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The Strategy & Tactics
of World War II
19 | AUG–SEP 2011
6 22 34
ends. Substituting good tactics for Game Preview Please submit all other questions or comments to our free
online forum at STRATEGYandTACTICSpress.com
good strategy is never an easy thing. Rhineland ‘36
by Roger Mason
55 Dr. Christopher Cummins
22 Observation Post
Tarawa Was a Brawl: • Military History on Money Callie Cummins
Tactical Analysis of a Pivotal Battle Too Little, Too Late
The US landing on Tarawa resulted by Ty Bomba Ty Bomba
from a decade of preparatory work. • Pure Speculation
Success came down to the bravery of The Port Chicago Blast Joseph Miranda
Marines in the face of failed doctrine. by Andrew Hind DESIGN
by James I. Marino • Skill vs. Luck C.J. Doherty
Battle of the Komandorski Islands COPY EDITORS
34 by Ken MacFarlane Jon Cecil, Dave Kazmierczak, Tim Tow
Logistics in the Western Desert: • Movers & Shakers Senior Game Developer
1941– 42 Guy Anson Maunsell Eric Harvey
The story of the logistical struggle behind by Jon Cecil MAP GRAPHICS
the rise and fall of the Afrikakorps. Meridian Mapping
by Joseph Miranda 62 Director of Advertising
Media Reviews Richard Sherman
44 (310) 453-0856
German East Front Fortifications
The war in Russia is most often NEXT ISSUE (#20)
recalled as one of maneuver. This Postmaster
Send address changes to World at War,
is an analysis of the failed German • Gross Deutschland PO Box 21598, Bakersfield CA 93390.
effort directed at changing that.
Panzer Division World at War (PE25504) is published bi-
by J.E. Kaufmann monthly by Decision Games, 2804 Mosasco St.
• To Sink a Warship Bakersfield CA 93312. Periodical Class postage paid
• I Remember: Anzio at Bakersfield, CA and additional mailing offices.
• Battle of Shanghai, 1932 World at War (©2011) reserves all rights on
GAME EDITION RULES the contents of this publication. Nothing may be
reproduced from it in whole or in part without prior
permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. All
The Hardest Days correspondence should be sent to World at War c/o
Decision Games, P.O. Box 21598, Bakersfield CA 93390.
by John Butterfield
MI de
NG am
SO fo
ON 16 December 1944 the “ghost front” of the First US Army in the Ardennes suddenly erupted as 20 German divisions embarked on Hitler’s
last attack in the west. The objective was Antwerp, which provided Allied supply for the drive into Germany. Most Americans believed the
war against Germany would be over by Christmas; yet Hitler was convinced it could still be decided in his favor. The German armies destroyed
in France were reorganized. A massive surprise against the weakly held Ardennes sector of the American front was prepared.
! io
WACHT am Rhein is a grand-tactical simulation of that enormous battle. The more than 2,380 counters represent every formation, at company and battalion
levels, which fought there, including US, German, British, French, Canadian and Belgian units. Infantry, armor, anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineer, assault
gun, howitzer, rocket, parachute, ranger, glider and headquarters units are all fully represented. The four maps are an accurate representation of the region.
Compiled from 1944 German staff maps and 1943– 44 1:50,000 US Army maps, they shows all roads, trails and other types of terrain, along with all the towns
and villages that became bastions of the American defense, as well as every creek and river that couldn’t be crossed by wheeled vehicles without a bridge.
PLAYERS may use single maps for six smaller scenarios. There is also a campaign game that utilizes all four sections and portrays three
weeks (50 game turns). In that one the Germans race for the Meuse, the last hurdle before the open country leading to Antwerp, in the face
of increasing concentrations of Allied infantry, armor and air power. Extensive supply, weather and air power rules are included.
THIS edition of Wacht am Rhein presents modifications to the combat, artillery and supply systems of the first edition in order to better
depict tactical and operational warfare. For example, an “exploitation mode” has been added in order to allow mechanized units to take
advantage of breakthroughs in the enemy line. Exploitation is interleaved with the opposing player’s movement, recreating the fluid situation
that existed in the first week. Other changes include the addition of “vantage points,” which function as high ground, enabling units to spot
more effectively for artillery, as well as “constricted terrain,” which represents the channeling caused by steep gullies and ravines.
THE orders of battle have also been redone to provide an accurate depiction of the armies of both sides. Units are now in the organizations
within which they fought, not the administrative formations that were discarded due to the requirements of combat.
• 4 22x34” Four Color Mapsheets
• 2,380 Die-Cut Playing Pieces
• One Rule Booklet
• One Scenario Booklet
• Assorted Player Aid Charts
• Two 10-sided Dice
• Storage Bags
• Map: 1 mile per hex
• Time: 3 Game Turns per day
• Units: Infantry and Artillery units are battalions.
Armor is depicted at the company level.
• Each strength step is equal to a company.
P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield, CA 93390-1598 | (661) 587-9633 phone | (661) 587-5031 fax | decisiongames.com
6 World at War 19 | aug–sep 2011
The Hardest Days:
Turning Points in the Battle of Britain
by Roger Mason
itler was always circumspect If the war was several years away, and Germany. In 1939 and 1940 the wisdom
about broadly sharing his its goal was correcting nearby territorial of that approach seemed validated
true intentions for the war in disputes, military planners could con- by a year of continuous victory.
Europe. In line with that, he developed centrate on devising the strategies and Unlike those German planners,
the habit of taking aside individual weapons systems that would be appro- however, some key leaders in Britain
military leaders and ostensibly telling priate for such a situation. It seemed were under no illusions about the
his inner thoughts to them. In that logical, then, the German military potentially expansive nature of any
way he disguised his deeper intentions concentrate on developing forces not new war. The anti-appeasement crowd,
while deflecting worries about getting intended for broader-ranging strategic led by Winston Churchill, was firm
into a war Germany wasn’t prepared conflicts. There would be no need for in their belief about the potential for
to win. For example, in the late 1930s huge battle fleets or heavy bombers. a massive and far-ranging conflict.
he assured his nervous naval chief German planners therefore Men like Air Marshall Hugh Dowding
Grand Adm. Erich Raeder that there developed innovative weapons and of Fighter Command believed
would be no war until 1944. To other tactics that met the needs of the every resource available must be
commanders in the army and Luftwaffe actual early-war campaigns. The directed at preparing for an all-out
he gave assurances any war would Luftwaffe was admirably suited to and sustained attack from Germany.
be limited to dealing with territorial conduct rapid attacks supporting Depression-era resources and bud-
issues directly affecting Germany. mobile ground forces in areas close-by gets for the RAF remained tight, though,
In the early 1930s visionaries like Hugh Dowding replied he wouldn’t support any such often portray elderly English spinsters with
Dowding recognized the RAF had no effective development until he’d seen a successful test. field glasses patiently counting German
countermeasure to use against high altitude A test was set up in which an RAF bomber was bombers as they roar overhead toward
heavy bombers. Some suggested the answer flown back and forth while being successfully London. That simplistic representation
was an H.G. Wells-type “death ray.” Early tracked by RDF. Dowding approved the new masks the true workings of the system. By
experiments soon validated the mainstream system, which was codenamed Chain Home. the start of the Battle of Britain over 30,000
belief such a weapon was impossible with the The system consisted of a series of 360-foot observers were in place and organized into
technologies then available. Those experiments fixed towers with wire strung among them. groups covering all England. They tracked
did, however, yield one interesting result: the It could determine: range, bearing, formation enemy aircraft, confirmed kills and provided
radio waves beamed at test aircraft bounced off size and altitude. Altitude remained the most post-raid information on enemy flight paths.
their surfaces and, by being continuously recol- problematic factor throughout the Battle of The OC members wore RAF overalls known
lected and analyzed, could be used to reveal Britain, in that atmospheric conditions could as “boiler suits,” and standard “soup plate”
those planes’ location, elevation and direction. alter those readings. RAF fighter pilots soon steel helmets with the letters “O.C.” stenciled
Robert Watson-Watt and his staff at the learned to always add several thousand on the front. Each observation post had a
National Physical Laboratory then began work- feet to any radar intercept vector given to telephone wired for direct contact with Fighter
ing on a dependable system for spotting aircraft them in order to be sure they didn’t arrive Command headquarters at Bentley Priory and
using radio waves. That system was called beneath the plotted enemy aircraft. the closest Sector Control. The system was
“R.D.F.” for “Radio Direction and Finding.” The Another challenge was the radar’s range. at once large, simple, robust and effective.
Germans were also working on RDF technology, The first RDF systems had a 50-mile range, When an incoming attack was detected,
but their systems were at first intended only which was then gradually increased to 120. That that Chain Home station’s tracking team
for use by warships. An early version of their allowed Fighter Command to “see” into occupied contacted Fighter Command, where the hostile
naval Wurzburg targeting radar was fortu- France and watch as the German formations contact was plotted on a large map. That
itously recovered by British intelligence from actually took off. In addition to maximum range, information was telephoned to the Fighter
the scuttled battlecruiser Graf Spee in 1939. the radar had a minimum range as well. As Group nearest the attack. The information was
The design for the first British radar aircraft crossed the English coast they became also phoned to the relevant Sector Control.
system was developed by Arnold Wilkins, who too close for Chain Home to continue to monitor. Sector Controls were individual air defense
reported his findings to Watson-Watt. He in That led to the redeployment of the Observer sectors responsible for fixed defenses like
turn advised Dowding that RDF worked. He then Corps, which had first been established to barrage balloons and anti-aircraft artillery
further requested 10,000 pounds to establish report Zeppelin raids during World War I. as well as fighter squadrons. Sector Controls
such a system to protect all of England. In that regard, popular fiction and movies coordinated local air defenses and in turn
When war with Germany became imminent in a total of 150 billion possible substitutions. One of Turing’s team members, Tommy
1938, the British government purchased a 60-acre The Germans sent the encoded messages Flowers, then designed an electronic “Colossus,”
Victorian estate, Bletchley Park, in the town of between their various headquarters and units in the the world’s first programmable computer, to attack
Bletchley about 50 miles northwest of London. field by Morse code. Those dots and dashes were the even more complex Lorenz machine code. The
The site included a gabled mansion with spacious recorded at intercept locations (“Y Stations”) located Colossus was successful, by 1943 proving able to
grounds and a lake with ducks. That estate was on the British coast. The intended recipient’s Enigma handle thousands of daily intercepted messages.
to be the secret headquarters for the Government machine, set up the same way as the sender’s by (At war’s end, Churchill ordered the destruction of
Code and Cipher School (GCCS) and the Security previous arrangement, would decode the message the Colossus machines because of their top-secret
Intelligence Service (SIS). A plaque quoting back into plaintext. Such a complex system of nature. One has since been rebuilt at the Bletchley
Shakespeare (Henry V, Act II, Scene II) in the man- letter substitution appeared to be unbreakable, but Park Museum based on original design schematics.)
sion’s entrance hall cites Bletchley Park’s mission and in 1939 the Poles provided the French and British The number of persons allowed to receive Ultra
accomplishment: “The King hath note of all that they with two reconstructed Enigma machines, and intelligence was strictly limited. Those who knew
intend, by interception which they dream not of.” from that start Bletchley Park went on to become the source of the intercepts were never allowed
The Foreign Office sought mathematicians, the code breaking capitol of the Allied world. The in areas where they might be captured. When
linguists, Chess champions and crossword intelligence received through those intercepts and information was distributed, there was always
puzzle experts to become cryptanalysts. The subsequent decodings became known as Ultra. a cover story as to how it had been obtained (for
intelligence center became known as “Station The code breakers found the Enigma coding example, via high altitude fly-over photography, spot-
X,” since it was the 10th intercept station set process too complicated to solve entirely by manual ter planes, spies on the ground, etc.). The “Special
up by the British. When the cryptanalysts were methods. Such methods did, however, identify com- Liaison Unit Officers” who delivered the messages
hired, they didn’t know their mission would be to mon phrases, like “Heil Hitler” or “please respond.” to Allied commanders destroyed the sheets of
break the codes of what had been advertised as Further, the Germans often aided manual decoding paper after the recipient read them. Messages
an “unbreakable machine,” the German Enigma by sending those expressions in plaintext. weren’t allowed to be transmitted or repeated.
device. The task would be daunting: the German The code breakers called successful guesses Those who actually did the decoding were
military sent over 3,000 such signals a day. at plaintext messages “cribs.” Routine weather never allowed to see the larger picture of what
Dr. Arthur Scherbius, a German engineer, reports often provided excellent cribs, while captured they were doing (“compartmentalization”).
had invented the Enigma in 1922. (The word codebooks also provided help as the war went Similarly, they weren’t allowed to tell anyone the
“enigma” comes from the Greek ainigma, meaning on. With a probable plaintext fragment, and nature of their work, not even their families.
“to speak in riddles.”) It was first exhibited at the knowledge no letter could be enciphered Everyone in the Bletchley Park intelligence
the 1923 Congress of the International Postal as itself, the code breakers could sometimes community was required to sign the Official
Union in Bern, Switzerland, and was intended for identify a corresponding cipher text fragment. Secret’s Act, which gave their oath to never
traveling businessmen to use to provide secu- The leading cryptanalysts Alan Turing, Gordon reveal their work. Churchill later expressed pride
rity for their telegrams. As it turned out few Welchman and their team — then managed to in the success of the code breakers, lauding their
businesses were interested, but the German design an electro-mechanical device they anach- dedication and secrecy by calling them “the geese
military quickly took notice of the device’s potential. ronistically dubbed “the Bombe,” because it made that laid the golden eggs and never cackled.”
The Wehrmacht would use a total of 40,000 a ticking noise when operating. They connected Only 120 people started at Bletchley Park
Enigma machines throughout World War II. the Enigma rotor wiring to the Bombes using a in 1939. By the beginning of 1944 that number
There were many versions of the Enigma, but schematic (“menu”) based on cribs previously deter- had increased to 7,000; ultimately, by V-E Day,
the standard machine had a keyboard containing mined manually. The Bombes then disproved every 12,000 worked there. Yet, despite all those
letters in the pattern of a normal “QWERTY” incorrect setting and determined potential settings. thousands of potential security leaks, the work
typewriter but without keys for numerals or The Bombes, located in outstation locations, done at Bletchley Park remained unknown
punctuation. The machine contained a scrambler ran 24 hours a day. Almost 2,000 Women’s Royal until Frederick Winterbotham’s (authorized)
system of electrically connected revolving drums Navy Service (WRENS) personnel and over 200 publication of The Ultra Secret in 1974.
(rotors) powered by dry-cell batteries. RAF technicians staffed those locations. Allied supreme commander Gen. Dwight
That arrangement changed the 26 letters German units in the field primarily used the D. Eisenhower said Ultra was “decisive” in
of the alphabet as its operator typed each Enigma, while their higher headquarters used a winning the war. It’s since been estimated the
letter of a message on the keyboard. The original different machine, the Lorenz Cipher, to produce their work of the code breakers hastened the war’s
Enigma, with the three-rotor set up therefore coded messages. The larger Lorenz machine required end by at least two years. Throughout the war
provided (26x26x26) for 17,576 possible start a teletype — a device that allowed conversation the Germans remained unaware their Enigma
states. When a movable ring was reset on which in printed form over telephone lines — and fixed and Lorenz codes had been broken. ★
the letters A to Z were printed, and 10 cables circuits. The code breakers nicknamed the German
were also reset between the letters, there were teletype “Tunny,” and called its coded output “Fish.” — Annie Laura Smith
his issue’s wargame is John the course of the campaign. The British given a specific rule. The player can’t
Butterfield’s The Hardest did, however, have the edge when it make decisions for the other side.
Days, a purpose-designed came to the overall intelligence war. Variable Luftwaffe decision-making
solitaire simulation. Some military One part of that edge was tactical, inso- is there insofar as certain random
situations automatically make far as they had set up radar and ground events can vary the tactical situation.
for a good solitaire game. One of observer stations in advance, which There are some unique aspects to
those is the Battle of Britain, the air gave them an adequate and timely air warfare modeled here. You have to
campaign in which the Royal Air picture of aerial intruders. Another part manage RAF squadrons: they can be
Force defeated the Luftwaffe’s bid to was strategic, from their various signals “ready,” “scrambling,” or at various
gain control of the skies over England intelligence programs. So the British altitudes. Altitude was an important
in 1940. There are two reasons the had a better view of the “big picture.” tactical consideration; so it’s in the
campaign works well in that way. That’s reflected in the game by game. There are other tactical consid-
One of those factors is “fog of war.” having the player actively command erations, such as if Luftwaffe fighters
Both the RAF and Luftwaffe high com- the Royal Air Force while the game are conducting independent sweep
mands had a difficult time fully figuring system runs the Luftwaffe. The player missions or are escorting the bombers.
out what the other was up to. That was can make decisions that model the There are also purely random
in part because of the limited military real command-control advantages the events that model the chaotic factors
intelligence available to both sides. British had in the original campaign. of air warfare. Raiders may not have
The Germans also had misconcep- Of course, it also means he has the formed up correctly, or there may
tions about the efficacy of strategic opportunity to make errors that can have been navigational errors, or the
airpower. There had been a prewar be disastrous in the course of play. enemy has more effective tactics and,
theory postulating civilian morale Another thing that facilitates this as always in air warfare, weather can
would crack under sustained bombing. solitaire design comes from the fact change quickly. The random event rule
While the Germans had dismissed many of the original actions were brings in an added dimension in that it
that concept in the 1930s, the experi- linear: Luftwaffe intruders moved along prevents the player from reducing the
ence of the campaigns of 1939 and predetermined paths to targets and situation to one that can be gotten at
1940 then seemed to give it renewed then returned home. Their actions, purely through quantitative thinking.
credence. There were Luftwaffe such as bombing and escort, are cut A couple features that give the
raids on Warsaw and Rotterdam and dried at this scale. They can be game a historical look, such as the Tote
that did much to encourage those modeled by simple game sub-systems, Board, are deliberately reminiscent
nations’ governments to capitulate. such as the process of moving them of RAF control rooms. Those features
On the other side, the British had to across the map from area to area. put players into the spirit of the situa-
deal with air raids coming from various The rules tend to be procedural as a tion. It all adds up to a tense game of
directions and an enemy who changed result. Every possibility for the enemy aerial conflict in which you can win
his targeting strategy several times over force has to be thought through and or lose the war in a few days. ✪
A Marine fires on a
Japanese pillbox.
Lt Alexander Bonnyman
(4th from right) and his assault
party storming a Japanese
stronghold. Bonnyman received
the Medal of Honor posthumously.
Ed’s Note: Axis units are in italics; swept toward the Egyptian frontier in Rommel really didn’t need more
Allied units are in plaintext. mid-1941, Rommel appealed to the divisions; rather, he needed more
Axis high command for reinforcement. mechanized units (formations
Balance of Forces That presented Berlin and Rome with a moved by tracked and/or wheeled
dilemma, due to the fact there was a lack vehicles). The overarching lesson
he armies committed to the of suitable units. The Germans had com- of the campaign, from its very start,
Western Desert campaign were mitted most of their panzer and motor- was that foot-mobile units were of
small by European Theater of ized infantry divisions to the invasion of little value in the desert. They couldn’t
Operations (ETO) standards, less than 10 the Soviet Union, which had kicked off maneuver fast enough, and were
divisions on each side in 1941, and never on 22 June. A third division of motorized therefore easily cut off and destroyed,
growing to much more than a dozen or infantry was formed from miscellaneous as had happened to most of the ill-fated
so divisions even after both sides built formations, initially called the Afrika Italian Tenth Army during the British
up the following year. Understanding Division and later the 90th Light Afrika. offensive in the winter of 1940 – 41.
why those forces remained so small There was some consideration of The Italians, who had primary
is, in turn, critical to understanding deploying the 22nd Air Landing Division responsibility for Axis operations in
the nature of their operations. to Africa, but it was deemed unsuitable the Mediterranean, also just gener-
To give one example, as his forces because it lacked motorization. ally lacked mechanized units. In
pg. 35
Note: Axis figures don’t include additional shipments via air. British figures
are only for supply from the United Kingdom, not counting Lend-Lease.
Railroads were the primary means to move supplies, equipment and personnel in Europe during World War II.
Compared to trucks, railroad engines require a low ratio of manpower and fuel for the tonnage they move.
A standard German supply train of 25 to 40 rail cars could move an average of 450 tons, depending on cargo type, up to 185 miles per day.
In comparison, a German motorized supply column of 15 to 20 trucks could move 60 tons 125 miles per day.
In Europe, trains ran from industrial centers and depots to railheads where they would debark their passengers and cargoes.
They would then make their way to units via truck or wagon transport, or by the time-honored method of walking.
The distance from the railhead to the front determined much of the efficiency of an army’s logistical system.
During the 1940 campaign in France, German railheads were 10 to 45 miles behind the lead troops.
During the opening stages of the 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union, the front ranged from 85 to 110 miles forward of the railheads, and that was
often enough to cause operations to come to a halt. Distances in the Western Desert made those distances seem trivial in comparison. From Tripoli to
El Agheila was 375 miles; driving to Benghazi added another 185, and to make it to Tobruk meant another 250; Tobruk to Alexandria was a final 375.
The diagram shows the German rail supply system as it was supposed to function. Of course, what made it mostly useless in North Africa
was the fact there was no usable rail line in Libya west of the Egyptian frontier. The result was everything had to be trucked from Axis army-level
bases (Tripoli, Benghazi, Tobruk), through what would otherwise have been corps-level and division-level railheads had there been railroads. When
Rommel overran western Egypt in the summer of 1942, he made some use of the captured rail line along the coast. The Axis could move up to 9,000
tons per month on it but, obviously, supplies coming from Tobruk, Benghazi or Tripoli still had to be moved by truck to reach the railhead. ★
Deliveries of Tanks & Other Vehicles to Eighth Army in Selected Months of 1942
Month Tanks (from the United Kingdom) Vehicles (from the United Kingdom) Tanks (from North America) Vehicles (from North America)
June 179 3810 3 7694
July 114 4573 33 4618
August 254 3289 132 3371
September 34 1512 407 2016
February – June 89,560 30 March – 10 April: Rommel’s first offensive in Cyrenaica, launched from
1941 the El Agheila position; Axis forces reach Tobruk, which they besiege.
15-17 May: Operation Brevity, unsuccessful British reconnaissance
in force on the Egyptian-Libyan frontier.
15-17 June: Operation Battleaxe, main British summer offensive, defeated by Axis forces.
July – December 59,380 14-15 September: Operation Midsummer’s Night Dream,
1941 Afrikakorps raids across the Egyptian frontier.
18 November – 31 December: Operation Crusader, Tobruk relieved,
British retake Cyrenaica, Rommel back at El Agheila.
January – June 73,650 21 January – 6 February: Rommel’s’ second offensive reaches Gazala.
1942 26 May –21 June: Operations Theseus (sometimes called Venezia),
Rommel defeats British at Gazala, Axis forces take Tobruk.
22 – 28 June: Operation Aida, Rommel pursues into Egypt, defeats British at Mersa Matruh.
July – December 52,210 1 – 26 July: Rommel continues pursuit, stopped at El Alamein.
1942 20 August – 7 September: Rommel launches offensive at El Alamein
planning to break through to Alexandria, but is repulsed.
23 October – 3 November: Montgomery launches second Battle of El Alamein, defeats
Axis forces. Rommel orders withdrawal, doesn’t stop until he reaches Tunisia.
n the last third of the 19th century, fortified line consists largely of positions individual fortified positions and/or by
warfare changed significantly with of a permanent nature that normally obstacles, and that same space could
the advent of massive conscript require civilian labor and technicians also serve as an assembly and maneuver
armies, automatic weapons, breech- to build. Their construction entails the area for friendly mobile forces.
loading artillery and high-explosive use of a great deal of material, such Several of those rings remained
shells. At the same time, new forti- as concrete, which in turn requires in use during World War II in Europe,
fications were developed that were the use of specialized equipment and including on the eastern front, even
intended to defend large sections of the machinery. A line of fieldworks consists though many of them had not been
frontier (or front) rather than simply mostly of emplacements of a temporary modernized between the wars. The
be clustered at key points along it. nature, few of which require civilian most notable of the rings that were
Those newly developed fortified labor. (Construction of both types of fully or partially in use during World
lines shouldn’t be confused with defenses is usually labor intensive.) War II were those of Antwerp, Liege
“fieldworks,” such as trenches and Early in the 20th century, modern and Namur in Belgium, and Maubeuge
obstacle belts, which have been in large-scale fortifications appeared and Verdun in France. On the eastern
use for a long time, mostly in siege along the frontiers of many European frontier of Germany in 1914 there were
warfare. During the American Civil countries in the form of “fortified rings” Koenigsberg, Marienburg, Graudenz,
War, for example, trenches were used or “ring-stands,” which consisted of Thorn, Kustrin, Posen, Glogau and
extensively to secure the Confederate several forts encircling a key town Breslau, all of which the Germans put
front from Richmond to Petersburg. or city with intermediate positions back into service in 1944 – 45. Some
Though fieldworks and fortified among them. The spaces between and forts from the old Austro-Hungarian
lines are often confused, there are within the rings could be defended ring at Krakow, and the Russian posi-
significant differences between them. A with weapons firing from inside tions at Warsaw and other locations,
Rows of dragons teeth and a heavily eroded anti-tank ditch within the OWB
Building fortifications of concrete and steel was a task During the pre-war years the RAD was associated with
beyond the normal capabilities of most armies in World War II. draining marshes, agricultural projects, roadwork and other
The German Army normally provided its own specialized staff such tasks. Many of its battalions were assigned to work on
of engineers who planned and supervised the civilian contract the East and West Walls, where they performed some of the
work involved. In Germany that role was assigned to the Festung less specialized work such as the creation of obstacles.
Pioneer Stab (Fortress Engineer Staff), which was organized at a When the war began many RAD battalions were converted into
regimental level but consisted mostly of just staff personnel. army construction battalions. The army hadn’t maintained such units
The small pre-war army didn’t have the technicians to before the war, though in the First World War it had construction
operate the heavy cranes and other equipment required units with the capability of building ferroconcrete bunkers.
for building large works. Before the war that work was During the war both the OT and the RAD were involved in
contracted to civilian companies. Eventually the Organization fortification building on all fronts. Beyond that, it wasn’t uncommon
Todt (OT) took over handling those contractors. for civilians and prisoners to be involuntarily involved in the
The OT, formed in 1933 by the early Nazi supporter Fritz Todt, construction of trenches and anti-tank ditches on the eastern
evolved into a kind of paramilitary organization by the time it front. The construction battalions were more often engaged in
built the autobahns. Eventually it undertook other tasks, such bridgework or similar projects, but they also sometimes participated
as the construction of fortifications, beginning with the West in the preparation of fortifications. The pioneer (combat engineer)
Wall in 1938. The OT was organized into Einsatzgruppen or task battalions of the infantry and armored divisions often also did
forces (not to be confused with the infamous SS formations of such work. They were equipped with explosives, flamethrowers
the same name), which operated on each major front in Europe. and other equipment for use in their primary functions, which
Two Einsatzgruppen worked on the Atlantic Wall while several included opposed river crossings and assaults on enemy
others were responsible for maintaining lines of communication. fortifications as well as emplacing minefields and barbed wire.
Later they also assumed responsibility for the construction Concrete bunkers, be they for a machinegun position or a U-boat
of the fortifications on the eastern front. When Todt died in a shelter, require specially manufactured metal components like doors,
plane crash early in 1942 he was replaced by Albert Speer. embrasures and turrets. Emplacement requires heavy equipment,
The Reicharbeitsdienst (RAD or Reich Labor Service) and the installation of most of the parts entails work by a variety
was an organization created in 1934 that remained under of technicians. The Germans kept a standardized catalogue of
the direction of Konstantin Hierl until the end of the war. It armored components and plans (referred to as Regelbau) for their
included a section for men and one for women. Before entering bunkers, casemates, munitions stores and troop shelters. ★
the military, most young men were required to serve in the RAD
for at least six months. Though it wasn’t officially categorized
as a military organization, its members carried weapons once
the war began. The RAD performed less specialized tasks than
the OT, and it was organized into battalion-sized formations.
A photo of the
« Our whole life
should be a big labor
service in Germany. »
far left
A German soldier
in front of the Todt
Fritz Todt, founder of
Organization Todt
OWB Werkgruppen
In the late summer of 1943, Hitler gave permission for the The Soviets then simply bypassed the German strongpoints and
construction of fortified lines on the eastern front. The plan was “fortress cities” such as Warsaw and Graudenz. Before the end of the
to build a new East Wall from the Baltic to the Black Sea to hold month they stood before the old East Wall. The Germans meanwhile
off the Red Army. The section referred to as the Panther Line, clung to Hitler’s fortress cities of Breslau, Glogau, Kustrin and Danzig.
which contained subsidiary back up lines within it, ran through the East Prussia was soon isolated and fighting there raged around
sectors of Army Groups North and Center. As it turned out, those “Fortress Koenigsberg.” At the end of March, Kustrin was eliminated,
forces had until June 1944 to work on it. The other section, the allowing the Soviets to establish a bridgehead over the Oder and
Wotan (Odin) Line, ran along the Dnepr River to the Black Sea. prepare for the drive on Berlin. During January, when Hitler had the
Before significant work could be completed in the south, however, opportunity to transfer divisions from the failed Ardennes offensive to
the Soviets overran large parts of the Wotan Line during October stabilize the situation along the Oder, he instead sent them to Hungary.
1943 (in the sectors of Army Groups South and A). By December The heavily propagandized “Alpine Fortress” was actually
1943 the Soviets had taken Kiev and had almost completely cleared almost non-existent, except for positions in the south and southeast
Army Group South from the Dnepr south of the Pripet Marsh. By that used sections of old Italian fortifications to form the Ingrid
mid-April 1944, Soviet forces were on the Rumanian frontier after Line along the Yugoslav border; however, the weapons originally
having overrun the nascent Gneisenau Line in the Crimea, and in place there had mostly been removed earlier in the war. Even if
they were moving directly on Sevastopol. By June 1944 the only the Alpine Fortress had been better fortified, it would’ve been of
fortifications of any significance on the eastern front consisted little value, since it couldn’t support large forces once the economic
of the Panther Line. The renamed Army Group North Ukraine and base on the German plain to the north had been lost. ★
South Ukraine hastily attempted to establish new defensive lines.
On 22 June 1944 a massive Soviet offensive struck Army Group
Center, shattering it and the Panther Line. The remnants of that army
group were unable to stop the Red advance. Before long, Army Group
North faced isolation in the Baltic States as the Soviets advanced past
it on its southern flank. In July, Soviet forces shattered the front of
Army Group North Ukraine north of the Carpathians. By September the
Soviets established a major bridgehead over the Vistula at Baranów, as
the forces that had destroyed Army Group Center approached Warsaw.
In late July, Gen. Heinz Guderian, who’d become chief of staff,
tried to create new defensive lines and restore old ones roughly
along the 1940 eastern border of the Reich. He also ran out of
time, however, as the Soviets advanced, pushing back the Germans
on a line from the border of East Prussia to the Vistula at Modlin,
then along that river until they came to a halt when the Poles in
Warsaw rose against the Germans. The Soviets chose not to break
through to Warsaw at that time, thereby giving the Germans time to
crush the uprising and stabilize their front. Taking advantage of the
respite, the Germans worked feverishly on their new Government
General Line, which ran through the heart of Polish territory.
Guderian had new positions added to the old East Wall, mostly
various types of concrete bunkers and ring-stands. When he called
for volunteers, thousands of Germans of all ages responded and
began to work on building trenches, obstacles and anti-tank ditches.
Guderian soon formed over 100 fortress infantry battalions by
using men otherwise unfit for field duty. He also established other
specialized fortress units to man the defenses, but 80 percent of them
then ended up being sent to the western front. He also wasn’t sent any
weapons larger than 50mm for the new defenses. As he pointed out
in his memoirs, it did little good to prepare new defense lines without
also having the troops and weapons needed to properly man them.
Guderian, based on his discussions with front line commanders,
wanted to form the main line of resistance 12.5 miles behind
the forward defensive line. That would allow the troops to pull
back when the Soviet preliminary bombardment for their next
major offensive began, leaving behind only a rear guard and thus
Photo courtesy of Alex Goss
1939 –1941
pg. 50
Seite 1870.
Zuiderdiep, Netherlands: Fortress Books, 2000.
Rhineland ‘36
he Rhineland War, 1936-37 (RW), pick crisis chits depending on the number
designed by Joseph Miranda, of crisis hexes (printed on the map) they WaW Upcoming
is a strategic-level simulation control. The more such hexes they control, Features
of intermediate complexity that the greater the chances they have of gain-
covers an alternative World War II ing more allies. At the same time, grabbing #
20: Gross Deutschland Panzer
in Europe, one that began in 1936. too much territory can lead to political #
21: Rhineland ‘36
The assumption is, when Hitler collapse at home, as domestic foes work #
22: Minsk 1944
ordered his army to march into the to undermine your power before the #
23: Guadalcanal
Rhineland, the Allied powers, instead conflict explodes into a wider war. #
24: Sedan 1940
of appeasing him, ordered their armed Rhineland War is a two-player
Visit STRATEGYandTACTICSpress.com
forces to resist. The ensuing chain game. One player commands the Axis,
for previews of these issues.
of events leads to the war expanding controlling Germany and the countries
throughout Europe. A war fought at that choose to align with Berlin. The
that time would’ve found all European other is the Allied player, who controls
militaries woefully unprepared. the anti-German forces. Each hex on the
Central to the play of the game are map represents 62 miles (100 km) from
its “crisis chits.” They represent various side to opposite side. Each full game
diplomatic and military events that could turn represents one month. Units of
bring other powers into the war. Players maneuver are corps and armies. ✪
his 500 Franc note was issued by the French Bank of West Africa in 1950, which was then the monetary authority
for all their still-vast colonial holdings in that part of the continent. Its front commemorates the region’s manpower
contribution — in this particular case in the form of naval infantry — to the Free French cause in World War II. (At the
same time, though, note the white officer in the center of the illustration.) On the bill’s obverse is an African “Marianne,”
a black version of the French republic’s white female “national icon.” Chalk it all up to too little, too late. (Shown at 100%)
S World at War 19 | aug–sep 2011 55
Observation Post
Pure Speculation Then, on 17 July 1944, the fires of hell for the sake of haste. That conclusion
were unleashed. At 10: 20 p.m., though remains the official verdict on the event.
The Port Chicago Blast darkness had descended, Port Chicago Peter Vogel is one man who ques-
remained a hive of activity as men tions that official explanation. He
umerous mysteries have labored under the glare of artificial lights believed the eyewitness testimonies of
come out of World War II, to load a pair of merchant ships, the SS the event sounded eerily like a nuclear
most of them the result of E.A. Bryan and SS Quinault Victory. explosion, and he embarked on a
the inescapable and eternal “fog of Without any warning a cataclysmic two-decade quest to prove the blast was
war,” secrecy over national security blast wiped out the entire facility. The in fact caused by an atomic bomb. He
matters, or revisionist history. One of E.A. Bryan and a train on a nearby pier subsequently published the results of
the most enduring mysteries occurred were vaporized, while the Quinault his findings in an online e-book, The
not on some distant battlefield, Victory was left a hulk. The blast was Last Wave from Port Chicago, which
but here in the United States: the so powerful it made a crater 22 yards summarizes his findings. In his mind,
explosion that destroyed Port deep and 219 yards across. Body parts and in that of others won over by his
Chicago. That is: was it actually a of victims were found up to a mile argument, there’s evidence to suggest
nuclear blast, the result of a planned away. Buildings in Port Chicago town, Port Chicago was no accident, but rather
trial to determine the effects of that two miles distant, suffered severe a test of nuclear capability orchestrated
untested weapon on infrastructure? structural damage, and windows by Manhattan Project scientists.
Conventional wisdom says that’s were broken in buildings in adjacent There’s no doubt Los Alamos
a preposterous assertion, while con- counties. Tremors measuring 3.5 on scientists took interest in the Port
spiracy theorists bring out “evidence” the Richter scale were recorded as Chicago blast. We know, for example,
in support of a massive cover-up. Sixty- far away as Nevada, leading many to that then-Capt. William Parsons, who
seven years after the tragedy, it’s perhaps initially believe it was an earthquake. later served on the Enola Gay during its
time to reexamine the controversy. In the days immediately after, bombing mission over Hiroshima and
As war clouds darkened the horizon newspapers quoted eyewitnesses who still later, as a rear admiral, oversaw the
in 1941, Port Chicago was built from reported a “mushroom-like cloud” nuclear tests on Bikini Atoll, submit-
scratch 35 miles north of San Francisco. rising in the aftermath of the explosion. ted a report on the disaster within a
As tensions with Japan worsened, Lending credence to those reports was week. It’s possible that was merely
the US military had recognized the the official statement made by an Army the result of professional curiosity,
logistical requirements of any future pilot before a Navy Court of Inquiry. The but there may have been more to it.
war in the Pacific would be beyond pilot was clear in his recollection of hav- Supporting that assertion is a report
the capacities of existing seaports. A ing seen a white flash, a smoke ring, and written later in 1944 by the director of
new port, one dedicated for military a “ball of fire” that reached to 12,000 feet. the Manhattan Project, James Conant.
use, was clearly needed. Port Chicago The Navy inquiry, though, found In it, Conant suggested foregoing
was built to serve that need. there was nothing particularly unusual development of the earliest A-bomb
During the war, Port Chicago served about the tragic incident. After 39 prototypes, small tactical weapons
as a major nexus for shipping ammuni- days of eyewitness testimony and called “gun bombs,” in favor of larger
tion and ordnance to US forces fighting deliberation, the investigation con- models. He cited an unidentified test
across the expanse of the Pacific. Every cluded the explosion occurred because a in July 1944 — the same month as the
day, thousands of tons of bullets, “supersensitive element was detonated Port Chicago blast — as evidence the
bombs, mines, grenades and other in the course of rough handling by larger bombs would be more destructive
explosive and combustible materials an individual or individuals.” and of greater value in ending the war.
were transferred from trains to ships and The explosion, experts claimed, History records no such atomic test at
then shipped across to the war zones. started on a pier loaded with several the Los Alamos facility at that time.
The loading of such deadly materials, thousand tons of diesel fuel and 429 Even more curiously, officials at
at a frenzied pace that at times saw tons of ammunition, and then engulfed Los Alamos ordered destroyed the
safety measures overlooked for the sake the E.A. Bryan, which at the time content records for two of the boxcars
of expediency, meant Port Chicago held 4,600 tons of munitions, half of that had been at Port Chicago on 17
always balanced on the knife edge it high-explosive artillery shells. July. Of course, what suggests itself
of disaster. Just a simple slip-up, the Other factors contributing to the is they contained an atomic bomb
smallest of mistakes, could lead to death explosion were said to include bad that, accidentally or otherwise,
and destruction. Yet for several years the loading procedures, defective muni- was responsible for the disaster.
dockyard operated without incident. tions, and a neglect of safety procedures There is evidence to suggest just that.
Skill vs. Luck bases that would allow them to project heading north, and the Japanese Fifth
retribution against the enemy. The FDR Fleet, commanded by Adm. Boshiro
Battle of the Komandorski Islands administration was also eager to liber- Hosogaya, awaiting the arrival of a
ate the only US national territory occu- slower merchant ship and destroyer.
Unique among the sea battles pied by the Axis. (The Komandorskis The Japanese, when they sighted masts
fought in the Pacific during World were territory of the Soviet Union.) to the south, happily assumed their
War II, the Battle of the Komandorski Signals intelligence had gleaned own slow ships had arrived. When
Islands (at the western extreme of that two supply convoys had been the Americans sighted masts on the
the Aleutians) was fought as a purely dispatched from Japan to reinforce the horizon they at first congratulated
daylight surface action without the garrison on Attu. There was also a sub- themselves on having found the help-
participation of submarines or stantial naval escort of two heavy cruis- less transports. During the time it took
combat airpower. For four hours on 26 ers, two light cruisers and four destroy- the six US ships to concentrate into a
March 1943, Japanese and American ers. Unfortunately the intelligence battle line from a 30-mile wide scouting
seamen fought the kind of traditional effort missed the sailing of the escort line, the Americans’ changed from
naval engagement for which they’d group; so the American commander, hunter to hunted. As the situation clari-
trained for decades. Cruisers of both Rear Adm. Charles McMorris, was to be fied, Hosogaya believed he was on the
sides expended large percentages of unpleasantly surprised by encountering verge of a great victory, finding himself
their main gun ammunition in an a much stronger enemy force than between the Americans and their home
effort to secure control of the North he’d been led to believe was involved. base with a 2:1 superiority in firepower.
Pacific wastes and their dominance Initially in command of the old light McMorris made the only reasonable
of the Aleutian Island chain. cruiser Richmond and the destroyers choice in such a circumstance: he
The Aleutian Island chain attracted Bailey and Coghlan, McMorris went turned tail. He ordered his cruisers
the attention of both Japanese and US on patrol south of Attu, where he to launch floatplanes, but it was too
strategists, who perceived them as a then rendezvoused with the heavy late to fuel and prepare them for flight
potential military highway pointing cruiser Salt Lake City and the destroyers before shooting began. At 8:40 a.m.
toward the northernmost Japanese Dale and Monaghan on 22 March. the Japanese heavy cruisers Nachi and
home island of Hokkaido. The Japanese A major storm broke over the next Maya opened fire on the Richmond at
sought to cut that highway and simul- few days as the ships stood watch a range of 21,000 yards. The opening
taneously anchor the north end of their southwest of Attu, causing moderate salvo came in concentrated and a
empire by taking the islands of Attu and damage and stressing the crews. mere 1,000 yards short. It did, however,
Kiska during their otherwise disastrous The morning of 26 March found destroy one of Nachi’s floatplanes,
Midway campaign. The Americans saw the American task force cruising which caught fire from the muzzle blast
in the Aleutians a chain of island air- south of the Komandorskis while and had to be jettisoned. Nachi, the
Japanese flagship, was also hampered
by cold boilers that had to be warmed
in order to give her full speed. (Not
expecting a fight, most of the ships
had half their boilers off-line, and it
took time to prepare them for battle.)
As the US ships closed up and
turned northwest, the two battle lines
The cruiser USS Salt Lake City, damaged by Japanese cruiser gunfire, starts losing speed prior to
closed range to the point the opposing
going dead in the water during the battle under a smoke screen laid by accompanying destroyers. destroyers were able to exchange
gunfire. For several minutes both
sides’ main guns thundered at one
another as the Americans continued
to turn to port until they were heading
southwest, toward the Japanese home
island bases only 500 miles away.
Besides being struck by several
destroyer shells, causing minor dam-
age, the Nachi received three hits
from the Salt Lake City: one hit the
constructed, one for the Navy and seven interlocking steel platforms, technologically challenging pieces
one for the Army. Both designs were they looked something like the Arc of military architecture made during
prefabricated at a Gravesend dry dock de Triomphe sitting in water. Heavy World War II. Nothing quite like them
and then towed on concrete barges to anti-aircraft artillery was mounted had been attempted before, and the
their permanent locations in the estu- on five of the towers, which were fact their pre-stressed concrete technol-
ary. Once in position they were lowered arranged in a circular fashion around ogy is still in use today is testament to
onto the seabed in a controlled sinking. the central control tower, with a single Maunsell’s remarkable engineering
The forts for the Navy were capable seventh tower located away from the skill. While not decisive to the overall
of housing up to 120 men inside the others to serve as a searchlight base. British war effort, the forts were credited
leg of their structure. Each leg was Each second-generation tower with the destruction of 22 aircraft, 30
26 feet in diameter and seven stories was crewed by 265 men, which served V-1 flying bombs and one E-Boat.
tall. Their armament included two four weeks on followed by 10 days After V-E Day the Thames estuary
6-inch (150mm) gun emplacements ashore. Altogether three Maunsell Army forts became the responsibility
along with two 3.7-inch anti-aircraft artillery installations were built of the Anti-Aircraft Fort Maintenance
guns, along with 40mm Bofors guns for the Thames estuary. Each was Detachment. Their radar systems were
on top. They were supplied so as to constructed approximately 10 miles upgraded because of Cold War fears
be self-sufficient for over a month. from shore and six miles from the of attack from Warsaw Pact bombers;
Four forts were constructed in the next-nearest fort. The 1st Anti-Aircraft however, in 1956 the Army declared
following order: Fort Roughs Tower (U1, Fort Regiment Royal Artillery (Thames) them obsolete and dismantled
codenamed Uncle One) in February manned the forts named Great Nore their heavy guns and radars.
1942; Fort Sunk Head (U2) and Fort (U5), Red Sands (U6), and Shivering The Thames Estuary Special Defense
Tongue Sands (U3) in June; and Fort Sands (U7). All forts were in place Unit serviced the Navy forts. Two
Knock John (U4) in August. A fifth Navy and operational by the end of 1943. were subsequently used as postwar
fort was contemplated but never built. Concurrent with his design of the light ships. By the mid-1960s private
Tours of duty were of six weeks forts, Maunsell also began work on the “pirate radio stations” had taken over
duration followed by 10 days leave, after artificial harbors that became known the forts because they were located
four days training ashore. Men could as Mulberries and were used in the outside the three-mile territorial limit.
spend up to 18 hours below sea level in cross-Channel attack into Normandy One fort, Roughs Tower, is occupied
their artificially lighted living quarters. in 1944. Lessons learned from the failed to this day by the family of a former
The isolated conditions and cramped 1942 Dieppe raid had convinced the British Army officer who declared
quarters were made as comfortable as Allied high command a harbor was it the “Micronation of Sealand.”
possible within the limits of wartime needed at the very start of an invasion. The three Army forts deployed in
austerity, but it was still a tough tour Maunsell only later received official the Liverpool estuary never saw any
of duty for the men working in the credit for the original highly classified action. They were demolished in 1946.
underwater portion of the concrete legs. floating harbor concept. In addition, he Red Sands (U6) is now a candidate
After completion of the Navy forts, also designed concrete floating docks. for historical preservation due to
Maunsell was commissioned to design One anecdote from that episode its importance as one of the best
Army forts to be located in the Thames illustrated his famous temper. Told surviving examples of a rare World War
and Mersey (Liverpool) estuaries. That his design wouldn’t work by some II design. Fundraising has begun to
second-generation design was used members of the Admiralty, he retorted: restore it and create a museum on it.
for anti-aircraft defense. Comprising “Gentlemen, as you know, I live on a Maunsell went on to an even more
dairy farm. When I leave the office, I
go home and the first thing I do is go
into the field where my cows are and
discuss my day with them. I must say,
I get more bloody sense from them
than I ever get from talking to you!”
The objections were overturned
and Maunsell completed designs
for three 406-ton reinforced
concrete floating dry docks.
Maunsell’s fort designs are argu-
ably one of the most innovative and
— Jon Cecil
★ Briefing Room ★
Go to strategyandtacticspress.com
he participation of the US Coast the literature of World War II. his mistress Eva Braun on-site. ✪
Guard in World War II is generally
overlooked. In addition to History of the Eagle’s Nest,
fulfilling its traditional life-saving and by Florian M. Beierl
law enforcement duties, it effectively (Anton Plenk Verlag, 2008).
became America’s fifth armed service. Reviewed by Blaine Taylor.
During the course of the war the Coast
Guard took on a number of invaluable There have been several German-
duties, including escorting convoys published books in English on the
in the Atlantic, securing ports and ever popular topic of Adolf Hitler’s
beaches, and operating landing craft mountain chalet, the Berghof, atop
at the Normandy invasion and in the Obersazlberg at Berchtesgaden
amphibious assaults across the Pacific. in Bavaria, but there has never been
After Pearl Harbor the Coast Guard one like this on the Fuehrer’s second
experienced a dramatic increase in teahouse building on Kehlstein
size: by war’s end it operated 800 Mountain overlooking the Berghof.
cutters, 351 other naval vessels, 288 The first teahouse was on the
ships for the army, and thousands of Mooslahnerkopf, to which Hitler and
smaller craft including amphibious his inner circle of aides, secretaries and
landing craft. The Coast Guard special guests walked daily when he was
rescued more than 1,500 survivors of in residence. Construction of the more
torpedo attacks in the Atlantic, sank famous second one was begun by Martin
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Red Aar
Brig. ds Ta
rmor at
Kursk, Junk:
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ly 1943
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at Shiloh
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& tactics
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e zbur
oh omic:
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2 That Never W
The Battle
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Davy Crockett
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(661) 587-9633 | (661) 587-5031 fax | P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield CA 93390 | strategyandtacticspress.com
Folio Game Series
The Folio Game Series provides dozens of games using the same eight-page Standard rules (Musket & Saber for 19th century battles,
Fire & Movement for WWII and modern battles) with a short Exclusive rules sheet for each individual game to capture the unique aspects of each battle.
Each game can be played in about 90 minutes allowing for multiple games to be played in an afternoon or evening.
Leipzig: Napoleon Encircled | Chickamauga: River of Death | Stones River: Turning Point in Tennessee
Frayser’s Farm: Wasted Opportunity | Shiloh: Grant Surprised | Arnhem: The Farthest Bridge
Cauldron: Battle for Gazala | Kasserine: Baptism of Fire | Saipan: Conquest of the Marianas (below)
Bastogne: A Desperate Defense | Aachen: First to Fall | Crusader: Battle for Tobruk RELEASES
Naktong Bulge: Breaking the Perimeter | Golan: The Last Syrian Offensive AVAILABLE
DMZ: The Next Korean War | Showdown: The Coming Indo-Pakistani War
Visit our bo
oth to see
new release
s fro
Conquest of AR II BATT
the Mariana
Saipan was a ME SERIE
Navy’s “island
critical objective
hopping” cam
in the US S
Pacific; its two paign in the
airfields were
for heav y bom suita
bers. Hence three ble
divisions were US
scheduled to
on 15 June 1944 invade Saipan
two- dozen battl supported by nearly
eships that had
t two days befo begun a
30,0 00 fanatic re. More than
Japanese were
on the island, entrenched
formidable defe into caves and other
nsive positions.
battle for Saip The
an proved to
fiercest battles be one of the
of the Pacific
deadliest up to
that time for
War, and the
Conquest of th
e Marianas
both sides.
Saipan utilizes
the new Fire
combat syste & Movement
m that’s desig
can augment ned so players
their units with
fire” during the “support
course of the
naval bombard turn. From
can receive supp t to bazookas, units
ort to engage
positions and enemy
formations, allow
to develop at ing combat
all levels. A singl
battalion, for e
example — perh engineer
by flamethrow aps supported
ers — could be
assault a lone tasked to
defending a plate y infantry regiment
au. As its attac
underway, how k gets
ever, the engin
may suddenly eer battalion
come under fi
mortars. More re from enem
support will be y
take the plate needed to
au, but assets
are limited.
In Saipan the
attritional desig
Combat Resu n of the new
lts Table simu
nature of the lates the true
are typically two- es in the Pacific. Units
sided formation
can incur casu
alties, accuratel s that
the realities of y replicating
losses sustained bat and the high
by both sides
the actual fightin during
the battle is thus on Saipan. Winning
a matter of man
firepower and
asset managem euver,
Game Conten
ts :
• 17 x 22” (43 x 56
cm) terrain map
• 80 die-cut coun
One Standard
One Exclusive
Rules booklet
for this series Saipan
Rules booklet
for this title
Copyright ©
2010, Decisio
n Games, Inc.
All Rights Reserv
www.decisi ed. Made & Printed
ongames.com in U.S.A.
P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield, CA 93390-1598 | (661) 587-9633 phone | info@decisiongames.com | decisiongames.com