Prolonged Retention, Ankylosis and Infraocclusion of Deciduous Teeth Ok Ok
Prolonged Retention, Ankylosis and Infraocclusion of Deciduous Teeth Ok Ok
Prolonged Retention, Ankylosis and Infraocclusion of Deciduous Teeth Ok Ok
deciduous teeth
Ankylosis most commonly affects lower deciduous molars.
14% of children at age 8-9 and 2% above 12 years) (Kurol, 1981).
More common among relatives
1. Syndromic
2. Non-Syndromic
Radiation and chemicals
Congenital absence of the second premolar.
1. Mild: The entire occlusal surface is located at least 1 mm below the occlusal
plane and above the contact point of the adjacent non-ankylosed teeth.
2. Moderate: The entire occlusal surface is located below the contact point level
but above the CEJ of adjacent tooth.
3. Severe: The entire occlusal surface is level with or below the CEJ of the
adjacent tooth.
1. In the presence of a permanent successor and minimal infraocclusion, the
ankylosed tooth can usually be left under observation to exfoliate naturally. If
the infraocclusion becomes greater this can lead to displacement, tipping and
overeruption of adjacent teeth. In these circumstances, consideration should be
given to either restoring the vertical dimension or extracting the affected tooth
with lingual or palatal arch to maintain the space.
2. In the absence of a permanent successor or if the permenant tooth is
severely displaced , the Treatment options
A. Retention of the second deciduous molar.
B. Early Extraction to facilitate spontaneous space closure. It is better to allow
permanent teeth to drift into the edentulous space and bring bone with them, and
then reposition the teeth prior to implant or prosthetic replacement, so that large
periodontal defects do not develop.
C. Premolaizing the E
D. Slicing and space closure
E. Extraction and prosthetic replacement;
Root resorption
Bone resorption
Periapical or inter-radicular pathology
Gingival recession