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Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections

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Name: Dana Egan Cohort: C1

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Dancing My Feelings Grade: 1 Date: Nov 27/17
Subject/Strand: Arts - Dance Unit: Introduction to Dance Location: Classroom Times: 30-35 min
Lesson Plan Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)
I am teaching to use body movement and shape to show their feelings and ideas through dance. It fits into the unit by teaching
students different forms of creative dance. The BI is that dance can be used to express our feelings.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process (see pages 19–22) to the composition of simple
dance phrases, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas;

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories

(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary): realistic number of expectations (1 or 2), connect to
assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C); Application(A)
A1.1 use movements that are part of their daily experience in a variety of ways in dance phrases (e.g., alter and exaggerate movements based on
even rhythms such as walking, galloping, and swimming, and on uneven rhythms such as skipping and jumping; amplify and modify
percussive movements such as the movement of a clock ticking or the sustained hold of a cat stretching) (A)(T)
A1.2 use dance as a language to express feelings and ideas suggested by songs, stories, and poems, with a focus on the element of body,
particularly body shapes (e.g., use the entire body [crouch, slump] and body parts [folded arms, bowed head] to express an idea such as deep
thought) (A)
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language that
students can readily understand.)

Today I will learn how to stretch and use different movements. Today I will use dance to express stories.

Purpose of the lesson (indicate purpose for this lesson/assessment) [ x ] FOR [ ] AS [ ] OF

Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning: evidence of
learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand). Indicate the Achievement Chart
I CAN: Show two different ways to stretch (A)(K)
I CAN: Skip (A)(K)
I CAN: Gallop (A)(K)
I CAN: Use my body to show different levels (T)
I CAN: Use my body to show different shapes (K)
I CAN: Use my body to show different emotions (T)

Assessment Mode- Written, Oral, Assessment Strategy and Task for Students- Assessment Tool - Instrument used to
Performance (Write, Say, Do) What are the students doing to show their learning? assess; Record Keeping format
Checklist- organized by SC and students –
Students will be showing body awareness, teacher will make anecdotal notes and
Performance/Do energy and their ability to recreate a story with checks when student shows SC or struggle
their body as a form of dance.
 Side-coach and provide feedback
as children are dancing
 Provide feedback and suggestions
while the students are dancing
 Creation of success criteria for
movement response
 Self-assessment and group self-
assessment during creation of
movement response using
success criteria


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have
This is an introduction to dance for the Grade 1 Class, no prior dance lessons
I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications
FL: accompanied by EA, may participate
JC: will participate with classmates
Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment
Process: teacher will allow time for repeated/clear instructions and extra time for practice
Product: the choreography will allow all students to participate with ease
Environment: If students would like to practice in the commons area, it will be available
Assessment: limited expectations, students are beginning to learn dance skills
Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [ x ] collaboration, [ x ] initiative, [ x ] self-regulation
Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in lesson)
Dance, Skipping, Jumping, Spinning, Accent

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student worksheets used
and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.

The Arts Ontario Curriculum

Growing Success
Differentiation in Instruction

Three Part Lesson Identify what the students are expected to think about or do.
What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with enough What Students do: Identify what the students are expected to
detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a think about or do (in terms of learning processes).
personal discussion. Prompts and guiding questions are
required in each section.
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson.
Time: _5_____-____15___ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Good Afternoon Grade Ones! Today we are starting DANCE! [Students will be prompted to explore prior knowledge of what
dance is]
Prompt Questions: Anticipated Student Answers:
 How can we use the elements of dance to tell people  Its when you move to music
about our experiences and ideas?  You can tell stories with dance
 What is dance?  You can do tricks with dance
 How do you express yourself without talking?  Moving to the beat
 How do you feel when you dance or move your body? 
 How can you move your whole body using different
levels and shapes?
 How does your body move through different levels?
 What different sizes shapes can you make with your
 What strategies can you use to choreograph and
perform with a partner?
 How can you express your feelings and ideas by moving
your body through space?

Great ideas grade ones, our learning goal today is:

Today I will learn how to stretch and use different

movements. Today I will use dance to express stories.

I CAN: Show two different ways to stretch
I CAN: Skip
I CAN: Gallop
I CAN: Use my body to show different levels
I CAN: Use my body to show different shapes
I CAN: Use my body to show different emotions

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.
Time: ___30___-___40____ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Grade ones, now that we are all stretched and ready to go. I am
going to put on different songs that will portray a different
emotion. We will listen to it first and decide what emotion it
may be.

First song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUZeSYsU0Uk Anticipated Student Answers:

What emotion might this be? (SAD)
 SAD!
 Lonely!
Second song:
 Scared
 Happy
What emotion might this be? (HAPPY)
 Excited
Third song:  Angry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGBXA1tBiLw&list=PL9A87  Jealous
47EF4CDD6DCD  Frustrated etc.
What emotion might this be? (ANGRY)  Scared
 Sleepy
Fourth song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjPAWbk5jKc
What emotion might this be? (SCARED)

Fifth song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnfj6QCGLyA

What might you be feeling when your listening to this song?
(SLEEPY) This activity uses this element of dance:
- Body awareness
[Teacher will Play instrumental music that evokes an emotion - Space
(e.g., fast tempo in a major key, slow tempo in a minor key, - Relationships
percussion music, orchestral music, solo instrumental etc.) After - Story telling
students have a chance to experiment with movement that they
feel matches the music, discuss how they felt when they danced
to it.]

 What emotion do you think this piece of music is trying
to communicate? Why?

 How do you think the musician/composer is doing that?

 What elements of music are they using to give you that


There is no right answer to these questions. Many of our

assumptions about the mood of music (i.e.: that music in a
minor key is always sad) are culturally based and the music may
not sound that way to someone from another culture. Now,
using more neutral music, take the students through a spectrum
of emotions and elicit movement responses to those emotions.


 How does your body look when it is sad? How do your

shoulders dance?

 What does your head do? Your feet? What do your

fingers do? What level do you most want to dance on
when you are sad?

 Do a sad jump. How is it different than other jumps?

How do you walk when you're sad? What does your
peaceful dance look like? How do your arms move? Do
they feel light or heavy? How do you travel through
space? How do your arms dance? Shoulders? Toes?

 When you're feeling happy, what do your arms look

like? Your face? Your hips? Give me a huge happy jump
with your arms in the air. What are your legs doing
during your happy dance? What locomotor
movement would you choose to show that you are

Wow great job grade ones; you are very intuitive when it comes
to listening to music and expressing those emotions.

I am going to play those songs again and I want you to dance the
way the music makes you feel. Ill give you 30 seconds to 1
minute for each song.

You may begin.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)
Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection. Close the assessment loop.
Time: __5____-___10____ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Wow, Grade ones! I saw some awesome dancing!

Would anyone like to share with me what he or she learned [Students will refer back to our success criteria and learning goal]
about dance today? Or what they learned about your self as a Anticipated Student Answers:
dancer?  I learned that you count to eights in dance
 I learned about accents
Lets go over our learning goal and success criteria:  I learned about use my body to express a story
 I learned that I can do (insert dance move)
Today I will learn how to stretch and use dance to
express stories.

By the end of todays class we should be able to:

I CAN: Use counts of 8 in dance
I CAN: Explain what an accent is
I CAN: Show two different ways to stretch
I CAN: Use my body to express stories

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

- More introductory dance activities
- Christmas dance
Personal Reflection - Choose at least one question from each area that best allows you reflect on this lesson. Questions should
vary over the week and specific plans.
Learner Empowerment
1. How did students show understanding of expectations?
2. How did my lesson transform students from “passive
listeners” to “active participants”?
3. Was my behavior management technique effective?
4. Were students able to transition to the next activity
5. How does the lesson provide a meta-cognitive
opportunity for students to address their own learning?

Instructional Strategy
1. Was my motivational technique (hook) effective? Why?
2. What will I do to improve questions? Was a balance
between teacher and student talk evident?
3. How did the task provide a Rich Performance
opportunity or other way of actively demonstrating
4. How did I provide modeling, guided &/or independent
5. Was my behavior management technique effective?
6. Were students able to transition to the next activity
Professional Educator
1. What factors may have influenced the success of this
lesson? Did I note and respond to these elements
2. How might I improve the effectiveness of my teaching
for my next lesson?
3. What additional proactive management step(s) should
be considered for subsequent lessons? Why?
4. What did I learn from this lesson about my own
effectiveness as a teacher (strengths and areas for
future improvement of communication, planning,
differentiation, implementation and classroom
organization, management, assessment)?
5. How is my growth as a professional being

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