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12 IndoFisheriesBook

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Praise thanks to God Almighty, because only with His Blessing, we

could finally completed the “INDONESIAN FISHERIES BOOK
2008” as the revise of Indonesian Fisheries Book 2007, which is
published under the cooperation between the Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and the Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The Indonesian fisheries book is very practical and informative reference for all
stakeholders, because some important information combines and collected into
one book. This book covers profile of MMAF, performance and statistic of
Indonesian fisheries, international cooperation and also structure organization of

Hopefully, with the published of this book, all stakeholders both government and
private sectors could help by its information which is very valuable and easy

Jakarta, April 2008

Ir. Saifuddin, MMA

Head of Planning Bureau

i Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Preface i
List of Content ii
1. Profile of MMAF 1
1.1. History of MMAF 1
1.2. Vision and Mission 1
1.3. Objectives and Targets 2
1.4. Strategy, Policy and Program 3
2. Performance and Statistic of Indonesian Fisheries 5
2.1. General Illustration of Indonesian Fisheries 5
2.2. Indonesian Capture Fisheries 6
2.3. Indonesian Aquaculture 11
2.4. Indonesian Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing 14
2.5. Fishing Gears and Fishing Boats 17
2.6. Indonesian Economic Fishes 31
2.7. Fisheries Facilities 41
3. International Cooperation 45
4. Organization of MMAF 47
4.1. Organization Structure 47
4.2. List of MMAF Official 49
4.2.1. Minister and Minister’s Expert Staffs 49
4.2.2. Secretariat General 49
4.2.3. Inspectorate General 51
4.2.4. DG of Capture Fisheries 52
4.2.5. DG of Aquaculture 54
4.2.6. DG of Marine Costal and Small Island 56
4.2.7. DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing 58
4.2.8. DG of Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance and
4.2.9. Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research 62
4.2.10. Agency for Marine and Fisheries Human Resources
4.2.11. Technical Implementing Unit of MMAF (Unit Pelaksana
4.3. Stakeholders of MMAF 70
4.3.1. Provincial Fisheries Service 70
4.3.2. Technical Implementing Unit under Provincial Fisheries
Service (Fishing Port and Laboratory of Fish Quality & 72
4.3.3. Association 73
Gratitude 74
Editorial Team 74
Calendar and Activity 2008 75
Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 ii

1. 1. History of MMAF

M arine sector in Indonesia we can say, is still under developed, despite of the nation’s rich
marine and fisheries resources and vigorous potential in relevant development. The resources
consist of renewable resources, like fisheries resources, capture fisheries and also marine and
coastal culture, non-conventional energy and un-renewable resources, such as gases and oils and
various kinds of minerals. Besides the two types of resources, there are many kinds of marine
environmental services can be upgraded to enhance fisheries and marine development, for example:
maritime tourism, maritime industry, shipping/transportation service, etc. By these reasons, the
President Abdurrahman Wahid, with Presidential Decree No.355/M Year 1999 in Period of Cabinet
1999-2004, constituted Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmaja as Minister of Marine Exploration.
Afterward, the constitution has been followed by the forming of The Minister of Marine Exploration
(Departemen Eksplorasi Laut - DEL) along with detail of its duty function through Presidential Decree
No. 136 Year 1999 about Domiciling, Duty, Function, Organizational Formation, and Departmental
Administration. In the reality, the usage of DEL nomenclature did not last longer because of the
pursuant from DPR and various parties have changed, the reeling of the Minister of Marine
Exploration to become the Minister of Marine Exploration and Fisheries pursuant to Presidential
Decree No. 145 Year 1999. Then, the Ministry of Marine Exploration (DEL) nomenclature became
the Ministry of Marine Exploration and Fisheries (Departemen Eksplorasi Laut dan
Perikanan - DELP) through Presidential Decree No.147 Year 1999.
Then, the changes of cabinet formation happened after the Annual Conference of MPR in 2000, and
the nomenclature of DELP become the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Departemen
Kelautan dan Perikanan - DKP) according to Presidential Decree No. 165 Year 2000 about
Domiciling, Duty, Function, Authority, Organizational Formation, and Departmental
With regard to the realization of its main duties and functions, MMAF organizational structure
consists of 8 (eight) Echelon I working units, as stated in the President Regulation No. 10/2005
concerning Organization Unit and Echelon 1 Duty, Ministry of Republic Indonesia.

1. 2. Vision and Mission

a. Vision

The Management of marine and fishery resources which is sustainable and carried out with high
responsibility for the objective of national unity and welfare.

1 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

b. Mission

1. To increase the welfare of catch and culture fishermen, and other businessmen in marine and
2. To increase the role of marine and fisheries as the agent of economic growth.
3. To maintain the loading capacity and to increase the environmental quality of the marine and
fishery resources.
4. To heighten the people intelligence and health condition through increasing of fish consumption.
5. To boost the roles of sea as a nation unifying factor as well as fostering marine based tradition
and culture.

1. 3. Objectives and Targets

a. Objectives

The objectives of marine and fisheries development in medium term development framework are:
1. To create Indonesian welfare through increasing of fishers income, fish culturing, and other
actors of marine and fisheries business.
2. To improve role of marine and fisheries sector in national economic.
3. To create quality of environment condition of marine and fisheries resources and sustainability
4. To increase community fish consumption.
5. To improve marine role as nation integrator and empowerment nation marine culture.

b. Targets

The targets of marine and fisheries development are:

1. Improving quality and effort of program object group human resources.
2. Increasing contribution of marine and fisheries sector in national economy.
3. Decreasing damage level and utilization violation of marine and fisheries resources.
4. Increasing fish consumption level of community.
5. Developing people awareness of marine as nation integrator and improving marine culture of

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 2

Development of marine and fisheries in the future will be consistent and directed to realize
3 (three) development pillars i.e. pro-poor (poverty eradication), pro-job (unemployments reduction)
and pro-growth (economic growth).

In year 2008, outcomes to be achieved are:

1. Pro-poor
Increasing the income of the fishers, fish farmer and other coastal community from the
estimation of Rp.1.05 million/person/month in year 2007 become Rp. 1.25 million/person/month
in 2008.

2. Pro-job
Increasing the accumulation of work opportunities supplying from 6.50 million people in 2007
become 8.94 million people in 2008.

3. Pro-growth
Increasing the contribution of Fisheries GDP to Non Oil National GDP (excluding processing)
from 2.45% in 2007 become 4.40% in 2008.

These 3 (three) development outcomes are inline with national development theme for 2008 namely
Economic Growth Fast-moving for poverty and unemployment reduction (Government Work Plan
year 2008).

1. 4. Strategy, Policy and Program

a. Strategy

To achieve the objectives and targets in marine and fisheries development, the development strategy
is prepared to include the following steps:
1. The development of marine and fisheries will be implemented in transparency and high
accountability with regard to creating the good and clean government, which is reflected in
various public services and programs implementation to achieve the mid-term strategy goals.
2. The utilization of marine and fisheries potency for community welfare, which will be reflected in
various regulations along with national necessities based on the 3 (three) main directions of the
national development, namely pro growth strategy (economic growth); pro job strategy
(unemployments reduction) and pro poor strategy (poverty eradication).
3. The marine and fisheries development will be implemented with the concern to the principles of
justice and even distribution among regions, the decrease of underdevelopment and gap, and
also the strong priority on the development of small islands at remote boundaries as an important
part of the unity sovereignty of Indonesia.

3 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

b. Policy

With regard to achieving its vision and missions, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has
released some policies concerning mid-term development plan based on the 3 (three) main
directions of the national development, as follows:
1. To develop the business scale capacity of fishers, fish farmer and other stakeholders of marine
and fisheries.
2. To develop the competitive capacity and environmental conception of aquaculture.
3. To strengthen and develop the national capture fisheries business in efficiently, sustainable and
community based.
4. To develop and strengthen the industry of handling, processing and product marketing.
5. To develop the sustainable and community based of small island.
6. To increase rehabilitation, the conservation of marine and fisheries resources, and its
7. To strengthen the surveillance and control of the utilization of marine and fisheries resources.
8. To increase the tackling efforts on illegal fishing.
9. To develop education, training and extension.
10. To strengthen of research, knowledge and technology of marine and fisheries.

c. Program

To achieve objectives which are appropriate with formulated strategy and policy, the marine and
fisheries development programs are:
1. Program of empowerment to fishers as well as fish farmer and other actors of marine and fisher-
ies business. This program includes credit supplying for small, micro and medium scales of
business, increasing the capacity of small business starting from production, processing until
marketing, direct assisting in basic infrastructures equipping, Fuel (BBM) distribution guarantee,
and price subsidizing based on national policy.
2. Program of marine and fisheries resources development and management. This program
covers fisheries revitalization, integrated fisheries industry development focused on tuna, shrimp
and seaweed.
3. Program of marine and fisheries resources conservation and controlling.

Source : Strategic Plan of Marine and Fisheries Development Year 2005-2009, MMAF

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 4


2. 1. General Illustration of Indonesian Fisheries

Indonesia has a large maritime zone, some 5.8 Km2 consisting of archipelagic waters, territorial seas,
and Exclusive Economic Zones. Its coastline is more than 81,000 km long. Its sustainable fisheries
(MSY) of all kinds are about 6.4 millions MT a year while its total allowable catch (TAC) is estimated
at 80% amounting to about 5.12 million MT annually. In addition, there are also great potentials for
aquaculture, inland openwater fisheries as well as the development of marine biotechnology.

Fisheries Production, 2001-2006 (MT)

Increasing Average
Production 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2005 - 2006

Total 5,353,470 5,515,648 5,915,988 6,119,731 6,869,543 7,488,709 9.01%

CAPTURE FISHERIES 4,276,720 4,378,495 4,691,796 4,651,121 4,705,869 4,806,112 2.13%

Marine Fish 3,966,480 4,073,506 4,383,103 4,320,241 4,408,499 4,512,191 2.35%
Inland Open Water 310,240 304,989 308,693 330,880 297,370 293,921 -1.16%
AQUACULTURE 1,076,750 1,137,153 1,224,192 1,468,610 2,163,674 2,682,597 23.98%
Marine Aquaculture 221,010 234,859 249,242 420,919 890,074 1,365,918 53.46%
Pond 454,710 473,128 501,977 559,612 643,975 629,610 -2.23%
Inland Openwater 401,030 429,166 472,973 488,079 629,625 687,069 9.12%

Source: DG of Capture Fisheries and DG of Aquaculture, MMAF, 2008

Indonesian national fisheries production grow continuously at an average annual rate of 7.00%, e.q.
6.12 MT in 2004, about 6.87 MT in 2005 and about 7.49 MT in 2006.

As for the capture fisheries product, it increases annually at a mean rate of 2.40%, e.q. about 4.65
MT in 2004, about 4.71 MT in 2005 and 4.81 MT in 2006. A big improvement happens to the
aquaculture fisheries product, it experiences an annual increase of about 20.91%, the product was
about 1.47 MT in 2004, about 2.16 MT in 2005 and about 2.68 MT in 2006.

The export of fisheries product was about 0.9 MT in 2004, about 0.86 MT in 2005 and about 0.93 MT
in 2006, i.e. fluctuated around the annual average of 0.9%. One the other hand, the import of
fisheries product was about 0.16 MT in 2004, 0.15 MT in 2005 and 0.18 MT in 2006, that means it
fluctuated around the annual average of 0.16%.

Viewing at the increases in product with rather constant amounts of import and export, it should be
interpreted that the domestic consumption of fisheries product increased from year to year.

5 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

2. 2. Indonesian Capture Fisheries

Marine :
Area = 5.8 million Km2
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) = 6.4 million MT/year
Total Allowable Catch (TAC) = 5.12 million MT/year (80% MSY)
Production = 4.51 million MT (70.469% MSY)*

Inland Openwater :
Area = 5.4 million Ha (Lake & Reservoir 3.9%; Swamp 71.6%; Riverine 22.1%)
Potential (1985) = 0.9 million MT/year
BRKP’s revision (2004) = 4.95 million MT/year
With Stock Enhancement = 6.4 million MT/year
Production = 0.29 million MT*
* Data 2006

Production (Thousand MT)

4,000 4,512
4,383 4,408
3,966 4,074 4,320
310 305 331 294
1,000 309 297

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Marine Year
Inland Openw ater

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Trend of Indonesian Capture Fisheries
Production (Thousand MT)

Major Commodities 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 3,966,480 4,073,506 4,383,103 4,320,241 4,408,499 4,512,191

Tuna/Tunas 153,110 148,439 151,926 176,996 183,144 159,404

Cakalang/Skipjack tunas 214,077 203,102 208,626 233,319 252,232 277,388
Tongkol/Eastern little tunas 233,051 266,955 267,339 310,400 309,794 329,169
Other Fish 2,846,151 2,889,364 3,157,465 3,112,018 3,246,770 3,293,729
Shrimp 263,037 241,485 240,438 245,913 208,539 227,164
Seaweed 34,450 55,731 64,610 8,677 9,670 4,996
Others 222,604 268,430 292,699 232,918 198,350 220,341

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries , MMAF, 2008

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 6
Indonesia marine capture fisheries production in year 2006 was about 4.51 millions MT. In which the
bigger production were Eastern little tunas (0.329 millions MT), Skipjack tunas (0.277 millions MT)
and Tunas (0.159 millions MT). Indonesian inland openwater capture fisheries production in year
2006 was about 0,29 millions MT of which the bigger production were Snakehead murrel
(31 thousand MT), Mozambique tilapia (14 thousand MT) and Common carp (9 thousand MT).

Inland Openwater Capture Production by Major Fish, 2001-2006 (MT)

Fish 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 310,240 304,989 308,693 330,880 297,370 293,921

Mas/Common crap 8,228 9,460 8,917 9,951 9,012 9,013
Mujair/Mozambique tilapia 20,210 17,724 18,059 18,289 13,759 14,390
Gabus/Snakehead murrei 31,274 29,423 30,627 41,014 32,784 31,194
Other Fish 228,353 228,882 231,907 242,871 220,206 220,138
Shrimp 17,141 15,605 15,350 14,310 16,666 14,267
Others 5,034 3,895 3,833 4,445 4,943 4,919
Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Indonesian Capture Fisheries Production by Province, 2006 (MT)

PROVINCE Production Share (%) PROVINCE Production Share (%)

TOTAL 4,806,112 100.00
SUMATERA 1,309,908 27.26 J A V A 957,205 19.92
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam 126,382 2.63 Banten 58,324 1.21
North Sumatera 354,572 7.38 DKI Jakarta 137,570 2.86
West Sumatera 130,102 2.71 West Java 162,346 3.38
Riau 113,368 2.36 Central Java 209,729 4.36
Island Kepulauan 164,493 3.42 D.I. Yogyakarta 2,768 0.06
Jambi 30,222 0.63 East Java 386,468 8.04
South Sumatera 78,032 1.62 KALIMANTAN 447,248 9.31
Bangka Belitung 127,274 2.65 West Kalimantan 76,123 1.58
Bengkulu 41,397 0.86 Central Kalimantan 81,976 1.71
Lampung 144,066 3.00 South Kalimantan 171,161 3.56
BALI - NUSATENGGARA 271,974 5.66 East Kalimantan 117,988 2.45
B a l i 77,850 1.62 SULAWESI 892,184 18.56
West Nusa Tenggara 97,084 2.02 North Sulawesi 190,793 3.97
East Nusa Tenggara 97,040 2.02 Gorontalo 49,263 1.03
MALUKU - PAPUA 927,593 19.30 Central Sulawesi 97,080 2.02
Maluku 484,495 10.08 South Sulawesi 302,739 6.30
Maluku Utara 117,321 2.44 West Sulawesi 46,893 0.98
Papua 225,203 4.69 South East Sulawesi 205,416 4.27

West Papua 100,574 2.09

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

7 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Indonesian Marine Capture Fisheries Production by Province, 2006 (MT)
PROVINCE Production Share (%) PROVINCE Production Share (%)
TOTAL 4,512,191 100.00
SUMATERA 1,216,691 25.32 J A V A 914,710 19.03
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam 124,963 2.60 Banten 57,745 1.20
North Sumatera 342,378 7.12 DKI Jakarta 137,570 2.86
West Sumatera 123,528 2.57 West Java 149,490 3.11
Riau 99,194 2.06 Central Java 193,554 4.03
Island Kepulauan 164,493 3.42 D.I. Yogyakarta 1,731 0.04
Jambi 25,100 0.52 East Java 374,620 7.79
South Sumatera 35,485 0.74 KALIMANTAN 326,883 6.80
Bangka Belitung 127,274 2.65 West Kalimantan 66,160 1.38
Bengkulu 40,725 0.85 Central Kalimantan 48,402 1.01
Lampung 133,551 2.78 South Kalimantan 121,496 2.53
BALI - NUSATENGGARA 269,427 5.61 East Kalimantan 90,825 1.89
B a l i 77,239 1.61 SULAWESI 863,852 17.97
West Nusa Tenggara 95,148 1.98 North Sulawesi 189,546 3.94
East Nusa Tenggara 97,040 2.02 Gorontalo 48,213 1.00
MALUKU - PAPUA 920,628 19.16 Central Sulawesi 96,738 2.01
Maluku 484,406 10.08 South Sulawesi 281,939 5.87
Maluku Utara 117,321 2.44 West Sulawesi 46,727 0.97
Papua 218,327 4.54 South East Sulawesi 200,689 4.18
West Papua 100,574 2.09 Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Indonesian Inland Openwater Capture Fisheries Production by Province, 2006 (MT)

PROVINCE Production Share (%) PROVINCE Production Share (%)
TOTAL 293,921 100.00
SUMATERA 93,217 1.94 J A V A 42,495 0.88
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam 1,419 0.03 Banten 579 0.01
North Sumatera 12,194 0.25 DKI Jakarta - -
West Sumatera 6,574 0.14 West Java 12,856 0.27
Riau 14,174 0.29 Central Java 16,175 0.34
Island Kepulauan - - D.I. Yogyakarta 1,037 0.02
Jambi 5,122 0.11 East Java 11,848 0.25
South Sumatera 42,547 0.89 KALIMANTAN 120,365 2.50
Bangka Belitung - - West Kalimantan 9,963 0.21
Bengkulu 672 0.01 Central Kalimantan 33,574 0.70
Lampung 10,515 0.22 South Kalimantan 49,665 1.03
BALI - NUSATENGGARA 2,547 0.05 East Kalimantan 27,163 0.57
B a l i 611 0.01 SULAWESI 28,332 0.59
West Nusa Tenggara 1,936 0.04 North Sulawesi 1,247 0.03
East Nusa Tenggara - - Gorontalo 1,050 0.02
MALUKU - PAPUA 6,965 0.14 Central Sulawesi 342 0.01
Maluku 89 0.00 South Sulawesi 20,800 0.43
Maluku Utara - - West Sulawesi 166 0.00
Papua 6,876 0.14 South East Sulawesi 4,727 0.10
West Papua - - Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 8

Marine Capture Fisheries Production by Fisheries Management Area, 2001-2006 (MT)
Fisheries Management Area 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Total 3,966,480 4,073,506 4,383,103 4,320,241 4,408,499 4,512,191 2.35
Malaka Strait 343,785 356,663 382,756 373,283 328,226 ... -
South China Sea 559,011 545,569 564,398 537,065 484,616 ... -
Java Sea 879,777 881,588 827,325 850,151 766,057 ... -
Makassar Strait, Flores Sea 622,257 699,188 749,421 743,392 849,367 ... -
Banda Sea 85,822 90,949 181,599 198,077 228,226 ... -
Arafura Sea 249,215 223,683 294,375 264,158 316,863 ... -
Seram Sea, Halmahera Sea,
318,010 301,505 276,876 324,571 320,927 ... -
Tomini Bay
Sulawesi Sea, Pacific Ocean 194,028 196,833 270,257 231,358 268,376 ... -
Indian Ocean 714,575 777,528 836,096 798,186 845,801 ... -
Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008
… = Data in Process

Opportunity of Marine Fisheries Resources Development

By Fisheries Management Area

Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan (WPP)/Fisheries Management Area:

1. Malaka Strait; 2. South China Sea; 3. Java Sea; 4. Makassar Strait and Flores Sea; 5. Banda Sea;
6. Arafura Sea; 7. Seram, Halmahera Seas and Tomini Bay; 8. Sulawesi Sea and Pacific Ocean;
9. Indian Ocean

9 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Trend of Indonesian Fishers Number (Person)

Number of Fishers

3,500,000 2,935,289
3,000,000 2,590,364 2,700,174
2,000,000 2,346,782
2,057,986 2,203,412
1,000,000 545,776 588,507 532,378 496,762

Total 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Inland open w ater Year

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Indonesia Capture Farmer by water in Top 10 Province, 2006 (Person)

Province Marine Province Inland Openwater

TOTAL 2,203,412 TOTAL 496,762

East Java 209,137 South Kalimantan 91,159

East Kalimantan 145,117 South Sumatera 62,677

Riau Island 139,740 East Kalimantan 48,412

North Sumatera 131,745 Central Kalimantan 47,723

South Sulawesi 123,413 West Java 32,415

Central Java 112,998 Central Java 32,211

Maluku 99,122 East Java 26,327

East Nusa Tenggara 93,178 Riau 21,005

South East Sulawesi 87,388 West Sumatera 19,917

Central Sulawesi 84,176 Papua 18,733

Others 977,398 Others 96,183

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 10

2. 3. Indonesian Aquaculture

a. Aquaculture area

In Indonesia the extent of areas with aquaculture potential is around 11.81 million hectares,
consisting of 2.22 million hectares with potential for freshwater aquaculture, 1.22 million hectares with
potential for brackish water aquaculture and 8.36 million hectares with marine culture potential.
Currently, exploitation of this potential has only reached 9.49 % for freshwater aquaculture, 39.78 %
for brackish-water aquaculture and 0.89 % for marine culture.
Total Potency of Indonesian Aquaculture Areas, 2006

Total Potential Total Used Areas Probability for Areas

No Aquaculture Areas
Areas (Ha) (Ha) Development (Ha)

TOTAL 11,806,392 772,156 11,034,236

1 Marine culture 8,363,501 74,543 8,288,958
2 Brackish water culture 1,224,076 486,982 737,094
3 Freshwater culture 2,218,815 210,631 2,008,184
Ponds 541,100 90,333 450,767
Openwater 139,336 1,241 138,095
Rice - Fish culture 1,538,379 119,057 1,419,322

Source : DG of Aquaculture, MMAF, 2007

b. Aquaculture fisheries production

The total national aquaculture production in 2006 was 2.68 million MT. Which is still low if derided
the potential area which is available for aquaculture. Therefore there is still great potential for growth
in terms of area. The total national fish consumption is around 5,006 thousand MT, i.e. is around
25.03 kg/year per capita.

Trend of Indonesian Aquacultures Production by Waters (Thousand MT)

Production (Thousand MT)

2,500 2,164

1,500 1,224
1,077 1,137
560 890 630
473 502 644
429 473 488 630 687
249 421
221 235
Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Marine culture Brackishw ater culture Freshw ater culture Total

Source : DG of Aquaculture, MMAF, 2007

11 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

The bigger aquaculture productions in 2006 were seaweed (1.37 million MT), second is common
crap (0.247 million MT), Milk fish (0.212 million MT), Nile Tilapia (0.169 million MT), Black Tiger
Shrimp (0.147 million MT), Metapenaeus vannamei (0.141 million MT), Cat fishes
(0.076 million MT), Cat fishes/Patin (0.031 million MT), Giant Gouramy (0.028 million MT) and Nilam
crap (0.024 million MT).
The main producing area are East Nusa Tenggara Province for marine culture (481,123 MT),
Lampung Province for Brackishwater (158,001 MT) and West Java Province for Fresh water
production (127,578 MT).
Indonesian Aquaculture Production by Main Fish (MT)

No Commodity 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total of Production 1,076,749 1,137,208 1,224,192 1,468,514 2,163,674 2,682,596
1 Seaweeds 212,478 223,080 231,927 410,570 910,636 1,374,462
2 Common Carp 194,925 199,632 219,385 192,462 216,920 247,633
3 Milk Fish 209,525 222,317 227,930 241,438 254,067 212,883
4 Nile Tilapia 50,876 60,337 71,947 97,116 148,249 169,390
5 Black Tiger Shrimp 103,603 112,840 133,836 131,399 134,682 147,867
6 Metapenaeus Vannamei - - - 53,217 103,874 141,649
7 Cat Fishes 36,979 39,193 58,614 51,271 69,386 76,990
8 Cat Fishes (Patin) 36,979 39,193 58,614 51,271 69,386 31,490
9 Giant Gouramy 1,118 10,119 12,904 23,962 32,575 28,710
10 Nilam Carp 15,319 14,694 13,774 16,359 16,988 24,877
11 Others 214,947 215,803 195,261 199,449 206,911 226,645
Source : DG of Aquaculture, MMAF, 2007

Indonesian Aquaculture Production by Water in Top 10 Province, 2006 (MT)

Province Marine-culture Province Brackish Water Province Fresh Water
Total 1,365,918 Total 629,610 Total 687,068
East Nusa Tenggara 481,123 Lampung 158,011 West Java 272,053

South Sulawesi 406,474 South Sulawesi 104,996 East Java 77,834

Central Sulawesi 170,275 East Java 75,954 South Sumatera 73,048
Bali 164,769 West Java 73,325 West Sumatera 39,825
West Nusa Tenggara 60,691 Central Java 54,165 Central Java 39,788
South East Sulawesi 26,076 South Sumatera 27,388 Riau 27,155
East Java 10,348 East Kalimantan 21,828 North Sumatera 22,251
West Java 10,337 N. Aceh Darussalam 19,596 Lampung 16,141
North Sulawesi 6,630 North Sulawesi 17,689 DI Yogyakarta 9,448
Banten 6,627 West Sulawesi 13,723 South Kalimantan 9,173
Others 22,568 Others 62,935 Others 100,352

Source : DG of Aquaculture, MMAF, 2007

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 12

The bigger number of farmer in marine culture is East Nusa Tenggara Province (45,246 persons),
while in brackish water farmer is West Sulawesi Province (107,288 persons) and in fresh water
farmer is West Java Province (548,722 persons).
Indonesian Fish Farmer by Waters in Top 10 Provinces, 2006 (Person)

Province Marine Culture Province Brackish Water Province Fresh Water

Total 134,419 Total 482,161 Total 1,658,726

East Nusa Tenggara 45,246 West Sulawesi 107,288 West Java 548,722
Central Sulawesi 14,688 Central Java 89,655 Central Java 407,737
South Sulawesi 13,189 West Java 64,482 East Java 118,830

Bali 11,814 East Java 49,277 West Sumatera 80,319

South East Sulawesi 11,316 South Sumatera 33,726 North Sumatera 64,861
West Sulawesi 10,891 N. Aceh Darussalam 24,020 South Sumatera 60,681

West Nusa Tenggara 7,219 Lampung 23,546 Banten 59,066

North Maluku 6,576 East Kalimantan 20,656 DI Yogyakarta 45,319

Gorontalo 2,615 South Sulawesi 13,572 South East Sulawesi 43,538

Riau Island 2,362 Central Sulawesi 10,183 Jambi 24,724

Others 8,503 Others 45,756 Others 204,929

Source : DG of Aquaculture, MMAF, 2007

Total Area, Value of Production and Number of Indonesian
Fish farmers, 2006


Marine Culture

Brackishwater culture
Freswater culture




695.375 1.996.137 1.658.726

2.000.000 482.161
486.982 90.330 134.419
Total Area Production (Ha) Value of Production (IDR Million) Fish Farmer (Person)

Source : DG of Aquaculture, MMAF, 2007

13 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

2. 4. Indonesian Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing

a. The Big Scheme Policy of Fisheries Product Marketing

The system of fisheries product marketing are divided become domestic market (inter province and
inter island) and foreign market (export). The big scheme policy of fisheries product marketing spe-
cially for export are strengthening by 3 (three) pillars such as :

1) Information of foreign market.

2) Exporter assistance which covers export development, import control, and promotion &
3) Access to foreign market.

Some actions are take in order to implementing those pillars such as creating the best product,
proper to export, high quality and competitiveness. Besides that, in order to improve the market
access some action had already done through various trade diplomation forum neither multilateral
(WTO), Regional (ASEAN, ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area, ASEAN-China FTA, etc.), and as well as
bilateral (Indonesia-Jepang EPA, Indonesian-Iran PTA, Indonesia-Pakistan PTA, etc.)

The structure of foreign market based on market area distribution are:

1. Productive Market :Japan, USA, and Europe Union
2. Prospective Market : China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand
3. Potential Market : African Countries, South America, and Middle East

Fisheries Product Export, 2006

Market Country Volume (Kg) Value (USD)
Japan 116,005,710 630,790,875
USA 121,290,843 689,881,847
Productive Market Canada 4,223,385 15,197,497
Europe Union 82,068,933 303,439,833
Total 323,588,871 1,639,310,052
Australia 8,591,935 29,335,309
Middle East 9,761,781 23,190,663
South Asia 10,547,617 6,348,491
Prospective Market
East Asia 171,178,825 158,760,437
ASEAN 344,863,423 170,494,341
Total 544,943,581 388,129,241
African Contries 18,038,678 33,012,599
East Europe 2,143,454 4,972,058
Potential Market
South America 5,452,215 3,287,328
Total 25,634,347 41,271,985

Source : DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF, 2007

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 14

b. Statistic of Indonesian Fisheries Trade

1). Export
Indonesia is among main world an especial exporters of fisheries product beside Thailand, Norway,
China, USA, and Denmark. But the position of Indonesia in fisheries trade at global scale is still
relatively small with its value ratio of fisheries export at about 2.3%.

Total of Indonesian fisheries product export, during year 2001-2006, has an improvement in volume
and value as show below.

Indonesian Fisheries Product Export in Volume and Value, 2001 – 2006

2.000.000 1.664.010
1.631.999 1.570.353 1.643.543


907.980 857.922 926.477
487.116 565.739

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Volume (MT) Value(USD 1000)

Source : DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF, 2007

Indonesian priority export commodities are shrimp, tuna (main tuna species which is in commerce :
yellowfin, bigeye, bluefin and skipjack) and seaweed. Total of export volume & export value in
2001-2006 as seen in the following tables.

Export Volume of Major Fisheries Commodities, 2001- 2006 (MT)

Avg. Growth
No Commodity 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

TOTAL 487,116 565,739 857,785 907,980 857,922 926,477 15.22%

1 Shrimp 128,830 124,765 137,636 142,135 153,906 169,329 5.75%
Tuna, Skipjack, Little
2 84,206 92,797 117,092 94,221 91,631 91,822 2.86%
3 Other Fish 169,583 236,937 470,045 515,834 428,395 493,540 29.22%
4 Crab 11,657 11,226 12,041 20,903 18,593 17,905 12.48%
5 Other 92,840 100,014 120,971 134,887 165,397 153,881 11.17%

Source : DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF, 2007

15 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Export Value of Major Fisheries Commodities, 2001- 2006 (USD 1000)
Avg. Growth
No Commodity 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

TOTAL 1,631,999 1,570,353 1,643,543 1,664,010 1,912,926 2,103,472 5.41%

1 Shrimp 934,989 836,563 850,222 892,479 948,130 1,115,963 4.00%
2 Tuna, Skipjack, Little Tuna 218,991 212,426 213,179 243,938 246,303 250,567 2.90%
3 Other Fish 240,643 297,827 341,494 357,022 366,414 449,812 13.67%
4 Crab 87,430 90,349 91,918 14,355 130,905 134,825 147.12%
5 Other 149,946 133,188 146,730 156,216 221,174 152,305 3.18%

Source : DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF, 2007

2). Import
Indonesia is not included in main fisheries product importer country in the world. The main importer
fisheries product countries are Japan, United States, Spain, French, and Italy. However, Indonesia
still keep to import certain fisheries product such as fish meal, fish and shrimp feed, fish oil and
processing fish. The import volume and import value in 2001-2006 as seen in the following tables.

Avg. Growth
No Commodity 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
TOTAL 162,472 124,010 107,771 157,615 154,086 184,239 5.36%
1 Fish Meal 98,139 61,301 47,749 69,342 85,987 88,902 2.59
2 Other Meal 14,166 7,149 7,023 871 2 0 -67.73%
3 Animal Feeding Stuff 6,924 8,492 11,298 22,304 13,709 8,731 15.65
4 Fish Canning 976 1,495 2,473 2,350 3,483 4,898 40.49%
5 Seaweed 465 825 384 4,389 629 665 197.40%
6 Fat and Fish Oil 8,654 8,272 5,832 2,381 6,758 14,364 40.66%
7 Fish Chilled or Frozen 12,657 18,920 24,788 22,978 19,031 36,346 29.40%
8 Other 20,491 17,556 8,224 33,000 24,487 30,333 46.37%
Source : DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF, 2007

Avg. Growth
No Commodity 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
TOTAL 103,617 92,312 90,810 165,557 127,256 165,720 15.37%
1 Fish Meal 50,346 37,628 29,508 44,746 55,166 76,548 13.37%
2 Other Meal 4,956 4,017 4,087 472 1 0 -61.09%
3 Animal Feeding Stuff 4,413 5,327 6,621 11,828 9,135 8,476 18.73%
4 Fish Canning 1,414 1,650 3,606 2,744 4,162 5,936 41.13%
5 Seaweed 1,371 898 392 1,027 502 762 14.36%
6 Fat and Fish Oil 5,270 6,614 7,388 7,266 12,366 18,452 30.99%
7 Fish Chilled or Frozen 10,254 12,278 26,103 21,367 16,997 23,560 26.47%
8 Other 25,593 23,900 13,105 76,107 28,927 31,986 75.51%

Source : DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF, 2007

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 16

2. 5. Fishing Gear and Fishing Boats

a. Marine Fishing Gears

Number of Marine Fishing Units by Type of Fishing Gear, 2006 (units)

Fishing Gears Number Fishing Gears Number
Double rigs shrimp trawl 2,143 Tuna long line 9,290
Drift long line other than
Stern shrimp trawl 4,355 20,267
Trawl tuna longline
Beam trawl - Set long line 28,787
Fish net 5,494 Set bottom long line 6,211
Pelagic danish seine 36,013 Skipjack pole and line 6,861
Hook and lines
Seine nets Demersal danish seine 23,784 Troll line 98,966
Beach seine 22,121 Hand lines 30,250
Vertical line (incl. Vertical
Drift gill net 128,166 8,779
long line)
Encircling gill net 19,128 Squid jigger 4,524
Gill nets Shrimp entangling gill net 35,315 Other lines 241,710
Set gill net 92,274 Guiding barrier 10,257
Trammel nets 48,783 Stow net 3,434
Boat/raft lift net 19,537 Portable trap 85,443
Stationary lift net 15,904 Other traps 26,703
Lift nets Scoop net 7,897 Seaweed collectors 4,115
Shore lift net 457 Collectors and Shell fish gears 8,657
Other lift nets 18,161 gears Sea cucumber gears 1,197
Muroami 1,073 Crab gears 6,965
Others Cast net 12,317 Purse seine 20,211
Harpon, etc. 48,959 Total 1,164,508
Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Number of Inland Openwater Fishing Units by Type of Fishing Gears, 2006 (units)
Fishing Gears Number Fishing Gears Number
Drift gill net 38,913 Guiding barrier 20,662
Gill net
Set gill nets 144,496 Stow net 7,509
Scoop net 40,461 Portable traps 133,436
Lift net
Portable lift net 70,003 Other traps 3,443
Long lines 42,361 Cast net 38,791
Hook and lines Hand and lines 218,570 Other 131,238
Total 889,883

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

17 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Sodo/Sonder/Tangkar/Sodu/Dari (Push net)

Songko (Skiming Net)

Bubu (Portable Fish Pot)

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 18

Pakaja (Drifting Fish Pot)

Sero besar/Sero dalam (Guiding Barriers)

Tugu Ganda (Multiple Tidal Trap)

19 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Jermal/Bubu Jermal (Tidal Trap)

Jaring kepiting dan Rajungan (Net of Crab and swimming crab)

Mourami (Mourami—rive –in—net)

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 20

Dogol/Cantrang/Dapang/Jogol (Danis Seine/Oer trawl)

Bagan tancap (Stationary lift net) Bagan perahu (Mobile lift net)

Seine net dengan alat bantu lampu Seine Net dengan alat bantu rumpon

21 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Soma Dampar/Soma Gasau/Soma Redi (Beach Seine) Pukat tepi/Krakat (Beach Seine)

Pukat Harimau (Cungking trawl/Mini Trawl) Trawl Dasar( Bottom trawl/Shrimp trawl)

Trawl udang ganda (Double Rigged Shrimp Trawl) Pukat/Trawl Udang BED (By-Catch-Excluder-Divice)

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 22

Jaring Gondrong/Jatilap (Trammel Net)

Jaring Insang tetap (Bottom-Set-Gill-Net)

Jaring Insang Hanyut (Drift Gill Net)

23 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008
Jaring Insang Lingkar (Encircling Gill Net)

Jaring Insang Lingkar (Encircling Gill net)

Soma/Jaring Giob (Giob Net)

Pukat Cincin Dengan Alat Bantu Rumpon

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 24
Pukat cincin dengan alat bantu lampu

Pukat Cincin Cakalang (Purse Seine of Skipjack Tuna)

Pancing Rawai Dasar (Bottom Longline)

25 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Pukat cincin dengan alat Bantu Rumpon dan Lampu a. Dalam keadaan dipasang

b. Menjelang pengangkatan jarring lampu diarahkan ke rumpon c. Keadaan jarring menjelang akhir pengangkatan

Pancing Rawai Tuna (Tuna Longline)

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 26

Huhate (Pole and Line)

Pancing Tonda (Troll Line)

Rumpon Laut dalam dan Pemancingan Tuna

Source : Research Center for Capture Fisheries, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research, MMAF.

27 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

b. Fishing Boats

Number of Marine Fishing Boat by Size, 2006 (Number)

Total 590,317
Sub total 249,955
Dugout-boat 122,560
Non-powered boat Small 73,155
Plank built boat Medium 44,135
Large 10,105
Out-board motor 185,983
Sub total 154,379
<5 GT 106,609
Size of fishing 05-10 GT 29,899
boats 10-20 GT 8,190
20-30 GT 5,037
30-50 GT 970
In board motor
Size of boat 50-100 GT 1,926
100 -200 GT 1,381
200-300 GT 218
300-500 GT 116
500-1000 GT 32
>1000 GT 1
Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Number of Inland Openwater Fishing Boats by Size, 2006 (Number)

Total 193,308
Sub total 163,735
Dugout-boat 66,099
Non-powered boat Small 68,996
Size of fishing Plank built boat Medium 25,956
Large 2,684
Out-board motor 27,212
Inboard motor 2,361

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF, 2008

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 28

Non-powered boat

Out board


29 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Vessel of Long Line Vessel of Purse Seine

Vessel of Gill Net

Vessel of Shrimp Purse Seine Vessel of Fisheries Purse Seine

Source : DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF.

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 30

2. 6. Indonesian Economic Fishes

a. Marine

1). Aquaculture

Kerapu/Grupers;Ephinephelus sp Kakap/Asian Seabass;Lates calcalifer Udang Barong/Lobster;Panulirus sp

2006 prod : 3,132 MT 2006 prod : 630 MT 2006 prod : 558 MT
Gnrl mrkt size : 500-1.000 gram Gnrl mrkt size : gram

Teripang/Sea cucumber; Rumput laut/Seaweed;Euchema sp Mutiara/Pearl;Pinctada sp

2006 prod : 736 MT 2006 prod : 1,341,141 MT 2006 prod : -

2). Capture Fisheries

Manyung/Giant catfish;Netuma
thalassina Cendro/Needle fish;Belonidae Tylosurus spp Ikan sebelah/Indian halibut;Psettodidae
2006 prod :78,118 MT 2006 prod : 2,757 MT 2006 prod :15,308 MT
Max size : 150 cm Max size : 100 cm Max size : 50 cm

Ekor kuning/Redbelly yellow Selar/Trevallies;Selaroides spp Kuwe/Jack trevallies;Caranx spp

tailfusilier;Caesio cuning 2006 prod : 145,210 MT 2006 prod : 47,310 MT
2006 prod :42,809 MT Max size : 20 cm Max size : 75 cm
Max size : 60 cm

Layang/Scad;Decapterus spp Sunglir/Rainbow runner;Elagatis Tetengkek/Torpedo Scad; Megalaspis cordyla

2006 prod : 304,739 MT bipinnulatus 2006 prod : 40,503 MT
Max size : 30 cm 2006 prod : 10,347 MT Max size : 40 cm
Max size : 90 cm

31 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Bawal hitam/Black pomfret;Formio niger Bawal putih/Silver pomfret;Pampus Talang-talang/Deep
2006 prod : 61,031 MT argenteus leatherskin;Chorinemus tala
Max size : 30 cm 2006 prod : 37,941 MT 2006 prod : 14,954 MT
Max size : 29 cm Max size : 50 cm

Daun bambu/Queen fish;Chorinemus Kakap putih/Barramundi;Lates Golok-golok/Dorab wolf

spp calcarifer heling;Chirocentrus dorab
2006 prod : 14,954 MT 2006 prod : 80,809 MT 2006 prod : 22,324 MT
Max size : 75 cm Max size : 200 cm Max size : 100 cm

Japuh/Raibow sardine;Dussumieria acuta Tembang/Fringescale Terubuk/Hilsa shad;Tenualosa ilisha

2006 prod : 24,880 MT sardinella;Sardinella fimbriata 2006 prod : 5,519 MT
Max size : 20 cm 2006 prod : 170,522 MT Max size : 50 cm
Max size : 16 cm

Lemuru/Indonesian Oil Beloso/Greater lizardfish/Saurida Ikan lidah/MTgue soles;Cynoglossus

Sardine;Sardinella Longiceps tumbil spp
2006 prod : 163,129 MT 2006 prod : 20,184 MT 2006 prod : 6,083 MT
Max size : 20 cm Max size : 40 cm Max size : 40 cm

Ikan terbang/Flying fish;Cypselurus Julung-julung/Garfish and

Teri/Anchovies;Stolephorus spp spp Halfbeaks;Hermirhampus spp
2006 prod : 165,024 MT 2006 prod : 14,218 MT 2006 prod : 26,638 MT
Max size : 15 cm Max size : 25 cm Max size : 40 cm

Gerot-gerot/Saddle grunt;Pomadasys Ikan nomei/Bombay duck;Harpadon Ikan layaran/Indo-pacific blue

maculatus nehereus marlin;Tetrapturus audex
2006 prod : 15,856 MT 2006 prod : 5,720 MT 2006 prod : 2,661 MT
Max size : 50 cm Max size : 40 cm Max size : 250 cm

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 32

Setuhuk hitam/Black marlin;Makaira Setuhuk putih/White Setuhuk loreng/Stripped
mazarra marlin;Makairamazara marlin;Tetraturus audex
2006 prod : 1,508 MT 2006 prod : - 2006 prod : 434 MT
Max size : 448 cm Max size : 450 cm Max size : 350 cm

Ikan pedang/Swordfish;Xiphias gladius Ikan napoleon/Napoleon Kakap merah/Red snappers;Lutjanus

2006 prod : 1,826 MT wrasse;Cheilinus undulatus spp
Max size : 450 cm 2006 prod : 670 MT 2006 prod : 109,312 MT
Max size : 180 cm Max size : 90 cm

Belanak/Mangrove mullets;Mugil Biji nangka/Yellow-strips Kurisi/Ornate treadfin

cephalus goatfish;Upeneus vittatus bream;Nemimterus hexodon
2006 prod : 38,439 MT 2006 prod :25,838 MT 2006 prod : 57,677 MT
Max size : 35 cm Max size : 25 cm Max size : 25 cm

Kurau/Four finger Swanggi/Purple-spotted;Priacanthus Gulamah/Croacker;Nibea albiflora

treadfin;Eleutheronema tertradactylum tayenus 2006 prod : 53,985 MT
2006 prod : 7,449 MT 2006 prod : 19,625 MT Max size : 38 cm
Max size : 200 cm Max size : 30 cm

Tongkol krai/Frigate tuna;Auxis Tongkol komo/kawa kawa;Euthynnus Cakalang/Skipjack tuna;Katsuwonus

thazard affinis pelamis
2006 prod : 115,111 MT 2006 prod : 118,470 MT 2006 prod : 277,388 MT
Max size : 50 cm Max size : 100 cm Max size : 90 cm

Tenggiri/Narrow-barred Spanish Banyar/Indian mackerel;Rastrelliger Slengseng/Spotted chub

mackerel;Scomberomorus commerson kanagurta mackerel;Scomber australasicus
2006 prod : 114,214 MT 2006 prod : 13,240 MT 2006 prod : 1,329 MT
Max size : 200 cm Max size : 35 cm Max size : 40 cm

33 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Tenggiri papan/Indo-pacific king Albakora/Albacore;Thunnus alalunga Madidihang/Yellow tuna;Thunnus
mackerel;Scomberomorus guttatus 2006 prod : 20,293 MT albaceres
2006 prod : 23,081 MT Max size : 120 cm 2006 prod : 94,406 MT
Max size : 82 cm Max size : 195 cm

Tuna sirip biru selatan/Southern Tongkol mata besar/Bigeye

bluefin tuna;Thunnus maccoyii tuna;Thunnus obesus Tongkol abu-abu/Longtail
2006 prod : 747 MT 2006 prod : 43,958 MT tuna;Thunnus obesus
Max size : 225 cm Max size : 225 cm 2006 prod : 94,981 MT

Kerapu bebek/Humpback Kerapu balong/Honeycomb Kerapu lumpur/Greasy

hind;Cromileptes altivelis grouper;Epinephelus merra rockcod;Epinephelus tauvina
2006 prod : 4,589 MT 2006 prod : 2,844 MT 2006 prod : 1,020 MT
Max size : 50 cm Max size : 50 cm Max size : 150 cm

Kerapu sunu/Leopard Ikan baronang/Orange-spotted Alu-alu/Great barracuda;Sphyraena

coralgrouper;Plectropomus leopardus spinefoot;Siganus guttatus barracua
2006 prod : 5,642 MT 2006 prod : 11,807 MT 2006 prod : 10,566 MT
Max size : 65 cm Max size : 35 cm Max size : 100 cm

Kerong-kerong/Jarbua Layur/Hairtails;Trichiurus spp Mako/Mackerel shark;Isurus spp

terapon;Terapon jarbua 2006 prod : 40,824 MT 2006 prod :1,363 MT
2006 prod : 3,645 MT Max size : 100 cm Max size : 394 cm
Max size : 30 cm

Ikan gergaji/Sawfishes;Pritis spp Cucut botol/Dogfish sharks;Squalus spp

2006 prod : 6 MT Cucut martil/Wingehead;Eusphyra 2006 prod : 14,472 MT
Max size : 450 cm blochi Max size : 158 cm
2006 prod : 99 MT

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 34

Pari kembang/Stingrays;Dasyatis spp Pari kelelawar/Devilrays;Mobula spp Pari burung/Eaglerays;Myliobatus spp
2006 prod : 29,069 MT 2006 prod : 2,768 MT 2006 prod : 4,790 MT

Pari kekeh/Whitespotted Udang putih/Banana prawn/White

wedgesfishes;Rhynchobatus djiddensis Udang dogol/Endeavour prawn/ shrimps;Penaeus merguiensis
2006 prod : 17,945 MT shrimp;Metapenaeus ensis 2006 prod : 59,838 MT
2006 prod : 26,859 MT Gnrl mrkt size : 25-30 gram

Udang windu/Giant tiger prawn/ Kepiting/Mangrove mud crab;Scylla Rajungan/Swimming crab;Potrunus sp

shrimp;Penaeus monodon serrata 2006 prod : 26,686 MT
2006 prod : 37,460 MT 2006 prod :23,456 MT
Gnrl mrkt size : 30-35 gram

Kerang darah/blood cockles;Anadara Cumi-cumi/Common squids;Loligo spp Kerang mutiara/Black-lip pearl

granosa 2006 prod : 57,821 MT olyster;Pinctada margaritifera
2006 prod : 52,917 MT 2006 prod : 495 MT

Teripang/Sea cucumber;Stichopus spp Rumput laut/Sea weeds;Euchema spp

2006 prod : 4,778 MT 2006 prod : 4,996 MT

35 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

b. Brackishwater

1). Aquaculture

Bandeng/Milkfish;Chanos chanos Belanak/Mullets;Mugil sp Kakap/Asian seabass;Lates calcalifer

2006 prod : 212,883 MT 2006 prod : - MT 2006 prod : 1,553 MT
Gnrl mrkt size : 300-500 gram Max size : 35 cm

Mujair/Tilapia;Tilapia mossambica Tawes/Java barb;Puntius javanicus Udang windu/Black tiger

2006 prod : 10,544 MT 2006 prod : - MT shrimp;Penaeus monodon
2006 prod : 147,867 MT

Udang putih/Banana prawn/White Udang api-api/Metapenaeus Udang Vaname/Vanname

shrimps;Penaeus merguiensis shrimp;Metapeaeus sp shrimp;Lithopenaeus vennamei
2006 prod : 36,187 MT 2006 prod : - MT 2006 prod : 141,649 MT
Gnrl mrkt size : 25-30 gram

Kepiting/Mud crab;Scylla sp Rajungan/Swimming crab;Potrunus sp Rumput laut/Seweed;Gracillaria sp

2006 prod : 5,516 MT 2006 prod : 9 MT 2006 prod : 33,321 MT

c. Freshwater Culture

1). Aquaculture

Ikan mas/Common crap;Cyprinus Tawes/Java barb;Puntius javanicus Ikan nilem/Nilem carp;Osteochilus

carpio 2006 prod : 12,944 MT hasselti
2006 prod : 105,135 MT 2006 prod : 14,642
Gnrl mrkt size : 250-500 gram

Mujair/Tilapia;Tilapia mosambica Ikan nila/Nila tilapia;Tilapia nilotica Gurame/Giant gouramy;Osphronemus

2006 prod : - MT 2006 prod : 90,670 MT gouramy
Gnrl mrkt size : 300-500 gram 2006 prod : 27,231 MT
Gnrl mrkt size : 500-1.000 gram

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 36

Sepat siam/Snakeskin Tambakan/Kissing Ikan lele/Catfishes;Clarias sp
gouramy;Trichogaster pectoralis gouramy;Helostoma teminchikii 2006 prod : 75,142 MT
2006 prod : - 2006 prod : 3,520 MT

Sidat/River eels;Anguilla sp Ikan patin/Catfishes;Pangasius sp Ikan Toman/Snake

2006 prod : 84 MT 2006 prod : 15,513 MT head;Ophiocephalus micropelti
2006 prod : 44 MT

Ikan betutu/Sand Ikan Jelawat/Hows carp;Leptobarbus Udang Galah/Giant freshwater

gobies;Oxyleotrismarmoratus heoveni prawn;Macrobachium rosenberg
2006 prod : 47 MT 2006 prod : 1,164 MT 2006 prod : 1,199 MT

2). Capture (Inland openwater)

Betok/Climbing perches;Anabas Sidat/Eels;Anguilla spp Baung/Asian redtail catfish;Mystus

testudineus 2006 prod : 1,659 MT nemurus
2006 prod : 9,719 MT 2006 prod : 8,943 MT

Sepat rawa/Three spot gourami; Sepat siam/Snakeskin Gabus/Snakehead murrei;Channa

2006 prod : 6,793 MT gourami;Trichogaster pectoralis striata
2006 prod : 18,626 MT 2006 prod : 31,194 MT

Toman/Giant snakehead;Channa Mujair/Mozambique tila- Nila/Nile tilapia;Oreochromis niloticus

micropeltes pia;Oreochromis mossambicus 2006 prod : 8,344 MT
2006 prod : 7,460 MT 2006 prod : 14,390 MT Gnrl mrkt size : 300-500 gram

37 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Lele/Walking catfish;Clarias batrachus Botia/Clown loach;Botia macracanthus Hampal/-; Hampalabarb
2006 prod : 12,867 MT 2006 prod : - MT 2006 prod : 124 MT

Jelawat/Mud barb;Leptobarbus ho- Mas/Common crap;Cyprinus carpio Nilem/Silver sharkinnow;Osteochilus

evennii 2006 prod : 9,013 MT hasselti
2006 prod : 3,199 MT Gnrl mrkt size : 250-500 gram 2006 prod : 4,829 MT

Parang/-; Macrochirichtys macrochirus Semah/River carp;Tor dourensis Tawes/Java carp;Barbodes gonionotus

2006 prod : 85 MT 2006 prod : 779 MT 2006 prod : 14,426 MT

Betutu/Marble goby;Oxyeleotris Tambakan/Kissing Belida/Featherbacks;Chitala lopis

marmorata gouramis;Helostoma temmincki 2006 prod : 3,491 MT
2006 prod : 1,471 MT 2006 prod : 13,052 MT

Gurame/Giant gouramis;Osphronemus Siluk/Asian bonyoMTgue;Scleropages Patin Jambal/Catfishes;Pangasius

goramy formosus djambal
2006 prod : 704 MT 2006 prod : 1 MT 2006 prod : 9,010 MT
Gnrl mrkt size : 500-1.000 gram

Lais/Catfish;Kryptoterus micronema Ikan sumpit/Smallscale archer- Udang galah/Giant freshwater

2006 prod : 12,628 MT fish;Toxotes microlepis 2006 prod : 4,906 MT
2006 prod : 13 MT

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 38

Remis/Clams;Meretrix spp Siput/Snails;Philalanka sp
2006 prod : 243 MT 2006 prod : 1,684 MT

d. Ornamental Fishes

1). Marine

Morish/ Moorishidol, Kepe Monyong Asli/ Long-nosed Mandarin Asli / Callionymidae

Zanclus canescens, Butterfly, Forcipiger flavissimus Pterosynchiropus spendidus
Max. length 25 cm Max. length 26 cm Max. length 6 cm

Botana Kacamata / Acanthuridae Botana Kasur / Triger Kembang/ Clown Triggerfish

Acanthurus glaucopareius Acanthurus lineatus Balistoides conspicillum,
Max. length 17 cm Max. length 42 cm Max. length 50 cm

Botana lettersix/ Blue Surgeonfish, Skorpion Radiata Kepe Monyong Biasa

Paracanthurus hephatus, Pterois radiate Chelmon rostratus
Max. length 26 cm Max. length 20 cm Max. length 20 cm

Skorpion Kembang Botana Naso Keranjang Bali

Dendrochirus zebra Naso lituratus Zebrasoma veliferum
Max. length 18 cm Max. length 45 cm Max. length 30 cm

Burung Laut / Acanthuridae Capungan Jakarta / Apogonidae Capungan Ambon

Zebrasoma scopas Sphaeramia nematoptera Pterapogon kauderni
Max. length 20 cm Max. Length 10 cm Max. length 10 cm

39 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Jagungan Triger Arab Kepe Falkula Palsu
Oxymonacanthus longirostris Pseudobalistes fuscus Chaetodon lineolatus
Max. length 10 cm Max. length 45 cm

Kepe Falkula Jakarta Keling Ijo Angel fish

Chaetodon falcula Halichoeres chloropterus
Max. length 29 cm Max. length 20 cm

2). Freshwater

Koi Botia / Clown Loach Arwana / Gold Arwana

Chromobotia macracanthus

Betta splendens/Siamese fighting fish Louhan Diskus

Guppy Blank line rasbora Carp

Mas koi

Source : 1. DG. of Aquaculture, MMAF.

2. DG of Capture Fisheries, MMAF.
3. DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF.
4. Research Center for Capture Fisheries, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research, MMAF.

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 40

Map of Fishing Ports and Fishing Technology Development Center under DG. of Capture Fisheries

OFP Belawan
AFP Pemangkat AFP Bitung AFP Ternate

CFP Teluk Batang

2. 7. Fisheries Facilities

AFP Sibolga

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

CFP Sungailiat

OFP Bungus
AFP Tanjung Pandan
OFP Kendari AFP Ambon
AFP Pekalongan FTDC Semarang

CFP Karangantu AFP Tual

AFP Brondong

AFP Pelabuhan Ratu

OFP Cilacap AFP Prigi
AFP Kejawanan CFP Pengambengan

OFP = Ocean Fishing Port

AFP = Archipelago Fishing Port
CFP = Coastal Fishing Port
0 250 500 1000 km
FTDC = Fishing Technology Development Center
Map of Aquaculture Development Center under DG of Aquaculture

BBAP Ujung Batee

BBAT Tatelu

BBL Batam

BBAT Jambi

BBAT Mandiangin BBL Ambon
BBPBL Lampung
BBAP Takalar

BBPBAT Sukabumi

BBAP Situbondo
BBL Lombok

BBPBL = The Main Center for Mariculture Development N

BBPBAP = The Main Center for Brackishwater Aquaculture Development
BBPBAT = The Main Center for Freshwater Aquaculture Development
BBAP = Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Center
BBL Mariculture Development Center 0 250 500 1000 km

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

BBAT = Freshwater Aquaculture Development Center

Map of Research Center under the Agency for Marine & Fisheries Research


0 250 500 1000 km

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

RCIF Palembang
RCBFAT Sukamandi
GRIM Gondol
RCBA Maros

RCFF Bogor
RCFSI Jatiluhur
RMOC Perancak

RCPPB = Research Center for Product Processing and Biotechnology RCIF = Research Center for Inland Fisheries
RCMFSE = Research Center for Marine & Fisheries Social Economic RCFOFA = Research Center for Freshwater Ornamental Fish Aquaculture
RCMF = Research Center for Marine Fisheries RCFF = Research Center for Freshwater Fisheries
RCBFAT = Research Center for Breeding and Freshwater Aquaculture Technology RCFSI = Research Center for Fish Stock Improvement
GRIM = Gondol Research Institute for Mariculture RMOC = Research & Marine Observation Center
RCBA = Research Center for Brackishwater Aquaculture
Map of MMAF and Other Fisheries Office /Center in Jakarta and Surrounding

6 1

1 Head Office of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

2 - Directorate of Fisheries Resources, DG of Capture Fisheries
- DG of Aquaculture
3 - Research Center for Marine and Non-Living Resources
- Agency for Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development 3
- Marine and Fisheries Education Center
- Marine and Fisheries Training Center
4 - Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port Jakarta 8
- Research Center for Marine Fisheries 11
5 - Agency for Marine & Fisheries Research
- Research Center for Capture Fisheries
- Research Center for Marine Technology 7
6 - Research Center for Product Processing and Biotechnology
- Research Center for Marine and Fisheries Social Economic
7 Fish Quarantine Center
8 - Research Center for Aquaculture
- Extension Development Center
- Fisheries University 9

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

9 Research Center for Freshwater Ornamental Fish Aquaculture
10 Research Center for Freshwater Fisheries

11 Research Center for Breeding and Freshwater Aquaculture Technology
12 Research Center for Fish Stock Improvement
3. Indonesian International Cooperation

No Country/Institution Remarks
a. Bilateral
Sustainable Coastal Fishery Resources Management Project,
1 Sweden
in Indramayu Regency and Pekalongan City, 2006 ~ on going
Management of red snapper stock in Arafuru Sea
2 Australia MOU Box
Joint Research
Australia (ACIAR-Australian Centre for International
3 Active Cooperation on Various Project
Agricultural Research)
4 Japan (JICA) Active Cooperation on Various Project
France (SMCDP- Support to Marine Culture
5 SMCDP → BBL Batam
Development Project)
6 Cambodia Active Cooperation
7 Malaysia Active Cooperation
Active Cooperation
8 Norway Assistance in Planning and Implementing a Fisheries Program from
Norwegian Agency for Cooperation Development (Norad)
9 Philippine Active Cooperation based on MOU
10 Vietnam Active Cooperation based on MOU
11 Thailand Active Cooperation based on MOU
12 RRC Active Cooperation based on MOU
13 Sudan Joint Cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs
14 Samoa Joint Cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15 Tonga Joint Cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Fisheries product market access to Japan will be enhance through reduc-
Indonesian-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
16 tion and/or elimination of certain tariffs of fisheries product as well as
capacity building for small scale fisheries (SME)
Indonesia’s Expert for Technical Assistances planning for development of
17 Algeria
Tilapia and Shrimp in Algeria
Focused on Environmental and Social Responsibility for Sustainable
18 Chile
Aquaculture, etc
Diplomatic effort for dumping, Bioterrorism Act, Turtle Excluder Devices
19 USA
(TEDs), Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) and others
20 Spain Fisheries Training Development in Indonesia (FTDI)

b. Multilateral
1 IOTC (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission) Full member since June 20, 2007
CCSBT (Commission for Conservation of Southern
2 Observer
Blue fin Tuna)
WCPFC (Western and Center Pacific Fisheries
3 Cooperating Non Member
The Regional plan of action promote responsible fishing practices including
4 Australia - ASEAN Member Countries
combating IUU Fishing in region
SAFVER (Sustainable Aquaculture Development For Food Security and
5 ADB (Asean Development Bank) Poverty Reduction Project)

COREMAP (Coral Reef Rehabilitation Management Program)

BIMP EAGA (Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Philippine
6 Active Cooperation
Economic East ASEAN Growth Area)

45 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Country / Institution Remarks
b. Multilateral
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) - United Active Cooperation
7 Nation Technical Assistance Project
8 UNEP (United Nation Environment Program) Active Cooperation
9 GEF (Global Environment Facilities) Active Cooperation
10 NACA (Network on Aquaculture Centre in Asia Full member
11 SEAFDEC (South East Asian Fisheries Develop- Full member
ment Centre)
12 SOM-AMAF (Senior Official Meeting Asian Minis- Active Cooperation (Annual Meeting)
ters on Agriculture and Forestry)
13 APFIC (Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission) Active Cooperation
Active Cooperation Especially on Standardization, Certification,
Traceability and Residue Monitoring
Trade Support Program (TSP) : Technical assistants are provide to
14 European Union Indonesia, such as training courses, workshop, equipment etc. to
improve the quality of marine and fisheries production to adjust the
standard of EU markets
15 Free Trade Area (FTA): ASEAN Free Trade Area Active Cooperation
Japan, ASEAN-India, ASEAN-Australia-
New Zealand, etc
16 IMT-GT (Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Active Cooperation
17 ASWGFi (ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Active Cooperation
18 WB (World Bank) COREMAP (Coral Reef Rehabilitation Management Program)
19 Indonesia—The Netherlands-Malaysia Trilateral Partnership for Shrimp Product Safeguarding
20 WTO Forum (World Trade Organization) Active cooperation on negotiating groups of “Non Agriculture Market
Access (NAMA) and Rules—Fisheries Subsidies

Japan’s Cooperation Project under MMAF

JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
No Project Status
The Project for Enhancement of Marine and Fisheries Administration under the
1 October 2006 ≈ On going
2 The Project for Promotion of Sustainable Coastal Fisheries August 2006 ≈ On going
3 Freshwater Aquaculture Development Project August 2000 ≈ August 2007
4 The Project on Dissemination of Sustainable Marine Culture Technology February 2005 ≈ March 2008
Technical Assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesian Fish and Shrimp
5 2007 ≈ On going
6 Sustainable Indonesia Fisheries Product Competitiveness 2007 ≈ On going
Distribution Mechanism Reform Through Development of Wholesale Market
7 2007 ≈ On going
(Improvement of Post-harvest Handling and Marketing Facilities)
JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation)
No Project Status

1 Jakarta Fishing Port Phase IV 1996 ≈ 2002

2 Rehabilitation and Improvement Project of Jakarta Fishing Port December 2005 ≈ On going

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 46


4.1. Organization Structure

Secretary General Inspectorate General DG.of Capture DG. of Aquaculture DG. of Marine, Coastal, and
Prof. Ir. Widi Agoes Dr. Ir. Husni Fisheries Dr. Ir. Made L. Small Islands
Pratikto, M.Sc, Ph.D Manggabarani, M.Si Dr. Ir. Ali Supardan, Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Syamsul Maarif,
M.Sc Nurjana
M.Eng., Dipl.Eng., DEA

Head of Finance Secretary for Secretary for DG. of

Secretary for DG. Secretary for DG.
Bureau Inspectorate Capture Fisheries of Marine, Coastal,
General Dr. Ir. Dedi Heryadi of Aquaculture
Dr. Ir. R. Akhmad and Small Islands
Dr. Wahyono Hadi Sutisna, MS Ir. M. Rahmat
Budiono, MM Ibrahim, M.Aq Dr. Ir. Irwandi Idris,
Parmono, M.Ed M.Si

Head of Inspector I Director of Fishing Director of Coastal

Personnel Bureau Port Director of
Ir. Nur Arif Azizi, MM Aquaculture
and Marine
Drs. Mulyoto, MM Ir. Parlin Tambunan Ir. Ida Kusuma
Business Wardhaningsih
Ir. Sunaryanto,
Head of Planning Inspector II Director of M.Sc
Bureau Ir. Iskandar, MM Fishing Vessel Director
Ir. Saifuddin, MMA and Gear Conservation and
Ir. Heriyanto Marine National
Marwoto, MS Director of Park
Aquaculture Ir. Yaya Mulyana
Head of Legal Inspector III Dr. Ir. Lenny
and Organization Ir. Agus Apun Stansye Syafei,
Director of Director of
Bureau MS
Supranawa Yusuf,
Budiman, M.Aq Fishing Business Marine, Coastal
Development and Small Islands
SH, MPA Ir. Anang Spatial Planning
Noegroho Setyo Director of Ir. Ferrianto Hadi
Mulyono, SCM, Aquaculture Setiawan Djais,
Head of General MEM Production MMA
Affairs and
Inspector IV Development
Drs. Lapis Ir. Iskandar
Equipment Ismanadji
Bureau Silalahi
Nono Aling Samuel Director of Fishing Director of Coastal
Ponggawa, SE Business Service Community
Ir. Ibrahim Ismail Director of Fish Empowerment
Health and Dr. Sudirman Said SH,
Head of Data, Ir. Syamsuddin H.
Statistic and Amin, MM
Information Center Director of
Dr. Soen’an Hadi Fisheries
Poernomo, M.Ed Resources Director of Small
Ir. R. Nilanto Director of Seeds Island
Perbowo, M.Sc Development Empowerment
Dr. Ir. Endhay Dr. Ir. Alex SW
Head of Fish Kusnendar, MS Retraubun, M.Sc
Quarantine Center
Ir. Agus Priyono, M.Si

Head of
International and
Inter Institution
Analysis Center
Dr. Ir. Sunggul

47 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

AND FISHERIES Minister Expert Staff :
Laksdya TNI (Purn) Freddy Numberi 1. Economic, Social and Culture : Dr.Ir.Suseno,M.M.
2. Public Policy : Dr. Ir. Gellwynn D. H. Jusuf, M.Sc.
3. Community and Relation Among Institution : Ardius Zainud-
MINISTER EXPERT STAFF 4. Legal : R. Narmoko Prasmaji,SH,M.A.
5. Ecology and Marine Human Resources: Prof.Dr.Ir.Rizald Max
Rompas, M.Agr

DG. of Fisheries Product DG. of Marine and Fisheries Chairman of Agency for Chairman of Agency for
Processing and Marketing Resources Surveillance and Marine and Fisheries Research Marine and Fisheries Human
Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini Controlling Prof. Dr. Ir. D. S. Indroyono Resources Development
Dr. Ir. Aji Sularso, MM Soesilo, M.Sc, APU Prof. Dr. Ir. Sahala
Hutabarat, M.Sc

Secretary for DG. of Secretary for DG. of Secretary for Agency

Fisheries Product Marine and Fisheries
for Marine and Secretary for Agency
Processing and
Marketing Surveillance and Fisheries Research for Marine and
Ir. Syafril Fauzi, Controlling Drs. Asep D. Fisheries Human
M.Sc Dr. Ir. Purwanto, Muhammad, MSi Resources
MS. , Ph.D Development
Drs. Sunoto, MES
Director of Product
Director of Fisheries Head of Research
Resource Surveil- Center for Capture
Dr. Ir. Achmad lance and Controlling Fisheries
Poernomo, MappSc Happy Simanjuntak, Head of Marine and
Dr. Ir. Victor P.H.
SH Nikijuluw, M.Sc Fisheries Education
Director of
Standardization and Dr. Ir. Iin Siti
Accreditation Director of Marine Head of Research Djunaidah, M.Sc
Ir. Nazory Djazuli, Resource Center for Aquaculture
M.Sc Surveillance and Dr. Ir. Ketut Sugama,
Controlling MSc., APU
Ir. Ansori Zawawi
Director of Head of Extension
Domestic Marketing
Acting Head of
Development Center
Ir. Sadullah Muhdi, Director of
Research Center for Ir. Sumardi Suriatna,
MBA Surveillance Vessel
Marine Technology M.Ed
Willem Garpersz,
SE., MM Dr. Ir. Aryo
Director of Foreign Hanggono, DEA
Market Development Head of Marine and
Ir. Saut Parulian Fisheries Training
Hutagalung, M.Sc Director of Facilities Center
and Infrastructure Head of Research
Center for Maritime Ir. Yunus Lebang
for Surveillance
Dr. Ir. Hartanta Territories and Non Lambe
Tarigan, Ph.D Living Resources
Director of Business Dr. Ir. Sugiarta W.
and Investment Santoso, M.Sc
Dr. Ir. Widodo Farid
Ma’ruf, M.Sc Director of Law
Drs. Cornelis N. Patty

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 48

4.2. List of MMAF Official

4.2.1 Minister and Minister’s Expert Staffs

No Working Unit Name Address

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,

Minister of Marine Affairs and Laksdya (Purn) TNI AL Freddy
1 Telp. (021) 3500041, 3519070 Ext. 7101, 7105 (Secr),
Fisheries Numberi
Fax. (021) 3500042
Minister’s Expert Staff of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
2 Dr. Ir.Suseno, MM
Economic, Social and Culture Telp./Fax. (021) 3522515, 3519070 Ext. 1711, 1731 (Secr)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Minister’s Expert Staff of Public Dr. Ir. Gellwynn Daniel Hamzah
3 Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1712, 1732 (Secr),
Policy Jusuf, M.Sc.
Fax. (021) 3522516
Minister’s Expert Staff of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
4 Community & Relation among Ardius Zainuddin,SH Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1714, 1734 (Secr),
Institution Fax. (021) 3522518
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
5 Minister’s Expert Staff of Legal R. Narmoko Prasmaji, SH, MA Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1713, 1733 (Secr)
Fax. (021) 3522517
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Minister’s Expert Staff of Prof. Dr. Ir. Rizald Max Rompas,
6 Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1715, 1735 (Secr),
Ecology and Marine Resources M.Agr
Fax. (021) 3522520

4.2.2 Secretariat General

To implement the optimal service through improvement of co-ordination and establishing reliable
administration in the MMAF.
1. Giving a guidance support and implementation of duty coordination and ministry’s
2. To improve implementation of duty coordination of organizations unit in ministry’s scope
No Working Unit Name Address
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Prof. Ir. Widi Agoes Pratikto,
1 Secretary General Telp. (021) 3500045, 3519070 Ext. 7700, 7706 (Secr),
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Fax. (021) 3500049
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
2 Head of Planning Bureau Ir. Saifuddin, M.M.A.
Telp./Fax. (021) 3520337, 3519070 Ext. 7723, 7724 (Secr)
Head of Program and Planning Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
3 Ir. Ishartini
Arranging Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7725, Fax. (021) 3520337
Head of Monitoring & Ir. Yohanes Waluyo Susanto, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Evaluation Division M.Si. Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7727, Fax. (021) 3520337
Ir. Mian Sahala Sitanggang, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
5 Head of Budget Planning
M.B.A. Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7726, Fax. (021) 3520337
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
6 Head of Personnel Bureau Drs. Mulyoto, M.M
Telp./Fax. (021) 3520338, 3519070 Ext. 7521, 7524 (Secr)
Head of Personnel
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
7 Development and Planning Tri Asmoro Sulistyo, A.Pi
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7525, Fax. (021) 3520338

49 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
8 Head of Mutation Division Ir. Rini Silvianti.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7526, Fax. (021) 3520338
Head of Functional Position Ir. Lidia Sulasmi Riries Lestari, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Division MM Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7527, Fax. (021) 3520338
Head of Personnel Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
10 Ir. Sapta Dewi
Administration Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7528, Fax. (021) 3520338
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
11 Head of Finance Bureau Dr. Ir. R. Akhmad Budiono,M.M
Telp./Fax. (021) 3520339, 3519070 Ext. 7611, 7614 (Secr)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
12 Head of Budgeting Division Drs. Teguh Djoko S., M.M.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7618, Fax. (021) 3520339
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
13 Head of Treasury Division Drs. Prayitno, M.M.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7616, Fax. (021) 3520339
Head of Accountant and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
14 Walujo Sejati Abutohir, SH, MM
Verification Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7615, Fax. (021) 3520339
Head of Budget Evaluating and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
15 Denda Djuanda, S.H., M.M.
Controlling Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7617, Fax. (021) 3520339
Head of Legal and Organization Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
16 Supranawa Yusuf,S H, MPA.
and Bureau Telp./Fax. (021) 3520340, 3519070 Ext. 7421, 7424 (Sekr)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
17 Head of Legislation Division Darmanta, S.H.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7425, Fax. (021) 3520340
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
18 Head of Marine Law Division Fuad Himawan, SH, M.H.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7426, Fax. (021) 3520340
Head of Agreement and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
19 Tini Martini, SH, M.Soc., Sci.
Licensing Management Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7427, Fax. (021) 3520340
Head of Organization and
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
20 Implementation Management Drs. Bastian Siri
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7428, Fax. (021) 3520340
Head of General Affairs and Nono Aling Samuel Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Equipment Bureau Ponggawa, SE Telp./Fax. (021) 3520351, 3519070 Ext. 7241, 7244 (Secr)
Head of Leader Administration Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
22 Riyani Indrati, SH, MM
Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7140, Fax. (021) 3520351
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
23 Head of Internal Affairs Division Drs. Marsudi
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7245, Fax. (021) 3520351
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
24 Head of Equipment Division Dra. Asri Setyawati
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7246, Fax. (021) 3520351
Head of Correspondence and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110
25 Drs. Eddy Papayungan, MM
Administration Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7247, Fax. (021) 3520351
Head of International and Inter
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
26 Institution Cooperation Dr.Ir. Sunggul Sinaga, M.Sc
Telp./Fax. (021) 3864293, 3519070 Ext. 7622, 7626 (Secr)
Analysis Center
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
27 Head of Administration Division Ir. Gun Yanto, MM
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7613, Fax. (021) 3864293
Head of International Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
28 Ismayanti, DFM, DEA
Cooperation Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7607, Fax. (021) 3864293
Head of Inter-Institution Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
29 Ir. Suhendro Budihardjo
Cooperation Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7620, Fax. (021) 3864293

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Head of Data, Statistic and Dr. Soen’an Hadi Poernomo,
30 Telp. (021) 3520350, 3519070 Ext. 7431, 7434 (Secr),
Information Center M.Ed
Telp./Fax. (021) 3519133
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
31 Head of Data Division Dr. Ir. Mita Wahyuni, MS
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1637
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
32 Head of Statistic Division Sri Indrastuti, B.Sc., S.Pi.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1632
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
33 Head of Information Division Ir. Harun Al Rasyid, M.M
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7410, Fax. (021) 3519133
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
34 Head of Administration Division Dra. Listya Inderasari, M.M
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 7435, Fax. (021) 3519133
Head of Fish Quarantine Jl. Raya Setu No. 01 Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur,
35 Ir. Agus Priyono, M.Si
Center Telp. (021) 8448506, Fax. (021) 8448679
Jl. Raya Setu No. 01 Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur,
36 Head of Administration Division Sugiman A.Pi, M.P.
Telp. (021) 8448506, Fax. (021) 8448679

Head of Program and Jl. Raya Setu No. 01 Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur,
37 Ir. Budi Sugianti, M.M.
Cooperation Division Telp. (021) 8448506, Fax. (021) 8448679
Head of Standardization, Data Jl. Raya Setu No. 01 Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur,
38 Septiama, A.Pi
and Information Division Telp. (021) 8448506, Fax. (021) 8448679
Head of Service Management Jl. Raya Setu No. 01 Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur,
39 Nuzirwan Thaib, A.Pi.
Division Telp. (021) 8448506, Fax. (021) 8448679

4.2.3 Inspectorate General

To create good governance in the MMAF with professional control
1. Giving a real contribution in the improvement effort of state’s efficiency implementation and
development in marine and fisheries field through surveillance product.
2. Improving the quality of surveillance’s result in order to decision-making and improvement of
Ministry of marine Affairs and Fisheries efficiency.
3. Joining in proactively in policy examination which related to marine and fisheries.
4. Giving the information and consultancy service of law and regulation in state’s governance
implementation and development of marine and fisheries.
5. Motivating the elimination efforts of collusion, corruption, and nepotism practice in scope of
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

No Working Unit Name Address

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
1 Inspector General Dr. Ir. Husni Manggabarani, M.Si. Telp. (021) 3500072, 3519070 Ext. 8600, 8604 (Secr),
Fax. (021) 3520336
Secretary for Inspectorate Dr. Wahyono Hadi Parmono, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
General M.Ed Telp./Fax. (021) 3522310, 3519070 Ext. 8611, 8614 (Secr)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
3 Inspector I Ir. Nur Arif Azizi, M.M
Telp./Fax. (021) 3522805, 3519070 Ext. 8742, 8744 (Secr)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
4 Inspector II Ir. Iskandar, M.M.
Telp./Fax. (021) 3522806, 3519070 Ext. 8631, 8634 (Secr)

51 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
5 Inspector III Ir. Agus Apun Budiman, M.Aq Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8641, 8644 (Secr), Telp./Fax. (021)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
6 Inspector IV Drs. Lapis Silalahi Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8746, 8747 (Secr), Telp./Fax. (021)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
7 Head of Program Division Ir. Badrudin
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8617
Head of Legal and Personnel Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
8 Ana Damayanti, A.Pi, M.M
Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8615
Head of General Affairs and R.M. Tonny Kusumo E., A.Pi, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
Finance Division M.Si Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8618
Head of Action and Analysis Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta 10110,
10 Ganjil Sunarto, SH, MM
Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8616

4.2.4 Directorate General of Capture Fisheries

Fish capture industry in Indonesia, which is sustainable, reliable and autonomous in 2020.
1. To increase the quality of human resources in marine and fisheries.
2. To increase the income of the fishers, and other business practitioners in marine and fisheries.
3. To maintain the loading capacity and increase the environmental quality of the marine and
fishery resources.
4. To develop competitive national industry and capture fishery business.
5. To increase the role of capture fishery sub-sector in the development of national economy.

No Working Unit Name Address

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
Director General of Capture
1 Dr. Ir. Ali Supardan, M.Sc Telp. (021) 3500052, 3519070, Ext. 1200, 1204 (Secr)
Fax. (021) 3520356
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
Secretary for DG. of Capture
2 Dr. Ir. Dedy Heryadi Sutisna, MS Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1211, 1214 (Secre) , Telp./Fax.
(021) 3521781
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
3 Head of Program Division Ir. Rachmat Lubis
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1216, Fax. (021) 3521781

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,

4 Head of Personnel Division Drs. M. Syaefuddin, M.M
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1248, Fax. (021) 3521781

Head of Legal, Organization Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
5 Hanung Cahyono, SH., LLM
and Public Relations Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1218, Fax. (021) 3521781
Head of Finance and General Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
6 Drs. Jonet Srialdoko,M.M
Affairs Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1244, Fax. (021) 3521781
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 6 Jl. Harsono RM No. 3
7 Director of Fisheries Resources Ir. R. Nilanto Perbowo, M.Sc
Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp./Fax. (021) 7811672
Head of Sub Directorate of
Fisheries Resources for
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 6 Jl. Harsono RM No. 3
8 Utilization in the Indonesian Ir. Erni Widjajanti, M.Ag.Buss
Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, , Telp./Fax. (021) 7811672
Exclusive Economic Zone
(IEEZ) and High Seas
Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008
No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Sub Directorate of
Fisheries Resources for Ir. Nasfri Adisyahmeta Yusar, Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 6 Jl. Harsono RM
Conservation and M.M No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp./Fax. (021) 7811672
Head of Sub Directorate of
Ir. Pangihutan Simanjuntak, Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 6 Jl. Harsono RM
10 Fisheries Resources for
M.M No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp./Fax. (021) 7811672
Utilization in Inland Waters
Head of Sub Directorate of
Fisheries Resources for Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 6 Jl. Harsono RM
11 RM. Liliek Soeprijadi, A.Pi, MM
Utilization in Territorial Sea and No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp./Fax. (021) 7811672
Archipelagic Waters
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 6 Jl. Harsono RM
12 Capture Fisheries Data and Ir. Sri Dyah Retnowati S.P. No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp./Fax. (021) 7827254,
Statistic 7811672
Director of Fishing Vessel and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
13 Ir. Heriyanto Marwoto, MS
Gear (021) 3519070 Ext. 1621, 1624 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3520726
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
14 Fishing Vessel Construction Baithur Sjarief, A.Pi
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1625, Fax. (021) 3520726
and Feasibility
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
15 Fishing Gear Construction and Ir. Bambang Ariadi, M.M
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1627, Fax. (021) 3520726
Head of Sub Directorate of Ir. Miskatul Firdaus Sahwan, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
Fishing Vessels Registration M.M (021) 3519070 Ext. 1651, Fax. (021) 3520726
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
17 Ir. Sri Yono Wirjosuwarno, MM
Fishing Vessel Crews (021) 3519070 Ext. 1628, Fax. (021) 3520726
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
18 Ir. Surya Darma
Evaluating and Monitoring (021) 3519070 Ext. 1626, Fax. (021) 3520726
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
19 Director of Fishing Port Ir. Parlin Tambunan
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1102, 1134 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3520728
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
20 Fishing Port Preparation and Ir. M. Zaini Hanafi, M.M
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1136, Fax. (021) 3520728
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
21 Fishing Port Operational Ir. Whisnu Haryati
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1129, Fax. (021) 3520728
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
22 Fishing Port Development Ir. Toto Juharto, M.M.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1121, Fax. (021) 3520728
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
23 Ir. Kosasih, M.Si
Fishing Port Officer (021) 3519070 Ext. 1115, Fax. (021) 3520728
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
24 Ir. Abdur Rauf Sam
Monitoring and Evaluation (021) 3519070 Ext. 1135, Fax. (021) 3520728
Director of Fishing Business Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
25 Ir. Ibrahim Ismail
Services (021) 3519070 Ext. 8831, 8834 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3523028
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
26 Ir. Sudaryati
Fishing Business Allocation (021) 3519070 Ext. 8822, Fax. (021) 3523028
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
27 Ir. Nina Nirmalasari Muhidin
Fishing Business Management (021) 3519070 Ext. 8835, Fax. (021) 3523028
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
28 Ir. Tyas Budiman, M.M
Fishing Document Verification (021) 3519070 Ext. 8819, Fax. (021) 3523028
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
29 Ir. Balok Budiyanto, M.M
Fishing Document Services (021) 3519070 Ext. 8809, Fax. (021) 3523028

53 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
30 Fishing Monitoring and Ir. Endroyono, SE, M.M
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8820, Fax. (021) 3523028
Director of Fishing Business Ir. Anang Noegroho Setyo Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
Development Mulyono, SCM, MEM (021) 3519070 Ext. 1600, 1615 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3522173
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
32 Ir. Edi Wahyudi
Business Institutions (021) 3519070 Ext. 1616, Fax. (021) 3522173
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
33 Business Capitals and Ir. Ellia Suwardi, M.Sc
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1620, Fax. (021) 3522173
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
34 Ir. Sakimin Suprapto
Labor Affairs (021) 3519070 Ext. 1617, Fax. (021) 3522173
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
35 Business Management Drs. Hardono
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1618, Fax. (021) 3522173
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
36 Ir. Arief Wirianata
Monitoring and Evaluation (021) 3519070 Ext. 1614, Fax. (021) 3522173

4.2.5 Directorate General of Aquaculture

The establishment of competitive and sustainable aquaculture as a mainstay of economic
1. To produce high quality fish efficiently;
2. To develop responsible and environmentally friendly aquaculture; and
3. To create business opportunities and provide employments.
No Working Unit Name Address
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
Director General of
1 Dr. Ir. Made L. Nurjana No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7890552
Fax. (021) 78835853
Secretary for Directorate Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
2 Ir. M. Rahmat Ibrahim, M.Aq
General of Aquaculture No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp./Fax. (021) 7804066
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
3 Head of Program Division Dr. Ir. Reza Shah Pahlevi, M.Sc
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp./Fax. (021) 7822779
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
4 Head of Personnel Division Ir. Eddy Soesanto
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7812867
Head of Legal, Organization & Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
5 Agung Witjaksono,SH
Public Relations Division No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7828577
6 Head of Finance & General Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
Drs. Muryana
Affairs Administration Division No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7811673
Director of Aquaculture Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
7 Ir. Iskandar Ismanadji
Production Development No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78831914
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
8 Aquaculture Development Ir. Chaery Novari
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78831914
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
9 Aquaculture Standardization Ir. M. Abduh Nur Hidayat, M.Si
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78831914
and Certification
Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008
No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
10 Empowerment Small-Scale Ir. Agus Surono, M.M.
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78831914
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
11 Aquaculture Equipment and Ir. Maharsi
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78831914
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
12 Ir. Eddy Sudartanto, M.S.
Aquaculture Data and Statistics No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78831914
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
13 Director of Seed Development Dr. Ir. Endhay Kusnendar, M.S.
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7815630
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
14 Broodstock and Seed Ir. Dwika Herdikiawan, M.M.
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7815630
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
15 Ir. Kurniasih
Small-Scale Seed Development No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7815630
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
16 Large—Scale Seed Ir. Setiawan, M.M.
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7815630
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
17 Seed Production Ir. Sri Wahyani Boedianingsih
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7815630
Standardization & Certification
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
18 Ir. Willie Hermanus Roring, M.M
Seed Control No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7815630
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
Director of Aquaculture
19 Dr. Ir. Lenny S. Syafei, M.S. No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7800208,
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
20 Ir. Erigenius Patongloan
Regional Development No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7817935
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
21 Ir. Sentot Djarwanto
Area Development No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7817935
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
22 Ir. Sapardi
Development Management No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7817935

Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
23 Drs. I Made Raka Adnyana
Geographical Information No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7817935
Director of Fish Health and Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
24 Ir. Syamsuddin H. Amin, M.M.
Environment No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7827844
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
25 Control of Aquatic Pests and Drs. Djumbuh Rukmono, M.P.
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7827844
Fish Diseases
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
26 Ir. Tri Haryanto, M.M.
Environmental Control No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7827844
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
27 Ir. Helmi Y. Zuna, M. Si
Environmental Rehabilitation No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7827844
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
28 Ir. Fatmah, M.M.
Fish Health Standardization No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7827844
Head of Sub Directorate of
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
29 Pharmaceuticals and Ir. Maysaroh Mawardi, M.M.
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 7827844

55 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Director of Aquaculture Busi- Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
30 Ir. Sunaryanto, M.Sc.
ness Development No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78836255
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
31 Drs. Djoko Roedationo, MM
Investment and Capital No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78836255
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
32 Ir. Mukti Sri Hastuti, M.Sc.
Business Development No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78836255
Head of Sub Directorate of Fish
Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
33 Farmer Manpower Ir. Abdullah
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78836255
Head of Sub Directorate of Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
34 Ir. Alfida Ahda, MM
Accreditation No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78836255

Head of Sub Directorate of

Kantor Pusat DEPTAN Gedung B Lt. 4 Jl. Harsono RM
35 Product Enhancement and Ir. Tatie Sri Paryanti, M.M.
No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Telp. (021) 78836255

4.2.6 DG of Marine, Costal and Small Island

Coastal and small islands resources for sustainable livelihoods.
To encourage sustainable economic growth through empowering communities, optimizing resources
and spatial use, taking into consideration conservation principles.

No Working Unit Name Address

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Director General of Marine, Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Syamsul Maarif,
1 Telp. (021) 3500064, 3519070 Ext. 8900, 8904 (Secr),
Coastal and Small Islands M. Eng., Dipl.Ing., DEA
Telp./Fax. 3520357
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Secretary for DG. of Marine,
2 Dr. Ir. Irwandi Idris, M.Si Telp. (021) 3522060, 3519070 Ext. 8911, 8916 (Secr),
Coastal and Small Islands
Fax. (021)3522560
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
3 Head of Program Division Ir. Sri Atmini, M.Sc
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8917, Fax. (021)3522560
Head of Personnel, Finance Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
4 Sugianto, B.Sc
and General Affairs Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8918, Fax. (021)3522560
Head of Legal, Organization Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
5 Ir. Paskah Gumilar
and Public Relations Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8910, Fax. (021)3522560
Head of Monitoring, Evaluating Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
6 Ir. Yulita Wismaneli
and Reporting Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8919, Fax. (021)3522560
Director of Marine, Coastal and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
7 Ir. Ferrianto H. Djais, M.M.A
Small Islands Spatial Planning Telp./Fax. (021) 3522040, 3519070 Ext. 8931, 8934 (Secr)
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
8 Marine and Coastal Spatial Ir. Sigit P.D. Raharjo, M.SP.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8935, Fax. (021) 3522040
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
9 Ir. Sapta Putra Ginting, M.Sc.
Small Islands Spatial Planning (021) 3519070 Ext. 8936, Fax. (021) 3522040

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 56

No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
10 Marine and Coastal Spatial Ir. Sentot Wijaya, M.M.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8938, Fax. (021) 3522040
Controlling and Utilization
Head of Sub Directorate of
Ir. Rido Miduk Sugandi Batubara, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
11 Small Islands and Spatial
M.Si (021) 3519070 Ext. 8937, Fax. (021) 3522040
Controlling and Utilization
Director of Conservation and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
12 Ir. Yaya Mulyana
Marine National Park (021) 3519070 Ext. 8921, 8924 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3860623
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
13 Conservation Identification and Ir. Effita Nezon, M.M.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8928, Fax. (021) 3860623
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
14 Waters Zone Conservation Ir. Agus Dermawan
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8925, Fax. (021) 3860623
and Marine National Park
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
15 Conservation Zone Rehabilita- Ir. Eny Budi Sri Haryani, M.Si
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8927, Fax. (021) 3860623
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
16 Fish Conservation and Ir. M. Eko Rudianto, M.Bus. IT
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8926, Fax. (021) 3860623
Conservation Zone Utilization
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
17 Director of Coastal and Marine Ir. Ida Kusuma Wardhaningsih
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1041, 1044 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3522059
Head of Sub Directorate of
Dr. Ir. Subandono Diposaptono, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
18 Disaster Mitigation and
M.Eng (021) 3519070 Ext. 1047, Fax. (021) 3522059
Environment Pollution
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
19 Integrated Marine and Coastal Ir. Umi Windriani, M.M.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1046, Fax. (021) 3522059
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
20 Marine and Coastal Rehabilita- Ir. Ahsanal Kasasih, M.Agr. Bus
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1048, Fax. (021) 3522059
tion and Using
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
21 Marine Services and Maritime Ir. Aris Kabul Pranoto, M.Si
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1045, Fax. (021) 3522059
Director of Small Islands Dr. Ir. Alex. SW Retraubun, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
Empowerment M.Sc. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8811, 8814 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3522058
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
23 Ir. Didi Sadili
Small Islands Identification (021) 3519070 Ext. 8818, Fax. (021) 3522058
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
24 Small Islands Facilities and Ir. Sunarto, M.M.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8816, Fax. (021) 3522058
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
25 Small Islands Ecosystem Drs. Iwan Setiawan, M.Si.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8815, Fax. (021) 3522058
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110 Telp.
26 Acceleration and Investment Ir. Priyo Utomo
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8817, Fax. (021) 3522058
Director of Coastal Community Dr. Sudirman Saad, S.H., Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
Empowerment M.Hum. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8821, 8824 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3520768
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
28 Dr. Ir. Pamuji Lestari, M.Sc.
Capital Access Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8827, Fax. (021) 3520768
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
29 Science and Technology Drs. Riyanto Basuki
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8823, Fax. (021) 3520768

57 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
30 Ir. Syahrowi R. Nusir, MM
Community Participation Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8828, Fax. (021) 3520768
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
31 Ir. Amna Yunus, M.B.A.
Micro Business Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 8825, Fax. (021) 3520768

4.2.7 DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing

Production of Prime Quality Fish Products.
The Missions on period 2005-2009 are:
1. To promote the development of fish processing business to produce safe, high quality and
environmentally friendly products, with regard to creating product competitiveness.
2. To develop standardization in the processing and marketing of fish products.
3. To develop hygienic and efficient marketing system of fish products.
4. To strengthen and enhance the global export markets.
5. To increase the conducive business climate in the processing and marketing of fish products.
6. To actualize the strong and clean governance in the processing and marketing of fish products.

No Working Unit Name Address

Director General of Fisheries Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
1 Product Processing and Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini (021) 3500063, 3519070 Ext. 1100, 1104 (Secr),
Marketing Telp./Fax. (021) 3520844


Secretary for Directorate

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
2 General Fisheries Product Ir. Syafril Fauzi, M.Sc
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1111, 1116 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3500132
Processing and Marketing
Head of Program and Budget Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
3 Drs. Eddy Setiabudi, M.S
Division (021) 3519070 Ext. 1117, Fax. (021) 3500132
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
4 Head of Personnel Division Drs. Marno
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1110, Fax. (021) 3500132
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
3 Head of Law Division Adiarto Harry Poerwanto, SH
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1118, Fax. (021) 3500132
Head of Finance and General Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
5 Agus Dwi Harmoko, SH. MM
Affairs Division (021) 3519070 Ext. 1139, Fax. (021) 3500132


Director of Standardization and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
7 Ir. Nazory Djazuli, M.Sc
Accreditation (021) 3519070 Ext. 8700, 8704 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3500149

Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
8 Ir. Sadarma S Saragih, M.M.
Facilities and Infrastructure (021) 3519070 Ext. 8735, Fax. (021) 3500149

Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
9 Martha S.Siburian, A.Pi, M.M.
Quality Standardization (021) 3519070 Ext. 8740, Fax. (021) 3500149

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 58

No Working Unit Name Address

Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
10 Dra. Budi Susilowati,M.Si
Quality Accreditation (021) 3519070 Ext. 8736, Fax. (021) 3500149
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
11 Ir. Hendarni Mulyani, M.Sc
Quality Control (021) 3519070 Ext. 8733, Fax. (021) 3500149
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
12 Ir. Sulle Kadang, MM
Standard Harmonization (021) 3519070 Ext. 8748, Fax. (021) 3500149


Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
13 Director of Product Processing Dr. Ir. Achmad Poernomo, M.Sc
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1031, 1034 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3500187
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
14 Processing Facilities and Ir. Harinto Wibowo
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1027, Fax. (021) 3500187
Head of Sub Directorate of Innes Rahmania. A.Pi, S.Sos, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
Product Development M.M. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1032, Fax. (021) 3500187
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
16 Processing Small and Medium Dr. Simson Masengi, Ph.D
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1029, Fax. (021) 3500187
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
17 Ir. Nur Retnowati, M.S.
Processing Industry (021) 3519070 Ext. 1036, Fax. (021) 3500187
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
18 Processing Monitoring and Drs. Ida Bagus Made Ardhana
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1035, Fax. (021) 3500187

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.

19 Director of Domestic Marketing Ir. Sadullah Muhdi, MBA
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1020, 1024 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3500163

Head of Sub Directorate of

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
20 Domestic Marketing Facilities Ir. Nurochmansyah, M.Si
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1026, Fax. (021) 3500163
and Infrastructure
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
21 Ir. Slamet Riyadi, M.Sc
Domestic Marketing Institutions (021) 3519070 Ext. 1017, Fax. (021) 3500163
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
22 Domestic Marketing Analysis Ir. Artati Widiarti, M.A.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1019, Fax. (021) 3500163
and Information
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
23 Domestic Marketing Network Ir. Rita Dyah Wismaningsih
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1025, Fax. (021) 3500163
and Distribution
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
24 Domestic Marketing Promotion Ir. Marthin Luther Linting, M.S.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1018, Fax. (021) 3500163
and Cooperation


Director of Foreign Market Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
25 Ir. Saut P. Hutagalung, M.Sc
Development (021) 3519070 Ext. 1001, 1002 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3521977

Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
26 Drs. Jaya Wijaya
Foreign Marketing Institutions (021) 3519070 Ext. 1003, Fax. (021) 3521977

Head of Sub Directorate of

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
27 Foreign Market Analysis and Drs. Yulianto, M.Si
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1049, Fax. (021) 3521977

59 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
28 Wahyu Widayat, M.Si
Export Development (021) 3519070 Ext. 1005, Fax. (021) 3521977
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
29 Drs. Azmir Nida
Import Controlling (021) 3519070 Ext. 1007, Fax. (021) 3521977
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
30 Foreign Market Promotion and Ir. Rahmah Hayati S. I., M.M.
(021) 3519070 Ext. 1004, Fax. (021) 3521977
Director of Business and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
31 Dr. Ir. Widodo Farid Ma’ruf, M.Sc
Investment (021) 3519070 Ext. 8711, 8714 (Secr), T./F. (021) 3500354
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
32 Dra. Gayasri Nastiti
Business Services (021) 3519070 Ext. 8716, Fax. (021) 3500354
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
33 Ilham Batubara, SE, MM
Business Partnership (021) 3519070 Ext. 8725, Fax. (021) 3500354
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
34 Manpower Processing and Drs. Made W. Arthajaya
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8717, Fax. (021) 3500354
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
35 Ateng Supriatna, A.Pi, M.Sc
Investment and Capital (021) 3519070 Ext. 8728, Fax. (021) 3500354
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 Jakarta Pusat 10110, Telp.
36 Business and Investment Ir. Anny Kustantiny, M.Bus
(021) 3519070 Ext. 8726, Fax. (021) 3500354

4.2.8 DG of Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance and Controlling

To create utilization and management of marine and fisheries resources in accordance with
responsibility and orderly.
1. Improving the quality of controlling as systematically and integrated control in order to orderly of
marine and fisheries resources management.
2. Improving participation and appreciation of community in marine and fisheries resources

No Working Unit Name Address

Director General Marine and Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
1 Fisheries Resources Dr. Ir. Aji Sularso, M.M. Telp. (021) 5400087, 3519070 Ext. 1500, 1504 (Secr.)
Surveillance and Controlling Telp./Fax. (021) 3520346
Secretary for Directorate
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110,
General of Marine and Fisheries
2 Ir.Purwanto,MS,Ph.D Telp. (021) 3523151, 3519070 Ext. 1511, 1514 (Secr.)
Resources Surveillance and
Telp./Fax. (021) 3520346
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
3 Head of Program Division Ir. Noor Sidarta, M.B.A
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1515, Fax. (021) 3520346
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
4 Head of Personnel Division Bambang Tri Saptono, S.Sos.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1516, Fax. (021) 3520346
Head of Legal, Organization Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
5 Dra. Clara Tiwow, M.Si.
and Public Relation Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1518, Fax. (021) 3520346
Head of Finance and General Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
6 Ir. Budi Halomoan
Affairs Division Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1548, Fax. (021) 3520346

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 60

No Working Unit Name Address


Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Director of Fisheries Resources
7 Happy Simanjuntak, SH. Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1721, 1724 (Secr.), Telp./Fax.
Surveillance and Controlling
(021) 3523152
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
8 Fishing Surveillance and Con- Drs. Joko Supriyanto, MT
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1725, Fax. (021) 3523152
trolling Area I
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
9 Fishing Surveillance and Con- Ir. Nugroho Aji
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1726, Fax. (021) 3523152
trolling Area II
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
10 Processing, Transporting and Sahat, S.H.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1728, Fax. (021) 3523152
Marketing Controlling
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
11 Aquaculture Business Ir. Fifi Rifiani, MBA
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1727, Fax. (021) 3523152
Surveillance and Controlling
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Director of Marine Resources
12 Ir. Ansori Zawawi Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1411, 1414 (Secr.), Telp./Fax.
Surveillance and Controlling
(021) 3523130
Head of Sub Directorate of
Ir. Sere Alina Tampubolon, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
13 Waters Ecosystem Surveillance
MPST Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1415, Fax. (021) 3523130
and Controlling
Head of Sub Directorate of
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
14 Waters Pollution Surveillance Drs. Sutardjo, M.Si.
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1416, Fax. (021) 3523130
and Controlling
Head of Sub Directorate of
Sanctuary Area, Small Islands Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
15 Ir. Iwan Girindra Wardana, M.A.
and Coastal Surveillance and Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1418, Fax. (021) 3523130
Head of Sub Directorate of Non
Living Resources and Marine Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
16 Heru Satrio Wibowo, S.H.
Services Surveilllance and Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1418, Fax. (021) 3523130
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
17 Director of Vessel Surveillance Willem Garpersz, S.E., M.M. Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1421, 1424 (Secr.), Telp./Fax.
(021) 3523126

Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
18 Drs. Yorfatrik Nadza, M.M.
Operational and Logistic Area I Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1428, Fax. (021) 3523126

Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
19 Tri Antoro, A.Pi., M.M.
Operational and Logistic Area II Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1427, Fax. (021) 3523126

Head of Sub Directorate of

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
20 Surveillance Vessel Ir. Suryanto, M.Sc
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1426, Fax. (021) 3523126
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
21 Dra. Erlina Luswiyati
Surveillance Vessel Crews Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1425, Fax. (021) 3523126


Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Director of Infrastructure and
22 Dr. Ir. Hartanta Tarigan, Ph.D. Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1541, 1544 (Secr.), Telp./Fax.
Medium for Controlling
(021) 3523113
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
23 Drs. Dewato Permana Budi
Surveillance Facilities Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1547, Fax. (021) 3523113

61 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
24 Ir. Gatot Rudiyanto, M.M.
Surveillance Infrastructures Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1527, Fax. (021) 3523113
Head of Sub Directorate of
Construction Planning of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
25 Ir. Suharta
Infrastructure and Medium for Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1546, Fax. (021) 3523113
Head of Sub Directorate of Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
26 Drs. Johnny Banjarnahor
Monitoring and Controlling Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1545, Fax. (021) 3523113
27 Director of Law Enforcement Drs. Cornelis N Patty Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1521, 1524 (Secr.), Telp./Fax.
(021) 3518794
28 Head of Sub Directorate of Wiji Suparni, S.H. Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Violation Analysis and Inventory Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1525, Fax. (021) 3518794
29 Head of Sub Directorate of Ir. Bratatridharma, M.M. Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Investigation Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1537, Fax. (021) 3518794
30 Head of Sub Directorate of Ir. Rina Eloksatiti Hadirini, MBA Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Action and Monitoring Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1526, Fax. (021) 3518794
31 Head of Sub Directorate of Law Indra Sakti, S.E., M.M. Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 Jakarta Pusat 10110
Arrangement Telp. (021) 3519070 Ext. 1517, Fax. (021) 3518794

4.2.9 Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research

The achievement of research, science and technology on marine and fisheries as a reliable
component in marine and fisheries sustainable development.
1. The development of resource capacity of marine and fisheries research.
2. The intensifying of marine and fisheries activities to enlighten scientific phenomenon, to support
the marine development, and to carry out new innovation in marine and fisheries technology.
3. The dissemination and socialization of marine and fisheries research output and marine and
fisheries science and technology development.

No Working Unit Name Address

Chairman of Agency for Marine Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwi Suryo Indroyono Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
and Fisheries Research Soesilo, M.Sc. Telp. (021) 64711583 Ext. 4214 (Secr.)

Secretary for Agency for Marine Drs. Asep Djembar Muhammad, Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
and Fisheries Research M.Si. Telp. (021) 64711438 Ext. 2320, 4030 (Secr.)
Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
3 Head of Program Division Ir. Bambang Herunadi
Telp. (021) 64711438 Ext. 2361
Head of Research
Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
4 Communication and Ir. Elvi Wijayanti, M.Si.
Telp. (021) 64711438 Ext. 2360
Cooperation Division
Head of Legal and Personnel Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
5 Drs. Mad Toip
Division Telp. (021) 64711438 Ext. 2350
Head of Finance and General Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
6 Kiswanto, S.E., Ak, M.Si.
Affairs Division Telp. (021) 64711438 Ext. 2362

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 62

No Working Unit Name Address


Head of Research Center for Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
7 Dr. Ir. Victor P.H. Nikijuluw, M.Sc
Capture Fisheries Telp. (021) 64711940, Fax. (021) 6402640
Head of Operational Drs. Budi Iskandar Pri Santoso, Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
Management Division MAPPSC Telp. (021) 64711940, Fax. (021) 6402640
Head of Technical Services Dr. Ir. Mas Tri Djoko Sunarso, Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
Division MS Telp. (021) 64711940, Fax. (021) 6402640
Head of Monitoring and Dr. Ir. Ngurah N Wiadnyana, Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
Evaluation Division DEA Telp. (021) 64711940, Fax. (021) 6402640
Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
11 Head of Administration Division Ir. Kusno Susanto
Telp. (021) 64711940, Fax. (021) 6402640
Head of Research Center for Dr. Ir. Ketut Sugama, M.Sc., Jl. Ragunan 20 Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan
Aquaculture A.PU Telp. (021) 7805052, Fax. (021) 7815101
Head of Operational Jl. Ragunan 20 Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan
13 Dr. Tri Heru Prihadi
Management Division Telp. (021) 7805052, Fax. (021) 7815101
Jl. Ragunan 20 Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan
14 Head of Administration Division Ir. Bambang Priono, S.U.
Telp. (021) 7805052, Fax. (021) 7815101
Head of Monitoring and Jl. Ragunan 20 Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan
15 Dra. Lies Ermawati, M.Si.
Evaluation Division Telp. (021) 7805052, Fax. (021) 7815101
Jl. Ragunan 20 Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan
16 Head of Technical Services Dra. Irsyaphiani Insan
Telp. (021) 7805052, Fax. (021) 7815101
Acting Head of Research Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
17 Dr. Ir. Aryo Hanggono, DEA
Center for Marine Technology Telp. (021) 64711940
Head of Operational Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
18 Ir. Kemal Sinatra, DEA
Management Division Telp. (021) 64711940
Head of Technical Services Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
19 -
Division Telp. (021) 64711940
Head of Resources and Facili-
Jl. Pasir putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430,
20 ties Operational Management Edy Pramono Sucipto, SE
Telp. (021) 64711940
Head of Research Center for Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
Dr. Ir. Sugiarta W. Santoso,
21 Maritime Territory and Non Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext.. 2322, 4032 (Secr.), Telp./Fax.
Living Resources (021) 79191202
Head of Maritime Area Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
22 Dr. Budi Sulistiyo, M.Sc.
Management Division Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext.. 2355, Fax. (021) 79191202
Head of Non Living & Marine Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770, Telp. (021)
23 Dr. Agus Supangat, DEA
Archaeology Division 79180303 Ext. 4032, Fax. (021) 79191202
Head of Research Facilities
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770, Telp. (021)
24 Implementation and Ir. Tukul Rameyo Adi, M.Sc.
79180303 Ext. 2468, Fax. (021) 79191202
Management Division

4.2.10. Agency for Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development

Establishing a reliable and high quality agency for marine and fisheries human resources
development to create ethical and professional human resources in marine and fishery.
1. Developing an internationally-standardized marine and fishery educational system.

63 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

2. Developing an appropriate marine and fishery training system for the fishermen, aqua culturists,
fish processors, and the businessmen in marine and fishery sector.
3. Developing an integrated marine and fishery extension system amongst the fisheries extension
work under the government, private sector and individual, in line with the program in the local
4. Developing an administrational and management system of the development of marine and
fishery referring to the principles of clean government.

No Working Unit Name Address

Head of Agency for Marine and
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
1 Fisheries Human Dr. Ir. Sahala Hutabarat,M.Sc
Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 4005 Fax. (021) 79180162
Resources Development
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 JakartaSelatan 12770,
Secretary of Agency for Marine
2 Dr. Sunoto, MES Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2721, 4071 (Secr.),
and Fisheries HRD.
Telp./Fax. (021) 7987525
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
3 Head of Planning Division Ir. Limanseto, M.Eng
Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2750, Fax. (021) 7987525
Head of Personnel and Organi- Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
4 Rosyida Setyawati, S.Sos., M.M
zation Division Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2556, Fax. (021) 7987525
Head of Documentation and Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
5 Drs. Suroyo, MM
Evaluation Division Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2550, Fax. (021) 7987525
Head of General Affairs and Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
6 Ir. Anthon A. Djari, MS
Finance Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 5399, Fax. (021) 7987525
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
Head of Marine and Fishery
7 Dr. Ir. Iin Siti Djunaidah Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2722, 4072 (Secr.),
Education Center
Telp./Fax. (021) 79180464
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
8 Head of Program Division Sanromo, M.Ed
Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2420, Fax. (021) 79180464
Head of Education Implementa- Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
9 Ir. Hasrat AS
tion Division Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2522, Fax. (021) 79180464
Head of Personnel and Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770
10 Ir. Djojo Suwardjo, M.M.A
Institutional Division Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 4046, Fax. (021) 79180464


Head of Marine and Fisheries Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
11 Ir. Yunus Lebang Lambe
Training Center Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2171, Telp./Fax. (021) 79180457
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
12 Head of Program Division Ir. Herry Maryuto, M.M.A.
Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 5062, Fax. (021) 79180457
Head of Training for Officers Drs. Sutrisno Hearsanto Effendi, Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
Division M.M. Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2570, Fax. (021) 79180457
Head of Training for Non Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12770,
14 Ir. Diana Hestiwati, M.M.
Officers Division Telp. (021) 79180303 Ext. 2422, Fax. (021) 79180457


Head of Extension Develop- Jl. AUP Pasar Minggu PO. BOX. 7239/JKPSM, Jaksel
15 Ir. Sumardi Suriatna, M.Ed
ment Center Telp./Fax. (021) 7829751
Jl. AUP Pasar Minggu PO. BOX. 7239/JKPSM, Jaksel
16 Head of Program Division Ir. Rina, M.Si.
Telp./Fax. (021) 7829751

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 64

No Working Unit Name Address

Head of Personnel and Institu- M. Wekas Hudoyo P.Y., A.Pi., Jl. AUP Pasar Minggu PO. BOX. 7239/JKPSM, Jaksel
tional Division M.PS Telp./Fax. (021) 7829751
Head of Extension Material Jl. AUP Pasar Minggu PO. BOX. 7239/JKPSM, Jaksel
18 Pola S.T. Panjaitan, A.Pi., M.M.
Division Telp./Fax. (021) 7829751

4.2.11. Technical Implementation Unit of MMAF (Unit Pelaksana Teknis - UPT)

a. UPT under DG of Capture Fisheries

No Working Unit Name Address
Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Jl. Muara Baru Ujung, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara,
1 Ir. Alifsyah Bambang Sutejo
Port, Jakarta Telp. (021) 6617865, Fax. (021) 6617868
Jl. Gabion Belawan - Medan Kotak Pos No. 20,
2 Ocean Fishing Port, Belawan W. Haryomo, A.Pi, SE
Telp. (061) 6941016, Fax. (061) 6940329
Jl. Raya Padang Pariaman Km.16 Padang 25245,
3 Ocean Fishing Port, Bungus Syafli Arsyid, B.Sc
Telp.(0751) 751120, 751121, Fax. (0751) 751122
Jl. Lingkar Teluk Penyu No.2 Cilacap 53200 Java Tengah
4 Ocean Fishing Port, Cilacap Ir. Julius Silaen, M.S.
Telp. (0282) 532682, 532686, Fax. (0282) 532688
Jl. Samudera No.1 Po.Box 40 Kendari - Sulawesi Tenggara
5 Ocean Fishing Port, Kendari Ir. Asifus Zahid, B.Sc
Telp. (0401) 322010, Fax. (0401) 390868
Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Pandan Kasturi, Ambon 91728
6 Archipelago Fishing Port, Ambon Ir. Frits Penehes Lesnusa
Telp. (0911) 355222, Fax. (0911) 345291
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. Gatot Subroto Pondok Batu Sarudik Sibolga, Sumatra
7 Henry Maruly Batubara, S.Pi
Sibolga Utara, Telp/Fax. (0631) 22129
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. Raya Brondong No.17 Lamongan 62263 Jawa Timur,
8 Tharmizi Asri RS, APi
Brondong Telp/Fax. (0322) 663105
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. Pelabuhan Perikanan No.1 Kesunean - Cirebon 45113,
9 Ir. Jainur Manurung, M.M
KeJavanan Java Barat Telp. (0231) 210084 , Fax. (0231) 231383
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. W.R. Suparatman No.1, Pekalongan 51114
10 Dedi Sutisna, A.Pi
Pekalongan Telp. (0285) 424500, Fax. (0285) 424740
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. Siliwangi PO Box 22 Palabuhan Ratu 43364, Java Barat,
11 Dr. Ir. Bustami Mahyudin, M.M
Pelabuhanratu Telp. (0266) 431307-45, Fax. (0266) 431355,
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. Penjajab Timur Pemangkat, Kab. Sambas Kalimantan
12 Ir. Alim Hamonangan Tampubolon
Pemangkat Barat 79153, Telp. (0562) 242066, Fax. (0562) 244113
Jl. Pantai Prigi Trenggalek Jawa Timur 66382,
13 Archipelago Fishing Port, Prigi Suyadi, A.Pi
Telp. (0355) 551802,551945, 551147, Fax. (0355) 551995
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. Laks. RE Martadinata Tanjung Pandan Belitung 33411,
14 Ir. Arief Rachman Lamatta, M.M
Tanjung Pandan Telp/Fax. (0719) 21070
Archipelago Fishing Port, Jl. Bastiong Pantai Po.Box 25, Ternate, Maluku ,
15 Dwi Yuliono Rochayadi, Api, M.M
Ternate Telp. (0921) 21385, Fax. (0921 ) 21128
Jl. Dumar, Kab. Maluku Tenggara, Telp. (0916) 22681,
16 Archipelago Fishing Port, Tual Ir. Julius Jantje Patty
Fax. (0916) 22946
Kelurahan Aertembaga Kec. Bitung Timur, Telp (0438) 36775
17 ArchipelagoFishing Port, Bitung Ir. Estefanus Worang
Fax (0438) 35746


Coastal Fishing Port Sungailiat, Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 50, Sungailiat – Bangka Sumatera
18 Ir. Sutarjo, A.Pi.
Bangka Selatan, Telp/Fax. (0717) 93242
Coastal Fishing Port Karangantu, Jl. Banten Po Box 23 Serang Banten 42191
19 Suprapto, A.Pi, MM
Serang Telp/Fax. (0254) 202132

65 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address
Coastal Fishing Port Teluk Po Box 1084 Pontianak 78000, Telp. (0812) 5626928,
20 Misbar Barin. N, S.Pi, MM
Batang Fax. (0812) 5609949
Coastal Fishing Port Desa Pengambengan Kec. Negara Kab. Jembrana Bali,
21 Ir. Pargiono
Pengambengan Telp. (0365) 42968
The Fishing Technology
Jl. Yos Sudarso Kalibaru Barat, Semarang
22 Development Center of Ir. Suardoyo, M.S
Telp (024) 3583064, 3583065, Fax. (024) 3583067
Semarang (BBPPI)

b. UPT under DG of Aquaculture

No Working Unit Name Adress

The Main Center for Mariculture d/a Desa Hanura, Kec. Padang Cermin, Lampung Selatan
1 Development (BBPBL) Dr. Ir. M. Murdjani, M.Sc Tromol Pos 74 Tk, Teluk Betung – Lampung,
Lampung Telp. (0721) 471379, 471380, Fax. (0721) 471 379
The Main Center for
Jl. Pemandian Kartini PO. Box 1 Jepara - Java Tengah,
2 Brackishwater Aquaculture Ir.Sudjiharno
Telp. (0291) 911 25, Fax. (0291) 917 24 / 917 55
Development (BBPBAP) Jepara
The Main Center for
Jl. Selabintana No. 17 Sukabumi - Java Barat,
3 Freshwater Aquaculture Ir. Maskur
Telp. (0266) 22521, 221762, Fax. (0266) 221762
Development (BBPBAT) Sukabumi
Brackishwater Aquaculture
Ir. Coco Kokarkin Jl. Krueng Raya Km 16 PO Box 46, Banda Aceh - Nanggroe
4 Development Center (BBAP) Ujung
Soetrisno, M.Sc, Ph.D. Aceh Darussalam, Telp. / Fax. (0651) 21197, 24686
Jl. KH A. Dahlan Tg. Riau, Sekupang Kodya Batam Island
Mariculture Development Center,
5 Syamsul Akbar, Pg. Dipl. 29422 Kotak Pos 60 - Kepulauan Riau, Telp. (0778) 381042,
(BBL) Batam
Fax. (0778) 381206
Jl. Iswayudi No. 6 RT 8 Kelurahan Pasir Putih - Chandra,
Freshwater Aquaculture
6 Ir. Supriyadi, M.Si Kec. Jambi Selatan - Kota Jambi – Jambi,
Development Center (BBAT) Jambi
Telp. (0741) 572230, 7554472
Brackishwater Aquaculture
Jl. Raya Pecaron PO Box 5 Panarukan Situbondo - Jawa
7 Development Center (BBAP) Ir. Slamet Subiyakto, MSi
Timur, Telp. (0338) 673328, Fax. (0338) 671298
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 21 PO Box. 128 Praya Lombok
Mariculture Development Center
8 Ir. Sarifin, M.S. Tengah - Nusa Tenggara Barat Telp. (0370) 653746,
(BBL) Lombok
639189, Fax. (0370) 653795, 6544898
Freshwater Aquaculture
Jl. Tahura Sultan Adam Km. 14 Mandiangin, Banjarbaru
9 Development Center (BBAT) Ir. Endang Mudjiutami
Kalimantan Selatan, Telp. (0511) 4780758

Freshwater Aquaculture Ir. IBM. Suastika Jaya, Jl. Panilih Desa Tatelu (Komp. Perikanan) Kec. Dimembe,
Development Center (BBAT) Tatelu M.Si Kab Minahasa - Sulawesi Utara, Telp. (0431) 853175

Desa Bantelo, Kec. Gelesong Selatan, Kab. Takalar,

Brackishwater Aquaculture
11 Sugeng Raharjo, A.Pi Ujung Pandang - Sulawesi Selatan 92254,
Development Center (BBAP) Takalar
Telp. (0411) 320 730, Fax. (0411) 866 936
Mariculture Development Center Jl. Laksdya Leo Wattimena Waiteru, Ambon 97232 –
12 Ir. Arik Ariwibowo, Msi
(BBL) Ambon Maluku, Telp. (0911) 351 616

c. UPT under DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing

No Working Unit Name Adress
Head of National Center for Fisheries
Jl. Muara Baru Ujung, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara,
1 Product Development and Ir. Santoso, M.Phil
Telp. (021) 6695516, 6695586, Fax. (021) 6695593

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 66

d. UPT under DG of Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance and Controlling

No Working Unit Name Adress

Head of Base for Marine and
1 Subiyanto Hanudi, S.Pi., M.M. Komplek PPPN Bitung Aertembaga, Bitung
Fisheries Surveillance Bitung
Head of Base for Marine and
2 Ir. Bachtiar Tjambi, M.M. Jl. Muarabaru Ujung Jakarta Utara
Fisheries Surveillance Jakarta
Head of Station for Marine and
3 Slamet, A.Pi. Jl. Gabion Belawan Medan 20414, Sumatera Utara
Fisheries Surveillance Belawan
Head of Station for Marine and
4 Fisheries Surveillance Tri Wahyu Widoyartono, S.IP PPI Sungai Rengas Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
Head of Station for Marine and
5 Yospendi Kompleks PPN Tual Jl. Dumar Tual
Fisheries Surveillance Tual

e. UPT under Secretariat General

No Working Unit Name Address


1 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Dr. Ir. Toni Ruchimat, M.Sc Gd. Karantina Pertanian Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
Soekarno-Hatta Cengkareng Telp. (021) 5507932, Fax. (021) 5506738
2 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Drs. Widodo Jl. Landak Baru No. 7 Makassar, Telp. (0411) 874793
Hasanuddin, Makassar Fax. (0411) 855766
3 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Ir. Muhammad Ridwan, M.M. Jl. Gusti Ngurah Rai Tuban Kuta
Ngurah Rai Telp/Fax. (0361) 756951
4 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Ir. Victor Immanuel Jl. Padang Golf Bandara Polonia, Medan 20157
Polonia Telp/Fax. (061) 4572181
5 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Ir. Reza Priyatna, M.P. Jl. Kolonel Syarifuddin Yoes Balikpapan 76115
Sepinggan, Balikpapan Telp.(0542) 876348
6 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Drs. Kardiman Lanadimulya Jl. Adi Sucipto, Bandara Selaraparang Mataram NTB 83124
Selaparang, Mataram Telp. (0370) 635425, Fax. (0370) 637145
7 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Drs. Nurhaidin, A.Pi, S.Pi, MP Jl. Pasir No. 6 Sentani Jayapura 99352
Sentani, Jayapura Telp. (0967) 592203, 593462 Fax. (0967) 594598
8 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Ir. Hari Maryadi Jl. Akses Bandara Internasional SMB II Kec. Sukarami,
SMB II, Palembang Palembang Telp. (0711) 7080089, Fax. (0711) 7084307
9 Head of Fish Quarantine Center Ir. Asep Dadang Koswara Jl. Raya Bandar Udara Ir. H. Juanda Surabaya
Juanda Surabaya Telp. (031) 8286357, Fax. (031) 8678471
10 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Teguh Samudro, M.P. Jl. Harapan I No. 1A Cilangkap Jaktim 13810
Standard Verification Center Telp. (021) 84599367, 8451378, Fax. (021) 8448523
11 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Abdul Wahid Jl. Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Simpang Tiga
Station Class I - Sultan Syarif Pekanbaru 28284, Telp. (0761) 673563, 673358
Kasim II Pekanbaru
12 Head of Fish Quarantine Hamzah, S.Pi. Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 82A Ds. Langgea,
Station Class I - Wolter Kec. Ranomeetto Kab. Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara
Monginsidi Telp. (0401) 3008428, Fax. (0401) 394138
13 Head of Fish Quarantine M. Burlian, S.Pi, M.Si D/a Bandara Supadio Pontianak
Station Class I - Supadio, Telp./ Fax. (0561) 723266
14 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Fahrurrozi Komp. Bandara Udara Tabing Padang 25171
Station Class I - Tabing Telp./Fax. (0751) 7057561
15 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Habrin Yake Komp. Bandara Sam Ratulangi Manado 95258
Station Class I - Sam Telp. (0431) 811688 Fax. (0431) 814628
Ratulangi, Manado
16 Head of Fish Quarantine Rusnanto, S.Pi, M.Si Jl. Enggano Raya No. 16 Tj. Prior, Jakarta Utara
Station Class I - Tanjung Priok Telp. (021) 4371604, 43903634, 43903659
Fax. (021) 43910470

67 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Address

17 Head of Fish Quarantine Heri Yuwono, A.Pi, S.Pi, M.Si. Jl. Kalimas Baru No. 86 Surabaya
Station Class I - Tanjung Perak Telp./Fax. (031) 3283886
18 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Eka Perdana Jl. Ampenan No. 4 Semarang 50129
Station Class I - Tanjung Emas Telp. /Fax. (024) 3541769
19 Head of Fish Quarantine Haristanto, A.Pi Jl. Angkasa Landasan Ulir Timur Banjar Baru 70724
Station Class I - Syamsudin Telp./ Fax. (0511) 4705720
20 Head of Fish Quarantine Sugeng Sudiarto, A.Pi Jl. Sersan UD Syawak Palmerah Baru Jambi
Station Class I - Sultan Thaha Telp./Fax. (0741) 572474
21 Head of Fish Quarantine Drs. Sumargono Jl. Cideng Indah no. 236A Kedaung Cirebon Barat 45153
Station Class II - Cirebon Telp./Fax. (0231) 200598
22 Head of Fish Quarantine I Nyoman Suardana., S.Pi Jl. Sultan Dayanu Ikhsanudin, Kota Bau Bau, Buton
Station Class II - Bau bau Telp./Fax. (0402) 26489
23 Head of Fish Quarantine Rd. Ferry Ichwan Priatna, A.Pi Jl. A. Yani No. 2 Sorong Telp. (0951) 325671
Station Class II - Jeffman S.Sos Fax. (0951) 332522
24 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Woro Nur Endang Sariati Jl. Bandar Udara Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta 55282
Station Class II - Adi Sucipto Telp./Fax. (0274) 7102397

25 Head of Fish Quarantine Asyari Syarief, S.Pi. Jl. Peternakan Mopah Lama PO. Box 263 Merauke 99601
Station Class II - Mopah Telp./Fax. (0971) 323749
26 Head of Fish Quarantine Kamaruddin, S.Pi, M.Si. Jl. Lasdya Leo Watimena Waiheru Ambon 97233
Station Class II - Pattimura Telp./Fax. (0911) 3303233
27 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Felix Lumban Tobing, S.Pi. Jl. Pelabuhan Teluk Nibung Tanjung Balai Asahan 21332
Station Class II - Teluk Nibung Telp./Fax. (0623) 95004

28 Head of Fish Quarantine Abdul Kadir, S.Pi. Komp. Pelabuhan Laut Tahuna, Tahuna 95816
Station Class II - Tahuna Telp./Fax. (0432) 22866

29 Head of Fish Quarantine M. Farchan, S.Pi. Jl. Sultan Salahudin Palibelo Bima NTB 84173
Station Class II - Salahudin Telp./Fax. (0374) 647256

30 Head of Fish Quarantine Ir. Hendri Novianto Jl. Koba Bandara Depati Amir Pangkal Pinang 33171
Station Class II - Pangkal Telp. (0717) 434756, 422213
31 Head of Fish Quarantine Ramli, S.Pi. Komp. Bandara Sultan Babullah Ternate
Station Class II - Babullah Telp./Faks (0921) 326148
32 Head of Fish Quarantine Hafit Rahman, S.Pi, M.P. Jl. Adi Sucipto Terminal B Bandara El Tari Kupang, NTT
Station Class II - El Tari Telp./Fax. (0380) 832600, 881340

33 Head of Fish Quarantine R. Rudi Barmara, S.Pi, M.P. Jl. Raya Entikong Pontianak Km. Border Entikong 78563
Station Class II - Entikong Kaltim Telp/Fax. (0564) 31845

34 Head of Fish Quarantine Darwis, S.Pi. Jl. Mulawarman Tarakan No. 2 Rt. 26 Kaltim 77111
Station Class II - Juata Telp./Fax. (0551) 35803
35 Head of Fish Quarantine Dra. Erita Jl. Bandara St. Iskandar Muda Blang Bintang Aceh Besar
Station Class II - Sultan Telp. (0651) 7412446, Fax. (0651) 741664
Iskandar Muda

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 68

No Working Unit Name Address
36 Head of Fish Quarantine Station M.W. Giri Pratikno, S.Pi., M.M. Jl. Raya Padang Kemiling Rt. 2 Kel. Pekan Saptu Bengkulu
Class II - Fatmawati Bengkulu Telp./Fax. (0736) 53017
37 Head of Fish Quarantine Station Suardi, S.Pi. Jl. Garuda No. 22 Palu
Class II - Mutiara Palu Telp. (0451) 4708307, Fax. (0451) 482131
38 Head of Fish Quarantine Station Ir. Putu Sumardiana, M.P. Jl. Java No. 5 Pelabuhan Laut Panjang Bandar Lampung
Class II - Panjang Lampung Telp./Fax. (0721) 32487
39 Head of Fish Quarantine Station Moch. Musa Jefta Telew, S.Pi Jl. Gn. Tompo Tika no. 20 Kp. Baru, Luwuk Banggai
Class II - Luwuk Banggai Telp./Fax. (0461) 324671
40 Head of Fish Quarantine Station Ir. Elfachmi Jl. Sumatera no. 163 Tj. Pinang 29113
Class II - Tanjung Pinang Telp. (0771) 315378, 314172
41 Head of Fish Quarantine Station Ir. Kadson Batubara D/a Adonis Samat Bandar Udara Tjilik Riwut Palangkaraya
Class II - Tjilik Riwut 73111 Telp. (0536) 323641
42 Head of Fish Quarantine Station Abdul Rasyid, S.Pi. Jl. Mayor Dullah Komp. Pelabuhan Laut Gorontalo
Class II - Gorontalo Telp./Fax. (0435) 824071

f. UPT under Agency for Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development

No Working Unit Name Adress

Head of Jakarta Fisheries Jl. AUP Ps. Minggu, PO. Box 7239/ JKPSM, Jaksel
1 DR. Maimun , M.Ed
University Telp. (021) 7805030, 7806874
Director of Sidoarjo Fisheries Jl. Raya Buncitan Kotak Pos I Sedati, Sidoarjo 61253
2 Ir. Tatang Taufik Hidayat, M.S.
Academy Telp. (021) 8911380, 8912848
Director of Bitung Fisheries Jl. Tandurusa PO. Box 12, Bitung, Manado, Sulut 95526,
3 Endang Suhaedi, A.Pi., M.M.
Academy Telp. (0438) 21436, 36434, 36436
Director of Sorong Fisheries Jl. A. Yani Klademak I PO. BOX 109, Sorong Irja 98401,
4 Ir. Samuel Hamel
Academy Telp. (0951) 326666, 326626
Head of Ladong Fisheries High Jl. Laksamana Malahayati Km. 27 PO.Box 132 Banda Aceh
5 Teuku Mudasyah, A.Pi.
School 23001, Telp. (0651) 32139, 25087
Head of Pariaman Fisheries Jl. Simpang Toboh V Koto Kp. Dalam Kotak pos 112
6 Akhiruddin, A.Pi.
High School Pariaman 25501, Telp. (0751) 690061, 690123
Head of Kota Agung Fisheries Jl. Pantai Harapan Waigelang, Kota Agung , Tanggamus
7 Djodie Soeprijatman, A.Pi., M.M.
High School Lampung Telp./Fax. (0722) 21763
Head of Tegal Fisheries High Jl. Martoloyo PO. BOX 22 Tegal 52122
8 Agus Irianto, S.Pi.
School Telp. (0283) 356246, 320887
Head of Pontianak Fisheries Jl. Pramuka Nipah Kuning 1065, Pontianak
9 Fuad Fudoli, A.Pi., S.Pi
High School Telp. (0561) 743724, 773655
Head of Bone Fisheries High Jl. Sungai Musi Km. 8 PO. BOX 119 Bone Sulsel
10 Ir. Idham Ruray, M.P.
School Telp. (0481) 2912967, 2912966
Jl. Laksdya Leo Watimena Km. 16 Kotak Pos 169 Ambon,
Head of Waiheru Fisheries High
11 Ir. Labania La Saleh Maluku
Telp (0911) 361111, 361102
Head of Sorong Fisheries High Jl. A. Yani Klademak 1 PO.Box 109 Sorong
12 Drs. Jehuda Usjior, S.Sos., M.M.
School Telp. (0951) 321543, Fax. (0951) 326626
Head of Fisheries Extension
Jl. Cikaret No. 2 Kotak Pos 155 Bogor 16001
13 Department, Fisheries Ir. Iskandar Musa, A.Pi., M.M.
(0251) 485231/485169
Head of Belawan Fisheries Jl. T.M. Pahlawan No. 10 Belawan , Sumut 20411
14 I Wayan Widra, A.Pi., M.M.
Education & Training Center Telp. (061) 77825861, 77809719, Fax. (061) 6941963
Head of Tegal Fisheries Educa- Jl. Martoloyo PO. Box 22, Tegal 52122
15 Ir. Pranoto, M.Si
tion & Training Center Telp. (0283) 356393, 322064
Head of Banyuwangi Fisheries Jl. Raya Situbondo Km. 17 Tromol Pos 8 Banyuwangi 68402
16 Ir. Bastian Mainassy, M.Si
Education & Training Center Telp. (0333) 510688, 510525
Head of Aertembaga Fisheries PO. Box 18, Bitung 95501
17 Drs. Adrie Randung
Education & Training Center Telp. (0438) 21650, 21681, 31477

69 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Working Unit Name Adress

Head of Ambon Fisheries Jl. Martafons, Poka Tromol Pos 202, Ambon 97233
18 Drs. Jerry D. Kalesaran
Education & Training Center Telp. (0911) 379592, 361102, 379593
Head of Sukamandi Education
Jl. Raya 2 Sukamandi Subang
19 & Training Center for Untung Prasetyono, A.Pi., M.M.
Telp. (0260) 520996, 523364
Head of Administration on Field
Jl. Samudera Karangantu Serang 42191
20 Fisheries Education and Muhammad Farkhan, A.Pi.
Telp. (0254) 202094, 223604
Training Division

g. UPT under Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research

No Working Unit Name Address
Head of Gondol Reasearch
Dr. I. Nyoman Adiasmara Giri, Jl. Br. Gondol Kec. Gerokgak PO.Box. 140 Kab. Buleleng
1 Institute for Mariculture,
M.S Singaraja 81101 Telp. (0362) 92278 Fax. (0362) 92272
Head of Research Center for
Jl. KS. Tubun Petamburan VI Jakarta 10260
2 Product Processing and Dr. Hari Eko Irianto, A.PU
Telp./ Fax. (021) 5709158
Biotechnology, Jakarta
Head of Research Center for
Jl. KS. Tubun Petamburan VI Jakarta 10260
3 Marine & Fisheries Social Dr. Agus Heri Purnomo
Telp. (021) 53670083, Fax. (021) 5360159
Economic, Jakarta
Jl. Muara Baru Ujung Komp. Pelabuhan Perikanan
Head of Research Center for
4 Ir. Duto Nugroho, M.Si Samudera Jakarta 14430 Telp. (021) 6602044
Marine Fisheries, Jakarta
Fax. (021) 6612137
Head of Research Center for
Jl. Makmur Daeng Sitaka PO.Box. 141, Maros 90512
5 Brackishwater Aquaculture, Dr. Ir. Rachman Syah, M.S
Telp.(0411) 371544 Fax. (0411) 371545
Head of Research Center for Jl. Beringin 308 Mariana PO.Box. 1125 Palembang 30763
6 Dr.Ir. Ali Suman, M.Si
Inland Fisheries, Palembang Telp./Fax. (0711) 367294
Head of Research Center for Jl. Raya Sempur No.1 Bogor Telp. (0251) 313200
7 Dr. Ir. Estu Nugroho
Freshwater Fisheries, Bogor Fax. (0251) 327890
Head of Research and Marine Jl. Dingin Bawah Ds. Perancak Kec. Negara Bali
8 Ir. Berny A. Subki, Dipl.Oc
Observation Center , Perancak Telp/Fax. (0365) 44278
Head of Sub Research Center
for Breeding and Freshwater Jl. Raya No. 2, Sukamandi Subang 41256
9 Ir. Retno Utami, M.Sc
Aquaculture Technology, Telp. (0260) 520500, 520663 Fax. (0260) 520662
Head of Research Center for
Jl. Jatiluhur PO.Box 01 Purwakarta 41152
10 Fish Stock Improvement, Ir.Didik Wahyu Hendro T., M.Si.
Telp/Fax. (0264) 208768
Head of Research Center for
Jl. Perikanan No. 13 Kampung Baru,
11 Freshwater Ornamental Fish Drs. I Wayan Subamia, M.Si
Telp./Fax (021) 7520482
Aquaculture, Depok

4.3. Stakeholders of MMAF

4.3.1. Provincial Fisheries Service

No Provincial Institution Address

Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Tengku Malem No.7 Kuta Alam Banda Aceh, Telp. (0651) 22836
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Fax. (0651) 22951
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
2 Jl. Sei Batugingging No. 6 Medan, Telp. (061) 4568819, Fax. (061) 4153338
North Sumatera

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 70

No Provincial Institution Address
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of West
3 Jl. Koto Tinggi No.9 Padang Telp. (0751) 33288, Fax. (0751) 27089
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Kap. A. Rivai 669/II Palembang Sumatera Selatan 30134
South Sumatera Telp. (0711) 351394, 352528, Fax. (0711) 351394
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
5 Jl. MT. Haryono No.9 Telanaipura, Jambi Telp./Fax. (0741) 65134
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
6 Jl. Cendana No.61 Bengkulu 38228 Telp./Fax. (0736) 21477
Jl. Patimura No. 6 Po Box 1052 Pekan Baru 28131 Telp. (0761) 22921,
7 Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Riau
Fax. (0761) 23191
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Km. 8 No. 12 Lt. II Tanjung Pinang 29122, Telp (0771) 443005,
Kepulauan Riau Fax. (0771) 443004
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Komp. Perkantoran Gubernur Prov. Kep. Bangka Belitung Jl. Belitung Kelurahan
Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Air Itam Pangkalpinang Telp. (0717) 439302
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Drs. Warsito No. 76 Teluk Betung Bandar Lampung 35215
Lampung Telp. (0721) 481519, Fax. (0721) 480508
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Jend. Sudirman Ruko Glodok Blok F1-5 Kota Serang Baru, Serang, Banten,
Banten Telp./Fax. (0254) 222778
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of DKI Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 11 Lt. 8 Jakarta Pusat Telp. (021) 6007251,
Jakarta 6268161, 6285483, 6285484 Fax. (021) 6241617
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of West Jl. Wastukencana No.17 Bandung 40117 Telp. (022) 4203471,
Java Fax. (022) 4235241
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of East Jl. Jend. A. Yani 152 B Surabaya, Telp (031) 8288112, 8281672, 8291927,
Java Fax. (031) 8288148, 8288112
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 134 Semarang 50132, Telp. (024) 3546469, 3546607,
Central Java Fax. (024) 3551289
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of D.I.
16 Jl. Sagan No. 111/IV, Yogyakarta Telp. (0274) 512386, Fax. (0274) 560386
Jl. Patimura No. 77 Denpasar Bali 80233, Telp. (0361) 227926,
17 Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Bali
Fax. (0361) 223562
Jl. Udayana No. 3 Mataram NTB, Telp. (0370) 625963, 632083,
18 Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of NTB
Fax. (0370) 625963
Jl. Sangkar Mas, Nun Baun Sabu, Kupang, Telp. (0380) 890119,
19 Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of NTT
Fax. (0380) 890143
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of West Jl. Sutan Syahrir No. 16 Kotak Pos 1016 Pontianak 78116 A,
Kalimantan Telp. (0561) 732521, Fax. (0561) 766073
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 9 Banjarbaru 70711, Telp. (0511) 772037,
South Kalimantan Fax. (0511) 772887
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Brigjen Katamso No. 2 Tromol Pos 41, Palangka Raya 73112,
Central Kalimantan Telp./Fax. (0536) 3229663
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of East Jl. Kesuma Bangsa No. 1, Samarinda Kalimantan Timur 75001,
Kalimantan Telp. (0541) 743506, 741977, 741699, Fax. (0541) 743677
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Komp. Pertanian Lalasey Kotak Pos 1039 Manado 95013
North Sulawesi Telp. (0431) 838639, Fax. (0431) 838640
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Undata No. 7 Palu Sulawesi Tengah 94111 Telp. (0451) 429379, 421560,
Central Sulawesi Fax. (0451) 429379
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
26 Jl. Baji Minasa No. 12 Makasar Telp. (0411) 873680, Fax. (0411) 858779
South Sulawesi
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
27 Jl. Balai Kota No. 4 Kendari Telp. (0401) 321443, Fax. (0401) 322676
South East Sulawesi
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of West
28 Jl. Marthadinata No. 21 Mamuju 91512, Telp./Fax. (0426) 21485
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
29 Jl. Husni Thamrin No. 170 Gorontalo Telp. (0435) 823123, Fax. (0435) 831611

71 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

No Provincial Institution Address
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
30 Jl. A. Yani No. 12 Ternate Maluku Utara, Telp./Fax. (0921) 23073
North Maluku
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of
31 Jl. Nn. Saar Sopacua No. 16 Ambon Telp./Fax. (0911) 352216
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of Jl. Sulawesi No. 6-8 Dok VII Po Box 1604 Jayapura 99116 Telp. (0967) 542154,
Papua 542155, Fax (0967) 542156
Provincial Office of Marine and Fisheries of West
33 Jl. Drs. Esau Sesa No. 40 Manokwari Telp. (0986) 215180, Fax. (0986) 213182

4.3.2. Technical Implementing Unit under Provincial Fisheries Service

A. Fishing Port
No. Name of Port Address No. Name of Port Address
Jl. Raya Sambalia Km, 3 Labuhan Lombok 83656,
1 PPP Labuhan Lombok 23 PPP Wonokerto Ds. Wirodeso, Kec. Wonokerto-Pekalongan
Telp. (0376) 23383
Jl. Gajah Mada Rt. 22 Tarakan, Telp. (0551) 51146, 22192,
2 PPP Tarakan 21505, Fax. (0551) 21605 24 PPP Tawang Ds. Gempolsewu, Kec. Weleri-Kendal
Jl. Perikanan No. 43/9 Tarakan, Telp. (0541) 22410, 50852
Jl. PPP Taremp, Tarempa-Kep. Riau Kode Pos 29191,
3 PPP Tarempa 25 PPP Klidang Lor Ds. Karangasem, Kec. Batang-Batang
Telp. (0772) 31289
Jl. Yos Sudarso Tenao, PO.BOX 1042, Telp. (0380) 890119,
4 PPP Kupang 26 PPP Tegalsari Ds. Tegalsari, Kec. Tegal-Tegal
890143, Fax. (0380) 890143
Jl. Pelabuhan Kariimunjaya-Jepara 59455,
5 PPP KarimunJava 27 PPP Asemdoyong Ds. Asemdoyong, Kec. Taman-Pemalang
Telp (0297) 312205, (0291) 598327
Jl. Sisingamangaraja Ujung Kota Banda Aceh, PO.BOX 23,
6 PPP Lampulo 28 PPP Pondok Dadap Ds. Tambakrejo, Kec. Pondok Dadap-Malang
Telpp. (0651) 636466
7 PPP Sikakap Jl. Blodi II No. 44 Padang (0751) 37961 29 PPP Muncar Ds. Kedungrejo, Kec. Muncar-Banyuwangi
Jl. Akasia II/22 Sutomo Ujung-Medan, Telp. (061) 640150,
8 PPP Pulau Tello 30 PPP Puger Ds. Puger Kulon, Kec. Balong-Jember
9 PPP Dagho Jl. PPP Dagho Sangir Talaud, Telp. (0438) 21822 31 PPP Paiton Ds. Sumber Anyar, Kec. Paiton-Probolinggo
10 PPP Hantipan Kotak Pos No. 6 Sampit, KaLimantan Tengah 32 PPP Lekok Ds. Jatirejo Kec. Lekok-Pasuruan
Jl. Barito Hulu Rt. 13 No. 31 PO.BOX 131 Banjarmasin
11 PPP Banjarmasin 33 PPP Mayangan Ds. Mayangan, Kec. Mayangan-Probolinggo
Telp. 70118, (0511) 53026, Fax. (0511) 364193
Ds. RE. Martadinata Km. 6 Ds. Sukajaya,
12 PPP Bawean Jl. Pedoman Sangkapura, Bawean 34 PPP Lempasing Kec. Teluk Betung Utara-Bandar Lampung
Telp. (0721) 481858
Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani, PO.BOX 165 Sorong Ds. M. Gading Mas. Kec. Labuhan Maringgai
13 PPP Sorong 35 PPP Labuhan Maringgai
Telp. (05951) 327066, Fax. (0951) 327065 Lampung Timur
14 PPP Ciparage Ds. Ciparage Kec. Tempuran-Karawang 36 PPP Teladas Ds. Teladas, Kec. Menggala-Tulang Bawang
15 PPP Blanakan Ds. Blanakan Kec. Blanakan-Subang 37 PPP Kota Agung Ds. Pasar Madang Kec. Kota Agung Tanggamus
16 PPP Muara Ciasem Ds. Muara, Kec. Blanakan-Subang 38 PPP Sadeng Ds. Songbanyu, Kec. Girisubo-Gn. Kidul
17 PPP Bondet Ds. Bondet, Kec. Mertasinga-Cirebon 39 PPP Bacan Ds. Penambuang, Kec. Bacan-Halmahera Utara
18 PPP Erekan Ds. Eretan, Kec. Kandang Haur-Indramayu 40 PPP Tobelo Ds. Wosia, Kec. Tobelo-Halmahera Utara
19 PPP Cilautereun Ds. Pamalayan, Kec. Cikelet-Garut 41 PPP Kwandang Ds. Ponelo, Kec. Kiwandang-Gorontalo
20 PPP Tasik Agung Ds. Tasik Agung, Kec. Rembang-Rembang 42 PPP Tumumpa Ds. Tumumpa, Kec. Molas-Mnado
21 PPP Bajomulyo Ds. Bajomulyo, Kec. Juwana-Pati 43* PPP Labuan Ds. Teluk Kec. Labuan-Pandeglang, Banten
22 PPP Morodemak Ds. Purworejo, Kec. Bonang-Demak 44* PPP Tamperan Ds. Sidoharjo, Kec. Pacitan-Pacitan, Jatim
* Decided on 2008

B. Laboratory of Fish Quality and Inspection (LPPMHP)

No Name LPPMHP Address

Jl. Pangeran Emir M. Nuur No 5 Teluk Betung—Bandar Lampung Telp (0721) 488128,
1 Lampung
Fax (0721) 480508
2 Medan Jl. P. Biak No 1 Kawasan Industri Medan (KIM), Mabar-Medan, Telp (061) 6852718
3 Palembang Jl. Taman Sari II, No. 73, KMG, Palembang, Telp.( 0771) 411381
4 Jakarta Jl. Taman Pluit Murni, No.1, Jakarta Utara, Telp (021) 6684224 Fax. (021) 6692291
5 Surabaya Jl. Perak Timur, No. 320, Surabaya, Telp (031) 3291972, Fax. (031) 3291974
6 Cirebon Jl. Sutawinangun, No. 2, Cirebon - 45131, Telp. (0231) 201454

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 72

No Name LPPMHP Address

7 Semarang Jl. Siliwangi, No.636, Semarang - 50184, Telp (024) 760 5311 Fax. (024) 3555139

8 Bali Jl. Pattimura, No. 77, Denpasar, Telp (0361) 233219 Fax. (0361) 223562, 728869

9 Makassar Jl. Prof. Ir. Sutami, No. 23 (tol lama), Makassar, Telp(0411) 513215

11 Samarinda Jl. Kesuma Bangsa, No.1, Samarinda - Tarakan, Telp(0541) 206938 Fax. (0541) 743 677

12 Tarakan Jl. Yos Sudarso, No.1, Tarakan, Telp. (0551) 21517, Fax. (0551) 51459
Jl. Pramuka, Sei Rengas Nipah Kuning, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat Telp.(0561) 772094,
13 Pontianak
Fax. (0561) 772094
LPPMHP Banjar Baru, Jl. Mistar Cokrokusno, No. 138, Cempaka, Banjarbaru,
14 Banjar Baru
Kalimantan Selatan, Telp. (0511) 772887
15 Ambon LPPMHP Ambon, Jl. Sisingamangaraja, PO. Box. 206, Passo, Ambon, Telp (0911) 361052

16 Sorong Jl. A. Yani, No. 38, Klademak 1, Sorong, Papua, Telp. (0951) 327309, Fax. (0951) 321227

Note : LPPMHP are active in produce and publish of Health Certificate (HC) to Europe Union market
Source : DG of Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF, 2007

4.3.3. Association
No. Name Address
Wisma Daria Lt. 3 R. 304 Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 7 Kebayoran Baru,
1 MPN / Nusantara Fisheries Society
Jakarta Selatan 12160 Telp. (021) 72794407 Fax. (021) 7294405
GAPPINDO / Indonesia Fisheries Entrepreneurs Wisma Sakura Lt. 2 Jl. Hati Suci No. 4 Taman Kebon Sirih, Jakarta Pusat
Association 10250 Telp. (021) 3910481 Fax. (021) 3910481
HPPI / Indonesia Shrimp Capture Entrepreneurs Komp. Rukan Darmawangsa Square, Jl. Darmawangsa VI Kav. 5 Lt. 2,
Association Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan Telp (021) 7278 0627, Fax (021) 7278 0552
Jl. Waru No. 26 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur 13220 Telp (021) 470 0409, 470
4 ASTUIN / Indonesia Tuna Association
1284, Fax (021) 489 2282
ASPINTU / Indonesia Non Shrimp and Non Tuna Jl. Kunir No. 27 Blok I No. 8 Jakarta, Telp (021) 691 6751, 691 6752,
Entrepreneurs Association Fax (021) 691 6750, 691 6941
Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Lab. Produk Alam Laut, Jl. Pasir Putih No.1. Ancol
6 ARLI/ Seaweed Entrepreneurs Association
Timur Jakarta 14250 Telp (021) 647 138 50 Ext 123, Fax (021) 647 119 48
Ged. Selmis, Blok II/8-9 Lt. 2 Jl. Asem Baris Raya 52 Tebet Jakarta 12830,
7 ASBUMI/ Indonesia Pearl Culture Association
Telp (021) 837 87173, 981 95583, Fax (021)_837 87174
APEHAPI / Indonesia Fisheries Processing Products
8 Jl. Kerinci X No.1 Pejaten Jakarta, Telp (021) 724 3104, Fax (021) 724 7443
Entrepreneurs Association
APIKI / Indonesia Canning Fish Entrepreneurs Jl. Malaka II No 17 E, F, G Jakarta 11230, Telp (021) 690 2336,
Association Fax (021) 692 7184
AKKI/ Indonesia Ornamental Fish and Coral Reef Komp. Ruko Taman Laguna No. 107, Jl. Raya Cileungsi Cibubur Jakarta, telp
Association (021) 845 0113, Fax (021) 845 0357.
APPUI// Indonesia Shrimp Feed Entrepreneurs Jl. Ancol Barat Blok A5/E10 Jakarta Utara, Telp (021) 693 0567,
Association Fax (021) 693 0568.
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 2 Jakarta Pusat Jakarta 10120, Telp (021) 345 1118,
12 IKPI/ Indonesia Fisheries Cooperation
344 0741, Fax (021) 380 6117
HIMAPIKANI/Indonesia Fisheries University Students Gd. Lab. Unit Aktivitas Mahasiswa Jl. Tol Ciawi No.1 Kotak Pos 35 Bogor,
Association Java Barat 16720, Telp (0251) 240 985, Fax (021) 240 985.
APCI/ Indonesia Cold Storage Entrepreneurs Jl. Bubutan 16-22 Kav. A No.1 Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60174, Telp (031) 545
Association 9216, Fax (031) 545 9191
15 HNSI / Indonesia Fishers Association Jl. H. Juanda No. 2, Jakarta Pusat Telp. (021) 3813976 Fax. (021) 3813976
Wisma Daria Lt. 3 Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 7, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta
16 ISPIKANI / Indonesia Fisheries Scholars Association
Selatan Telp. (021) 72794407 Fax. (021) 72794405

73 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008


We wish to thank to Dr. Ir. Ali Supardan, M.Sc; Dr. Ir. Made L. Nurjana; Ir. Saifuddin,M.M.A.;
Dr. Ir. Dedy Heryadi Sutisna, M.S.; Ir. Saut P. Hutagalung, M.Sc; Ir. M. Rahmat Ibrahim, M.Aq;
Ir. R. Nilanto Perbowo, M.Sc; Ir. Ishartini; Ir. Sri Dyah Retnowati SP; Hary Christijanto, A.Pi, M.Sc;
Drs. Jaya Wijaya; and Iman Indrawarman Barizi, M.Si.


Editorial Team Members:

Mr. KOYA Isao (JICA Expert For Enhancement of Marine and Fisheries Administration
under The Decentralization Project)
Mr. Agus Haryanto, S.Pi (Staff of Planning Program Arrangement Division, Planning Bureau)
Mr. Mahrus Ahyadi, S.St.Pi (Staff of Planning Division, DG. of Capture Fisheries)
Mr. Gunawan Dwi Nugroho, S.Si (Staff of Sub Directorate of Capture Fisheries Data and
Statistic, DG. of Capture Fisheries)
Mrs. Emy Khonifah, S.Pi (Staff of Foreign Market Development, DG. of Fisheries Product
Processing and Marketing)
Mr. Firman Maulana, S.Pi (Staff of Program Cooperation Division, DG of Aquaculture)
Mrs. Indriani, S.S (Secretary of JICA Expert )
Mr. Sulis Setiyono, S.Si (Mitrapacific Consulindo International)
Mr. Ir. M. Yunan Hilmi (Mitrapacific Consulindo International)

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 74

Calendar and Activity 2008

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
1 2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
24 25 26 27 28 29
27 28 29 30 31
7 Chinese New Year
1 New Years Day
10 Islamic New Year

March April

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30
30 31 6 Fisherman of Indonesia
7-10 SEAFDEC 40 th Council Meeting
7 Hari Raya Nyepi
20 Maulid Muhammad
21 Good Friday

May June

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30
1 Asc. Day Yesus
20 Waisak

75 Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008

Calendar and Activity 2008

July August

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 1 2

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
30 Isro Mi’roj Muhammad 31
17 Independence Day
5-8 The 30 th APFIC Session in Manado
11-13 Regional Consultative Forum
Meeting (RCFM) in Manado

September October

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31
29-30 Shared Holiday 1-2 Idul Fitri
3 Shared Holiday

November December

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31
30 8 Idul Adha
13 Nusantara day
25 Christmas
26 Shared Holiday
29 Islamic New Year

Indonesian Fisheries Book 2008 76



JICA Project : Enhancement of Marine and Fisheries Administration

under the Decentralization

Office Address : Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Mina Bahari II Building, 16 th Floor
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16
Jakarta Pusat 10110
Telp. +62-21-3519070 (ext 1602)
+62-21-3500065 (Direct)
Fax. +62-21-3500065

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