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Practice: Failures in Implant Dentistry

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• Different areas of failure are discussed.
• Operator factors, patient factors and anatomic factors pre-disposing to failure
are presented.
• Most failures can be prevented with proper treatment planning.
Failures in implant dentistry
W. Chee1 and S. Jivraj2

This article describes the many failures and complications that can occur when using implants to support restorations.
Most of these failures can be prevented with proper patient selection and treatment planning. Implant failures can be
largely classified into four main categories: 1) loss of integration, 2) positional failures 3) soft tissue defects, and 4) biome-
chanical failures. Each of these will be discussed with examples to illustrate the problem.

IMPLANTS LOSS OF INTEGRATION and minimal resources have been spent on the
1. Rationale for dental implants
This is an infrequent occurrence with multi cen- prostheses. The major clinical problem in these
tre studies and several meta-analyses indicating situations is delay of completion of treatment
2. Treatment planning of implants in
posterior quadrants 93% survival rates of dental implants.1,2 There and patient management. When non cylindri-
are indications that implants are more success- cal implants are used, more trauma is caused on
3. Treatment planning of implants in
the aesthetic zone ful in the mandible than the maxilla.2 In addi- removal; this can lead to severe hard and soft
4. Surgical guidelines for dental
tion, it has also been shown that implants are tissue loss. Reconstruction of these defects may
implant placement more successful in host bone than grafted bone.3 require multiple surgeries (Figs 5-8). Placement
5. Immediate implant placement: Though it is disappointing for the patient and of non cylindrical implants should be avoided
treatment planning and surgical steps the clinician to have an implant fail to integrate, for this reason.
for successful outcomes the morbidity on failure is low when cylindri- A more difficult problem to manage is when
6. Treatment planning of the cal implants are employed. Often a re-attempt there is bone loss that occurs on an integrated
edentulous maxilla
at implant placement with a larger diameter implant often referred to as peri-implantitis; this
7. Treatment planning of the implant or a bone graft followed by an implant often manifests after the definitive restorations
edentulous mandible
will allow successful osseointegration (Figs 1-4). have been placed. This type of bone loss is usu-
8. Impressions techniques for implant This type of failure occurs mostly before load- ally progressive in nature (Fig. 9). In these situ-
ing the implant with the definitive restoration ations a decision has to be made as to manage-
9. Screw versus cemented implant
supported restorations ment. Several choices are available:4-7 1) culture
and antibiotic therapy, 2) resective treatment
10. Designing abutments for
cement retained implant supported 1*Ralph W. and Jean L. Bleak Professor of Restorative Dentistry,
and 3) removal of the implants. There is no clear
Director of Implant Dentistry at the University of Southern evidence that any of the non surgical therapies
11. Connecting implants to teeth California School of Dentistry / Private Prosthodontics are successful in arresting the progress of peri-
Practitioner, Pasadena, California; 2Chairman, Section of implant bone loss. Removal of the implants or
12. Transitioning a patient from teeth
Fixed Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry, University of
to implants
Southern California School of Dentistry / Private Prosthodontics
resection of tissue to remove pocket depth seems
13. The role of orthodontics in implant Practitioner, Burbank, California to be the only predictable method of managing
dentistry *Correspondence to: Dr Winston Chee, School of Dentistry, Rm. this situation. This can lead to severe disfigure-
4374 University Park, University of Southern California, Los ment and poor aesthetics — in aesthetic areas
14. Interdisciplinary approach to
implant dentistry Angeles, CA 90089-0641, USA
Email: wchee@usc.edu this type of failure is most difficult to manage.
15. Factors that affect individual
tooth prognosis and choices in POSITIONAL FAILURE
contemporary treatment planning Refereed Paper
© British Dental Journal 2007; 202: 123-129 The most common type of failure is caused by
16. Maintenance and failures DOI: 10.1038/bdj.2007.74 poor treatment planning and/or poor surgical



Fig. 1 Implant provisional in place. execution. Implant placement must be control-

led and precise in order to support tooth like res-
torations, the restoration should guide implant
placement and planning for implant placement
must take into account the form and position
of the restoration.8-10 The incidence of this type
of failure has been estimated at 10%,1 however,
if more stringent criteria are applied it is likely
to be higher. This type of failure can easily be
avoided with proper treatment planning, proper
site development, use of surgical guides and a
good understanding of the restorative aspects of
implant dentistry by the surgeon.
Malposition of the implant can lead to bio-
Fig. 2 Occlusal view of implant
with provisional restoration
mechanical problems to the screw joint or in
removed – note health of soft severe situations to the implant itself due to
tissue. overload (Figs 10-11).
Ideally two-stage implants should be placed
with the platform of the implant 3-5 mm apical
to the gingival margins of the like tooth, ie if a
lateral incisor is to be replaced the contra-lateral
tooth should be used to determine the depth of
the implant. The implant should be placed with
at least 1 mm of bone circumferentially; this will
allow for the crestal bone loss which can occur
around the implant (Figs 12-15). Figures 16
and 17 illustrate how a well placed implant can
allow adequate aesthetics to be developed with
a sufficient volume of soft tissue present around
Fig. 3 Impression coping attached
and failing implant being removed.
the implant. When implants are not placed in
relation to teeth in aesthetic areas, poor aesthet-
ics will ensue. Figure 18 illustrates an implant
that has been placed to exit the soft tissue too
apically and labially; the resulting restoration
will appear much too long and out of propor-
tion with the other dentition (Fig. 19).
The difficulty of obtaining aesthetic results
increases when multiple teeth are to be replaced
with implants. Positional errors occur more
frequently for several reasons: 1) there is more
freedom for surgeons to place implants; 2)
the requirements for each implant site are as
stringent for single teeth and the likelihood of
Fig. 4 Implant removed and
remaining wound which usually
multiple ideal implant recipient sites is reduced.
heals without incident. The most common errors seen in these types of
cases are implants placed in the interproximal
areas and differing depth of implant placement.
When implants are placed in the interproxi-
mal areas it is impossible to obtain an aesthetic
result. Figures 20 and 21 illustrate how implants
placed poorly in the aesthetic zone impact res-
torations. It will be impossible to fabricate any
aesthetic restoration for implants in this position
— they are placed so closely that it is impossible
to develop any cervical form that will be tooth
like. Skillful technicians and use of pink porce-
lain can help to mitigate some situations; how-
ever, it is always a compromise (Figs 22-23). Dif-
Fig. 5 Failing non-cylindrical
implant removed.
fering depths of implant placement will result in
uneven exit of the implant restorations from the
soft tissue, again yielding less than ideal results.
In these multiple implant situations the most
apically placed implant should dictate the posi-
tions of the other implants placed. If the most
apically planned implant causes the other
implants to be too apical, the area should



be grafted prior to implant placement of the Fig. 6 Surgical wound from removal
implant site not used. Poor aesthetics as illus- of non-cylindrical implant.
trated in Figure 24 are the result of the implant
in the maxillary left lateral area emerging too
apically, resulting in a non-symmetrical display
of incisors. A silicone mask was delivered to the
patient to mitigate the poor aesthetics devel-
oped (Fig. 25).

Soft tissue
The soft tissue frames the restoration — careful
management of soft tissue must be considered
from the time extractions take place if the tooth
to be replaced is still present. Even a well placed
Fig. 7 Implants in Figure 5 in place.
implant will not allow good aesthetics if the soft
tissue is not present or not managed well with
the use of provisional restorations.11-15 Many
authors have written about methods of increas-
ing the volume of soft tissue.16-19 However,
most of the articles are case reports and without
sufficient follow-up. It is important to manage
soft tissue from the earliest stages of implant
treatment, ideally the importance of soft tissue
should be considered prior to extraction of the
tooth to be replaced. Figures 26 to 28 depict a
patient presentation where minimal hard and
soft tissue loss is seen on presentation. In Figure
Fig. 8 Ridge contour following hard
26 a removable partial denture is replacing the and soft tissue loss after removal of
maxillary left central incisor, minimal soft tis- failed non-cylindrical implants.
sue loss is evidenced by the partial denture hav-
ing no flange and presence of the inter-dental
papilla adjacent to the missing tooth. Figure 27
illustrates a breakdown of the surgical wound
and exposure of a membrane. Figure 28 shows
a severe soft tissue volume loss and subsequent
poor aesthetics.

Biomechanical failures
These types of failures range from loosening of
screws to breakage of implant components and
Fig. 9 Intra-oral view of implants
implants. These types of failures can be avoided with progressive bone loss.
with proper treatment planning, a good under-
standing of screw joint mechanics and knowl-
edge of the implant system used.
Screw loosening was an often reported prob-
lem with implant supported restorations, espe-
cially with single tooth restorations.20,21 This
was largely due to clinicians not having a good
understanding of the mechanics of a screw joint
and the implant manufacturers not providing
components and instrumentation that would
allow clinicians to maximise the retentive prop-
erties of the screw.22 In implant-restoration con-
Fig. 10 Malpositioned implants with
nections the screw acts much like a spring, the implant axis tilted severely lingually.
torque applied to the screw causes the threads
to engage and continued torque after the com-
ponents are seated causes the screw to elongate.
The rebound of the stretched screw clamps the
implant components together; this is known
as the preload. It has also been shown that this
preload is reduced after cyclic loading; therefore
it is imperative that proper torque is applied to
gain the maximum preload possible.23
Today there are components that allow us
to reach high preloads and devices that allow
us to control torquing forces.24,25 Implant



Fig. 11 Occlusal view of implants in manufacturers have also designed different

Figure 10. connections between implant components
and implants, for example early implants were
designed with external hexagons and com-
ponents were made to connect to this feature.
Today there are implants made with an internal
connection which are much more resistant to
screw loosening.26
Other types of biomechanical failure involve
fracture and breakage of prostheses. Many
of the materials used to restore implants are
Fig. 12 Frontal view of two stage
implant analogue in ideal position
derived from conventional restorative dentist-
with provisional restoration allowing ry, for example denture base resins. Complete
proper mesial-distal transition to denture wearers develop relatively little
proper contours. bite force compared to force generated with
implant supported restorations. Breakage is a
common failure of overdenture restorations
(Figs 29-30).
Metal fatigue of restorative materials can
also lead to breakage — the rigid connection of
implants to the bone demands that attention is
paid to the size of connectors (Fig. 31).
Fig. 13 Lateral view of implant
analogue and provisional restoration
Breakage of implants and implant compo-
in Figure 12 showing transition to nents can also occur;27 often this is due to poor
proper labial contours. treatment planning and exposing implants to
excessive forces. The implants in Figures 10
and 11 were eventually restored and after about
four years and repeated episodes of screw loos-
ening, the restoration and implants failed (Figs
32-33). Similarly the implant in Figures 34 and
35 was treatment planned as a single implant in
an incomplete dentition and a terminal tooth.
The implant was connected to the tooth causing
decay on the tooth, and eventually the implant
Fig. 14 Occlusal view of implant
analogue and abutment in Figure 12
to fracture under the load.
with soft tissue cast in place show- Iatrogenic failures also occur. Care must be
ing sub-mucosal contours developed taken when threading screws into implants;
with provisional restoration. when screws are cross threaded, damage to the
implant can occur and when too much force is
applied, breakage of the screw can occur. When
screws are cross threaded and broken they are
difficult to remove and can render the implant
unusable (Fig. 36).
Fig. 15 Clinical view of implant and
abutment in Figure 12 from occlusal
perspective showing soft tissue With proper patient selection and treatment
contours identical to soft tissue planning, using dental implants to support
contour developed on cast. restorations replacing missing teeth can
provide long lasting functional and aesthetic
restorations. However, when poorly executed,
many problems can arise. It is often said in
jest ‘An implant in the wrong position will
always integrate’. Unfortunately there is much
truth to this statement. Failure to integrate
is usually not as difficult to manage as an
Fig. 16 Occlusal view of an implant
placed in the ideal restorative
improperly positioned implant. This article
position. could also be titled ‘treatment planning for
dental implants’; most of the failures described,
except for the first section describing loss of
integration, can be prevented by proper treat-
ment planning and a sound understanding of
restorative aspects of dental implants, screw
joint mechanics and forces placed on implant
restorations and components. The key to pre-
venting these types of failures is proper treat-
ment planning.



Fig. 17 (left) Restoration on

implant in Figure 16. Good aesthet-
ics are possible when the implant is
placed in good restorative position.

Fig. 18 (right) Intra-oral view of

implant placed to exit too far

Fig. 19 (left) Good aesthetics are

not possible with poor implant

Fig. 20 (right) Occlusal view of

poorly placed implants in the
aesthetic zone.

Fig. 21 (left) Anterior view of

provisional restoration placed on
implants in Figure 20. Due to the
poor mesio-distal position of the
implants, good aesthetics in the
cervical area of the restorations is
impossible to achieve.

Fig. 22 (right) Intra-oral view of

implants. The implant in the posi-
tion of the left lateral incisor is
interproximally placed between the
position of the left central and left
lateral incisor.

Fig. 23 (left) Implant restoration

of implants in Figure 22 with pink
porcelain to mask poor implant

Fig. 24 (right) Anterior view of

implant restoration with uneven gin-
gival contours. Implant in the position
of the right lateral incisor is exiting
too far apically resulting in a long
clinical crown for the restoration.

Fig. 25 (left) Anterior view of

implant restoration in Figure 24
with silicone mask in place.

Fig. 26 (right) Pre-operative view

of patient who is having implant
placed to restore maxillary left cen-
tral incisor. Note minimal hard and
soft tissue loss, provisional remov-
able partial denture has no flange.

Fig. 27 (left) Intra-oral view of

patient in Figure 26 showing wound
breakdown post-implant placement

Fig. 28 (right) Restoration of

implant in Figure 27, note the severe
loss of soft tissue and use of pink
porcelain on the restoration result-
ing in an aesthetic failure.



Fig. 29 (left) Teeth broken off

an overdenture prosthesis. Forces
generated on implant prostheses are
greater then conventional remov-
able partial dentures, however many
of the same materials are used.

Fig. 30 (right) Fractured overden-

tures are a common failure due
to increased forces and thinning
of acrylic bases to accommodate
implant components and tissue bars.

Fig. 31 (left) Intra-oral view

of fractured implant tissue bar.
The cantilevered attachment has

Fig. 32 (right) Occlusal view of

implants in Figure 11. Note the
buccal and mesial cantilever of the

Fig. 33 (left) The restoration

eventually fails together with the
implants due to high biomechanical

Fig. 34 (right) Implant restoration

together with fractured implant

Fig. 35 (left) Radiograph of

implant supporting restoration in
Figure 34. Note that the implant
has broken and the rest seat on the
restoration has caused decay on
the adjacent tooth.

Fig. 36 (right) Radiograph of abut-

ment screw that was cross threaded
and broken off, it could not be
removed from the implant.

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