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Fire Safety Journal: R.M. Peixoto, M.S. Seif, L.C.M. Vieira JR

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Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

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Fire Safety Journal

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / fi r e s a f

Double-shear tests of high-strength structural bolts at elevated temperatures

R.M. Peixoto a, *, M.S. Seif b, L.C.M. Vieira Jr. a
University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA


Keywords: The behavior of high-strength structural steel at elevated temperatures, especially under shear loading, is not well
Elevated-temperature established in the literature. This paper presents results from recently conducted tests on high-strength structural
High-strength structural bolts bolts subject to double shear loading at elevated temperatures. The parameters varied between tests included the
Shear loading bolt grade, bolt diameter, and temperature. Bolt grades A325 and A490 were tested. For each bolt grade, three
Structural fire effects different diameters were tested (19 mm (3/4 in), 22 mm (7/8 in), and 25.4 mm (1 in)) at five different tem-
peratures (20  C, 200  C, 400  C, 500  C, and 600  C). At least three tests were conducted for each combination of
parameters. Degradations in the mechanical and material properties including stiffness, strength, and deformation
at fracture, are characterized and presented herein. The results from these experiments fill a critical knowledge
gap currently present in the literature regarding the behavior of high-strength structural bolts under shear loading
at elevated temperatures. These data will ultimately provide a thorough understanding of the overall behavior of
structural steel systems under realistic fire loading by clarifying the (i) shear behavior of high-strength structural
steel bolts at elevated temperatures, and (ii) degradation in the mechanical and material properties of high-
strength steel bolts with increasing temperatures.

1. Background shear loading, is not well established in the literature. The current lack of
reliable experimental data has made proper characterization of the
Fire effects on steel structures can produce failures of connections, temperature-dependent material behavior of bolts impossible, forcing
including fracture of connection plates, shear rupture of bolts, and bolt researchers to use alternative approximations. Seif et al. [4] proposed a
tear-out failure of beam webs or connection plates. Seif et al. [1] and [2] simple multi-linear representation of the temperature-dependent true
examined such failure modes for typical shear and moment connections stress-strain behavior for high-strength bolts.
at elevated temperatures, based on explicit high-fidelity finite element Kodur et al. [6] studied the influence of elevated temperatures on the
analyses. Whether such failures occur depends not only on the loads that thermal and mechanical properties of steel bolts, including a limited
can be sustained by the various components of a connection, but also on number of experiments on bolts under tensile loading at different tem-
the deformations that can be accommodated prior to fracture, since peratures. Yu [7] studied the effect of high temperatures on bolted
fire-induced forces result from the restraint of thermal expansion or connections. His work included a few experiments on bolts under shear
contraction. The ductility of steel components plays an important role in loading, and he noted that if a bolt is not heated up past its tempering
the performance of connections at elevated temperatures. Sufficient temperature, its shear resistance is not affected. However, the experi-
ductility can potentially allow redistribution of loads after failure of one ments were limited to a small set of data, with excessive bearing de-
or more connection components. formations imbedded in the results. Thus, a more comprehensive set of
Thus, a key issue in evaluating the response of structural systems to test data was needed in order to provide a fuller understanding of the
fire effects is the proper representation of material behavior, including behavior of high-strength bolts under shear loading at elevated temper-
fracture, at elevated temperatures. Temperature-dependent material atures, which will ultimately lead to a fuller understanding of the overall
behavior of structural plate materials (such as ASTM A36, ASTM A572, behavior of structural steel systems under realistic fire loading. The
and ASTMA992), has been studied both experimentally and numerically following sections describe the details of this experimental study along
(e.g., Seif et al. [3,4], and Hu et al. [5]). However, the behavior of with the results and discussion.
high-strength structural bolts at elevated temperatures, especially under

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: rafaelamatiazzo@gmail.com (R.M. Peixoto).

Received 3 February 2017; Received in revised form 4 August 2017; Accepted 15 September 2017

0379-7112/Published by Elsevier Ltd.

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 1. Test block: (a) photo of actual setup, (b) and (c) dimensions. All dimensions are in mm (1 in ¼ 25.4 mm).

2. Test parameters and setup ksi)), and the second was manufactured using the heat treated AISI/SAE
8640 alloy steel [10] (yield strength of 560 MPa (81 ksi) and ultimate
The parameters varied between tests included the bolt grade, bolt strength of 750 MPa (109 ksi)). For the 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8
diameter, and temperature. Bolt grades ASTM A325 [8] (specified in) bolt diameter tests, the same set of testing blocks was used and only
nominal yield strength of 635 MPa (92 ksi) and specified nominal ul- the hole necessary to pass the bolt was enlarged after all the 19 mm (3/4
timate strength of 825 MPa (120 ksi)) and ASTM A490 [8] (specified in) bolts were tested. The configuration and dimensions of the testing
nominal yield strength of 895 MPa (130 ksi) and specified nominal blocks are shown in Fig. 1. Refer to section 4.1 for further discussion on
ultimate strength of 1035 MPa (150 ksi)) were tested. For each bolt the blocks.
grade, three different diameters were tested (19 mm (3/4 in), 22 mm The specified temperature for each test was reached by placing the
(7/8 in), and 25.4 mm (1 in)) at five different temperatures (20  C, entire test setup in an electric furnace which was capable of achieving
200  C, 400  C, 500  C, and 600  C). At least three tests were con- a maximum temperature of 1200  C. A rate of temperature loading of
ducted for each combination of parameters. Degradations in the me- 20 ºC/min was used for all tests and the entire test setup was free to
chanical and material properties including stiffness, strength, and expand. One thermocouple type K was placed inside the furnace to
deformation at fracture, were documented and are presented in the control the furnace temperature and three additional thermocouples
following sections. type K were strategically placed on the bolt specimens (touching the
All specimens were tested in a specially manufactured testing blocks, bolt surface) to ensure that the target temperature had been achieved
heated to the specified temperature, and then subjected to double-shear in the bolt at the initiation of the shear loading. As stated by the
loading. The testing blocks were designed to resist loads much higher thermocouple manufacturer, the precision of the measured tempera-
than the bolts' nominal shear capacity, and were reused for multiple tests. ture at 0  C is of 2.2  C. The shear loading on the bolt specimen was
Two sets of testing blocks were manufactured: one set for the 19 mm (3/4 applied using a universal testing machine, which had a capacity of
in) and 22 mm (7/8 in) diameter bolts, and one set for the 25 mm (1 in) 980.7 kN (220.5 kip) and an uncertainty of measurement at 10 kN
diameter bolts. The first set was manufactured using ASTM A36 steel [9] (2.25 kip) of ±0.1 kN, at a level of confidence of 95%. Compression
(yield strength of 250 MPa (36 ksi) and ultimate strength of 400 MPa (58 loading was applied at a rate of approximately 60 kN/min (13.49 kip/

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 2. Test setup: (a) load path, (b) furnace, (c) location of thermocouples, and (d) schematic location of thermocouples.

Table 1 in) and a precision of 1/1000 mm. The uncertainty in the displacement
Specimen dimensions. measurement was less than 0.1%. Double-shear was achieved by
Steel Grade Diameter mm (in) Length mm (in) applying the load through the middle block, shearing the bolt through
A325 19 (3/4) 203.2 (8.0) two shear-planes, as shown in Fig. 2a. Fig. 2b shows the furnace
22 (7/8) 165.1 (6.5) enclosing the test setup. Fig. 2c shows the location of the three addi-
25 (1.0) 203.2 (8.0) tional thermocouples: one in the bottom, and one on each side of the
A490 19 (3/4) 215.9 (8.5) tested bolt. All the three thermocouples were touching the bolt surface
22 (7/8) 165.1 (6.5)
25 (1.0) 190.5 (7.5)
until shear failure of the bolt occurred. Throughout each test, tem-
perature, force and displacement were recorded. The results are pre-
sented in the following section.
For the ambient temperature tests, when the furnace was not
min) throughout the entire test. The loading was continued until the required, the bolts were tested at their entire length. The dimensions of
bolt ruptured in double-shear. The displacement of the universal the tested bolts are given in Table 1. For the elevated temperature tests,
testing machine was monitored using an external linear variable due to the limited space within the furnace, only a 165 mm (6.5 in) length
displacement transducer (LVDT), which had a range of 100 mm (3.94 of the bolt was tested, and the excess length of the bolt was cut off. For all

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Table 2
Chemical Analysis of tested bolts samplesa.

TypeD (mm (in)) Element A325 A490 A325 Type 1 Specification A490 Type 1 Specification

25 (1) 22 (7/8) 19 (3/4) 25 (1) 22 (7/8) 19 (3/4)

Mass Fraction

C 0.0042 0.0044 0.0038 0.0033 0.0031 0.004 0.0030 to 0.0052 0.0030 to 0.0048
Mn 0.0098 0.0096 0.0084 0.0087 0.009 0.0092 0.0060 min 0.0060 min
P 0.00008 0.00008 0.00012 0.0001 0.00011 0.00008 0.00035 max 0.00035 max
S 0.00008 0.00008 0.00018 0.00006 0.00012 0.0001 0.0004 max 0.0004 max
Si 0.0023 0.0024 0.0023 0.002 0.0022 0.0021 0.0015 to 0.0030 ns
Ni 0.0005 0.0006 0.0006 0.0005 0.0008 0.0009 ns ns
Cr 0.0031 0.0035 0.0037 0.0017 0.0023 0.0031 ns ns
V <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 ns ns
Mo 0.0022 0.0021 0.0003 0.0009 0.0009 0.002 ns ns
Cu 0.0008 0.0008 0.0012 0.0007 0.001 0.0008 ns ns
Al 0.0002 0.0002 <0.00005 0.0002 0.0003 0.0002 ns ns
Nb <0.00005 0.0001 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.0001 <0.00005 ns ns
Ti <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0.0002 0.0002 <0.00005 ns ns
B <0.00005 <0.00005 <0.00005 0 0 <0.00005 0.00003 max 0.00003 max
ns ¼ not specified.

Fig. 3. Load versus displacement for the 19 mm (3/4 in) A325 bolts.

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 4. Load versus displacement for the 19 mm (3/4 in) A490 bolts.

tests, both shear planes (within the 120 mm (4.7 in) width of block set) T600 ¼ 600  C), and lastly, the number of the specimen.
passed through the unthreaded portion of the bolt, and no thread-effect A commercial laboratory analyzed the chemical composition of three
was tested or considered in this study. It is common practice to have of the A325 (one of each bolt diameter size) and three of the A490 bolts
the load path on bolts in connections pass through only unthreaded (one of each bolt diameter size) using the ASTM.
portions of the bolt. E1019 [11] and ASTM E415 [12] standard testing methods. Table 2
Each test was assigned a unique name. The nomenclature includes the summarizes both the specified and as-analyzed chemistry. The chemistry
bolt, diameter, type, test temperature, and specimen number. For of both sets of bolts corresponds to Type 1.
example, test “19A325T20-1”. The first two digits represent the bolt
diameter (19 mm (3/4 in), 22 mm (7/8 in), or 25.4 mm (1 in)), the next 3. Experimental results
four characters represent the bolt type (A325 or A490), followed by the
letter T and the temperature at which that bolt was tested (T20 ¼ 20  C This section presents the experimental results for all of the ninety-one
(Ambient Temperature); T200 ¼ 200  C; T400 ¼ 400  C; T500 ¼ 500  C; bolts tested under double-shear loading. Fig. 3 through Fig. 8 show the

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Table 3 resists about 10% ± 1.9% (±represents the relative standard error)
Results for 19 mm (3/4 in) bolt diameter experiments. more shear loading than the A325 bolts. Bolts A325 heated to 200  C
Specimen Name Steel Temperature ( C) Failure Load Displacement at had a slightly higher shear strength by about 2% ± 1.4%, when
kN (kip) Failure mm (in) compared with ambient temperature experiments; A490 bolts, how-
19A325T20-1 A325 20 372.0 (83.7) 6.69 (0.263) ever, had a slightly lower shear strength by about 2% ± 1.6%, when
19A325T20-2 375.0 (84.4) 6.88 (0.270) compared with ambient temperature experiments. At 200  C, however,
19A325T20-3 391.5 (88.1) 8.41 (0.331) the temperature influenced the deformation at failure; the A325 bolts'
19A325T200-1 200 383.9 (86.4) 8.03 (0.316)
19A325T200-2 392.0 (88.2) 8.33 (0.327)
deformation at failure increased by about 12% ± 6.2% compared to the
19A325T200-3 388.6 (87.4) 8.24 (0.324) ambient temperature experiments, while the A490 bolts had an in-
19A325T400-1 400 309.8 (69.7) 10.02 (0.394) crease of about 19% ± 8.7%.
19A325T400-2 312.1 (70.2) 10.36 (0.407) For temperatures between 200  C and 600  C, both steel grades had
19A325T400-3 314.0 (70.7) 10.74 (0.422)
significant degradation in their mechanical properties: shear strength
19A325T500-1 500 217.6 (49.0) 9.87 (0.388)
19A325T500-2 232.4 (52.3) 10.16 (0.399) decreased and shear deformation at failure load increased. Shear strength
19A325T500-3 216.3 (48.7) 10.36 (0.407) of bolts A325 reduces from about 82% ± 1.3% at 400  C when compared
19A325T600-1 600 122.0 (27.5) 13.50 (0.531) to experiments at ambient temperature to only 33% ± 1.5% at 600  C;
19A325T600-2 134.5 (30.3) 13.00 (0.511) shear strength of the A490 bolts reduced from about 85% ± 1.4% at
19A325T600-3 124.0 (27.9) 13.64 (0.536)
400  C when compared to experiments at ambient temperature to
19A490T20-1 A490 20 414.0 (93.2) 5.63 (0.221) 38% ± 1.0% at 600  C. Thus, the shear strength of the A490 bolts
19A490T20-2 414.7 (93.3) 7.04 (0.277)
degraded slightly less than that of the A325 bolts.
19A490T20-3 429.1 (96.5) 8.09 (0.318)
19A490T200-1 200 412.0 (92.7) 8.33 (0.327) The deformation at failure of the A325 bolts increased from about
19A490T200-2 398.0 (89.6) 7.91 (0.311) 42% ± 6.5 %at 400  C when compared to experiments at ambient tem-
19A490T200-3 420.1 (94.5) 8.50 (0.334) perature to 83% ± 6.5% at 600  C; deformation at failure of the A490
19A490T400-1 400 347.2 (78.1) 10.16 (0.399) bolts increased from about 40% ± 8.9% at 400  C when compared to
19A490T400-2 354.6 (79.8) 9.37 (0.368)
19A490T400-3 364.5 (82.0) 9.52 (0.374)
experiments at ambient temperature to 113% ± 9.7% at 600  C.
19A490T500-1 500 258.0 (58.1) 10.32 (0.406) Although, the A490 bolts deformation at failure was greater than that of
19A490T500-2 262.7 (59.1) 10.34 (0.406) the A325 bolts, note that the failure load was also greater than that of the
19A490T500-3 258.9 (58.3) 10.40 (0.409) A325 bolts.
19A490T600-1 600 158.4 (35.6) 14.03 (0.551)
19A490T600-2 163.7 (36.8) 14.86 (0.584)
19A490T600-3 160.8 (36.2) 15.42 (0.606) 3.2. Experimental results – 22 mm (7/8 in) diameter bolt

Fig. 5, Fig. 6, and Table 4 summarize the results presented in this

section. There are many similar observations to what was discussed for
load versus displacement curves for all the experiments. Each figure the 19 mm (3/4 in) diameter bolts. A490 bolts at ambient temperature
contains six plots, each for the load versus displacement curves for a resisted about 8% ± 1.1% more shear loading than the A325 bolts (four
specific bolt diameter and steel grade for the individual different testing experiments, instead of the usual three, were carried out at ambient
temperatures: 20  C, 200  C, 400  C, 500  C, and 600  C; the last plot temperature). A325 bolts, when heated to 200  C, had a reduction in the
shows all load versus displacement together. The variable “Load” plotted shear strength of about 4% ± 1.0% compared to ambient temperature
in the y-axis represents the total load applied by the universal testing experiments; A490 bolts reduced its shear strength by about 5% ± 1.1%
machine to the testing apparatus and, it should be noted that only half of when compared to ambient temperature experiments. At 200  C the
this value is applied to each shear plane in the bolt. The universal testing deformation at failure load was similar to that of the A325 bolts and it
machine is operated through load control and thus after peak load has changed by only 1% ± 2.9% when compared to ambient temperature
been reached the failure is abrupt and the degradation could not experiments, while A490 bolts showed larger increases by about
be captured. 11% ± 2.0%, of the deformation at failure. Thus, at 200  C the shear
There is a similar trend in most experiments; a temperature increase strength reduction was about the same for both steel grades, but A490
leads to a loss of shear strength and to an increase in the shear defor- bolts' deformation at failure was more sensitive to increasing
mation at failure load, both observations are more pronounced at higher temperature.
temperatures. At 200  C, however, the shear strength is similar to that at For temperatures between 200  C and 600  C both steel grades, as
ambient temperature, but the shear deformation is still higher. The load- observed for the 19 mm (3/4 in) bolt diameter, had significant degra-
displacement curves also have similar characteristics throughout the dation in their mechanical properties: shear strength decreased and shear
experiments of 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 in) diameter bolts; at deformation at failure load increased. Shear strength of A325 bolts
lower loads, there is a linear relationship between load and displacement; reduced from about 85% ± 1.3% at 400  C when compared to experi-
the load, however, reaches a certain level, second stage, and the ments at ambient temperature to only 33% ± 1.0% at 600  C; shear
displacement increases at a greater rate than the stage before. In a third strength of the A490 bolts reduced from about 81% ± 1.5% at 400  C
stage the load and displacement maintain a linear-like relationship with a when compared to experiments at ambient temperature to 37% ± 1.1% at
rate similar to that of the first stage; until, the applied load reaches a 600  C. Thus, the A490 bolts shear strength degraded slightly less than
level, fourth stage, in which load and displacement does not hold a linear that of the A325 bolts.
relationship and failure is eminent. For a more thorough discussion on Deformation at failure of the A325 bolts increased from about
these stages, and their limitations, refer to Weigand et al. [13] in which 27% ± 3.1% at 400  C when compared to experiments at ambient tem-
these relationships are used to develop component-based models for perature to 51% ± 4.6% at 600  C; deformation at failure of the A490
modelling shear behavior in high-strength bolts at elevated bolts increased from about 34% ± 3.3% at 400  C when compared to
temperatures. experiments at ambient temperature to 95% ± 4.7% at 600  C.

3.1. Experimental results – 19 mm (3/4 in) diameter bolt 3.3. Experimental results – 25 mm (1 in) diameter bolt

Figs. 3 and 4, and Table 3 summarize the results presented in this Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Table 5 summarize the results presented in this
section. Bolts made out of A490 (steel grade) at ambient temperature section. A490 bolts at ambient temperature resisted to about

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 5. Load versus displacement for the 22 mm (7/8 in) A325 bolts.

13% ± 0.4% more shear loading than the A325 bolts. A325 bolts when 19 mm (3/4 in) and the 22 mm (7/8 in) bolts, both steel grades had
heated to 200  C showed a reduction in the shear strength of about significant degradation in their mechanical properties: shear strength
4% ± 0.7% when compared to ambient temperature experiments; decreased and shear deformation at failure load increased. Shear strength
A490 bolts, however, had a slightly lower shear strength, about of the A325 bolts reduced from about 79% ± 0.7% at 400  C when
2% ± 0.3%, when compared to ambient temperature experiments. At compared to experiments at ambient temperature to about 33% ± 0.6%
200  C, however, A325 bolts' deformation at failure had a decrease of at 600  C; shear strength of the A490 bolts reduced from about
11% ± 7.8% when compared to ambient temperature experiments, 81% ± 0.6% at 400  C when compared to experiments at ambient tem-
while A490 bolts had an increase of about 16% ± 5.5%. Thus, perature to only 39% ± 1.3% at 600  C. A490 bolts, however, were
although shear strength considerably changed for the A325 bolts, abruptly affected by raising the temperature from 500  C to 600  C, while
shear deformation slightly decreased; conversely, A490 bolts shear at 500  C the shear strength reduction was about 60% ± 0.3%, at 600  C
strength is about the same, while shear deformation was consider- the shear strength reduced to about 39% ± 1.3% when compared to
ably higher. experiments at ambient temperature. The next section will discuss this
For temperatures between 200  C and 600  C, as showed for the observation in more detail.

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 6. Load versus displacement for the 22 mm (7/8 in) A490 bolts.

Deformation at failure of the A325 bolts increased from about carry out the experiments; the design aimed to develop blocks that
43% ± 12.1% at 400  C when compared to experiments at ambient would withstand the loading with minimal deformation compared to
temperature to about 76% ± 9.3% at 600  C; deformation at failure of the the bolt deformation. For the 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 in) bolt
A490 bolts increased from about 44% ± 7.6% at 400  C when compared diameter tests, the same set of testing blocks was used and only the
to experiments at ambient temperature to about 250% ± 19.9% at hole necessary to pass the bolt was enlarged after all the 19 mm (3/4
600  C. As discussed in the following section, it is not possible to directly in) bolts were tested. For the 25 mm (1 in) bolts diameter tests, a new
compare displacement values at failure measured for the 25 mm (1 in) testing block with same dimensions was manufactured, using a
bolts to those for the 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 in) bolts, since the different steel grade: AISI/SAE 8640 thermal treated instead of
material of the loading blocks was changed. ASTM A36.
This change of material affected the configuration of the loading
4. Discussion versus displacement curve. For the 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 in)
bolt diameter tests, the loading versus displacement curve, after a short
4.1. Testing blocks first stage, it presents a second stage in which the displacement in-
creases at a greater rate than before; this second stage is nonexistent in
As mentioned before, two sets of testing blocks were designed to all 25 mm (1 in) bolts' experiments. This second stage is due to

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Table 4
Results for 22 mm (7/8 in) bolt diameter experiments.

Specimen Name Steel Temperature ( C) Failure Load (kN) Displacement at Failure (mm)

22A325T20-1 A325 20 540.0 (121.5) 10.24 (0.402)

22A325T20-2 527.6 (118.7) 9.86 (0.388)
22A325T20-3 539.9 (121.5) 10.38 (0.408)
22A325T20-4 523.0 (117.7) 11.27 (0.443)
22A325T200-1 200 503.0 (113.2) 10.43 (0.400)
22A325T200-2 513.8 (115.6) 10.21 (0.401)
22A325T200-3 517.2 (116.4) 10.41 (0.409)
22A325T400-1 400 464.0 (104.4) 13.41 (0.500)
22A325T400-2 442.5 (99.6) 12.94 (0.500)
22A325T400-3 444.1 (99.9) 13.48 (0.530)
22A325T500-1 500 332.3 (74.8) 14.25 (0.560)
22A325T500-2 304.2 (68.4) 13.26 (0.521)
22A325T500-3 294.3 (66.2) 14.30 (0.562)
22A325T600-1 600 171.8 (38.7) 15.92 (0.626)
22A325T600-2 182.8 (41.1) 14.89 (0.585)
22A325T600-3 178.9 (40.3) 16.47 (0.647)

22A490T20-1 A490 20 568.0 (127.8) 9.59 (0.377)

22A490T20-2 574.8 (129.3) 9.72 (0.382)
22A490T20-3 587.7 (132.2) 10.20 (0.401)
22A490T200-1 200 537.2 (120.9) 10.69 (0.420)
22A490T200-2 548.7 (123.5) 10.80 (0.424)
22A490T200-3 555.2 (124.9) 11.19 (0.440)
22A490T400-1 400 480.3 (108.1) 13.85 (0.544)
22A490T400-2 449.9 (101.2) 12.65 (0.497)
22A490T400-3 466.3 (104.9) 13.04 (0.512)
22A490T500-1 500 356.8 (80.3) 14.86 (0.584)
22A490T500-2 352.6 (79.3) 14.84 (0.583)
22A490T500-3 362.7 (81.6) 15.33 (0.602)
22A490T600-1 600 206.4 (46.4) 18.23 (0.716)
22A490T600-2 214.5 (48.3) 19.14 (0.752)
22A490T600-3 224.0 (50.4) 20.07 (0.789)

localized deformation at the bolt hole, which was confirmed by mea- herein, the shear strength was nearly constant up to 200  C. From 200  C
surements taken of the bolt-hole diameter throughout the study; for to 400  C there is a clear shear strength reduction, which increased at an
19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 in) bolt diameter the bolt hole slightly increasing rate from 400  C to 600  C; note that from 400  C to 600  C the
increases after each experiment, but for 25 mm (1 in) bolts the bolt degradation of shear strength is nearly linear.
hole practically does not change except for the 600  C. Thus, if these Fig. 11 shows the shear strength retention by the ratio of the failure
experiments are to be modeled, proper consideration of the incre- load of a certain experiment by the average shear strength at ambient
mental change of the bolt-hole diameter after each experiment is temperature for the same bolt diameter and material. The shear strength
essential. It is noted that although the testing block's deformation af- retention consistently changes at similar rate for the two materials and
fects the overall deformation of the 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 three bolt diameters.
in) diameter bolts, it has no effect on their strength (capacity). Their Fig. 12 shows how the double-shear retention factors from the
test results provide very reliable data for the purpose of characterizing experimental results compare to the to the design retention factors
the degradation in bolts' strength and developing retention (reduction) specified in the Eurocode [14], as well as to the other experimental re-
factors at different temperatures. The unaffected results of the 25 mm sults found in the literature; particularly from Kodur [6], and Yu [7]. Per
(1 in) diameter bolts will provide further information needed for the the Eurocode, the fire design resistance of bolts loaded in shear should be
development of full models. For a detailed discussion on the different determined from:
stages of the loading versus displacement curve, refer to Weigand et al.
γ M2
[13] in which these relationships are used to develop an empirical Fv;t;Rd ¼ Fv;Rd kb;θ (1)
component-based model for modelling shear behavior in high-strength
γ M;fi
bolts at elevated temperatures. .
where kb;θ is the reduction factor determined at the appropriate tem-
perature (Table D1 of [14]).
4.2. Shear strength
Fv;Rd is the design shear resistance of the bolt per shear plane (Annex D
The bolt shear strength is directly proportional to the cross-section of [14]),
area of the bolt shaft. The ratio between the area of a 25 mm (1 in) γ M2 is the partial factor at normal temperature, and
diameter bolt and a 19 mm (3/4 in) is 1.73, while the ratio between the γ M;fi is the partial factor for fire conditions.
area of a 22 mm (7/8 in) diameter bolt and a 19 mm (3/4 in) is 1.34. A
comparison between the shear strength of bolts with A325 steel grade is The retention factors were relatively consistent across all three bolt
shown in Fig. 9, while Fig. 10 shows the same comparison for bolts with diameters and for both bolt material grades. For temperatures up to
A490 steel grade. Note that, for any temperature, and both materials, the 500  C, the Eurocode retention factors were 5%–10% more conser-
area ratio is similar to the ratio between failure loads. vative than the experimental data. However, at 600  C, the Eurocode
Figs. 9 and 10 also show that, for all diameters and materials tested was about 40% more conservative than the experimental data. It is

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 7. Load versus displacement for the 25 mm (1 in) A325 bolts.

noted that data from Kodur [6], as well as from Yu [7], is limited to deformation at failure load when compared to A325 bolts, but it does
one result at each tested temperature, and the studies' scope was not necessarily mean that A490 bolts are less stiff than A325 bolts at
limited to one bolt diameter (22 mm (7/8 in)), making any full com- 600  C. On the other hand, since the average deformations at failure
parison inconclusive. Finally, it is noted that the AISC [15] does not load from ambient temperature through 500  C are similar when
specify retention factors values for high-strength bolts at elevated comparing different steel grades and same bolt diameter, it is concluded
temperatures. that A490 bolts are stiffer than A325 bolts since it has greater shear
strength but similar shear deformation. Fig. 13 shows the displacement
4.3. Displacement at failure load at failure at different temperatures for different bolt diameters and
bolt grades.
The loading blocks used for the 25 mm (1 in) bolt diameter tests is
different than the blocks used for the 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 4.4. Bolt curvature after testing
in) bolt diameter tests, which is discussed in more detail in the next
section; also, deformation at failure load must be always taken in ac- Although this paper aims to only study the shear behavior of steel
count together with shear strength or steel grade, for example: A490 bolts, a small amount of bending is intrinsic in any experiment. To
bolts have consistently presented for experiments at 600  C greater address and document this issue, after each bolt was tested, an image

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 8. Load versus displacement for the 25 mm (1 in) A490 bolts.

scanning was carried out, measuring the curvature of the bolt centerpiece 4.5. Shear plane fracture
located between both shear planes, as shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 15 shows the increase in the final bolt curvature with the pro- Fig. 16 shows, pictures of the shear plane fracture of one bolt sample
gression of the study for the different bolt sizes. The 19 mm (3/4 in) and at each temperature; in this figure becomes clear: (i) the type of failure,
22 mm (7/8 in) diameter bolts had greater amounts of bending defor- varying from a clearer cut surface to a more viscous type of shear failure,
mation after testing, and greater curvature, when compared to the 25 mm and (ii) the change of coloration, varying from a clear silver color, to a
(1 in) diameter bolts; such observation is due to the fact that the testing blue coloration, and finally to a black coloration.
blocks for the 25 mm (1 in) diameter bolts, which had higher strength For ambient temperature, the shear plane is brilliant, silver/grey
and stiffness, allowed less local deformation which led to less bending. color, smooth but not necessarily flat. Some shear planes present waves/
Also, the testing sequence due to the incremental bolt-hole deformation undulations. The shear plane for 200  C is very similar to that of the
and increase in the testing temperature led to increased amounts of ambient temperature: brilliant, silver/grey color, little less smooth with
bending. Nonetheless, the amount of bending deformation was still small some groove marks on the bottom. For both ambient temperature and
compared to the amount of shear deformation. 200  C, a slight plastic deformation is visible, due to the vertical bolt
displacement during the loading.

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Table 5
Results for 25 mm (1 in) bolt diameter experiments.

Specimen Name Steel Temperature ( C) Failure Load Displacement at

kN (kip) Failure mm (in)

25A325T20-1 A325 20 623.6 (140.3) 4.15 (0.163)

25A325T20-2 629.2 (141.6) 4.41 (0.173)
25A325T20-3 631.3 (142.0) 4.59 (0.180)
25A325T200-1 200 612.1 (137.7) 4.02 (0.158)
25A325T200-2 607.2 (136.6) 4.54 (0.178)
25A325T200-3 596.5 (131.2) 3.17 (0.125)
25A325T400-1 400 500.6 (112.6) 5.05 (0.199)
25A325T400-2 485.4 (109.2) 6.60 (0.259)
25A325T400-3 500.6 (112.6) 7.18 (0.282)
25A325T500-1 500 354.9 (79.9) 4.70 (0.185)
25A325T500-2 361.3 (81.3) 4.98 (0.196)
25A325T500-3 350.1 (78.8) 6.06 (0.238)
25A325T600-1 600 210.7 (47.4) 7.20 (0.283)
25A325T600-2 200.7 (45.2) 7.27 (0.286)
25A325T600-3 212.1 (47.7) 8.68 (0.341)

25A490T20-1 A490 20 710.3 (159.8) 3.56 (0.140)

25A490T20-2 704.5 (158.5) 3.65 (0.144) Fig. 10. Failure load versus temperature for the A490 bolts.
25A490T20-3 713.6 (160.6) 4.27 (0.168)
25A490T20-4 707.6 (159.2) 3.59 (0.141)
25A490T200-1 200 696.2 (156.6) 4.34 (0.170)
25A490T200-2 700.0 (157.5) 4.63 (0.182)
25A490T200-3 698.4 (157.1) 4.13 (0.162)
25A490T400-1 400 585.4 (131.7) 5.73 (0.225)
25A490T400-2 573.0 (128.9) 4.86 (0.191)
25A490T400-3 570.0 (128.3) 5.70 (0.224)
25A490T500-1 500 423.3 (95.2) 5.35 (0.210)
25A490T500-2 424.4 (95.5) 5.20 (0.204)
25A490T500-3 425.3 (95.7) 5.58 (0.219)
25A490T600-1 600 251.8 (56.7) 11.97 (0.470)
25A490T600-2 285.7 (64.6) 13.23 (0.520)
25A490T600-3 283.6 (63.8) 15.06 (0.592)

Fig. 11. Shear strength retention factor versus temperature.


5. Ongoing work

It is noted that the main scope of this paper is to present the results of
the experimental study, along with all the details of the specimens and
test setup, that allow the repeatability of the study. Other work is either
currently underway or has been completed that interprets and utilizes the
data presented herein. For example, Seif et al. [16] compares the results
to the Eurocode 3 [14]. Other submitted articles present the development
Fig. 9. Failure load versus temperature for the A325 bolts.
of temperature-dependent material models for high-strength bolts, and
the development of reduced-order modelling approaches for
At 400  C, the shear surface is rough and with parallel abrasion high-strength bolts under shear loads at elevated temperatures, based on
marks, indicating the increase in steel ductility. Also, the color becomes the experimental results [13].
blue, due to the steel oxidation at this temperature. For 500  C, the shear
plane shows larger parallel abrasions compared to 400  C. The color is 6. Summary and conclusions
not blue anymore, but it's still rough. At 600  C, the shear plane shows a
red/copper color and the entire surface is flat. The parallel abrasion This paper presented results from recently conducted tests on high-
marks are visible, however, they are softer, and a rough part extends strength structural bolts subject to double shear loading at elevated
along the entire bolt end, as the material starts to enter a major phase temperatures. The parameters varied between tests included the bolt
change at this temperature. grade, bolt diameter, and temperature. Bolt grades A325 and A490 were
The shear planes of the 25 mm (1 in) diameter bolts are flatter than tested. For each bolt grade, three different diameters were tested (19 mm
those of the 19 mm (3/4 in) and 22 mm (7/8 in) diameter bolts, though (3/4 in), 22 mm (7/8 in), and 25.4 mm (1 in)) at five different temper-
for ambient temperature and 200  C, the shear plane showed a kink on atures (20  C, 200  C, 400  C, 500  C, and 600  C). At least three tests
the surface. This is presumably, due using a different block set: the one were conducted for each combination of parameters. Degradations in the
used for the 25 mm (1 in) diameter tests did not have bolt hole

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 14. Curvature: (a) amplified deformed shape before complete bolt shear failure, (b)
zoom in the bolt, and (c) photo showing bolt's curvature after testing.

Fig. 12. Comparison of different shear strength retention factors for (a) A325 bolts, and
(b) A490 bolts.

Fig. 15. Curvature versus order of each experiment in the sequence of experi-
ments. (1 in ¼ 24.5 mm).

mechanical and material properties including stiffness, strength, and

deformation at fracture, were characterized and presented herein. The
results from these experiments fill a critical knowledge gap currently
present in the literature regarding the behavior of high-strength struc-
tural bolts under shear loading at elevated temperatures.
Results showed that up to 200  C, the bolts do not lose their shear
strength if compared to ambient temperature, however, the deformation
is higher. As the temperature increases, the shear strength gradually
decreases. Under 400  C, the bolts held approximately 82% of their
initial strength. At 500  C, the A325 and A490 bolts both held about 60%
of the initial shear strength. At 600  C, the bolts were down to about 35%
of their initial resistance. Development of temperature-dependent ma-
terial models for high-strength bolts that capture the behavior observed
in this study is currently underway.
Fig. 13. Displacement at failure versus temperature for: (a) 19 mm (3/4 in) bolts, (b)
22 mm (7/8 in) bolts, and (c) 25 mm (1 in) bolts. (1 in ¼ 24.5 mm).

R.M. Peixoto et al. Fire Safety Journal 94 (2017) 8–21

Fig. 16. Pictures of bolts shear plane.

Disclaimer Gaithersburg, MD, 2016c, https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.TN.1907. NIST Technical

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