Spe 96587 PDF
Spe 96587 PDF
Spe 96587 PDF
modelling of multiphase flows has been proposed to rate prior to shut-in. Such investigations may produce a
characterise wellbore phenomena. method of eliminating or at least reducing WPR.
Stegemeier et al.2 were the first to provide a physical An added benefit of this study has been the gathering of
explanation for the anomalous pressure hump observed in experimental data for future WPR mechanistic modeling
build-up data from South Texas oil fields. 75% of wells Imperial College.
showed the effects of WPR. Fig.2 shows the relationship To achieve these objectives, an experimental rig was
between the size of the pressure hump and the productivity designed and tests performed, the results of which were then
index. The extent of the pressure hump was found to be analysed using a commercial well test interpretation package.
higher in wells with low productivity index, associated to low
permeability and skin.
Experimental setup and procedure
The experiments described in this paper were carried out in
the LOTUS (LongTUbeSystem) facility at Imperial College.
A simplified diagram of the rig is shown in Fig.3. LOTUS is a
vertical two-phase air-water system that was originally built at
the Harwell Laboratory of the UKAEA in the early 1960’s. It
Size of pressure hump-psi
The main objective of this study was the development of an
experimental system capable of simulating the effects of WPR
on pressure-transient data. The aim was to investigate WPR
effects during build-up tests as a function of the production
Fig.3: Experimental set-up.
SPE 96587 3
For Test 1 and Test 2, annular flow conditions were Fig.5 compares single-phase air pressure transient data with
established prior to shut-in, while Test 3 was conducted at two-phase data. At early times, the two-phase flow test
different flow regimes. exhibits a decrease in wellbore storage compared to single-
phase flow. There is a slight humping effect in the pressure
change, which explains the observed pressure derivative
Results response. This behaviour is also present in the single-phase
The experimental data were analysed using a commercial well flow test, but to a lesser degree. At middle times, there is an
test interpretation package. Pressure change and pressure additional stabilisation, which is absent in single-phase flow.
derivative are used to illustrate the effect of WPR. The At late times, both the two-phase and single-phase pressure
viscosity and compressibility of real gases are strongly related derivative responses show a similar upward trend with roughly
to pressure. The pseudo-pressure concept is used to account the same slope. Close examination of the two-phase flow
for these effects. pressure derivative shows a rather sharp V-shape, which is
pp indicative of a late phase redistribution or even re-injection.
m( p ) = 2 ∫ dp [1]
p0 Zµ
1 220 115 35
2 220 115 40
3 220 111 45
4 220 114 50
Fig.7 compares runs 1 to 4 shown above in Table 1. At early
Water Mscf/day Pressure derivative times, the data show WPR, illustrated by the hump in the
220 97
pressure change. Phase re-injection is clearly illustrated by the
0.1 0 97
V-shape in the pressure derivative and was also visually
0.1 1 10 100
Elapsed time (s) observed at the pressure vessel. The magnitude of the V-shape
Fig.5: Log-log plot of rate normalised pseudo-pressure change and pressure depression is much deeper and occurs earlier at lower vessel
derivative vs. elapsed time. The comparison between single- and two-phase pressures than at higher vessel pressures. The humping effect,
flow shows WPR.
which is indicative of phase re-injection, is only visible at low
vessel pressures. At late times, all derivative responses are
Fig.6 illustrates the effect of reduced gas flow rate
compared to that shown in Fig.5. The pressure change and
pressure derivative responses exhibit similar shapes in both
cases. However, for single-phase air flow, the lower the rate,
the smoother the response. For two-phase flow, the lower the
air rate, the less pronounced the V-shape (which is indicative
of WPR) in the pressure derivative. At late times, for two-
phase flow, the pressure derivatives show similar slope in both
cases (high and low air rate).
nm(p) Change and Derivative (psi)
Water Mscf/day Pressure
Test 3 (closed system). Three different cases were investigated
220 14
with Test 3: two-phase bubble flow, two-phase slug flow and
0 14 single-phase (water) flow.
0.1 1 10 100 Fig.8 shows the results obtained with bubble flow regime,
Elapsed time (s)
with water as the dominant phase. Normal pressure is used
14 Mscf/d instead of normalized pseudo-pressure for the interpretation of
Fig.6: Log-log plot of rate normalised pseudo-pressure change and pressure the results. Bubble flow regime is unlikely in gas condensate
derivative vs. elapsed time. Single- and two-phase flow rate at low air rate. reservoirs. However, this test was intended to illustrate the
impact that rising gas bubbles could have on the pressure
Test 2 (phase re-injection). Phase re-injection is a major gauge.
problem in well dynamics. It has been noted in the literature to During the first seconds after shut-in, a straight line with a
have a significant effect on the pressure profile. The following unit slope (which is indicative of wellbore storage) is observed
experiments were designed to illustrate the effects of phase re- in the log-log plot, followed by a wave-type response that
injection. The methodology and procedure were the same as causes instability in the pressure derivative. At middle times,
before, the only change was the pressure at which the vessel the pressure change data become less noisy and increase
(the “reservoir“) was kept, which was manipulated as shown steadily, as does the pressure derivative. At late times, no
in Table 1. All of the other test procedures stayed the same. further pressure change takes place and the pressure derivative
goes to zero, as in a closed system.
SPE 96587 5
Fig.8: Log-log plot pressure change and pressure derivative vs. elapsed time. Fig.10: Log-log plot of pressure change and pressure derivative vs. elapsed
Bubble flow regime, phase redistribution without afterflow effect. time. Single-phase water, hammering effect.
Fig.10shows results from a shut-in test with single-phase Test 2 (phase re-injection). Test 2 investigated the effects of
water. The purpose of this test was to illustrate the phase re-injection, which usually takes place in damaged wells
significance of sudden momentum changes, called water and in low-permeability formations. In these experiments, the
hammering in hydraulics. pressure at the vessel was manipulated to simulate a low-
During the first seconds after shut-in, the pressure change productivity reservoir. Fig.7 showed higher phase re-injection
increases and then decreases with a wave-type response, due at lower vessel pressures, in agreement with the findings by
to the incompressibility of the fluid, and is typical of water Stegemeier et al.2.
hammering. The pressure stabilises after the hump.
Test 3 (closed system). The tests with the closed system
allowed the investigation of WPR without afterflow and
without re-injection.
The results for bubble flow were found to be consistent
with what reported by Stegemeier et al.2 and, more recently,
6 SPE 96587
by Kabir et al.6. In bubble flow build-up tests, the gas bubbles 4. BP Review of World Energy 2005, downloaded from the
rise through the liquid column in the well. However, the gas bp website.
cannot expand in the closed system and therefore it exterts a 5. IHS Energy's Report on 10-Year Petroleum Trends, 1994-
pressure on the liquid at the gas-liquid interface, which causes 2003, published in 2004.
6. Hasan, A.R., Kabir, C.S.: “A Mechanistic Approach to
an increase in bottomhole pressure. Understanding Wellbore Phase Redistribution,” SPE 26483
When comparing the results for bubble flow with those for presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
slug flow, it was noted that the pressure change in bubble flow Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October 3-6, 1993.
took longer to stabilise. Also, the pressure waves shown in
slug flow were more pronounced than for the case of bubble
The results for single-phase water showed a wave-type
response in the pressure change after shut-in similar to that
caused by water hammering. The results also showed that the
rise in pressure change, seen with bubble and slug flow at
middle times, did not take place with single-phase water. This
suggests that the rise in pressure change seen with bubble and
slug flow was only due to gas rise.
1. Gringarten, A.C., Al-Lamki, A., Daungkaew, S., Mott, R.
and Whittle, T.M.: “Well Test Analysis in Gas Condensate
Reservoirs,” SPE 62920 presented at the SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas Texas,
October 1-4, 2000.
2. Stegemeier, G.L. and Matthews, C.S.: “A Study of
Anomalous Pressure Buildup Behaviour,” J. Pet. Tech.
(February 1958) 44-50; Trans., AIME 213.
3. Pitzer, S.C., Rice, J.D. and Thomas, C.E.: “A Comparison
of Theoretical Buildup Curves with Field Curves Obtained
from Bottomhole Shut-in Tests,” Trans., AIME 216, 416-
419, 1959.