Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis IV
DNA and RNA molecules are highly charged because the phosphate group in
each nucleotide contributes on negative charge. As a result, DNA and RNA
molecules move towards the positive electrode during gel electrophoresis.
Smaller molecules move through the gel matrix more readily than larger
molecules, so that molecules of different length, such as restriction fragments
separate. Because the gel matrix restricts random diffusion of the molecules,
molecules of different lengths separate into bands whose width equals that of
the well into which the original DNA mixture was placed.
Two methods are common for visualizing separated DNA bands on a gel.
If the DNA is not radiolabeled, the gel is incubated in a solution
containing the fluorescent dye ethidium. Ethidium is a planar molecule that
binds to dna by ((intercalating)) between the base pairs. Binding concentrates
ethidium in th DNA and also increases its general fluorescence. As a result,
when the gel is illuminated with ultraviolet light, the regions of the gel
containing DNA fluoresce much more brightly than the regions of the gel
without DNA.
o Radioactively labeled DNA can be visualized by autoradiography of
the gel. In this case, the gel is laid against a sheet of photographic film
in the dark, exposing the film at the positions where the labeled DNA
is present. When the film is developed, a photographic image of the
DNA is observed. Radiolabeled DNA bands can also be observed by
laying the gel against a ((phosphorimager)) screen, which counts beta
particles released by labeled molecules in the gel. The resulting data is
stored by a computer and can be converted into an image of the gel.
Restriction Enzymes
The discovery of enzymes that could cut and paste DNA made genetic engineering
possible. Restriction enzymes, found naturally in bacteria, can be used to cut DNA
fragments at specific sequences, while another enzyme, DNA ligase, can attach or
rejoin DNA fragments with complementary ends.
Restriction enzymes are sequence specific. They recognize and bind to specific DNA
sequences. EcoRI for example, binds to the sequence GAATTC.
Once they bind to their recognition sequence, restriction enzymes cut the sugar-
phosphate backbones of the DNA strands.
Enzymes such as HaeIII and AluI cut straight across the double heix, producing blunt
ends. EcoRI, however, as many other enzymes, cuts unevenly, in an offset fashion,
leaving overhangs of single stranded DNA known as “sticky ends.”
The sticky ends can be reattached by another enzyme called ligase. It catalyzes the
chemical reaction that rejoins the DNA sugar-phosphate bonds. The result is a
molecule known as recombinant DNA.
Electrophoresis separations are nearly always carried out in gels (or on solid
supports such as paper) because the gel serves as a molecular sieve that enhances
separation. Molecules that are small compared with the pores in the gel readily
move through the gel, whereas molecules much larger than the pores are almost
immobile. Intermediate-size molecules move through the gel with various degrees
of facility. Electrophoresis is performed in a thin vertical slab of polyacrylamide.
The direction flow is from top to bottom. Polyacrylamide gels, formed by the
polymerization of acrylamide and cross linked by methylenebisacrylamide, are
choice supporting media for electrophoresis because they are chemically inert and
are readily formed. Electrophoresis is the opposite of gel filtration in that all of
the molecules, regardless of size, are forced to move through the same matrix.
The gel behaves as one bead of a gel-filtration column.
Proteins can be separated largely on the basis of mass by electrophoresis in a
polyacrylmamide gel under denaturing conditions. The mixture of proteins is first
dissolved in a solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate, an anionic detergent that
disrupts nearly all noncovalent interactions in native proteins. Mercaptoethanol or
dithiothreitol is also added to reduce disulfide bonds. Anions of SDS bind to main
chains at a ratio of about one SDS anion for every two amino acid residues. This
complex of SDS with a denatured protein has a large net negative charge that is
roughly proportional to the mass of the protein. The negative charge acquired on
binding SDS is usually much greater than the charge on the native protein; this
native charge is thereby rendered insignificant. The SDS-Protein complexes are
then subjected to gel electrophoresis. When the electrophoresis is complete, the
proteins in the gel can be visualized by staining them with silver or a dye such as
Coomassive blue, which reveals a series of bands.
As in DNA electrophoresis, small proteins move rapidly through the gel, whereas
large proteins stay at the top, near the point of application of the mixture.
DNA Fingerprinting
What is DNA? : DNA is a chemical structure that forms chromosomes, which
often contain genes that code for a particular trait.
o Structurally, DNA is a double helix, or two strands of genetic material
spiraled around each other. Each strand contains a sequence of bases, also
called nucleotides. These consist of the four chemicals adenine, guanine,
cytosine, and thymine.
o The two strands of DNA are connected by hydrogen bonds at each base.
Each base will bond only with one other base, as adenine will only bond
with thymine, and guanine will only bind with cytosine.
o DNA starnds are read in aparticular direction, from the top 9called the ‘ or
five primeend) to the bottom (called the 3’ or three prime end). In a double
helix, the starnd sgo opposite ways.
What is DNA fingerprinting?: Athought the chemical structure of everyone’s
DNA is the same, most individuals differ in the order of their base pairs. There
are so many billions fo base pairs in eachpersons DNA that every person has a
different structure.
o Using said sequenced, each individual could be identified strictly by
the sequence of their base pairs. Because there are so many millions of
base pairs, however, this task would be extremely time consuming.
Instead, scientists are able to use a shorter method in which they are able
to determine whther two DNA samples are from the same person, related
people, or nonrelatedpeople. A small number of sequenced of DNA that
are known to vary among individuals are used in these methods, and are
then analyzed to suggest the probability of a match.
How is it done?: southern blot:
Isolating the DNA in question from the rest of the cellular
materialin the nucleus. This