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Aproximación espectral para el operador

linealizado de una ecuación parabólica semilineal.1

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López

Departamento de Matemática
IBILCE/UNESP - São José do Rio Preto

XI Fast WorkShop on Applied and Computational Mathematics

04 y 05 de Enero de 2018

trabajo junto al Dr. German Lozada-Cruz (IBILCE/UNESP/SJRP)
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
The semilinear parabolic problem

We consider the problem

ut = Lu + f (u), t > 0, x ∈ Ω

u(t, x) = 0, t > 0, x ∈ ∂Ω (1)

u(0, x) = u 0 (x),

where u 0 ∈ H01 (Ω), Ω ⊂ Rn is a bounded domain with smooth

boundary ∂Ω, n ≥ 2, L is second order elliptic operator given by
n n
X ∂  ∂u  X ∂u
Lu = aij (x) + bj (x) + (c(x) + λ)u, (2)
∂xi ∂xj ∂xj
i,j=1 j=1

with coefficients aij , bj , c : Ω → R smooth, λ ∈ R and

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

f : R → R is a nonlinear function of class C 2 (R) satisfying

|f 0 (s)| ≤ C (1 + |s|γ−1 ), ∀s ∈ R, (C)

where 1 ≤ γ < n−2 if n ≥ 3, and γ ≥ 1 if n = 2, and

f (u)
lim sup ≤ 0. (D)
|u|→∞ u

We assume that L is uniformly strongly elliptic operator, that is,

there is a constant ϑ > 0 such that
X n
aij (x)ξi ξj ≥ ϑ ξk2 ,
i,j=1 k=1

for all x ∈ Ω, ξ = (ξ1 , ..., ξn ) ∈ Rn with aij = aji , ∀i, j = 1, ..., n.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Let X = L2 (Ω) be and define the linear operator A : D(A) → X by
Au = −Lu, for all u ∈ D(A) = H 2 (Ω) ∩ H01 (Ω).
Assume that λ is chosen s.t. Re σ(A) > 0. Then, X 1 = D(A),
X 0 = L2 (Ω) and X 1/2 = H01 (Ω).
With this notation, the problem (1) can be written in the abstract
form (
u̇ + Au = F (u)
u(0) = u 0 ∈ X 1/2 ,

where F : X 1/2 → X is given by F (u(t))x = f (u(x, t)).

From condition (C), we obtain that F is locally Lipschitz continuous
in X 1/2 and continuously Fréchet differentiable.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

As the operator A is sectorial can be associated with a sesquilinear
form σ(·, ·) : X 1/2 × X 1/2 → C such that

σ(u, v ) = hAu, v iX , u ∈ D(A), v ∈ X 1/2 , (3)

|σ(u, v )| 6 c1 kukX 1/2 kv kX 1/2 , u, v ∈ X (4)
Re σ(u, u) > c2 kuk2X 1/2 , u ∈ X 1/2 , (5)

where the constants c1 , c2 = ϑ/2 are positive.

We see that A(D(A)) = X and A−1 : X → X 1/2 is bounded. Hence
0 ∈ ρ(A) and A has compact resolvent in 0. Thus, A−1 ∈ K0 (X ).
Also, from the fact that A is sectorial, there are constants θ1 ∈
(0, π/2) and M1 > 0 such that

S0,θ1 = {z ∈ C : θ1 6 | arg(z)| 6 π, z 6= 0} ⊂ ρ(A) and (6)

k(z − A)−1 kL (X ) 6 , ∀z ∈ S0,θ1 . (7)

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Discretization of parabolic problems via FEM
In [2]: FUJITA, H.; MIZUTANI, A. On the finite element method
for parabolic equations I: approximation of holomorphic semi-
groups, 1976 (n = 2).
In [2] Figueroa-López, R. N.; Lozada-Cruz, G. J., Some estimates
for resolvent operators under the discretization by finite
element method, Comput. Appl. Math., 2014 (n > 2).
Definition 1
Let Ω ⊂ Rn be a given domain and let {T h }h∈(0,1] be a family of
subdivisions such that max{diam(T ) : T ∈ T h } ≤ h diam(Ω). The
family {T h }h∈(0,1] is said to be quasi-uniform if there exists ρ > 0
such that

min{diam(BT ) : T ∈ T h } ≥ ρh diam(Ω), ∀h ∈ (0, 1], (8)

where BT is the largest ball contained in T such that T is star-

shaped with respect to BT .
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
Definition 2
Ω is star-shaped with respect to a ball B if, for all x ∈ Ω, the closed
convex hull of {x} ∪ B is a subset of Ω.

Figura: Example of a T ∈ T h star-shaped with respect to ball BT in R2 .

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Assumption 3

Let Ω ⊂ Rn be a polyhedral domain with n > 2 which has

{T h }h∈(0,1] a quasi-uniform family of subdivisions with positive
constant ρ and let (K , P, N ) be a reference element of class C 0
(i) K is star-shaped with respect to some ball,
(ii) P1 ⊆ P ⊆ W2,∞ (K ) and
(iii) N ⊆ C (K ) .

With the Assumption 3 we can define the finite element space

:= {I h υ : υ ∈ C (Ω), υ ∂Ω = 0} ⊂ X 1/2 ∩ C (Ω),


where I h is the global interpolation operator. The space Xh is
finite dimensional.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

We define the orthogonal projection Ph : X → Xh defined by
hPh g , v iX = hg , v iX , ∀v ∈ Xh . (9)

Hence, kPh g kX s 6 C kg kX s for all g ∈ X s with s = 0, 1/2 (see [2]).

1/2 1/2
The operator of aproximation Ah : Xh → Xh of A is define by
hAh φh , ψh i = σ(φh , ψh ), ∀φh , ψh ∈ Xh . (10)
The operator Ah is sectorial operator in Xh (see [3]).
With this in mind, we can establish the discretization of the problem
(AP) and write it in the form
u̇h + Ah uh = Fh (uh )
1/2 (APh )
uh (0) = uh0 ∈ Xh ,

1/2 1/2
where Fh := Ph F : Xh → Xh for all h ∈ (0, 1].

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Relation between the operators A and Ah
Lemma 4
If (4) and (5) hold, then there is a positive constant C such that

kPh v − v kX s ≤ Ch2(1−s) kAv kX , ∀v ∈ X , s = 0, 1/2. (11)

Theorem 5 (Main result in [2])

If Assumption 3 holds, then there is a constant C > 0 and an acute

angle θ1 such that for any a ∈ X and z ∈ S0,θ1 , we have

k(z −A)−1 a−(z −Ah )−1 Ph akX s 6 Ch2(1−s) kakX , s = 0, 1/2. (12)

Lemma 6
If (4), (5) and Assumption 3 hold, then there is a C > 0 such that

kA−1 −1
h Ph v −Ph A v kX 6 Ch
kv kX , ∀v ∈ X , s = 0, 1/2. (13)
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
We assume that (AP) has a equilibrium point u ∗ ∈ D(A) ⊂ X 1/2 ,
that is, u ∗ is a solution of

Au ∗ = F (u ∗ ). (14)

Denote by E the set of solutions of (14).

The family of equilibrium points {uh∗ }h∈(0,1] of the discrete problem
(APh ) is defined by, for every uh ∈ Xh that satisfies

Ah uh∗ = Ph F (uh∗ ), ∀h ∈ (0, 1]. (15)

As before, denote by Eh the set of solutions of (15) in Xh .
Under the previous assumptions on the nonlinearity F , the set Eh is
bounded in X 1/2 and L∞ (Ω), uniformly for h ∈ [0, 1].

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Definition 7
We say that uh∗ ∈ Eh is hyperbolic if the spectrum σ(Ah − Fh0 (uh∗ ))
is disjoint from the imaginary axis, i.e., σ(Ah − Fh0 (uh∗ )) ∩ iR = ∅ for
all h ∈ [0, 1].

Proposition 8 ([1])

/ σ(A0 − F00 (u0∗ )) for all u0∗ ∈ E0 , then E0 is a finite set.

If 0 ∈
Moreover, if all point of E0 are hyperbolic then this have an odd
number of elements.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Linearization of the resolvent operator

Now we begin our discussion of problem (APh ) and its linearization

around uh∗ . We use the ideas in [3].
1/2 1/2
We introduce the finite element approximation Ãh : Xh → Xh
of the operator à := A − dI (where d(x) = f 0 (u ∗ (x)) with x ∈ Ω
and d ∈ L∞ (Ω)), defined by
hÃh φh , ψh iX = σ(φh , ψh ) − hPh dφh , ψh iX , ∀ φh , ψh ∈ Xh . (16)

Let α := sup f 0 (u ∗ (x)), so that the bilinear form


σ̃(u, v ) = σ(u, v ) + h(α − d)u, v iX (17)

is coercive in X 1/2 , that is, σ̃(·, ·) satisfies the condition (5).

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

We also define the Ritz projection operator Rh : X 1/2 → Xh given
σ̃(Rh u − u, φh ) = 0, ∀φh ∈ Xh . (18)
Using the identity (18), (10), (3) and (9), we obtain

A˜h Rh = Ph [Ã − α(Rh − I )]. (19)

Under the Assumption 3, the standard error analysis for elliptic

problems yields

kRh u − ukX + hkRh u − ukX 1/2 6 Ch2 kukX 1 , ∀u ∈ X 1 . (20)

see [2, Theorem 4].

As the solutions belong to different spaces we need a tool that allows
us to compare the functions defined in the spaces Xh and X 1/2 .
This will be resolved using the projection Rh and we can definition
the R−convergence:
R h→0
uh −→ u0 if, and only if kuh − Rh ukX 1/2 −→ 0.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

The important result
Theorem 9 ([3])

If Eh is the set of solutions of (15) for h ∈ (0, 1] and E is the set of

solutions of (14), then for any sequence uh∗ ∈ Eh with h → 0, there
are a subsequence, which also denoted by uh∗ , and a u ∗ ∈ E such
kuh∗ − Rh u ∗ kX 1/2 → 0 as h → 0. (21)
Moreover, there exists a positive constant C which is independent
of h such that
kuh∗ − Rh u ∗ kX 1/2 6 Ch. (22)
Also, For any hyperbolic equilibrium point u ∗ ∈ E, there are η > 0
and h0 > 0 s.t. there exists an (hyperbolic) equilibrium uh∗ of (15)
such that
kuh∗ − Rh u ∗ kX 1/2 6 η, ∀h ∈ (0, h0 ]. (23)
Furthermore, (21) and (22) is satisfied.
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
The main result

Theorem 10
Under the conditions of Theorem 9. Let uh∗ be a sequence of
equilibria of (15) and u ∗ be an equilibrium of (14) satisfying (21)
and (22).
If λj ∈ σ(A − F 0 (u ∗ )) and λhj ∈ σ(Ah − Ph F 0 (uh∗ )) for all j ∈ N,
λhj −→ λj , for j = 1, 2, · · · .
Also, if j ∈ N is such that Re λj < Re λj+1 and define Wj =
span[φ1 , . . . , φj ] and Wjh = span[φh1 , . . . , φhj ] where φj ∈ W (λj , A−
F 0 (u ∗ )) and φhj ∈ W (λhj , Ah − Ph F 0 (uh∗ )), then

distX 1/2 (Wjh , Rh Wj ) −→ 0. (24)

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Theorem 11 (Continuation Theorem 10)
In particular, if u ∗ is an hyperbolic equilibrium point of (14) and uh∗
is a sequence of equilibria of (15) such that kuh∗ − Rh u ∗ kX 1/2 −→ 0
given by Theorem 9, then for h small enough, uh∗ is hyperbolic also
and its linearized unstable manifold converges, in the sense of (24),
to the linearized unstable manifold of u ∗ .
Furthermore, the dimension of the unstable manifold of uh∗ and u ∗
In (24), distX 1/2 is the symmetric Hausdorff distance of V and W
are subspaces of the Banach space X 1/2 , then

distX 1/2 (V , W ) = sup inf kx − y kX 1/2 + sup inf kx − y kX 1/2 ,

x∈BV y ∈BW x∈BW y ∈BV

where BV and BW are the unit balls of V and W , respectively.

The convergence of linearized unstable manifolds is a first step
needed to prove the convergence of attractors (see [1]).

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Convergence compact
Let {Xh }h∈[0,1] be a family of Banach spaces and P = {Ph }h∈(0,1]
be a family with Ph ∈ L (X0 , Xh ), for h ∈ (0, 1], with the following
kPh u0 kXh −→ ku0 kX0 , ∀u0 ∈ X0 . (25)

Definition 12
A family {uh }h∈(0,1] with uh ∈ Xh P−converges to u0 ∈ X0 if

kuh − Ph u0 kXh → 0 as h → 0.
We write this as uh −→ u0 .
Similarly, the P−convergence of sequences is defined as: A
sequence {uhn }n∈N with uhn ∈ Xhn such that hn −→ 0
P−converges to u0 ∈ X0 if

kuhn − Phn u0 kXhn → 0 as n → ∞.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Definition 13
An operator Ah : Xh → Yh PQ−converges to an operator A0 :
X0 → Y0 as h → 0 if Ah uh −→ A0 u0 whenever uh −→ u0 . We
write Ah −→ A0 as h → 0.

Definition 14
A sequence {un }n∈N , with un ∈ Xhn and hn −→ 0, is P−relatively
compact if for any subsequence {un0 } de {un }n∈N , there are a
subsequence {un00 } of {un0 } and an u0 ∈ X0 such that uhn00 −→ u0 .

Definition 15
An operator Ah ∈ K0 (Xh , Yh ) converges compactly to an operator
A0 ∈ K0 (X0 , Y0 ) if for any {uh }h∈(0,1] with uh ∈ Xh s.t. kuh kXh =
1, for all h ∈ (0, 1], the family {Ah uh }h∈(0,1] is Q−relatively
compact and Ah −→ A0 . We denote Ah −→ A0 as h → 0.
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
Assume that {Zh }h∈[0,1] is a family of Banach spaces and M =
{Mh }h∈(0,1] a family of bounded linear operators Mh : Z0 → Zh
satisfying kMh v0 kZh −→ kv0 kZ0 , for all v0 ∈ Z0 .
The diagram shows the relationship between operators Ah and Bh :

A0 B0
X0 / Y0 / Z0

Ph Qh Mh

 Ah  Bh 
Xh / Yh / Zh

The result below is very useful to show the compact convergence

operators composition.
Lemma 16 ([3])
If K0 (Yh , Zh ) 3 Bh −→ B0 ∈ K0 (Y0 , Z0 ) and L (Xh , Yh ) 3 Ah −→
A0 ∈ L (X0 , Y0 ), then Bh Ah −→ B0 A0 .
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
Assume Ah : D(Ah ) ⊂ Xh → Xh and Fh : Xh → Xh for all h ∈ [0, 1],

Ah close,compact resolvent, 0 ∈ ρ(Ah ), and A−1 −1
h −→ A0 . (Hh )

Remark 17
If λ0 ∈ σ(A0 ) is an isolated point then we associated the generalized
[ [ 
W (λ0 , A0 ) := u ∈ X0 : (λ0 −A0 )k u = 0 = N (λ0 −A0 )k .

k>1 k>1

Then, since A0 is a closed operator, we have that dim(W (λ0 , A0 )) <


Ah satisfy (Hh ) and A−1 −1
h Fh −→ A0 F0 . (Jh )

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

The following result says that the spectrum of Ah , for h small,
approaches to spectrum of A0 .
Theorem 18
Assume that the family of linear operators {Ah }h∈[0,1] satisfy (Hh ).
Then following statements hold:
(i) If λ0 ∈ σ(A0 ), there exists a sequence {hn }n∈N ⊂ (0, 1] with
n→∞ n→∞
hn −→ 0 and λn ∈ σ(Ahn ), n ∈ N, such that λn −→ λ0 .
(ii) If {hn }n∈N ⊂ (0, 1] with hn −→ 0 and λn ∈ σ(Ahn ), n ∈ N
and λn −→ λ0 , then λ0 ∈ σ(A0 ).

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Theorem 19 (Continuation Theorem 18)
Furthermore, if there h0 ∈ (0, 1] s.t. sup kPh kL (X0 ,Xh ) < ∞,
h∈[0,h0 ]
Then following statements hold:
(iii) There exists h1 ∈ (0, h0 ) such that

dim(W (λ0 , Ah )) = dim(W (λ0 , A0 )), ∀h ∈ [0, h1 ].

(iv) If u ∈ W (λ0 , A0 ), there exists a sequence {hn }n∈N ⊂ (0, 1]

n→∞ P
with hn −→ 0, uhn ∈ W (λ0 , Ahn ), such that uhn −→ u0 as
n → ∞.
(v) If {hn }n∈N ⊂ (0, 1] with hn −→ 0, and un ∈ W (λ0 , Ahn ),
kun kXhn = 1, then {un }n∈N has an P−convergent
subsequence and a limit point u0 ∈ W (λ0 , A0 ) with
ku0 kX0 = 1.

Proof. See [1, Theorem 4.10].

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado


Let us study the behavior of operators of the form Ah + Vh where

Vh : Xh → Xh is a bounded linear operator.
Consider the following hypothesis

(Hh ) holds,Vh ∈ L (Xh ), h ∈ [0, 1] s.t. A−1 −1
h Vh −→ A0 V0 . (Gh )

Furthermore, we assume that

0 6∈ σ(A0 + V0 ). (E0 )

It is clear that A0 + V0 has compact resolvent. Let Āh = Ah + Vh ,

h ∈ [0, 1].

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Proposition 20 ([1])

Assume that (Gh ) and (E0 ) are satisfied. Then, there is h0 > 0 such
that 0 6∈ σ(Ah +Vh ) for all h ∈ (0, h0 ], sup k(Ah +Vh )−1 kL (Xh ) <
h∈(0,h0 ]
∞. Moreover,
(Ah + Vh )−1 −→ (A0 + V0 )−1 as h → 0.

In particular, the operators Āh = Ah +Vh , h ∈ [0, 1], satisfy condition

(Hh ).

Corollary 21 ([1])

Under the conditions of Proposition 20, all the results of Theorem

18, remain valid for the family of operators Āh = Ah + Vh , with
h ∈ [0, 1].

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado


wh (uh∗ , v ) := A−1 ∗ −1 ∗ −1 0 ∗
h Fh (uh + v ) − Ah Fh (uh ) − Ah Fh (uh )v .

Consider the following hypothesis

(Jh ) holds, if uh∗ ∈ Eh with uh∗ −→ u0∗ , then
A−1 0 ∗ −1 0 ∗
h Fh (uh ) −→ A0 F0 (u0 ) and (Lh )

kwh (uh , vh )kXh
= o(1) as kvh kXh → 0, uniformly in h.
kvh kXh

kwh (uh∗ , vh )kXh

Observe that = o(1) uniformly in h means that
kvh kXh
for each µ > 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that kwh (uh∗ , vh )kXh 6
µkvh kXh for all vh ∈ Xh with kvh kXh 6 δ.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Theorem 22
Assume (Lh ) holds and let u0∗ ∈ E0 such that 0 ∈ / σ(A0 − F00 (u0∗ )).
Then, there is a δ0 > 0 so that there is a unique uh ∈ Eh ∩Bδ0 (Rh u0∗ ).

Furthermore, if u0∗ ∈ E0 is such that 0 ∈ / σ(A0 − F00 (u0∗ )), then,

from Proposition 8, there are a finite odd number r of elements in
∗ , . . . , u ∗ }. In this case, there is a h > 0 such that E
E0 = {u0,1 0,r 0 h
∗ , . . . , u ∗ , for all h 6 h and u ∗ −→ u ∗ P
has exactly r elements uh,1 h,r 0 h,i 0,i
for 1 6 i 6 r .
If, moreover, u0∗ is hyperbolic then uh∗ is also hyperbolic and we can
apply Corollary 21.
In particular, the linear unstable manifold of uh∗ P−converge to the
linear unstable manifold of u0∗ .

Proof. See [1, Theorem 5.8].

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Proof of Theorem 10.
The following result prove that A−1 −1
h −→ A .

Lemma 23
1/2 1/2
The operator A−1h : Xh → Xh , h ∈ (0, 1], compactly converges
to the operator A−1 : X → D(A) ⊂ X 1/2 . Furthermore,

kAh−1 Ph u −Rh A−1 ukX s 6 Ch2(1−s) kukX , ∀u ∈ X , s = 0, 1/2. (26)

Proof. First, the family {A−1h }h∈(0,1] consists of compact linear

operators since all of them have finite rank. Given u ∈ X , from
Lemma 6, [2, Lemmas 2 and 5] and (20), we get
kAh−1 Ph u − Rh A−1 ukX s 6 Ch2(1−s) kukX + kPh (I − Rh )A−1 ukX s
6 Ch2(1−s) kukX + Ch2(1−s) kA−1 ukX 1
6 Ch2(1−s) kukX .
Hence, A−1 −1
h −→ A .
Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado
Let {uh }h∈(0,1] be a sequence with uh ∈ Xh and kuh kX 1/2 = 1.
Since (z − A)−1 is compact for all z ∈ ρ(A) then µ((z − A)−1 v )=0,
for all v ∈ X and where µ(·) is the measure of noncompactness.
From inequality (12), it follows

µ((z − Ah )−1 uh ) 6 µ((z − A)−1 uh ) + µ((z − A)−1 uh − (z − Ah )−1 uh )

6 lim sup k(z − A)−1 uh − (z − Ah )−1 Ph uh kX 1/2
= 0,

where (z − Ah )−1 uh is bounded. With this, we have shown that

h uh }h∈(0,1] is R−relatively compact.
Therefore, A−1 −1
h −→ A .

Corollary 24
1/2 1/2
The operator Ah : Xh → Xh satisfy the condition (Hh ).

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

The following diagram shows the relationship between P−convergence
and R−convergence.

F /X A−1 / D(A) ⊂ X 1/2

X 1/2

Rh Ph Rh

Fh A−1
Xh / X 1/2 h
/ X 1/2
h h

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

The following results tell us that Fh (uh∗ ) −→ F (u ∗ ) as uh∗ −→ u ∗ .

Corollary 25

Under the conditions of Proposition 9, we have

kFh (uh∗ ) − Ph F (u ∗ )kX 6 C (R)h. (27)

Furthermore, the condition (Jh ) is satisfied.

Proof. From Proposition 9 and inequalities (20), we obtain

kFh (uh∗ ) − Ph F (u ∗ )kX 6 kF (uh∗ ) − F (Rh u ∗ )kX + kF (Rh u ∗ ) − F (u ∗ )kX

6 C (R)(kuh∗ − Rh u ∗ kX 1/2 + kRh u ∗ − u ∗ kX 1/2 )
6 C (R)(Ch + ChkAu ∗ kX )
6 C (R)h.

Finally, the condition (Jh ) holds by Lemma 23 and (27).

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Denote Vh = −Ph F 0 (uh∗ ) and V0 = −F 0 (u ∗ ).
The following results tell us that Vh −→ V0 as uh∗ −→ u ∗ .

Corollary 26

Under the conditions of Proposition 9, we have

kVh − Ph V0 kL (X 1/2 ,X ) 6 Ce(R)h. (28)

Proof. Using Proposition 9, we obtain

kVh − Ph V0 kL (X 1/2 ,X )
6 kVh − Ph F 0 (Rh u ∗ )kL (X 1/2 ,X ) + kPh F 0 (Rh u ∗ ) − Ph V0 kL (X 1/2 ,X )
6 Ce(R)(kuh∗ − Rh u ∗ kX 1/2 + kRh u ∗ − u ∗ kX 1/2 ) 6 Ce(R)h.

Therefore, the inequality (28) is shown.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Remark 27
We stated that
A−1 −1
h Vh −→ A V0 .
In fact, we can see that Vh −→ V0 since

kVh φh − Ph V0 φkX
6 kVh (φh − Rh φ)kX + k(Vh − Ph V0 )Rh φkX + kV0 (Rh φ − φ)kX
6 Ce(R)(kφh − Rh φk 1/2 + hkRh φk 1/2 ) + kV0 kL∞ kRh φ − φkX
6 Ce(R)(kφh − Rh φkX 1/2 + ChkφkX 1/2 ) + ChkφkX 1/2 ,

where φh −→ φ and we have used Corollary 26 and (20). Now, the
result follow using Lemmas 23 and 16.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Remark 28 (Continuation Remark 27)
Also we affirm that, for each h ∈ [0, 1], we get
kwh (uh∗ , vh )kX 1/2 6 C (δ)kvh k2X 1/2 , vh ∈ Xh with kvh kX 1/2 6 δ,

where C is a constant independent of h. We note that there exists

a constant C , independent of h, such that

h Ph φkX 1/2 6 C kφkX , ∀φ ∈ X .
Hence, given vh ∈ Xh with kvh kX 1/2 6 δ, we have

kwh (uh∗ , vh )kX 1/2 6 C kF (uh∗ + v ) − F (uh∗ ) − F 0 (uh∗ )v kX

6 C kF 0 (uh∗ + θvh ) − F 0 (uh∗ )kL (X ,X 1/2 ) kvh kX 1/2
6 C Ce(δ)kvh k2X 1/2 ,

where θ : Ω → [0, 1] is a measurable function.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Proof of Theorem 10. From Theorem 9 there is a sequence of
equilibria uh∗ which R−converges to u ∗ satisfying (22).
Defining Vh = −Fh0 (uh∗ ) + αPh and V0 = −F 0 (u ∗ ) + αI , so that
−f 0 (u ∗ (x)) + α > 0, then (Gh ) holds. In fact, it is easy to see that
Vh ∈ L (X 1/2 , X ) and Vh −→ V0 (by Remark 27).
Moreover, since −f 0 (u ∗ (x)) + α > 0 along with the hypothesis that
Re σ(A) > 0, we have that (E0 ) is satisfied.
With this, we are in a position to use Proposition 20 and say that
Ah + Vh and A + V0 satisfy (Hh ) so that by Theorem 18 we obtain
the spectral convergence of Ah + Vh to A + V0 . Using a similar
argument made in [1] where α is just a shift in the spectrum for the
operators above, we show that the results of Theorem 18 are valid
for operators Ah −Ph F 0 (uh∗ ) and A−F 0 (u ∗ ). In particular, we obtain
the convergence of the eigenvalues and the convergence of spectral
projections in X 1/2 .
The condition (Lh ) follows from Corollary 25 and Remark 27. Then
the Theorem 22 holds.

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado

Gracias !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rodiak Nicolai Figueroa López Aproximación espectral para el operador linealizado


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