Ecosystem Services: Leon C. Braat, Rudolf de Groot
Ecosystem Services: Leon C. Braat, Rudolf de Groot
Ecosystem Services: Leon C. Braat, Rudolf de Groot
Ecosystem Services
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Article history: The Ecosystem Services Journal starts in 2012 with a formidable basis in the reports and books from the
Received 5 July 2012 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and TEEB projects. Following a half-century history of growing
Accepted 13 July 2012 awareness and associated scientific based policy development a bridging concept with natural and social
Available online 9 August 2012
science notions was developed and coined ‘‘ecosystem services’’. The agenda for the journal Ecosystem
Keywords: Services, presented in this introductory paper to the Journal Ecosystem Services is aimed at scientists and
Ecosystem services policy analysts who consider contributing to better knowledge and better use of that knowledge about
Science ecosystem services. This should include knowledge of the ecological systems that provide the services, the
Economics economic systems that benefit from them, and the institutions that need to develop effective codes for a
sustainable use. The agenda is derived from the experience of the authors in science and policy analysis and
extended with some of the recommendations from the TEEB book for national and international policy
making emphasising the science—policy—practice linkage, which is the philosophy of the Journal.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ31 618079112; fax: þ 31 317419000.
E-mail address: (L.C. Braat).
2212-0416/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.C. Braat, R. de Groot / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 4–15 5
1. A short history of the ecosystem services concept health, education, the financial sector, consulting, etc. are all
‘‘services’’ (the tertiary sector) in economic terms, the provision
1.1. Introduction of which does not result in the physical transformation of the
‘‘fund’’ (i.e., the people) that provides them. The primary sector
The Ecosystem Services Journal starts in 2012 with a formid- (concerned with the provisioning ecosystem services) deals with
able basis in the reports and books from the Millennium Ecosys- the extraction of raw materials (e.g., biomass) from nature
tem Assessment (see and TEEB projects (see (ecosystem goods) that generally must be physically transformed Following a half-century history of growing (i.e., consumed) in order to provide a benefit’’. Transforming the
awareness and associated scientific based policy development TEEB definition into a Goergescu-Roegen like definition would
with respect to environmental pollution and resource scarcity only require adding ‘‘flux of’’: Ecosystem Services are the direct and
issues (1960, 1970s) and subsequent notions of managing indirect flux of contributions of ecosystems to human wellbeing. (Josh
economic development under the concept of sustainable devel- Farley pers. comm.).
opment (1980), a bridging concept with natural and social science In the next few years the concept of ecosystem services shall
notions was developed and coined ‘‘ecosystem services’’ (Ehrlich undoubtedly be further elaborated, if only through the publica-
and Ehrlich, 1981). The creation of an integrating discipline called tions in this new journal. As departure point we shall stick to the
‘‘ecological-economics’’ in the 1990s (Costanza, 1991) has led to a TEEB definition, recognising the dimensions of the concept
proliferation of concepts, methods, and case-study based stressed in previous definitions and proposed by Farley. We
evidence about the relationships between economic and ecological follow in this paper a simple concept of tracing the roots of the
systems, or in laymen’s terms between the economy and the components of the concept: ecosystems, economic systems and
natural environment. the services as the bridge between the human world and the
An historic sketch of the development of the ecosystem natural world, with humans only virtually separated from that
services concept is clearly a personal selection of key persons natural world. So in Section 2 we have used Mooney and Ehrlich’s
and key events. We have borrowed heavily and duly refer to chapter in (1997) and added a number of items and authors we
earlier histories, and note the fact that there are already a number consider at least as worthwhile as the selection by Mooney and
of published history papers and chapters, but at some point in the Ehrlich. In Section 2.1. we have used the paper by Gómez-
near future a book by a professional historian is needed, if only to Baggethun et al. (2010) which in turn is strongly influenced by
educate the students of tomorrow. Martı́nez-Alier (2005) and have made our personal selection from
The origins of the modern history of ecosystem services are to their extensive analysis of the economic roots of ecological
be found in the late 1970s (see for an extensive historical economics and added a few notions of our own.
analysis: Gómez-Baggethun et al., 2010). It involves the utilitarian Of course, the term ecosystem services was already coined,
framing of those ecosystem functions which are deemed bene- according to most sources, in 1981 by Paul and Anne Ehrlich
ficial to society, as economic services in order to increase public (although there were many earlier references to the notion of
interest in biodiversity conservation. It continues throughout the useful work and benefits from ecosystems, see Section 2), but the
1980s in the sustainable development debate (WCED, 1987) into process of bridging the gaps between ecology and economics, and
the 1990s with the mainstreaming of ecosystem services in the between the domains of nature conservation and economic devel-
professional literature (Costanza and Daly, 1992; Daily, 1997), opment, and the landing in the political arenas took a few decades.
and with increased focus on methods to estimate their economic The start of the present journal testifies to the condition that we
value (Costanza et al., 1997). The definitions of the concept have still have quite a few challenges in this area that warrant scientific
evolved through the various publications, with varying attention exploration, policy development and societal discussions.
for the ecological basis or the economic use:
1.2. Ecological roots
Ecosystem Services are the conditions and processes through
which natural ecosystems, and the species that make them up, Marsh’s book Man and Nature (1864) makes the point that
sustain and fulfil human life—Daily (1997). America’s resources are not infinite. He distinguished elements of
Ecosystem Services are the benefits human populations derive, a waste disposal service, without actually using the term. Leopold
directly or indirectly, from ecosystem functions—Costanza (1949; a Sand county almanac), Osborn (1948; Our Plundered
et al. (1997). Planet), Vogt (1948; Road to survival, including the term real
Ecosystem Services are the benefits people obtain from capital of natural resources) had explored the role of nature in
ecosystems—WRI 2005. economic and social dynamics. The concept of ecosystem services
Ecosystem Services are components of nature, directly thus builds on early publications highlighting the value of
enjoyed, consumed, or used to yield human well-being—Boyd nature’s functions to human society. See e.g. Carson (1962;
and Banzhaf (2007). Silent Spring), Ehrlich (1968; Population bomb) and Meadows
Ecosystem Services are the aspects of ecosystems utilised et al., 1972; Limits to growth).
(actively or passively) to produce human well-being— Fisher The term ecosystem function was originally used to refer to the
et al. (2009). set of ecosystem processes operating within an ecological system
Ecosystem Services are the direct and indirect contributions of irrespective of whether or not such processes are useful for
ecosystems to human well-being—TEEB Foundations (2010). humans (Odum, 1956). In the late 1960s and early 1970s, some
authors started referring to ‘‘functions of nature’’ to denote the
The definition is still being discussed with additional view- work done, space provided, and goods delivered to human
points and arguments from ecology and economics. Accepting societies (Helliwell, 1969; Hueting, 1970; Odum, 1971; Braat
that for practical reasons the term Ecosystem Services contains et al., 1979). This did cause some confusion as the term functions
both the ‘‘work done’’ component as well as the ‘‘product’’ was still in use in a strictly ecological sense. Golley (1993) reviews
component (traditionally called ‘‘goods’’), it is suggested that in the history of the ecosystem concept in ecology. The term
the next stage of development of the concept, the distinction ecosystem is first used by Tansley (1935). Lindeman (1942) in
between goods and services should be re-established in the his landmark paper states that ‘‘the ecosystem is hence regarded
debate. Farley illustrates the discussion with the example that as the more fundamental ecological unit’’. Odum added
6 L.C. Braat, R. de Groot / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 4–15
thermodynamic and energy flow dimensions to the concept (e.g. value and compared these with economic values explicitly moving
Odum, 1957). Clearly, a lot of activity involving energy and matter away from intrinsic values of nature and discussed the implications
transformations takes place in ecosystems (captured in the two for the discount rate (Helliwell, 1974, 1975). Odum expanded his
ecological boxes in Fig. 2) before services are provided and analyses of natural systems (Odum, 1957) to the world of man in
benefits are generated. Environment, Power and Society (Odum, 1971). Holdren and
If sustainable development is at stake, and we think that it is Ehrlich (1974) use the term public service functions of the global
the core global societal challenge, decision-makers need to under- environment, Ehrlich et al. (1977) subsequently the term public
stand what this involves. As stated in De Groot et al. (2010a) it is service functions of the global ecosystem, and Westman (1977)
therefore important to distinguish ‘functions’ from the fundamen- nature’s services. In The Netherlands, in the context of regional
tal ecological structures and processes, in the sense that the planning, Van der Maarel and Dauvellier (1978) produced a
concept of functions not only describes the above mentioned classification of functions of nature, and Braat et al. (1979)
combinations of structure and processes, but at the same time published an ecological-economic analysis, using the term func-
represent the potential that ecosystems have to deliver a service. tions of the natural environment, initiated by WWF, with state-
For example primary production (¼process) is needed to maintain ments such as ‘‘functions of nature have an economic value, since
a viable, reproducing fish population (¼function) which can they represent ways to satisfy needs of many’’ (p.21) and early
regenerate fish stocks after part of the population is harvested notions of bundles of ecosystem services (cooperation and inter-
(¼provisioning service) to provide food (a ‘‘good’’); nutrient actions of functions). This expanding field was finally captured
cycling (¼process) is needed for water purification (¼ function) concisely in the (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1981) paper when the term
to provide clean water (¼ provisioning service). The benefits of the ecosystem services was coined.
resulting services are manifold. For example, food provides nutri-
tion but also pleasure and sometimes even social identity (as part 1.3. Economic roots
of cultural traditions); clean water can be used for drinking but
also for swimming (pleasure) and other activities aimed at satisfy- Gómez-Baggethun et al. (2010) trace the treatment of nature’s
ing needs and wants. Thus, the role of woodlands in slowing the benefits throughout economic history from the classical econom-
passage of water through a catchment is a function which has the ics period to the consolidation of neoclassical economics and
potential of delivering a service (water flow regulation which economic sub-disciplines specialized in environmental issues.
reduces flood risk) if some beneficiary exists to enjoy the benefit Some of the classical economists explicitly recognised the
(safety). Services are therefore actually conceptualizations (‘labels’) contribution of the ‘‘services’’ rendered by ‘‘natural agents’’ or
of the ‘‘useful things’’ ecosystems ‘‘do’’ for people, directly and ‘‘natural forces’’. However, they recognised only their value in use,
indirectly. It should be realized though that properties of ecological but generally denied nature’s services role in exchange value,
systems that people regard as ‘useful’ may change over time even if because they were considered as free, non-appropriable gifts of
the ecological system itself remains in a relatively constant state. nature. It is observed that only scarce resources have an exchange
The quantitative relationships between aspects of biodiversity, (marginal) value. When ecosystem services were abundant (i.e.,
ecosystem components and processes, functions and services are enough for all desired uses), their marginal value (hence exchange
still poorly understood. The specific nature of interdependencies value) was zero. This is obviously no longer the case. In contrast
between the structure and diversity of biotic communities and the to the physiocrat’s belief that land was the primary source of
functioning of ecosystems remains one of the most important value, classical economists began to emphasise labour as the
unresolved questions in ecology (ICSU et al., 2008). Specific, major force backing the production of wealth. Marx considered, at
measurable indicators are needed to comprehensively and quanti- some point in his work, value to emerge from the combination of
tatively describe the interactions between the ecological processes labour and nature: ‘‘Labour is not the source of all wealth. Nature
and components of an ecosystem and their services. Two main is just as much the source of use values (and it is surely of such
types of indicators are needed: (1) state indicators describing that material wealth consists!) as labour, which itself is only the
which ecosystem process or component is providing the service manifestation of a force of nature’’ (see Martı́nez-Alier, 2005).
and how much (e.g., total biomass or leaf area index (LAI)) and In the 19th century, industrial growth, technological develop-
(2) performance indicators describing how much of the service can ment and capital accumulation triggered a series of changes in
potentially be used in a sustainable way (e.g., maximum sustain- economic thinking that led nature to lose importance in economic
able harvest of biomass or the effect of LAI on air-quality). analysis. By the second half of the 20th century, land or more
Some major questions regarding the ‘ecology of ecosystem generally environmental resources, completely disappeared from
services’ include: How will the loss of biodiversity affect ecosys- the economic (mathematical) production function and the ‘‘shift
tem services? (already the subject of study since the 90s studies from land and other natural inputs to capital and labour alone, and
SCOPE, GBA (UNEP) Mooney et al., 1995). Is the concept of Service from physical to monetary and more aggregated measures of capital,
Providing Unit (SPU), introduced by Luck et al. (2009) useful to was completed’’ (Hubacek and van der Bergh, 2006). In the second
make the link between ecosystem character and service more half of the 20th century, some economists started to analyse
explicit? Or the concept of functional traits? Is it possible to environmental problems. The undervaluation of the contributions
develop checklists of biophysical benchmark-values for the main by ecosystems to welfare in public and business decision-making
ecosystem-types and their services (e.g., as Ruijgrok et al., 2006, was partly explained by the fact that they are not adequately
attempted for ecosystems in The Netherlands)? To what extent quantified in terms comparable with economic services and man-
can ecosystem services be replaced by technological substitutes ufactured capital (Costanza et al., 1997). From this perspective, non-
(see ten Brink et al., 2009)? marketed ecosystem services are viewed as positive externalities
As indicated above, in the late 1960s and early 1970s a wave of that, if valued in monetary terms, can be more explicitly incorpo-
publications by mostly natural scientists was produced which rated in economic decision-making. The definition of externalities
addressed the notion of the usefulness of nature for society, other has become increasingly less rigorous. Initially, externalities were
than an object of ethical concern. Some of these came from concern defined as unintended consequences on one agent of an economic
about pollution impacts, others from resource degradation and activity carried out by another agent, for which no compensation
limits to the public enjoyment of nature. Helliwell (1967) used occurred (see e.g., Pearce and Turner, 1990 or Daly and Farley,
terms like functions of nature, amenity value and conservation 2010.). From this definition, the loss of ecosystem services is a
L.C. Braat, R. de Groot / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 4–15 7
negative externality, but the provision of ecosystem services by disappearance of biodiversity directly affects ecosystem functions
natural ecosystems is not necessarily a positive externality, unless that underpin critical services for human well-being. The paper by
the owner of the ecosystem forgoes its use. Costanza et al. (1997) on the total value of the global natural
Discussions within the society of Environmental and Resource capital and ecosystem services was a milestone in the mainstream-
Economics throughout the 1970s and 1980s caused some of the ing of ecosystem services. The monetary figures presented resulted
members to move away and create the society and journal of in a high impact in both science and policy making, manifested
Ecological Economics (see Costanza, 1991). Ecological Economics both in terms of criticism and in the further increase in the
conceptualises the economic system as an open subsystem of the development and use of monetary valuation studies.
ecosphere exchanging energy, materials and waste flows with the Recently, global environmental problems have been framed in
social and ecological systems with which it co-evolves. The focus on economic terms and been approached with cost-benefit analysis.
market-driven efficiency, typical for Neoclassical Economics, is Examples are the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate
expanded to include the issues of equity and scale in relation to Change (Stern, 2006) and the Cost of Policy Inaction study
biophysical limits, and to the development of methods to account initiated by the European Commission (Braat and ten Brink,
for the physical and social costs involved in economic performance 2008). The TEEB study, building on this initiative, has brought
using monetary along with biophysical accounts and other non- ecosystem services in the policy arena with a clear economic
monetary valuation languages (Martı́nez-Alier, 2002). A major issue connotation ( With increasing research on
in the debate between neo-classical and ecological economists is the the monetary value of ecosystem services, the interest of policy
sustainability concept. The so-called ‘‘weak sustainability’’ approach, makers has turned to the design of market based instruments to
which assumes substitutability between natural and manufactured create economic incentives for conservation, e.g. payments for
capital, has been mostly embraced by neoclassical environmental ecosystem services. Farley observes (pers.comm.) that these
economists. Ecological economists have generally advocated the instruments are better described as ‘market like’ rather than
so-called ‘‘strong sustainability’’ approach which maintains that ‘market based’, as there are very few examples that really meet
natural capital and manufactured capital are in a relation of the criteria for market mechanisms.
complementarity rather than of one of substitutability (Costanza Following the academic explorations, in the early part of the
and Daly, 1992). A second area of controversy relates to ecosystem present millennium a large study of the state and relevance of
services valuation. Although monetary valuation of ecosystems had ecological systems for society was conducted under the umbrella
been in use since the 1960s, this type of study strongly increased in of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP): the
the 1990s as a growing number of natural scientists recognised the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA; see Fig. 1). It was soon
appeal that framing ecological concerns in economic terms could followed by an exploration of The Economics of Ecosystems and
have for decision makers. This is all discussed in more detail by Biodiversity (TEEB; again under UNEP umbrella; see Fig. 2).
Farley, (2012). Both models of ecosystem services position the natural science
domain on the left side and the human, social and economic
1.4. Synthesis: ecosystem services domain on the right side in the diagram. Ecosystem services
flow from left to right. The MA diagram stresses the various
In the 1970s and 1980s, a growing number of environmentally components of the ecosystem concept and of human well-being
aware authors started to frame ecological concerns in economic and the width of the arrows suggests a relative importance
terms in order to stress societal dependence on natural ecosystems of the links between the components. The TEEB diagram places
and raise public interest in biodiversity conservation. Schumacher ecosystem services explicitly between the natural and human
(1973) was probably the first author that used the concept of systems and identifies benefits for people following from
natural capital and shortly after several authors started referring to services (and goods) delivered by ecosystems, and separates
‘‘ecosystem (or ecological, or environmental, or nature’s) services’’ benefits and values. It also shows more clearly that ecosystem
(Westman, 1977; Braat et al., 1979, Pimentel, 1980; Ehrlich and services stem from the ecological structure and processes and
Ehrlich, 1981; Thibodeau and Ostro, 1981; Kellert, 1983; De Groot, their functions in ecosystems. The TEEB diagram is an extension
1987; Braat, 1992, De Groot, 1992). The rationale behind the use of of the so called cascade model published by Haines-Young and
the ecosystem service concept was mainly to demonstrate how the Potschin (2009).
Fig. 2. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) overview diagram. De Groot et al. (2010a), adapted from Haines-Young and Potschin (2009).
Fig. 4. TEEB Procedure ( see TEEB Synthesis report, 2010). Step 1: Identify and Assess the full range of ecosystem services affected and the implications for different groups
in society, Step 2: Estimate and Demonstrate the value of services and Step 3: Capture the value of ecosystem services and seek solution to overcome their undervaluation,
using economically informed policy instruments.
Box 1–Research priorities regarding TEEB Procedure STEP 1 Box 2–Research priorities TEEB Procedure Step 2 (Estimate and
(Identify and Assess) Demonstrate)
1) Development of tools to contribute to adequate mapping 1) Valuation and benefit transfer method: Models are needed
of land- and sea-scape areas in terms of ecosystem service for easy but correct adjustment of monetary values of
provision? ecosystem services when making use of generic and
2) Specific tools to contribute to better assessment of spatial average values for specific situations.
and temporal dynamics of service provision, especially in 2) The relevant ecological knowledge in economic decision-
relation to beneficiaries. making: Models are needed for applying ecological knowl-
3) Models to assess total social value at different geographi- edge about system dynamics (including carrying capacity
cal scales of bundles of ecosystems services. constraints, non-linearities, boundary effects) in valuation
4) Models to assess consequences of land use changes for and decision contexts.
ecosystems services, benefits and economic value. 3) The relationships between natural capital (ecosystems,
biological diversity; stocks) and the ecosystem services
(flows): ‘‘One of the central challenges in economics is to
determine how much ecosystem structure should be
Ecosystem Assessment ( and The Economics of converted into economic products, and how much left
intact to generate ecosystem services. Before society can
Ecosystems and Biodiversity (
To achieve recognition of the value of biodiversity for survival of decide how to answer this question, however, it must
prioritise the desirable ends, and must also have a firm
the human species, and for material wealth and spiritual well-being
of humans in their complex economies is a considerable feat in understanding of the nature of the scarce resources’’
(Farley, 2012).
itself. To transform recognition into concrete policies and manage-
ment actions that lead to improved ecosystem quality and max-
imum sustained levels of service provisioning is an even more
formidable challenge. The TEEB authors argue that greater economic 2008) and adapted on the basis of the experience of the authors
and ecological rationality in addressing natural capital and ecosys- (Boxes 1–3).
tem services is not only necessary but possible, and indeed, that it is
well supported by case evidence ‘‘which deserve more attention, 2.2. Identify and assess: indicators, mapping and quantification
investment, and opportunity to replicate and to scale into wider use (STEP 1)
around the world’’ (TEEB Foundations, 2010). The paper by De Groot
et al. (2012) illustrates this with a great number of valuation 2.2.1. Biodiversity and ecosystem services indicators
exercises. In the next sections we briefly discuss these steps to There is clear evidence for a central role of various aspects of
structure the major agenda items for the Ecosystem Services journal biodiversity, e.g. abundance of different gene pools and of popula-
emphasising the science—policy—practice linkage, which is the tions of key species, of functional traits, and spatial heterogeneity of
philosophy of the Journal as expressed in the sub-title of this paper. habitat structure, in the delivery of some—but not all—services,
The Research Priorities given in the three boxes below have mainly viewed individually. We can state with a high degree of certainty
been selected from the TEEB reports and a paper by De Groot et al. that maintaining functioning ecosystems capable of delivering multi-
(2010a,b), synthesising the findings of the ICSU report (ICSU et al. ple services requires a consistent approach to sustaining a
10 L.C. Braat, R. de Groot / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 4–15
Box 3–Research priorities TEEB Procedure Step 3 (Capture and precise delineations of system boundaries, the quantification
manage values). processes will be unreliable, and in human systems ultimately
legal consequences of policies require exact property boundaries.
Maes et al. (2012) give an introduction to and overview of the
1) Natural capital and ecosystem services value in regional
challenges of mapping ecosystem services. The PRESS studies
planning: The mapping, assessment, valuation and (Maes et al., 2011; Maes et al., 2012) were developed in the
accounting of natural capital and ecosystem services are
context of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2011–2020 (EC, 2011).
on their way to become established elements of national This Strategy is the EU elaboration of the Aichi Targets of the CBD
and regional planning schemes. However, much still
agreed in, 2010 at the 10th Conference of Parties in Nagoya, Japan.
needs to be done about each of the steps as well as the It sets an ambitious research agenda recognising the high poten-
overall embedding of the steps in planning procedures,
tial of mapping ecosystem services for policy support and deci-
legal systems and education systems to train profes- sion making. To allow EU policy development in an effective way,
sionals in these fields.
clear and specific definitions of the different ecosystem services
2) Payments and compensation for ecosystem services: are deemed necessary including the appropriate indicators and
Inclusion of non-market values in regional planning and
units for quantification so that they can be used for setting policy
investment decisions may take place by extension of and management objectives as well as for natural capital
market-based (or market-like) schemes of Payments (or
compensation) for Ecosystem Services (PES), as explored
in the past decade.
3) Trade flow policies based on ecosystem service value : 2.2.3. Quantification and modelling
a new WTOWe need to consider restructuring the interna- We shall not consider here straightforward measurements,
tional markets for goods and services, and subsequently estimation and modelling of physical quantities in individual
the pricing mechanisms for trade flows, incorporating the ecosystem services flows. This is considered the domain of the
real values (including the externalities) of the trade specific sciences dealing with these flows, e.g. timber production,
commodities based on ecosystem services accounting. air pollution, water purification, pollination or outdoor recreation.
We look briefly here at the challenges of quantifying the so called
bundles of ecosystem services. In assessing trade-offs between
considerable level of these (and other) aspects of biodiversity, in the alternative uses of ecosystems, the total bundle of ecosystem
long term also when a single service is the focus. services provided by different conversion and management states
Most of the current measures and indicators of biodiversity should be included. Economic assessment should be spatially and
and ecosystems were developed for purposes other than temporally explicit at scales meaningful for policy formation or
economic assessment. They are therefore not always able to show interventions, inherently acknowledging that both ecological
clear relationships between components of biodiversity and the functioning and economic values are contextual, anthropocentric,
services or benefits they provide to people. A reliance on existing individual-based and time specific. Ecosystems produce multiple
measures will in all likelihood capture the value of only a few services and these interact in complex ways, different services
species and ecosystems relevant to e.g. food and fibre production, being interlinked, both negatively and positively. Delivery of
and will miss the role of the biological diversity in species, food many services will therefore vary in a correlated manner, but
webs, nutrient processing chains and ecosystem productivity in when an ecosystem is managed principally for the delivery of a
supporting the full range of benefits, as well as their resilience in single service (e.g., food production) other services are nearly
dealing with human induced stress into the future. A set of always affected negatively. Braat and ten Brink (2008) provide a
indicators is therefore needed that is not only relevant and able provocative visualisation of the trade-offs between provisioning
to convey the message of the consequences of biodiversity loss, and other ecosystem services with an increase in intensity of land
but must also be based on accepted methods that reflect the use (see Fig. 5).
aspects of biodiversity involved in the service that is of interest, In the diagram, there is a gradual drop of regulating service
capture the often non-linear and multi-scale relationships levels (e.g., water, air, climate) with increasing degradation of the
between ecosystems and the benefits that they provide, and be ecosystem. For recreation and tourism, values of ecosystems for
convertible into economic terms. From the World Resources humans are high if a certain degree of accessibility and infra-
Institute (WRI) a proposal came based on indicators mentioned structure is provided, whereas the levels also drop with the
in the MA (Layke, 2009) and the European Environment Agency degradation of the ecosystem leading to humans seeking for a
has coordinated the development of such a set of indicators under substitution of the service. Hence, the optimum of the recreation
the name SEBI2010 (Streamlining European Biodiversity Indica- benefits can mostly be found in ecosystems with light use. For
tors for 2010; EEA, 2010). Muller and Burkhard (2012) address the provisioning services, e.g. in agriculture, the maximum gross
challenge of developing indicators for ecosystem services in their output will be in intensive agriculture land use, while the net
contribution to this first issue of Ecosystem Services. They output in those intensive systems will of course be lower.
observe that to make progress in establishing an adequate, Comparing systems, less intensive agricultural is quite often more
credible and effective indicator set, future activities may well energy efficient (see Pérez-Soba et al., 2012). However, exceptions
have to consider, among others, improving our recognition of the exist as for instance wine areas are intensively managed, but have
interrelations between the components of indicator sets, finding a additional recreational service benefits because they are highly
case-specific optimal degree of indicator aggregation and improv- appreciated in their aesthetic value by many people.
ing measurability and service quantification and assessing indi- Regarding trade-offs between different ecosystem services,
cator uncertainties. past research mainly highlighted the externalities incurred from
e.g. agro-ecosystems as a result of optimising production or
provisioning services at the expense of other (regulatory or
2.2.2. Mapping cultural) eco-system services (see de Groot et al., 2002). Recent
It is essential to map the ecological and human systems in the research, however, emphasises more strongly the importance of
landscapes where ecosystem services are to be assessed. Without informed management to mitigate the trade-offs between
L.C. Braat, R. de Groot / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 4–15 11
level Provisioning services (P):
Regulating services (R):
Cultural – recreation services (Cr):
P (Max)
Cultural –Information services (Ci):
Multiple Services
Per Land Use type
Fig. 5. Land use, biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services (after Braat and ten Brink, 2008).
provisioning and other ecosystem services and to enhance the the irreversible loss of critical natural capital, with unacceptable
often overlooked regulating and cultural services of agro-ecosys- costs to society’’.
tems. A research challenge regarding multiple service land use Valuation, and especially monetary valuation, is sometimes
planning and management is to find the balance between differ- understood to imply that ecosystem services must be privatised
ent ecosystem services, and find optimal mixes. Several approaches and commodified (traded in the market). Firstly, this is not a
are being considered to find such a balance, with ecological toler- necessary corollary, but secondly something that can be coun-
ance, multiple enhancement of management actions, and maximisa- tered by demonstrating that public goods and services (and the
tion of total economic value of output as examples Another guiding natural capital they come from) may better be managed in the
measure for finding the right balance between ecosystem services public domain.
could be minimisation of the level of degradation, because the value
of all ecosystem services are declining with further degradation of
2.3.2. Valuation and biodiversity
the ecosystem—even though the gradient might be different. A core
‘‘Valuation, including economic valuation, functions as a
question is therefore, to what extent degradation can or should be
system of cultural projection which imposes a way of thinking
tolerated in order to maximise the value across all ecosystem
and a form of relationship with the environment and reflects
particular perceived realities, worldviews, mind sets and belief
systems.’’ (TEEB Foundations, 2010). When discussing the value of
2.3. Estimate and demonstrate: valuation and monetisation (STEP 2)
nature or biodiversity, the traditional, and until recently domi-
nant, argument was based in moral, ethical perspectives, invoking
2.3.1. Decision making and valuation
abstract concepts as intrinsic value or more concretely, but
In applications of the TEEB procedure, the comparison of
generally not operational, the right to live of other species than
assessments of quantitative physical changes in ecosystems and
humans. The so called utilitarian concept, where the value of
ecosystem services of alternative autonomous developments or
biodiversity is assigned via the use value of the ecosystems and
policy scenarios were part of Environmental Impact Assessments
their services, of which biodiversity presumably is an essential
to inform decision makers of the consequences of proposed
part, has become at least as important in arguments for con-
actions. EIA does not provide direct insight in welfare gains and
servation and sustainable use, more recently, in fact since the
losses. Historically, this was thought to be obtained from Cost
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was assimilated in the CBD
Benefit Analyses. Both the costs of development as well as the
agenda and in Europe in the European Biodiversity Strategy.
benefits recognised in the market were included in the cost-
Christie reports on a case study relating to the Great Britain0 s
benefit equations. The costs of loss and the benefits of conserva-
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) to demonstrate the
tion of non-market ecosystem services, as most regulating
potential ecosystem service benefits that can be derived from
services are, were generally ignored (see Braat and ten Brink, 2008,
biodiversity conservation policies (Christie, 2012).
for global costs of policy inaction regarding biodiversity and
associated ecosystem services). So a broader approach, including
the non-market aspects of welfare and well-being must be added 2.3.3. Valuation and society
to the decision making process. If marginal changes are the issue, An interesting view on valuation processes is proposed in TEEB
scenario comparison is considered particularly important for Foundations, 2010, where it is depicted as a form of ‘‘regulatory
monetary valuation, since this enables analysis of changes in adaptation by serving as a mechanism to provide feedback in an
service delivery and subsequent change in marginal values (see economic system’’. In this view, the valuation of changes in
TEEB Foundations, 2010, Chapter 1). When, however, the pro- biodiversity, natural capital and ecosystem services then becomes
posed land use change involves nearly complete loss of ecosys- a logical and necessary element of the sustainable development
tems, biodiversity features, and disappearance of ecosystem policy cycle. Economic valuation which produces a broadly
services, marginal value changes are in fact irrelevant. To quote (market and non-market) based tabulation of the benefits and
Farley (2008): ‘‘In the vicinity of thresholds, marginal analysis is costs may well contribute to adjust policies and regulations to the
inappropriate’’. Farley (2012) explains that ‘‘when a system natural science based knowledge of productive and carrying
crosses a threshold, a very small change in economic activity capacity of ecosystems, dose-response relationships of biodiver-
can have enormous impacts. Crossing such thresholds can lead to sity components and the survival, welfare and well-being
12 L.C. Braat, R. de Groot / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 4–15
requirements of human beings. Primmer and Furman (2012) choices reflect that (lack of) awareness and prioritisation. See also
observe that ‘‘Natural resource and land use management have Gowdy in TEEB Foundations, 2010 (p.20).
(historically) been based on economic criteria’’, while Muradian
and Rival (2012) explain that ‘‘more useful insights for the 2.4. Capture and manage the values (STEP 3)
management of ecosystem services can be derived from the
literature on institutional arrangements for governing common- 2.4.1. Introduction
pool resources than from the literature on Coasean approaches to Step 3 in the TEEB procedure is interpreted as ‘‘to capture the
resolve environmental externalities’’. They contend that it is values for a sustainable society’’. In TEEB for Policy Makers (2011)
‘‘analytically more appropriate to conceptualise payments for the message is that the TEEB approach entails ‘‘providing infor-
ecosystem services as incentives for collective action rather than mation about benefits, creating a common language for policy-
as quasi-perfect market transactions to solve market failures’’. makers, business and society, revealing the opportunities to work
with nature, emphasising the urgency of action and generating
information about value for designing policy incentives’’. To a
2.3.4. Monetisation issues large extent the third step is represented in the TEEB diagram
‘‘To value is to monetize’’ in the eyes of many, some of which (Fig. 2) by the feedback loop from the economics box to the
state this with enthusiasm, others with horror. The limitations of ecological box, and to the services flows, as institutional, policy
monetary valuation are many, if only that the currencies employed and societal response. The 3-step approach presented in the TEEB
may be quite instable, the market based methods suffer from the synthesis report (see is supposedly linked to
same flaws as the markets themselves, and when ecosystems are basic processes in society, which are already institutionalised or
near critical thresholds and ecosystem change is irreversible, money need to be so (quotes in italics):
values do not help as regulatory mechanism. Farley (2012) discusses
these issues in detail. Terminology is important to make discussions 1. Recognising value in ecosystems, landscapes, species and other
count in policy design and decision making. A distinction between aspects of biodiversity is a feature of all human societies and
monetisation and expressing ecosystem service values in monetary communities, and is sometimes sufficient to ensure conservation
terms is proposed and discussed in De Groot et al. (2012) of and sustainable use.
Ecosystem Services.
New methods, techniques and combinations of different The TEEB authors contend that ‘‘protective legislation or
methodological approaches (e.g., monetary, deliberative and voluntary agreements can be appropriate responses where biodi-
multi-criteria methods) are looked for, to deal with the challenges versity values are generally recognised and accepted’’. They
of decreasing natural capital, increasing demand for provisioning, conclude that under such circumstances, monetary valuation
cultural and regulatory services at the same time in the same may be unnecessary, or even considered counterproductive.
region and increasing involvement of stakeholders with wide
ranging interests and preferences. Collaboration between ecolo- 2. Demonstrating value in economic terms is often useful for policy-
gists and economists, including learning each other’s language, makers and businesses, in reaching decisions that consider the full
paradigms, methods and models, are considered mandatory to (market and non-market) costs and benefits of a proposed use of
develop valuation techniques that are better suited to dealing an ecosystem.
with the above listed complexities of life on earth. The paper by
De Groot et al. (2012) summarises the latest state-of-the-art The marginal value approach dictates that (monetary) valua-
regarding monetary valuation of the total bundle of ecosystem tion should only be applied for assessing the changes in welfare
services provided by the main ecosystem types. Brander et al. which result from changes in the real world, and not be used for
(2012) report on a meta-analysis and value transfer application the total value of ecosystems. We contend that it is important to
with respect to ecosystem service values for mangroves in identify, quantify and valuate all changes in ecosystem services.
Southeast Asia. Pittock et al. (2012) observe that e.g. in Australia, the term
‘‘ecosystem services’’ appears widely but often in a superficial
way, often with reference to only a few services. ‘‘The full suite of
2.3.5. Time aspects services, benefits and beneficiaries if humans and the natural
Inter-temporal distribution of costs and benefits is firstly environment are to coexist in the long term have not been
a moral issue for all decision makers in general, and secondly systematically included in decision making and management ‘‘.
a technical issue for those dealing with ecosystem services, as To choose a priori and arbitrarily to exclude some classes of
ecological and economic systems involved in trade-offs may have services makes no sense. A systematic check list of ecosystem
different clock-speeds. At the ecosystem level required natural services should lead the selection process. And the capital stocks
restoration time may run into decades for wetlands and grass- of those services which are then shown to be prominent, should
lands and hundreds of years for forests. And while in medieval also be part of the analysis. In addition, decision makers also need
times, cathedrals took a century to complete, in modern times information about who is affected and where and when the
complex economic systems, such as cities may be rebuild in changes will take place. Such a demonstration of economic value
decades (see for example cities in post-World War 2 Germany). may also lead to more efficient use of natural resources.
Another relevant time aspect are of course the time-lags between
economic activities and their impacts on ecosystem services, e.g. 2. Capturing value, the final tier of the economic approach, involves
climate change, extinction debts, etc. The consequence is that the the introduction of mechanisms that incorporate the values of
application of fixed discount rates to ecological as well as ecosystems into decision making, through incentives and price
economic systems, as common practice in conventional econom- signals.
ics and based on national interest rates, leads to results which
affect future generations disproportionally. While at the personal The capturing of course refers to making the ‘‘value’’ in the
level, most people seem very much aware of and concerned with service actually visible, in some cases cash-able and accountable,
the education of their off-spring and their retirement financing, and generally includes payments for ecosystem services, reform-
the awareness at the group level is rather small, and political ing harmful subsidies, tax breaks for conservation, or creating a
L.C. Braat, R. de Groot / Ecosystem Services 1 (2012) 4–15 13
green market economy. The development (or adjustment) of the around sustainable management of natural capital and ecosystem
legal system with respect to rights over natural resources and services.
liability for damage to ecosystem service potential is essential. We should focus our energies to aid planners and decision
makers at all levels to make the value of nature an integrated
and ‘natural’ element to consider in economic activity, equat-
2.4.2. Effectiveness and economic costs and benefits of ecosystem
ing it with human well-being.
management policies.
We should investigate the physical characteristics of ecosystem
In exploring the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity
services, such as temporal and spatial distribution, excludability,
issues, much attention was first given to the costs of policy inaction
rivalry, substitutability and so on, and based on these character-
(COPI) (Braat and ten Brink, 2008), but subsequently also the
istics, investigate the types of institutions—economic, political,
benefits of action (BOPA) were examined. Both approaches may
and social—that are best suited for their protection and
reveal ways to improve current policies, and a number of sugges-
tions came from these studies, ranging from strict regulation of
We should examine the specific features of planning and
access to and use of natural capital, to market-based instruments
decision making situations where economic valuation is
taxes to eliminate externalities. The effectiveness of the policies is
needed, and in which form that would be useful, including
the dominant criterion, as efficiency is only one of the three
the non-marginal change, radical uncertainty or tipping points.
sustainability criteria (see Farley, 2012). Maestre Andrés et al.
We should explore the ecological, economic and social con-
(2012) propose a framework for studying the interdependences
sequences of decisions involving the welfare of future genera-
between biodiversity, ecosystem services and conservation policy.
tions, and assess the implications of flexible discount rates,
They argue that a necessary (not sufficient) condition for making a
including zero and negative rates.
transition to a truly sustainable economy is that the analysis of
We should investigate the options to develop transparent
biodiversity conservation takes into account unwanted and avoid-
systems of national accounts which include the value of
able indirect effects of all kinds of biodiversity policy. The thesis of
changes in natural capital stocks and ecosystem services, and
the present paper is in fact that the design of sustainable devel-
which give support to decision making at all levels of society.
opment policies can be much better informed (than is currently
We should examine the consequences of a new World Trade
practised) by properly using economic valuation and accounting
Organisation, and for that matter also a new World bank and
exercises, which include the non-marketed services, and wisely use
International Monetary Fund, based on the ecological econom-
expressions of value in monetary terms to make public decision
ics of the future, instead of the neo-classical economics of
making transparent.
the past.
We should develop tools to facilitate the principles of ‘No Net
2.4.3. Crisis, shrinking economies and ecosystem services Loss’ or ‘Net Positive Impact’ to make them normal business
The current economic crisis may be used profitably by exam- practice.
ining it for its potential to teach humanity what ecosystems and We should examine the potential to contribute to sustainable
biodiversity are contributing to welfare and well-being now that development of principles such as ‘polluter pays’, ‘beneficiary
the virtual money economy is in distress, and the real physical pays’ and ‘full-cost-recovery’
economy is the one that keeps societies liveable, although some We should focus some of our energies on the relevance of and
luxury is lost. On the other hand, in times of scarcity in develop- conditions for involvement of stakeholders in ecosystem
ing nations with relatively rich natural resources, ecosystem services management.
exploitation (e.g., harvesting trees for timber and fuel) is often
increased by an incentive to increase wages and employment, All these issues will be the subject of this new Journal, and
while at the same time, government budgets for the management many are introduced in more detail in this first journal issue. An
of these resources are even more constrained. Another feature of important asset of the Journal is that it is closely affiliated with
the current crisis is that it has slowed down the rate at which the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) (
humans are degrading ecosystems, but it has also reduced the which is a global network to stimulate the science, policy and
financial resources that countries are willing to dedicate to practice of ecosystem services research and application. ESP has a
restoring them. large number of working groups which provide an ideal platform
for further discussion of the main issues, whereby this Journal can
serve as an important outlet to publish the latest insights.
3. Conclusions
The agenda for the journal Ecosystem Services is aimed at
scientists and policy analysts who consider contributing to better Boyd, J., Banzhaf, S., 2007. What are ecosystem services? The need for standar-
knowledge and better use of that knowledge about ecosystem dized environmental accounting units. Ecological Economics 63, 616–626.
services. This should include knowledge of the ecological systems Braat, L.C., Brink,P. ten, (Eds.), 2008. The Cost of Policy Inaction: the Case of not
Meeting the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Report to the European Commission
that provide the services, the economic systems that benefit from Under Contract: ENV.G.1./ETU/2007/0044, Wageningen, Brussels, Alterra
them, and the institutions needed to develop effective codes for a Report 1718/ /
sustainable use. The agenda is derived from the experience of the index_en.htmS.
Braat, L.C., 1992. Sustainable multiple use of forest ecosystems: an economic-
authors in science and policy analysis and extended with some of ecological analysis for forest management in The Netherlands. Dissertation,
the recommendations from the TEEB book for national and Free University Amsterdam, pp. 195.
international policy making (TEEB for Policy, 2011). In addition Braat, L.C., van der Ploeg, S.W.F., Bouma, F., 1979. Functions of the Natural
Environment Institute for Environmental Studies. Free University, Amsterdam.
to the research priorities per TEEB step as presented in the boxes
(Publ. 79/9).
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tute the agenda of the journal Ecosystem Services. Ecosystem service values for mangroves in Southeast Asia: a meta-analysis
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