvious root and alve- the stable palatal region (Fig 8).14 The results showed
olar bone absorption. The superimposition of the pre- that the intermolar width increased by 1 mm from T2
treatment and posttreatment lateral cephalograms on to T3 and by 0.5 mm from T3 to T4, whereas the inter-
the sella-nasion plane showed vertical and sagittal canine width increased by 0.7 mm from T2 to T3 and by
growth of the mandible. The superimposition on the 1.0 mm from T3 to T4. The maxilla continued to grow
palatal plane displayed molar mesialization (Fig 7). The laterally and moved downward and forward.

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428 Song, Chen, and Xu

Fig 7. Posttreatment radiographs and cephalometric superimpositions.

DISCUSSION recognized as a patient's chief complaint. However,

Brodie bite, also called Brodie syndrome, was first this malocclusion causes reduced contacts of the
described as a type of occlusion in 1943, in which all occlusal surfaces and excessive vertical overlapping of
buccal cusps of the mandibular molars are telescoped the posterior teeth. Moreover, normal growth and
within the lingual cusps of the maxillary molars.15 development of the mandible are hampered, resulting
This comparatively rare form of malocclusion does in major skeletal abnormalities in adults. To avoid the
not harm the esthetics much; therefore, it is seldom physical and psychological burdens of orthognathic

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Fig 8. Three-dimensional model superimposition: the left image shows the T1-T2 superimposition
(grey, T1; red, T2), and the right image shows the T2-T4 superimposition (red, T2; blue, T3; yellow, T4).

establish the diagnostic digital setup assisted by CBCT

and the digital dental model before treatment.
A stable treatment result relies on correct diagnosis
and treatment planning. A transverse discrepancy may
result from skeletal problems, dental problems, or
both. Miner et al11 showed that in a population with
crossbite, a normal dental inclination was mostly found
in patients with bilateral crossbite, whereas dental
compensation was found on the noncrossbite side in pa-
tients with an obvious unilateral crossbite. In addition,
there is dental compensation in noncrossbite patients
with a severe transverse discrepancy. A similar situation
may occur in patients with Brodie bite. Therefore, a clar-
ified analysis of the skeletal and dental problem is the
foundation of treatment. For our patient, the transverse
and sagittal discrepancies masked by mandibular retro-
gnathia and impinging teeth were detected. Therefore,
the transverse discrepancy was affected by the width
of the jaw in addition to the hypogenesis of the
Fig 9. CBCT transverse analysis for the torque of the mo- The maxillomandibular width differential in our pa-
lars. tient was 3.1 mm. A previous study pointed out that a
transverse discrepancy greater than 3 mm is not ortho-
surgery, it is necessary to correct this malocclusion at dontically treatable, but it also claimed that the dental
an early stage. tipping and skeletal growth problem must be identified
Treating a patient with a bilateral scissors-bite in- clearly, since the former generally leads to the need for
volves making a decision about where the discrepancy orthodontic treatment.17 From the torque measurement
lies: ie, whether it is skeletal or dental.16 If it is mainly of the molars, the obvious buccal inclination of the
skeletal, the jaw should be corrected. If it is mainly dental, maxillary molars and the lingual inclination of the
the posterior teeth, either maxillary or mandibular or mandibular molars showed a dental tipping problem
both, should be repositioned. Traditionally, it is helpful without dental compensation. Based on these findings,
to evaluate the width of the bone of the maxilla relative constriction of the maxillary arch by mesialization of
to that of the mandible and the buccolingual axial incli- the maxillary molars and coordination of the maxillo-
nation of the posterior teeth, based on the clinical mandibular arches by promoting mandibular growth
examination, casts, and posteroanterior cephalogram; were remedies for the dental and skeletal problems,
however, the result may not be exact. Nowadays, with respectively.
the rapid development of 3D technology, it is possible For better treatment planning, a 3D digital setup was
to perform precise measurements in 3 dimensions and used to assist the therapy (Fig 11).18 The diagnostic setup

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430 Song, Chen, and Xu

Fig 10. Postretention (3 years) facial and intraoral photographs.

was introduced by Kesling19 to help clinicians determine of the maxillary and mandibular molars were measured
various alternatives. To determine the extraction pattern, as 52.5 and 50.6 mm, respectively. In addition to the
the distance between the mesiobuccal cusp tips of the overcorrection, the measured results were considerably
maxillary molars was measured under different simulated consistent.
methods including the nonextraction method and The functional appliance—Andresen activator—was
extraction of the first and second premolars. The nonex- used to stimulate mandibular growth. The maxillary
traction treatment could only constrict the arch width for teeth were directed distally and buccally by the tradi-
3 mm by changing the dental axis. In contrast, the extrac- tional activator.20 However, the activator was modified
tion orthodontic treatment could reduce the width of the by trimming the palatal and mesial surfaces of the inter-
maxillary molars from approximately 62.6 to 54.0 mm. occlusal acrylic guide planes to provide enough space for
The width of the mandibular molars was adjusted from maxillary molar mesialization and torque regulation
44.2 to 50.2 mm by growth and torque control. Appar- during natural growth. It is reported that aggressive
ently, the extraction orthodontic treatment resulted in use of a removable biteplate or functional appliance is
greater stability and feasibility. Furthermore, the second helpful to manage the correction of occlusal function
premolar extraction plan seemed better than the first pre- and promote vertical growth in the posterior region of
molar extraction plan, since the patient did not need similar malocclusions.21-23 As long as the treatment
strong anchorage because of the torque control in the was consistent with natural growth, the gain in long-
anterior teeth. After the treatment, the practical widths term stability could be assured.

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Fig 11. Digital setups for the alternative treatment plans and measurements of intermolar width: A, dig-
ital setup for nonextraction treatment; B, digital setup for extraction of the maxillary right and left second
premolars; C, digital setup for extraction of the maxillary right and left first premolars; D, digital setup for
extraction of the maxillary right and left first premolars and mandibular right and left second premolars.

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September 2018  Vol 154  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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