Lean Thinking and Supply Chain Management: Thomas J. Goldsby and Sebastián J. García-Dastugue
Lean Thinking and Supply Chain Management: Thomas J. Goldsby and Sebastián J. García-Dastugue
Lean Thinking and Supply Chain Management: Thomas J. Goldsby and Sebastián J. García-Dastugue
Lean thinking provides principles and tools used to eliminate waste and to
strive for perfection through continuous improvement. Though lean thinking was
conceptualized to apply to all activities within the firm and across companies in
the supply chain, usually lean is employed in operational settings within a single
Lean thinking in firm. Lean thinking in supply chain management is the use of lean principles to
supply chain align activities across corporate functions within the firm and to manage business
management is the relationships with customers and suppliers. We show how lean principles and
use of lean principles tools can be used in the context of the supply chain management framework. Also,
to align activities we describe forms of waste that result from the lack of alignment in the supply
across corporate chain – wastes that need to be eliminated in order to create greatest value for the
functions within the end-customer.
firm and to manage
business relationships
with customers and
suppliers. The term “lean” first appeared in The Machine that Changed the World1 in
reference to Toyota and its much heralded Toyota Production System (TPS). The
book detailed the considerable differences observed between Toyota and its
automotive rivals in an industry-wide study, where Toyota managed to achieve
higher quality and greater output with less material, less space, and less equipment
in less time– and was, hence, “leaner” than the competition. The study also
documented the company’s discipline and relentless pursuit of perfection through
continuous improvement, or kaizen. Out of the original research conducted by
Womack and Jones and others, a movement was born.
Since the mid-1990s, lean manufacturing has gained much attention in trade
publications, industry reports, and case studies, where companies cite the benefits
achieved through lean implementations. While reported benefits vary, a sample
shows that lean principles successfully deployed in manufacturing can result in a
90% reduction in lead time, doubling of productivity, 75% reduction in inventory,
Womack, James P., Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos, The Machine that Changed the World: The Story
of Lean Production, New York: Harper Perennial, 1991.