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Laboratory Report Chemical Engineering Laboratory Ii (Ep 110)

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STUDENT ID: 1001644692






1.0 Objectives……………………………………………………………………….……3
2.0 Introduction……………………………………………………………………….….3
3.0 Material/Apparatus………………………………………………………..……….....4
4.0 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………5
5.0 Results and Calculation………………………………………………………….…...6
6.0 Discussion………………………………………………………………………....….8
7.0 Limitation Of Experiment/Safety Precautions ………………………………...…….9
8.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...10
9.0 References…………………………………………………………………………...10
10.0 Appendix ………………………………………………………………....................11
11.0 Rubric…………………………………………………………………………..……12



 To familiarize the different types of engineering materials

 To identify the density of materials
 To identify the materials based on density or characteristics
 To compare the physical properties of the materials
 To relate the properties of the materials with practical application


Materials are an important aspect of engineering design and analysis. It is defined as the
matter from which something can be made. Material can include but is not limited to raw and
processed material, components, parts, assemblies, sub-assemblies, fuels, lubricants, coolants,
cleaning agents, and small tools and accessories that may be consumed directly or indirectly.
The uses of materials from manufacturing to processing as well as design of components are
involved in all engineering disciplines. New materials are constantly being invest due to
endless research and development.
Most materials fall into one of three classes that are based on the atomic bonding forces of
a particular material. These three classifications are metallic, ceramic and polymeric.
Additionally, different materials can be combined to create a composite material. Within each
of these classifications, materials are often further organized into groups based on their
chemical composition or certain physical or mechanical properties. Composite materials are
often grouped by the types of materials combined or the way the materials are arranged
together. In material selection to be applied on certain application, properties that are
considered include physical, mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical and corrosion.
Metal consist of one or more metallic elements and have a crystalline structure. Metals are
typically hard, opaque, shiny, and has good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are
also strong and ductile at room temperature. Metals can be further classified as ferrous or
non-ferrous. Most polymeric materials consist of carbon-containing long molecular chains or
network in which their strength and ductility varies greatly. Polymers are bound by covalent
forces and also by weak Van der Waals forces, and usually based on H, C and other non-
metallic elements.

Most polymeric materials are good insulators, have low densities and relatively low
softening point. Ceramic materials consist of metallic and non-metallic elements chemically
bonded together which are strong and hard but also very brittle. It also has low electrical and
thermal properties. Due to engineering importance, semi-conductor was considered, even if it
is not a major type of material. The semi-conductor materials are widely used in electronic
devices in which their electrical characteristics can be modified and controlled. Composite
materials are a mixture of two or more materials in which it usually consists of reinforced
materials in a matrix. Modern composite such as fiberglass-reinforcing material in epoxy
matrix and carbon fibers in epoxy material are usually consist of excellent resistance towards


Part A:
1. Sample A 6. Sample F
2. Sample B 7. Sample G
3. Sample C 8. Vernier Calliper
4. Sample D 9. Weighing Balance
5. Sample E

Part B:
1. 52% Ethanol Solution
2. 38% Ethanol Solution
3. 24% Ethanol Solution
4. 6% CaCl2 Solution
5. 32% CaCl2 Solution
6. 40% CaCl2 Solution
1. Sample H
2. Sample I
3. Sample J
4. Sample K
5. 250mL Beaker

Figure 1: Labelled Samples from A to G

A. Density Measurement
1. Each sample was alligned and labelled from A to G as shown in Figure 1.
2. The dimensions of each sample was measured using a Vernier Calliper.
3. The sample was weighed on a weighing balance and the result was recorded on the
data sheet.
4. The density was obtained by calculating using the formula:
Where: 𝜌 = Density of object
𝑚 = Mass of Volume
𝑉 = Volume of object
5. All the apparatus were cleaned before attempting Part B.

B. Identification of Plastic Materials

Figure 2: Labelled Samples from H to K

1. Each sample was alligned and labelled from H to K
2. Each sample was examined and a visual description was written in the proper location
of the data table.
3. 500mL of 52% Ethanol solution was poured into a 1000mL beaker.
4. Each plastic samples was placed in the solution.
5. The samples was noted of which sink (S) or float (F) in the data table.
6. The solution was returned to the appropriate container and the beaker was dried out.
7. The samples was dried off.
8. Step 2 to 5 was repeated with:
Solution 2: 38% Ethanol Solution
Solution 3: 24% Ethanol Solution
Solution 4: 6% CaCl2 Solution
Solution 5: 32% CaCl2 Solution
Solution 6: 40% CaCl2 Solution
9. All the apparatus were cleaned before leaving the laboratory.


Part A
Table 1: Measurement of Sample A to G
Dimensions (mm) Measur Theoret
Sam Inner Outer Weight Volume -ed -ical
Thick Class Material
ple Length Width Diam- Diam- (g) (cm3) Density Density
eter eter (g/cm3) (g/cm3)
A 59.40 6.38 Metal Brass 17.14 1.90 9.021 8.55
B 79.50 12.50 15.00 2.50 Metal Copper 56.38 4.29 13.142 8.92
C 82.00 17.00 19.70 2.70 Metal 16.61 6.38 2.603 7.60
D 76.80 16.10 22.80 6.70 Metal Iron 92.65 15.72 5.894 7.87
E 109.40 29.60 9.80 Ceramic Marble 56.38 31.74 1.776 2.60
F 158.00 48.80 0.20 Metal Tin 9.47 1.54 6.149 5.77
G 114.80 63.50 15.50 Ceramic Granite 265.14 112.99 2.347 2.75

Part B
Table 2: Properties of Sample H to K
Clear/ Solution for Materials (Sink (S) / Float (F))
Sample Opaque/ Material
Rigid 1 2 3 4 5 6
H Rigid S S S S S S PVC
I Rigid S S S S F F Perspex
J Flexible F F F F F F Polymer
K Flexible F F F F F F Polystyrene


Theoretical Melting Electrical Heat

Speci Brittle/ Properties/
Material Density Point, Conducti Conducti Application
-men Ductile Characteristics
(g/cm3) Tm (°C) -vity -vity
 Low melting point
900-  Wear and tear
A Brass 8.55 Moderate Moderate Ductile Doorknobs
940 resistant
 Corrosion-resistant
 Durable
B Copper 8.92 1084 High High Ductile  Corrosion-resistant
 Strong
 Higher strength
Stainless Cooking and hardness
C 7.60 1510 Low Low Ductile
Steel Utensils  Corrosion-resistant
 High ductility
 Ductile
 Moderately good
D Iron 7.87 1538 Low Moderate Ductile Automobile
conductor of heat
and electricity
 Heat resistance
 Abrasion resistance
E Marble 2.60 125 None Low Brittle  Low conductivity
and Statues
of heat and
 Very soft
F Tin 5.77 232 Low Moderate Ductile Tin Foil  Malleable
 Ductile
 Heat resistance
 Wear resistance
G Granite 2.75 None Low Brittle Tile Floors  Low conductivity
of heat and


During the experiment, a paper was placed under seven different types of sample materials
and labelled from A to G as shown in Figure 1. In part A, Using a Vernier Caliper, the length
of sample A was measured and obtained a length of 59.40mm with a diameter of 6.38mm.
The weight of sample A was measured using a weighing balance and obtained a value of
17.14g. Sample A was classified under metal and the material was brass. After calculation,
the volume of sample A obtained was 1.90cm3 and the density was 9.021g/cm3. For sample
B, the length was measured obtaining a value of 79.50mm, the inner diameter with a value of
12.50mm and outer diameter with a value of 15.00mm using a Vernier Caliper in which after
subtraction this will result the thickness of sample B at 2.50mm. A weight value of 56.38g
was obtained using a weighing balance. Sample B was classified under metal and the material
was copper. After calculation, the volume of sample B obtained was 4.29cm3 and the density
was 13.142g/cm3.
Sample C was measured obtaining a length of 82.00mm, the inner diameter with a value of
17.00mm and outer diameter at 19.70mm in which after subtraction resulting the thickness of
sample C at 2.79mm. A weight value of 16.61g was obtained using a weighing balance.
Sample C was classified under metal and the material was stainless steel. A volume of
6.38cm3 and 2.603g/cm3 in density were obtained after calculation. Sample D was measured
obtaining a length of 76.80mm, the inner diameter with a value of 16.10mm and outer
diameter at 22.80mm in which after subtraction resulting the thickness of sample D at
6.70mm. A weight value of 92.65g was obtained using a weighing balance. Sample D was
classified under metal and the material was iron. A volume of 15.72cm3 and 5.894g/cm3 in
density were obtained after calculation. For sample E, a length of 109.40mm, a width at
29.60mm and thickness of 9.80mm was obtained using the Vernier caliper. Sample E was
classified under ceramic and the material was marble. A weight value of 56.38g was obtained
using a weighing balance. Through further calculation a volume of 31.74cm3 and 1.776g/cm3
in density were obtained. For sample F, a length of 158.00mm, a width at 48.80mm and
thickness of 0.20mm was obtained using the Vernier caliper. Sample F was classified under
metal and the material was tin. A weight value of 9.47g was obtained using a weighing
balance. Through further calculation a volume of 1.54cm3 and 6.149g/cm3 in density were
obtained. For sample F, a length of 158.00mm, a width at 48.80mm and thickness of 0.20mm
was obtained using the Vernier caliper. Sample F was classified under metal and the material
was tin. A weight value of 9.47g was obtained using a weighing balance. Through further
calculation a volume of 1.54cm3 and 6.149g/cm3 in density were obtained. For sample G, a
length of 114.80mm, a width at 63.50mm and thickness of 15.50mm was obtained using the
Vernier caliper. Sample G was classified under ceramic and the material was granite. A
weight value of 265.14g was obtained using a weighing balance. Through further calculation
a volume of 112.99cm3 and 2.347g/cm3 in density were obtained.
For part B, six solutions were prepared using six of 1000mL beaker respectively. Sample
H has a higher density in which it sinks at the bottom of the beaker in all six solutions.
Through observations, the material of H was determined to be PVC from the characteristics
displayed. Sample I was placed in solution 1 in which it ends up sinking similar to the
situation of solution 3 and solution 4 whereas sample I floats on the surface of solution 5 and
solution 6. Through observations, the material of I was determined to be Perspex from the
characteristics displayed. Sample J and sample K ended up floating in all six solution
indicating having lower density that the solutions. Through careful observations, sample J
was determined to be polymer and sample K as polystyrene.


1. During the experiment, there was an error in which the reading value of the weighing
balance keeps changing even by using the same material to take measurement. This
error will cause flaws in data and calculations which provide inaccuracy. For a more
accurate result, when the weighing balance does not give a proper reading, take the
average reading to reduce the flaws when recording data.
2. During the experiment there was an error in which the sample of materials are not
purely cylindrical, rectangle, or hollow cylinder in shape and consist of many bumps
and bends which will cause an inaccuracy in data through using a Vernier caliper for
measurement. For a more accurate data, the Vernier caliper should be carefully placed
along the mostly straight surface due to the unusual shape. This will reduce the flaws
in data.
3. During the experiment, there was an error in which the position of the eye is not
perpendicular when measuring the samples using the Vernier caliper. For a more
accurate result, the position of the eye must be perpendicular to the reading of the
Vernier caliper when measuring materials. This is to reduce data inaccuracy.
4. For safety precautions, Laboratory coats, safety goggles and covered shoes must be
worn at all times during lab session.

As a conclusion, the different types of engineering materials were able to be familiarize.

The density of each material was successfully identified after careful calculations in which
sample A is 9.021g/cm3, sample B is 13.142g/cm3, sample C is 2.603g/cm3, sample D is
5.894g/cm3, sample E is 1.776g/cm3, sample F is 6.149g/cm3 and sample G is 2.347g/cm3.
The materials were able to be identified in which sample A is brass, sample B is copper,
sample C is stainless steel, sample D is iron, sample E is marble, sample F is tin, sample G is
granite, sample H is PVC, sample H is Perspex, sample J is polymer and sample K is
polystyrene. Based on part A, the physical properties of materials in which sample B is a high
conductor of heat and electricity, sample A is a moderate conductor of heat and electricity,
sample C is a low conductor of heat and electricity, sample D and F has low electrical
conductivity and moderate heat conductivity, sample E and G has no electrical conductivity
and low heat conductivity. Based on part B, sample H and I is rigid whereas sample J and K
is flexible. From the properties of the materials, the practical application can be identified in
which the application of sample A can be used as a doorknob, sample B can be used in
electrical tables, sample is as a cooking utensils, sample D can be used to build an
automobile, sample E can be used in statues and monuments, sample F as a tin foil and
sample G used as floor tiles. Thus, objectives of the experiment were achieved.


1. McMurry J. & Fay R. C.(2004). Chemistry International (4th ed). United Kingdom.:
Pearson Education Inc.
2. Harvey (2000). Modern Analytical Chemistry. (International ed.). 2 Penn Plaza, New
York.: McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Zumdahl S. S. & Zumdahl S. A.(2013). Chemistry (International 9th ed). London.:
Thomson Brooks / Cole.
4. Silberberg (2009). Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. (5th ed.).
1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York.: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.


Maisarah Binti Abdullah 1001644692


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