Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Sleep can be a wonderful, rejuvenating experience, a time
for repairing our bodies and refreshing our minds. And although the modern world seems
intent on destroying the sanctity of sleep with screens, artificial lights and strenuous demands
on our time, you can use modern science to push back against this.
That’s where these blinks come in.They’ll equip you with the fundamentals of sleep science
and their relationship to our physiology. And with them in hand, you’ll be armed with a host
of practical, biology-backed tips, which will help you drift off faster and sleep deeper. This
knowledge will have an instant, noticeable impact on your life.
One study, published in the medical journal The Lancet, found that surgeons awake for over
24 hours took up to 14 percent longer to complete tasks and made 20 percent more mistakes
once they did. And if there’s one person you don’t want to slip up, it’s your surgeon.
One primary reason for this is that sleep deprivation reduces the brain’s glucose content – an
essential carbohydrate that your grey matter uses as fuel. And this glucose starvation doesn’t
affect all parts of your brain equally; the ones that are hardest hit are your parietal lobe and
prefrontal cortex, which are involved with problem-solving and high-level thinking. After 24
hours without sleep, glucose in these regions decreases between 12 and 14 percent.
Furthermore, several studies have shown that skipping one night of rest makes us as insulin
resistant as a type-2 diabetic. Having an insufficient amount of this essential hormone leads
directly to weight gain, signs of aging and decreased sexual drive.
That’s partly because being awake is catabolic, while sleep is anabolic. Catabolism occurs
when molecules oxidize – they combine with oxygen, causing them to break down.
Anabolism is the opposite of this: it constructs molecules from smaller units, literally
building us up. So, while we sleep our bodies are repairing themselves – fighting signs of
aging and strengthening our immune, muscular and skeletal systems.
Hopefully now you understand the value of a good night’s rest and that scaling back on sleep
in the name of productivity is counterproductive. So, what can you do to increase the quality
of your Zs? Find out in the next blink!
Our production of melatonin is heavily affected by exposure to light; when the sun goes
down in the evening, our bodies naturally release the hormone, making us sleepy. And people
exposed to light early in the mornings will produce more melatonin in the evenings, allowing
them to fall asleep faster and in a deeper state once they doze off.
This is why we should try to maximize light exposure during the day. And it’s particularly
important to expose ourselves to sunlight early in the morning, because bright light also
prompts our brains, organs and glands to wake up and be alert. With this in mind, try getting
a short walk in somewhere between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
At the other end of the day, in the evenings, limit your exposure to screens, starting 60
minutes before bed. Electronic devices pump out a heavy blue spectrum of artificial light.
Your body is especially sensitive to this spectrum, and exposure to it in the evening inhibits
the release of melatonin, making it harder to sleep. There is software available for phones and
computers that filters this blue spectrum out, but it’s better to steer clear of the screens
completely and read a book before bed instead.
Also, ensure you’re sleeping in a pitch-black room. Light isn’t just absorbed through our
eyes, but our skin as well. Nightlights and daylight rays peeking through curtains inhibit
melatonin production, which leads to lighter and shorter sleep. Studies have shown that light
in bedrooms can suppress melatonin levels by over 50 percent, so blackout blinds are a must
for those sleeping after sunrise!
But an easier – and cheaper – way of blocking out light is to ensure we get all of our rest
when the sun is down. And this leads us onto our next important factor for sleep: timing.
First, we should respect our internal body clock by going to bed within 30 minutes of the
same time every night.
The modern world of work encourages us to cut down on sleep during the week and catch up
on weekends – but this wreaks havoc with our circadian rhythms. Our bodies don’t know
when it’s Sunday; they just can’t adapt quickly enough to incorporate our late-night Netflix
binges on weekends! If we hit the hay at a consistent time, our circadian rhythm will run
smoothly, and we’ll find it much easier to fall asleep and wake up.
One 2008 study by researchers at the University of North Texas makes the case for early
mornings. It found that students identifying as morning people achieved higher academic
grades, averaging a 3.5 GPA, compared to just 2.5 for night owls.
The reason for this is encoded into our DNA. Humans are a diurnal species, meaning that
we’re active during the day. And for most of human history, we’ve been hunter-gatherers.
Our ancestors were programmed to sleep at sundown because snoozing during the day was a
very effective way of being eaten by a predator.
So, for thousands of years evolution has conditioned humans to react to the Earth’s patterns
of light and darkness. Only in the last 150 years have humans started to override this instinct
with the invention of the light bulb. But 150 years is a fleeting moment on the grand scale of
evolution, and our bodies haven’t caught up to our new nocturnal habits.
Third, we should take advantage of the magic window of sleep between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00
a.m. This is when our bodies reach their peak production of hormones such as melatonin and
human growth hormone. This means that sleep during this time is deeper and more
rejuvenating than sleep after 2:00 a.m. That’s bad news for night-shift workers: they can
sleep a full 8 or 9 hours after work, but they’ll have a less restorative sleep than someone who
sleeps during money time.
Because of its similar nature, caffeine fits snugly into the very same receptors in our brain
that adenosine is trying to enter, blocking its path. That’s why we don’t feel tired after
drinking a coffee.
But caffeine has a half-life of eight hours, meaning that 200 milligrams at 7:00 a.m. becomes
100 milligrams at 3:00 p.m., and 50mg at 11:00 p.m. In short, it sticks around a long time.
That’s why we should refrain from caffeine after 4:00 p.m. It allows our bodies to flush
enough of it out that we can rest.
Although a few drinks might help us to fall asleep, it’s highly disruptive once we’re away,
limiting the amount of time we spend in the deeper stages of sleep. In particular, alcohol
interferes with REM sleep – the sleep stage responsible for memory processing. This means
that alcohol-laced snoozes are terrible for memorizing facts and fortifying intelligence. Sorry,
So if you’re out drinking, try laying off the booze a few hours before you hit the sack. Also,
drinking a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have will help combat the nasty
effects alcohol has on your body.
Thankfully, though, there is some good news in this blink: you should have an orgasm before
That’s because having a big O is a natural sedative, releasing a cascade of chemicals into
your system, like serotonin and oxytocin. These two compounds are natural stress reducers,
and they trigger the release of feel-good hormones called endorphins. With this cocktail of
relaxing chemicals and hormones coursing through your system, you’ll find it much easier to
drift away.
Because exercise creates micro-tears in our muscle tissue, which our body needs to repair,
our brain lets loose a host of rejuvenating anabolic hormones like testosterone and human
growth hormone (HGH). All this repair work means the body induces a deeper, more
restorative sleep.
Supplementing with magnesium is another great way to stay healthy and supercharge your
This mineral is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, but it’s
particularly good for reducing stress and calming our nervous system. Magnesium balances
blood sugar levels, optimizes blood pressure and relaxes muscles, which all translate to a
more relaxed state and a higher-quality sleep.
But when supplementing magnesium, apply it to your skin in cream form. This is the most
effective way, because much of this mineral’s power is lost during digestion, making oral
supplements weaker.
Some will know it’s possible to supplement melatonin – the hormone closely associated with
sleepiness. This can be effective, particularly for insomniacs, but there are risks involved with
it. The most important takeaway is that supplementing melatonin can inhibit your body’s
ability to produce this naturally. For that reason alone, it should be considered a last resort.
Maintaining a healthy mind is also key to high-quality sleep – and for this, we need look no
further than meditation.
It’s estimated that more than 50,000 thoughts run through our minds each day. And although
most of them are short-lived, our inner monologue often intensifies when we’re trying to drift
off to sleep. But meditation can change this. The simple act of closing our eyes and focusing
on our breathing, even just for 10 minutes, is proven to lower stress and release feel-good
endorphins into our system, priming us to drift off. In short, meditation is like a tonic for our
manic, hyperactive minds.
And what better place to start meditating than in your new sleep sanctuary? Find out more
about that in the next blink.
The key point here is that our sleep sanctuary should have fresh, clean air and provoke
feelings of relaxation.
Introducing house plants into the bedroom is a great way to achieve this. The organic sights
and earthy smells of greenery have been shown to induce calm and increase happiness, and
plants are excellent natural air filters. And maintaining good air quality is crucial when
creating sleep sanctuaries.
That’s because air contains ions, which are simply atoms with electric charges. Ions with a
negative electrical charge are extremely energizing, and they improve our health by oxidizing
mold, parasites and toxic chemical gases. But over time, the air we breathe becomes stale as
the oxygen content drops and ions lose their negative charge.
Plants fix this, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen and recharging the air’s ions. One great
houseplant for your sleep sanctuary is English Ivy. Not only is this plant extremely hardy; it
was also found by NASA to be the best air-filtering houseplant, pumping out oxygen and
absorbing formaldehyde, a harmful neurotoxin all too common in industrialized countries.
Another great choice is mother-in-law’s tongue. This is a tough piece of flora, needing
minimal water and light to flourish – perfect for a dark bedroom! Most remarkable, though, is
its ability to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen at night; most plants only do this during the
But if there’s one golden rule for sleep sanctuaries, it’s this: keep work out of the bedroom.
Bringing phone calls, texts and emails into our sleeping space is one of the worst things we
can do. That’s because it creates a spike in our cortisol levels – a hormone closely associated
with stress and wakefulness. It also leads our brains to create a negative association with our
bedroom, which subconsciously makes it more difficult to sleep there. We need to be strict
with ourselves and not allow work to enter our sleep sanctuary; this is a place for us to switch
off and zone out.
All that’s left now is to enter your new sleep sanctuary armed with all of these practical
sleeping tips, and to get ready for the best night’s rest you’ve ever had!
Final summary
The key message in these blinks:
Don’t listen to the screams and shouts of modern life: sleep is something to embrace, not
overcome. With a basic understanding of the biological processes involved in sleep,
some sensible lifestyle changes and the construction of your own sleep sanctuary, you’ll
find yourself quickly falling into a deep, rejuvenating sleep – one that keeps you
younger, more healthy and performing at the peak of your mental capabilities.
Actionable advice:
If you usually wake up at 8:00 a.m. but want to change your ways, don’t try waking up at
6:00 a.m. straight away. This will be a shock to your system, and it will create a negative
association in your brain, which will make it even harder the next day. Instead, gradually
push your alarm clock time back 15 minutes every morning until you’ve reached your ideal
wake-up time. You’ll find this much easier, because it consumes far less of your willpower.
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With the bundle of useful sleeping tips you’ve now got under your belt, you should be
excited to turn in tonight and begin your wholesome new sleeping habit. There’s nothing
more fulfilling than developing healthy habits and conscious self-improvement. And the
winds of change don’t have to stop blowing here. Why not take this opportunity to give your
life a little spring cleaning and revamp other areas, too?
If that sounds like a great idea, check out the blinks to Better Than Before. Written by
Gretchen Rubin, the talented author of a string of bestsellers that include The Happiness
Project and Happier at Home, Better Than Before runs you through the theory and science of
habit making and breaking. Teeming with useful advice and insightful anecdotes, these blinks
will help you break toxic habits and create new, beneficial ones.
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Sleep Smarter