Primavera Projects
Primavera Projects
Primavera Projects
Defining calendars 1
Cpm 2
Recurring tasks 15
Assigning resources 16
Resource levelling 19
Resource levelling 21
Constraints 22
Tracking progress 23
Multiple projects 26
Building construction 29
PROJECT 1- Defining Calendars
1. Create a new base calendar that has six working days per week and 10 hours
of duty time whith a break of 40 minutes in between.The calender should
also include holiday on the third Saturday of the month.Check the calendar
by defining few tasks with this new calendar as the project calendar.
2. Create a task calendar (Night Shift)for the CCSS company with Sunday as
off; also include Independence Day and Republic Day as holidays.this task
is working only in the night;the shift timing is from 9.00PM to7.00AM.
3. Create a three-day project calendar with normal 8 hours as working time.
4. Create a copy of the 24-hours calendar and make it as a project calendar
without doing any changes in the in the option settings.
5. Ctrate a six-day workweek calendar with 24 hours as working time and find
how the task works when the calerdar is assigned to that task.
6. Create a project calendar with seven working days per week,and in the same
project create a task calendar with six working days ,assign it to any two
tasks and check how the tasks work.
7. Create a praject calendar with six working days with 9 hours of working
time and also create another calendar with four working days and 8 hours of
work per day.Include tasks A,B,C and D with duration for A►5,B ► 5,C ►
7.Assign the task calendar to B&C and check how the tasks are working.
8. Create a six-day workweek calendar and make it as a project calendar and
also create seven-day workweek calendar and assign that as the task
calendar for a particular task and find the changes in the task timings.
9. Create a seven workweek calendar with 9 hours of work per day ,63 hours
per week and 20 working days per month.Find the difference when you give
30 days as days per month and 31 days as days per month.Major difference
of this can be seen while doing resources.
10.Do the changes in the fiscal year starts in, in the options dialog box and find
out the changes in the Gantt Chart timescale.Also find out how to overcome
this problem.
1.For the following activites, draw a CPM network.Activities C and D follow
A.Activity E follows C,Activity F follows D,E and F precedes B,A is the starting
activity and B is the ending activity.
Activity A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Preceded - - B A C C F F H I D,E,G,J L K,L
5.A television is manufactured in six steps,labelled a through F.Because of its size
and complexity,the television is produced on at a time.the production
managerthinks that net work-sheduling techniques might beuseful in planning
future production.He recorded the following information:
A is the first step and precedes B and C ,C precedes D and E,B follows D and
precedes E , F follows E, F is the predecessor of D.
Activity A B C D E F G H
Duration 2 7 4 5 6 8 3 10
Activity A B C D E F G H I J K
Predecessor - - - A B B C C D,E F,G I,J,H
Duration 3 11 9 7 9 5 5 19 17 5 3
8. A project consists of a series of tasks labelled A;B..H,I with the following
relationships 9W,X,Y means X and Y cannot start untill W is completed;X,Y , W
means W cannot start untill both X and Y are completed).With this notation
consruct the net work diagram having the following constrains:
Find also the minimum time of completion for the project,when the time (in days)
of completion of each task is also as follows
TIME 23 8 20 16 24 18 19 4 10
9.Draw the network diagram and find the duration of the project on making a chair.
TIME 13 5 8 10 9 7 7 12 8 9 4 17
The constrains govering the jobs are as follows:
Draw the network;find out float for each activity and the project duration.
Determine the critical path.
11.The following table gives the activities in construction project and time
12.A project has the following activities and thier duration:
Find the critical path and the time for completeting the project.
14.The activities comprising a certain project have been indenfied as follows:
a) Draw the network and compute earliest time and latest time for each of the
activiyies and find out the project complition time and identify the critical
b) The start of the project is taken as 1st JULY 2004.The working days per
week are 5 days.Find the finish date of project.
PROJECT 3-Developing Network Diagram
Draw the network diagram for the problem given below and find the project end
date using.The time for each activity and the predecessor relationship for each
activity are as follows:
PROJECT 4-Developing Network Diagram
1). Draw the network diagram for the problem given below and find the project
end date .The time for each activity and the predecessor relationship for each
activity are as follows:
E precedes F.
B is successor event to A.
PROJECT 5 - Finding the Critical Path
You and your colleagues are desirous of organizing a symposium on Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration.It is supposed to be a two-day program with two
general lectures and about 16 pa-per-reading sessions.Assume that the following
activities with their duration are involved.
1.Determine the minimum number of days required for preparatory work before
the actual symposium can begin.
K Arrange accommodation and 6 D
L Arrange transportation 2 D
M Arrange lecture halls,public 2 D
address systems ect.,
N Prepare introductory speech 1 J
O Assign duties to various 2 M
ZZ Finish of project 0 A,C,F,K,L,N,O
PROJECT 7 – Outlining WBS Codes
Using indenting and outdenting method prepare this network and apply WBS
codes for the project. The calendar that is being followed is 5days workweek with
10 hours of working time.
PROJECT 8- Outlining WBS codes
Develop th eWork Breakdown Structure using MS Project for the following
activities given below
WBS Structure
First Shop
Second Shop
Civil – 30 days
Administrative Block
Parking – 90 days
Try to segregate each level of activities independently using MS Project.
First Shop
1 LAN - 12 days
2 Design & networking - 22 days
Administrative Block
AC for Labs
1 Design - 30 days
2 Tenders - 14 days
3 Execution of job - 90 days
PROJECT 9 – Recurring Tasks
In a fabrication project, the activities are as given below. The recurring task that is
taking place is the Inspectionof joints. The durations are in days. Draw the network
diagram and find the total time taken to complete the project.
PROJECT 10 – Assigning Resources
The activities for infrastructure project are indicated below with duration and
requirement of deployment of crew for each activity. The resources are limited to
only 5. Find the critical path and resources needed for each day.
PROJECT 11 – Resource And Cost Analysis
An air-conditioning installation has been broken down into the following activities
and restrictions. Determine the total project cost and over-allocated resources if
any. The calendar is 7 days with 9hrs of working time.
Defining Resources
PROJECT 12– Resource Levelling
Add the following activities to build your network.the start of project is taken as
01/10/2004.The duration is in days and the working days per week are taken as six
days.Determine the total cast estimated for the project .find the total duration of the
the project.Also ,find whether there is any over –allocation of the resource.
Resource Available
Resource quality Rate/day
PROJECT 13 – Resource Levelling
Draw a network for the simple project of erection of steel works.The various
activities and the resources are as follows.apply the resources and find over –
allocated resources and project finish date.Do the levelling and find the change in
the finish date.also find the estimated cast for completion of the project.The
calendar that is being followed is a six-day calendar with 10 hours of working
time,starting from 7.30AM and ending ai 6.30PM.
PROJECT 14 – Constraints
The following list shows descruption of activities for a project’s foundation
packages activities.Draw the network.The duration is in days and the calendar
followed is six-day work week with timings from 9.00 AM to 6.00PM.Start the
project on thu 27/05/048;00AM and apply a constraint on the activity D such that it
should not start earlier than Thu 29/05/04 12;00PM,and find the project end date is
getting affected by applying this constaint.
The civil works related to an electrical tower erection is given as below. Draw the
network diagram for the activities and progress the task as given belowin the table.
Set the sature date after 280 days from the start of the project. Activity B is delayed
by 10 days, E is delayed by 15 days:while other tasks are executed as scheduled.
PROJECT 16– Earned Value Analysis
Draw the network diagram for the activities given below and determine the critical
path.Analyse the problem and do the progressing at the middle of the project.The
calendar followed is a six-day workweek with 9 hours of working time per
day.Activities Design plant and select site are delayed by 2 and 4 days respectively
during execution.
Resource Distribution
PROJECT 17 - Multiple Projects
Create a multiple project by giving project start date as today’s date and number of
workdays per week as seven. Sub-projects 1 and 3 are concurrently starting.
Subproject 2 is starting after the completion of subprojects 1 and 3.Find the project
finish date.
The activities of subproject 3 are asd listed below
Resource Application
Excavation Labour 32
Truck 2
Excavator 1
Foundation Cement 20
Mason 10
Sand 5
Concrete 10
Brick 1
Labour 24
Walling Brick 2
Mason 16
Cement 8
Sand 3
Labour 24
Plastering Engineer 2
Labour 24
Cement 10
Sand 10
Mason 16
Fitting Labour 12
Supervisor 2
PROJECT 18 – Building Construction
Construction of a building involves numerous activities that are planned and
executed under control. Bharath Constructions, a leading construction group, was
assigned with the job of constructing a three-storey office building by their client.If
you were the project planning professional of the company how will you plan the
activites? The activity list is given below:
Mobilize on Site Duration Predecessors
A/05/ai Cure elevator wall concrete 7days A/04/ah
A/05/aj Cure pires and foundation 7days A/04/ag
A/05/ak Strip wall forms 1day A/04/ai
A/05/al Strip column piers and foundation 3days A/04/aj
A/05/am Install penumatic tube in elevator pit 3days A/04/ak
A/05/an Prepare and pour concrete floor in 1 day A/05/am
elevator pit
A/07/ag Install rebar and in-floor 5 days A/07/ad
A/07/ah Pour 3rd floor slab 4 days A/07/af,
A/07/ai Cure 3rd floor slab 7 days A/07/ah
A/07/aj Strip forms from 3rd floor slab 2 days A/07/ai
A/07/ak Form roof slab including all floor 7 days A/07/ac
A/07/al Install rebar and in-floor 5 days A/07/ai
A/07/am Pour roof slab 4 days A/07/ak,
A/07/an Cure roof slab 7 days A/07/am
A/07/ao Strip forms from roof slab 2 days A/07/an
A/07/ap Form 1st floor 4 days A/07/ae
A/07/aq Install electrical underground 1 wk A/07/ae
A/07/ar Install Plumbing underground 1wk A/07/ae
A/07/as Install rebar and in-floor utilities 4 days A/07/ae
A/07/at Pour 1st floor slab 4 days A/07/ap,
A/07/ar, A/07/as
A/07/au Cure 1st floor slab 7 days A/07/at
A/07/av Strip forms from 1st floor slab 2 days A/07/au
A/09/ad Install roof drains 2 days A/09/ac
A/09/ae Install tile in toilet rooms 2 wks A/09/aa
A/09/af Clean masnory 1 wk A/09/ac
A/09/ag Clean toilet room tile 1 wk A/09/ae
A/10 Roofing Duration Predecessors
A/10/aa Install flashing at parapet walls 4 days A/09/ac
A/10/ab Pour light concrete roof fill 2 days A/02/ab,
A/10/ac Install seamless roofing material 5 days A/10/ab+5 days
A/10/ad Spread stone ballast on seamless roof 5 days A/10/ac
A/10/ae Set rooftop equipment 2 wks A/10/ad
A/12/ak Pave,curb and stripe parking lot 2 wks A/12/aj
A/16/ad Install duct in building chase 3 wks A/16/aa,
A/16/ae Set HVAC trim and test and balance 4 wks A/12/ae,
system A/16/ad,
Resource Avalability
Landscape Contractor 1 4500
Paving Contractor 1 2500
Dry wall Contractor 1 1800
Accounting 1 1000
Resource Distribution
ID Resources
A/01/aa General Management
A/01/ab Project Management, General Management [25%]
A/01/ac Project Management [25%],Scheduler
A/01/ad General Management[10%], Project Management
A/01/ae Project Management[50%], Procurement[50%]
A/01/af Project Management[50%], Procurement[50%]
A/01/ag Project Management[50%], Procurement[50%]
A/02/aa Steel Erection Contractor Management
A/02/ab Roofing Contractor Management
A/02/ac Elevator Contractor Management
A/02/ad Plumbing Contractor Management
A/02/ae Electric Contractor Management
A/02/af HVAC Contractor Management
A/02/ag Steel Erection Contractor Management[50%], Steel Erection
A/03/aa Erection Contractor
A/03/ab Plumbing Contractor
A/03/ac Superintendent,Labour Crew[10%]
A/03/ad Survey Crew
A/03/ae Site Grading Contractor, Labour Crew[10%]
A/04/aa Site Grading Contractor
A/04/ab Site Grading Contractor
A/04/ac Site Grading Contractor
A/04/ad Site Grading Contractor
A/04/ae Plumbing Contractor
A/04/af Site Grading Contractor
A/04/ag Survey Crew
A/05/aa Site Grading Contractor
A/05/ab Site Grading Contractor
A/05/ac Rough Carpenter Crew
A/05/ad Plumbing Contractor,Electric Contractor
A/05/ae Rough Carpenter Crew
A/05/af Rough Carpenter Crew
A/05/ag Concrete Crew
A/05/ah Concrete Crew
A/05/ai Labour Crew
A/05/aj Labour Crew
A/05/ak Labour Crew
A/05/al Labour Crew
A/05/am Elevator Contractor
A/05/an Concrete Crew
A/06/aa Steel Erection Contractor
A/06/ab Steel Erection Contractor
A/06/ac Steel Erection Contractor
A/06/ad Steel Erection Contractor
A/06/ae Steel Erection Contractor
A/06/af Steel Erection Contractor
A/07/aa Rough Carpenter Crew,Labour Crew[20%]
A/07/ab Labour Crew[33%], Plumbing Contractor[33%], Electric
A/07/ac Concrete Crew
A/07/ad Labour Crew
A/07/ae Labour Crew
A/07/af Rough Carpenter Crew,Labour Crew[20%]
A/07/ag Labour Crew[33%], Plumbing Contractor[33%], Electric
A/07/ah Concrete Crew
A/07/ai Labour Crew
A/07/aj Labour Crew
A/07/ak Rough Carpenter Crew,Labour Crew[20%]
A/07/al Labour Crew[33%], Plumbing Contractor[33%], Electric
A/07/am Concrete Crew
A/07/an Labour Crew
A/07/ao Labour Crew
A/07/ap Rough Carpenter Crew
A/07/aq Electric Contractor
A/07/ar Plumbing Contractor
A/07/as Labour Crew[33%], Plumbing Contractor[33%], Electric
A/07/at Concrete Crew
A/07/au Labour Crew
A/07/av Labour Crew
A/08/aa Drywall Contractor
A/09/aa Plumbing Contractor
A/09/ab Masnory Contractor
A/09/ac Masnory Contractor
A/09/ad Roofing Contractor
A/09/ae Tile Contractor
A/09/af Masnory Contractor
A/09/ag Tile Contractor
A/10/aa Roofing Contractor
A/10/ab Roofing Contractor
A/10/ac Roofing Contractor
A/10/ad Roofing Contractor
A/10/ae HVAC Contractor
A/11/aa Window Contractor
A/11/ab Drywall Contractor
A/11/ac Finish Carpenter Crew
A/11/ad Window Contractor
A/12/aa Finish Carpenter Crew
A/12/ab Painting Contractor
A/12/ac Electric Contractor
A/12/ad HVAC Contractor
A/12/ae Drywall Contractor
A/12/af Drywall Contractor
A/12/ag Painting Contractor
A/12/ah Carpet Contractor
A/12/ai Finish Carpenter Crew
A/12/aj Landscape Contractor
A/12/ak Paving Contractor
A/13/aa Electric Contractor
A/13/ab Electric Contractor
A/13/ac Electric Contractor
A/14/aa Plumbing Contractor
A/14/ab Plumbing Contractor
A/14/ac Plumbing Contractor
A/14/ad Plumbing Contractor
A/15/aa Electric Contractor
A/15/ab Electric Contractor
A/15/ac Electric Contractor
A/15/ad Electric Contractor
A/15/ae Electric Contractor
A/15/af Electric Contractor
A/16/aa Masnory Contractor
A/16/ab Masnory Contractor
A/16/ac Drywall Contractor
A/16/ad Masnory Contractor
A/16/ae HVAC Contractor
A/17/aa Roofing Contractor
A/17/ab Roofing Contractor
A/17/ac Masnory Contractor
A/18/aa Elevator Contractor
A/18/ab Roofing Contractor Management
A/18/ac Roofing Contractor Management
A/18/ad Roofing Contractor Management
A/19 General Management
A/20 General Management
A/21 General Management
A/22 General Management