Sample Question Paper Accountancy (055) : Class XII: 2017-18
Sample Question Paper Accountancy (055) : Class XII: 2017-18
Sample Question Paper Accountancy (055) : Class XII: 2017-18
Part A
Collectively: Firm ½
4. Solution: In case of dissolution of partnership, the firm continue to do business but with a
changed agreement. In case of dissolution of partnership firm, the firm ceases to exist, the
assets of the firm are realised and its liabilities are discharged. 1
5. Solution: Irredeemable debentures are called perpetual debentures because these are not
repayable during the life span of the company. 1
6. Solution: Shares can not be converted into debentures or any other security whereas the
debentures can be converted into shares if the terms so provide. 1
7. Solution: (i) K K Limited
(ii) K K Limited
8. Solution:
Note: ½ mark may be deducted if the dates are not correctly recorded.
9. Solution: M M Limited
Balance Sheet
Notes to Accounts:
Subscribed Capital
Subscribed and Fully paid
11,00,000 Equity shares of Rs. 100 each 11
10. Solution:
V K Limited
Solution: A, B and C
Solution: P P Limited
15. Solution
2015 2016
27,000 Mar 31
Apr 1 By Statement of Profit & Loss
To Balance b/d 9,000
By Balance c/d
27,000 27,000
16. Solution:
(b) Journal
Working Notes:
(i) Since the Shares are allotted in the proportion of 5 : 4, therefore for 900 applied shares,
shares allotted are 4/5 X 900 = 720 Shares.
(ii) Application Money Received on 900 Shares = 900 X 16 = 14,400
Amount adjusted on Application = 720 X 16 = 11,520
Amount to be adjusted on Allotment = 2,880
(iii) Allotment Money due on 720 Shares = 720 X 7 = 5,040
Less: Already received = 2,880
Allotment Money not received = 2,160
(iv) Calls in Arrears:
Allotment Money = 2,160
First & Final Call Money = 1,440
(1 mark for each correct Journal Entries and 1 mark for Working Notes)
(c) Journal
Balance Sheet
Option I
(i) Royalties
Solution: (a)
(b) Any two of the following values: Transparency, Honesty, Abiding the Law. (Or any
other relevant value) 1
Solution: Interest Coverage Ratio= Net Profit before Interest and Tax/ Interest on Long Term
Net Profit before tax = 100/(100 – Tax) X Net Profit after tax
Interest Coverage Ratio= Net Profit before Interest and Tax / Interest on Long Term Debts 1
Significance of Interest Coverage Ratio: It reveals the number of times Interest on Long Term
Debts is covered by the profits available. A higher ratio ensures safety of interest on Long
Term Debts. 1
The Interest coverage ratio will improve if the company decides to redeem Rs. 5,00,000
debentures assuming that Net Profit after interest and the tax rate will be same. 1
Solution: X L Limited
Particulars Amount
Surplus: Balance in the Statement of Profit & Loss
Adjustment for Non- Cash and Non-Operating Items 1,20,000
Depreciation 65,000
Loss on sale of Machinery 3,000
Interest on Debentures 28,800
Operating Profit before changes in working capital 2,16,800
Add: Decrease in Current Assets and Increase in Current Liabilities
Inventories 40,000
Outstanding Rent 20,000
Creditors 20,000 80,000
Computerised Accounting
20. Sol: The computerized accounting is one the database-oriented applications wherein the
transaction data is stored in well-organized database. The user operates on such database using
the required interface and also takes the required reports by suitable transformations of stored
data into information. Therefore, the fundamentals of computerized accounting include all the
basic requirements of any database-oriented application in computers. 4
Sol: In computerized accounting system, every day business transactions are recorded with the
help of computer software. Logical scheme is applied for codification of account and
transaction. Every account and transaction is assigned a unique code. The grouping of accounts
is done from the first stage.
The hierarchy of ledger accounts is maintained and the data is transferred into Ledger accounts
automatically by the computer. In order to produce ledger accounts the stored transaction data
is processed to appear as classified so that same is presented in the form of report. The
preparation of financial statements is independent of producing the trial balance. 4
22. Sol: Internal manipulation of accounting records is much easier in computerized accounting
due to the following: 4
i. Defective logical sequence at the programming stage
Sol: Every accounting software ensures data security, safety and confidentiality. Therefore
every, software should provide for the following:
Data Audit: This feature enables one to know as to who and what changes have been made in
the original data thereby helping and fixing the responsibility of the person who has
manipulated the data and also ensures data integrity. Basically, this feature is similar to Audit
Trial. 2