Lab 6 Plant Physiology
Lab 6 Plant Physiology
Lab 6 Plant Physiology
Plant Chromatography
different plant pigments. In this technique, the mixture containing the pigments to be separated is
first applied as a spot or a line to the paper about 1.5 cm from the bottom edge of the paper. The
paper is then placed in a container with the tip of the paper touching the solvent. Solvent is
absorbed by the paper and moves up the paper by capillary action. As the solvent crosses the area
containing plant pigment extract, the pigments dissolve in and move with the solvent. The
Therefore, the less soluble pigments will move slower up the paper than the more soluble
crime scene investigations to match ink, lipstick, or colored fibers. There are many examples of
paper chromatography.
1. Test tube
2. Leaf extraction
3. Solvent
4. Pestle and mortar
5. Pin
6. Parafilm
7. Stopper tube
Green spinach and red spinach extraction
1. The pin head was used as the dropper, the chloroplast extract was dropped on the
2. The extract was dropped at about 1.0 cm from the pointing end of the paper. The drop
were dried with a hair dryer and the process were repeated for 3-4 times until one small
3. The paper strip were attched at the cork stopper using a pin. The strip were placed
vertically and straight into the test tube which contained solvent.
4. Let the solvent moves and remove the paper before the solvent front reaches the top of
the “solvent front” is the position of the liquid solvent on the chromatography paper at any given time. the s
After apply plant chromatography techniques
Type of extraction Observation Compound distance travel
A "pigment" is simply a molecule that absorbs and reflects light. Recall that white light
actually consists of many colors . I do learned in high school physics as a way to remember the
colors of light that make up the white light of the “visible spectrum”. Different pigments appear
different colors because they have differing abilities to absorb and reflect various colors of light.
the Spectrophotometry lab.) The broad array of colors found in plant tissues such as leaves,
flowers, and fruits, can be accounted for by the presence of literally thousands of different kinds
of plant pigments.
How does chromatography paper work? . Think of chromatography as a race and you'll
find it's much simpler than it sounds. Waiting on the starting line, you've got a mixture of
chemicals in some unidentified liquid , just like a load of runners all mixed up and bunched
together. When a race starts, runners soon spread out because they have different abilities. In
exactly the same way, chemicals in something like a moving liquid mixture spread out because
they travel at different speeds over a stationary solid. The light compound will always move
upwards, heavy will stuck at the bottom. The key thing to remember is that chromatography
Extraction prepared in the laboratory need to take from the fresh sample. We need to use
fresh sample as it contains a lot of pigments in it. Using sample other than that could affected our
result as there contain least of pigment making the experiment becomes more difficult to
determine the compound travelled. When handle the experiment make sure to not submerge the
pigment in the solvent as the pigment may dissolve in the solvent itself. Just the tip of the paper
was dipped into the solvent and let the paper of chromatography do their work by absorbing light
compound upwards. It is crucial to cover the test tube with parafilm or even test tube stopper to
make sure that the surrounding inside the test tube will not mixed up with the environment
outside the test tube. Evaporation will occurs if we did not cover the tube and making the result
accuracy affected. Make sure to mark the solvent travelled and compound travelled at
chromatography paper so that we can calculated the rf value. Throughout rf value that we get,we
manage to determine what type of pigment is it. The fastest pigment moving is carotene orange
coloured pigment. But if you do not get the orange coloured pigment it means that you should
dip the paper in the solvent longer so that the solvent can move upwards for the carotene
pigments. It is just you did not give enough time for the solvent to do their work. Wait patiently.
One more thing, do not dip too long until the solvent reach up the end of paper or worst exceed
from the paper. We cannot calculate the rf value without knowing the solvent traveled distance.
In this experiment the the rf value for red spinach 0.28 and 0.89 indicates the presence of
xantophyl 1 pigment and pheophytin pingment. The green spinach were only observed with one
I do learned that in nature, color is an important attribute of plants that serves to attract
pollinators to receptive flowers and signal fruit ripeness to seed dispersers. In some instances,
colors may also serve to warn potential predators of poisonous or toxic substances contained in
plant tissues.
Throughout the reading about plant chromatography I found out that, color-producing
pigments have other important roles in plants beyond regulating interactions with animals.
Chlorophyll is a pigment that reflects green light, but absorbs red and blue wavelengths and is
critical for the light reactions of photosynthesis. Flavonoids are an important class of plant
pigments that block ultraviolet (UV) radiation that can damage cell proteins and DNA. Many
defense of plants as they are toxic to many herbivores and pathogens – especially insects and
1. Paper Chromatography
2. Paper chromatography