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Patent Pending

intelligent motion systems, inc.

Excellence in MotionTM

The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed
to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.

Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc., reserves the right to make changes

without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function
or design. Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc., does not assume any liability
arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described
herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights of others.
Intelligent Motion Systems and are trademarks of Intelligent

Motion Systems, Inc.

Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc.’s general policy does not recommend the
use of its products in life support or aircraft applications wherein a failure
or malfunction of the product may directly threaten life or injury. Per
Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc.’s terms and conditions of sales, the user
of Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc., products in life support or aircraft
applications assumes all risks of such use and indemnifies Intelligent
Motion Systems, Inc., against all damages.

MDrive Operating Instructions

Revision 042905

© Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc.

All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents
Notes and Warnings ..................................................................................... 5
IMPORTANT! READ THIS FIRST! ....................................................................... 5
The Product Manual ...................................................................................... 5
PART 1: General Connection and Configuration
Section 1.1: The MDrive Integral Motor+Driver ............................................... 8
Section Overview ........................................................................................... 8
Introduction to the Microstepping MDrive ...................................................... 8
Features and Benefits of the Microstepping MDrive ..................................... 9
Introduction to the MDrive Speed Control ................................................... 10
Features and Benefits of the MDrive Speed Control .................................. 11
Section 1.2: Interfacing The Microstepping MDrive ....................................... 12
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 12
Layout and Interface Guidelines ................................................................. 12
Interfacing Power and Logic Inputs (Connector P1) .................................. 13
Interfacing the MDrive SPI Interface (Connector P2) .................................. 18
Minimum Required Connections ............................................................... 19
Securing MDrive Power, Logic and Encoder Leads ................................... 19
Section 1.3: Interfacing An Encoder ................................................................ 20
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 20
Factory-Mounted Encoder ........................................................................... 20
General Specifications ................................................................................ 21
Pin Configuration ........................................................................................ 21
Encoder Signals .......................................................................................... 22
Single-End Encoder ............................................................................. 22
Differential Encoder ............................................................................. 22
Characteristics ............................................................................................ 22
Encoder Profiles .......................................................................................... 23
Encoder Cables .......................................................................................... 26
Recommended Encoder Mating Connectors ............................................. 26
Section 1.4: Configuring The Microstepping MDrive ..................................... 27
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 27
The IMS Motor Interface ............................................................................... 27
Installing the IMS SPI Interface ................................................................... 27
Startup ......................................................................................................... 29
The IMS Motor Interface GUI Configuration Utility ....................................... 29
Changing Parameters ................................................................................ 30
Illegal Parameters/Tool Tips ....................................................................... 30
Returning to Factory Defaults ..................................................................... 31
Configuration Parameters .......................................................................... 32
Microselect Values ...................................................................................... 33
Configuring the MDrive Using SPI .............................................................. 33
Timing Notes ............................................................................................... 33
SPI Read/Write Example ............................................................................. 35

Section 1.5: Interfacing The MDrive Speed Control ....................................... 37
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 37
Layout and Interface Guidelines ................................................................. 37
Interfacing Power and Speed Control Inputs (Connector P1) .................... 38
Interfacing the MDrive SPI Interface (Connector P2) .................................. 41
Minimum Required Connections ............................................................... 42
Securing MDrive Power, Logic and Encoder Leads ................................... 42
Section 1.6: Interfacing The MDrive17 And MDrive23 With “C Connector” 43
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 43
Interface Guidelines .................................................................................... 43
Interfacing the I/O ........................................................................................ 43
Minimum Required Connections ............................................................... 47
Connecting the SPI Interface ...................................................................... 48
Section 1.7: Configuring The MDrive Speed Control ..................................... 50
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 50
The IMS Analog Speed Control Utility .......................................................... 50
Installing the IMS SPI Interface ................................................................... 50
Configuration Parameters Explained ......................................................... 51
Setting the Configuration Parameters ........................................................ 54
Configuring the MDrive17/23 Speed Control with User Defined SPI ......... 58
PART 2: MDrive17 Integrated Motor and Electronics
PART 2: MDrive17 Integrated Motor and Electronics
Section 2.1: MDrive17 Power Supply & Thermal Requirements .................. 63
Power Supply Specifications ....................................................................... 63
Thermal Specifications ............................................................................... 63
Section 2.2: Rotary MDrive17 Specifications ................................................ 64
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 64
Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................... 64
Motor Specifications .................................................................................... 65
Electrical Specifications .............................................................................. 67
Section 2.3: Linear MDrive17 Specifications ................................................. 68
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 68
Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................... 68
Motor Specifications .................................................................................... 68
PART 3: MDrive23 Integrated Motor and Electronics
Section 3.1: MDrive23 Power & Thermal Requirements .............................. 72
Recommended IMS Power Supplies ......................................................... 72
Thermal Specifications ............................................................................... 72
Section 3.2: Rotary MDrive23 Specifications ................................................ 73
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 73
Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................... 73
Motor Specifications .................................................................................... 74
Electrical Specifications .............................................................................. 76
Section 3.3: Linear MDrive23 Specifications ................................................. 77
Section Overview ......................................................................................... 77
Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................... 77
Motor Specifications (Linear) ...................................................................... 77
APPENDIX A - Recommended Cable Configurations .................................... 80
ADDENDUM - MDrive with Planetary Gearbox .............................................. 84
List of Figures
Figure 1.2.1 Microstepping MDrive Block Diagram ................................................. 13
Figure 1.2.2 Connector P1 Pin Configuration for the Microstepping MDrive .......... 13
Figure 1.2.3 Optocoupler Inputs ............................................................................. 14
Figure 1.2.4 Open Collector Interface ..................................................................... 16
Figure 1.2.5 TTL Interface ....................................................................................... 17
Figure 1.2.6 Switch Interface ................................................................................. 17
Figure 1.2.7 Parameter Setup Cable for MDrive 17/23 ........................................... 18
Figure 1.2.8 SPI Interface Wiring and Connections ................................................ 18
Figure 1.2.9 SPI Logic Level Shifting and Conditioning Schematic ........................ 19
Figure 1.2.10 Minimum Required Connections .......................................................... 19
Figure 1.2.11 Typical MDrive17 with Power Leads, Data Leads and
Optional Encoder Leads Secured ...................................................... 19
Figure 1.3.1 Single-End Encoder Pin Configuration ................................................ 21
Figure 1.3.2 Differential Encoder Pin Configuration ............................................... 21
Figure 1.3.3 Single-End Encoder Signal Timing ...................................................... 22
Figure 1.3.4 Differential Encoder Signal Timing ...................................................... 22
Figure 1.3.5 MDrive17 with Encoder, Side Profile .................................................. 23
Figure 1.3.6 MDrive23 with 100-1000 Line Encoder, Side Profile .......................... 23
Figure 1.3.7 MDrive17 with Encoder, Rear Profile ................................................. 24
Figure 1.3.8 MDrive23 with Encoder, Rear Profile ................................................. 24
Figure 1.3.9 MDrive23 with 2000 Line Encoder, Side Profile ................................. 25
Figure 1.3.10 MDrive23 with 2000 Line Encoder, Rear Profile ................................ 25
Figure 1.4.1 The IMS CD Main Index Page .............................................................. 28
Figure 1.4.2 The IMS CD Software Selection Page ................................................ 28
Figure 1.4.3 The SPI Setup Dialog Box ................................................................... 28
Figure 1.4.4 Typical MDMF, MDMP GUI .................................................................... 29
Figure 1.4.5 Typical MDMC GUI ............................................................................... 30
Figure 1.4.6 Changing the Parameter Settings ....................................................... 30
Figure 1.4.7 Illegal Parameters/Tool Tips ................................................................ 31
Figure 1.4.8 Returning to Factory Defaults ............................................................ 31
Figure 1.4.9 SPI Read/Write .................................................................................... 35
Figure 1.4.10 SPI Waveforms & Timing Diagram ...................................................... 36
Figure 1.5.1 MDrive Speed Control Block Diagram ................................................. 38
Figure 1.5.2 P1 Pin Configuration for the MDrive Speed Control ............................ 38
Figure 1.5.3 Interfacing the MDrive Speed Control
Using Switches and a Potentiometer ................................. 39
Figure 1.5.4 Interfacing the MDrive Speed Control
Using a 4-20mA / 0-20mA Analog or PWM Output ............. 39
Figure 1.5.5 Parameter Setup Cable for MDrive 17/23 ........................................... 41
Figure 1.5.6 SPI Interface Wiring and Connections ................................................ 41
Figure 1.5.7 SPI Logic Level Shifting and Conditioning Schematic ........................ 42
Figure 1.5.8 Minimum Required Connections .......................................................... 42
Figure 1.5.9 Typical MDrive17 with Power Leads, Data Leads and
Optional Encoder Leads Secured ...................................................... 42
Figure 1.6.1 Typical Setup, Adapter, Prototype Development Cable Connections
for MDrive17/23 with C Connector .................................... 44
Figure 1.6.2 I/O Interface Connections with C Connector ..................................... 45
Figure 1.6.3 Sourcing or Sinking the MDrive with C Connector ............................. 47
Figure 1.6.4 Minimum Required Connections with C Connector ............................ 47
Figure 1.6.5 SPI Interface Connections with C Connector ..................................... 48
Figure 1.6.6 SPI Master with Single MDrive17/23 .................................................. 49
Figure 1.6.7 SPI Master with Multiple MDrive17/23 ................................................ 49
Figure 1.7.1 Speed Control Configuration Utility Screen ........................................ 51
Figure 1.7.2 Changing Counts Readout to Volts ..................................................... 55
Figure 1.7.3 Illegal Parameters/Tool Tips ................................................................ 55
Figure 1.7.4 Returning to Default Parameters ........................................................ 56
Figure 1.7.5 Initialization Mode ................................................................................ 57
Figure 1.7.6 Accepting Analog Initialization Values ................................................ 57
Figure 1.7.7 SPI Waveforms & Timing Diagram ...................................................... 61
Figure 2.2.1 Rotary MDrive17 Mechanical Specifications ...................................... 64
Figure 2.2.2 Interface Options ................................................................................ 65
Figure 2.2.3 Rotary MDrive 1713 Torque/Speed Data ............................................ 65
Figure 2.2.4 Rotary MDrive 1715 Speed/Torque Data ........................................... 66
Figure 2.2.5 Rotary MDrive 1719 Speed/Torque Data ........................................... 66
Figure 2.3.1 Linear Actuator MDrive17 Mechanical Specifications ........................ 68
Figure 2.3.2 Force/Speed Curve - 24VDC .............................................................. 69
Figure 2.3.3 Force/Speed Curve - 45VDC .............................................................. 69
Figure 2.3.4 MDrive17 Mounting Screw Depth ....................................................... 70
Figure 3.2.1 Rotary MDrive23 Mechanical Specifications ...................................... 73
Figure 3.2.2 Interface Options ................................................................................ 74
Figure 3.2.3 Rotary MDrive 2218 Speed/Torque Data ............................................ 74
Figure 3.2.4 Rotary MDrive 2222 Speed/Torque Data ............................................ 75
Figure 3.2.5 Rotary MDrive 2231 Speed/Torque Data ............................................ 75
Figure 3.3.1 Linear Actuator MDrive23 Mechanical Specifications ........................ 77
Figure 3.3.2 Force/Speed Curve - 24VDC .............................................................. 78
Figure 3.3.3 Force/Speed Curve - 45VDC .............................................................. 78
Figure 3.3.4 Force/Speed Curve - 75VDC .............................................................. 79

List of Tables
Table 1.2.1 P1 Pin Descriptions for the Microstepping MDrive ............................... 13
Table 1.2.2 Microstepping MDrive Logic Input Electrical Characteristics .............. 14
Table 1.2.3 Logic Input Timing ................................................................................. 16
Table 1.2.4 Recommended Input Current Limiting Resistor Values ........................ 17
Table 1.2.5 P2 Pin Assignment and Description ..................................................... 18
Table 1.4.1 Fault Indication ...................................................................................... 31
Table 1.4.2 Setup Parameters ................................................................................. 32
Table 1.4.3 Microstep Resolution Settings .............................................................. 33
Table 1.4.4 SPI Command Summary ....................................................................... 34
Table 1.5.1 P1 Pin Description for the MDrive Speed Control ................................. 38
Table 1.5.2 P2 Pin Assignment and Description ..................................................... 41
Table 1.6.1 C Connector Contact and Tool Part Numbers ...................................... 45
Table 1.6.2 C Connector I/O PIn Assignment and Description ................................ 45
Table 1.6.3 C Connector SPI Pin Assignment and Description ............................... 48
Table 1.7.1 MDrive Speed Control Parameter Summary ......................................... 51
Table 1.7.2 RANGE Parameter Settings .................................................................. 53
Table 1.7.3 MSEL Parameter Settings ..................................................................... 53
Table 1.7.4 Fault Indication ...................................................................................... 58
Table 1.7.5 MDrive17&23 Speed Control SPI Command Summary ......................... 59
Table 2.1.1 MDrive17 Recommended Power Supply Specifications ..................... 63
Table 2.2.1 Rotary MDrive1713 Motor Specifications ............................................ 65
Table 2.2.2 Rotary MDrive1715 Motor Specifications ............................................ 66
Table 2.2.3 Rotary MDrive1719 Motor Specifications ............................................ 66
Table 2.3.1 Linear Actuator MDrive 17 Motor Specifcations .................................. 68
Table 2.3.2 Acme Screws for the MDrive17 Linear Actuator ................................ 69
Table 3.1.1 MDrive23 Recommended Power Supply Specifications ..................... 72
Table 3.2.1 Rotary MDrive2218 Motor Specifications ............................................ 74
Table 3.2.2 Rotary MDrive2222 Motor Specifications ............................................ 75
Table 3.2.3 Rotary MDrive2231 Motor Specifications ............................................ 75
Table 3.3.1 Linear Actuator MDrive23 Motor Specifcations ................................... 77
Table 3.3.2 Acme Screws for the MDrive23 Linear Actuator ................................ 79

Notes and Warnings

WARNING! The MDrive has components which are

sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). All handling
should be done at an ESD protected workstation.

WARNING! Hazardous voltage levels may be present if

using an open frame power supply to power your MDrive

WARNING! Ensure that the power supply output voltage

does not exceed the maximum input voltage of the MDrive
product that you are using!

WARNING! The maximum Input Voltage of the MDrive17 and MDrive23

includes Motor Back EMF, Power Supply Ripple and High Line.

A characteristic of all motors is back EMF. Back EMF is a source of current that
can push the output of a power supply beyond the maximum operating voltage of
the driver. As a result, damage to the stepper driver could occur over a period of
time. Care should be taken so that the back EMF does not exceed the maximum
input voltage rating of the MDrive17 and MDrive23.

The Product Manual

Using This Manual
This manual is divided into three parts:
Part 1 is General Information, which covers details common to the entire
MDrive product line such as operational theory, connection and interface
instructions, and troubleshooting.
Part 2 is MDrive17 Hardware Reference. This part contains sections with
information specific to each individual MDrive17 version. Here you will find
details such as mechanical, electrical and thermal specifications and other
product specific details.
Part 3 is MDrive23 Hardware Reference. This part contains sections with
information specific to each individual MDrive23 version. Here you will find
details such as mechanical, electrical and thermal specifications and other
product specific details.
Do not attempt to connect or use your MDrive without first consulting
the section specific to the type of MDrive you purchased!

As this document covers all of the variations of the MDrive, please use the
chart on the following page to help guide you through the sections of this
manual relevant to the version of the MDrive you purchased.


Microstepping MDrive Variants

Microstepping MDrive Microstepping MDrive Microstepping Linear

with Single-Shaft End with Factory Mounted Actuator MDrive

or Control Knob Encoder

Relevant Sections Relevant Sections Relevant Sections

of the Manual of the Manual of the Manual
Section Page# Section Page# Section Page#
Section 1.1 .......... 8 Section 1.1 .......... 8 Section 1.1 .......... 8
Section 1.2 ......... 12 Section 1.2 ......... 12 Section 1.2 ......... 12
Section 1.4 ......... 23 Section 1.4 ......... 23 Section 1.5.1 ...... 34
Section 1.5.1 ...... 34 Section 1.5.1 ...... 34 MDrive17
MDrive17 MDrive17 Section 2.1 ......... 48
Section 2.1 ......... 48 Section 2.1 ......... 48 Section 2.2 ......... 49
Section 2.2 ......... 49 Section 2.2 ......... 49 MDrive23
MDrive23 MDrive23 Section 3.1 ......... 56
Section 3.1 ......... 56 Section 3.1 ......... 56 Section 3.2 ......... 57
Section 3.2 ......... 57 Section 3.2 ......... 57

MDrive Speed Control Variants

MDrive Speed Control MDrive Speed MDrive Speed

with Single-Shaft End Control with Control Linear
or Control Knob Factory Mounted Actuator

Relevant Sections Relevant Sections Relevant Sections

of the Manual of the Manual of the Manual
Section Page# Section Page# Section Page#
Section 1.1 .......... 8 Section 1.1 .......... 8 Section 1.1 .......... 8
Section 1.5 ......... 28 Section 1.3 ......... 20 Section 1.5 ......... 28
Section 1.6 ......... 41 Section 1.5 ......... 28 Section 1.6 ......... 41
MDrive17 Section 1.6 ......... 41 MDrive17
Section 2.1 ......... 48 MDrive17 Section 2.1 ......... 48
Section 2.2 ......... 49 Section 2.1 ......... 48 Section 2.2 ......... 49
MDrive23 Section 2.2 ......... 49 MDrive23
Section 3.1 ......... 56 MDrive23 Section 3.1 ......... 56
Section 3.2 ......... 57 Section 3.1 ......... 56 Section 3.2 ......... 57
Section 3.2 ......... 57


Integrated Motor and

General Information

Section 1.1
The MDrive Integral Motor+Driver

Section Overview
The purpose of this section is to introduce the user to the MDrive integrated
high torque motor and microstepping driver. Covered are:
„ Introduction to the Microstepping MDrive
„ Microstepping MDrive Features and Benefits
„ Introduction to the Speed MDrive Control
„ MDrive Speed Control Features and Benefits

Introduction to the Microstepping MDrive

The MDrive high-torque Integrated Motor and Driver is ideal for designers
who want the simplicity of a motor with on-board electronics, but without the
expense of an indexer on each axis. The low cost MDrive puts the system
designer in the driver’s seat to decide the best method of control. The Drive’s
integrated electronics eliminates the need to run the motor cabling through the
machine, reducing the potential for problems due to electrical noise.
The MDrive uses a NEMA 17 or NEMA 23 1.8° motor combined with a
microstepping drive, and accepts up to 14 resolution settings from 1/2 to 256
microsteps per step. Setup parameters include Microstep Resolution, Run
and Hold currents, Motor Direction vs. Direction Input and can be changed
on-the-fly or downloaded and stored in non-volatile memory with the use of a
simple user interface program which is provided, eliminating the need for
external switches or resistors. Parameters are changed via an SPI (Serial
Peripheral Interface) port located on connector P2. This port connects to the
printer port on your PC. Operating voltage for the MDrive17 ranges from
+12 to +48 VDC. The MDrive23 is available in two voltage ranges, either +12
to +48 or +24 to +75 VDC.
The versatile, compact MDrive is available in multiple configurations to fit
various system needs including a single shaft stand-alone device, a rotary
motor with optical encoder, a planetary gearbox, an Acme screw linear
actuator, or with an optional rear knob for hand operation of the motor. The
rotary MDrive is available in three different stack lengths: 13, 15 & 19 for the
MDrive17; and 18, 22 & 31 for the MDrive23. Interface connections are
accomplished using either a 7 position terminal block, 12” (30.5cm) flying
leads, or optional 12-position keyed and locking pin and receptacle
(C Connector).
The MDrive is a small, powerful and inexpensive solution that will reduce
system cost, design and assembly time for a large range of stepping motor

IMS Motor Interface Software

The IMS Motor Interface Software is accessed through the IMS SPI Interface
which is an easy to install and use software program. The SPI Interface is
included on the CD that ships with the MDrive or is available for download at
www.imshome.com. Use of this utility and the optional 6 foot MD-CC100-
000 Parameter Setup Cable is the suggested method of configuring the
MDrive17 and MDrive23. Purchase of this cable is recommended with the
first order as it includes built-in logic level shifting circuitry to make the
MDrive17/23 SPI port compatible with all PC LPT (printer) port voltage
levels. The Cable Part # is MD-CC100-000.
Features include:
„ Easy installation.
„ Ease of use via single screen interface.
„ Automatic communication configuration.
„ Will not allow out-of-range values to be set.
„ Tool-tips display valid range settings for each option.

Features and Benefits of the Microstepping

„ Integrated Microstepping Drive/NEMA 17 or 23 Motor
„ +12 to +48 VDC (MD17)/+12 to +48 or +24 to +75 VDC (MD23)
Input Voltage
„ Low Cost
„ Extremely Compact
„ Optically Isolated Logic Inputs
„ Automatic Current Reduction
„ Configurable:
„ Motor Run/Hold Current
„ Microstep Resolution to 256 Microsteps/Step
„ Available Configurations:
„ Single Shaft*
„ Planetary Gearbox*
„ Linear Actuator
„ Factory-Mounted Optical Encoder*
„ Double Shaft End with Knob For Manual Positioning*
„ Available in Three Stack Sizes*
„ Current and Resolution May Be Switched On-The-Fly
„ Single Supply
„ Interface Uses a Pluggable Terminal Strip, 12” (30.5 cm) Flying
Leads, or 12-Position Keyed and Locking Pin and Receptacle
(C Connector)
„ Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Quick and Easy Parameter
*Rotary Motor Only

Introduction to the MDrive Speed Control
The MDrive Speed Control offers the system designer low cost, intelligent
velocity control integrated with a NEMA 17 or NEMA 23 enhanced torque
stepping motor and a +12 to +48 (MD17 and MD23-4) or +24 to +75
(MD23-7) volt microstepping drive.
The MDrive Speed Control features a digital oscillator for accurate velocity
control with an output frequency of up to 100 kilohertz. Output frequency
will vary with the voltage level on the speed control input. The speed control
input can be adjusted by using one of the following methods:
„ 10k Potentiometer.
„ 0 to +5V applied directly to the input.
„ 15 - 25kHz (0 to 100% duty cycle) PWM applied to the input.
„ 4 - 20mA or 0 - 20mA applied to input.
There are two basic modes of operation: bidirectional and unidirectional. In
bidirectional mode, both speed and direction are controlled by the analog
speed control input. In unidirectional mode, only velocity is controlled by the
speed control input; direction is controlled by a separate digital input.
The MDrive Speed Control has 12 setup parameters which are configured by
using the included IMS Speed Control Interface. These enable the user to
configure all of the operational parameters of the MDrive which are stored in
non-volatile memory.
The versatile, compact MDrive Speed Control is available in multiple
configurations to fit various system needs. These options include: a single
shaft stand-alone device, a rotary motor with optical encoder, a planetary
gearbox, control knob, or an Acme screw linear actuator. The rotary MDrive
Speed Control is also available in three different stack lengths: 13, 15 and 19
for the MD17 and 18, 22 & 31 for the MD23. Interface connections are
accomplished using either a 7 position terminal block or optional 12” (30.5cm)
flying leads.
Speed Control Interface

The IMS Speed Control Interface Software is accessed through the IMS SPI
Interface which is easy to install and use graphical user interface (GUI) for
configuring the MDrive from the parallel/SPI port on your computer. It is
required for configuring your MDrive Speed Control and is included on a CD
with the product, or it may be downloaded at www.imshome.com.
The IMS Speed Control Interface Software features include:
„ Easy installation.
„ Automatic communication configuration.
„ Will not set out-of-range values.
„ Tool-tips display valid range setting for each option.
„ Ease of use via single screen interface.

Features and Benefits of the MDrive Speed Control
„ Integrated Speed Control, Driver and NEMA17 or 23 Motor
„ +12 to +48 (MDO17 and MDO23-4) or +24 to +75 VDC (MDO23-7)
Input Voltage
„ Digital Oscillator for Accurate Speed Control
„ Low Cost
„ Extremely Compact
„ Available Configurations:
„ Single Shaft*
„ Planetary Gearbox*
„ Linear Actuator
„ Factory-Mounted Optical Encoder*
„ Double Shaft End with Knob For Manual Positioning*
„ Available in Three Stack Sizes*
„ Electronically Configurable (Eliminates Potentiometers):
„ Motor Run/Hold Current
„ Acceleration/Deceleration
„ Initial and Max Velocity
„ Microstep Resolution to 256 Microsteps/Step
„ 2 Modes of Operation: Bidirectional or Unidirectional
„ 0 to +5 VDC, 4 - 20mA, 0 - 20mA or 15 - 25kHz PWM Speed
Control Input with programmable center point
„ Single Supply
„ Interface Uses Pluggable Terminal Strip or Optional 12” (30.5 cm)
Flying Leads
„ Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Quick and Easy Parameter
*Rotary Motor Only

Section 1.2
Interfacing The Microstepping MDrive

Section Overview
This section will acquaint the user with connecting and using the microstepping
MDrive products. If your MDrive is equipped with a factory mounted encoder,
also refer to Section 1.3: Interfacing an Encoder. Covered in this section are:
„ Layout and Interface Guidelines
„ Interfacing Power and Logic Inputs (Connector P1)
„ Interfacing the SPI Interface (Connector P2)

Layout and Interface Guidelines

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables will
introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system unreliable.
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI induced noise.
The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source to AC ground. The other end
of the shield must not be tied to anything, but allowed to float. This allows the
shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the driver need to be twisted. If more than one driver is to
be connected to the same power supply, run separate power and ground leads
from the supply to each driver.
Recommended Wiring
The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive:
Recommended Wire Size
Logic Wiring ........................................................................................... 22 AWG
Power and Ground ............................. See Appendix A “Recommended Cable

General Practices
The following wire strip length is recommended:
Wire Strip Length ................................................................... 0.250” (6.0 mm)

NOTE: Wire and insulation type are subject to the user’s application and environment.

WARNING! DO NOT connect or disconnect power leads when

power is applied! Disconnect the AC power side to power down
the DC power supply. For battery operated systems, connect a
“transient suppressor” across the power switch to prevent arcs
and high voltage spikes.

WARNING! See Part II for power supply requirements for the

MDrive17, Part III for the MDrive23.

Interfacing Power and Logic Inputs
(Connector P1)

Opto Spply
ØA Enhanced
Step Clock Torque
Direction Microstep ØB Motor

MDrive Integrated
Power Motor and Microstep

Figure 1.2.1: Microstepping MDrive Block Diagram


Figure 1.2.2: Connector P1 Pin Configuration for the Microstepping MDrive

MDrive Connector P1 Configuration

Flying Wire
Pin # Function and Description
Lead Size
+5 VDC Optocoupler Supply: This input is used to supply power to the
1 White AWG 22 isolated logic inputs. A higher voltage may be used but care must be
taken to limit the current through the Optocoupler.
2 --- AWG 22 Not Connected
Step Clock: A positive going edge on this input advances the
3 Orange AWG 22 motor one increment. The size of the increment is dependant on the
Microstep Resolution Setting.

4 CW/CCW Direction Input: This input changes the direction of the motor
Blue AWG 22
logic. A HIGH state (open) = Clockwise.
Enable Input: The input enables or disables the output section of the
driver. A logic HIGH (open) enables the outputs. However, this input does
5 Brown AWG 22 not inhibit the Step Clock. The outputs will update by the number of clock
pulses (if any) applied while the driver was disabled.
6 Black AWG 20* Power Ground
7 Red AWG 20* +V: +12 to +48 VDC (MD17, MD23-4) / +24 to +75 VDC (MD23-7)

* For supplies 10 feet or less.

Table 1.2.1: P1 Pin Descriptions for the Microstepping MDrive

Interfacing the MDrive Logic Inputs

Logic Input Electrical Specifications

MDrive Logic Input Electrical

Specification Test Conditon Min Typ Max Unit

Input Foward Current Step Clock and Direction 7.0 15 mA

Input Forward Voltage Step Clock and Direction 1.4 1.7 V

Input Forward Current Enable 5.0 9.4 mA

Input Forward Voltage Enable 1.1 1.4 V

Input Reverse Breakdown
Isolated Inputs 5 V

Table 1.2.2: Microstepping MDrive Logic Input Electrical Characteristics

Optically Isolated Logic Inputs
The MDrive has 3 optically isolated logic inputs which are located on
connector P1. These inputs are isolated to minimize or eliminate electrical
noise coupled onto the drive control signals. Each input is internally pulled-up
to the level of the optocoupler supply and may be connected to sinking
outputs on a controller such as the IMS LYNX or a PLC. These inputs are:
1] Step Clock (P1:3)
2] Direction (P1:4)
3] Enable (P1:5)
Of these inputs only step clock and direction are required to operate the
The schematic below illustrates the inputs.

Optocoupler Supply P1:1


Step Clock P1:3


CW/CCW Direction P1:4



Enable/Disable P1:5

Figure 1.2.3: Optocoupler Inputs

Powering the Optocouplers
In order to maintain isolation, the optocouplers must be powered by an
external power supply connected to P1:1, with the opto supply ground
connected to the ground of the input control circuitry. The logic inputs are
internally limited to allow for a +5VDC power supply.
A power supply in excess of +5 volts may be used, however a current limiting
resistor MUST be placed in series with the input to limit the input forward
current to the recommended 7 milliamps. At no time can the input forward
current exceed 15 milliamps or damage may occur to the driver portion of the

Isolated Logic Input Characteristics

Step Clock (P1:3)

The step clock input is where the motion clock from your control circuitry
will be connected. The motor will advance one microstep in the plus or minus
direction (based upon the state of the direction input) on the rising edge of
each clock pulse. The size of this increment or decrement will depend on the
microstep resolution setting.
Direction (P1:4)
The direction input controls the CW/CCW direction of the motor. A logic
HIGH (default, unconnected) will cause the motor to rotate in the CW
direction (seen while looking at the face of the motor). A logic LOW on the
input will cause the motor to rotate in the CCW direction. This input is
synchronized to the positive going edge of the Step Clock input.
Enable (P1:5)
This input can be used to enable or disable the driver output circuitry. When
in a logic HIGH (default, unconnected) state the driver outputs will be enabled
and step clock pulses will cause the motor to advance. When this input is
pulled LOW, by means of a switch or sinking output, the driver output
circuitry will be disabled. Please note that the internal sine/cosine position
generator will continue to increment or decrement as long as step clock pulses
are being received by the MDrive.
This input is asynchronous to any other input and may be changed at any

WARNING! The isolated logic inputs on the MDrive are internally

limited to allow for an optocoupler supply voltage of +5 VDC. If
using a higher voltage supply, a current limiting resistor must be
placed in series with the input or damage will occur to the
MDrive’s input circuitry, rendering the drive inoperable.

Input Timing
The direction input and the microstep resolution inputs are internally
synchronized to the positive going edge of the step clock input. When a step
clock pulse goes HIGH, the state of the direction input and microstep
resolution settings are latched. Any changes made to the direction and/or
microstep resolution will occur on the rising edge of the step clock pulse
following this change.
Run and Hold Current changes are updated immediately.
The table below lists the timing specifications.

MDrive Logic Input Timing

Specification Input Time
Minimum Pulse Width Step Clock 400 nS
Max. Frequency Step Clock 2.0 MHz

Table 1.2.3: Logic Input Timing

Interface Options

Open Collector Interface

The figure below shows an open collector interface connected to the direction
input (P1:3). This interface method may be used with any of the logic inputs.
Remember that a current limiting resistor must be used in series with the input
if an opto supply voltage greater than +5 volts is used. Refer to next table for
resistor values.

Shown Connected to the Direction Input.

All other Inputs will be interfaced the same.

Opto Supply P1:1 SPPLY
Controller DIR
RLIMIT Direction P1:4
Output EN
¼ W 1%W


Figure 1.2.4: Open Collector Interface

TTL Interface
Shown Connected to the Direction Input.
All other Inputs will be interfaced the same.

+5 VDC
Opto Supply P1:1 OPTO
Direction P1:4


Figure 1.2.5: TTL Interface

Switch Interface

Shown Connected to the Enable Input.

The Direction input may be interfaced the same.

Opto Supply P1:1 OPTO
Enable P1:5 GND


Figure 1.2.6: Switch Interface

Isolated Input Current Limiting Resistors

Opto Supply Resistor Value Resistor Value
(+VDC) (Ohms 5%) (Ohms 1%)
5 - -

10 680 681
12 1000 1000

15 1300 1300
24 2700 2670

Table 1.2.4: Recommended Input Current Limiting Resistor Values

Interfacing the MDrive SPI Interface
(Connector P2)
The MDrive’s SPI communications connector is a 10 pin IDC header. The
recommended means of connecting to the header is with the 6 foot (1.8m)
Parameter Setup Cable MD-CC100-000.
The setup cable eliminates the need for the To Customer PC To MDrive
Parallel/SPI Port
user to wire communications to the MDrive.
In addition to offering ease of connection,
this cable features a built-in logic level
shifter for PC’s that run on 3.3V output
ports. This cable plugs in easily to connect a DB-25
standard DB-25 PC Parallel/SPI port to the MD-CC100-000
MDrive’s 10 pin pin-header (P2). Parameter Setup Cable

Figure 1.2.7: Parameter Setup Cable for MDrive 17/23

MDrive Connector P2 (SPI Interface)

Pin # Pin Name Wire Size Description
1 N/C No Connect
2 N/C No Connect
3 N/C No Connect
4 CS AWG 22 Chip Select
5 GND AWG 22 Communications Ground
6 +5 VDC AWG 22 +5 VDC Output (See Warning Below)
7 MOSI AWG 22 Master Out/Slave In
8 CLK AWG 22 Clock
9 N/C No Connect
10 MISO AWG 22 Master In/Slave Out

Table 1.2.5: P2 Pin Assignment and Description

WARNING! The +5VDC output on connector P2 is used for the setup

cable ONLY! This output is not designed to power external devices!

WARNING! The Parallel/SPI Port on your PC must be set to one of the following:
„ output only „ bi-directional „ EPP (Extended Parallel Port)

Try the SPI connection using the default parallel port setting first. If necessary, the
Parallel/SPI port may be configured in the bios of your PC.

PIN 1 The SPI communication wiring may

require a logic level shifting interface.
PIN 4 - CS
DB25 Standard
PC Parallel / SPI Port
10 Pin Header Logic Level
P2 Shifting and 2 3 4
Conditioning 19
Interface 15

*Use ONLY to power IMS MD-CC100-000

Figure 1.2.8: SPI Interface Wiring and Connections

2 R1 R2
2 3 8
DB25: 2 100 HCT125 49.9 P2: 8
330pF C3 100K 14
3 R9 +5V +5V

DB25: 3 4
R10 100K R4
4 R3 5 4
DB25: 4 100 HCT125 49.9
C4 330pF 7 P2: 4
DB25: 19 13
R5 R6
12 11 7
100 49.9 P2: 7
330pF C5 100K HCT125
R11 +5V +5V

R8 4.9K 10 100K
15 R7 9 10
DB25: 15 49.9 P2: 10
HCT125 +5V
+5 VDC
C1 .1µF C2 + 1µF P2: 6
25V 5
P2: 5

Figure 1.2.9: SPI Logic Level Shifting and Conditioning Schematic

NOTE: If making your own parameter setup cable, be advised the 3.3V output parallel
ports on some laptop PC’s may not be sufficient to communicate with the device
without use of a logic level shifting and conditioning Interface.

Minimum Required Connections

The connections shown below are the minimum required to operate the
Microstepping MDrive.

*Sinking Outputs GND BLACK



Figure 1.2.10: Minimum Required Connections

Securing MDrive Power, Logic and Encoder Leads

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis motion.
If this is a requirement of your application,
the motor leads (pluggable or flying) and the Encoder Power Leads
Leads Logic Leads
Optional Encoder leads (if equipped) must
be properly anchored. This will prevent Adhesive Anchors
& Tywraps
flexing and tugging which can cause damage at
critical connection points in the MDrive
electronics and the Encoder. DO NOT bundle
the Logic Leads or Optional Encoder Leads
with the MDrive17/23 Power Leads.

Figure 1.2.11: Typical MDrive with Power Leads, Data Leads and
Optional Encoder Leads Secured
Section 1.3
Interfacing An Encoder

Section Overview
This section will cover interfacing the Factory Mounted Encoder version of
the Microstepping MDrive17/23. Included are the pin configurations for both
the single-end and differential models and the recommended cables and

Factory-Mounted Encoder
The MDrive17 and MDrive23 are available with a factory-mounted optical
encoder. Available line counts are:
„ 100
„ 200
„ 250
„ 400
„ 500
„ 1000
„ 2000 (MDrive23 Only)
Encoders are available in both single-end and differential configurations. All
encoders, except the 1000 line encoder, have an index mark.
Use of the encoder feedback feature of this product requires a controller such
as an IMS LYNX or PLC.
The encoder has a 100kHz maximum output frequency.

General Specifications
Min Typ Max Units
Supply Voltage (VDC) ............................... -0.5 ................................ 7 ........ Volts
Supply Current ............................................ 30 ............. 57 ............. 85 .......... mA
Output Voltage ........................................... -0.5 .............................. Vcc ...... Volts
Output Current (Per Channel) ................... -1.0 ................................ 5 ........... mA
Maximum Frequency .................................................................................. 100kHz
Inertia ......................................................... 0.565 g-cm2 (8.0 x 10-6 oz-in-sec2)
Operating ........................................................................ -40 to +100° C
Storage ............................................................................. -40 to +100° C
Humidity .............................................................................. 90% (noncondensing)

NOTE: The 2000 Line Encoder is only available on the MDrive23.

Pin Configuration

Single-End Encoder
2000 Line Count Encoder
100 to 1000 Line Count Encoder 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5
Pin 1: Ground
Pin 2: Index
Pin 3: Channel A
Pin 4: +5VDC Input
Pin 5: Channel B

Figure 1.3.1: Single-End Encoder Pin Configuration

Differential Encoder
100 to 1000 Line Count Encoder 2000 Line Count Encoder
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10

1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9

Pin 1: No Connect Pin 6: Channel A +

Pin 2: +5VDC Input Pin 7: Channel B –
Pin 3: Ground Pin 8: Channel B +
Pin 4: No Connect Pin 9: Index –
Pin 5: Channel A – Pin 10: Index +

Figure 1.3.2: Differential Encoder Pin Configuration

Encoder Signals

Single-End Encoder
2.4 V
Channel A 100 to 1000 Lines
0.4 V
Z CW – B Leads A
CCW – A Leads B
2.4 V
Channel B
0.4 V
t1 2000 Lines
t2 CW – A Leads B
2.4 V Index
CCW – B Leads A
0.4 V
Figure 1.3.3: Single-End Encoder Signal Timing

Differential Encoder
2.4 V
Channel A +
0.4 V
2.4 V Rotation:
Channel A -
0.4 V 100 to 1000 Lines
Z CW – B Leads A
2.4 V
Channel B + CCW – A Leads B
0.4 V
2.4 V 2000 Lines
Channel B - CW – A Leads B
0.4 V
t1 CCW – B Leads A
t2 2.4 V Index +
0.4 V
Po 2.4 V Index -
0.4 V

Figure 1.3.4: Differential Encoder Signal Timing

Note: Rotation is as viewed from the cover side.

(C) One Cycle: 360 electrical degrees (°e)

(X/Y) Symmetry: A measure of the relationship between X and Y,
nominally 180°e.
(Z) Quadrature: The phase lag or lead between channels A and B,
nominally 90°e.
(Po) Index Pulse Width: Nominally 90°e.

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units
Cycle Error ......................................................................................... 3 .......... 5.5 ......... °e
Symmetry ......................................................................... 130 ....... 180 ....... 230 ......... °e
Quadrature .......................................................................... 4 0 ......... 9 0 ........ 140 ......... °e
Index Pulse Width .......................................... P o ........... 6 0 ......... 9 0 ........ 120 ......... °e
Index Rise After CH B or CH A fall ............. t 1 .......... -300 ...... 100 ....... 250 ......... ns
Index Fall After CH A or CH B rise ............. t 2 ............ 7 0 ........ 150 ...... 1000 ........ ns
Over recommended operating range. Values are for worst error over a full rotation.

Encoder Profiles


For overall length, see the For overall length, see the
Mechanical Specifications in Section 2.2 Mechanical Specifications in Section 2.2

Figure 1.3.5: MDrive17 with Encoder, Side Profile


For overall length, see the

Mechanical Specifications in Section 3.2


For overall length, see the

Mechanical Specifications in Section 3.2

Figure 1.3.6: MDrive23 with 100-1000 Line Encoder, Side Profile

2.16 1.70*
(54.9) (43.2)

* Single-End Encoder
1.20 ** Differential Encoder

Figure 1.3.7: MDrive17 with Encoder, Rear View


2.92 1.90**
(74.2) (48.3)
1.42 1.70*
(36.1) (43.2)

* Single-End Encoder
** Differential Encoder


Figure 1.3.8 MDrive23 with Encoder, Rear View

For overall length, see the
Mechanical Specifications in Section 3.2

Figure 1.3.9: MDrive23 with 2000 Line Encoder, Side Profile




Figure 1.3.10: MDrive23 with 2000 Line Encoder, Rear Profile

NOTE: The 2000 Line Encoder is only available on the MDrive23.

Encoder Cables
IMS offers assembled cables for both the Single-End and Differential Encoders.
The IMS Part Numbers are listed below.

100 to 1000 Line Encoders:

Single-End Encoder Cable (12” leads) ............................................. ES-CABLE-2
Differential Encoder Cable (36” leads) .......................................... ED-CABLE-2

2000 Line Encoders:

Single-End Encoder Cable (12” leads) ............................................. ES-CABLE-6
Differential Encoder Cable (36” leads) .......................................... ED-CABLE-6

Recommended Encoder Mating Connectors

IMS recommends the following mating connectors (or equivalent) if you make
your own cables.

Single-End Encoder
100 to 1000 Line:
AMP 5 Pin Connector Shell ........................................................... 1-87175-2
Pins* (5 required) AMP Part Number ................................... 87165-1
*For AWG 22 to 28 wires.

AMP MTA 0.1 IDC Loaded Connector

AWG 22 (Red) ......................................................................... 640440-5
AWG 24 (Natural) .................................................................. 640441-5
AWG 26 (Blue) ........................................................................ 640442-5
AWG 28 (Green) ..................................................................... 640443-5

2000 Line:
MOLEX Finger Latch Polarized with 5 Pins
AWG 22 ................................................................................ 14-56-7052
AWG 24 ................................................................................ 14-60-0052
AWG 26 ................................................................................ 14-60-0054
AWG 28 ................................................................................. 14.60-0056
Differential Encoder
100 to 1000 Line:
AMP Connector with 10 Preloaded IDC Pins* ............................ 102694-3
Shell with Polarizing Key ...................................................... 102537-3
Back Cover .............................................................................. 102536-3

AMP 10 Pin IDC Ribbon Cable Connector .......................................... 499997-1

3M 28 AWG x 0.5 x 10 Conductor Ribbon Cable .................................. 3365/10

2000 Line:
MOLEX Finger Latch Connector Shell ..................................... 15-04-5104
Two (2) IDC 5 Pin* Inserts MOLEX Part Number ...... 14-60-0058
*For AWG 22 to 28 wires.

Section 1.4
Configuring The Microstepping MDrive

Section Overview
This section applies to all MDrive17 and MDrive23 Microstepping versions-
MDMF (flying leads), MDMP (pluggable leads) and MDMC (C connector).
This section will acquaint the user with the following:
„ The IMS Motor Interface
„ Installing the IMS SPI Interface
„ The IMS Motor Interface Configuration Utility
„ Configuration Parameters

The IMS Motor Interface Software

The IMS Motor Interface Software is accessed through the IMS SPI Interface
which is an easy to install and use software program. Use of this utility and
the optional 6 foot MD-CC100-000 Parameter Setup Cable is the suggested
method of configuring the MDrive17 and MDrive23. The SPI Interface is
included on the CD that ships with the MDrive or is available for download at
www.imshome.com. This utility features the following:
„ Easy installation.
„ Ease of use via single screen interface.
„ Automatic communication configuration.
„ Will not allow out-of-range values to be set.
„ Tool-tips display valid range settings for each option.

Installing the IMS SPI Interface Software

NOTE: IMS recommends that you install the latest version of the SPI
Interface which is backward compatable and ensures compatability with the
latest MDrives.
System Requirements
„ A Pentium Class or Higher IBM Compatible PC.
„ Windows 9x (95/98) or Windows NT (Windows NT4.0 SP6,
Windows 2000 SP1, Windows XP).
„ 10 MB hard drive space.
„ A free parallel communications port.

Insert the IMS Product CD into your CD-ROM Drive. The CD should
autostart to the IMS Main Index Page. If the CD does not autostart, click
“Start > Run” and type “x:\IMS.exe” in the “Open” box and click OK.
NOTE: “x” is your CD ROM drive letter.
1) After the CD starts, the IMS Main Index Page will be displayed.

Figure 1.4.1: The IMS CD Main Index Page

2) Place your mouse pointer over the MDrive Icon. The Icon wil be
highlighted and the text message “MDrive Integrated Motor &
Electronics” will be displayed. This verifies you have selected
the correct software.
3) Click the MDrive Motor Icon. This opens the MDrive Software
Selection Page.

Figure 1.4.2: The IMS CD Software Selection Page

4) Place the mouse pointer over the menu and select SPI Interface
(Win9x) or SPI Interface (WinNT). The displayed text will again
verify your selection. Click your selection and the “Setup” dialog
box will be displayed.

Figure 1.4.3: The SPI Setup Dialog Box

5) Click SETUP in the Setup dialog box and follow the on-screen
Once the SPI Interface is installed and started the
Communications Settings will be set automatically.

Select “Start>Programs>IMS SPI Interface>IMS SPI Interface”. The

configuration utility will automatically scan your LPT ports for the connected
MDrive and configure the communications. The connection status and port
are displayed at the bottom of the configuration screen. The Version Number
of the Firmware in your MDrive will also be displayed at the top of the
configuration utility as shown below.

The IMS Motor Interface GUI Configuration Utility

The IMS Motor Interface GUI (Graphical User Interface) simplifies use with
a single screen interface for configuring the MDrive17 and MDrive23. All of
the parameters and commands are controlled from this single screen.
There are three versions of MDrive.
MDMF - MDrive Microstepping with Flying Leads
MDMP - MDrive Microstepping with a Pluggable Connector
MDMC - MDrive Microstepping with “C” Connector
GUI for Flying Leads or Pluggable Connector

Version Number

Connection Status & Port

Figure 1.4.4: Typical MDMF, MDMP GUI

Your GUI may appear slightly different than the example shown above due to
different versions of MDrive Firmware. The Firmware is not upgradable but
the IMS Motor Interface will configure itself to your current Firmware
version. The Version Number will be displayed as indicated above.
The Factory Default settings are shown in the figure above and the following
figure. These settings may be changed to suit the user’s application.

GUI for “C” Connector
Version Number

Connection Status & Port

Figure 1.4.5: Typical MDMC GUI

NOTE: The following functions are applicable to all GUI versions.

Changing Parameters

When a Parameter is changed, the font color will change to blue and the “Set”
button will be activated. The change will not take place until Set is clicked.

Parameter changes turn blue...

...then click "Set"

Figure 1.4.6: Changing the Parameter Settings

I l l e g a l P a r a m e t e r s / To o l T i p s

If an illegal parameter is entered it will be displayed in red. By placing the

mouse pointer over the parameter the “Tool Tips” dialog will be displayed.
The range for that parameter will be shown in the dialog box.
NOTE: The Tool Tips are always functional.

Holding cursor over value displays Tool Tips

Figure 1.4.7: Illegal Parameters/Tool Tips

Returning to Factory Defaults

To return to the Factory Defaults, click the “Default” button and the “Set”
button. The Factory Defaults will be restored.
Parameters will return to Default

Click "Defaults"... ...then click "Set"

Figure 1.4.8: Returning to Factory Defaults

If a fault occurs it will be displayed in the Fault window. If more than one
fault occurs each one will be displayed with the + (plus sign) between them.
The Table below lists the faults and the characters displayed for each.

Fault Table
Binary Code* Display Fault Condition
0 None No Fault
4 CS SPI Write to Settings Check Sum
8 CS SPI Write to Defaults Check Sum
16 DFLT Defaults Check Sum
32 DATA EEPROM Check Sum Fault
*NOTE: All fault codes are "OR"ed together.

Table 1.4.1: Fault Indication

Description of the Faults

No Faults exist in the MDrive
CS - SPI Write Check Sum
Check Sum indicates an error or problem with the last transmission of data to
the MDrive. A RECALL will clear the fault and the screen will display the
stored parameters.
These faults indicate a Driver failure. Contact the factory.

Configuration Parameters
There are 4 configuration parameters for the MDrive. Please note that the
motor Direction Override (DIR) is only available on MDrive Microstepping
“C” Connector versions. Parameter settings are automatically saved to
memory when the “SET” button is clicked on the IMS Motor Interface
screen. These parameters may all be changed on-the-fly.
The Table below summarizes the parameters and their function, range, units
and default setting.

MDrive Setup Parameters

MHC Hold Current 0 to 100 percent 5
MRC Run Current 1 to 100 percent 25
2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 25, 32, 50, 64, µsteps per
MSEL Microstep Resolution 256
125, 128, 250, 256 step
Motor Direction
0/1 – CW

*NOTE: The Motor Direction Override is only available on MDrive Microstepping "C" Connector versions.

Table 1.4.2: Setup Parameters

Motor Holding Current (MHC)

The MHC parameter sets the motor holding current as a percentage of the full
output current of the driver. If the hold current is set to 0, the output circuitry
of the driver section will disable when the hold current setting becomes active.
The hold current setting becomes active 200ms following the last clock pulse.
Motor Run Current (MRC)

The Motor Run Current (MRC) parameter sets the motor run current to a
percentage of the full output current of the MDrive driver section.

Microstep Resolution Select (MSEL)

The MSEL parameter specifies the microstep resolution of the MDrive. See
the following Table for valid MSEL parameter settings.
Motor Direction Override (DIR)

The DIR motor Direction Override parameter changes the motor direction
relative to the direction input signal, adapting the direction of the MDrive to
operate as your system expects.

Microselect Values
Microstep Resolution Settings (MSEL)
Binary Microstep Decimal Microstep
Resolution Settings Resolution Settings
MSEL= Steps/Rev MSEL= Steps/Rev
2 400 5 1,000
4 800 10 2,000
8 1,600 25 5,000
16 3,200 50 10,000
32 6,400 125 25,000
64 12,800 250 50,000
128 25,600
256 51,200

Table 1.4.3: Microstep Resolution Settings

Configuring the MDrive With User Defined SPI

The MDrive may be configured and operated through the end user’s SPI
interface without using the previously discussed IMS Motor Interface GUI
and the optional Parameter Setup Cable (see the beginning of this section).
If the optional cable is not being used you will need to make one using the
diagram (SPI Interface Wiring and Connections) shown in Section 1.2 of this
document for all MDrive Microstepping with Flying Leads and MDrive
Microstepping with Pluggable Connector. The SPI connections diagram for
MDrive Microstepping with “C” Connector can be found in Section 1.6.

Timing Notes

1) MSb (most significant bit) and MSB (most significant byte) first
2) 8 bit bytes
3) 25kHz SCK
4) Data In (MOSI) on rising clock
5) Data Out (MISO) on falling clock

SPI Commands
SPI Commands and Parameters
READ ALL 0x40 –––– Reads the hex value of all parameters
Commands Writes the hex value to the
WRITE ALL 0x80 ––––
following parameters

"M" 0x4D –––– M Character precedes every READ

Version_MSB 0x10 <1-8><0-9> Firmware Version Subversion, eg 1.0
Firmware Version Appends to
Version_LSB 0x00 <0-99>
Version mSB, eg .00
USR_ID1 0x49 –––– Upper Case Letter < I >
USR_ID2 0x4D –––– Upper Case Letter < M >
USR_ID2 0x53 –––– Upper Case Letter < S >
MRC 0x19 1-100% Motor Run Current
MHC 0x05 0-100% Motor Hold Current
MSEL 0x00 0*, 2-250 Microstep Resolution
DIR** 0x00 0/1 1 Complements Hardware Direction
DFLT_MRC 0x19 1-100% Default Motor Run Current
DFLT_MHC 0x05 0-100% Default Motor Hold Current
DFLT_MSEL 0x00 0*, 2-250 Default Microstep Resolution
DFLT_DIR** 0x00 0/1 Default Direction Override
FAULT 0x00 –––– (See Fault Table)

MRC 0x19 1-100% Motor Run Current

MHC 0x05 0-100% Motor Hold Current
MSEL 0x00 0*, 2-250 Microstep Resolution
DIR** 0x00 0/1 1 Complements Hardware Direction
2s Complement of all WRITES
CKSUM 0x62 ––––
including Command
NOTE: The READ and WRITE commands in shaded areas apply only to Firmware Versions
<2.0.00, All of the Commands apply to Firmware Versions ≥ 2.0.00, <3.00.00.
*Zero (0) = 256 Microsteps Resolution
** The Direction Override (DIR) is only available on MDrive Microstepping with "C" Connector.

Table 1.4.4: SPI Command Summary

WARNING! The Parallel/SPI Port on your PC must be set to one of the following:
„ output only „ bi-directional „ EPP (Extended Parallel Port)

Try the SPI connection using the default parallel port setting first. If necessary, the
Parallel/SPI port may be configured in the bios of your PC.

SPI Read/Write Example



MISO: XX 4D 10 00 49 4D 53 19 05 00 00 19 05 00 00 00

256 MSEL
25 MRC
1.0.00 VERSION
25 MRC
256 MSEL

MOSI: 80 19 05 00 00 62


Figure 1.4.9: SPI Read/Write

Check Sum Calculation for SPI

The values in the example above are 8-bit binary hexadecimal conversions for
the following SPI parameters: MRC=25%, MHC=5%, MSEL=256.
The Check Sum is calculated as follows:

Sum = 9E 1001 1110
1’s complement = 51 0110 0001
2’s complement = 62 0110 0010
Send the check sum value of 62

Note: 80 is always the first command on a write.

Note: Once a write is performed, a read needs to be performed to see if there
is a fault. The fault is the last byte of the read.

Figure 1.4.10: SPI Waveforms & Timing Diagram
Section 1.5
Interfacing The MDrive Speed Control

Section Overview
This section covers the hardware interface of the MDrive versions with
integrated speed control electronics. Refer to Section 1.6 for Parameter setup
and configuration. Covered in the section are:
„ Layout and Interface Guidelines
„ Interfacing Power and Speed Control Inputs (Connector P1)
„ Interfacing the SPI Interface (Connector P2)

Layout and Interface Guidelines

Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables will
introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system unreliable.
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI induced noise.
The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source to AC ground. The other
end of the shield must not be tied to anything, but allowed to float. This
allows the shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the driver need to be twisted. If more than one MDrive
is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate power and ground
leads from the supply to each MDrive.

Recommended Wiring

The following wiring/cabling is recommended for use with the MDrive:

Recommended Wire Size
Logic Wiring ............................................................................... 22 AWG
Power and Ground .................... See Appendix A “Recommended Cable

General Practices
The following wire strip length is recommended:
Wire Strip Length ........................................................... 0.250” (6.0 mm)
NOTE: Wire and insulation type are subject to the user’s application and environment.

WARNING! DO NOT connect or disconnect power leads when

power is applied! Disconnect the AC power side to power down
the DC power supply. For battery operated systems, connect a
“transient suppressor” across the power switch to prevent arcs
and high voltage spikes.

WARNING! See Part II for power supply requirements for the

MDrive17, Part III for the MDrive23.
Interfacing Power and Speed Control Inputs
(Connector P1)

ØA Enhanced
Microstep Torque
Direction Driver Stepping
ØB Motor

Step Clock

Speed In
Clock Pulse
Start/Stop Generator MDrive + Integrated
Speed Control

Figure 1.5.1: MDrive Speed Control Block Diagram PIN 1



Figure 1.5.2: P1 Pin Configuration for the MDrive Speed Control

MDrive Speed Control Connector P1 Configuration

Flying Wire Function and Description
Pin #
Lead Size
Stop/Start Input: This input will start the internal
1 Violet AWG 22 pulse generator when pulled LOW by means of a switch
or sinking input. It is internally pulled up to +5 VDC.
CW/CCW Direction Input: This input is used to change
2 Blue AWG 22 the direction of the motor. In unidirectional mode a logic
HIGH (open) equals CW.
Speed Control Input: Volts = 0 to +5 VDC or PWM
3 Green AWG 22 4 - 20 mA = 4 - 20 mA Input
0 - 20 mA = 0 - 20 mA Input

4 +5 VDC Output: This output is not to be used to power

Yellow AWG 22
external devices.

5 Gray AWG 22 Logic Ground

6 Black AWG 20* Power Ground

AWG 20* +V: +12 to 48 VDC (MD17 & MD23-4)

7 Red
+ 24 to 75 VDC (MD23-7)
* For supplies 10 feet or less.

Table 1.5.1: P1 Pin Description for the MDrive Speed Control

Interfacing the MDrive Speed Control Inputs

The MDrive has 2 logic inputs which are located on connector P1. These
inputs control the ON/OFF state of the internal clock pulse generator and the
direction of motor rotation. Each input is internally pulled-up to +5 Volts and
may be connected to sinking outputs on a controller such as the IMS LYNX
or a PLC. These inputs are:
1] Start/Stop (P1:1)
2] Direction (P1:2)
There are also three connections for a Joystick or a Potentiometer. These are:
1] Speed Control Input (P1:3)
2] +5V Output (P1:3)
3] Logic Ground (P1:3)
The Speed Control input may also be interfaced to a PLC 15 - 25 kHz PWM
output or a 4 - 20mA or 0 - 20mA output analog device. If a 4 - 20mA or 0 -
20mA device is used, the corresponding input mode MUST be selected on the
Analog Speed Control Interface software.
The two figures below illustrate Interface options for the Speed Control
Version of the MDrive.




Example Part: 10k ohm, 1/2 W

potentiometer such as the Bourns
53AAA-B28-B15 is available from
- Digi-Key (No. 53AAA-B28-B15-ND)
- Newark Electronics (No. 90F6563)

Figure 1.5.3: Interfacing the MDrive Speed Control Using Switches and a Potentiometer

Sinking Outputs
on a PLC P1
Sinking Outputs PIN 1
0-20mA, 4-20mA GREEN
or PWM Input IN
Common of Controller GRAY
or Sensor



Figure 1.5.4: Interfacing the MDrive Speed Control

Using a 4 - 20mA / 0 - 20mA Analog or PWM Output

Velocity Control Input Characteristics

Start/Stop (Pin 1)
The /Start input is internally pulled-up to +5VDC through a 4.99kΩ resistor.
When in a logic HIGH, or disconnected, state the internal step clock generator
will be off. Connecting this input to logic ground (pin 5) or a sinking output in
a LOW state will enable the internal step clock oscillator.
This input may be controlled by means of a switch between the input (pin 1)
and logic ground (pin 5) or a sinking output. Leakage current due to external
interface circuitry must not exceed 200 micro amps.

Direction (Pin 2)
The CW/CCW direction input is internally pulled-up to +5VDC through a
4.99kΩ resistor.
This input may be connected by means of a switch between the input (Pin 2)
and logic ground (Pin 5) or a sinking output. Leakage current due to external
interface circuitry must not exceed 200 micro amps.

Speed Control Input (Pin 3)

The Speed Control input is the input by which the internal step clock
frequency, hence the velocity of the axis, is controlled.
This 0 - 5 volt analog input will typically be interfaced using a 10kΩ
potentiometer as illustrated in Figure 1.5.3, a joystick wiper, a 4 - 20mA / 0-
20mA analog output or a 15 to 25 kHz (100% Duty Cycle) output of a PLC.
If a 4 - 20mA or 0 - 20mA device is used, the corresponding input mode
MUST be selected on the Analog Speed Control Interface software.
If a constant velocity is desired, the speed control input can be connected
directly to the +5VDC output and the desired velocity set using the VM
parameter. When the START input is brought to a logic LOW state, the motor
will begin to move at the velocity specified by the VI variable. It will then
accelerate at the rate specified by ACCL until it reaches the speed set by VM.

+5VDC Output (Pin 4)

The +5VDC output is to be connected to the signal end of the 10kΩ potenti-
ometer used to control velocity only. It is not the design intent of this output
to supply power to external loads.

WARNING: The +5 VDC Output (P1:4) is intended to

control velocity ONLY! It is not to be used to power
external devices!

NOTE: If using the 4 - 20mA or 0 - 20mA input mode, the

corresponding mode MUST be selected on the Speed
Control Interface software. By default the MDrive Speed
Control is configured for 0 - 5VDC or PWM input mode.

Interfacing the MDrive SPI Interface
(Connector P2)
The MDrive’s SPI communications connector is a 10 pin IDC header. The
recommended means of connecting to the header is with the 6 foot (1.8m)
Parameter Setup Cable MD-CC100-000.
The setup cable eliminates the need for the To Customer PC To MDrive
Parallel/SPI Port
user to wire communications to the MDrive.
In addition to offering ease of connection,
this cable features a built-in logic level
shifter for PC’s that run on 3.3V output
ports. This cable plugs in easily to connect a DB-25
standard DB-25 PC Parallel/SPI port to the MD-CC100-000
MDrive’s 10 pin pin-header (P2). Parameter Setup Cable

Figure 1.5.5: Parameter Setup Cable for MDrive 17/23

MDrive Connector P2 (SPI Interface)

Pin # Pin Name Wire Size Description
1 N/C No Connect
2 N/C No Connect
3 N/C No Connect
4 CS AWG 22 Chip Select
5 GND AWG 22 Communications Ground
6 +5 VDC AWG 22 +5 VDC Output (See Warning Below)
7 MOSI AWG 22 Master Out/Slave In
8 CLK AWG 22 Clock
9 N/C No Connect
10 MISO AWG 22 Master In/Slave Out

Table 1.5.2: P2 Pin Assignment and Description

WARNING! The +5VDC output on connector P2 is used for the setup

cable ONLY! This output is not designed to power external devices!

WARNING! The Parallel/SPI Port on your PC must be set to one of the following:
„ output only „ bi-directional „ EPP (Extended Parallel Port)

Try the SPI connection using the default parallel port setting first. If necessary, the
Parallel/SPI port may be configured in the bios of your PC.

PIN 1 The SPI communication wiring may

require a logic level shifting interface.
PIN 4 - CS
DB25 Standard
PC Parallel / SPI Port
10 Pin Header Logic Level
P2 Shifting and 2 3 4
Conditioning 19
Interface 15

*Use ONLY to power IMS MD-CC100-000

Figure 1.5.6: SPI Interface Wiring and Connections

2 R1 R2
2 3 8
DB25: 2 100 HCT125 49.9 P2: 8
330pF C3 100K 14
3 R9 +5V

DB25: 3 4
R10 100K
4 R3 R4
5 6 4
DB25: 4 100 HCT125 49.9
C4 330pF 7 P2: 4
DB25: 19 13
R5 R6
12 11 7
100 49.9 P2: 7
330pF C5 100K HCT125
R11 +5V +5V

R8 4.9K 10 100K
15 R7 8 9 10
DB25: 15 49.9 P2: 10
HCT125 +5V
+5 VDC
C1 .1µF C2 + 1µF P2: 6
25V 5
P2: 5

Figure 1.5.7: SPI Logic Level Shifting and Conditioning Schematic

NOTE: If making your own parameter setup cable, be advised the 3.3V output parallel
ports on some laptop PC’s may not be sufficient to communicate with the device
without use of logic level shifting and conditioning Interface.

Minimum Required Connections

The connections shown
here are the minimum STOP/START SWITCH

required to operate the PIN 1

MDrive Speed Control. DIR




MD-CC100-000 or Equivalent P2
Connection required ONLY
when setting up or changing


Figure 1.5.8: Minimum Required Connections

Securing MDrive Power, Logic and Encoder Leads

Some applications may require that the MDrive move with the axis motion.
If this is a requirement of your application,
the motor leads (pluggable or flying) and the
Encoder Power Leads
Optional Encoder leads (if equipped) must Leads Logic Leads

be properly anchored. This will prevent

Adhesive Anchors
flexing and tugging which can cause damage at & Tywraps

critical connection points in the MDrive

electronics and the Encoder. DO NOT bundle
the Logic Leads or Optional Encoder Leads
with the MDrive17/23 Power Leads.
Figure 1.5.9: Typical MDrive with Power Leads, Data Leads and
Optional Encoder Leads Secured
Section 1.6
Interfacing The MDrive17 And
MDrive23 With “C Connector”

Section Overview
This section will acquaint the user with connecting and using MDrive17 and
MDrive23 C Connector Versions which have a 12 Position, Keyed and Locking
Pin and Receptacle. If your MDrive17/23 is equipped with a factory mounted
encoder, also refer to Section 1.3: Interfacing an Encoder. Covered in this
section are:
„ Interface Guidelines
„ Interfacing the I/O
„ Interfacing the SPI Interface

Interface Guidelines
Logic level cables must not run parallel to power cables. Power cables will
introduce noise into the logic level cables and make your system unreliable.
Logic level cables must be shielded to reduce the chance of EMI induced noise.
The shield needs to be grounded at the signal source to AC ground. The other end
of the shield must not be tied to anything, but allowed to float. This allows the
shield to act as a drain.
Power supply leads to the MDrive need to be twisted. If more than one MDrive
is to be connected to the same power supply, run separate power and ground leads
from the supply to each driver.

Interfacing the I/O

MDrive17 and MDrive23 C Connector Versions utilize a 12 Position, Keyed and
Locking Pin and Receptacle for interfacing the I/O. For quick connection and
setup, the following cables are available from IMS.

Parameter Setup Cable

A low cost accessory which eliminates the need for the user to wire communica-
tions. Included in this cable is built-in logic level shifting circuitry to accommo-
date the 3.3v ports on some PCs.
Order Cable Part No. MD-CC100-000 plus Adapter Cable Part No. MD-ADP-
1723C to connect the MDrive C Connector to a standard DB-25 PC Parallel/SPI

Prototype Development Cable

To expedite interfacing to MDrive17 and MDrive23 with C Connector. Order
Cable Part No. ADP-3512-FL.

WARNING! DO NOT connect or disconnect power leads when power is

applied! Disconnect the AC power side to power down the DC power supply.
For battery operated systems, connect a “transient suppressor” across the
power switch to prevent arcs and high voltage spikes.

Approx Length
To MDrive
12" (304.8mm)




Adapter Cable


To Customer PC
Parallel/SPI Port 1
Approx Length

12" (304.8mm)
P2 P1

MD-CC100-000 Approx Length
Parameter Setup Cable 6 Feet (1.8 M)

ADP-3512-FL To Customer
Prototype Development Cable Interface

Figure 1.6.1: Typical Setup, Adapter, and Prototype Development

Cable Connections for MDrive17/23 with C Connector

Parameter Setting
The MD-CC100-000 Setup Cable is 6 feet in length and connects to the
MD-ADP-1723C Adapter Cable and to the Customer PC Parallel/SPI Port.
This allows the customer to setup the desired parameters of the MDrive. The
Adapter Cable plugs into the C Connector of the MDrive17/23.

Prototype Testing
The ADP-3512-FL Prototype Development Cable connects to the MD-ADP-
1723C Adapter Cable and has “flying leads” for the customer to make
connections to his interface for testing and development of the MDrive17/23.
The Prototype Development Cable can also be connected directly to the
MDrive17/23 as the permanent customer interface.

Mating C Connector Information
In production situations, customers specify socket type and type of wire
termination and purchase directly from the Connector Distributor. The
following information is provided as an aid in this process.
Manufacturer: AMP Molex
Type: Micro Mate-N-Lock Micro-Fit 3.0
Receptacle Housing: 1-794617-2 43025-1200
Receptacle Contacts: See AMP Table See Molex Table


Tin 794606-1 794610-1

20-24 AWG 15µ" Gold 794606-2 794610-2 680893-* 91501-1 843996-3

30µ" Gold 794606-3 794610-3
Tin 794607-1 794611-1

26-30 AWG 15µ" Gold 794607-2 794611-2 680894-* 91502-1 843996-3

30µ" Gold 794607-3 794611-3

* 1 = 2 CLS, 2 = K Teriminator, 3 = G Terminator For more information contact www.amp.com


Tin 4043-0001 4043-0007

20-24 AWG 15µ" Gold 4043-0002 4043-0008 63820-8100 63811-2800 11-03-0043

30µ" Gold 4043-0003 4043-0009
Tin 4043-0004 4043-0010

26-30 AWG 15µ" Gold 4043-0005 4043-0011 63820-8100 63811-2800 11-03-0043

30µ" Gold 4043-0006 4043-0012

For more information contact www.molex.com

Table 1.6.1: C Connector Contact and Tool Part Numbers

Description of the I/O

Figure 1.6.2: I/O
12 Pin
On MDrive17/23
Interface Connections
PIN 2 - +VDC PIN 6 - DIR
with C Connector



2 Red AWG 20† +12 TO +48 VDC +V






* The wire colors refer to the ADP-3512-FL Prototype Development Cable. † For supplies 10 feet or less.

Table 1.6.2: C Connector I/O Pin Assignment and Description

C Connector I/O Description (Pins 1-6)

Pin 1 - Power Ground

This is the Power Ground from the power supply to the C Connector (Pin 1)
on the MDrive17 and MDrive23.

Pin 2 - +12 to +48 VDC

This is the Input Voltage from the power supply to the C Connector (Pin 2)
on the MDrive17 and MDrive23.

Pin 3 - External Optocoupler Reference

The External Optocoupler Reference supplies +5 to +24 VDC for sinking or
logic ground for sourcing to the C Connector (Pin 3). (See the following

Pin 4 - Step Clock (Input)

The Step Clock Input is where the motion clock from your control circuitry
will be connected. The motor will advance one microstep in the plus or minus
direction (based on the state of the direction input) on the transition of the
input from closed to open. The size of this increment or decrement will
depend on the microstep resolution setting. (See the following figure.)

Pin 5 - Enable (Input)

The Enable Input can be used to enable or disable the driver output circuitry.
When open, for either sinking or sourcing, the driver outputs will be enabled
and the step clock pulses will cause the MDrive17/23 to advance. When the
input is closed, the driver output circuitry will be disabled. Please note that
the internal sine/cosine position generator will continue to increment or
decrement as long as step clock pulses are being received by the MDrive. This
input is asynchronous to any other input and may be changed at any time.
(See the following figure.)

Pin 6 - Direction (Input)

The Direction Input controls the Clockwise/Counterclockwise direction of the
motor. It may be configured as sinking or sourcing depending on the state of
the Optocoupler Reference. The direction, based on the state of the input,
may be set using the IMS Motor Interface software accessed through the IMS
SPI Interface on the CD included with the MDrive17/23. The direction input
may be connected by means of a switch between Pin 6 and logic ground when
the Optocoupler reference is +5 to +24 VDC (sinking) or between Pin 6 and
the +5 to +24 VDC when the Optocoupler reference is logic ground (sourc-
ing). (See the following figure.)

LOGIC SUPPLY Sourcing Configuration
+5 to +24 V
GND +VDC Direction to Pin 6 12 Pin
To Isolated Logic Inputs Enable to Pin 5 Header (P1)
Step Clock to Pin 4 on MDrive17/23
with C Connector
Optocoupler Reference to Pin 3

Sinking Configuration
+5 to +24 V
+VDC GND Direction to Pin 6 12 Pin
To Isolated Logic Inputs Enable to Pin 5 Header (P1)
Step Clock to Pin 4 on MDrive17/23
with C Connector
Optocoupler Reference to Pin 3

Figure 1.6.3: Sourcing or Sinking the MDrive17/23 with C Connector

In the illustration above, when the circuit(s) are closed the Optocoupler will
be Active. When the circuit(s) are open, the Optocoupler will be inactive.
NOTE: The mechanical switch shown is for illustration purposes. The actual
switching of the circuits can be done mechanically or electronically.

Minimum Required Connections

The connections shown in below are the minimum required to operate the
MDrive17 or MDrive23 with C Connector.



2 1 P1
2 1

+5 to +24V +VDC

12 11


2 1

+5 to +24V
3 4 6

12 11


Figure 1.6.4: Minimum Required Connections with C Connector

Connecting the SPI Interface
The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) for the MDrive17/23 with C Connector
utilizes a 12 Position, Keyed and Locking Pin and Receptacle. The recom-
mended method of connecting to this receptacle is the Parameter Setup Cable.
Included in this cable is built-in logic level shifting circuitry to accommodate
the 3.3v ports on some PCs. This cable is 6 feet in length and connects a
standard DB-25 PC parallel/SPI port to the 12 pin side of the Adapter. Order
Cable Part Number MD-CC100-000 plus Adapter Cable Part Number MD-
ADP-1723C. Once the MDrive is configured, the SPI Interface can be
connected through the Prototype Development Cable, Part Number ADP-

NOTE: Should you choose to make your own parameter
setup cable, be advised the 3.3V output parallel ports on
some laptop PCs may not be sufficient to communicate with
the device.

The SPI Interface may require

Customer Interface
DB-25 level shifting components
PC Parallel/SPI Port +VDC


PIN 8 - CLOCK PIN 7 - +5 VDC
PIN 12 - MOSI PIN 11 - CS
12 Pin
C Connector
On MDrive17/23

Figure 1.6.5: SPI Interface Connections with C Connector


7 Yellow AWG 22 +5 VDC OUTPUT +5 V


11 White / Orange AWG 22 SPI CHIP SELECT SPI-CS



* The wire colors refer to the ADP-3512-FL Prototype Development Cable.

Table 1.6.3: C Connector SPI Pin Assignment and Description

WARNING! The Parallel/SPI Port on your PC must be set to one of the following:
„ output only „ bi-directional „ EPP (Extended Parallel Port)

Try the SPI connection at the default parallel port setting first. If necessary, the
Parallel/SPI port may be configured in the bios of your PC.

C Connector SPI Description (Pins 7-12)

Pin 7 - +5 VDC (Output)

This output is a voltage supply for the setup cable only. It is not designed to
power any external devices
Pin 8 - SPI Clock
The Clock is driven by the Master and regulates the flow of the data bits. The
Master may transmit data at a variety of baud rates. The Clock cycles once
for each bit that is transferred.
Pin 9 - Logic Ground
This is the Ground for all Communication.
Pin 10 - MISO (Master In / Slave Out)
Carries output data from the MDrive17 and MDrive 23 back to the SPI
Master. Only one MDrive can transmit data during any particular transfer.
Pin 11 - CS (SPI Chip Select)
This signal is used to turn multiple MDrive17 or MDrive23 on or off.
Pin 12 - MOSI (Master Out / Slave In)
Carries output data from the SPI Master to the MDrive17 or MDrive23.

SPI Clock
SPI Master MISO MDrive17/23
with C Connector

Figure 1.6.6: SPI Master with Single MDrive17/23

SPI Clock
MDrive17/23 #1
SPI Master MISO with C Connector

MDrive17/23 #2
with C Connector

Figure 1.6.7: SPI Master with Multiple MDrive17/23

Section 1.7
Configuring The MDrive Speed Control

Section Overview
This section applies to all MDrive Speed Control Versions. The software
utility is the only method for configuring your MDrive Speed Control. This
section will acquaint the user with the following:
„ Easy installation.
„ Ease of use via single screen interface.
„ Automatic communication configuration.
„ Will not allow out-of-range values to be set.
„ Tool-tips display valid range settings for each option.

The IMS Analog Speed Control Utility

The IMS Analog Speed Control is accessed through the IMS SPI Interface
which is an easy to install and use software program. Use of this utility and
the optional 6 foot MD-CC100-000 Parameter Setup Cable is the suggested
method of configuring the MDrive17 and MDrive23 Speed Control. The SPI
Interface is included on the CD that ships with the MDrive or is available for
download at www.imshome.com.

Installing the IMS SPI Interface

NOTE: IMS recommends that you install the latest version of the SPI
Interface which is backward compatable and ensures compatability with the
latest MDrives.
System Requirements
„ A Pentium Class or Higher IBM Compatible PC.
„ Windows 9x (95/98) or Windows NT (Windows NT4.0 SP6,
Windows 2000 SP1, Windows XP).
„ 10 MB hard drive space.
„ A free parallel communications port.

Please refer to Section 1.4 “Installing the IMS SPI Interface” and follow steps
1 through 5.


Select “Start>Programs>Analog Speed Control>Analog Speed Control”. The

configuration utility will automatically scan your LPT ports for the connected
MDrive and configure communications. The connection status and port are
displayed at the bottom of the configuration screen as shown below.

Connection status and port

Figure 1.7.1: Speed Control Configuration Utility Screen

Configuration Parameters Explained

There are 12 configuration parameters for the MDrive. Parameter settings are
automatically saved to memory when the “SET” button is clicked on the
configuration utility screen.
The table below summarizes the parameters and their function, range, units
and default setting.

Speed Control Parameters

Parameter Function Range Units Default

ACCL Acceleration / Deceleration 2000-65000 Steps/sec2 2000

C Joystick Center Position 0 to 1022 Counts 0

(0.005 to 4.995) (Volts) (0.000)
Potentiometer / Joystick 0 to 255 Counts 1
DB (0.000 to 1.245) (Volts) (0.005)
DCLT Decelerate
Deceleration Type – Decel
Do Not Decelerate

FS Full Scale of the 1 to 1023 Counts 1023

Potentiometer / Joystick (0.005 to 4.995) (Volts) (4.995)
MHC Motor Holding Current 0 - 100 Percent 5
MRC Motor Run Current 1 - 100 Percent 25

A1 Input Mode Volts / 4-20mA /

0-20mA or PWM – Volts

RANGE VI / VM Range Setting 1-8 – 3

MSEL Resolution Select Parameter See Table per-step-division 256

VI Initial Velocity 1-100000 Steps/sec. 800

VM Maximum Velocity 1-100000 Steps/sec. 20000

Table 1.7.1: MDrive Speed Control Parameter Summary

Acceleration (ACCL)
The ACCL parameter sets the acceleration and deceleration in steps per
Joystick Center Position (C)
The parameter sets the center position of the joystick. It can be set by two
methods. Using method one the user will manually enter a value between 0
(default) and 1022 into the parameter box. This count will represent the
voltage that the MDrive will interpret as the zero-reference position. Any
voltage seen on the speed control input will accelerate from 0 to the maximum
set velocity. The second method is to select Analog>Initialize from the menu
bar of the configuration utility. Move the joystick or rotate the pot to the end
of travel on bothe directions, move or rotate the input device to the desired
center and click the “Accept” button. See the setup procedure located in
“Setting the Configuration Parameters”, the next subsection of this document.
Potentiometer Deadband (DB)
The DB parameter sets the deadband of the potentiometer. The range for this
parameter is a relative term as the actual deadband value is based upon the
settings of the VI and VM parameters. The deadband is the amount of
deflection seen on the potentiometer until the velocity is changed.

With DB=1 it is possible that the motor will oscillate between two velocities.
This can be eliminated by setting the deadband to a higher value.
Note that when the voltage seen at the speed control input is ≤ 0.005V, the
step clock output of the oscillator will be zero (0). When the potentiometer or
joystick deflects to the level specified by the DB parameter the axis will start
to accelerate, beginning at the velocity specified by the VI, or initial velocity

USAGE NOTE: If the motor oscillates between two

velocities, increase the potentiometer deadband to a higher
value. This will add coarseness to the pot and eliminate the

Deceleration Type (DCLT)

This parameter sets the motor deceleartion to an ON/OFF state. If Decel is
selected on the speed control utility, the motor will decelerate to stop at the
rate specified by the ACCL parameter. If No Decel is selected, the motor will
hard stop.
Full Scale (FS)
The full scale parameter sets the deflection of the potentiometer or joystick.
While the min/max range of the speed control input is 0 to 1023 counts (0.005
to 4.995 volts) (0 counts = no motion, 1023 counts = max velocity, or VM)
the user has the option of setting the full scale to a different value. For
instance, setting FS=500 counts (2.411 volts) will cause the MDrive’s
oscillator to output the appropriate step clock frequency set for VM when
the voltage on the speed control input is 2.411V.

Motor Holding Current (MHC)
The MHC parameter sets the motor holding current as a percentage of the full
output current of the driver. If the hold current is set to 0, the output circuitry
of the driver will disable when the hold current setting becomes active.
The hold current setting becomes active 200ms following the last step clock
Motor Run Current (MRC)
The Motor Run Current (MRC) parameter sets the motor run current to a
percentage of the full output current of the driver.


RANGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

VI 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1
VM 100000 50000 25000 10000 5000 2500 1000 500

Table 1.7.2: RANGE Parameter Settings

Input Mode (A1)
The Input mode setting selects the input method to be used, either Voltage,
4 - 20mA or 0 - 20mA. NOTE: In the Voltage mode you may also use a 15
kHz to 25 kHz PWM Input.
Velocity Range (RANGE)
The RANGE parameter specifies the maximum ranges available for the initial
velocity (VI) and maximum velocity (VM). When the range is set to a value,
the VI and VM parameters will automatically default to the value specified by
the range setting. The value of VI and VM can then be set within the range
specified by RANGE. The previous table illustrates the range settings.
Microstep Resolution Select (MSEL)
The MSEL parameter specifies the microstep resolution of the MDrive. See
the table below for valid MSEL parameter settings.

Microstep Resolution Settings (MSEL)

Binary Microstep Decimal Microstep
Resolution Settings Resolution Settings
MSEL= Steps/Rev MSEL= Steps/Rev
2 400 5 1,000
4 800 10 2,000
8 1,600 25 5,000
16 3,200 50 10,000
32 6,400 125 25,000
64 12,800 250 50,000
128 25,600
256 51,200

Table 1.7.3: MSEL Parameter Settings

Initial Velocity (VI)
The VI parameter establishes the initial velocity of the controlled axis in steps
per second. The setting of this parameter represents the slowest speed the
motor will turn. This is the velocity of the axis when the voltage on the speed
control input = 0V. The valid settings for VI is dependent on the RANGE
Maximum Velocity (VM)
The VM parameter establishes the maximum velocity of the controlled axis in
steps per second. The setting of this parameter represents the highest speed
that the motor will turn. This is the velocity of the axis when the voltage on
the speed control input = 5V. The valid setting for VM is dependent on the
RANGE setting.

Setting the Configuration Parameters

In order to follow the procedures set forth in this subsection, the following is
„ The Parameter Setup Cable (MD-CC100-000) or equivalent must
be connected between your PC Parallel (Printer) Port and the 10
pin IDC connector (P2) on the MDrive.
„ The Analog Speed Control configuration utility must be installed
and operating on your PC. Correct connection of the device and
operation of the software will be indicated by a “Connected -
LPTx” message at the bottom of the configurator screen.
„ The Stop/Start input must be in a HIGH (Disconnected, Stopped)
Configuring the MDrive for Unidirectional

When operating as a unidirectional device, the internal clock pulse generator

will output step clock pulses to the MDrive’s driver section. The initial and
maximum frequency of these pulses, and the rate which they accelerate
between these values, is established by the following four parameters:
1] Initial Velocity (VI)
2] Maximum Velocity (VM)
3] Acceleration (ACCL)
4] Velocity Range (RANGE)
Set the Run Current (MRC) and the Holding Current (MHC) to the desired
When using the MDrive in velocity mode the settings for FS, C and DB will
likely be left in their default state. These three parameters may be displayed
as either counts or volts. The displayed value is changed by clicking the “Cts”
to the right of the parameter’s text box. It may be changed from volts back to
counts by clicking “volts”.

Change Counts to Volts by
single clicking "Cts" on screen

Figure 1.7.2: Changing Counts Readout to Volts

Illegal Parameters

When certain parameters such as the Range is changed, other parameters

adopt different min/max values. If a parameter is illegal it will be displayed in
red. To determine a legal parameter value place your mouse pointer over the
parameter in question. A “Tool Tips” dialog will appear and show the legal
range of that parameter. NOTE: The Tool Tips are always functional.

An illegal value is displayed in red

Maximum Velocity: 20 to 10000 steps/sec

Tool Tips give legal values

Figure 1.7.3: Illegal Parameters/Tool Tips

Returning to the Default Parameters

To return to the Default Parameters, click the “Defaults” button and then click
the “Set” button.

Parameters will reset to Defaults

Click "Defaults"... ...and then click "Set"

Figure 1.7.4: Returning to Default Parameters

If the motor oscillates between frequencies, increase the potentiometer

deadband (DB). If desired, these may be changed. For example: Setting the FS
parameter to 511 would configure the MDrive such that it will be at maximum
velocity when the potentiometer is at 1/2 of its full deflection.
Test the settings by pulling the Stop/Start input to ground by means of a
switch or sinking output. Turn the potentiometer between its stops, the
motor should accelerate and decelerate between the VI and VM settings. Note
that there will be no motion at the zero reference point of the potentiometer.
The motion will not start until the speed control input sees the voltage
equivalent of 0 + DB.
Fine-tune the ACCL, VI, VM and RANGE settings to the requirements of
your application. Clicking the “Set” button saves the parameter settings to
non-volatile memory.

Configuring the MDrive Speed Control for
Bidirectional Operation

When setting the MDrive Speed Control for bidirectional operation, it is

necessary that the joystick or pot be calibrated. First, a center position must
be established, as well as the full scale range of the input device in two
directions. The following steps outline the calibration procedures.

1] With the input device in the center position, click

“Analog>Initialize” on the menu bar.
2] Move the input device to its full scale position, first in the max
direction, then in the min direction. Re-center the input device.
3] Click the “Accept” button.
4] Set the other parameters to the desired value.
5] Click the “Set” button to save the parameter settings to non-
volatile memory.
Click Analog and Initialize

Figure 1.7.5: Initialization Mode

Counts (Volts or mA) will change...

Clicking on the label will change

the units from Cts (Counts) to
V (Volts) to mA (milliAmps)

then click "Accept"

Figure 1.7.6: Accepting the Analog Initialization Values

If a fault occurs it will be displayed in the Fault window. If more than one
fault occurs each one will be displayed with the + (plus sign) between them.
The Table below lists the faults and the characters displayed for each.

Fault Table
Binary Code* Display Fault Condition
0 None No Fault
4 CS SPI Write to Settings Check Sum
8 CS SPI Write to Defaults Check Sum
16 DFLT Defaults Check Sum
32 DATA EEPROM Check Sum Fault
*NOTE: All fault codes are "OR"ed together.

Table 1.7.4 Fault Indication

Description of the Faults

No Faults exist in the MDrive
CS - SPI Write Check Sum
Check Sum indicates an error or problem with the last transmission of data to
the MDrive. A RECALL will clear the fault and the screen will display the
stored parameters.
These faults indicate a Driver failure. Contact the factory.

Configuring the MDrive Speed Control With User Defined SPI

The MDrive Speed Control may be setup and operated without the included
IMS Motor Interface GUI.
If the optional cable is not being used you will need to make one using the
diagram (SPI Interface Wiring and Connections) shown in Section 1.5 of this

Timing Notes

1) MSb (most significant bit) and MSB (most significant byte) first
2) 8 bit bytes
3) 25kHz SCK
4) Data In (MOSI) on rising clock
5) Data Out (MISO) on falling clock

WARNING! The Parallel/SPI Port on your PC must be set to one of the following:
„ output only „ bi-directional „ EPP (Extended Parallel Port)

Try the SPI connection at the default parallel port setting first. If necessary, the
Parallel/SPI port may be configured in the bios of your PC.

SPI Commands
SPI READ ALL 0X40 Reads the hex value of all parameters
Commands WRITE ALL 0X80 Writes the hex value to the following parameters

Data READ "u" 0x75 "u" character precedes every read

Version MSB 0x80 Defines the SPI Version and revision number
Version LSB 0x12 i.e.; Version 1.2 Rev. 02

ACCL, MSB 0x07 Acceleration in Steps/Sec2

ACCL, LSB 0xD0 The default is 2000

DB 0x01 0-255 Potentiometer/Joystick Deadband

RANGE 0x03 1-8 VI/VM Range Setting
VI, MSB 0x00
Establishes the maximum velocity (highest speed)
VI, MB 0x01 1-100000 of the controlled axis in steps per second
VI, LSB 0x90
VM, MSB 0x00
Establishes the maximum velocity (highest speed)
VM, MB 0x4E 1-100000 of the controlled axis in steps per second
The default is 20000
VM, LSB 0x20
1-1023 Sets the deflection of the potentiometer or joystick
CENTER, MSB 0x00 Sets the center position of the joystick
1-1022 The default is 0.0000
MRC 0x19 1-100% Motor Run Current - Default = 25
MHC 0x05 0-100% Motor Hold Current - Default = 5
DCLT 0x00 0-1 Deceleration (On/Off) Default = 0
MSEL 0x00 0, 2-250 Microstep Resolution Default = 256
TYPE 0x01 1-Microstep Fixed

INP_MODE ... 0x00 A1&A2, A1Volt, CW Defined by the following parameters ...
A1A2_PWM 0x01 0 = A1-A2, 1 = PWM A1 and A2 or PWM
MA_4_20 0x04 0 = A1Volts, 1 = A1Current Volts or Current
MA_0_20 0x08 0 = 0-20mA, 1 = 4-20mA 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA
DIR1 0x40 0 = CW, 1 = CCW Direction Override
FAULT 0x00 (See Fault Table)

Data WRITE ACCL, MSB 0x07 Acceleration in Steps/Sec2

2000-65000 The default is 2000
DB 0x01 0-255 Potentiometer/Joystick Deadband
RANGE 0x03 1-8 VI/VM Range Setting
VI, MSB 0x00
Establishes the initial velocity (slowest speed) of the
VI, MB 0x01 1-100000 controlled axis in steps per second
VI, LSB The default is 800
VM, MSB 0x00
Establishes the maximum velocity (highest speed) of
VM, MB 0x4E 1-100000 the controlled axis in steps per second
The default is 20000
VM, LSB 0x20
1-1023 Sets the deflection of the potentiometer or joystick
CENTER, MSB 0x00 Sets the center position of the joystick
1-1022 The default is 0.0000
MRC 0x19 1-100 % Motor Run Current - Default = 25
MHC 0x05 0-100 % Motor Hold Current - Default = 5
DCLT 0x00 0-1 Deceleration (On/Off) Default = 0
MSEL 0x00 0, 2-250 Microstep Resolution Default = 256

INP_MODE ... 0x00 A1&A2, A1Volt, CW Defined by the following parameters ...
A1A2_PWM 0x01 0 = A1-A2, 1 = PWM A1 and A2 or PWM
MA_4_20 0x04 0 = A1Volts, 1 = A1Current Volts or Current
MA_0_20 0x08 0 = 0-20mA, 1 = 4-20mA 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA
DIR1 0x40 0 = CW, 1 = CCW Direction Override

CKSUM 0x5D 2s Complement of all WRITES including Command

Table 1.7.5: MDrive17&23 Speed Control SPI Command Summary

SPI Read/Write Example

















A1&A2, A1V, CW
A1&A2, A1v, CW














XX 75 12 02 07 D0 01 03 00 01 90 00 4E 20 03 FF 00 00 19 05 00 00 02 00 00 FF

80 07 D0 01 03 00 01 90 00 4E 20 03 FF 00 00 19 05 00 00 00 86 FF





Check Sum Calculation for SPI

The values in the example above are 8-bit binary hexadecimal conversions for
the WRITE ALL commands.
The Check Sum is calculated as follows:

Sum = 37A
Truncate the Sum = 7A 0111 1010
1’s complement = 85 1000 0101 (invert binary)
2’s complement = 86 1000 0110 (add 1)
Send the check sum value of 86

Note: 80 is always the first command on a write.

Note: Once a write is performed, a read needs to be performed to see if there
is a fault. The fault is the last byte of the read.
Figure 1.7.7: SPI Waveforms & Timing Diagram


MDrive 17
Integrated Motor and


Linear Actuator

Section 2.1
MDrive17 Power Supply & Thermal
Power Supply Specifications

MDrive Power Supply Specifications

Recommended Supply Type Unregulated DC
Ripple Voltage ±10 %
Output Voltage +12 to +45 VDC
Output Current 3A Peak

Power supply current requirements = 2A (MAX) per MDrive17.

Actual power supply current will depend upon voltage and load.

Table 2.1.1: MDrive17 Recommended Power Supply Specifications

WARNING! The maximum +48 VDC Input Voltage of the MDrive17

includes Motor Back EMF, Power Supply Ripple and High Line.

A characteristic of all motors is back EMF. Back EMF is a source of current

that can push the output of a power supply beyond the maximum operating
voltage of the driver. As a result, damage to the stepper driver could occur
over a period of time. Care should be taken so that the back EMF does not
exceed the maximum input voltage rating of the MDrive17.

Recommended IMS Power Supplies

Listed below is the power supplies recommended for use with the MDrive17.
Unregulated Linear Supply
Input Range
120 VAC Version ................................................................. 102-132 VAC
240 VAC Version ................................................................. 204-264 VAC
No Load Output Voltage* ......................................... 39 VDC @ 0 Amps
Continuous Output Rating* ..................................... 30 VDC @ 1 Amps
Peak Output Rating* ................................................ 25 VDC @ 2 Amps
* All measurements were taken at 25°C, 120 VAC, 60 Hz.

Thermal Specifications

Because the MDrive consists of two core components, a drive and a motor,
close attention must be paid to the thermal environment where the device is
used. The following maximum temperatures apply to the MDrive17.
Heat Sink Temperature (Max) .......................................................... 85°C
Motor Temperature (Max) ............................................................. 100°C

Section 2.2
Rotary MDrive17 Specifications

Section Overview
This section contains mechanical, motor and electrical specifications specific
to each version of the Rotary MDrive17. Shown are:
„ Mechanical Specifications
„ Motor Specifications
„ Electrical Specifications

Mechanical Specifications

Dimensions in inches (mm)

Interface (33.8)
Option * 0.94 ±0.02
P1 (24.0 ±0.5)
4X M3x0.5 THREAD
(2.0) 0.59 ±0.02 x 0.15 MIN DEEP
(15.0 ±0.5)
0.177 ±0.002
2.16 (4.5 ±0.05)
(54.9) 1.22 ±0.004 SQ.
(31.0 ±0.1 SQ.)
Ø 0.1968 -0.0005
(Ø 5.0) (-0.012)
Ø 0.866 -0.002
LMAX (Ø 22.00) (-0.051)
1.67 SQ.
(42.4 SQ.)

* See Interface Options on following page

Single Shaft Version Control Knob or Encoder Version
Stack In (mm) Stack In (mm)
1713 2.20 (55.9) 1713 2.92 (74.2)
1715 2.43 (61.7) 1715 3.15 (80.0)
1719 2.75 (69.8) 1719 3.47 (88.1)

Figure 2.2.1: Rotary MDrive17 Mechanical Specifications

Interface Options - MDrive17

12.00 (11.2)
+1.0/-0.0 0.36

Flying Leads Pluggable Clamp C Connector*

Type Terminal Block

* Not available for MDO17 Speed Control

Figure 2.2.2: Interface Options

Motor Specifications

NOTE! The following specifications apply to all rotary variants

of the MDrive17, the standard rotary as well as the encoder
and control knob versions.

MDrive1713 Motor Specifications and Speed/Torque


Holding Torque oz-in (N-cm) 32 (22.6)
Detent Torque oz-in (N-cm) 1.66 (1.17)
Rotor Inertia oz-in-sec 2 (kg-cm 2 ) 0.00053 (0.038)
Weight (Motor & Driver) oz (g) 9.8 (277.8)

Table 2.2.1: MD1713 Motor Specifications

24 VDC
25 45 VDC 18
Torque in N-cm
Torque in Oz-In

20 14

15 11

10 7

5 4

500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

Speed in Full Steps per Second

Figure 2.2.3: Rotary MDrive 1713 Torque/Speed Data (100% Current)

MDrive1715 Motor Specifications and Speed/Torque Curves

Holding Torque oz-in (N-cm) 60 (42.4)
Detent Torque oz-in (N-cm) 2.08 (1.47)
Rotor Inertia oz-in-sec 2 (kg-cm 2 ) 0.00080 (0.057)
Weight (Motor & Driver) oz (g) 10.5 (297.7)

Table 2.2.2: Rotary MDrive 1715 Motor Specifications

45 24 VDC
45 VDC
40 28
35 25
Torque in Oz-In

Torque in N-cm
30 21
25 18
20 14
15 11
10 7
5 4
500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second

Figure 2.2.4: Rotary MDrive 1715 Torque/Speed Data (100% Current)

MDrive1719 Motor Specifications and Speed/Torque Curves

Holding Torque oz-in (N-cm) 74.9 (52.9)
Detent Torque oz-in (N-cm) 3.47 (2.45)
Rotor Inertia oz-in-sec 2 (kg-cm 2 ) 0.00116 (0.082)
Weight (Motor & Driver) oz (g) 15.1 (428.1)

Table 2.2.3: Rotary MDrive 1719 Motor Specifications

60 24 VDC 42
45 VDC
Torque in Oz-In

Torque in N-cm

50 35
40 28
30 21

20 14

10 7

500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second
Figure 2.2.5: Rotary MDrive 1719 Torque/Speed Data (100% Current)
Electrical Specifications
MDrive17 Microstepping
Input Voltage (+V) Range ..................................................... +12 to +48 VDC
Isolated Inputs ............................................... Step Clock, Direction & Enable
Isolated Input Voltage Range* (Sinking or Sourcing) .............. +5 to +24VDC
Isolated Current*
+5 Volt (Max) ............................................................................... 8.7 mA
+24 Volt (Max) ........................................................................... 14.6 mA
Step Frequency (Max) .......................................................................... 2 MHz
Step Frequency Minimum Pulse Width ................................................ 400 nS
Steps per Revolution .......................................... 400, 800, 1000, 1600, 2000,
3200, 5000, 6400, 10000, 12800,
25000, 25600, 50000, 51200
* Only available for MDrive17 with C connector.

MDrive17 Speed Control

Input Voltage (+V) Range ..................................................... +24 to +75 VDC
Speed Control Input ..................................................... 0 to +5 VDC / PWM,
0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA
A/D Resolution ........................................................................................ 10 bit
Speed Control Potentiometer Resistance ......................................... 10 k Ohm
Start/Stop, Direction (Low Level Input) .................................... 0 to 1.5 VDC
Start/Stop, Direction (High Level Input) ........................... +3.0 to +5.0 VDC
Input Pull-up Resistance (to +5 VDC) Stop/Start, Direction .......... 4.99 k Ω
Isolated Inputs ............................................................ Voltage/Current/PWM,
Start/Stop, Direction
PWM Input Frequency .............................................................. 15 to 25 kHz

Recommended Wire Sizes

Recommended Wire Size
Logic Wiring ............................................................................... 22 AWG
Power and Ground .................... See Appendix A “Recommended Cable

WARNING! The maximum +48 VDC Input Voltage of the MDrive17

includes Motor Back EMF, Power Supply Ripple and High Line.

A characteristic of all motors is back EMF. Back EMF is a source of current

that can push the output of a power supply beyond the maximum operating
voltage of the driver. As a result, damage to the stepper driver could occur
over a period of time. Care should be taken so that the back EMF does not
exceed the maximum input voltage rating of the MDrive17.

Section 2.3
Linear MDrive17 Specifications

Section Overview
This section contains mechanical, motor and electrical specifications specific
to the Linear MDrive17. Shown are:
„ Mechanical Specifications
„ Motor Specifications
„ Electrical Specifications

Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions in inches (mm)
(152.4) * See Interface Options in previous section
Interface * (33.8)
P1 0.08
0.250 (6.4)
4X M3x0.5 THREAD
1.66 x 0.15 MIN DEEP
P2 (42.2)
Ø 0.866 -0.002
(Ø 22.00) (-0.051)
#8-32 UNC-2A
Thread to within 1.22 ±0.004 SQ.
0.03 (0.76) of Shoulder (31.0 ±0.1 SQ.)
2.19 1.66
(55.6) (42.2)

Figure 2.3.1: Linear Actuator MDrive17 Mechanical Specifications

Motor Specifications (Linear)

Linear Actuator
Maximum Thrust lbs (kg) 50 (22.7)
Weight (Motor+Driver without screw) oz (g) 10.4 (294.8)

Table 2.3.1: Linear Actuator MDrive17 Motor Specifications

WARNING: The maximum axial load limit for the MDrive17

Motor is 50 lbs (22.7 kg). Do not exceed this rating!

WARNING: The Acme screw MUST NOT deflect more than

± 1 degree perpendicular to the motor face. Additional
support for radial loads may be required!

Force/Speed Curve: 24 VDC
Refer to the table below for screw pitch information.

Figure 2.3.2: Force/Speed Curve - 24VDC (100% Current)

Force/Speed Curve: 45 VDC

Refer to the table below for screw pitch information.

Figure 2.3.3: Force/Speed Curve - 45VDC (100% Current)

Acme Screws for MDrive17

Screw Travel/Full Step inches (mm)
A 0.00125 (0.03175)
B 0.000625 (0.015875)
C 0.0003125 (0.0079375)
D 0.00015625 (0.00396875)

Table 2.3.2: Acme Screws for the MDrive17 Linear Actuator

MDrive17 Mounting Screws

Care must be observed when installing the mounting screws on ALL

MDrive17 versions including Linear Actuators. The mounting holes on the
flange are not drilled through and have a maximum depth of 0.150” (3.81 mm).
The warning note and figure below illustrate the maximum safe thread length
and maximum torque for mounting all versions of the MDrive17.

WARNING! The mounting holes in the MDrive17 mounting flange are

not through holes. The maximum length of the screw threads into
the motor flange is 0.140” (3.5 mm).

Maximum length of
screw threads into
the motor housing
0.140" (3.5 mm)
mounting flange

M3 x 0.5 Screw
Length TBD
by Customer


Figure 2.3.4: MDrive17 Mounting Screw Depth

MAXIMUM TORQUE! The maximum torque for the M3x0.5

screw is 7.8 lb-in (9 kg-cm) with a thread engagement of 6.5
threads (3.3 mm deep). A lesser thread engagement
diminishes the maximum torque.


MDrive 23
Integrated Motor and


Linear Actuator

Section 3.1
MDrive23 Power & Thermal Requirements
Motor Power Supply Requirements
Specifications 48V MD23 (-4) 75V MD23 (-7)
Recommended Supply Type Unregulated DC
Ripple Voltage ±10 %
Output Voltage +12 to +45 VDC +24 to +75 VDC
Output Current 3A Peak 4A Peak

Table 3.1.1: MDrive23 Recommended Power Supply Specifications

The graph above illustrates the power supply current (MAX) per MDrive23. Actual
power supply current will depend upon voltage and load.

Recommended IMS Power Supplies

Listed below are the power supplies recommended for use with both voltage
ranges of the MDrive23.
IP404 (MD23-4) / IP804 (MD23-7)
Input Range
120 VAC Versions .................................. 102-132 VAC
240 VAC Versions .................................. 204-264 VAC
IP404 Output
No Load Output Voltage* .................... 43 VDC @ 0 Amps
Continuous Output Rating* ................ 32 VDC @ 2 Amps
Peak Output Rating* ........................... 26 VDC @ 4 Amps
IP804 Output
No Load Output Voltage* .................... 76 VDC @ 0 Amps
Continuous Output Rating* ................ 65 VDC @ 2 Amps
Peak Output Rating* ........................... 58 VDC @ 4 Amps
* All measurements were taken at 25°C, 120 VAC, 60 Hz.

Thermal Specifications

Because the MDrive consists of two core components, a drive and a motor,
close attention must be paid to the thermal environment where the device is
used. The following maximum temperatures apply to the MDrive23:
Heat Sink Temperature (Max) .......................................................... 85°C
Motor Temperature (Max) ............................................................. 100°C
Section 3.2
Rotary MDrive23 Specifications

Section Overview
This section contains mechanical, motor and electrical specifications specific
to each version of the Rotary MDrive23. Shown are:
„ Mechanical Specifications
„ Motor Specifications
„ Electrical Specifications

Mechanical Specifications

Dimensions in inches (mm)

1.63 1.50
(41.4) (38.1)
Option * 0.81 ±0.02
P1 (20.6 ±0.5)
4X Ø 0.197
0.06 (Ø 5.0)
0.59 ±0.008
(15.0 ±0.2)

0.23 ±0.004
2.92 (5.8 ±0.1)
1.856 ±0.008 SQ.
(47.14 ±0.2 SQ.)

Ø 0.250 +0/-0.0005
(Ø 6.35 +0/-0.013)

0.19 Ø 1.500 ±0.002

(4.8) (Ø 38.10 ±0.05) 2.22 SQ.
(56.4 SQ.)

* See Interface Options on following page

Single Shaft Version Control Knob or Encoder Version
Stack In (mm) Stack In (mm)
2218 2.63 (66.8) 2218 3.35 (85.1)
2222 3.00 (76.2) 2222 3.70 (94.0)
2231 3.86 (98.0) 2231 4.57 (116.1)

Figure 3.2.1: Rotary MDrive23 Mechanical Specifications

Interface Options - MDrive23

12.00 (11.2)
+1.0/-0.0 0.36

Flying Leads Pluggable Clamp C Connector*

Type Terminal Block

* Not available for MDO23 Speed Control or 75 VDC MDM23 Microstepping

Figure 3.2.2: Interface Options

Motor Specifications

NOTE! The following specifications apply to all rotary variants

of the MDrive23, the standard rotary as well as the encoder
and control knob versions.

MDrive 2218 Motor Specifications and Speed/Torque Curves

Holding Torque oz-in (N-cm) 90 (64)
Detent Torque oz-in (N-cm) 3.9 (2.7)
Rotor Inertia oz-in-sec 2 (kg-cm2 ) 0.0025 (0.18)
Weight (Motor & Driver) oz (g) 20.1 (569.8)

Table 3.2.1: Rotary MDrive2218 Motor Specifications

70 24 VDC 49
45 VDC
60 42
Torque in N - cm

75 VDC
Torque in Oz - In

50 35
40 28
30 21
20 14
10 7
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second
Figure 3.2.3: Rotary MDrive 2218 Speed/Torque Data (100% Current)

MDrive 2222 Motor Specifications and Speed/Torque Curves

Holding Torque oz-in (N-cm) 144 (102)
Detent Torque oz-in (N-cm) 5.6 (3.92)
Rotor Inertia oz-in-sec 2 (kg-cm 2 ) 0.0037 (0.26)
Weight (Motor & Driver) oz (g) 24.4 (691.7)

Table 3.2.2: Rotary MDrive2222 Motor Specifications

140 24 VDC 99
45 VDC
120 85

Torque in N - cm
Torque in Oz - In

75 VDC
100 71
80 56
60 42
40 28
20 14
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second

Figure 3.2.4: Rotary MDrive 2222 Speed/Torque Data (100% Current)

MDrive 2231 Motor Specifications and Speed/Torque Curves

Holding Torque oz-in (N-cm) 239 (169)
Detent Torque oz-in (N-cm) 9.7 (6.86)
Rotor Inertia oz-in-sec 2 (kg-cm 2 ) 0.0065 (0.46)
Weight (Motor & Driver) oz (g) 38.5 (1091.5)
Table 3.2.3: Rotary MDrive2231 Motor Specifications

225 24 VDC 159

45 VDC
200 141
75 VDC
175 124
Torque in Oz - In

150 106
Torque in N - cm

125 88
100 71
75 53
50 35
25 18
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second

Figure 3.2.5: Rotary MDrive 2231 Speed/Torque Data (100% Current)

Electrical Specifications
MDrive23 Microstepping
Input Voltage (+V) Range .............................. +12 to +48* / +24 to +75 VDC
Isolated Inputs ............................................... Step Clock, Direction & Enable
Isolated Input Voltage Range** (Sinking or Sourcing) ............ +5 to +24VDC
Isolated Current**
+5 Volt (Max) ............................................................................... 8.7 mA
+24 Volt (Max) ........................................................................... 14.6 mA
Step Frequency (Max) .......................................................................... 2 MHz
Step Frequency Minimum Pulse Width ................................................ 400 nS
Steps per Revolution .......................................... 400, 800, 1000, 1600, 2000,
3200, 5000, 6400, 10000, 12800,
25000, 25600, 50000, 51200
* 12-48 VDC is the only input voltage available for MDrive23 with C Connector.
** Only available for MDrive23 with C connector.

MDrive23 Speed Control

Input Voltage (+V) Range ................................ +12 to +48 / +24 to +75 VDC
Speed Control Input ..................................................... 0 to +5 VDC / PWM,
0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA
A/D Resolution ........................................................................................ 10 bit
Speed Control Potentiometer Resistance ......................................... 10 k Ohm
Start/Stop, Direction (Low Level Input) .................................... 0 to 1.5 VDC
Start/Stop, Direction (High Level Input) ........................... +3.0 to +5.0 VDC
Input Pull-up Resistance (to +5 VDC) Stop/Start, Direction .......... 4.99 k Ω
Isolated Inputs ............................................................ Voltage/Current/PWM,
Start/Stop, Direction
PWM Input Frequency .............................................................. 15 to 25 kHz

Recommended Wire Sizes

Recommended Wire Size
Logic Wiring ............................................................................... 22 AWG
Power and Ground .................... See Appendix A “Recommended Cable

WARNING! The maximum +48 or +75 VDC Input Voltage of the

MDrive23 includes Motor Back EMF, Power Supply Ripple and High Line.

A characteristic of all motors is back EMF. Back EMF is a source of current

that can push the output of a power supply beyond the maximum operating
voltage of the driver. As a result, damage to the stepper driver could occur
over a period of time. Care should be taken so that the back EMF does not
exceed the maximum input voltage rating of the MDrive23.

Section 3.3
Linear MDrive23 Specifications

Section Overview
This section contains mechanical, motor and electrical specifications specific
to the Linear MDrive23. Shown are:
„ Mechanical Specifications
„ Motor Specifications
„ Electrical Specifications

Mechanical Specifications

Dimensions in inches (mm)

1.63 1.50
(41.4) (38.1)
Option *
4X Ø 0.205 (Ø 5.21)

(9.52) 0.50
1.856 ±0.008 SQ.
(47.14 ±0.2 SQ.)

1/4-20 UNC-2A
WITHIN 0.05 (1.3)
2.64 OF SHOULDER Ø 1.500 ±0.002
(67.1) 2.22 SQ. (Ø 38.10 ±0.05)
(56.4 SQ.)

* See Interface Options on previous page

Figure 3.3.1: Linear Actuator MDrive23 Mechanical Specifications

Motor Specifications (Linear)

MDrive23 Linear Actuator

Maxium Thrust lbs (kg) 200 (90.7)

Weight (Motor+Driver without screw) oz (g) 20.4 (578.3)

Table 3.3.1: Linear Actuator MDrive23 Motor Specifications

Force/Speed Curve: 24 VDC
Refer to the table on the following page for screw pitch information.

Load Limit 200lbs / 890N

200 890
Force (lbs) Load Limit 200 lbs


Force (N)Load Limit 890N

180 Screw F
160 Screw E 712
140 Screw D 623
Screw C
120 534
Screw B
100 Screw A 445
80 356
60 267
40 178
20 89
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second

Figure 3.3.2: Force/Speed Curve - 24VDC (100% Current)

Force/Speed Curve: 45 VDC

Refer to the table on the following page for screw pitch information.

Load Limit 200lbs / 890N

200 890
Force (lbs) Load Limit 200 lbs

Screw F 801
Force (N)Load Limit 890N

160 Screw E 712
Screw D
140 623
Screw C
120 Screw B 534
100 Screw A 445
80 356
60 267
40 178
20 89
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second
Figure 3.3.3: Force/Speed Curve - 45VDC (100% Current)

Force/Speed Curve: 75 VDC
Refer to the table below for screw pitch information.

Load Limit 200lbs / 890N

200 890
Force (lbs) Load Limit 200 lbs

Screw F

Force (N)Load Limit 890N

180 Screw E
160 Screw D 712
Screw C
140 Screw B 623
Screw A
120 534
100 445
80 356
60 267
40 178
20 89
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second
Figure 3.3.4: Force/Speed Curve - 75VDC (100% Current)

Acme Screws for MDrive23

Screw Travel/Full Step - Inches (mm)
F 0.002 (0.0508)
A 0.001 (0.0254)
B 0.000833 (0.0211582)
C 0.0005 (0.0127)
D 0.0004167 (0.01058418)
E 0.0003125 (0.0079375)

Table 3.3.2: Acme Screws for the MDrive23 Linear Actuator

WARNING: The maximum axial load limit for the MDrive23

motor is 200 lbs (90.7 kg). Do not exceed this rating!

WARNING: The Acme screw MUST NOT deflect more

than ± 1 degree perpendicular to the motor face.
Additional support for radial loads may be required!

Recommended Cable Configurations
Cable length, wire gauge and power conditioning devices play a major
role in the performance of your MDrive17 and MDrive23.
NOTE: These recommendations will provide optimal protection against EMI
and RFI. The actual cable type, wire gauge, shield type and filtering devices
used are dependent on the customer’s application and system.

NOTE: The length of the DC power supply cable to an MDrive17 or

MDrive23 should not exceed 50 feet.
Example A demonstrates the recommended cable configuration for DC power
supply cabling under 50 feet long. If cabling of 50 feet or longer is
required, the additional length may be gained by adding an AC power
supply cable (see Examples B & C).
Correct AWG wire size is determined by the current requirement plus
cable length. Please see the MDrive Supply Cable AWG Table at the
end of this Appendix.

Example A – Cabling Under 50 Feet, DC Power

To MDrive

π Type RFI Filter

≥ Required Current


Shielded Twisted Pair

(Wire Size from
Cable Length MDrive Supply Cable AWG Table)
less than 50 Feet

DC Voltage from - Shield to Earth Ground


Power Supply on Supply End Only

500 µf
Per Amp

Example B – Cabling 50 Feet or Greater, AC Power to Full
Wave Bridge

To Cable A
- Connect the cable illustrated

in Example A to the output of
the Full Wave Bridge

Full Wave Bridge

Cable Length
as required
Shielded Twisted Pair
(Wire Size from
MDrive Supply Cable AWG Table)

π Type RFI Filter

≥ Required Current

Transformer : Shield to Earth Ground

0 to 28 VAC RMS on Supply End Only
for 48 VDC Systems
20 to 48 VAC RMS
for 75 VDC Systems

Example C – Cabling 50 Feet or Greater, AC Power to
Power Supply

DC Volts Out
NOTE: To Cable A
Connect the cable illustrated -

in Example A to the output of
the Power Supply

Power Supply

Cable Length
as required
Shielded Twisted Pair
(Wire Size from
MDrive Supply Cable AWG Table)

π Type RFI Filter

≥ Required Current

Shield to Earth Ground

on Supply End Only
120 or 240 VAC
Dependent on
Power Supply

NOTE: These recommendations will provide optimal protection
against EMI and RFI. The actual cable type, wire gauge, shield
type and filtering devices used are dependent on the customer’s
application and system.

MDrive Supply Cable AWG Table

1 Ampere (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 20 20 18 18 16

2 Amperes (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 20 18 16 14 14

3 Amperes (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 18 16 14 12 12

4 Amperes (Peak)
Length (Feet) 10 25 50* 75* 100*
Minimum AWG 18 16 14 12 12
* Use the alternative methods innustrated in
Examples B and C when the cable length is ≥ 50
feet. Also, use the same current rating when the
alternate AC power is used.

MDrive17 and MDrive23 Wire Size

NOTE: Always use Shielded/Twisted Pairs for the MDrive DC

Supply Cable and the AC Supply Cable.

MDrive with Planetary Gearbox

Section Overview
This section contains guidelines and specifications for MDrives equipped
with an optional Planetary Gearbox, and may include product sizes not
relevant to this manual.
Shown are:
„ Product Overview
„ Selecting a Planetary Gearbox
„ Mechanical Specifications

Product Overview
All gearboxes are factory installed.
Mode of Function

Optional Planetary Gearbox operate as their name implies: the motor-driven

sun wheel is in the center, transmitting its movement to three circumferential
planet gears which form one stage. They are arranged on the bearing pins of a
planet carrier. The last planet carrier in each sequence is rigidly linked to the
output shaft and so ensures the power transmission to the output shaft. The
planet gears run in an internally toothed outer ring gear.
Service Life

Depending on ambient and environmental conditions and the operational

specification of the driving system, the useful service life of a Planetary
Gearbox is up to 10,000 hours. The wide variety of potential applications
prohibits generalizing values for the useful service life.

All Planetary Gearbox are grease-packed and therefore maintenance-free

throughout their life. The best possible lubricant is used for our MDrive/
Planetary Gearbox combinations.
Mounting Position

The grease lubrication and the different sealing modes allow the Planetary
Gearbox to be installed in any position.
O p e r a t i n g Te m p e r a t u r e

The temperature range for the Planetary Gearbox is between –30 and +140°
C. However, the temperature range recommended for the Heat Sink of the
MDrive is 0 to +85º C.

O v e r l o a d To r q u e

The permitted overload torque (shock load) is defined as a short-term increase

in output torque, e.g. during the start-up of a motor. In these all-metal
Planetary Gearbox, the overload torque can be as much as 1.5 times the
permitted output torque.
Available Planetary Gearbox

The following lists available Planetary Gearbox by diameter and corresponding


Gearbox Diameter MDrive

32 mm MDrive14
42 mm MDrive17
52 mm MDrive23
81 mm MDrive34

Selecting a Planetary Gearbox

There are many variables and parameters that must be considered when
choosing an appropriate reduction ratio for an MDrive with Planetary
Gearbox. This Addendum includes information to assist in determining a
suitable combination for your application.
Note: The MDrive23 and the numbers and values used in these examples have
been chosen randomly for demonstration purposes. Be certain you obtain the
correct data for the MDrive you have purchased.

C a l c u l a t i n g t h e S h o c k L o a d O u t p u t To r q u e ( T AB)

Note: The following examples are based on picking “temporary variables”

which may be adjusted.
The shock load output torque (TAB) is not the actual torque generated by the
MDrive and Planetary Gearbox combination, but is a calculated value that
includes an operating factor (CB) to compensate for any shock loads applied
to the Planetary Gearbox due to starting and stopping with no acceleration
ramps, payloads and directional changes. The main reason the shock load
output torque (TAB) is calculated, is to ensure that it does not exceed the
maximum specified torque for a Planetary Gearbox.
Note: There are many variables that affect the calculation of the shock load
output torque. Motor speed, motor voltage, motor torque and reduction ratio
play an important role in determining shock load output torque. Some
variables must be approximated to perform the calculations for the first time.
If the result does not meet your requirements, change the variables and re-
calculate the shock load output torque.

Use the equation compendium below to calculate the shock load output
i = Reduction Ratio - The ratio of the Planetary Gearbox.
nM = Motor Speed - In Revolutions Per Minute (Full Steps/
nAB = Output Speed - The speed at the output shaft of the
Planetary Gearbox.
TN = Nominal Output Torque - The output torque at the
output shaft of the Planetary Gearbox.
TM = Motor Torque - The base MDrive torque. Refer to
MDrive Speed Torque Tables.
η = Gear Efficiency - A value factored into the calculation to
allow for any friction in the gears.
TAB = Shock Load Output Torque - A torque value calculated to
allow for short term loads greater than the nominal output
CB = Operating Factor - A value that is used to factor the
shock load output torque.
sf = Safety Factor - A 0.5 to 0.7 factor used to create a margin
for the MDrive torque requirement.
Reduction Ratio
Reduction ratio (i) is used to reduce a relatively high motor speed (nM) to a
lower output speed (nAB).
With: i = nM ÷ nAB or: motor speed ÷ output speed = reduction ratio
The required speed at the output shaft of the Planetary Gearbox is
90 RPM.
You would divide motor speed (nM) by output speed (nAB) to calculate the
proper gearbox ratio.
The MDrive speed you would like to run is approximately 2000 full steps/
second or 600 RPM.
NOTE: In reference to the MDrive speed values, they are given in full steps/
second on the Speed/Torque Tables. Most speed specifications for the
Planetary Gearbox will be given in RPM (revolutions per minute). To convert
full steps/second to RPM, divide by 200 and multiply by 60.
Where: 200 is the full steps per revolution of a 1.8° stepping motor.
2000 full steps/second ÷ 200 = 10 RPS (revolutions per second)
× 60 Seconds = 600 RPM

For the Reduction Ratio (i), divide the MDrive’s speed by the required
Planetary Gearbox output speed.
600 RPM ÷ 90 = 6.67:1 Reduction Ratio
Referring to the Available Ratio Table at the end of this section, the reduction
ratio (i) of the Planetary Gearbox will be 7:1. The numbers in the left column
are the rounded ratios while the numbers in the right column are the actual
ratios. The closest actual ratio is 6.75:1 which is the rounded ratio of 7:1. The
slight difference can be made up in MDrive speed.

Nominal Output Torque

Calculate the nominal output torque using the torque values from the MDrive
Speed/Torque Tables.
Nominal output torque (TN) is the actual torque generated at the Planetary
Gearbox output shaft which includes reduction ratio (i), gear efficiency (η) and
the safety factor (sf) for the MDrive. Once the reduction ratio (i) is
determined, the nominal output torque (TN) can be calculated as follows:
TN = TM × i × η ÷ sf or:
Motor torque × reduction ratio × gear efficiency ÷ safety factor =
nominal output torque.
For gear efficiency (η) refer to the Mechanical Specifications for the 7:1
Planetary Gearbox designed for your MDrive.
For motor torque (TM) see the appropriate MDrive Speed/Torque
Table. Dependent on which MDrive you have, the torque range will
vary. The torque will fall between the high voltage line and the low
voltage line at the indicated speed for the MDrive. (See the example
Speed/Torque Table below.)

51 oz-in 600 RPM

at +24VDC (2000 Full Steps/Second)
95 oz-in
at +45VDC

140 24 VDC 99
45 VDC
120 85
Torque in N - cm
Torque in Oz - In

100 71
80 56
60 42
40 28
20 14
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Speed in Full Steps per Second

The Speed/Torque Table above is for an MDrive 2222. This MDrive will
produce a torque range of 51 to 95 oz-in in the full voltage range at the speed
of 2000 Full Steps/Second (600 RPM).

Please note that this is not the usable torque range. The torque output to the
Planetary Gearbox must include a safety factor (sf) to allow for any voltage
and current deviations supplied to the MDrive.
The motor torque must include a safety factor (sf) ranging from 0.5
to 0.7. This must be factored into the nominal output
torque calculation. A 0.5 safety factor is aggressive while a 0.7
safety factor is more conservative.
The available motor torque (TM) is 51 to 95 oz-in.
NOTE: You may specify a torque less than but not greater than the motor
torque range.
For this example the motor torque (TM) will be 35 oz-in.
A 6.75:1 reduction ratio (i) has been determined.
Gear efficiency (η) = 80% from the appropriate table for the
Planetary Gearbox which is used with an MDrive23.
Nominal output torque would be:
Motor torque (TM = 35) × reduction ratio (i = 6.75) × gear
efficiency (η = 0.8) ÷ safety factor (sf = 0.5 or 0.7)
35 × 6.75 = 236.25 × 0.8 = 189 ÷ 0.5 = 378 oz-in nominal
output torque (TN)
35 × 6.75 = 236.25 × 0.8 = 189 ÷ 0.7 = 270 oz-in nominal output
torque (TN)
With the safety factor (sf) and gear efficiency (η) included in the calculation,
the nominal output torque (TN) may be greater than the user requirement.

Shock Load Output Torque

The nominal output torque (TN) is the actual working torque the Planetary
Gearbox will generate. The shock load output torque (TAB) is the additional
torque that can be generated by starting and stopping with no acceleration
ramps, payloads, inertia and directional changes. Although the nominal output
torque (TN) of the Planetary Gearbox is accurately calculated, shock loads can
greatly increase the dynamic torque on the Planetary Gearbox.
Each Planetary Gearbox has a maximum specified output torque. In this
example a 7:1 single stage MDrive23 Planetary Gearbox is being used. The
maximum specified output torque is 566 oz-in. By calculating the shock load
output torque (TAB) you can verify that value is not exceeding the maximum
specified output torque.

When calculating the shock load output torque (TAB), the calculated nominal
output torque (TN) and the operating factor (CB) are taken into account. CB is
merely a factor which addresses the different working conditions of a
Planetary Gearbox and is the result of your subjective appraisal. It is therefore
only meant as a guide value. The following factors are included in the
approximate estimation of the operating factor (CB):
„ direction of rotation (constant or alternating)
„ load (shocks)
„ daily operating time

Note: The higher the operating factor (CB), the closer the shock load output
torque (TAB) will be to the maximum specified output torque for the Planetary
Gearbox. Refer to the table below to calculate the approximate operating
factor (CB).

With the most extreme conditions which would be a CB of 1.9, the shock load
output torque (TAB) is over the maximum specified torque of the Planetary
Gearbox with a 0.5 safety factor but under with a 0.7 safety factor.

The nominal output torque (TN) × the operating factor (CB) =

shock load or maximum output torque (TAB).

With a 0.5 safety factor, the shock load output torque is greater
than the maximum output torque specification of the MDrive23
Planetary Gearbox. (378 × 1.9 = 718.2 oz-in.)

With a 0.7 safety factor the shock load output torque is within
maximum output torque specification of the MDrive23 Planetary
Gearbox. (270 × 1.9 = 513 oz-in.)

The 0.5 safety factor could only be used with a lower operating factor (CB)
such as 1.5 or less, or a lower motor torque.

Note: All published torque specifications are based on CB = 1.0. Therefore,

the shock load output torque (TAB) = nominal output torque (TN).

WARNING! Excessive torque may damage your Planetary Gearbox. If the
MDrive/Planetary Gearbox should hit an obstruction, especially at lower
speeds (300 RPM or 1000 Full Steps/Second), the torque generated will
exceed the maximum torque for the Planetary Gearbox. Precautions must be
taken to ensure there are no obstructions in the system.

Determining the Operating Factor (CB)

Direction of Load
Daily Operating Time
Rotation (Shocks)
3 Hours 8 Hours 24 Hours

Constant Low* CB=1.0 C B=1.1 CB=1.3

Medium** CB=1.2 CB=1.3 CB=1.5

Alternating Low† CB=1.3 CB=1.4 CB=1.6

Medium†† CB=1.6 CB=1.7 CB=1.9

* Low Shock = Motor turns in one direction and has ramp up at start.
** Medium Shock = Motor turns in one direction and has no ramp up at start.
† Low Shock = Motor turns in both directions and has ramp up at start.
†† Medium Shock = Motor turns in both directions and has no ramp up at start.

System Inertia
System inertia must be included in the selection of an MDrive and Planetary
Gearbox. Inertia is the resistance an object has relative to changes in velocity.
Inertia must be calculated and matched to the motor inertia. The Planetary
Gearbox ratio plays an important role in matching system inertia to motor
inertia. There are many variable factors that affect the inertia. Some of these
factors are:
The type of system being driven.
Weight and frictional forces of that system.
The load the system is moving or carrying.
The ratio of the system inertia to motor inertia should be between 1:1 and
10:1. With 1:1 being ideal, a 1:1 to 5:1 ratio is good while a ratio greater than
5:1 and up to 10:1 is the maximum.

Type of System
There are many systems and drives, from simple to complex, which react
differently and possess varied amounts of inertia. All of the moving compo-
nents of a given system will have some inertia factor which must be included
in the total inertia calculation. Some of these systems include:
❐ lead screw
❐ rack and pinion
❐ conveyor belt
❐ rotary table
❐ belt drive
❐ chain drive
Not only must the inertia of the system be calculated, but also any load that it
may be moving or carrying. The examples below illustrate some of the factors
that must be considered when calculating the inertia of a system.

Lead Screw
In a system with a lead screw, the following must be considered:
❒ the weight and preload of the screw
❒ the weight of the lead screw nut
❒ the weight of a table or slide
❒ the friction caused by the table guideways
❒ the weight of any parts
Weight of Weight of
table parts

Weight of Weight of
screw nut

Friction of Preload on
guideways leadscrew

Rack and Pinion
In a system with a rack and pinion, the following must be considered:
❒ the weight or mass of the pinion
❒ the weight or mass of the rack
❒ the friction and/or preload between the pinion and the rack
❒ any friction in the guidance of the rack
❒ the weight or mass of the object the rack is moving
Friction of Weight of Preload or friction
rack in guide rack between pinion and rack

Weight of
pinion and shaft
Load on


Conveyor Belt
In a system with a conveyor belt, the following must be considered:
❒ the weight and size of the cylindrical driving pulley or roller
❒ the weight of the belt
❒ the weight or mass and size of the idler roller or pulley on
the opposite end
❒ the angle or elevation of the belt
❒ any load the belt may be carrying
Weight of
Gearbox conveyor belt Weight and size
of idler roller

Weight and size

of drive roller

of belt

Weight of Elevation

Rotary Table
In a system with a rotary table, the following must be considered:
❒ the weight or mass and size of the table
❒ any parts or load the table is carrying
❒ the position of the load on the table, the distance from the
center of the table will affect the inertia
❒ how the table is being driven and supported also affects the
Belt Drive
In a system with a belt drive, the following must be considered:
❒ the weight or mass and size of the driving pulley
❒ the tension and/or friction of the belt
❒ the weight or mass and size of the driven pulley
❒ any load the system may be moving or carrying

The position of parts relative

to the center of the
rotary table is important


Weight and
Weight and position size of table
of parts on table

Friction of any
bearing or support
Weight of
Friction created by
Weight and size
tension on belt
of driven pulley

Weight and size

of drive pulley

Chain Drive
In a system with a chain drive, the following must be considered:
❒ the weight and size of drive sprocket and any attaching hub
❒ the weight and size of the driven sprocket and shaft
❒ the weight of the chain
❒ the weight of any material or parts being moved
Weight of

Weight and size

of drive
sprocket and hub
Weight and size
of driven sprocket,
shaft and any material
or parts being moved

Once the system inertia (JL) has been calculated in oz-in-sec2, it can be
matched to the motor inertia. To match the system inertia to the motor inertia,
divide the system inertia by the square of the gearbox ratio. The result is
called Reflected Inertia or (Jref).
Jref = JL ÷ Ζ2
JL = System Inertia in oz-in-sec2
Jref = Reflected Inertia in oz-in-sec2
Z = Gearbox Ratio
The ideal situation would be to have a 1:1 system inertia to motor inertia
ratio. This will yield the best positioning and accuracy. The reflected inertia
(Jref) must not exceed 10 times the motor inertia.
Your system may require a reflected inertia ratio as close to 1:1 as possible.
To achieve the 1:1 ratio, you must calculate an Optimal Gearbox Ratio (Zopt)
which would be the square root of JL divided by the desired Jref. In this case
since you want the system inertia to match the motor inertia with a 1:1 ratio,
Jref would be equal to the motor inertia.

Zopt = JL ÷ Jref
Zopt = Optimal Gearbox Ratio
JL = System Inertia in oz-in-sec2
Jref = Desired Reflected Inertia in oz-in-sec2 (Motor Inertia)

Planetary Gearbox Inertia
In addition to System Inertia, the Planetary Gearbox inertia must also be
included when matching system inertia to motor inertia. The Planetary
Gearbox inertia varies with the ratio and the number of stages. The table below
lists the inertia values for the MDrive14, 17, 23 and 34 Planetary Gearbox.
The values are in oz-in-sec2 (ounce-inches-second squared). To calculate the
inertia in kg-cm2 (kilograms-centimeter squared) multiply oz-in-sec2 by

Planetary Gearbox Inertia Moments (oz-in-sec2)

Rounded MDrive 14 MDrive 17 MDrive 23 MDrive 34
Ratio Gearbox Gearbox Gearbox Gearbox
4:1 0.00002181 0.00006627 0.00025986 0.00233660
1-Stage 5:1 0.00001614 0.00004362 0.00017461 0.00154357
7:1 0.00001260 0.00003328 0.00016030 0.00128867
14:1 0.00002110 0.00006245 0.00024230 0.00219499
16:1 0.00001770 0.00005084 0.00020406 0.00179847
18:1 0.00001784 0.00005070 0.00020335 0.00182679
19:1 0.00001586 0.00004149 0.00016512 0.00141612
22:1 0.00001586 0.00004135 0.00016469 0.00148693
25:1 0.00001359 0.00003200 0.00013453 0.00177015
27:1 0.00001600 0.00004121 0.00016441 0.00148693
29:1 0.00001359 0.00003186 0.00013425 0.00124619
35:1 0.00001374 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00126035
46:1 0.00001388 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00126035
51:1 0.00002110 0.00006245 0.00024230 0.00218082
59:1 0.00001770 0.00005084 0.00020406 0.00178431
68:1 0.00001784 0.00005070 0.00020335 0.00179847
71:1 0.00001586 0.00004149 0.00016512 0.00147276
79:1 0.00001784 0.00005070 0.00020335 0.00179847
93:1 0.00001359 0.00003200 0.00016441 0.00124619
95:1 0.00001586 0.00004135 0.00020335 0.00147276
100:1 0.00001600 0.00004121 0.00016441 0.00148693
107:1 0.00001359 0.00003186 0.00013425 0.00124619
3-Stage 115:1 0.00001600 0.00004121 0.00016441 0.00148693
124:1 0.00001359 0.00003186 0.00013425 0.00124619
130:1 0.00001374 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00124619
139:1 0.00001600 0.00004121 0.00016441 0.00144444
150:1 0.00001374 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00124619
169:1 0.00001359 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00126035
181:1 0.00001374 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00124619
195:1 0.00001359 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00126035
236:1 0.00001359 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00126035
308:1 0.00001359 0.00003186 0.00013411 0.00126035

Mechanical Specifications
MDrive14 with Planetary Gearbox
Dimensions in Inches (mm)

k3 k1 1.66
k4 k2 (42.1)
0.118 (26.2)


(Ø 32.0)
Ø 1.26
Ø 0.236 -0.0002/-0005
(Ø 6.0 -0.004/-0.012) 2.36 (59.9)
k5 With Encoder or Control Knob

Front View
Front View Optional NEMA 14
Planetary Gearbox Output Flange for Planetary Gearbox
M3 x 0.157 (4.0) Deep M3 x 0.157 (4.0) Deep
(35.3 SQ.)
1.39 SQ.


Ø 1.024 1.024
(Ø 26.0) (26.0)

Planetary Gearbox 1-Stage 2-Stage 3-Stage

k1 Standard Gearbox 1.969 (50.0) ±0.02 (0.5) 2.343 (59.5) ±0.02 (0.5) 2.717 (60.0) ±0.02 (0.5)
k2 w/NEMA Flange 2.008 (51.0) ±0.02 (0.5) 2.382 (60.5) ±0.02 (0.5) 2.756 (70.0) ±0.02 (0.5)
Inches (mm)

k3 Standard Shaft 0.787 (20.0)

k4 Shaft w/NEMA Flange 0.748 (19.0)
k5 0.787 (20.0) +0/-0.0013 (+0/-0.033)
Locator Diameter
Locator Diameter
k6 0.866 (22.0) +0/-0.0013 (+0/-0.033)
w/NEMA Flange
k7 Length of Flat on Shaft 0.394 (10.0)

Max Output Torque 106 oz-in (0.75 Nm) 318 oz-in (2.25 Nm) 637 oz-in (4.5 Nm)

Efficiency 80% 75% 70%

Max Backlash 1.5° 2.0° 2.5°

Max Radial Load 9.0 lb-force (40 N) 15.7 lb-force (70 N) 22.0 lb-force (100 N)

Max Axial Load 2.2 lb-force (10 N) 4.5 lb-force (20 N) 6.7 lb-force (30 N)

Gearbox Only 5.7 oz (162 gm) 7.5 oz (213 gm) 9.3 oz (264 gm)

Gearbox w/NEMA Flange 5.9 oz (168 gm) 7.8 oz (221 gm) 9.6 oz (273 gm)

Planetary Gearbox Specifications for MDrive14

MDrive17 with Planetary Gearbox

Dimensions in Inches (mm)

k3 1.33
k4 k2
Ø 0.315 +0/-0.0004
(Ø 8.0 +0/-0.009)

(Ø 42.0)
Ø 1.654

Ctrg. DIN 332 - D M3

Key DIN 6885-A-3x3x16mm

Front View
Front View Optional NEMA 17
Planetary Gearbox Output Flange for Planetary Gearbox
M4 x 0.394 (10.0) Deep
M 3 x 0.394 (10.0) Deep M3 x 0.276 (7.0) Deep


Ø 1.26 k6
(Ø 32.0) 1.22
Ø 1.417 (31.0)
(Ø 36.0) 1.667 SQ.
(42.3 SQ.)

Planetary Gearbox 1-Stage 2-Stage 3-Stage

k1 Standard Gearbox 2.736 (69.5) ±0.02 (0.5) 3.248 (82.5) ±0.02 (0.5) 3.760 (95.5) ±0.02 (0.5)
k2 w/NEMA Flange 2.858 (72.6) ±0.02 (0.5) 3.370 (85.5) ±0.02 (0.5) 3.882 (98.6) ±0.02 (0.5)
Inches (mm)

k3 Standard Shaft 0.984 (25.0)

k4 Shaft w/NEMA Flange 0.846 (21.5)
k5 0.984 (25.0) +0/-0.002 (+0/-0.052)
Locator Diameter
Locator Diameter
k6 0.866 (22.0) +0/-0.002 (+0/-0.052)
w/NEMA Flange

Max Output Torque 425 oz-in (3.0 Nm) 1062 oz-in (7.5 Nm) 2124 oz-in (15.0 Nm)

Efficiency 80% 75% 70%

Max Backlash 0.80° 0.85° 0.90°

Max Radial Load 36 lb-force (160 N) 52 lb-force (230 N) 67.5 lb-force (300 N)

Max Axial Load 11 lb-force (50 N) 18 lb-force (80 N) 25 lb-force (110 N)

Gearbox Only 14.3 oz (406 gm) 17.9 oz (508 gm) 21.5 oz (609 gm)

Gearbox w/NEMA Flange 14.8 oz (420 gm) 18.5 oz (525 gm) 22.2 oz (630 gm)

MDrive17 Size 1713 Size 1715 Size 1719

Inches (mm)


2.20 (55.9) 2.43 (61.7) 2.75 (69.8)

Single Shaft Version
LMAX2 Encoder or
2.92 (74.2) 3.15 (80.0) 3.47 (88.1)
Control Knob Version

Planetary Gearbox Specifications for MDrive17

MDrive23 with Planetary Gearbox

Dimensions in Inches (mm)

k3 k1 (41.4)
k4 k2
Ø 0.472 +0/-0.0007
(Ø 12.0 +0/-0.018) 2.92

(Ø 52.0)
Ø 2.047

Ctrg. DIN 332-D M4x10

Key DIN 6885-A-4x4x16mm

Front View
Front View Optional NEMA 23
Planetary Gearbox Output Flange for Planetary Gearbox

M5 x 0.394 (10.0) Deep 4x Ø 0.197 (Ø 5) Hole

Ø 1.575 1.854
(Ø 40.0) (47.1)
2.22 SQ.
(56.4 SQ.)

Planetary Gearbox 1-Stage 2-Stage 3-Stage

k1 Standard Gearbox 2.976 (75.6) ±0.02 (0.5) 3.531 (89.7) ±0.02 (0.5) 4.087 (103.8) ±0.02 (0.5)
k2 w/NEMA Flange 3.036 (77.1) ±0.02 (0.5) 3.590 (91.2) ±0.02 (0.5) 4.146 (105.3) ±0.02 (0.5)
Inches (mm)

k3 Standard Shaft 0.984 (25.0)

k4 Shaft w/NEMA Flange 0.925 (23.5)
k5 1.260 (32.0) +0/-0.0015 (+0/-0.039)
Locator Diameter
Locator Diameter
k6 1.50 (38.1) +0/-0.0015 (+0/-0.039)
w/NEMA Flange

Max Output Torque 566 oz-in (4.0 Nm) 1699 oz-in (12.0 Nm) 3540 oz-in (25.0 Nm)

Efficiency 80% 75% 70%

Max Backlash 0.70° 0.75° 0.80°

Max Radial Load 45 lb-force (200 N) 72 lb-force (320 N) 101 lb-force (450 N)

Max Axial Load 13 lb-force (60 N) 22 lb-force (100 N) 34 lb-force (150 N)

Gearbox Only 25.0 oz (711 gm) 32.2 oz (914 gm) 39.4 oz (1117 gm)

Gearbox w/NEMA Flange 25.9 oz (735 gm) 33.3 oz (945 gm) 40.7 oz (1155 gm)

MDrive23 Size 2218 Size 2222 Size 2231

Inches (mm)


2.63 (66.8) 3.00 (76.2) 3.86 (98.0)

Single Shaft Version
LMAX2 Encoder or
3.35 (85.1) 3.70 (94.0) 4.57 (116.1)
Control Knob Version

Planetary Gearbox Specifications for MDrive23

MDrive34 with Planetary Gearbox

Dimensions in Inches (mm)

k3 k1
k4 k2 2.07
0.197 (52.6)
1.575 (5.0)
Ø 0.748 +0/-0.0008
(Ø 19.0 +0/-0.021) (40.0)


(Ø 81.0)
Ø 3.189

Ctrg. DIN 332-D M6x16 0.39

(10.0) LMAX1
Key DIN 6885-A-6x6x28mm

Front View
Front View Optional NEMA 34
Planetary Gearbox Output Flange for Planetary Gearbox
M6 x 0.472 (12.0) Deep 4x Ø 0.217 (Ø 5.5) Hole


2.739 k6
Ø 2.56 (69.58)
(Ø 65.0)
3.386 SQ.
(86.0 SQ.)

Planetary Gearbox 1-Stage 2-Stage 3-Stage

k1 Standard Gearbox 4.315 (109.6) ±0.02 (0.5) 5.169 (131.3) ±0.02 (0.5) 6.024 (153.0) ±0.02 (0.5)
k2 w/NEMA Flange 4.433 (112.6) ±0.02 (0.5) 5.287 (134.3) ±0.02 (0.5) 6.142 (156.0) ±0.02 (0.5)
Inches (mm)

k3 Standard Shaft 1.929 (49.0)

k4 Shaft w/NEMA Flange 1.811 (46.0)
k5 1.969 (50.0) +0.0006/-0.0004 (+0.015/-0.010)
Locator Diameter
Locator Diameter
k6 2.874 (73.0) +0/-0.0012 (+0/-0.030)
w/NEMA Flange

Max Output Torque 2832 oz-in (20.0 Nm) 8496 oz-in (60.0 Nm) 16992 oz-in (120.0 Nm)

Efficiency 80% 75% 70%

Max Backlash 1.0° 1.5° 2.0°

Max Radial Load 90 lb-force (400 N) 135 lb-force (600 N) 225 lb-force (1000 N)

Max Axial Load 18 lb-force (80 N) 27 lb-force (120 N) 45 lb-force (200 N)

Gearbox Only 64.4 oz (1827 gm) 89.5 oz (2538 gm) 114.6 oz (3248 gm)

Gearbox w/NEMA Flange 66.7 oz (1890 gm) 92.6 oz (2625 gm) 118.5 oz (3360 gm)

MDrive34 Size 3424 Size 3431 Size 3447

Inches (mm)

LMAX1 Single Shaft


3.81 (96.8) 4.60 (116.80) 6.17 (156.7)

or Encoder Version

LMAX2 Control Knob Version 4.97 (126.2) 5.76 (146.3) 7.34 (186.4)

Planetary Gearbox Specifications for MDrive34

Available Ratios

Available Ratios for Planetary Gearbox

Rounded Fractional
Stages Decimal Ratio*
Ratio Ratio
4:1 63 / 17 3.7058823529411764
1-Stage 5:1 57 / 11 5.1818181818181818
7:1 27 / 4 6.7500000000000000
14:1 3969 / 289 13.7335640138408304
16:1 270 / 17 15.8823529411764705
18:1 900 / 49 18.3673469387755102
19:1 3591 / 187 19.2032085561497326
22:1 1710 / 77 22.2077922077922077
25:1 1701 / 68 25.0147058823529411
27:1 3249 / 121 26.8512396694215000
29:1 405 / 14 28.9285714285714876
35:1 1539 / 44 34.9772727272727272
46:1 729 / 16 45.5625000000000000
51:1 250047 / 4913 50.8949725218807246
59:1 17010 / 289 58.8581314878892733
68:1 8100 / 119 68.0672268907563025
71:1 226223 / 3179 71.1616860648002516
79:1 27000 / 343 78.7172011661807581
93:1 107163 / 1156 92.7015570934256055
95:1 51300 / 539 95.1762523191094619
100:1 204687 / 2057 99.5075352455031599
107:1 3645 / 34 107.2058823529411764
3-Stage 115:1 97470 / 847 115.0767414403778040
124:1 6075 / 49 123.9795918367346938
130:1 96957 / 748 129.6216577540106951
139:1 185193 / 1331 139.1382419233658903
150:1 23085 / 154 149.9025974025974025
169:1 45927 / 272 168.8492647058823529
181:1 87723 / 484 181.2458677685950413
195:1 10935 / 56 195.2678571428571428
236:1 41553 / 176 236.0965909090909090
308:1 19683 / 64 307.5468750000000000

* The Decimal Ratio shown here has been limited to 16 places.

Installing a Driving Device on a Planetary


The MDrive and its Heat Sink must not be subjected to any axial or other
pressing force as damage may result to the unit and void the Warranty.
When installing a gear, pulley, coupling or other driving device to the output
shaft of the Planetary Gearbox, IMS recommends that it be “slip-fit” onto the
shaft and properly secured, i.e. with set screws.
DO NOT press fit the device onto the shaft.
NEVER tap or hammer a driving device onto the output shaft of the Planetary
Disconnecting the Planetary Gearbox from the MDrive may void the

Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc. (“IMS”), warrants only to the purchaser of the Product
from IMS (the “Customer”) that the product purchased from IMS (the “Product”) will be free
from defects in materials and workmanship under the normal use and service for which
the Product was designed for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase of the
Product by the Customer. Customer’s exclusive remedy under this Limited Warranty shall
be the repair or replacement, at Company’s sole option, of the Product, or any part of the
Product, determined by IMS to be defective. In order to exercise its warranty rights,
Customer must notify Company in accordance with the instructions described under the
heading “Obtaining Warranty Service.”
This Limited Warranty does not extend to any Product damaged by reason of alteration,
accident, abuse, neglect or misuse or improper or inadequate handling; improper or
inadequate wiring utilized or installed in connection with the Product; installation, operation
or use of the Product not made in strict accordance with the specifications and written
instructions provided by IMS; use of the Product for any purpose other than those for
which it was designed; ordinary wear and tear; disasters or Acts of God; unauthorized
attachments, alterations or modifications to the Product; the misuse or failure of any item
or equipment connected to the Product not supplied by IMS; improper maintenance or
repair of the Product; or any other reason or event not caused by IMS.
This Limited Warranty shall be void if the Customer fails to comply with all of the terms
set forth in this Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty is the sole warranty offered by
IMS with respect to the Product. IMS does not assume any other liability in connection with
the sale of the Product. No representative of IMS is authorized to extend this Limited
Warranty or to change it in any manner whatsoever. No warranty applies to any party
other than the original Customer.
IMS and its directors, officers, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates shall not be liable
for any damages arising from any loss of equipment, loss or distortion of data, loss of time,
loss or destruction of software or other property, loss of production or profits, overhead
costs, claims of third parties, labor or materials, penalties or liquidated damages or punitive
damages, whatsoever, whether based upon breach of warranty, breach of contract,
negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory, or other losses or expenses incurred
by the Customer or any third party.
Warranty service may obtained by a distributor, if the Product was purchased from IMS
by a distributor, or by the Customer directly from IMS, if the Product was purchased
directly from IMS. Prior to returning the Product for service, a Returned Material Authorization
(RMA) number must be obtained. Complete the form at http://www.imshome.com/rma.html
after which an RMA Authorization Form with RMA number will then be faxed to you. Any
questions, contact IMS Customer Service (860) 295-6102.
Include a copy of the RMA Authorization Form, contact name and address, and any
additional notes regarding the Product failure with shipment. Return Product in its original
packaging, or packaged so it is protected against electrostatic discharge or physical
damage in transit. The RMA number MUST appear on the box or packing slip. Send Product
to: Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc., 370 N. Main Street, Marlborough, CT 06447.
Customer shall prepay shipping changes for Products returned to IMS for warranty
service and IMS shall pay for return of Products to Customer by ground transportation.
However, Customer shall pay all shipping charges, duties and taxes for Products returned
to IMS from outside the United States.
P.O. Box 457, 370 North Main Street
Marlborough, CT 06447 U.S.A.

Phone: 860/295-6102
Fax: 860/295-6107
E-mail: info@imshome.com
Home Page: www.imshome.com


Eastern U.S. Hahnstrasse 10, VS-Schwenningen
Phone: 860/295-6102 Germany D-78054
Fax: 860/295-6107 Phone: +49/7720/94138-0
E-mail: etech@imshome.com Fax: +49/7720/94138-2
Western U.S. European Sales Management
Phone: 760/966-3162 4 Quai Des Etroits
Fax: 760/966-3165 69005 Lyon, France
E-mail: wtech@imshome.com Phone: +33/4 7256 5113
Fax: +33/4 7838 1537
IMS MOTORS DIVISION German Sales/Technical Support
105 Copperwood Way, Suite H Phone: +49/35205/4587-8
Oceanside, CA 92054 Fax: +49/35205/4587-9
Phone: 760/966-3162 E-mail: hruland@imshome.com
Fax: 760/966-3165
E-mail: motors@imshome.com

MDrive17/23 Operating Instructions Revision 042905

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