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Forest Economics

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The book provides an introduction to forest economics and covers topics such as markets, government intervention, forest investment analysis, timber supply and demand, unpriced forest values, land allocation, and the economics of forest management.

Some of the main topics covered in the book include markets and the role of government, forest investment analysis, timber supply and demand, unpriced forest values such as recreation, land allocation and multiple use, and the economics of forest management such as optimal forest rotation.

The book describes how economics can provide a framework for understanding forestry issues and decision making. It discusses how economics is concerned with allocating scarce resources and examines questions from an economic viewpoint regarding efficiency, equity and the role of government in mixed capitalist systems.


Daowei Zhang and Peter H. Pearse

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press


Figures and Tables / xi

Foreword / xv
Preface / xvii
Conversion Factors / xxi



1 Forestry’s Economic Perspective / 3

Forestry from an Economic Viewpoint / 3
Basic Economic Questions / 7
Mixed Capitalism and the Role of Government / 9
Economic Objectives: Efficiency and Equity / 11
Forests as Economic Resources / 13
Why Forest Economics? / 15
Economic Decision Making / 17
Review Questions / 22
Further Reading / 23

2 Market Economies and the Role of Government / 24

Economic Efficiency and Opportunity Costs / 25
The Theory of Production / 26
Allocating Inputs among Alternative Uses / 38
Market Failures and Externalities in Forestry / 40

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vi Contents

Government Intervention and Policy Failure / 42

Appendix: Marginal Conditions for Efficiency / 44
Review Questions / 51
Further Reading / 52

3 Forest Investment Analysis / 53

Time and the Role of Interest / 53
Compounding, Discounting, and Present Values / 55
Criteria for Investment Decisions / 63
Interest Rate, Inflation, Risk, and Uncertainty / 70
Integrating Economics and Silviculture / 81
Valuing Pre-Merchantable Timber / 83
Taxes and Social Considerations / 92
Notes / 93
Appendix: Compounding and Discounting Formulas Commonly Used
in Forestry / 94
Review Questions / 95
Further Reading / 97



4 Timber Supply, Demand, and Pricing / 101

Supply, Demand, and Price Equilibrium / 101
The Forest Products Sector / 109
Forest Products Supply and Demand / 113
The Demand for Timber / 116
Timber Supply / 123
Long-Run Wood Supply Projections / 132
Determinants of Stumpage Prices / 134
Price Distortions / 135
Note / 136
Review Questions / 137
Further Reading / 138

5 Unpriced Forest Values / 140

Unpriced Values: A Problem of Measurement / 140
Consumer Surplus as a Measure of Value / 142
Evaluating Unpriced Recreation / 144
Other Considerations in Valuing Recreational Resources / 159
Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press
Contents vii

Externalities and Intrinsic Value / 163

Other Practical Complications / 164
Review Questions / 166
Further Reading / 166

6 Land Allocation and Multiple Use / 168

Intensity of Land Use / 168
Extensive Margin of Land Use / 170
Allocation among Uses / 172
Combinations of Uses / 175
Practical Difficulties / 182
An Illustration: Land-Use Change Associated with the Rise of
Institutional Timberland Ownership in the United States / 185
Review Questions / 187
Further Reading / 188


7 The Optimal Forest Rotation / 191

Optimal Rotation Age in Discrete Format / 192
Optimal Rotation Age in Continuous Format / 205
Cutting Cycles for an Uneven-Aged Stand / 209
Comparisons with Other Rotation Criteria / 210
Other Impacts on the Optimal Rotation / 212
The Hartman Rotation Age / 216
Notes / 221
Review Questions / 224
Further Reading / 224

8 Regulating Harvests over Time / 226

The Stand and the Forest / 227
Market Solutions and Limitations / 228
The Regulated Forest / 230
Transition to a Normal Forest / 231
Sustained Yield Rationale and Critique / 237
Timber Harvests over Time in the Absence of Sustained Yield Policy:
Market as a Regulator / 242
New Approaches to Forest Regulation / 244
Review Questions / 245
Further Reading / 246
Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press
viii Contents

9 Long-Term Trends in the Forest Sector and Silvicultural

Investment / 248
Long-Term Trends in the Forest Sector / 248
A Conceptual Model for Silvicultural Investment / 259
Factors Influencing Silvicultural Investment on Private Lands / 262
Silvicultural Investment on Public Lands / 264
Forest Plantation Development in the Southern United States / 265
Note / 269
Review Questions / 269
Further Reading / 270


10 Property Rights / 273

Property Rights, Property Value, and Economic Efficiency / 274
Evolution of Forest Property Rights / 279
Dimensions of Property and Their Economic Implications / 282
Common Forms of Forest Tenure / 289
Economic Issues of Tenure Systems / 293
Private and Public Ownership / 297
Review Questions / 299
Further Reading / 300

11 Forest Taxes and Other Charges / 302

Characteristics of Forest Charges / 303
Types of Forest Levies / 305
Direct Taxes / 320
Tax Incidence and Deadweight Loss / 322
The Cost of Risk / 325
Other Economic Considerations / 326
Review Questions / 329
Further Reading / 330


12 Forest Products Trade / 333

Trends in International Forest Products Trade / 333
Comparative Advantage and the Principle of Specialization / 336
Production Possibilities and Terms of Bilateral Trade / 339

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

Contents ix

Factors Influencing International Forest Products Trade / 343

The Political Economy of Trade Restrictions / 348
Foreign Direct Investment in the Forest Industry / 350
Review Questions / 353
Further Reading / 354

13 Global Forest Resources and the Environment / 355

Global Forest Resources / 355
Population, Economic Growth, and the Environment / 358
Forest-Based Industrialization and Tropical Deforestation / 361
The Role of Forests in Mitigating Global Climate Change / 365
Emerging Issues in Forest Economics / 370
Note / 377
Review Questions / 378
Further Reading / 378

Index / 380

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

Figures and Tables

1.1 A forest’s economic value / 7
2.1 Relationship between output and inputs / 29
2.2 Isocost curve for capital and labour / 31
2.3 Expansion path of efficient input combinations / 32
3.1 Decision tree for a pest control project / 79
3.2 Correct and incorrect match of interest rate and timber price in forest
investment analysis / 82
3.3 Value of a pre-merchantable loblolly pine timber stand / 91
4.1 Market supply, demand, and net value of a forest product / 104
4.2 Relative elasticity and welfare change resulting from an increase in
supply / 108
4.3 Linkage among stumpage, log, and forest products markets / 110
4.4 Prices for softwood lumber, sawlogs, and sawtimber stumpage in the
southern United States, 1955-2001 / 111
4.5 Derived demand for pulpwood in newsprint production / 117
4.6 Timber demand and supply in the short and long run / 124
4.7 Long-run supply response when demand shifts upward / 127
4.8 Relationship between net value of timber and economically recoverable
inventory / 130
4.9 Long-run timber supply projection / 132

Sample Material ©xi 2011 UBC Press

xii Figures and Tables

5.1 Market demand and consumer surplus / 143

5.2 Equilibrium level of recreation consumption at two levels of fixed
cost / 150
5.3 Zones of origin of travel to a recreational site / 152
5.4 Derivation of the demand curve for a recreational site from travel
costs / 153
5.5 Effects of crowding on demand for a recreational opportunity / 161
6.1 Efficient application of labour to a forest site / 169
6.2 Relationship between price of timber and productive timberland / 171
6.3 Efficient allocation of land among different uses / 173
6.4 Types of production possibilities for two products on a tract of
land / 177
6.5 Optimal combination of two products / 180
7.1 Growth in volume and stumpage value of a forest stand as it increases
in age / 194
7.2 Optimal economic rotation for continuous forest crops / 199
7.3 Incremental growth in value and costs with stand age / 203
7.4 Relationship between stand age and various amenity values / 221
8.1 Per-acre annual growth, removal, and inventory on private timberland
in the US, 1953-2007 / 243
8.2 Age class distribution of inventory in private timberland in western
Oregon, 1997 / 244
9.1 Forest area in the United States by region, 1630-2002 / 250
9.2 Real-price indices for softwood lumber and stumpage in terms of 1992
prices / 252
9.3 The Erie Canal / 257
9.4 Optimal reforestation effort, E*, changes when stumpage price
increases / 261
9.5 Private tree planting in the US South by ownership, 1928-2003 / 267
10.1 The Coase Theorem / 277
10.2 Degrees of exclusiveness of forest tenure / 287
10.3 Combinations of attributes in forest property / 289

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

Figures and Tables xiii

11.1 Effect of a royalty or severance tax on the range of log quality that can
be profitably harvested / 314
11.2 The relative burden of tax / 323
12.1 Global export volume of different forest products, 1970-2006 / 335
12.2 Determination of price and quantity of plywood to be imported and
exported / 340
12.3 US outward and inward foreign direct investment in the forest industry
in constant 2000 US$, 1983-2008 / 351
12.4 Canadian outward and inward foreign direct investment in the forest
industry in constant 2000 CND$, 1983-2008 / 351
13.1 The Environmental Kuznets Curve / 361
13.2 Direct and underlying causes of tropical deforestation / 364

3.1 Derivation of continuous compounding / 62
3.2 Comparison of investment projects using alternative evaluation
criteria / 68
3.3 Annual rates of return for the NCREIF timberland index, S&P 500
index, and US government bonds, as well as annual rates of inflation,
1987-2007 / 73
3.4 Descriptive statistics for variables used in a hedonic study of
pre-merchantable timber stands in southwestern Alabama / 85
3.5 Regression results using ln(price/acre) as the dependent variable / 86
4.1 Forest industry’s contribution to gross state or provincial
product, 2005 / 112
5.1 Visitation data for a recreational site and total visits per year with
simulated increases in travel cost / 154
7.1 Value and costs of growing a forest to various harvesting ages / 200
7.2 Faustmann formula in discrete and continuous formats / 208
8.1 Values generated under alternative harvest schedules / 234
10.1 Characteristics of the typical forms of forest tenure / 291
11.1 Common forms of levies on forest resources / 306

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

xiv Figures and Tables

11.2 The effects of forest property taxation systems / 312

12.1 Value and share of different forest products in global exports, 1970,
1996, and 2006 / 334
12.2 Major global importers and exporters of forest products, 2006 / 335
12.3 Production possibilities, opportunity costs, and total gains from
specialization and trade in the example of Adam and John / 338
13.1 Characteristics of forestland in different regions of the world / 357
13.2 Countries with largest net losses and net gains in forest area,
2000-05 /358

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press


For more than 30 years I have taught forest economics to undergraduate

and graduate students and to financially sophisticated investors. The lat-
ter know much about economics and are interested in forestry but are
trying to connect the two. This new textbook will serve these groups well.
Economics is the study of the optimal allocation of resources to
achieve society’s aims. It has a prescriptive element: how should actors
behave if they wish to achieve certain objectives? It also has a normative
element: how will key economic factors such as timber prices, harvest
levels, and standing inventories evolve if variously incentivized actors
(individuals, businesses, governments) interact while seeking to opti-
mize their own positions? This book covers both elements.
While technically a new edition of Peter H. Pearse’s classic text, Forest
Economics is so thorough, comprehensive, and modern a revision that it
is really an entirely new book that draws on the individual strengths and
collaborations of two of the field’s leading practitioners. Pearse has con-
tributed widely to forest policy and natural resource management in
Canada, and his seminal paper “The optimum forestry rotation” in The
Forestry Chronicle has informed many students about the significance of
this problem. Because of the large standing inventory of timber in rela-
tion to annual harvest, forestry is perhaps the most capital-intensive ac-
tivity found in a modern economy. The optimal use of that capital has
played a seminal role in forest economics for centuries. This book in-
cludes the original Pearse formulation and extends it to cover the vari-
ous elaborations developed in the literature since then. Daowei Zhang’s
capable analysis of forest sector markets and policy (as exemplified in
his book on North American lumber markets, The Softwood Lumber War:

Sample Material ©
xv 2011 UBC Press
xvi Foreword

Politics, Economics, and the Long US-Canada Trade Dispute) provides a

strong normative dimension. Zhang and Pearse have already published
together on the impact of forest tenure arrangements on management
outcomes, and this important topic is thoughtfully covered in this book.
Both authors have taught forest economics for many years. This book
reflects the collected wisdom of that experience. It also includes material
drawn from my own courses, which Zhang assisted in presenting at the
University of British Columbia. Those who teach forest economics will
find this textbook to be a straightforward guide for a semester-long
course – there are 13 chapters in the book, a number that does not seem
Students of forest economics will benefit from the analysis, which
links economic principles with both private and public forestry decision
making, including resource allocation over time and space, forest sector
markets and market intervention (including international trade), valuing
unmarketed ecosystem services, and forest taxation. The book extends
the traditional discrete-time analysis to the more modern and analytic-
ally rigorous continuous-time formulations. The discussion of policy
issues (such as the impact of sustained-yield regulation and environ-
mental protection rules, the effect of governmental incentive programs
on silvicultural investment, the consequences of alternative forest ten-
ure arrangements, and the role of forestry in economic development)
usefully includes contemporary theoretical analysis that is backed up by
existing empirical evidence.
Forests in their totality accommodate a wide variety of uses. For bil-
lions of us, they are the backdrop to everyday life. Millions of Aboriginal
people call forests home. They help regulate key global biogeochemical
cycles. Where human interference is absent, or nearly so, they provide
important spiritual, ecological, and cultural values. Wood from forests is
also one of the most important sources of raw materials and energy in
the world today. Sustainable forestry demands that we respect all of
these values, and the study of forest economics provides key insights
into how forests can be best used and managed. This book provides the
tools to begin that task.

Clark S. Binkley
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press


This textbook is a thorough revision and expansion of Introduction to

Forestry Economics by Peter H. Pearse, published in 1990. It is written
for undergraduate forestry students taking courses in forest economics
and for graduate students with diverse academic backgrounds who are
interested in forest management and policy.
This book reflects the two authors’ more than 50 years of combined
experience in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in forest
economics in the United States and Canada. It differs from the earlier
book in its additional and updated content and its more advanced, em-
pirical presentation of materials. Yet the emphasis is still on basic eco-
nomic concepts, principles, and constructs used to analyze key features
of private and public forestry decision making.
Forestry, as we see it, is the applied science of managing land and
trees to advance social objectives, which may relate to the production of
industrial timber, recreation, or a variety of other goods and services of
value to people. Economics is concerned with choices about how resour-
ces are allocated and used to create things of value to people. Having
begun careers as foresters and later turned to economics, we have found
that the two areas of study converge and complement each other.
Forestry involves using land, labour, and capital to produce goods and
services from forests, while economics helps in understanding how this
can be done in ways that will best meet the needs of people.
Moreover, it is increasingly apparent that we cannot isolate forestry
from the economic forces that drive other activities. The growing inten-
sity and variety of demands on forests for recreational, aesthetic, and
environmental benefits as well as for timber give rise to complicated

Sample Material ©
xvii 2011 UBC Press
xviii Preface

problems that involve choosing among a wide range of human wants

and needs – precisely the subject of economics. And as forestry in North
America and elsewhere becomes increasingly concerned with hus-
banding and managing forests rather than simply harvesting them, it
competes directly with investment needs for other social purposes.
Forestry must therefore be understood in its full economic context, and
this context can provide a unifying framework for analyzing forestry
Nevertheless, those of us who have taught undergraduate courses in
economics for forestry students are often frustrated by the limited refer-
ence materials available. Further, there is no introductory forest eco-
nomics textbook suitable for a graduate-level course, a complaint often
heard from both instructors and graduate students.
Thus we have produced a textbook that will help forestry students
understand the economic implications of the work they will do as pro-
fessional foresters, and will also help graduate students become forest
economists. Whatever undergraduate students learn in one course in
forest economics will have to last most of them for many years, while
graduate students need more advanced materials. In writing this book,
therefore, we have made an effort not only to distill the subject down to
the fundamentals – the basic economic principles of forestry and how
they bear on forest management and policy decisions – but also to cover
more advanced theoretical and empirical issues of forest economics.
Most students of forest economics have already taken a course in eco-
nomic principles, and those who have not should be referred to suitable
references. This book therefore begins with and builds on the general
principles of economics, and elaborates on the particular concepts rel-
evant to forest management.
Thus the preparation of this book has been in large part a process of
winnowing through economic doctrine on the one hand and forestry
problems on the other, in order to focus on the basic connections be-
tween the two. Preparation of a textbook that meets the needs of both
undergraduate and graduate students is a challenge, however, and runs
the risk of satisfying neither. We must rely on instructors to guide stu-
dents with varying capabilities towards suitable applications, practical
problems, and further readings, some of which are suggested at the end
of each chapter. We also rely on instructors using this book for an under-
graduate course to identify which materials should be excluded, and
those using it for a graduate course to provide additional materials and

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

Preface xix

We will be content if undergraduate students completing their forest

economics course thoroughly understand a few fundamental concepts
of economic theory and their relevance to forestry, such as economic
efficiency, markets, opportunity cost, incentives, marginal analysis,
valuation over time and valuation of non-market goods, optimal rota-
tion age, management intensity, and the implications of property rights,
taxes, and international trade. Much of this book deals with the applica-
tion of these concepts to problems of forestry, and we will be satisfied if
graduate students completing their forest economics course understand
and gain additional insights into the forest sector, its markets and rel-
evant government functions, and their special challenges for economic
The book is divided into five parts. Part 1 consists of three chapters.
Chapter 1 begins by gathering the threads of economics as they apply to
forestry, sketches the scope of the subject, and introduces the issues ad-
dressed in the rest of the book. Chapter 2 reviews intermediate micro-
economics in the forestry context, and covers important economic
concepts and principles, such as economic efficiency, production theory,
market failures, and policy failures. Chapter 3 turns to forest investment
analysis, which may be seen as an introduction to finance as applied to
forestry. This chapter covers the important principles of valuation over
time and techniques for assessing forest investments, which are applied
to specific problems in subsequent chapters.
Part 2, “The Forest Sector,” also has three chapters. Chapter 4 covers
market goods in the forest sector, notably timber, and the supply of and
demand for these goods. Chapter 5 introduces the variety of non-market
goods and services produced through forestry and shows how their val-
ues can be assessed. Chapter 6 discusses land allocation among various
uses and values.
Part 3 is called “Economics of Forest Management.” Chapter 7 deals
with the optimal forest rotation age; Chapter 8 considers the regulation
of harvests over time; and Chapter 9 presents the temporal dynamics of
the forest sector and silvicultural investment.
Part 4, “Economics of Forest Policy,” focuses on two of the most im-
portant policy issues – property rights and taxation – with a chapter de-
voted to each. Finally, Part 5 examines some international forestry issues,
including trade in forest products and the impact of global forest resour-
ces on economic development and the environment.
Forestry involves measurement, but the forestry measurement
units used in North America and elsewhere vary considerably. Because

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

xx Preface

foresters and forest economists should be accustomed to working with

numbers, in this book we have deliberately used various, often local
measurement units in our examples. Students are encouraged to exam-
ine the conversion factors listed before Part 1 and to make their own
conversions and comparisons.
In preparing this updated book, we have benefited from advice and
suggestions from many colleagues, including David N. Laband, Robert
Tufts, Yaoqi Zhang, Shaun Tanger, and Gloria M. Umali-Maceina of Auburn
University, Michael G. Jacobson of Pennsylvania State University, Janaki
Alavalapati of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
(Virginia Tech), Joseph S. Chang of Louisiana State University, Tamara
Cushing of Clemson University, and Gary G. Bull and Anthony Scott of the
University of British Columbia. Three anonymous reviewers of an early
draft were particularly insightful and helpful, so we sought, and received
from UBC Press and the reviewers themselves, permission to identify
them and acknowledge their contributions. They are Claire A. Mont­
gomery of Oregon State University, Harry Nelson of the University of
British Columbia, and Van A. Lantz of the University of New Brunswick.
We must also record our appreciation of the helpful comments we
received from William F. Hyde when we began this project, and our
thanks to Clark Binkley for contributing the Foreword to the finished
Support from our families and the School of Forestry and Wildlife
Sciences of Auburn University made this project manageable. Last but
not least, we would like to acknowledge the continuing stimulus of our
students over many years, which has honed our appreciation of how
economics can help to elucidate the challenges of managing forests.

Daowei Zhang
Peter H. Pearse

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press


1 inch = 2.54 centimetres
1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 metres
1 mile = 5,280 feet = 1,609.3 metres
1 chain = 66 feet

1 square foot = 0.0929 square metres
1 acre = 43,560 square feet = 0.4047 hectares
1 acre = 10 square chains

1 cubic foot = 0.028317 cubic metres
1 cubic metre = 35.313378 cubic feet

1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms
1 short ton = 907.1848 kilograms = 0.90718 metric tons = 2,000 pounds
1 long ton = 1,016 kilograms = 1.016 metric tons = 2,240 pounds

Selected Forest Products

1 cord (80 cubic feet) = 2.27 cubic metres*
1 board foot (logs) = 0.00453 cubic metres**
1 board foot (hardwood lumber) = 0.00236 cubic metres
1 board foot (softwood lumber in US) = 0.00170 cubic metres***
1 board foot (lumber exports and imports) = 0.00236 cubic metres
1,000 square feet (¼ inch panels) = 0.590 cubic metres
1,000 square feet ( 3∕ 8 inch panels) = 0.885 cubic metres
1,000 square feet (½ inch panels) = 1.180 cubic metres

* A cord is a stack of wood 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet tall (or 128 cubic
feet). On average, a cord contains about 80 cubic feet of wood, but a cord of
southern pine timber contains 72 cubic feet of wood. Thus, species and log sizes
affect the amount of wood in a cord and its conversion factor to cubic metres.
** A board foot is a piece of wood 1 foot × 1 foot × 1 inch, squared in all three di-
mensions. Because logs are circular and tapered, the quantity of wood they con-

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

tain is measured more precisely in cubic metres (or tons). Thus, the conversion
factor between board feet and cubic metres varies considerably for different
species and log sizes.
*** Softwood lumber produced and consumed in the US is measured in nominal, not
actual, terms. For example, in the United States, 2 × 4 softwood lumber (histori-
cally 2 inches × 4 inches in cross section) is actually 1.5 inches × 3.5 inches,
which is why this conversion factor differs from that used in international trade.

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press


Markets, Government, and Forest

Investment Analysis

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press
Chapter 1 Forestry’s Economic Perspective

Forestry calls on a variety of skills and disciplines of study. Foresters

must combine knowledge drawn from biology and other natural sciences,
applied sciences, and social sciences such as economics. Each discipline
brings a different set of tools and methods to the task of managing for-
ests. This book deals with forestry from an economic perspective.
This chapter begins with the economic perspective of valuing forest
resources and presents some context for studying forest economics.
Those who decide how forests are managed and used must take careful
account of the economic and social environment in which they operate,
so we review the basic structure of market economies, introduce ideas
about society’s fundamental economic goals, and sketch the role of gov-
ernments and private producers. We also explain the scope and sub-
stance of forest economics and illustrate how forest economics can help
us understand and enhance social values. Finally, we outline a frame-
work for policy development and decision making and indicate where
economic analysis fits in.


Forests are economic resources because we can use them to help pro-
duce goods and services that people want to consume. This is the defin-
ition of economic resources (or “factors of production,” as they are called
in economics textbooks) – things in limited supply that can be combined
with other things to produce products and services that consumers
want. Thus, we can make use of a forest, combined with some labour and
other inputs, to help produce consumer products such as housing, news-
papers, fuel wood, outdoor recreation, and environmental services.

Sample Material ©3 2011 UBC Press

4 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

It is this usefulness of forests that makes them valuable economic re-

sources. The more value in final goods and services that can be gener-
ated from a tract of forest, the more valuable is the forest itself.
Usually there is more than one way in which a forest can be used, and
someone must choose from among them. The timber might be harvested
and used for making lumber, paper, or fuel wood. It might be kept stand-
ing, to support recreational or aesthetic values or environmental servi-
ces, or it might be saved for industrial use by future generations. Often, a
forest can generate two or more kinds of benefits simultaneously or se-
quentially – such as industrial timber, recreation, livestock forage, wild-
life habitat, flood control, and carbon storage – in which case, someone
must choose the preferred combination and pattern of uses. In all cases,
choices must be made about how a forest will be managed, what goods
and services will be produced, how much will be invested in enhancing
growth or conservation, and so on.
Economics is the study of such choices, specifically the choices that
determine how scarce factors of production are allocated among their
alternative possible uses to produce useful goods and services. In other
words, it is a science of decision making or the study of how individuals,
firms, and societies decide how scarce resources are used.
To illustrate how economics can help individuals make decisions, take
the example of college students. Students go to college with one or a few
objectives, such as having a good education and getting a good job. On a
daily basis, all students have a limited or scarce resource – time. How to
allocate time every day is critical to whether students can achieve their
goals. Each day, students have several things to do: study, work, engage
in sports, relax (for example, by watching TV), and socialize. The eco-
nomic principle that guides them in allocating their time is that the mar-
ginal utility (satisfaction) of allocating the last unit of time to each activity
should be equal. In this way, the students get maximum possible utility
(satisfaction). Doing this consistently is likely to make them succeed in
college. These last few sentences demonstrate the efficiency rule that is
developed later.
Forest economics deals more narrowly with choices about how for-
ests are managed and used; how other factors of production, such as
labour and capital, are used in forest production, utilization, and con-
servation; and what and how much forest products are produced and
marketed. Forest economics applies the discipline of economics to deci-
sion making in forestry and covers the whole forest sector.
Forest economics can be approached from several directions, so it is
important to specify at the outset the viewpoint taken in this book and
Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press
Forestry’s Economic Perspective 5

some general assumptions underlying the discussion that follows. First,

the focus of attention here is the forestland, the timber, and other goods
and services produced directly from forests – the economics of forest
resource management. We also deal briefly, however, with the manufac-
turing and marketing of secondary forest products, such as lumber, ply-
wood, and paper, because the demand for primary forest products such
as timber is driven by the value of these secondary products.
Second, our judgments about economic performance are made from
the viewpoint of society rather than that of individual forest owners or
producers. The criterion we adopt for assessing the economic advantage
of one activity over another is a comparison of the net gain, the surplus
of benefits over costs, that accrues to society as a whole, taking into ac-
count relevant concerns about the distribution of the benefits and costs.
This is important because the economic interests of individual entre-
preneurs, landowners, workers, or forest users often diverge from that
of society collectively. In this respect, this book differs from texts that
take a business management approach and analyze problems from the
narrower viewpoint of producers or forest owners.
Third, we shall assume throughout that the broad purpose of forest
management and the production of forest products is to generate the
maximum net gain, or value to society. This assumption is important be-
cause much of the literature on forest management assumes, or at least
implies, different objectives, such as production of the maximum pos-
sible quantity of wood, maximum profits to producers, or stability of
harvest rates. Such different objectives have an important place in for-
estry traditions and, as we shall see, have profoundly influenced forest
policies around the world. It is important to recognize, however, that
narrower objectives such as these inevitably conflict, to a greater or
lesser extent, with the goal of maximizing the forest’s economic contri-
bution to society as a whole.
The value that a forest generates for a society can take a variety of
forms. Some of these, such as industrial timber, are ordinarily marketed
and their value is reflected in their market prices. Others, such as aes-
thetic benefits and some forms of recreation, are usually provided free,
so there is no market indicator of their value. Moreover, while the mar-
ket values of products like timber are critical to a private company, many
non-market benefits of forests are also important to private landowners
as well as the public. For example, for many small private forest land-
owners in North America and Europe, the non-market recreational val-
ues of their lands are the primary motivation for owning the land and
timber values are secondary. Indeed, a complex range of market and
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6 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

non-market values is a common aspect of forestry almost everywhere in

the world. In the forested areas of developed countries, in regions such
as British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington, the important values for
most landowners may be timber and recreation. In developing countries
like India and Nepal, the important values may be construction timber
and poles, fruit, and fuel wood; the first two are usually sold in markets,
while the latter two are often unmarketed and consumed in homes.
The important point is that in assuming the viewpoint of society as a
whole, we must take unbiased account of the full range of social bene-
fits, whether they are priced or not. Even for most private landowners,
we must account for a range of both priced and unpriced benefits from
forests. Much of our attention in this book will therefore focus on the
problems of evaluating environmental and other non-market benefits,
trade-offs among uses, and multiple use.
Forest values are classified into two main categories in Figure 1.1.
One of these is extractive values, which involve physically harvesting and
removing resources for use outside the forest; these include not only the
familiar timber, poles, and fuel wood but also minor products such as
mushrooms, fruit, nuts, livestock fodder, and game. The other main cat-
egory is non-extractive values, which are realized without extracting re-
sources from the forest, and are further divided into two subcategories:
ecosystem services, such a soil and water protection, biodiversity, and
climate modulation; and preservation values, which refers to the value
that people place on preserving forests in their present state. Recreational
or cultural uses of forests can have extractive value (such as hunting and
fishing), non-extractive value (such as birdwatching and hiking for re-
laxation and spiritual renewal), or both.
Although not explained in detail in Figure 1.1, it is useful to distin-
guish three types of preservation values: existence value, option value,
and bequest value. Existence value is the value that people place on
preserving forests from human disturbance for the continuing benefit of
future generations; this is the value most often associated with pro-
tecting environmentally sensitive forests in their natural state as a park
or some other secure form of protection. Option value is the value that
forest owners or others may gain from preserving a forest in the present
to maintain the option of harvesting it in the future. Bequest value is the
value that people derive from bequeathing forests in their present form
to future generations. The boundaries between these categories are
often unclear and inevitably overlap.
Scholars and others use terms like “ecosystem services” and “preser-
vation values” in various ways. The most broadly encompassing definition
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Forestry’s Economic Perspective 7

Total value of a forest

Extractive value Non-extractive value

Timber value Non-timber value Ecosystem Preservation value

(e.g., industrial (e.g., fruits, nuts, (environmental) (e.g., existence value,
timber, fuel mushrooms, livestock, service value option value,
wood) fodder, game) (e.g., soil and bequest value)
water protection,
climate mitigation)

Figure 1.1  A forest’s economic value.

of ecosystem services is that of the United Nations 2004 Millennium

Ecosystem Assessment, which embraces all benefits that humans receive
from managed and natural ecosystems – that is, all the values listed in
Figure 1.1. For our purposes, however, it is useful to distinguish these
values to draw attention to the different challenges they present for
measurement and for making trade-offs among them in forest manage-
ment decision making.
As a final observation on the values derived from forests, it is worth
noting that some biologists and philosophers argue that forests have in-
trinsic value independent of their instrumental value or usefulness to
human beings, and so an economic valuation is too anthropocentric to
capture their full value. Human values are undoubtedly influenced by
ethical and moral norms, however, especially as these apply to nature,
and whether there are values beyond this – or a practical method of
measuring them – is unclear. In any event, this book focuses on the eco-
nomic value of forests, defined broadly to include all their identifiable
priced and unpriced values, to guide forest management decisions.


An economy consists of production, consumption, investment, and other
activities linked by a huge number and variety of transactions taking
place continuously. The bewildering detail and complexity of an economy
can, however, be visualized in terms of a few straightforward processes.
On the one hand, the society being served by the economy has certain
wants. People want goods like food, houses, and television sets, and ser-
vices like medical care and recreation. Their welfare or standard of living
is measured by the extent to which these wants are met: the more
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8 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

people’s wants are satisfied, the better off they are and, since no society
has ever been known to be fully satisfied, welfare is always a matter of
degree. It is important to note that people’s wants extend beyond strictly
private desires to collective or public concerns about economic security,
equity, and freedom.
On the other hand, any society has a limited capacity to produce the
goods and services that will satisfy these wants. The wherewithal to pro-
duce these consists of natural resources (or natural capital); human-
made capital such as machines, roads, and other infrastructure; labour;
and technical knowledge. All of these change over time, but at any point
in time they are finite.
The function of the economic process is to determine how these lim-
ited resources are used to satisfy some of the unlimited human wants.
Thus, economics is the study of how scarce resources are allocated
among competing uses.
Every society must deal with three fundamental economic questions.
Given its limited endowment of productive resources and the unlimited
wants that they must serve, a society must somehow make decisions

• which goods and services, of the almost infinite variety that it is tech-
nically possible to produce with these resources, will actually get pro-
duced, and in what quantities
• which of the variety of technically possible ways of producing each
good and service will be adopted in each case
• how the goods and services produced will be distributed among mem-
bers of the society.

These basic questions are answered in every economy, but in differ-

ent ways. Primitive, subsistence societies rely heavily on custom and
tradition to make decisions about what to produce, and how. Socialist
systems rely primarily on central planning and governmental direction.
The capitalist system depends on market forces generated by the in-
dependent actions of individual producers, consumers, and owners of
productive resources. A mixed capitalist system utilizes market forces as
well as government intervention. Nowadays, pure socialist and pure cap-
italist economies are rare. Rather, most countries have adopted mixed
capitalist and socialist systems, which depend on varying degrees of
government participation and intervention in markets.
Any study of the economics of forestry must take careful account of
the character of the economic system within which forestry is being
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Forestry’s Economic Perspective 9

practised because this governs the issues that need attention. A socialist
or subsistence economy raises quite different problems from a capitalist
one. In this book, we assume the context of a mixed capitalistic economy,
except where we note otherwise.
In a typical form of “mixed capitalism,” most production is organized
and carried out by private entrepreneurs responding to market incen-
tives. Governments play an important role in regulating economic activ-
ity, however – providing a variety of services, manipulating prices and
incentives, redistributing income and wealth, and managing the general
level of economic activity.
The basic theory developed to explain how mixed capitalist econ-
omies operate is thoroughly dealt with in numerous elementary text-
books. This book is intended to build on, rather than duplicate, this
general economic theory. Accordingly, the basic principles of economics
are reviewed only briefly in the following chapters. Our emphasis is on
the particular role that forests play in the economic system and on the
economic choices faced by forest managers.


In a market economy, entrepreneurs take responsibility for producing
things. They occupy the interface between suppliers of productive re-
sources and purchasers of final goods and services. Entrepreneurs pur-
chase the resources they need in order to produce the goods and services
desired by consumers, and the prices they pay for these resources deter-
mine the incomes of those who provide the resources. The first of the
three basic economic questions referred to earlier – what should be pro-
duced – is therefore determined in the first instance by consumer de-
mand, hence the concept of “consumer sovereignty.” The second question
– about how the output will be produced – is determined by constant
competition among individual producers to find the most cost-effective
means of production in order to enhance their profits. And the third –
concerning the allocation of the fruits of production – is resolved by the
distribution of income, which in turn is governed by the market values of
the labour, capital, and other productive resources that private suppliers
make available to producers.
In the mixed capitalist system typical of most countries in the world
today, however, governments intervene in these processes and change
the pattern of production in important ways. They provide not only the
traditional public goods (such as roads, lighthouses, and national defence)
that private producers do not normally produce at all but also an in-
creasing variety of goods and services that private producers produce
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10 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

inadequately. Such things as health care, education, and the arts fall into
this category of merit goods, which have a social value exceeding their
value to individual consumers. Some governments even produce indus-
trial timber, a seemingly pure private good. More importantly, govern-
ments indirectly influence private production and consumption by
means of taxes, subsidies, and regulations. Governmental regulation of
activities ranging from marketing to safety procedures for workers af-
fects industrial structure, output, and prices. All these forms of inter-
vention that alter the way in which productive resources are allocated
and used comprise the allocative role of government.
Governments also substantially affect the distribution of wealth and
income. Taxes, government spending programs, transfers, and borrow-
ings of various kinds all redistribute income within and among socio-
economic groups, regions, and generations. Sometimes these redistri-
butional effects are deliberate and obvious, as when pensions are paid
to the elderly, but often they are subtle and indirect, requiring com-
plex analysis to trace their full impact. This is the distributive role of
Finally, modern governments accept responsibility for maintaining a
stable level of economic activity. This calls for fiscal policies (spending
and revenue-collecting programs) and monetary policies (manipulation
of interest rates, exchange rates, and the supply of money) to offset
trends towards inflation or unemployment. Related to these stabiliza-
tion activities are policies for promoting economic growth and regional
development. These comprise the stabilization role of government.
By intervening in various ways, governments attempt to correct some
of the weaknesses and inadequacies of the market system. Expressed in
another way, government intervention in the form of allocative, distribu-
tive, and stabilization measures reflects efforts to improve the perform-
ance of the economy in terms of achieving the economic objectives that a
society sets for itself through the political process.
In studying the economics of forest management, we find ourselves
continually confronted with government policies aimed at influencing
the way forest resources are developed, managed, and used. The primary
objective of some of these policies is to improve efficiency by affecting
the rate and pattern of resource use. Other policies are motivated by dis-
tributional or equity considerations, or a desire to manipulate commun-
ity and regional growth. Whatever their primary purpose, all forms of
intervention inevitably have implications for all three of the fundamen-
tal forms of economic impact, namely, the allocation of resources, the
distribution of income and wealth, and economic stability and growth.
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Forestry’s Economic Perspective 11


The allocative, distributive, and stabilization roles of government imply
two fundamental economic objectives of society: efficiency and equity.
These objectives provide us with criteria for assessing economic
In any society, there is a presumption, more or less qualified, that the
primary objective of economic activity is to satisfy consumer demands
to the greatest extent possible. The extent to which these demands are
met with the available resources is a measure of the efficiency of the eco-
nomic system.
At the macroeconomic level, if resources were employed in one sector
of the economy when they could generate greater value in another, it
would be possible through some reallocation to increase the value of
total output and hence the efficiency of the total system. In that case, the
gross domestic product (GDP), the total value of all goods and services
produced in an economy in a year, which is often used as a first approxi-
mation of an economy’s performance, would be increased. Similarly, at
the microeconomic level, an inefficiency exists if a producer fails to em-
ploy an available technology that would enable him to produce more
with the same amount of inputs.
Thus, economic efficiency refers to the allocation of resources that
generates maximum value from the resources used. The level of eco-
nomic efficiency is reflected in the relationship between inputs and out-
puts: the greater the output relative to input, the greater the efficiency.
In economic analysis, efficiency is expressed as the ratio of benefits (out-
puts) to costs (inputs), both measured in the common denominator of
dollar values. Of course, a thorough economic analysis from the view-
point of society as a whole must account for unpriced benefits and costs
as well as those that are more readily observed and measured in market
Efficiency in economic activity is therefore a logical social objective.
Unless there are offsetting considerations, the use of any resource in a
way that generates less value than it is potentially capable of generating
through some other uses is simply a waste, lowering the value that soci-
ety derives from its resources.
How forests can best be used in light of the variety of demands on
them is one of the central questions of economic efficiency in forestry. A
second question concerns the intensity of forestry – that is, how much
labour and capital can be advantageously devoted to utilizing and man-
aging forests to increase production. There is also an important temporal
dimension to economic efficiency in forestry, referring to the pattern of
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12 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

investment and utilization of the resource over time. Because forests

take so long to grow and can be harvested over such a broad span of
time, this temporal dimension of efficiency is especially important in
Market economies give producers incentives to operate efficiently
and thereby compete successfully. On the other hand, various distortions
and market failures, or failures of prices and the need for corrective poli-
cies to reflect society’s real preferences, give scope for governments to
improve efficiency through their allocative, stabilization, and growth-
stimulating activities.
Equity refers to fairness in the distribution of income and wealth, and
therefore the fruits of production, among the population. As noted above,
the distribution of income is determined, in the first instance, by pay-
ments for the factors of production. It can be altered to a preferred pat-
tern, however, through taxes, subsidies, transfers, and other types of
distributive intervention by governments.
Like efficiency, equity invites a comparison of possible alternatives to
determine which, of all the possible distributions of income and wealth,
best serve society’s preferences. Also like efficiency, equity has more
than one dimension. Interpersonal equity refers to the distribution of in-
come among individuals at any time. Equity among people living in dif-
ferent geographical regions is referred to as interregional equity. And
intergenerational equity refers to the distribution of income among
people living at different times. All these dimensions of equity are rel-
evant to forest policy. In forestry, questions of equity often relate to the
needs of poorer people or poorer regions, or to conserving forest resour-
ces for future generations.
Both efficiency and equity are difficult to measure. Efficiency is usu-
ally measured in dollar terms: the value of outputs relative to the cost of
inputs, both of which are often reflected in market prices. Market prices
are sometimes misleading, however: some benefits are not traded in
markets, some costs exceed the amount of compensation paid, and other
distortions and market failures make it necessary to supplement market
price information with estimates of social values in order to assess effi-
ciency. Equity, which rests on subjective judgments about fairness in the
distribution of income and wealth, defies empirical measurement except
through political processes and ethical judgments. For example, a policy
that makes disadvantaged people worse off is often considered inequit-
able, but that might not be so if it serves some other social objective,
such as a desired regional redistribution of income or benefits to future
generations, all of which are difficult to measure and compare.
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Forestry’s Economic Perspective 13

It is important to note that the objectives of efficiency and equity

often come into conflict, and it becomes necessary to sacrifice one for
the other. For example, measures that could expand output (increase ef-
ficiency) might create unwanted changes in the distribution of income
(decrease equity), and vice versa. This illustrates the trade-off between
improvement in equity and aggregate production, and the choices that
must be made. The relative priority of objectives and the appropriate
compromises among them are not matters that can be solved by eco-
nomic analysis. Political and electoral processes must be depended upon
to prescribe the appropriate mixture of allocative, distributive, and sta-
bilization efforts on the part of governments and to reconcile divergent
opinions about equity and efficiency. Economic analysis can provide
guidance in making these decisions, however.
This book places heavy emphasis on the efficiency of resource alloca-
tion, especially the economic efficiency of forest resource development
and use. This is not to suggest that concerns about equity and stability
are unimportant in forestry; on the contrary, we shall see that some of
the most profound issues in forest management, issues that have motiv-
ated significant forms of governmental activity, have to do with distribu-
tion among groups and regions and economic stability over time. We
emphasize the efficiency of resource allocation, however, for two rea-
sons. One is that it provides a necessary starting point for examining the
benefits and costs of governmental policies and programs that change
the distribution of income, promote economic growth, or affect market
outcomes in other ways. The second reason is that from the viewpoint of
an economic analyst, much of the uniqueness of forestry, as distinct from
other forms of economic activity, centres on problems of efficiency.


In economics, the general term “resources” refers not only to land and
natural resources but also to capital, labour, and human skills that are
valuable in producing goods and services. The essential characteristic of
an economic resource is that it is “scarce,” in the sense that there is not
enough of it available to satisfy all demands for it. It is this scarcity, or
limitation of supply, that raises problems of choice about how resources
are to be allocated. It also makes them valuable, even though their value
in some uses is not reflected in market prices.
Not all forests are economic resources in this sense. Some are so in-
accessible, so remote, or of such poor quality that they are not demanded
for any economic purpose, even though they might provide environ-
mental benefits. Having no economic value or alternative uses, such
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14 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

forests do not present the usual problems of choice and allocation among
competing uses that are associated with economic resources. Most for-
ests, however, are capable of yielding one or more products or services,
and so they constitute part of an economy’s total endowment of product-
ive resources. It is this economically valuable part of the total physical
stock of forest that we are concerned with in forest economics.
An economy’s total endowment of productive resources is commonly
divided into four broad categories: land, labour, capital, and entrepre-
neurship. Each of these has distinctive economic characteristics, and
each generates economic returns of a different kind, namely, rent, wages,
interest, and profit, respectively.
Forest resources fall into two of these categories. The basic resource
is the forest land, which has the same economic characteristics as agri-
cultural and other land. In any location, it is fixed in supply; it varies in
productive quality; and it generates a residual value, or rent, that varies
accordingly. The forest itself, consisting of trees on the land, falls into the
category of capital. It can be built up over time through investment in
silviculture and pest control, or it can be depleted through harvesting; it
derives its value mainly from the final goods and services that can be
produced from it; and it generates returns measured as interest. Standing
timber is capital in this economic sense regardless of whether it is a gift
of nature or a product of a long period of costly management.
Forestland and timber are economic resources because they are valu-
able in producing other final goods and services. The demand for land
and timber stems from the consumer demand for these final products,
and in this sense is a “derived” demand.
Forestland and the capital embodied in timber are part of a society’s
total endowment of productive resources that can be used in a variety of
ways to produce useful goods and services. As with other resources, the
extent to which they contribute to social welfare is governed by the effi-
ciency with which they are allocated and used.
Traditionally, forest economics has been concerned with the manage-
ment of forests for production of wood for industrial manufacture into
building materials, pulp and paper, and so on. Forests also yield other
goods and services, however, and are often managed to produce fuel
wood, livestock, fish and wildlife, recreation, and water supplies. Such
benefits are often produced in combination with industrial timber pro-
duction. Some of these values, especially recreational and environmental
benefits, are becoming increasingly important. These increasing and
overlapping demands on forest resources complicate the problem of al-
locating them among alternative uses and combinations of uses.
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Forestry’s Economic Perspective 15

Moreover, as some forest values are often not priced, they are difficult
to evaluate in terms comparable with timber values, but these values are
real whether or not they are priced; the absence of price indicators only
complicates the problem of economic analysis. Later chapters address
these issues in detail.


Economics deals with all kinds of productive resources, while forest eco-
nomics focuses specifically on those used in forestry. The latter includes,
obviously, the land and forest growth that constitute the forest itself, but
it must also consider the labour, capital, and other inputs to forest oper-
ations and forest products production. Much of forest economics is con-
cerned with how much of these other resources can be efficiently
combined with forestland and timber in producing forest products and
This is the subject matter of microeconomics – the half of economic
science that deals with how prices and incomes are determined, how
producers find the most efficient scale and form of production, how con-
sumers behave, and so on. Forest economics builds on this basic theory
as it applies to forests and land. Forest economics is therefore in large
part a study in applied microeconomics.
Like other special fields of applied economics, forest economics draws
on the particular threads of economic theory that are relevant to the
unique or especially important problems of the field. For forest econom-
ics, the theory of production, especially the theory of capital and rent, is
fundamental. And, as a relatively narrow area of applied economics, it
draws on broader applied fields such as the long-established specializa-
tions in land and agricultural economics and the newer branch of natural
resource and environmental economics.
The special characteristics of forest resources that justify consid-
ering forest economics as a special field of study can be summarized as

• Forests can produce a wide variety of goods and services and com-
binations of them, some of which are not priced in markets. This gives
rise to special problems relating to the allocation of resources among
• With the exception of some tropical and temperate species, forests
typically take a long time to grow, often involving investment periods
of decades. This gives rise to special problems in investment analysis,
harvesting schedules, risks in carrying forest crops over long periods,
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16 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

and market uncertainty. It also means that forests can be altered only
slowly in response to changed economic and natural conditions.
• Forestry usually involves very high capital and carrying costs relative
to production because the slow rate of forest growth means that large
forest inventories must be carried to sustain a modest harvest. As a
result, the costs of forest production are often dominated by the
burden of carrying land and capital over time.
• Forests valued for industrial timber are both productive capital and
product. This fact distinguishes forests from other forms of capital
and gives rise to special analytical problems in selecting the best age
to harvest and in designing taxes and regulations.
• Governments often wield a heavy hand in forest management and
utilization. Partly because forest production is a long process, partly
because forests produce many goods and services that are not sold in
markets, and partly because timber harvesting and intensive forest
management often have adverse side effects, governments in various
countries have usually had more involvement in forestry than other
sectors of the economy, through public ownership, timber-harvesting
and forest practices regulations, taxation, and subsidies.

These features are not unique to forestry, but forestry illustrates them
to a unique degree. They are also issues that underlie most of the ana-
lytical problems addressed in this book.
The economic choices in forest management are constrained by the
biological capacity of the resource. Those limits, and the scope for ma-
nipulating them, are the subject of the natural science of forestry, or
silviculture. Silviculture is a specialized field of biology, just as forest
economics is a specialized field of applied economics. Whereas silvicul-
ture is concerned with all the things that can be done to manipulate the
structure and growth of forests, forest economics deals with decisions
and choices within that range of possibilities, focusing attention on their
social rather than biological implications.
Forest economics is concerned not only with silviculture but with all
aspects of forest management and forest products markets – protection,
consumption, development, harvesting, and utilization of the full range
of goods and services associated with forests. The natural science of for-
estry identifies the limits of natural systems and the range of choices
available to forest managers; this range provides the framework of nat-
ural constraints within which economic analysis can help in identifying
the social implications of alternative courses of action.

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Forestry’s Economic Perspective 17


Forest resource management ranges from the design and implementa-
tion of high policy to the execution of everyday field tasks. Broad policy
objectives are determined by governments and corporate boards of direc-
tors; how particular forests are to be used is usually the decision of their
private or public owners; for detailed matters, it is often foresters, super-
intendents, or foremen employed by the owners who make the decisions.
Whatever the level, the process of decision making can be viewed as
involving at least the following steps: (1) identification of goals or ob-
jectives, (2) identification of the alternative possible means of pursuing
those objectives, (3) evaluation of the alternatives, (4) choice of the pre-
ferred alternative, and (5) implementation of the decision. In practice,
decision making seldom follows the orderly sequence implied by this list
of steps. The objectives of the parties involved are often unclear or con-
flicting, their motives may range from self-interest to altruism, and their
time perspective may range from the immediate to the distant future.
The processes of investigation and evaluation often bring out new infor-
mation that causes those involved to change positions and shift alliances.
As a result of this ongoing process, decision making often appears con-
fused and disorderly, especially in matters of public policy. Nevertheless,
it is helpful to the understanding of decision making to identify these
separate components of the process.

Identifying Goals or Objectives

To make appropriate decisions, the decision maker needs a clear pur-
pose to serve as a frame of reference for judging the desirability of one
course of action compared with another. Thus, forest managers facing a
decision about how to plan a harvesting program, or how much provi-
sion should be made for wildlife, or where to direct silvicultural effort
must assess their alternatives in light of the objectives they are striving
to achieve. There are two fundamental economic objectives: the effi-
ciency and equity objectives discussed earlier. The relative importance
of these must also be considered in decision making. Other social object-
ives, such as public safety, cultural awareness, and social harmony, al-
though not normally economic objectives, have economic implications
as well.
Several points about objectives deserve mention. First, objectives,
even at the same level of decision making, vary depending upon who is
responsible for defining them. A government, for example, is likely to
have different and broader objectives for the management of public

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18 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

forests than a corporation does in managing its private forestland. A

major objective guiding the forest operations of industrial corporations
is the corporations’ responsibility to shareholders to generate profits,
and corporate decisions are consequently aimed largely at increasing
profits. They may also be influenced by other goals, however, such as
corporate growth, security of markets or resource supplies, protection
of dependent manufacturing activities, or social responsibility, and firms
may be prepared to compromise their current profits to advance these
other goals. Similarly, small private landowners may be guided by a de-
sire not only for profit but also for financial security, amenity, or other
values that they derive from their forests. The management of public
forests in democratic countries reflects the perceived wishes of the
populace, which nowadays typically puts considerable emphasis on the
non-market and environmental benefits of forests, on distributional con-
siderations, and on regional development. In short, those who make the
decisions about how forests are to be managed have varying frames of
reference, and hence differing objectives that lead to differing decisions.
Second, the objectives of decision makers depend on the hierarchical
structure of the organizations within which they work. As one moves
down through the organizational structure of a government or corpora-
tion, the relevant objectives of decision makers become more narrowly
defined. For example, at the highest policy-making level in a government,
the goal might be to promote regional economic stability. Towards this
end, the government’s forest management agency might adopt a sustain-
able yield objective in regulating timber harvests in each region. That
objective would provide regional administrators with production object-
ives, the official in charge of silviculture with reforestation objectives,
and the foreman of the planting crew with daily planting targets. This
illustrates that at each subsidiary level of decision making the objective
is different and narrower, but derives from and is consistent with the
next higher objective and ultimately with the general goal of advancing
regional economic stability.
Third, it is important to distinguish ends from means in this context,
because they are often confused. Sustained yield (examined in Chapter
8) is an example. Sustained yield is a principle that has become so en-
shrined in the forestry administration of some jurisdictions that it has
become institutionalized as an end in itself. It is, however, merely a for-
mula for meeting a higher purpose, such as regional industrial stability,
and unless it is clearly seen as a means to such an end, its limitations for
that purpose and the implications of alternatives to it cannot be properly
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Forestry’s Economic Perspective 19

There are many examples of such confusion between goals and

means. Concepts such as conservation and sustainable development
have garnered enormous popularity as goals for natural resources man-
agement, but on closer examination both imply means to higher goals,
primarily intergenerational equity. The latter (sustainable development)
is defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development
(or the Brundtland Commission) as “development that meets the needs
of present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.”
Fourth, forest managers are often expected to pursue several object-
ives simultaneously. As has been suggested, a corporation might be con-
cerned with such things as security of raw material supply or avoidance
of risk as well as profit maximization, and a government may seek to
provide stable regional employment or environmental benefits as well
as revenues from a public forest. These various objectives are rarely per-
fectly complementary, and to pursue them simultaneously requires
compromises among them. Economic analysis can assist in identifying
and evaluating possible trade-offs, but the ultimate choice usually re-
quires some weighting of the competing values, which are often not eas-
ily quantifiable.
Similarly, the objectives of individuals or governments vary in the
short term and long term, and short-term objectives may conflict with
long-term goals, again calling for trade-offs and compromise. To return
to an earlier example, college students can readily attest to multiple ob-
jectives in a dynamic or inter-temporal fashion. Either by conscious
choices or by default, all students have broadly defined, long-term goals.
Their intermediate goals in college may be to get a good education, to
find a job, to find a life partner, and to enjoy sports and a social life. In
each semester or term, they may want to have good grades in various
classes and learn certain skills. In everyday life, they must balance sev-
eral immediate goals (or demands), such as attending classes, reading
class materials, playing some sports, partying, and relaxing.
Fifth, although orderly decision making calls for explicit objectives,
the objectives that forest managers are expected to pursue are some-
times vague. This is a difficulty faced most frequently in government for-
est agencies, where guidance about the broad purposes to be served in
managing public forests is often ambiguous or even conflicting in the
legislation, regulations, and administrative arrangements that articulate
public policy. In such circumstances, managers are forced to infer or
guess their intended objectives, and this can lead to inconsistencies and
Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press
20 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

Finally, it is worth emphasizing that specification of objectives is not

usually the responsibility of an economist. The special expertise of the
economist is not in prescribing corporate or governmental goals but, as
discussed below, in analyzing and evaluating the means of achieving
them. There is, however, a normative aspect of economics in which
economists incorporate their value or normative judgment about what
the economy ought to be like or what particular policy actions ought to
be recommended to achieve a desirable goal. In this sense, economists,
along with other decision makers, can prescribe what these goals are
and the ways to achieve them.

Identifying Alternative Means

Most corporate or public goals can be pursued in a variety of ways. At
the level of high economic policy, a goal such as increased regional em-
ployment might be served by promoting industrial development, for ex-
ample, which can be done in various ways through adjustments of taxes,
subsidies, infrastructural improvements, or direct governmental enter-
prise. Forestry may be only one of several alternative means. Or, at the
level of forest management planning, a goal of increasing yields might be
accomplished by such varied means as improved protection, reforesta-
tion, spacing and fertilization of stands, or more complete utilization of
harvested trees. Thus, once the decision maker’s objectives are identi-
fied, the next step is to identify the range of alternative strategies that
can feasibly be adopted to achieve most of those objectives.
This step involves assessing the technical alternatives and the inputs
required to achieve a particular level of output, which in economic jar-
gon is referred to as determining the production function. Sometimes it
is also important to assess the risk or uncertainty associated with the
alternative strategies.
Identification of the feasible means of pursuing an objective, and of
their technical production functions, is typically the responsibility of en-
gineers, foresters, and other technical experts. For large ventures, this
task sometimes becomes highly formalized in feasibility studies that in-
volve economists and financial analysts, while at the operational field
level it typically depends on continuing subjective assessments by work-
ing supervisors.

Evaluation of the Alternatives

The next step is to evaluate the technical alternatives in order to pro-
vide guidance for choosing among them. It is at this stage that economic
analysis is brought to bear on the decision-making process. It involves
Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press
Forestry’s Economic Perspective 21

assessing the extent to which the goals of the decision maker would be
advanced by particular actions, and their costs.
The relationship between the value of the outputs and the cost of the
inputs associated with a particular activity provides a measure of the
potential net gain it can generate. Economic efficiency calls for maximiz-
ing the surplus of benefits over the cost of resources utilized, so the
greater the value of output relative to the cost of inputs, the more effi-
cient the activity is. Chapter 3 describes how alternative courses of ac-
tion can be assessed according to the efficiency criterion.
The task of identifying the relative advantage of alternative courses of
action is often complicated by incomplete information, distorted or un-
priced costs and benefits, and uncertainty about future circumstances
and outcomes. Notwithstanding these difficulties (which are examined
in subsequent chapters), economic evaluations offer a means of ranking
alternative courses of action according to consistent criteria for the
guidance of decision makers in selecting among the alternative strat-
egies available to them.
Economic decisions are never made with complete certainty, of course.
Information about the resources and markets, and about the range of
possible actions and their outcomes, is always more or less uncertain.
Most decision makers are averse to risk, and so the degree of uncertainty
surrounding alternative courses of action has significant influence on
their choice. Attitudes towards risk taking vary considerably, however.
The degree of uncertainty is therefore an important influence on de-
cision making, and a later chapter considers how it can be taken into
account in economic analysis. It is particularly important in forestry
because knowledge about the biological character of forests and their
potential responses to treatments is usually limited. In addition, the long
planning periods involved in forest production exacerbate the difficulty
of predicting the long-term benefits and costs of actions taken today.
Thus, the risks of losses from fire and other causes also contribute to the
uncertainty in forestry decision making.
Traditionally, economists have approached their subject in two ways.
Positive economics is concerned with describing and explaining eco-
nomic behaviour, without judgments about its desirability; in contrast,
normative economics assesses behaviour in terms of given criteria or
objectives, and is therefore more concerned with how economies should
be organized and regulated. This forest economics book does not follow
either of these schools exclusively. We try to avoid prescribing the ob-
jectives that decision makers should adopt, or the best distribution of
income; rather, our emphasis is on using economic analysis to assist
Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press
22 Markets, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

those who make decisions about managing forests in identifying the

most beneficial courses of action in light of their objectives.

Choice, Implementation, and Evaluation

The economist’s role in evaluating alternative courses of action is to pro-
vide guidance in decision making; it is not to make the final choice.
Decision makers may, for a variety of reasons, reject the activity that ap-
pears most advantageous on purely economic grounds because of con-
siderations of corporate strategy, political sensitivities, or other concerns
not accounted for in the analysis. Nevertheless, economic analysis will
help decision makers better understand the economic implications of
their choices.
Once a decision maker has chosen a preferred course of action, the
final step of initiating and implementing the action is taken. Sometimes
an additional step is added, that of review and assessment of the action
taken, drawing attention to the dynamic and continuous character of
decision making and the need for evaluation.
The process of decision making sketched here is a central concern of
management science. The growing literature in this field of study pre-
sents a variety of decision models and models of strategic behaviour to
help understand the relationships among decision makers, the problems
of multiple and conflicting objectives, means of minimizing and coping
with uncertainty, and so on.
The following chapter reviews the forces that guide decision making
in the context of a market economy, introduces the reasons that most
countries today regulate and modify the activities of businesses, individ-
uals, and markets, leading to what we have identified as mixed capitalist
economies, and explains why government interventions in markets may
fail to achieve their purpose. Subsequent chapters examine the special
problems encountered in forest management and how economic analy-
sis can contribute to their solution.

1 Explain why economics is concerned only with the allocation of
“scarce” resources. In what sense are forest resources “scarce”? Where
are they not scarce?
2 Compare how management decisions are made for (a) a privately
owned forest in a capitalist economy, (b) a government-owned forest
in a planned socialist economy, and (c) a tribal forest in a primitive
subsistence economy.

Sample Material © 2011 UBC Press

Forestry’s Economic Perspective 23

3 What are private goods? What are public goods? What are merit
4 Explain how innovations in mechanized forestry can affect (a) eco-
nomic efficiency in timber production, and (b) the distribution of
5 Describe the importance of objectives in evaluating forest manage-
ment decisions.
6 If the fundamental objectives of society are either economic efficiency
or equity, how would you classify the following? (In other words,
which would follow the criteria of the equity objective, and which
would follow the criteria of the efficiency objective?)
a) A forestry firm’s immediate profits
b) A forestry firm’s long-term profits
c) Employment in a forested region
d) Selective employment of indigenous populations
e) Recreation in a forest park
f) Long-term security of timber supply for a pulp mill
g) Long-term preservation of biodiversity on public forestland.
7 Compare the approaches of a silviculturalist and an economist in con-
sidering how best to manage a forest. What are the main concerns of
each likely to be? Can their approaches be reconciled?

Clawson, Marion. 1975. Forests for Whom and for What? Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins University Press, for Resources for the Future. Chapters
3 and 7.
Duerr, William A. 1988. Forestry Economics as Problem Solving. Blacksburg,
VA: Author. Part 1.
Gregory, G. Robinson. 1987. Resource Economics for Foresters. New York:
John Wiley and Sons. Chapter 1.
Klemperer, W. David. 2003. Forest Economics and Finance. New York:
McGraw-Hill. Chapter 1.
Quade, Edward S. 1989. Analysis for Public Decisions. 3rd ed. New York:
North-Holland. Chapters 4-7.
Samuelson, Paul A., and William D. Nordhaus. 2004. Economics. 17th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Chapters 1-3 and 32.

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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Zhang, Daowei
Forest economics / Daowei Zhang and Peter H. Pearse.
Revision and expansion of: Introduction to forestry economics.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Also issued in electronic format.
ISBN 978-0-7748-2152-0
1. Forests and forestry – Economic aspects. I. Pearse, Peter H. II. Title.
SD393.Z53 2011 338.1’749 C2011-903547-2

e-book ISBNs: 978-0-7748-2154-4 (pdf); 978-0-7748-2155-1 (epub)

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