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The Revival No. 8

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The Rams beat l3oyne City iif· Why I was chosen to write this
both games Friday night. Both The scor e was 3 3 - is a conundrum to me.
teams captured the lead at the of fourth quarter. Ther e were If I were ask~d to pick out the
first of the game and held it three members of the t eam that wolves that would be much easier
throughout. came in during the four th quart- since most boys are wolves.
The second team played quite er. Fowler came in for Gilbert Boys, do you know what a
a fast game the first h alf. In the Doug for M itchell, and Art for wolfess is? She is a wolf with
first quarter Harbor made 10 to Harmon. feminine frills, lipstick, eye sha-
Boyne City's 3. The second quart· The score ior each player was dow, mascara, etc.
er was a fast and furious · one, as follows : Even though se doesn't howl
netting the Harbor quintet 13 you can tell by the gleam in her
more points to Boyne City 3, Wilcox _ __ _____·__ ______ _ eye.
making the scor e 23 to 6 at the Kishigo _____ ___ ---- - - - -
half. A wolfess .reveals herself by
Newman -- -- --- ---- --- - 1~3 the way she chatters incessantly
In the second half, the Boyne
Young -- -- - --- - - - - - -- -- 5 and never pays any ~ttention to
City five came back wlth rene w-
ed v igor and started sailing them what you are s~ying. You boys
Total - - - - ----- - ---- - --- 33 should realize you're just a step-
through the hoop. The Harbor Second team: I WAYNE ALLERDING ping stone to better things. Of
t eam couldn't seem to get start- Hovey - - --- -- -- - ·- ------- 5 · Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania
e d again. Thie third quarter end- course you wouldn't want a girl
Schwertfeger - - - -- - ______ 16 , HeHre On 15-Day Furlough to hang on to your every word.
ed .25 t o t9. The fourth quart~r Cosens--- --- -- -- - -- - --- 6 · ----------------------------- (Or would you!) -
saw the "locals" start hitting
again scoring 10 points to Boyne
Davert - - -- - --- -- ------ 4
Chellis-- --- - --- -- - - - ---- 4
H T p• k
OW 0 IC Or when your dancing so close
City's ~. The game ended 35 to I that there wouldn't be enough
25. Total - -- --- - --- - - ---- - --~ A Wolf . ... oxygen between you to ke~p a
bird alive for ten seconds, her
FIRST TEAM The high school ~and played j
The scoring in the first team between halves and at the first I The human wolf has some re- eyes may be wandering to that
game was started off when Wil- of the last game: It sounded very I, cognizable characteristics, and dark, handsome football hero.
cox sank a foul shot. Boyne good to have ~ band there. Let's!' every young girl should know (This last is- purely a figure of
City then m ade a basket which have more of 1t. speech, but WHERE is he?)
them. If you have to wait for
put them in the lead for the only You wolves may also tell whe-
.- -- him to how l, it may be too late. ther the members of the opposite
time during the game. Gilbert
sank a fr ee th r ow which tied the PETOSKEY GAME So we'll just kinda write down sex are wolfesses or not by the
game up. The next score was a Playing at Petoskey last F ri- some of the distinguishing marks way they walk down the hall at
l'ree throw w hich tied the game day n ight the Harbor Rams drop- to help you keep the wolf fr om school. If y ou see a few girls
up. The n ext score was a free wandering around as if they had
ped their cage game to their_rival your door . A wolf always gives
throw by Mitchell. Davert finish- no place to go at any certain
by a 33-21 chalkup on the score- ~ himself away. He's not depend-
e d the scoring of the first quart- time and are looking a.cound with
boar d . Petoskey was determined able he's seldom where he's sup-
that "come hither" look in their
er w ith a fi eld goal. Score- 5 to to ~reak the edge that Har bor !' pos~d to be. He'll break a date 'cause they are up to no good.
2 in the Rams favor. Sprmgs has h eld f or the P.ast without a good reason, he'll even
T h e second quarter was rather t w enty ye~s •. the Rams ~old1?g stand y ou up if h e has the chance. Hope this has h elped you. Just
e xciting for the home crowd. The a 20-19 margm of cagE> v1cton es But fr om the first skipped eye, you may stay clear of the
as if you nee ~ed any. (HELP!)
locals showed a much impr oved dur ing ~hat ti_me. The mar~ now 1 phone call, y ou should have been
team-work. The passing was im- stands tied w1~h twenty wms for w a ry. He'll like y ou b~tter away
proved too. Davert made two each of the Little Traverse Bay fr om your f amily p r eferably S d E • Weekl
"bask ets. Gilbert one, and Tom teams. alone. He keeps a fresh eye out tu ent~ D)~~ Y
one, making the score · 13 to ·3 at In the beginning of play thE" for new talent even when he's · Recreation Penods
the half.
The third quarter saw Boyne C
Northmen took the lead over
h Bob W d ff'
· h
· t t 1 w it you..
·(A b
ny resem alance to
I Last Tuesday January 16 the
oac oo ru s qum e Jack Brown is purely coincident- ' ' ·
City score basket for basket un- with only five points being glean- , students gathered at the High
til n early the end of it. The d b th R f th f' t al.) He s too good at Schmaltz I School gymnasium for the week-
e Y e ams or e Irs too. So pick a wolf and let him · · · ·
scoring was spread quite evenly quarter mark. Davert was open- lam! ly recreation penod. The .Jumors
this quarter. The Rams h eld a ing scorer for Harbor Springs, in charge of the program were
23 to 11 lead over Boyne City sinking a mid-quar t er fr ee thr ow. Audrey Gleckler, Jane Ann Jar-
when the thir d quar ter ended. The R ams m a de a r ally dur ing Ash Can dine, Keith Sanderson, George
The fourth and final quarter the second quarter, their aggres- Tin Can Elliot, and David Moore.
was quite fast and furious. The l siveness swaying the P etoskey Who Can From 7 :3 0 to 8:t30 basketba ll
Rams were out for victory and defense that yielded three goals . We Can and games w ere playe d. From
the challenging. Boyne City a n d a free throw . But this spnr t j What?? I1 then until 9: 30 dancin~ w as en-
five w ere unable t o <>t op t hem. (C ontinued on last page ) B eat Boyne City joyed by everyone.
Page Two THE REVIVAL Tuesday, january 23, 1945

Kindergarten News 1 also write roman numerals to

Before Christmas we washed I VIII.
Sponsored by the Senior Class our hands and carefully made a David Irish brought us anoth-
Publish ed Everyother Tuesday picture book f?r _the ~ittle chil- I er "~ook of Oz'' Mrs. Hahn has
dren who are 111 m LJttle Trav- promised to read parts of it
Editor - Bob Fowler erse Hospital. Last week teach- whenever we have time.
Ass't. Editor - Art Kaltz er had a nice letter from Dr. Our posters "Feed the Birds"
McLeod which said: brought up quite a discussion as
Social !Editors - B. Moser, F. Wilcox Dear Miss Snauble: to how we snould feed birds dur-
Sport Editor - Tom Newman May I express to you and ing this -wintry weather. Some of
Bus. Mgr. - Doug Jardine the Harbor Springs Kinder- us have feeding boanjs but those
garten our appreciation for who haven't boards are going to
Single Copy Sc the lovely scrap book? tie some suet or othPr fat in
The children will spend trees for them, for in the severe
many happy hours looking cold they need such food to help
at it. keep them warm.
With best wishes for the Sixth Grade
The professional guessers now estimate that the New Year: I am, The entire grade congratulates
war in Europe may drag on for a year or more. Recon- Very truly yours, Eddie Shepherd-he earned 100
Mary Margaret McLeod per cent in spelling last week
version plans have been postponed and munitions out- I W e have all d ecided that we and thus helped to bring the
put is being spurred to new heights. This means that will be careful and not ge'~ sick, spelling banner back to our door.
,__,ecause we know all the doctors Anna Mottor showed us her
government war spending wi ll continue in d e f inite lY at are too busy now. You won't hobby last week - designs in
the rate of around $7,000,000,000 a month. It means ~atch us crying when Mother stringing beads-and this week is
the public debt may soar beyond the $300,000,000 mark. i.nsists we eat plenty of food to Donald Barkley's turn. I wonder
m ake us strong; go to bed early; what he'll show us?
Sometime ago a belated effort was made to raise get plenty of fresh air and dress We're doing our exams this
w ar m ly when we play out of week so we're very busy. A good
taxes in an all-out effort to stem the rise in the public ::loors. No sir! We are review is always worth all the
debt, thus maintaining a sound financial foundation un- The Cherubs. effort it takes.
Second Grada -------
der the coming peace. The effort was smothered in op- We have many bo~s and girls Diane Curtis Has
timistic predictions thpt the war \Vould soon be over and absent because of sickness and p p br hed
that we could therefore escape the immediate impact of we want them all to know we oem u IS
h ope they will soon be well and Dione Curtis, a former Harbor
its co.st. We have tried to overlook the obvious fact that with us again. High student, has had the honor
the greater the discrepancy between income and outgo L etter writing again comes to of having her poem entitled "Me"
the "front" in our room only a accepted by the National High
during the war, the greater will be the problem of low- little more complicated with School Poetry Association.
ering taxes after the war. headings and paragraph content. There is to be another contest
We can pick out new paragraphs this spring. The dead line will
and complete sentences now in be announced in this paper some
any reading material so that will time in February. Each student
General Auto Repair make paragraphing in writing may submit as many poems as
LUNCHES much simpler. ' he wishes. .
SANDWICHES Body Bumpin·g Most of our arithm etic has. Don't be bashful. Let's make
HAMBUR GERS Refinishing been or al to date but now we our contribution more than thr ee
are having real p r ob lems and poems this time .

• •
Elliott's Garage School
Restaurant 127 State Street


------------------------~ 1 ~-------------------------S_t_a_te_- _s_t_re_e_t~,_H__ar_h_o_r__S~p-ri_n~g~s----~
Tuesday, January 23, 1945 THE REVIVAL Page Three
What's the matter, boys, aren't
Super they true to you?
What sophomore boy that has
No! No! You Can't Come In
spruced up lately for a certain
Sleuth••• junior girl evidently did not have
time to tie his shoe strings?
What senior ball player is pin-
ing away for a certain "personal-
ity" girl who is employed by .
Wood Industries?
Distance as well as absence
seems to make the heart grow 1
fond er, especially i~ the case of a
sen ior boy and a certain girl from
Chicago, but they do the next b est
thin g with letters.
What senior boy and what jun- Mary, we missed you when that
ior girl like to have their picture cert ain soldier was home on fur-
taken with flash blubs in what lough. l
place of business in Harbor , What blonde junior has a lit-
Springs? · 1 tle brother who asks this cer- i
Playing checkers until 1:30 in tain girl's boy fri end embarras-
the morning seems to be a favor- sing questions? I
ite hobby of a certain basketball What tall, lean, lanky freshman :
player. 1 seems quite fond of a certain tall, i
What junior girl received a stat ely sophomore? • I .
birthday greeting signed "Your ! Which blonde cheer leader is ; BuyanExtraWarBondforprotectionagaindthe .t~olve~ of inflation.
loving husband" from what sen- ' receiving an average of two let-~
ior boy? I ters a day from a certain boy in
What couple known as the fight- I Mackinaw?
ingest couple" have not had a big,
blow up for a few days? This l
· Support Your GENERAL
romance seems to be cooling!· School Calendar
f rom wh at we have seen.
Frances Kruskie writes song
lyrics d edicated to the president 1 January 23-Alanson, here
of the senior class.

. January 2·5-Men's volley ball!


Why does Mr. Nelson always!. January ,2 6-East Jordan, there ~· WALROND, FRIEND'
January .so, Recreation night Don t forget Alanson
appear to hold what chemistry
student responsible for every- February .l-Men's volley ball p 1 ay s here t 0 n i g h t
thing that happens in chemistry AND CASSIDY
February 2-Mancelona, here at 7:15. Two games
lab,-even ~o small explosions
w ith certain chemicals?
What junior girl said, "Oh, SOME MORE YELLS
sta y a little longer'' when the
We'v~ got your ·motto.

tha t h e must go home? I

sen ior boy she w as d ating said

What lit tle sailor\ when he was

We've got your goat.
Sit down,---
Our Studios For The

home a counle of w eeks a go dated . You're rocking the boat.

Will Be Best Of
what member of the senior class?
Which junior girl and which 1
sophomore boy seem to be getting I
Open All Winter

a little more than chummy re- '\\t ~Q\\t\\'S . HARBO'R SPRINGS

cently? j ' \~~t~1MiR1
Doug, Darwin, and Jack seem GROCERY
to have nothing to do but cut pa-·
per flolls from scrap paper.
W A R ,8 Q N D SI :.-.--"'!'~--~~~~----=

~----------------. ' ! ;:;~=~::;;:::::~::;~=====~ ~----~-------------~

The Singing For
Harbor High
Distributor Of HOVEY'S DRUG


Page4 THE REVIVAL Tuesday, January 23, 1945

BASKETBALL- The Woodruff men gained but class C school in interscholastic OUR CHEMIST
six points during the !inal quar- sports, dates many years back to Carmon is a chemist
. (Continued from page 1) ter, these fell to Davert and the days the county offices were She always makes a mess
couldn't offset their slow start in Newman. Northmen made eight removed from Harbor Springs. One day she almost passed away
the scoring column. The half points during the final. · By smelling H2S.
showed Harbor Springs-12; Pe- Starting line-up:
toskey-22. Newman, rf; Wilcox, If; Da- Senior Sketches ... She had· no sooner recovered
Then she began to think
Both teams registered three vert, c; Young, rg; Kishigo, lg.
He was born Dec. 25, 19•2·6 at She split some chlorine water
points only during the third per- Others seeing play were Kaltz,
Charlevoix. From the time h~ And made an awful stink.
iod. The continual ball changing Fowler, and Jardine. Our. Chemist set up her apparat-
from side to side with no fast In the preliminary play Har- could walk, he has b~n thinking
up some mischeif he could get us
moves proved this the most unin-l bor's unbeaten seconds took a To make a dioxide
into. ·
teresting quarter of the game. drubbing from the Petoskey Re- The trouble wouldn't have occur-
:-_____...,.._,;,;,o,..__......,-.1 serves last Friday. With .no score He \vas a Boy Scout for about
the first period, three points at 4 years and the good (and bad)
If I had been her guide
the half, the Seconds marked 12 times are too numerous to men-
tion. You see this is what happened
FOR points in the last half of the The gas it soon collected
game to make a final score read- He likes to dance (with her)
It blew out a rubber stopper
ing 21-15. and is active in out door sports.
And Carmon stood unprotected.
The Rams will again clash with Up to date he has won one let-
their rivals, the Northmen Feb. ter in fooball and a Chevron in When Mr. Nelson see's our Chem-
16 on the Harbor Springs court. basket ball.. ist
Harbor can still maintain the He is a typical example of the He is always sure to say:
long-standing advanta~e by win- fact that wolves can be tamed "Well Carmon'' how many explo-
ning that game. (Or can they.) Just ask Muggs. sions
SUPPLY CO. Everyone will agree that he's Are you going to have to day".
Rivalry between the two teams,
one a class B and the other a a regular follow. ·
He's 5 feet 9% inches approx- If some day you hear an explos-
imately and weighes about 160 There will be no need to bawl
FOR pounds. His eyes are hazel and ion
his hair brown. He's got a good It will only be out Chemist
Qu a I t y Real Estate physique and carries himself well. Sticking a match in alcohol.
P r i n t 1 n g Doug wa~ president of his class
She is a Chemist
Insurance last year, and is the Vice-pres-
Sweet and dear

- - r.
ident of his class this year.

We've got the pep
We've got the steam
When its time to clean up
She is never near

When heating benzine

PUBLISHING We've got the coach On an open blaze
COMPANY We've got the team She isn't afraid
Pep, Steam, Coach, Team For she is in a daze
Yaaa~! Harbor! (to be continued)

Call for your

Compliments Bumping - R~pair Worlt
Upholstering Needs
Ignition Parts - Batteries
, Upholaterini' Mechanical Repairing



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