Solve For Happy - Mo Gawdat - Cheatsheet
Solve For Happy - Mo Gawdat - Cheatsheet
Solve For Happy - Mo Gawdat - Cheatsheet
Mo Gawdat
Know this — What makes you particularly happy is different Know this — Happiness is when reality meets or exceeds what
than what makes others happy. we imagine it should be.
What to do — For five minutes, write down everything that What to do — For five minutes, write down everything that
makes you happy—then prioritize these activities above makes you happy—Understand that there is no “should be.”
activities that do not make you happy. There only is what is. Do not judge yourself instead, observe.
Know this — An event or occurrence does not itself make us Know this — Pain is temporary and useful because it is a trigger
unhappy. Thinking about an event does. that we could be in danger, though suffering is self-imposed, a
What to do — Avoid rumination. Think about something else. thought-prison.
Imagine a new project. Solve a problem. Distract yourself. Get What to do — Learn to distinguish between when a pain
some perspective. happens and when it ends. Once it’s over—stop thinking about it.
Know this — There are four states of thought: Escape, Know this — The Six Grand Illusions are thought, self,
Confusion, Joy, and Incessant. knowledge, time, control, and fear.
What to do — Your goal is to move from Confusion, to What to do — Free yourself of the grand illusions in order to
Incessant, to Joy. feel weightless and in control.
Know this — The Seven Defects are that your brain has a Know this — The 5 Ultimate Truths are an acknowledgement of
tendency to filter, assume, recall, predict, feel, label, and what is real: now, change, love, death, and a grand design.
exaggerate. What to do — Accept and live in accordance with the five
What to do — Fight the urge to filter, assume, recall, predict, ultimate truths.
feel, label, and exaggerate.