2 - Risk Assessment
2 - Risk Assessment
2 - Risk Assessment
Risk Rating
Risk Rating
Risk Level
Risk Level
Sl. Who might be
Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) Risk Classification Residual Risk
No affected
Ensure the conditions of the hand tools are good, when obtaining
from the stores.
Hand tools shall not be kept on walkways.
Hand tools shall be kept in tool boxes whenever not in use.
All tools shall be inspected for any damages on daily basis and at
Damaged tools regular intervals.
Improvised tools Don’t leave any tools unattended at the height after the work. Site Engineer
Site operatives,
Sharp edges Store keeper will inspect the all new tool before issue. Supervisors
02 Use of Hand Tools Injury to the person/ personnel/ 3 3 9 H 3 1 3 L
Homemade tools Ensure that no homemade/ make shift tools are used at site. Foreman
Property damage Subcontractors
Fall of tool from Ensure the operatives are wearing hand gloves during the activity. Operatives
height. Gloves to be worn whenever working especially handling sharp
To be use industrial knife only and blade to be compacted when not
in use to prevent any injury.
Ensure the working area is barricaded to prevent the entry of
unauthorized persons and injury from falling tools.
03 Use of Power Tools Repetitive movement Severe back pain Site operatives, 4 3 12 H 3 1 3 L Supervisors
Lifting and carrying Muscle strain personnel/ Ensure the conditions of the power tools are good, when obtaining Foreman
heavy loads Being struck Subcontractors from the stores. Operatives
Heavy physical work Power tools shall not be kept on walkways.
Improper storage of Power tools shall be kept in tool boxes whenever not in use.
materials All tools shall be inspected for any damages on daily basis and at
Slip, trip & Fall regular intervals.
& PPE) Tie off tools with rope to prevent its fall while working at height or
Poor quality / near edges.
substandard personal Don’t leave any tools unattended at the height after the work.
safety equipment &
Ensure that no homemade/ make shift tools are used at site.
Ensure the operatives are wearing hand gloves during the activity.
Gloves to be worn whenever working especially handling sharp
Ensure the working area is barricaded to prevent the entry of unauthorized
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Document Title:
Risk Assessment for 11KV OHL Dismantling
Risk Rating
Risk Rating
Risk Level
Risk Level
Sl. Who might be
Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) Risk Classification Residual Risk
No affected
Conduct tools box talks, provide suitable edge and proper slope
/shoring to the sides of excavation having depth more than 1.2 meter.
Protection provide, warning signs barricading and access.
Men/material falling Keep material at safe distance
into the excavation Get approval and clearance from relevant authorities prior to work.
Collapse of sides of Metal detector to be utilized.
excavation Trial pit to be made by hand tool.
Personnel injury
Damage to the buried Site personnel Site Engineer
from lifting plant & Proper Maintenance of equipment, certified operator to used reverse
services Subcontractor supervisor
Excavation equipment failure 3 2 6 M alarm and vehicle warning lamps to be used. 3 1 3
05 Hit by heavy Staff Foreman
Fatality Men to be at safe distance from moving parts of machinery.
equipment Visitors Charge hand
Property Damage Excavation work permit
Failure of lifting
trackless Proper supervision required.
Slip and trips Foreman and riggers to check condition of lifting chains and
accessories before use.
Only certified Accessories to be used.
Provide suitable access/ladders.
Safe cross over bridges with handrail to provided.
06 Working with OHL electric shock and Major injury Site personnel 4 3 12 H 3 1 3 L Site Engineer
burns from contact Fatality Subcontractor DE energize all the electric power. Supervisors
with live parts. Physical injuries Site operatives Permit to work system Foreman
injury from exposure Apply LOTO system if required. Operatives
to arcing, fire from Drawing
faulty electrical Operatives should be competent.
equipment or Competent supervisor will supervise the activity.
installations. Operatives must wear necessary PPE’s.
Arc Flash/Blast: Ensure working area is safe for work.
Emits heat and Ensure the conditions of the tools are good.
intense light that Provide alternative access if required.
causes burns. Have the Appropriate Fire Extinguisher in working area.
inspect equipment and tools before use.
Daily TBT (pre-start talk) before start of work to be conducted by
responsible site supervisor.
Secure/barricade the area to avoid unauthorized entry.
Removal of unwanted materials and maintaining good housekeeping
in the workplace.
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Document Title:
Risk Assessment for 11KV OHL Dismantling
Risk Rating
Risk Rating
Risk Level
Risk Level
Sl. Who might be
Activity Hazard(s) Risk(s) Risk Classification Residual Risk
No affected
General Note:
Inspection of Site Power Tools.
All personnel in the team are to be made aware of the safe systems of work.
Emergency procedures
Site emergency procedures should make provision for the rescue of individuals.
First-aid facilities should be available to cope with any significant injuries that may arise from the hazard.
Work should be monitored by Site Engineers, Foreman & charge hand who are trained to ensure that any additional precautions or equipment required are provided.
Likelihood Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
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Document Title:
Risk Assessment for 11KV OHL Dismantling
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequently/Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25
15-25 Extreme Risk Activity should not proceed in current form
8-12 High Risk Activity should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject to detailed EHS risk assessment
4-6 Moderate Risk Acceptable but must be managed at “As Low as Reasonably Practicable” (ASLARP) Activity or process can operate can operate subject to management
and / or modification
1-3 Low Risk Acceptable without required further action
No action required escalation of risk is possible
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