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7-9 April 2014, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Featured Presentation by

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7-9 April 2014, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Despite the best efforts and precautions, equipment failures do occur hampering the
equipment performance and adversely impacting the profitibility of the business. Rotating
Equipment Reliability and Maintenance Conference aims to create a learning platform for
all the maintenance and reliability professionals to share the best maintenance practices
Ricky Smith
and discuss the strategies to improve reliability.
Author of the “Rules of Thumb for
This three day conference will cover all aspects of reliability and maintenance including Maintenance and Reliability Engineers”, “ Lean
reliability centered maintenance, availability, machinery failures, risk assessment, spare Maintenance” and “Maintenance & Reliability
parts optimization, techniques to facilitate equipment maintenance, root cause analysis, Metrics/KPIs 101”
condition monitoring, maintenance planning and scheduling.
Sultan Al Khuraissi
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu
Ricky Smith
Past Chairman of the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Yasser A. Al Shaikh
Professionals and Author of “Rules of Thumb for Maintenance and Senior Manager, Reliability Department,
Reliability Professionals”, “Maintenance and Reliability Metrics/ KPIs Saudi European Petrochemical
101”, “Lean Maintenance” Company
Title: Known Best Practice Maintenance and Reliability Metrics/KPIs
and how to use them Stefaan Vandebril
Internationally Known Best Practice Maintenance and Reliability Metrics/ Vice President
KPIs Plant Availability, Borouge
How KPIs are aligned with Known Best Maintenance and Reliability
How to manage with a KPI Dashboard using Best Practice Metrics/KPIs to
improve performance and asset health Daniel Mendez
A few Simple tips you can use to implement these great KPIs/Metrics Group Manager
Lessons learned from many years of experience developing KPIs with Rotating Equipment Department,
internationally known companies (no company names will be used in this Tecnicas Reunidas, Spain
Common traps which distract us from focusing on the right metrics at the
Javier Blasco
right time
Associate Professor, Rotating Machinery
How many times have you felt like your Maintenance and Reliability KPIs were not Program Coordinator, University of
providing the information you need at the right time in order to make the right Zaragoza, Spain
decision? Are your KPIs/Metrics telling you the real story about asset reliability?
Making intelligent decisions using effective KPIs which are aligned with your
maintenance and reliability processes is the only way one can truly manage asset Qadeer Ahmed
health and performance. In this presentation I will share with you a few World Reliability Engineering Professional
Class KPI Maintenance and Reliability Dashboards. This is presentation is all about Saudi Aramco
sharing knowledge from around the world at one event. Join me for this high
impact learning event and presentation.
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com


Ricky Smith
Author of the “Rules of Thumb for Maintenance and Reliability Engineers”, “ Lean Maintenance”, “Maintenance & Reliability Metrics/
KPIs 101” and Past Chairman of Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals

Chris Walsh, Condition Based Ali M. Al-Shurafa, Senior. Joe Ekanem, Head of
Maintenance, Strategic Business Rotating Equipment Engineer, Maintenance, Addax
Manager, Petrofac Saudi Aramco Petroleum

Harald Schmit, General Ijaz Ul Karim Rao Director, Raid Almomany

Manager, National Mechanical Velosi Asset Integrity Maintenance Manager
Engineering Company Limited Southern Province Cement

Ibrahim Kobbia Ziyad Mustafa Assad Owidah Govind Kiran Kumar Reddy
Rotating Machinery Engineering Lead Engineer, Reliability and Planning Section Head, DUBAL
Section Leader Asset Management Department,

Ahmad AL Amoudi Daniel Mendez Jim Cooper

Acting Reliability Section Head Group Manager, Rotating Chief Engineer
Petro Rabigh Equipment Department Howden
Tecnicas Reunidas

Dr. Ir. Hj. Mohd Abdul Karim Manish Kumar, Senior Rotating Ali Rafea Al Zahrani
Bin Abdullah, Group CEO, Equipment Engineer Machinery and Condition
Serba Dinamik Group Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Monitoring Manager, Saudi
Company European Petrochemical

Wael Ahmed El Akkawi, Bakheet Ali Al-Zahrani, Ibrahim Hadi

General Manager, Service Manager Stationary Mechanical, Sr. Manager Maintenance
Business Unit, Alfanar Saudi European IbnSina, SABIC
Technical Services Petrochemical Company,
SABIC affiliate

Samuel Thomas, Advisor Krishna Kumar Nasser Khalaf

Reliability and Asset Reliability Centered Maintenance Senior Maintenance Planner
Management Division, Maaden Lead QAPCO
Phosphate Company QatarGas

Irshad Muhammad Arafat M. Al-Jabri Saleh Saeed Al-Mozaie

Senior Reliability Engineer Technical Manager Engineer, Root Cause Analysis,
Qatargas Water and Electricity Marafiq

Ayman Ejaimi
Lead Reliability Engineer
Saudi Aramco
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com

Gold SponsorS

Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor

Associate Sponsor Workshop Leader

Networking Partners

Exhibiting Partner Media Partners

World ils
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com

Day 1 | 7th April 2014

REASONS TO ATTEND Pre-Conference Workshop
Exhaustive agenda reviewed by the advisory board, that 8:30 Registration and Coffee
addresses the key challenges and issues faced in the
Maintenance of Rotating Equipments 8:45 Opening Remarks from the Chair
Building Maintenance Strategies and discussing
implementation techniques to enhance Reliability and 9:00 Introduction to Centered Maintenance for developing
Performance of Rotating Equipments effective maintenance strategies
Exclusive case studies and discussions by the key industry • Introduction to Reliability Centered Maintenance
experts across the globe sharing thier experiences in • Identifying new challenges
managing challenges • Reviewing the key procedures and techniques of Reliability
Centered Maintenance
Networking platform to interact with the key industry
• How to build effective maintenance strategy using reliability
leaders from top companies centered maintenance
Pre Conference Workshop providing effective strategies • Determine the best possible ways to improve reliability
Ziyad Mustafa Assad Owidah, Reliability and Asset Management
and their functional implementation
Department, Marafiq

9:30 Workshop A   Known Best Practice Maintenance and
Reliability Metrics/KPIs and how to use them
Maintenance Strategies for Rotating Equipments • Internationally Known Best Practice Maintenance and Reliability
based on Criticality and Risk Mitigations Metrics/KPIs
• How KPIs are aligned with Known Best Maintenance and Reliability
Best Practices in Maintenance Planning and Practices
Scheduling • How to manage with a KPI Dashboard using Best Practice Metrics/
KPIs to improve performance and asset health
Equipment failures, challenges and different
• A few Simple tips you can use to implement these great KPIs/
ways to manage them Metrics
KPI‘s of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability • Lessons learned from many years of experience developing KPIs
with internationally known companies (no company names will be
Best practices for assessment, benchmarking of used in this presentation)
performance and health reviews of equipment and • Common traps which distract us from focusing on the right
systems metrics at the right time
Ricky Smith, Author of the “Rules of Thumb for Maintenance
Cost Involved in Maintenance and how to minimize and Reliability Engineers”, “ Lean Maintenance”, “Maintenance
them & Reliability Metrics/KPIs 101” and Past Chairman of Society for
Maintenance and Reliability Professionals
Spare parts Optimization: Availability and
Procurement of Spare parts 11:30 Prayer Break
Techniques and methods of Shaft Alignment and
their implementation 12:00 Lunch

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? 13:00 Workshop B   Total Productive Maintenance to

maximize availability and productivity of equipments
Job Function: Objectives:
• Understanding the construct behind Total Productive Maintenance
Rotating Equipment Engineers Electro-Mechanical Engineers
• Advantages of Total Productive Maintenance
Maintenance Planners/ Generation Engineers
• Managing Equipments by using Total Productive Maintenance
Schedulers Maintenance Manager • Recognizing the right stage of TPM and executing the TPM
Senior Maintenance and Maintenance Supervisor procedures
Reliability Leaders Maintenance Engineer Advisor
Maintenance Superintendents Maintenance Training Specialist 14:30 Coffee Break
Mechanical Engineers Maintenance Consultant
Condition Monitoring Engineers Reliability Engineers
Vibration Analysts 14:50 Workshop C   Vibration Analysis and
Equipment Reliability Department
Integrity Engineers Quality Managements Objectives:
Project Engineers TAR Coordinator (Turn Around) • Vibration Sources, Vibration Analysis Techniques
Head of Operations Lead Mechanical Comissioning • Machine Failure and Mode Analysis
Head of Plant Maintenance Engineer • Monitoring systems for vibration and temperatures of rotating
Industrial Split: equipment.
• New challenges (wireless and remote vibration systems)
Oil and Gas Companies Energy- Mining Reserved for a representative from National Instruments
Petrochemical Companies Chemicals
Engineering, Procurement and Utility/ Power plants 16:00 Closing Remarks from the Chair
Construction Fertilizer Plants
Pharmaceutical Companies Iron and Steel Companies
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com

Day 2 | 8th April 2014

8:00 Registration and Coffee

8:45 Recital from the Holy Qur‘an

8:50 Welcome by Fleming Gulf

8:55 Opening Remarks from the Chair

Reliability of Rotating Equipments

9:00 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability

• Definition of Reliability, Availability,Maintainability and differentiating them
• Key Performance Indicators of Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
• Benefits of integrating Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
• Qualification and Quality Conformance and their differences
Samuel Thomas, Advisor Maintenance and Reliability Division,
Maaden Phosphate Company

9:35 Root Cause Analysis

• RCA Methods and Techniques
• Steps involved in root cause analysis
• Identifying Root Cause
• How to implement the actions to be taken?
Arafat Aljabri, Technical Manager
Water and Electricity Company

10:10 Coffee Break

10:40 Case Study: Reliability and Maintenance Effectiveness Implementation in SAP-PM by Using RCM Approach
• Preparation of asset register and gap analysis results
• Failure modes and effects and consequence analysis (FMECA) exercise results
• Benchmarking of present Plant routines with other similar organization
• Finalization of Plant Maintenance routines and uploading into Plant SAP system
Ijaz Ul Karim Rao, Director
Velosi Asset Integrity Limited

11:15 Precision Maintenance Strategies for enhancing performance and reliability (to be confirmed)
• Introduction to Precision Maintenance
• Developing low cost maintenance strategies the achieve high reliability and case studies
• How to implement the precision maintenance procedures?
Wael Ahmed El Akkawi, General Manager
Service Business Unit, Alfanar Technical Services

11:50 Prayer Break & Lunch

Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com

Day 2 | 8th April 2014

Stream 1 | Exploring new techniques for

equipment maintenance
Stream 2 | Understanding Reliability, Performance
and Enhancing Asset Technical Integrity

12:50 Steam Turbine Failure: 12:50 Effective closed loop Reliability incident
• Characteristics of the components of the Steam Turbine Management system
• Understanding Failure Mechanism • Real example of system Develop to manage Reliability
• Arrangements of Steam Turbine and its Application incident.
• Steam Turbine Availability and Failure Experience • Prioritization of Reliability incident based on Risk.
• Best Maintenance Practices for Steam Turbines • Effectively Managing Reliability incidents History
• New Technologies in Steam Turbines • Knowledge management of Reliability incidents Analysis
Bakheet Ali Al-Zahrani, Manager Stationary Mechanical RCA.
Saudi European Petrochemical Company, SABIC affiliate • Recommendation Management and communication vehicle
to stake holders.
13:25 Strategic Maintenance Approach: Continuous Irshad Mohammad, Senior Reliability Engineer, Qatargas
Monitoring and Condition Based Maintenance
• Reality of today: Optimise production, minimise 13:25 Reliability Challenges and Solutions for Steam
maintenance cost. Turbine Admission Valves
• Standard system components i.e. sensors (wireless), signal • Understand the common designs of steam admission valves
processors, condition monitor, diagnosis, prognosis and • Analyze the symptoms and risks of the faced problems
decision support. (three cases)
• Incorporating Asset Management ISO 55000 and • Implement practical solutions to restore turbine operation
competency certification as a strategic maintenance tools • Use presented illustrations and cases as guide for similar
Dr. Ir. Hj. Mohd Abdul Karim Bin Abdullah, Group CEO problems
Serba Dinamik Group Ali M. Al-Shurafa, Senior. Rotating Equipment Engineer
Saudi Aramco
14:00 Maintenance Strategies for rotating equipments
and Risk Mitigations 14:00 Five Why‘s – Problem Solving Technique to
• Understanding the maintenance definitions improve reliability in plant
• Different approaches to perform maintenance and new • What is meant by Five Why‘s?
challenges • Why do we need Five Why‘s?
• Condition based Maintenance and Monitoring • How to encourage people to use it by Kano Model?
• Causes of Machinery Breakdown and how to minimize them • Examples of successful implementation
Ali Rafea Zahrani, Machinery and Condition Monitoring Saleh Saeed Al-Mozaie, Engineer
Manager Root Cause Analysis, Marafiq

14:35 Coffee Break 14:35 Coffee Break

15:05 Warehousing of spare parts 15:05 Implementing Six Sigma to improve the Reliability
• Spare parts optimization: Determining the optimum of Rotating Equipmemts
quantities of spare • Six Sigma Process Improvement Strategies
• Classes of Spare Parts: Insurance Spares, Unit Replacement • Use of Six Sigma Methodologies
Spares, Consumables Manish Kumar, Senior Rotating Equipment Engineer
• Spare parts Availability and Procurement Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Company
• New Strategies based on Reliability and cost driven spare
15:40 Asset Management: Enhancing Asset Technical
• Improvements to be done during purchasing stage of the
• Asset registers and priority of strategy around criticality
• Designing Integrity, Sustaining and Operating with
15:40 Deluge Water Pump Modifications Integrity,when is necesary unit replacement
• Assessment and Analysis • Process Plant type influence in Asset Management,
• Performance verification (Upstream, Downstream, chemical)
Ayman Ejaimi, Lead Reliability Engineer, Saudi Aramco Representative from Saudi Aramco

16:15 Panel Discussion – Performance Evaluation: 16:15 Shaft Alignment Methods and Procedures
Condition Monitoring vs Planned Maintenance • Protocol for the implementation of good shaft alignment
• Performance Tracking and continuous tracking of for Rotating Machinery
equipment condition • Precision Alignment: Alignment Tolerance
• Advantages and Disadvantages of Condition Monitoring • Symptoms of Misalignments
and Planned Maintenance • Benefits of Shaft Alignment
Ibrahim Hadi, Sr. Manager Maintenance, IbnSina, SABIC • Thermal Expansion of Machine and Thermal growth
Krishna Kumar, Reliability Centered Maintenance Lead calculation

16:50 Closing Remarks from the Chair

17:00 Closing Coffee and Networking

Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com

Day 3 | 9th April 2014

8:00 Registration and Coffee 13:25 Panel Discussion – Cost of Unreliability

• What is the importance of Reliability
8:50 Opening Remarks from the Chair • How reliability influence the profit?
• How can all the rotating equipments be fully available?
Formulating Effective Maintenance Strategies based
on criticality (Continued)
13:55 Air Preheater Design Features and Fan Selections
Improve Boiler Plant Performance and Availability
9:00 Reliability focused advanced engineering
designing techniques to facilitate equipment • Critical factors and design alternatives to be considered to
improve availability
maintenance on field
• New technologies • Techniques to reduce the unit heat rate when specifying or
reviewing the performance of both the air preheaters and
• Design Reviews
associated draft equipment
• Ergonomy Jim Cooper, Chief Engineer, Howden
• Software available
• Team interaction from design to Machine Installation 14:30 Coffee Break
Daniel Mendez, Group Manager, Rotating Equipment
Department, Tecnicas Reunidas
14:55 LCC ( Life Cycle Cost for Rotating Equipment)
• Different ways to approach machinery LCC
9:35 Preventive, Predictive and Proactive Maintenance
• Main drivers to be identified
• When to use each one of them? Does the cost of your
plant operation allows you to implement all types of • New challenges and tendencies on this area.
maintenance? Joe Ekanem, Head of Maintenance, Addax Petroleum
• Benchmarking strategies
• Maintenance vs Cost operation 15:30 Maintenance Planning and Scheduling for
Ahmad AL Amoudi, Acting Reliability Section Head enhancing reliability and maintenance
Petro Rabigh
• Difference between Planned and Unplanned activities
10:10 Coffee Break • Work Prioritization
• Plant optimization and equipment fit for purposes
• Operational windows for planning execution
10:40 Computerized Maintenance Management System • Factors to be considered
• How to extend machinery running without affecting plant
• Introduction to CMMS operations
• Implementing CMMS Nasser Khalaf, Senior Maintenance Planner, QAPCO
• Choosing the right CMMS package
• Using CMMS for troubleshooting, 16:05 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (to be confirmed)
• How to get right information for real problem solving? • Understanding FMEA and why it is used
Balancing between data and real facts
• Steps involved in developing FMEA
Raid Almomany, Maintenance Manager
Southern Province Cement Company • Different Types of FMEA
• Associating FMEA to other process tools
Ibrahim Kobbia, Rotating Machinery Engineering Section
11:15 Critical Equipment Care Leader, ADMA OPCO
• Selection of critical equipment
• Selection of monitoring techniques, Fault Matrices 16:40 Closing Remarks From The Event Chair
• Data collection and analysis, online offline
• Internet based results dashboard 16:45 Closing Coffee and Networking
Chris Walsh, Condition Based Maintenance, Strategic Business
Manager, Petrofac

11:50 Prayer Break and Lunch

12:50 On site metal disintegration on Rotating

• Reducing downtime due to broken or seized bolts in your
equipment: an overview plus case studies
Harald Schmit, General Manager
National Mechanical Engineering Company
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com


Ricky Smith, Past Chairman of the Society for Ijaz Ul Karim Rao, Director
Maintenance and Reliability Professionals and Author of Velosi Asset Integrity Limited
“Rules of Thumb for Maintenance and Reliability Mr. Ijaz Ul Karim Rao is based in VELOSI Abu Dhabi and Director
Professionals”, “Maintenance and Reliability Metrics/ KPIs for Asset Integrity Services with over 23 years of working experience
in the oil and gas industry. He has been working on design and
101”, “Lean Maintenance”
commissioning of process, safety, mechanical and piping system for different
Ricky Smith has over 30 years of experience in maintenance as a Maintenance oil and gas projects. He had worked and managed different Asset Integrity
Manager, Maintenance Supervisor, Maintenance Engineer Adviser, Maintenance Management Projects for both the upstream and downstream industry. He also
Training Specialist, and Maintenance Consultant. Today he is a Senior worked for different Verification and Certification projects for ADMA-OPCO, BP,
Reliability Advisor for Allied Reliability Group. Ricky has worked with hundreds of Total Fina Elf, Shell, Premier Oil and others. Presently, he is involved in Asset
facilities, mines, refineries and industrial plants worldwide to develop reliability, Integrity Management projects including RBI, RCM and other risk related activities
maintenance, and technical training strategies in over 35 countries. Prior to joined for Middle East based companies (Saudi Aramco, ADCO, ZADCO, QP, Takreer,
Allied Reliability Group in 2008, Ricky worked as a professional maintenance ADGAS and QP), in South East Asia (Murphy Oil, Talisman and BSR) and Equion
employee for Exxon, Alumax (one of three plants certified with World Class Energy Limited based in Columbia, South America. He has pioneered a software
Maintenance status in the world), Kendall Company, and Hercules Chemical, product „VAIL - Plant“ – a full integrity management system for both onshore
providing the foundation for his reliability and maintenance experience. Ricky is and offshore installations. This product caters inspection and maintenance
the Past Chairman of the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals management to the automation needs of an expanding base of clients.
(SMRP) Oil and Gas Special Interest Group (SIG) and served on the SMRP Metrics
Development Team. Ricky is the co-author of the following books in Maintenance
and Reliability (amazon.com)
- Rules of Thumb for Maintenance and Reliability Engineers by Elsevier Publishing Jim Cooper, Chief Engineer, Howden
- Industrial Repair, Best Maintenance Repair Practices by Elsevier Publishing Jim graduated with a first class honours degree in Mechanical
- FRACAS: Failure Reporting, Analysis, Corrective Action System by MRO-Zone. Engineering from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland in 1972.
com He worked for Babcock Energy Limited for 9 years in their Research
- Planning & Scheduling Made Simple by MRO-Zone.com Centre in Renfrew Scotland working on subjects including both
- Maintenance & Reliability Metrics/KPIs 101 by MRO-Zone.com conventional and fluidised bed combustion. He has subsequently worked for
Ricky is a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) , Certified Howden for 32 years and is presently the Chief Engineer of Heater Technology
Maintenance and Reliability Technician (CMRT) with and the Society for for Howden Global. In addition to heater development activities, Jim has spent
Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP), and a Certified Plant many years studying the field performance of both air preheater and gas gas
Maintenance Manager with the Association for Facilities Engineers (AFE) heater installations throughout Europe, the Far East, the Middle East and the
US. He provides direct technical support on heater technology and applications
to all of Howden’s international Companies, has written and presented several
Samuel Thomas, Advisor, Reliability and Asset international papers on the subject and holds a number of associated patents.
Management Division, Maaden Phosphate Company
Samuel has 35 years of experience in various industries like
Petrochemical, Fertilizers, Nuclear and has worked as a Dr. Ir. Hj. Mohd Abdul Karim Bin Abdullah
Consultant, Design and Maintenance Engineer, Project-in charge, Dr. Ir. Hj. Mohd Abdul Karim Bin Abdullah, (PE.Mech. Engineering
Superintendent-Reliability Department and General Manager Technical. He has & Ph.D in Industrial Engineering) is the Founder and President of
been working in Saudi Arabia for past 15 years. Presently Samuel is Working as Serba Dinamik Group Berhad. He has acquired more than 26 years
an Advisor in the Maintenance and Reliability Division of Maaden Phosphate of hands-on experience in managing, supervising, lecturing and
Company in Saudi Arabia, the largest DAP complex in the world. Prior to this, carrying out various tasks related to turbomachinery maintenance nation-wide
he has worked in SABIC in Saudi Arabia as Mechanical Engineering Specialist in Malaysia and internationally and other integrated engineering and financial
in Maintenance and Reliability Division. Samuel has published 17 national and tasks. He has been involved in field management and supervision for overhauling
international technical papers and was a member of IAEA committee for studying of steam turbines, gas turbines, reciprocating & centrifugal compressors and
Environment Impact of Radioactive Effluents. pumps of various made / brand.He has been awarded the Best Enterprise
and Manager of the Year 2013: Oxford Summit of Leaders, United Kingdom;
European Award for Best Practices, Vienna 2013 and The STAR Business Award:
Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2013
Chris Walsh, Condition Based Maintenance, Strategic
Business Manager, Petrofac
Crisris Walsh, is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Ziyad Oweidah, Lead Engineer, Reliability and Asset
and has over 30 years experience in maintenance engineering. The
last 15 years in maintenance of rotating machinery for the oil and Management Department, Marafiq
gas industry. Chris lead maintenance engineering and condition monitoring Ziyad Oweidah has over 17 years of experience in significant
groups in the coal, power and other process engineering industries specialising areas of growth and leadership during career and held leadership
in vibration analysis and performance management of equipment . Chris is a positions in maintenance, reliability, technical services as RCM lead
member of the management team of maintenance engineering consultancy Engineer Mechanical, Planning superintendent and supervisor in Maintenance
Plant Asset Management (part of Petrofac) and currently leads the Condition (Desalination and Steam Turbine) at Marafiq company ,currently he serve as
Based Maintenance strategic business globally. Lead Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) implementation program in
Marafiq Power plant from inception to final stage. conducted RCM analyses on
various systems and developed maintenance strategies with objective to enhance
plant reliability. Ziyad is certified as Skilled Level RCM facilitator by Shell Global
Ali M. Al-Shurafa, Senior. Rotating Equipment Engineer
Solution. He achieved his Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from King
Saudi Aramco Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.
Ali M. Al-Shurafa is a senior vibration and rotating equipment
engineer. Currently Mr Ali is based at Ju’aymah NGL Plant, Saudi
Aramco. He worked previously as a faculty member at the Jubail
Joe Ekanem, Head of Maintenance, Addax Petroleum
Industrial College and prior to that he served as a commissioning engineer for the
Saudi Electricity Company. Al-Shurafa is heavily involved in rotating equipment Joe Ekanem is currently the Acting Head of Maintenance for petroleum
troubleshooting and reliability improvements. Mr. Ali developed and conducted multi-national, Addax Petroleum (Sinopec). A holder of a BSc
many academic and industrial short courses and workshops. Mr. Ali is a certified degree in mechanical engineering (honors). He majored in Rotating
Vibration Specialist (ISO 18436 Cat III) since 2002. Machinery Engineering and Management in Cranfield University,
UK. Joe is a rotating machinery and maintenance professional with over 15 years
of experience covering onshore/offshore oil and gas production maintenance.
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com

His interests include turbo-machinery, gas turbines, compressors, equipment Ahmad AL Amoudi, Acting Reliability Section Head
strategy & maintenance, life cycle cost (LCC) and CMMS implementation. He is Petro Rabigh
a Chartered Engineer and member of several engineering bodies. Before joining
Ahmad has a total of 22 years of experience in  rotating equipment
Addax in 2012, Joe spent over 14 years with ExxonMobil in various positions
and reliability. He is currently the Acting Reliability Section Head
within the oil & gas industry machinery maintenance.
at PetroRabigh. He joined PetroRabigh in 2008 and supported the
commissioning and startup of the new complex. His responsibilities includes
troubleshooting, commissioning, project specification, execution for rotating
Arafat Al-Jabri, Technical Manager equipment projects and shop acceptance. Ahmad is considered as rotating
Water and Electricity Company equipment specialist. He started his career with Samref (Saudi Aramco-
Arafat Aljabri has over 18 years of experience boasting his ExxonMobil Yanbu Refinery ) in November 1990, ever since he is working in
caliber from an Operations Manager at Saline Water Conversion the field of machinery. Ahmad earned a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in
Corporation (SWCC) in Operation to Desalination & Power Plant Mechanical Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Manager. At SABIC, he served as Staff Production Engineer and then was a (w:st=“on“Saudi Arabia) in August 1990.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Team Leader at Marafiq. Arafat is currently working
with Water & Electricity Company, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as Technical Manager.
Arafat is certified as Skilled Level RCA facilitator by Shell Global Solution. Arafat Govind Kiran Kumar Reddy, Planning Section Head,
is also a Root Cause Analysis Certified Trainer and is using his expertise in leading DUBAL
RCA investigation teams. He is also an accredited Professional International
Govind Kiran Kumar Reddy has 17 years of experience in the Power
Trainer in  Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making by American Strategic
Industry, spanning a wide range of projects, technical, IT, Logistics,
Planning Center apart from other accreditations. He achieved his Bachelor
Procurement, commercial and management roles. He is currently
Degree in Chemical Engineering  from King Saud University in Riyadh and he
working with Dubal, as a planning section head. He has an Engineering degree
concluded his EMBA from King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.
in Mechanical and has successfully completed Masters in Business Administration
with Finance as specialization.

Ali Bakheet Al-Zahrani, Manager Stationary Mechanical

IbnZahr, SABIC Irshad Muhammad, Senior Reliability Engineer,
Ali Bakheet Al-Zahrani has 21 years of rich experience in the Qatargas
maintenance, commissioning and decommissioning activities of
Irshad is currently working as Senior Reliability Engineer in Qatargas.
Rotating Equipments. Presently, he is leading and managing the
Qatar gas is the premium LNG company. Irshad has expertise in
Rotating Equipments failures at IbnZahr (SABIC Affiliate). He has graduated from
Reliability Engineering & process improvement. Irshad is using
Jubail Industrial College in 1992 as an Electromechanical Engineer and started
his expertise in leading RCFA, Reliability Analytics, Bad Actors elimination &
his career with IBN ZAHR in 1992 in the mechanical section. Earlier, he was in
Reliability programs development & implementation. Irshad has previously led
rotating section as rotating manager and recently he has been transfered to
a team of Reliability Engineers as Reliability system specialist in NOVA Chemicals
static section as stationary manager.
Canada,AB. Irshad is Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE) from ASQ and Certified
Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP) from SMRP. Irshad also holds
Certified Six sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), CMQ/OE & CQE from ASQ. Irshad
Nasser Khalaf, Maintenance Planner, QAPCO achieved his Bachelor Degree in mechanical Engineering from NED,Khi,PAK and
Nasser is a maintenance engineer with almost 20 years of experience attained his M.S Industrial Engineering specializing in Reliability Engineering/
in the oil and gas, and petrochemicals field. He began his career process improvement from Wayne state university MI,USA.
as a mechanical maintenance specialist at workshop level back in
1996, within few years he upgraded his knowledge and experience
in the field of plant inspection and corrosion monitoring and control. In 2004, Raid Almomany, Maintenance Manager
he moved to maintenance planning, what gave him a tremendous experience
in setting up maintenance plans, coordinating and managing shutdowns and
Southern Province Cement Company
preparing budgets. In addition to that he gained good knowledge and experience Raid Almomany has 17 years of experience in all maintenance modules
in CMMS by participating in SAP R/3 BLUEPRINT implementation. Being a super from inspection,planning, improvement, troubleshooting, budgeting
user, not only helped him in understanding various software aspects, but also and execution in cement industry. He lead the maintenance projects
gave him a chance to train others to use it efficiently and effectively. Currently, for developing and implementing the preventive maintenance and condition
Nasser is a mechanical static maintenance activities planner in QAPCO (Qatar based monitoring which had been integrated and interfaced with CMMS
for Petrochemicals), responsible for preparation of different work packages for purchasing and inventory modules. He is currently working as a Maintenance
mechanical static maintenance team, enhancing the effectiveness of these Manager at Southern Province Cement Company.
activities and quality.

Saleh Saeed Al-Mozaie, Engineer Root Cause Analyis

Wael Ahmed El Akkawi, General Manager, Service Marafiq
Business Unit, Alfanar Technical Services Saleh Saeed Almozaie has 15 years of experience in Operations
Wael Ahmed El Akkawi is the General Manager of Service Business and Maintenance of Gas turbines,instrument equipment, pumps,
Units at alfanar. He received a BS Degree in Electrical Engineering compressors etc. In 2008 Saleh gave Apollo RCA training, In 2009
with high honors from the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Saleh built RCA team in Jeddah power plant of Saudi Electric Company, and in
Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia and received his MBA from the Imperial College 2011 he joined Marafiq Company as RCA Engineer where he trains technicians .
in UK. With more than 18 years of experience both in maintenance services as
well as products related to power plants and other utilities, Mr. Wael heads two
strategic business units at alfanar, first being the testing and commissioning, Ali Rafea Al Zahrani, Machinery and Condition Monitoring
maintenance and calibration services unit and the other for the re-engineering Manager, Saudi European Petrochemical Company, SABIC
and maintenance of static and rotary equipment. He has been instrumental in Ali Rafea Al Zahrani joined Ibn Zahr (Saudi European petrochemical
prequalifying the company with several utility and private companies throughout company) Sabic affiliate in 2004 as machinery and condition
the region resulting in the company achieving a sustainable growth in a very monitoring engineer. In 2010, he was assigned as the manager
short period. Mr. Wael and his team has recently received several appreciations of machinery and condition monitoring section in reliability department. He
from high profile clients such as, Saudi Aramco, Kharrama, SABIC and other has a rich experience in rotating equipment reliability, maintenance strategies,
utilities in the region for his commitment on quality and responsiveness. As commissioning, troubleshooting and vibration analysis. He is a certified Cat-II
a maintenance specialist, Mr. Wael was personally supervised the repair and vibration analyst and a member of Sabic rotating domain expert. Ali Rafea Al
rewinding works of a 25000HP Motor as well as the repair and rewinding of Zahrani is a Mechanical engineering graduate from KFUPM 2003.
200MVA Transformers in its factory in Jubail, KSA, a distinction very few local
companies in the Middle East possess.
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com


Gold Sponsor : Howden the London Stock Exchange (symbol: PFC). Petrofac designs and builds oil & gas
facilities; operates, maintains and manages facilities and trains personnel;
Howden designs, engineers and supplies air
enhances production; and, where it can leverage its service capability, develops
and gas handling equipment, including
and co-invests in upstream and infrastructure projects. Petrofac’s range of
industrial fans, process gas compressors and
services meets its customers’ needs across the full life cycle of oil & gas assets.
rotary heat exchangers. Established over 150
With more than 18,000 employees, Petrofac operates out of seven strategically
years ago as an engineering firm, Howden
located operational centres, in Aberdeen, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Woking, Chennai,
has grown to become a worldwide
Mumbai and Kuala Lumpur and has a further 24 offices worldwide.
organisation with over 6,000 employees and companies in 26 countries. As an
OEM, we deliver spares, maintenance and repairs, engineered solutions and
training into the aftermarket arena. We have knowledgeable and experienced
Bronze Sponsor: National Mechanical Engineering Services
technical advisors on a global basis. Our advisors are backed by engineering
personnel who can support your needs through access to original drawings, National Mechanical Engineering Services is
design know-how and full, detailed information on parts. a young, dynamic, global service provider to
the oil & gas, power generating, and mining
industry. NMES is located in Muscat, Oman,
Gold Sponsor : Alfanar Technical Services and has an extensive network of subsidiaries
and agencies in the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain,
Alfanar Technical Services (ATS), an integral
Belgium, Italy, Indonesia, Korea, and Argentina. Further expansion is currently
part of the alfanar Group, has evolved as a
under progress and targets the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Malaysia as the
leading service provider in the GCC and
next countries where agencies or subsidiaries will be located. With a global client
MENA regions for the rewinding, repairing
portfolio, catering to clients such as General Electric, Alstom, Siemens,
and overhauling of Motors, Transformers,
Woodgroup, Occidental, GDF Suez, and Freeport mining, NMES delivers tailor-
Turbines and Generators. With its state of the
made solutions aimed at reducing or eliminating the downtime during repairs or
art facility in the industrial hub of Jubail, ATS offers the most advanced repair and
shutdowns, resulting in more production time, lower turnaround costs, and
rewinding solutions for the maintenance of rotating equipment. ATS has the
overall better profitability for our client’s stakeholders.
advantage of having the largest test bed and the most modern test lab at par to
the international standards. The motors division also carries out a Motor
Assessment and Life Assessment Programs to ensure the healthiness of the
Associate Sponsor : Velosi Asset Integrity Ltd. (VAIL)
equipment. With services ranging from Selective Plating, servicing of explosion
proof motors, etc., it also has the distinction of being the only facility in the Velosi Asset Integrity Ltd (VAIL) is a subsidiary
Middle East to rewind a 200MVA transformer. ATS also has the advantage of of Velosi International and one of the leading
having an integrated Preformed Coils manufacturing division ensuring the service providers in Asset Integrity
minimum lead time ensuring the highest quality. Management (AIM) business. Our range of
services covers both upstream and
downstream of hydrocarbon industry
Gold Sponsor : Serba Dinamik including oil and gas production, LNG and LPG plants, refineries, petrochemical
and fertilizer plants. We have successfully executed numerous AIMS related
projects for a vast number of clients including BP, QP, GASCO, ADGAS, TAKREER,
(SERBA) offers an integrated engineering and
contracting industrial solutions to the oil and
PETRONAS, MURPHY, Talisman and many others. VAIL is also one of the leading
gas and power sectors with specialisation in
providers of software solutions for asset integrity and reliability management for
providing a comprehensive rotating
the oil and gas, petrochemical and power industries.
equipment solutions from installation,
commissioning, troubleshooting and maintain, repair plus overhaul of various
brands and make. SERBA have service centres set up in strategic location in
Workshop Leader : National Instruments
various countries globally and maintain a professional pool of field service
personnel who can be mobilised worldwide 24 x 7 basis. SERBA also offer Asset National Instruments is a technology pioneer
Management solutions in compliance to international standards to ensure and industry leader in measurement and
client’s asset integrity are in its optimum condition. automation, delivering today’s most
advanced technologies for monitoring and
control. Since 1976, engineers and scientists,
Silver Sponsor: Petrofac in virtually every industry, have used flexible,
high performance NI products to create reliable, user-defined systems. With the
Petrofac is a leading international service
graphical system design approach, which combines graphical programming
provider to the oil & gas production and
software and modular, open hardware, NI has redefined how engineers work
processing industry, with a diverse customer
throughout the entire product design cycle, resulting in reduced time to market
portfolio including many of the world’s
and lower development costs.
leading integrated, independent and national
oil & gas companies. Petrofac is quoted on
Booking line: tel: +91 95 3550 2766  |  fax: +91 80 49005100
Email: nasir.hussain@fleminggulf.com  |  www.fleminggulf.com


Networking Partner : Barrak Al Fares Trading Est. Networking Partner : SMH International
BARRAK AL-FARES has been actively involved SMH is a certified ISO-9001 and
in the industrial scenario in the kingdom for OSHAS-18001 Operation and Maintenance
over 6 years now. We are supplying products, company specialized in Rotating Equipment.
customized solutions, and specialized Its main business operation is situated in
engineering services for the complete Jubail KSA and manages a chain of satellite
reliability needs of oil refineries, petrochemical offices located in London-UK, Abu Dhabi-UAE
plants, chemical plants, desalination plants, power plants etc. Our principal and Kerala-India. SMH‘s core business is to provide the essential services to Oil &
office is based in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. However we also have expanded our Gas, Petrochemical, Refinery and Utility companies, ensuring uninterrupted
operations in all Middle East countries like Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Oman productivity of their machineries and equipment particularly turbines, gearboxes,
etc. In addition we are specialized in long term manpower supply for the pumps, and other rotating equipment. We maintain a pool of expert technicians
construction, maintenance, Inspection needs of plants. We strive to maintain a and engineers in and outside the kingdom who can respond to the immediate
high level of after-sales service for both repairs and spare parts. And we have a needs of our valued clients. Additionally, we maintain our own machining and
well trained team of engineers to perform services for condition monitoring and fabrication facility, which is strategically located at the Industrial Support Area of
other reliability needs of plants. the Jubail Industrial City allowing us quick response to our industrial clients’
emergency needs.

Networking Partner : SDT International

Exhibiting Partner : PRUFTECHNIK Middle East FZE
SDT provides ultrasound solutions that give
our customers a greater understanding about PRUFTECHNIK is a German high-tech
the health of their factory. We help them company offering a product spectrum geared
predict failures, control energy costs and toward monitoring and establishing an early
improve product quality while contributing to diagnosis of machinery in order to counteract
the overall uptime of their assets. Our core machinery downtime, including remote
philosophy is to deliver award winning hardware and software solutions and monitoring experts who ensure our products
back up our client’s with outrageous customer support and training to create the are helpful to find problems. PRUFTECHNIK is the inventor of precision laser
best ultrasound condition monitoring programmes in the world alignment and holds many patents and international awards. We cover over 70
countries worldwide.

Networking Partner : LMS, A Siemens Business

Exhibiting Partner : ONEPROD
LMS, A Siemens Business is the unique
provider of a set of fully integrated solutions ONEPROD offers an extensive range of
for the power generation, petrochemical, and equipment and condition monitoring services
other highly-advanced manufacturing to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry,
industries. Our solutions include world including:
renown engineering services, measurement o mobile systems certified according to ATEX
systems and virtual simulation software platforms. LMS, A Siemens Business is standards for use in zone 0 and for the monitoring of secondary equipment,
your dedicated engineering partner for all rotating machinery vibration, acoustic, o online monitoring systems for critical items of equipment (including wireless
and fatigue related applications and is the partner of choice for more than 5000 solutions adapted to ATEX zone 0 environment as well)
companies worldwide including Saudi Aramco, SABIC, Shell, Total, etc o the provision of a comprehensive range of services, including training,
engineering, turnkey installations, structural expertise, etc.,
o performace-commitment contracts to maintain equipment in operational

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