Physics Catapult Project
Physics Catapult Project
Physics Catapult Project
Ms. Goodwin
Projectile Motion Project:
In this project, I am trying to find what materials I can use to get the fastest initial
velocity to propel a marshmallow at least five feet. Catapults were first invented around 400 BC
in a Greek town named Syracus. The term catapult comes from the Greek word “katapultos.”
Catapults were originally designed as large machines, and were used to launch projectiles
through the air. Catapults are able to launch projectiles by storing energy, and quickly releasing
it, sending the projectile soaring. Before catapults were around, crossbows existed to provide a
very similar form of projection. People eventually made crossbows larger and larger, until they
were able to be defined as something of their own. I chose my design because I tested many
different other models, all made with popsicle sticks, and the didn’t have the size nor strength to
launch a marshmallow more than one meter. When I began testing larger designs with pencils,
my marshmallows traveled more distance. I had three different sizes of rubber bands, and I also
tested which one to use by doing trials, and the tighter rubber band seemed to propel the
marshmallow the furthest because it had the most energy stored inside it. The design affected my
accuracy in the direction it launched the marshmallow. Once launched, the marshmallow stayed
on a very straight path, traveling about 5 to 7 meters when I tested it at home. I thought this was
the best design for me to use because it seemed very sturdy, and did not bend in each time a
projectile was launched. The main concept used in the operation of a catapult is that the energy
stored in the rubber bands is quickly released and causes the projectile to project forward at a
certain velocity. The height the projectile travels also depends on the angle at which it is
2 blocks of wood
1 box
Duct tape
10 pencils
Rubber bands
1 wooden ruler
1 large bottlecap
Data Analysis:
Distance (x) Time Angle Vx Vy Vi
4 meters 1.1 sec. 56 degrees 3.63 m/s 5.39 m/s 6.498 m/s
3 meters 1.65 sec. 77 degrees 1.81 m/s 8.085 m/s 8.285 m/s
4 meters 1.27 sec. 63 degrees 3.15 m/s 6.223 m/s 6.975 m/s
Through this project, I learned that your trajectory is affected by the angle at which you
set you catapult. I also learned that energy is stored in the rubber bands used in the catapult
before being quickly released, sending your projectile forward. One other thing I learned through
multiple trials during this experiment is that the amount of resistance in different rubber bands
affects your final results, the distance traveled, your trajectory, and the initial velocity. My
project worked very well at home when I tested it right after placing the correct rubber bands on.
When I took my catapult to school to test it, I did a few trial shots on Friday, and my catapult
launched the marshmallow about seven meters without hitting the roof, and seemed to work very
well. I left my project at the school over the weekend, and when I performed my test using the
catapult for my assignment, my catapult seemed to be messed up, and the marshmallow was
hitting off the roof. My hypothesis is that by leaving the rubber bands in a stretched position over
a span of three days, it lessened the amount of resistance in the rubber bands, and caused my
trials to be ruined. If I would have tested my catapult on the day I had brought it in to school, I
believe I would have received better results. The rubber bands’ lessening of tension was the main
error I noticed, and if I was to fix this error, I would have saved some of the same rubber bands
to replace the ones on my catapult the day of testing. One real life scenario in which projectiles’
landing positions must be carefully measured is when you are hunting with a crossbow. A
crossbow is designed very similar to a catapult, and if not angled the correct way when aiming to
kill an animal, you may miss the shot or injure the animal enough for it to suffer unnecessarily.