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1.2 Evolution of C++

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2 Evolution of C++:

 C++ is an object oriented programming language and also considered as an

extension of C. Bjarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell Laboratories in Murray
Hill, New Jersey (USA) developed this language in the early 1980s.
 Stroustrup, a master of Simula67 and C, wanted to combine the features of
both the languages and he developed a powerful language that supports
object-oriented programming with features of C. The outcome was C++.
 Various features were derived from Simula67 and Algol68. Stroustrup called
the new language ‘C with Classes’. However, in 1983, the name was
changed to C++.
 The thought of C++ came from the C increment operator ++. Rick Mascitti
coined the term C++ in 1983. Therefore, C++ is an extension of C. C++ is a
superset of C. All the concepts in C are applicable to C++ also.
 For developing complicated applications, object oriented language such as
C++ is the most convenient and easy. Hence, a programmer must be aware
of its features..
The ANSI Standard

The ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute. This Institute
was founded in 1918. The main goal for establishing this Institute was to suggest,
reform, recommend, and publish standards for data processing in the USA. This
Committee sets up the standard in the computer industry.

The recognized council working under the procedure of the American National
Standard Institute (ANSI) has made an international standard for C++. The C++
standard is also referred to as ISO (International Standards Organization) Standard.
The process of standardization is gradual and the first draft of the planned ANSI
standard was made on 25 January 1994. The ANSI standard is an attempt to ensure
that the C++ is portable.

1.3 The Object Oriented Technology

Nature is composed of various objects. Living beings can be categorized into
different objects.

Let us consider an example of a teaching institute which has two different working
sections – teaching and non-teaching. Further sub-grouping of teaching and non-
teaching can be made for the coordination of management. The various
departments of any organization can be thought of as objects working for certain
goals and objectives.

Usually an institute has faculty of different departments. The Director/Principal is

a must for the overall management of the institute. The Academic Dean is
responsible for the academics of the institute. The Dean for Planning should have
the future plans of the institute and he/she must see how the infrastructure is
utilized effectively. The Dean R&D should see research activities run in the
institute forever.

Besides teaching staff there must be laboratory staff for assistance in conducting
practical sessions, and a site development section for beautification of the campus.
The accounts department is also required for handling monetary transactions and
salaries of the employees. The Sports section is entrusted the responsibility of
sports activities. The Registrar for Administration and staff for dealing with
administrative matters of the institute are also required. Each department has an in-
charge who carries clear-cut given responsibilities. Every department has its own
work as stated above. When an institute’s work is distributed into departments as
shown in Evolution of C++ image, it is comfortable to accomplish goals and
objectives. The activities are carried on smoothly. The burden of one particular
department has to be shared among different departments with personnel. The staff
in the department is controlled properly and act according to the instructions laid
down by the management. The faculty performs activities related to teaching. If the
higher authority needs to know the details regarding the theory, practical, seminar
and project loads of individuals of the department, then a person from the
department furnishes the same to the higher authority. This way some responsible
person from the department accesses the data and provides the higher authority
with the requisite information. It is also good to think that no unconnected person
from another department reads the data or attempts to make any alteration that
might corrupt the data.

As shown in Figure, an institute is divided into different departments such as

library, classroom, computer laboratory, etc. Each department performs its own
activities in association with the other departments. Each department may be
considered as a module and it contains class and object in C++ language. This
theory of class and object can be extended to every walk of life and can be
implemented with software. In general, objects are in terms of entities.

1.4 Disadvantage of Conventional Programming

 Traditional programming languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN, C etc. are

commonly known as procedure oriented languages.
 The program written in these languages consists of a sequence of
instructions that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform a given task.
 Numerous functions are initiated by the user to perform a task. When a
program code is large, it becomes inconvenient to manage it.
 To overcome this problem, procedures or subroutines were adopted to make
a program more understandable to the programmers. A program is divided
into many functions.

Each function can call another function, as shown in Figure. Each function has its
own task. If the program is too large the function also creates problems. In many
programs, important data variables are declared as global. In case of programs
containing several functions, every function can access the global data as per the
simulation in Figure. In huge programs it is difficult to know what data is used by
which function. Due to this the program may contain several logical errors.
The following are the drawbacks observed in monolithic, procedure, and structured
programming languages:

1. Huge programs are divided into smaller programs known as functions. These
functions can call one another. Hence security is not provided.

2. No importance is given to security of data and importance is laid on doing


3. Data passes globally from function to function.

4. Most function accesses global data.

Programming Paradigms:-
1. Monolithic Programming:-

1. In these types of programming languages, the program is written with a

single function. A program is not divided into parts; hence it is named as
monolithic programming. It is also called single thread execution.
2. When the program size increases it leads to difficulty.
3. In monolithic programming languages such as BASIC and ASSEMBLY
language, the data variables declared are global and statements are written in
4. The program contains jump statements such as GOTO that transfers control
to any statement as specified in it. The global data can be accessed from any
portion of the program. Due to this reason the data is not fully protected.
5. The concept of sub-programs does not exist, and hence is useful for small

2. Procedural/Structural Programming:-

1. Sometimes known as modular programming

2. Programs written are more efficient and easier to understand and modify.
3. The procedural/structured programming languages are similar to solving
problem by human.
4. It makes use of a top-down design model in which a program developer
maps out the overall program structure into separate subsections.
5. Large size programs can be developed in structured programming such as
Pascal and C. programs are divided in multiple sub modules.
6. Procedural/Structured programming languages such as FORTRAN, BASIC,
ALGOL, COBOL, C, etc., are divided into a number of segments called as
subprograms. There is a main function and it invokes subprograms. Thus, it
focuses on functions apart from data. Figure describes a program of
procedural/structured type. It shows different sub-programs accessing the
same global data. Here also the programmer can observe the lack of secrecy.
7. The control of program can be transferred using unsafe goto statement.
8. This type of programming language uses different control structures that are
as follows.
 Decision/selection control statements
 Iteration control statements
 Jump control statements
9. Data are global and all the sub-programs share the same data, i.e. data are
globally accessible to all functions.
10. Thus, any function operates on the global data and this directs to loosing
some vital information. We can conclude here that a module represents a
11. Procedural structured/programming languages permit data transfer through
messages by means of functions.
12. Least importance is given to the data in procedural/structured programming
13. These languages are used for developing medium-sized software
14. Complier and interpreter construction are easy and simple with this type of
programming language. Furthermore, these compilers and interpreters need
low memory to run on the computers. It is difficult to implement
simultaneous processes/parallelization

Preface to Object Oriented Programming

The prime factor in the design of object oriented programming approach is to

rectify some of the faults observed in the procedure oriented languages. OOP acts
with data as a critical component in program development. It does not allow the
data to flow freely around the systems. It ties data to the functions that operate on it
and prevents it from accidental change due to external functions. OOP permits us
to analyze a problem into a number of items called objects and then assembles data
and functions around these items as per Figure. Following are the impressive
characteristics of object-oriented programming:

1. OOP pays more importance to data rather than function.

2. Programs are divided into classes and their member functions.

3. OOP follows a bottom-up approach.

4. New data items and functions can be comfortably added whenever essential.

5. Data is private and prevented from accessing external functions.

6. Objects communicate with each other through functions.

1.5 Key Concepts of Object Oriented Programming:-

Objects are primary run-time entities in object oriented programming.

Objects are primary run-time entities in object-oriented programming. They may stand for a
thing that makes sense in a specific application. Some examples are a spot, a person, any data
item related to the program including user-defined data types. Programming issues are analyzed
in terms of object and the type of transmission between them. Program objects must be selected
like the items equivalent to actual world objects. Objects occupy space in memory. Every object
has its own properties or features that illustrate what the object can do. An object is a specimen
of a class. It can be singly recognized by its name. It declares the state that is shown by the data
values of its characteristic at a specific time. The state of the object varies according to the
procedure used with it. It is called as the action of the object. The action of the object depends
upon the member function defined within its class.

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