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Determination of The Reaction Rate Constant For The Opposing Reaction by Integral Method

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A publication of

VOL. 55, 2016 The Italian Association
of Chemical Engineering
Online at www.aidic.it/cet
Guest Editors:Tichun Wang, Hongyang Zhang, Lei Tian
Copyright © 2016, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.,
ISBN978-88-95608-46-4; ISSN 2283-9216 DOI: 10.3303/CET1655004

Determination of the Reaction Rate Constant for the

Opposing Reaction by Integral Method
Xuezheng Huang*a, Lei Zhanga, Xiao Wangb, Da Wua
School of civil engineering, Nanyang institute of technology, Nanyang 473004, Henan, China;
Henan jiaheshengxiang Engineering consulting Co.Ltd, Zhengzhou 450012, Henan, China;

In order to calculate the forward reaction rate constant and the reverse reaction rate constant of the opposing
reaction, a calculation program was designed with VB language. According to the law of mass action, the
reaction rate equation was established and it was converted into integral expression, the experimental data
are calculated by using variable step size trapezoidal quadrature and least square method. The accuracy of
the program in numerical simulation was verified by an example; the results show that the calculated values
are in good agreement with the literature values. Inputting different parameters, the program can calculate the
reaction rate of different types of the opposing reaction. It is convenient, quick and accurate to calculate the
rate constant of the opposing reaction by the program. The program can be used as a tool in studying the
opposing reaction.

1. Introduction
Determination of the value of the rate constant is of great importance, since it helps to determine the value of
the rate of any reaction applying its rate equation. In the industrial applications of kinetics, knowledge of
chemical rate equation is essential in establishing the optimum conditions of pressure, temperature, feed
composition, space velocity, extent of conversion and recycling (Barraza-Burgos et al., 2015; Seoud and
Abdallah, 2010). Many methods such as integral method (Mucientes, 2009; Li, 2006), differential method
(Huang and Ji, 2013; Pan, 2001) half-life method (Chandran, 1999), iterative method (Li, 2011), a ratio of
concentration and time method (Su, 2005) and genetic algorithm method (Shi, 2008; Abdualnaser et al, 2014;
Annicchiarico et al., 2016) etc are adopted to calculate the reaction rate constant. In addition, Matlab software,
Origin software and Excel software are also used to process the experiment data and determine the reaction
rate constant (Asencio and Sánchez, 2002; Arlimatti et al., 2016; Xia and Tang, 2009; Hernández & Ruiz,
1998; Seoud & Abdallah, 2010). Several simulation programs were developed to determine the reaction rate
constant and the satisfactory results have been obtained (Adam and James, 2006, Seoud and Abdallah,
2010). The kinetic rate constants for many forms of complex reactions have been studied and reported, such
as consecutive first-order reaction (Li, 2011; Erdoğdu and Şahmurat, 2007; Pedrazzi et al., 2012; Gagliano et
al., 2016), consecutive and parallel reactions both with a reversible first step (Ser and Jun, 2015), parallel -
consecutive second order reaction (Chischova and Alzaydien, 2009), competitive consecutive second-order
reactions (Mcmillan, 2002), consecutive second-order reaction (Yao and Wang, 2005), irreversible two-step
consecutive reaction (Gábor, 2015), etc. However, the study on the calculation of the opposing reaction rate
has not yet been reported. This paper uses knowledge of reaction kinetics to deduce the calculation formula of
the reaction rate constant of opposing reaction as well as adopts integral method and least square method to
calculate and solve the reaction rate constants.

2. Calculation basis of the reaction rate constants of opposing reaction

Suppose that a certain opposing reaction is as follows

aA + bB  
 cC + dD
k 2

Please cite this article as: Huang X.Z., Zhang L., wang X., Wu D., 2016, Determination of the reaction rate constant for the opposing reaction
by integral method, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 55, 19-24 DOI:10.3303/CET1655004

Among them, k1, k2 are reaction rate constants which are defined according to the extent of the reaction. The
concentration of each substance at the initial moment of the reaction, which means t =0 , is measured as

cA = cA 0 , cB = cB 0 , cC = cC 0 , cD = cD 0 (1)

Suppose that the reaction progresses to t moment, the concentration of A is measured to be cA, set

x = (cA0 - cA ) / a (2)

Thus when t=t, the concentration of each substance can be described as follows

cA = cA 0 - ax , cB = cB0 - bx, cC = cC0 + cx, cD = cD 0 + dx (3)

According to mass action law, the reaction rate expression of A is

vA = - = ak1cAa cBb - ak2cCc cDd (4)
Substitute equation (3) into equation (4), we can get

= k1 (cA0 - ax) a (cB0 - bx)b - k2 (cC0 + cx)c (cD0 + dx) d (5)
When opposing reaction reaches equilibrium, the concentration of each substance can
be described as follows

cA = cAe = cA 0 - axe , cB = cBe = cB 0 - bxe , cC = cCe = cC 0 + cxe , cD = cD e = cD 0 + dxe (6)

In equation (6), cAe cBe, cCe, cDe are the concentrations of each matter when the reaction reaches equilibrium.
Because when the reaction reaches equilibrium, vA=0, from equation (4), we can get
a b
k1cAe c d
cBe = k2cCe cDe (7)

According to the definition of equilibrium constant and equation (6), we can get
c d
cCe cDe k1
K= a b
= (8)
cAecBe k2

Substitute equation (8) into equation (5), we can get

dx 1
= k1[(cA0 - ax)a (cB0 - bx)b - (cC0 + cx)c (cD0 + dx)d ] (9)
dt K
Equation (9) can be denoted as

= k1 f ( x) (10)

Thus f ( x) = (cA0 - ax)a (cB0 - bx)b - 1 (cC0 + cx)c (cD0 + dx) d , equation (10) can be transformed by integration as follows

x dx
f ( x)
= k1t (11)

If there are m groups of experiment data of concentration of A in this opposing reaction and their time points
are respectively t1,t2,…tm, the concentrations of A which correspond to each time point are measured to be
cA1,cA2,…cAm respectively, among above, t1=0 to indicate the initial time of the reaction. Correspondingly, the
values of xi at each time point of the reaction can be calculated from equation (2) and the concentration of A
cAe at the time point t=∞ when the reaction reaches equilibrium also can be measured. Then the
concentrations of B, C and D cBe, cce and cDe when the reaction reaches equilibrium can also be calculated
from equation (2) and equation (3). Then cBe, cCe and cDe can be substituted into equation (8) to calculate the
equilibrium constant k of this reaction, which can be substituted into equation (11) to participate in integration

dx xi
calculations. Set yi =ò0 , the value of yi can be calculated by variable step size trapezoidal quadrature.
f ( x)
This method calculates relevant integration value by decreasing the integration step size by half each time
until the difference between two adjacent integration is less than assigned error. At this moment, the
calculation can be stopped, which increases the accuracy of integration calculation. The detailed calculation
procedures are as follows (Deng, Ge and Cheng, 2000).
Divide the integration internal [0, xi] equally with an interval of 2 and the corresponding trapezoidal
integration formula is
n -1
1 1 1 1 2 1
S n = hn [ + +å ] (12)
2 f (0) 2 f ( xi ) k = 2 f ( xk( n )

In equation (12), hn = ( xi - 0) / 2 n -1 , xk( n ) = 0 + ( k - 1)hn , k = 1,.2n -1 + 1, n = 1,2, while the calculation formula of
S n +1 is as follows
1 1 1 1 2 1
Sn +1 = hn +1[ + +å ]
2 f (0) 2 f ( xi ) k = 2 f ( xk( n) (13)
x2( nk+-1)1 = xkn , k = 1,2,,2n -1 +1

Combine equation (12) and equation (13), we can get

n -1
1 2 1
Sn +1 = [ Sn + hn å ( n +1)
] (14)
2 k =1 f ( x2 k

When abs ( S n +1 - S n ) < e S n ( e is assigned error limit), the integration calculation can be stopped. At this
moment, we can select yi = S n +1 .
As it can be known from equation (11), yi and ti assume linear regression relationship. Their slope is the
reaction rate constant of forward reaction -k1, which can be calculated by least-square method. The specific
calculation procedures are as follows.
Set the mean-square error- Q = ( y − k x ) 2 , thus when ∂Q = −2 n ( y − k x ) x = 0 , Q is the minimum. Therefore
 i 1i i =1
 i 1i i
∂k1 i =1

the calculation formula of k1 can be deduced as follows

m m
k1 =  xi yi x 2
i =1 i =1

The values of the reaction rate constant of backward reaction -k2 can be calculated from equation (8)

k2 = k1 K (16)

3. Program design
The program is designed in Visual Basic language and adopts modular programming technologies to design a
customized subprogram-integral which can calculate the integration by variable step size trapezoidal
quadrature. The customized parameters of the subprogram-integral include the upper limit and the lower limit
of the integration internal and the returned parameters are integration values. For the convenience of data
input, the program covers a floating textbox on the current unit of grid flex control in order to facilitate the input
of data. The users can also import data from the external data file to input initial data. The flowchart of the
program is demonstrated in Figure 1. Limited by the length of this paper, this paper doesn’t provide the
detailed VB codes, the codes of the algorithm of trapezoidal integration can be found in the literature (He,

Figure 1: Flow chart of the VB program algorithm.

4. Calculation examples
The sulphuric acid and the diethyl sulfate react in water according to following formula:

H 2SO 4 +(C2 H5 )2SO 4  
 2C2 H5SO 4 H

The initial concentrations of the sulphuric acid (A) and diethyl sulfate (B) are both 5.50 mol·dm-3. At the
temperature of 22.9°C, At 22.9°C, the experimental data is shown in Table 1, determine the reaction rate
equation of the reaction.

Table 1: The concentration vs. time for sulphuric acid

t/min 0 41 48 55 75 96 127 146 162
cA/ mol·dm-3 5.500 4.910 4.810 4.685 4.380 4.125 3.845 3.620 3.595
t/min 180 194 212 267 318 368 379 410 ∞
cA/ mol·dm-3 3.445 3.345 3.275 3.070 2.925 2.850 2.825 2.790 2.600

Use A to represent H2SO4, use B to represent (C2H5)2SO4, use C to represent C2H5SO4H, thus the reaction
can be represented as A+B 1
 2C , which belongs to 2-2 order opposing reaction.
k 2

Run the program, input the concentration of A at corresponding time point and input the equilibrium
concentrations and the stoichiometric numbers of A, B and C, press the button calculates the reaction rate
constant and the reaction rate constants of forward reaction and reverse reaction can be calculated to be
-4 -1 -5
6.68×10 s and 1.34×10 s-1 respectively, which are relatively close to the reference values-
k1 = 6.775´10-4 s -1, k2 = 1.361´10-4 s -1 (Zhong, 2011). The program interface is demonstrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The main interface of the program.

The numerical simulation of this reaction can be carried out based on the reaction rate constant obtained from
the program. The concentration calculation curve and can experimental data of A at 22.9°C are demonstrated
in Figure 3. From Figure 3, the calculation values agree well with the experimental values, which indicates that
the reaction rate constant determined by the program are in good agreement with experimental data at
Calculation curve

Experimental data






0 100 200 300 400

Figure 3: Comparison of the experimental and calculation data

4. Conclusions
It takes a heavy workload to process the kinetic experiment data of opposing reaction, especially when the
data are in large amounts; manual calculation is not only squandering time and vigor, but also is easy to make
mistakes. The data processing program of this research has a friendly interface and convenient input.
Additionally, inputting different stoichiometric coefficient, the program can calculate the forward reaction rate
constant and reverse reaction rate constants of the opposing reactions accurately and quickly. The kinetic
parameters calculated by the program can be used to simulate the reaction progress of the opposing reactions.
The kinetic of the reaction can be studied by comparing the simulation curve and the experiment curve to
explore the reaction mechanism of the reaction.

Project supported by the scientific research key project of Henan province education bureau (No. 12B150020).

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