Mdm4u 3
Mdm4u 3
Mdm4u 3
Collecting Primary
Data: Effective
by CBC
Record Your
Some of the questions asked of
Canadians include the following. It's
your turn. Answer each question and
provide a reason why you think
that way.
Consider the
Do the above questions have flaws
in them, Yes or No? Justify your
Bias in Collecting
When writing survey questions, it is
important that the true beliefs of the
survey respondents being sampled is
measured. As with all bias, it may be
impossible to fully eliminate it, you can
only work hard to reduce it. Recall,
variability is inherent in data and will
always exist in some way.
Measurement Bias
Definition: Measurement Bias exists
when there is some flaw in the
measurement tool. For surveys, it is
when the survey has been poorly
designed. There is always some margin
of error when collecting survey
responses. In a well-designed survey,
the error is random, and does not result
in an opinion being overstated or
understated. When a survey has
measurement bias, the survey responses
are either overstated or understated.
Measurement Bias
Three common types of questions that
contain measurement bias are leading,
loaded and double-barreled questions.
Record your
Write 2 survey questions that would
be given to teenagers with regard to
listening to music.
Response Bias
Definition: Response Bias is a type of
measurement bias where the survey
respondents were influenced to answer in
a certain way often because the survey is
not anonymous or because the
respondent thought that they had to
answer a certain way.
A teacher may check that the class
understands something by asking the
students if they have any questions. If
no hands go up, the teacher assumes
the students understand. This
question may have response bias as
there may be students who did not
want to say they didn't understand in
front of the entire class.
Designing a Survey
It is very important that a survey is written
to minimize measurement bias so that
the true beliefs of the sample
respondents are measured.
Types of Questions
In this activity you are exposed to a lot of
different types of questions to collect
data. For information on more specific
types of questions, read the following
article from QuestionPro.
Strongly Disagree,
Neither Agree or Disagree,
Strongly Agree.
Other rating scales can be used
that ask people to rate on a scale
from a min to max (from 1 to 10,
for example).
Creating an Online
The following example is of a survey
created using Google Forms. There are
other internet tools that will allow you to
create a survey, with functionality that will
allow you to minimize the measurement
bias. Consider the Self-Assessment from
last activity.
Take a moment to assess your
achievement of the success criteria
and your learning skills.
Consider the
Respond to one of the following