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State-Of-The-Art CFB Technology For Utility-Scale Biomass Power Plants

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Vesna Barišić*, Edgardo Coda Zabetta*, Bogusław Krztoń**

*Foster Wheeler Energia Oy, R&D Department, Relanederinkatu 2, Varkaus, Finland

**Foster Wheeler Energia Polska, Global Sales & Marketing, Aleja Jana Pawla II 15,
Warszawa, Poland

Utilization of biomass fuels in energy production continues to grow worldwide as a response

to climate change concerns induced by anthropogenic emissions of CO2. Over the last years, an
increasing demand is emerging for highly efficient utility-scale power plants capable to co-fire
woody biomass with large shares of agricultural residues, residues from production of bio-derived
fuels for the transport sector (i.e. biodiesel, bioethanol), and/or wastes. However, properties of
biomass fuels are more challenging comparing to conventional fossil fuels. The quality of biomass
varies seasonally and regionally, moisture can be high, fuel handling and feeding are more
demanding, and above all fouling, slagging, and superheater corrosion are common problems in
biomass-fired boilers. With respect to these problems, circulating fluidized bed combustion has
proven to be an ideally suited technology for large-scale power production utilizing broad range of
biomass fuels.
This paper summarizes the features of Foster Wheeler’s biomass fired CFBs, with emphasis
on the Advanced Biomass CFB (ABC) concept developed for utility-size CFBs targeting steam
temperatures higher than 560˚C. In particular, the paper will discuss the technical difficulties to be
expected in co-combustion of woody biomass with agricultural residues, and the adequate
countermeasures. Finally, the paper will give an overview on reference data from commercial
biomass CFB projects.

Key word: agricultural residues, wood-derived biomass, ash, agglomeration, fouling, corrosion


Utilization of biomass fuels in energy production continues to grow worldwide as a response

to climate change concerns induced by anthropogenic emissions of CO2. Wood-derived fuels have
been traditionally the main biomass sources fired in small/medium-scale boilers, and mostly
connected to the pulp and paper industry and forestry exploitation. As the demand for biomass fuels
is growing while the concern about forests availability and prices are increasing, other types of
biomass are gaining in popularity. Over the past few years, the biomass market has developed into a
global network offering a wide variety of opportunity fuels such as agricultural residues (agro-),
residues from production of biofuels for the transport sector (e.g. bioethanol, biodiesel), dedicated
energy crops, etc. This growth in fuel availability has led to an increasing demand for highly
efficient utility-scale power plants capable to co-fire woody biomass with large shares of
opportunity biomass, and/or wastes.
When biomass or waste is considered, fluidized bed boilers are often the technology of choice
offering supreme fuel flexibility and low emissions while boiler availability and efficiency are high.
Bubbling fluidized bed boilers (BFB) have often been favored in small-scale industrial applications,
while circulating fluidized bed boilers (CFB) are most advantageous in larger applications. During
the past 30 years Foster Wheeler has booked over 360 CFB boilers ranging from 7 to nearly 1000
MWth. Of these, over 50 are designed for biomass (or bio-mix) and nearly 50 for waste (or waste-
mix) containing biodegradable fractions.
This paper summarizes the features of Foster Wheeler’s biomass fired CFBs, with emphasis
on the Advanced Biomass CFB (ABC) concept developed for utility-size CFBs targeting steam
temperatures higher than 560˚C. In particular, the paper will discuss the technical difficulties to be
expected in co-combustion of woody biomass with agricultural residues, and the adequate
countermeasures. Finally, the paper will give an overview on reference data from commercial
biomass CFB projects.


Properties of biomass and waste fuels are more challenging compared to conventional fossil
fuels. The quality of biomass varies seasonally and regionally, moisture can be high, energy content
low, fuel handling and feeding are more demanding. Furthermore, the extremely complex biomass
ash-chemistry is often a major cause for operational problems in biomass-fired boilers, and the
content and concentration of ash forming elements differs substantially among biomass fuels.
Si Al Fe Ca Mg K Na P Ash concentration
Ash 254 g/kg
Concentration [g/kg fuel, dry]

100 6
75 2
Stem  Forest  Recycled 
50 Wood Residue Wood


Coal Peat Stem  Forest  Sunflower  Wheat  Olive  Rapeseed  Recycled  RDF
Wood Residue Husk Straw Waste Waste Wood

Fossil Fuel Biomass Fuel Waste Fuel

Sulfur Chlorine
Concentration [g/kg fuel, dry]

Na, week acid soluble K, week acid  soluble




Coal Peat Stem  Forest  Sunflower  Wheat  Olive  Rapeseed  Recycled  RDF
Wood Residue Husk Straw Waste Waste Wood

Fossil Fuel Biomass Fuel Waste Fuel

Figure 1. Comparison of fossil, biomass, and waste fuels in respect to the content and concentration of
ash forming elements.

As shown in Figure 1, compared to fossil fuels, most biomass and waste fuels contain a
smaller amount of aluminosilicates, but higher shares of alkali elements that are in reactive form.
Furthermore, within biomass there are large variations in composition of ash-forming elements
depending on specie, part of plant, harvesting and processing practice [1].
Typically, woody biomass fuels have low content of ash, 0.1 – 6 %wt, dry, rich in Ca and K.
Straw/stalk of herbaceous biomass contains 3 – 17 %wt, dry of ash, and their ash chemistry is
governed by the share of Si, K, Cl, and occasionally Mg and P. Husk of oil/cereal crops may vary
considerably depending on specie, for example ash content of sunflower husk vary approximately in
the range 3 – 8 %wt, dry while rice husk 17 – 23 %wt. Furthermore, more than 55% of ash-forming
elements (excluding O) in sunflower husk are K and Cl, while in rice husk Si. Waste from olive oil
extraction contains even up to 14%wt of ash with share of K and Cl of nearly 60% of ash-forming
elements (excluding O). Seeds of oil/cereal crops, such as rapeseed, contain considerable amount of
P together with high K and Mg in proportions that have a detrimental impact on boiler operation.
Compared to biomass, waste fuels typically contain more Na, trace elements (Zn, Pb, Cu, metallic
Al, etc.) and soil/concrete contaminations. In summary, each biomass and waste fuel has distinct
features, which are results not only of chemical, but also physical properties, such as moisture
content, density, particle size, form of fuel (pellet, fluff, etc.).
Utilization of biomass and waste fuels in highly efficient CFB boilers is often connected with
elevated risk of bed agglomeration, fouling, and corrosion.
Agglomeration of bed material may occur during combustion of some biomass and waste
fuels, and it is more intense with agro- than with wood-derived biomass. Agglomeration is caused
by the formation of low-temperature melting compounds and/or eutectics. The reactions between
alkali from fuel and quartz particles from the bed material have been identified as key events in
formation of sticky alkali-silicate coating layers that lead to agglomeration. The agglomeration
progresses by one or a combination of the two well-known mechanism: melt-induced, and coating-
induced. Moreover, in addition to alkali, also phosphorous is known to have a major role in the
agglomeration mechanisms during (co-)combustion of agro-biomass in FBC conditions [2]. Owing
to the elevated concentration of alkali and phosphorous, many agro-biomass fuels present a
considerably higher risk than e.g. woody biomass to agglomerate, and are likely to suffer synergic
agglomeration by both mechanisms [3].

Concentration [g/kg fuel, dry]

AgglPI FoulPI CorrPI





Coal Peat Stem  Forest  Sunflower  Wheat  Olive  Rapeseed  Recycled  RDF
Wood Residue Husk Straw Waste Waste Wood

Fossil Fuel Biomass Fuel Waste Fuel

Figure 2. Comparison of fossil, biomass, and waste fuels in respect to agglomeration, fouling and
corrosion (AFC) probability.

Fouling occurs as gaseous or liquid compounds that are formed during a combustion process
deposit on colder surfaces, e.g. on convective heat exchangers. Ash-forming elements from fuel
react with flue gases or with the solids suspended in the flue gas forming fouling components via
complex mechanisms that are not yet fully understood. Compared to woody biomass, fouling during
combustion of agro can be high and form deposits more enriched in alkali halides, which makes
them more difficult to soot-blow.
Corrosion is most frequently a problem when firing biomass fuels in fluidized bed boilers via
the so-called chlorine-induced mechanism. Chlorine corrosion occurs mainly at the convective heat
exchangers. It follows high fouling rates associated with the presence of alkali and water vapor, and
therefore is a bigger risk with certain agro-biomass as compared to woody-biomass. The biomass
corrosion mechanism has been investigated for a long time [4] and, although its basic aspects are
well accepted, the complexity of its details does not find general consensus.
Predicting fuel propensity towards agglomeration, fouling and corrosion is a demanding task
due to numerous ash-forming elements involved (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Si, Al, P, S, Cl, Zn, Pb), and
complex mechanism of ash-transformation reactions under dynamic combustion conditions. During
the years, tools have been successfully developed at Foster Wheeler to help with such predictions
for the most commercial fuels. As the share
Agglomeration Fuel 1 + Fuel 2
and variety of fired biomass and waste fuels
9 Coal  + Stem Wood increases, Foster Wheeler’s corporate models
8 Coal  +  Wheat Straw
Stem Wood  + Wheat Straw
and tools are continuously upgraded to cover

high          very high
the new scenarios and to improve their
Probability index [‐]

predictive performance. Figure 2 shows
predictions from recently upgraded
agglomeration, fouling, and corrosion (AFC)
low        medium

model, which are semi-empirical computer
tools that combine theoretical description of
agglomeration/fouling/corrosion phenomena
with empirical correlations. The correlations
0 10 20 30 40 50
are derived from Foster Wheeler’s experience
Fouling Fuel 1 + Fuel 2
Coal  +  Stem Wood
in fluidized beds including nearly 10,000 fuel
8 Coal  +  Wheat Straw samples and over 1,000 tests in about 150
Stem Wood  + Wheat Straw
CFB units [5].
high          very high

Probability index [‐]

5 2.1. Challenges and opportunities of co-

4 firing
low        medium

As the availability of biomass fuels in
large quantities are both regional and seasonal,
0 10 20 30 40 50
and subjected to frequent variation in quality
10 and quantity, utility-scale CFB boilers are
Corrosion Fuel 1 + Fuel 2
Coal  +  Stem Wood
inevitable designed for highest fuel flexibility.
8 Coal  +  Wheat Straw Such flexibility comes to a technical
Stem Wood  + Wheat Straw
advantage when the co-fired fuel is coal,
high          very high

Probability index [‐]

6 because many coals contain plenty of ash that

5 dilute and often react with the biomass ash in
such a way that the risk of agglomeration,
low        medium

fouling, and corrosion are minimized [6]. The
use of coal, however, is somewhat unattractive

these days, when green certificates and
0 10 20 30 40 50 permits only support firing 100% biomass.
Fuel 2 [%wt] Co-combustion of challenging agro-biomass
Figure 3. AFC tendency of fuel mix as by with woody-biomass may also relieve some
corporate model described in [5]. technical difficulties, but the advantages
brought by woody-biomass are far lower than
those brought by coal, and care must be placed to avoid unfavorable synergies between the agro-
and the woody-biomass. In other words, the challenges of co-firing an agro- and a woody-biomass
cannot be deduced by linear interpolation between the challenges from each fuel fired alone, as
demonstrated in Figure 3.

A number of designs have been developed at Foster Wheeler to address the combustion of
different fuels in efficient and economical ways. In short, easy-to-fire fuels are handled in
economical boilers, and increasingly complex solutions are implemented as the fuel quality
deteriorates [7]. Such complex solutions may include (see also Figure 5):

a. Step grid
The step grid is a grid developed since the 1990’s to handle fuels that contain large fractions
of inert material, such as stones and metallic debris. This grid features flat nozzles arranged into
stepped rows, usually separated by refractory pre-casts. This design does not offer any appendages
onto which fuel debris can hang, and creates an air flow that force large inert fractions to evacuate
the furnace via the bottom ash chutes, thus assuring the effective removal of un-fluidized material.
This design is essentially standard in Foster Wheeler CFBs firing biomass and/or waste.

Intrex is a proprietary heat exchanger located in the return legs from the separators, where
circulating material is returned to CFB furnaces. This heat exchanger is constantly immerged in the
returning material, which is fluidized like the bed of a bubbling fluidized bed, but more gently. As a
result, this heat exchanger benefit from more effective heat transfer than an exchanger in the
convective pass, it does not suffer erosion while remaining free from deposits, and it is not exposed
to corrosive flue gases. Therefore, higher steam temperatures can be attained with INTREXTM
when firing corrosive fuels such as biomass and waste.

c. Empty pass and water cannons

Empty passes are empty sections of the flue gas backpass located upstream of the convective
cage, where are located bundles of convective heat exchangers. With such passes, flue gases are
cooled before hitting onto exchanger tubes, thus decreasing the formation of deposits, plugging of
backpass, and corrosion of heat exchangers. The side panels of empty passes are water-cooled, and
experience some fouling, which is easily removed. Water cannons can be used for effective and
targeted cleaning, especially when fouling is localized. An ash hopper at the base of the empty pass
helps removing fly ash and detached deposits. The need and length of the empty pass is evaluated
based on the quality of (co-)fired fuels.

d. Interchangeable superheaters and soot-blowing equipment

Interchangeable superheaters are heat exchangers fabricated into bundles of easy assembly,
and mounted into horizontal convective passes above which cranes can be maneuvered. This
solution reduces considerably the down-time and maintenance costs resulting from exchanger
failures. The alloys used for these superheaters are selected according to steam data and fuel
quality, and include austenitic grades for corrosion resistance. Low flue gas velocities can be set to
further reduce fouling problems. In case of high dust, individual ash hoppers can be arranged. For
soot-blowing, either spring hammers or fully retractable soot-blowers can be used in corrosive flue

e. Chemical counteractions
Numerous chemical countermeasures have been developed to control agglomeration, fouling,
and corrosion in CFB boilers firing challenging fuels such as agro-biomass [8]. Among those, two
are discussed here: alternative bed materials and additives.
During years, a variety of alternative bed materials have been tested in the attempt to contain
the reactions between fuel alkali and quartz particles leading to agglomeration. A number of CFB
boilers delivered by Foster Wheeler are – or have been – operated commercially with alternative
bed materials. These materials typically contain a lower amount of quartz as compared to sand
(inert), or contain other particles that preferentially capture alkali from the system without forming
agglomerates (active). Among the tested materials, ash originating from certain pulverized coal
boilers (PC-ash) has proven to be extremely effective when firing some highly agglomerating fuels.
If proven effective also against agro-biomass, PC-ash would constitute an excellent alternative to
sand as makeup material, especially for those utilities that own PC boilers and do not have easy
access to sand.
Besides alternative bed materials, agglomeration can be contained by means of additives that
react with alkali under fluidised bed conditions, forming high-temperature melting alkali-
aluminium-silicates. Typically the additives contain one or a mix of the oxides of silicon,
aluminium, and iron (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3) that in presence of water vapour produce HCl in fluidised
bed combustion. Since chlorine is released as gaseous HCl rather than alkali chlorides, these
additives are also supposed to reduce fouling and corrosion. Among the most effective of these
additives is kaolinite, which is abundant in kaolin.
Sulfur-based additives have grown in popularity against the corrosive effect of alkali halides,
mainly potassium and sodium chlorides (KCl and NaCl). The composition, form, and feeding
strategy dependents on the fuel. Nevertheless, granular elementary sulfur fed into the furnace has
been recently favored at Foster Wheeler.
Figure 4 summarize schematically the mechanisms discussed above. The key factor is always
fuel ash, in the middle of the scheme. The figure should be read from the centre along the arrows
and clockwise. In presence of inert bed material agglomeration can occur by melt-induced
mechanism, while the un-reacted portion of fuel ash continues to foul the backpass. With high-
quartz sand agglomeration progresses via melt- and coating-induced mechanisms, while reducing
the fouling ash. PC-ash captures most ash-forming elements from fuel, which is removed from the
system with bottom ash and non-fouling fly ash. Kaolin captures problematic ash elements from the
fuel and distributes them to bottom and fly ash. The portion to fly ash increases with the surface
wear of reacted kaolin. Limestone has a dual effect: provides calcium to form high-temperature-
melting calcium phosphates, and coats silica preventing reactions leading to agglomeration.
However, it can increase calcium-based fouling. Finally, sulphur causes the sulphation of alkali
halides which are fouling but less corrosive.

non‐fouling  (FA) fouling/non‐corrosive fouling/corrosive

limestone u



coating melt

non‐agglomerating (BA)
Figure 4. Scheme of interactions among fuel ash, bed materials, and additives [8].
Integrated Steam Cooled Solid Control of Fouling & Corrosion
Separator and Return Leg
Correct f lue gas temperature

Correct design f or convective

heat transf er surf aces

During Operation

Features to Control Fuel quality management

Agglomeration & Fouling
FW SmartBoiler datalog
Active Bed Material & Diagnostic tools

Optional additives with worst

quality agros

Conservative f lue gas velocity

Ef f ective temperature control

Step Grid Final SH & RH as INTREX

Figure 5. Key features of Foster Wheeler’s ABC technology [9].


Foster Wheeler’s Advanced Bio CFB is today’s most advanced CFB technology for biomass
combustion. It results from the corporate knowledge on biomass and the experience from over 350
commercial references combined with continuous research. This technology provides high
efficiency boilers up to 300 MWe for a broad range of clean and challenging biomass fuels, and
boilers up to 600 MWe co-firing 50% biomass with coal. With this technology superheated steam
can approach 180 bar(a) at 570°C for clean biomass, and 290 bar(a) at 585°C for 50% coal.
The ABC technology not only addresses the fuel issues discussed above, but also adopts plant
requirements and optimizes its investment factors. Plant requirements include the type of the boiler
i.e. utility or industrial boiler, capacity, operational load range, steam data, emission limits and other
requirements set by legislation. Investment factors include plant availability, fuel flexibility
requirement, the investment cost and operation costs.
Consequently, economical boiler designs have been developed to fire easy biomass, while
more demanding solutions are implemented as the biomass quality is more challenging [7,9]. Key
design features of the ABC technology are summarized in Figure 5. The basic design for all kind of
biomass fuels features fully integrated water or steam cooled solids separator and return leg,
INTREXTM superheater and/or reheater, and Step Grid.
For challenging fuels such as agro biomass one of more of the following design features are
added to control the increased risk for agglomeration, fouling and corrosion. Heat transfer surfaces,
fuel feeding systems and locations, as well as air distribution and velocities are designed to keep
adequate and stable temperature profile in furnace. Convective heat surfaces are designed with
suitable steam parameters, tube pitches and tube materials, and are located at optimum flue gas
temperature. Alternative bed materials and various additives can be adopted to overcome
agglomeration, fouling, and/or corrosion of the most challenging biomass fuels.
Two CFB boilers have been recently booked by Foster Wheeler to fire 100% biomass of
which as much as 20 wt% agro-biomass:
• Konin (Poland), 154 MWth, 215 ton/h, 97 bar(a), 540 °C, and
• Połaniec (Poland), 447 MWth, 158/135 kg/s, 128/20 bar(a), 535/535 °C.
Fuels include rapeseed residue, straw briquettes, energy willow, cherry stones, oat husk for
Konin, and straw, sunflower pellets, dried fruit (marc), and palm kernel for Połaniec.
2.2. Igelsta CFB 240MWth, Sweden for Waste and Clean Biomass fuels

One of the advanced CFB references highlighting the multi fuel capability and high steam
parameters with high availability Foster Wheeler Advanced Bio CFB design is the Igelsta CFB
owned by Söderenergi AB and located in Södertälje Sweden (Figure 6). Igelsta is a CFB boiler
designed for a total plant output of 73 MWe (net), 151 MW district heating from the turbine
condenser, and 58 MW district heating from the flue gas condenser, resulting in nearly 110 %LHV
total plant efficiency, corresponding to >90%HHV . The steam flow is 92 kg/s, at 90 bar pressure and
540 ºC.
The boiler is designed to co-fire mixtures of biomass (mainly wood residues) with maximum
25%en of waste (REF pellets). The boiler is also designed to co-fire up to 70%en recycled wood with
biomass. Properties of the main fuel mixtures are listed in Table 1.
The fuels to be co-fired in Igelsta differ substantially in chlorine content, ash components,
heavy metals, and large inert bodies (e.g. stones and nails), which are higher in recycled wood than
in clean wood, and even higher in waste. These properties make recycled wood and especially
waste more corrosive. When co-fired with biomass, such corrosive propensity is further enhanced
by the additional supply of biomass alkali (especially potassium) that favor the formation of
troublesome compounds.
The plant will meet the emission values presented in Table 2. Such emissions are controlled
primarily utilizing the high combustion efficiency provided by the CFB. Secondarily, the boiler is
equipped with ammonia injection in the furnace and the separator, and is also equipped with bag
filters. The bag filter captures dust, HCl, HF, SO2, heavy metals, and PCDD/F. Calcium hydroxide
and sodium bicarbonate are added in optimized shares from independent feeding equipment to
enhance sulfur capture at all times. Active carbon is fed from another silo to reduce mercury (Hg)
and PCDD/F.
The Igelsta CFB Foster Wheeler ABC boiler concept combines the conventional technology
with features from our experiences of firing fuels like demolition wood and RDF [7]. The outcome
is a concept suitable for co-firing a larger amount of challenging fuels, while still having a high
steam temperature output of 540 °C. Igelsta CFB boiler was handed over to the client on 31.12.2009
after a successful trial run ahead of schedule.

Figure 6. Igelsta CFB – cross-section.

Table 1. Igelsta – main fuel mixtures Table 2. Igelsta – design performance (6%O2,dry)
Mix Mix Emissions -
Fuel Mix 1
2 3
NOx [mg/MJ] 35*
Biomass, [%]LHV 75 30 100
Demol.wood, SO2 [mg/m n] 75
0 70 0 3
[%]LHV CO [mg/m n] 50*
REF pellets, [%]LHV 25 0 0
Dust [mg/m3n] 10
Moisture, [%]ar 44.3 35.6 50.0
NH3 ppm 10
Ash, [%]dry 6.5 4.7 4.0
TOC [mg/m n] 10
Nitrogen, [%]dry 0.6 0.8 0.5
Sulfur, [%]dry 0.09 0.08 0.06 HCl / HF [mg/m3n] 10 / 1
Chlorine, [ppm]dry 1200 800 200 0.05 / 0.05 /
Cd+Tl / Hg / HMs [mg/m3n]
LHV, [MJ/kg]ar 9.7 11.0 8.3 0.5
PCDD+F [ng/m3n] 0.1

2.3. Połaniec CFB 447 MWth, Poland for Agro and Virgin Biomass Fuels

In April 2010, Foster Wheeler has been awarded a contract by GDF Suez Energia Polska S.A.
for the design, supply and erection of a 190 MWe 100% biomass-fired CFB boiler island for the
Połaniec Power Station in Poland. Połaniec is a 447 MWth, 158.3/135.1 kg/s, 535/535ºC and
127.5/19.5 bar(a) utility boiler based on Advanced Bio CFB (ABC) technology. It will operate on a
broad range of biomass fuels while targeting high efficiency and availability achievable in
accordance to Polish regulations. According to Polish law the share of agro-biomass is set to a
minimum of 20% under the condition that the plant is in service by the end of 2012. Once complete,
this will be the world’s largest biomass boiler burning wood residues with up to 20% agro biomass.
The fuel considered for the new boiler in Połaniec power plant is comprised of 80%wt virgin
wood and 20%wt agro-biomass including straw, sunflower pellets, dried fruit (marc), and palm
kernel. The alkali content of the fuel mixture with 20%wt of agro biomass is clearly higher than
experienced earlier in large-scale commercial CFB boilers with biomass fuels. Combined with
inherited properties of the inquired biomass fuel mix, high risks of bed agglomeration, fouling and
high temperature chlorine corrosion were expected. To enable the use of this challenging fuel
mixture with high efficiency and availability in the CFB boiler, a demonstration of the advanced
agro CFB concept was carried out in a development program with adequate pilot testing described
in [8].
The Advanced Bio CFB boiler design and operational concept with Połaniec type of the fuel
mixtures is available today up to a scale of 300 MWe with the most advanced steam parameters


Changes in fuel market and ever-growing demand for utilization of biomass and waste fuels
in energy production are the main driving force for the development of Foster Wheeler’s Advanced
Bio CFB (ABC) technology.
Combustion properties of biomass fuels are a complex function of fuel’s physical and
chemical properties, whereas composition of ash-forming elements plays a major role. When co-
fired the behavior of fuel mixture including agro-biomass and/or waste cannot be deduced from
linear interpolation of component fuels.
The biggest challenges encountered in biomass CFB firing are the tendency towards bed
agglomeration and fouling of convective heat surfaces, often associated to corrosion. Such
challenges are marginal with certain woody biomass, but they intensify when more challenging
biomass fuels like agro biomass or waste are fired, and further grow when boilers must operate at
the highest efficiency with irregular fuel mixtures. As the prediction of agglomeration, fouling, and
corrosion tendency of fuels is essential to the CFB design, improving the predictive performance of
related corporate tools and models is under permanent development.
Measures to counteract challenges in firing a broad range of biomass fuels differ from project
to project depending on costs, local regulations, and the preferences of the boiler owner.
Countermeasures favored in recent Foster Wheeler Advanced Bio CFB (ABC) technology are
briefly described in this paper together with references from Foster Wheeler Advanced Bio CFB
Based on extensive corporate knowledge on fluidized beds including nearly over 350
commercial references, combined with continuous research programs, ABC technology provides
state-of-the-art solutions for effective CO2 reduction in large scale power generation with a broad
range of biomass fuels. Two boilers have been recently booked by Foster Wheeler to fire 100%
biomass, of which as much as 20 wt% agro-biomass including energy willow, oat husk, palm
kernel, straw, dried fruits, sunflower, and rapeseed residues. The largest of these units (447 MWth)
is designed to produce 158 kg/s of superheated steam at 128 bar(a) and 535°C. This technology also
provides high efficiency boilers up to 300 MWe for a broad range of biomass fuels, and boilers up
to 600 MWe co-firing 50% biomass with coal. With this technology superheated steam can
approach 180 bar(a) at 570°C for clean biomass, and 290 bar(a) at 585°C for 50% coal.

[1] Hiltunen, M., Barišić, V., Coda Zabetta, E., Combustion of Different Types of Biomass in CFB
Boilers, Proceedings, 16th European Biomass Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2008.
[2] Barišić, V., Åmand, L.-E., Coda Zabetta, E., The role of limestone in preventing agglomeration
and slagging during CFB combustion of high-phosphorous fuels, Proceedings, World Bioenergy,
Jönköping, Sweden, 2008.
[3] Coda Zabetta, E., Barišić, V., Peltola, K., Hotta, A., Foster Wheeler experience with biomass
and waste in CFBs, Proceedings, 33rd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization &
Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Florida, 2008.
[4] Pettersson, J., Folkeson, N., Froitzheim, J., Jonsson, T., Halvarsson, M., Johansson, L.-G.,
Svensson, J.-E., Effects of Alkali Salts on the High Temperature Corrosion of the Austenitic
Stainless Steel 304L, Proceedings, Impact of Fuel Quality on Power Production & Environment,
Saariselkä, Finland, 2010.
[5] Barišić, V., Coda Zabetta, E., Sarkki, J., Prediction of agglomeration, fouling, and corrosion
tendency of fuels in CFB co-combustion, Proceedings, 20th Fluidized Bed Combustion Conference,
Xi’an, China, 2009.
[6] Coda Zabetta, E., Hotta, A., Moulton, B., Hiltunen, M., biomass and Waste Co-combustion –
European Experience, Proceedings, Electric power 2009, Rosemont, Illinois, USA, 2009.
[7] Coda Zabetta, E., Kauppinen, K., Slotte, M., Foster Wheeler Experience with Biomass and other
CO2-neutal fuels in large CFBs, Proceedings, 4th International Bioenergy Conference 2009,
Jyväskylä, Finland, 2009.
[8] Coda Zabetta, E., Barišić, V., Peltola, K., Sarkki, J., Jäntti, T., Advanced Technology to Co-fire
Large Shares of Agricultural Residues with Biomass in Utility CFBs. Proceedings, Impact of Fuel
Quality on Power Production & Environment, Saariselkä, Finland, 2010.
[9] Jäntti, T., Sarkki, J., Lampenius, H., The utilization of CFB technology for large-scale biomass
firing power plants, Proceedings, Power-Gen Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010.

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