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Oliveira Et Al 2006

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World Applied Sciences Journal 4 (2): 277-283, 2008

ISSN 1818-4952
© IDOSI Publications, 2008

Xylanase Production by Penicillium sclerotiorum and its Characterization

Adriana Knob and Eleonora Cano Carmona

Departamento de Bioquímica e Microbiologia, Instituto de Biociências,

Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, Av: 24A, 1515, CEP 13.506-900. Rio Claro, SP, Brazil

Abstract: Recently, xylanases have expanded their use in many processing industries, such as pulp and
paper, food and textile. The production of xylanase by the fungus Penicillium sclerotiorum under submerse
cultivation was investigated. Oat spelts xylan and wheat bran were the best inducers of xylanase activity.
Optimal xylanase production was obtained in liquid Vogel medium, pH 6.5, at 30ºC, under stationary
condition during 5 days. The temperature for optimum activity was 50ºC and optimum pH 4.5. The enzyme
was stable at 40ºC, with a half-life of 72 min. and when it was incubated at 45 and 50ºC, the half-life was
8 min and shorter than 4 min, respectively. High pH stability was verified from pH 3.5 to 7.5. This
enzyme showed interesting characteristics for some process, such as pulp and paper industry, because
P. sclerotiorum produces low cellulase level, as well as in food industries.

Key words : Xylanase Production · Penicillium sclerotiorum

INTRODUCTION cultivation [8, 9]. These enzymes are commercially

used in the pulp and paper, food, beverage, textile and
Xylan, after cellulose, is the most abundant animal feed industries [1, 10]. Moreover, xylanases
polysaccharide present in wood, agricultural and show immense potential for increasing the production
several agro-industrial wastes. This complex of several valuable products like xylitol and ethanol
heteropolysaccharide consists of a main chain of 1,4-β- in a most economic way [11]. Most commercial
D-xylose monomers containing different substituents or xylanases are produced by Trichoderma, Bacillus,
ramifications [1, 2]. The substituents including Aspergillus, Penicillium, Aureobasidium and
arabinofuranosyl, glucuronyl and acetyl groups Talaromyces sp. [10, 12].
show a pronounced influence on its chemical and The Penicillia are mostly saprophytic in nature and
structural properties and also on the enzymatic numerous species are of particular value for humanity
degradability of xylan in lignocelluloses [3, 4]. [13]. The production of xylanolytic enzymes by
In nature, xylan is completely hydrolyzed to Penicillia has been explored in a number of species.
monosaccharides by the synergistic action of different According to Chávez et al. [14], Penicillia constitute a
enzymes [2]. The xylan-degrading system include rich source of enzymes for the biodegradation of xylan.
endo-1,4-xylanases (1,4-β-xylan xylanohydrolase; EC Among 80 strains isolated from Brazilian soil at the, which release long and short xylo- Ecological Station of Juréia-Itatins in the Mata
oligosaccharides, or those that only attack longer chains Atlântica region, the strain of Penicillium sclerotiorum
and β-D-xylosidase (1,4-β-xylan xylohidrolase; EC attracted attention by producing xylanase in high levels,, which remove D-xylose residues from short with low cellulolytic activity. In this paper, we report
xylo-oligosaccharides [5, 6]. Enzymes such as β- the production and characterization of xylanase secreted
arabinosidase, β-glucuronidase, ferulic acid esterase by this fungus.
and acetyl xylan esterase are very important for the
removal of side chain groups from xylan, especially MATERIALS AND METHODS
when the fragments of the cleaved heteroxylans present
high proportions of branched substituents [7]. Organism and growth: P. sclerotiorum used in the
Xylanases are produced by many different fungi present work is available in the Culture Collection of
and bacteria. From an industrial point of view, Environmental Studies Center-CEA/UNESP, Brazil. It
filamentous fungi are interesting producers of these was cultivated for conidia production on Vogel’s solid
enzymes due to xylanases releasing and their easy medium [15] containing 1.5% (m/v) glucose and 1.5%
Corresponding Author: Dr. Eleonora Cano Carmona, Departamento de Bioquímica e Microbiologia, Instituto de Biociências,
Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, Av: 24A, 1515, CEP 13.506-900. Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
World Appl. Sci. J., 4 (2): 277-283, 2008

(m/v) agar at 25ºC for 7 days. Liquid cultures were Effect of culture conditions, pH and temperature on
prepared in the same medium containing 1% (w/v) of xylanase production: The culture conditions influence
the carbon source mentioned and the pH was adjusted on incubation period was studied under standing culture
for each experiment. Erlenmeyer flasks (125 mL) during 12 days and under shaking culture (120 rpm)
containing 25 mL of medium were inoculated with 1.0 during 8 days. The effect of initial pH on the enzyme
mL of spore suspension (5 x 107 spores/mL) and production was analysed from 2.5 to 8.5 and the
incubated at different conditions as indicated temperature influence was verified from 15 to 30°C.
subsequently. All cultures were developed in duplicate
and the results are presented through mean values. Enzyme characterization
Optimum pH and temperature xylanase activity:
Enzyme preparations and assays: Cultures were Enzyme activity was measured at 50ºC in different pH
harvested by filtration. The filtrate was assayed for values by the use of McIlvaine buffer from 3.0 to 8.0.
extracellular activity and protein. The mycelium was The optimum temperature was determined by the
washed with distilled and sterilized water, frozen and incubation of the reaction mixture from 15 to 70ºC and
ground with sand in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer optimum pH.
pH 6.0. The slurry was centrifuged at 3.900 g at 4°C
and the supernatant was used as intracellular enzymes Stability of xylanase at different temperatures and
source. pHs: Crude enzyme preparation was dilluted in
Xylanase activity was assayed at 50°C using 1.0 % McIlvaine buffer (1:2) in a pH range from 3.0 to 8.0
(w/v) birchwood xylan (Sigma) in 50 mM sodium and incubated at 4ºC for 24 h. The crude extract was
phosphate buffer pH 6.0. The reducing sugars released incubated at 40, 45 and 50°C in optimum pH
were quantified by the dinitrosalicylic acid method determined above for different periods. The residual
according to Miller [16], using xylose as standard. One activity was determined in each sample, at the pH and
unit of enzyme activity was defined as the enzyme temperature optimum for the enzyme.
amount that releases 1 µmol of reducing sugar per min.
Specific activity was expressed as unit per milligram of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Influence of the carbon source on xylanase
Protein determination: Protein concentration was production: In order to induce xylanase production,
determined by Lowry et al. [17] with bovine serum different substrates as pure carbohydrates and some
albumin as standard. natural substrates were tested (Table 1). Among the
pure carbohydrates used, only oat spelts xylan induced
Enzyme production on different carbon sources: The xylanase production. According to Kulkarni et al. [18],
Vogel’s medium was supplemented with various carbon xylanase activity is inducible and substrates from xylan
sources at concentration of 1% (w/v). The inoculated play an important role in xylanase induction. For others
flasks were incubated for 5 days at 28ºC under agitation species of genus Penicillium, xylan also showed to be
(120 rpm). Xylanase activity was determined in each the best inducer [19, 20]. Enzyme activity was not
case as described previously. detected with glucose, xylose, maltose, celobiose and

Table 1: Influence of some pure carbohydrates on xylanase production by P. Sclerotiorum

Carbon source Intracellular Enzymatic Specific activity
(1 % w/v) protein (mg) activity (U/ml) (U/mg protein)
Glucose 1.58±0.19 ND ND
Xylose 1.30±0.09 ND ND
Maltose 1.09±0.07 ND ND
Lactose 0.13±0.01 ND ND
Sucrose 2.12±0.05 ND ND
Celobiose 1.44±0.12 ND ND
Avicel 0.04±0.00 ND ND
CM-cellulose ND ND ND
Oat spelts xylan 0.47±0.02 7.82±0.25 24.51±0.20
Average and standard deviation of two cultures, ND: Not Detectable

World Appl. Sci. J., 4 (2): 277-283, 2008

Table 2: Effect of different agr icultural and agro-industrial wastes on xylanase production by P. Sclerotiorum
Carbon source Intracellular Enzymatic Specific activity
(1 % w/v) protein (mg) activity (U/ml) (U/mg protein)
Sugar-cane bagasse ND ND ND
Wheat bran 1.03±0.15 7.50±0.06 21.71±0.6
Oat bran 0.80±0.03 3.58±0.05 19.51±0.9
Rice straw 0.01±0.00 ND ND
Soybean meal 0.06±0.00 ND ND
Corn cobs 0.03±0.00 0.89±0.02 3.61±0.16
Citrus pectin 0.59±0.07 ND ND
Orange bagasse 0.56±0.04 ND ND
Average and standard deviation of two cultures, ND: not detectable

a b
70 70
1,4 1,4

60 60
1,2 1,2

50 50
1,0 1,0

40 40
0,8 0,8

30 0,6 30 0,6

20 0,4 20 0,4

10 0,2 10 0,2

0 0,0 0 0,0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Culture age (days) Culture age (days)

Fig. 1: Time-course of xylanase production by P. sclerotiorum in stationary (a) and shake culture at 120 rev min -1
(b). Culture conditions: Vogel medium with xylan 1 % (w/v), at 28 o C and pH 6.5. ( ) xylanase activity
(U/ml), (•) specific xylanase activity (U/mg of protein); ( ) intracellular protein (mg)
a 2,0 b 2,0
60 60

1,6 1,6
50 50

40 1,2 40 1,2

30 30
0,8 0,8

20 20

0,4 0,4
10 10

0 0,0 0 0,0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 20 25 30 35
Initial pH Temperature (°C)

Fig. 2: Effect of initial pH (a) and temperature (b) on xylanase production by P. sclerotiorum. Culture conditions:
Vogel medium with 1% xylan (w/v) under stationary condition for 5 days at 28ºC (a) and pH 6,5 (b). ( )
xylanase activity (U/ml), (•) specific xylanase activity (U/mg of protein); ( ) intracellular protein (mg)

sucrose as carbon source (Table 1), showing that expansum, Penicillium sp. ZH-30 and Penicillium
this enzyme is non-inducible with these easily chrysogenum xylanases also were induced by this
metabolizable sugars. Besides, P. sclerotiorum xylanase carbon source [22-24]. Wheat bran induced very similar
synthesis also can be affected by carbon catabolite values of xylanolytic activity per volume as those
repression, as verified in other filamentous fungi [21]. obtained with oat spelts xylan. Carmona et al. [25]
Among the agricultural and agro-industrial wastes, observed the same result in liquid cultures of
wheat bran showed to be the best inducer for xylanase Aspergillus versicolor. However, in this work, higher
production by P. sclerotiorum as for units of activity specific activity was verified in the presence of xylan,
per volume and for specific activity as well. Penicillium due to the minor amount of proteins released in the

World Appl. Sci. J., 4 (2): 277-283, 2008
a b
100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

pH Temperature (°C)

Fig. 3: Influence of pH (a) and temperature (b) on xylanase activity from P. sclerotiorum. Culture condition: Vogel
medium with xylan 1 % (w/v) under stationary condition for 5 days, pH 6.5. Xylanase activity was assayed
with McIlvaine buffer at 50°C (a) and with McIlvaine buffer pH 4.5 (b)
a b

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 3 4 5 6 7 8
Incubation time (min) pH

Fig. 4: Thermal (a) and pH (b) stability of xylanase activity from P. sclerotiorum. (a) The crude filtrate was
incubated at ( ) 40, (•) 45 and ( ) 50°C without substrate and the residual xylanase activity was assayed
with McIlvaine buffer, pH 4.5, at 50ºC. (b) The crude filtrate was incubated without substrate with
McIlvaine buffer at 4°C for 24 h and the residual xylanase activity was assayed with McIlvaine buffer, pH
4.5, at 50ºC

medium, than those detected in the presence of wheat xylanases reported in the literature by Querido et al.
bran. Media with oat bran exhibited lower xylanase [22], Carmona et al. [25] and Tanaka et al. [27].
activity than that observed with wheat bran. A low level Thus, the carbon source used in the subsequent
of xylanase activity was verified with corn cobs. Absent experiments was oat spelts xylan.
or no significant levels of xylanase activity were
obtained in cultures supplemented with all others Effects of culture conditions on xylanase production:
substrates tested, such as orange bagasse, citrus pectin In standing culture, with oat spelts xylan as carbon
and soybean meal. P. sclerotiorum was not able to grow source, the highest extracellular xylanase production
in the presence of sugar-cane bagasse and was obtained in 8 and 5 days old cultures (27.21 U/ml
carboximethylcellulose (CM-cellulose). Avicel, rice and 65.29 U/mg of protein) (Fig. 1a). In shaking
straw, corn cobs and soybean meal provided condition (Fig. 1b), those maxima were observed at 3.5
minimal fungal development . According to days, corresponding to the values of 13.82 U/ml and
previously published work, P. sclerotiorum produce 47.84 U/mg of protein. The highest P. sclerotiorum
low levels of cellulase [26], what may explain the growth, measured by the intracellular protein
fact that this fungus could not grow in the presence concentration, occurred at 5 days in standing culture
of some cellulosic predominant sources. In such and 3 days in shaking culture (Fig. 1). In shaking
case, this enzyme can be applied in biotechnological condition, xylanase was expressed during the
processes where the presence of cellulose is exponential phase and in standing condition, xylanase
undesired. In all cases the values of intracellular was expressed during the stationary phase, reaching the
activity (data not shown) were lower than those decline phase. According to Kulkarni et al. [18],
obtained extracellularly, as observed in most of the xylanases are usually expressed at the end of the
World Appl. Sci. J., 4 (2): 277-283, 2008

exponential phase and the harvesting time is correlated of products are attained. P. sclerotiorum was not able
to the medium under consideration. to grow at 35ºC, a particular feature of this fungal
Examination of the macroscopic morphology of the specie [37].
P. sclerotiorum mycelium in stationary and shaked
cultures revealed that in the former, the hyphae formed Properties of extracellular crude xylanase: This
a freely dispersed mycelia, whereas in the latter, study revealed that the best pH for this xylanase activity
pellets were formed. It is well known that fungal was around 4.5 (Fig. 3a). Studies carried out with
morphology is influenced by agitation and that the Penicillium spp. [34, 38] as well with others fungal
formation of many products depends on the species [39, 40] also concluded that the most suitable
morphological structure of the macroscopic growth pH value for xylanase activity was within the acid
of filamentous fungi [28, 29]. In some cases, pellets region.
formation is a prerequisite for secondary metabolites The optimum temperature for xylanase activity was
production, as citric acid and some fungal enzymes, 50°C (Fig. 3b). Similarly, in other studies with
such as polygalacturonase, glucoamylase or β- Penicillium spp., it was concluded that the optimum
glucosidase. In others, as well as in this study, freely temperature varied between 40 and 50°C [20, 38].
dispersed mycelium is preferred to higher metabolite Besides, others fungal xylanases show optimum
production [30, 31]. Such factors probably explain the temperature at 50ºC [41, 42].
better xylanase production in standing than in shaked Thermal stability is an interesting enzymes
culture. For this reason, the subsequent experiments property due to the great industrial importance [43].
were carried out under stationary condition. Then, enzyme stability analyses were carried out. The
Temperature and pH are important environmental crude xylanase from P. sclerotiorum was incubated
parameters that determine growth rates of without substrate at 40, 45 and 50°C (Fig. 4a). The half-
microorganisms and significantly affect the level of life (T1/2 ) at 40°C was 72 min. At 45°C, T1/2 was 8 min
xylanases produced. The influence of pH culture on and at 50°C it was shorter than 4 min. An increase of
xylanase production during P. sclerotiorum cultivation thermal stability would be interesting and could be
is showed in the Fig. 2a. Xylanase activity was detected achieved with directed-site mutagenesis.
in all pH evaluated. The highest activity was observed
The xylanase produced by P. sclerotiorum
at initial pH 6.5, corresponding to the values of 16.93
maintained its stability over a broad of pH evaluated
U/ml and 55.76 U/mg of protein. With rare exceptions,
(Fig. 4b). Less than 50% of activity was verified in pH
xylanase production by filamentous fungi occurs in
3.0 and 8.0, while high stability (above 50 %) was
cultures with an initial pH under 7.0. Penicillium
observed from 3.5 to 7.5, with two major peaks at pH
purpurogenum [32] and Penicillium janthinellum [33]
4.0 and 6.0.
presented highest levels of xylanolytic activity at pH
The xylanase from P. sclerotiorum was a novel
5.5 and Penicillium sp. ZH-30 [23] at pH 6.0.
enzyme, being active at acidic pH with an optimum at
P. sclerotiorum could grow in media with initial
4.5 and was stable in acid and neutral pH range. It
pH between 2.5 and 8.5 (Fig. 2a), with maximal growth
showed optimum activity at 50ºC and moderate
in the range of 3.0 to 4.0. This result clearly indicates
stability at 40ºC. These are desirable properties for
the acidophilic nature of this fungus.
application in the pulp and paper, as well as in food
The effect of temperature on xylanase production
by P. sclerotiorum is presented in Fig. 2b. The highest
xylanase activity per unit volume was verified at 25ºC,
while the maximum value of specific activity was ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
obtained at 30ºC, corresponding to 18.92 U/ml and
55.42 U/mg of protein, respectively. Milagres et al. [34] We acknowledge to National Council of
reported that 30ºC is the best culture temperature for Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq-
xylanase production by P. janthinellum FM-5 and Haas Brazil) for the financial support and the scholarship
et al. [35] obtained highest xylanase activity from P. awarded to the first author.
chrysogenum at 28ºC.
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