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WaW020 Web
Turning the
pages of history.
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Strategy & Tactics Press
P.O. Box 21598
Bakersfield, CA 93390-1598
This game stretches from the fjords of Narvik
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China or Russia or the British Empire or the
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eventually face the grim struggle of total war.
6 30 40
the entire German ground force, we Mega Feedback Please submit all other questions or comments to our free
online forum at STRATEGYandTACTICSpress.com
provide an analysis of that infamous unit.
by Roger Mason 54
Game Preview Dr. Christopher Cummins
I Remember: Sgt. John Shirley 55 Callie Cummins
& the Anzio Battle Sleds Observation Post
This is the story of a failed attempt • Strategic Backwaters Ty Bomba
at battlefield improvisation, as told Djibouti: Running the
by one man who survived it. Allied Food Blockade Joseph Miranda
As Told to J.E. & H.W. Kaufmann by Vernie Liebl DESIGN
• Weapons & Tactics Callie Cummins
30 Tank & Anti-Tank Tactics in Burma COPY EDITORS
Analysis: The 1932 Shanghai Incident by Raymond E. Bell, Jr. Jon Cecil, Dave Kazmierczak, Tim Tow
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n general, in the early and mid- with the arrival of Hitler, the unit was
1930s the German military was continually expanded throughout the
divided into two groups. The first rest of the decade. By January 1939 it
was a false front of units that repre- was renamed Infantry Regiment Gross
sented the forces allowed post World Deutschland (Greater Germany). It
War I treaties. The second group was was by then a stand-alone regiment
made up of the ever more powerful and with a full complement of support and
numerous sea, air and ground forces administrative units. The soldiers of the
being developed behind the scenes. regiment were allowed to wear green
More particularly, Berlin was a center and silver cuff and shoulder tabs bearing
of international attention as Hitler their unit’s name and initials as evidence
gained and consolidated power, and of their elite status. The unit was also
the face of the German Army there was unique in that, even as it expanded,
the Wachtruppe Berlin (Berlin Guard it was allowed to continue to draw
Troop). Drawn from regiments across from the pick of recruits from all over
the country on a rotating basis, that Germany, while the other formations in
unit provided ceremonial and military the army were territorially recruited.
security in the capital city. Starting
The division moved to Smolensk and
then railed to Volchansk, near Belgorod.
By February the Gross Deutschland was
back on the attack between Belgorod
and Kharkov. At that time the division
received its first Tiger tanks and an
additional artillery battalion, just in time
for the new German offensive to retake
Belgorod and Kharkov. The Germans
recaptured those places, thereby achiev-
ing their last major victory in Russia.
From mid-March to the end of June
the division was refitted and reinforced,
with the infantry given greater numbers
of halftracks to improve cross-country
mobility. The Gross Deutschland was
also redesignated Panzer Grenadier
Division Gross Deutschland, and
it was moved to positions north
of Tomarovka in preparation for
Operation Citadel. The panzer regiment
received new Mark V Panther tanks.
Operation Citadel was intended
to reduce the Kursk salient, which
posed a threat along the boundary
line between Army Groups Center
and South. The plan for the offensive
was to pinch off the salient from the
north and south, thereby destroying
the forces the Soviets would need
for their next winter offensive.
The Gross Deutschland was
selected as the spearhead of the
southern attack. The division moved GD grenadiers moving cross-country on foot.
In January the division moved
south toward the Crimea to slow the
advance there of 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian
Fronts. The division was relieved and
sent to Hungary in March. Next they
participated in heavy defensive fighting
in the Carpathian Mountains at Targul
Frumos, where some of its formations
were entirely wiped out. The remnants
of the division were pulled back for
refitting and regrouping. By summer the
Gross Deutschland had moved back to
the front and took part in the defense
of East Prussia. In October the division
fought in the Memel bridgehead. In
November the unit was redesignated
a panzer corps, combining the Gross
Deutschland and Brandenburg Divisions.
The Germans gave great thought to the development of their offensive doctrine
during the prewar years. The foundation of it was Auftragstaktik (mission-oriented
tactics), a system originally devised by the Prussian Army in the mid-19th century. That
meant orders to small units provided the overall objective and the intention of the
higher-level commander, but the small-unit commanders were in turn left free to develop
a solution based on the situation as they saw it evolving during combat.
HG Division in Italy. Because Gross Deutschland was a panzer grenadier (mechanized
infantry) unit, its particular offensive doctrine became a mixture of armor and
heavy flak units. Those flak formations were infantry solutions. The mid-war addition of armored transport vehicles for
detailed to provide anti-aircraft protection for the infantry allowed them to cooperate more closely with the tanks.
Hitler when he was in Berlin, on his train, or All offensive planning began with the identification of a Schwerpunkt (main point of
at his mountaintop retreat at Obersalzburg. concentration). Within and near that Schwerpunkt, units were assigned specific avenues
The regiment fought in France and the early of advance to decrease confusion and the possibility of friendly fire situations.
stages of the Russian campaign. They wore a Armored offensive tactics were in turn based on the idea of continual move-
standard German army uniform with Luftwaffe ment. Three specific forms of attack were: meeting engagement, hasty attack
wings on the breast and a blue cuff band with and deliberate attack. The meeting engagement was intended to allow lead
“Hermann Goering” sewn on it. The heavy flak units to quickly transition, upon first contact with a moving enemy, to offensive
units were attached to panzer units in Army operations before the surprised enemy could organize his response.
Group South during 1941, until they were The doctrine further dictated that, in fluid tactical environments, battalion
withdrawn to transition into a brigade. Goering commanders must be prepared to attack even when their units weren’t at optimal
then decided he rated an entire division named strength or properly concentrated. German armor units therefore conducted
after him. So various miscellaneous units were extensive training in transition from march columns to hasty attack formations.
collected and supplemented by experienced Deliberate attack was used when facing an enemy in a prepared defense. Different
armored crew from the army. Thus the Hermann parts of the overall attacking formation would then be assigned individual Schwerpunkt,
Goering Parachute Panzer Division was born. based on the exact type of defensive position each one would be facing.
In early 1943 components of the division That general approach in turn led to the development of the Kampfgruppe (KG or battle-
were sent to North Africa, where they were group) concept. In theory it involved carefully selecting units, equipment and personnel from
captured when Axis forces surrendered in as wide an overall spectrum as possible in order to optimally customize a force for the mission
Tunisia. The division was then sent with new at hand. By 1944, however, KG had generally deteriorated in practice into hastily collecting
Tiger I tanks to Sicily, where it fought stubbornly any survivors and vehicles and throwing them back into battle as ad hoc reinforcements. ★
against the Allied invasion. The division suc-
cessfully retreated to mainland Italy, where it
fought at Salerno and Anzio. It was withdrawn
from Italy and rebuilt in time to defend
Warsaw against the Soviet offensive there.
In late 1944 the division was divided
into separate panzer and panzer grenadier
divisions and was redesignated Panzerkorps
Hermann Goering. During the final weeks of
the war it fought a delaying action back to
Dresden, where it was finally surrounded by
the Soviets. The survivors were shipped to
Siberia, where most perished in the gulags. ★
Oberst Karl Lorenz, commander of the Grossdeutschland Panzer Regiment, meeting with the crew of a Panther in south Russia.
ross Deutschland Panzer demon- to be far less a controlled event, as com- such as command activations. Units
strates once again the principle pared to general staffs moving markers can attack only if they’re within a
of synergy in wargame design. representing divisions or corps across certain radius of an active headquarters.
The original concept, first articulated maps of theaters of operation, some The players therefore can’t assume
in a proposal almost two decades accounting for chaos needs to included omniscient viewpoints, moving forces
ago, was for a tactical game following if a tactical game is to be considered without handling issues of command
the progress of famous World War II truly “accurate” at the deepest level. and control. Instead, you have to
divisions, with scenarios representing On the mechanical level, the chits plan on getting your headquarters to
their major actions. While the original are simply modifiers to various game the right places so they can activate
design provided insight into the nature functions. On another level, however, their formations at the right times.
of tactical combat in that era, its pro- they provide the central narrative. The rule is simple but effective.
cedurally dense system aged poorly. The totality of the chits that come out Headquarters are also useful
Developer Eric Harvey streamlined during each play of the game tell a story, for providing supply, another often
it to make it more accessible. Still, adding a new perceptual dimension neglected factor in tactical games.
what was needed was something that to it. That ensures each time you play Ammunition, fuel and medical
would model the human dimension in the “story” will be different, even if the support are just as much a part of
warfare. Thus, Ty Bomba came up with outcome is the same. The battle isn’t battle as are fire and movement.
the sub-system of players randomly simply one of adding up combat factors Gross Deutschland was one of
drawing Event Chits that enhance, or and rolling a die. It’s also a matter of Germany’s premier units. Usually
detract from, their intended actions. managing the human dimension, the low-numbered divisions of the
While random events have been which in turn provides the opportunity Waffen SS, or sometimes the Luftwaffe
widely used in operational and to exploit unanticipated situations. paratroops, get that status, but this
strategic games, they’re usually seen as As on real battlefields, in the division (later a corps) accomplished
something above the scale of individual game there’s no “sure thing” and incredible feats on the eastern front. In
battles or as things that occur only infre- the best plan often doesn’t survive the game there are four scenarios, each
quently. Here their near-constant first contact with the enemy (or an distilled from major clashes in which
management in play becomes the key unfortunate chit pull). The chits are the division fought: Kursk, Akhtyrka,
test of player success. Their appearance also an easy way to integrate a lot of Mischurin Rog and Lutchessa Valley.
in this game is therefore innovative. other factors into play without having We’re presently preparing the
Actually, chaos factors—that’s what to write special rules. Rather, the chits next game in the series, Guards
random events in wargaming essentially generate unique situations under the Armour, covering the famous British
model—are just as prevalent on the umbrella of one general rules set. division that fought its way across
tactical battlefield as they are in the Aside from the events, the system northwest Europe in 1944. ✪
bigger strategic picture, if not more so. also accounts for other important fac-
Given that any kind of firefight is going tors operating on the tactical battlefield,
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ince the Salerno landing in In January 1944, at the time of the the bus window, he was looking at the
September 1943, the Allies initial Anzio landing, John Shirley was “worst army post in the country.”
had only slowly worked their at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He followed the After a few weeks at home, Shirley
way up the Italian “boot” until the news from the various war fronts, but reported to the induction center in
weather, terrain and staunch German he had no inkling he would soon find Riverside. A week later, with a sense
resistance brought them to a halt in himself in the Anzio beachhead when he of elation, he boarded another bus
December. Operation Shingle, the Allied received orders to go overseas. He’d cele- with other inductees. He felt that
amphibious assault at Anzio, took place brated his 18th birthday a little more than a great adventure awaited him:
on 22 January 1944. Gen. Mark Clark, a year earlier on 8 December 1942. A few
commanding US Fifth Army, hoped months later he’d been drafted while still We were winding our way north
to land Gen. John P. Lucas’s VI Corps attending California State Polytechnic through Los Angeles as it grew dark.
behind the German Winter Line, have University at San Luis Obispo. The bus stopped about 10:00 that
that force break out toward Rome, and He was glad when his letter evening. We stepped out and looked
thereby collapse the enemy main front. of “Greetings” from the Federal around in the dim light of a yellow
In conjunction with the Anzio government was delivered in March bulb on a telephone pole. We could
landing, the 34th and 36th “Texas” Infantry 1943. He packed his belongings and see a paved street, some garbage
Divisions had launched an assault on boarded a Greyhound bus bound for cans, some wooden barracks, and
the main front in January. The 36th suf- his home at Costa Mesa, south of Los that was about all. We were in the
fered a major reverse trying to cross the Angles, on a beautiful spring day. middle of Camp Cooke! I was about
Rapido River, while the 34th only reached A soldier from the 35th Infantry 200 miles from home and about 65
the lower slopes of Monte Cassino Division, stationed at Camp San Luis miles from where I had been going to
by 24 January. Meanwhile, the Allied Obispo near his former college campus, college. So much for seeing the world!
forces that had landed at Anzio had boarded the bus with him. On their jour-
barely managed to advance 10 miles. At ney south, as they passed Camp Cooke, Basic training lasted four months.
Cassino 4th Indian and 2nd New Zealand they saw a gate in front of a field of Instead of undergoing standard infantry
Divisions relieved US II Corps in mid- sagebrush and sand and in the distance training, Shirley and his companions
February, setting up British Eighth Army behind it some new crude tarpaper and prepared to serve in armored infantry
to initiate a renewed battle for that area. wood barracks. The camp, isolated from units, receiving instruction and practice
That British first effort failed; so population centers, sprawled on a pla- on driving jeeps, trucks and halftracks.
its New Zealand Corps made a third teau surrounded by hills. Construction During tactical problems while riding
attempt to take Monte Cassino in of a permanent camp on the site had in halftracks, “the tracks churned up
mid-March, but again failed. That begun in September 1941, and the clouds of dust, so we wore goggles and a
position, including the infamously post had been activated a month later. mask over our eyes, mouths and noses.”
bombed out ruins of its Benedictine Previously it had merely been an open The training included learning
Abby, wouldn’t fall until a fourth battle training area. Though construction on the manual of arms and close
was fought for it in mid-May, when II the site continued well into 1942, the 5th order drill, with lots of practice and
Polish Corps took over the effort. Had Armored Division began to train there in many inspections: “We learned the
Anzio been a success, those horrific the spring. It was soon joined by other nomenclature of the M-1 Garand rifle,
battles wouldn’t have been needed. divisions. Shirley’s traveling companion and could field-strip it blindfolded.”
The initial landing at Anzio had
taken German Field Marshal Albert
Kesselring, commanding the Italian
theater, by surprise. Allied forces landed
opposed by only a few artillery pieces
and two companies of grenadiers that
were easily overcome. The landing
force began an easy advance inland,
but then stopped. Lucas had received
fewer divisions than originally promised
for the operation, and he feared his
force of only three infantry divisions
and a combat command from 1st
Armored Division would be cut off if
he tried to make a deep penetration.
While Lucas consolidated, Kesselring
rushed to the area the few units he
had available, while other divisions
from outside Italy were moved in.
Thus the surprise attack that was
meant to collapse the overall German
position in central Italy turned into
a quagmire that tied down an Allied
corps in a small beachhead.
Sleds: Because of
the need to have
infantry with the
advancing tanks
these metal sleds
were made with
hopes of solving
that problem and
giving soldiers a
greater degree of
protection. They
were made at Anzio
and extensively
tested but they were
found not to work.
The photo shows
them abandoned
after the breakout.
n 1932 Shanghai was a thriving Chinese) died of hunger or violence. was the heart of the city’s economy,
world-class commercial center, Shanghai was therefore also where modern art deco buildings and
the economic heart of China known as one of the most dangerous skyscrapers lit up the night as Western-
and its window on the world. With a and crime-ridden cities in the world, style nightclubs, theaters and businesses
population of 3 million, it was ranked with brutal local and foreign gangs were frequented by foreigners and rich
2-13 February
Battle of Chiangwan
Battle of Miaohang
Jordan, Donald A. China’s Trial By Fire the Shanghai War of
1932. Univ. of Michigan Press, 2001.
Cooke, Maj. E.D. “Japanese Attacks at Shanghai and the
Defense by the Chinese, 1931-1932.” Military Review,
December 1937.
Dreyer, Edward L. China at War 1901-1949. Longman
Group, 1995.
Rottman, Gordon L & Akira Takizawa. World War II Japanese
Tank Tactics. Osprey Publishing, 2008.
Rhineland 1936 (661) 587-9633 phone
(661) 587-5031 fax
Strategy & Tactics Press
P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield, CA | 93390-1598
The Strateg
Tactics of World
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What if
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Preque, 1945 | Soviet
lthe Conqueror Air Force vs. the Luftwaffe
to Cold
War Post-Conq
| Bzura uest
Counte | Tanks of
ve, 1939
#267 MAR
– APR 2011
es for
(661) 587-9633 | (661) 587-5031 fax | P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield CA 93390 | strategyandtacticspress.com
Legend vs. Fact Rise of the Battleship general-purpose, suitable for convoy
escort and anti-submarine warfare as
n World War II’s Pacific Theater of The traditional method to win a well as launching their own torpedo
Operations (PTO), the aircraft car- naval action was for battle fleets to attacks. In between the destroyers and
rier legendarily reigned supreme engage each other via gunfire and battleships were cruisers, capable of
as the ultimate naval weapon. The torpedoes. The Russo-Japanese War independent operations as long as they
Imperial Japanese Navy’s (IJN) air raid (1904-05) opened with the latter’s didn’t run into enemy battleships.
on Pearl Harbor, the Battles of Coral surprise attack on the former’s fleet One type of ship that caught the
Sea and Midway, and the general domi- anchored at Port Arthur in Manchuria. public imagination was the battlec-
nance of airpower during the island There the Japanese disabled a couple ruiser. They were built to carry the
campaigns are symbols of the seeming Russian battleships with torpedoes, heavy guns of a battleship but to also
obsolescence of surface warships. followed by their battle line indecisively have the speed of a cruiser (hence
Yet the record of naval battles in the bombarding the port. At Tsushima (27 the name). To accomplish that, naval
PTO indicates a different reality. Most May 1905), the Japanese Combined designers had to make trade-offs that
surface warships, aside from carriers Fleet destroyed the Russian Baltic Fleet. meant reducing armor protection. As
themselves, were actually sunk by Tsushima saw Japanese battleships a result, battlecruisers tended to be
naval gunfire or submarine-launched win via superior maneuver and gunfire effective only as long as they didn’t have
torpedoes. The US did lose eight supported by effective torpedo tactics. to face serious enemy opposition.
battleships to Japanese carrier attack The lesson wasn’t lost on naval At the Battle of the Falklands (8
at Pearl Harbor, but they were caught staffs around the world, and one December 1914), two Royal Navy bat-
by surprise in what was supposed response was the building of numerous tlecruisers destroyed a German cruiser
to have been a secure naval base. “dreadnought” battleships, designated squadron that up until then had success
Pearl Harbor didn’t actually after the Royal Navy’s class-initiating raiding Allied merchant shipping in
herald the end of surface naval warfare. ship of that name. Those ships were transoceanic waters. As that engagement
Indeed, there were numerous surface designed as big gun platforms that could demonstrated, battlecruisers could
actions in which no carriers were engage enemy ships at long range. The catch enemy cruisers and deliver long-
involved, including, among others, idea was whoever delivered the most range firepower to blow them to pieces.
the Java Sea and Sunda Strait fights firepower at the earliest opportunity The Battle of Jutland (31 May-1
(27-29 February 1942), Savo Island (9 would gain the victory. Torpedoes were June 1916) demonstrated battlecruisers
August 1942), and the Naval Battles of also part of the equation, to be launched couldn’t slug it out with battleships.
Guadalcanal (12-15 August 1942). by smaller ships such as destroyers. The Royal Navy lost three battlecruisers
To fight and win an ocean going Interestingly, destroyers were in that action to German gunfire. The
war a navy still needed surface originally called “torpedo-boat destroy- German battlecruisers fared relatively
ships. The question, then, remains: ers” because their primary mission was better, but that was because they were
what was really the best way to to stop enemy torpedo boats before sufficiently armored to survive for a
sink warships in World War II? they could close and launch torpedoes while in a fight against dreadnoughts.
against the main battle line. As the 20th Later in the 20th century, improvements
century progressed, destroyers became in naval propulsion systems would
Coral Sea
CV CVL/CVE BB CA/CL DD Naval Aircraft Other
4 – 8 May 1942 (CC)
Japanese present 2 1 9 15 127 1 YP
Japanese lost 1d 1 1 + 1d 92
Large numbers of
Allied present 2 9 13 128 LBAC but ineffective
CV CVL/CVE BB CA/CL DD Naval Aircraft Other
4 – 6 June 1942 (CC)
Japanese present (CSF) 4 2 3 12 248
Japanese lost 4 1 248
LBAC being transported
233 127
Allied present 3 8 15 land based aircraft
Allied lost 1 1 (naval + LBAC)
Savo Island
CV CVL/CVE BB CA/CL DD Naval Aircraft Other
8 – 9 August 1942
Japanese present 7 1
Japanese lost 3d
Allied present 8 15
Allied lost 4 + 1d 2d
Eastern Solomons
CV CVL/CVE BB CA/CL DD Naval Aircraft Other
24 – 25 August 1942 (CC)
Japanese present 2 1 2 16 25 175 1 YP
Japanese lost 1 1d 1 75 1d YP
Allied present 2 1 4 11
Allied lost 1d 25
Santa Cruz
CV CVL/CVE BB CA/CL DD Naval Aircraft Other
26 – 27 October 1942 (CC)
Japanese present 2 2 4 10 22 199
Japanese lost 1d 1d 1d 99
Allied present 2 1 6 14
Allied lost 1 + 1d 1 + 2d 81
Naval Battles of
Guadalcanal CV CVL/CVE BB CA/CL DD Naval Aircraft Other
12 – 15 November 1942
Japanese present 1 (a) 2 8 16 ?
Japanese lost 2 1 3 41
Allied present 1 (a) 2 5 12
? Field LBAC
Allied lost 1d 2 7 (naval + LBAC)
In some cases, the number of ships varies depending on their presence at individual actions within a battle.
Damaged ships are indicated by “+ d”; in several of the battles, damaged ships aren’t listed.
(a): carriers provided air cover from a distance. but didn’t engage each other.
(CC): carrier vs. carrier battle. Other battles are surface versus surface or combined air-surface.
BB: Battleships and battlecruisers
CA/CL: heavy and lighter cruisers
CV/CVL/CVE: fleet aircraft carriers/ light carriers/escort carriers
DD: destroyers (sometimes includes lighter ships)
LBAC: Land based aircraft
SS: Submarines
YP: Seaplane Tender
The Axis had considerable air strength in the Mediterranean Crete demonstrated land-based airpower was an effective
at the time of Mattapan, but lack of aero-naval coordination instrument against ships. The Germans initially committed
kept those planes from supporting their surface ships. There Fliegerkorps X (Air Corps 10) to the Mediterranean, where it was
had been a similar shortfall in the Bismarck operation when later reinforcement by Luftflotte (Air Fleet) Two. Fliegerkorps X was
long-range Luftwaffe airpower, based in France, was supposed to specially trained in anti-shipping operations and, along with Italian
provide cover for the battleship. Lacking coordinative structures aviation, sank large numbers of Allied combat and cargo ships.
between the two services, the Luftwaffe bombers showed During the 1943 Dodecanese campaign, the Luftwaffe temporarily
up only after the Bismarck had been sunk on 27 May. gained superiority in the skies over the Aegean, thereby making
The Luftwaffe would later turn around that situation in possible one of the last German operational victories in the war.
the Mediterranean. During the German airborne invasion of With the Italians having effectively withdrawn their battleships
Crete (May 1941), their aircraft sank three RN cruisers and six owing to Taranto and Mattapan, however, consolidating control
destroyers, and made it too dangerous for the British to continue of the sea lanes from the air alone wasn’t feasible. Had the Axis
to operate their battleships, two of which were damaged. been able to come up with a better-coordinated aero-naval strategy
from the start, they might’ve gained control of the convoy routes
to North Africa. That would’ve had huge implications for Rommel’s
first offensive in Libya, which was in progress at that time. ★
run the Japanese. The Japanese on the Japanese home islands. threaten Syria and Iraq in support operations provides more chits
have superior numbers of carriers The Japanese player will have to of Axis forces in North Africa as and actions. David March.
and capital ships but they are carefully husband his forces for well as supporting the Stalingrad/ D5. Crisis Manchuria. This
moving in several different task potentially decisive counterat- Caucasus campaign. The scale will game will use the same system
forces. The American player would tacks. Naval units will represent be division level. David March as Rhineland Crisis 1936-1937.
have the advantage of superior individual carriers, 2-4 battleships, D2. Ghost Column is a tactical Historically the KMT did not
intelligence from ULTRA which and squadrons for everything else. level game with a twist. The title intervene in Manchuria since it
he can use to defeat the foe Air units will be at wing level, comes from a night attack the was militarily weak having lost
in detail. Joseph Miranda. and ground units as divisions and Germans made at Rezhavets during hundreds of thousands of men
C2. Samurai & Warlords: brigades. Joseph Miranda. the battle of Kursk. The game is and was economically bankrupt in
China 1937-1941. The Japanese C5. CBI Air War. This would solitaire, with the player in control the aftermath of the 1930 Central
and Chinese Nationalist players simulate the air war over the of an armored column attempting to Plains War. Crisis Manchuria
attempt to by reinforcing their own China-Burma-India (CBI) Theater of penetrate Soviet lines. The Soviets posits Chang Kai Shek’s KMT and
armies and by mobilizing the forces Operations, 1941-44. Players would are played using a simple agent allied Chinese warlords managed
of Chinese warlords in shifting allocate air units to various missions based system designed to react to to come together and vigorously
coalitions. Airpower conducts and targets which would then the presence of enemy forces. The confronted the Japanese invasion
tactical support and terror raids. be executed via a semi-abstract active player will have to make deci- of Manchuria in 1931. Brian Train.
The Chinese Nationalists can system. Depending on how well sions about what types of equip- D6. Operation-A: Japan Invades
also gain the support of Western these operations are executed, the ment and personnel to assign to Australia. What if Japan had
powers and the USSR bringing front line for the ground war will be his force, and then once the action won the Battle of the Coral Sea,
in volunteer air units and more affected, thereby giving or taking begins, about movement paths and conquered New Guinea, and then
supplies. The objective is to gain away various airbases. Air units when to engage in combat. Units launched an invasion of Australia?
control of China before the Pacific will represent groups, depicting are platoon and company level. Operation-A explores this pos-
war begins. Joseph Miranda. different types of aircraft with their Stealth and command decisions are sibility. The game map will cover
C3. Seventh Fleet v. Kurita (25 own capabilities. Joseph Miranda. emphasized, but when the shooting northern Australia, the southern
Oct 1944) examines whether the C6. Midway Campaign. This will starts you will have a wide array Dutch East Indies, and New Guinea
US Seventh Fleet of old battleships use simulate Yamamoto’s entire of weapons to utilize. Complexity (the latter being Japanese bases).
could have defeated the Japanese campaign in the eastern Pacific dur- is low to moderate. Roger Mason. The Japanese player will have
Central Force of surface ships ing the summer of 1942. The game D3. France Fights On. This a limited number of divisions to
during the Battle of Leyte Gulf. The will stretch from Japanese bases in alternative history game examines conduct his invasion, and will have
game would cover both a meeting the central Pacific to Hawaii and the the strategic and operational pos- to choose from several different
engagement outside Leyte Gulf and Aleutians. The design will be based sibilities inherent in the campaign landing areas. Units will be divi-
the Seventh Fleet forming a battle on Red Dragon Rising-South Seas that would’ve occurred in France in sions with brigade and regimental
line near the entrance of Leyte Campaign, emphasizing combined June 1940 if the French government breakdowns, plus airpower and
Gulf. Rules would include air strikes, operations and continuous actions had resolved to fight on. The French fleets. Joseph Miranda.
limited ammunition for US ships, US to generate operations. One choose to evacuate as much of their
radar advantages, leadership effects additional element will be limited army as possible to Algeria. The Special Editions (mark 1 to 6)
such as Admiral Ugaki replacing intelligence. Units will be deployed resultant campaign, then, is one of
Kurita, ability of US ships to fire on as part of task forces and the Allies strategic retreat and pursuit. The Special Editions have two map
the Japanese from within Leyte Gulf will have the advantages of their German player must try to destroy sheets, two counter sheets,
and an attempt by the Japanese to ULTRA intelligence. Game units as much of the French force as and up to 32 pages for rules.
force their way into the Gulf. Ships will represent individual aircraft possible, while keeping his own
would be double-long counters carriers, groups of two battleships, losses to a minimum in doing so. E1. Medwar Campaign. The entire
with single counters for leadership and squadrons for everything Both sides’ orders of battle are campaign in the Mediterranean
and air strikes. Otto Reichardt. else. Air units will be at the group entirely historical. Ty Bomba. theater of operations, 1940-43,
C4. Central Pacific Campaign. level, and ground formations as D4. La Resistance! simulates the using the Red Dragon Rising-South
This would use the Red Dragon regiments. Joseph Miranda. cat and mouse game between the Seas Campaign system. The game
Rising-South Seas Campaign German Counterintelligence and the map would stretch from Algeria to
system for the Allied offensive in Allied-supported resistance. Using Iraq, and include strategic islands
the Central Pacific, 1943-44. The Other Proposals (mark 1 to 6) mechanics of the old SPI Spies! such as Malta and Crete. Ground
campaign begins with the Allied game, this game is set during the units would be divisions, air units
counteroffensive at Tarawa and D1. Plan Gertrud 1942. The period of 1941-1944. Players will groups, and naval units at the
continues through to the seizure of German invasion of Turkey during have to guard their resources, avoid squadron level. German divisions
central Pacific islands to be used 1942 was originally conceived due being detected by security troops, can break down into kampfgruppen.
as staging areas for the invasion to concern Turkey might join the and infiltrate units into occupied Armored units can employ special
of the Philippines and as B-29 Allies. This presumes the Germans France/Belgium/Netherlands. post combat movement rules,
bases for the strategic assault preemptly attack Turkey in order to Successfully completing depending on their level of mobility.
Special operations units will include the gains of Operation Compass, forces determined via a random for ground troops. David March.
the Long Range Desert Group, the and does not divert forces to table. Units will be army level E5. Battle for Germany. An update
Brandenburgers, and Italian naval Greece or Ethiopia. The game with some corps breakdowns. A and expansion of the classic S&T
commandos. Players can consult starts with Benghazi on its east pre-game events system will game. It would cover the last year
an Appeal to the High Command edge and Tunisia and Sicily on establish the alliances on each side, of WWII in Europe at the army
Table which may bring in additional the West Edge. The game starts as well as giving special victory and corps level. Of course, the
reinforcements, or trigger loyalty with Beda Fomm and goes to conditions. Joseph Miranda. ground-breaking ‘split-command’
changes in Vichy forces, or trigger the end of May 1941. The game E4. ABDACOM/Red Sun Rising. system would be maintained, along
the Iraqi coup. There will also be focuses on not just territory but Using modified Red Dragon Rising with better developed OBs and
variable scenarios depending on the national morale. The German rules, ABDACOM covers the open- rules. A short scenario covering
level of force commitment by both player must concentrate on keeping ing moves of the Japanese entry the six months (as in the original)
sides. Special rules will let the Axis a faltering Italy from creating a into WWII. Not just a complete will be included. Ty Bomba.
build their Operation Herkules force separate peace with Britain, after walkover as many have thought, E6. Zhukov’s War: Russia, 1942-
to invade Malta, while the British an invasion of Sicily. David March. the opening battles were heavily 43. This design would simulate
can reorganize their forces for more E3. ETO: 1943. This is a hypotheti- contested by the allies concentra- the crucial middle-phase of the
efficient operations. Event chits cal game based on World War II tion of forces at appropriate places eastern front from 19 Nov 1942
will include the impact of ULTRA, in Europe breaking out in 1942 to interfere with the invasions. through the liberation of Kiev late
American intervention (everything rather than in 1939. Historically, the Both the Allied and Japanese in 1943. Units would be corps for
from carriers in the Med to German and Italian war economies players must carefully husband the Germans and armies for the
Operation Torch), and leaders such would have been prepared for their resources while ensuring Soviets. A short scenario, beginning
as Rommel, O’Conner, Montgomery full-scale war in 1943. Both the that all objectives are met. The with Operational Citadel, would
and Patton. Joseph Miranda. Axis and Allied forces have more map covers Malaysia, Indonesia, be included, as well as a what-if
E2. O’Connor’s War. A what if time to prepare, but the historic and the Philippines. Units are at “Manstein’s Gambit” scenario.
game dealing with the ultimate lessons of 1939-41 would not have the squadron level for airplanes Ty “Proud Monster” Bomba.
question of the Med Campaign. been learned. Therefore, the and small naval ships, individual
Churchill decides to capitalize on powers would start the war with ships for capitol ships, regiments
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STRATEGIC that time Djibouti had food stocks They were soon commandeered by the
BACKWATERS on hand adequate for two months. British, however, reorganized into the
With little choice, the French in Brigade of the Orient, and sent against
Djibouti: Running the Djibouti turned to the Italians, who had the Italians in Eritrea. Further, British
Allied Food Blockade conquered neighboring Ethiopia several forces soon retook British Somaliland
years earlier, and who also occupied and then broke all contact between
The port and territory of Djibouti Eritrea to the north. Despite the hostility Italian forces and Djibouti, cutting the
held, in June 1940, somewhere around that had existed between them and the railway and ending that food conduit. By
40,000 souls. Of that number 8,300 French for the previous several years, April 1941, then, Djibouti was complete-
were French soldiers, with another 20 the Italians agreed to provide 800 tons of ly invested and no food was going in. By
or so sailors, the rest being European food per month, stocks mostly confiscat- June, Djibouti was starting to starve.
and native residents and workers as ed from Ethiopians. With strict rationing, In February 1941 Vichy France and
well as approximately 1,000 refugees that meant everyone in Djibouti the US had signed, and the British
(mostly women and children). The latter would receive a barely minimal diet. reluctantly agreed to, the Murphy-
had been evacuated from Indochina In that situation the pro-Vichy Weygand Accord for North Africa,
and the Levant in order to get them governor confronted three choices: which allowed food and humanitarian
out of those potential combat zones. surrender and join the Free French, supplies to be moved between France
All of them had at least one thing attempt to arrange a new provision- and North Africa. The accord provided
in common: they needed to eat. ing agreement with the British, or for using French funds otherwise frozen
When France signed its armistice simply hold on, hoping smuggling in the US to buy stocks of food, fuel and
with Germany in June 1940, Djibouti and blockade runners would augment other non-strategic goods necessary
became a potential threat to the British. the Italian supply arrangement. to keep afloat the economy of French
On the one hand, they had no real need Contact was therefore initiated with North Africa. It specifically allowed
for another harbor in that part of the British authorities in Aden via the US France to ship such goods through
world, as Mombassa to the south, Aden Consulate, asking to ease the blockade the British naval blockade under
to the east, and all the facilities around and allow humanitarian resupply. That “navicerts” issued in London. The
Suez to the north were more than ample initial effort failed, but both sides knew British weren’t willing to stretch the
to meet regional Royal Navy needs. communications would continue. accord to cover Djibouti, however, as it
The potential for basing Vichy naval With the blockade in effect, two other had become their policy to more fully
raiders out of Djibouti was slight, as all factors emerged bearing on it. First, support De Gaulle and his Free French
French ships had been dispatched to the in 1940 Winston Churchill promised movement. At the same time, however,
Mediterranean in September 1939 when Mussolini that, if Italy entered the war the reality on the ground also led to
the British agreed to ensure the protec- on the side of the Axis, Britain would bitter dispute between the British and
tion of all convoys in the area as well as “tear Italy’s empire to shreds.” In fulfill- those same Free French over Djibouti.
guaranteeing Djibouti’s food supply. ment of that pledge, in January 1941 Once Italian forces in the region
It was that last point the British British forces began moving against the were being defeated or driven into
planned to exploit: the inhabitants of Italians in East Africa and the Horn. The remote areas, the British became more
Djibouti, both European and native, second factor was Charles De Gaulle and interested in arranging an accord with
depended on the importation of food his “Free France” movement. He wanted Vichy to allow their use of the port
in order to survive, as almost nothing the soldiers in Djibouti as well as the ter- and railroad facilities of Djibouti. Such
edible was produced in Djibouti. All ritory itself, which would constitute not an accord would make easier their
that food had come by sea, normally only one more piece of “France” freed, occupation of the overall region. In
either from France itself or its colonies. but another justification as to why he, in exchange, British blockading forces
On 19 July 1940 the British consul particular, should represent Free France would turn a blind eye toward food and
in Djibouti formally warned the Vichy to both the British and the people of humanitarian shipments for Djibouti.
governor the food supply was to occupied France. For De Gaulle, his De Gaulle, though, would accept no
be cut-off by the imposition of a being aided in the recovery of Djibouti such compromise. He demanded the
blockade. On 2 August that blockade was a critical test of British goodwill. rigorous implementation of the block-
went into full affect, enforced by In December 1940 several Free ade, reasoning the faster the people
British warships based out of Aden, French infantry battalions had been and troops in Djibouti starved, the
by Yemen- and British Somaliland- ordered by De Gaulle to invade Djibouti, sooner they would be willing to join Free
based aircraft, and by troops along first mustering in Port Sudan for what France. Toward that end he transferred
the Djibouti/Somaliland frontier. At he codenamed “Operation Marie.” to Aden two of the limited number of
Free French naval vessels then avail- Passa, a sailing vessel, was requisitioned To continue the Yemeni smuggling
able—the sloop Savorgnan de Brazza in the Comoro Islands, refurbished traffic, Djiboutian authorities needed
and the minesweeper Commandant and dispatched with 60 tons of food hard cash, as the Arabs would only
Duboc—to help enforce the blockade. in early September. Meeting only take bullion, not paper money or
They frequently patrolled well into the a few merchant ships and being credit. Only gold francs or silver thaler
Gulf of Tadjoura to intercept even coast- ignored by two troopships escorted (old Austro-Hungarian Maria Theresa
al traffic. Free French intelligence agents by a British heavy cruiser, she arrived coins, locally called “fat ladies”) were
also began actively working among without difficulty on 17 September. acceptable and, while the dhow traffic
the Yemeni Arabs, offering bribes to Next, the Amir, a confiscated gold was fast, their loads were small and
divert even small boat traffic away from smuggler, was dispatched in late many trips were required. Thus lots
Djibouti, as well as preemptively buying September, but she was captured by the of money was needed, and for that
cargoes to keep them from going there. Royal Indian Navy patrol boat Ratjaniri the Vichy French relied on airlift.
The Vichy-controlled French Navy, on 5 October, 80 miles short of Djibouti. Djibouti had managed to maintain
traditionally responsible for Djibouti, The dhow Aeroplane had to turn an aerial line of communication with
refused to accept the evolving situation. back after springing a leak; the dhow metropolitan France, using seaplanes
The French Naval-Officer-In-Command Marianne lost most of her cargo in heavy flying via Beirut until June 1941 and by
(NOIC) in Madagascar, a Capt. Maerten, seas, and another two decrepit dhows bombers flying via Italian-held territory
was therefore directed to effect the had to turn back to Madagascar on the until late that year. After that only a few
relief of Djibouti by all possible means. verge of sinking. Finally an old coaster, long-range aircraft flew directly from
(Madagascar, roughly 2,000 miles from the Sur Couf, was captured by the British North Africa to Djibouti, those being
Djibouti, was more than self-sufficient in November and taken to Aden. either Amiot or Glenn Martin bombers.
in food.) Because naval assets and Vichy naval vessels were forced Along with mail and passengers, boxes
merchant shipping were limited, to try to take up the slack. The of silver thaler were also delivered to
Maerten commandeered local sailing submarine Monge delivered 10 tons ensure Djibouti had enough money to
vessels, mostly dhows, but also a few in late October, followed by the Le pay the smugglers who delivered food.
schooners (some motorized), and Heros in late November. The gunboat Even so, Djibouti was steadily slipping
called for volunteers to man them. D’Iberville, in company with the closer to starvation, even though several
The first vessel, a 120-ton schooner submarine Le Glorieux, managed hundred women and children were
named the Hind, was loaded with to run the blockade, delivering 300 evacuated to Madagascar early in 1942.
70 tons of food and sent off on 7 July tons of food on Christmas Eve 1941. It all came to an end in December,
1941. Resembling nothing so much as Even so, starvation was approaching after the Allied landing in North Africa
a regional pirate vessel, with a mixed and the submarine resupply effort and the widespread collapse of Vichy
crew of Malgaches and Comoran was only delaying the inevitable. control in its colonies across the
fishermen captained by Ens. Cazalis The Japanese victories at Pearl continent. Military discipline in Djibouti
de Fonduce, the ship made its way Harbor and, more importantly for simply gave way; troops deserted en
north. Frequently becalmed en route, Djibouti, at Singapore, prompted the masse to British territory and, on 28
she delivered her cargo on 1 August. British to relax their blockade, as the December 1942, Free French troops
A second vessel, the submarine Le vessels being used there were sud- arrived along with an Allied naval
Vengeur, departed Diego Suarez two denly needed for more important tasks. task force the next day (the British
days after the Hind, but arrived before Yemeni dhow smuggling increased and, cruiser Ceres, the destroyer Hero, two
the slow schooner. She delivered only on 20 February 1942, the Vichy “auxiliary minesweepers and three Free Greek
10 tons of food, as volume and weight cruiser” Bougainville (formerly the torpedo boats). During the long siege
are severely restricted in submarines, banana boat Victor Schoelcher) the population of Djibouti had shrunk
but her ballast tanks had been filled arrived with 1,100 tons of food as by 15,000, almost all of them natives
with red wine. On her return to well as some live cattle. She made who chose to simply move away from
Deigo Suarez, the Le Vengeur fired a the run again in March and on-hand an increasingly dangerous situation.
torpedo at the Savorgnan de Brazza food stocks were then deemed large
as it was stopping a dhow engaged in enough that starvation was no longer — Vernie Liebl
smuggling food to Djibouti. The shot an immediate threat. Then, on 5 May
missed, but the Savorgnan de Brazza 1942, the British seized Diego Suarez
fled the scene after releasing the on Madagascar, meaning Djibouti lost
dhow, allowing it to reach Djibouti. all but the Yemeni smuggling option.
Other vessels followed. The Naram The situation was again desperate.
charges directly on top of passing tanks. to fill the gap between the mesh and operations to the point of defeating
Those magnetic mines were armor. Though that worked for the light missions. Ultimately, though, mines
designed to be attached to the most tanks, it proved difficult to apply to embedded in thoroughfares proved
vulnerable parts of a vehicle. If placed the medium tanks; so, as a substitute, more of a nuisance than a debilitating
on a tank’s running gear, such as a track sandbags were employed there. To threat. Except in two engagements,
sprocket, an exploding mine would defeat Japanese who tried to climb on there was little effort to plant true
often simply be thrown off, doing no the M4s and remove the sandbags, minefields or make use of such mines in
damage. If placed on the rear deck over they were wired securely in place. coordination with anti-tank defenses.
the gas tank of an armored vehicle, how- The mine-throwers who attempted The first encounter of the Chinese
ever, when the mine exploded it would to penetrate those defense measures and American tankers with standard
often cause the entire tank to burn. were especially dedicated men who Japanese landmines actually involved
To combat the Japanese use of mag- worked in pairs. Four to five pairs an attempt to place mines lashed to
netic mines required careful over-watch composed a squad and were com- poles under the treads of passing tanks.
of the lead tanks by accompanying vehi- manded by an officer who was charged Concealed by high elephant grass, which
cles. When M4 medium and M3A3 light with carrying and distributing the mine grew close by the side of a trail down
tanks worked in coordination, the light fuses. Each pair of men was issued which the tanks were driving, Japanese
tanks would cover the medium tanks at least two magnetic mines, though soldiers attempted to disable several
with their machineguns and 37mm can- as many as eight were found in holes light tanks in that way. The attempt
non. That kept Japanese infantry from from which the soldiers jumped. was thwarted by firing 37mm canister
leaping on the medium tanks’ rear decks The tactics employed by the mine rounds that dispersed the attackers and
and attaching the mines over the engine throwers were closely coordinated discouraged further use of the tactic.
compartment and gas tanks. Using those with the employment of the anti-tank Landmines proved most effective
defensive tactics, Chinese and American guns and supporting machineguns. against logistical vehicles. A single mine
crewmen found the Japanese soon The positions from which the soldiers was able to blow off the front wheel of a
became reluctant to face the spray effect made their attacks were always in close truck, but such vehicles weren’t difficult
of the aforementioned canister rounds proximity to the guns and were covered to repair. A double-stacked landmine,
fired by the light tanks’ 37mm guns. by them. The positions were small however, could be destructive enough
A more passive defense measure holes dug close enough to the road that to damage the wheel assembly of a
involved the placing of wire netting the mines could be simply thrown on two and a half ton truck so badly it was
over front slope hatches and rear passing tanks. If a thrown mine landed impossible to repair in the field. At the
engine decking of the light tanks. on the rear deck of a light tank it caused same time, double-stacked mines once
Experimentation with previously burned the complete destruction of that vehicle. badly shattered the tracks of several
out tanks revealed that a four-inch The passive deployment of mines light tanks. In another instance a single
gap between such netting and the on roads and trails also met with mine broke the track of an M3A3 light
tank body resulted in a mine blowing some success. The terrain in which tank, but did no more than destroy
up and doing no damage. To keep the the Chinese and Americans operated one track block. As for M4 medium
netting in place, mechanics welded so channeled the maneuver room of tanks, the landmines proved ineffec-
rods to the armor that supported the their tanks that the Japanese use of tive in even breaking their tracks.
wire, and bamboo and logs were used mines and obstacles often slowed down Another important element of
scheme therefore seemed hare-brained. There was only one more obstacle the Normandy beaches disgorged
The situation was so potentially des- to be overcome. The Allied senior entire freight trains directly onto the
perate, the go ahead was given for rails ground commander ashore, British Field French rail net. That technological
to be experimentally laid inside Landing Marshal Bernard Montgomery, was achievement provided the strategic
Ship Tanks (LST), in line with Bingham’s generally opposed to the whole scheme. logistical backbone that enabled a rapid
thinking. Rolling stock was loaded In particular, he declared he would allow advance across France to the German
aboard those ships and the combination no steam locomotives in the British area border. In the 90 days following that
tested for seaworthiness. To create the of operations within the beachhead date the US Army Transportation Corps
required stability, the locomotives were during the first weeks after the invasion. Military Railway Service delivered
actually welded to the rails on which That was because, in his view, trains 1,500 locomotives and 20,000 railcars
they sat inside the hulls of the LST. inescapably created steam and smoke to France using LST. It was one of the
For unloading without docks, tracks that drew heavy enemy artillery fire. war’s greatest engineering feats.
were laid from the nearest inland rail Bingham therefore exclusively deployed
line to the beach, and expandable diesel locomotives in the British area. — Mark Day
“breathing” bridges were emplaced Starting on 14 July (38 days after
on shore, using quick-drying concrete the initial landing), LST run up on
poured at low tide for their foundations.
A flexibly expansive system connecting
the rails aboard the ships to the rails
onshore was devised, and the unwelded
trains were then simply unloaded over
the open beach by driving them off the
ships and onto the rail line ashore. It was
found that 22 rail cars could be unload-
ed in 21 minutes using that method
The Battle of Kohima took place After 229 releases, Osprey has all but
in two stages. From 3 to 16 April the perfected this series. The one quibble I
Japanese attempted to capture Kohima had was the lack of theater map illustrat-
Ridge, which dominated the roads over ing the struggle from the strategic point
which the British and Indian troops of view. It would’ve been better if the
on the Imphal plain were supplied. A book’s designers hadn’t taken for granted
small British garrison, outnumbered that readers would already know the
more than 10:1, held out against fierce location of Kohima within the theater,
and repeatedly desperate attacks to especially in light of the obscurity of the
retain control of the vital ridge. campaign in US military historiography.
The second phase, which lasted from Kohima has been called the
mid-April through June, saw British “Stalingrad of the east.” This book illus-
and Indian troops counterattacking in trates why that’s an apt comparison. The
an effort to drive the Japanese from the ferocious fighting, the immense strategic
area. The fighting during that phase, implications of the battle, and the vivid
against an increasingly desperate presentation make it a must-read.
enemy, was among the most brutal
experienced anywhere in World War II.
When it was over and the British had
Kohima 1944: The Battle that prevailed, a turning point in the war
Saved India, by Robert Lyman had been reached. From that time on
(Osprey Publishing, 2010). the Japanese in Indo-China were on the
Reviewed by Andrew Hind. retreat, with the British systematically
driving them from their conquests.
Robert Lyman, a prolific writer on Lyman was an inspired choice
World War II , does a remarkable job to write this book in Osprey’s series.
of describing the little-remembered Not only is he a skilled writer and
Battle of Kohima and why it was so historian, but as Chairman of the
important to the course of events Kohima Educational Trust and a Trustee
in the Indo-China Theater and to of the Burma Campaign Memorial
the Allied victory over Japan. Library, he is one of the greatest
In February 1944 the Japanese scholars on the subject. His knowledge
launched Operation Ha-Go into Assam shines through in a text that captures
Province in British India, designed all the horror and heroism that came
as a feint to lure British forces away to mark the Battle of Kohima. At the
from the planned main event a month same time, he manages to paint an
later: Operation U-Go. Launched in evocative picture of the difficulties
March, U-Go was an ambitious attack inherent in fighting in a jungle. Rarely
intended to inspire a rising by the has a battle come alive more vividly.
Indian populace against British rule. The text is supported by a Struggle for the Middle Sea: The Great
The Japanese plan relied on mobility, number of detailed illustrations by Navies at War in the Mediterranean
infiltration and captured supplies to Peter Dennis, as well as by dozens of Theater, 1940-1945, by Vincent P.
maintain the momentum of the attack. period photographs. Maps, including O’Hara (Naval Institute Press, 2009).
That scheme was unhinged by the a number of three-dimensional Reviewed by Ken MacFarlane
dogged British defense of Kohima, the topographic representations, make it
key point in the entire Imphal region. easy to follow the chain of events.
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More major sea battles were fought combatants complete with maps and
in the Mediterranean during World tables. Each table shows the weather
War II than any other body of water. conditions and a list of the Allied and
This work offers a fresh examination of Axis ships, all annotated with leader,
the struggle to control the Middle Sea nationality, type and damage received.
by five of the chief naval combatants Other charts show the overall delivery
of the war: Britain, France Germany, of material or comparative losses.
Italy and the United States. A number of less well known
The entry of Italy into the conflict aspects of the campaign are brought
in June 1940 triggered a seemingly to light, such as the distribution of
endless series of engagements with the mine fields, engagements in the
goal of exerting control over this major Aegean, torpedo boat actions, and
supply route between three continents. the employment of German S-boat
European colonies were also at stake, flotillas. It also highlights submarine
open to the naval victor for the taking. actions by both sides, which were at
Though Mussolini declared war first expected to change the course
before his navy was fully prepared, he of the overall conflict but then disap-
felt that service was strong enough to pointed the planners on both sides.
challenge the British Royal Navy given There are a few detractions. The
that the French had been immobilized book is choppy; I found it easier to read
by their surrender to Germany. The in small chunks like a magazine. While
Italians, though, were matched against a terrific reference, it loses the big-
an opponent who was confident, brave picture focus toward the end, perhaps
and well trained. Despite facing such an because the battles became smaller
intimidating foe, along with shortages with no strategic impact. The impact
of fuel and inferior repair facilities, the of airpower also seemed minimized.
Italians won many battles and were This is a good work with a
mostly successful in convoying forces to fresh perspective and lacking
Africa. Yet fear and mediocre leadership any nationalistic bias. It will be
at the highest levels kept them from especially valuable to readers desir-
winning. Poor performance in night ing rich detail of the campaign.
engagements, coupled with inferior
torpedo tactics and aircraft coordina-
tion, ultimately doomed their efforts.
While the Luftwaffe offered the grav-
est threat to the Allies, the American
and Free French Navies tipped the
balance in the Mediterranean, allowing
multiple landings that forced Italy
from the war. Following the Italian
armistice in 1943, Germany quickly
seized minor Italian units to continue
the naval campaign until May 1945.
This book is rich in detail, providing
in-depth examinations of all of the
surface battles between the major
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