Coffee Pulp Waste Substrate Based in Cellulase Production by Penicillium Sp. VT11 Under Solid-State Fermentation
Coffee Pulp Waste Substrate Based in Cellulase Production by Penicillium Sp. VT11 Under Solid-State Fermentation
Coffee Pulp Waste Substrate Based in Cellulase Production by Penicillium Sp. VT11 Under Solid-State Fermentation
Jember, Indonesia
1 Introduction
Cellulases are a complex group of enzymes consisting of endo-glucanase, exo-glucanase,
and glucosidase [1]–[4]. In recent years, many research groups have focused on cellulase
because 8% of the total global enzyme market is cellulase [5]–[7]. However, due to
the high price of cellulase, many studies have focused on cellulase production using
cellulosic biomass [8]–[12], such as coffee pulp.
The high cellulose content in the coffee pulp provides an opportunity for its use
as a medium for cellulase production. Indonesia was the 4th largest coffee-producing
country and the coffee pulp waste produced was very large. According to the Central
Statistics Agency for East Java, coffee production in Jember Regency in 2017 reached
11,863 tons. The component of coffee pulp waste is hemicellulose with 63% of which
is cellulose. However, this waste has low economic value and is generally only used as
animal feed, or fertilizer or disposed of in a landfill until it is burned [13, 14]. It has
been discovered that coffee pulp waste may be utilized as a substrate for the synthesis
of enzymes such as cellulase by Aspergillus sp. VT12 [15]
Fungi are known as the main cellulase-producing microorganism because it con-
tributes to the decomposition of 80% of cellulose biomass in nature [3]. Penicillium sp.
VT11 isolated from vermicomposting of Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunches (POEFB) had
a cellulolytic activity index of 1.0 on 1% CMC media [16]. The cellulolytic potential
of the Penicillium sp. VT11 prompted research on the production of cellulase by this
fungus using coffee pulp waste.
Cellulase production can carried out using the solid fermentation method [1, 8, 17,
18], or liquid fermentation [8, 19]. Cellulase production by fungi with solid fermenta-
tion method produces cellulase filtrate with relatively high concentration and simpler
technique compared to liquid fermentation [1]. Cellulase production by solid fermen-
tation method using agro-industrial residue substrates and by-products can increase the
economic value of the waste or by-products [1, 3, 20]–[22]. Therfore, the purpose of
this study was to determine the produce and purify cellulose from Penicillium sp. VT11
using coffee pulp under solid-state fermentation.
production ranges from 106 to 108 spores/ml [31]. Enzyme activity was obtained from
the measurement of reducing sugar in crude enzymes that had not been purified. Cellulase
activity was obtained using 0.5% (w/v) Carboxymethyl Cellulosa (CMC) as a substrate
(Fig. 1).
The optimization of cellulase production showed the optimum incubation time for
cellulase production by Penicillium sp. VT11 was on day 4 with an enzyme activity value
of 0.804 U/ml. After day 4 the enzyme activity continued to decrease. The decreased
enzyme activity from day 5 to day 7. Enzyme activity with optimum incubation time
on day 4 according to research by Gautam et al. [32] who reported cellulase production
using Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma sp. on urban solid waste media with 1% CMC
test substrate showed optimum incubation time on day 4. Khan et al. [33] Also, report
Cellulase production on straw media with CMC test substrate showed optimum incuba-
tion time on day 4 using Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma spp., and Phanerochaete
Purification Volume Activity Total Activity Protein Total protein content Specific Yield (%) Purity
Stage (ml) (U/ml) (U/ml) content (mg) Activity fold
(mg/ml) (U/mg)
Crude 157 0.755 ± 0.09 118.6 ± 14.54 318.6 ± 0.1 50027.2 ± 3048.16 0.002 ± 0.0 100 1
Dialysis 170 0.779 ± 0.09 135.8 ± 14.91 177.6 ± 0.04 30192.0 ± 1360.9 0.004 ± 0.0 114.5 2.25
Peak 1 43 0.138 ± 0.01 5.9 ± 0.43 18.5 ± 0.0 786.7 ± 2.87 0.008 ± 0.0 5.01 4.00
Peak 2 43 0.156 ± 0.02 6.7 ± 1.03 16.5 ± 0.0 699.9 ± 0.14 0.010 ± 0.0 4.93 5.00
Fig. 2. Penicillium sp. VT11 cellulase activity and protein content after eluting using 0–0.6 M
NaCl on DEAE-Cellulose DE-52.
The results of DEAE Cellulose DE-52 showed that 2 peaks emerged from elution
with a gradient of NaCl concentration (Fig. 2). Peak 1 was found in fraction number
3 with 0.2 M NaCl concentration, while peak 2 was in fraction number 6 with 0.5 M
NaCl concentration. This result was the same as Hamdan and Hameed’s research which
showed that there were two peaks from cellulase purification using DEAE Cellulose from
Trichoderma longibrachiatum [34]. Meanwhile, Zeng et al. research [35] also showed
that there were two peaks from the results of cellulase purification of Trichoderma viriens
using Sephadex G-75 Chromatography.
Peaks 1 and 2 indicate that the cellulase activity is higher than the protein content.
This indicates that the elution of the target protein due to higher cellulase activity than
protein content will increase the specific activity. Cellulase produced by Penicillium
506 H. T. Wiyono et al.
sp. VT11 was negatively charged because it was bound to the ionic matrix of DEAE-
Cellulose which was eluted by NaCl at concentrations of 0.2 M and 0.5 M NaCl. Fraction
number 6 had the highest activity of 0.156 U/ml with a purity level of 5 times. And a
total yield of 4.93%. Meanwhile, fraction number 3 has an activity of 0.138 U/ml with
a purity level of 4 times and a total yield of 5.01%. The specific activity value increased
from the dialysis stage of 0.004 U/ml to 0.008 U/ml at peak 1 and 0.010 U/ml at peak 2.
The specific activity of the enzyme indicates the purity of an enzyme, thus the greater
the specific activity indicates that the purity of the enzyme is high [36, 37].
Based on the research, it can be concluded that Penicillium sp. VT11 can utilize
the coffee pulp as carbon and nitrogen resources for their growth and produce cellulase
with the optimum incubation time for cellulase production on day 4 with an enzyme
activity value of 0.804 U/ml. The purification process of cellulase from Penicillium sp.
VT11 was successfully carried out, indicated by increased cellulase purity levels of 4
and 5 times compared to cellulase crude extract. There were 2 peaks of cellulase that
have been emerged in the purification process, suggesting that two kinds of cellulases
were produced during solid-state fermentation. To clarify these two types of cellulases,
molecular analysis is needed.
Acknowledgments. This research was funded by Direktorat Jendral Penguatan Riset dan
Pengembangan, The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher education of the Republic
of Indonesia, 2020.
Authors’ Contributions. NIS carried out all the experiments and analyzed data. HTW drafted
and wrote the manuscript. FR participated in the writing of the manuscript. RW and S participated
in manuscript revision. KM participated in the design of the study, and manuscript revision, and
become the corresponding author. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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