Waste Oil
Waste Oil
Waste Oil
Final Report
March 2011
In association with:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Mr. Willi Haas
Mr. Markus Heinz
Mr. Arnoud Lust
Mr. Ive Vanderreydt
Ms. Ann Van Der Linden
Ms. Katrijn Alaerts
The authors would like to thank the following experts for their
assistance and comments during the course of the project: Dr. Bärbel
Birnstengel (Prognos, DE), Judit Kanthak (Umweltbundesamt, DE),
Hubert Reisinger (Umweltbundesamt, AT), David Pennington (Joint
Research Centre), Stefan Moll and Christian Heidorn (Eurostat), Dr.
Ester van der Voet and Dr. Lauran van Oers (CML, Leiden, NL), Dr. John
Barrett (Stockholm Environment Institute – University of York, UK) and
Arnold Black (Resource Efficiency Network, UK).
The project team does not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from
the use of this report or its content.
This report contains the results of research by the authors and is not to be perceived as the
opinion of the European Commission.
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 12
1.1. Background ........................................................................................................... 12
1.1.1. The concept of resource efficiency ................................................................................... 12
1.1.2. Definition of material productivity ................................................................................... 14
1.2. Objectives ............................................................................................................. 16
1.3. Scope of this study ............................................................................................... 17
1.3.1. Material use and environmental impacts ......................................................................... 18
1.4. Report structure ................................................................................................... 21
2. Sources and methods ................................................................................... 22
2.1. Data sources ......................................................................................................... 22
2.1.1. Material flows and sectors ................................................................................................ 26
2.2. Method for calculating material savings .............................................................. 28
2.3. Method for calculating impacts............................................................................ 32
2.3.1. Land use ............................................................................................................................ 32
2.3.2. Ecological Footprint .......................................................................................................... 34
2.3.3. Environmentally Weighted Material Consumption (EMC) ............................................... 36
3. Recycling ..................................................................................................... 38
3.1. Recycling policies and targets set at EU level ....................................................... 39
3.2. Estimation of current contributions to material savings from recycling.............. 42
3.3. Estimation of contributions to material savings from recycling with all
current recycling targets fully reached................................................................. 48
3.4. Potential for improvement of the recycling targets ............................................. 49
4. Waste prevention ........................................................................................ 52
4.1. Definition of waste prevention............................................................................. 52
4.2. Waste prevention related policies ....................................................................... 53
4.3. The potential of waste prevention approaches ................................................... 55
4.3.1. Lean production ................................................................................................................ 55
4.3.2. Reuse................................................................................................................................. 56
4.3.3. Sustainable consumption behaviour ................................................................................ 59
4.4. Estimation of current contributions to material savings from waste
prevention ............................................................................................................ 60
4.5. Estimation of potential contributions to material savings from waste
prevention ............................................................................................................ 61
This study is a first attempt to assess the extent to which recycling, waste prevention
and improvements in product design in the EU contribute to overall material use and
material productivity. Based on Material Flow Accounts (MFA) and waste statistics,
material savings for non-energy materials: biomass (excl. wood fuel), minerals,
metals and plastics, were analysed. Material savings were estimated for four
scenarios: (1) current policies and (2) policies with targets reached; (3) feasible
potential, and; (4) a theoretical 100% recycling rates. The study assumed identical
consumption patterns and population numbers when considering the different
scenarios. Besides the theoretical 100% recycling scenario, all the other scenarios
were based on material savings that could be achieved with little or no additional
costs (in some cases there would be cost benefits). For recycling the effects of
various EU policies were investigated based on waste statistics. For waste
prevention and product design, EU wide data was not available so estimates were
based on evidence from case studies. Here the effects of diverse strategies such as
lean production, reuse, sustainable consumption, design for recyclability, product
lightweighting and design for longevity were analysed.
The estimates for material savings range considerably depending on the source of
waste statistics and assumptions made. The study estimated that 7 - 18% of all non-
energy material consumption is saved or avoided due to current recycling, waste
prevention and ecodesign policies and practices. Recycling has by far the largest
contribution (accounts for over 75% of total contributions) compared to waste
prevention and product design. Waste prevention measures have considerable
potential to reduce waste and overall material consumption. In both cases product
design is the key to achieve greater amounts of recycling and waste prevention. The
future feasible potential for material savings from recycling, waste prevention and
ecodesign are estimated to be from 15% to 28% of all non-energy material
consumption. As material consumption is measured in weight, construction
materials represent the greatest share of materials saved (about two thirds of the
total materials saved). The recycling of metals, however, plays an important role in
material productivity as this represents both significant environmental impact
reductions as well as cost benefits. It was also shown that in general, increasing
material productivity can also significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions (3 - 5%
of total annual GHG emissions).
Natural resources are fundamental for the economy and prosperity. They provide
raw materials, energy, food, water and land, as well as environmental and social
services. However, our current patterns of resource use, production, consumption
and waste are unsustainable. The Earth has only finite resources, and the use of
these resources places increasing pressure on our natural environment resulting in
global warming, pollution and degradation of eco-systems and biodiversity. In order
to reduce the environmental impacts related to resource use in the economy, we
have to be efficient with the resources that we have.
Tracking the resource efficiency of economies is one way of understanding whether
we are progressing towards sustainable development. An indicator often used for
resource efficiency is the total amount of materials directly used by an economy
(measured as domestic material consumption [DMC]) in relation to economic
activity (measured as GDP). It provides an indication to whether decoupling between
the use of natural resources and economic growth is taking place.
The objectives of this study is to assess in quantitative terms the extent to which
recycling, waste prevention and improvements in product design together with
existing policies contribute to overall material use and material productivity.
Other economies
Domestic environment design
Domestic economy
Imports Exports
Resource WASTE
use Domestic MANAGEMENT Domestic
policies Extraction Processed
1000 Product
600 prevention
Current Current Ta rgets Ta rgets Fea s i bl e Fea s i bl e 100% 100%
pol i ci es , pol i ci es , rea ched, rea ched, potenti al , potenti al , recycl i ng recycl i ng
l ow hi gh l ow hi gh l ow hi gh ra tes , l ow ra tes ,
es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te hi gh
es ti ma te
Fossil fuels
DMC Current Current Ta rgets Ta rgets Fea si bl e Fea si bl e 100% 100% Wa s te
pol i ci es , pol i ci es , rea ched, rea ched, potenti a l ,potenti a l , recycl i ng recycl i ng
l ow hi gh l ow hi gh l ow hi gh ra tes , l ow ra tes ,
es ti ma te es ti ma te esti ma te esti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te hi gh
esti ma te
Recycling consumption
Design for toxic substances
recycling Product Design for reuse/repair/
lightweighting refurbish/remanufacture
How product design is key to achieving greater material productivity through
recycling and waste prevention
• Construction materials constitute the largest material flow, but most go into
stock (buildings and infrastructure) for the benefit of future generations
• Waste prevention is most suitable for addressing food, whilst recycling and
product design can address the supporting systems surrounding the food cycle
(e.g. packaging)
• Rare metals play a critical role in high-tech products (incl. environmental
technologies), efforts should be made to ensure that these materials are never
Resource efficiency is an indicator that measures the input and output of natural
resources in the economy in relation to GDP. The EU’s Resource Strategy has the
dual objective of decoupling resource use from economic growth and decoupling
environmental impacts from resource use. This study has investigated the
contributions of recycling, waste prevention and eco-design polices and measures
that contribute to the overall resource efficiency and reduction in environmental
impacts. When considering whether targets for resource efficiency should be put
forth, as they have been done for energy efficiency, it should be noted that as
resource efficiency is based on the relationship of the input and output of resources,
the focus so far has been more on the economic aspects rather than the actual
reduction of overall resource use.
If the real goal of sustainability is to ensure that the non-renewable resources are
not wasted and the renewable resources are only exploited in a way that allows the
resource stock to regenerate itself and continue to fulfil the needs of future
generations, then the focus should be on the actual amounts of resources that enter
and leave the economy. Likewise resource efficiency cannot be used as a proper
proxy for reducing environmental impacts on for example biodiversity, as these
often depend on actual amounts of emissions locally. The amount of natural
resources we have and the endpoints of environmental impacts are absolute, whilst
resource efficiency is relative.
Natural resources are fundamental for any society and its prosperity. They provide
raw materials, energy, food, water and land, as well as ecological and social services.
Materials are needed in all human activities and form the basis of our economy. Raw
materials are extracted from nature to produce products and services that create
economic value. These are then consumed and finally returned to nature in the form
of waste and emissions.
Our current rate of extraction and depletion of natural resources is however
jeopardising the chances of future generations to meet their own needs. Some
renewable resources are already harvested beyond the planet’s reproductive
capacity and many non-renewable resources are becoming scarce. This depletion of
natural resources affects countries’ national incomes, international security,
employment, human health, and other quality of life issues. Furthermore the
associated environmental burden of resource extraction and use (e.g. pollution,
waste, soil degradation, habitat disruption), has its effects on the environment (e.g.
air, water, soil, biodiversity, landscape) and on the related life sustaining eco-system
The current EU strategy focuses on decoupling the benefits of resource use, such as
economic growth from the collateral damages, such as resource depletion and
environmental degradation. Increasing resource efficiency can contribute to the goal
of creating more value by using fewer resources.
OECD (2008) Measuring material flows and resource productivity – Volume I. The OECD Guide,
Chapter 1, OECD, Paris.
Mudgal S., Fischer-Kowalski M., Krausmann F., Chenot B., Lockwood S., Mitsios A., Schaffartzik A.,
Eisenmenger N., Cachia F., Steinberger J., Weisz U., Kotsalainen K., Reisinger H., and Labouze E. (2010)
Preparatory study for the review of the thematic strategy on the sustainable use of natural resources.
Contract 07.0307/2009/545482/ETU/G2, Final report for the European Commission (DG Environment).
This refers to the physical dimension of the economy where “it is conceptualised as an activity, as a
process of extracting materials from nature, transforming them, keeping them as society’s stock for a
certain amount of time and, at the end of the production-consumption chain, disposing of them again
in nature”.
Eurostat (2009) Sustainable development in the European Union. 2009 monitoring report of the EU
sustainable development strategy. Eurostat Statistical Books.
Domestic environment
Domestic economy
Total Material Requirement (TMR)
Imports Exports
Unused Unused
Domestic Domestic
Extraction Extraction
Bringezu, S. & Bleischwitz, R. (editors) (2009) Sustainable Resource Management. Global trends,
visions and policies. Greenleaf Publishing.
This refers to the physical dimension of the economy where “it is conceptualised as an activity, as a
process of extracting materials from nature, transforming them, keeping them as society’s stock for a
certain amount of time and, at the end of the production-consumption chain, disposing of them again
in nature”.
Eurostat (2001) Material use indicators for the European Union, 1980-1997. Economy-wide material
flow accounts and balances and derived indicators of resource use. Luxembourg, Eurostat. Prepared
by Bringezu, S. and Schütz, H.
Schandl, H., Grünbühel, C.M., Haberl, H. & Weisz., H. (2002). Handbook of Physical Accounting:
Measuring Bio-physical Dimensions of Socio-economic Activities (MFA-EFA-HNPP). Social Ecology
Working Papers. Vienna, IFF Social Ecology.
Unused domestic extraction is the part of the materials extracted that does not enter into the
Eurostat (2007) Measuring progress towards a more sustainable Europe. 2007 monitoring report of
the EU sustainable development strategy. European Commission.
The goal of this study is to assess in quantitative terms the extent to which waste
prevention, recycling and improvements in product design together with existing
policies contribute to overall material use and material productivity. Specific
objectives of the analysis carried out in this study are:
1. to assess the material savings and material efficiency of current measures
2. to assess the potential of achieving existing targets and by the full
implementation of policies and,
3. the potential of other possible methods, approaches and policies
The study also considers the general environmental, economic and social
implications and consequences of possible actions to improve material productivity.
Figure 1-3: Key contributions to material productivity
There are a number of EU policies that aim to improve resource efficiency by
implementing strategies for reducing, reusing or recycling or setting targets to
increase these practices. In particular, three main policy blocks are considered to
contribute to resource efficiency: recycling, waste prevention and product design.
However, further analysis needs to be done to establish which areas are already
contributing to resource efficiency and to what extent, and to investigate which of
these contributions hold the greatest future potential.
Stephan Moll, Stefan Bringezu, Helmut Schütz (2005) Resource Use in European Countries. An
estimate of materials and waste streams in the Community, including imports and exports using the
instrument of material flow analysis. Wuppertal Institute for European Topic Centre on Waste and
Material Flows.
Stefan Bringezu & Raimund Bleischwitz (editors) (2009) Sustainable Resource Management. Global
trends, visions and policies. Greenleaf Publishing.
The three key contributions to material productivity investigated in this study (waste
prevention, recycling and improvements in product design) are visualised in the
following material flow diagram (Figure 1-4). The study only considers non-energy
materials (e.g. biomass (excl. fuel), metals, minerals and plastics (made from fossil
fuels)). Furthermore the study assumes identical consumption patterns and
population numbers when considering the different scenarios with and without
recycling, waste prevention and ecodesign measures.
BIO Intelligence Service (2009) Guidelines on Waste Prevention Programmes, European Commission.
Waste Framework Directive (2006/98/EC)
Oakdene Hollins and Grant Thornton (2007) Quantification of the business benefits of resource
efficiency. A research report completed for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Directive for establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related
products (2009/125/EC)
Figure 1-5: The relation between consumption and environmental life cycle
impacts for various materials in the EU in 200019
In order to calculate the reduction of environmental impacts due to improved
material productivity, a link between material flows and the environmental impacts
have to be determined. As such, land use is not an environmental impact category
on its own, but it is an important indicator related to natural resources as it provides
CE Delft & CML, Delft (2004) Economy-wide material flows and environmental policy: an analysis of
indicators and policy uses for economy-wide material flow policy.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. World
Resources Institute. Island Press, Washington, DC.
van der Voet, E., van Oers, L., Moll, S., Schütz, H., Bringezu, S., de Bruyn, S., Sevenster, M., Warringa,
G. (2005) Policy Review on Decoupling: Development of indicators to assess decoupling of economic
development and environmental pressure in the EU-25 and AC-3 countries. Institute of
Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University; Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and
Energy; CE Solutions for Environment, Economy and Technology.
Bates, J. and Dale, N. (2008) Environmental Impacts of Significant Natural Resource Trade Flows into
the EU. AEA Energy & Environment and Metroeconomica for the European Commission, DG
Haberl, H., Gaube, V. Díaz-Delgado, R., Krauze, K., Neuner, A., Peterseil, J., Plutzar, C., Singh, S.J. and
Vadineanu, A. (2009) Towards an integrated model of socioeconomic biodiversity drivers, pressures
and impacts. A feasibility study based on three European long-term socio-ecological research
platforms. Ecological Economics 68.
This report is structured in five sections to present the main findings according to
the objectives of the study. The first section will introduce the sources and methods
defined to conduct the analysis, followed by a section where the main policy blocks
under study are analysed: recycling, waste prevention and product design. The last
section presents the overall results and general implications after carrying out the
study. A short description of the main sections is presented in the following:
Sources and Presents a state-of-the-art overview of existing studies, reports
methods: and relevant literature. The methodologies to estimate the
contributions to material savings and the economic, social and
environmental impacts of the three main building blocks under
study are defined.
Recycling: Presents the estimate of the total potential contribution of
recycling rates to material savings and efficiency under current and
possible policy measures.
Waste Presents the estimate of the total potential contribution of waste
prevention: reduction to material savings and efficiency under current and
possible policy measures.
Product Presents the estimate of the total potential contribution of product
design: design to material savings and efficiency under current and
possible product policy measures.
Overall Provides an overall map of potential material savings and material
implications: productivity gains for recycling, waste reduction and product
design under current and possible policy measures. Assess the
general implications and consequences (including economic,
social and environmental impacts) of possible actions to improve
material productivity.
This section identifies information and data sources that provide an overview of the
status and potential contributions of waste prevention, re-use and recycling and
product design policies to material productivity. Existing relevant publications are
used as a basis for material productivity trends and estimates. Information gaps are
complemented by contacting relevant experts. The methods used for estimating the
environmental, economic and social impacts are also derived from the evidence
presented in this section.
Material Flow Analysis (MFA) takes into account all materials flows in the economy
(see Figure 2-1). Economy-wide material flow accounts are consistent compilations
of the overall material inputs into a national economy or a union of national
economies from the environment (domestic extraction) and from the rest of the
world economy (imports), the changes of material stock within the economy (net
addition to stocks) and the material outputs from the economy to the environment
(domestic processed outputs) and the rest of the world economy (exports).
Economy-wide MFAs cover all solid, gaseous, and liquid materials, except for bulk
water and air; the unit of measurement is tonnes per year.
Other economies
Domestic environment
Domestic economy
Imports Exports
Domestic Material Input (DMI)
Extraction Domestic
Modified from: Matthews, E., Amann, C., Fischer-Kowalski, M., Bringezu, S., Hüttler, W., Kleijn, R.,
Moriguchi, Y., Ottke, C., Rodenburg, E., Rogich, D., Schandl, H., Schütz, H., van der Voet, E., Weisz, H.,
(2000) The Weight of Nations: Material Outflows from Industrial Economies. World Resources
7 000
6 000
5 000 Unidentified
4 000 Metals
3 000 Minerals
2 000 Fossil fuels
1 000 Biomass
Domestic Imports Exports DMC Waste
Figure 2-2: Quantitative description of input and output of material flows in the
EU-27 economy (Eurostat)
Material productivity would benefit from any reductions that could be made in any
of the material streams as long as these do not affect the economy negatively. An
alternative approach could be to analyse the impact of material productivity in
economic terms, accounting the price of the raw materials and the costs of recycling,
prevention and alternative design practices. However, even if this could allow an
interesting discussion, this would be beyond the scope of this study. Nevertheless,
this issue will be raised within the economic impacts assessment section.
Eurostat also provides data on waste flows, emissions and land use, which are used
in this study. This is complemented with other sources, such as the European
Environment Agency (EEA) / European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption
and Production and the Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), in the case of
waste management data, or specific industrial associations, in the case of recycling
rates and improvements in design.
The majority data used in this study is taken from recent related studies
commissioned by DG Environment, such as:
• Arcadis, Eunomia (2009) Assessment of the options to improve the management
of biowaste in the European Union
• Arcardis, VITO, Umweltsbundesamt, BIO Intelligence Service (2010) Analysis of
the evolution of waste reduction and the scope of waste prevention.
• BIO Intelligence Service (2010) Study on management of construction and
demolition waste in the EU.
• BIO Intelligence Service, AEA, Umweltsbundesamt (2010) Preparatory study on
food waste across EU-27.
2466 2397
2500 2353
1500 2004
1262 1203
1170 1135
982 1097 2006
72 81 82 38 48 48
Total waste Total waste Disposal Other forms Energy Incineration
generated treatment of recovery recovery without
Figure 2-3: Total waste treatment in EU-27 in 2004, 2006 and 2008 (Eurostat)
The total amount of waste generated in EU-27 in 2004 was 2,914 Mt (hazardous and
non-hazardous) of which 2,353 Mt was treated. This corresponds to over a third of
the materials consumed. Only a third of all waste (982 Mt in 2004) is recovered and
used in the economy again.
In addition to this data from alternative sources (e.g. publications from research
institutions, governmental organisations, trade associations, etc. internationally and
in different countries) were found as contrast in order to find and explain possible
inconsistencies. This is the case of waste collection and management data, where
amounts are different depending on the source and methodology of gathering the
information. For example, Member States differ in their reporting of municipal solid
waste (MSW); some include all packaging waste (generated by both households and
industries) in MSW, while others do not..24
The material shares in waste management data are based on assumptions of the
composition of the different kinds of waste treated, while the share of recycled
materials entering into the economy are based on data provided by industry
In Annex A, a summary of data sources is presented, with detailed sources used per
section of this study. Although there is more recent datasets for some materials and
EEA - ETC/SCP (2009) Europe as a Recycling Society- Present recycling levels of Municipal Waste and
Construction &Demolition Waste in the EU. Prepared by Christian Fischer and Mads Werge, ETC/SCP
working paper 2/2009.
100% 4%
55% 52%
58% 60% 64%
73% 75%
60% 81%
69% 85%
50% 100%
95% 94% 96%
45% 4% 48%
20% 38% 35%
27% 28%
10% 23% 21%
0% 0% 0%
Ir o
Figure 2-4: The distribution of materials according to the three main material
consuming sectors by weight25
The construction sector consumes the minerals as a major resource, in terms of
weight (see Figure 2-4). Metal and woods are of equal importance to the
construction sector. Plastics and glass, by contrast, play a less important role in
comparison with non-metallic minerals. Similarly, non-metallic minerals are the
principal resources contributing to the agriculture sector. The scope of this study
does not allow a systematic identification of wood, metal and glass contributing to
Source: Eurofer (2009), European Steel in Figures 2005 - 2009; World Steel Association, Steel
Statistical Yearbook 2009; Mineralinfo (www.mineralinfo.org); British Geological Survey (2009),
European Mineral Statistics 2004-2009 and 2000-2004; Eurostat (for_remov and for_basic); Plastics
Europe, Compelling Facts About Plastics 2009; Plastics Europe, Plastics: the Fact 2010; CPIV (Standing
Committee of the European Glass Industry), Statistics, available at: www.cpivglass.be/main.html
24% 16%
80% 24%
20% 38%
27% 23%
Steel Aluminium Copper
Figure 2-5: Distribution of industries that use metals (Fe, Al & Cu)26
A further breakdown of end-use market segmentation of major metals shows the
automotive, engineering and E&E (electrical and electronics) are the main sub-
sectors that use various metals. By contrast, packaging industry is one of the major
consumers of plastics, glass and woods (See Figure 2-6). Non-metallic minerals are
principally used by the construction sector. This is resulted from the use of
aggregates in the construction sector, which accounts for an overwhelmingly large
portion of minerals in terms of weight. Gypsum is a typical case in this regard as
well, 96% of which ends up in the construction sector. For limestone and kaolin,
about one fifth of each is used in the paper industry. Limestone has a multiple end-
use in the engineering industry and agriculture sector as well.
Source: DG ENTR (2009), Annex V to the Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Defining Critical
Raw Materials (DG ENTR); Eurofer (2009), European Steel in Figures 2005 - 2009
Gypsum Kaolin Limestone Glass Plastics Wood
Figure 2-6: Distribution of industries that use gypsum, kaolin, limestone, plastics,
glass and wood 27,28
Recycling, waste prevention and product design are all meant to enable production
and consumption with fewer materials than without employing such measures and
thereby increasing the material productivity. This section describes the methodology
developed for calculating material savings and material productivity improvements
due to recycling. The methodologies estimating material savings from waste
prevention and product design will be slightly different; however, they follow the
same principles. The methodology uses the framework of Material Flow Accounts
(MFA) described in the previous section.
Recycling induced material savings refer to a reduction in the economy wide
material flow accounts (MFA). More specifically material savings are the amount by
which Direct Material Input (DMI) of an economy is reduced by a specific measure.
DMI is the sum of all extracted raw materials (the Domestic Extraction, or DE) – and
all imports. Consequently, material savings finally are expressed in a reduction of
imports and/or domestic extraction.
At a conceptual level recycling does not alter exports since recycling can be seen as
an internal improvement of material management in an economy. Domestic
Source: UNECE, FAO, University Hamburg (2008), Wood Resources Availability and Demands (Part I):
National and Regional Wood Resource Balances 2005 (EU/EFTA Countries); Eurostat (2009), Forestry
Statistics; Plastics Europe (2009), Compelling Facts About Plastics; Plastics Europe (2010) Plastics: the
Fact; CPIV (Standing Committee of the European Glass Industry), 3 Points about the Glass Industry,
available at: www.cpivglass.be/main.html
Various sources: World Mineral Production (British Geological Survey);
business.highbeam.com/industry-reports/mining/kaolin-ball-clay; European Commission (2010)
Annex V to the Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Defining Critical Raw Materials. DG
EU-27 economies
(f) (h)
Imports Exports
Part (g) Emissions to
Extraction production Use Disposal Air, Water
production (c)
(e) & Assembly and Land
(i) (j) (l)
Graedel, T.E., Allwood, J., Birat, J.-P., Bucher, M., Hagelüken, C., Meskers, C.E.M., Reck, B., Sibley, S.F.,
Sonnemann, G., (2009) The Recycling of Metals: A Status Report.
JRC - Institute for Environment and Sustainability (2010) ILCD handbook. International Reference Life
Cycle Data System. General guide for Life Cycle Assessment - Detailed guidance. European
In summary this means that due to recycling (c) the material savings are imports (a0)
– (aR) – (f) plus domestic extraction (b0) – (bR) – (e).
In order to deal with the lack of data on recycling rates, a first rough estimation was
made in order to set priorities on which material streams should receive most
attention. As first step, for each material category a factor was estimated to link
pure material (recycled material) with the respective direct material inputs into EU-
27. These factors have to reflect the following issues:
• relation between domestic extraction, import of raw materials and import of
semi-finished/finished products since this is quite significant in the estimation of
material savings
Graedel, T.E., Allwood, J., Birat, J.-P., Bucher, M., Hagelüken, C., Meskers, C.E.M., Reck, B., Sibley, S.F.,
Sonnemann, G., (2009) The Recycling of Metals: A Status Report.
Eurostat (2009) Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts. Compilation Guidelines for reporting to the
2009 Eurostat questionnaire (Version 01 - June 2009). European Statistical Office, Luxembourg
Graedel, T.E., Allwood, J., Birat, J.-P., Bucher, M., Hagelüken, C., Meskers, C.E.M., Reck, B., Sibley, S.F.,
Sonnemann, G. (2009) The Recycling of Metals: A Status Report.
Allwood, J.M., Cullen, J.M., Milford,. R.L. (2010) Options for Achieving a 50% Cut in Industrial Carbon
Emissions by 2050.
Prognos (2008) European Altas of Secondary Raw Materials. 2004 Status Quo and Potentials.
In an analogue manner the productivity increases for the four scenarios were
calculated by relating them to the material efficiency0 of the scenario without
• Current situation in the year 2004 with the recycling situation as it was at that
time (material productivityc)
• Targets fully reached means that all present recycling targets are achieved
already in 2004 (material productivityt)
• Potential stands for maximum recycling rates according to expert judgement are
achieved in 2004 (material productivityp)
• 100% recycling is a hypothetical scenario and represents 100% recycling of the
respective waste stream in 2004 (material productivity100%)
Best, A., Giljum, S., Simmons, C., Blobel, D., Lewis, K., Hammer, M., Cavalieri, S., Lutter, S. and
Maguire, C. (2008) Potential of the Ecological Footprint for monitoring environmental impacts from
natural resource use. Analysis of the potential of the Ecological Footprint and related assessment
tools for use in the EU’s Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. Ecologic,
SERI, Best Foot Forward and EnviroCentre. Report to the European Commission, DG Environment.
Eurostat (2009) Forestry statistics
30% Water, coastal
flats and salines
Grazing land
13% Built area
Other natural
Bleischwitz, R., Bahn-Walkowiak, B. (2006) Sustainable Development in the European aggregates
industry: a case for sectoral strategies. Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy &
College of Europe.
EEA, CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) Land Cover database
Mudgal S., Fischer-Kowalski M., Krausmann F., Chenot B., Lockwood S., Mitsios A., Schaffartzik A.,
Eisenmenger N., Cachia F., Steinberger J., Weisz U., Kotsalainen K., Reisinger H., and Labouze E.
(2010) Preparatory study for the review of the thematic strategy on the sustainable use of natural
resources. Contract 07.0307/2009/545482/ETU/G2, Final report for the European Commission (DG
Environment). http://ec.europa.eu/environment/natres/pdf/BIO_TSR_FinalReport.pdf
W.M.J. Achten et al. (2008) Proposing a life cycle land use impact calculation methodology
350 000
300 000
Forest area
Area in 1000 ha
250 000
Permanent meadows
200 000 and pastures
Permanent crops
150 000
Arable land
100 000
50 000
Figure 2-9: Development of agricultural and forest land in the EU-27 from 1998 to
FAOSTAT (2010) FAO Statistical Database. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
WWF, Global Footprint Network & ZSL (2008) Living Planet Report 2008.
Eurostat (2008) Food: from farm to fork statistics, 2008 edition
Von Stokar, T., Steinemann, M., Rüegge, B., Schmill, J. (2006) Switzerland’s ecological footprint. A
contribution to the sustainability debate. Swiss Statistics Series. Federal Statistical Insitute of
Switzerland et al., Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
From the table it could be observed that according to the Ecological Footprint the EU
in 2005 had sufficient biocapacity in global terms of grazing land, forest and fishing
grounds to fulfil its own consumption of natural resources from these types of areas.
This is however contradictory to the fact that the EU is a net importer of fish, wood
and beef. It must be remembered that the Ecological Footprint is based on a global
average and does not take into consideration the specificities of local extraction and
consumption of resources.
The ability of land to uptake carbon is a major component of the Ecological Footprint
calculations. Whilst this study does not consider fossil fuels, the materials savings
due to recycling, waste prevention and product design also represent avoided CO2
emissions from the decrease in need for energy to extract, produce and transport
these materials. In this study, the contribution of the various components of
resource efficiency in terms of Ecological Footprint is calculated in the same manner
as the reductions in land use: the reduction of natural resource consumption is
considered proportional to the land needed to supply these resources. The yields,
yield factors between land types and the equivalence factors between national and
global land types remain constant in the estimation.
WWF, Global Footprint Network & ZSL (2008) Living Planet Report 2008.
van der Voet, E., van Oers, L., Moll, S., Schütz, H., Bringezu, S., de Bruyn, S., Sevenster, M., Warringa,
G. (2005) Policy Review on Decoupling: Development of indicators to assess decoupling of economic
development and environmental pressure in the EU-25 and AC-3 countries. Institute of
Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University; Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and
Energy; CE Solutions for Environment, Economy and Technology.
The main objective of this chapter is to investigate to what degree current recycling
practices contribute to overall material productivity and what increases in recycling
rates could be foreseen in the future. First the current recycling targets in the EU were
analysed. The relationship between the current recycling rates and the material flows
into the EU-27 economy was established for the main materials covered by current
legislation: ferrous and non-ferrous metals, minerals (including aggregates, concrete
and glass), plastics, biomass and paper. Subsequently, for each of these materials, the
total contribution of recycling target rates to material savings and material productivity
was estimated. These estimates were based on current material flows and recycling
rates as well as on the assumption that all current recycling targets are fully met. The
last section addresses the potential for improvement in the recycling targets and
identifies the barriers that could impede possible increases of recycling rates.
Recycling means different things for the various material streams. The following
options are currently the most common recycling options48:
• Metals: Most metals can be recycled any number of times without loss of quality.
• Minerals: Construction materials such as aggregates, concrete and asphalt can be
recycled either on site (in situ) or in a central plant (ex situ).
• Glass: Glass can be remelted to become new glass products without loss of
physical property or quality. The coloured glass cannot be turned into clear glass
products, but can be recycled into other coloured glass products. Otherwise
alternative uses of recycled glass are water filtration; fluxing agents in bricks and
clay pipes; shot blasting; and, aggregates.
• Plastics: Besides PET bottles, which can be recycled into their previous form
(closed-loop recycling), the recycling options for plastic usually involve down-
cycling, where polymers are turned into lower quality products.49 The main end-
applications of recycled plastics are films and bags for the distribution sector, fibres
to manufacture household goods, and building and construction materials. LDPE
and HDPE can be recycled from packaging applications. PVC is relatively difficult to
recycle, and there are currently no large-scale recycling schemes operating for
post-consumer PVC.
WRAP, www.wrap.org.uk/recycling_industry/information_by_material/index.html &
Arcadis & Eunomia (2009) Assessment of the options to improve the management of biowaste in the
European Union. Study for the European Commission, DG Environment.
EU recycling targets are set in the Waste Framework Directive (2006/12/EC). Annex D
presents an overview of the waste and recycling legislation that make use of recycling
targets, the collection targets, reuse/recycling/recovery-targets and deadlines. The
following key definitions are included in the Waste Framework Directive:
• Preparing for reuse: checking, cleaning or repairing recovery operations, by which
waste products or components of products are prepared for reuse without any
other pre-processing.
• Recovery: any operation the principal result of which is waste serving a useful
purpose by replacing other materials in order to fulfil a particular function, or
waste being prepared to fulfil that function, in the plant or in the wider economy.
• Recycling: any recovery operation by which waste materials are reprocessed into
products, materials or substances whether for the original or other purposes. It
includes the reprocessing of organic material but does not include energy recovery
and the reprocessing into materials that are to be used as fuels or for backfilling
Further details are provided below about the requirements of the individual Directives,
including definitions of waste streams, deadlines for implementation, exceptions,
derogations and reporting mechanisms.
Merl, A.D. et al. (2007) Amounts of recovered wood in COST E31 countries and Europe. 3rd European
COST E31 Conference: Management of recovered wood.
European Commission (2008) Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (Recast).
C&D Batteries
59.5% 0.1%
Arcardis, VITO, Umweltsbundesamt, BIO Intelligence Service (2010) Analysis of the evolution of waste
reduction and the scope of waste prevention.
Figure 3-2 shows the contribution of each waste policy area in relation to the total
amount of current recycled materials. C&D waste represents by far the largest
Figure 3-2: The contribution of each waste policy area to current recycling
The above estimates were then compared to a similar study done by Prognos on
resource savings54 (see Table 3-3). Here the recycling amounts and rates of 18 waste
streams were considered for EU-27. The study estimated that 1,051 Mt of material
was recycled in 2004 (out of a total of 2,417 Mt treated waste). This is much greater
amount than what was found in this study. Compared to the Prognos, the estimates
for amounts of recycled metals and minerals are severely underestimated. The
estimates for paper, wood and biowaste are more comparable, whilst glass and
plastic are estimated to be lower in the Prognos study. This might indicate that
packaging waste has been accounted for twice in MSW and packaging waste (due to
different reporting methods).
Data from production statistics and industrial associations is also presented in order
to provide a comparison of the recycling amounts calculated using the waste
statistics. The production figures have been taken from Eurostat database. The total
amount of recycled material is comparable to what was estimated in this study.
However the same trend of metals being underestimated, and glass and plastic
seems to be overestimated.
The deviations between these data sets are due to the different nature of the
sources and the uncertainties encountered during the process:
• Waste data is based on waste collection and treatment, while production data is
based on data reported by the industry.
Prognos (2008) Resource savings and CO2 reduction potential in waste management in Europe and
the possible contribution to the CO2 reduction target in 2020.
• Production statistics are based on Eurostat data, and where data is not available
the recycling rate have been extrapolated from similar material streams.
• Waste from agriculture, mining and manufacturing are not included in the
present study, since no policy targets were identified.
Two figures are given for recycling and recovery of mineral demolition waste for the year 2004 in the Prognos study: 769.2 Mt (p. 20) and 610.6 Mt (p. 127)
b) Prognos (2008) Resource savings and CO2 reduction potential in waste management in Europe and the possible contribution to the CO2 reduction target in 2020.
c) Sources:
- Eurostat
- EUROFER- European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries
- Organisation of European Aluminium Refiners and Remelters
- EAA - European Aluminium Association
- EUROcopper- European Copper Institute
- Nickel Institute
- World Bureau of Metal Statistics
- European Commission (2010) Annex V to the Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Defining Critical Raw Materials. DG Enterprise.
- EPRO (2008) Plastic Waste Management in Europe
d) European Aluminium Association (2007) Aluminium Recycling in Europe: Production of recycled aluminium in 2004 (EU-25) 4.5 Mt. Recycling rates range from 90% for
transport and construction applications and about 60% for beverage cans.
e) Eurometaux (European Association of Metals): recycling efficiency of available non-ferrous metals is 60-90%
- 60% of lead used in Western Europe from recycled or reused material
- European Commission (2010) Annex V to the Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on Defining Critical Raw Materials. DG Enterprise.
f) PlasticsEurope: Plastic waste generated EU-27 + CH & NO in 2008: 24.9 Mt; Post consumer plastic recycled: 5.3 Mt (recycling rate 21.3%)
Based on the same data sources as before, the calculations are reiterated, assuming
that all current recycling targets are fully met by each individual Member State. For
Member States that already meet or exceed the recycling targets, the current
recycling rate of the respective Member State is kept constant. Further information
about assumptions and calculations made in the below sections can be found in
Annex C.
Table 3-4 presents the estimates of the recycling amounts of the most important
waste fractions discussed in this study, under the assumption that all existing targets
are fully achieved. As before C&D waste and municipal solid waste are the areas
were the recycling amounts are the highest, followed by packaging waste. The other
waste streams contribute mostly to the metals fraction. The currently recycled
amounts of materials represent approximately 67% of the total amounts which
could be recycled if all targets set in EU legislation were fully reached. Hence, one
third of the recycling potential under current legislation still has to be realized. An
important contribution is to be expected from the recycling of C&D and municipal
solid waste.
Again, it must be noted that all amounts are to be interpreted with caution since
most of them are rough estimates, based on the assumptions of the preceding
paragraphs. Some double counting is expected to be present in the row totals, as
uncertainty remains regarding the amounts of packaging waste included in the
Table 3-4: Overview of estimates of the recycling amounts in the EU under the
assumption that all current recycling targets are fully reached.
Material recycled with current recycling targets fulfilled (ktonnes) -
Data from EU based waste statistics and other sources
Material MSW C&D ELV Packaging Battery WEEE Total
Metals 3,856 7,998 4,352 3,275 787 1,151 21,420
Glass 13,793 n/a 89 11,059 24,942
Concrete and
217,101 217,101
Asphalt 57,132 57,132
Gypsum 1,143 1,143
Other mineral
20,948 20,948
Plastics 7,267 3,999 71 4,091 106 523 16,058
Paper and
26,326 23,975 50,301
The total recycling amounts are still much less than what was estimated in the
Prognos study. The differences in amounts of the individual material streams are the
same as before: recycled metals, minerals and wood are estimated by Prognos to be
much higher; biowaste and paper are about the same; and, glass and paper are
estimated to be less than what this study indicates (possibly due to double counting
for MSW and packaging waste).
Table 3-5: Recycling amounts with targets achieved based on waste statistics
compared to Prognos study and their deviation, amounts in Mt, deviation in %
Waste statistics Prognos study
Material Recycling Recycling Recycling Recycling Deviation to
categories rates amounts rates amounts waste statistics
Iron & steel 71% 18.25 79% 81.5 447%
Aluminium 64% 3.17 79% 3.7 117%
Copper 67% 0.36 79% 1.1 306%
Lead 65% 0.71 79% 0.9 127%
Glass 56% 24.94 66% 14.3 57%
Aggregates 74% 294.42 78% 670.2 228%
Plastic 44% 15.06 30% 8.0 53%
Paper 59% 50.30 76% 60.2 120%
Wood 56% 20.80 80% 56.2 270%
Biowaste 50% 33.44 38% 33.7 101%
Other 116.31 261.8 225%
Total 577.76 1192.2 206%
This chapter provides a brief overview of the available literature concerning the
improvement of recycling targets set in EU legislation. It summarises the results of
the current study and previous reports in light of the improvement potential for
each of these recycling targets. A more in depth analysis of the economic,
environmental, social and legislative factors influencing the desirability of such
improved targets is not intended, as this would be the subject of a detailed impact
assessment study.
This study estimates the future potential for recycling amounts in EU-27 with current
best practices implemented to be about 720 Mt. In their study Prognos56 estimated
the future potential to be much higher: 1,300 Mt (see Table 3-7).
Table 3-7: Future potential recycling amounts based on waste statistics compared
to Prognos study and their deviation, amounts in Mt, deviation in %
Prognos (2008) Resource savings and CO2 reduction potential in waste management in Europe and
the possible contribution to the CO2 reduction target in 2020.
Compared to the Prognos study, the amounts of recycled metals, minerals and wood
are severely underestimated in this study, whilst glass and plastic are overestimated
(possibly due to double counting for MSW and packaging waste).
The main objectives of this section are to provide an overview of waste prevention
measures and policies and to estimate the total potential contributions of waste
prevention to material savings and productivity. Most of the data that this is based
on are derived from recent studies performed for the Commission on waste
The EU policy framework that first included waste prevention as a means to avoid
waste generation was the “Thematic strategy on the prevention and recycling of
waste” adopted by the European Commission in 2005. Following this, the Waste
Framework Directive59 (adopted in 2008) introduced a new vision on waste
management, encouraging the prevention of waste and the setting of recycling
targets. It also required Member States (MS) to develop national waste prevention
programmes by December 2013. Other EU policies that address waste prevention
such as the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV)
Directive, WEEE (Waste from Electric and Electronic Equipment) Directive, RoHS
(Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) Directive, Environmental
Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) and EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme)
are also assessed in order to estimate their current impacts on material use, and
their contributions to material savings.
The definition of waste prevention for this study is consistent with the Waste
Framework Directive59, where prevention means:
Measures taken before a substance, material or product has become waste,
that reduce:
(a) the quantity of waste, including through the re-use of products or the
extension of the life span of products;
(b) the adverse impacts of the generated waste on the environment and
human health; or
(c) the content of harmful substances in materials and products.
IEEP, Ecologic, Bio Intelligence Service, Umweltsbundesamt, Arcardis, and VITO (2010) Preparatory
study for the review of the Thematic Strategy on the Prevention and Recycling of Waste. Study
commissioned by the European Commission, DG Environment.
Arcardis, VITO, Umweltsbundesamt, and BIO Intelligence Service (2010) Analysis of the evolution of
waste reduction and the scope of waste prevention. Study commissioned by the European
Commission, DG Environment.
Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC)
The following EU policies that provide criteria for waste prevention and/or require
the establishment of regulations for waste prevention (as defined in section 4.1.
were examined to determine their impacts on material use:
Often improvements in product design are also considered as waste prevention
OECD (2000) OECD Reference manual on strategic waste prevention, ENV/EPOC/PPC(2000)5/FINAL,
Table 4-2 presents the estimated material savings based on the above contributions
of waste prevention instruments. It should be noted that it is not clear whether the
reduction in using the banned substances in RoHS actually result in a net reduction
of resources. It is not known what amounts of other materials that are needed to
substitute the hazardous substances. As mentioned since the current waste data
often does not distinguish between recycling and reuse, reuse could actually be a bit
higher that what the table below suggests. For example, if assuming the experience
from France that 1.5% of WEEE generated is reused, at an EU-27 scale this would
correspond to 46,230 tonnes of material (of which 31,890 tonnes is metal and 7,965
Arcardis, VITO, Umweltsbundesamt, BIO Intelligence Service (2010) Analysis of the evolution of waste
reduction and the scope of waste prevention. Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG
The above section has presented the various EU and MS policies related to waste
prevention. Except in the case of RoHS and EMAS (which is nonetheless anecdotal)
there is little evidence of actual waste prevention that can be attributed to
implemented policy. In order to estimate the total potential contribution of waste
prevention policies, the following provides a broad overview of different feasible
waste prevention approaches with estimates of what could be achieved. The main
waste prevention strategies considered are:
• Lean production (more efficient use of materials/ minimising waste during
production/ construction);
• Reuse (including refurbishment/repair/remanufacturing of products and
US EPA (2000) Pursuing Perfection: Case Studies Examining Lean Manufacturing Strategies, Pollution
Prevention, and Environmental Regulatory Management Implications.
Womack, James P. and Jones, Daniel T. (1991) The Machine that Changed the World. New York:
Lean Construction Institute, www.leanconstruction.org
4.3.2. REUSE
Reuse and the related strategies are often mentioned as waste prevention
approaches. These are different from recycling because they involve preserving the
whole or parts of products. In contrast, recycling activities require the destruction of
the product to its component materials so they can be reprocessed into new forms.
Reuse strategies can be classified as68:
• Direct reuse: the product is passed on to someone else by reselling or donation.
• Refurbishment: cleaning, lubricating or other improvement.
Own estimate based on various sources:
- COWI (2010) Economic Analysis of Resource Efficiency Policies. Study commissioned by the
European Commission, DG Environment.
- Mollenkopf, D., Stolze, H., Tate, W.L. & Ueltschy, M. (2010) Green, lean, and global supply
chains, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 40 No. 1/2.
- University of Cambridge (2008) Towards a sustainable industrial systems
- US EPA (2000) Pursuing Perfection: Case Studies Examining Lean Manufacturing Strategies,
Pollution Prevention, and Environmental Regulatory Management Implications.
- US EPA (2009) “Green Servicizing” for a More Sustainable US Economy: Key concepts, tools
and analyses to inform policy engagement.
- WRAP (2009) Meeting the UK climate change challenge: The contribution of resource
efficiency. WRAP Project EVA128. Report prepared by Stockholm Environment Institute and
University of Durham Business School.
Arcardis, VITO, Umweltsbundesamt, BIO Intelligence Service (2010) Analysis of the evolution of waste
reduction and the scope of waste prevention. Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG
Direct reuse refers to the reuse without the need for repair, refurbishment or
remanufacturing of a product. This often occurs through passing on of items from
one individual to another, such as through second hand purchase (e.g. eBay’s
Rethink Initiative69), or by donation (e.g. Freecycle70). Remanufacturing and repair
involves the reprocessing and repair of waste products to be reused for their
originally intended use. As with direct reuse, remanufacturing can result in deferring
the purchase of a new item, in favour of an older item which has been restored to
good working condition, or even upgrading parts to increase an older product’s
efficiency (particularly the case with modular products). This again results in less
need for the manufacturing of new products. However, unlike direct reuse, this
process can involve steps similar to manufacturing, in that new components or
repairs may be needed to restore an item. Although less material intensive than
when producing new items, the amount of resources needed for remanufacturing
can depend heavily on the extent of damage or wear a product may have suffered.
In some cases, this may be less cost effective than producing a new product to
replace an old one. Although hard to quantify, a conservative estimate could be that
already 2% of the waste from manufacturing is currently avoided due reuse in some
or another form and reduces the need for new materials.71
Enabling consumers to find others that can put old products to new use.
A non-profit movement that helps people give (and get) used products for free. According to
Freecycle, their 7 million members help keep 500 tonnes a day out of landfills. www.freecycle.org/
Own estimate based on various sources:
- US EPA (2009) “Green Servicizing” for a More Sustainable US Economy: Key concepts, tools
and analyses to inform policy engagement.
- Steelcase - Office furniture through leasing and management services:
- Caterpillar – equipment rental and remanufactured products
For cars, it is assumed that 1 out of 10 cars could be avoided with a combination of
increased car sharing, preventive maintenance, taxes and better public transport
options77. This corresponds to 10% of vehicles annually registered or 1.5 Mt of
materials. In the construction sector, the reuse of materials is also thought to be
able to reduce C&D waste with 10%78. The savings is assumed to follow the same
distribution of the current material composition of waste. Finally, Chemical
Management Services79 seems to be able to reduce 30% of the wastes of spent
- US EPA (2009) “Green Servicizing” for a More Sustainable US Economy: Key concepts, tools
and analyses to inform policy engagement.
Introduced in Denmark in 1999 for food packaging.
Green Public Procurement: www.ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/what_en.htm
McMichael, A.J., Powles, J.W., Butler, C.D., Uauy, R. (2007) Food, livestock production, energy and
health. Series Energy and Health 5. The Lancet, pp. 55-65.
BIO Intelligence Service, AEA, Umweltsbundesamt, (2010) Preparatory study on food waste across
EU-27. Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG Environment.
European Commission (2008) Impact Assessment – Commission staff working paper accompanying
the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and
electronic equipment (WEEE) (recast). COM(2008) 810.
Reuse strategies
RoHS Lean manufacturing Total
in manufacturing
This study estimates only about 6.3 Mt of materials are currently saved due to
current waste prevention measures and policies. This is less than 2% of the current
amount of recycled material (388.8 Mt) and almost insignificant compared to the
total amount of waste generated in 2004 (2,920 Mt).
As waste prevention measures have not been fully put in place and the impacts of
these measures are not well documented, the estimation of potential material
savings that could be achieved from waste prevention was based on evidence from a
variety of different sources. The waste prevention strategies considered include lean
production (in the manufacturing and construction sector); the full range of reuse
strategies (e.g. refurbishment, repair, remanufacturing, servicising, communal use);
Assuming that green public procurement and that more intensive waste prevention
programmes are launched, it would seem feasible that MSW could be reduced with
7% (same target as France as set). The material savings is assumed to follow the
same distribution of the current material composition of MSW waste. These
amounts would also include any reductions arising from specific waste streams such
as food waste prevention, banning/taxation of plastic bags and limiting junk mail.
Using the above evidence and assumptions the potential for material savings
through the variety of different waste prevention strategies were calculated. Table
4-3 lists the material savings according to each strategy and the composition of
materials (the material savings are assumed to follow the same percentage fraction
as the composition of materials in current waste streams).
Waste prevention measures have yet to realise its potential for material savings.
Leaner production and construction methods, reuse and more sustainable behaviour
shows great potential for material savings, particularly regarding non-metallic
materials, chemicals and metals. The total potential for material savings due to
waste prevention based on current best practices is estimated to be about 156 Mt
annually. This is over a third of the material saved through current recycling. The
main savings come from better use (and reuse) of construction materials, but also
from overall changes in consumption behaviour.
Paper &
11 680 1 168 6 384.4 7 552.4
board 91 205.0
Wood 54 210 5 421 15 484.6 1 548.5 15 484.6 1 548.5 8 517.9
Food 8 140 814 52 117.2 3 648.2 4 462.2
29 160 2 916 13 029.3 912.1 3 828.1
Other 98 069.2 9 806.9 425.0 127.5 1 800 180 98 069.2 9 806.9 52 117.2 3 648.2 23 569.5
Total 107.3 154 550 15 455 531 380 53 138 2 125 637.5 15 200 1 520 531 380 53 138 45 300 13 590 260 585 18 241 155 827
Arcardis, VITO, Umweltsbundesamt, BIO Intelligence Service (2010) Analysis of the evolution of waste
reduction and the scope of waste prevention. Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG
Design can play a critical role in material use and material savings since these are to
a large extent determined at the design stage of a product’s life. For example, the
shape and dimensions of the product; the choice of materials used in the
manufacturing process or during its life time; the possibility of reusing, recycling or
any other end-of-life option after its use, are all defined during product conception.
Each one of the aspects listed above directly influence the type and amounts of
materials used and their corresponding environmental impacts during the product’s
life cycle.
This section provides an overview of possible contributions of product design to
material savings and productivity. First the relevant existing policies and measures
are studied by looking at the methods and approaches that could or have affected
material use after their implementation. This part forms the basis for the estimation
of the contribution of product design to material savings and to material
productivity under the current state of policy implementation as well as an
estimation of future potentials.
The concept of ecodesign lies in the process of creating a product that delivers a
specific functionality whilst taking into consideration the environmental impacts
throughout its entire life cycle. The aim of this product life thinking is to reduce the
environmental impacts related to each stage from raw material extraction to end-of-
life. Since environmental effects are determined during the development of the
product, design plays a critical role when the goal is to reduce the negative effects
on the environment. According to a guide to improve environmental performance
through development, 80% of the products environmental profile is fixed under the
concept creation stage86. Likewise it is claimed that around 80% of a product’s
environmental impacts can be eliminated through better design.87
McAloone, T. & Bey, Niki, B. (2008) Environmental improvement through product development – a
guide. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Available at:
87 th
House of Lords (2008 ) Waste Reduction. Volume I: Report 6 . Report of Session 2007–08. Science
and Technology Committee, UK.
The above principles are not independent and sometimes even contradictory, e.g.
reducing material intensity and optimising product’s durability. Trade-offs often
have to be made by designers and manufacturers. They must consider these
principles carefully by taking into account the overall environmental impacts for
each specific product. Furthermore, not all of these strategies are directly relevant
for material productivity. In the context of this study only reducing material
intensity (lightweighting); design for recycling; the elimination/dispersion of
harmful substances (already covered in Chapter 4); and, design for longevity; are
considered in relation to how they can lead to material savings.
In this section current policies that have lead to material savings and productivity
through product design are analysed. Only the policies that have provisions for
ecodesign parameters and that have entered into force are included, these are: the
McAloone, T. & Bey, Niki, B. (2008) Environmental improvement through product development – a
guide. Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Actual contributions of the Ecodesign Directive to material use and efficiency have
not been significant for two main reasons: 1) the first implementing measures with
ecodesign requirements were only approved of in 2008, and 2) the methodology for
assessing products focuses on energy efficiency (for more details see Annex E).
Besides (indirect) material savings due to change in energy efficiency technology for
domestic lighting, the contributions of the Ecodesign Directive to material
productivity is limited as none of the implementing measures so far address material
For the WEEE, ELV and Packaging Directive the contribution of design to recycling
has already been accounted for in Chapter 3. There is evidence that significantly less
material per packaging is now being used (see Table 5-2), but it is not clear whether
this is a natural development or due to the Packaging Directive. Likewise,
technological development and ecodesign has resulted in considerable
lightweighting of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
AEAT (2004) The direct and indirect benefits of the European Ecolabel. Study for the European
Commission, DG Environment.
It was seen that in early stages (i.e. in the 1960s) material weight reductions were
significant, and changes of more than 50% in the weight of some packaging
materials was achieved. It would seem that the technical limits of packaging have
been reached as the weight reductions have been less in the later years There is
however still a potential for further weight reduction by substituting material, e.g.
from glass bottles to plastic or carton.92 A study conducted by PlasticsEurope claims
that the use of plastic for packaging helps in reducing the overall material
consumption of alternative packaging material by almost 4 times (by weight)93. For
example, by changing the material of their beer bottles, Carlsberg reduced the
weight of a beer bottle from 260 g (glass bottle) to 38 g (plastic bottle). 94
It has not been possible to determine the extent that packaging manufacturers use
more recycled material in their products, but it has been observed that higher
amounts of packaging waste are being recycled95. Regardless, the effects of
packaging recycling have already been accounted for under recycling in Chapter 3.
This section aims to identify methods that could effectively contribute to material
savings and efficiency outside policies. It analyses the possible contributions of other
relevant methods besides policies, such as private sector initiatives. The aim of
looking at possible contributions beyond current policies is to find examples of
design approaches that have an impact on material use in a significant manner
which can then be used later on to provide grounds for new policy measures.
EUROPEN; Packaging and Packaging Waste Statistics 1998 – 2006.
The per cent change measures the weight reduction in 2008 compared with the first year of data
reporting for the product in the table
Denkstatt AG (2010) The impacts of plastics on life-cycle energy consumption and greenhouse gas
emissions in Europe.
Treatment of packaging waste in the EU-27, Packaging waste 2007, EUROSTAT, Environmental Data
Centre on waste.
• Design for recyclability - using recycled materials and designing the product so it
is easier to recycle
• Product lightweighting - reducing the material intensity of products by using
less material or choosing another material for the same functionality
• Design for longevity - increasing the product lifetime: by making products more
durable, repairable and upgradeable in order to increase product life time and
encourage reuse.
The reduction of the use and dispersion of harmful substances is also a design
strategy that could contribute to material savings, but as it is strongly linked to
waste prevention, this strategy was covered under the previous chapter in relation
to RoHS.
Further information about evidence and estimates for ecodesign can be found in
Annex D.
• Using materials that can be recycled. This can be achieved by using materials
with compatible fixings/attachments as it greatly increases the product’s
recyclability, while incompatible materials, non-dismountable surface
attachments and factors reducing recycling performance increase the steps
required for recycling, making it both costly and resource-intensive. The
chemical structures of the materials need to be similar in order to be broken
down into their raw form together. For example, thermoset plastics and
composite materials are extremely difficult to recycle.
• Using recycled materials. Designing products to be made out of recycled
material stimulates the demand for recycled material and leads to higher
recycling rates. Avoid using virgin materials such as titanium, magnesium and
• Minimising number of parts involved in product components. Fewer parts mean
that sorting for recycling is made easier.
• Making the product easy to disassemble. One of the crucial aspects to carry out
product recycling is optimum disassembly so that the revenue gained from
recycling the parts is greater than the cost of carrying out the operations. Often
valuable parts of a product such as transformers, electric motors, etc. are
located in parts of the product that are not very accessible. In many cases, once
the parts have been removed any recycling value that they may have had is
cancelled out by the costly disassembly which is needed to access them.
Therefore, placing highly valuable parts in easily accessible places within the
product will encourage and facilitate its recyclability. Disassembly can be made
easier and faster by reducing the number of fasteners; making them easily
assessable; using snap-fits that are designed to be undone or break; avoiding
glues and adhesives to join parts made of different materials; etc.
Design for recycling is key to achieving higher recycling rates. As a strategy it allows
products to be more easily recycled (creating supply), but also increases the demand
for recycled material by using recycled material instead of virgin raw material.
However, the real contribution of design for recycling can only be seen in the
recycling amounts and the performance of collection and recycling systems. A
product that is designed to be 100% recyclable does not result in material savings if
it is not collected and recycled at the end of its life. The contribution of design for
recycling to material productivity has already been accounted for in the chapter on
recycling. Any further effects are not considered here as this would be double-
Oakdene Hollins & Cranfield University (2007) Product Lightweighting. A strategy to deliver a
sustainable economy? Resource Efficiency Knowlegde Transfer Network, DTI, UK.
Wallentowitz, H., Leyers, J., Parr, T. (2003) Business briefing: Global Automotive Manufacturing &
CML (2003) Dematerialisation: Not just a matter of weight – Development and application of a
methodology to rank materials based on their environmental impacts.
Material Intensity per Service Unit. See
Figure 5-1: An example of a product providing the same function that has
undergone drastic lightweighting with digitalisation
A special case of lightweighting by dematerialisation is the provision of products as
services through digitalisation. Instead of physical materials (e.g. floppy disks, CDs,
books, paper letters, etc.), ICT can provide the same service as an information
service (e.g. email, music download, PDF files, etc.). This leads to the replacement of
material goods with ‘immaterial’ information. However, it is worth noting that the
embodied materials and energy of the electronic equipment, through which these
information services may be accessed, may also be significant. In the case of digital
books, certain products have been made (known as e-readers) which serve only to
access these products. Furthermore, although offices have become more digitalised,
the amount of paper consumed, contrary to what one might think, has also
It is estimated that changing car manufacturing production structures may improve
material productivity up to 29%, substituting material can save 20% and product
design can reduce up to 84% of material usage in car production102. However, before
these technical potentials can be achieved, further R&D is needed.
Vowler, J. (2002) The end of paper?. Computer Weekly, 43.
Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment and Energy (2007) The relation between resource
productivity and competitiveness.
Ecodesign has become common practice in most leading manufacturing firms. The
effects of these can be seen with the material intensity of each new generation of
product being improved. Given the evidence, it seems economically feasible that
packaging, electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) and vehicles could be
redesigned using less materials and/or substituting materials with less
environmental impacts. Packaging has already seen large weight reductions per unit
of about 50% on average, but it would still seem possible to further reduce the
weight of packaging by at least 5%. Likewise for EEE, miniaturisation and
digitalisation has resulted in products which on average are estimated to require half
the amount of materials compared with earlier generations of the same product.
From the achievements of individual firms on material savings through ecodesign, it
is assumed that a further 10% of materials could be saved and still provide the same
value. Finally, the evidence shows that although lightweighting has occurred in the
automotive industry, these savings have been outweighed by the increase in size
and features of the average car sold on the market. If consumers accept smaller cars
(which seems to be the case with the popularity of cars such as BMW Mini, Fiat 500,
Smart fortwo), it would seem plausible that vehicles could be designed with as much
as 30% less materials (see Figure 5-2).
Wallentowitz, H., Leyers, J., Parr, T. (2003) Business briefing: Global Automotive Manufacturing & Technology.
As Product/Service-Systems (PSS) or ‘servicising’. See COWI (2008) Promoting Innovative Business
Models with Environmental Benefits. Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG
See e.g.:
− Chapman, J. (2005) Emotionally Durable Design: Objects, Experiences and Empathy,
− Norman, D.A. (2004). Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, New York,
Basic Books.
− Chapman, J. (2005) Emotionally Durable Design - objects, experience and empathy, Earthscan
Publications Ltd, London, UK.
− Muis, H.,Odding, A., Bonekamp, L., Van Hinte, E. (eds.) (1997) Eternally Yours. Visions on
product endurance. 010 Publishers, NL.
Table 5-4 presents the assumptions made to calculate the current contribution of
design to material productivity. The total amounts of savings in relation to the
various types of materials are presented in Table 5-5. Implementing measures for
lighting under the Ecodesign Directive have resulted in the phasing out of
incandescent light bulbs. Although the replacing technology, compact fluorescent
lighting (CFL), uses more material per light bulb, its life time is also much longer.106
Table 5-4: Overview of the assumptions used to estimate the current amount of
material savings achieved through product design
In Table 5-5 this can be seen as negative savings (increased material consumption).
Currently, the increasing purchases of CFLs represents an annual increase in the
consumption of glass, plastic and other materials, however in the coming years as
the lighting stock is replaced with CFLs, this will lead to much less annual demand for
light bulbs (see Annex E for calculations).
Table 5-5: Summary of material savings from current design-related policies and
measures (all amounts in ktonnes)
Material Material Material Amount put Material Amount put Material Amount
savings savings on market savings on market savings
Metals 0.228 4 903 4 903 5 232 5 232 10 135
Iron and steel 3 922 3 922 4 709 4 709 8 631
Aluminium 0.228 834 834 392 392 1 226
Copper 147 147 131 131 278
25.110 25
Granite 233.810 234
Glass -7.923 16 597 16 597 16 589
Chemicals 60.790 61
Pesticide 1.580 1.6
Fertiliser 45.410 45
13.800 14
MTP (2008) Impact Assessment of EuP Implementing Measures of Domestic Lighting. Defra, UK.
Material Material Material Amount put Material Amount put Material Amount
savings savings on market savings on market savings
Plastic -10.375 14 950 14 950 2 378 2 378 17 318
Paper &
31 771 31 771 31 771
Wood 12 852 12 852 12 852
Peat 113.300 113
Other -10.784 111.490 233 233 1 903 1 903 2 237
Total -28.9 544.5 81 306 81 306 9 513 9 513 91 335
Currently only a limited amount of material savings can be attributed to the existing
policies in place. Although the evidence provided in this section is fragmented, it
clearly demonstrates that improvements in design have the potential for significant
material savings in the future. This is mainly due to increasing the material intensity
of products (lightweighting), but also by using design to support more recycling and
The Ecodesign Directive does hold the potential to increase the material productivity
through implementing measures that directly address the use of materials in
products as well as extending the scope of the Directive to include any kind of
product (i.e. not just those considered energy-related). A review of the on-going
preparatory studies commissioned for the product groups covered by the Ecodesign
Directive does not provide any specific evidence on improvement potentials related
to non-energy carrying materials. In general, resource savings have only been linked
to energy savings especially in the use phase. The strong (and often only) focus on
energy consumption during the use phase in implementing measures for previous
Table 5-6: Overview of the assumptions used to estimate the current amount of
material savings achieved through product design
BIO Intelligence Service (2010); “Technical support to identify product categories with significant
environmental impact and with potential for improvement by making use of ecodesign measures”
Final report.
The potential for design to contribute with material savings is estimated to be about
20.5 Mt. Most of the savings are due to the expansion of scope of the Ecodesign
Directive and making current Ecolabel criteria mandatory for all products sold in the
EU. Lightweighting vehicles and purchasing smaller cars also represents a significant
potential for reducing material consumption. The largest savings are minerals
followed by metals and biomass (peat).
The above assumptions and estimates are based on what could be achieved with
current available technologies. Technological development in new (bio) materials
and nanotechnology could result in further reductions of material intensity.
Although not considered in this study, design also holds the potential of increasing
Design Council (2008) The impact of design on business. Design Council briefing. October 2008.
Imports Exports
Resource WASTE
use Domestic MANAGEMENT Domestic
policies Extraction Processed
Figure 6-1: An overview of where the different resource efficiency policy areas
contribute to material flows
European Commission (2010) Europe 2020. A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive
In the investigation performed in this study of how much recycling, waste prevention
and product design contribute to resource savings and efficiency, recycling has by far
the largest contribution. This is partly because it is easily measured and actually
tracked in companies and sectors, where waste statistics make the data available.
The resource savings from waste prevention measures and product design are more
difficult to measure and currently not tracked in a systematic manner. The data for
waste prevention and product design is limited, and based on their recent
implementation, there is a lack of measurement and no economy wide estimates
exist. The estimates for waste prevention and product design are mainly based on
case studies of resource savings from local initiatives.
The data for recycling was compiled from waste statistics for the year 2004 (see
Chapter 3. ). First of all the national waste statistics were used as a baseline, then
studies into the recycling rates of the various EU policies (e.g. WEEE, ELV, etc.) were
scrutinised for more detailed information. With this information four scenarios were
• Current situation in the year 2004 with the recycling situation as it was at that
• Targets fully reached means that all present recycling targets are achieved
already in 2004
• Potential stands for maximum recycling rates according to expert judgement are
achieved in 2004
• 100% recycling is a hypothetical scenario and represents 100% recycling of the
respective waste stream in 2004
For these scenarios the following recycling amounts and recycling rates could be
compiled and calculated.
It needs to be mentioned that data taken from waste statistics have a very high
uncertainty. Just to mention a few examples taken from the C&D waste data (the
most significant material stream): The figures provided for the recycled amounts of
masonry are between 20 Mt and 135 Mt. Another example is the sub-category called
miscellaneous, which ranges from minimum 5 Mt to a maximum of 90 Mt. In order
to deal with these figures, what seemed like the best estimate was checked with
waste experts and then used. The data uncertainty of the material saving estimates
is discussed at the end of this section. Additionally global savings for some materials
are estimated in order compare them with the results estimated for EU-27.
700 Iron
400 Glass
100 Wood
current targets potential 100%
Recycling scenarios
Figure 6-2: An overview of recycling amounts for all material categories EU-27
based on waste statistics for current situation, targets reached, potential and 100%
recycling, all values in million metric tonnes (Mt)
The recycling amounts for all materials are 313 Mt110 for the current scenario, and
the DMCc in 2004 was 7,714 Mt. In the scenario “targets fully reached” 461 Mt of
materials are recycled, in the scenario “further potential for recycling” 574 Mt are
recycled and with 100% recycling rates 701 Mt can be recycled. In all the scenarios,
the aggregates (C&D waste minerals) are the highest share of recycling amounts,
accounting for more than 50% of the total recycled materials. In the current
situation, the estimated recycling rate for aggregates is 47%, which means 188 Mt
recycled in 2004. The potential for the hypothetical scenario in which 100% recycling
rate is reached is 399 Mt.
Paper has the second highest recycling amount, with a 49% recycling rate in the
current situation (amounting 41.3 Mt) and a maximum of 8.7 Mt in the scenario in
which 100% recycling rate is achieved. Biowaste, glass, wood, iron and plastics also
have significant recycling rates and amounts in all the scenarios, whereas recycled
amounts of other metals such as aluminium, copper and lead are small compared to
the other materials studied.
Excluding material categories that are unaccounted for e.g. “other”, “misc”
In the table it can be seen that 13.9 Mt of iron and steel was recycled in 2004
(current scenario). This represents a recycling rate of 55%. In the scenario where all
recycling targets are fully achieved, the recycling rate of ferrous metals is 71%, which
corresponds to 18.3 Mt. Based on expert judgement 22.8 Mt can be collected
corresponding to a recycling rate of 82%. As a hypothetical reference in a 100%
recycling scenario 26.2 Mt of ferrous metals can be recycled.
Based on these recycling amounts, material savings were calculated employing the
methodology described in section 2.2. Due to methodological reasons, a fifth
baseline scenario had to be introduced in order to calculate material savings and
efficiency increases. This scenario represents the hypothetical situation in which
there is “no recycling”. The calculated material savings and efficiency increases are
shown in Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4.
The scenario “no recycling” is a baseline scenario denoted by DMCo. This scenario
represents the consumption of materials that there would have been in the year
2004 without any recycling. Therefore the hypothetical DMCo is 8,027 Mt. The bar
shows the composition by major material categories. Due to recycling, it was
possible to reduce DMC in 2004 by 312 Mt (the actual DMC in 2004 with recycling
(DMCc) was 7,715 Mt). If targets are fully reached, this would reduce DMCo with 466
Mt. If all materials were recycled according to the recycling rates of current best
312 466 578 701
8,000 336
301 287 Resource savings
277 264
DMC in Mt (million tonnes)
6,000 DMCc DMCt DMC p
3,941 Metal ores
3,734 DMC 100%
3,621 3,546 3,497
1,960 1,949 1,944 1,938 1,924
Fossil energy carriers
Figure 6-3: An overview of the Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) for major
material categories in EU-27 for the scenarios: no recycling (DMCo), current
situation in 2004 (DMCc), targets fully reached (DMCt), potential recycling (DMCp)
and 100% recycling (DMC100%), all values in million metric tonnes (Mt)
700 Iron
Recycling amounts in Mt (million tonnes)
574 Aluminium
461 Lead
400 Glass
313 Aggregates
100 Wood
current targets potential 100%
Recycling scenarios
Figure 6-4: An overview of material savings for all material categories in the EU-27
based on waste statistics for current situation (2004), targets reached, potential
and 100% recycling, all values in million metric tonnes (Mt)
Depending on the material category, recycling can result in various reductions in the
DMC. The recycling of 1 kg of copper saves in general about 20 kg of copper ores.
The calculated global material savings based on waste statistics are about 46.3 Mt.
The material savings within EU-27 countries amount up to more than 35.1 Mt. These
figures estimate that recycling in EU-27 saves 46.3 Mt globally of which 76% occurs
within the EU-27 countries.
Based on our calculation the hypothetical domestic material consumption (DMCo)
without any recycling activity would be 8,029 Mt for EU-27 in 2004. With recycling
activities as they were in 2004 the DMC was reduced by material savings to DMCc of
7,715 Mt. With GDP for the EU-27 in 2004 at 9,879 billion Euro, material productivity
is then calculated to be 1,230 €/t if there was no recycling and 1,280 €/t with current
recycling amounts. This means a calculated material productivity increase for the
current situation of 4.1%.
10% 9.5%
Material productivity
no recycling current target potential 100%
Recycling scenarios
Aggregates 11%
Figure 6-6: Material savings EU-27 of metals, non-metallic minerals (glass and
aggregates), plastic and biomass (paper, wood, biowaste) for current situation in
2004 (100% equals 314 Mt)
It should be noted that the material saving results provided here involve high
uncertainties due to unreliable waste data and due to many assumptions necessary
for calculating material savings. With more accurate information the following
materials could gain higher significance for their contribution to the total material
savings (if only one material is altered to the highest plausible value):
• metals (from 11% to 22%, if energy savings are considered up to 26%)
• C&D waste (from 60% to 70%),
• paper (from 7% up to 13%).
The critical review of the data calls for an effort of improving data quality. Only this
would allow for a more differentiated analysis in future. One way is to improve
waste statistics. Another way is to develop a more reliable estimation procedure
using triangulation, where different methods and information sources (e.g. MFA,
trade statistics, industry estimates, etc.) are used to derive more reliable data.
BIO Intelligence Service, AEA, Umweltsbundesamt (2010) Preparatory study on food waste across
EU-27. Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG Environment.
grassland harvest
a) Meat data from Eurostat (2008) Food: from farm to fork statistics
Food lost in the supply chain from UNEP (2009) The environmental food crisis – The environment’s role in averting future food crises. A UNEP rapid response assessment. United Nations
Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal.
According to the FAO, approx 12% of oil bearing crops are available for human consumption (www.fao.org/economic/ess/chartroom-and-factoids/chartroom/36-world-cropped-area-yield-and-
UNEP (2009) The environmental food crisis – The environment’s role in averting future food crises. A
UNEP rapid response assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal.
Restriction of
Design for
Design for
As discussed at the beginning of this section waste statistics have a very high range
of uncertainty. In many cases experts provided estimates that vary by a range of 2 to
18 times for minimum and maximum figures. Since these uncertainties are
extremely high – even for the waste streams of high significance (e.g. C&D waste) –
other methods were employed to check the plausibility of the data. For this purpose
the material flow accounts (MFA) were used. The MFA is based on a very simple, but
reliable approach with a reasonable statistical foundation. It accounts all the in and
out flows with other economies (e.g. import and export statistics) and all inputs
extracted from nature (e.g. various statistics like agricultural and forestry statistics,
mining statistics, etc.). The use of the MFA as a framework was linked with
production statistics (see section 2.2. on the methodology for calculating material
savings). Since this approach is already used to model the material streams, it could
also be used to check the plausibility of data.
The feasibility and plausibility check provides the following results:
• C&D waste recycling is by far the most important recycling activity relevant for
material savings.
• Metal recycling is plays a major role since it substitutes very material intensive
up-stream processes.
• The calculation of the potential based on production statistics assumes an
increase of the recycling rate for copper from 41 to 95%. This has a significant
effect due to the material intensity of the up-stream processes (the average ore
grade is below 18%).
BIO Intelligence Service, Arcadis & IEEP (2010) Study on management of construction and demolition
waste in the EU. Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG Environment.
Arcadis & Eunomia (2009) Assessment of the options to improve the management of bio-waste in
the European Union
Prognos (2008) Resource savings and CO2 reduction potential in waste management in Europe and
the possible contribution to the CO2 reduction target in 2020.
800 Product
400 prevention
200 Recycling
Current Current Ta rgets Ta rgets Fea s i bl e Fea s i bl e 100% 100%
pol ici es , pol i ci es , rea ched, rea ched, potenti a l , potentia l , recycl i ng recycl ing
l ow high l ow hi gh l ow hi gh ra tes , l ow ra tes , hi gh
es ti ma te es tima te es tima te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti ma te es ti mate
Figure 6-7: An overview of material savings due to recycling, waste prevention and
product design from current practices and policies as well as future potentials.
Improvements in design have already demonstrated significant increases in material
productivity through lightweighting. In this study about 90 Mt less materials are
currently needed each year to produce the same amount of products with the same
or better functionality. Although current EU product policies do not contribute much
to material savings, they have a potential to do so with more ecodesign
requirements addressing material use. With the use of current best technologies and
manufacturing methods, it was estimated that a further 20-32 Mt of less materials
would be necessary to produce products with the same functionality. This would
mainly be a reduced need for metals and minerals to produce the same amount of
products with equivalent functionality. The analysis of contributions to material
productivity did however identify product design as key to achieving greater
amounts of recycling and waste prevention through design for recycling and design
for longevity.
Design for toxic substances
recycling Product Design for reuse/repair/
lightweighting refurbish/remanufacture
Ir o
Ir o
r ia
Material savings per material in relation to DMC in EU-27 Material savings per material in relation to DMC in EU-27
current practices (high estimate) potential (high estimate)
100% 100%
90% Potential for
80% 80% recycling, waste
Current recycling,
70% prevention and
waste prevention
60% 60% design practices
and design practices
40% Domestic Material
Domestic Material 30%
20% Consumption 20%
0% 0%
Ir o
Ir o
Figure 6-9: Material savings for selected material streams in relation to Domestic
Material Consumption for current practices and future potential with best
practices implemented.
For this study, the assessment was done by using the ‘characterised’ factors so that
the effect of material savings in each individual environmental impact category could
be studied. The results presented in Figure 6-10 correspond to the reductions
achieved in the major environmental impact categories. The avoided impact
potentials are only shown for the material streams under study. The rest of the
impact categories, in which some uncertainties or reliability of the relevance can be
questioned, are shown in Annex F. The main observations are:
• Metals are the material stream with the highest current contribution to impact
savings in 4 of 12 impact categories: human toxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity,
About 80-90% of the estimated material savings could be assigned to a material category available in
EMC. Recycled materials or prevented waste that was classified as “other” or “unknown” were not
included in the EMC calculations.
• Plastics are the material stream with the highest contribution to impact savings
in 3 of 12 impact categories: abiotic resources depletion (plastic is mainly made
from fossil fuel, a limited resource), freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity and climate
• Biomass is the material stream with the highest contribution in 4 of 12 impact
categories: land use competition, ozone depletion potential, eutrophication
potential and Ionising radiation, with paper the most important in 3 of them.
• Glass is the material stream with the highest contribution to acidification
potential impact reductions.
• Other minerals contribute in a significant manner to impact savings in
acidification potential and ozone depletion potential, and construction minerals
are significant in climate change, ozone depletion potential and ionising
3.50E+11 1.40E+09
Other biomass 2.50E+09
Other biomass Other biomass
3.00E+11 1.20E+09
Food waste Food waste Food waste
2.50E+11 Wood Wood 1.00E+09 Wood
Photochemical Oxidation (kg ethylene-Eq) Eutrophication Potential (kg PO4-Eq) Land Use Contribution (m2a)
1.40E+08 3.00E+08 3.50E+11
Figure 6-10: The estimated avoided environmental impact potentials of current and future contributions to material productivity
Eurostat (ten00072)
actual savings policy targets reached max. potential 100% recycling rate
Eurostat (2010) Agricultural statistics. Main results — 2008–09.
Based on CORINE land use data
Total 4.7 2 285.4 6.0% 5.0 2 428.3 5.6% 4.3 2 161.1 2.3 1 125.7
Guinée, J.B., M. Gorrée, R. Heijungs, G. Huppes et al. (2002) Handbook on Life Cycle Assessment.
Operational Guide to the ISO Standards. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
WRAP (2009) Meeting the UK climate change challenge: The contribution of resource efficiency.
WRAP Project EVA128. Report prepared by Stockholm Environment Institute and University of
Durham Business School.
Ökopol (2008) Climate protection potentials of EU recycling target. This report states that most of
the valuation factors used in literature as well as the market value of carbon trading fall within this
range. However, some methodologies documented in the literature use higher values, for example the
EPS method uses 108.
Hasimoto et al. (2008) What factors have changed Japanese resource productivity? A decomposition
analysis for 1995-2002. Journal of Industrial Ecology, Volume 12, Numbers 5/6, 657-668.
Prognos (2008) Resource savings and CO2 reduction potential in waste management in Europe and
the possible contribution to the CO2 reduction target in 2020.
Allwood, J.M., Cullen, J.M., Milford, R.L. (2010) Options for achieving a 50% cut in industrial carbon
emissions by 2050.Environmental Science and Technology 2010, 44 (6), pp. 1888-1894
CML (2003) Dematerialisation: Not just a matter of weight – Development and application of a
methodology to rank materials based on their environmental impacts.
GHG emissions in EU-27 under the Kyoto Protocol was 5,567 Mt CO2 equivalent in the base year of
1990. The target of 20% reduction by 2020 corresponds to a reduction of 1,113 Mt CO2 equivalent. The
annual potential reduction of 278 Mt CO2 equivalent is therefore represents 25% of the 2020 target.
Bringezu, S. & Bleischwitz, R. (editors) (2009) Sustainable Resource Management. Global trends,
visions and policies. Greenleaf Publishing.
CE Delft (2009) Resource productivity, competitiveness and environmental policies, Delft.
European Commission (2005) Commission staff working document on the links between
employment policies and environment policies, 17, SEC(2005) 1530.
See ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/employment_en.htm
Compilation on the basis of: ETC/RWM (2008) based on national reports and statistics.
Source: Dr John Atherton – Senior Programme Director, Resource efficiency in the minerals and
metals sector, UNEP/OECD Workshop – Paris 23-25 April 2008,
Commission of the European Communities (2008) Commission staff working paper accompanying
the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and
electronic equipment (WEEE), COM(2008) 810 final, www.eur-
CE Delft (2009) Resource productivity, competitiveness and environmental policies, Delft.
Christian Gagelüken, Christina Meskers (2008) Mining our computers – Opportunities and
challenges to recover scarce and valuable metals from end-of-life electronic devices.
ECORYS (2009) Study on the Competitiveness of the EU eco-industry, Final Report – Part 1.
OECD (2009) Eco-innovation in industry – Enabling green growth
Waste prevention and product design policies considered in this study revealed that:
• Contributions from current waste prevention policies to material savings and
productivity have been difficult to track mainly for two reasons: i) they have
been implemented recently thus it is too soon to account for any measurable
effects so far, and ii) concrete actions are only requested after 5 years of being
adopted. Specifically, the Waste Framework Directive was adopted in 2008 and
the requirements of concrete actions by MS through waste prevention
programmes are only due to 2013.
• The European Ecolabel has proved to be an effective action for resource savings
through better product design; the impacts measured as materials saved in
certain material streams were quantified. In order to increase the potential
savings from this action in the future, the market share of Ecolabeled products
needs to be increased. Options for doing this can include increasing consumer
awareness and the number of products labelled.
• In relation to recycling and waste prevention, increased ecodesign practices can
actually lead to greater recycling and waste prevention. If recycling is carefully
considered in the design process by enabling quick and easy disassembly, proper
marking of components and their material composition or allowing parts of the
product to be easily replaced so consumables or components can be reused or
European Commission, DG EMPL, Employment in Europe 2009.
ECORYS (2009) Study on the Competitiveness of the EU eco-industry, Final Report – Part 1.
• The effect of having fully implemented policies that aim to increase material
productivity should be a reduction in material use. However, current
implementation trends show little improvement in terms of material productity
from waste prevention and product design. Rather than less material use in
order to provide the same functionality from the three main policy blocks (waste
prevention, product design or recycling), it seems that waste streams have been
effectively diverted from landfill (by increasing recycling and recovery) and thus
the effect of recycling is the only one having a measurable impact in material
use. Effects of the other two policy blocks would be measurable if a reduction in
the waste stream was occurring but there is no evidence that this is the case.
In the study it is assessed that recycling has by far the largest contribution to
material productivity and still holds the greatest future potential, but also waste
prevention through reuse and consumption behaviour has a significant potential to
increase material productivity. In order for material productivity to increase, product
design is the key to achieve greater amounts of recycling and waste prevention.
To increase material productivity through recycling, waste prevention and product
design policies, one must consider the various material streams and their
• Construction materials constitute the largest material flow, but most go into
stock (buildings and infrastructure) for the benefit of future generations
• Waste prevention is most suitable for addressing food, whilst recycling and
product design can address the supporting systems (e.g. packaging) surrounding
the food cycle
• Rare metals play a critical role in high-tech products (incl. environmental
technologies), efforts should be made to ensure that these materials are never
Other policies studied revealed the following:
• Targets are set in order to increase reuse/recycling without prioritising any of
the options. Recycling is the ‘easiest’ action to achieve targets, leaving the
potential for reuse untapped.
• In general, the effect of recycling actions encouraged by those policies seems to
be more significant and measurable than those from waste prevention or
product design actions
• Effective actions in enhancing product design are lightweighting and/or
extending the product lifetime. However by implementing one of these options,
• Resource efficiency and material productivity are indicators that measure the
input and output of natural resources in the economy in relation to GDP. EU’s
Resource Strategy has the dual objective of decoupling resource use from
economic growth and decoupling environmental impacts from resource use.
This study has investigated the contributions of recycling, waste prevention and
eco-design polices and measures that contribute to the overall resource
efficiency and reduction in environmental impacts. When considering whether
targets for resource efficiency should be put forth like they have been done for
energy efficiency, it should be noted that as resource efficiency is based on the
relationship of the input and output, it is possible to achieve this by focusing
more on the economic aspects than the actual reduction of overall resource use.
This is what seems to be the case in many Member States as the emphasis of the
promotion of resource efficiency is to achieve competitiveness rather than limit
the use of certain resources.144
• If the real goal of sustainability is to ensure that the non-renewable resources
are not wasted and the renewable resources are only exploited in a way that
allows the resource stock to regenerate itself and continue to fulfil the needs of
future generations, then the focus should be on the actual amounts of resources
that enter and leave the economy. Likewise resource efficiency cannot be used
as a proper proxy for reducing environmental impacts on for example
biodiversity as these often depend on actual amounts of emissions locally. The
amount of natural resources we have and the endpoints of environmental
impacts are absolute, whilst resource efficiency is relative.
Morley N. et al (2007) Product Lightweighting. A Strategy to deliver a sustainable economy.
Resource Efficiency Knowledge Transfer Network (RE-KTN).
Mudgal S., Fischer-Kowalski M., Krausmann F., Chenot B., Lockwood S., Mitsios A., Schaffartzik A.,
Eisenmenger N., Cachia F., Steinberger J., Weisz U., Kotsalainen K., Reisinger H., and Labouze E.
(2010) Preparatory study for the review of the thematic strategy on the sustainable use of natural
resources. Contract 07.0307/2009/545482/ETU/G2, Final report for the European Commission (DG
Environment). Available at: ec.europa.eu/environment/natres/pdf/BIO_TSR_FinalReport.pdf
• A further reduction in the need of raw materials such as plastics, paper and
metals will result in a significant reduction in the total environmental impacts
derived from materials use in the economy. This effect will be considerable in
impact categories related to climate change, photochemical oxidation and
acidification potential.
• The reduction in the use of raw materials in the metals stream (e.g. aluminium,
copper, lead, nickel, iron and steel) has been attributed in previous sections to
current policies that have led to increased recycling rates. These policies account
for the major contributions in the reduction of adverse environmental impacts,
as assessed by the EMC.
• Regarding climate change, the reduction of metals, biomass and plastics
consumption by means of recycling, waste prevention and product design
contribute in a similar percentage to greenhouse gas emissions reduction,
leading to an overall annual saving of 135 Mt of CO2 equivalent. Plastics are the
material stream with the highest impact saving potential. If policy targets are
increased, the overall emissions saved annually would be about 278 Mt of CO2
equivalent. These calculations for greenhouse gas reduction do not take into
consideration any additional savings of fuel savings from reduced transport or
lighter vehicles.