Operating Instructions
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 Low Harmonic Drive
132-630 kW
Contents Operating Instructions
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Purpose of the Manual 5
1.2 Additional Resources 5
1.3 Product Overview 5
1.3.1 Intended Use 5
1.3.2 Working Principle 6
1.3.3 Exploded View Drawings 7
1.4 Enclosure Sizes and Power Ratings 15
1.5 Approvals and Certifications 15
1.5.1 Approvals 15
1.5.2 Compliance with ADN 15
1.6 Harmonics Overview 15
1.6.1 Harmonics 15
1.6.2 Harmonic Analysis 15
1.6.3 Effect of Harmonics in a Power Distribution System 16
1.6.4 IEC Harmonic Standards 17
1.6.5 IEEE Harmonic Standards 18
2 Safety 20
2.1 Safety 20
2.2 Qualified Personnel 20
2.3 Safety Precautions 20
3 Mechanical Installation 21
3.1 Installation Site Checklist 21
3.2 Unpacking 22
3.2.1 Items Supplied 22
3.3 Mounting 23
3.3.1 Cooling and Airflow 23
3.3.2 Lifting 24
3.3.3 Cable Entry and Anchoring 26
3.3.4 Terminal Locations for Enclosure Size D1n/D2n 30
3.3.5 Terminal Locations for Enclosure Size E9 32
3.3.6 Terminal Locations for Enclsoure Size F18 33
3.3.7 Torque 35
4 Electrical Installation 36
4.1 Safety Instructions 36
4.2 Electromagnetic Compatability (EMC) 37
4.2.1 EMC Interference 37
5 Commissioning 54
5.1 Safety Instructions 54
5.2 Applying Power 56
5.3 Local Control Panel Operation 56
5.3.1 Local Control Panel 56
5.3.2 LCP Layout 56
5.3.3 Parameter Settings 57
5.3.4 Uploading/Downloading Data to/from the LCP 58
6 Application Examples 63
6.1 Introduction 63
6.2 Application Examples 63
8 Specifications 85
8.1 Power-Dependent Specifications 85
8.1.1 Mains Supply 3x380–480 V AC 85
8.1.2 Derating for Temperature 88
8.2 Mechanical Dimensions 90
8.3 General Technical Data 93
8.4 Fuses 98
8.4.1 Non-UL Compliance 99
8.4.2 Fuse Tables 99
8.4.3 Supplementary Fuses 100
8.5 General Torque Tightening Values 101
10 Appendix B 115
10.1 Abbreviations and Conventions 115
Index 116
1 Introduction 1 1
The low harmonic drive is a high-power frequency converter with an integrated active filter. An active filter is a device that
actively monitors harmonic distortion levels and injects compensative harmonic current onto the line to cancel the
Converter Side
HI Reactor AC Filter Power Stage
Contactor Lc Ir
Lc Is
Mains Optional Lm
Optional Lc It
380 to RFI Fuses
Disconnect Lac
500 VAC
Lm 3 3
Relay 12
Lac Control & AUX
Feedback Cef Cef Cef Current Sensors
AF Current
Ref Ref Ref
VLT Drive
Main’s CTs
Low harmonic drives are designed to draw an ideal sinusoidal current waveform from the supply grid with a power factor of
1. Where traditional non-linear load draws pulse-shaped currents, the low harmonic drive compensates that via the parallel
filter path, lowering the stress on the supply grid. The low harmonic drive meets the highest harmonic standards with a
THDi less than 5% at full load for <3% pre-distortion on a 3% unbalanced 3-phase grid.
1 1
2 20
19 5 10
18 9
15 13
3 1 1
19 18
1 1
20 3
19 4
18 7
16 8
13 14
12 11
1 1
1 1 1
12 11
1 Local control panel (LCP) 10 Mains bus bars to frequency converter input
2 Active filter card (AFC) 11 Heat sink fans
3 Soft charge resistors 12 Mains terminals (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3) from options cabinet
4 Metal oxide varistor (MOV) 13 RFI differential mode filter
5 AC capacitors discharge board 14 RFI common mode filter
6 LC inductor 15 Mains contactor
7 HI inductor 16 Power card
8 Mixing fan 17 Control card
9 IGBT fuses 18 LCP cradle
1 1 1
1 1 2
5 4
9 8
Non-linear loads such as found with 6-pulse frequency Table 1.3 Harmonics-related Abbreviations
converters do not draw current uniformly from the power
Fundamental Harmonic current (In)
line. This non-sinusoidal current has components which are
current (I1)
multiples of the fundamental current frequency. These
components are referred to as harmonics. It is important to Current I1 I5 I7 I11
control the total harmonic distortion on the mains supply. Frequency 50 250 350 550
Although the harmonic currents do not directly affect [Hz]
electrical energy consumption, they generate heat in
Table 1.4 Fundamental and Harmonic Currents
wiring and transformers and can impact other devices on
the same power line.
Current Harmonic current
IRMS I1 I5 I7 I11-49
Input current 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.2 < 0.1
1 1 by the mains impedance for the frequency in question. The PCC, the configuration of the distribution system and
total voltage distortion (THDi) is calculated based on the relevant impedances must be known.
individual voltage harmonics using this formula:
A commonly used term for describing the impedance of a
U25 + U27 + ... + U2n grid is the short-circuit ratio Rsce. Rsce is defined as the ratio
THDi =
U between the short circuit apparent power of the supply at
the PCC (Ssc) and the rated apparent power of the load
1.6.3 Effect of Harmonics in a Power (Sequ).
Distribution System S sc
Rsce =
In Illustration 1.10, a transformer is connected on the U2
primary side to a point of common coupling PCC1, on the where S sc = and Sequ = U × Iequ
Z supply
medium voltage supply. The transformer has an impedance
Zxfr and feeds a number of loads. The point of common
Negative effects of harmonics
coupling where all loads are connected is PCC2. Each load
is connected through cables that have an impedance Z1, • Harmonic currents contribute to system losses (in
cabling, and transformer).
Z2, Z3.
• Harmonic voltage distortion causes disturbance
to other loads and increases losses in other loads.
Harmonics and voltage fluctuations are 2 forms of low-frequency mains interference. They have a different appearance at
their origin than at any other point in the mains system when a load is connected. So, a range of influences must be
determined collectively when assessing the effects of mains interference. These influences include the mains feed, structure,
and loads.
Undervoltage warnings
• Incorrect voltage measurements due to distortion of the sinusoidal mains voltage.
• Cause incorrect power measurements because only RMS-true measuring takes harmonic content into account.
In most of Europe, the basis for the objective assessment of the quality of mains power is the Electromagnetic Compatibility
of Devices Act (EMVG). Compliance with these regulations ensures that all devices and networks connected to electrical
distribution systems fulfil their intended purpose without generating problems.
Standard Definition
EN 61000-2-2, EN 61000-2-4, EN 50160 Define the mains voltage limits required for public and industrial power grids.
EN 61000-3-2, 61000-3-12 Regulate mains interference generated by connected devices in lower current products.
EN 50178 Monitors electronic equipment for use in power installations.
There are 2 European standards that address harmonics in the frequency range from 0 Hz to 9 kHz:
EN 61000-2-2 (Compatibility Levels for Low-Frequency Conducted Disturbances and Signalling in Public Low-Voltage Power
Supply Systems) states the requirements for compatibility levels for PCC (point of common coupling) of low-voltage AC
systems on a public supply network. Limits are specified only for harmonic voltage and total harmonic distortion of the
voltage. EN 61000-2-2 does not define limits for harmonic currents. In situations where the total harmonic distortion
THD(V)=8%, PCC limits are identical to those limits specified in the EN 61000-2-4 Class 2.
EN 61000-2-4 (Compatibility Levels for Low-Frequency Conducted Disturbances and Signalling in Industrial Plants) states the
requirements for compatibility levels in industrial and private networks. The standard further defines the following 3 classes
of electromagnetic environments:
• Class 1 relates to compatibility levels that are less than the public supply network, which affects equipment
sensitive to disturbances (lab equipment, some automation equipment, and certain protection devices).
• Class 2 relates to compatibility levels that are equal to the public supply network. The class applies to PCCs on the
public supply network and to IPCs (internal points of coupling) on industrial or other private supply networks. Any
equipment designed for operation on a public supply network is allowed in this class.
• Class 3 relates to compatibility levels greater than the public supply network. This class applies only to IPCs in
industrial environments. Use this class where the following equipment is found:
1 1 - Large converters.
- Welding machines.
- Large motors starting frequently.
- Loads that change quickly.
Typically, a class cannot be defined ahead of time without taking into account the intended equipment and processes to be
used in the environment. VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 Low Harmonic Drive observes the limits of Class 3 under typical
supply system conditions (RSC>10 or Vk Line<10%).
Table 1.8 Compatibility Levels for the Total Harmonic Voltage Distortion THD(V)
The IEEE 519 standard (Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems)
provides specific limits for harmonic voltages and currents for individual components within the supply network. The
standard also provides limits for the sum of all loads at the point of common coupling (PCC).
To determine permissible harmonic voltage levels, IEEE 519 uses a ratio between the supply short-circuit current and the
maximum current of the individual load. For permissible harmonic voltage levels for individual loads, see Table 1.9. For
permissible levels for all loads connected to the PCC, see Table 1.10.
Table 1.9 Permissible Voltage THD at the PCC for Each Individual Load
Table 1.10 Permissible Voltage THD at the PCC for all Loads
Limit harmonic currents to specified levels, as shown in Table 1.11. IEEE 519 utilises a ratio between the supply short-circuit
current and the maximum current consumption at the PCC, averaged over 15 minutes or 30 minutes. In certain instances
when dealing with harmonic limits containing low harmonic numbers, the IEEE 519 limits are lower than the 61000-2-4
limits. Low harmonic drives observe the total harmonic distortion as defined in IEEE 519 for all Rsce. Each individual
harmonic current fulfills table 10–3 in IEEE 519 for Rsce≥20.
The VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 Low Harmonic Drive complies with the following standards:
• IEC61000-2-4
• IEC61000-3-4
• IEEE 519
• G5/4
2 Safety
2 2
2.1 Safety 2.3 Safety Precautions
The following symbols are used in this document:
WARNING Frequency converters contain high voltage when
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which could connected to AC mains input power. Qualified personnel
result in death or serious injury. only should perform installation, start up, and
maintenance. Failure to perform installation, start up,
3 Mechanical Installation
• Cable routing.
3.2 Unpacking
3.2.1 Items Supplied
Automation Drive
2 3
P/N: 131X3537 S/N: 010122G430
0.37kW/ 0.50HP
5 9
IN: 3x200-240V 50/60Hz 2.2A
OUT: 3x0-Vin 0-1000Hz 2.4A
7 o o
CHASSIS/ IP20 Tamb.50 C/122 F
*1 3 1 X 3 5 3 7 0 1 0 1 2 2 G 4 3 0 * MADE IN DENMARK
See manual for special condition/mains fuse
10 `
voir manual de conditions speclales/fusibles
Stored charge, wait 4 min.
` attendez 4 min.
Charge residuelle,
1 Type code
2 Order number
3 Serial number
4 Power rating
Input voltage, frequency and current (at low/high
Output voltage, frequency and current (at low/high
7 Enclosure type and IP rating
8 Maximum ambient temperature
9 Certifications
10 Discharge time (Warning)
Do not remove the nameplate from the frequency
converter (loss of warranty).
3.3 Mounting
3.3.1 Cooling and Airflow
Obtain cooling by taking air in through the plinth in the front and out of the top, in and out the back of the unit, or by
combining the cooling possibilities. 3 3
Back cooling
The backchannel air can also be ventilated in and out the back. This offers a solution where the backchannel could take air
from outside the facility and return the heat losses outside the facility thus reducing air-conditioning requirements.
Secure the necessary airflow over the heat sink. The flow rate is shown in Table 3.1.
For the frequency converter section, the fan runs for the For the active filter, the fan runs for the following
following reasons: reasons:
Lift the frequency converter using the dedicated lifting
eyes. For all D-frames, use a bar to avoid bending the
Drive Derating
3 3 40
30 1
0 0.5 4.9 13 27.3 45.9 66 89.3 115.7 147
Pressure Increase (Pa)
80 Illustration 3.5 Recommended Lifting Method, Enclosure Size
70 D1n/D2n
Drive Derating
40 Lifting Holes
0 0.2 0.6 2.2 5.8 11.4 18.1 30.8 69.5 152.8 210.8
Pressure Change (Pa)
Illustration 3.3 E-Enclosure Derating vs. Pressure Change
Frequency Converter Air Flow: 850 cfm (1445 m3/h) Illustration 3.6 Recommended Lifting Method, Enclosure Size
70 The lifting bar must be able to handle the weight of the
60 frequency converter. See chapter 8.2 Mechanical
Drive Derating
3 3
A spreader bar is also an acceptable way to lift the F-
The F18 pedestal is packaged separately and included in
the shipment. Mount the frequency converter on the
pedestal in its final location. The pedestal allows proper
airflow and cooling.
Cables enter the unit through gland plate openings in the bottom. Illustration 3.8, Illustration 3.9, Illustration 3.10, and
Illustration 3.11 show gland entry locations and detailed views of anchoring hole dimensions.
[22.0] [12.9]
289.4 20.0
[11.4] [0.8]
64.5 40.0
[2.5] [1.6]
227.8 246.0 [8.7]
[9.0] [9.7] 235.0
350.0 397.3 [1.7]
[13.8] [15.6]
8X 25.0
8X 14.0
560.0 422.4
[22.0] [16.6]
3 3
[2.5] 384.8 18.6 27.5
[15.1] [0.7] [1.1]
227.8 246.0 235.0 [8.7]
[9.0] [9.7] [9.3]
1 330.0 40.4
[13.0] [1.6]
390.0 470.4
[15.4] [18.5]
8X 25.0
8X 14.0
3 3
3 3
2 3
6 5
784.6 78.3 [9.7]
[30.9] [3.1]
3 3
[1.1] 1080.5
476.0 483.0
[18.7] [19.0]
266.2 88.0
267.4 [10.5] [3.5] 121.3
[10.5] 204.0 [4.8]
[10.2] [3.3]
695.9 167.0
[27.4] [6.6]
845.7 108.0 257.6
[33.3] [4.3] [10.1]
3 3
476.0 486.8
[18.7] [19.2]
88.0 121.8
268.9 [3.5]
[10.6] [4.8]
266.2 204.0
[10.5] [8.0] MOTOR
[10.2] [3.3]
786.7 167.0
[31.0] [6.6]
All D-frames are available with standard input terminals, fuse, or disconnect switch.
3 3 90.0
518.0 [20.4]
[6.6] 90.0
MAINS 153.8
[3.5] 112.5 [6.1]
[15.1] [7.1] MOTOR
[12.7] 225.0
368.3 [8.9]
All E-frames are available with standard input terminals, fuse, or disconnect switch.
Consider the position of the terminals when designing the cable access.
• Rectifier cabinet
• Inverter cabinet
See chapter 1.3.3 Exploded View Drawings for exploded views of each cabinet. Mains inputs are located in the input option
cabinet, which conducts power to the rectifier via interconnecting bus bars. Output from the unit is from the inverter
cabinet. No connection terminals are located in the rectifier cabinet. Interconnecting bus bars are not shown.
1 2 3
0.0[0.00] 0.0[1.75]
Illustration 3.16 Input Option Cabinet, Enclosure Size F18 - Fuses Only
The gland plate is 42 mm below the 0 level. Shown are the left side view, front, and right.
3 3
532.9 [20.98]
436.9 [17.20]
134.6 [5.30]
244.4 [9.62]
3 5
0.0 [0.00]
104.3 [4.11]
179.3 [7.06]
154.0 [6.06]
219.6 [8.65]
294.6 [11.60]
344.0 [13.54]
334.8 [13.18]
409.8 [16.14]
0.0 [0.00]
2 4
Illustration 3.17 Input Option Cabinet with Circuit Breaker, Enclosure Size F18
The gland plate is 42 mm below the 0 level. Shown are the left side view, front, and right.
3 3
308.3 [12.1]
253.1 [10.0]
180.3 [7.1]
.0 [.0]
44.40 [1.75]
244.40 [9.62]
339.4 [13.4]
287.4 [11.3]
339.4 [13.4]
287.4 [11.3]
[25.0] 637.3 [25.1]
[21.7] 522.3 [20.6]
407.3 [16.0]
198.1[7.8] 169.4 [6.7]
.0 [.0]
.0 [.0]
.0 [.0]
318.1 [12.5]
234.1 [9.2]
465.6 [18.3]
465.6 [18.3]
572.1 [22.5] 587.0
129.1 [5.1]
204.1 [8.0]
497.1 [19.6]
1 Front view
2 Left side view
3 Right side view
The gland plate is 42 mm below the 0 level. Shown are the left side view, front, and right.
3.3.7 Torque Enclosure Terminal Torque [Nm] (in- Bolt size
size lbs)
Correct torque is imperative for all electrical connections. Mains 19–40
The correct values are listed in Table 3.2. Incorrect torque Motor (168–354)
results in a bad electrical connection. Use a torque wrench 8.5–20.5
F Brake M8
to ensure correct torque. (75–181)
Regen M8
Enclosure Terminal Torque [Nm] (in- Bolt size (75–181)
size lbs)
Table 3.2 Torque for Terminals
Mains 19–40
Motor (168–354)
Regen 8.5–20.5
Brake (75–181)
Motor M10
E Regen
Brake M8
4 Electrical Installation
4 4
3 2
6 2
9 3
1 Customer control termination points–options A and B 6 Motor output cable, 3-phase and PE (not screened)
2 Screened control wiring 7 Cable gland
3 Cable clamp 8 Clearance, minimum 200 mm
4 Customer control input 9 Mains input cable, 3-phase and reinforce PE (not screened)
5 Potential equialisation wire [minimum 16 mm2] 10 Low harmonic drive (LHD)
EMC Interference
Use screened cables for motor and control wiring. Separate the LHD mains input cable, motor cable, and control wiring.
Minimum 200 mm (7.9 in) clearance between power, motor, and control cables is required. Maximise this clearance to
minimise EMC emissions. This reduces the risk of interference between the LHD and other electronic devices.
4.3 Power Connections Make the screen connections with the largest possible
surface area (cable clamp). Use the installation devices
NOTICE within the frequency converter.
Cables, general information Cable-length and cross-section
All cabling must comply with national and local The frequency converter has been EMC-tested with a given
regulations on cable cross-sections and ambient cable length. To reduce the noise level and leakage
temperature. UL applications require 75 °C copper currents, keep the motor cable as short as possible.
conductors. For non-UL applications, 75 and 90 °C Switching frequency
4 4 copper conductors are thermally acceptable. When frequency converters are used with sine-wave filters
to reduce the acoustic noise from a motor, set the
The power cable connections are located as shown in switching frequency according to
Illustration 4.2. Dimension cable cross-section in accordance parameter 14-01 Switching Frequency.
with the current ratings and local legislation. See
chapter 8.3.1 Cable lengths and cross-sections for details. Termi 96 97 98 99
For protection of the frequency converter, use the numb
recommended fuses if there are no built-in fuses. Fuse er
recommendations are provided in chapter 8.4 Fuses. Ensure Motor voltage 0–100% of mains
that proper fusing is made according to local regulation. U V W PE1) voltage.
3 wires out of motor
U1 V1 W1 Delta-connected
If included, the mains connection is fitted to the mains PE1)
switch. W2 U2 V2 6 wires out of motor
Star-connected U2, V2, W2
U1 V1 W1 PE1) U2, V2, and W2 to be interconnected
3 Phase
Table 4.1 Terminal Connections
91 (L1)
1) Protective earth connection
92 (L2)
93 (L3)
Motor Motor
95 PE
U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2
ELCB relays, multiple protective grounding, or standard Table 4.2 Terminal Functions
grounding provide extra protection, if local safety
regulations are followed.
U2 V2 W2
The connection cable to the brake resistor must be
screened and the maximum length from frequency
U1 V1 W1 converter to the DC bar is limited to 25 m.
U1 V1 W1
4 4
Terminal Function
• The motor. number
• Motor-driven machine. 91, 92, 93 Mains R/L1, S/L2, T/L3
Although failure due to bearing currents is infrequent, use Table 4.5 Terminal Functions
the following strategies to reduce the likelihood:
Ensure sufficient current supply to the frequency converter.
• Use an insulated bearing.
If the unit is without built-in fuses, ensure that the
• Apply rigorous installation procedures.
appropriate fuses have the correct current rating.
• Ensure that the motor and load motor are
4.7.2 External Fan Supply
• Strictly follow the EMC Installation guideline.
• Provide a good high frequency connection If the frequency converter is supplied by DC, or the fan
between the motor and the frequency converter. must run independently of the supply, use an external
• Ensure that the impedance from frequency supply. Make the connection on the power card.
converter to building ground is lower than the
grounding impedance of the machine. Make a Terminal Function
direct ground connection between the motor and number
load motor. 100, 101 Auxiliary supply S, T
Unscreened Cables
Induced voltage from coupled output motor cables
charges equipment capacitors even with the equipment
turned off and locked out. Run motor cables from
4 4 multiple frequency converters separately. Failure to run
output cables separately could result in death or serious
The frequency converter runs less efficiently if wiring is
not isolated properly. To isolate high frequency noise,
place the following in separate metallic conduits:
• Power wiring
• Motor wiring
• Control wiring
Failure to isolate these connections could result in less
than optimum controller and associated equipment
Illustration 4.5 Example of Proper Electrical Installation Using
4.8.1 Control Cable Routing
Fieldbus connection
Connections are made to the relevant options on the
control card. For details, see the relevant fieldbus
instruction. The cable must either be entered through the
access point in the top or be placed in the provided path
inside the frequency converter and tied down with other
control wires (see Illustration 4.6, Illustration 4.7, and
Illustration 4.8).
4 4
All terminals for the control cables are located beneath the
LCP (both filter and frequency converter LCPs). They are
accessed by opening the door of the unit.
9 - 10 mm
(0.37 in)
1 Routing path for the control card wiring inside the frequency
converter enclosure.
Illustration 4.9 Control Card Wiring Path for Enclosure Size F18
4 4
Illustration 4.13 Control Terminal Locations
91 (L1) (U) 96
3 Phase 92 (L2) (V) 97
After HI inductor
93 (L3) (W) 98
(PE) 99
4 4
Switch Mode
Power Supply
10 VDC 24 VDC (R+) 82 Brake
15 mA 200 mA resistor
50 (+10 V OUT) + - + - (R-) 81
+10 VDC
A53 U-I (S201)
53 (A IN)
1 2
0 VDC - 10 VDC
ON=0-20 mA Relay1
0/4-20 mA A54 U-I (S202) 03
OFF=0-10 V 240 VAC, 2A
1 2
54 (A IN)
0 VDC - 10 VDC 02
0/4-20 mA 400 VAC, 2A (E & F
frame only)
55 (COM A IN) 01
12 (+24 V OUT) 06
240 VAC, 2A
13 (+24 V OUT) P 5-00 05
400 VAC, 2A
24 V (NPN)
18 (D IN) 04
0 V (PNP)
24 V (NPN)
19 (D IN) 0 V (PNP) (COM A OUT) 39 Analog Output
0/4-20 mA
(A OUT) 42
20 (COM D IN)
S801/Bus Term.
24 V (NPN)
27 (D IN/OUT) 0 V (PNP) OFF-ON
24 V ON=Terminated
1 2
OFF=Open 1
HI inductor Temperature
feed back (NC)
0V 5V 2
24 V (NPN)
29 (D IN/OUT) 0 V (PNP)
24 V
0V RS-485 (P RS-485) 68 RS-485
24 V (NPN) Interface
32 (D IN) 0 V (PNP) (N RS-485) 69
24 V (NPN) (COM RS-485) 61
33 (D IN) 0 V (PNP)
(PNP) = Source
(NPN) = Sink
37 (D IN) - option
Converter Side
HI Reactor AC Power Stage
Contactor Lc Ir
91 (L1)
Lac Lc Is
Mains Lm
380 to 92 (L2) Optional Optional
Optional Lc It
RFI Manual
Fuses Lac
500 VAC Disconnect
Lm 3 3
4 4
93 (L3)
Relay 12 Capacitor
Control & Cef Cef Cef AF Current
AUX Ref Ref Ref Sensors
VLT Drive
Switch Mode
Power Supply Main’s CTs
10Vdc 24Vdc
15mA 130/200mA
50 (+10 V OUT) + - + -
-10Vdc -
1 2
53 (A IN)
+10Vdc relay1
0/4-20 mA S202 03
1 2
-10Vdc -
54 (A IN) 240Vac, 2A
+10Vdc 02
0/4-20 mA
55 (COM A IN) 01
12 (+24V OUT) 06
240Vac, 2A
13 (+24V OUT) P 5-00 05
400Vac, 2A
24V (NPN)
18 (D IN) 04
0V (PNP)
24V (NPN)
19 (D IN) 0V (PNP) (COM A OUT) 39 Analog Output
0/4-20 mA
(A OUT) 42
20 (COM D IN)
24V (NPN)
27 (D IN/OUT) 0V (PNP) S801
24V ON=Terminated
1 2
0V 5V
* 24V (NPN)
29 (D IN/OUT) 0V (PNP)
S801 0V
(N RS-485) 69 RS-485
24V (NPN) Interface
32 (D IN) 0V (PNP) (P RS-485) 68
24V (NPN)
33 (D IN) (COM RS-485) 61
0V (PNP)
(PNP) = Source
(NPN) = Sink
To run STO, additional wiring for the frequency converter is In hoisting/lowering applications, it is necessary to be
required. Refer to VLT® Frequency Converters Safe Torque Off able to control an electro-mechanical brake:
Operating Instructions for further information. • Control the brake using any relay output or
digital output (terminal 27 or 29).
4.9 Additional Connections
• Keep the output closed (voltage-free) as long as
4.9.1 Serial Communication the frequency converter is unable to support the
4.9.3 Parallel Connection of Motors Problems are possible at start and at low RPM values if
motor sizes vary widely. The relatively high ohmic
The frequency converter can control several parallel- resistance in the stator of small motors calls for a higher
connected motors. The total current consumption of the voltage at start and at low RPM values.
motors must not exceed the rated output current IM,N for
the frequency converter. 4.9.4 Motor Thermal Protection
NOTICE For the North American market: The ETR functions provide
When motors are connected in parallel, class 20 motor overload protection in accordance with
parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) cannot NEC.
be used.
For motor thermal protection, it is also possible to use the
NOTICE VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112. This card provides
The electronic thermal relay (ETR) of the frequency ATEX certification to protect motors in explosion hazardous
converter cannot be used as motor protection for the areas, Zone 1/21 and Zone 2/22. When
individual motor in systems with parallel-connected parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection is set to [20] ATEX
motors. Provide further motor protection with ETR and MCB 112 are combined, it is possible to control an
thermistors in each motor or individual thermal relays. Ex-e motor in explosion hazardous areas. Consult the
Circuit breakers are not suitable as protection. Programming Guide for details on how to set up the
frequency converter for safe operation of Ex-e motors.
Remove power to the low harmonic drive before
changing switch positions.
4 4
4.10 Final Set-up and Test B IP 65 H1/1A
Before operating the frequency converter, perform a final Illustration 4.18 Motor Name Plate
test of the installation:
1. Locate the motor name plate to find out whether 3. Perform an automatic motor adaptation (AMA) to
the motor is star- (Y) or delta- connected (Δ). ensure optimum performance.
2. Enter the motor name plate data in the 3a Connect terminal 27 to terminal 12 or
parameter list. Access the list by pressing the set parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital
[Quick Menu] key and selecting Q2 Quick Set-up. Input to [0] No operation.
See Table 4.11. 3b Activate the AMA in
parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor
1. Parameter 1-20 Motor Power [kW]
Adaptation (AMA).
Parameter 1-21 Motor Power [HP]
2. Parameter 1-22 Motor Voltage 3c Select either complete or reduced AMA.
3. Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency If an LC filter is mounted, run only the
4. Parameter 1-24 Motor Current
reduced AMA, or remove the LC filter
during the AMA procedure.
5. Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed
3d Press [OK]. The display shows Press
Table 4.11 Quick Set-up Parameters [Hand On] to start.
3e Press [Hand On]. A progress bar
indicates whether the AMA is in
3f Press [Off] - the frequency converter
enters alarm mode and the display
shows that the user terminated AMA.
Stop the AMA during operation Cabinet light with power outlet
Successful AMA A light mounted on the cabinet interior of F-frame
frequency converters increases visibility during servicing
• The display shows Press [OK] to finish AMA.
and maintenance. The housing includes a power outlet for
• Press [OK] to exit the AMA state. temporarily powering tools or other devices, available in 2
Unsuccessful AMA voltages:
• The frequency converter enters into alarm mode. • 230 V, 50 Hz, 2.5 A, CE/ENEC
A description of the alarm can be found in
• 120 V, 60 Hz, 5 A, UL/cUL
4 4 chapter 7 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.
Transformer tap set-up
• Report value in the alarm log shows the last If the cabinet light, outlet, and/or the space heaters, and
measuring sequence carried out by the AMA thermostat are installed, transformer T1 requires its taps to
before the frequency converter entered alarm be set to the proper input voltage. A 380–480/500 V
mode. This number, along with the description of frequency converter is initially set to the 525 V tap to
the alarm, helps with troubleshooting. Mention ensure that no overvoltage of secondary equipment occurs
the number and alarm description when if the tap is not changed before applying power. See
contacting Danfoss service personnel. Table 4.15 to set the proper tap at terminal T1 located in
Unsuccessful AMA is the result of incorrectly registered the rectifier cabinet.
motor nameplate data or too large a difference between
Input voltage range [V] Tap to select [V]
the motor power size and the frequency converter power
380–440 400
441–500 460
Set up the desired limits for speed and ramp time
Table 4.15 Transformer Tap Set-up
Minimum reference Parameter 3-02 Minimum
Reference NAMUR terminals
Maximum reference Parameter 3-03 Maximum NAMUR is an international association of automation
Reference technology users in the process industries, primarily
chemical and pharmaceutical industries in Germany.
Table 4.12 Reference Parameters
Selecting this option, provides terminals organised and
labeled to the specifications of the NAMUR standard for
Motor speed low limit Parameter 4-11 Motor Speed Low
frequency converters input and output terminals. This
Limit [RPM] or
requires VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 and VLT®
parameter 4-12 Motor Speed Low
Extended Relay Card MCB 113.
Limit [Hz]
Motor speed high limit Parameter 4-13 Motor Speed RCD (residual current device)
High Limit [RPM] or Uses the core balance method to monitor ground fault
parameter 4-14 Motor Speed currents in grounded and high-resistance grounded
High Limit [Hz] systems (TN and TT systems in IEC terminology). There is a
pre-warning (50% of main alarm set-point) and a main
Table 4.13 Speed Limits alarm set-point. Associated with each set-point is an SPDT
alarm relay for external use. Requires an external window-
Ramp-up time 1 [s] Parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp type current transformer (supplied and installed by the
Up Time customer).
Ramp-down time 1 [s] Parameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp
Down Time
• Integrated into the frequency converter safe
torque off circuit.
Table 4.14 Ramp Times • IEC 60755 Type B device monitors AC, pulsed DC,
and pure DC ground fault currents.
4.11 F-frame Options • LED bar graph indicator of the ground fault
current level from 10–100% of the setpoint.
Space heaters and thermostat
There are space heaters mounted on the cabinet interior of • Fault memory.
F-frame frequency converters. These heaters are controlled
by an automatic thermostat and help control humidity
inside the enclosure. The thermostat default settings turn Insulation resistance monitor (IRM)
Monitors the insulation resistance in ungrounded systems
on the heaters at 10 °C (50 °F) and turn them off at 15.6
(IT systems in IEC terminology) between the system phase
°C (60 °F).
conductors and ground. There is an ohmic pre-warning
and a main alarm setpoint for the insulation level. An SPDT
alarm relay for external use is associated with each is selected based on its ohmic value, its power dissipation
setpoint. rate, and its physical size. Danfoss offers a wide variety of
different resistors that are specifically designed for Danfoss
NOTICE frequency converters.
Only 1 insulation resistance monitor can be connected to
each ungrounded (IT) system.
• Fault memory.
5 Commissioning
5.1.1 Pre-start
Before applying power to the unit, inspect the entire installation as detailed in Table 5.1. Check mark those items when
• Check function and installation of any sensors used for feedback to the frequency converter.
Cable routing • Use separate metallic conduits for each of the following:
- Input power
- Motor wiring
- Control wiring
Control wiring • Check for broken or damaged wires and loose connections.
• Check that control wiring is isolated from power and motor wiring for noise immunity.
• Use screened or twisted pair cable. Ensure that the screen is terminated correctly.
Cooling clearance • Measure that top and bottom clearance is adequate to ensure proper air flow for cooling.
Environmental consider- • See equipment label for the maximum ambient operating temperature limits.
• Humidity levels must be 5–95%, non-condensing.
Grounding • The unit requires a ground wire from its enclosure to the building ground.
• Check for good ground connections that are tight and free of oxidation.
• Grounding to conduit or mounting the back panel to a metal surface is not sufficient.
Panel interior
Inspect that the unit interior is free of debris and corrosion.
Ensure that all switch and disconnect settings are in the proper positions.
5 5
Vibration • Check that the unit is mounted solidly or that shock mounts are used as necessary.
3. Ensure that all operator devices are off. Panel 1 3
Status 1(1)
doors should be closed or cover mounted. 0.0 % 0.00 A 0.00 kW
If the status line at the bottom of the LCP reads AUTO Quick Main Alarm
B Status Menu Menu Log
REMOTE COASTING or Alarm 60 External Interlock is
displayed, the unit is ready to operate but is missing an
input signal on terminal 27. 8
The local control panel (LCP) is the combined display and 13
keypad on the front of the unit. The low harmonic drive Alarm
• Control speed of frequency converter when in Illustration 5.1 Local Control Panel (LCP)
local mode.
The information displayed on the LCP can be customised Callout Indicator Light Function
for user application. Select options in the Quick Menu 15 ON Green The ON light activates when the
Q3-13 Display Settings. frequency converter receives
power from mains voltage, a DC
Callout Display Parameter number Default setting bus terminal, or an external 24 V
1 1.1 0-20 Reference % supply.
2 1.2 0-21 Motor current 16 WARN Yellow When a warning is issued, the
3 1.3 0-22 Power [kW] yellow WARN light comes on
4 2 0-23 Frequency and text appears in the display
5 3 0-24 kWh counter area identifying the problem.
17 ALARM Red A fault condition causes the red
Table 5.2 Legend to Illustration 5.1, Display Area
alarm light to flash and an alarm
(Frequency Converter Side)
text is displayed. 5 5
B. Display menu keys Table 5.5 Legend to Illustration 5.1, Indicator Lights (LEDs)
Menu keys are used for menu access for parameter set-up,
toggling through status display modes during normal D. Operation keys and reset
operation, and viewing fault log data. Operation keys are located at the bottom of the LCP.
1107 RPM 3.84 A 1 (1)
5.4.1 VLT® Low Harmonic Drive Main Menu
0 - ** Operation/Display
The low harmonic drive includes 2 LCPs: 1 to control the
frequency converter side and 1 to control the filter side.
1 - ** Load/Motor
Because of this unique design, the detailed parameter 2 - ** Brakes
information for the product is found in 2 places.
3 - ** Reference / Ramps
Detailed programming information for the frequency
5 5
converter portion can be found in the relevant Illustration 5.2 Main Menu
programming guide. Detailed programming information for
the filter can be found in the VLT® Active Filter AAF 006
Operating Instructions.
3. Press the navigation keys to scroll to parameter
The remaining sections in this chapter apply to the
group 0-0* Basic Settings and press [OK].
frequency converter side. The active filter of the low
harmonic drives is pre-configured for optimal performance
0.0% 0.00A 1(1)
and must only be turned on by pressing its [Hand On] key Operation / Display 0-**
0-0* Basic Settings
after the frequency converter side is commissioned.
0-1* Set-up Operations
0-2* LCP Display
5.4.2 Commissioning with SmartStart 0-3* LCP Custom Readout
• Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the 4. Press the navigation keys to scroll to
commissioning of the frequency converter. parameter 0-03 Regional Settings and press [OK].
Always reactivate SmartStart by selecting Quick
Menu Q4 - SmartStart. 0.0% 0.00A 1(1)
Basic Settings 0-0*
• For commissioning without use of the SmartStart 0-03 Regional Settings
wizard, refer to chapter 5.4.3 Commissioning via
[Main Menu] or the programming guide.
5.4.3 Commissioning via [Main Menu] 5. Press the navigation keys to select [0] Interna-
tional or [1] North America as appropriate and
Recommended parameter settings are intended for start- press [OK]. (This changes the default settings for
up and check-out purposes. Application settings may vary. a number of basic parameters).
6. Press [Main Menu] on the LCP.
Enter data with power ON, but before operating the
frequency converter. 7. Press the navigation keys to scroll to
parameter 0-01 Language.
1. Press [Main Menu] on the LCP. 8. Select the language and press [OK].
2. Press the navigation keys to scroll to parameter 9. If a jumper wire is in place between control
group 0-** Operation/Display and press [OK]. terminals 12 and 27, leave
parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input at factory
default. Otherwise, select No Operation in
parameter 5-12 Terminal 27 Digital Input.
4. Parameter 1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2). Table 5.7 Recommendations for Flux Applications
5. Parameter 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh).
6. Parameter 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe). 5.4.5 Permanent Magnet Motor Set-up
To activate AEO, set parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics to 1. Press [Main Menu].
[2] Auto Energy Optim. CT or [3] Auto Energy Optim. VT. 2. Scroll to parameter 1-28 Motor Rotation Check and
press [OK].
5.4.7 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) 3. Scroll to [1] Enable.
AMA is a procedure which optimises compatibility between The following text appears: Note! Motor may run in wrong
the frequency converter and the motor. direction.
4. Press [OK].
7. The test runs automatically and indicates when it 2. Apply an external run command.
is complete. 3. Adjust the speed reference throughout the speed
8. The advanced motor data is entered in parameter range.
group 1-3* Adv. Motor Data. 4. Remove the external run command.
5.5 Checking Motor Rotation 5. Check the sound and vibration levels of the
motor to ensure that the system is working as
NOTICE intended.
Risk of damage to pumps/compressors caused by motor If warnings or alarms occur, see chapter 7.3 Warnings and
running in wrong direction. Before running the Alarm Definitions - Frequency Converter or
frequency converter, check the motor rotation. chapter 7.4 Warnings and Alarm Definitions - Active Filter.
6 Application Examples
The examples in this section are intended as a quick +24 V 12 Parameter 1-29 A [1] Enable
reference for common applications. +24 V 13 utomatic Motor complete
D IN 18 Adaptation AMA
• Parameter settings are the regional default values D IN 19 (AMA)
unless otherwise indicated (selected in COM 20 Parameter 5-12 T [2]* Coast
parameter 0-03 Regional Settings). D IN 27 erminal 27 inverse
D IN 29
• Parameters associated with the terminals and D IN 32
Digital Input
their settings are shown next to the drawings. *=Default value
D IN 33
Notes/comments: Parameter
6 6
Required switch settings for analog terminals A53 D IN 37
group 1–2* Motor Data must be
or A54 are also shown.
+10 V 50 set according to motor
A IN 54
When using the optional STO feature, a jumper wire may
COM 55
be required between terminal 12 (or 13) and terminal 37
A OUT 42
for the frequency converter to operate with factory
COM 39
default programming values.
The following examples refer only to the frequency
Table 6.1 AMA with T27 Connected
converter control card (right LCP), not the filter.
6.2 Application Examples Function Setting
Parameter 1-29 A
+24 V 12
[1] Enable
+24 V 13 utomatic Motor
Thermistors must use reinforced or double insulation to D IN 18 Adaptation
meet PELV insulation requirements. D IN 19 (AMA)
COM 20 Parameter 5-12 T [0] No
D IN 27 erminal 27 operation
D IN 29
Digital Input
D IN 32
*=Default value
D IN 33
Notes/comments: Parameter
group 1–2* Motor Data must be
+10 V 50 set according to motor
A IN 53
A IN 54
COM 55
A OUT 42
COM 39
Parameters Parameters
Function Setting Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 6-10 T 0.07 V* +24 V 12 Parameter 5-10 T [8] Start*
+24 V 13 erminal 53 Low +24 V 13 erminal 18
D IN 18 Voltage D IN 18 Digital Input
D IN 19 Parameter 6-11 T 10 V* D IN 19 Parameter 5-12 T [0] No
COM 20 erminal 53 High COM 20 erminal 27 operation
D IN 27 Voltage D IN 27 Digital Input
D IN 29 Parameter 6-14 T 0 RPM D IN 29 Parameter 5-19 T [1] Safe Stop
D IN 32 D IN 32
erminal 53 Low erminal 37 Safe Alarm
D IN 33 D IN 33
Ref./Feedb. Value Stop
D IN 37 D IN 37
Parameter 6-15 T 1500 RPM *=Default value
erminal 53 High Notes/comments:
+10 V 50 +10 50
+ Ref./Feedb. Value A IN If parameter 5-12 Terminal 27
53 53
6 6
A IN 54 *=Default value A IN 54 Digital Input is set to [0] No
COM 55 Notes/comments: COM 55 operation, a jumper wire to
A OUT 42 A OUT 42 terminal 27 is not needed.
-10 - +10V
COM 39 COM 39
Table 6.5 Start/Stop Command with Safe Torque Off
Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 6-12 T 4 mA*
+24 V 13 erminal 53 Low
D IN 18 Current
Start (18)
D IN 19 Parameter 6-13 T 20 mA*
COM 20 erminal 53 High Illustration 6.1 Start/Stop with Safe Torque Off
D IN 27 Current
D IN 29
Parameter 6-14 T 0 RPM
D IN 32
erminal 53 Low Parameters
D IN 33
Ref./Feedb. Value Function Setting
D IN 37 FC
Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 5-11 T [1] Reset
+24 V 13 erminal 19
D IN 18 Digital Input
D IN 19 *=Default value
COM 20 Notes/comments:
D IN 27
Latched Start (18) D IN 29
Stop Inverse (27) D IN 32
D IN 33
D IN 37
Illustration 6.2 Latched Start/Stop Inverse
+10 V 50
A IN 53
6 6
A IN 54
COM 55
Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 5-10 Ter [8] Start COM 39
+24 V 13 minal 18 Digital
D IN 18 Input
D IN 19 Parameter 5-11 Ter [10]
COM 20 minal 19 Digital Reversing*
D IN 27 Input Table 6.8 External Alarm Reset
D IN 29
D IN 32 Parameter 5-12 Ter [0] No
D IN 33 minal 27 Digital operation
D IN Function Setting
37 Input FC
+24 V 12 Parameter 6-10 T 0.07 V*
Parameter 5-14 Ter [16] Preset
+10 V 50 +24 V 13 erminal 53 Low
minal 32 Digital ref bit 0
A IN 53 D IN 18 Voltage
A IN 54 D IN 19 Parameter 6-11 T 10 V*
Parameter 5-15 Ter [17] Preset
55 COM 20 erminal 53 High
A OUT minal 33 Digital ref bit 1
42 D IN 27 Voltage
COM 39 Input
D IN 29 Parameter 6-14 T 0 RPM
Parameter 3-10 Pre D IN 32
erminal 53 Low
set Reference D IN 33
Ref./Feedb. Value
Preset ref. 0 25% D IN 37
Parameter 6-15 T 1500 RPM
Preset ref. 1 50%
erminal 53 High
Preset ref. 2 75% +10 V 50
A IN Ref./Feedb. Value
Preset ref. 3 100% 53 ≈ 5kΩ
A IN 54 *=Default value
*=Default value
COM 55 Notes/comments:
A OUT 42
COM 39
Parameters Parameters
Function Setting Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 5-10 T [8] Start* +24 V 12 Parameter 8-30 P
+24 V 13 erminal 18 +24 V 13 rotocol FC*
D IN 18 Digital Input D IN 18 Parameter 8-31 A 1*
D IN 19 Parameter 5-12 T [19] Freeze D IN 19 ddress
COM 20 erminal 27 Reference COM 20 Parameter 8-32 B 9600*
D IN 27 Digital Input D IN 27 aud Rate
D IN 29 D IN 29
Parameter 5-13 T [21] Speed *=Default value
D IN 32 D IN 32
erminal 29 Up
D IN 33 D IN 33 Notes/comments:
Digital Input
D IN 37 D IN 37 Select protocol, address, and
Parameter 5-14 T [22] Speed Baud rate in the above-
+10 V 50 erminal 32 Down
mentioned parameters.
+10 V 50
A IN 53 Digital Input A IN 53
6 6
A IN 54 *=Default value A IN 54
COM 55 Notes/comments: COM 55
A OUT 42 A OUT 42
COM 39 COM 39
06 RS-485
Table 6.10 Speed Up/Down +
Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 1-90 [2]
Start ( 18) +24 V 13 Motor Thermal Thermistor
D IN 18 Protection trip
Freeze ref ( 27)
D IN 19 Parameter 1-93 T [1] Analog
Speed up ( 29 )
COM 20 hermistor Source input 53
Speed down ( 32 ) D IN 27 *=Default value
D IN 29
D IN 32
D IN 33
If only a warning is desired, set
Illustration 6.3 Speed Up/Down D IN 37
parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal
Protection to [1] Thermistor
+10 V 50
A IN warning.
A IN 54
COM 55
A OUT 42
COM 39
Parameters Parameters
Function Setting
Function Setting
+24 V 12 Parameter 4-30 [1] Warning FC
+24 V 13 Motor Feedback +24 V 12 Parameter 1-00 C
D IN 18 Loss Function +24 V 13 onfiguration [0] Speed
D IN 19 Parameter 4-31 100 RPM D IN 18 Mode open loop
COM 20 Motor Feedback
D IN 19 Parameter 1-01 [1] VVC+
D IN 27 COM 20 Motor Control
Speed Error
D IN 29 D IN 27 Principle
Parameter 4-32 5s
D IN 32 D IN 29
Motor Feedback Parameter 5-40 F [32] Mech.
D IN 33 D IN 32
Loss Timeout unction Relay brake ctrl.
D IN 37 D IN 33
Parameter 7-00 S [2] MCB 102 D IN
Parameter 5-10 T [8] Start*
peed PID erminal 18
+10 V 50
Feedback Source +10 V 50 Digital Input
A IN 53
A IN Parameter 5-11 T [11] Start
6 6
A IN 54 Parameter 17-11 1024* 53
COM 55 Resolution (PPR) A IN 54 erminal 19 reversing
A OUT 42 Parameter 13-00 [1] On
COM 55 Digital Input
COM 39 A OUT 42 Parameter 1-71 S 0.2
SL Controller
COM 39 tart Delay
01 Parameter 1-72 S [5] VVC+/
Parameter 13-01 [19] Warning
02 01
Parameter 13-02 [44] Reset Clockwise
Stop Event key Parameter 1-76 S Im,n
Parameter 13-10 [21] Warning 04 tart Current
Operand 06 elease Brake dependent
Parameter 13-11 [1] ≈* Current
Comparator Parameter 2-21 A Half of
Operator ctivate Brake nominal slip
Parameter 13-12 90 Speed [RPM] of the motor
Comparator *=Default value
Value Notes/comments:
Parameter 13-51 [22]
SL Controller Comparator 0
Parameter 13-52 [32] Set Table 6.14 Mechanical Brake Control (Open Loop)
SL Controller digital out A
Action low
Status 1(1)
799RPM 7.83A 36.4kW reset the frequency converter. It is then ready to start
0.000 operation again.
7 7 Auto
• Press [Reset] on the LCP.
Off Running
• Digital reset input command.
• Serial communication reset input command.
Stand by
• Auto reset.
1 2 3
WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error • If the alarm/warning occurs during a power sag,
This warning or alarm only appears if programmed in use kinetic back-up (parameter 14-10 Mains
parameter 6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function. The signal on 1 Failure).
of the analog inputs is less than 50% of the minimum
WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage
value programmed for that input. Broken wiring or a faulty
If the DC-link voltage drops below the undervoltage limit,
device sending the signal can cause this condition.
the frequency converter checks if a 24 V DC back-up
Troubleshooting supply is connected. If no 24 V DC back-up supply is
• Check the connections on all the analog mains connected, the frequency converter trips after a fixed time
terminals. delay. The time delay varies with unit size.
- Control card terminals 53 and 54 for Troubleshooting
signals, terminal 55 common. • Check that the supply voltage matches the
frequency converter voltage.
- MCB 101 terminals 11 and 12 for signals,
terminal 10 common. • Perform an input voltage test.
- MCB 109 terminals 1, 3, and 5 for • Perform a soft charge circuit test.
signals, terminals 2, 4, and 6 common.
WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overload
• Check that the frequency converter programming The frequency converter has run with more than 100%
and switch settings match the analog signal type. overload for too long and is about to cut-out. The counter
for electronic thermal inverter protection issues a warning
7 7
• Perform an input terminal signal test.
at 98% and trips at 100%, while giving an alarm. The
WARNING/ALARM 3, No motor frequency converter cannot be reset until the counter is
No motor has been connected to the output of the below 90%.
frequency converter. Troubleshooting
WARNING/ALARM 4, Mains phase loss • Compare the output current shown on the LCP
A phase is missing on the supply side, or the mains with the frequency converter rated current.
voltage imbalance is too high. This message also appears
• Compare the output current shown on the LCP
for a fault in the input rectifier on the frequency converter. with the measured motor current.
Options are programmed in parameter 14-12 Function at
Mains Imbalance. • Display the thermal frequency converter load on
the LCP and monitor the value. When running
Troubleshooting above the frequency converter continuous
• Check the supply voltage and supply currents to current rating, the counter increases. When
the frequency converter. running below the frequency converter
WARNING 5, DC link voltage high continuous current rating, the counter decreases.
The DC-link voltage (DC) is higher than the high-voltage WARNING/ALARM 10, Motor overload temperature
warning limit. The limit depends on the frequency According to the electronic thermal protection (ETR), the
converter voltage rating. The unit is still active. motor is too hot. Select whether the frequency converter
WARNING 6, DC link voltage low issues a warning or an alarm when the counter reaches
The DC-link voltage (DC) is lower than the low-voltage 100% in parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection. The fault
warning limit. The limit depends on the frequency occurs when the motor runs with more than 100%
converter voltage rating. The unit is still active. overload for too long.
• Activate the functions in parameter 2-10 Brake • If an external fan is in use, check that it is
Function. selected in parameter 1-91 Motor External Fan.
• Increase parameter 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter • Running AMA in parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor
Fault. Adaptation (AMA) tunes the frequency converter
to the motor more accurately and reduces
thermal loading.
• Check that the thermistor is connected correctly ALARM 14, Earth (ground) fault
between either terminal 53 or 54 (analog voltage There is current from the output phases to ground, either
input) and terminal 50 (+10 V supply). Also check in the cable between the frequency converter and the
that the terminal switch for 53 or 54 is set for motor, or in the motor itself.
voltage. Check that parameter 1-93 Thermistor
Resource is set to terminal 53 or 54.
• Remove the power to the frequency converter
• When using digital inputs 18 or 19, check that and repair the ground fault.
the thermistor is connected correctly between
either terminal 18 or 19 (digital input PNP only)
• Check for ground faults in the motor by
measuring the resistance to the ground of the
7 7
and terminal 50. motor cables and the motor with a
• If a KTY sensor is used, check for correct megohmmeter.
connection between terminals 54 and 55
• Perform a current sensor test.
• If using a thermal switch or thermistor, check that
ALARM 15, Hardware mismatch
the programming of parameter 1-93 Thermistor A fitted option is not operational with the present control
Resource matches sensor wiring. board hardware or software.
• If using a KTY Sensor, check the programming of Record the value of the following parameters and contact
parameter 1-95 KTY Sensor Type, Danfoss:
parameter 1-96 KTY Thermistor Resource and
parameter 1-97 KTY Threshold level match sensor • Parameter 15-40 FC Type.
wiring. • Parameter 15-41 Power Section.
WARNING/ALARM 12, Torque limit • Parameter 15-42 Voltage.
The torque has exceeded the value in
parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode or the value in • Parameter 15-43 Software Version.
parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode. • Parameter 15-45 Actual Typecode String.
Parameter 14-25 Trip Delay at Torque Limit can change this
• Parameter 15-49 SW ID Control Card.
warning from a warning-only condition to a warning
followed by an alarm. • Parameter 15-50 SW ID Power Card.
• If the motor torque limit is exceeded during • Parameter 15-61 Option SW Version (for each
ramp-up, extend the ramp-up time. option slot).
• If the generator torque limit is exceeded during ALARM 16, Short circuit
ramp-down, extend the ramp-down time. There is short-circuiting in the motor or motor wiring.
• Check the application for excessive current draw WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout
on the motor. There is no communication with the frequency converter.
The warning is only active when parameter 8-04 Control
WARNING/ALARM 13, Over current
The inverter peak current limit (approximately 200% of the Word Timeout Function is not set to [0] Off.
rated current) is exceeded. The warning lasts approximately If parameter 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function is set to [2]
1.5 s, then the frequency converter trips and issues an Stop and [26] Trip, a warning appears and the frequency
alarm. Shock loading or quick acceleration with high-inertia converter ramps down until it trips and then displays an
loads can cause this fault. If the acceleration during ramp- alarm.
up is quick, the fault can also appear after kinetic back-up.
If extended mechanical brake control is selected, a trip can
be reset externally.
• Check the connections on the serial communi-
cation cable. If the brake transistor is short-circuited, there is a risk of
substantial power being transmitted to the brake
• Increase parameter 8-03 Control Word Timeout resistor.
• Check the operation of the communication WARNING/ALARM 27, Brake chopper fault
equipment. This alarm/warning could occur if the brake resistor
overheats. Terminals 104 and 106 are available as brake
• Verify a proper installation based on EMC
requirements. resistors Klixon inputs.
The brake resistor is monitored during operation. If a short For D, E, and F enclosures, this alarm is based on the
circuit occurs, the brake function is disabled and the temperature measured by the heat sink sensor mounted
warning appears. The frequency converter is still inside the IGBT modules. For the F enclosures, the thermal
operational, but without the brake function. sensor in the rectifier module can also cause this alarm.
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting
• Remove the power to the frequency converter • Check the fan resistance.
and replace the brake resistor (see • Check the soft charge fuses.
parameter 2-15 Brake Check).
• Check the IGBT thermal sensor.
WARNING/ALARM 26, Brake resistor power limit
ALARM 30, Motor phase U missing
The power transmitted to the brake resistor is calculated as
Motor phase U between the frequency converter and the
a mean value over the last 120 s of run time. The
motor is missing.
calculation is based on the intermediate circuit voltage and
the brake resistance value set in parameter 2-16 AC brake Troubleshooting
Max. Current. The warning is active when the dissipated • Remove the power from the frequency converter
braking is >90% of the brake resistance power. If [2] Trip is and check motor phase U.
selected in parameter 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring, the ALARM 31, Motor phase V missing
frequency converter trips when the dissipated braking Motor phase V between the frequency converter and the
power reaches 100%. motor is missing.
control board hardware.
Option in slot C1: Hardware incompatible with the
• Check for a defective power card. 7 7
control board hardware. WARNING 48, 1.8 V supply low
5376–6231 Out of memory The 1.8 V DC supply used on the control card is outside of
the allowable limits. The supply is measured on the control
Table 7.1 Internal Fault, Code Numbers
card. Check for a defective control card. If an option card is
present, check for overvoltage.
ALARM 39, Heat sink sensor
No feedback from the heat sink temperature sensor. WARNING 49, Speed limit
When the speed is outside of the specified range in
The signal from the IGBT thermal sensor is not available on
parameter 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM] and
the power card. The problem could be on the power card,
parameter 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM], the frequency
on the gate drive card, or the ribbon cable between the
converter shows a warning. When the speed is below the
power card and gate drive card.
specified limit in parameter 1-86 Trip Speed Low [RPM]
WARNING 40, Overload of digital output terminal 27 (except when starting or stopping), the frequency
Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove the converter trips.
short circuit connection. Check parameter 5-00 Digital I/O
ALARM 50, AMA calibration failed
Mode and parameter 5-01 Terminal 27 Mode.
Contact the Danfoss supplier or Danfoss Service.
WARNING 41, Overload of digital output terminal 29
ALARM 51, AMA check Unom and Inom
Check the load connected to terminal 29 or remove the
The settings for motor voltage, motor current, and motor
short circuit connection. Check parameter 5-00 Digital I/O
power are wrong. Check the settings in parameters 1–20 to
Mode and parameter 5-02 Terminal 29 Mode.
WARNING 42, Overload of digital output on X30/6 or
ALARM 52, AMA low Inom
overload of digital output on X30/7
The motor current is too low. Check the settings in
For X30/6, check the load connected to X30/6 or remove
parameter 4-18 Current Limit.
the short circuit connection. Check parameter 5-32 Term
X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101). ALARM 53, AMA motor too big
The motor is too big for the AMA to operate.
For X30/7, check the load connected to X30/7 or remove
the short-circuit connection. Check parameter 5-33 Term ALARM 54, AMA motor too small
X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101). The motor is too small for the AMA to operate.
ALARM 45, Earth fault 2 ALARM 55, AMA parameter out of range
Ground fault. The parameter values of the motor are outside of the
acceptable range. AMA cannot run.
• Check for proper grounding and loose ALARM 56, AMA interrupted by user
connections. The user has interrupted AMA.
ALARM 57, AMA internal fault Increase the ambient temperature of the unit. Also, a
Continue to restart the AMA, until the AMA is carried out. trickle amount of current can be supplied to the frequency
converter whenever the motor is stopped by setting
NOTICE parameter 2-00 DC Hold/Preheat Current at 5% and
Repeated runs may heat the motor to a level where the parameter 1-80 Function at Stop.
resistance Rs and Rr are increased. In most cases,
however, this behaviour is not critical.
The heat sink temperature measured as 0 °C could indicate
that the temperature sensor is defective, causing the fan
ALARM 58, AMA Internal fault speed to increase to the maximum. This warning results if
Contact the Danfoss supplier. the sensor wire between the IGBT and the gate drive card
WARNING 59, Current limit is disconnected. Also, check the IGBT thermal sensor.
The current is higher than the value in ALARM 67, Option module configuration has changed
parameter 4-18 Current Limit. Ensure that motor data in 1 or more options have either been added or removed
parameters 1–20 to 1–25 are set correctly. Increase the since the last power-down. Check that the configuration
current limit if necessary. Ensure that the system can change is intentional and reset the unit.
operate safely at a higher limit.
ALARM 68, Safe Stop activated
WARNING 60, External interlock STO has been activated. To resume normal operation,
7 7 External interlock has been activated. To resume normal
operation, apply 24 V DC to the terminal programmed for
apply 24 V DC to terminal 37, then send a reset signal (via
bus, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset].
external interlock and reset the frequency converter (via
serial communication, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset]). ALARM 69, Power card temperature
The temperature sensor on the power card is either too
WARNING/ALARM 61, Tracking error hot or too cold.
An error has occurred between the calculated motor speed
and the speed measurement from the feedback device. Troubleshooting
The function warning/alarm/disable is set in • Check the operation of the door fans.
parameter 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function. Accepted • Check that the filters for the door fans are not
error setting in parameter 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error blocked.
and the allowed time the error occur setting in
parameter 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout. During a • Check that the gland plate is properly installed
on IP21/IP54 (NEMA 1/12) frequency converters.
commissioning procedure, the function could be effective.
ALARM 70, Illegal FC configuration
WARNING 62, Output frequency at maximum limit
The control card and power card are incompatible. To
The output frequency is higher than the value set in
check compatibility, contact the Danfoss supplier with the
parameter 4-19 Max Output Frequency.
type code of the unit from the nameplate and the part
ALARM 63, Mechanical brake low numbers of the cards.
The actual motor current has not exceeded the release
ALARM 71, PTC 1 Safe Torque Off
brake current within the start delay time window.
STO has been activated from the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card
ALARM 64, Voltage Limit MCB 112 (motor too warm). Normal operation can resume
The load and speed combination demands a motor when the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 applies 24 V
voltage higher than the actual DC-link voltage. DC to terminal 37 (when the motor temperature is
WARNING/ALARM 65, Control card over temperature acceptable ) and when the digital input from the VLT® PTC
The cut-out temperature of the control card is 80 °C. Thermistor Card MCB 112 is deactivated. When that
happens, a reset signal is be sent (via Bus, Digital I/O, or by
pressing [Reset]).
• Check that the ambient operating temperature is
within the limits. NOTICE
• Check for clogged filters. If automatic restart is enabled, the motor could start
when the fault is cleared.
• Check the fan operation.
WARNING 76, Power unit setup 4 = Far right inverter module in enclosure size
The required number of power units does not match the F14.
detected number of active power units. 5 = Rectifier module.
Troubleshooting 6 = Right rectifier module in enclosure size F14 or
When replacing an F-frame module, this warning occurs, if F15.
the power-specific data in the module power card does
not match the rest of the frequency converter. Confirm ALARM 244, Heat Sink temperature
that the spare part and its power card are the correct part This alarm is only for enclosure type F frequency
number. converters. It is equivalent to Alarm 29. The report value in
WARNING 77, Reduced power mode the alarm log indicates which power module generated
The frequency converter is operating in reduced power the alarm:
mode (less than the allowed number of inverter sections). 1 = Left most inverter module.
This warning is generated on power cycle when the
2 = Middle inverter module in enclosure size F12
frequency converter is set to run with fewer inverters and
or F13.
remains on.
2 = Right inverter module in enclosure size F10 or
ALARM 79, Illegal power section configuration
The scaling card has an incorrect part number or is not
installed. The MK102 connector on the power card could
not be installed.
2 = Second frequency converter from the left
inverter module in enclosure size F14 or F15.
7 7
ALARM 80, Drive initialised to default value 3 = Rght inverter module in enclosure sizes F12
Parameter settings are initialised to default settings after a or F13.
manual reset. To clear the alarm, reset the unit. 3 = Tird from the left intverter module in
ALARM 81, CSIV corrupt enclosure size F14 or F15.
CSIV file has syntax errors. 4 = Far right inverter module in enclosure sizes
ALARM 82, CSIV parameter error F14 or F15.
CSIV failed to initialise a parameter. 5 = Rectifier module.
ALARM 85, Dang fail PB 6 = Right rectifier module in enclosure sizes F14
PROFIBUS/PROFIsafe error. or F15.
WARNING/ALARM 104, Mixing fan fault ALARM 245, Heat Sink sensor
The fan is not operating. The fan monitor checks that the This alarm is only for enclosure size F frequency converters.
fan is spinning at power-up or whenever the mixing fan is It is equivalent to Alarm 39. The report value in the alarm
turned on. The mixing-fan fault can be configured as a log indicates which power module generated the alarm:
warning or an alarm trip in parameter 14-53 Fan Monitor.
1 = Left most inverter module.
2 = Middle inverter module in enclosure sizes F12
• Cycle power to the frequency converter to or F13.
determine if the warning/alarm returns.
2 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F10
ALARM 243, Brake IGBT
or F11.
This alarm is only for enclosure size F frequency converters.
It is equivalent to Alarm 27. The report value in the alarm 2 = Second frequency converter from the left
log indicates which power module generated the alarm: inverter module in enclosure size F14 or F15.
1 = Left most inverter module. 3 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F12
or F13.
2 = Middle inverter module in enclosure sizes F12
or F13. 3 = Third from the left inverter module in
enclosure size F14 or F15.
2 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F10
or F11. 4 = Far right inverter module in enclosure size
F14 or F15.
2 = Second frequency converter from the left
inverter module in enclosure size F14. 5 = Rectifier module.
3 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F12 6 = Right rectifier module in enclosure size F14 or
or F13. F15.
3 = Third from the left intverter module in The 12-pulse frequency converter may generate this
enclosure size F14 or F15. warning/alarm when one of the disconnects or circuit
breakers is opened while the unit is on.
ALARM 246, Power card supply ALARM 248, Illegal power section configuration
This alarm is only for enclosure size F frequency converters. This alarm is only for enclosure size F frequency converters.
It is equivalent to Alarm 46. The report value in the alarm It is equivalent to Alarm 79. The report value in the alarm
log indicates which power module generated the alarm: log indicates which power module generated the alarm:
1 = Left most inverter module. 1 = Left most inverter module.
2 = Middle inverter module in enclosure sizes F12 2 = Middle inverter module in enclosure sizes F12
or F13. or F13.
2 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F10 2 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F10
or F11. or F11.
2 = Second frequency converter from the left 2 = Second frequency converter from the left
inverter module in enclosure size F14 or F15. inverter module in enclosure size F14 or F15.
3 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F12 3 = Right inverter module in enclosure sizes F12
or F13. or F13.
3 = Third from the left inverter module in 3 = Third from the left inverter module in
enclosure size F14 or F15. enclosure sizes F14 or F15.
A trip is the action when an alarm has appeared. The trip disables the active filter and can be reset by pressing [Reset] or
resetting via a digital input (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs [1] Reset). The original event that caused an alarm cannot
damage the active filter or cause dangerous conditions. A trip lock is an action when an alarm occurs, which may cause
damage to active filter or connected parts. A trip lock situation can only be reset by a power cycling.
Warning Yellow
Alarm Flashing red
7 7 Trip locked Yellow and red
Table 7.4 Description of Alarm Word, Warning Word, and Extended Status Word
The alarm words, warning words, and extended status words can be read out via serial bus or optional fieldbus for
diagnosis. See also parameter 16-90 Alarm Word, parameter 16-92 Warning Word, and parameter 16-94 Ext. Status Word.
Reserved means that the bit is not guaranteed to be any particular value. Reserved bits should not be used for any purpose.
7.4.1 Fault Messages for Active Filter WARNING 23, Internal fan fault
Internal fans have failed due to defect hardware or fans
WARNING 1, 10 volts low not mounted.
The control card voltage is below 10 V from terminal 50. WARNING 24, External fan fault
Remove some of the load from terminal 50, as the 10 V External fans have failed due to defective hardware or fans
supply is overloaded. Maximum 15 mA or minimum 590 Ω. not mounted.
ALARM 29, Heat sink temp
WARNING/ALARM 2, Live zero error The maximum temperature of the heat sink has been
The signal on terminal 53 or 54 is less than 50% of the exceeded. The temperature fault is not reset until the
value set in: temperature drops below a defined heat sink temperature.
• Parameter 6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage. ALARM 33, Inrush fault
• Parameter 6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current. Check whether a 24 V external DC supply has been
• Parameter 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage.
WARNING/ALARM 34, Fieldbus communication fault
• Parameter 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current.
The fieldbus on the communication option card is not
WARNING 4, Mains phase loss working.
A phase is missing on the supply side, or the mains
7 7 voltage imbalance is too high.
WARNING/ALARM 35, Option fault:
Contact Danfoss or supplier.
WARNING 5, DC-link voltage high
ALARM 38, Internal fault
The DC-link voltage (DC) is higher than the high-voltage
Contact Danfoss or supplier.
warning limit. The unit is still active.
ALARM 39, Heat sink sensor
WARNING 6, DC-link voltage low
No feedback from the heat sink temperature sensor.
The DC-link voltage (DC) is below the low-voltage warning
limit. The unit is still active. WARNING 40, Overload of digital output terminal 27
Check the load connected to terminal 27 or remove short
WARNING/ALARM 7, DC overvoltage
circuit connection.
If the DC-link voltage exceeds the limit, the unit trips.
WARNING 41, Overload of digital output terminal 29
WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage
Check the load connected to terminal 29 or remove short
If the DC-link voltage (DC) drops below the undervoltage
circuit connection.
limit, the filter checks if a 24 V back-up supply is
connected. If not, the filter trips. Check that the mains ALARM 46, Power card supply
voltage matches the nameplate specification. The supply on the power card is out of range.
ALARM 68, Safe Torque Off (STO) activated ALARM 303, Cap. ground fault
Safe Torque Off (STO) has been activated. To resume A ground fault was detected through the AC capacitor
normal operation, apply 24 V DC to terminal 37, then send currents. Contact Danfoss or supplier.
a reset signal (via bus, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset].
ALARM 304, DC overcurrent
See parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop. Excessive current through the DC-link capacitor bank was
ALARM 69, Power card temperature detected. Contact Danfoss or supplier.
The temperature sensor on the power card is either too
ALARM 305, Mains freq. limit
hot or too cold. The mains frequency was outside the limits. Verify that the
ALARM 70, Illegal FC Configuration mains frequency is within product specification.
Actual combination of control board and power board is
ALARM 306, Compensation limit
illegal. The needed compensation current exceeds unit capability.
ALARM 79, Illegal power section configuration The unit runs at full compensation.
The scaling card is the incorrect part number or not
ALARM 308, Resistor temp
installed. Also MK102 connector on the power card could Excessive resistor heat sink temperature detected.
not be installed.
ALARM 309, Mains ground fault
ALARM 80, Unit initialised to default value A ground fault was detected in the mains currents. Check
7 7
Parameter settings are initialised to default settings after a the mains for shorts and leakage current.
manual reset.
ALARM 310, RTDC buffer full
ALARM 247, Power card temperature Contact Danfoss or supplier.
Power card overtemperature. A report value indicates the
source of the alarm (from left): ALARM 311, Switch. freq. limit
1–4 inverter. The average switching frequency of the unit exceeded the
5–8 rectifier. limit. Verify that parameter 300-10 Active Filter Nominal
Voltage and parameter 300-22 CT Nominal Voltage are set
ALARM 250, New spare part correctly. If so, contact Danfoss or supplier.
The power or switch mode supply has been exchanged.
Restore the filter type code in the EEPROM. Select the ALARM 312, CT range
correct type code in parameter 14-23 Typecode Setting Current transformer measurement limitation was detected.
according to the label on the unit. Remember to select Verify that the CTs used are an appropriate ratio.
Save to EEPROM to complete. ALARM 314, Auto CT interrupt
ALARM 251, New type code Auto CT detection has been interrupted.
The filter has a new type code. ALARM 315, Auto CT error
ALARM 300, Mains cont. fault An error was detected while performing auto CT detection.
The feedback from the mains contactor did not match the Contact Danfoss or supplier.
expected value within the allowed time frame. Contact WARNING 316, CT location error
Danfoss or supplier. The auto CT function could not determine the correct
ALARM 301, SC cont. fault locations of the CTs.
The feedback from the soft charge contactor did not WARNING 317, CT polarity error
match the expected value within the allowed time frame. The auto CT function could not determine the correct
Contact Danfoss or supplier. polarity of the CTs.
ALARM 302, Cap. overcurrent WARNING 318, CT ratio error
Excessive current was detected through the AC capacitors. The auto CT function could not determine the correct
Contact Danfoss or supplier. primary rating of the CTs.
7.5 Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible cause Test Solution
Missing input power. See Table 5.1. Check the input power source.
Missing or open fuses, or circuit See Open fuses and Tripped circuit Follow the recommendations
breaker tripped. breaker in this table for possible provided.
No power to the LCP. Check the LCP cable for proper Replace the faulty LCP or
connection or damage. connection cable.
Shortcut on control voltage Check the 24 V control voltage Wire the terminals properly.
(terminal 12 or 50) or at control supply for terminals 12/13 to 20–39
Display dark/no function terminals. or 10 V supply for terminals 50–55.
Wrong LCP (LCP from VLT® 2800 Use only LCP 101 (P/N 130B1124)
or 5000/6000/8000/ FCD or FCM). or LCP 102 (P/N 130B1107).
Wrong contrast setting. Press [Status] + [▲]/[▼] to adjust
the contrast
Display (LCP) is defective. Test using a different LCP. Replace the faulty LCP or
7 7
connection cable.
Internal voltage supply fault or Contact supplier.
SMPS is defective.
Overloaded power supply (SMPS) To rule out a problem in the If the display stays lit, then the
due to improper control wiring or control wiring, disconnect all problem is in the control wiring.
a fault within the frequency control wiring by removing the Check the wiring for shorts or
Intermittent display
converter. terminal blocks. incorrect connections. If the display
continues to cut out, follow the
procedure for display dark.
Service switch open or missing Check if the motor is connected Connect the motor and check the
motor connection. and the connection is not service switch.
interrupted (by a service switch or
other device).
No mains power with 24 V DC If the display is functioning but no Apply mains power to run the unit.
option card. output, check that mains power is
applied to the frequency converter.
LCP Stop. Check if [Off] has been pressed. Press [Auto On] or [Hand On]
(depending on operation mode) to
run the motor.
Missing start signal (Standby). Check parameter 5-10 Terminal 18 Apply a valid start signal to start
Motor not running Digital Input for correct setting for the motor.
terminal 18 (use default setting).
Motor coast signal active Check 5-12 Coast inv. for correct Apply 24 V on terminal 27 or
(Coasting). setting for terminal 27 (use default program this terminal to no
setting). operation.
Wrong reference signal source. Check reference signal: Local, Program correct settings. Check
remote or bus reference? Preset parameter 3-13 Reference Site. Set
reference active? Terminal preset reference active in
connection correct? Scaling of parameter group 3-1* References.
terminals correct? Reference signal Check for correct wiring. Check
available? scaling of terminals. Check
reference signal.
Motor rotation limit. Check that parameter 4-10 Motor Program correct settings.
Speed Direction is programmed
Motor running in wrong
Active reversing signal. Check if a reversing command is Deactivate reversing signal.
programmed for the terminal in
parameter group 5-1* Digital inputs.
Wrong motor phase connection. See chapter 4.6.1 Motor Cable.
Reference input signal not scaled Check reference input signal scaling Program correct settings.
correctly. in 6-0* Analog I/O Mode and
parameter group 3-1* References.
Reference limits in parameter group
3-0* Reference Limit.
Possible incorrect parameter Check the settings of all motor Check settings in parameter group
settings. parameters, including all motor 1-6* Load Depen. Setting. For
Motor speed unstable compensation settings. For closed- closed-loop operation, check
loop operation, check PID settings. settings in parameter group 20-0*
Feedback. 7 7
Possible overmagnetisation. Check for incorrect motor settings Check motor settings in parameter
in all motor parameters. groups 1-2* Motor Data, 1-3* Adv
Motor runs rough
Motor Data, and 1-5* Load Indep.
Possible incorrect settings in the Check brake parameters. Check Check parameter group 2-0* DC
Motor does not brake brake parameters. Possible too ramp time settings. Brake and 3-0* Reference Limits.
short ramp down times.
Phase-to-phase shortcircuit. Motor or panel has a short phase- Eliminate any shortcircuits
to-phase. Check motor and panel detected.
phase for shortcircuits.
Motor overload. Motor is overloaded for the Perform start-up test and verify
application. that the motor current is within
Open power fuses or circuit specifications. If motor current is
breaker trip exceeding nameplate full load
current, motor may run only with
reduced load. Review the specifi-
cations for the application.
Loose connections. Perform pre-startup check for loose Tighten loose connections.
Problem with mains power (See Rotate input power leads into the If imbalanced leg follows the wire,
Alarm 4 Mains phase loss frequency converter 1 position: A it is a power problem. Check mains
Mains current imbalance description). to B, B to C, C to A. power supply.
greater than 3% Problem with the frequency Rotate input power leads into the If imbalance leg stays on same
converter. frequency converter 1 position: A input terminal, it is a problem with
to B, B to C, C to A. the unit. Contact the supplier.
Problem with motor or motor Rotate output motor leads 1 If imbalanced leg follows the wire,
wiring. position: U to V, V to W, W to U. the problem is in the motor or
motor wiring. Check motor and
Motor current imbalance
motor wiring.
greater than 3%
Problem with the frequency Rotate output motor leads 1 If imbalance leg stays on same
converters. position: U to V, V to W, W to U. output terminal, it is a problem
with the unit. Contact the supplier.
7 7
8 Specifications
240 302 302 361 361 443
(at 460/480 V) [A]
Intermittent (60 s overload)
360 332 453 397 542 487
(at 460/480 V) [A]
Continuous KVA
180 218 218 274 274 333
(at 400 V) [KVA]
Continuous KVA
191 241 241 288 288 353
(at 460 V) [KVA]
Continuous KVA
208 262 262 313 313 384
(at 480 V) [KVA]
Maximum input current
251 304 304 381 381 463
(at 400 V) [A]
231 291 291 348 348 427
(at 460/480 V) [A]
Maximum cable size, mains Motor, brake and load
2x185 2x185
motor, brake, and load share share: 2x95 (2x3/0)
(2x350 mcm) (2x350 mcm)
[mm2 (AWG2))] Mains: 2x185 (2x350)
Maximum external mains
400 550 630
fuses [A]1)
Total LHD loss
7428 8725 8048 9831 9753 11371
400 V AC [kW]
Total back channel loss
6302 7554 6877 8580 8503 10020
400 V AC [kW]
Total filter loss
4505 4954 4954 5714 5714 6234
400 V AC [kW]
Total LHD loss
7490 8906 7875 9046 8937 10626
460 V AC [kW]
Total back channel loss
5974 7343 6274 7374 7338 8948
460 V AC [kW]
Total filter loss
3604 4063 3751 4187 4146 4822
460 V AC [kW]
enclosure protection 352 413 413
rating IP21, IP54 [kg]
Efficiency4) 0.96
Acoustic noise 85 dBa
Output frequency 0–590 Hz
Heat sink overtemperature
105 °C 105 °C 105 °C
Power card ambient trip 85 °C
* High overload = 150% current for 60 s, normal overload = 110% current for 60 s.
switching frequency, switching type, or output current 110
under certain load or ambient conditions as described in
the following. Illustration 8.1 to Illustration 8.8 show the 100
8 8 110
70 45 C
100 50 C
55 C
90 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Iout [%]
fsw [kHz]
80 Illustration 8.3 Derating Enclosure Size D, N132 to N200 380–
480 V (T5) High overload 150%, SFAVM
70 50 C
55 C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110
70 40 C
45 C
110 o
50 C
60 o
55 C
90 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Iout [%]
fsw [kHz]
Illustration 8.4 Derating Enclosure Size D, N132 to N200 380–
45 C
70 480 V (T5) Normal Overload 110%, SFAVM
50 C
60 o
55 C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
fsw [kHz]
Iout [%]
Iout [%]
70 50 C o
40 C
70 o
55 C
o 45 C
50 C
60 60 o
55 C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
fsw [kHz] 50
Illustration 8.5 Derating Enclosure Sizes E and F, P250 to P630 0 1 2 3 4 5
fsw [kHz]
380–480 V (T5) High overload 150%, 60 AVM
Illustration 8.8 Derating Enclosure Sizes E and F, P250 to P630
130BX478.10 380–480 V (T5) Normal Overload 110%, SFAVM
Iout [%]
8 8
70 45 C
50 C
60 o
55 C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
fsw [kHz]
Iout [%]
70 45 C
50 C
55 C
0 1 2 3 4 5
fsw [kHz]
[22.7] 443,0
1915,91 1698,3
[75.4] 1781,7 [66.9] 1568,3 1755,5
[70.1] [61.7] [69.1]
[31.8] 677,3
8 8 [26.7] 411,0
[1.3] 59
4,52 [2.3]
[0.2] 89,7
1781,4 [59.2]
[70.1] 1562,4 130
[61.5] [5.1]
8 8
470,92 [6.3]
[18.5] 251,89
2078.4 2278.4
2792.0 605.8
Illustration 8.12 Enclosure Size F18, Front and Side View
Torque characteristics
Starting torque (constant torque) maximum 150% for 60 s1)
Starting torque maximum 180% up to 0.5 s1)
Overload torque (constant torque) maximum 150% for 60 s1)
1) Percentage relates to nominal torque of the unit.
Digital inputs
Programmable digital inputs 4 (6) on frequency converter and 2 (4) on active filter
Terminal number 18, 19, 271), 291), 32, and 33
Logic PNP or NPN
Voltage level 0–24 V DC
Voltage level, logic 0 PNP <5 V DC
Voltage level, logic 1 PNP >10 V DC
Voltage level, logic 0 NPN >19 V DC
Voltage level, logic 1 NPN <14 V DC
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri approximately 4 kΩ
All digital inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
1) Terminals 27 and 29 can also be programmed as output.
Analog inputs
Number of analog inputs 2 on frequency converter
Terminal number 53 and 54
Modes Voltage or current
Mode select Switch S201 and switch S202, Switch A53 and A54
Voltage mode Switch S201/switch S202 = OFF (U), Switch A53 and A54
Voltage level 0–10 V (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri approximately 10 kΩ
Maximum voltage ± 20 V
Current mode Switch S201/switch S202 = ON (I), switch A53 and A54
Current level 0/4 to 20 mA (scaleable)
Input resistance, Ri approximately 200 Ω
Maximum current 30 mA
Resolution for analog inputs 10 bit (+ sign)
Accuracy of analog inputs Maximum error 0.5% of full scale
Bandwidth 100 Hz (D-frame), 200 Hz
The analog inputs are galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
PELV isolation
Control Mains
8 8
voltage Motor
RS485 DC-Bus
Pulse inputs
Programmable pulse inputs 2 on frequency converter
Terminal number pulse 29 and 33
Maximum frequency at terminal, 29 and 33 110 kHz (push-pull driven)
Maximum frequency at terminal, 29 and 33 5 kHz (open collector)
Minimum frequency at terminal 29 and 33 4 Hz
Voltage level see chapter 8.3.1 Digital inputs
Maximum voltage on input 28 V DC
Input resistance, Ri approximately 4 kΩ
Pulse input accuracy (0.1–1 kHz) Maximum error: 0.1% of full scale
Analog output
Number of programmable analog outputs 1 on both frequency converter and active filter
Terminal number 42
Current range at analog output 0/4–20 mA
Maximum resistor load to common at analog output 500 Ω
Accuracy on analog output Maximum error: 0.8% of full scale
Resolution on analog output 8 bit
The analog output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Digital output
Programmable digital/pulse outputs 2 on both frequency converter and active filter
Terminal number 27 and 291)
Voltage level at digital/frequency output 0–24 V
Maximum output current (sink or source) 40 mA
Maximum load at frequency output 1 kΩ
Maximum capacitive load at frequency output 10 nF
Minimum output frequency at frequency output 0 Hz
Maximum output frequency at frequency output 32 kHz
Accuracy of frequency output Maximum error: 0.1% of full scale
Resolution of frequency outputs 12 bit
1) Terminals 27 and 29 can also be programmed as input.
The digital output is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
Relay outputs
8 8
Programmable relay outputs 2 on frequency converter only
Relay 01 Terminal number (D-frame) 1–3 (break), 1–2 (make)
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 1–2 (NO) (Resistive load)2)3) 400 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 1–2 (NO) (Inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 1–2 (NO) (Resistive load) 80 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) on 1–2 (NO) (Inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 1–3 (NC) (Resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 1–3 (NC) (Inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 1–3 (NC) (Resistive load) 50 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) on 1–3 (NC) (Inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Minimum terminal load on 1–3 (NC), 1–2 (NO) 24 V DC 10 mA, 24 V AC 2 mA
Environment according to EN 60664-1 overvoltage category III/pollution degree 2
Relay 01 terminal number (E-frame and F-frame) 1–3 (break), 1–2 (make)
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 1–3 (NC), 1–2 (NO) (resistive load) 240 V AC, 2A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 1–2 (NO), 1–3 (NC) (resistive load) 60 V DC, 1 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Relay 02 terminal number 4–6 (break), 4–5 (make)
Maximum. terminal load (AC-1)1) on 4–5 (NO) (resistive load)2)3) 400 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 4–5 (NO) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 4–5 (NO) (resistive load) 80 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) on 4–5 (NO) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-1)1) on 4–6 (NC) (resistive load) 240 V AC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (AC-15)1) on 4–6 (NC) (inductive load @ cosφ 0.4) 240 V AC, 0.2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-1)1) on 4–6 (NC) (resistive load) 50 V DC, 2 A
Maximum terminal load (DC-13)1) on 4–6 (NC) (inductive load) 24 V DC, 0.1 A
Minimum terminal load on 1–3 (NC), 1–2 (NO), 4–6 (NC), 4–5 (NO) 24 V DC 10 mA, 24 V AC 20 mA
Environment according to EN 60664-1 overvoltage category III/pollution degree 2
1) IEC 60947 parts 4 and 5.
The relay contacts are galvanically isolated from the rest of the circuit by reinforced isolation (PELV).
2) Overvoltage Category II.
3) UL applications 300 V AC 2 A.
Control characteristics
Resolution of output frequency at 0–1000 Hz ±0.003 Hz
System response time (terminals 18, 19, 27, 29, 32, and 33) ≤2 ms
Speed control range (open loop) 1:100 of synchronous speed
Speed accuracy (open loop) 30–4000 RPM: Maximum error of ±8 RPM
All control characteristics are based on a 4-pole asynchronous motor.
Enclosure protection rating, enclosure sizes D and E IP21, IP54
Enclosure protection rating, enclosure size F IP21, IP54
Vibration test 0.7 g
Relative humidity 5–95% (IEC 721-3-3; Class 3K3 (non-condensing) during operation
Aggressive environment (IEC 60068-2-43) H2S test class kD
Test method according to IEC 60068-2-43 H2S (10 days)
Ambient temperature (at 60 AVM switching mode)
- with derating maximum 55 °C
- with full output power, typical IE2 motors (see chapter 8.1.2 Derating for Temperature maximum 50 °C
- at full continuous FC output current maximum 45 °C
Minimum ambient temperature during full-scale operation 0 °C
Minimum ambient temperature at reduced performance - 10 °C
Connection to PC is carried out via a standard host/device USB cable.
The USB connection is galvanically isolated from the supply voltage (PELV) and other high-voltage terminals.
The USB connection is not galvanically isolated from protective earth. Use only an isolated laptop/PC as connection to
the USB connector on the frequency converter or an isolated USB cable/converter.
• If a mains phase is missing, the frequency converter trips or issues a warning (depending on the load).
• Monitoring of the DC-link voltage ensures that the frequency converter trips if the intermediate circuit voltage is
too low or too high.
Grid conditions
Supply voltage 380–480 V, +5%/-10%
Mains voltage low/mains drop-out:
During low mains voltage or a mains drop-out, the filter continues until the DC-link voltage drops below the minimum stop level,
which corresponds to 15% below the filter lowest rated supply voltage. Full compensation cannot be expected at mains voltage
lower than 10% below the filter lowest rated supply voltage. If mains voltage exceeds the filter highest rated voltage, the filter
continues to work but harmonic mitigation performance is reduced. The filter does not cut out until main voltages exceed 580 V.
Supply frequency 50/60 Hz ±5%
3.0% of rated supply voltage
Maximum imbalance temporary between mains Filter mitigates at higher mains imbalance but harmonic mitigation
phases where mitigation performance is kept high. performance is reduced
10% with kept mitigation performance
Maximum THDv pre-distortion Reduced performance for higher pre-distortion levels
Generic specifications
Filter efficiency 97%
Typical average switching frequency 3.0–4.5 kHz
Response time (reactive and harmonic) <0.5 ms
Settling time - reactive current control <20 ms
Settling time - harmonic current control <20 ms
Overshoot - reactive current control <10%
Overshoot - Harmonic current control <10%
pressure. 110
Below 1000 m altitude no derating is necessary, but above 80
1000 m derate the ambient temperature (TAMB) or 70
Iout (%)
maximum output current (Iout) in accordance with 50
Illustration 8.14. 40
An alternative is to lower the ambient temperature at high 10
8.4 Fuses
Danfoss recommends using fuses and/or circuit breakers
on the supply side as protection in case of component
95 break-down inside the frequency converter (first fault).
Using fuses and/or circuit breakers ensures compliance
85 with IEC 60364 for CE or NEC 2009 for UL.
Branch circuit protection
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 To protect the installation against electrical and fire hazard,
Altitude (meters above sea level)* all branch circuits in an installation, switch gear, machines,
Illustration 8.14 Altitude Derating and so on, must be protected against short-circuit and
overcurrent according to national/international regulations.
The recommendations do not cover branch circuit
protection for UL.
Short-circuit protection
Danfoss recommends using the fuses/circuit breakers in
chapter 8.4.2 Fuse Tables to protect service personnel and
property in case of component break-down in the
frequency converter.
UL Compliance
132 170M4012 LA50QS400-4 L50S-400 FWH-400A 20 610 31.400 6,9URD31D08A0400 A070URD31KI0400 A50QS400-4
160 170M4015 LA50QS500-4 L50S-500 FWH-500A 20 610 31.550 6,9URD31D08A0550 A070URD31KI0550 A50QS500-4
200 170M5012 LA50QS600-4 L50S-600 FWH-600A 20 610 31.630 6,9URD31D08A0630 A070URD31KI0630 A50QS600-4 8 8
Table 8.5 Enclosure size D, Mains Fuses, 380–480 V
Internal Bussmann
Size/Type [kW] Bussmann PN1) Rating Siba
450 170M7081 1600 A, 700 V 20 695 32.1600 170M7082
500 170M7081 1600 A, 700 V 20 695 32.1600 170M7082
560 170M7082 2000 A, 700 V 20 695 32.2000 170M7082
630 170M7082 2000 A, 700 V 20 695 32.2000 170M7082
Supplementary fuses
Bussmann PN1) Rating Alternative fuses
F LPJ-30 SP or SPI 30 A, 600 V Any listed Class J dual element, time delay, 30 A
Shaft size Driver size Torx/Hex [mm] Torque [Nm] Torque [in-lbs]
M4 T-20/7 1.0 10
M5 T-25/8 2.3 20
M6 T-30/10 4.0 35
M8 T-40/13 9.6 85
M10 T-50/17 19.2 170
M12 18/19 19 170
8 8
9 Appendix A - Parameters
9 9
0-03 Regional Settings 1-17 Voltage filter time const. 1-81 Min Speed for Function at Stop [RPM] 3-1* References 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit [RPM]
0-04 Operating State at Power-up (Hand) 1-18 Min. Current at No Load 1-82 Min Speed for Function at Stop [Hz] 3-10 Preset Reference 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]
0-09 Performance Monitor 1-2* Motor Data 1-83 Precise Stop Function 3-11 Jog Speed [Hz] 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
0-1* Set-up Operations 1-20 Motor Power [kW] 1-84 Precise Stop Counter Value 3-12 Catch up/slow Down Value 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
0-10 Active Set-up 1-21 Motor Power [HP] 1-85 Precise Stop Speed Compensation 3-13 Reference Site 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
0-11 Edit Set-up 1-22 Motor Voltage Delay 3-14 Preset Relative Reference 4-17 Torque Limit Generator Mode
0-12 This Set-up Linked to 1-23 Motor Frequency 1-9* Motor Temperature 3-15 Reference Resource 1 4-18 Current Limit
0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups 1-24 Motor Current 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection 3-16 Reference Resource 2 4-19 Max Output Frequency
Appendix A - Parameters
0-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed 1-91 Motor External Fan 3-17 Reference Resource 3 4-2* Limit Factors
0-15 Readout: actual setup 1-26 Motor Cont. Rated Torque 1-93 Thermistor Resource 3-18 Relative Scaling Reference Resource 4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source
0-2* LCP Display 1-29 Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA) 1-94 ATEX ETR cur.lim. speed reduction 3-19 Jog Speed [RPM] 4-21 Speed Limit Factor Source
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small 1-3* Adv. Motor Data 1-95 KTY Sensor Type 3-4* Ramp 1 4-23 Brake Check Limit Factor Source
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small 1-30 Stator Resistance (Rs) 1-96 KTY Thermistor Resource 3-40 Ramp 1 Type 4-24 Brake Check Limit Factor
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small 1-31 Rotor Resistance (Rr) 1-97 KTY Threshold level 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time 4-3* Motor Speed Mon.
0-23 Display Line 2 Large 1-33 Stator Leakage Reactance (X1) 1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq. 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time 4-30 Motor Feedback Loss Function
0-24 Display Line 3 Large 1-34 Rotor Leakage Reactance (X2) 1-99 ATEX ETR interpol points current 3-45 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed Error
0-25 My Personal Menu 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) 2-** Brakes 3-46 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-32 Motor Feedback Loss Timeout
0-3* LCP Custom Readout 1-36 Iron Loss Resistance (Rfe) 2-0* DC-Brake 3-47 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-34 Tracking Error Function
0-30 Unit for User-defined Readout 1-37 d-axis Inductance (Ld) 2-00 DC Hold Current 3-48 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 4-35 Tracking Error
0-31 Min Value of User-defined Readout 1-38 q-axis Inductance (Lq) 2-01 DC Brake Current 3-5* Ramp 2 4-36 Tracking Error Timeout
0-32 Max Value of User-defined Readout 1-39 Motor Poles 2-02 DC Braking Time 3-50 Ramp 2 Type 4-37 Tracking Error Ramping
0-37 Display Text 1 1-40 Back EMF at 1000 RPM 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed [RPM] 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time 4-38 Tracking Error Ramping Timeout
0-38 Display Text 2 1-41 Motor Angle Offset 2-04 DC Brake Cut In Speed [Hz] 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down Time 4-39 Tracking Error After Ramping Timeout
0-39 Display Text 3 1-44 d-axis Inductance Sat. (LdSat) 2-05 Maximum Reference 3-55 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-5* Adj. Warnings
0-4* LCP Keypad 1-45 q-axis Inductance Sat. (LqSat) 2-06 Parking Current 3-56 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-50 Warning Current Low
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP 1-46 Position Detection Gain 2-07 Parking Time 3-57 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-51 Warning Current High
0-41 [Off] Key on LCP 1-47 Torque Calibration 2-1* Brake Energy Funct. 3-58 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 4-52 Warning Speed Low
0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP 1-48 Inductance Sat. Point 2-10 Brake Function 3-6* Ramp 3 4-53 Warning Speed High
Operating Instructions
0-43 [Reset] Key on LCP 1-5* Load Indep. Setting 2-11 Brake Resistor (ohm) 3-60 Ramp 3 Type 4-54 Warning Reference Low
0-44 [Off/Reset] Key on LCP 1-50 Motor Magnetisation at Zero Speed 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW) 3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up Time 4-55 Warning Reference High
0-45 [Drive Bypass] Key on LCP 1-51 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [RPM] 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring 3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down Time 4-56 Warning Feedback Low
0-5* Copy/Save 1-52 Min Speed Normal Magnetising [Hz] 2-15 Brake Check 3-65 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. Start 4-57 Warning Feedback High
0-50 LCP Copy 1-53 Model Shift Frequency 2-16 AC brake Max. Current 3-66 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. End 4-58 Missing Motor Phase Function
0-51 Set-up Copy 1-54 Voltage reduction in fieldweakening 2-17 Over-voltage Control 3-67 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 4-6* Speed Bypass
0-6* Password 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U 2-18 Brake Check Condition 3-68 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 4-60 Bypass Speed From [RPM]
0-60 Main Menu Password 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F 2-19 Over-voltage Gain 3-7* Ramp 4 4-61 Bypass Speed From [Hz]
0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password 1-58 Flying Start Test Pulses Current 2-2* Mechanical Brake 3-70 Ramp 4 Type 4-62 Bypass Speed To [RPM]
9 9
9 9
5-21 Terminal X46/3 Digital Input 6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage 7-13 Torque PI Integration Time 8-37 Max Inter-Char Delay 9-85 Defined Parameters (6)
5-22 Terminal X46/5 Digital Input 6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage 7-16 Torque PI Lowpass Filter Time 8-4* FC MC protocol set 9-90 Changed Parameters (1)
5-23 Terminal X46/7 Digital Input 6-22 Terminal 54 Low Current 7-18 Torque PI Feed Forward Factor 8-40 Telegram Selection 9-91 Changed Parameters (2)
5-24 Terminal X46/9 Digital Input 6-23 Terminal 54 High Current 7-19 Current Controller Rise Time 8-41 Parameters for Signals 9-92 Changed Parameters (3)
5-25 Terminal X46/11 Digital Input 6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-2* Process Ctrl. Feedb 8-42 PCD Write Configuration 9-93 Changed Parameters (4)
5-26 Terminal X46/13 Digital Input 6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-20 Process CL Feedback 1 Resource 8-43 PCD Read Configuration 9-94 Changed Parameters (5)
5-3* Digital Outputs 6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant 7-22 Process CL Feedback 2 Resource 8-45 BTM Transaction Command 9-99 Profibus Revision Counter
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output 6-3* Analog Input 3 7-3* Process PID Ctrl. 8-46 BTM Transaction Status 10-** CAN Fieldbus
5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output 6-30 Terminal X30/11 Low Voltage 7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse Control 8-47 BTM Timeout 10-0* Common Settings
5-32 Term X30/6 Digi Out (MCB 101) 6-31 Terminal X30/11 High Voltage 7-31 Process PID Anti Windup 8-48 BTM Maximum Errors 10-00 CAN Protocol
5-33 Term X30/7 Digi Out (MCB 101) 6-34 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-32 Process PID Start Speed 8-49 BTM Error Log 10-01 Baud Rate Select
6-35 Term. X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-33 Process PID Proportional Gain 10-02 MAC ID
Appendix A - Parameters
5-6* Pulse Output 6-6* Analog Output 2 7-48 PCD Feed Forward 8-9* Bus Jog 10-23 COS Filter 4
5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output Variable 6-60 Terminal X30/8 Output 7-49 Process PID Output Normal/ Inv. Ctrl. 8-90 Bus Jog 1 Speed 10-3* Parameter Access
5-62 Pulse Output Max Freq #27 6-61 Terminal X30/8 Min. Scale 7-5* Adv. Process PID II 8-91 Bus Jog 2 Speed 10-30 Array Index
5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable 6-62 Terminal X30/8 Max. Scale 7-50 Process PID Extended PID 9-** PROFIdrive 10-31 Store Data Values
5-65 Pulse Output Max Freq #29 6-63 Terminal X30/8 Bus Control 7-51 Process PID Feed Fwd Gain 9-00 Setpoint 10-32 Devicenet Revision
5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable 6-64 Terminal X30/8 Output Timeout Preset 7-52 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp up 9-07 Actual Value 10-33 Store Always
5-68 Pulse Output Max Freq #X30/6 6-7* Analog Output 3 7-53 Process PID Feed Fwd Ramp down 9-15 PCD Write Configuration 10-34 DeviceNet Product Code
5-7* 24V Encoder Input 6-70 Terminal X45/1 Output 7-56 Process PID Ref. Filter Time 9-16 PCD Read Configuration 10-39 Devicenet F Parameters
5-70 Term 32/33 Pulses Per Revolution 6-71 Terminal X45/1 Min. Scale 7-57 Process PID Fb. Filter Time 9-18 Node Address 10-5* CANopen
5-71 Term 32/33 Encoder Direction 6-72 Terminal X45/1 Max. Scale 8-** Comm. and Options 9-19 Drive Unit System Number 10-50 Process Data Config Write.
5-8* I/O Options 6-73 Terminal X45/1 Bus Control 8-0* General Settings 9-22 Telegram Selection 10-51 Process Data Config Read.
5-80 AHF Cap Reconnect Delay 6-74 Terminal X45/1 Output Timeout Preset 8-01 Control Site 9-23 Parameters for Signals 12-** Ethernet
5-98 Pulse Out #X30/6 Timeout Preset 7-0* Speed PID Ctrl. 8-1* Ctrl. Word Settings 9-63 Actual Baud Rate 12-06 Name Servers
6-** Analog In/Out 7-00 Speed PID Feedback Source 8-10 Control Word Profile 9-64 Device Identification 12-07 Domain Name
6-0* Analog I/O Mode 7-01 Speed PID Droop 8-13 Configurable Status Word STW 9-65 Profile Number 12-08 Host Name
6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time 7-02 Speed PID Proportional Gain 8-14 Configurable Control Word CTW 9-67 Control Word 1 12-09 Physical Address
6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function 7-03 Speed PID Integral Time 8-17 Configurable Alarm and Warningword 9-68 Status Word 1 12-1* Ethernet Link Parameters
6-1* Analog Input 1 7-04 Speed PID Differentiation Time 8-19 Product Code 9-70 Edit Set-up 12-10 Link Status
6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage 7-05 Speed PID Diff. Gain Limit 8-3* FC Port Settings 9-71 Profibus Save Data Values 12-11 Link Duration
6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage 7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter Time 8-30 Protocol 9-72 ProfibusDriveReset 12-12 Auto Negotiation
6-12 Terminal 53 Low Current 7-07 Speed PID Feedback Gear Ratio 8-31 Address 9-75 DO Identification 12-13 Link Speed
6-13 Terminal 53 High Current 7-08 Speed PID Feed Forward Factor 8-32 FC Port Baud Rate 9-80 Defined Parameters (1) 12-14 Link Duplex
6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value 7-09 Speed PID Error Correction w/ Ramp 8-33 Parity / Stop Bits 9-81 Defined Parameters (2) 12-2* Process Data
6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value 7-1* Torque PI Ctrl. 8-34 Estimated cycle time 9-82 Defined Parameters (3) 12-20 Control Instance
6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant 7-10 Torque PI Feedback Source 8-35 Minimum Response Delay 9-83 Defined Parameters (4) 12-21 Process Data Config Write
6-2* Analog Input 2 7-12 Torque PI Proportional Gain 8-36 Max Response Delay 9-84 Defined Parameters (5) 12-22 Process Data Config Read
12-23 Process Data Config Write Size 13-20 SL Controller Timer 14-80 Option Supplied by External 24VDC 15-80 Fan Running Hours 16-61 Terminal 53 Switch Setting
12-24 Process Data Config Read Size 13-4* Logic Rules 14-88 Option Data Storage 15-81 Preset Fan Running Hours 16-62 Analog Input 53
12-27 Master Address 13-40 Logic Rule Boolean 1 14-89 Option Detection 15-89 Configuration Change Counter 16-63 Terminal 54 Switch Setting
12-28 Store Data Values 13-41 Logic Rule Operator 1 14-9* Fault Settings 15-9* Parameter Info 16-64 Analog Input 54
12-29 Store Always 13-42 Logic Rule Boolean 2 14-90 Fault Level 15-92 Defined Parameters 16-65 Analog Output 42 [mA]
12-3* EtherNet/IP 13-43 Logic Rule Operator 2 15-** Drive Information 15-93 Modified Parameters 16-66 Digital Output [bin]
12-30 Warning Parameter 13-44 Logic Rule Boolean 3 15-0* Operating Data 15-98 Drive Identification 16-67 Freq. Input #29 [Hz]
12-31 Net Reference 13-5* States 15-00 Operating hours 15-99 Parameter Metadata 16-68 Freq. Input #33 [Hz]
12-32 Net Control 13-51 SL Controller Event 15-01 Running Hours 16-** Data Readouts 16-69 Pulse Output #27 [Hz]
12-33 CIP Revision 13-52 SL Controller Action 15-02 kWh Counter 16-0* General Status 16-70 Pulse Output #29 [Hz]
12-34 CIP Product Code 14-** Special Functions 15-03 Power Up's 16-00 Control Word 16-71 Relay Output [bin]
12-35 EDS Parameter 15-04 Over Temp's 16-01 Reference [Unit] 16-72 Counter A
Appendix A - Parameters
12-81 HTTP Server 14-28 Production Settings 15-42 Voltage 16-24 Calibrated Stator Resistance 16-94 Ext. Status Word
12-82 SMTP Service 14-29 Service Code 15-43 Software Version 16-25 Torque [Nm] High 17-** Feedback
12-89 Transparent Socket Channel Port 14-3* Current Limit Ctrl. 15-44 Ordered Typecode String 16-3* Drive Status 17-1* Inc. Enc. Interface
12-9* Advanced Ethernet Services 14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain 15-45 Actual Typecode String 16-30 DC Link Voltage 17-10 Signal Type
12-90 Cable Diagnostic 14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time 15-46 Frequency Converter Ordering No 16-32 Brake Energy /s 17-11 Resolution (PPR)
12-91 Auto Cross Over 14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time 15-47 Power Card Ordering No 16-33 Brake Energy Average 17-2* Abs. Enc. Interface
12-92 IGMP Snooping 14-35 Stall Protection 15-48 LCP Id No 16-34 Heatsink Temp. 17-20 Protocol Selection
12-93 Cable Error Length 14-36 Fieldweakening Function 15-49 SW ID Control Card 16-35 Inverter Thermal 17-21 Resolution (Positions/Rev)
12-94 Broadcast Storm Protection 14-4* Energy Optimising 15-50 SW ID Power Card 16-36 Inv. Nom. Current 17-24 SSI Data Length
9 9
9 9
17-74 Absolute Position Offset 32-04 Absolute Encoder Baudrate X55 32-90 Debug Source 33-65 Terminal X59/3 Digital Output 34-61 Axis Status
18-** Data Readouts 2 32-05 Absolute Encoder Data Length 33-** MCO Adv. Settings 33-66 Terminal X59/4 Digital Output 34-62 Program Status
18-3* Analog Readouts 32-06 Absolute Encoder Clock Frequency 33-0* Home Motion 33-67 Terminal X59/5 Digital Output 34-64 MCO 302 Status
18-36 Analog Input X48/2 [mA] 32-07 Absolute Encoder Clock Generation 33-00 Force HOME 33-68 Terminal X59/6 Digital Output 34-65 MCO 302 Control
18-37 Temp. Input X48/4 32-08 Absolute Encoder Cable Length 33-01 Zero Point Offset from Home Pos. 33-69 Terminal X59/7 Digital Output 34-7* Diagnosis readouts
18-38 Temp. Input X48/7 32-09 Encoder Monitoring 33-02 Ramp for Home Motion 33-70 Terminal X59/8 Digital Output 34-70 MCO Alarm Word 1
18-39 Temp. Input X48/10 32-10 Rotational Direction 33-03 Velocity of Home Motion 33-8* Global Parameters 34-71 MCO Alarm Word 2
18-5* Active Alarms/Warnings 32-11 User Unit Denominator 33-04 Behaviour during HomeMotion 33-80 Activated Program Number 35-** Sensor Input Option
18-55 Active Alarm Numbers 32-12 User Unit Numerator 33-1* Synchronization 33-81 Power-up State 35-0* Temp. Input Mode
18-56 Active Warning Numbers 32-13 Enc.2 Control 33-10 Sync Factor Master 33-82 Drive Status Monitoring 35-00 Term. X48/4 Temperature Unit
18-6* Inputs & Outputs 2 32-14 Enc.2 node ID 33-11 Sync Factor Slave 33-83 Behaviour afterError 35-01 Term. X48/4 Input Type
18-60 Digital Input 2 32-15 Enc.2 CAN guard 33-12 Position Offset for Synchronization 33-84 Behaviour afterEsc. 35-02 Term. X48/7 Temperature Unit
Appendix A - Parameters
18-9* PID Readouts 32-3* Encoder 1 33-13 Accuracy Window for Position Sync. 33-85 MCO Supplied by External 24VDC 35-03 Term. X48/7 Input Type
18-90 Process PID Error 32-30 Incremental Signal Type 33-14 Relative Slave Velocity Limit 33-86 Terminal at alarm 35-04 Term. X48/10 Temperature Unit
18-91 Process PID Output 32-31 Incremental Resolution 33-15 Marker Number for Master 33-87 Terminal state at alarm 35-05 Term. X48/10 Input Type
18-92 Process PID Clamped Output 32-32 Absolute Protocol 33-16 Marker Number for Slave 33-88 Status word at alarm 35-06 Temperature Sensor Alarm Function
18-93 Process PID Gain Scaled Output 32-33 Absolute Resolution 33-17 Master Marker Distance 33-9* MCO Port Settings 35-1* Temp. Input X48/4
30-** Special Features 32-35 Absolute Encoder Data Length 33-18 Slave Marker Distance 33-90 X62 MCO CAN node ID 35-14 Term. X48/4 Filter Time Constant
30-0* Wobbler 32-36 Absolute Encoder Clock Frequency 33-19 Master Marker Type 33-91 X62 MCO CAN baud rate 35-15 Term. X48/4 Temp. Monitor
30-00 Wobble Mode 32-37 Absolute Encoder Clock Generation 33-20 Slave Marker Type 33-94 X60 MCO RS485 serial termination 35-16 Term. X48/4 Low Temp. Limit
30-01 Wobble Delta Frequency [Hz] 32-38 Absolute Encoder Cable Length 33-21 Master Marker Tolerance Window 33-95 X60 MCO RS485 serial baud rate 35-17 Term. X48/4 High Temp. Limit
30-02 Wobble Delta Frequency [%] 32-39 Encoder Monitoring 33-22 Slave Marker Tolerance Window 34-** MCO Data Readouts 35-2* Temp. Input X48/7
30-03 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaling Resource 32-40 Encoder Termination 33-23 Start Behaviour for Marker Sync 34-0* PCD Write Par. 35-24 Term. X48/7 Filter Time Constant
30-04 Wobble Jump Frequency [Hz] 32-43 Enc.1 Control 33-24 Marker Number for Fault 34-01 PCD 1 Write to MCO 35-25 Term. X48/7 Temp. Monitor
30-05 Wobble Jump Frequency [%] 32-44 Enc.1 node ID 33-25 Marker Number for Ready 34-02 PCD 2 Write to MCO 35-26 Term. X48/7 Low Temp. Limit
30-06 Wobble Jump Time 32-45 Enc.1 CAN guard 33-26 Velocity Filter 34-03 PCD 3 Write to MCO 35-27 Term. X48/7 High Temp. Limit
132-630 kW
30-07 Wobble Sequence Time 32-5* Feedback Source 33-27 Offset Filter Time 34-04 PCD 4 Write to MCO 35-3* Temp. Input X48/10
30-08 Wobble Up/ Down Time 32-50 Source Slave 33-28 Marker Filter Configuration 34-05 PCD 5 Write to MCO 35-34 Term. X48/10 Filter Time Constant
30-09 Wobble Random Function 32-51 MCO 302 Last Will 33-29 Filter Time for Marker Filter 34-06 PCD 6 Write to MCO 35-35 Term. X48/10 Temp. Monitor
30-10 Wobble Ratio 32-52 Source Master 33-30 Maximum Marker Correction 34-07 PCD 7 Write to MCO 35-36 Term. X48/10 Low Temp. Limit
30-11 Wobble Random Ratio Max. 32-6* PID Controller 33-31 Synchronisation Type 34-08 PCD 8 Write to MCO 35-37 Term. X48/10 High Temp. Limit
30-12 Wobble Random Ratio Min. 32-60 Proportional factor 33-32 Feed Forward Velocity Adaptation 34-09 PCD 9 Write to MCO 35-4* Analog Input X48/2
30-19 Wobble Delta Freq. Scaled 32-61 Derivative factor 33-33 Velocity Filter Window 34-10 PCD 10 Write to MCO 35-42 Term. X48/2 Low Current
30-2* Adv. Start Adjust 32-62 Integral factor 33-34 Slave Marker filter time 34-2* PCD Read Par. 35-43 Term. X48/2 High Current
30-20 High Starting Torque Time [s] 32-63 Limit Value for Integral Sum 33-4* Limit Handling 34-21 PCD 1 Read from MCO 35-44 Term. X48/2 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
30-21 High Starting Torque Current [%] 32-64 PID Bandwidth 33-40 Behaviour atEnd Limit Switch 34-22 PCD 2 Read from MCO 35-45 Term. X48/2 High Ref./Feedb. Value
30-22 Locked Rotor Protection 32-65 Velocity Feed-Forward 33-41 Negative Software End Limit 34-23 PCD 3 Read from MCO 35-46 Term. X48/2 Filter Time Constant
30-23 Locked Rotor Detection Time [s] 32-66 Acceleration Feed-Forward 33-42 Positive Software End Limit 34-24 PCD 4 Read from MCO 42-** Safety Functions
31-** Bypass Option 32-73 Integral limit filter time 33-51 Terminal X57/2 Digital Input 34-40 Digital Inputs 42-17 Tolerance Error
31-00 Bypass Mode 32-74 Position error filter time 33-52 Terminal X57/3 Digital Input 34-41 Digital Outputs 42-18 Zero Speed Timer
31-01 Bypass Start Time Delay 32-8* Velocity & Accel. 33-53 Terminal X57/4 Digital Input 34-5* Process Data 42-19 Zero Speed Limit
31-02 Bypass Trip Time Delay 32-80 Maximum Velocity (Encoder) 33-54 Terminal X57/5 Digital Input 34-50 Actual Position 42-2* Safe Input
31-03 Test Mode Activation 32-81 Shortest Ramp 33-55 Terminal X57/6 Digital Input 34-51 Commanded Position 42-20 Safe Function
31-10 Bypass Status Word 32-82 Ramp Type 33-56 Terminal X57/7 Digital Input 34-52 Actual Master Position 42-21 Type
31-11 Bypass Running Hours 32-83 Velocity Resolution 33-57 Terminal X57/8 Digital Input 34-53 Slave Index Position 42-22 Discrepancy Time
31-19 Remote Bypass Activation 32-84 Default Velocity 33-58 Terminal X57/9 Digital Input 34-54 Master Index Position 42-23 Stable Signal Time
32-** MCO Basic Settings 32-85 Default Acceleration 33-59 Terminal X57/10 Digital Input 34-55 Curve Position 42-24 Restart Behaviour
32-0* Encoder 2 32-86 Acc. up for limited jerk 33-60 Terminal X59/1 and X59/2 Mode 34-56 Track Error 42-3* General
32-00 Incremental Signal Type 32-87 Acc. down for limited jerk 33-61 Terminal X59/1 Digital Input 34-57 Synchronizing Error 42-30 External Failure Reaction
32-01 Incremental Resolution 32-88 Dec. up for limited jerk 33-62 Terminal X59/2 Digital Input 34-58 Actual Velocity 42-31 Reset Source
32-02 Absolute Protocol 32-89 Dec. down for limited jerk 33-63 Terminal X59/1 Digital Output 34-59 Actual Master Velocity 42-33 Parameter Set Name
32-03 Absolute Resolution 32-9* Development 33-64 Terminal X59/2 Digital Output 34-60 Synchronizing Status 42-35 S-CRC Value
42-36 Level 1 Password 99-22 HS Temp. (PC3)
42-4* SS1 99-23 HS Temp. (PC4)
42-40 Type 99-24 HS Temp. (PC5)
42-41 Ramp Profile 99-25 HS Temp. (PC6)
42-42 Delay Time 99-26 HS Temp. (PC7)
42-43 Delta T 99-27 HS Temp. (PC8)
42-44 Deceleration Rate 99-3* Performance Readouts
42-45 Delta V 99-34 Perf FastThread AOC
42-46 Zero Speed 99-35 Perf SlowThread AOC
42-47 Ramp Time 99-36 Perf IdleThread AOC
42-48 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. Start 99-37 Perf SystemIdleThread AOC
42-49 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. End 99-38 Perf CPU usage AOC (%)
Appendix A - Parameters
9 9
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302 Low Harmonic Drive
Appendix A - Parameters
132-630 kW
Conv. 100 75 74 70 67 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Conv. 1 3600000 3600 60 1/60 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 0.000001
Except for parameter 300-10 Active Filter Nominal Voltage, it is not recommended to change the settings in this
parameter group.
Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 4-set-up Change Conver- Type
during sion index
300-0* General Settings
300-00 Harmonic cancellation mode [0] Overall All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
300-01 Compensation priority [0] Harmonics All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
300-08 Lagging reactive current [0] Disabled All set-ups
300-1* Network Settings
300-10 Active filter nominal voltage ExpressionLimit 2 set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
300-2* CT Settings
300-20 CT primary rating ExpressionLimit 2 set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
300-22 CT nominal voltage 342 V 2 set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
300-24 CT sequence [0] L1, L2, L3 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
300-25 CT polarity [0] Normal 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
300-26 CT placement [1] Load Current 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
300-29 Start auto CT detection [0] Off All set-ups FALSE - Uint8
9 9
300-3* Compensation
300-30 Compensation points 0.0 A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint32
300-35 Cosphi reference 0.500 N/A All set-ups TRUE -3 Uint16
300-4* Paralleling
300-40 Master follower selection [2] Not Paralleled 2 set-ups FALSE - Uint8
300-41 Follower ID 1 N/A 2 set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
300-42 Number of follower AFs 1 N/A 2 set-ups FALSE 0 Uint32
300-5* Sleep Mode
300-50 Enable sleep mode null 2 set-ups TRUE - Uint8
300-51 Sleep mode trig source [0] Mains current All set-ups TRUE - Uint8
300-52 Sleep mode wake up trigger ExpressionLimit All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
300-53 Sleep mode sleep trigger 80 % All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint32
Par. No. # Parameter description Default value 4-set-up Change Conver- Type
during sion index
301-0* Output Currents
301-00 Output current [A] 0.00 A All set-ups TRUE -2 Int32
301-01 Output current [%] 0.0 % All set-ups TRUE -1 Int32
301-1* Unit Performance
301-10 THD of current [%] 0.0 % All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint16
301-11 Estimated THD of voltage [%] 0.0 % All set-ups Uint16
301-12 Power factor 0.00 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Uint16
301-13 Cosphi 0.00 N/A All set-ups TRUE -2 Int16
301-14 Leftover currents 0.0 A All set-ups TRUE -1 Uint32
301-2* Mains Status
301-20 Mains current [A] 0A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
301-21 Mains frequency 0 Hz All set-ups TRUE 0 Uint8
301-22 Fund. mains current [A] 0A All set-ups TRUE 0 Int32
10 Appendix B
Numbered lists indicate procedures.
Bullet lists indicate other information and description of illustrations.
Italicised text indicates:
• Cross-reference.
• Link.
• Footnote.
A Cable
Cabling................................................................................................. 38
A53 switch............................................................................................... 51 Motor cable........................................................................................ 36
A54 switch............................................................................................... 51 Screened cable........................................................................... 39, 54
Abbreviation........................................................................................ 115 Cable length, cross-section............................................................... 93
AC mains.................................................................................................. 20 CE compliance mark............................................................................ 15
Active filter................................................................................................ 5 Circuit breaker....................................................................................... 55
Additional resources.............................................................................. 5 Closed loop............................................................................................. 50
ADN compliance................................................................................... 15 Comm. and Options.......................................................................... 110
AF Readouts......................................................................................... 114 Communication option...................................................................... 72
AF Settings........................................................................................... 114 Compliance mark, CE.......................................................................... 15
Airflow...................................................................................................... 23 Conduit..................................................................................................... 54
Alarm log................................................................................................. 57 Control
card....................................................................................................... 69
AMA............................................................................................. 51, 69, 73
card performance............................................................................ 96
AMA with T27 connected.................................................................. 63 card, 24 V DC output....................................................................... 95
AMA without T27 connected........................................................... 63 card, RS485 serial communication............................................. 94
characteristic..................................................................................... 96
AMA, successful..................................................................................... 52 system..................................................................................................... 5
AMA, unsuccessful............................................................................... 52 terminal........................................................................................ 57, 59
terminals, access............................................................................... 45
Analog output....................................................................................... 94
wiring............................................................................................ 38, 54
Analog signal......................................................................................... 69
Control card, USB serial communication..................................... 96
Analog speed reference..................................................................... 64
Control terminal.................................................................................... 45
Anchoring................................................................................................ 26
Convention........................................................................................... 115
Application examples......................................................................... 63
Cooling..................................................................................................... 23
Approval.................................................................................................. 15
Cooling clearance................................................................................. 54
Auto on.............................................................................................. 57, 62
Auto remote coasting......................................................................... 56 Current................................................................................................. 15
Automatic energy optimisation...................................................... 61 distortion............................................................................................ 16
rating............................................................................................. 21, 69
Automatic motor adaptation........................................................... 62 DC current........................................................................................... 36
Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA)............................................. 51 Full load current................................................................................ 21
Fundamental current...................................................................... 15
Auto-reset................................................................................................ 56 Harmonic current............................................................................. 15
Input..................................................................................................... 15
B Output current........................................................................... 21, 69
Back cooling........................................................................................... 23
Bottom view........................................................................................... 26
Data Readouts..................................................................................... 113
control.................................................................................................. 70 DC link................................................................................................ 69, 80
resistor................................................................................................. 69 Default settings............................................................................ 58, 108
Braking..................................................................................................... 71 Definition................................................................................................... 5
Branch circuit protection................................................................... 98 Delta.......................................................................................................... 51
Break Derating, altitude.................................................................................. 98
Brake cable......................................................................................... 40
Brake chopper................................................................................... 40 Digital In/Out....................................................................................... 110
Bus termination switch....................................................................... 51 Digital input..................................................................................... 70, 93
Digital output......................................................................................... 95
Dimension............................................................................................... 15
Discharge time...................................................................................... 20
F Inputs
Analog input...................................................................................... 69
Factory installed brake chopper option....................................... 40 Analog inputs.................................................................................... 94
Fan.............................................................................................................. 41 Input power................................................................................ 38, 54
Input terminal..................................................................... 50, 54, 69
Fault log................................................................................................... 57
Installation....................................................................................... 54, 56
Fault message, active filter................................................................ 80
Insulation resistance monitor.......................................................... 53
FC Information.................................................................................... 111
Intermediate circuit............................................................................. 69
Feedback.................................................................................... 50, 54, 73
IT main...................................................................................................... 39
F-frame option....................................................................................... 52
Items supplied....................................................................................... 22
Fieldbus connection............................................................................ 43
Filter capacitor....................................................................................... 39
Final set-up and test............................................................................ 51
Latched start/stop inverse................................................................. 65
Fourier series analysis......................................................................... 15
Leakage current (>3.5 mA)................................................................ 39
Fuse................................................................................ 36, 54, 72, 82, 98
Lifting........................................................................................................ 24
Fuse tables.............................................................................................. 99
Local control........................................................................................... 57
Fusing................................................................................................. 38, 54
Local control panel (LCP)................................................................... 56
Grid condition........................................................................................ 97
Main menu.............................................................................................. 57
Ground connection....................................................................... 38, 54
Ground wire..................................................................................... 38, 54 connection......................................................................................... 41
Grounding................................................................................. 38, 39, 54 input..................................................................................................... 33
supply (L1, L2, L3)............................................................................. 93
Grounding hazard................................................................................ 38 terminal............................................................................................... 50
voltage................................................................................................. 56
H Supply.................................................................................................. 15
N Relay output........................................................................................... 95
Reset......................................................... 56, 57, 58, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75
Nameplate............................................................................................... 22
Residual current device...................................................................... 52
NAMUR..................................................................................................... 52
Reversing................................................................................................. 65
Navigation key......................................................................... 56, 57, 59
RFI capacitor........................................................................................... 39
NDE bearing........................................................................................... 41
RFI switch................................................................................................. 39
Noise isolation....................................................................................... 54
RS485................................................................................................. 49, 66
Non-UL compliance............................................................................. 99
Run command....................................................................................... 62
Open loop............................................................................................... 50
Safe Torque Off............................................................................... 49, 64
Operation key........................................................................................ 56
Screened/armoured cable................................................................. 42
Operation/Display............................................................................. 109
Screening, cable.................................................................................... 38
Optional equipment....................................................................... 5, 56
Serial communication........................................................... 57, 68, 96
Output performance (U, V, W)......................................................... 93
Set-up................................................................................................ 57, 62
Overcurrent protection...................................................................... 36
Shipping damage................................................................................. 21
Overload protection............................................................................ 21
Short circuit
Short-circuit ratio............................................................................. 16
Short circuit............................................................................................ 70
Parallel connection, motor................................................................ 50
SmartStart............................................................................................... 59
Parameter menu structure.............................................................. 103
Special Functions............................................................................... 111
PELV........................................................................................................... 63
Speed reference............................................................... 50, 62, 64, 65
Phase loss................................................................................................ 69
Start/stop command........................................................................... 64
Planning, installation site................................................................... 21
Start-up............................................................................................. 58, 82
Point of common coupling............................................................... 16
Status display......................................................................................... 68
Potentiometer........................................................................................ 65
Status mode........................................................................................... 68
Power........................................................................................................ 38
STO............................................................................................................. 49
Power connection......................................................................... 36, 38
Supply voltage................................................................................ 54, 72
Power factor........................................................................................... 54
Surrounding........................................................................................... 96
Power ranges.......................................................................................... 97
Switch....................................................................................................... 50
Power rating........................................................................................... 15
Switching frequency........................................................................... 38
Power, input............................................................................................ 68
Preset speeds......................................................................................... 65
Temperature limit................................................................................. 54
Terminal function................................................................................. 41
Terminal location.................................................................................. 30
Input terminal................................................................................... 69
Output terminal................................................................................ 54
Terminal 53......................................................................................... 50
Terminal 54......................................................................................... 50
Thermal motor protection................................................................ 70
Thermistor........................................................................................ 63, 70
Torque................................................................................................ 35, 70
Torque characteristic........................................................................... 93
Torque, terminals.................................................................................. 35
Total harmonic distortion.................................................................. 15
Transformers........................................................................................... 15
Trip............................................................................................................. 66
Undervoltage......................................................................................... 17
Voltage imbalance............................................................................... 69
Voltage level........................................................................................... 93
Voltage, input......................................................................................... 68
VVC+.......................................................................................................... 61
Wire size................................................................................................... 36
Wiring........................................................................................................ 15
Working principle................................................................................... 6
Danfoss A/S
Ulsnaes 1
DK-6300 Graasten