Note - Attempt All The Following Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Note - Attempt All The Following Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Note - Attempt All The Following Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks
Q2 (a): Binary system of acetonitrile(1)/nitrobenzene(2) conforms closely to Raoults law. Vapor pressure
for pure species are given by following Antoine Equations 8 Marks
Prepare a graph showing P vs xiyi for temperature of 75 0C Or T vs xiyi for pressure of 70 kPa
Q2(b) Trimethyl gallium can be used to feed gas to grow film of GaAs. Estimate the heat of
vaporization from the data given by using equation 4 Marks
dlnPi = (-∆H/R)d(1/T)
Temprature (k) Pressure(kPa)
250 2.04
260 3.3
270 7.15
280 12.37
290 20.45
300 32.48
310 49.75
Contd. to P-02
Q3 (a) Two basic types of steady flow heat exchanger are characterized by their flow patterns. Co-current
(a) and counter current (b) Two types are indicated in figure. In concurrent flow heat is transferred from
hot stream flowing from left to right to a cold stream in same direction as indicated by arrow. In counter
current flow cold stream again flowing from left to right receives heat from the hot stream flowing in
opposite direction.
Lines related the temperature of hot and cold streams T H and TC respectively to Qc the accumulated rate
of heat addition to cold stream as it progresses through the exchanger from left end to an arbitrary
downstream location consider the case for each of which the following specification apply
TH1= 400 K TH2 = 350 K TC1 = 300 K nH =1 mol/s
The minimum temperature difference between the flowing stream is 10 K assume both stream are ideal
gases with Cp =( 7/2)R. find the lost work for both cases take Ta = 300 K 6 Marks
400 K
350 K TH2 390K
340 K 350K Tc
TC1 300 K
TC1 300K
Qc Qc
a b
Q3 (b): A compressed liquid feed stream containing equimolar mixture of n-pentane and n-hexane flows
into a flash unit at flow rate F. at steady state 44.5% of feed stream is vaporized and leaves the drum as
vapour stream with flow rate V. the rest leaves as liquid with flow rate L if the flash temperature is 20 0C.
Calculate pressure required and also find its mole fraction. 6 Marks
Q4 (a): For a mixture of 10 mol% methane , 20 mol% ethane and 70 mol % propane at 50 0F, determine
the pressure limits for this system if we used flash distillation for this system. Relevant data is given in
formula and data sheet. 5 Marks
Q4 (b): For the system methanol(1)/methyl acetate(2) the following equation provide a reasonable
correlation for activity coefficient
Lnγ1 = Ax22 lny2=Ax1 2 , A= 2.771-0.00523T in addition the following data for vapour pressure
A1=16.598 B1=3643.31 C1=33.424 & A2=14.25326 B2=2665.54 C2=53.424
Where T is in kelvin and P is in Kpa assuming validity of modified Raoults law calculate P and yi for
T=318.5 K and xi=0.25 5 Marks
Q4(c): Estimate the value of fugacity of 1-butane vapor at 200 C and 70 Bar pressure. By using following
data w= 0.191, Ø0=0.627 and Ø1= 1.096. using the relation Ø=Ø0Ø1 w 2 Marks