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Vlasov Computation of Prismatic SHells

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J.. .
By V. Z. Vlasov

Translation of “Raschet Tonkostennikh Prismaticheskikh

Obolochek” from Prikladnaya Matamatika i Mekhanika,
Vol. 8, No. 5, 1944

\ June 1949



By V. Z. Vlaeov

1. Fundamental Assumptims

We consider a prismatic shell consisting of a finite number of

narrow recten@Lsr plates and having in the cross-section a finite
number of closed contours (fig. l(a)). We shall assume that the
rectangular plates compos~ the shell are rigidly joined so that there
is no motion of any kind of one plate relative to the others meeting
at a given ccmnecting line. The position of a point on the middle
prismatic surface is ccxnsideredto be defined by the coordinate z,
the distance to a certain initial cros~ection z = O, end the
coordinate s determining its position cm the contour of the crose—

Let the function U(Z,S) represent a longitudinal displacement

of the point (z,s), that is, a displacement in the direction of the
generator (positive in the direction of increasing z) and the
function v(z,s) represent a tangential displacement, that is, a
displacement in the direction of the tangent to the contour of the
cros~ection (positive in the direction of increasing s).

We shall represent these displacements in the form of the sums:

U(z,s) = & uJz)qJs.) (i = 1,2,..., m) (1.1)


V(z,s) = >+ vk(zh@d (k = 1,2,..., n) (1.2)


where the functians Ui(z) and Vk(z) depending cmly on z are the
required functions and the functicns ~(s) and ~k(s) me subJect to
a preklmimry choice. The magnitudes m and n will be explalned

‘haschet Tonkostemiti &ismaticheskfw obolochek.’” Prikladnaya

Ma!xamatikai Me’khanika,vol. /3, NO. 5, 1944.
2 NACA TM X234

We consider an elementary traverse lsmina cut out by the plsneE

z = constsnt and z + dz = constant. Such a lamina will be regarded as
a plane system of rods, that is, a frame cansist”ingof closed contours.

Let us consider the defomed state of this lamina detemnined only

by the longitudinal displacements U(z,s). The plane contour of such an
elementary frame, while remaining on the prismatic surface of the shell,
goes over into a space line that csn be determined relative to the
initial section z = constant for the chosen functions qi(s) by equa—
tion (1.1). We make the assumption that, in the case of the deformed
state detemined only by the longitudinal displacements, the rectiline.m
elements of the frame, starting from the plane z = constant, remain
straight. Such an assumption is equivalent to the @_potheeis of plane
sections assumed individually for each of the -ow rectangular plates
composing the given sl.ell. b this case the position of sn elementary
frame after defamation is entirely determhed by the longitudinal
displacements of its m joints relative to the plane z = constant.
Hence the elementary frame can be considered as a rod system possemtig
relative to the longitudinal displacements m degrees of freedom.

We shall take in equation (1.1) the required functions q(z),

U2(Z), .... %(z) as the longitudinal displacements of the m ~oints
of an elementary frame. The functions ~(s), 92(s), .... qlJs)
corresponding according to equation (1.1) to these displacements satisfy -
all the required conditions of the continuity of the longitudinal
displacements U(z,s) over the section z . constant.

Each of the functions p (s) for a choice of the required

magnitudes Ui(z) thus has, &y the method here indicated, a very simple
geometrically evident expression; namely, it is different from zero only
on rectilinear parts of the contour meeting at the joint ij within the
limits of each of these segments it is represented as a function of s by
a line- function of s and assumes a vslue equal to unity at a point
coinciding with the ith ~oint, becoming zero at the other end point of
the given se@uent. On all the remaining parts of the contour line the
function pi(s) tillbe identically equal to zero (fig. 2)..

It is clear that the chosen method of constructing the functions ‘Ti(s)

for the assumed model is not the only one. For the required functions u~(z )
there may be taken my m independent magnitudes. To each aggregate
of m independent magnitudes Ui(z) wilJ then correspond an aggregate
of m linesrly independent functions qi(s) each of which will be
continuous over the entire multiply connected contour and on sn individud
segent of the contour is represented by a linear graph. Thus, for
example, if we wish in the first of the series (1.1) to sepsrate initially
the longitudinal displacements relative to the elementary computation of
the shell as a beam of a composite multiply connected cross~ection on
EACA TM l!234 3

the,basis of the hypothe~is of Bernoulli assumed for the entire section

z.= constant, we must, for three of the m possible displacements Ui(Z),
take the values Ul(z), U2(Z), end U (z) determining the displacements
~’f-thehtiged mbtel on the-prismatic surface as a rigid plane system.
Tim functions fi(~), !@, ad @s) corresponding to these magnitudes
are each 11.nearfunctions of the csrtesion coordinates x = x(E) and
Y= y(s) of a point of the contour of the cross-section of the shell.
The remaining terms of the series (1.1) for the function U(Z,S) detemnine
a state of longitudinal displacements for which the cross-sections of
the shell, after deformation, do not remain plhe. Retaining the terminology
eiioptedin our work on the general theory of thin-walled rods (reference 1)
we shall.denote the deviation from the law of plane cross-sections as
“deplanations” of cross—section.

The deplanation of a multiply connected shell is thus determined by

the m - 3 independent quantities Uk(z), U5(Z), .... ~(z). These
magnitudes will be called the generalized coordinates of the deplanation.

Zn constructing the functions ~k(s) (k = 1,2,3, .... n) entering

equation (1.2) for the transverse tangential.displacement V(z,s) of a
point of the contour (z,s), we shall start from ths deformation of an
elementary transverse lamina (fig. l(a)) in its plane z = calstant.
Considering this lsmin.aas a rod system and assuming the elements of the
frame to be inextensible we arrive at the result that the contour displace-
me-nt V(Z,S) maybe expressed in terms of the displacements Vk(z)
(k=l,2,3, .... n) of the plane kinematic model considered above in the
plsne of the cross-section of the shell. The coefficients of Vk(z) of
ths smn (1.2) can be taken as independent magnitudes determining the form
of the displacements of the hinged rod system in its pleme. The number n
of required functions ~k(z) is equal to the number of degrees ,Of
freedom of this system in the plsne of the cross-eection and is determinal
by the formula

n.~—c (1.3)

whare m is the number of ~oints end c is the number of rods of the

transverse mltiply connected elementary frame.

By choosing in so.?ne
manner n independent magnitudes Vk(z) for
the displacements of en elementary rod system .inthe plene of the
section z = constant and giving in succession to each of tlnesemagnitudes
unit values snd assdn~ the others equal to zero we csn, by considering
the elementary displacements thus obtained of this system, detemnine all
the required functions v~(s ). Each of these functions will’’rbpres~rita
contour displacement of a point s in correspondence with the elementary
state Vk* =1 !311dVh*= o for h+k (fig: 3). The function $k(s)
within the limits of each straight se@nent of the contour of the shell
maintains a constant value (does not depend on s) end represents an
axial displacement of the corresponding hinged Tod model. We shell ,
4 NACA TM 1234

tlnusset up n linearly independent diagrams of the fWCtfOIIS Vk(s) f~

en.ychoice of the magnitudes Vz(z).

These maxnltudes w1l.Ibe chosen in such a manner that three of

them, Vi(z), V2(Z), ~d V3(Z), will refer to the displacements of the
model as a plane system of rods as a whole without change in shape of this “
system. The remaining magnitudes V4(Z), v~(z), .... V=(z) will refer to
such displacement of the system for which the titual position of the
individual links of the system changes. The phenomena associated with
the change in shape of the hinged rod system will be denoted as the
deformation of tinecontour of the system. The contour defomnation is
th-~sdetermined by n - 3 independent magnitudes where n is the number
of degrees of freedom of sn elementary lamina of the shell considered as
a plme hinge-connected system. The magnitudes V4(Z), V5(Z), ... Vn(Z)
will be denoted as the generalized coordinates of the defamation of the
@lel~ contour.

The functions *k(s) chosen fn some way or other correspondingto ,

t~le n degrees of freedom of the system of rods in its plane satisfy the “
of linear independence and the condition of continuity of the
displacements detemnlned by these functions of the elementary transverse
ilwrm at all points of its contour including also the nodal points*since
t}lehinged model in each of the n possible ele~nt~y states Vk = 1, -
VII*(Z)= O for h ~ k remains everywhere continuous.

2. Fundamental Differential Equations – Method of Displacements

After choosing the functions Qi(s) and ~k(s) in the sums (1.1)
(1.2) the problem reduces to the determination of the functions Uf(z)
ml Vk(Z) (i = 1,2,3, .... m, k = 1,2,3, .... n).

Let a = u(z,s) and T = T(z,s) denote respectively the normal and

~jang~ntialstresses arising in the section z = constant. We shall consider
Llleoeslre~sss functions only of the coordinates of the point (z,s) on tb
assuming that over the thickness of the shell the stresses u
ani T are uniformly distributed. On the basis of HookeSs law

‘=4$+9 (2.1)

making Imseof equations (1.1) and (1.2) we have

(i = 1,2,3, .... m) (2.2)

HACA TM 1234 5

(i = 1,2,..., m,k = 1,2,..., n)


where E and G are the moduli of elasticity of the material of the shell
in tension.and shear.

The elementary cross-sectional lamina of the shell will be under the

action of external forces consisting of normal and shearing forces actin~
h the sections z = constant and z + dz = ccmstant and the given
surface forces. Let p* = p*(z,s), and q* = q*(z,s) denote the forces
.ertemal with respect to the given lam3& acting respectively along the
generator of the shell (positive in the direction of increasing coordinate z)
and tangential to the contour line of the cross+ection (positive in the
direction of increastig coordinate s). Referring these forces to unit
area of the middle surface we obtain the equations


where the thickness of the shell 5 = 5(s) is assumed a given (in the
aeneral case not continuous) function of a sinale coordinate s and the
&gnitudes p = p(z,s), and” q = q(z,s) repre~ent the given external
surface forces.

The integral conditions of equilibrium of the elementary frame for

chosen forms of the displacement determined by the m + n degrees of
freedom, on the basis of the principle of Iagrange can be represented in

(J = 1,2,3,..., m) (2.6)

(h = 1,2,3,..., n) (2.7)

where W? is the differential of the exea of the shell cross-section

dl?= bds (2.8)

6, \ NACA TM X234

The integrals above and those given in the following are definite and
are taken over the entire contour of the section z = constant.

Equations (2.6) reyresent m conditions of equilibru~ of the

1smina dz = 1 in the direction perpendicular to the plane z = constant; ““
equations (2.7) represent n conditions of equilibrium of the same
lsm.inain tineplane z = constsrrt. Each of the equations (2.6) expresses
tineequating to zero of the sum of the work of all etiernal ad internal
forces of sn elementary kmina with cherqgein the deformed state of the
lamina relative to its plane.

For the virtual displacements in the eqyations of subscript J of

tlnisgroup there sre tsbn tinelongitudinal displacements ‘j = (pj(s) of
the points of the elementary frame determined only by the term of
subscript ~ of the sum (1.1) for Uj* = 1. The first snd third terms
of tlnisequation refer to the work of the external forces p* = b+p
acting on the element of width dz = 1 and directed perpendiculem to
its plane.

The middle term e~resses the work of the internal sheartig forces.
For an element ds this work is determined as the product (with reversed
sign) of “theshearing force T5 de by the shear deformation which in the
case considered of the variation of the defomned state is equal to the
derivative Pj%) of the function pi(s).

Each of equations (2.7) was obtained by equating to zero the sum of

the work of all the externsl and internal forces of the element~ frame
on the corresponding displacements for a chsnge in the deformed state of
the element in its plsne. For the virtual displacements in the eqwtion
of subscript h there were taken the transverse contour displacements
~h = *h(s) of the ele~nt determined only by the term of subscript h
of the sum (1.2) for the generalized coordinate ~h* = 1. The first
snd third terms of equations (2.7) refer to the work of the external
contour forces q*’= 5 + q of the element acting in its plane. The
second term expresses the work of the internal forces on the deformations
of the element corresponding to the h–th elementary state of the
displacements of the hinged system in its plane. For the element ds
this work in the case of bending is determined (with reversed sign) as
the product of the bending moment

M(z,s) = ~Vk(Z)\(S) (k = 1,2,3, .. . . n) (2.9)

Iq(s) d=
by the angle of rotation — J of two adjacent sections bounding this
element. The letters Mk=&s) and ~=~l(s) denote the bending
HA(2ATM 1234 7

moments of the transverse frame element corresponding to the elementary

states of deformation of this frame Vk* = 1 =d Vh* = 1. These moments
&re found by the usual methods of structural mechanics by proceeding
-backwardfrom the deformed state of the rod system to the titernal forces.

The m+q,itude J = J(s) represents the mcmmnt of inertia of sn

~l?itrsry cros~ection of the elementary frame of the shell.ha~ing a
tidth dz = 1. If the shell ccmsists of only rectangular plates and has
no transverse connections then evidently

J =— (2.10)

where 5 is the thickness of the corresponding plate.

In the case of a shell reinforced with additional trsnsveree framee

the magnitude J must be ,computedwith account taken of the mesn moment
of inertia of these frames, that is the moment of tiertia associated
with a unit length of the shell.

Substituting in equations (2.6) snd (2.7) for u smd T their

expressions (2.2) snd (2.3) we obtain a system of m + n linear differential
eqwtions with respect to the required generalized displacements, m
longitudinal Ui(z) (i = 1,2,..., m) and n transverse Vk(z)
(k = 1,2,..., n). ‘Thissystem canbe represented in the form

i,il= 1,2,..., m
h,k= 1,2,..., n )
Chiuit +
xk r~Vk” - y~s~vk+~qh’o


where Y is a constant magnitude defined by the equation

Y =- (2.12)

8 NACA TM X234

The coefficients of equations (2.11) are computed by the formulas:

where the integral-sare taken over all the elements of the cross+ection
of the shell. These coefficients possess the properties of s?ymmetry

aj.j= aij> rhk=rm

chi = cjk for h=k (2.14)
bji = 3.lj> shk=~

expressed by the theorem of Betti on the reciprocity of the work of an

elastic system.

Formulas (2.13) are of a general character and permit computing tine

coefficients of the equations (2.11) for a shell of arbitrary contour of
cross-section for any method of approximation of the required displace-
ments u(z,s), v(z,s) for varying s.

ti choosing the functions pi(s) (i = 1,2,..., m), $k(s) (k = 1,2,..., n)

by the method described above the quadrature on the right sides of
fomnulas (2.13) for each straight segment of the contour receive a simple
expression because each of the functions pi over this segment depends
on the coordinate s linearly end the derivative pit, like each of the
f~ctions ~k, has a constsmt value over a straight”part of the contour.

The quatiatures of the first five formlas (2.13) for &E’= b ds

have the smne form as the last of these formulas except that instead of
the magnitudes reciprocal to the moment of inertia the thickness of the
shell enters under the integral sign. All the coefficients of the equations
can be ,computedby the down devices of the theory of framed structures
with the aid of diagrams Of ‘thefhllctiOnS ~~(S), Qi*(s), Wk(s), ~(s)
constructed for the entire multiply connected contour.

!l? hemagnitudesPj(s) ~d qh(z) referri.Rgto the free terms of

equations (2.11) are lmown functions of z and for given surface forces
of the shell p(zjs), q(z,s) me computed by the formulas
. ..

NACA TM 1234 9


~h’&& the centour integrals are taken over the parts of the contour for
wljichthe expressions under the integrsl sigu are different from zero.
The magnitudes pj(z ) and q+) corresponding to their physical
n&ning srieing from the method of their definition cen be termed the
unit (referring to unit length of the shell) generalized external forces.
The longitudinal one, p~(z), is computed as the work of the external
longitudinal surface forces, p(z,s)j over the longitudinal displacements,
9$s), of the elementary (unit) state of defomnation of the lamina
for U3* . 1, while the transverse one, qh(z), iS computed as the work of
the etiernal surface contour forces q(z,s) obtained for the contour
displacements of the points of the elementary lsmina ~h(s), determined
bY the wit displacement Uh* = 1.

For?miLas(2.13) and (2.15) are easily extended also to shells

stressed over individual longitudinal elements (stringers) snd under the
action of concentrated loads in the section z = constant. Ih this case
the quadrature in (2.13) end (2.15) must be tsken irthe sense of the
Stieltjes integrals. To the integrals for continuous distribution over
the contour of the differentials dF, p ds, q ds must be added magnitudes
which represent the sum of the products of the finite factors concentrated
at definite points (the sreas of the stringers, the concentrated forces)
and the values of the corresponding functions under the inte~als at
these points.

The systems of the fundamental differential equations (2.11) of the

prismatic shell may be represented in the form of table 1 (2.16) (found at
the end of the text). This table represents the differential matrix and
the free terms of equations (2.11). The elements of the matrix represent
the linesr differential operators with constsnt coefficients, where these
operators in the first and fourth quadrants are of the second order and in
the second and th&d quadrants sre of the first order”(D end & denote
the derivatives with respect to z of the first and second order of the
corresponding requirerifunction written in the top row over the column
containing the given differential element of the matrix). To obtain
any differential equation of the system it is necesssry to multiply each
of the elements of the corresponding row of the matrix symbolically (by
which is mesnt the differential operation expressed by the given element)
“by the function in the top row over the column containing the given
element, combine ell these products end to the sum add the free term of
the given row and equate the result to zero. The system of differential
equations represented in the form of table 1 consists of m + n
ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients each
of the second order tith respect to the m + n required functions
Ui(z) and Vk(z)=
- ,,,, ,,.,.,.,,,,,
..-,—.!! !! ,,! am.
!!..!!!.. . !.
,,, ,, .,.! !,!..!!.!!! , ----- ., . . ,,,,, . , -. -..., , , ., . . ,, I . I . . . . . . . . . . . ..! .,, ,,.,, ,. , , I -—- . ,,--- .-,,,,., ,

10 lUU2ATM 1234

This system of equations by its physical meaning divides,itself

into two groups of equations. The first group written out in the first
half of the table consists of m equations and expresses the equilibrium
of the .elementsryelastic frame lsmtna out of its plane as a system of
rods possessing on the priematic surface m degrees of freedom. The
second group of eqyatiaus, consisting of n eqyations, refers to the
equilibrium of this frame in its plaue possessing in the latter n degrees
of freedom.. The matrix of the differential equations possesses a
symmetrical structure and consists of four quadrants of which the first
and fourth are the principal quadrants, the second and third the secondary,
end represent energostatically the mutual effect of the two forms of
deformations of the elastic shell. The elements of the second~y
quadrants of the matrix which are symmetrical with respect to the
principal (diagonal) terms differ only in si~. The equality of these
elements in absolute value is a consequence of the theorem on the
reciprocal work of elastic systems.

The equations here descriled represent a generalization of the

earlier obtained eight-temn equations for cylindrical shells and
composite systems of open profile (references 1 and 2). The equations
represented in the form of table 1 are completely analogous to the
equations of the theory of statically indeterminate systems end differ
from the latter in that these equations are differential since the
deformed state of the transverse plane frame as au element of the shell
depends on the position of the element along the length of the shell
(on the coordinate z).

The differential equations (2.11) were derived for an arbitrary

choice of the functions Pi(s) ~d ~k(s) detezmhing according
to equation (2.13) the coefficients of these equations. Since the functions
pi md $k are linearly independent aud each of them my be given with.
an accuracy up to an arbitrary factor, for the required functions Ui(Z)
and Vk(z) there can always be chosen such independent generalized
longitudinal and transverse displacements of the elementary hinged
system of the shell dz = 1 for which the polygonal functions pi(s)
~d $k(s) corresponding to these displacements over the entire cross-
section z . constant possess the property of orthogonality. Assting
each of the pair of functions pi(s) and $k(s) orthogonal, we shall

For these conditions eqyatims (2.11) assume the fomn


zi“ ch~ui: + r~vh” — y~~vk+~~=o

(h,k = 1,2,..., n)

The differential matrix of these equations now has a simpler

structure since, with the condition of orthogonality (2.17) satisfied,
the secondery differential terms of the principal (first end fourth)
qua&ant6, table 1, that is the terms tith the coefficients al~ end ~,
for i # j, h ~ k vanish.

Written out in full equations (2.18) are represented in table 2 (2.19)

(found at the end of the text). me magnitudes Ui(z) ad Vk(Z) corre-
sponding to the conditions of orthogonality may be called the principal
generalized coordinates of the longitudinal and transverse displacements of
the shell.
The choice of the orthogonal functions pi(s) and $k(s) may be
made by the graphic~ ical methods of atructurd, mechanics by
draag the diagrsms of these functions and orthogcmaliztig the group
states of the elementrery displacements of the transverse lsminar element.

3. Boundsry Effect - The titernal Generalized Forces -

Icmgitudinal end !I&xasverseBimoments

The equations (2.19) or, in the case of an arbitrary choice of

the functions pi md ~k, equation (2.16) possess the same structure
as the equations of vibraticm of an elastic system -possessinga finite
number of degree’sof freedom. Of the present day methods of titegration
of a symmetrical system of linear differential eqya%ions with constant
coefficients the most effective method is that of A. N. JCrylov,which
pemits reducing this system rapidly to its equivalent single differential
equation. liIour case this equation will be of the order 2(m+n). It
fol.luwsthat the required functicms Ui(z) end Vk(z) satisfyhg the
system of equations (2.18) will be determined with en accuracy up to
2(m + n) arbitrary constants. T!henumber of these constants is equal to
ttice the nuniberof degrees of freedom of the elementary lamtaa of the
sheld. dz = 1 in space. This is in full agreement with the number of

—— . .—:

12 NACA TM 1234

independent kinematic conditions which csn be given for the end sections
of the she~ z = O, z = 2 (where 2 is the length of the shell in the
direction of the generator). The positia of alllthe points of any of
these sections in space for a shell treated in the section z = constant
as a discr6te system is detemined by m + n independent magnitudes of
which m magnitudes U,(z) detemn5ne the position of all potits of
juncture of the section’on a prismatic surface (along the generator of
the shell) and n magnitudes Vk(z) detemine the position of these
points in the plsne of the cross-ection. For a single end section of
the shell m + n arbitrsry magnitudes may thus be assigned. For the
two sections z = O and z = 2 which bound the given shell over its
length the number of independent ccmditions is equal to 2(m + n) which
corresponds to the number of arbitrary constants in the integrated
equations (2.11).

With these constants given we can obtain a solution for a given

shell for the most vsxied boundary conditions relative to the longitudinal
and trsmsversed displacements, this solution being entirely determinate
and unique and satisfying all the required kinematic conditions of the

Let us now consider the problem of the equilibrium of the shell for
which the boundary conditions in the secticms Z =0 ~d Z. I me
given ti terms of stresses or, in the case of the mixed boundsry problem,
partly in terms of stresses snd partly in terms of displacements. By
definition of the functions Ui(Z) and Vk(z) from eqUa.tiOn5(2.~)
the stresses a = Cl(z,a) ~d T = T(Z,5) at any point of the cross—
sections z = constant will be found according to equations (2.2) and
(2.3) also with sn accuracy up to 2(m + n) arbitrery constants. The
stresses u and T at the section z . constant for chosen polygonal
functions pi(s) ~d ~k(s) csn be expressed in terms of m + n
independent generalized static magnitudes. These magnitudes we shall
introduce by generalizing the fundamental concepts of the elementary
theorem of the bending of be- as was done in our work on the general
theory of the thin-led elastic rods based on the law of sectorial
areas (reference 3).

Starting from the idea of the virtural work of the normal and
shearing forces 05 and T5 of the cross-ection z = constsnt on
each of the m + n possible displacements of the points of this section
in space we introduce the following magnitudes

P3(Z) =
(j = 1,2,..., m)

~(z) ‘~T$h ~ (h = 1,2,..., n) (3.1)

NACA TM 1234 13

where the contour integrals are taken over the entire crom+sectional
element of the shell. The _tudes Pj, ~ represent generalized
longitudinal and transverse forces of the section z . constant.
Considering these magnitudes as the internal forces of the shell we
express’them in terms of the fundamental functions Ui ~d ~k. @
,, basis of equations (2.2), (2.3), and (3.1) we have

Pj = E xajiui’
i,il= 1,2,..., m (3.2)
( h,k=l,2,..., n)

i k

D? the functions qi ~d ~k are orthogonal

P.J= EaJju/, % = G ~ %j”j + r~vht (j = 1,2,..., m) (393)

( )

Equations (2.2) cau now be written as

a=~—‘j Qj (j = 1,2,..., m) (3.4)

j ailil

or in expended form
P (z) P2(Z) pm(Z)
U(z,s) = *M(S) + ~T2(s)+ ... + ~ !?m(s) (3.5)

Equation (3.4) represents the generalization of the three=term

formula proposed by us for the normal stresses of open cylindrical end
prismatic shells (for thin-walled rods with open profile sections)
undergoing simultaneous tension, bending in two planes and torsion. The
theory of such shells is based on the hypothesis of the nondefozmability
of the contour of the cross-section.

For’the open shell with rigid crossaectional contour setting

%L=l~ W2 =X(S), 93= Y(S), ~=u(s) (3.6)

where x(s) and y(s) are the cartesian coordinates of an arbitrsrr

point of the contour in the principal central axes of the section “
and O(S) is twice the area of the sector determined by the arc M@

N~A TM l,jh

and the straight lines joining the ends of this ~c with the center of
flexure (fig. 4) we obtain for the generalized forces Pi,..., P4, the
first four terms of the series (3.4), the followtag values (reference 3,
p. 48).

The first three ematias of (3.7)

.- determine the known statical
magnitudes (normal force and moments) of the cros~ection of a beam;
the fourth equation detezmlnes a new static magnitude having the
dimensions kilo$rame per centtmete~ end representing the work of all the
elementary longitudinal forces a dl? of the shell on the deplanation of the
cross-section detezmrinedby the law of sectorlal areas. This magnitude is
termed by us the bhoment. The conditim of orthogonality of the four
fundamental functicms (3.6) is detemined by us h the form

Of these conditions the first three coincide with those lmown from
the theory of the bending of beams and which detezmine the principal
central axes of the cross-section of the shell. The second group of
equations (3.8) refers to the sectorial geometric characteristics of
the cross-section of the Bhell and determines the sectorial origin ~
(the starting point for computing the sectorial area) and the center of
flemre of the shell. For the conditions (3.8) the bimoment B = B(z)
represents a generalization statically equivalent to the vanishing of
the longitudhal force.

Corresponding to equations (3.6) end (3.8) we obtain for the

geometric characteristics ajj (3= 1,2,3,4) of the first four term
of the series (3.5) the values


The first three of these characteristics agree with the well-known

fundamental characteristics of the cross+ection (area and moment of
inertia) in the theory of the bending of a beam. The fourth charac-
teristic represents a new magnitude hav@ the dimensions of centimeters
and denoted by us, in analogogy with Jx, Jy, the sectorial moment
of tiertia.
I?ACATM 1234 15.

The equatim (3.5) for the thti+willed open shell, keep only the
first four terms, assumes cm the basis of equatims (3.7) ~dY 3.9) the


The first three terms of this equation detezmine the stresses of

the thin+alled rod in the case of tensim (compressim) end bending. The
fourth term determines the stress arising in the case of torsion of the ‘
rod and distributed over the secticm by the law of sectorial areas w = m(s).
The static magnitudes N = N(z), ~=~(z), and l$=l$(z) sme found
by the we12~own methods of the resistance of materials. The static
maguitude B = B(z) refers to the normal stress au = (B/Ju)m due tO
the torsion determined from the differential equation

B “ -vB+&=O (3.11)
JLrJ(Jj JhJu

in which GJd is the stiffhess of the rod ti pure torsion dete-ed by

the theory of Satnt Venemt and m . m(z) is the external torsional
mcmmnt relative to the center of flexure.

From the auelogy here given It floll,ows

that equation (3.5) for the
shell with closed ?miltiplycacnected deformable contour for a choice of
thb first three functions qj(s) by the equations ~ = 1, ~ = x(s)
and 93 = y(s) and the conditions of orthogonality (2.1’7)can he
represented in the form

M ~ Pm
N+~x+% ~y+ ‘5
aM~+Eq5+... +=q)m (3.12)
‘=F. ‘Y x

where the first three terms refer to the stresses distributed over the
section accordtig to the law of plane deformation and the correspond~ng
elementary theory of the bending of beams. The remaining generalized
longitudinal.forces pk(z), p5(z), .... Pm(z) for the contour of the shell
possessing in the longitudhal directim a number of degrees of freedom
greater than three will represent the internal “longitudinal” forces
havtng essentiauy the sane character as the forces N, ~, and My of a
beam, the only difference being that these forces, for a choice of an
orthogonal system of functions qi(s), each represent over the cross-
section a balsmced system of longitudinal forces and arise as a result of’
the deplanation of the section. Tn contrast to the longitudinal force N
16 NACA TM 1234

and the bending moments ~ and ~ the generalized longitudinal

forces P4, P5,.... Pm associated with the deplanation of the section
will be denoted as the longitudinal bimoments. These bimoments
correspond to the generalized coordinates ~, ~, .... Tm of the
deplenation of the cross-section.

The geometric characteristics


by analogy with the welJ-own magnitudes

%22 = f x%F=Jy, a33 = J@ dX=Jx (3.14)

are denoted as the longitudinal.bimoments of inertia.

b a similar manner the physical sense of the generalized tremsverse

forces ~(z) (h = 1,2,...n) dete~ed by the correspondhg equations (3.1)
and (3.3) can be explained.

If of the n generalized transverse displacements we give the

first three functions Vi(z), V2(Z), and V3(Z) the sense of three
independent displacements of the elementary lsxdna as a rigid system in
the plane of the cross-section of the shell and set

*l(S) = x’(s), Y*(S) = Y’(s), *3(B) = X(s)y$(s) -y(s)x:(s) (3.15)

the magnitudes Q1(z), %(Z), ~d Q3(z) corresponding to the coordinates

of the displacements will represent the first two transverse forces snd
the torsianal moment of the entire section z = constant, respectively.
The remafaing static magnitudes ~(z), ~(z), and ~(z) will represent
the generalized transverse forces each ccmputed as the work of the
elementary shearing forces T dl’ by the corresponding contour (tangential)
displacements, that is by the dis lacements of the shell determined by
the generalized coordinates $4(6J , *5(S),..., vn(s) of the deformaticxm
of the contour of the cross—section.

Iu contrast to the forces % = ~ ~d ~ = ~ and the torsional.

moment Q3 = H, the generalized forces Q4, ~,...,. C& corresponding
to the components V4, V59 .... Vn of the deformations of the contour of

NACA TM X234 . 17

the eection we shall denote as the transverse Mmments of the shell.

Equations (3.3) detemine the relation between the generalized for;es
andthe generalized displacements of the shell.

The generalized forces P~(z) (j = 1,2,..., m), ~(z) (h= 1,2,=..s n)

cheiractehizingthe state of the normal and shearing forces in the cross-
section of the shell are likewise detetined with an accuracy up to 2(m +,n)
constents of integration of the system of differential equations of the
shell. We now assume that any edge of the shell z = Z. is acted upon
by a given system of normal end shearing forces. I& po(zo,s), qo(zo,s)
represent the corresponding normal and shearing forces referred to unit
length of the contom at the point s. These forces as functions of s
may be given entirely arbitrarily. In our problem the longitudinal and
transferee forces at my section z = constant are determined by a
finite number of independent static ma~itudes of the corresponding
finite number of degrees of freedom of the displacements of the contour
line around the section end in its plane. These magnitudes are genem
alized longitudinal and transverse forces which for the given normal and
shearing forces 3?0(2.,s),qo(zo,s) are determined by the equatione

Pf = ~“ = ~ q“+h da (j = 1,2,..., m, h=l,2,..., n) (3.16)

J P°CPjds,

The above equations together tith equations (3.2) lead, for the
section z = Zo, to the equations

EaJiUis = G(chiUi + ~Uk’) (3.17)

J POVj ds,

These equations determine the relation between the required generalized

displacements aud the given generalized forces at the bounding
section z = 2..

Having the general integral of the differential equations of the

shell and making use of the general formulas (3.17) we can determine
the state of the deformations end stresses of the shell for the most
varied boundary conditions on the sections Z=o and z = 2 given in
terms of stresses, displacements, or partly stresses and partly displacements.

4. Shells Having a Single Degree of l?reedomfor Deplenation

of the Section and Deformation of the Contour

Let us consider the class of shells for which the deplanation of

the section and the deformation of the contour are each determined by a
single perameter which is a function of the coordinate z. To such
18 ●

shells may be reduced a number of practically important problems encountered

in the construction of thin+alled structures in various applied fields d’

As a very simple example let us consider the shell. the cross-section

of which is represented in figure 5. We assume that th~ vertical plates
of the shell have cylindrical hinges at the lower longitudinal edges and
are fixed over the entire supporting length against longitudinal displace
ments. For such a shell the elementary transverse lamina as a plsne
hinged system with the supporting points completely fixed, poseesses
tnret~legmes of freedom, two out of its plsme and one in its plsme.
We assume further that the section or the shell is symmetrical relative
to the middle vertical line and that the shell is acted upon by a
transverse load of given intensity q = q(z) applied in the plane of
the horizontal plate. h this case the longitudinal displacements of
the shell U(Z,S) in the section s = constant for any two points of
the section symmetrically located with respect to the axis of symmetry
will be equal in absolute value and opposite in sign.

These displacements are detemined by a single parameter Ul(z)

for which we take the longitudti displacement (taking it positive) of
the upper right engl.eof the section. The graph of the displacements
represented for U~* . 1 as the function ~(s) is shown in figure 6.
The law of distribution of the longitudinal displacements end therefore
also the normal stresses over the section z = constant is postulated
by the displacements of the points determined b,ythis function. This
law differs from that of plane sections.

The derivative ~t(s) within the limits of each of the segments

of the section remains constant and in absolute value equal to l/all
for the vertical.portion and 2/~ for the horizontal portion where
dl and d2 are the lengths of the vertical and horizontal portions.

The transverse contour displacements of the shell for the case

where the longitudinal edges are fixed, exe determined likewise by a
single parsmeter VI(Z). For this parameter we take the bending of the
horizontal plate in the section .Z . constsnt (fig. 7)0 The contour
axial displacement of the points of the section of the shell that are
determined by the function ~l(s) corresponding to unit value of the
required magnitude V1* = 1 is shown in figure 8. These displacements
on the vertical portions of the section are equal to zero end on the
horizontal equal to unity. The arrow in figure 8 gives the directim
of the positive displacement. Figure 9 shows the graph of the bending
moments of the e~ementary trsrmverse frame corresponding to the
displacement VI = 1 of the,horizontal elements.

For the moment Ml at the Joint of the frame it is not difficult

by the methods of structural mechanics to obtain the fornmla
NACA TM 1234 19

%.= 6’
2d12 IJ1 + ‘1$

where dl end ~ are the widths of %he vetiiced.and horizontal plates,
Jl and J2, the vertical and horizontal mommlm of inertia of the
eleimntary frame.

h the problem uuder consideration there are thus to be determined

two fundamental functims, the longitudinal displacement Ul(z)
detezml.ningthe deplanation of the section end the transferee displace-
ment Vi(z) detemnining the defomnation of the contour of the section.

Setting in equations (2.U.) i., ~ = 1; h,k. 1 we obtain

?’allUl”- bHUl - %ivl’ = ‘J Cll%’ + %vl” - %lvl + * ql = O (4.2)

The coefficients of equation (4.2) are computed by formulas (2.13).

Applying these formulas and making use of the graphs of the corresponding
functions given in figures 6, 8, and 9 we obtain


M12 ds
J —.

where % and 82 are the thickness of the vertical end horizontal

plates respectively, F1 end F2, the cross-section areas of these
plates and J1 end J2, the moments of inertia referred to unit
length of the longitudinal sections of the shelJ_on the vertical.and
horizonteJ_@s, respectively:


513 t523
J1=— (4.5)
12 ‘ J2=75--

20 NACA TM 1234

H the shell has along its length a number of transverse frsmes

the moments of inertia J1 ~d J2 must be computed with account .
teken of the resistance of these frsmes to bending.

Equations (4.2) for the coefficients (4.3) will be completely

determinate for a given shell. By giv~ different values to the
magnitudes dl, ~, 51, 52, Jl, ~d J2 a nuniberof special problems
can be considered referring to the computation of a given shell for
an antisymmetric load on the cross-ection. Ieaving in equations (4.2)
the coefficients all, b~5000S ’11 as yet arbitrary let us coneider
more in detail the solution of these equations and incidentally explain
the physical side of the elastic computation model.

The system of differential equations (4.2) by eltiting the

longitudinal displacement reduces to a single equaticm relative to the
transverse displacement of bending of the horizontal plate VI(Z). This
equation may be written in the form



Differential equation (4..6)expresses the equilibrium of the elementary

transverse frame in the dense elastic medium which is constituted by the
given shell relative to this frame. h its form this equation agrees
with the equation of the bending of a beam on an elastic support resisting
not only lending but also shear along the line of contact of the beam
with the suppoti. The elastic medium “n equation (4.6) is represented by
two independent magnitudes A2 and Bi , which may be cslled the generalized
elastic characteristics of the beam, each having a single degree of
freedom for the deplsnation of the section snd the deformation of the
contour. These characteristics, as is seen from equations (4.7) and (4.3)
are determined by the functions ~(s) ~d ~l(s) referring respectively
to the deplanation and deformation of the contour of the shell and by
the form and geometric dimensions of the cross-section of the shell, by
the ratio Y = ~ of the elasticity modulus and the stiffiess in bending
in the transverse direction represented by the moments of inertia Jl
and J2 of the elementary frsme of width dz = 1. Thus, for example,
for the shell represented in figure 5 the elastic characteristics A2
snd B4 for given dimensions of this shell on the basis of formulas (4.3)
entirely definite values.
NACA TM X234 21

The characteristic B4 as is seen from the second of formulae (4.7)

is proportional to the coefficient SU referr~ to the bending of
“the,elementary transverse 1~ as a frsme. IX the plates of the shell
.-m, arewh~-”connected at the ~oints, the transverse bendfng momentsof the
elementary lamln.aan changtig its shape 3-sequal to ~ro. The coeffi–
Cia?lt Sll and therefore also the characteristic. B
b this case
becomes zero:

S11=B4=0 (4.8)

antieqyation (4.6) for the zero moment shell goes over into the
simpler equaticm

mazvl” + &(buq-yauq”)= O (4.9)

‘1 C1lG

in which now

bllru – c~2
A2 . (4.10)

Proceed.tig to the solution of the differential equations of the

class of shell= here considered we note that the two l&ematic magni-
tudes Ul(z) and Vi(z) by fomrmlas (3.2) are reduced to two ktiematic
magnitudes corresycmding to the static ma@itudes pi(z) end Q1(z)
introduced by us, the first of which represents the required longitudinal
force generalized for the deplsnation of the section (longitudinal
bimoment) end the second the generalized transverse force in deformation
of the contour (the transverse bimoment). We thus have four required
ma~itudes Ul(z’),VI(Z), PI(Z), =d Ql(z) representing generalizations
~ of four magnitudes that exe well knom in the theory of the resistance
of materials on the bending of beems: the deflection y(z), the angle
/\ of rotati~ of the section y’(z), the bending moment M(z), end the
ji transverse force Q(z).
..J The arbitary constants of the integration are detemnined by the
boundary conditions which, depending on &he type of problem may be
given in generalized displacements U1 and Vl, in generalized forces P1
and Ql, or partly in displacements and partly in forces, only two condi-
tions being required at each of the bounding sections of the shell z = O,
z . 2. Thus for exemple if the hu?initely long shell with section
represented in figure 10 is acted upon by a concentrated transverse
horizontal force P the conditiam for determining the.constants of
titegration cm the pert 0< z<~ assume the form

\‘ — —

22 NACA TM X234


VI = o, G(CHU1 + ruVls) = O for Z=rn

The first and third conditions are kinematic and express the fact that
in the plene of action of the force P the deplsmation of the section
is equal to zero (section z = O by symmetry remains plane) ~d at
infinity the defamation of the contour becomes zero. The second and
fourth conditions are static snd refer to the generalized (in the sense
of virtual work) transverse force Q (the transverse bimoment) which
in the sectim z = O must be in equilibrium with the external transverse
load and at hfinity becomes zero.

In table 3 sre given the values of the generalized displacements

for various sections of the ~initely long shell, represented on figure 10
and loaded by a transverse horizontal force P. These displacements
snd stresses are ccmputed for shells consisting of three plates of
equal width snd thickness for a ratio of thickness to width of plate
equal to 0.01.

Jn the first row of table 3 sre given the values of the relative
coordinate C = ~ (d is the width of a plate), in the second row are
given the.magnitudes proportional to the longitudinal displacements U1
of the right jo3nt of the “frame” of the cross-section; the third row
refers to the transverse displacements VI (deflection of the horizontal
plate), de~ez?niningthe deformation of the contour of the secticm of the
shell. from these displacements are determined the transverse bending
moments of the shell arising from the stiffness of the joint of the
plates (horizontal snd vertical). The maximum bending moments, according
to the graph showp in figure 9, arise at the joints of the transverse frame
and ace determined by the formula

in which the plus sign refers to the left aad the minus si~ to the
rl@t joint. LU the fo~fi.hZVY;Of the table me given the magnitudes
proportional to the longitudinal normal stresses IS= a({) referring
to the points of juncture of the cross+ection. The graph of these
stresses over the section z = constant agrees with the graph of the
depknation of the section, shown in figure 6. The last row refers to
the tangential stresses T = T(c) forming in the section z = Constmt
the flow of shearing forces s = Tb.
NACA TM 1234 23

The values of the displacemmts end stresses given in table 3 refer

to the secticms of the shell with positive abscissas C = ~= constant.
For,sections with negative abscissas the magnitudes V1 and u retain

while “Ul and “T reverse thefr signs. It is seen from
table 3 that the deflections VI of the horizontal plate and therefore
the transverse bending moments proportional to the deflections (the
graph of these moments as a function of L is shown in fig. 9) decrease
&t = slower rate with increase in distance from the plane ~f action of
the force than the stresses 0.

5. Prismatic Shell tith Closed Rectangular Sectian

As a second example we consider a shell having in the cross-ection

a closed rectangular contour with two axes of symnetry (fig. n).

According to the theory developed above, the elementary transverse

lamina dz = 1 of such a shell possesses 4° of freedom both in the plane
aud about the plane of the cross+ection. The deplanation of the section
and the deformation of the contour are each represented by a single paramter.

Referring the cross-section of the shell to the principal central

axes Ox, Oy the required displacements U(z,s) of an arbitrary petit
(z,s) of thetidfle surface is represented in the form

u = ul~ + U2% + U3Q3 + U4Q4, v = Vlvl + V2*2 + V3*3 + V4*4 (5.1)


%=1, Q2 = x(s), ~3= Y(s), P4=X(S)Y(S)


VI = h(s), *2 = x~(s), *3= Y’(S), W4= Xt(s)y(s) + X(s)y’(s)

where x(s), y(s) are the coordinates of an arbitrary point of the contour
determined by the distance s along the contour, h(s) is the length of
the perpendicular dropped from the center of the rectangle on tineline of
the contour; the primes denote derivatives with respect to the parameter s.

The ma@itudes Ui(z)(i = 1,2,3,4) refer to the generalized

longitudinal displacements of the shell and for chosen functions Qi(s)
(i = 1,2,3,4) the magnitudes Ul(z) are the displacements of the
section z . constant in the direction of the Oz axis, the
24 NACA TM 1234

magnitudes U2(Z) and U3(Z) are the angles of rotation of the section
z = constant relative to the axes Oy, Ox, respectively, and the
magnitude U4 is the generalized d.eplsnationof the section. The
magnitudes Vk(Z) (k = 1,2,3,4) represent: VI(Z) – the angle of
rotation of the section relative to the axis Oz (angle of torsion),
VP(Z), V3(Z) – the deflections la the direction of the axes Ox
and Oy, and V4(Z) - the generalized deformation of the contour of the

It is easily shown that for chosen functions ~i(s) ~d $k(s)

the system of differential equations (2.16) breaks down into four
independent systems of equations. Of these systems three refer to
tension (compression) and bending of the shell as a beam following the
hypothesis of plane sections. This hypothesis in the first of
formulas (5.1) is represented by the sum of the first three terms. The
fourth system of equations consists of three simultaneous differential
equations in the functions U4(Z), VI(Z), snd V4(Z). having out h ‘
our problem the case of tension end bending we consider the equilibrium .
of the shell in the case where it is acted on by external forces giving
rise to torsion, de lanation of the section end deformation of the
contour (fig. 12(b)7 .

Ih figure 13 is given the diagrmof the function ~(e) = x(s)y(s)

characterizing the law of variation of the longitudinal displacements
for a unit deplanation V+* = 1. This function represents a generaliza-
tion of the law of sectorlal sreas previously given by us for thin-
walled open rods. Figures 14 and 15 give the diagrams of the
functions Y4 = (p4t(s),VI = h(s). The signs of the magnitudes ~1
and *4 on these diagrams are denoted by amowe. The letters denote
the length of the sides of the rectengle (fig. n). Figure 16 gives the
diagram of the transverse bending moments corresponding to the generalized
deformation of the contour, taken equal to one. This dia~am as well as
the diagram of unit deplanation shown in figure 13 is antisymmetric .
relative to both axes of symmetry of the section. The maximum bending
moment erising ~t the juncture point of the contour for unit generalized
deformation V4 = 1 is determined by the formula

M= 12
dl @J1) + d2 (FJJ2)

in which J3 end J2 are the moments of inertia of the vertical md

horizontal elements of the closed rectangular freme of width dl, d2.
If the shell consists of only rectangular plates having stiff junctures
513 J 823
at the ribs J1 = ~ 2== and therefore

NACA TM 1234

M= (.5.4)
dll513 + d2 823

E@anding equations (2.11) for the case of torsion of the shell,

computing the coefficimtm of these equations ‘byformulas (2.13), and
using the diagrams given in figures 13> 14, end 15, we obtain

~lk112 ~2(F1 + F2)U4° -~G(d2%?2 + d2?F~U4-~G(d12F2 –d2%l)V1t

~ G(d@2 – ~2F~U4’ + ~ <d12F2 + d22F1)V1°

+ ~G(dl~2 –d22Fl)V4° +ql=o (5.5)

dll(EJl) +~1(~2)

are the widths of the vertical and horizontal plates, Fls

F2, the cross-ection areas of these plates, P4 = P4(Z), !lI= ql(z), –

%= @z), the generalized external forces referring to unit length of
! the shell and computed by the formulas

~ P4=JP(Z+)’W(S)-

1’ ‘
:, ,
;, in which p(z,s) ,and q(z,s) are the loads referred to unit mea of the
/1. middle surface of the shell end acting in the direction of the generator
and contour line respectively.
26 NACA TM 1234

H the shell is acted upon by a transverse verticsl load q(z)

applied in the plane of some vertical plate (fig. 12(a)) we have

P1 = 0, !ll=$!J?2, %=-2 ~ qd2 (5.7)

The equations (5.5) may be represented in another form, by taking

for the unlmown function the longitudinal normal stress u . a(Z) and
the transverse bending moment M = M(z) referring to the juncture
-pointof the contour. We have


E.liminatingfrom equation (5.5) U4 and V4 with the aid of

formulas (5.8) end denoting the eagle of torsion of Vi(z) by 6(z),
for PI = 0, ql = -q4 = ~ we obtain

FZ + F2 ~,,-— ~ 1
—q =0
6 al%? + 2d~

4 --—
Gd12F2 ~2F1

The first two of these equations form a symmetric system relative to

the functions a = a(z) ‘and M = M(z) and h the case of the homogeneous
problem reduce to en equation of the fourth order for CJ and M

# - 2A2u”+ B4U = O, MN - 2A2M” + B% = O (5.10)

or to an equation of the sixth order for the angle of torsion e(z)

g~ - 2A2# + B4@ = O (5.11)

NACA TM 1234 27

where A and B m-e the generalized elastic characteristics determined

by the fornmlas

A2 . 24 1+ 1
al (EJI) + d2 (W2) (q2F1 Gd12F2
I I )

B4 = 3U 1
d12~2(Fl +F2) dl/J1 + %IJ2

Equation (5.10) is the fundamental differential equation of the

shell here considered having 1° of freedom for deplsnation of the section
snd one for defamation of the contour. By deterndning frcm this
equation the function u(z) and then by equations (5.9) the remaining
functions M(z), 19(z), adding to the integrals of the homogeneous
equations the particular solutions of the nonhomogeneous system (5.9)
we obtain the general integral for the problem here considered. The
general solution will be found with an accuracy up to 6 independent
arbitrsry const=ts. For determintig the latter it is necessary in
each particular case to use the boundary conditions which in the given
problem till.consist of three conditions on each of the ends of the
shell. Thus for example, in the case of a shell hinged at the fixed
ends 2=0,2 = Z the boundary conditions have the following form

a=M= .9. 0 for z = O; o.M= El= O for z = 2 (5.13)

Writing out these conditions we obtain six equations with six

srbitrsry constants of integration of the system (5.9).

We may remark that h addition to the accurate solution here

described, equations (5.9) for the boundary conditions (5.13) can be
integrated with the aid of trigonometric series. Bear@ h mtnd
conditions (5.13) the solution of equations (5.9) for q = constant
may b? written in the form
28 NACA TM 1234


e= x ~
sin (al- l)fiz
n=l,2. .. 2

where an, ~, end en are the required expansim coefficients of

equation (5.14). Substituting (5.14) in (5.9) we obtain


= O (n= 1,2,3,.. .)
cx@pc(2n -1)

—.-—.... . . ,. . . .

NAJ2ATM1234 29

From these e uations and series (5.14) the required functicns u(z),
M(z), aud 9Tz) may be determined with any initially given degree of
accuracy in the case where the shell is acted upon by a vertical
uniformly distributed load q in the plane of any vertical plate
(fig.‘12). We may remark”that”the series (5.24) for equations (5.15)
possess very good convergence and for practical purposes may be
restricted to the two or three first terms of the expansion, equation (5.14).

Equations (5.9) represent a particular case of the general eight

term equaticms pro-posedby the author as early as 1931 (references 2, 3, 4).
These equations, thanks to the independent characteristics (elastic E, G,
gemetric dl, ~, Fl, F2, Jl, J2), permit consider= practicS.llY
important problems on the computation of thin+alled aeronautical end
structural shells of closed rectangular cros~ection. Thus, for example,
if the shell is reinforced by ribs or diaphra+gnathen for a sufficient
stiffhess of the transverse frames we can set EJl . EJ2 . m; equa-
tions (5.9) then go over tito the equations of a shell with rigid
(nondefomable) contour.

In the case of a shell consisting only of rectangular thin plates

hing~onnected along the ribs, the second of equations (5.9), which
represents according to the general theory given in the works of the
author (references 3 end 4) the equation of continuity of the angular
defamations on the contour line of the cross+ection, drops out. b
the remaining two equations the moments M must be set equal to zero.
We obtain two eqwtions for a and e referring to the shell with
zero moment.

If in equations (5.9) the elastic generalized characteristics GFl

and GF2 referring to the deformations of shear axe set equal to
infinity, we shall have the case considered in detail h the work of
the author (reference 3) and referring to a shell having the properties
of deforming with longitudinal tension (compression) of the fibers of
the shell end with bending of the elementary closed frame of the cross-
section. l%om this short analysis the meauing of the generalized
elastic characteristics A2 B4 of one of the eqmtions (5.1O), (5.U)
is explained. It is clear {hat h the case of the loading of the shell
by a nonsymmetrical load the stresses and deformations determined on
the basis of the solution here described must be combined corresponding
to the stresses end deformations arising as a result of bending of the
shell as a beam. The elementary theory of the bending of beams, as
is seen from the above discussion, constitutes a particular case of the
general theory here given.

6. Example of the Computation of a Sheu of Composite %ction

We consider a shell with the section shown in figure 18. We assume

that this shell is attached in some mamner to the supports z . 0,

II -
30 NACATM 1234

z = 1 and is acted upon by a single transverse load, perpendicular tc

the sxis of symnetry of the section. Of the required generalized
displacements in this case of loading two will be longitudinal, Ul>
U2, end three transverse, Vl, V2, V3. Figure 19 shows the antisynmmtrical
diagrems of the orthogonal functions ~, q2 correspondfig to the
displacements U1 and U2. Of these functions ~ represents the law
of linear distributi~ of the displacements over the section z = constsnt.
The function ~ represents the deplsnation of the section. The
generalized longitud.huilforces corresponding to the generalized
displacements U1 d % ti12 be the bending moment about the sxis
of symmetry and the bimoment.

Figure 20 shows the dia~ams of the functions Xl, $2, end *3

corresponding to the generalized transverse displacements Vl, V29
and v 3“ me magnitude VI represents the deflecticm of the shell in
the direction perpendicular to the axis of symmetry, V2 – the angle
rotation about the point c on the axis of symmetry, Va the generalized
deformation of the contour of the section. The chosen kctions $1,
$2, ~d +3 are orthogonal.

Expanding equations (2.11), computing the coefficients of these

equations by formulas (2.13) snd using the diagmms given for the
functions Ql, 92, ~~~ Q2t5 +~, $2) *3 assuming that the plates
are hing~onnected to each other (the she~ has zero moment) we obtain
for the dimensions end loads shown in figure 18 aud for E = 2G the
~Fd2U1° - 4~1 +

w Ult+EFd
38 ~l?__ 1096
p FU2+:
z 62

FdU2s+z 33 FdV2
2 11=– -—
3&. ,fim +J&
IT 81 T 2~3i
( )
NACA TM 1234 31

w%ere F = db, 5 – thickness of the plate, PI> Pp ~d P3 the ~it

transverse loads. We take 5 = 0.01 m, d = 0.50rn end 2 = 3.00m.
We —-----
assume that the shell is Mn.ge-connected on the supports z = O,
Z = 2. Then forz=O, z=2 ‘“

=0 (6.2)

For these boundary conditimm equations (6.1) can be solved by the

“approxhate” methd h the form of trigonometric series for U
in cos (nfiz/2) end for V in sin (nfiz/2). Restricting ourselves to
the first terns of the expansicm, assuming ‘1 = ccmstaut, P2 = constant,
= constent end solving the system of algebraic equations wQich are
obtained from equatims (6.1) on substituting in them

U1=Alcos ~,..., 4
V3 = B3 Sti ~, (6.3)

we shalJ have

U1 = $ (-616P1 - 213P2 - 213P3) cos ~

U2 = $ (124P1 - 363P2 + 126P3) cos ~

VI =; (52n1 + 514T2 + 52~3) sfi~ (6.4)

VP = ~ (-@Pi + 162P2 + 432P3) s~~

V3 = ~ (163P1- 536P2 + 245P3) Silly

The normal stresses U(Z,S) are determined by the formula

~ au
a= —= E(Ul*~ +U2tg2) (6.5)

32 NACA TM X234

where ~=~(~) ad P2(E) are the generalized coordinates

represented in figure 19. Substituting the obtained values U1 = Ul(z)
end up =U2(Z) in equation (6.5) we obtain

al = (+645P~ + 223P2 + 223P3)q(s) Siny

~2 . (-I.30P1+ 380P2 - 132P3)g2(s) sti~ (6.6)

l?romthe fir8t of these equations

— are determined the normal stresses a,
referring to the bending of the shell as a beam (n represents the L
distence from the sxis of symmetry of the section to the point of the
contour.) The second of formlas (6.6) refers to the stresses arising
as a result of the deplana.tionof the section.

The maximum stresses al end U2 srise in the middle trmsverse

section for z = ~), Pl, P2, P me the intensities of the transverse
( .3
loa~s in kilogr- per meter. The stresses rY detemdned by formulas (6.6)
me obtained in kilograms per meter2. By compaxing al, IS2 it fo~ows
that the stresses ‘2 due to the bimoment are of the sane order as the
stresses ul due to the bending. Thus for example if the she~ is
acted upon by only a single transverse load P2> then setting in

equation (6.6) P1 = P3=0 we obtain z =~


al ‘ aE#P-Jd, C2 = 380P2P2(S) (6.7)

For the lower point a of the intersection of the end “verticsll

plate with the inclined one according to figure 19 we shall have

up = +223p2d = 223 X 0.5P2 = 111.5P2

(in kg/m2) (6.8)
02a . –380P2 —d= -380 x 0.14p2 = ~3.3p2

The total stress at this point will be

8 = 58.2P2 (in kg/m2 )

—.,. ., .,,, _.. ,., .-.——. — - ..-.--..—.-. — .

NACA TM 1234 33

It is seen from this example that the factor of deplanation of the

section is of essential.significance. We maY remark that from the
formula (6.6) for U2 it ~ollows that there-existe a system of loads Pl,
., P2, .?. for which deplanation of,the qecticm is absent. These loads in
the-g?ven example are evidently connected by the relation

–130P1 + 380P2 -132P3 = o (6.9)

7. On the Principle of Sain&Venant in the Theory of Shells

Let the shelJ with the cross-ection shown in figure 11 have the

dl=~=d, b~=b2=~ (7.1)

The moments of inertia ‘1 end J2 in the absence of ribs assume the


Jl = J2=Z (7.2)

where 5 is the thickness of the plates of the shell which in the

given case we assume the same. Further let E = 2G.

We consider an infinitely long shell and assume that at the initial

section there is applied a system of longitudinal forces reducing to a
bimoment and therefore representing the balsnce~ longitudinal load corre-
sponding to the deplanation of the section. The distribution of the
stresses u due to such load statically equivalent to zero over the
section z = constant is defined by the sntisymmetrical diagram shown
in figure 13. We assume further that the system of longitudinal forces
is such that the no- stress due to these forces at a juncture point
of the cross+ection is in absolute value eq@ to unity. The
tangential stresses at the initial section z = constsnt till be considered
equal to zero (fig. 21).

Setting in equations (5.5) p = 2, p = q = O, uBing the dimen–

sions (7.1), integrating these equations snd remembering the above
boumiary conditions at the intial section z = O and the condition of
~, finiteness at z = m we obtain a definite solution for the infinitely
long shell of square section loaded at the initial section by a single
balanced longitudinal load.

Tn figur; 22 are shown the graphs of the variation of the

magnitudes ~ proportional to the normal stress a = cr(z) as a

Il.. — —
34 NACA TM 1234

function of the positian of the eec~im along the she~. Iu figure 23

are given the graphs of the variation of the _itude V4/d2 propo~
tional to the transverse bending mcunent M and characterizing the
defamation of the contour of the shell. On these graphs along the
axis of abscissas sre’laid off the relative coordhates ~ = $ giving
the distance in fractions of the width of the plate d from the origin
z = O to the section z = constsnt under consideration. On the exis of
ordinates are laid off in figure 22 the values u8/d end on figure 23,
V /d2 computed for different values of the ratio 8/d of the thickness
0$ the plate to its width.

l?romthe graphs for u = Eu* shown in figure 22, it is seen that

for a thiclmess of she~ 5 = O.Old the normal stresses u due to
the bslanced lmgitudhml load do not have the character of local
stresses and decrease very slowly with increas~ distsnce from the
point of application of this load. Even at sectims at a distance z = 8d
from the initial section these stresses constituted 20 percent of the
given stress at the section z = O. The rate of decrease depends on
the ratio 5/d. On increasing this ratio the rate of decrease increases.
This increase however does not occur rapidly enough for the stresses
determined by the fourth term of formula (5.1) end arising from the
deplanation of the secticm to have the character of locsl stresses.
For the case ~= O.l the stresses a h the secticm z = 2.7od still
remain appreciable.

From the example given it follows that the principle of Saint-

Venant, as alrea~y severa3 times noted in our previous works (references 1
and k); has a restricted field of application ~ the theory of she~s.
Thus, for example, for the shell here considered for ~.
~ 0.01 and for
a length not exceeding 15 to 20 times the width of a single plate the
stresses u due to the balanced longitudinal load applied at both
ends of this shell, even at the middle cross-section at the greatest
distance from the ends of the shell constitute 25 to 30 percent of the
given stresses at the end sections z = O, z = 2. Thus, in practical.
problems the stresses due to the balanced longitudinal.(or transverse)
loau for thin shells of ftiite length will not be local stresses. The
principle of Saint-Venant applicable in a practical sense to dense bodies
can lead, on application to shells, as has been shown in our work on
thin-willed rods, to false results. It fo~ows that the elementary
theory of the bending of shells as beams represented by the first three
terms of the general.law (5.1) and based essentially on the principle of
Saint-Venant is applicable to particular cases, namely, when the external
forces snd the boundary conditions are such that the bimoment of the
longitudinal forces associated with the deplanation of the section is
equal to zero, that is in those cases where the system of equations (5.5)
has a zero solution. b the light of our discussion above, the principle
of Sain&Venant has a restricted field of application slso in the theory
of shells.. Thus if the closed circular cylindrical shell is sub~ected
at the sections z = O, z = 2 to normal stresses varyhg along the
section uccording to the law COS26 where f3 is the central.augle, and
NACA TM 1234 35

reducing therefore to a balanced longitudinal load, the stresses in the

center cross-section z . ~ for a length of shell 2 = 20R end thick-
ness b = O.OIR (R is the radius of the circle) constitute, as shown
by th=’investigqticms of the author, from 40 to 50-pement-of the given
stressee at the end sections. With decrease h the thickness 5 of the
shell the stresses in the section z = ~ increase. la the case of a
shell with zero moment the stresses over the entire length remati constsnb.
~ the cylindrical or prismatic shell the stresses due to the balsnced
longitudinal forces at each of the sections z = O, z = Z have the
character of locsl stresses only h the case of a sufficiently thick sheil
for R> ~ , or if the thin shells for a thickness $<~ are reinforced
30 30
over the length by sufficiently rigid ribs.

The problem brought out above connected with the principle of

Saint-Venant can be easily investigated with the aid of equations (5.5)
by varying in these equations the magnitudes Jls J2 representing for
a ribbed shell mesn (referring to unit length) reduced moments ~f inertia
of the longitudinal sectiong of the shell. With increase in the mesm
bending stiffnesses EJl and EJ2 of the elements of the transverse
closed frsme the rate of decrease of the stresses due to the longitudinal
balsnced load increases. For EJl = EJ2 = m, that is in the case of a

shell with rigid contour, the additional stresses connected with the
deviation from the hypothesis of plane sections for longitudinal b~~anced
load will have a local character. This remark refers to shells of
closed profile. ti the case of shells end thin-walled rods of open
profile the stresses due to the bimoment, even in the absence of
deformation of tiiecmltour of the section, extend over a considerable
pert of the length of the shell and do not have the cheracter of “local”

8. &nerd Theory of the Vibrations of Prismatic


Multiply<onnected Shells

general differential equations (2.11) for the coefficients of
these equations (2.13) snd free terms (2.15) refer to the problem of the
equilibrium of thin-walled spatial multiply-connected prismavic shell.
These equations are generalized also to the theory of the vibraticm of
such shells. For this it is necessary in equations (2.11) to understand
by the forces pi and ~ tnertia forces arising from the vibrations
of the shell for given forms, with an accuracy up to a certain number of .
parameters, of the longitudinal and transverse displacements.

Considering the displacements u and v of any point of the

mrface of the shell as a function of three independent variables z, s, t
where t is the time, Y is.the weight of unit volume of the ~teri~,
and g the acceleration of gravity, we can write
36 NACA TM X234

78 al 75 a2v
q=-—— (8.1)
E!’#’ g #
From the above formlas are dete-ed the surface inertia forces, that
is the forces referred to unit surface area. These forces act as
follows: ~ in the direction of the generator, and T in the direction
of the tangent to the contour line of the tangent to the contour line
of the cross-section. Setting, accordingto equations (1.1) and (1.2)

u= Ui(Zjt)~i(S) (i = 3-S2S000Sm), v = Vk(z,t)Vk(s) (k= 1,2,..., m)


Substituting these values in (8.1) and computing the free terms of the
equaticms (2.1.1)by formulas (2.15) we obtain

y ~- a2
-& Jf(z,t)
pj(Z,t) = ‘;Lat P+) @ m
qh(z,t) = ‘;~ +@jt)
J $k(s)ij-(s) ~

Or taking into account for@las (2.13)

Pj(z,t) = ‘Z ~“a~i -&i(z,t) (i = 1,2,..., m)
g at-

qh(z,t) = ‘~~rhk _&j+,t) (k= 1,2,..., n)
Equations (2.11) in the case of the dynamic problem will.have the form

~ Xajiui” - ~ bjiui - ~ ~ a~~ui - ~ c~~Vkt + & pj” = O


—“\ chiui‘+K__r Vk” ‘~~~@k- ~~~Vk+&qh 0=0

L ‘k g~
. .. . . . . ,.. ... ..

NACA TM 1234 37

where the derivatives with respect to the coordinate z are denoted by

primes and those with respect to the time t by dots, pdo = Pal%, t),
qh” “= qh”(z,t) denote the generalized external longitudinal end
trsnstikrse”forcesconsidered as’’functias of z “and t and computed by
formulas (2.15). If these forces are absent we have homogeneous equations
in partial derivatives referring to the free vibraticms of shells. These
vibrations, as is seen from equations (8.5), will be harmonic.

Using the method of the separation of variables we obtain a system

of homogeneous ordinary linear symnetricsl differential equaticms with a
parameter determining the frequency of the natural vibrations of the
shell. With these differential eqmticms and the associated homogeneous
statical, kinematic, or mixed boundary conditions (depending on the
ch.matter of the problem), the frequency and the fozm of the vibrations
of the multiply%onnected shell are determined as of a spatial,
discretely continuous system, the cross-sections of which do not remain

IX the boundary conditions are such that for z = O, z = 2

Ui’ = 0 (i = 1,2 ,...jm,) Vk= O (k=l,2,..., n) (8.6)

the fundamental functions’of the homogeneous differential equations

will be

Ui~(Z,t) = }.iCOSv~ sinuyt, Vkv(z,t) = 13ksin~+sinu@ (8.7)

Substituting (8.7) in equations (8.5) we obtain with pjo . qho . 0

for Aij I& a symmetrical system of homogeneous differential algebraic
equations. Equating the detemninsnt of this system to zero we obtain the
characteristic equation for the frequency of vibrations ~. Since the
initial equations are,symmetrical all the frequencies of vibration will
always have real values independently of the shape of contour of the
shell cross-section.

The investigations conducted by the author on the vibrations of

thin-walled rods and shells show that the fundamental frequency of
,, vibration will always be below that frequency which is obtained on the
basis of the existing elementary theory of Rayleigh. In particular,
* for a shell of the type of a wing of an airplane, this frequency obtained
b on the basis of the theory here developed may be 3 to 4 times below the
frequency obtained from the usual computation.

38 NACA TM 1234

9. General Remarks

The method here developed can be used to obtain the solution of the
plane problem of the theory of elasticity for a rectangular regime Thus,
for ex&ple, for the case of the plane persXlel state of the rectangular
plate the b~hsmmnic problem leads to a system of symmetrically constructed
ordinary differential equations

(i, j = 1,2,..., m; k,h = 1,2,..., n)

where v is the Poissm coefficient, Ui =ui(z) (i= 1,2,... m),

~k=~k(d (k=l,2,... n) are the required generalized longitudinal
and transverse displacements respectively, pi = Qi(s) (i =1,2,..., M),
, ,..., n) me given functions depending on the
Vk = ~k(e) (k = 12
positicm of the point alon the width of the plates and detez?nining
accordhg to equation (1.17 the state of the longitudinal and transverse
displacements over the section z . constant. Th9 functions qi(s)
md $k(s) on the longitudinal edges of the plates must satisfy only
the kinematic conditions. In choosing these functions the rectangular
plate cen be divided along its width by a number of narrow strips and
within the l~ts of each such strip the assumption of linear distributia
of the longitudinal end transverse displacements can be made within the
limits of the width of a strip. h the paz%iculer case of m = 1, n = 1
we obtafi a system of two differential equations of the second order.
These equaticms for ~ = $1 = s
end for the coordinate s measured
from the center point of the width of the plate will refer to the case
of the bending of a plate. If the coordinate B is measured from the
lower edge of the plate, then for ~ =~1 = s we shall have equations e
IIACATM 1234 39

referrtig to a narrow rectangular plate which over its entire lower edge
is rigidly fixed agdnst vertical and horizontal displacements, etc.

-. Wemayr~k, that, in contrast to equations (2.11),”f3qWti0ns (9.1)

were obtained tith account taken of the tensile deformations o-f”
the plate
over its width. Eqwtions (9.1) in agreement with what was said above
represent the generalized equations of the theory of bend- of beams
and make possible the solution of a number of problems. To such problems
for exsmple belong the contact yroblem on the computation of a beam
lying on an elastic base not follcndng the hypothesis of Winlcler,the
problem of the local stresses W a narrow plate loaded by two concentrated
forces applied on one vertical along the longitudinal edges of’the plate
snd directed toward various sides, etc.

For the cylindrical shell of arbitrary contour the differential

equations in the variables u = U(z,s), v = V(z,s), ti accordance with
the assumptions here made for b = constant have the form


where P and Q are terms depending on the surface load, R = R(s) is

the radius of curvature. Equations (9.2) in contrast to the equations
of Love have a symmetrical structure. It is not difficult to show that
if the cylindrical shell is considered as prismatic end the number of
sides is increased to infinity the system (2.11) in the limit passes
over into the equations (9.2). Equations (9.2) can be integrated by the
method of the s@ration of vexiables. Setting (for P = Q-= O)

u = Z(z)cp(s), v = Zt(z)lf(s), z“ = A2Z(Z) (9*3)

where A* is an undetemnined multiplier, we obtain

+ G@’ + G*C = O

82 d2 Id d2 d
G@+m?$+ CR— -— —R 3_z_=o (9.4)
12(1-+) ( ‘s ds2 ‘Rds )[ ds’2 ~+ 1

40 NACA TM 1234

The parsmeter X is found by solving the corres ending homogeneous

boundary problem described by the equations (9.47 and the homogeneous
boundsz’yconditions an the rect-ar edges of the.shell. h the case
of a shell with rigid contour the problem reduces to the integration of
the equations

a(m) + b(Tb) _ ~ 1 b
.— + ~“xf+ ~“yt + e?’~t = o
az as
E & G az

for the additional inte~al conditions



udX+m+ —u =0
2 [1

lh equations (9.5) ~ = 5(z), q = q(z), and e = 19(z) are respectively

the deflections and sngle of torsion, x = x(s), y = y(s), 0= m(s) we
respectively the ctiesia coordtites and the sectorial area. b
equations (9.6) the intewals sre taken over the entire contour of the
section for the variable dF = bds, T . T(z) denoting the shesring

Translation by S. Reiss
Nationsl Advisory Committee
for Aeronautics
NACA TM 1234

1. Vlaeov, V. Z.: Thin4alled Elastic Rods.Gosstroizdat, 1940.

2. Vlasov, V. z.: Stroitelnaya Romishlennost. 1931, No. 11, 12.

3. Vlaeov, V. Z.: New Method of Comput~ Prismatic Composite Systems.

Gosstroizdat, 1933.

4. VZasov, V. Z.: The Structural Mechanics of Shells. Goestroizdat, 1935.

5. Vlasov, V. Z.: RciklailnayaMatematika i Mel&anika, 1944, Vol. VIII,

No. 2.

U1 U* ... % ‘2 ““”

+UD -C12D ... -chD

7~)D2 - b21 Ya22D2 - b22 .0. 7~D2 -b% -C21D +22D ... -cmD

..* ● ✎ ✎ .00 ..9 . . . ● ** .*. .,, ● ☛☛

● ✌☛ ✎ ✎ ✎ .** ..9 .** ● .* .** . . . ● am

. . . 7~D2 -~ -D -ctiD ... %nnD

c1lD c12D .*. c@ .9. r~~ - 7sM

C21D C22D ... caD r21D2 - y,21 r22$ -7022 >.0 rmD2 - 7s~

. . . . . . .*. ..* ● ✎☛ ✎ ✎ ✎ ● ** ● ** ● 9*

. . . 9. . ... . . . .9. . . . ● ** .** ● ☛☛

c~D ctiD ● ** cd ... rmD2-7~



U1 .*. Um VI ..*
‘2 — I —

ya11D2 -bll %2
9.. .**

ya.&’ -b2~ . . . .**


.0. . . . . . . ● ☛☛

● ** ● o* . . . ✎☛☛

. . . ..9
— —

CUD C12D . . . ..9

C21D C22D ■ ,. ● .*

. . . . . . . . . ● **

● . . ● . . ● *. .,.

ctiD ctiD 9.. ● 0.


44 NACA TM X234

1 2 3 4 8 12 10 02

0.516 0.639 0.626 0.570 0.334 0.189 0.108 0

.7.90 15.92 13.93 .2.17 6.93 3.92 2.24 0

2.48 ● 301 -.426 -.625 -.459 -.261 -.149 0

–.437 -. 38I. -.331 -.289 -.164 –.og2 -.053 0

, I

l?ACATM 1234 “45



Figure 1.

Figure 2.


IL —– —

$-- 9-

m 7
Figure 4.

1 l-r-q
? .—
l-- ‘—=

1’ /1
// ///1
Figure 6. Figure 7.

Y, (s)

NACATM 1234 47


?/{ /////////////////// //

Figure 10.

z x


Figure 12.

48 , I’iJWATM X234


4 dz



If -)



/ I

Figure 14.

~,= h (d V4=I .-1


Figure 15.

... .... .... . .. ...

. .


., -— .

Figure 16.

Figure 17.

i- U’-or.-+-+
Figure 18.

NACA TM 1234


Figure 19.

\ \
\ I
\ . I
\\ J \

+ 8

Figure 20.

NACATM 1234 51

-, .-. , .

---- —-




/2 /4
R /0

.,- ,,
-.. :;’&:m


.. . .

:, -



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