Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Measuring With My Body! Grade: 1 Date: Nov. 13/17
Subject/Strand: Mathematics Unit: Measurement Location: In Class Times: 100 min
Lesson Plan Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)
This lesson is an introduction to the measurement unit. Students will begin exploring measuring with non-standard units by using
their bodies, hands and feet. The lesson will begin with a class discussion about what measuring is. The students will then separate
into groups and measure the length/width of 4 different objects within the classroom with their hands and feet. Afterwards, the class
will gather and measure the width and length of the classroom with their bodies. To consolidate, the student will organize their ideas
and mathematical thinking using written form. The teacher will consolidate with an activity involving the whole class using their bodies
to measure the classroom width and length. The students will provide the answers for length and width, no teacher assistance. This
will consolidate their learning from the lesson.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
- compare, describe, and order objects, using attributes measured in non-standard units
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language that
students can readily understand.)
Purpose of the lesson (indicate purpose for this lesson/assessment) [ x ] FOR [ ] AS [ ] OF
Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning: evidence of
learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand). Indicate the Achievement Chart
I can:
Talk about what I found (communication)
Measure objects with different units of measurements of the same size (application)
Write down the length and width of different objects (application)
Assessment Mode- Written, Oral, Assessment Strategy and Task for Students- Assessment Tool - Instrument used to
Performance (Write, Say, Do) What are the students doing to show their learning? assess; Record Keeping format
Write/Do – students will measure Measuring objects with parts of their body Anecdotal Notes – teacher will circulate
(do) and record their measurements hands, feet, entire body and then they are with the clipboard to each group and make
(write) recording it on a sheet that separates the detailed anecdotal notes on each student.
objects and units of measurement. They will The teacher will make notes based on the
record what they used to measure and the students application and communication
actual measurement on the sheet. Students will processes. Not only during the activity but
also be assessed on their conversations and during the class discussion as well. The
discussio teacher will make sure students are
meeting the success criteria.
“Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy! Okay Grade Ones, great job this morning on “Oi,Oi,Oi!” [Students will call back, clean up and find a seat at
TUBS. When you are done cleaning your table, please come carpet]
have a seat on the perimeter of the carpet!”
“By the end of this class you will be able to do the following:
Talk about what I found
Measure objects with different units of measurements
of the same size [Students will say: they need to be the same size! etc.]
Record the length and width of different objects “
[Teacher will write the success criteria on the board]
“Okay, now that we are more familiar with how to measure with
our bodies lets get started on our activity for today!”
Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.
Time: __20____-___40____ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)
“So now, we are going to measure the entire classroom with [Students will guess]
grade ones! How many grade ones long do you think the
classroom? And how many grade ones wide do you think it is?”
[Teacher will ask them to estimate to prepare them for
tomorrows lesson] [Teacher will write estimates on the board]
[Students will lie down head to toe]
“Alright, my friends who are sitting criss cross and patiently will
be asked to be apart of the human measuring stick!” [Teacher
will pick students one by one to lie down the length and width of
the classroom” [Afterwards students will compare with teacher the guesses and
actual measurement]
“Okay class lie very still while I count 1,2,3,4…etc” [After each
side is measured teacher will write it on the board and compare
“Awesome job measuring grade ones, lets come back to the [Students will return to carpet with record sheets]
carpet and share what we found”
[Teacher will make a chart on the white board – chair, table, [Students will share their findings for each object]
carpet, couch] “Who would like to share what they got for the
“Wow awesome job today grade ones! Time to tidy up for [Students will tidy up]
Personal Reflection - Choose at least one question from each area that best allows you reflect on this lesson. Questions should
vary over the week and specific plans.
Learner Empowerment
1. How did students show understanding of expectations?
2. How did my lesson transform students from “passive
listeners” to “active participants”?
3. Was my behavior management technique effective?
4. Were students able to transition to the next activity
5. How does the lesson provide a meta-cognitive
opportunity for students to address their own learning?
Instructional Strategy
1. Was my motivational technique (hook) effective? Why?
2. What will I do to improve questions? Was a balance
between teacher and student talk evident?
3. How did the task provide a Rich Performance
opportunity or other way of actively demonstrating
4. How did I provide modeling, guided &/or independent
5. Was my behavior management technique effective?
6. Were students able to transition to the next activity
Professional Educator
1. What factors may have influenced the success of this
lesson? Did I note and respond to these elements
2. How might I improve the effectiveness of my teaching
for my next lesson?
3. What additional proactive management step(s) should
be considered for subsequent lessons? Why?
4. What did I learn from this lesson about my own
effectiveness as a teacher (strengths and areas for
future improvement of communication, planning,
differentiation, implementation and classroom
organization, management, assessment)?
5. How is my growth as a professional being