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Grinding Kinetics of

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Physicochemical Problems

Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 48(1), 2012, 149–158 of Mineral Processing

www.minproc.pwr.wroc.pl/journal/ ISSN 1643-1049 (print)

Received April 29, 2011; reviewed; accepted July 26, 2011




Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Lodz, Wolczanska 213, 90-
924 Lodz, tomasz.olejnik@p.lodz.pl

Abstract. The article presents the results of studies on the kinetics of grinding of granite taking
into consideration the morphology and mechanical properties of particular size fractions of the
feed. The study was conducted in a mill on a semi-technical scale. Milling was carried out
periodically using several sets of grinding media. The output fraction of the ground material
was of size 3-5 mm. The granulometric analysis of the raw material was carried out in a
multiple manner. The granulometric composition of milling product was analyzed every 30
minutes. Simultaneously, ground material was subjected to an analysis of the shape of grains
and microscopic analysis of morphology and chemical composition. Strength tests of grains
were performed applying selected fractions of particle size ranges. The change of particle
breakage rate function Si, for selected particles size ranges, was described with the Austin-
Gardner expression. The influence of destructive force on kinetics of grinding was defined.
keywords: ball mill, specific grinding rate, grain morphology, contact points

1. Introduction
The grinding mechanism comes down to the division of solid particles into the
grains of smaller size and that this process is evoked by the action of external loads,
exceeding the limit of endurance and can damage the atomic or molecular bonds
(Blumenauer and Pusch 1981). Since each rupture of the material in each zone of load
precedes deformation, the implementation of the process of grinding requires
provision of the necessary amount of energy. This amount being conditioned with the
size of deformation, elastic properties of deformed material and the type of load.
Simultaneously, uneven internal structure of the material to be ground, numerous
micro and macro cracks weaken the cohesion forces between particles forming a
crystallographic network of grain. Destruction of the internal cohesion of the grain,
cracking the grains into smaller sized items, requires exceeding the required levels of
cohesion force distribution (under the action of external forces). The described
phenomenon may be caused by normal stretching or shearing stresses (Mostafa 2003).
150 T.P. Olejnik

The grinding in ball mills is determined by a complex nature of the impact of

grinding media on the ground raw material. Main geometrical dimensions of drum
grinding mill and the size and type of motion affect the speed of the grinding process
as well as the final composition of grinding. The grinding is performed primarily
through a complex interaction of grinding media on the ground material being located
between them or between the inner surface of grinding media. Grains of material to be
ground that will be in these areas are mainly abraded and thinned, with the possibility
of participation of the crushing mechanism (Lynch 1974; Shipway and Hutchings
1993). Energy transfer is conditioned by the energy level of the working parts of the
mill. The basic energy level assumed in the potential energy of the Earth's gravity
conditions. A measure of the energy level grinding is therefore the ratio of the
dynamic forces to the forces of gravity or kinetic energy into potential energy of
grinding media (Cole and Peters 2007).
Practically low efficiency of the grinding process forces engineers to look for
process parameters being optimal from the point of view of energy inputs to obtain the
shortest possible milling time. Considering this point of view, examined the effects of
grinding in a ball mill, taking into account the analysis of the results, the
morphological structure and chemical composition of grains, and their resistance to
normal stresses.
The objective of the investigation was to determine the effect of a variable number
of grinding media for grinding process, taking into account the individual properties of
particles such as yield strength for normal forces and the shape of the grain (Hornga et
al., 2009). Mechanical properties of the grain may determine the change in value of
breakage rate function Si in the corresponding size frictions of the grains. The study
was conducted for granite. Due to the morphology of particles of granite, which is
characterized by a very heterogeneous structure, it is expected that the fragmentation
process takes place in such a way that it provides very different grain size particles,
and substantially different shape. The observed diversity of the feed may determine
the value of parameters in the Austin-Gardner equation (Eq. 1), and the specific
numerical values may depend on process parameters such as number and size of
grinding media.

2. Process parameters
The grinding process was conducted under dry conditions. Kinetic studies of
milling were carried out for a semi-technical mill. Basic technical information
concerning the mill is shown in Table 1
Granite was subjected to crushing in a ball mill. This is a solid, acidic magma-deep
rock, medium or thickly-crystalline of overtly-crystalline structure distinguished by a
clear symmetry planes, usually in three orthogonal directions (Cappell and White
2001). The bulk density of granite, was determined after a freely drop and after 10
minutes of shaking of the measurement sample. Bulk density was, respectively, equal
to 1394 kg/m3 and 1410 kg/m3, and its average value was equal to 1402 kg/m3.
Grinding kinetics of granite considering morphology and physical properties of grains 151

Material used for milling was from 5 to 8 mm in size. Filling the mill with grinding
media with a feed accounted for 30% of the total capacity of the mill.
Milling process was carried out in a batch mode using several sets of balls. The
total mass of the balls used for milling was about 41 kg. Sampling of the feed was
measured every 30 minutes, taking a mass of about 0.6 kg for analysis. Milling was
performed using four sets of balls, labeled sequentially I, II, III and IV. Size and
weight of balls for each measurement series are provided in Table 2. Furthermore, the
statistical estimated number of contact points for each set of balls was determined
(Mort 2003).
Table 1. Basic parameters of a semi-industrial mill

internal diameter, m 0.5

total capacity, m 0.112
rotation frequency n, min-1 31

Table 2. Number composition and ball mass for particular series

Series I II III IV
Ball diameter, mm Ball mass, kg / Number of contact points
10 - 6 / 27588 1 / 6424 -
20 - 12.3 / 11176 12.5 / 11363 11 / 9999
30 - 12.3 / 2035 12.5 / 2068 15 / 2475
40 - 10 / 671 15 / 1001 15 / 1001
60 40 / 512 - - -
Sum 40 / 512 40.6 / 50611 41 / 14432 41 / 13475

3. Analysis of results
Samples were subjected to granulometric, morphological, chemical and strength
analyses. The chemical composition, determined by the number of atoms of different
elements included in the composition of chemical compounds and grain morphology,
were examined using a scanning electron microscope. The analysis of the shape of
grains and grain composition was performed using Analyzer 3D AWK made by
Kamika Instruments. Furthermore, a fractional sieve analysis was carried out to rule
out a measurement error associated with the testing method applied. The results of the
analysis allowed to determine the granulometric composition of milled material at
particular moments of grinding time. To determine the shape of particles fraction
analysis according to Zingg (1935) was used.
Table 3 shows the chemical composition and atomic fractions of particular
chemical elements of particular chemical elements for chosen size fraction of grains.
In combination with a chemical composition analysis, an optical grain analysis was
carried out. With this aim in mind, a scanning microscope was utilized. Figures 1 and
152 T.P. Olejnik

2 show a selected granite surface for a size fraction of 1.6 – 2.0 and 0.2 – 0.3 mm.
Selected grains from each size fraction were subjected to strength examinations.
Single grains were exposed to shearing stresses. Crushing tests were performed with
INSTRON 3300. To make the results uniform, for each grain size fraction multiple
tests were conducted to exclude the measurement error. The results of strength
analyses, that is the values of compression forces and destructive stresses evoked by
them, are summarized in Table 5.

Table 3. Atomic fractions of elements present in the chemical compound composition associated
with the structure of granite
A chemical Grain size fraction
compound / element 1.6 – 2.0 1.25 – 1.4 0.8 – 1.0 0.4 – 0.5 0.2 – 0.3
Atomic fractions, %
CaCO3 / C 4.58 4.82 11.52 9.91 8.39
SiO2 /O 64.72 65.77 56.36 63.05 66.85
Allbite / Na 1.71 1.87 1.78 0.63 1.43
MgO / Mg 0.52 0.64 0.38 0.24 0.31
Al2O3 / Al 4.66 4.60 5.29 1.39 2.91
SiO2 / Si 19.78 17.51 18.63 23.56 18.2
Feldspar / K 1.81 1.91 1.83 0.56 0.81
Wollastonite / Ca 0.53 0.50 0.96 0.12 0.3
/ Ti 0.18 0.23 0.26 - 0.09
/ Fe 1.54 2.14 2.92 0.54 0.70

Basing on the granulometric composition changes, disintegration rates of particular

size fractions using authors’ computer program were calculated (Olejnik 2009, 2010).
For calculations, Eq. 1 of Gardner and Austin was applied for discrete values of
fractions, assuming ideal mixing of the milled material:
i 1
wi (t )
S i wi (t ) S j bi , j ,t w j (t ) , (1)
t j 1,i 1

bi,j,t – particle size distribution function in time
Si, Sj– specific grinding rate (distribution parameter) of particles in fraction i or j
T – grinding time, min
t – time increment
wi – the mass of grains from size grade i
wj – the mass of grains from size grade j
wi(t) – increment of the mass of grains from size grade i.
For better presentation of results, we defined also the mean geometrical grain size
by using Eq. 2:
Grinding kinetics of granite considering morphology and physical properties of grains 153

ds d si xi (2)
i 1

where, xi – mass fraction of particles in size fraction i; dsi – mean (arithmetic) particle
size in size fraction i, mm.
The rate coefficients Si for particular size fractions are shown in Table 4. For
particles of granite, characterized by distinct cracks and fissures, devastating impact of
grinding media causes a rapid change in the particle size. Granite used in the study is
characterized with a high susceptibility to grinding being reflected in a high value of
distribution parameter (Table 4) for all tested grain size ranges.
Strength tests were performed for selected grains, with the appropriate fraction size
ranges. To eliminate measurement error, the sample test was repeated several times,
averaging the results while calculating the average measurement error and standard

Fig. 1. Granite grain, size fraction of 1.6 – 2.0 mm. Magnification about 5000x

Fig. 2. Granite grain, size fraction of 0.2 – 0.3 mm. Magnification about 5000x
154 T.P. Olejnik

Table 4. Disintegration rates Si (distribution parameter) of grain fractions ds for investigated series

ds Si(I), min-1 Si(II), min-1 Si(III), min-1 Si(IV), min-1

2.5 0.00244 0.0115 0.00517 0.00781
1.8 0.00221 0.015 0.00806 0.01208
1.5 0.00115 0.017 0.00911 0.01018
1.32 0.00372 0.0165 0.0147 0.0147
1.13 0.00306 0.0169 0.0163 0.0203
0.9 0.00291 0.0197 0.0224 0.0128
0.4 0.0198 0.0356 0.0071 0.0211

Table 5. The values of normal forces and destructive stresses

Grain size fraction, mm Mean destructive force, N Mean destructive stresses, MPa
3 2 279.4 14.01
1.6 2.0 135 13.27
1.25 1.4 126.4 22.93
0.8 1.0 57.66 22.67
0.4 0.5 64.98 48.72

For a size fraction of granite grains between 2 and 3 mm, there are the highest
average grain destructive forces. Their value is more than 270 N. In the course of
destruction tests, there was a tendency to reduce the medium destructive forces with
decreasing average grain size. For the smallest particles in the range of 0.5 to 0.8 mm,
destructive forces were approximately 60 N.
Simultaneously, with the decreasing grain size, the opposite trend was observed
concerning the normal stress. For the largest particles, the destructive stress was
around 14 MPa, and increased to a value of about 50 MPa, for the smallest ones. The
observed trend may be elucidated by the morphology of the grains. From the physico-
chemical analysis – the zone investigated with the application of a scanning electron
microscope it may be inferred that the change in grain size does not entail a change in
the atomic composition and indirectly, chemical composition (Table 3).
Simultaneously, Zingg’s analysis points to the fact that the grains in the whole range
of variation of its size, have a shape resembling a sphere. The example results of
analysis of samples taken at 30th and 210th minute after the start of grinding, for series
I are given respectively in Fig. 3 and 4.
The observed tendency concerning the growth of destructive stresses at a
simultaneous reduction of the size of the load can be explained by the increase in
deformation of the grain structure without losing the cohesiveness of the material.
While for the larger particles it is possible to obtain the presence of a soft matrix,
weakening the structure of the material, then for smaller particles subjected to
fragmentation one obtains a homogeneous material. However, the analysis of image of
the surface of grains does not confirm this assumption.
Grinding kinetics of granite considering morphology and physical properties of grains 155

For large and small grains, we have similar elemental compositions, which is
tantamount to saying that for the investigated range of variation of grain size of
granite, there occur the same chemicals. And if so, the grains should have similar
mechanical properties. Even more interesting conclusions can be drawn by analyzing
the rate of grinding balls for different compositions of balls. The observed differences
in susceptibility of the tested materials to grinding can lead to a differentiated
composition and size, and hence, masses of balls.
For relatively large particles, a crucial mechanism causing fragmentation of the
granite will be crushing. Grinding effect for the smallest particles can be determined
by abrasion. For large particles the grinding media should have a sufficiently large
kinetic energy that is apt to overcome the internal forces of cohesion within the grain.
If the milling is conducted for a composition of balls of large diameter, increased
energy of balls will occur for the largest grains. In this case, wearing of large grains
causes the formation of the smallest fraction but not necessarily a transition of
destroyed grain to a fraction of finer grains. Only long-time wear can reduce the grain
size large enough to make it over into a smaller size ranges.
An analysis of grinding speed leads to the conclusion on the mechanism of
crushing that the impact grinding occurs at the initial stage of grinding. The effect of
grinding is greater for larger particles and smaller broken grains are mainly ground by
the mechanism of wear. This is due to the fact of a greater probability of finding the
grain in the area between grinding media. While the impact effect on large grains
increases with increasing weight of the grinding media, so for small particles a
decisive meaning is played by abrasive action grinding occurring between the grinding
media and feed.
The shortest times of grinding needed to obtain a suitable granulation product were
attained for two measurement series I and II. This corresponds to two different
configurations of the balls. For series I there occurs a small number of theoretical
contact points (512). On the other hand, for series II, one has the greatest number of
all contact points (Table 2). Considering the economic criterion, the two compositions
of balls are justified, however, the analysis of disintegration rate of individual size
fractions indicates more favorable conditions for the milling of series II (Table 4, refer
to column Si(II)).
Grains with relatively small size in comparison to the size of balls, have a smaller
chance of being in the area of impact grinding (Georgalli and Reuter, 2008).
Therefore, from the grinding efficiency point of view, the most important is point
contact of the particles with the balls. This is when replace of large grinding media
with smaller media. Changing the size of balls, is changed the number of contact
points. Due to the fact that the rate of milling of small size fractions increases with the
number of contact points can describe mathematically the size of grinding media most
appropriate for the economy grinding process. The expression for mathematical
models will be possible after examination of the grinding process of other minerals
with a different morphology.
156 T.P. Olejnik

Fig. 3. Distribution of granite grain shape obtained after 30 minutes of milling. Measurement
series I

Fig. 4. Distribution of granite grain shape obtained after 210 minutes of milling. Measurement
series I

Economic aspects of milling is shown in Fig. 5 containing curves of the average

grain size changes in time using different sets of grinding media. Therefore, the
change of the characteristic (diameter) grain size is accompanied by a change in grain
cross-section. The mathematical expression describing the relationship between these
values is changed to the second power of linear dimension. Considering the state of
stress in the two grains of granite differing significantly in terms of characteristic size,
it is possible with the application of weaker destructive power, in favor of smaller
grains. Trends of decreasing normal forces and the corresponding increase of
destructive stress for smaller grains are shown in Table 5.
For measurement series II, there are greater milling rates of small size fractions (of
the order from 0.0197 to 0.0356 min-1). Thus, the theoretical total decay time of size
fraction of 0.9 mm is circa 50 minutes for measurement series II and until 341 minutes
for Series I. The difference in the time of the disappearance of size fractions illustrates
Grinding kinetics of granite considering morphology and physical properties of grains 157

the positive impact of increased number of contact points on the process kinetics for
the small size fractions.
ds, mm

Series I
1,5 Series II
Series III
Series IV


t, min
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Fig. 5. The curves of change in time of the mean grain size of granite for four compositions of balls

4. Conclusions
Basing on the results, the following conclusions can be drawn. The kinetics of
milling is determined by the strength of the stress-destructive particles depending on
the morphology of the shredded material. Variation in size of balls may significantly
affect the dominant mechanism of grinding of the grain. It is feasible to attain the
required granulometric composition through the selection of the size of grinding

The project was financed within the framework W-10/1/2011 Dz. St. of the Faculty of Process and
Environmental Protection, Technical University of Lodz.

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