Questionnaires: Asking Questions
Questionnaires: Asking Questions
Questionnaires: Asking Questions
Asking questions
If we want to know things about subjects, sometimes the easiest or only way is to ask them.
Many healthcare studies make use of a questionnaire to elicit some or all of the data.
Because questionnaires are familiar, written in words, and the best ones are designed to be
simple and straightforward to complete, researchers sometimes fall into the trap of thinking
that they must be easy to design. This is not so. Designing a questionnaire which is easy to
complete, obtains the required information, and is easy to analyse is a difficult and
timeconsuming process, requiring just as much work as any other part of the research
process. Jotting down a few questions in half an hour and passing them on to the typist is a
recipe for disaster.
The way in which a question is asked may influence the reply. We should avoid questions
which are leading, ambiguous, or in language which the respondent will not understand.
Sometimes the bias in a question is obvious. Compare these:
(a) Do you think people should be free to provide the best medical care possible for
themselves and their families, free of interference from a State bureaucracy?
(b) Should the wealthy be able to buy a place at the head of the queue for medical care,
pushing aside those with greater need, or should medical care be shared solely on the
basis of need for it?
Version (a) expects the answer ‘yes’, version (b) expects the answer ‘no’. These are leading
questions, directing the respondent to a particular answer. Another technique for asking a
leading question is to start with a piece of apparently factual information:
‘Most people think that medical statisticians are grossly underpaid. Do you agree?’.
Sometimes questions may lead by implying that an answer is foolish. An example would be:
‘Do you have an unreasonable fear of heights?’ where to answer ‘yes’ is to admit to
being unreasonable. A colleagues asked 120 women who had just had a cervical smear
‘Do you understand the importance of having a cervical smear test?’ with the
possible answers ‘yes’, ‘no’, and ‘partly’. Not surprisingly, 118 respondents said ‘yes’.
Leading questions should be avoided.
Ambiguity is another problem in questioning. For example, Hedges (1978) reports several
examples of the effects of varying the wording of questions. He asked two groups of about
800 subjects one of the following:
(a) Do you feel you take enough care of your health, or not?
(b) Do you feel you take enough care of your health, or do you think you could take
more care of your health?
In reply to question (a), 82% said that they took enough care, whereas only 68% said this in
reply to question (b). The second question is ambiguous, as it is quite possible to feel that
you take enough care of your health while not doing everything possible.
(b) Do you think a person of your age can do anything to prevent ill-health in the future,
or is it largely a matter of chance?
Not only was there a difference in the percentage who replied that they could do something,
but this answer was related to age for version (a) but not for version (b).
Age (years)
16-34 35-54 55+ Total
Can do something (a) 75% 64% 56% 65%
Can do something (b) 45% 49% 50% 49%
Here version (b) is ambiguous, as it is quite possible to think that health is largely a matter of
chance but that there is still something one can do about it. Only if it is totally a matter of
chance is there nothing one can do. Reasonably enough, older respondents were less likely to
answer ‘yes’ to the unambiguous question (a), as decisions about health related behaviour in
the past cannot be changed. For (b), however, the view that health is largely a matter of
chance may be unrelated to age.
Ambiguity may occur in the possible replies to a question. The following comes from a
questionnaire about health checks in general practice:
When was your check-up? Less than one month
(Tick one answer only) 1 to 6 months ago
6 to 12 months ago
Respondents who had a check 6 months ago would find this difficult to complete. A better
version would be
When was your check-up? Less than one month ago
(Tick one answer only) 1 to 6 months ago
More than 6 months ago but less than one year ago
We may have two questions confused among the possible answers:
Would your prefer your smear to be taken by:
A female doctor
A male doctor
A nurse
I don’t mind
Here the preference for a female and the preference for a doctor are mixed together and the
respondent who wants a female to take the smear cannot answer.
Sometimes the respondents may interpret the question in a different way from the questioner.
Children and their parents were asked:Do you (Does your child) usually cough first thing in
the morning? Schoolchildren 3.7% Parents 2.4%.Do you (Does your child) usually
cough at other times in the day or at night?Schoolchildren 24.8% Parents 4.5%.The
different percentages giving positive answers to the second question showed that the children
and their parents were not reporting the same thing. However, these reported symptoms all
showed relationships to the child’s smoking and other potentially causal variables, and also to
one another, so they are measuring something.Another possibility is that respondents may not
understand the question at all, especially when it includes medical terms. In a study of
cigarette smoking by children, we found that 85% of a sample agreed that smoking caused
cancer, but that 41% agreed that smoking was not harmful (Bewley et al., 1974). There are at
least two possible explanations for being asked to agree with this: the negative statement
‘smoking is not harmful’ may have confused the children, or they may not see cancer as
harmful. We have evidence for both of these possibilities. In a repeat study in Kent we
asked a further sample of children whether they agreed that smoking caused cancer and that
‘smoking is bad for your health’ (Bewley and Bland 1976). In this study 90% agreed that
smoking causes cancer and 91% agreed that smoking is bad for your health.
In another study, we asked children what was meant by the term ‘lung cancer’ (Bland et al.,
1975). Only 13% seemed to us to understand and 32% clearly did not, often saying ‘I don’t
know’. They nearly all knew that lung cancer was caused by smoking, however.
Here is another example where respondents may not understand the question. The
consultants Deloitte & Touche were commissioned to evaluate audio-visual services at St.
George’s Hospital Medical School. They sent round a questionnaire asking this:
How often have you used this service?
Frequently Often
Rarely Never
Is ‘frequently’ more or less than ‘often’? Deloitte & Touche think more.
We should always use simple words rather than complex ones, and we should always pilot
questions very carefully to see that medical or technical terms are understood by our
Interviews and self-administered questionnaires
Questionnaires can be administered by an interviewer or completed by the subjects
themselves, a self-administered questionnaire. Each approach has its advantages.
Self-administered questionnaires can be used either through the mail or for subjects who have
come to the place of research, e.g. visiting a clinic. Compared to interviewer-administered
questionnaires they are cheap and private, as the respondent does not have to tell anyone the
replies directly. They can also be anonymous. They are suitable when the purpose of the
study is fairly straightforward and can be explained in a few paragraphs of text. The
questionnaire should be fairly short, particularly for mail questionnaires, and the questions
must be very clear and unambiguous. Conditional questions of the form
‘If “yes” go to question 7, if “no” go to question 23’ should be avoided if
possible, as they make following the questionnaire difficult for the respondent.
Self-administered questionnaires should be avoided if there is a large amount of information
to get, and if the study is difficult to explain. They should be avoided if there is likely to be a
problem of literacy among the respondents, particularly where there are immigrants who may
not have good command of the questionnaire language. Our experience in the UK has been
that we obtained a very poor response from people of Asian origin, even when using
ownlanguage questionnaires. Such issues must be explored in pilot studies. Mail
questionnaires are not suitable if it is important that the views of only one person are
obtained, e.g. the views of a child rather than the parents, or of a patient rather than those of a
carer. We can’t be sure who completes a postal questionnaire. It may happen, for example,
that a subject may pass the questionnaire to their spouse for completion. Scott (1961) reports
a mail survey where 10% of questionnaires had been passed on to someone else to complete.
Interviews and self-administered questionnaires may produce different answers. For
example, two random samples of GPs were asked about provision of counselling services in
their practice (Sibbald et al., 1994). One sample were approached by post and then by
telephone if they did not reply after two reminders, and the other were contacted directly by
telephone. These were the results:Provided counselling: themselves by health visitor
Postal sample 19%
Telephone sample 36% 30%The interviewer was able to
probe.Mail questionnaires usually have a lower response rate than interviewer questionnaires
or questionnaires outside the home (e.g. in schools or clinics). If the questionnaire is not
anonymous, we can send follow-up letters, preferably with another copy of the questionnaire.
Moser and Kalton (1971) recommend two follow-up letters. They suggest as a rough guide
that one gets the same percentage response rate each time, thus if 70% reply the first time
then sending a reminder to the remaining 30% will generate 70% of 30% = 21% further
response, and a second reminder will generate a further 70% of 9% = 5.4% further response.
Clearly this is only an approximation, as if it ere true sending out repeated questionnaires
indefinitely would quite rapidly approach a 100% response, which is unlikely. The
bloodyminded are always with us!
Interviews are preferable if the issues are complex, if the questionnaire is long, or if a high
response rate is essential. When things are complex it may be very helpful if the interviewer
can probe ambiguous and incomplete answers, with supplementary questions such as ‘How
do you mean?’ and ‘In what way?’. One problem is interviewer bias, where the interviewer
might by change words in the question or add explanations which indicate an answer.
Interviewers must be trained. See Moser and Kalton (1971) for a discussion of interviewer
training and interviewing techniques. A discussion of this in the setting of populations with
low levels of literacy is given by Smith and Morrow (1991).
In medical research confidentiality should be a fundamental part of the study design. We
must tell our research subjects that we will respect the privacy of the data with which they
provide us, and really mean it. In particular, we must assure our subjects that their replies
will not influence any treatment which they may receive.
One way to guarantee confidentiality is anonymity, where we do not collect any identifying
information at all. This has considerable disadvantages, however. It prevents us using
interviewers. In postal surveys, it prevents us from following up non-responders, as we
won’t know who they are. It also prevents us from linking the questionnaire to other records
about the subject. Another problem is that we sometimes want to use our questionnaire to
select a sub-sample for further study, for which we must identify respondents.
The linking of anonymous questionnaires can sometimes be done by asking respondents to
invent their own serial numbers. This can be done by asking them to quote some
combination of letters and numbers which they will remember but which will not enable the
investigator to work out who they are. Birth dates are a good basis for this. Clearly such
methods need very careful piloting, as the serial number must be one which the respondent
will be able to recreate when next asked to complete a questionnaire.
The invented serial number method cannot be done if we want to select a sub-sample, as we
must actually identify the subjects. We can use identifying information other than the name,
however. For example, Chadwick et al. (1989) wanted to select a group of school children
who were habitual abusers of volatile substances (‘glue sniffers’) from a questionnaire given
to all children in several school years. Abusers and a control sample of non-users would then
undergo a battery of neuropsychological test to look for any deficits associated with volatile
substance abuse. The questionnaire was self-administered in the classroom, and asked
questions about cigarette smoking, volatile substance abuse, alcohol consumption, and health.
Because of the possibly sensitive nature of the data we did not want to ask the children to put
their names on the questionnaire. We asked the children to give us their dates of birth and the
name or number of their school class or tutor group. We then used school registers to
identify those who we wished to study. This may have fooled some of the children some of
the time. It did not appear to guarantee truthfulness of replies. In this study we use a mass
spectrometer to analyse the exhaled breath of the subjects in the sub-sample for traces of
abused substances. We detected 1,1,1-trichloroethane or toluene in the breath of seven index
children, who had reported volatile substance abuse on the self-completion questionnaire, and
toluene in one control, who had denied volatile substance abuse.
Questionnaire design
Questionnaires should be clearly set out and legible, and any branches in the questionnaire
should be very clearly indicated. We find that horizontal rules between questions, or boxes
round them, are a useful way of clarifying the structure of a questionnaire:
1) Do you usually cough first thing in the morning?
(please tick one box)
3) Do you get short of breath when hurrying on flat ground or walking up a slight hill?
(please tick one box) YES
Questionnaires get lost. Coloured paper is useful, as it makes it much easier for respondents
to locate the questionnaire among the pile of bills. When several questionnaires are used in a
study, it is a good idea to make each a different colour.
Types of question
Most questions ask about facts, such as age, sex, etc., or opinions, such as whether smoking
should be allowed in public places. Several styles of question can be used. Questions are
open or closed. Open questions allow the respondents to answer in whatever way they wish,
What one improvement would you make to this course?
This style of question is useful when we want to get some ideas, as in this example where we
want to get ideas for improving the course. Such questions can be used in pilot studies at an
early stage in an investigation, where they can help us to design more structured questions in
suitable language for use in the main study. They are not much use in large studies where the
data are to be used in statistical analysis. Closed questions present the respondent with a
choice of predetermined responses. Most questionnaires are of this type.
The simplest questions are of the multiple choice type, where the respondent has to choose
one of two or more possible answers:
Please read these statements carefully and tick the one box which best describes you.
(Please tick one box only)
It is important in wording such questions that the categories are mutually exclusive and
include all the possibilities. In the layout, the answers should have sufficient vertical space
between them that the respondent cannot mistake which box applies to which answer.
Another popular style of question is the check-list, where respondents can choose more than
one answer:
Has your child ever had any of the following diseases: YES NO
hay fever
whooping cough
When a check-list question is laid out like this, many respondents will tick only the ‘YES’
boxes for the relevant diseases, and leave the ‘NO’ boxes blank. The investigator must then
decide whether to treat these as missing information or as genuine ‘NO’ answers. We can
avoid the problem by presenting the question without the ‘NO’ boxes:
Has your child ever had any of the following diseases:
(Tick all the boxes which apply)
hay fever
whooping cough
Note that the boxes should not be so far from the responses that the respondent can become
confused over which box is which.
Occasionally we use questionnaires to ask for numerical information, such as age, height,
weight, family size, etc. For example
How old are you? ___________ years or
65 to 74 years
75 years or more
Such grouping should be avoided unless there is a very good reason for it, e.g. for income.
Asking age in groups restricts the analysis which can later be done, and may make it difficult
to compare your study with others. Certainly, if we have asked the question so as to elicit a
number, we should not group the data before we enter them into the computer. We should be
able to use all the information offered by the respondent. Should we wish to group the
variable later, the computer can do that for us.
The question designs discussed so far are mainly concerned with factual information. To ask
about opinions we mostly use different styles. Of course, we can simply ask
A useful method of asking about opinions is the Likert scale, where the respondent is asked
how much they agree with a statement of opinion. Often several such statements are asked
Strongly Agree Don’t Disagree Strongly
agree know disagree
7. Smoking is only bad for you
if you smoke a lot.
There are a few general principles which should be applied to such attitude statements:
They should be single sentences including only one idea.
They should be short, fewer than 20 words.
They should avoid absolute terms like ‘all’, ‘none’, ‘always’, and ‘never’.
They should avoid statements which are either true or false.
The fourth item violates two of these principles: it includes two ideas, whether or not the
respondent has a sibling and whether or not this sibling gives cigarettes, and it is factual. It
would have been better asked in a different way.
Sometimes we want to know how respondents would choose between a set of items where all
might be rated positively (or all negatively) if asked separately. We can ask respondents to
rank the items in order of importance. For example:
The following terms all might be used to describe a GP. Please put them in order of how
important they would be to you when choosing a new GP.
Put numbers 1 to 5 in the boxes, from 1, most important, to 5, least important.
Keen on preventive medicine
Good with children
Up to date with medical research
Such questions should be used sparingly, as they are very difficult to analyse. With only five
items there are 120 different possible orderings. The rank given to each item should be
entered into the computer, each item forming a separate variable. The mean rank for each
question can be used to order the items to give a descriptive summary.
We often ask questions to which there is a graded response, e.g.
How would you describe your health?
1. excellent
2. good
3. fair
4. poor
We would use the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 as our data. It is a short step to thinking of these
numbers as a scale of health. For example, we used a nine-point scale in a trial where
patients with psychological problems were randomized to treatment by a clinical psychologist
or by their GP (Robson et al., 1984). Subjects were asked to rate the severity of the problem
from 0 to 8, with verbal labels being attached to alternate numbers:
0 no problem
2 only very slight (and/or occasional)
4 fairly severe (and/or quite frequent)
6 quite severe (and/or most the time)
8 very severe (and/or all the time)
GPs, subjects, and another member of the subject’s household were asked to score the
problem at the start of treatment and at four subsequent times. The improvement in the
problem was then measured by the change in score.
We do not need to include labels for points on the scale. We can simply ask for a number.
For example, we might ask:
Can you give the pain a number between one and ten, where 1 means no pain at all and 10
means the worst pain you can imagine?
Pain (1 to 10): _________ or
we can present it like this:
Can you give the pain a number between one and ten, where 1 means ‘no pain at
all’ and 10 means the worst pain you can imagine? Circle the number which best
describes the pain:
no pain at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 worst pain you can imagine
It is a natural step from such scales to a measurement on a continuous scale, which can be
done using a visual analogue scale. A visual analogue scale (VAS) consists of a straight line
ruled on the questionnaire, marked at either end with words which describe the extremes
which the end of the line represents. For example, a line used to measure pain might be
marked ‘no pain at all’ and ‘worst pain you can imagine’.
no pain
worst pain you at all
can imagine
For ease of measurement and interpretation, most investigators use a 10cm line. It is very
important that all coders use the same units, e.g. millimetres! Sometimes scales are marked
at 1 cm intervals, and some investigators record the scale only to the nearest cm or 0.5 cm. It
is better to measure as accurately as possible.
Most questionnaires are analysed using a computer program. Whichever program you use,
you will have to code the data before you can put it into the computer. Some statistical
programs will accept alphabetic characters as input, others only numeric. On the whole, it is
a good idea to stick to numerical codes for statistical purposes.
We shall consider how numerical codes are assigned to some typical questions, adapted from
a patient survey of health checks in general practice (Ochera et al, 1994). The general
principles are that coding should be clear, unambiguous, simple, and help us to avoid keying
First we look at a simple multiple choice question with only two possible answers:
Sex: Male Female
We need numeric codes for ‘male’ and ‘female’. The usual choice of codes is male=1,
female=2. We should not use male=0, female=1. Some programs do not distinguish
between zero and blank. It is thus very easy to type a zero by mistake. Zero codes should be
avoided if possible.
It is a good idea to record the code on the form itself, lest it be forgotten:
Sex: Male 1 Female 2
What about the comedian who answers this rather crudely designed question with ‘Yes,
please’? (Every youth who scrawls this thinks that it is highly original!) We do not know the
sex of the respondent, so we need a missing data code. Some programs use a numeric
missing data code, some use a special symbol, such as ‘.’ or ‘*’. If a numeric code is used, it
is conventional to use a string of ‘9’s. Blank and zero should not be used, to avoid input
The next example is a multiple choice question with several possible answers, but only one
choice is allowed:
How many follow-up appointments have you had at the surgery (including attendances at
one appointment
1 2 to 5 appointments
2 6 to 10 appointments
3 more than 10
appointments 4
Here we can code the answers 1, 2, 3, 4, with a missing data code 9 for those who do not
answer or tick more than one. This question should only be answered by patients who had
had a check-up, and who were invited back to the surgery for a further visit after the checkup.
These will not be all patients, so we need another code for ‘not applicable’. This could be 5.
When the missing data code is 9, the not applicable code is often 8. Some programs (e.g.
SPSS) allow you to define more than one missing data code for a variable, so that ‘not
applicables’ can be excluded from analysis easily if this is required.
The next question is a check-list. It has several possible answers, and several possible
choices are allowed:
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor give you advice about any of these things?
How much alcohol to drink
What food to eat
Your weight
Your blood pressure
We cannot code these as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. How would we code someone who ticked all the
items? In fact this is not one question, but six. It could equally be written:
Yes No
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor
give you advice about smoking?
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor
give you advice about how much alcohol to drink?
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor
give you advice about exercise?
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor
give you advice about what food to eat?
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor
give you advice about your weight?
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor
give you advice about your blood pressure?
We therefore code each item separately as yes=1, no=2. The question produces six separate
variables. In this case there will also be a code for not applicable, because not all respondents
are asked the question. The question might be presented like this:
Yes No
At your check-up, did the nurse or doctor 1 2
If you have any other views |
on the check-up, please |
write them in the space |
opposite: |
Questions like this are asked because we do not have a list of options. If we want to code it,
we first carry out a content analysis of either all or a sample of questionnaires. We read the
answers and note down the ideas or topics which respondents mention. We then code this as
for the advice question, with a separate variable and separate code 1 or 2 for each topic. We
can then analyse them like any other ‘yes/no’ question. Questions like this are very useful in
pilot studies or in small in-depth surveys, but in large studies they are seldom of much value.
It takes too long to code them and coding is too subjective. Validity of questionsHow
well do questions measure what we want them to measure?
For factual questions we can test by checking other sources. E.g., to check the validity of
‘Has your child ever had asthma?’ we can compare parents’ answers to medical
records.Sometimes there is no other direct source of information. E.g. we might ask a
child ‘Have you ever smoked a cigarette?’
This is factual but the only available source of information is the subject. We must rely on
reliability or repeatability, i.e. to what extent do the same people give us the same answers,
and whether we get consistent relationships with other variables.
Sometimes validity is difficult because the question is ill-defined. For example, the MRC
Chronic Bronchitis Questionnaire contains:
‘Do you usually cough first thing in the morning?’Exactly what is meant by ‘usually’,
‘cough’, and ‘first thing in the morning’? These terms are not well defined. This question is
often asked to children, who do not have chronic bronchitis. How can we assess the validity?
We can measure reliability, we can compare results of questioning different observers to get
their subjective opinions, e.g. children and their parents, and we can test for differences in
related objective measurements between those giving yes and no answers, e.g. measured
lung function.When there is no factual component, as in attitude statements, we rely on
construct validity. This means that we look for internal consistency between related
questions and for expected relationships with other variables.Questionnaire scalesIn
medicine we often want to measure ill-defined and abstract things, like disability, depression,
anxiety and health. The obvious way to decide how depressed someone is to ask them.
However we cannot just ask ‘how depressed are you out of 10?’, as people would not have a
common scale. Instead, we ask a series of questions relating to different aspects of
depression and then combine them to give a depression score.
For example, this is the depression scale of the GHQ:HAVE YOU RECENTLY
been thinking of yourself as a Not at No more Rather more Much more
worthless person? all than usual than usual than usual
felt that life is entirely Not at No more Rather more Much more hopeless?
all than usual than usual than usual
felt that life isn’t worth Not at No more Rather more Much more living?
all than usual than usual than usual
thought of the possibility that Definitely I don’t Has crossed Definitely you
might make away with have think so my mind not
found yourself wishing you were Not at No more Rather more Much more
dead and away from it all? all than usual than usual than
felt that life is entirely Not at No more Rather more Much more
hopeless? all than usual than usual than usual
0 1 2 3
felt that life isn’t worth Not at No more Rather more Much more
living? all than usual than usual than usual
0 1 2 3
found at times you couldn’t Not at No more Rather more Much more
do anything because your all than usual than usual than usual
nerves were too bad? 0 1 2 3
found yourself wishing you were Not at No more Rather more Much more
dead and away from it all? all than usual than usual than usual
0 1 2 3
found that the idea of taking Definitely I don’t Has crossed Definitely
your own life kept coming into have think so my mind not
your mind? 3 2 1 0
Questions are scored 0, 1, 2, 3 for the choices from left to right for items 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, and
3, 2, 1, 0 for items 4 and 7. The sum of these is the score on the depression scale.
The questions are clearly related to one another and together should make a scale. Anyone
who truthfully gets a high score on this is depressed. The full questionnaire has four such
Questions are formed into a scale as follows:A set of questions which are expected to be
related to the concepts of interest is devised, based on experience.The questions are
answered by test subjects.The scales are checked for internal consistency.Dubious
questions are excluded and the scale tested again.Validation of the scale is by tests of
reliability and by its relationship to other measures of related quantities. For example the
depression scale can be given to patients with diagnosed clinical depression, patients with
other diagnoses and people with no psychiatric diagnosis, to see how well it distinguishes
between them.This is another depression scale, the depression scale of the CCEI (Crown
Crisp Experiential Index):
Can you think as quickly Yes No
as you used to?
early in the morning?
This is the coding for the CCEI:
Can you think as quickly Yes No as
you used to? 2 0
In practice, these questions are interspersed between questions related to five other
psychiatric scales. Presenting scalesBoth the GHQ and CCEI share some features
in their presentation.
Some answers go from left is low to right is high, and some the opposite way. This reduces
the tendency to tick the first box all the way down. The answers are varied in wording. This
is to avoid monotony and to encourage respondents to read and think about the items. In the
CCEI, the order of high scoring answers is varied, so that sometimes the highest or lowest is
in the middle of three options, not at the end. This further encourages respondents to read
and think about the question. In the full questionnaires, the sub-scales are mixed up, so that it
is less obvious to the respondent what the questions are trying to elicit.There are many types
of scale in regular use. This is one of several possible formats. Scales are difficult to design
and validate, and so whenever possible we use one which has been developed previously,
such as the GHQ.
This also makes it easier to plan and to interpret the results of studies, as the properties of the
scale are already known. However, we should always check that the language is appropriate
to the population being studied, particularly when using questionnaires developed in other
countries. Language may change with place. For example, US questionnaires might refer to
the ‘doctor’s office’, whereas in the UK we call this the ‘doctor’s surgery’. The doctor’s
office is where he writes deathless prose or plays solitaire, To be frivolous, in the UK ‘blow
me!’ is a mild expression of surprise, in the USA it is a request which can get you struck off.
Language may change over time, and we should check that questions still mean what they
used to mean. For example, the EPI (Eysenck Personality Inventory) used to include the
Do you like gay parties?
This became
Do you like lively parties?
following a change in usage of the word ‘gay’ to mean ‘homosexual’.
Sensitive questions
People in the UK are remarkably willing to tell their most intimate secrets to complete
strangers with clip-boards. They will tell an interviewer things they would never dream of
telling their spouses, and may tell the interviewer how good it is to be able to talk about these
topics to someone. Of course, we can rarely be sure what is truthful and what concealment or
exaggeration. Sometimes respondents are reluctant to tell an interviewer the truth.
It is surprising what topics people find sensitive. We might think that sex, drugs and criminal
activity would be the difficult ones. In fact, many respondents seem to find talking to a
researcher about their sexual behaviour quite easy and unthreatening, perhaps because they
can’t talk about it to anyone else. What bothers some people in the UK is questions about
their income and other financial arrangements. One parent ‘phoned us in a great rage
because we had asked his son whether the family home was rented or owned, ignoring the
detailed questions we had asked about smoking, drinking and solvent abuse. Income is
surprisingly sensitive. Perhaps respondents think that we will pass this information directly
to the Inland Revenue. All we can say is that we suffer as much at their hands as everyone
Even a simple question such as ‘For whom would you would vote in an election?’ can be
very sensitive. Opinion pollsters International Communications and Market Research
conducted a poll in which half the subjects were questioned by interviewers about their
voting preference and half were given a secret ballot, which they sealed in an envelope before
handing back to the interviewer (McKie 1992). By each method 33% chose ‘Labour’, but
28% chose ‘Conservative’ at interview and 7% would not say, whereas 35% chose
‘Conservative’ by secret ballot and only 1% would not say. Hence the secret method
produced a Conservative majority, as at the then recent 1992 UK general election, and the
open interview a Labour majority. As the polls had got it wrong in 1992, it seems likely that
reluctance to tell an interviewer of the intention to vote Conservative may have been an
important factor.
The sensitivity of items may differ from culture to culture. The investigators should already
have some insight into what their respondents will deem sensitive. This issue should also be
explored in pilot studies.
When a question is sensitive, one possibility is a secret ballot, as was done in the opinion poll
study described above. This may give a much better estimate of the population proportion,
but the main difficulty is that we cannot link the answer to other data. For example, if we ask
about voting intention by secret ballot and ask about social class at interview, we cannot look
at the relationship between voting intention and social class. This leads us to add the social
class question to the secret ballot and we end up with a self-administered questionnaire.
Does sensitivity matter? If our main purpose is to estimate the population value, such as the
proportion of people in the population who have used an illegal drug in the past year, then
refusals to answer and misleading answers from drug-users will cause the estimate to be
wrong. If we are mainly concerned with comparing the sensitive item between different
groups of people, things may not be quite so bad. However, it is quite possible that the
sensitivity of the question will vary between groups we wish to compare. An obvious
example would be the comparison of contraception between different religious groups. This
might then produce quite spurious relationships, where what is related is not the actual thing
we wish to study but the willingness to talk about it. This issue is one which must be
considered very carefully in the design and piloting of questionnaire studies.
Inevitably, we often want to ask sensitive questions in medical research. Despite the
problems mentioned above, we can do this. First, we must gain the trust of our respondents.
Second, we must convince them that their replies will remain confidential. Third, we must
ask the question in a non-threatening way.
We can make our sensitive question less threatening by putting it in a group of similar but
unthreatening questions. Rather than ask:
If we want to ask several questions about a sensitive subject, we can include them in the
middle of a questionnaire which asks about other subjects. In their study of volatile
substance abuse, Chadwick et al. (1989) wanted to identify children who had abused. The
questionnaire began with general questions about age, sex, and social circumstances. These
were followed by three groups of similar questions: first a group about cigarette smoking,
then one about volatile substance abuse, and finally a group about alcohol consumption. The
questionnaire finished with some questions about general health. This seemed to work quite
well, and the children decided that it was alcohol that we were really after.
Sometimes we need to reassure the respondent that the behaviour which we are asking about
is not going to shock us. For example, rather than asking a sensitive question like this:
Do you masturbate? YES NO
(please tick one box)
A similar approach can be used when we want a numerical answer which respondents might
be reluctant to supply. We suggest to respondents that an answer much more extreme than
theirs would not surprise us. For example, if we want to ask a population of alcoholics how
much they drink, we can expect an underestimate if we ask:
How many bottles of spirits do you drink in a typical week? __________ bottles We
can reassure the respondent like this:
How many bottles of spirits do you drink in a typical week?
less than one bottle
one or two bottles
between three and five bottles
between six and nine bottles
between ten and fifteen bottles
between sixteen and nineteen bottles
between twenty and twenty-four bottles between
twenty-five and twenty-nine bottles between twenty-five and
twenty-nine bottles thirty bottles or more
The idea is that the respondent who drinks fifteen bottles a week will feel happier to tell us
this if we suggest that twice this would not startle us. Such techniques must be tested
thoroughly in pilot studies before the final questionnaire is designed.
J. M. Bland
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