General Risk Assessment Form
General Risk Assessment Form
General Risk Assessment Form
Risk assessments should be reviewed at least annually, or after accidents, near misses and when significant changes in personnel or work practices occur.
To assist managers when completing their risk assessments, guidance, information and a number of generic risk assessments and/or checklists are available on the
HMRC Intranet under Health and Safety.
Advice on hazards, risks and risk assessment is available from the HMRC H&S Advisers. You can contact them through the HR Service Centre.
Location Activity
Number Hazard Possible Risk rating Detail existing controls Detail further action required to Revised
effects/harm H, M, L reduce risk risk rating
Something with the Where a group of people Indicate the Provide details of control measures Note the action required, responsible person
potential to harm: hazards may be affected differently, rating prior to already in place. If measures are and target date. H, M, L
listed should be all those for example young people or controls being detailed in other documents, state
Indicate the
present before controls expectant mothers, identify in place. (See where.
are in place. the separate effects/harm page 7 for
and risk rating. guidance on
rating the risk.)
n of controls.
1 Working plant (fixed Physical harm from H Any rules put in place by the site Visiting officers to ensure that they M
or mobile) moving machinery operator for visitors. Warning are accompanied at all times while
signs etc. on site and that they adhere to any
rules that the site operator has in
2 Blasting Physical harm M Warnings (sirens etc) when Officers to avoid visiting sites when L
resulting from blasting about to commence blasting in progress. Officers should
explosions at quarry confirm that blasting will not be taking
sites place when inspections are made.
3 Overhanging quarry Physical harm H Fences, signs etc Officers to maintain a safe distance L
faces. resulting from falling from quarry faces at all times during
debris. their visits
Managers should monitor and review the application of the specified controls.
Prepared by Date
Risk rating
This is your evaluation of the potential impact and likelihood of harm occurring.
For example, Immediate action required.
fatality possible to one or more individuals however infrequent
major injury to few individuals occurring frequently
likelihood of long term muscular-skeletal problems affecting significant
numbers of staff.
For example, Requires attention as soon as possible.
major injury to one/few individuals occurring infrequently
likelihood of long term muscular-skeletal problems affecting some staff.
For example, minor injury occurring infrequently to few staff. Not a priority, may need attention if not as low as reasonably practicable.