Indag Rubber Note Jan20 2016
Indag Rubber Note Jan20 2016
Indag Rubber Note Jan20 2016
January - 2016
Indag Rubber Limited (Indag) is the second-largest tyre re-treader in the organized cold processing segment (~20-25%
market share) in India. The largest player is the unlisted company Midas which has market share of ~35%.Indag was
incorporated in 1978 as a JV between the Khemka group and Bandag Inc (US). In FY06, the JV with Bandag was
terminated and the Khemka group took over 38.3% shares in the company. Indag then set up a new plant in Nalagarh
(Himachal Pradesh) in FY06 and ramped up capacity from 6,000MT to 13,800MT (75% capacity utilization in FY15)
during FY06-10. It plans to further expand this capacity by 4,200 MTPA to 18,000 MTPA by FY16 end. This brown-
field expansion is expected to cost Rs.70mn which is to be funded through internal accruals.
Indag is owned by the Khemka family with nearly 75% stake held by promoters and their group companies with nil
pledging. Khemka family has business interests in Energy, Mining, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Private Equity, etc. and
has offices in India, U.K. and Russia. Institutional ownership in Indag is low at 0.44%.
Rationale – 1) The retreading industry in India is currently valued at more than Rs.30bn. It is split almost equally
between organized and unorganized players. The passage of GST would reduce price differential between
organized and unorganized players. This is expected to help organized players like Indaggain greater market share
from the unorganized ones owing to their superior product quality and greater brand recall. 2) The level of retreading
in India is lower than that in other countries. It is ~20% in India against ~100% in the American continent and Europe
and global average of ~70%. Given the advantages that retreading offers with respect to cost saving (in the range of 30-
50% vis-à-vis purchasing a new tyre), we expect penetration of the same to increase to ~40-50% levels over next 3 –
5 years. 3) The Commercial Vehicle (CV) segment, which is prime user of retreaded tyres and also accounts for
~90% of Indag’s sales, has shown some signs of revival after reporting decline for past two fiscals. After decline in
sales of 2% and 20% in FY13 and FY14 respectively, the segment reported marginal de-growth of 3% in FY15 and 6%
in H1FY16. Going ahead, with the expected pick-up in GDP growth rates, we expect CV sales and consequently
retreading business to increase in India, though with a lag effect. 5) The business of retreading is a stable one with
high return ratios and consistent demand. The company would improve its volume growth in the retreading segment
on back of growth in road freight with pick-up in economic activity; increase in organized players’ market share, its
strong distribution network and with its strong branding.
Risk Factors
1. The unorganized segment currently has 60% market share owing to extensive market coverage and price
differential arising from local tax effect. However, Indag has superior brand image and better quality compared
to competitors. Hence, a gradual shift from unorganized to organized segment will benefit Indag over the
longer term.
2. Secondly, going ahead, margins for the company may come under pressure due to ending of the 10-year
excise duty benefit period at its Himachal Pradesh plant in February 2016. However, in line with the industry
trend, if the company is able to pass-on the excise duty outgo to its customers then it may be able to keep its
margins insulated.
Key Financial Parameters
Basis above explained growth opportunity and Indag’s strong competitive positioning, we forecast EPS to grow at
~11% CAGR over FY15-18E. We forecast base case EPS at ~Rs. 14 in FY16E, ~Rs. 15 in FY17E and ~Rs. 17 in
FY18E.The stock currently trades at ~12xs its FY16E EPS, ~11xs its FY17E EPS and ~10xs itsFY18E EPS.
Indag is set to face adverse effects of expiration of excise duty holiday at its Himachal plant in Feb’2016 and removal
of available rebate of 30% in Income Tax post FY16. While it may be able to pass on the excise duty burden to its
customers, rise in income tax would affect margins. The effect of the same is already visible in its tax rate which has
gone up to 33.5% in H1FY16 vs ~25% in H1FY15 and 22.5% in FY15.Hence, PAT growth would be restricted to 11%
CAGR over FY15-18E vs 23% CAGRover FY10-15. Given these headwinds that Indag is expected to face going
ahead, we arrive at intrinsic value of ~Rs. 240 for the stock valuing its average FY17E&18E EPS at 15xs PE
multiple, which implies no re-rating in its current P/E multiple. This implies potential upside of ~40%.
However, if there is a significant improvement in demand environment,then stock could see multiple re-rating at
20xs its average FY17E&18E EPS, implying intrinsic value of ~Rs. 320 and potential upside of ~90%.
Recommendation scale:
Potential Upside Range Recommendation Rating Rationale for the Recommendation Mode of Action
over next 12-18 months
Strong Buy 5 Implies very strong and reliable management track record, Fresh buying strongly
> 50%
extremely robust financials & very strong business outlook recommended
Buy 4 Implies strong management track record, robust financials Fresh buying recommended
30% - 50%
and fairly strong business outlook
Hold 3 Decent Management track record, stable (though not very Hold the stock if it is already
20% - 30% strong) business outlook and moderate financials present in your portfolio but do not
initiate fresh buying
Sell 2 Mixed management track record,unstable business outlook May consider selling and replacing
0% - 20%
and stable (though not very strong) financials with a better recommendation
Less than 0% (downside Completely Avoid 1 Mixed management track record, weak business outlook Selling strongly recommended
expected) and poor financials
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