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EE 109 Unit 10 - Pulse Width


• Recall (or learn) that Power is a measure of:
– Energy per unit time
• In an electronic circuit, P = I * V
– Power = Current & Voltage (each may be varying w/ time)
• A circuit that draws a constant 2 mA of current at a constant 5V would
consume 10 mW
• Since voltage and current may change rapidly, it is often helpful to
calculate the average power

• Just sum the total power and divide by the total time
1s 1s
5V Average Power
.5s .3s
I = 1A = (1*5*.8)/2 = 2W

Output Devices
• What do the following have in common?
– Servo motor that can rotate to any angle w/in 180 degrees
– Light dimmer
– Oven or microwave with various power levels
• They are controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
– Usually a 3-pin interface: Power (Vcc), GND, PWM Signal

Duty Cycle
• A pulse is just a short window of time when a signal is
• We could repeat the pulse at some regular period, T
• We define the duty cycle as
Duty Cycle % = (ON Time / T) * 100
Duty Cycle T/2
= 50%
Duty Cycle
= 25%

Power & Duty Cycle

• When we light up an LED we 5V
often just turn a PORTxx output
'on' and leave it 'on' 0V
– This supplies the maximum power PORTxx 'on' constantly
possible to the LED
i + V1 -
• We could pulse the output at PORTXX
some duty cycle (say 50%) at a uC

+ VLED -
fast rate
– Fast so that the human eye can't
detect it flashing
– Average power would be ½ the T T
original always 'on' power
– Result would be a 'dimmer' LED T/2
PORTxx 'on' 50% of time

In-Class Activity
• Write a program with a loop that turns on the LED
(PORT B5) for x milliseconds and then turns it off for
100-x milliseconds
– Initially set x = 100
– Now set x = 50
– Now set x = 20
– Now set x = 10
– Now set x = 2
• Notice result may be non-linear
• A similar tactic is used in your microwave oven when
you want to cook something at 80%, 70%, etc. power.

• Modulation refers to changing a value based on some signal
(i.e. changing one signal based on another)
• Pulse width modulation refers to modifying the width of a
pulse based on another signal
• It can be used to transform one signal into another
– Example below of
sine wave represented
as pulses w/ different
• Or it can just be used
to alter average power
as in the last activity

Simple Digital-To-Analog
• Connecting a PWM output to a resistor-capacitor circuit
as shown causes the voltage at Vc to "integrate" the
digital PWM signal (charge the capacitor)
– Analogy: Imagine you have a leaky bucket (i.e. capacitor) and
you want to produce a variable level (i.e. analog voltage, Vc)
of water by only turning the hose (digital output) on or off


Servo Motors
• Many embedded systems use servo
motors to move or rotate mechanical
• Most servo motors use some form of
pulse width modulation to control the
direction and speed of their rotation
• 2 Kinds
– Standard servo motors: can only rotate
through a certain arc (usually 180 degrees)
– Continuous: can keep spinning round and
round while pulses are provided

Standard Servo Motor

• Pulse width determines angle (position) of servo motor
• Must continue to give pulses for the duration of time it takes
to rotate to the desired position
• No pulses = stay put
Full left 20 ms 20 ms

Pulse width = 750us

Centered 20 ms 20 ms Do an Internet search
for Standard Servo
Motors & try to find
the appropriate pulse
Pulse width = 1500us width for each
Full right 20 ms 20 ms

Pulse width = 2250us


Continuous Servo Motors

• Pulse width determines speed & direction of rotation
• Controlled via PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
– Short pulse = Rotate one direction
– Medium pulse = Stop
– Long pulse = Rotate other direction

20 ms 20 ms 20 ms

Pulse Width = 1000 us = Pulse Width = 1500 us = Pulse Width = 2000 us =

Full Speed Clockwise Stopped Full Speed Counter-

Implementing PWM
• Can use delays or timers to make your own pulse
• Most microcontrollers have hardware to
automatically generate PWM signals based on the
contents of some control registers
• Many microcontrollers use the Timers to also serve
as PWM signals
– Recall the timer module gave us a counter that would
increment until it hit some 'modulus' (MAX) count which
would cause it to restart and also generate an interrupt

Using Timers for PWM

• For PWM we can use that counter to just count 0 to some
MAX count making the:
– PWM output = '1' while the count < threshold (OCRxx) and
– PWM output = '0' when the count >= threshold (OCRxx)
time time
(255) (255)



0 0

PWM Output 1 PWM Output 2


PWM Control Registers

• In this slide packet we will use the 8-bit Timer/Counter0 rather
than the 16-bit Timer/Counter1
• Refer to Timer Slides w/ following additions
• Set WGM0[2:0] bits for Fast PWM mode as opposed to CTC
• Timer/Counter0 can produce two PWM outputs on Arduino pins
D5 and D6, each with its own threshold value, so you need to pick
which one you want to use
– Bits COM0A[1:0] and threshold register OCRA control operation of output
– Bits COM0B[1:0] and threshold register OCRB control operation of output

See datasheet, textbook or other documentation for further


PWM Control Registers

• Set WGM bits for PWM mode [usually COM0 COM0 COM0 COM0 - - WGM WGM
A1 A0 B1 B0 01 00
Fast PWM mode] as opposed to CTC
• Pick COM0?[1:0] for desired waveform TCCR0A Reg.
Timer/Counter0 Control Register
• Still need to pick a prescaler to slow
down the clock FOC FOC - - WGM CS02 CS01 CS00
0A 0B 02
• Set OCRA or OCRB to the desired
threshold which will effectively control TCCR0B Reg.
the duty cycle of the PWM output Timer/Counter0 Control Register

CS0 Prescaler COM0?1, Output Compare pin WGM01, WGM02=0 WGM02=1

[2:0] COM0?0 (assume WGM02=0) WGM00 (Ignore )

010 Clk / 8 00 Don't use Pin 00 Normal Unused

011 Clk / 64 01 Don't use Pin
01 Phase Phase Correct
Correct PWM PWM
100 Clk / 256 10 Set Pin on CTR=0x00, Clear
pin on match=OCR?
101 Clk / 1024 10 CTC (Timer) Unused
11 Clear Pin on CTR=0x00, Set
pin on match=OCR?
11 Fast PWM Fast PWM
(Top=255) (Top=OCRA)

• Try to use PWM to make your LED glow at
various brightness levels similar to what you
did earlier with normal digital I/O

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