2-Intro Computer Eng Part2
2-Intro Computer Eng Part2
2-Intro Computer Eng Part2
to computers
part 2
Dr Mohamed Medhat
Input-Process-Output Model (IPO)
The Data Bus moves data from main memory to the CPU and from the CPU to the main memory
The Address Bus hold the address of the data the data bus currently accessing
The Control bus carries the necessary control signal that specify how the information transfer it to takes place
Communications Component
• Hardware
• Communication channels
• Physical connections between computer systems
• Examples: wire cable, phone lines, fiber optic cable, infrared light, radio waves
• Interface hardware
• Handles communication between the computer and the communication channel
• Modem or network interface card (NIC)
• Software
• Network protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, ATAPI
Main Frames
Super computers
Desktop (personal computer)
• Analog Computers: is a form of computer that uses the continuously changeable aspects of
physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem
being solved.
• Digital Computers: any of a class of devices capable of solving problems by processing information
in discrete form. It operates on data, including magnitudes, letters, and symbols, that are
expressed in binary code—i.e., using only the two digits 0 and
Types of Computers
• Supercomputers
• A supercomputer is a computer with a high-level computational
capacity compared to aa general purpose computer. Performance
of a supercomputer is measured in floating-point operations per
second (FLOPS) instead of million instructions per second (MIPS).
• Supercomputer are used to process very large amounts of
information including processing information to predict
hurricanes, satellite images and navigation, and process military
war scenarios.
Types of Computers
• MainFrame
• Main frame designed around more than one CPU and
can serve hindered of users simultaneously.
• MainFrame
• Main frame designed around more than one CPU and
can serve hindered of users simultaneously.
• Laptop
• A laptop is a small lightweight portable computer that operate on a battery
for sometime.
C language
compiler assembler
• A compiler is a software program that transforms high-level source
code that is written by a developer in a high-level programming
language into a low-level language like assembly language