Electrical Engineering Courses Outline: Source: MAT 101 - Calculus I
Electrical Engineering Courses Outline: Source: MAT 101 - Calculus I
Electrical Engineering Courses Outline: Source: MAT 101 - Calculus I
Functions, limits and continuity. Derivatives. Mean value theorem. Sketching graphs. Definite
integrals, infinite integrals (antiderivatives). Logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric and inverse
trigonometric functions and their derivatives. L'Hospital's rule. Techniques of integration.
Applications of the definite integral, improper integrals.
Plane and polar co-ordinates, area in polar co-ordinates, arc length of curves. Limit, continuity and
differentiability of function of several variables, extreme values, method of Lagrange multipliers.
Double integral, triple integral with applications. Line integrals, Green's theorem. Sequences,
infinite series, power series, Taylor's series. Complex numbers.
Systems of linear equations and Matrices : elementary row operations, echelon forms, Gaussian
elimination method, matrices and matrix operations , invertible matrices, diogonal,triangular and
symmetric matrices. Determinants: determinants by cofactor expantion ,evaluating determinants by
row reduction,adjoint and inverse matrices, Cramer's rule. Euclidean vector spaces: Euclidean n-
space, linear transformation from R n to Rm.General vector spaces: Real vector spaces,subspaces,
linear independence, basis and dimensions, row space ,column space,and nullspace, rank and
nullity. Inner product spaces: inner products, orthogonality in inner product spaces,orthonormal
bases,Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization,change of bases,orthogonal
matrices. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors,diagonalization,orthogonal
MAT 201 - Differential Equations (Prerequisite: MAT 112, MAT 102 - Credits: 3)
Differential equations and their solutions: Classification of Differential equations; their origin and
solutions, Initial value and Baundary value problems and existence of solutions.First order
equations: seperable equations and equations reducible this form.Linear equations and Bernoulli
equations.Exact differential equations and integrating factors.Higher order linear differential
equations:Basic Theory of Linear Differential Equations, The Homogeneous Linear Equation with
constant coefficients.The method of Undetermined Coefficients,The Cauchy-Euler equation,
Variation of Parameters. Series solutions of linear differential equations.Laplace transform:
Definition ,existence and basic properties ,the inverse transform and the convolution,Laplace
Transform solution of linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Laplace transform
solution of linear differential equations with discontinuous nonhomogeneous terms.
MAT 241 - Complex Calculus (Prerequisite: MAT 102 - Credits: 3)
MAT 301 - Numerical Analysis (Prerequisite: MAT 112, MAT 201 - Credits: 3)
Approximations and errors. Accuracy and precision. Finite divided difference and numerical
differentiation. Roots of equations, bracketing methods and open methods, systems of nonlinear
equations. Systems of linear algebraic equations. Curve fitting, interpolation. Numerical integration.
Ordinary differential equations.
Definition of probability. Sample space and events. Permutations and combinations. Conditional
probability and Bayers theorem. Random variables. Discrete and continuous distributions. Moment
generating function. Expectation, variance, covariance and correlation. Condition densities and
regression and transformation of variables. Descriptive statistics.
Measurement, vectors, kinematics, force, mass. Newton's laws, applications of Newton's laws. Work
and kinetic energy. Conservation of linear momentum. Impulse, collisions, rotation, moments of
inertia. Torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum, static equilibrium.
Electrical charges. Coulomb's law. Electrical fields. Gauss's law. Electrical potential. Capacitance
and dielectrics. Current and resistance. Direct current circuits. Magnetic fields. Sources of the
magnetic field. Faraday's law of induction. Inductance and inductors.
A basic course with emphasizing the metric system. Introduction to atomic theory, stoichiometry.
The structural and physical properties of matter. Periodic relationship among elements and periodic
table. Gaseous state. Thermo-chemistry. Energy and enthalpy. Electronic structure of atoms.
Chemical bonding.
TDE 102 - Technical Drawing and Electrical Applications (Prerequisite: None - Credits: 4)
Within a thematic approach, reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills will be developed, with
a language component in order to build onto the foundation established at the Department of
English. In speaking and writing, students will be encouraged to use language forms that they learn
through reading and listening. Under broad themes (or threads), the students will be exposed to
extensive reading both in and outside the classroom. They’ll be encouraged to read a variety of
texts such as short stories, academic articles, research reports, reviews and journalistic texts as
well as chapters from textbooks.
This course will be a continuation of ENG 101, with greater emphasis on student autonomy, research
skills and synthesizing ability. In Eng-102, the ability to evaluate, analyze and synthesize
information in written discourse will be highlighted. Documentation in writing will be introduced at
the beginning of the course, in order to solidly establish the skill by the end. Students will learn the
discourse patterns and structures to be used in different essay types. Students will prepare essays:
1. An academic essay with proper documentation. 2. A project report to be prepared throughout the
course, including a literature review (displaying analysis/synthesis skills, and documentation), a
definition/elaboration of a problem (using definition, description, cause/effect and
comparison/contrast patterns) and suggestions for solution (including personal views and
Principles and economic analysis of engineering decision making. Cost concept. Economic
environment. Price and demand relations. Competition. Make-versus-purchase studies. Principles
and applications of money-time relations. Depreciation. Many and banking. Price changes and
inflation. Business and company finance.
System of units. Charge, current, voltage and power. Types of circuits and circuit elements. Ohm's
law. Kirchhoff's law. Node analysis. Mesh analysis. Linearity and superposition principles, source
transformations, Thevenin and Norton theorems. Inductance and capacitance. Simple and general
forms of source-free RL- and RC-circuits. The unit-step forcing function. The natural and forced
response of the first-order and second-order circuits.
EE 202 - Circuit Theory II (Prerequisite: EE 201 - Credits: 4)
The sinusoidal steady-state analysis; the phasor, the passive circuit elements in frequency domain.
Phasor diagrams. Instantaneous power. Average power. The effective (RMS) value. Apparent power
and power factor. Complex power and power factor correction. Polyphase circuits. Complex
frequency. Parallel resonance, bandwidth and quality factor. Series resonance and other resonant
forms. Introduction to Laplace transform. Circuit analysis in the s-domain. Magnetically coupled
circuits. Two-port networks.
Vector analysis. Coulomb's law. Gauss's law. Electrical potential. Dielectrics. Electric flux. Boundary
conditions for electrostatic fields. Capacitance and capacitors. Poisson's and Laplace's equations.
Boundary-value problems in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Current density and
Ohm's law. Power dissipation and Joule's law. Vector magnetic potential. Biot-Savart law and
applications. The magnetic dipole. Ampere's law. Magnetization and equivalent current densities.
Magnetic field intensity and relative permeability. Boundary conditions for magnetostatic fields.
Inductance and inductors. Magnetic energy in terms of field quantities. Magnetic forces and torques.
Semiconductor diodes. Diode applications: switching, rectification, clippers and clampers. DC power
supplies. The theory of BJT operation, CB, CE and CC configurations. BJT bias circuits. FET
operation and biasing. Small signal BJT and FET analysis using re- and h-parameters. Amplifier
frequency response.
Number systems and codes. Algebraic methods for the analysis and synthesis of logic circuits.
Simplification of switching functions. Combinational logic circuits. Flip-flops. Counters, registers.
Arithmetic circuits. Analysis and synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits.
EE 321 - Electronics II (Prerequisite: EE 222 - Credits: 4)
Multistage amplifiers: methods of coupling, multistage BJT and FET amplifiers, differential
amplifiers. Operational amplifier theory, basic op-amp circuits: voltage comparators, summing
amplifiers, integrators and differentiators, controlled current and voltage sources, instrumentation
amplifiers. Oscillators. Active filters. Power amplifiers.
Magnetic circuits and magnetic materials; Properties of magnetic materials, magnetic induction,
Faraday's law, Energy losses. Transformers; No-load conditions. Ideal transformers, transformer
reactance and equivalent circuit. Three-phase transformers. Efficiency and voltage regulation. DC
machines: Commutator action, structure of DC machines, types of DC machines.
Rotating fields. Induced emf. Cylindrical rotor synchronous generator. Synchronous impedance.
Armature reaction. Phasor diagrams. V curves. Salient pole synchronous generators. Direct axis and
quadrature axis reactances. Phasor diagrams in parallel running of synchronous generators. Load
distribution between interconnected synchronous generators. Synchronous motors. Three phase
asynchronous machines. Circle diagrams. Single phase (fractional horse-power) motors.
Properties of continuous and discrete-time signals and systems. Basic signal modifications. Memory,
causal, stable, linear and time-invariant systems. Stochastic processes and noise. Impulse response,
transfer function. Convolution. Fourier series and transforms. Laplace transform. Sampling and
modulation. Interpolation methods. Filtering. Orthogonal expansion of signals. Z- transform.
Mapping s-plane into z-plane. Inverse Z-transform.
Digital transmission systems. Binary ASK, FSK and PSK modulation. Spectrum of signals. Coherent
and incoherent receptions. Modems. Pulse-code modulations. The telephone set and subscriber
loop. Time division and frequency division multiplexing hierarchy. Public switching telephone
network. Cordless telephone. Mobile telephony. Forward error correction systems. Hamming code,
Syndrome decoding, Linear code, cyclic codes, convolutional codes. ARQ systems. Spread spectrum
systems. Basic elements of satellite communication systems.
Introduction to ICs. Logic families. Small- and large-scale integrations. Decoders, multiplexers,
memories. Programmable logic devices. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters.
Introduction to sampled data systems. Discrete modelling of systems. Z-transforms. Second order
discrete systems. Stability. Root-locus in the z-plane, Bode diagrams in the z-plane, Nyquist
diagrams in the z-plane. Compensation techniques. PID-controllers.
Basic principles of PLC. Operation of PLC. Programming techniques. Basic logic instructions.
Programming by statements, programming by ladder symbols. Timer, counter, special control
instructions. Designing logic control circuit diagrams. Industrial applications.
Power semiconductor devices: power diodes and transistors, thyristors, GTOs, power MOSFETs. Drive
circuits and switching characteristics. AC-DC Converters: single-phase half-wave converters, two-
phase mid-point converters, single- and three-phase bridge converters, three-phase mid-point
converters. Line-current harmonics. Firing control of rectifiers. DC choppers: single- and two-
thyristor choppers. Inverters: single- and three-phase square-wave inverters, voltage control of
inverters, PWM inverters.
Light, units. Vision. Light sources: incandescent lamps, mercury vapour lamps, sodium vapour lamps,
HQ lamps. Illumination: indoor lighting calculations, outdoor lighting calculations, road lighting